
Khon Kaen Local food Like North-eastern Thai food, Khon Kaen Local food reflects the influence of neighboring Lao in a number of dishes. is the staple diet, and all food is highly seasoned. This is supplemented by a heady mixture of strong bitterness and saltiness, creating an excitingly forthright locally known as Saeb. Som Tam (green ), is one of north-eastern 's favorite dishes that has become popular nation-wide, and even in overseas. Som Tom is a spicy papaya salad which originates in Lao and region of northeastern Thailand. Som in Isan and is sour, and Tam means pounded. The main ingredient is grated, unripe papaya, seasoned and pounded to a softened state in a mortar. Chili, , sugar, lime and fish are also usually added, while yard long beans and are optional. The dish combines the four of Laos/: sour lime, hot chili, salty , and sweetness added by palm sugar. The papaya itself is unripe and fairly neutral tasting. It is traditionally served with sticky rice. It is also sometimes served with pork rinds, raw water spinach, raw winged beans or raw cabbage. Som Tam mainly comprises and it is another unique food famous among people in the northeast. There are many variations of dish. The dish is normally spicy and sour. Som Tam Lao and Som Tam Isan usually featured salted/fermented mud fish or preserved crab, while Som Tam Thai is prepared with and bean and is often sweeter. Some made with carrot instead of papaya. Som Tam can also be prepared with other unripe fruits, notably , in which case it is known as Tam Ma-Muang, and , Tam Taeng. Besides, Lap (other popular North-eastern Thai food dishes include), North-eastern Thai food minced meat, chicken or pork, cooked in heavily seasoned dried chilies, lime juice and fish sauce; , medium rare barbecued meat cooked with spicy , lime juice, fish sauce and dried chilies; and or grilled chicken, another North-eastern Thai food dish that is always ordered after the formula of Lap, Nam Tok and Som Tam. Bathed with herbs and sauces, it is eaten with a sweet sauce used as a dip. or fermented fish is identity of northeastern cuisine. It can be transformed into many dishes and affects the taste of the locals. Local herbs and other sauces are put to improve the taste of food.

(Adapted from http://www.