SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015 (PAGE-3)

SACRED SPACE LIFE STYLE All about Vedas The story behind struggle R C Kotwal These rishies (sages) now still remembered in terms of gotras Dr. Sahil Gorka down to the time schedule. Work for ! " of Hindus. Gotras are used especially performing different ritu- extra hours, squeeze out the time, " Peak " is a very important term Everybody has to struggle at least Vedas mean knowledge, a large body of sacred texts origi- als by Hindus. make sure the target for the day is that majority of people fail to realize. once in his lifetime, from the street nated in ancient . Vedas are composed in Vedic Sanskrit. Mandala 1 Comprises 191 hymns. 1.1 is addresses to achieved. Divide your time into short It is a reason for failures despite being vendors to business tycoons, from Vedas are oldest scriptures of . Hindus consider Vedas periods and make smaller targets, brilliant in preparations. and his name is the first Word of the . The celebrities to the office guys. Some to be apauruseya which means "not of a man" and "imperson- remaining hymns are mainly addressed gni and achieve them and move to the next How many times have you seen al, authorless". Vedas are also called "shruti"(what is heard) lit- had to struggle in the past , some are as well as to , , the Ashims, the target. The good thing about smaller one of your colleagues being success- erature distinguishing them from other religious texts which are doing in the present and some might targets is that they appear achievable. ful despite being callous all through ,Usas , , Brhaspati, , called samriti (what is remembered). The Vedas for Hindus are have to struggle in the future. Every- Once you know they can be achieved, the year and preparing at the last revelations & in the Hindu Epic, The Mahabharata, the creation Heaven , Earth and all the Gods one has to, except the " Big daddy the rest of the thing is easy. So even moment. That is the thing called " of Vedas is credited to . There are four Vedas which are Comprises 43 hymns, mainly to Agni and guys " who get everything in the plat- if your destination is huge, make small peaking at the right moment ". Some as Indira. ter but then they also can't taste the targets in the pathway. Achieve them people know what it means to deliver * Rigveda *Yajurveda * *Samaveda Comprises 62 hymns, mainly to Agni, Indra flavour of hard earned success. one by one as you go up and you can your best when it matters the most. Each Veda is classified into 4 major text types and Vishvedevas. The Verse 3.62.10 has great "Struggle starts with a dream, a ultimately achieve what was once Plan your preparations in such a way dream to become something that you *Samhitas ( Mantras/benedictions) importance in Hinduism as the is impossible. that the exam date coincides with the *(Aryanakas (Text on rituals, ceremonies, sacrifices) have seen someone else become or written in this mandala. This mantra is known as No real success is ever achieved day when you have maximum knowl- *Brahmanas (Commentaries on rituals/ceremonies & sacri- to become someone that fices) Maha-mantra in Snathan . you've never seen anyone *Upanishads (Text discussing, Meditation, philosophy & spir- Comprises 58 hymns mainly to Agni, Indra as well become." itual knowledge) as to Brahaspati, and other devas. It's a spark that pushes Vedas are oldest sacred texts. There is always a debate Comprises 87hymns, mainly to Agni and all oth- you to do something out- on the dates of the Vedas. But the Vedas are thousands of er Gods. Most of the hymns in this mandala rightly unusual from your years old and vedic Sanskrit is the oldest written language belongs to Clan. daily routine. You wake up, of the world. Rigveda is the oldest of the four Vedas. Comprises 75hymns, mainly to Agni ,Indra and go to work, you come back Rigveda all the Gods, most hymns in this mandala and you sleep but there is Oldest and divided into ten books ((Mandalas). Hymns are one thing that constantly belongs to Angirasas. dedicated to Rigveda deities. It is a collection of 1028 hymns, runs through your mind, 10,600 Verses. The books were composed by rishies (sages) Comprises 140 hymns, dedicated to Agni, Indra, that's your dream. Chase it over a period of several centuries ago roughly 3000 BC. Chap- Visvadevas, Asvins, Varuna, Vayu, before you are too old to ter No.2 to 7 are the oldest. Chapter No.1,8,9,10 were added and God Vishnu. Most hymns are attributed to even remember what you later on. Agni comes first- Indra comes second and so on the vasistha. actually dreamt about. deities. Within each collection, the hymns are arranged in the Comprises 103 hymns, to various Gods. The path to success is descending order. Comprises 114 hymns, entirely devoted to always loaded with obsta- Chapter No. 2-7 = 38% text of Rigveda Pavamana, the cleansing of the sacred potion of cles, if it's not, then it's a Chapter No. 8 = 15% text of Rigveda vedic religion. path too often walked over. Chapter No. 9 = 9% text of Rigveda Comprises 191 hymns, addressed to Agni ,Indra The real champion is the Chapter No. 1&10 = 38% text of Rigveda and various other deities. It contains Nadistuti one who runs, fights and In all, 10 families of rishies account for 95% of the Rigveda. sukta in praise of rivers and is important for the They are as follows: takes all these obstacles geography of the vedic civilization. * * * one by one while not losing 4. * Atri *Bhrgu * *Grtsamada In Snathan Dharma, there are 4 Vedas, 18 Purans, 108 hope in between failures. *Agastya *Bharata Upanishads, Epic Ramayana , Mahabharata, Bhagwat Gita and That is success for me. many other sacred texts. It's a huge collection of During struggle, very Hindu Dharma which gives wisdom, knowledge to frequently you'll get the feeling that maybe you anyone who has the patience to study them. In the took a job too big for your caliber, western world, they are called Sacred books of the without hard work and failure. To suc- edge and you are at your peak. Some maybe you're not competent enough, ceed, you must learn the art of trying people commit the mistake of being at East. Vedas were translated in English also. But maybe you're getting worse every day. Sanskrit gives the perfect presentation of Vedas. A and failing. When you suffer failure, the ascent or descent of their prepa- But at the end of the day, you know you realize what you did wrong and rations at exam time and despite work- famous French scholar "Voltaire" regarded Vedas what you need and what needs to be you get an opportunity to better your- ing so hard they cannot succeed to to be exceptional and he remarked that: done, so every morning you must self. You must keep fighting. give their 100 %. Don't commit this "The Vedas was the most precious Gift for wake up fighting against your own rea- " Struggle ends only at success and mistake and give your best shot at the which the West had ever been indebted to the sons and not sleep until you've not at failures. " best day. East" Rigveda manuscripts were selected for silenced the demons inside you, the During your phase of struggle, it's Finally, after all that struggle and ones that tell you that you can't suc- inscription in UNESCO'S memory of the world not your failures that pinch you, it's the failures, one fine day you come out ceed. success of the people lower than you. strongly and achieve what you once Register in 2007. Most men and women make up (The author is Superintendent of Police in S.K. Police Academy, Udhampur) That is the moment when you start dreamt of. That moment seems like a their mind about their target, long doubting yourself as to why can't you dream for the first few minutes. Even- before they actually start working while they can. When you hit rock bot- tually when it seeps down, sit down CAREER COUNSELLING towards it. That is actually great. It lets tom in your life, everything falls apart, and thank your god and all those who the idea seep into their soul. A dream that is the lowest you can get, that's helped you achieve your dream. Be that has been in your eyes for too long, the time when either a mediocre dies thankful, modest and humble. naturally become vivid. You start or a champion is born ! " If by chance, you don't succeed, Script the Chemistry of Life imagining yourself in that position, You must remember that every- try once, twice, thrice and then stop Gauri Chhabra ment to observe and monitor physical and chemical properties working at that place, long before you one has a different story to deal. being a fool about it. Hold on to some- of products. have actually taken the first step Don't compare yourself with anyone thing u can hold on to. " Interested in acareer that belongs to the present century? That Pharmaceutical Sales: towards your dream. That is a healthy else. If you are not getting some- Move on and do some introspec- touches a huge range of organisms, from bacterium to Pharmaceutical sales representatives combine their knowl- sign. If you can imagine it, you can do humans?Would you like to be associated with the determination thing, it means god wants you to be tion, whether you really wanted it ? edge of medical drugs and treatments with their interpersonal it. Most people lose belief in them- of effects of chemicals on cancer, aging or obesity? skills to generate sales for pharmaceutical companies. You would better prepared because he has whether you worked as hard as was If yes, Biochemistry is the right discipline for you to get into. Acareer selves midway between failures and something bigger and better for you. be coordinating meetings with doctors and medical staff. These usually fade away, so belief is impor- required ? whether you are capa- that blends Chemistry with life and living things. A career that occupies professionals travel to hospitals, health care facilities and phar- If you were ready for it, you would ble enough for it ? If you assume a large surface area - from health, agriculture, to environment. tant. macies to present a product or treatment. have got through it. Since you did- any of these answers as "NO", feel What is Biochemistry? Clinical Laboratory Technologist While you start your hard work, Biochemistry is the discipline about the structure, composi- n't get through it, u must work hard- no shame in realizing your caliber In this role, you would conduct experiments on bacteria, virus- firstly make a plan. Ask your seniors, er. The harder you work, the better tion and chemical reactions of substances in living organisms. It es and microorganisms. Technologists may perform tests on lev- and change your target. Be realis- mentors, family and people of knowl- your future will become. is an interdisciplinary program in which the principles of chem- els of compounds in human blood, monitor growth of bacteria or edge about how to make a realistic tic, as not everyone at the top is a istry, biology, genetics, mathematics and physics is applied to the Also, the attitude of people around examine the effects of drugs on viruses. Depending on the lab- goal and intelligent plan. winner. There are many other investigations of biomolecules, atoms, organelles, cells, tissues oratory environment you are in, you may be involved in a broad you changes with each failure of and organisms.It serves as an edifice for biotechnology and " Knowing your abilities is a must, mountains that you can climb. Real- range of studies or specialize in a specific field, such as bacteri- yours. Don't be afraid if you lose a few ize your actual potential and apti- molecular biology techniques, ranging from biomolecular com- ology or virology. You may find employment in Government health but without knowing and accepting putation and modeling, to regulation of gene expression. agencies, drug manufacturing companies or health care facili- your limitations, you would be a fool, of your pals. If they aren't part of your tude. Eligibility and skillset required: ties. a stubborn fool. " struggle, they shouldn't be a part of "If you are a fish, then swim. Don't To gain admission into a 3-year Bachelor's degree program Teaching and Research: Work according to your plans. It's your success too. try to climb a tree " in Biochemistry, you must have passed 10+2 with Mathematics With the pace of change in the sciences today, especially in a universal truth that the time tables " During struggle, many people The day you realize who you are and Biology as major subjects with requisite percentage of biochemistry and molecular biology, there has never been a and what you actually want, is the day marks.For admission to a Master's degree, you must have a bach- or plans that are made, don't hold true would walk away, those are the ones greater need for qualified teachers. To be able to teach about for more than a week, but don't bow you don't need in your success party you are actually born. what research on the human genome is all about and even to do cloning exper- iments in laboratories, offers vistas of science unparalleled in former genera- tions. Brandub lives amid land slides...... (From Page 1) Media and Publishing: works or minor projects were imple- steep sloppy land each year battered districts (Baramulla, Kupwara) needs If you have fluid and accurate writ- mented. In the perception of villagers, by broadening nallah, which was actu- systematic geological survey and soil ing skills, you can team up your degree and work as a Scientific Reporter for expenditure of Rs.10-20 lakh has been ally not the cause or problem (as hith- tests by geologists of Geology and newspapers, magazines, or for the incurred during past 50-60 years. But erto made out) but an impact and out- Mining Department. audio and visual media. Proficient tech- real impact on checking the problem come of constantly sinking land. Due The problem requires more active nical writers are always in demand by for amelioration in condition of vil- to the impact of sinking, top layer of and serious intervention by district industry for tasks such as preparing lagers, particularly of those 30 affect- land surface was becoming soft, hol- authority. Villagers reported that the reports, assisting with the development of public presentations by Senior ed households, was not visible. Con- low, concave and depressed which in issue has been reported to the district Administrators, generating material for tracts were given to construct earthen rainy season or due to flow of water in administration. Several rounds of annual reports, and compiling scientific details for patent filings. bunds and walls of sand-bags each nallah gave appearance of nallah meetings were conducted by all stake- elor's from the relevant field from a recognized university.After You can also work in the Publishing industry. Publishers need year. Villagers were employed on con- causing landslides. But basically and holders including government depart- M.Sc., you can opt for Junior Research Fellowship program by first-rate Editorial Assistants with precise scientific skills along tract or wage basis to fill bags with sand primarily it was a problem of invisible ments and villagers. appearing in the NET/UGCCSIR JRF exam which will give you with a fluid narrative style to help edit textbooks, refine hand- a roadmap in Lectureship, Research and Development, Allied books, and create pamphlets and advertising materials. Most bio- dug-out and collected from same site land sinking. If nallah were a problem As precaution affected households Work and Consulting. Some colleges in India also offer MD in medical and chemical companies, too, have websites that equal- of affected land. Villagers as laborers then houses situated far away from were instructed to leave their houses Biochemistry to MBBS graduates. ly call for strong scientific communication skills. would be paid @Rs.0.50 per bag for route of nallah would not witness even as tents were set up elsewhere You will need research, analytical and problem-solving skills Technical writing: filling it with sand. In rainy season, depression. All structures, buildings, outside/ beyond the boundary of vil- besides good written and oral communication skills, excellent With increasingly complicated equipment such as robotic everything would get washed out. farms, orchards, and trees were facing lage land. Cultivation of land was computational, organizational and observational skills and manipulators, high through-put assays, and fluorescent-activat- Understanding of complex biological systems. ed cell sorters being employed in biochemistry, there is a grow- Then again cycle of filling sand bags destruction because of land sinking. banned. As stated they were promised Institute Scape: ing demand for people who understand the principles of opera- and erecting 'kutcha' bunds would Land was sinking because soil forma- free ration for family until settled prop- * AsutoshCollege, Kolkata tion of the apparatus and can also write clear instructions. In addi- start. With these actions, problem tion was defective. Brandub village erly. They were promised alternative * DS Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Ghaziabad tion to the need for effective manuals to accompany complicat- *HolyCrossCollege, Tiruchirappalli affecting total 250 households in Bran- needs holistic solution to check land- land sites also for settlement/ houses, ed scientific equipment, there is a growing need for clear, precise dub has not found real solution so far. sinking after it is scientifically diag- but nothing was delivered. Since they *MMHRC, Madurai instructional materials to explain molecular biology assay kits that *Mithibai College of Arts, Mumbai are quite common in many labs. Villagers still live under threat of nosed whether defective soil is caus- were barred from cultivation of owned *Orion Institute of Management and Technology, Baroda If you are fluent in more than one language and have the ability greater destruction. ing caving-in of land, fields, trees and land on sliding hill, they resorted to *PunjabUniversity, Chandigarh to effectively assess both the fixed assets and the intellectual assets Keeping in view the nature of actu- structures. Agricultural engineers and casual wage-labor outside village for *Sacred HeartCollege, Tirupattur of a potential foreign acquisition, you can work as translator of tech- *SriVenkateswaraCollege, Delhi al problem of soil and land sinking, geologists can suggest long-lasting survival. nical documents. There is a considerable shortage of professionals more technical and long-lasting solu- scientific solution to ameliorate human Till the time solution is found vil- *St. Xavier's College, Ahmedabad to undertake the critical tasks of accurate translation of biotech and Career Pathways: medical transcripts. In the same vein, challenging positions exist for tions are required instead of piece- suffering. lagers are forced to live life in shock There is a plethora of career options before you in the follow- you if you can facilitate multi-national drug trials. meal, transitory, and mechanical solu- The village initially had one basic and fear, particularly those who are ing fields: Legal- Intellectual Property Rights: tions of erecting 'kuthca' bunds or walls problem that has now taken the form directly affected and whose houses Forensic Science: You would be working in close association with attorneys to You would be helping forensic scientists by obtaining infor- of sand bags along both sides of nal- of adversity of huge proportion. Over are on the verge of collapsing as help them with highly technical cases that involve alleged patent lah. If year 2011 represented the "year the past 100 years, hill with flat plateau cracks have developed due land mation from specimens such as frozen remains of humans and infringements. Besides, the everyday need for advice on writing other animals such as wooly mammoths. defensible, clear patents, there is a special need to not only be of crisis" and disaster in the making, it had caved-in gradually in its middle depression. Villagers specifically Food safety and food quality: able to understand the science but to be able to both write and is natural though unfortunate to imag- portion while two polar ends were requested the survey team by provid- You would be required to perform sophisticated biochemical explain it clearly to others. One sub-specialty associated with the ine that disaster could occur anytime intact. This destructive process of cav- ing copies of documents on current assays for the testing of foodstuffs for toxins, prevention of the law is the development of presentation materials for use in evi- importation of harmful fungi in wheat, as well as monitoring lev- in future if viable and long-lasting ing-in of village land on hill is still con- state of village land, maps, proceed- dentiary hearings and at trials. measures to control landslides are not tinued. Brandub village is not the only ings of meetings held with district els of pesticides in foodstuffs. In many instances, the amounts of Business Analyst contaminants can be extremely small, but detecting them is vital. You may become business analyst, working for biotechnolo- taken in time. Sinking of land is a big- village facing land caving-in problem. administration, etc. to report their plight Scientists proficient in amplification techniques have proven gy firms and health care industries. You may use your knowledge ger problem than it appeared. First of Recently Ringpath village (with popu- before authorities and virtually plead- invaluable in detecting harmful contaminants in food. and experience with sophisticated laboratory equipment to all it never appeared for the past 60 lation of 240 households) in neighbor- ed to take up the issue even as vil- Quality Control: research and recommend new equipment for labs. You may also In case you are a graduate in biochemistry, you can work as years even as flat area on hill top ing Handwara block of Kupwara dis- lagers' own efforts had failed or review business costs, such as electricity or heating expenses, depressed and sunk by 100 meters. In trict was also facing the same problem brought to standstill without any out- a quality control technician in labs, manufacturing plants or oth- in order to minimize expenses and increase profitability. er facilities. You would review products ranging from pharmaceu- As a progressive discipline, Biochemistry belongs to the pres- place of hill with flat top (that existed of land caving-in. Cracks in houses come. Brandub village in Baramulla tical drugs to food in order to ensure that manufactured goods ent century. From the experimental physiologists of the last cen- 60 years ago), villagers now have in its were posing serious threat to the lives district needed urgent and immediate are safe and compliant with industry and health codes. Besides, tury it obtained a charter, and, from a few pioneers of its own, it place two sides of hill with middle area of the villagers. Land depression solution for safety and survival. Hope- you may also inspect items for discoloration or test products in holds a promise of success… varying environments looking for any chemical changes that may having sunk and disappeared. The occurring due to particular soil charac- fully it comes at the earliest on human occur. Your work may include using microscopes and other equip- For queries contact gauri_nagpal area which got disappeared had very teristics of the hilly area in these two grounds.