NGO «STEP» Strengthening Democratic Governance Strategies and Technologies of Project office Effective Partnership
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[email protected] website: Profile of the NGO Non-Governmental Organization “Strategies and Technologies of Effective Partnership” or NGO “STEP” for short was registered in 2009. Until April 2019, known as Zaporizhzhia Youth NGO “STEP”. Since its founding, the organization has been actively participating in the civic processes at the local and regional level. We cooperate with the local community, local self-governance, and NGOs to achieve our Mission: to foster the establishment and development of partnerships between different stakeholders at the local, regional and national levels to build a cultured, democratic, capable, and human-oriented society. Previous experience • Provided joint projects with the EIDOS Centre for Political Studies and Analysis (monitoring and advocacy campaigns), 2011-2015. In particular, was a member of the Ukrainian NGOs’ coalition for civic monitoring of the activity of tender committees and public procurement (in 2012, with a focus on Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk regions). • Has the experience of international projects. For example, cooperation with NGO Fundacja Miejsc i Ludzi Aktywnych (2016), Fundacja Mapa Pasji (2017). • Assistance to establishing the first youth councils in the small cities and rural areas of Zaporizhzhia region, training programs for young leaders (2016-2017). • Administrating grant projects of different scale and budgets – from 100 to 30,000 USD. • Has the experience of working with sub-grantees, administrating sub-grants, 2018. • One of the founders and providers of the largest social event for kids and families in Zaporizizhia – the Family Festival (held annually since 2012, in public park Dubovyi Hai).