Kronstadt and Counterrevolution, Part 2 4
WfJ/iNE/iS ",IN'IJ,I/t, 25¢ No. 203 :~: .~lJ 28 April 1978 Kill the Wall Street Debt! it • • u " o ow! With doddering warhorses on both of a face-saving reservation to earlier sides of the aisle pontificating about reservations, the final product read "defense of the Free World" and waving more like a declaration of war. But with rhetorical Big Sticks, the United States his political career at stake and after Senate last week approved the second blustering about how his 9,000-man Panama£anal Treaty by a cliff-hanging cNat.WQaJ Quard wO.I,lJd.~ve,.nva4ed.!he 68-32 vote. While Reaganite opponents Canal Zone if the treaty had been of the pact did their best to sound like rejected, the shameless Panamian /ider Teddy Roosevelt with their jingoistic maximo, Brigadier General OmarTorri ravings against turning the canal over to jos, declared himself satisfied with the Panama, President Carter and treaty Senate vote and had free beer passed out supporters struck the pose of "human in the plazas to liven up listless celebra rights" gendarmes of the Western tions of his hollow "victory." hemisphere, endlessly asserting a U.S. Jimmy Carter, for his part, declared "right" to intervene militarily in defense the Senate approval the beginning of a of the canal's "neutrality" (read, Ameri "new era" in U.S.-Panamanian rela can control). tions. The treaties, he said, symbolized The two treaties callfor Panamanian that the U.S. would deal with "the small jurisdiction over the Canal Zone after a nations of the world, on the basis of three-year transition period and for mutual respect and partnership" (New handing over operation of the canal to York Times, 19 April).
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