Chagdud Gonpa Thondup Ling to Construct First Shi-Tro Mandala For

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Chagdud Gonpa Thondup Ling to Construct First Shi-Tro Mandala For PO Box 6483, Ithaca, NY 14851 607-273-8519 SUMMER 1999 NEWSLETTER & CATALOG SUPPLEMENT Chagdud Gonpa Thondup Ling CONSCIOUSNESS AT to Construct First Shi-tro Mandala THE CROSSROADS Conversations with The Dalai Lama for Universal Peace in U.S. on Brainscience and Buddhism by Veronica Miller This book addresses some of the As part of His Eminence Chagdud most fundamental and troublesome Tulku Rinpoche's efforts to preserve questions that have driven a wedge the spiritual and cultural tradition of between the realms of Western sci- Tibetan Buddhism, Lama Nubpa ence and religion for centuries. Con- Chodak Gyatso (Lama Gyatso), resi- sciousness at the Crossroads is the dent lama of Chagdud Gonpa result of a series of meetings between T'hondup Ling in Los Angeles, has the Dalai Lama and a group of emi- commissioned a rare three- nent neuroscientists and psychia- dimensional mandala of the Peaceful trists. The Dalai Lama regularly dedi- and Wrathful Deities of the One Hun- cates several days out of his busy dred Buddha Families ("Shi-Tro" in schedule to engage in these kinds of Tibetan). meetings, which have resulted in The Shi-Tro Mandala for Universal more than a decade of fruitful dia- Peace, the first of its kind to be con- logue between Buddhism and West- structed in the United States, will be ern science. created by Tibetan artist Pema Is the mind nothing more than an Namdol Thaye, one of only a handful ephemeral side-effect of the brain's of artists in the world qualified to physical processes? Are there forms of consciousness so subtle that sci- execute a cultural treasure of this edited by Zara Houshmand, Robert ence has not yet identified them? import. Livingston, and B. Alan Wallace Though often made with sprinkled How does consciousness begin? How do we know what we know? Bud- translations by Geshe Thupten sand in two dimensions, all mandalas Lama Gyatso, H.E. Chagdud Rinpoche and Tulku Jigme Rinpoche (son of Jinpa and B. Alan Wallace dhism, with its emphasis on empiri- are actually three-dimensional, with Chagdud Rinpoche) with an afterword by B. Alan cal observation of mental processes, sand mandalas only hinting at the top Wallace offers insights into these thorny ques- view of a dazzlingly elaborate cre- the Mandala is highly symbolic and Mandala, unlike a sand mandala, will 185 pages #COCR $15.95 ation intended to depict the precise is intended to reveal qualities inher- not be dismantled upon completion. tions, while the Dalai Lama's own in- cisive, clear approach and open- proportions and structure of the di- ent within us that will further us on Rather, it will be available for exhibi- vine realms. The deities of the Shi-Tro the path to enlightenment. Because tion in museums and other venues minded pursuit of knowledge both Mandala are expressions of enlight- of the large commitment of time, ex- throughout the United States before challenges and offers inspiration to Following are excerpts from the Western scientists. ened qualities that have the power to pertise, and funding needed to create being permanently installed at the Los the conference's opening remarks by Born in Amdo, Tibet in 1935, Robert Livingston. transform negativity. Each aspect of such an intricate mandala, the Shi-Tro Angeles center of Chagdud Gonpa. Documenting the process of cre- Tenzin Gyatso was recognized as the ating this cultural treasure, by video Fourteenth Dalai Lama, spiritual and This initiates the second dialogue and other means, will help to preserve temporal leader of Tibet. He has between Western neurosciences and Buddhist traditions. These two radi- the sacred Tibetan culture, whose served as head of the Tibetan govern- Ithaca, PO Snow Change cally different ways of looking at very existence continues to be threat- ment-in-exile in Dharamsala, India, since the Chinese takeover of Tibet mind and life have existed, mostly Box ened. Lion in 1959. Winner of the 1989 Nobel apart, over a span of about 2,500 NY The Mandala project includes pub- Service 6483 Peace Prize, today he is known the years. They have been following such lication of the text of the One Hun- 14851 Publications world over as a great spiritual teacher separate paths that there has been dred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities and a tireless worker for peace. Requested (Continued on page 16) (Continued on page 3) MEDITATIONS TO TRANSFORM THE MIND The Seventh Dalai Lama is often Buddhism under numerous Tibetan considered to be one of the greatest masters. A renowned author and of the early Dalai Lamas. He wrote ex- Tibetologist, he has lectured and con- tensive commentaries on the Tantras, ducted workshops throughout the and over a thousand mystical poems world, and has published over a and prayers. His Meditations to dozen books on Tibetan Buddhism. Transform the Mind is a highly val- ued collection of spiritual advice for The following excerpt from the taming and developing the mind. book is a song which the Seventh These inspired writings are an out- Dalai Lama wrote at the request of pouring of Himalayan spirituality, a one of his disciples, Changkya unique presentation that appeals to Rinpochey, better known as the third the heart as well as head. incarnation of the Changkya Tulku. The Seventh Dalai Lama's rich As author Glenn Mullin points out in spiritual writings are direct and ar- the introduction to this section, the resting, giving clear advice on the es- song is "very tantric in nature, and sence of Buddhist practice. In this therefore makes use of a specialized book, Glenn Mullin provides valuable and esoteric language. I suspect that and fascinating introductions to each some of it will float over the heads ITHACA, PERMIT U.S. piece, making them even more acces- of non-initiates. Nonetheless, as the BULK translated, edited and introduced sible. Also included is a biography of Tibetan saying goes, 'If you don't by Glenn H. Mullin PAID - POSTAGE the Seventh Dalai Lama. have any teeth, at least you can work NY RATE 257 pp., METRMI $16.95 NO. Glenn H. Mullin is a member of on it with your gums.' For those with 14851 the Library of Tibetan Works and Ar- a background in tantric literature it 746 "... inspiring... of immense impor- chives Research and Translation Bu- perhaps will be appreciated as one tance to all the major Tibetan Bud- reau. He lived in the Himalayas from of the most profound and powerful dhist sects."—Prof. Janice D. Willis, 1972 to 1984, where he studied tantric pieces in the volume." Wesleyan University (Continued on page 14) BOUNDLESS HEART The Cultivation of the Four Immeasurabies tations and lively discussions in it is a jewel. The lotus is the unfold- which the participants grapple with ing of our lives: the evolution of our the implications of these teachings own body, speech, and mind; our BOUNDLESS for their own lives. spiritual maturation from lifetime to HEART An excerpt from Boundless Heart lifetime; our development towards follows which discusses the mantra enlightenment. This metaphor for OM MAM PADME HUM growth and movement towards spiri- The Cwltivatiou of die tual awakening carries the nuance: tract anything from it at all. It only comes the very nature of this light: Four bnnittisurableA A Meditation on the "Strive diligently!" It carries a lot of needs to be discovered or revealed, not simply blood, organs, tissue, and Jewel in the Lotus emphasis on method and listening to so you can see what is already there. bone with some light glowing The jewel in the lotus is a wonderful teachings: "What are the proper meth- As you chant, bring out the poetry through, but a body transformed into metaphor for the essential nature of ods? How do I counter these difficul- in the practice and use the imagery a body of light that emanates from the mind. It integrates two very dif- ties? How do I move past this ob- of the metaphor. Imagine this jewel your heart. ferent approaches, recognizing that stacle?" This developmental ap- of the purity and perfection of your When your body is completely there is a worthy role for striving, for proach is directional, a development own buddha-nature. Imagine it as a saturated, then let the light spread engaging in methods, for growth and towards something. pearl of white light emanating from forth in all directions. Use this as an development; and at the same time At the same time, as this lotus your heart and suffusing your body. opportunity to bring to mind areas of recognizing that all these methods are opens up, the jewel is right there in It's not just a physical light like turn- the world that you think are really in fundamentally designed simply to the middle. It has been there all along, ing on a light bulb, but a light that need of some light. Send it out there, bring to light what is already there, even when the lotus was a closed bud embodies and expresses purification, and imagine this light bringing the by B. Alan Wallace in all of its perfection, in all of its com- submerged in the ooze. That jewel is joy, and compassion. Imagine it com- very same qualities of purification, ed. by Zara Houshmand pleteness. This is the pure fountain the buddha-nature. The jewel is not ing from an inexhaustible source, joy, and compassion to those indi- 200 pp. #BOHE $14.95 of loving-kindness and wisdom we developing: you don't need to add saturating your body, suffusing and viduals or communities that most are trying to cultivate.

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