THE JOURNAL GASTRONOMY TOURISM Volume 5 Nomor 2, Juni 2019, 29-41

Tersedia daring di:

Gastronomic Tourism Attractions in the Kapau Village, Agam Regency,

Putri Andan Sari 1, Dewi Turgarini 1, Indriyani Handyastuti 2

1 University of Education, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 Bandung College of Tourism, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.186, Hegarmanah, Kec. Cidadap, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40141

* Corresponding Author. E-mail: [email protected] (Putri Andan Sari)


This research's aim is to find out the grand of gastronomy in Kapau , the components of gastronomy in Kapau, people 's contributions and government acts to preserve traditional gastronomy in Kapau, Agam , West Sumatra. Kapau, is a small region in West Sumatra that is known by fine traditional foods that have a unique taste on every food they are made. Therefore, Kapau is also known as a village that creates many expert chefs. To reach the aims written above, this research uses the mix method both qualitative and quantitative. Observation, questionnaire, interview and some documentary studies used to get the data. The result of this research is shows that Kapau is a kind of traditional gastronomy that is very famous, not only among the Kapau citizens, but it is also known by the larger society outside. Regarding gastronomic tourist attractions in Kapau Village, Kapau rice has a good and unique taste and which cannot be found in other food. Gastronomy conservation has been done by government, chefs, and local leaders of the village by passing the cooking method from generation to generation. As a recommendation gastronomic travel pattern has been made in order to conserve traditional gastronomic in Kapau Village. Kapau rice consist of diverse Kapau traditional food such as , and .

Keywords: Kapau Rice; Gastronomy; Tourism.

First Received: April 2019 Revised: Mei 2019 Accepted: Juni 2019

Final Proof Received: Juni 2019 Published: Juni 2019

29 Putri Andan Sari The Journal Gastronomy Tourism Volume 5 Nomor 2

Sumatra. However, even though Kapau 1. Introduction Village is famous for the expertise of its Based on RI Law No.10 of 2009 citizens in making delicious dishes, until concerning tourism, it means that tourism is: now there has been no gastronomic icon "A variety of activities supported by various chosen to become the identity of the area. facilities and services provided" With Based on the background that the different objectives, this tourism activity is researchers describe, the researcher wants to also one of the supporting aspects of conduct research related to an inventory of development in all field in an area. superior traditional foods to be used as a Tourism will never be separated by the gastronomic icon that can be a potential existence of gastronomy because tourist attraction in the Kapau Village, gastronomy can be used as a tourist Agam Regency. attraction that is available at any time . (Nurwitasari, 2015) Gastronomy is a 2. Literature Review scientific study of the branch of science that 2.1. Culinary Traditions and Philosophy of studies the mixing of food ingredients from West Sumatra food ingredients and the cooking process as well as the phenomenon in consuming these 2.1.1. Eating Bajamba, A Togetherness foods. Eating bajamba or eating barapak is a One area in Indonesia that has various tradition of large meals together in the types of gastronomy is the Village of Kapau Minangkabau community. Bajamba meals or Nagari Kapau located in Agam Regency, are usually held at parties or baralek events, West Sumatra. According to Bondan such as commemorating Islamic religious Winarno, as reported by (detikFood, 2017) holidays, traditional ceremonies, and other Nagari Kapau is a village that is famous for important gatherings. Many values are its shrewdness in cooking. With the instilled through eating bajamba, including shrewdness of its people, Kapau Village is togetherness without distinguishing social known for its delicious cuisine. Not only status, strengthening ties of friendship, that, the food processing in Kapau Village is instilling courtesy and mutual respect. very unique and has its own taste. All dishes (Kemenpar, 2017) in Kapau Village must be processed in a This tradition originated from Koto traditional manner and must use traditional Gadang, Agam Regency, West Sumatra, and natural raw materials, in contrast to since Islam entered Minangkabau around other dishes that are more modern because the 7th century. This tradition then spread to they already use spices and instant raw other nagari in Minangkabau. materials. Bajamba food is held with participants Agustino in the article (RRI, 2019) said numbering in the tens to thousands of people. that tourists who are visiting Agam The participants were divided into groups of Regency, especially Kapau Village, they are 3 to 7 people. Each group member will sit not only doing a recreational tour but also around this iron tray with a diameter of they also having culinary tours there. about 50 cm, in which a plate of rice and Therefore, the development of gastronomy various side dishes in the form of as a tourism object must be carried out, Minangkabau dishes will be arranged. because Kapau Village can support tourism Some etiquette in this tradition include development in Indonesia. That way, the that someone can only take something after tourism market segment in the Kapau the older people, no sound when chewing or Village will be more visible to find out how eat spicy food, because it will interfere with big the opportunity of Kapau Village to other people's appetite. There are also rules become a culinary tourist attraction in West for feeding food, in which the hand cannot


Putri Andan Sari The Journal Gastronomy Tourism Volume 5 Nomor 2 enter the mouth. The trick is to take a small lesson for a development of theoretical mouthful of rice with the tips of the right concepts. hand, a little on the head. After adding a few The approach method in this study side dishes - rice dishes are slightly tossed to will also use descriptive analysis. According the mouth with a rather close distance. to Wardiyanta (2006, p. 5) said that (Kemenpar, 2017) descriptive research is research that aims to 2.1.2. Spicy Savory Minang Cuisine make a description of a social/natural phenomenon systematically, factually and The Minangkabau region has been accurately. In addition, this research is often visited by other nations from the Arabian used to answer questions about various Peninsula, Persia and India even before the events that are happening in the community. emergence of Islam. Anthropologically, The object of this research is Kapau cuisine spreads along with the spread of Rice, one of the traditional foods of Kapau humans. This also presents the culinary Village, Agam Regency, West Sumatra with wealth of Minangkabau. The main flavor of the subject being Kapau Village as a place Minang cuisine is savory and spicy. The for producers of Kapau Rice located in the spices are: coconut milk, chili, and area of Kapau Village, Agam Regency, West , a series of four rhizome spices: Sumatra, cooks, local government, , lemongrass, , , and customary stakeholders and society aromatic leaves of fragrance makers namely especially the younger generation. In this turmeric, orange leaves, and occasionally case the researcher wants to collect data on bay leaves and bowl leaves. (Kemenpar, gastronomic preservation efforts by the 2017) government and the community as well as to Another key is the use of a lot of find out what components are in the selected condiment. There is a traditional benchmark leading gastronomy of Agam Regency. This comparison of seasonings and raw materials method is also expected to explore specific which is 3: 8. While the ratio of and and general data on the leading gastronomy garlic is 2: 1. Minang cuisine never uses of Agam Regency. sugar, either brown sugar or white sugar. The participants in this study were the (Kemenpar, 2017) people who were divided into elements The raw materials in Minang cuisine are related to the gastronomy of Agam Regency mainly animal raw materials, namely beef, such as the people who consumed various chicken or duck, sea fish, freshwater fish, kinds of gastronomy in the Kapau Village in including chicken eggs. While more Agam District, the cooking community, the vegetables use long beans and cassava traditional stakeholders of the Kapau leaves, ferns, jackfruit, beans, and petai and Village in Agam Regency as well as the jengkol. (Kemenpar, 2017) local government. Participants will be divided into two 3. Materials and Methods categories, namely as respondents and The method used in this study is a informants. Respondents were determined qualitative method, namely in-depth study using random sampling, which in turn of something. According to Meleong (2007: would fill out distributed questionnaires. 5) qualitative research is research that While the informants were chosen through utilizes open interviews to examine and purposive sampling to be interviewed. The understand the attitudes, views, feelings and informant used in this study is someone who behavior of individuals or groups of people. has the capacity to answer questions about The most important thing from an item or the gastronomy of Kapau Village in Agam service is an event/phenomenon/social District, for example cooks, traditional phenomenon that has the meaning behind stakeholders and the local government. the event that can be used as a valuable 31

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The place chosen in this study is d. Literature Study Kapau Village, Agam Regency, West Literature study in general that can be Sumatra. This place was chosen as the understood is to learn books that relate to the location of the study given the researchers' problem that is the main topic in the consideration of the Kapau Village which research object. According to (Meleong, has a variety of unique foods but does not 2007) it is necessary to use the views of yet have a gastronomic icon. other experts in the form of authoritative In this study, several data collection knowledge in this case which is written in techniques were used with the aim of the form of reference books, journals, obtaining information and data in research reports, other scientific works and accordance with research needs. also researchers can just cite the substance a. Observation contained in the literature as material Observation is interpreted (Cresswell, reference. Researchers in this case utilize 2013) as an activity carried out by this literature study by studying books that researchers by observing, recording the can help in the research process, both books behavior or activities of individuals or relating to research methods or research groups in a structured or semistructured theories. Researchers are looking for books manner. In this study, researchers will related to conservation, traditional food, observe the leading gastronomy typical of diversity, rendang, social culture, spices and Kapau Village in Agam Regency based on herbs. In studying the books used, gastronomic components. researchers first read first, then write down b. Distribution of Questionnaires the important things needed in this study. The questionnaire is a list of questions e. Documentation Study that are not exhaustive for research Study documentation or photos is a way respondents who aim to get general data. for researchers to collect data from the field The questionnaire in this study will only be because it can be used as a tool for distributed to typical gastronomic qualitative research purposes. According to consumers of Kapau Village in Agam (Hakim, 2013) this documentation or photo Regency, especially tourists. study can produce descriptive data that is c. Interview quite valuable and is often used to examine Cresswell (2013) in his book defines subjective aspects and the results are often interviewing as a process of collecting data analyzed inductively and needed in by asking questions in general and qualitative research. So the use of this photo unstructured with the aim of raising is of enormous benefit to complement a opinions or opinions of research. Creswell clear data source. With all of that description also wrote about the types of interviews in general can provide a picture of the photo including in-depth interviews, by telephone, as data or as a driver towards generating focus group discussions, or internet data and is generally not used singly to interviews via email. In this study, in-depth analyze data but instead, photos are used as interviews will be used to obtain the a complement to other ways and techniques. expected data in full. In this case the researcher uses the study of The informant category in this documentation in the form of photographs interview is the people who are accustomed to complement existing data sources in the to cooking typical Kapau Village, Agam field to provide an overview of the data or as Regency, local government and tribal a driver to produce data and to strengthen leaders who understand the special food the data that has been collected. Researchers there. These two categories were chosen to chose this technique with the intention that find out the right gastronomic icon for the this can be well documented through area. photographs so that the results of the study


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have clear data. 3.2. Data Validity Test

3.1. Population and Sample 3.2.1.Triangulation According to (Sugiyono, 2018) According to (Meleong, 2009) population is a generalization area triangulation is a data validity checking consisting of objects / subjects that have technique that utilizes something else. certain qualities and characteristics Outside the data is for checking purposes or determined by researchers to be studied and as a comparison of the two data. The most then drawn conclusions. So the population is widely used technique is examination not only people, but also objects and other through other sources. natural objects. According to (Sugiyono, In research on Gastronomic 2018) the sample is part of the number and Tourism Attractions in the Village of Kapau, characteristics possessed by the population . West Sumatra, it obtained data from several If the researcher conducts a study of a large sources, namely from the cooking population, while the researcher wants to community, traditional leaders, and the local examine the population and the researcher government. Triangulation used was has limited funds, manpower and time, the concurrent triangulation technique. researcher uses a sampling technique, so Researchers used observation, distributing that generalization to the population under questionnaires, interviews, and study. documentation. The sample in this study will be calculated While concurrent triangulation using the following formula: according to (Creswell, 2010) is the researcher will collect quantitative and qualitative data at the same time at the research stage then compare between quantitative data and qualitative data to find Note: out the combination. n = number of samples sought Based on concurrent triangulation, in N = total population research on Gastronomic Tourism d = precision value (determined in Attractions in Kapau Village, the process of this amount 90% (α = 0.1) inventorying leading gastronomic Then, the number of samples for the researchers will disseminate questionnaires questionnaire in this study are: to respondents and collect data on gastronomic preservation efforts by the government and the community as well as to

find out what components are in the superior gastronomy of the selected Agam Regency through the interview method with several informants. 3.2.2. Member Check According to (Meleong, 2007) checking with members or member check in the process of collecting important data is Based on the above calculation, 132 done in checking the degree of trust. Then respondents from 13171 populations were check includes data, categories of analysis, determined to answer the questionnaire in interpretation, and conclusions with the this study. members involved representing their peers who are used to react in terms of their own views and situations to the data that have 33

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been organized by researchers. Checking researcher will conclude the results of the members can be done both formally and data collection. Researchers will do the informally. This member check, if the data description of the purpose of the data found agreed by the data source means the obtained to reach the correct conclusions. data is valid, but if the data found is not agreed by the data source then the researcher 4. Results and Discussion needs to discuss the data source again. Kapau Village or Nagari Kapau is a village located in Tilatang Kamang 3.3. Data analysis technique Subdistrict, Agam Regency, West Sumatra Data analysis is the process of which is famous for the expertise of its simplifying data and presenting data by citizens in terms of cooking delicious food. grouping them in a form that is easy to read And is a village that still holds tight customs. and interpret (Huberman, 1992) In It has been proven since the colonial era, accordance with the research method used, Nagari Kapau became one of the suppliers namely the qualitative method. of food supplies for the Indonesian soldiers In this research descriptive qualitative who were fighting against the invaders. data analysis techniques will be used. In the Pre-study was conducted on process, data analysis is divided into three respondents who were tourists who came to main parts, namely data reduction, data Kapau Village to support the research data . presentation and conclusion that still refers The results of this pre-study shows that male to the purpose of this study. and female tourists who come to Kapau Village have a nearly balanced ratio. In 3.3.1. Data reduction addition, the age range of tourists who come The data collected is initially raw data is very diverse, ranging from children to the that must be sorted. The process of sorting elderly. Similar to age, the origin of these and simplifying the data is known as data tourists also varies. However, most of these reduction. The researcher will make notes tourists have the same purpose of visiting, and summaries of data both interview data namely to carry out gastronomic tourism. and other primary data to achieve the The main pre-research survey results are desired results and in accordance with the that the type of traditional food most sought focus of the research, namely leading after by tourists is kapau rice. gastronomy in Agam Regency. Kau Kau rice is one of the special foods of Kapau Village which is always 3.3.2. Data Presentation present in the middle of Kapau people's The next step after reducing data is lives. Kapau rice is a food dish in the form data presentation. Presentation of data is an of rice and side dishes that are served activity when a set of information is together in one plate. Side dishes commonly arranged so as to give the possibility of served in Kapau Rice are Rendang, Jackfruit drawing conclusions. This form of , Tulai curry, Tambusu curry, Fish qualitative data presentation is in the form of curry, Jerky and Green . Although narrative text (in the form of field notes), various, side dishes are not all served, matrices, graphs, networks or charts. The usually depending on the choice of data presented will be in the form of a consumers. descriptive description of the efforts to The uniqueness of Kapau Nation can preserve gastronomic and leading be seen based on 9 existing gastronomic gastronomic components in Kapau Village, components. Not only is kapau rice as a Agam Regency. whole, each side dish in kapau rice also has 3.3.3. Withdrawal of Conclusions its own uniqueness that makes kapau rice becoming more distinctive. First, the raw After presenting the data, the 34

Putri Andan Sari The Journal Gastronomy Tourism Volume 5 Nomor 2 materials used are always natural materials. With a fairly low seller price These materials are usually obtained from benchmark, the purchasing power of the local traditional markets. Raw materials visitor community can be said to be high. always depend on the cooking itself, for Therefore, the cooks now dare to produce example meat used for rendang and meat more food than there is demand. However, used for different beef jerky, beef jerky must Kapau residents who open a typical culinary use meat that does not contain fat. For business in the village of Kapau are still few, seasoning, almost all dishes use the same until now there are only seven people seasonings as Chili, Ginger, Turmeric, recorded. Other cooks prefer to sell Kapau Galangal, and others. The main requirement Rice in crowded tourist places such as for Kapau's special seasonings is not to use Bukittinggi and Los Lambuang to get more sugar, a large portion of salt, chili and thick buyers. coconut milk. Kapau rice sellers usually charge The process of cooking every dish is below 50,000 rupiah for a portion of kapau different, the main point in cooking that they rice. The price determined is according to always practice is the traditional cooking the quality of food by tourists. In addition, process which is cooking on a stove with kapau rice sellers usually sell from morning wood or coconut fiber as the fuel. This is to night. This allows tourists to go on a done to maintain the taste of cuisine. gastronomic tour without having to wait for In serving it, the K Rice and its side a specific time. dishes are stored together in one plate . The Based on the results of the study, it ethics are that all food in a dish must be was explained that the efforts being carried eaten until it runs out. This kapau rice is out both by the local government and the usually served as daily food or as a feast on community in Kapau Village, for the local events such as the appointment preservation of traditional cuisine typical of ceremony of nagari, welcoming guests, the Kapau Village had been done well. weddings and so forth. The number of However, the efforts made are not yet spices used and the use of natural optimal. One of the ongoing conservation ingredients and cooking methods that are efforts is to support Kapau Rice producers still traditional makes the typical food of who still want to produce and sell these Kapau Village has good nutritional content special dishes both inside and outside the for the body. The cooks there get recipes Kapau Village area. Not only here, the local from ancestors that are still preserved until government is also trying to submit a patent now, which is why your kapa rice still has a application to the Indonesian government strong taste. Kapau rice has always been the for Kapau Rice, so that Kapau Rice can be main dish at various traditional events such recognized by Indonesia with its original as the appointment of a traditional leader, origin, namely from Nagari Kapau. Because weddings, welcoming large guests and other in reality, at this time Kapau Rice does not parties. really exist in the culinary world of The unchanging distinctive taste of Indonesia, and many people consider that Kapau special food especially in Kapau Kapau Rice is the same as Rice. Rice makes this food even more popular The local government of Kapau even among people outside the Kapau area Village is also collaborating with the itself. The desire and demand of the people Padang State University, to make a culinary for rice is increasing every day. In fact, tourism project that will be located in Kapau Kapau Village is now visited by many Village, because the Kapau Village road is a visitors from outside the area who crossing road for tourism objects in the deliberately come to taste the kapau rice Regency of Agam. The support given by the dish made by native residents. government to producers will also make


Putri Andan Sari The Journal Gastronomy Tourism Volume 5 Nomor 2 producers more eager to produce food. In accustomed to smell the aroma of the special addition, efforts to patent food will also cuisine, which makes them able to love this make food known to the wider public. This gastronomy. Continuous knowledge and is an opportunity for Kapau Village to training done directly to the younger become a culinary tourism center. generation regarding cooking typical food The efforts made to preserve this of Kapau Village can maintain the cuisine are still not optimal, but the local authenticity of the food, so that even though government and the community in Kapau it has changed times, the food of Kapau Village have and will continue to try even Village remains in its uniqueness. This can better to achieve the goals that they aspire to, make tourists consistently visit Kapau in preserving and preserving the tradition Village for culinary tours. and culture of Kapau Rice cuisine, in several There are not many promotions done ways previously explained. This method is by the local government, but the considered capable of making Kapau Rice government has tried to keep introducing dishes known by more people in Indonesia, Kapau Rice to the people outside the region. with the hope that they will be known to There are many ways to do it, such as foreign countries as well. making Baligo Nasi Kapau advertisements The enthusiasm of the younger on tourist crossings, and participating in generation to be able to cook and the festival events in collaboration with enthusiasm of the older generation to teach neighboring countries, as was done in 2013 the younger generation to cook typical at the WSF Jambore Feast Singapore. The Kapau Village food are quite high. Because, involvement of Kapau Village special food the people of Kapau Village really love in various traditional events can also be an cooking traditional food. This is aimed at added value that can increase the curiosity the loyalty of the cook, as well as other of tourists because in addition to culinary people who have survived to this day to tours tourists can also witness local cultural continue cooking traditional Kapau Village, tourism. Cooperation efforts with foreign it has also become a tradition in Kapau countries are also very good to attract Village that every child in one family must foreign tourists to come and try food in be good at cooking typical Kapau Village Kapau Village. food and become a young generation The way that is done to maintain the successor to the cook there. Whatever authenticity of the taste of Kapau Rice profession they will live in the future, and dishes, not only limited to preserving his even though they have to migrate outside the cuisine. But the cook still maintains the use region, they still have to love and be able to of traditional kitchen utensils, traditional cook traditional food typical of Kapau cooking methods, the use of natural raw Village. This has become one of the factors materials and absolutely no use of instant to preserve these foods, so that the potential raw materials, which were passed down by of Kapau Village to become a culinary the ancestors to keep the taste and tourism center is very large and can live authenticity of Kapau Rice dishes. The long. efforts of the food-producing community in The method used to pass the cooking maintaining recipes, processes and raw method to the next generation in the Kapau materials to keep up with what their Village is quite easy, they are trained and ancestors taught is a value that reinforces the deployed directly into the kitchen to help good impression of food to tourists. This has parents and grandmothers cook, so they are an impact on tourists' interest and trust accustomed to cooking since childhood. towards tourists who at least survive. Even because the traditions and culture are Kapau Rice Cookery can not be very strong, it makes babies even replaced at all, changed, or added other raw


Putri Andan Sari The Journal Gastronomy Tourism Volume 5 Nomor 2 materials, because Kapau Rice cuisine has tour packages provided there, they are special characteristics that are not found in inviting tourists resting according to his other dishes. Like the use of garlic very wishes. The provision of a complete and much, the cooking process is quite long and attractive tour package will make the tourist complicated, and other characteristics. Thus, itinerary more organized so that tourists can people do not dare if they have to change all enjoy their tour. The government also has the related processes that exist in Kapau set a time for tourist attractions in the village Rice dishes, because if something is of Kapau with a range of 5-6 hours to follow changed then Kapau Rice will not become a series of travel patterns there. Kapau Rice anymore. Fear of producers in The product offered by Kapau changing recipes, processes and raw Village is Kapau Rice. Because kapau rice is materials in food will automatically a traditional food in Kapau which has maintain a taste that is well known to become a superior gastronomy and they tourists. Renewal to further develop food in make it a culinary attraction. With a wide order to become one of the leading culinary selection of dishes to be served. The food tourism destinations can be done in production process carried out there is quite promotion. long, because each processing requires a The support given by the government long time. Can be up to 1 day or even more and the community to the cooks by for cooking only. Plus all cooking tools and involving them in many celebrations will methods they use are still traditional. Every keep the cooks enthusiastic about cooking, day, the preparation of production is assisted so that efforts to make Kapau Village a by husband, children and employees of culinary tourism village will be realized. business actors, because the production Based on the results of the study it process is quite complicated and the number can be concluded that the pattern of tourist of products processed is quite large. One trips in the Kapau Village does need special dish can take 2 to 3 hours. Cooking attention, because there are still many things processes that take time and complicated that support to get to life in the Kapau processes become obstacles in food Village is still not optimal. The factor that production. Therefore, the addition of has not yet formed a real travel pattern experts by involving young people who are makes the Kapau rice restaurant business already trained can help simplify the process people there still not too serious about of producing food, so that food can be responding to tourists and still considers that obtained anytime by visiting tourists. The the business they are running is just an number of requests and production is still ordinary restaurant. But at this time, the not balanced and cannot be estimated so that local government is trying to turn Kapau they produce their food always more than Village into a gastronomic tourist attraction the portion sold. This is a good service in West Sumatra, in collaboration with strategy for tourists. With the amount of Padang State University. With the strategic production that is higher than consumer location owned by Kapau Village, which demand can be an effort to prevent the can be traversed to the crossing towards disappointment of tourists due to out of major tourism objects in Agam Regency, it stock of the desired food. is a great opportunity for Kapau Village. The distance between the production The businessman of Kapau Rice kitchen and the place of business for selling Restaurant there still cannot arrange the in Kapau Village is not far apart, but if the right time for visitors who want to have a businessman who sells outside Kapau gastronomic tour there, they only provide Village will travel a considerable distance. time in accordance with the opening hours For example, in Los Lambuang Bukit of the restaurant, and because there are no Tinggi, Los Lambuang is a culinary


Putri Andan Sari The Journal Gastronomy Tourism Volume 5 Nomor 2 attraction specifically for Kapau Rice. All vehicles, rickshaws, and bicycles can safely business people who sell in Los Lambuang pass the road in Kapau Village. Extensive are native Kapau, because basically it has parking access is also provided by the become a tradition that those who are government so that it will be easier for allowed to sell Kapau Rice are only Kapau tourists to go to Kapau Village and to store bloodlines. Even though the place of selling their vehicles without the need for is far outside the area, but the production difficulties. The strategic location is also the kitchen is still in Kapau Village. The advantage of Kapau Village, because Kapau distance between Kapau Rice sellers in Village is the main crossing of two large Kapau Village is still irregular, some are tourism objects in the Regency of Agam. close together and some are far apart, only Thus, the Kapau Village has the opportunity one or two sellers are far away. There are no to become a culinary tourist attraction official rules for the distance of food because it is in the middle of these two big production sites and places to sell, and still attractions. Tourists can easily come to see the current conditions. But if the Kapau Village to have a culinary tour and gastronomic tourism development has taste its culinary delights. The beautiful begun, maybe the government will process views of Bukit Barisan and Mount Merapi the regulation. Arrangements that do not make the rural atmosphere in Kapau Village make the restaurant centralized are very beautiful and can make tourists more considered good enough so that tourists can interested in coming to Kapau Village. But explore the Kapau Village extensively and there are still various accesses that have not can explore other tourism potentials been noticed by the government, such as contained in the Kapau Village. access to complete information to make it The facilities provided for tourists in easier for tourists to get information about the Kapau Village are still incomplete and living there, which is still a special design inadequate. Only public facilities are that will be implemented by the local provided there, such as prayer rooms, public government in 2020. toilets, and places to eat and drink only. The main activities undertaken by Supposedly, culinary attractions must have tourists in culinary attractions are definitely adequate facilities for tourists. The main eating, but in the village of Kapau the new facilities such as lodging places, places of tourists can only do food and drink activities, worship, public toilets, restaurants, waiting without other activities provided by rooms, minimarkets , etc., as well as businesses or by the government. That is supporting facilities such as souvenir shops because the travel pattern pattern is still not or souvenir shops for tourists who want to yet capable and will only be built by the buy souvenirs, are very important factors to local government. Seeing other activities support the completeness from tourist carried out by tourists in other culinary attractions. The incomplete facilities are tourism areas, it should be a reference for caused by the design of culinary tourist the government and business actors to create attractions in Kapau Village which have not culinary tourism places that are supported yet been completed, so the design must be by offering better tourism activities and properly considered and made as much as supported by providing supporting facilities, possible, so that consumers feel comfortable for example making special cooking and do not arise negative reviews or training tours. and make great places for comments from tourists. tourists to take photos. Kapau Village has access roads from Kapau village, which is already outside the area to get to the good Kapau famous for its delicious specialties that can Village, so that transportation of make the focus of tourists only focused on two-wheeled vehicles, four-wheeled culinary tourism. However, the aspirations


Putri Andan Sari The Journal Gastronomy Tourism Volume 5 Nomor 2 of tourists who say they want to learn different from rice in general because it is cooking and want to do shopping in the cooked on a stove with embers. Kapau Village must also be considered. The side dishes are also varied, the most Providing new experiences and knowledge popular ones are Jackfruit Vegetable, to the tourists who come will make tourists Rendang Kapau, Batokok Jerky and Gulai. feel the trip or visit is not in vain. Not only All of these dishes are cooked using that, tourists can also take part in a series of traditional herbs and are processed several traditional events in Kapau Village according to recipes and cooking procedures so that tourists can at the same time learn the passed down from generation to generation. culture there. That makes the Kapau Rice special with its Kapau rice becomes a superior strength. This superior gastronomy in product because Kapau Rice is indeed a Kapau Village has a unique taste that has not superior gastronomy that is famous for its changed from time to time. Traditional distinctive and special taste. Kapau Rice has recipes and methods handed down by also been known to go beyond the ancestors are still maintained today, which geographical boundaries of West Sumatra makes this food even more popular even although not everyone knows about the true among people outside the Kapau area. Kapau Rice. But there are many uniqueness The desire and demand of the people - the uniqueness of the authenticity of the for Kapau Rice is increasingly increasing. In real Kapau Rice and can attract tourists to fact, Kapau Village is now visited by many come and learn more about Kapau Rice. visitors from outside the area who Kapau rice which is now the identity deliberately come to taste the Kapau Rice of the Kapau people and also is a cultural dish made by native residents. By heritage that is still held firmly makes the benchmarking the seller's price which is local community always make efforts aimed quite low and in accordance with the at preserving the existence of kapau rice. products offered, the purchasing power of The simplest effort is to teach the next the visitor community can be said to be high. generation to be able to cook a variety of Therefore, the cooks are now brave enough Kapau dishes. In addition, the government is to introduce Kapau Rice as a superior currently working hard to patent kapau rice gastronomy that can be used as a tourist as the cultural heritage of Kapau Village. attraction and can be sold. However, Kapau residents who open a typical culinary 5. Conclusions business in the village of Kapau are still few, Based on the results of research until now there have been only seven obtained by the author and has been recorded businesses. Other cooks prefer to presented in the previous chapter on sell Kapau Rice in crowded tourist places Gastronomic Tourism Attractions in the such as Bukittinggi and Los Lambuang to Kapau Village, Agam Regency, West get more buyers. Sumatra, it can be concluded that the So far, the cooks, traditional leading gastronomy in the Kapau Village is stakeholders and the government have made Napa Kapau. Kapau rice was chosen to be contributions to preserve Kapau Rice. the leading gastronomy because this menu is Among them, the cooks always teach and most widely known and sought after by train cooking to their offspring. The adat tourists. In addition, Kapau Rice is also a leader always presents Kapau Village unique menu because it includes many other special foods in traditional ceremonies, foods. Kapau Rice is a typical food of events and parties. While the government is Kapau Village which contains rice, side currently trying to patent the Kapau Rice as dishes, vegetables and Sambal served in one a special food Kapau Village is also plate. The taste and aroma of rice is very planning to make Kapau Village one of


Putri Andan Sari The Journal Gastronomy Tourism Volume 5 Nomor 2

West Sumatra's culinary tourism contributions to preserve Kapau Rice. destinations and serve as a gastronomic Among them, the cooks always teach and tourist attraction because Kapau Village train cooking to their offspring. The adat also has a special path that is crossed by leader always presents Kapau Village several places famous tour in West Sumatra. special foods in traditional ceremonies, Because of this favorable geographical events and parties. While the government is condition, Kapau Rice sellers in Kapau currently trying to patent the Kapau Rice as Village provide a long time span for tourists a special food Kapau Village is also who want to visit. These sellers open their planning to make Kapau Village one of shops from morning to night, this makes the West Sumatra's culinary tourism tourists who come for culinary tours will not destinations and serve as a gastronomic feel pressed for time. In addition, these tourist attraction because Kapau Village sellers are very open to tourists who want to also has a special path that is crossed by learn to cook, this is used as one of the several places famous tour in West Sumatra additional activities that tourists can do besides visiting gastronomic tours. In 6. References addition, the completeness of facilities for Agustino, Yudi Prama. 2019. Culinary the main activities of tourists who are Kapau Rice from West Sumatra already well available can add a positive Become a Tourist Attraction. impression to the tourists who come. (Accessed 20 April Based on the research results 2019) obtained by the author and has been Cresswell, JW. 2013. Research Design: presented in the previous chapter on Qualitative, Quantitative, and Danish Gastronomic Tourism Attractions in the Approaches Kapau Village, Agam Regency, West Mixed. 3rd Edition of Yogyakarta. Sumatra, it can be concluded that the Edward, Inskeep. 1991. Tourism Planning leading gastronomy in the Kapau Village is An Integrated and Sustainable the Rice Kapau. Kapau rice was chosen to Development Approach. New York. be the leading gastronomy because this Gurdjito, Murdijati. 2010. The King's menu is most widely known and sought after Favorite Menu : Jokjakarta Culinary by tourists. In addition, Kapau Rice is also a Wealth Portrait. Kansius. 2010 unique menu because it includes many other Judge, Lukman Nul. 2013. Qualitative foods. Methodology Review : Interview with The desire and demand of the people Elite Review of Qualitative Method: for Kapau Rice is increasingly increasing. In Interview of the Elite : 165–72. fact, Kapau Village is now visited by many Imelda, Josephine. 2015. National visitors from outside the area who Gastronomic Dialogue Report. deliberately come to taste the Kapau Rice Gastronomic Archipelago . dish made by native residents. By Kemenpar. 2009. RI Law. benchmarking the seller's price which is . (Accessed quite low and in accordance with the January 15, 2019) . products offered, the purchasing power of Kemenpar 2017. Manuscript of Culinary the visitor community can be said to be high. Potential . Final Report of Potential Therefore, the cooks are now brave enough Culinary Manuscript Work. to introduce Kapau Rice as a superior Meleong. 2007. Qualitative Research gastronomy that can be used as a tourist Methods. attraction and can be sold. Matthew, Milles., Huberman, Michael. So far, the cooks, traditional 1992. Qualitative Data Analysis. stakeholders and the government have made Mill, RC 1990. Tourism: The International


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