A2 March 16,1979 Island Reporter Conamittee to measure housing needs By Susie Holly transients, but for people who live and work here," Johnson IN BRIEF said../' ••'..••• • / v :•••.'•• Though few would deny a need exists for moderate cost . "I am" absolutely convinced there are responsible, Bailey's raid set housing on Sanibel, the level of that need has not been intelligent and very creative people on the island who are determined. That determination will be the first task of the not paid enough to live on this resort island,'' Councilman Next Monday some lucky ticket holder city's recently-appointed committee on moderate cost Butler said. . <••' '.' will win the chance to spend five minutes housing. * Councilman Bailey pointed out, "We have got to get alone in Bailey's Store throwing anything In its first meeting last Friday, the committee of Zee across to people we are not creating a haven for hippies or a and everything into a grocery cart, and it's Butler, Francis Bailey, Warren Hyde, Louise Johnson, slum. I have heard nothing but opposition in the past three all for free. The Sanibel-Captiva Lions Carlton Simmons, Dick Workman and Ray Fenton agreed to weeks. They say put it in the Iona area, not here." Club is sponsoring the "Cram a Cart" appoint a task force which will administer a questionnaire to The committee agreed an education task-.force may be find out who needs what in terms of affordable housing. necessary, but did not yet appoint one. •' . : contest, and club-members are selling "What we want is almost a count of who needs the housing," The committee asked Hyde to investigate- the type of tickets for a dollar each or six for five Simmons Pointed out-. organization — foundation or authority •- which will oversee dollars. The winner will be chosen on Johson will head the task force. a housing project; Simmons was assigned the task of finding Monday, and on Wednesday evening at Committee members also decided that an educational and receiving information from other communities in the about 8:30 p.m. he or she will embark on program is needed to overcome the resistance of many area-which have initiated moderat cost housing projects. the five minute free shopping spree. All island residents who fear moderate cost housing will lower property values on the island. "We need to get rid of Councilman Butler was chosen chairman and Hyde was proceeds from the ticket sales go to Lions preconceived notions and fears," Councilman Butler said. made vjce-chairman of the committee. Members agreed to sight conservation projects. "People feel threatened by having a little house or a big meet once a week. They were scheduled to meet today at project next to them. We must convince them this is not for Taylor on housing panel 8:30 a.m. Bob Taylor, President of Mariner Pro- perties, has been selected by Senator Lawton Chiles to serve on a statewide Sheriffs deputy crashes on committee to recommend ways of re- A Lee County Sheriffs Deputy who was ducing the cost of housing. The committee riding a police motorcycle escaped serious will make recommendations to Senator injury Tuesday morning when his motor- Chiles on changes in programs and cycle crashed into the side of a car in front of - regulations at both federal and state the Harbor House Restaurant on Sanibel. levels, which can reduce the cost of Deputy Allen Wilcher was.enroute to a developing land and housing. plane crash on Sanibel when the accident occured. Heavy traffic on Periwinkle forced Wilcher to drive down the center of the road Murder warrant issued heading west, according to Sanibel Police. Sanibel Police last week issued an A car also heading west- stopped to let warrant for Allen Jeffrey Rhodes, 24 of Arland Simpson of Sanibel. out of the restaurant- parking lot. Simpson pulled into 1741 Cypress Drive, Pine Manor, in Fort the street just as Wilcher drove by, and the Myers. Rhodes is charged with the first motorcycle rammed the car." degree murder of his wife, Shirley Pond Rhodes 19, whose badly decomposed body An eyewitness said she saw Wilcher fly washed up on a Sanibel beach last over the motorcycle and land in the road. A Monday. Mrs. Rhodes had been beaten to doctor who,was in his car nearby examined death. A news report about the discovery Wilcher while police summoned a helicopter Couple skirt Sheriffs torcycle involved ambulance. . . of the body and. a description of a ring ,fri accident on Peril Way Tuesday Wilcher was taken to Fort Myers Com- found on the body led to identification of - morning. The deputy enrputetoa plane h Club airstrip. munity Hospital where he was treated for * the body and the subsequent warrant for crash at the Island Bi bruises and released. No charges were Rhodes. Police said Rhodes was last seen placed against Simpson. in the area shortly after the body was discovered but he apparently fled soon after. Nuckolls asks for views REAR OF BAILEY' STORE State Representative Paul Nuckolls, island SANIBEL ISLAND District 91, is asking voters to complete a ISLAND Editorial Officos (813) 472.1388 Business Offices (813) 472-1587 472-1701 14 item questionnaire concerning issues 472-2192 that will come before the state Legislature CINEMA this year. Copies of the questionnaire are available at offices of First Federal Banks Editor? Don Whiteheod Managing Edlton Mark Twombly including the Sanibel office in the Island Business Manager: Fred Valtin Advertising Ma.nagen Fred Williams Shopping Center. The last day for com- Director of Design-Production: Mark Williams pleting the poll is Monday, March 26. 1977 Published every Friday at 2075 Periwin- kle Way. Sanibel Island. Florida .33957. Second class postage paid at Sanibel Island weather Island. Florida. Publication No. USPS This report is based on records kept at the 813-580. Subscriptions: On Sanibel and Captiva Islands. $7.50 per year; Conti- Sanibel-Captiva Chamber of Commerce on nental United States. $10.00 per year; Causeway Road. High Low Rain Foreign and Canoda, $12.50 per year. Thursday, March 8 76 56 00 Friday, March 9 78 62 00 Saturday, March 10 79 60 00 Sunday, March 11 No reading Monday, March 12 78 56 Trace Tuesday, March 13 80 53 00 Wednesday, March 14 81 62 00 OF THREE TRIP* Sanibel River ' This week Wildlife Refuge • Buck Key Binoculars provided Agenda ...... 6-A call 472-5218 for Business & real estate ...... 26-A Reservations-Information Church calendar... 32-B Classifieds...... \ ., «.;..... 1-C Crossword puzzle — ...... 10-C Editorial...... 36\A Letters .37-A Library ...... 18-B Sports & outdoors .. • • •'•.. 5-B Things to do ....33-B Friday - Thursddy AAdrch 16 - 22 Tide chart ....;...... 4-B 7:15 & 9:00

Weather .....'."..-. v... <.. 2-A :••••• SPECIAL FEATURE Wave' Time capsule .1-B Starts Friday, March 23 China watching ...., 14-B SU MOVM ftYMOPUS IN "THMOS TO BO" JU March IS, 1979 Island Reporter § Island Reporter March 16,1979 A5 Plan problems identified

• I-- of the Fire Code, an ordinance be adopted town meeting # from .3-A ;'... -, ''/,•• ,• - •.'"'...-;"" • •"• : . requiring review of development permit, suggested that the city keep an up-to-date ^applications by the Fire District, and the By Bradley Fray are buying interval ownership— they've Taylor's firm has been operating interval record of institutions and dubs listed in the equipment capabilities of the fire depart- gotten a real snow job from developers. I ownership at South Seas Plantation resort plan. The city manager has indicated he will ment be determined and related to existing - Lively'* pro and con presentations on don't care' about their economic or educa- on Captiva for about three years. Mariner appoint a staff member to do so. Sanibel development, '.j';. •; . .• interval ownership by Sanibel councilman tional levels. My concern is that the city is recently has instituted the concept at Casa • Setbacks -- The city attorney has • Outside lighting -- The committee Zee Butler and interval developer Robert not getting its fair share of the money.**- Ybel Beach and Sport Resort on Sanibel. prepared amendments clarifying that set- recommended that the plan be amended to Taylor highlighted a trio of topics covered Citing statistical data from, county tax Reacting to rumor that interval owners backs are to be measured from the center say that outside lighting be shielded so as during Wednesday night's town meeting, rolls and local interval firm Captran, Inc., "are not the kind of people we want on line of the right-of-way. In addition, not to fall on any other property or create a sponsored by Committee of the Islands. Butler said the units on Sanibel currently Sanibel," Taylor advised the audience that Planning Director Bruce Rogers suggested traffic hazard. v : " ' >'" V". ; Butler, who has voiced concern abput the are being assessed at 25 percent of their .. some interval owners might be among . that the committee investigate revising • House moving - The plan does not deal concept that allows the purchase of blocks of market-value. Tha^compares unfavorably,. them. "There may be one next to you. It's •§&. setback requirements imposing a sliding with this subject. The committee recom- time in specific condominium units, told the she said, with the 60-75 percent usually hard to tell - they look like the rest of us." scale tied to building height. Higher mended a review to determine what, if any,, group of about 200 that her main objection assessed on other types of island dwellings. Taylor then outlined what he termed as buildings would require bigger setbacks restrictions the city should place\m moving is in wnat she sees as unfair tax assess- Of Sanibel Beach Club, a Captran interval "positive features" associated with interval under such a scale. -. • :- houses. : ''••':•.• \ .*•'.'•::•-" ••:'5;.v'•. ••'>••':'• '•' ments on the units. complex, Butler said the average price per ownership, and brought along 100 copies of , •" Moderate cost housing -.• "The planning "My concern is not with the people who unit is listed at $3,317, or a total sales price his outline to share with the audience: 0' • Parking -- The committee believes commission should lie involved in the of $5.24 million for the 31 units. The county "Since /adoption of the land use plan, no •f: parking requirements for restaurants and decision-making process" concerning this property appraiser's office appraised the motels have been built on Sanibel because it convenience grocery stores may not be subject, according to the committee report. complex at about $1.33 million. "That's a is not economically viable," he said. "Inter- # sufficient and is continuing a review of this discrepency of. some $4 million,** she said. val is a substitute for building more ' section. v' • '• ;•'•'* " • -. • ; ^-:'-''\h: V link " - This suggestion by some. island "I talk to the property appraiser... when motels." • Lawfully existing use -- The committee residents was reviewed by the committee he's awake . . .but unfortunately Mr. "Instead of visitors with no interest, we recommended this section be clarified to and found to be of little: benefit. The (Harry) Schooley refuses to recognize this now have owners with, a vested interest in say that a 50 per cent extension of a lawfully committee, did suggest, however, that the as a warranty deed," Butler said. the island." existing use refers to expansion of the link could be used as an emergency access Alarmed at the prospects that interval "That the units are occupied a greater structure itself and must be attached to the route. The commission referred the matter ownership will proliferate on the bland, portion of the year than other second homes existing building. to the Causeway Property Use Committee Butler has introduced legislation to council is a positive factor for businesses open year- • Commercial yard requirements - The currently examining uses of property along that would place severe restrictions on the round." plan does not now address setbacks from Causeway Road being purchased by the concept. Council has not yet taken action on "It affords many the opportunity to own 1 : ; :; open bodies of water in commercial districts city. ; ' ::•.;•'<; '. -'^'\ \;\..':'•: .•/'". - the proposal. property on Sanibel who otherwise couldn't Robert Taylor: pro-interval This exceptional home will be available April 30 for someone as it does for residential ..areas. The • Contiguous lots— The committee said She also expressed concern about the afford the high priced real estate." who demands the finest in design and craftsmanship. It is situated . committee believes this setback require- work on'this problem was long overdue and future of such projects, when the warranty Reacting to concern's that interval units on two lots in peaceful Bokeelia on Pine Island, just0 minutes ment should be added to the section. requested a workshop on the subjects deed period is over. Such deeds usually occupied all the time contribute to crowding "then it should be fixed. But somehow I'm from Charlotte Harbor. •••• Codification of the pbui -- This carry a partition clause at the end of 40 and traffic congestion, Taylor said, "That's being made to feel guilty because Harry • Short form permits — The committee recommendation, which originated from the years, or the useful life of the building. At true during the summer, when other types Schooley isn't doing his job." recommended that "removal of vegetation" Civic Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Captran's complex the deeds expire in the of homes.are vacant, but the island isn't The audience also heard presentations on The house features massive exposed beams, a unique and be added to the list of types of development Commerce, was favored by the-ad hoc year 2018, she said, at which time the crowded then," he said. "In the winter, the the history of the rate of growth law on dramatic kitchen, and a split roofline which brings additional light requiring a short form development permit. •committee.' The commission voted to ask owners must decide what its future should units are full anyway. Interval owners don't Sanibel, what it means to the island's future and ventilation to every room. • Typographical errors -- These errors council to release funds fo pay for the codi- be. "At Sanibel Beach Club there are 733 make a unit any more full than any other and how the system will operate, from a may.be corrected by administrative direct- fication. V ; -- :v owners. How are they going to agree in 40 type of owner . .. full is full." panel including COTI member Jack Hutch- Mexican terra-cotta floor tiles and French doors add old-world ive with commission and council approval . • Bike paths -- The committee recom- years?" Butler asked. . -Countering the notion that the island ings, Mayor Duane White and Planning charm to this one-of-a-kind home. Call designer - builder William and do not require a specific amendment, mended a'review of the proposed bike path When his turn at the podium arrived, doesn't want "that type of owners," Taylor Commission chairman Ann Winterbotham. M. Spikowski at 283-2953 for details or appointment. By mail - according to the committee report. system island-wide. "Consideration should Mariner Properties, Inc. President Robert- reiterated that they are like all who have During the final presentation. Island P.O. Box 135, Bokeelia, Florida 33922 • Fire safety regulations -- The commit- be given to requiring bike paths and/Or Taylor smiled at the audience and an- visited the island and decided . to buy Water Association General Manager Ralph tee recommended that the fire sections of pedestrian paths to be provided by develop- nounced, "You'll be disappointed if you property. "There's nothing un-American or Zeiss explained the current expansion of the plan be updated in cooperation with the ers of new subdivisions where reasonable," expected me to have a shoot-out with Zee, wrong about buying a piece of something." IWA's system and promised that with good Fire District, the city adopt the 1976 edition the ad hoc committee report stated. but I must admit it's hard not to react, to Taylor agreed with Butler that if the tax city planning, "well be ready for your needs Zee Butler: anti-interval words like 'greed' and 'snow job'." V .'.4 assessments were being dealt with unfairly tomorrow."

N0T£: This proposal affects all land PINE ISLAND SOUND •'. within the City of Sanibel. I The Island Club at Sundial SAN GARLGS./BAY ASK FOR QUALITY Presents, COLOR A Fashion Show PROCESSING on the Gulf of BY KODAK Come, relax and enjoy lunch in the casual elegance of the Bahama Room and the excitement of today's fashions.

Evening Wear & Casual Wear by Jeanette Daniel's COCO . A3 Bring us your KODAK Slide, Movie, Tropical Fashions EXiSTING SUBDIVISION: and Print Film for prompt, quality NOTICE OF REGULATION OF LAND USE processing by Kodak. • \. ' Thursday The City of Sanibel proposes to regulate the use of land within the area shown in the map in this We also offer KODAK Color Reprint, March 22 advertisement. The proposal as submitted will amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (Ordinance Prints-frqm-Slides, Cppyprint, and Noon to 2:00 P.M. No. 76-21) Sections 3.1.5, 3.1.23, 3.4.3; Parts 3.1 and 3.3, so as to provide for Time-Sharing Units and Enlargement services. units of high impact: Providing a recreationalopen: requirementfordevelopments continuing \ •f OtH* COLOR developments containing units of high impact; Providing requirements for the conversion of existing PROCESSING The Island Club dwelling units to Time-Share Units. . , - ; .Kodak at Sundial A public hearing on the proposal will be held on Tuesday, March 20, 1979 at 5:01 P.AAv» at MdcKenzie Hall, 2245 Palm Ridge Road, Sanibel, Florida. All interested persons are(invited toiqtlencT h . 1571 Periwinkle Way at intersection 472-4151 for reservations Mildred 1: Howz£ Deputy City Cleric with Dixie Beach Boulevard. , Phone 472 1086 1246 Middle Gulf Drive Sanibel Island A6 March 16,1979 Island Reporter far the record located on Lighthouse Road, east of Ferry Road, is divided so that only the area closest to the gulf is Captran needs amendment permitted for resort use. Dvorin explained that Captran would like to use the entire parcel to space The planning commission this week directed Jim out the quadraplexes planned fox the resort "instead Dvorin, agent for Captran, Inc., to seek a specific of building a monolithic building right up by the amendent if his company decides to develop an beach." The resort is to be called Shell Island Beach

18-unit resort as it now proposes. The resort site, Clubll. - •..-••. •••'•••••" •;• •- •••-• ••• '•.-• . ••-•:.- - •.••••'

ENUES WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND AND OTHER VARIOUS SPECIAL Moke reservations her* for BIRO TOURS conducted by FUNDS; TRANSFERRING FUNDS WITHIN VARIOUS EXPENDITURE Griffing Bancroft. Knowledgeable Ornithologist and Author ACCOUNTS: ELIMINATING OVERAGES IN ACCOUNTS; ALL FOR THE of Snowy, the Story, of an Egret. The White Cardinal and S*01 pM. Public Hearing and First Reading of an ORDINANCE Vanishing Wings, AGENDAS GENERALLY AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN CITY Of SANIBEL . SECTIONS 3.1.5, 3.1.23, 3.4.3; PARTS 3.1 AND 3.3. SO AS TO COUNCIL MEETING PROVIDE FOR TIME-SHARING UNITS AND UNITS OF HIGH IMPACT; MAC KENZIK HALL \ PROVIDING A RECREATIONAL OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENT FOR Bestsellers 2245 Palm «dg« Road DEVELOPMENTS CONTAINING UNITS OF HIGH IMPACT; PROVID- New York Times Book Review March 20.1979 ING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONVERSION OF EXISTING DWEL- ING UNITS TO TIME-SHARE UNITS. a.m. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance (White) Adjournment. - • on order ^ in stock Planning Commission Report FISCAL YEAR 1978-79; PROVIDING FOR SEVERANCE: PROVIDING City Attorney's Report FOR CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE.. City Manager's Report / ' ' 12t00 Noon Recess for Lunch . Mayor and Councilman Reports - 1)30 pjn. Public Hearing and First Reading of an ORDINANCE 1(k3O MI. Public Hearing and Second Reading of an ORDINANCE SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN; 1 , by James A. Michener. (Ran- APPROPRIATING FUNDS FROM 1978 AD VALOREM TAX RECEIPTS SECTION 3.9.2 (2) DEVELOPMENT IN THE INTERIOR WETLAND ZONE. dom House. $12.95.) Four centuries of Maryland's Eastern Shore. TO PAY MAY 1978 SERIES TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES AND TO PERMIT TWENTY PERCENT OF THE GROSS AREA OF THE PARCEL INTEREST ACCUMULATED THEREON; APPOINTING FIRST NATIONAL PROPOSED FOR DEVELOPMENT (LOT 71, GULF PINES SUBDIVISION. 9 WAR AND REMEMBRANCE, by Herman Wouk. (Uttle. Brown. $15.) The Henry family of "The BANK IN FORT MYERS AS FISCAL AGENT FOR THE CITY OF SANIBEL PHASE I, GREEN WAY. SANIBEL, LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA) TO BE Winds of War*'during World War II. TO ACCEPT SURRENDER OF SAID NOTES BY THE BEARER THEREOF COVERED WITH IMPERMEABLE SURFACES. AS SUBMITTED BY 3 OVERLOAD, by Arthur Hailey. (Doubleday. AND MAKE PAYMENT THEREFOR; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE TO ABBOTT AND ELIZABETH BYFIELD; PROVIDING FOR SEVERANCE; . $10.95.) A pubUc utility encounters a crisis. BEARERS; AND PROVIDING Atf EFFECTIVE DATE. PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 4 THE STORIES OF JOHN CHEEVER, by John 10:35 cum. Public Hearing and Second Reading of an ORDINANCE Consider approving a RESOLUTION URGING THE FLORIDA BOARD Cheever. (Knopf, $15.) Visions of lost moral order PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF WARRANTS AGAINST AND IN OF REGENTS TO APPROVE THE TOTAL FUNDS NEEDED TO amid contemporary domestic disarray. ANTICIPATION OF THE TAXES TO BE LEVIED BY THE CITY FOR THE COMMENCE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CAMPUS OF THE UNIVER- C DRESS GRAY, by Ludan K. Truscott IV. (Dou- YEAR 1979. FOR GENERAL CORPORATE PURPOSES, TO AN SITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA IN LEE COUNTY. bleday. $10.95.) Scandal and cover-up at West Point.. AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $150,000; PROVIDING FOR THE FORM, Consider John Goode Request" for Refund of Building Permit DENOMINATION AND NUMBERS OF SUCH WARRANTS; PROVIDING Renewal Fee to Kenleen Corporation (Sand.Piper Cove). A HANTA YO, by Ruth Beebe Hill. (Doubleday, A RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL TO PURCHASE TO BEARERS OF MAY, Consider appeal by Gregory Brooks of Administrative Decision $14.95.) Multigenerational saga of American In- dian culture. 1978. SERIES TAX ANTICIPATION WARRANTS; AUTHORIZING THE Relating to Occupational License for Boat Rentals. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN FORT MYERS TO SERVE AS REGISTRAR 7 EVERGREEN, by Belva Plain. (Delacorte, $10.) Public Inquiries and Comments. Jewish immigrant woman's rise from Lower ON BEHALF OF THE CITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SAID WARRANTS; Recess .,''... East Side poverty. PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CITY OF SANIBEL Discussion of Proposed ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. PLANNING COMMISSION v8 SECOND GENERATION, by Howard Fast. (Houghton Mifflin, $9.95.) The children of "The 77-29 (Graphics) SECTION 7 (6): CLARIFYING THE PROCEDURE FOR MACKENZIE HALL : : . 2245 Palm Rids* Road Immigrants" on the eve of World War II. OBTAINING A VARIANCE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERANCE; PROVID- - March 19.1979 Q THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT, by Lawrence ING FOR CONFLICT: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Sanders. (Putnam's, $10.95.) Suspicious prac- • • • :' . Workshop •• ' - " tices of a doctor-researcher. 11*00 am. Public Hearing and Second Reading of an ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 78-34; FIXING A SUPPLEMENTAL 9tO0 a Mi. to 1 itOO a^m. Discussion on implementing Rate of 11V THE COUP, by John Updike. (Knopf. $8.95.) A comedy of incongruities set in modern Africa. BUDGET APPROPRIATION; REAPPROPRIATING ESTIMATED REV- Growth Ordinance. . r 11 THE FAR PAVILIONS, by M.M.Kaye. (St. Mar- tin's. $12.95.) Love and war in the high Hima- layas. , .-- - 12 FOOLS DIE, by Mario Puzo. (Putnam's. $12,500 Hollywood tycoons and literary celebrities gam- ble with fate. 13 PROTEUS, by Morris West. (Morrow. $9.95.) One A wonderful book man holds the world at bay. 14 ILLUSIONS, by Richard Bach. (Delacorte/ *^ Eleanor Friede. $6.95.) Messiah barnstorms Mid- for anyone who dle America. nature ... a must for those ,/• 1 LAUREN BACALL BY MYSELF, by Lauren Ba- v call. (Knopf. $10.95.) Memories of life with and without Bogart. who love Sanibel. 9 ™E COMPLETE SCARSDALE MEDICAL i* DIET, by Herman Tarnower, M.D. and Samm Sinclair Baker. (Rawson, Wade. $7.95.) A plan to lose up to 20 pounds in 14 days. S> 3 MOMMIE DEAREST, by Christina Crawford. (Morrow, $9.85.) Life with Joan Crawford. . 4 A DISTANT MIRROR, by Barbara W.Tuchman. r (Knopf. $15.95.) The calamitous 14th century. . 5 AMERICAN CAESAR, by William Manchester. ** (Little. Brown. $15.) The life of Douglas MacAr- thur. ^ ft LINDA GOODMAN'S LOVE SIGNS, by Linda ^ Goodman. (Harper & Row, $15.) Astrological' guide. v 7 IN SEARCH OF HISTORY, by Theodore H. r White.\(Harper & Row. $12.95.) A journalist's THE NATURE OF THINGS ON SANIBEL memoirs. tS 8 NURSE, by Peggy Anderson. (St. Martin's Press, By George Campbell. Sanibel's outstanding naturalist with over 40 illustra- - $10.95.) The personal and professional life of a nurse in a metropolitan hospital. tions by artist Mofly Eckler Brown. -> Q THE COMPLETE BOOK OF RUNNING, by James F. Fixx. (Random House, $10.) For fun "THE NATURE OF THINGS ON SANIBEL is a handy inventory of this and health. wildlife and there are useful checklists of our reptiles and mammals. And the • 1O IF UFE IS A BOWL OF CHERRIES — WHAT AM I DOING IN THE PITS? by Erma Bombeck. whole is enhanced by captivating drawings by the local wildlife artist Molly (McGraw-Hill. $7.95.) More domestic drolleries. Eckler B." • 11 GNOMES, text by WU Huygen. illustrated by Rien Poortvliet. (Harry N. Abrams. $17.50.) All -Griffing Bancroft in the Island Reporter about the little people. V* 12 HOW TO PROSPER DURING THE COMING BAD YEARS, by Howard J. Ruff. (Times Books. PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW! $8.95.) Personal investment guide. S 13 WANDERINGS, by Chaim Potok. (Knopf. $17.95.) Four thousand years of Jewish history. soft SQ95 hard 95 • 14 TUTANKHAMUN: The Untold Story, by Thomas cover-... Z7 cover... $19 Hoving. (Simon & Schuster, $12.95.) Howard Car- ter's relations with the Metropolitan Museum. add $1 for mailing and handling Complete Selection of Paperbacks Florida residents add 4% sales tax Monday - Saturday 9 am to 5:30 pm Macintosh Book Shop Sanibel Island, Florida 1021 Periwinkle Way 472-1447 Sanibel Florida 33957 Fflfeh^Ni^L / AS March 16, 1979 Island Reporter Vegetalioncpmmittee seeks donations for

Members of the City of Sanibel's Vegeta- Donations will help pay for trees and shrubs tion Committee, are seeking donations to and weatherproof labels to identify the enable the committee to complete a native vegetation. Klein said the fund drive goal is vegetation memorial park at the inter- $1200. :.: , - section of Periwinkle Way and Pahh Ridge Klein said he hopes the park will be Road." •• • - • -;; . ,'. ..•..--- • ••""•• •• •' • 1; finished this summer. The vegetation will The park was established in the memory not block motorists' vision at the inter- of Richard Beebe, a conservationist and section he added. ' former president of the Sanibel-Captiva Audubon Society who died in 1977. Some trees and shrubs have already been planned by Boy Scouts and city crews, but more is needed to make the triangular tract appear like a slice of undisturbed Sanibel, The triangular.tract\where Palm to committee .member Mike Ridge meeU Perhomkle Way hat p crews have neither the time nor been designated as a park in the^SquTpment to complete the project, said memory of island naturalist Richard Klein. Beebe. A special Richard Beebe Memorial Grove Fund has been established at the Bank of the Islands to receive donations, said Klein.

NtltMEG VILLAGE 2IB07 West Gulf Drive Select Island Properties Sanibel, Florida 33957 Guest Artist to appear March 16th & 17th Ruth Searing to Exhibit Her Water Color, Oil, and Pastels Paintings on March 16th & 17th. Friday 16th TENNIS VILLAS 1:00 - 5:00 and Sat. 17th. 10:00 - 5:00. Ruth will also be painting on Sabal Palm Boots. Watch Championship Tennis From Your Own Balcony Adjacent to the "Tennis Center", this one bedroom - one bath •••••'•' -'• •'• ''•-• ' ; . .:.'.%££.... villa is located within the famous South Seas Plantation Resort. ' Decorator fur- Open: 10AM: to 5 iP.M., AAbn. - Sat. nished and equipped, this vacation retreat offers an assumable four year PH6IME: 813^72-2176 resort lease with generous personal use benefits. Ownership offers full resort membership and use of extensive resort facilities. A wise investment for those who vacation annually on the islands, at $79,500. - Co&ny On the quiet end of Sanibel Motel Rooms — one bedroom luxury suites - one, two and three bedroom cottages. ,: ; v >• £ SHELL HARBOR HOME 67 umts on 25 unspoiled acres directly on the Gulf. Irreplaceable at any cost. Located in Sanibel's most prestigious residential areot this custom built canal front home cannot be duplicated. Built just prior to WRITE, P.O. DRAWER A, the entactment of the Land Use Plan , this spacious residence features four ""• SANIBEL ISLAND bedrooms and three baths clustered around a very private pool lanai. Custom ~ FLORIDA 33957 designed, built, and decorated, this home offers every amenity and conven- OR CALL ience. By appointment only. One of a kind at $275,000. (813)472-5151

MARINER POINTE Boating and Fishing In your back yard THE With deep water dockage in the back yard, this quiet community overlooks DOLPHIN San Carlos Bay and the Sanibel Cause- way. 2500 feet of waterfronf encircles this private peninsula, including bay- Exclusive reproduction by the Metropolitan front boardwalk, private fishing pier, Museum of Art of American pressed glass, . two pools and two tennis courts. Offer- ; mid 19th century The socket is hand- - ing a spectacular bay view, our deluxe somely ornamented with bas-reliefs of small -two bedroom - two bath, second floor dolphins'and scallop shells. This classic corner apartment features custom piece is reproduced in'exact detail. earthtone decor and is completely Available in green or clear. 30.00 equipped. Just two mintues by boat from Bay or Gulf at $90,000. urn

"The Island's Leading Realtor" mam

v:"x-:':'i-:y"""•'•"•*I*X WCATOV AND INVESTMENT PROPERTIES, INC f mm REALTOR . . • . • Si P.O. Box 168, Sanibel, Flo. 33957 i Sanlbell S09 Periwinkle . Captive SouthSeas Plantation (813)472-5187(813)472-2523 BARBARA B LATHAN Cypress Square, 6535 McGregor Blvd., Ft. Myers, 481 -1469 •:•: FINE HOME ACCESSORIES $ A10 March 16,1979 Island Reporter building addition upsets neighbors

By Susie Holly to 50 percent of its existing floor area. The the city council and planning commission seems to have been that the expansion problem, according to Planning Director have said they believe the correct interpret- should be attached. Henceforth, we shall A new building at Sanibel Marina has Bruce Rogers, is that the .plan does not ation of the plan should be that expansion;, interpret that section that way." some nearby residents concerned about specify if the expansion must be structural- can only be made by addjng on to existing Some of the residents in the area also what they believe is a violation of the city's ly attached to the existing building. structures. The commission's ad hoc! believe the marina expansion .should have land use plan. The city, which issued all the In the manna's case, Rogers interpreted committee on clarification of the land use been' attached to the existing structure. necessary permits for the structure, says the plan as meaning the expansion could be plan has recommended hew wording in the They object to the building,, which will be the building is legal, but adds that a similar a separate structure; The new marina plan to. make the section clear. uped as a shop and work area, because it is a situation should not happen again. ° building is located about 200 feet from the Rogers said that in listening to tapes of commercial use in a residential area. Sanibel Marina is considered a "lawfully existing structure. ; .. . council meetings when this section of the '"But since the permits were issued, there existing use" under the land use plan. The Since Rogers issued the marina's develop- plan was being discussed during it formula- is notTtnuch we can do now," Shirley Lance plan allows a lawfully existing use to expand ment permit, however, several members of tion, he believes "the intent of the council said/She and her husband Eugene own a tome directly across the canal from the new building. :.. ; ".Attorney E. Humes Garber recently wrote a letter to the city saying he is

Residents consider the new building a violation of the land use plan.

investigating the situation for' some un- named clients. "Unless this matter can be resolved satisfactorily to my clients a class action suit will be brought against the city and the persons involved in the process of the issuance of the permit in question. Sub- stantial damages will be sought," Garber The Sanibel Marina's new wrote. building, to be used for a shop 'Garber could not be reached this, week for and work area, is nearly comment. completed.

Picture >yourself on a white" sandy;beach, stretching for miles on anJsland in the <3ulf of; Mexico.

A Luxury Condominium with Full Amenities. For information contact your Florida Broker or James T. Kuhn, Reg. Real Estate Broker, cYo ©asparilla Properties, 1026 S. Town & RiverDrive^ Ft Myers, Florida 33907; Tel.(813) 481-2512. Boca Grande Sales Office Hours: Monday -Thursday 10:00- 4:00. Sunday 12:00-4:00 :v"V.-;...•

'' «••* A12 March 16,1979 Island Reporter more revisions on ecom BySasfcHoQjr Brown that the two cones on the property economic viability of the project. "Another had to be treated separately, the develop- mini-grocery is completely unnecessary," Revised plans for a commercial develop- ers, represented by Commissioner Ray according to Commissioner Twink Under- ment on the northeast corner of Palm Rid&e Fenton, project architect* returned Monday hill. "Anyone has a right to make an. ••* • • - Road and Periwinkle Way still failed to with new plans which eliminated the economic: mistake if they choose. But it please. the Sanibel Planning CommKSskKi restaurant from the center. The newshould be pointed out to the Coofces there' this week. The commission asked the proposal is for a,14,868 square foot building are just too many businesses on the island developers to return a third time with. including a life. Grocer; gas pumps, and now not doing well." Commissioner Under- revised plans for a lower intensity use than possibly an insurance office and gift store. bill added that installing the gas pumps with proposed. an impending energy crisis may be "eco- 1 Edward Cooke of Nashville, Tennessee, The commissioners, however, still object- nomic insanity." 1 originally had proposed a shopping center ed to the use of the property because of its Bo y F with a convenience grocery, gasoline pumps location at a very busy intersection. They, Fenton warned the commissioners not to • * • and a50-seat restaurant for that location. At voiced concern about the amount of traffic base their decision on economics. "Our a hearing on February 5, the commission which would be generated by the grocery country is based on free enterprise. That Tarpo n

and gas pumps, and the location of a would be like, attacking motherhood and * * * ' • objected to the use and continued the : request to seek the city attorney's opinion driveway on the curve of Palm Ridge Road applie pie." ' - .V ' on the legality of combining two zones to and near the city's proposed bicycle path develop the parcel. running from Periwinkle Way down Palm He said that the Cookes would be willing > v • The Cooke property contains both Ridge Road. ^ :; ^ ^ to take the gas pumps out of their plans, but •Artow indicates site of proposel com- commercial and restricted commercial- "It is just plain exceedingly dangerous,** he explained that the pumps were an mercial complex. zones. The square footage of both were used Commissioner Betty Robinson said. ancillary service of proposed tenant Mr. to calculate how much of the land could be Commissioner Don Manchester pointed out, Grocer and actually could help alleviate developed as commercial. If the zones were "Our number one problem on the island is traffic. ^"The assumption is why not get a treated separately, the impermeable traffic drculation. It doesn't seem reason- loaf of bread 'and fill up your tank at the comply, with the land use plan. coverage allowance for the development able before we get it solved to make it same time instead of having to go some- 'Commission Chairman Ann Winterbot- would be lessened. worse;" V.v ".*.-..'/--':.V •'•./•' ~- '•'•'; ' where else forgas." •.•:" •./••..: ?-K :^, ••'••?•;'•'- •.'. ham said, however, that "because the plan After a ruling by City Attorney Neal The commissioners also questioned the Fenton also pointed out that the plans allows so much, it doesn't mean you have to



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7100 ESTERO BLVD. FT. MYERS BEACH, FLA. 33931 2240 Periwinkle Waf • 472-4555 813-463-6268 EVENINGS: 463-9776 8) 3-463-2157 h Shop hours 9-5 REPRESENTED BY: MIKE POWELL, IMC. REALTOR ' REALTOR* March 16,1979 Island Reporter

• ^ • Four nationals-recognized authorities The meeting is made possible by a grant Registration for the Saturday workshop 481-2121, extension 259. Registration fee will explore with the public the topic from the Florida Endowment for the session is limited; information and registra- for the Saturday workshops, including "(y>mm»nii»frti/>T»a in Balance: The Public's Humanities, and is co-sponsored by the tion materials may be obtained by calling. breakfast and lunch, is $6. Right to Know vs. The Individual's Right of Southwest Florida Chapter, Society of Privacy" at a town meeting Friday, March Professional Journalists; the Bar Associa- 30, presented by Edison' Community tions of Lee and Collier Counties; and the College at Seven Lakes Auditorium in Fort Advertising Federation of Southwest. 24 Myersi ; Florida. . Fred Graham, CBS television and radio • Workshops, on the topic also are planned Republican. Senator Lowell Weicker, Leisure Technology, one of the nation's news legal correspondent, and Jack for attorneys and media professionals on NBC Today show health consultant Dr. Art largest developers of retirement communi- Landau, executive director for the Re- Saturday. March 31, on the ECC Fort Ulene, and-veteran television:personality. ties; H. Paul Meyer, vice-president and porters Committee for Freedom of the Myers campus. -A day-long program with Hugh Downs wUl be among the speakers at national director, of personal financial Press, will explore the issue from their attorneys, media professionals and human- a major retirement seminar in Fort' Myers, planning for Paine-Webber; andVColin Gillis, point of view as attorneys who are currently ists is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m. March 24. senior professor of law at the New England working journalists. Florida Supreme Court Saturday, with concurrent workshop Sponsored by Leisure Technology of School of Law in Massachusetts. . Justice James C. Adkins, Jr., will explore session for attorneys, newspaper, advertis- Florida, Inc., the one-day seminar will The seminar will be held at Leisure the issue from the courts' point of view, and ing, public relations, broadcast program- include presentations on the psychological, Village at Seven Lakes, one-half mile south Dr. Norman Bowie will respond as a ming and broadcast management personnel.* financial, physical and legal needs of of College Parkway on U.S. 41. . professional humanist. A consultant for the One-hour workshop sessions will explore retirees. Senator Weicker will speak • on Registration is open to adults 52 or over National Endowment for the Humanities, new ideas and. will be presented by the "Political Role of the Senior. Citizen," who are homeowners. The fee,* which Dr. Bowie is director of the Center for the recognized authorities and innovators in the Dr. Art Ulene will deal with the "Main- includes lunch and all program materials^is Study of Values, University of Delaware. fields. tenance of Good Health in Later Tears," and $8 per person or $15 per couple and must be The public is invited to the meeting and to Attorneys who attend the Friday evening Hugh Downs will keynote the seminar. . - mailed in advance to "Retirement: The take part in the discussion portion of the and Saturday sessions will be able to earn Freedom Years" at 1965 Seven Lakes program, which will be moderated by Dr. up to seven hours of credit through the Other featured speakers include Michael Boulevard; Fort Myers, Florida 33907. For David G. Robinson. Edison president. Florida Bar certification program. Tenzer, president and chief executive of information call 481-1212. . Captlwa Island FISHING Fishing-Shelling-Trips to Cabbage Save over - Key Daily-Cottage & Motel Rentals Jensen's Twin Palm RetiofT & eWorfftQ Capt. Bob Sabatino-Guide (813)4720727

on a lire beachfront vacation villa We have hundreds of satisfied owners who chose the sensible alternative to owning an expensive and worrisome vacation home. Through "Interval Ownership" they own the very best for just the time that they vacation each year, and at a fraction of the cost. " TO THE JOB? I n fact, our owners end up paying less, much less, than vacation renters do. Whdf s more, our owners are members of a very LEASE A MOPED special club-South Seas Plantation, the very best. Get sensible before prices go up!

Stop and see the Lifetime Vacation People at PLfl]SITftTie]NI BEftCp GLOB An Interval Ownership Condominium Furnished model open every day, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

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If you ever need to collect on one of your insurance policies, it's good to know you areworkihg through people who are ready to go to bat for you. As independent agents we represent a number of fine insurers ... like The Continental Insurance Companies. But we don't work for any one of them—we work for you. So when you need to buy insurance, we can help you select the precise coverage you need at the best available price. And we'll be right here to help you gain a fast, fair settle- ment if you ever need to file a claim.

AND INVESTMENT BENSON INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. PROPERTIES, 1NO SUITE 204 - LANDLUBBER Q SHOPPING CENTER Island Reporter Hand Made Butter Keeper Landowners sue for permits Keeps butter fresh and spreadable , By Susie HoDy Bartholomew, meanwhile, sued his build- ing contractor, Ross Construction, for not Two buUdings which have stood partially building the structures as Bartholomew had constructed for four years are the subject of directed. Bartholomew lost the case and the a lawsuit filed last week against the City of property. ' •'•>-; '•]•'>._ '••..:'• Sanibel. Property owners Kathryn Casparia ' K Casparis and Stewart then purchased the and Julia Stewart filed suit requesting that property in May, 1977. They claim in their they be issued building permits to finish the lawsuit they bought the property only after DEMONSTRATION SAT. 11 AM buildings. ^ .'-*'"' being assured by Carleton Ryffel, city The two structures, located jptoar Kind planning director at that time, th^t the city Pass; origmaflbr Jwere deigned f(y contain wcnildfeuepennitsforthecompletkmofthe shops on the first floor andajpvrUQents on buildings. the second. Construction of ti^e' jmilduigs iras begun'by by Ralph Bartholaattow under last October butjker*refused. The planning Lee County building permits prior to department explained ija a fetter to the Sanibers incorporation. V plaintifib that die; p3b^ ^e>e 4jnot in The city interrupted construetKm on the complete eonformance with the land use buildings in 1975, according; to Bartho- i^^:^^^:;;/;'• ; 2413 Sanibel Island, Florida lomew. "I really don't know wfar, I can't The case has been assigned to liee County Fort Myers 482-1415 understand the City of Sanibel," Be said. Circuit Court Judge Robert Shafer. A20 March 16,1979 Island Reporter

Sixty-five miles of streets and roads on with 160 people to do the cleaning. Another Sanibel and Captiva will be picked dean of . 30 people will handle general operations. debris on Saturday, April 28 by island Boy . The clean up will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Scouts and volunteers as part of Project April 2& and is scheduled for completion at SOAR -Save Our American Resources, a 2:00 p.m. Each truck or trailer and driver, national Boy Scout program. or crew chief, will be assigned four workers Begun in 1970, project SOAR is an annual and twenty, trash bags;,-;- and will be nationwide event in which scouts clean the responsible for picking up all visible Utter nation's streets and roads. „•• • along a one mile stretch of road. . • • ' This will be the first year scouts have Following the dean up all trucks will be cleaned island streets and roads, according swept or washed clean. The trash bags will to Scoutmaster Ron Sebald. The project will be delivered to a receiving site where a half require 40 pick up trucks or cars with dozen people will stack the bags in trailers plus drivers, said Sebald, along dumpsters. ... . , , : Volunteers and drivers will meet at Sanibel Elementary School at 9:00 a.m. on April 28 to begin the project, and are to return when their portion is clean. A chicken barbecue cooked by Hap Payne will cap the day, along with games and other activities...... '.- '. ., . Those interested in volunteering for the dean up should call Sebald at 472-3788 during the day and 472-4719 in the evening.. Sambel Boy Scout* and volunteers Volunteers' are urged to call soon so viUdeannpisland streets as part of arrangements for the .project can be Project SOAR [Save Our American completed by April 15. Resources}.

THESTITCHERY Chevron SANIBEL GARDEN" STANDARD GIFT SHOP 1223 Periwinkle behind ScoMys Pub Marquette Engine Analyzer Tuns Up Captiva Island, Florida Atlas Air Conditioner S«rvlc0 NEEDUTRAPS BY BJ. Great STORE WIDE SALE little needlepoint maps of Sanibel Island for the perfect rememberance of your island 24 Hour Wrecker 20% Off visit. Look for us just a few f««t post the South Seas entrance -toward the beach AAA Emergency Service 472-1850 Master Charge & B.A.C (start something and watch it grow) 7-6Moiw-Vrl. ' Ouokarltata Open 10-5 Seven Days a Week 472-4716 Mon.-Sat.l 0 a.ra. to.5:00p.nr TO-4 Sunday . Owner 472-8 MS I I i BREAK

If you value your privacy, prefer to call your own shots and take pride in a place of your own, With 12 channels The Dunes is the perfect location for your [including 2 PBS £ vacation or retirement home. stations, WEDU& $£ The Dunes homesites are city-approved for building, WUSF] to choose with water, sewer and utilities all installed underground. from for your viewing pleasure. And there's an activity for almost every interest. Golf course, tennis courts, clubhouse and CABLEVISION restaurant are all there, with boating, fishing, shelling and all the natural wonders of Sanibel is more than just practically at your doorstep. better reception.

You can break away from the crowd and own a Due to the growth of Cablevislon on Sanibel, we are now required by the Federal Communi- homesite in The Dunes for as little as $3,500 down, cations Commission, to comply with the Simul- with 10-year bank financing to qualified buyers. taneous Network Non-duplleotlon Rules. This means that when the distant network affiliates (Ch. 13, 8 and 40) are broadcasting the same programs as the local affiliates (Ch. 26. 20 and IBEL 11) we must gh/e preference to the local stations. During those times, Ch, 26 will be shown on CoWe Ch. 4 and 9: Ch.,20 will be shown on Cable Ch. 8 and 5; and Ch. 11 will be •hown on Cable Ch, 13 and 10. This does net Exclusive Safes JrepresenfafJve alter programming, but protects the Interests of the local stations and their clients that have "Obtain the HUD Property Report from bought advertising time. ; _ developer and read if before signing anything. HUD neither approves the merits of the offering nor the value, if any, of the property." 472-4787 Offices iust East of the bank. 1633 Periwinkle Way • 472-1549 in the flutter's Market Plaza. 1207 Periwinkle Way, 472-1966 A22 March 16,1979 Island Reporter Island Reporter March 16,1979 A23 Casuarinas, condominium displace usable length of airstrip JFK International." reduce the usable length of the runway to located at the end of the most active runway agree with me, but I don't feel there is any • from 1-A Ed Wilson, owner of Fort Myers Airways 2000feet. ~? is five feet below the glideslope," said Haas. problem," he said. Redmond and other airstrip. Island Beach Club bought the air- at Page Field in Fort Myers, said his flight Though it is 26Q0 feet long, obstacles in "The motel isn't a hazard until someone pilots interviewed said accidents can occur strip and surrounding land from Howard instructors routinely teach short field take the approach to runway 6 at Island Beach comes in six feet below the glideslope. when a pilot attempts to take off or land Dayton in 1971, according to Houser. off and landing techniques ito students, but Club have reduced the usable length of the Pilots are human; they make mistakes. You under adverse conditions. Those conditions Dayton had the airstrip built in 1953. It took not at the island Beach Club strip. "We use runway to 1920 feet, according to Nilson. _• need a margin for error." could include gusty wind or no wind at all, a just three days for a bulldozer to clear and similar strips in our instruction," said The main obstacle oh the approach to Nilson said his office has hot received any hot day, a fully loaded or overloaded level the land for the airstrip. Wilson "We definitely like for people to be runway6, which faces northeast, is hot the airplane, and unfamiliarity with short field complaints about safety hazards at the : ; : ; Pilots who land to the west on runway 24 familiar with that type of runway;" 1 ; condominium but the casuarinas that grow Island Beach Club strip. If there were procedures. •:-'- ••;• ' '•"• .••• . ;•••• - at the • airstrip have a relatively clear Wilson uses the Buckingham field in the on the shoreline, said George Williams; who complaints they would be investigated, he "The pilot is the guy who has the final approach. The only obstacles are some eastern part of the county to teach short inspects the airstrip each year for the state. added. "We have to enforce minimum safety determination," said Nilson. "He's got the power lines several hundred feet east of the field procedures. He said his students do not Even if the trees were trimmed the' standards, which this airstrip meets," he airplane and he's the one to say, 'Can I runway. But pilots landing to the east on practice at the Sanibel airstrip because he is usable length of the runway would increase said. "There is no reason to close the operate out of here safely?'" "-.- : ,.,,__ runway £ must make a high approach to afraid that too much use of the field will only slightly, said Williams, because of the airstrip because of safety reasons;" At least one local-influential official thinks avoid tall ca_«nm-in* trees growing along the result in complaints from nearby residents, height of the Pointe Santo condominiums. . Sanibel City Councilman Porter Goss said to0?ntoiy pilots are hot; making the right' shoreline, and the rooftops at Pointe Santo which could lead to closing of the facility. The usable length of runway 24, which faces he would oppose any move to dose the air- determinatiqri. "The police department de Sanibel condominium. The airstrip is inspected and, licensed southwest, is 2300 feet. strip; "I don't want to suggest that the feels it is a hazard," Sanibel Police Chief Despite the obstacles all of the pilots and each year by the Florida Department of Pointe Santo developers won arlawsuit airstrip function be expanded, but I think it John Butlersaid following Tuesday's acci- aviation officials interviewed by the Island Transportation's Bureau of Aviation^ The against the City of Sanibel in 1977 which should continue to exist as it is," said Goss. dent. *t>ur reronunendation would be that because people use it who don't know how Reporter agreed the airstrip is safe if the Island Beach Club airstrip's state license allowed them to finish building the complex : ; "It provides a service to general aviation the air-strip be closed to general airtraffic." "toffy. " ••:•:';;'^'^./..v-:--', :'>;•••;• •'••••"•'•'••' "•:•'. pilot follows proper procedures. expires July 1. The field is licensed and according to plans drawn up before adoption and it is valuable to have in case of an Butler said use of the airstrip should be "The field is kept open as a service to the "A pilot should be able to judge his own listed oh FAA aeronautical charts as a of the comprehensive land use plan. City emergency." restricted to the owners and those who have restricted airport, for use only by specific officials checked with state and federal island," he said. "It's of more value to the limitations and the limitations of his Most of the planes that use the airstrip permission to use it. : , istandthan it is to Island Beach Club. It has aircraft," said Gil Haas, director of the authorization and in an emergency. authorities to see if the height of the View from third floor walkway at Pointe S airstrip. Wrecked plane appear* Division of Protective Services for Lee Florida general aviation airports must buildings in the approach path could be carry four people and some luggage. Under permission to use the airfield, but to avoid on the island. County. Haas holds single and multi-engine . meet mipimnm safety-standards in order to reduced, but found that no restrictions can in lower left of photo. On a normal approach to runway 6 a pilot normal conditions the planes should have no incurring liability he does not give written "I don't believe there is any problem with would be higher and to the left'of the camera angle shown here. -private and commercial pilot ratings. He receive a license, according to Cliff Nilson, be imposed on developments that affect trouble either landing or taking off from the permission. Instead, he advises pilots that the airstrip other than it is used by pilots also is qualified to fly seaplanes and heli- private airports. Publicly licensed airports Map at upper left is a portion of FAA aeronautical chart. Symbol administrator of Safety and Inspection for field. Many twin engine planes can safely they use the airstrip at their own risk. who are not competent to use that type of over location of airstrip clearly indicates to pilots that the airstrip copters. the Bureau of Aviation. Runways must be are protected by height restrictions for operate out of the airstrip also. The largest field."-. •'•;.. •;,,:.;-V;X--. ,,,**" nearby developments. can be used only by authorization. "Planes take off and land constantly at at least 1800 feet long with a 20 to 1 plane ever to land and take off at the Island Beach Club principals will be dis- "It's not an unusual airport for a grass that airstrip without a problem. But low approach slope at each end. That means "It may be the condo is perfectly legal," airstrip was a DC-3. cussing the future of the airstrip in an field," commented Ed Wilson. "It's not an time pilots trained on long concrete run- that for every obstacle in the approach path said Haas, "but I wouldn't wholeheartedly Bob Redmond, a Sanibel resident who upcoming private meeting, said Houser, but unsafe airport. The only thing that makes it ways are not used to a short field with that is 1 foot high, the usable length of the endorse building something like that so owns a plane similar to the one that crashed he declined to speculate on what their inzvifcisthat people who use it are going to obstacles. I know crop dusters that operate runway is reduced 20 feet. If a 30 foot tall close to an airport. I'd be a fool to say the Tuesday, said he has flown in and out of the decision might be. "I don't have any feelings Sanibel to play on the beach, and they start with heavy loads in and out of strips that sign were erected right at the end of a 2600 condo doesn't present an additional hazard. Island Beach Club strip over a hundred on it one way or the other," he said. "But it thinking about what they are going to do would make Island Beach Club look like foot long runways, state inspectors would "You could have an airport where a motel times without incident. "I know others don't would be kind of stupid to dose the field after they land before they land." I.*rry& Nancy Van T0*s< Now! A luxury af Interval Ownership Condominium Distinctive Gifts and Fashion Jewelry that doesn't cost you a small fortune!

• Relaxed and informal Island living. • Spacious full size one bedroom Own your own forever apartments, accommodating four adults .. GulfiTont vacation at pj;-afarnijyof six. - 1^ AUTHORIZED OEAIfR y • All apartments face directly on the Gulf. Island Towers for about • Safe beaches with no strong currents. "HW1MEt'F?6URIN£S half what you have • Many nearby restaurants, recreational and entertainment opportunities. to pay elsewhere! • A regular and inexpensive bus service I CAPTM throughout the Island and to Fort Myers. WATERFRONT CONDOMINIUMS • Excellent shopping, medical and other FINE MEATS PRODUCE, & GROCERIES Bring this ad to island facilities on the Island. Towers today and In the Heart of the Island Shopping Center • A fascinating wildlife preserve with MON. thru SAT. 9:00-6:00 MUNSON&PALM v^rr, ,r!l receive a free 1622 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel 33957 472-2291 '•(orajrifRO <•»..- practically no mosquitoes. The spectacular view is just one SUNDAY 10-2 CAPTIVA ISLAND Open 9-5 Mon. through Sat. Dining Guide to Estero ° No bridge tolls. reason to buy at Punta Rassa! Island and a • Friendly natives who actually enjoy having giant Conch you on the Island. The view is certainly impressive — a INTERVAL OWNERSHIP Shell. IR • Exchange facilities with almost 200 second bedroom with full bath, an all resorts worldwide. panoramic sweep ^from the Gulf of electric .kitchen with dishwasher and OWNERS Mexico to the south to the Caloosa- disposal, a separate laundry, wall-to- • An absolute top price of $5,000 for the hatchee River to the north; but there most expensive week in the most wall carpeting, protected parking and expensive apartment. (Compare with are plenty of other reasons to choose much more, ' '•'-' • $10,000 and more in some resorts) Punta Rassa: AMENITIES THAT MOST CAN'T THE BEST LOCATION IN LEE 'OFFER — COUNTS— ,-• including a full service marina with with quick easy access to the swimming boat storage allocated for each apart- and shelling beaches of Sanibel and the_ ment, fishing piers, tennis courts, boating and fishing of the Gulf, Pine swimming pool and barbecue area. Island Sound and the Caloosahatchee. A TOTALLY SELF-CONTAINED Punta Rassa is also close to the neces- COMMUNITY — sities of life — just 20 minutes from the when completed Punta Rassa will be a iarvibd Rc/ourcc/ airport and Edison Mall. small village with restaurants, shops — BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED all the conveniences and necessities to APARTMENTS — make life at Punta Rassa complete and TRAVEL LIGHT ANQ FREE! A Preparatory Day School that take every advantage of that convenient. Leave your beach chairs, fishing tackle, spectacular view. A large screened Whatever you've been looking for in a shelling equipment and all those other porch opening off of the living room condominium is waiting for you at Sanibel Resources Center is now inter- items you don't want to carry back and forth, - and master bedroom, a master bath Punta Rassa. Come and see it soon by viewing applicants for the fifth through twelfth ;- in a ' complete with dressing room, a large car or by boat. grades for the'79-'8O school year. Parents and students interested in the educational opportunities offered by the Sanibel Storage *•<•:: Punta Rassa Center may arrange personal interviews by calling 472-5657 oi; bywriting P.O. Box 276, WATERFRONT CONDOMINIUMS vSanibel, Florida 33957. • ^, 7 Off McGregor just before the Sanibel Causeway: .Sales In addition, parents and friends are invited office open daily from 10 A.M. until dusk. Rent one for a short period or for a year. to an open house on March 26 from 7:00 - Only •5.00 pmr month INTERVAL OWNERSHIP 481-2042 9:00 p.m. at the School at 1157 Buttonwood Call 472-2741 V 4900 Estero Blvd. • Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931 • Phone: (813) 463-6188 -Lane.. /• '" ''.';:'-:'•" ';'• "•••"' •'•:'"';':.•••"•"" • • Sanibel Storage is right behind Model open seven days a week, 9 A.M.-8 P.M. weekdays, 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Sundays Once Upon A Time . Where a lifetime of vacations doesn't cost you a small fortune. I 3-30 alm Ridge Rood . 1 A24 Munch 16,1979 Island Reporter Island Reporter March 16,1979 A25 Plane crashes on approach to island airstrip

ByMukTmnbty tor said the pilot admitted that he simply rerouted traffic on West Gulf Drive until misjudged ihe approach and came in too low they completed their investigation. The l A angle engine airplane carrying four, and too slow. plane was later towed.to the,east end ofthe Cessna Skyhawk U clipped cabbage My impression u)as people crashed Tuesday morning on an A Pointe Santo resident who saw the airstrip. Davis returned tp.Sanibel Wednes- palm near entrance to Pointe Santo approach to a,landing at the Island Beach plane just before it crashed said it appeared day and removed radio equipment from the : : de Sanibel condominiums, spun to that he undershot Qub airstrip on Sanibel. None of the four the, pilot realized he would not make the plane. -^ i:, •:_;:.-;:::'.. •• :.:>,;-::^ 'i^ ;V<:'^ :.\^- ./•.:.. the ground and came to rest facing people on board was seriously injured,- but runway and attempted to gain altitude but Maurice J. Hoke was photographing birds the opposite direction. the plane was virtually destroyed: the plane was going too slow and stalled.-A - in a pond in the middle of the Pointe Santo the field and tried The plane, a Cessna Skyhawk II owned stall refers to a loss of lift and not an engine complex when, he saw the plane pass low by the Frenchmen's FTying^Club in Ells- malfunction. -over the condominium^ The to raise up. worth, Maine, was on an easterly approach The pilot of the plane was Richard T. runway 6 at the airstrip crosses the to the 2600 foot long grass airstrip when the, Davis of North Brookline, Maine. The west:corner,, of the <»ndominium. "Nly It just shuddered, right wing hit the top of a cabbage palm tree passengers included his wife, Elisabeth, his impression was that he undershot the field,: near the entrance to Pointe Santo de niece, Charlotte Davis/ and > tier son, Richard T. Davis m. All were taken by Hpkesaidheltea^Dayisaj^iy power to then dropped. '* Sanibel oo&doinntiuttis* The impact spun the : plane around before it ait the ground facing ambulance to Lee Memorial Hospital .where the engine,' but '^lym::^i6i^^i^^\^u^ : the entrance to the condominium. they were treated and released, exception shuttered, then dropped.* Hoke is not a Initial reports indicated the plane lost Mrs. Davis, -who was released from the |»lot but said he has worked in the aviatloioL power before it cradled, but a Federal hospital later in the week. .. indiistry and has seen similar accidents ; :: : Aviation Administration accident investiga- Police roped off the crash. site and happen.; ,;':•;.,;.';-;;;: -•,• W'.-.,.\-:.;;>'.'',•• .•'-;. v :X';.

"••••..• • • '•.--•' -v'

— — ~— ~-^ •• "^^ "^^^ -^^^ -^^^ ~-^m Fine Jewelry Watch for Our SHELL HARBOR FOR SALE of Jade and Other Stones in 14K Gold Fine Carvings Date at of Jade and other Stones We offer this outstanding Island Chinese Decorative Accessories home for those with tfcfe most anothec. POINTS discriminating of tastes. Situated including Cloisonne', Jade Trees, on a wide canal for boating access Porcelains. Paintings on Silk, and to, Gulf and Bay, the property has *+f?*^ Coromandel Screens spacious living and family rooms. In addition, consider three attrac- Oriental Gift Items tive bedrooms and den. Cathedral screen enclosure for pool and ,*CLEANERS garden lanai. This home has been designed with energy conservation [BOB & BRENDA HERROD Owners features and outstanding closet and storage facility. • INC. 13J.() BILL SMITH - Manager 1711 •••rlvwlrifcl* Way, n«xt do Dottl's T«l. 472-1387 A Hobby^ihd craft room is adjoined No. 16 Gulf Points Square by lath house, complete with potting shed. Magnificient kitchen overlooks pool and lanai. Land- scaping architecture adds the final touch of beauty to this property. Prospective purchasers are invited to call us for an appointment for a I complete property preview. Pro- £'4 perty priced at $255,000. The Interior Dcslfn Pcapk

CENTURY Henredon For years of lasting satisfaction in the in- terior of your home arrange with one of Just a few of the features offered in each of these superior our designers to as- ISLlISfD REAL ESTATE sist you in making condominium homes:, your home a place of charm and beauty. For over 50 years we & have been helping J • Each apartment with an people love their "An Independent'Island Realty Firm" . • Jenn-Aire kitchen barbeque homes. We can help unobstructed view of the • Nu-Tone blending center you in all phases of P.O. Box 202 Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 gulf your home, from fur- • Clubhouse niture, wallcoverings, ./•-. Phone: (813) 472-1123 or 472-1441 • Whirlpool bath in master accessories, draper- bedroom • Two 3O'x5O', heated pools ies . and floor cover- ing. Call us right MARSHALL H. HOLTZ, JR, DONALD T. BISSELL • Quality wood cabinets • Saunas away to get your • All electric appliances: • Six lighted tennis courts phases underway. Registered Real Estate Broker Registered Real Estate Broker range, microwave & self • 125O feet of the finest cleaning ovens, dishwasher, shelling beach in the disposal, refrigerator with continental U.& A. icemaker. washer, dryer. Island Homes* Condominiums• Homesite Lots • Rental Accommodations • Complete security system • Instarit hot water taps


16OO MidcPe Gulf Drive • SanibeL Florida 33957 MAIN OFFICE: 1711 Periwinkle Way, comer of Casa Vbel Road. 4725-1123, 472-1441, 472-2421 tejephorie (813) 472-31^5, Purnitur* * Interior* 1601 J*ekN« Street No. 1 Periwinkle Way CAPTIVA OFFICE: Opposite South Seas Plantation, a few steps toward the beach. 472-3318 Downtown Fort Mven Sanibel Island 334-1348 473-1327 te Island Reporter March 16,1979 A27 A26 March 16,1979 Island Reporter SUDDENLY THERE'S l Florida's economy should enjoy con- sectors, such as government and.services. If predictions of an economic .downturn SUNFLOWER: tinued growth through 1979 unless weekend Government workers, following^ influx-of come true this year, Koch thinks Florida gasoline station closings cause a serious personnel at Florida's many military instal- probably would be affected much the same Sunflower reduction in the number of summer tour- lations, are now 18.6 percent of the total, as mild recessions in 1953-54,/1957-58, ists, according to Donald L. Koch, econo- compared to 16.7 percent in 1973. The 1960-61 and 1969-70. In those years the Condomin- mist with Barnett Banks of Florida, Inc. services sector now employs 22 percent of state's economy slowed its rate of growth The average tourist spends about $600 on all workers, up more than two percentage without recording an actual downturn in iums: A a Florida vacation at this time of year, Koch points over 1973. s . ^ i ; total employment, Koch said. ANDDEEDS said, with only 10 percent or $60 going for gasoUne. A 25 percent increase in gas prices Fresh New would mean the Florida tourist would add Four building permits for construction valued at $110,124 $15 in gas expenses, or less than a three Look For were issued.by the City of Sanibel during the week ending percent increase in total vacation costs. business & real estate March 13 v Permits were issued to: If, however, weekend gas station closings Florida The Christian Science Church for a church at. the corner of are ordered, concern about getting enough West Gulf Drive and Palm Lake Road by Greg Weglarz for gas to complete vacation schedules could Leisure Village at $60,000; ' ' ' "seriously cripple Florida's tourist industry Seven Lakes, one Charles Mahker for a house on San Carlos Bay Drive in this summer/' Koch said. (See related story of Ft. Myers' most Sanibel Isles subdivision by Sanibel Homes for $43,350; this page.) ^, - / Island Water Association for a water line behind the Other areas of Florida's economy are active adult county park to Dixie Beach by Crom Corp. for $6,274; significantly different from the boom year in communities, has > Clifford Grimard to remodel a house at 957 Fjtzhugh 1973, which sighaledthesUtrt of the state's announced the Street by Mark'McQuade for $500. woret economic downturn in 40 years. The introduction of a difference; Koch said, is that construction fresh new idea in Twenty-two deed closings for sales valued at $2,242,600 currently doesn't play as important a role in were recorded in the Lee County Courthouse during the the state's economy as it did six years ago. condominium Introducing : same period. They include: , ; Puringh; thex1978:75 l^ssiwi Florida , . living. new Sunflower A house in Sanibel Estates to Shelby Creagh from Eric "paid the price-Jo^ The new idea is adult Winson for $141,000; speculation and the uncontrolled infusion of called Sunflower, ac- A house on Captiva Drive SW to Diane Ramy Faulconer money that resulted in highly inflated land cording to Dennis condominiums. from Sunset-Captiva Ltd. for $111,200; values;" Koch said. The excess of cohdo- Booth, Divisional Fromonli A house on Captiva Drive SW to Lucille Mercadante and miniums and apartments has" now been President for Leisure ZulemaPlata from Sunset-Captiva Ltd. for $111,200; absorbed, and the inventory of unsold units Technology, the com- we not A house on Captiva Drive SW to James Osbourne, featits lowest^^leyel uiyefe. Fur^er, real munity's developer and Lawrence O'Reilly, Norman Goldman and Bernard Eisen- estate investment trusts and other financial one of the nation's give you pe sun, berg from Sunset-Captiva Ltd. for $107,400; institutions no longer provide carte blanche leading developers of we give; Four lots in Limbo subdivision to Habitat injections of capital to developers and active adult condo- Builders, Inc. from Walter Wright for $91,500; builders. the moon: Property on Sanibel-Captiva Road to Patrick Maughan "The absence of "speculation in the multi- Florida's economic outlook for the rest of THE REPORTER-PETER LARSON miniums. from Forrest Banks for $87,000; ". family condominium market is the single Sunflower is a spe- 1979 is bright, unless weekend gas station 1. here's fresh, Property in Gumbo Limbo subdivision to Environmental most important difference between the 1973 closings cause a serious, reduction in the' cial section of mid-rise Housing, Inc. from Walter Wright for $43,000; boom and the current expansion," Koch number of summer tourists. Several condominiums that bright, col l new A Pointe Santo de Sanibel condominium to Raymond said. Housing permits today are 63 percent : senators concerned wtih tourism are reflects the latest apartment Austin from Robert Zlobel for $152,000; * ; single family, and 37 percent multi-family. trying to prevent that situation through a innovations in condo- minium cor||ept under A Sanddollar condominium to John Bordenuk from Six years ago those permits were structur- congressional resolution. minium design and Robert Taylor, individually and as trustee; for $134,900; '' ed 73-27 percent in reverse order, and the construction. Five dif- the sunny blue skies A Sundial of Sanibel condominium to Thomas Conley from building industry then employed 10.3 ferent Sunflower floor of Leisure Village at Sundial Associates, Ltd. for $130,000; percent of the state's total work force. plans are being offered- -Seven Lake# A Sanddollar condominium to Richard Mast from Robert Construction .today has 80.0Q0 .fewer at Leisure Village, in- Sunflowef: Taylor, individually and as trustee, for $129,000; people on its payrolls, while the state's total ...tourists' energy needs are met cluding both one and A Sanddollar condominium to John LaMonte from Robert work force has grown by 535,000 since the two bedroom units. A new existing way Taylor, individually and as trustee, for $115,100; recessionary low, Koch said. The mix of 1 Booth noted that of living thefactive A Sanddollar condominium to James Rhude from Robert Florida workers has shifted to more stable "Travel and tourism industry's needs each of the Sunflower adult lifestyfe. With Taylor, individually'and as trustee, for $115,100; must be given fair consideration in floor plans is designed great new fldpr plans A Sundial of Sanibel condominium to James Newton from any plans developed by the federal specifically for Florida and deluxe features Sundial Associates Ltd. for $111,500; government to deal with energy supply living. "Even the names A Sanddollar condominium to Donald Mayeron and shortages" is the message some reflect the area's nat- at an astonis |ing value. Gerald Mayeron from Robert Taylor, individually and as senators want the U.S. Senate to send ural surroundings: But we givefyou so trustee, for $110,900; Condo Act of 1979 introduced to the Carter administration. The Coral, The Cy- much more |jian just A Sundial of Sanibel condominium to William Harrison Legislation seeking to protect buyers of Sen Lawton Chiles (D-Fla.) has press, The Laurel, The spectacular |ew apart- from Sundial Associates Ltd. for $110,500; condominiums - both new and converted joined with Senators John Warner Sage and The Palmetto. - A Sundial of Sanibel Condominium to R. Oliver Worrell units - was scheduled for introduction (R-Va.) and Daniel Inouye (D-) Our Sunflower homes ment home | A fabu- from Sundial Associates Ltd. for $102,500; Monday in the.U.S. Senate, according to in sponsoring a resolution calling for incorporate comfort, lous "Millio| Dollar" A Sundial of Sanibel condominium to Joseph Seiberlich Sen. Lawton Chiles (D.-Fla.). "provision of adequate supplies of spaciousness and Flor- recreation [jivilion. from Sundial Associates Ltd. for $96,500; | Chiles will join with Sen. Richard (Dick) energy to all segments of the travel ida's natural surround- A golf cour t|, of A Sundial of Sanibel condominium to William Simmonds Stone in introducing the Condominium Act and tourism industry" should actions ings into the decor. from Sundial Associates Ltd. for $96,500; oI1979. become necessary to alleviate a The accent here is on course. Ten |is courts, A Sundial of Sanibel condominium to Mark Vogel and The proposal would: shortage. elegance, and the shuffleboarflf courts, Fred Shen from Mary Greenberg for $75,000; * Establish minimum national consumer The senators also want states to be mood inspires casual, swimming A Blind Pass condominium to Robert Rost from Marvin protection and disclosure standards for allowed flexibility to design their own carefree condominium hour secu Goetz for $70,800. purchasers and encourage more stringent curtailment programs to meet national living that so many of state legislation; energy conservation objectives. our residents come to carefree m • Provide notice and purchase option The resolution states that travel and Florida to enjoy*.' Come see The Island's Complete Ladies Shop protections to tenants in properties being tourism is among the top three The five floor plans today. We converted to condominiums; industries in 46 states and generated Dr*u , Sportswear, ••odiw—r. Ungti; Barnardo Sho«s expenditures of about $149 billion in of the Sunflower range give you th Hours 10-5 Mon^tt. 1624 Parlwlnkl* Way * Provide for judicial revision or voiding in size from 835 to 472-1334 of abusive leasing practices, particularly 1978 in the U.S. 1530 square feet, and long-term escalating recreation leases; "I cannot emphasize too strongly the most are two bedroom, • Set a $10,000 maximum fine and up to importance of this industry to Florida," two bath. Each home five years imprisonment for willful viola- Chiles said. "It is absolutely critical to is designed with gener- norma s tions of provisions of the act; and our economy and the many thousands ous closets, quality fix- ' • Reduce paperwork burdens on develop- of people who depend on it for tures, fully-electric ers through coordination with the Inter- employment." / kitchens, patios or bal- •Al:;)--aIN THE HEART QD THE ISLAND ON SANIBEL state Land Sales Registration Act. According to Florida Department of conies and carpeting Similar legislation was offered last year Revenue figures, tourist-related sales throughout. Booth but was not acted on before Congress in 1977 were more than $7 billion. added, "Easy care is adjourned. "After our nightmarish experiences important to active Chiles, chairman of the Senate Aging during the 1974 energy crisis, we must adults, and that's just Committee, said in a South Florida public recognize that different states have the way we've planned hearing last November that Florida now has unique requirements that are difficult our Sunflowers'." an "exemplary" condominium law that came for federal bureaucrats to understand The large windows about because of "abuses carried out by a andaccommodate," Chiles noted. "For of the Sunflower units Swim Wear destructive minority within the develop- this reason states should be allowed to overlook a community ment industry." map plans that will best serve the where security and for He noted, however, that the federal-law people of that state." privacy are assured, would "offer relief to tens of thousands of and a host of special I! older Floridians victimized (before Florida's Seven miles So, of Fort . Men & Women • law passed) by escalating 99-year leases for attractions are offered. MyersonRou,MjtljustSoiutlt recreation facilities. The bill would author- Sunflower condo- of College Pan•kfaay. mil ize the federal courts to grant the relief minium homes are For informal'ton which Florida's judiciary has not seen fit to available exclusively (813)481-121. confer," Chiles said. at Leisure Village at Prices subject tvaildbility Seven Lakes, located and may chan, without Gapthfo Village Sqoar* Coptlvahtond 472-2289 Proposed federal law would'protek seven miles south of notice. •y. % consumers. I Ft. Myers on U.S. 41. 1978 Leisure L— ; "hhnology Corp. Island Reporter March 16,1979 A29 A28 March 16,1979 Island Reporter The annual meeting of the Sanibel-' Captiya Chamber of Commerce, Inc. is set for April 9, at which time four board of They may include inventory, furniture,-•&•:• event the sales contract does not specifically EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS directors' members and officers will be roney* • tures, equipment, vehicles, goodwill, land, allocate the selling price'^ the a$setsisold, elected. ' buildings, or covenants not to compete. :;• then the taxpayer should apportion the selling Chamber Four names for board seats have been y price based on'••the^asseife^fairi^atket value. presented by the nominating committee, maibters Gains from the sale idi-:---iayf&i^r-m:-^.- including: George Kohlbrenner, owner of covenant not to compete always are taxed as The)netedl to thoroughly'•'•revieW the income the B-Hive Store; Robert Buntrock, presi- ordinary income. Gains on the sale of personal ta* ramifications before purchasing or selling elections dent of Executive Services, Inc.; William By BID Hungefing, C.P. A. property are taxed as ordinary income to the a business cannot be emphasized enough. The Vacation and Investment Properties/Inc. Frey, president of Sanibel Homes, Inc.; and. extent of depreciation claimed in prior years. internal Revenue Service insists that bpth (VIP) has announced the appointment of Dr. Harry Kair, a Sanibel chiropractor. The Any gain in excess of prior years' depreciation parties to a transaction treat the asset values Kathi Barry as Sales Associate at the VIP nominations were made to fill the expired is treated as a capital gain. identically. Since the tax consequences differ Office on Sanibel. Mrs. Barry is specializing board terms of Claire Walter, Jeannette The sale of goodwill and real estate dramatically, based on what types of assets in the sale of vacation homes and condomin- Daniel, John Naumann and George Kohl- We are planning to seU our business in the generally will result in capital-gams. A few are sold, it certainly is advisable that proposed iums.: brenner. exceptions apply when accelerated depreci- transactions are reviewed by competent indi- Bert L. Jenks has been named President The meeting is set for 8:00 p.m. at the near future. Will our entire gain be treated as of Sanibel Realty Inc. by the board of Chamber of Commerce building on Cause- a capital gain? ation methods have been used on buildings. viduals. This applies to either purchasing or directors. Jenks has been'broker/general way Road. To be eligible to vote on all Whetherxtr not the gain you recognize on What happens if we sefl our whole business selling a business. X; manager of the firm since November, 1976. matters at the meeting, annual dues must for one lump sum? How do we know What is a Mrs. Pauline P. "Polly" Seely recently be paid before March 31. The board recently the sale of jyour business is to be treated as a If you have questions regarding your business, or you are The realty firm has two offices on Sanibel, was appointed as a sales associate by decided to continue the same rate structure capital depends on the type of assets you capital gain and what is an ordinary gain? baffled by income tax laws. Money matters wiB attempt to at 1207 and 1633 Periwinkle Way. Vacation and Investment Properties, Inc. and dues as in the past two years, with the sell.. The selling price of a business, which find the answers you need. Address your questions to Irene Doane, office manager for the (VIP). Mrs. Seely will specialize in general addition of an extra $5 to be devoted involves.the sale of different types of assets, "Money matters^ Island Reporter, P.O. Drawer R, firm's 1633 Periwinkle Way office, has As a meral rule, when a business is sold real estate sales at VIP's Sanibel office on exclusively to local promotional activities, Sanfl>el, Florida 33957. / successfully completed her real estate there a: different types of assets involved. must be allocated to the assets sold. In the Periwinkle Way. salesmen's license requirements. such as the Island Open Fishing Derby.

ing Center - Next to Bailey's Z Geor ge Wey mouth's DUGGERS OF SANIBEL Ceramics & China Paint if. q A BIRDING TOURS Spring M Los so Stay in heated 2902 Guif Dr Tues thru Sat bus on -Mid-tour 47 2-1 181 10:00 - 5:00 Festival O cold coffee break $39.95 A Complete FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE New colors! Just completely refurbished> with new machines N binoculars see Add Shells OFFICE SUPPLIES and checklist 5Q-75 and under new management -i ' New styles! species 6 We Ship furnished See us for your office Anywhere of birds Open Every Day - 7:00 A.M. - «:00 P.M. Refreshing selection! A supply needs. If we don't at Tahitian Garden Periwinkle Way Make reservations at have it, we'll order it for you. Yes, attendant on duty to assist you. 10-5Mon.-Sat. Bailey's QeneralStore HOME FURNISHINGS 472-4035 Also ;...'..: -. •• The Jack Nicklaus golf shirts by Hathaway. Terry GJoth' casual sport shirts from Mcdure. Countess Mara textured knits. Popular "Alligator" knited shirts We have a rubber stamp SANIBEL by Izod. Designer styles by Christian Dior. & address label service. Plaids and checks. Gingham and Madras. Oxford button-down dress shirts. Easy-care polyester •«'•;. blends...all cottons...and more — QlUMtfelj'ft Liquors*Beer*Wine* Mixes Card'N Parly Shoppe 1626 Periwinkle Way March 16-17-18 Monl-Sat. 9-5 472-2995 WE OFFER COMPLETE SERVICE Old Crow Bourbon - • NO SUB-CONTRACT WORK • "GUNITE" Lauders Scotch BUILT POOLS RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Frankfort GirT CUSTOM DESIGNED invites you to see POOLS, PATIOS & SCREEN ENCLOSURES. . .ANY SHAPE rrA rr Seagrams 7 Crown RADIO EQUIPPED TRUCKS CALS. SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT Castillo Rum HEAT PUMP, OIL, GAS & SOLAR Knit classic. Hathaway's soft, absorbent, luxurious cotton lisle knit. Stand up collar looks great under HEATERS INSTALLED $kol Vo! Dunham's of Maine !c- models in the Dunes subdivison. One, with an DamainesF. Ravel $2.59 fifth 334-8665 assumable 8 *A % mortgage. Men S^A^omens Apparel LICENSED AND BONDED TO' OPEN EVERY DAY MEET REQUIREMENTS For further information visit Qp*n 9-9 Dally • 2242 Periwinkl© Way, &uifl>el Island ON S ANIKL AND CAPTIVA 110^ Sancastle Road in the 10% also at 2146 McGregor Blvd., in the Boulevard Dunes weekdays 2-5; v Shopping Center, Fort Myers,

3051 HANSON STREET FT. MYERS or call 481-2512 Weekdays SHAPING CENTER (NEXTTO BAILEY'S) 472-3479 Weekends

****&-.* * ^v* •ww*ft*^v^ Island Reporter March 16,1979 A31 -I: A30 March 16,1979 Island Reporter Council urged fc>appoin t committee for charter review

, s ... An observer of the Sanibel political scene, except those expressly prohibited by the ported objective of that repealer was Paul Howe authors an occasional column lor Constitution or by law. That intent, so officially described as "supersedes existing Direct deposit of social security checks alleviates risks Island Reporter. ; stated, was. intended to still forever the city recall measures and provides uniform shrill and negative voices of the adherents procedures for recalling members of • And, direct deposit. eliminates the of the archaic Dillon Rule that arose municipal or charter county governing Some island residents possibility of your check being stolen. regularly, to stymy the 1968 grant of home bodies." There may. be .some disadvantages to. By Paul A. Howe . rule. . . • ' •• •'. .'.••:..•••. . •' ..- .-, . -• -• To students of government those "uni- direct deposit, too, depending on the A number of beneficent implementing form recall procedures" were merely a and officials are 'Direct deposit is a voluntary program that allows you to have social security financial organization you choose and the November 5, 1979 marks the City of measures followed in subsequent legislative continuance of the savage and. adversary- type of account you have. Procedures vary Sanibel's fifth birthday. A number of the sessions. Those measures, however, were type impeachment trials (such as those expressing a respectful or SSI payments deposited directly into a checking or savings account...' from one financial organization to another. island's residents and officials Are express- still stalked by the die-hard Dillon rulers in contemplated for the Watergate crimes) While some may notify you -each month ing a respectful doubt of the infallibility of the courthouses. Crippling amendments that the sensitive Sanibel Charter framers doubt of the infallibility when your check is received, others may its unchanged charter and believe it may be had eschewed for the more humane and all- Do you usually have to stand in line to can help you fill it out. Completion of the only send you a notice if they do not receive time for a change --„. or two. I share that encompassing recall procedures. of Us unchanged charter. cash your social security or supplemental form only authorizes deposits into your your check. In some cases, you may have to belief with a due reverence for the sanctity The legislative snipers, still at work in security income check each month? If so, account. And, only you or someone author- call or visit the financial organization to find of its conception. . .; : • . ..,.,: 1976, enacted Chapter 76-155. That mea- you might want to consider arranging for, ized by you can make withdrawals from out. when your check was deposited. Some The charter itself also expressed such a here'showe sure was "intended to" insure that property direct deposit of your monthly benefit, says your account.: • . •• financial organizations charge a service fee belief in its Article VH. Sagely, it provides owners were given adequate notice of the Social Security Administration. You can stop direct deposit at any time for checking accounts. Or, they may require an amendment procedure based. upon a proposed local ordinances enacted pursuant It is such legislative happenings that Direct deposit is a voluntary program simply by notifying a social security office. that you keep a minimum balance in your voter's referendum initiated by either city to the Local Government Comprehensive prompts me to suggest to our city council that allows you to have your social security An important point to remember if you account in order to avoid service charges. council or by at least 10 percent - of the were stDl the order of the day. Those Planning Act of 1975. (This .action, despite that it immediately appoint a small, but or SSI payments deposited directly into a decide to have direct deposit: Make sure It's a good idea to find but how a financial voters signing a petition. hurdles were often labelled with such the plentiful objections of SanibeFs builders knowledgeable committee to review our checking or savings account at a financial that social security always has your correct organization would handle the direct de- Students and close observers of Florida's euphemisms as "to create uniformity," and and developers that they were being city charter for possible revisions" for organization. •• • mailing address so you can continue to posit of your check. political subdivisions regard Sanibel's City "to encourage public participation." subjected to a superabundance of "notices" placing on November 6, 1979 ballot. Instead of being delivered to your home receive notices and general information Whether or not you have direct deposit is Charter the bellwether of the state's new It was in anticipation of such sniping and "public hearings.") Undoubtedly, many of our concerned every month, your check is sent to the about social security or SSI. entirely up to you. You may prefer the way cities that have sprung from, the 1973 legislation that the amendment procedure . That enactment made mincemeat of the citizens will present other instances of financial organization. You choose the you.now handle your benefit. One thing to Municipal Home Rule Powers Act. That in Sanibel's charter was adroitly adopted by sincere efforts of Sanibel's City Council to needed clarifications and changes to the organization you want to use. It Direct deposit of your monthly benefits keep in mind, though, is that while your measure for the first time clearly expressed its,framers in 1974 under authority of the streamline "ordinances enacted pursuant to committee during their public hearings. g y v the legislature's intent to grant the home enabling statute properly identified as the Local Government Comprehensive My caution to the committee is to resist can be a commercial bank, savings bankb , has several advantages: * present method may be more convenient for • You don't have to stand in line to cash or you, it might, not be as safe as direct rule powers' promised by Florida's brave, Chapter 74-606. The ink had scarcely dried Planning Act of 1975" in the state's the importunities of those who would savings and loan association, or similar new Constitution of 1968. It affirmatively on that enabling law, however, when its pioneering ordinance of that nature. Section convert our simple charter of principles into institution, or a Federal or State chartered deposit your check. . : deposit: . • If you're away from home, your money If you want more information about direct conferred on cities the power to exercise uniquely simple recall provisions were .3.10 of the city's 1974 charter fell before the a detailed "operating manual" fuH of credit union. any prerogative for, municipal purposes emasculated by Chapter 74-130. The pur- onslaught of the snipers. loopholes for the benefit of selfish interests.. Arranging for direct deposit is simple. All is available in your account instead of sitting deposit of your monthly benefits, contact you have to do is complete a direct deposit in your mailbox. ;- your social security office. In Fort Myers form SF-1199. You can get the form at your • You don't have to worry about losing the office, is located at 2124 Clifford Street, your check. telephone 334-7132. financial organization, and the people there - Quality Breading and Royal Treatment Reign Supreme THREE STAR GROCERY ISLAND PRINTING CENTRE . OPEN 7 AM-UPM The Island's Most Complete Printing Service TAILWAGGER KENNEL Along With a Full Range of Office & Stationery Supplies AVIS We try harder. .' FINEST IN GROOMING AND BOARDING [ Hoi. Oil Treatments

(GAS 4DKSEL) 194 KELLY ROAD RT. 5 Tropical Fish and Supplies GAS STATION OPEN 7 AM-7 PM FT. MYERS. FLORIDA PHONE 481-1719 SALE STILL ON 20% OFF PALM RIDGE * TARPON SAY ROAD r A Minn 472-4040 SANIBEL 472-5400 If 1 EXPRESS yourself Briefcases & Clip folders collection of with unique Lamp-Toppers hand made chain designs in l4Kt. gold. Links are individually cast and then soldered together, producing exciting designs not found in Jim and Beryl Gough Open Monday-Friday other stores. The wide variety of design makes 455 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Island, Honda 33957 Phone: 472-4437 chains a perfect accessory for the well dressed woman and man of today, as well as suiting every mood and fashion. THE ISLANDS Tahitian Garden John & Pat Zambuto LANGUAGE LANOLUBKft 1987 Periwinkle Way - •, (813)472-2876 Sanibel, Fla. 33957 Hours 9:30-5:30 SO TALK TO THE Shopping Center & Professional Offices

Bai Shell - $5.00 a best-of-beach condominiunr homedccoride^vrithf^ur . ^(p^^^Chl^ve^thi^^a^^i&el/ '?- I'M ID BRINQ YOU CUSTOMERS ... on the Gulf. Ft. Myers Beach. thoughtful-gift".../unexpected, useful, beautiful. MoBtofoiirresident* Will tell you thot they know theIslands inside-out. But it's theland use ins and outs that could get you into Tower with observation deck trouble. You see, the Islands, precious as they ore; dre.protected oy sophisticated reitrictions that effectively curtail certain types of real estate development and improvements. The highly trained, professional real.estate counselors at Priscilla Murphy Other shells available are: Bonnet - $5^00, understand the complexities of the land use regulations and the new rate of. growth limits. That's why for almost 30'years ... the highest on Sanibel knowledgeable investors have talked with Priscilla Murphy people first. We translate the island language into plain talk and put Sundial - $5.00, Haiti Shell - $5.00, Apple it all into perspective so that your real estate investment can derive its maximum potential now and for years to come. The Landlubber Restaurant Murex - $5.00, Siver Turbo - $7.00, Orange ... lots of tourists and residents Mitra - $7.00, and Sand Dollar - $7.00. At the hub of Sanibel IB (mail orders add $1.50) REAITOR* ... the center of roads and people Realty, Inc. PICTURES St«tl«y t. Johnson. Jr.. on PrmIdkwit INFORMATION Shslla B. SMII. OU Vk» Pra«ld*nt Lease your, business site FLOOR PLANS TiffanyParlor now with option to purchase later ; CALL 813/463-9123 or write to Giftand Decorator Boutique • SaleeOfflcet . • : •. ."•':•' .••;•' • • '. • The Hussey Co., 2096 Estero Blvd., 28 luxurious units. 1700 to Maln-Ofncet ' . - ••• ."• • . BfVncn OflliM '' :' Captlva Officer Island Ft. Myers Beach, FL 33931 PeriwfoMePtaceShopping Center ^ ATZ406Z P.O. Box 57 Periwinkle Way, Causeway Road, Andy Rosse Lane 9067 Causeway Rood ; ' Knudsen Realty, Inc. Realtor 2100 sq. ft. Enclosed garage Sanibel Island. Fla. 33957 Name • • ^075PeriwinkteWay : SharonKraft Sanibel Island, Fla. - SanibeJ Island, Fla. 472-5154 - 472-1149 with each unit. Preconstruc- 472-1511 472-4121 472-4113 - 472-4114 '<:.'. Exclusive Agent 472-3737 tion nrires still, in effect... Sanibel Island, Fla. 33957 Check* VISA, or MC After Hours Information Earl Fisher 472-3064 A33 March 16,1979 Island Reporter Island Reporter March 16,1979 Highlands owners threatened by dispute to Holmberg and Regan, and only then was "shaken and in contact with both my lawyer surance on both their land and home, and at no formal property owners' association, but • from 1~A Should the estate be awarded recovery of 26th day of March, 1979." sister, Elaine Durkin of Merchantsville, it legally recorded. . and title company," to "not particularly least a few have such insurance only on there's talk of consolidating legal re- title, current owners conceivably could then Jackson said this week that he was not New Jersey, Huddersaid. ; During the period before execution of the worried because I have title insurance." - their land. .. presentation, should circumstances call for title insurance and sold the property with buy back their property. certain if a lawsuit would be filed on the The Robert Hohnberg estate proceedings deed, Holmberg died. One to two months Some ownelrs apparently hold title in- The Highlands residents and owners have it. title insurance." Frey said. The letter to 19 Highlands owners, 26th or at a later, date, depending on the were filed in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania after his death, according to Hudder, Regan In the arid-1970's, Frey developed the SO representing ownership of the 20 lots, said outcome of his discussions with current court "in May of 1977, and involved some called Holmberg's brother-in-law to say he x 100-foot lots, valued then at $3,000 to in part: "We take the position that this owners and title insurance companies. property that Holmberg owned in that area. had learned of the death. Regan left a about $6,000 each, and constructed 19 forged deed conveyed no title to Mr. Regan, Jackson's letter urged owners, to have Hudder was not aware at that time, he said, telephone number, but could hot be reached, homes on- the tract- and. therefore, that title to all of the lots their attorneys and title insurance com- that Hohnberg had any Florida holdings. . when the alleged forged deed yas dis- Frey said, this week he did not receive a described in the deed ... remains in the panies contact him for particulars. He has 'Thenra lawyer who. had lwtd.idealings covered. ' -..- '••:'•. •";--.-••> •"..-" ••'[ ••-••' "•''.'•'. letter from Jackson, but did receive copies estate of Robert HoJmberg.** heard from a majority of those involved, he with another, of Hohnberg's partnerships "Our position is that the estate wfints a of the letter from several of the current Jackson said this week that no action is said, "but there are some I haven't heard objected to our accounting because he said fair consideration of their land;" Hitter owners and turned them over to his being taken against Regan, known only •» « from," he added. it didn't include the Florida land. That was. said. "We're not after Regan because he Fort Myers attorney; Ron Smalley, who physical «ducation^ teacher whose address Jackson and his firm are the local legal in late 1977," Huddersaid. A search for the doesn't own the land, and it is my opinion currently is investigating the title daim. on the deed was listed as Point Heasant representatives working with an Allen- deed in Lee County was futile because, that the deed (which signs Holmberg's SmaUey said this week that to his Beach, New Jersey. "If Regan forged the town, Pennsylvania law firm which is Hudder later learned, it did not then exist. interest.in the land to Regan) is null and

knowledge, there is no proof or judicial instrument, we have no proof that he forged handling the Holmberg estate. Allentown Apparently three and half; years before -void.' ':"'"* .-• '•. -.",;-'* ••:.•''•'';•• '•.'-••• \\ : ruling on the alleged forged signature, "and it," Jackson said; ; :i> : attorney John Hudders, contacted this Holmberg died, while he and Regan were "1would think that the current owners of we don't even know if this is the same All ownership claim holders, Jackson week, explained how the Sanibel action travelling on Florida's west .coast, they that land might have a claim against Robert Hdlmberg." wrote to the Highlands people, were being evolved in what he called "a very confusing, contracted to purchase the Highlands tract. Twenty lots.in this island Regan," said Hudder, who last-Calked to subdivisionare the subjects of C. Michael Jackson, attorney with the contacted in an attempt "to discuss the complex turn of events." Holmberg died in from then owner J.J. Sawbridge. Hudder Regan in late 1977 or early 1978. Regan's Fort Myers firm of Stewart, Stewart* sitogtion and agree upon a satisfactory testate and Hudder's firm was working on later learned that Regan and Holmberg an estate proceeding. Estate whereabouts currently are unknown. attorneys claim current Jackson and Keyes, which represents the resolution of the situation without the letters of administration after his death in agreed to pay Sawbridge $150 per month Several of the affected Highlands pro- Holmberg estate locally, said this week "no necessity of litigation if possible . . . 1972, he said. "Under testate law, his sole toward the $18,500 purchase price, but ownership claims were perty owners were contacted for comment arrived from a forged deed. lawsuit has been filed yet. If that is However, so that we will have . some heir was his mother's estate," Hudder said. would not receive a deed until all monies this week. Some would not comment on necessary, it would be a claim to the title reasonable target date, I will plan to His mother, Helen Holmberg, died about were paid. ; . : advice of their, attorneys, and a few who itself, not for monetary damages." There commence a lawsuit to recover ownership of two months after her son in Pennsauken, An account was held in escrow in a Fort were willing to talk preferred to remain are, however, any number of monetary the lots in the estate if we have not amicably New Jersey. The only other likely heir Myers bank, but it wasn't until November anonymous. solutions to the problem, Jackson said. worked out the situation on or before the might be her daughter and Holmberg's 20,1973 that Sawbridge executed the deed Reaction to the situation ranged from M The One T0 Buy! J&B Coins and Stamps •. • - f • 7% YOUR EXTRA TOUCH FLORIST The Ft Myers Agency for MEMBER F.T.p. Macintosh Bookshop 3366 CLEVELAND AVE. Purchase and Sale of Gold, Silver, and Island Garage Mt. 936-2131 Especially Recommends AND--'-' - - • • ' Stamp collections (appraisals given) American & Foreign Car Repair GARDEN MAU, y Investment Counseling 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE MYERLEE SQUARE River Rock is a Gulf Points Square (813)472-4318 inne anna DEQH 28^18 San Carlos Blvd. S. Ft. Myers 1609 Periwinkle Way Hours: CKDOn EEEB DOBC 481-1956 Sanibel Island, Fla. 33957 8-5 Mon. thru Sat. DDCCC QBDDDDEinE enchanting glands BDQBDQE1E1O HEEDD tonaBQE anEECD By.RCchanl N. Camp«n < V DDDDQE 0QDDDQDD BBDEC ODD OdDEE Permanent...If BOaCDBElH 0HDQDC1 ODE BHdEan TOPS for its unsurpassed visual image of BBQB0E HBBD COCBB HQHBEIDaSB the islands - much of it in full color! aDEnaacaB QBQBB BEBE CBDD EBQED sensitive,^mpathetic writ- annE DQDD ncanE ings and experiences of one who has. .combed the beaches for shells and kindred e Do it. souls for over two decades. River Rock is your best solution to MA book to savor and give!** Second Season -- Second Printing! those patio covering problems^ We Over 5,000 sold! Now $7.95 spread a high quality Epoxy Bonded River Rock on your pool or patio deck.... .PERMANENTLY! We can also On Sardbel, _ do your concrete under that River CAR You wanted a means general .shell lamp ... Rock, too. So get it done right the HjloSteiner can ship you one for rent-a-car system) $25/ real estate; first time ... as it is the onjy way you Your shells. They go inside the melon glass CHECK OUR HOMES 28,700 sq. ft. on canal, beautiful view. $83,500 BEACHVIEW COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES 2 bedroom, 2 large lots on canal T . $55,000 each will be happy with River Rock. Call ball; easy to remove NO MILEAGE RATES 2 bath, cathedral ceiling, wet bar, carpet, vinyl, the top, arrange your (Chevetteor landscaping, on golf course $112,185.00 DUPLEX'. ;' • _•. ;• - ••"•• •....-..:. shells trie way you 2 bedroom, 2 bath, den, family room, carpet, vinyl, Townhouse directly on beach, new, with carpeting, for a free estimate. 'oye them, change them landscaping, on river and golf course $ 108,235.00 appliances . $225,000.00 ryequently. 19" lamp SHELL HARBOR SUBDIVISION 3 bedroom. 2 bath, Townhouse in. beoch complex, with small boat pool and diving bubble; large lot on canal. ' dockage: "• $150000,00 ~ iiii iilteVit $159,900.00 3 bedroom, 2 bath custom home with heated pool,. natural burtap shade; CONDOMINIUMS ? . lc . on canal, with davits, some furniture, many 2 bedroom, 2s bath With garage and storage fully wired/ Nice. •xtros , $175,000.00 , .: $85,000.00 Order Melon #25, Toll Free U.S. ondConodo i-80t>-237-28O4_ 3i bedroom, i bath, with tolor heated pool, no send check or money From Florida Call Collect 813-381-2758 bridges to Bay, deep water canal $176,000.00 RENTALS . ••.,r.. _.-;•. • - order, we ship prepaid Others firom $130,000,00 WHh pool . •-': ~-;\- Need beach front properties and 2 bedroom UPS. Drop in at the / homes for next season. • • Black Pearl in ?5* SHELL HARBOR 100* x 170' on canal $56,000 Sanibel and see our We feature: GM. Fordt. per day Canailoton sewer, beautiful view $53,000 lamps. Or send for Dodge. Rates non-discount-. /*••• tAfBCITI V PATBC Canal lot in 3rd Addition, deep water with no able, sublect to change wlth-LUW WWBBlVlT K#\IB»v. bridges $60,000 catalog. 2.00, from: PICK-UP AND RETURN SEkVICE AVAILABLE Specialties Inc m '"•..' Open 7 days a week 5p7"BroadSt 936-5400 ; 472-1506 * 332-0361 • 936-3331 3205 Hanson St. - Shrewsbiiry; JN;J: 07701, pfibr^-(i20t)741-5862. 1 26 Ci ysi Lihdgren «t Periwinkle * Celebrating,25 yvara of leadership, HOMES Ft. Myers, Ha Building since 1952 Oyp^ditiis integrity and quality in home building I i fway. Stop iriGarden State in SouthHTsi Florida. i ^flti t09 \. Island Reporter March 16,1979 A35

March 16,1979 Island Reporter

,./.:;. : •

name "Lewis" during his years at to America's years of growing and the New Yorker, to avoid con- here it is set down as a great lark, fusion with New Yorker cartoonist to renew the youth and restless- Robert Taylor and .the movie ness of every reader." : actor Robert Taylor. Though he The themeof youthful ad- WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE, served in the Navy from 1942-46, venture surfaced again in Taylor's Taylor continued to write "Pro- epic, "A to Matacumbe," file" pieces for the New Yorker, published in 1961. Later adapted THIS IS A GOOD BEGINNING working from notes sent by the for film; the book described the magazine. . exploits of a young boy and his In 1950 the Saturday Evening uncle fleeing the Ku Klux Kian WE HAVE FIFTY OF THE LARGEST Post commissioned Taylor to write during the Reconstruction years in two y««r*

•ul.8 with these companies and that means clout when it comes to writing yours. From a complete Commercial Package to a Family Policy — the right policy for you at the right price. Call us today, we have the whole world on the other end of the line.

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"SHUTTER NOW OR SHUDDER LATER' your library Island Reporter March 16,1979 A37 A36 March 16,1979 Island Reporter RU r&hmmopen Have something you want to say? Put it on paper (please try to hold your letter to 300 words or less), and send it to - "PubUc-Ponim," Island Reporter, P.O. Drawer R, Sanibel, Florida 33957. It would be unfortunate if the crash of a light plane pilots who land there have contacted the owners to seek All letters should include -name, address and telephone number of the writer. Withholding the name of the author of a letter or use of a "pen" name is r Tuesday at the Island Beach Club airstrip resulted in the permission. Even if tliey did the owners say they are not permitted, except for rare instances in.which a letter-conceivably could lead to reprisals. The editor can offer no guarantee that all letter submitted wfll be published. closing of the only airfield serving Sanibel and Captiva. reluctant to issue written authorization to use the field The 2600 foot long grass strip has seen its share of ,for fear of incurring liability. mishaps, but before it is condemned as unsafe the Closing the field would eliminate the chance of another physical characteristics of the airstrip as well as the accident, but it would also cut off a very desirable accident statistics should be examined more closely. alternative; to making a long automobile trip from Page In the eight years the Island Beach Club trust has Field in Fort Myers. . %eyondr description owned the airfield not one accident has been caused by a Sanibel Police Chief John Butler is recommending that hazard at the field. All were due to pilot error. the field be closed to all traffic except those with To Island Reporter: On March 4 we went mention the lack of privacy (all doors of the My strong recommendation is: clean up To a non-flier or a pilot who has only operated out of authorization, but the owners have already said they are to the beach on Sanibel. What started as a stalls have been removed.) the facilities or close them up. They are not long, hard surfaced runways the island runway can not likely to give written authorization. very enjoyable day of sun and relaxation 'My friend and I walked out in disgust as fit for human use. appear menacingly short. The condominiums and The solution may be to make pilots more aware of the after a week's toil was spoiled by a stop at - did a third woman who came in right alter casuarinas off the west end of the runway do little to airstrip's limitations and hope they will be more the Causeway rest station. .us. I am sure if this station was turned over instill confidence in an already nervous pilot. But the objective about their own skills. Considering Island • • • * The Lee. County Commission receives the to any other agency by the county (possibly field is inspected annually before the state license is The facilities at that particular station are proceeds of the bridge toll so why can't private enterprise) it would be better Some final Beach Club's generosity in keeping the airstrip open beyond description. What a shame! The something be done to clean up a public area maintained. At the moment it is truly a renewed to ensure it meets minimum state safety even though it has no real benefit for them, the city sanitary conditions-are non-existent, not to we help support? disgrace!/s/Colette Stoddart, Cape Coral standards—which it does. And experienced pilots tell us should be more than willing to lend the owners- a hand in most light planes can operate with ease in and out of the working with FAA and general aviation officials in Fort thanks for field as long as the pilot knows and heeds the limitations Myers to come up with a system that would allow Should Captivans be charged for of his equipment and ability. competent pilots to use the airstrip but would prevent crossing Sanibel? The airstrip is licensed as a restricted private airport, marginally qualified pilots from getting any closer to the Shell Fair for use only by specific authorization. Very few ol the Sanibel than Page Field. To Island Reporter: Now that the 1979 Sanibel Shell Fair is over there are a few By Helen and Wffliam Webb final words to be said about it and the Sanibelite objects people who made this year's show so The Island Reporter editorial of successful. •..!••• March 9 gives one half of the Lions Lions clubhouse would set bad precedent I would like to thank personally, each and Club — Southwinds problem. It to Caplivat toll every exhibitor for entering their scientific doesn't even mention the other and artistic displays in our fair. half of the problem. Since the half To Island Reporter: I believe the propos- All of you deserve credit for helping put not mentioned is the most impor- as others view it edtpU on motorists travelling to Captiva is a together this outstanding Sanibel Shell tant, the readers deserve a better . ^ripoff to Sanibelites. They use our roads to Show. Over 12,000 visitors enjoyed it. picture of the fundamental issue. "" get to Captiva thus I would propose a 50 Please come back next year. We could not The half presented deals with cent toll for Captivans who travel to or from do it without you./s/Myra Zu Hone, more fragile than others. To deal What the city council must for storage of equipment needed the question of whether the pro- is the beneficial use" of the 5 our island. These funds will help improve exhibits chairman with this variability it sets up a decide on April 17 is whether the for Lions activities. In addition to posed development will affect acres. Then the Comprehensive our roads. hierarchy of allowable intensity of impact on the proposed use on this Lions Club activities the public those of us who live in Southwinds Land Use Plan can be defended The toll booth can be plac -L. the bridge use. 5 acres will be significantly assembly • hall will provide a Subdivision. The editorial con- against the next lawsuit that seeks .connecting Sanibel and Captiva./s/A The Commercial areas are greater than the impact of a single • meeting room to other community clusion is that it will have no an increase in the allowable concerned Sanibelite, John Whiting concentrated in areas which are family home. Mayor Duane White organizations - and thus will be in significant effect on our lifestyle or intensity of use. least fragile. On the other end of recognized this as the basic issue competition with the Community property values. That is a personal If the city council approves the the spectrum, the most fragile in his statement to the city council. Association for providing this Lions request for this exorbitant' Family grateful i opinion of the editorial writer. We areas may be used only if the space. who live here know that a club- Can there be any doubt about increase in intensity of use, intensity of use is reduced to one this question? Let's look at the use house in any neighborhood is not Is it reasonable, by any stretch Sanibel will continue to hear about To Island Reporter: To the rescue squad dwelling per 33 acres. A second the Lions propose. The Lions Bag limit law to be obeyed compatible. of the imagination, to believe that this precedent for a long time. It & medics, Sanibel Police Department and group of lands are slightly less propose to build an assembly hall the impact of all those uses is equal would be logical to expect the We also know that this develop- fragile which may be used at an where meals and drinks will be Shell Fair Sanibel Fire Department on behalf of the to the impact of one single family owner who is selling to the Lions To Island Reporter: Several of the local policy that has the force of law when it Zambuto family we wish to extend our ment will . affect our property intensity of one dwelling per 20 prepared and served to at least Home? Certainly no court of law to seek an increase in intensity on media reports were misleading when adopted the bag limit of two per species on acres. The area the Lions propose sincere thanks and appreciation. Their values. In fact it has already begun 150 persons at one sitting. The would uphold such a judgment. the several hundred acres of stating that the City of Sanibel "will provide all live shells collected within 300 feet of the to use is in the third category of prompt and able assistance is deeply to affect them. One of our owners CL.U.P. defines this as a restau- How does all this activity compare adjacent land which'he owns. no enforcement and penalties for taking entire island's shoreline. Under our cherish- fragility. This area is assigned an raffle sales acknowledged. recently contracted to sell his rant. In addition they propose a with your use of your home? In Every lawyer representing a land more live shells than permitted." ed American form of government that property. Last week the pur- intensity of use of one dwelling per We also wish to thank all our. friends who parking area for 150 cars. That is actual fact it seems that the owner seeking an increased The City Council established a,, public eschews anarchy, EVERY law is required chaser, after reading of the Plan- 5-acres. In other words, one single at least as big as all of the parking Children's Center alone will be an intensity of use will refer to the expressed their sympathies in many ways, to be obeyed - whether or not a-penalty is /s/ Mrs. Lillian Zambuto and Debbie ning Commission action, asked to . family house is all that is allowed lot in front of Baileys Store PLUS intensity of use at least equal to Lions action as a precedent. That specified. on the 5 acres of ground the Lions total $3,173 be let out of the contract and asked the side lot in front of the theatre. the use of one home. ^ lawyer will ask the court why the A complete reading of the City's adopted propose to buy. Our land-use plan for return of his down payment. In addition the Lions, propose ~to That suggests a possible solu- Lions were given an intensity resolution reveals the intent of the council clearly recognizes this as fragile To Island Reporter: In recognition of the The editorial repeats the error provide space for the Children's tion to this problem. Why not many times greater than his client Jean Campbell regarding enforcement of its public policy. donors of the beautiful raffle prizes awarded . that the land-use plan leaves the land. It clearly sets strict limits on Center where 40 to 50 preschool authorize the Children's Center to is permitted. Consistency in the Section 2 clearly and unequivocally states: at the Shell Fair, and of the diligent ticket .location of clubhouses to the how much human use can be Cambell kudos children will be taught each day. complete their school on this 5 application of law is a basic tenet "That, the City Council does enjoin all sellers, we would like to report the final planning commission and the city allowed on that 5 acre parcel. In addition they will use the area acre site, and recognize that this of our democracy. Sanibel inhabitants and visitors to observe sales account. Pre-fair sales at Bailey's To Island Reporter: We hate to see Jean council. That is not true. The receives praise the said bag limit." Campbell's China articles come to an end. land-use plan actually is very clear totalled $1595.00, at local shops, $228.00, It is true, of course, that no penalty will They are wonderful, as were those she in specifying that "Public As- and fair sales were $1350.00, for a grand be exacted other than the public scorn and sembly Halls" are a permitted use To Island Reporter. More, more, more of total of $3173.00! Our thanks to all who wrote on Africa. Let's have many more in Commerical and Restricted Jean Campbell's great travel reporting!! censure for those who hold the law in, helped achieve such fine results! /s/ Nancy trips and many more Jean Campbell pieces Commerical areas. Any dictionary She's got it all as evidenced by her latest contempt by violating it. Those scofflaws and Jerry Wierman, raffle chairmen describing them, /s/ Laura Riley, Captiva will indicate that an "asembly hall" China story, which includes humor mixed will forever be treated as skunks at a lawn is a meeting room - and that is with a keen eye, an unerring sense of the party on Sanibel Island. H time, the place and the people and the Let's never forget that this, nation grew •1 what the Lions are asking for. 7 They propose to make their ability to write about it in such a witty, con- great from feeding on the respect that its meeting room/assembly hall avail- vincing way. /s/ Betty McCleary, Rhine- law-abiding people have shown for its public Header offers suggestions able to community organizations GLIMPSE lander, Wisconsin policies./s/Paul A. Howe 4 listed in the plan (and others I / approved by the planning com- mission). Therefore, this club- Shelter house/meeting room/public as- To Island Reporter: In your March 9 issue for affordable housing sembly hall should be dealt with as Photograph by Peter Larson the manner in which you report the article a permitted use in the Commerical in the Miami Herald on .Doctor. Gentry is To Island Reporter: Although the dream reduce insurance rates to lowest possible and Restricted Commerical misleading and vindictive. : of affordable housing on Sanibel has not yet attainable. sections of the Comprehensive It is no doubt your duty to report news of been defined, I wish to offer some suggest- City of Sanibel to refrain from collecting Land Use Plan. local interest, but it would seem that both ions.' .'.•'•••'-, . . .., .' .. •""'•• . -.' road taxes on trucks carrying supplies to The important half of the pro- you and the Miami Herald went out of your location of affordable housing. blem the editorial omits is the very way to cast aspersions on a person whose . The Bank of the Islands to finance any City of Sanibel to refrain from collecting core of the land-use plan: Limita- record of service on Sanibel is blameless. such project for 2 percent interest less than city taxes on land and buildings' used for tion of Intensity of Use. The basic Dr. Gentry was cleared of any wrongdoing the market rate; and without any points affordable taxes. ; '. , .' ' principle of our CL.U.P. is re- by the appellate court and that .should be charged. (I am a very small stockholder in Employees of City of Sanibel to have first J the end of the matter, there is no proof of duction of environmental damage - ~*^~'? 2Zrfsgi bank.) ; choice on the units available.' by drastic limitation of how much malpractice in the record. It would seem When tenants of affordable housing, as human activity is permitted on our that Doctor Gentry should be praised for The Island Water Association will not assisted above, are employed in private fragile environment. performing a needed service to the people of charge any fee at all for the water business sector, the employers will return The land-use plan recognizes * » --"' r- Sanibel rather than being made the subject connection. some sort of rebate to the City of Sanibel. that all of our land is fragile. It also of spiteful innuendos. /s/ Mrs. H. Florence IWA will install all hydrants necessary to /s/James 0. Evans recognizes that some of our land is Crider n A38 March 16,1979 Island Reporter

growing native „Richard Workman © 79

Orchid may grow unid

Florida's lower peninsula with, its sub- The upper half of the stalk supports, tropical climate hosts plants so different numerous yellow-green flowers, each- from the rest of the country that visiting growing on short stalks from the main stem. botanists and plant enthusiasts seem always The flowers are small and not particularly in awe of some aspect t>f the native flora. showy, but are stbngiy scented and espec-, The group of plants that seems to draw ially fragrant at night. Locally, blooms special interest and certainly the most avid appear in mid-winter but can show as early enthusiasts is the orchids. as September or as kite as February. Florida has more than one hundred native - The taxonomy of this plant has been orchids varying: widely in form, beauty and changed a number of times and is still habitat. Each demonstrates a remarkable subject to differences of opinion. In 1844 adaptation to its selected environment Heinrich Reichenbach first described the accounting for their characteristic indivi- plant not as one species with variations but dualities. ,v . as two distinct species. He presented two Though orchids are generally thought of closely allied plants Habenaria odontapetela as epiphytes growing upon another plant for and H. strictissima. Current classification support, they presumably all began as groups are under the one species H. . terrestrial plants. The more primitive of the strictissima and deals with H. odontopetala : orchids, in fact, retain this habit and as a variation of that species. . emerge from the ground using the sou* for The generic name is from the Latin both support and. nourishment. habena, meaning strap or thong, and refers The most common of the terrestrial orchids to characteristic appendages of the flower locally, and probably in all of Florida, is. petals. The specific name is also of Latin Habenaria strictissima variation odonto- origin and means, "of very narrow habit of petala. It is apparently without a common growth." The variation name odontopetala name. • ; refers to a pointed tip of the flower petals Though fairly adaptable to soils of and is from the Greek meaning "toothed varying ^mositure, this orchid prefers petal." wooded uplands and can be seen in most Terrestrial orchids don't generally lend cabbage palm hammocks. It even grows themselves to landscape introduction. They well in the understory of Australian pines. are particular about where, they grow and Terrestrial orchids don't lend themselves to landscape introduction Growing from a succulent tuber with can seldom be successfully moved. These numerous fibrous roots, habenaria produces plants begin life with a symbiotic arrange- Ifc however,: wild areas of the- home a sturdy erect stem reaching up to two feet ment of fungus and roots each benefiting landscape with suitable woodland habitat tall. Glossy dark-green leaves, to about six the other. They live their lives in such a i are inches in length with an elliptic shape delicate balance that once disturbed they allowed to grow, there is reason to expect sheath the stem. seldom recover their natural vigor/ that- this_ orchid might be among them. FAR FROM THE MADDING


Highest elevation on Sanibel Island Large, beautifully vegetated homesites 7/10 to VU acres All underground utiltities and water hook-ups Privacy with space enough for a mini-estate 2 easements to the Gulf of Mexico Controlled location with private drive Located on high natural Gulf Ridge . Sea Gate homesites are immediately buildable / Lagoon and waterways will be preserved in their natural state

L. Dingman, Owner May be contacted at the site or phone (813) 472-5361 P.O. Box 405, Sanibel Fla. 33957 Or your broker A40 March 16, 1979 Island Reporter He Island Club at Sundial

DINING, COCKTAILS AND DANCING ON THE GULF-OF MEXICO. BAHAMA ROOM The Bahama Room offers you fine dining in an air of casual elegance, directly on the Gulf of Mexico. Come, enjoy fine international cuisine and a spectacular, panoramic view of the Gulf in a serene, island setting. Try our Chef s specialities, tasty Florida seafoods, they'll please even the most discriminating jpalate. Chefs Suggestions Coquille St. Jacques ...... $7.50 Filet of Sole Cardinal...... ;...,...... 650^^^^^^ ^^^^" Cutlet of Veal Saute 'Oskar'...... 9.50 1 New York Steak "Maitre d';Hoter...... -9.95 ::r Serving Breakfast from 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM Serving Coffee and Danish from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM ^•:-;----^ ServingLunch from ll;30 AM to2;3' Serving Dinner from 5:00 PM to 9:00 ^ Reservations are required for dinner, and |ja<&ets are ^ :--JS after 5:00 PM in the Dining Room. LOSTHORIZON Cocktails ' Disco Sanibel Island's most exciting cocktail lounge, the Lost Horizon, also offers you a panoramic view of the Gulf. A perfect place for you to relax and enjoy star-light evenings with family and friends. For some surprisingly delicious "un" - cocktails, try our Banana Flip, Peaches and Cream or our Pink Ms. Excellent beverages for those who desire non-alcoholic drinks. For those of you who desire cocktails, be sure to order an exotichouse,cocktail, or your favorite cocktail, or a selection from our fine; list of wines and imported beers. . Our exciting Disco, located in the Lost Horizon, offers you the latest in Disco dance tunes. Dance each evening from 9:30 PM into the early morning hours. No cover charge is required.

The Lost Horizon is open for your pleasure from 11:00 AM to 2:00 AM daily.

Bank Americard American Express Master Charge

The Island Qub at Sundial ...... "come once to satisfy your curiosity and you'll return to satisfy your soul."

1246 Middle Gulf Drive ^|^ Sanibel Island, Florida 472-4151 for Reservations V.

B2 Afercft 16,1979 Island Reporter

)from 1-B says the bones were identified at Salt Spring were much older than the time as belonging to the the Glades Period. To verify his Glades period, dating back maybe hunch, Clausen made arrange- 1;O(K) ^2^000 years. ments to dive at the sinkhole and ' For; the^ neit 12 years Clausen retrieve new bones for accurate didn't think much about Little Salt dating. In December and January Springs-But -in197O,>wh0n hV was1 ? of 1971-72, jdlausen spent ten days Fl6rida s chiei^inarin

A natural time capsule, Little Salt Spring toitt, provide m "instant replay" for studies of ancient man, animals and climate m North America. So far the site has yielded artifacts -- including a non-returning boomerang -- and bones dated at 12,000 years. In a nearby slough, Clausen unearthed part of a human brain, still intact within an ancient skuIL •.:'• '" "

REDKEN Meet The Products Island Rental Sanibel People Beauty Salon ISLAND SHOPPING CENTRE Prisdlla MuiphyV (NEXTTOBAIEY'S) Island Accommodations « Salon Island Accommodations represents Let us introduce you to our de Belleza a select group of the finest vacation beautiful islands and their 3^1112 accommodations on the islands. As accommodations. Write or call us a no-cost service to our visi. jrs, we for reservations or additional PUNTAYBEL PLAZA offer a wide variety of vacation information. . (ACROSS FROM THE SEA HORSE) lodgings from private homes and rental condominiums to full-service 813-472-4113 motels and resorts. Short and long term rentals are available during 9067 Causeway fioad all seasons. P.O. Box 57 Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 For property owners we offer a COMING EVENTS full rental management service or we can act as a referral agent. Sanibel-Captiva Lions Club e PRI'SCIUCI — ANNOUNCES — Realty. Inc. (H If RENTAL OFFICE Causeway Road "Cram-A-Cart 472-4113 MAIN OFFICE P.O.Box 57, Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Island. Florida 472-1511 at Bailey's BRANCH OFFICE Causeway Road • 472-4121 . CAPTIVA OFFICE i grocery run and cart fill Andy Rosse Lane 472-1149.472-5154 i March 21 Tickets From Any Lion $1.00 Donation B4 March 16,1979 Island Reporter

^""SECRET WEAPON" FINDS SHELLS" : Y6u-U flndrac* (iuribnio*, corw*); WG (wMktC«ondu)o 12"); —FISHING? SHELLING unusual (urchins, starfish, sonddollors) and many mor* fUwtt "WET PANTS" CHARTERS Private charters. 4 or 8 hours. Search beautiful beaches of quality specimens of shells * sealife. Interesting lunch stop; 23 - footer; 8' cabin areo: cushioned seats; cruise 35mph; Coast- uninhabited islands. Gulf, pass or backbay fishing. Adjust- guard equipped; $25 per. min. A. Depart Captiva 9o- return 2p. able rates. $25 minimum 2. Will pick you up on Captiva or 1% Distinctive seagoing nature For information about this EXCLUSIVE. SECRET WEAPON," Pine Island. Captain Dawson, 283-0775. super-shelling cruise, call. /. 2U-0775 adventures since 1970. Capt. Dick Frieman 472-1315 Fishing. Half or Full D»y DEEP SEA FISHING Shelling All Equipment Sightseeing Charter Furnished Native Star the f Daily 8 AM. FISH ~ TALES I Gulf Star Marina with ""^^X Look for the Big Red & White Building Deep Sea Open Party Boat Capt. Bill Gartrell North of the Bridge. Residence Sanibel Marina 463-4780 . 463-2219 (813)472-3012 (813)472-2723 Capt. Bill Mazur - Cdpt. Dick Cain Sails Daily 7:30 am. I

Capt. Bill Lupski Sanibel Marina 472-2723 IPOWER BOAT RENTALS! Use the guides listed on this page for your fishing trips 151- 18*** 50 - 85 HP floating activities: around Sanibel. Call 472-2531 Anytime It! Sailboat Rentals Giving rides on Hobiet & Sunfishes - or captain them yourself, located at Sanibel Beach Club; Nerita Street. Call 472-5579. Charter the Bareboatt A 24-foot centerboara' sloop, trailerable Southvvihd; Inc. anywhere you want to go. Fort Myers Yacht Charter, 472-3530. FISH FINDER CABBAOEKKY Sanibel Marina Sailing aboard the PAPA NUI in the Gulf with Capt. Al Stresen- CB RADIO SHEUING Reuter aboard a 54-foot catamaran. For reservations call'332- V4ENGJNE SIGHTSEEING 1200. ,. '• • •":;•.,• •••/ •' • ; . DIVE TRIPS Nature Adventure Afloat: "Wet Pants," Capt. Dick Frieman. 472-1315. Charter. Back Bay Exploring aboard the "Chiclet"'available for'charter at South Seas Marina. Chic Kennedy, 472-4087...... ; ," CAPT.DUKE SELLS Fishing, shelling trips to Cabbage Kay with Captain Arrel Doane aboard the charter boat Odyssey I and II. 472-3332. :-••-•• y Shook -T

Phone 472-1727 (after 5 P.M. 472-2917) march Fri. 16 1:25 AM H ~ 7:52. AMI 1:25 PMH 8:39 PML FISHING SIGHTSEEING SHELLING Sot. 17 2:11 AM H 8:17 AMI 1:55 PMH , 9:2,8PMI Sun. 18 3:07 AM H 8:42 AMI 2:31 PM H ibijirPMl Trips to Cabbage K«y Mon. 1» 4:21 AM H 9:04 AMI :3:10PM H, 11:39>ML Tues. 20 6:18 AM H 9:22 AM L • 4:01 PMH: • ' ' • • • Ljo Wed. 21 'l:05AMi : ^5:O7P/AH tabufunufu Thur. 22 2:27 AM I 6:32 PMH!

Tides have been computed at the Sanibel Lighthouse:. For Captain Baughn Holloway upper Sanibel and Captiva subtract 30 minutes for high tide, 1 hour and 15 minutes for low tide: South Seas Plantation U.S.C.G. Approved Bold face denotes strong tides . Captiva island Phone: 472-2802 B6 March 16,1979 Island Reporter KNOW YOUR IISH

. - KING MACKEREL - EDIBILITY - Excellent. Flesh is firm and tasty. It has ; : ••;.•'••.•• .'/•'•--.'•• '..;.- ; [ScomberomortucavaUal .: - : ..,.;more red muscle than others of the mackerel family and has , a stronger; oily flavor. Marmatmg a few hours m lime jirice<; Also called Kingfish in South Florida/Small, school size (up firms and whitens the flesh and nu^wmizestlieoflf^vor^I^^I to 5pounds)-^recalled "snakes." • >•: •'.• fry,;bake or smoke. Roe of both male and female is a ? delicacy. •'•} •:•'•:... ' . '• .;• . ' '••-..'. '"•'::.'\:;; IDENTIFICATION — The back of a King mackerel is Wuish^green, its sides and belly silver. The first dorsal fin is PREPARATION- Keep well iced from,the, moment caught entirely blue, which distinguishes the King from the Cero for best flavor. Fillet or cut into steaks^ ,; and Spanish mackerels^which- have black coloration on the front third of the dorsal fin. The sharp dip in its lateral line, "King Mackerel also• w ctdled Kmgfiih is South Florida under the second dorsal fin further differentiates it from the other two mackerels found in South Florida. The young have golden spots similar to the Spanish mackerel, but the spots fade with age. The King is a long, tapered fish with a pointed snout and razor-sharp teeth. There are eight to ten finlets from the dorsal and anal fins to the tail.

RECORD - Largest recorded --103 pounds; Florida record By Fritz & Norm* Stoppdbein - 90 pounds off Key West. Suggested Method of Fishing present the bait may. make the difference between success Still hanging in there around and failure. / - . • •)•'"••• •• •. • . .•-..•• - WHERE - The King mackerel seeks water of a minimum the bridges, docks and fish- ,' ' .->•'•' •-••.'.. • • ••••" - REDFISH '•• .'. • •'• ' . temperature of 67 degrees. Migrations --north in the ing piers. One angler, new Many, anglers have been spring, south in the fall - were customary on both Florida to fishing this species, frustrated this week trying coasts until 1975. Since then, there has not been any baited with whole live to locate the reds, but they significant number passing dose enough to the Gulfs and was wiped out in are still being brought into eastern coast to provide any recreational fishing. Should the a matter of minutes. Sheeps- the docks. High tide is the situation return to normal, most fishing activity would take head simply bite the shrimp in half and clean a hook in two time for activity and live place offshore, although a few "strays" have come into Pine swipes. To outwit them, use small hoqks and small pieces of shrimp is the bait. Minimum Island Sound in the past. shrimp, cut bait, fiddler crabs or sandworms. legal length for redfish is 12 inches. WHEN - In the past, most activity has been during daylight. It is known, however, that kings feed heavily at SEATROUT night and much of the fishing for this species in the lower GRAY (MANGROVE] . Plenty of these on the flats east coast area is at night. SNAPPER all around this area. Many Lots of these being caught are top small to keep, but HOW -- Trolling or casting from a boat. When the fish are inshore as well as offshore. one angler reported in with feeding, almost any bait is effective - spoons, feathers, When caught in the deep one'estimated over four holes in the bays or around pounds. Live shrimp rates strip baits, mullet, or combinations. If the fish are deep, 1 wire Me weighted with a trolling lead may be used. When mangrove shorelines , they "'" first on the bait parade, the fish are over a reef, still-fishing or drifting is effective. . .' average a pound or so; but. usually under a popping cork for best action. Minimum legal> In all cases, a wire leader is a "must" due to the sharp teeth those caught over the offshore reefs usually run three to length for spotted seatrout is 12 inches. V of this species. Kings strike the bait hard, often jumping ten five pounds, with occasional ones to 10 pounds. They like feet in the air when hooked. Any slack in the line will allow shrimp on a minimum of terminal tackle. Larger fish of this ALSO IN: Flounder, Grouper, Pompano, Whiting, Black the fish to shake the hook. This .can be great sport on species are very smart and not easily fooled, so how you Drum, Largemouth Bass. • spinning tackle, but be prepared to lose a few.


"Sweet Sixteen Bowrider" Brand new 1978 Riviera plus a big brand' new Johnson 35 On the west tip of Sanibel at Cajjtivd Bridge motor - 60 months to pay - $2288 Only $198 Down Tackle Shop, Boats, Motors, Live Bait, Shell Shop, Soft Drinks, Cold Beer and Ice Call (813) 472-1020

Brand New 1979 Renken 1700 - "Deep V Bowrider" with a 120 HP Volvo Stern Drive $4988 MOO OO O 0 O O0»\\ lllOOOOOOOOOIl) pkftOOQQ!

Sandcastle Road off Bailey Road

9 hole golf course for challenging play. Open to the general public. S-6 daily. Carts available. Golf pro, John Bradley, lessons by READY FOR FAMILY FUN appointment. Driving Range

-Our pro shop canSfe?ladies' %id men's golf apparel and leisure wear norldm'9 Lmiwiat Mmrlmm Dmmlmr as well as golf equipment. ^ !; Welknift ) | Cold Sandwiches and / Salad Plates. Alcoholic beverages served. (Member and Social Members*

•'' ortly.)';' ••'•'•' -: •'•' "•-••* ".'•.••;• ••;•.. •••'•;••;- •-'.;,?. 5401S. Trail (U.S. 41) Fort Myers, 936-3334 Phone 472-2535 L 'Social Memberships available at $5.00 per year. B8 March 16,1979 Island Reporter 'Coastal Fishing By C*pt. Dnke Sells netters, and see if we can't ferret sometimes feel as the crying Tween Waters Marina, Captiva out some shrimp or- related -good- indian when I see the rape of our ies-and, if fast enough, we can put seashores. I do believe that a little - When I arose this Wednesday the hurt on some small pinfish. care by all of us will preserve some _ morning I highly suspect that it .When the tide starts falling of it for the little ones coming up. had to be one of the prettiest I later on in the day, I would After all, we inherited it also. have ever seeij. The blushing suppose these same fish will either Good Fishing, /s/-Capt. Sells moon was in its- fullness and fall into some deep water or prowl casting a luscious pale over all the along the beaches.- If near the palms and it is indeed a shame that beach the m0nu will include any all of you missed the glory. unfortunate fellow of appropriate presents Maybe all of the above indicates size-to come raking, as in the that I have been injected by a bit .deeper .water;.;-' .y.". ••••••;• =^/;; •._• of spring fever, and if that is the If you are apompano, the order case then I will, in all probability, of the day will be the awful looking Chris Stdcker of London, Ontario proudly make the police blotter again this sand fleasi;hat are clinging to the "Let's talk fishing" with South West displays a six-pound spotted seatrout he. month. surf edge in a vain attempt to bury Anglers Club will be presented at Goral- caught on a recent trip toith Duke Sells. If you think people act a little themselves. ; wood Mall in Cape Coral March 16 and funny on full moons, then you Every now and then the school March 17 from 10:00 a.m. until closing., ' The presentation will include a fishing ought to see what it does to fishes. will come upon a great spool of display, rod and reel door prizes and dub Some of the symptoms for them discarded monofilament and some members who will be on hand to talk fishing are as follows: the tides will be will fall upon an agonizing death in .with anyone. - ' : extra high today gang so let's its cruel coils. Still others will Special guests who will appear from 2:00 saunter over to the nearest bush encounter that most luscious of all to 3:30 p.m. eacn day include, on Friday, and grovel among the roots for delicacies, to wit a great pile of March 16, Bruce Brubaker, seven tune some crabs or shrimp, that is if the beer and potted meat cans where- World Accuracy Casting Champion, and on Saturday, March 17, Glenn Pace, tackle bulldozer isn't there. If that upon all can fall upon a great consultant with Edar Marine & Fishing doesn't produce dinner then we'll repast by eating and drinking the Supplies. mosey up on that grass flat, night away. keeping a wary eye out for gill As you can tell from the above, I *. .»,*

* -*' 'KSxf^R^R^R^^^^^^^^R^R^R^R^Gc&i' Captiva Island Where on the Island MARINA SIGNAL INN Fishing-Shelling-Trips to Cabbage can you find all yoiir Key Daily-Cottage & Motet Rentals Beach Cottage Rentals Available, health food needs Jensen's Twin Palm p Bob Hutchinson-Dock Mgr. (813)472-1727 TWO inside Racquetball Courts TREE OF LIFE for play Juices/Dried Fruit, Peanut Butters Open to the public reservations please - HEALTH VALLEY Full Service Marino Soups, Vegetables, crackers With the most complete marine 1811 Middle Gulf Dr. Sanibel, Fl. 33957 facilities in the area ~ PURE & SIMPLE BUTTERS 472-4690 Raspberry, Strawberry, Apple ALTADENA Johnson Outboards, Kefer & Youghurt Cruisers by Mirro Marine, Golden Brown Fertile Eggs Fiberform Mach III, Sea Star. and more Naturally at Used boats, Sail boats.

TRY US TODAYI Lee County's Largest and most centrally located marina. TO WORK? 1 mile before the Sanlbel 2407 Periwinkle •472-1277 Bridge on McGregor Blvd. A MOPED Fishing & Shelling SANIBEL MARINA, :• •••'• XHC. : ; .; LTWKN-WATERS Island's Complete Marine Facility MARINA Ships Store Tween Waters Marina just north of Blind Pass Bridge on Captiva Island, is located in prime fishing grounds. Our DUKE SELLS Gas - Diesel - Bait'-_ etc. proximity to the passes and upper islands means less travel JERRY WAY Fishing Guide time and more boating and fishing time for you. Fishing Guide Boat Rentals The Marina is a full service facility offering fuel, tackle, bolt, boot rental and deep water dockage. Experienced fishing Charter Boats guides are available for fishing or shelling trips. All fishing equipment is furnished. Shelling on remote beaches" and Porty Boat coves along North Captiva and Cayo Costa Islands on your own or with expert guides is easy to arrange at Tween Waters Marina. Boat & Motor Sales & Service

Call Dock Master Larry Gill for information on varying rental and charter rates. 472-2723 472^908 LARRY GIU MIKIFUIRY Dock Master CAPTIVA ISLAND • 472-5161 Fishing Guide 1/4 mile East of Causeway no March 16,1979 Island Reporter TENNIS LADDER >.::.'::-.;•'. This week on the island ladder Mike Women's 45 & over Nichols challenged Kara" CassaveU and 1. Marge Peck 472-4998 CassaveU won 6-2,6-2. Bill Rfleytchallenge

SHELLING Fishing-Shelling-Trips to Cabbage NATIONWIDE JET CHARTER SERVICE Key Daily-Cottage S Motel Rentals J*m«n'a Twin Palm Resort A Marina Copt. Arrel bbane-Cuide (613)472-1727 " * SPECIALIZING IN AIR AMBULANCE & EXECUTIVE CHARTER * SoHibd-Captiva Agency, 9KC. ! NATIONWIDE INTENSIVE CARE AIR AMBULANCE SERVICE Island Fair Shopping Center • *; FULLY EQUIPPED MEDICAL OXYGEN-AIR-GROUND TELEPHONE 2398 Palm Ridge Road (across from the fir* station) NEW home • business •flood* marine OVER THE WEATHER JET FLIGHT-1500 MILE NON-STOP RANGE Jife^hospHqlization & group insurance, PRESSURIZED-AIRCONDITIONED-RADAft EQUIPPED-* PASSENGER ,: now available ...... • ' '. A ONLY JET CHARTER SERVICE BASED S.W. FLORIDA-FT. MYERS (NO POSITIONING FEE) 24 HOUR PHONE auto

CH. (Chris) Wollenberg. Ill ^et South 6336 "Serving all your Insurance needt" Inc. *• MIRACLE MILE STATION BASED-DANLEY DRIVE, PAGE HELD 4?2-A\Q2 FORT MYERS. FLORIDA 33901 "The Islands' First Resident Insurance Agency"

DECORATIV0 FUNCTIOI^L A complete window Vertical Blinds, Window Shades treatment ...mode here. & Draperies made to order from our in-stock materials. Ask about our 'linrnedlote Delivery."


MS2 LLS. 41 SOUTH - FT. MYERS^ fet there be light... ^ JlistSbuthof Airport- decorative lamps and Across from Dragon Plaza fighting for island living - from • Windward specialties Decorating needs of since Captlva, Fla. B12 March 16,1979 Island Reporter Boatm manatees

Boaters will be required to operate their- Sanctuary Act of 1978 affords the animal from electric power plants, but also include craft at slow or idle speed in manatee additional protection and m^ the some natural springs. critical habitat areas, including parts of Lee controlled motorboat speed areas. The docile vegetarians must congregate County/following action last week by the in refuge areas during colder weather to r Governor and Cabinet. Manatees flee the cold ocean and inland avoid pneumonia and death. During the rest The Department of Natural Resources' water for. Warmer refugia when the air of the year, -they are solitary animals Florida Marine Patrol will enforce speed temperature dips below 50 degrees Fahren- dispersed along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts Islanders win zoneVegulations in the 10 affected counties heit. The refugia are mostly the effluents and the state's inland waters. from November 15 to March 31 each year. Specified "slow speed," "idle speed" and "motorboats prohibited'' zones have been Matsumoto art charted by the DNR and manatee biologists in the' areas of the animal's largest, winter Net casting classes of fered .John Van Laere, of Captiva, and D. concentrations. Regional public hearings in Burgoyne and W. Comlossy, both of Sanibel, were the winners of .three Ikki December resulted in slight modifications of Weekly classes in the ancient ^art of net Weekly sessions at Koreshan are being the proposed'zones. . casting have-started at Oscar Scherer State Matsumoto prints raffled off ^ Sunday eve- conducted Fridays at 9:00 a.m. on the banks ning during the opening of a show by Ikki In Lse County, idle speed will be enforced Recreation Area at Osprey, and at Kor- of the Estero River. , on the Caloosahatcb.ee River within a eshan State Historic Site at Estero in and Polly Matsumoto at the Schoolhouse Koreshan's classes will be conducted only Gallery. half-mile of the intersection of the Orange Southwest Florida. through April, according to Ranger James River and on the Orange River within a mile The sessions are free but limited to six Baker. He and Rangers Gary Porter, Joe " ProceedsAfrom the raffle, amounting to of the intersection. Slow speed will be persons per instructor, according to Capt. Dickinson and Bradley Bums are teaching $1,451.85 will benefit the Sanibel Gymnas- enforced on the Caloosahatchee from one- Ken Alvarez/interpretive naturalist. for weekly on a rotating schedule. tics Program. The money, will be used to half to one mile from the Orange River District 6 of the Division of Recreation and buy a reel to reel tape recorder and a six Oscar Scherer's classes have been so inch landing pad for the program. intersection. Parks, Florida Department of Natural popular that campers and park visitors have Each zone will be clearly marked with Resources^ He advised interested persons - The gymnastics program gave a special kept the registry filled, according to Lt. thanks to the artist for donating his prints, Florida Uniform Waterway Marking Sys- to call the parks to be assigned to a class. Delmar Day, assistant park superinten- tems signs. The signs are to be in place from "Participants need to register in advance the Schoolhouse Gallery for framing, Al dent. He said the sessions will be continued Pote and the American Legion, and all November through March. Areas to be and be at least 12 years old," Alvarez noted. as long as they are requested. posted in addition to Lee County include He said' the two-hour sessions stress island businesses and volunteers who sold "We phut to include the art of net making, the raffle tickets. portions of Brevard, Indian River, St. throwing techniques, safety measures and but are teaching net casting at the Lucie, Palm Beach, Broward, Citrus, Volu- the legal aspects of cast netting, moment," Day reported. He said mullet was sia, Hillsborough and Martin counties. Classes at Oscar Scherer are being held the main species being netted. The manatee, or sea cow, is a large' weekly on alternate Fridays and Sundays at Reservations for the classes can be made marine mammal currently on the federal 1:00 p.m..on the banks of South Creek, a by telephoning Oscar Scherer at (813) endangered species list. Florida's Manatee tidal stream that cuts through the park. 966-3154 and Koreshan at (813) 992-0311.

"a distinguished gulf front condominium AMMRCA residence, for your distinctive Kfesfyle of sanibel

SUNDIAL, a distinguished residence: use your library - gulf front luxury oh serene, sub-tropical Sanibel Island.

- 2 bedroom, 2 bath with den condominium apartments.

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Sundial's model center is open seven days a week for your -and, more resort amenities. ' convenience. From $112,500 From $67.70 per Square Foot mortgage financing available Don't For more information call 4724151. Or, just stop to qualified buyers. by our model apartment. But hurry, iamble on Burglary Only 4 are left. Ready for immediate occupancy. YOUR HOME • Have keyed locks on sliding glass doors • Use quality deadbolt locks on Furniture packages by Foxworthy's of Ft. Myers solid doors • Leave lights on when out at night at an additional cost. • Don't hesitate to report suspicious activity to police ; '. .

Newton Associates, Inc. Realtors Write fort free booklet: Registered Real Estate Brokers 1246 Middle Gulf Drive Exclusive Sales Agent for Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 Sundial of Sanibel Attorney QarMraTa Offic* IMMTMPMSMa rtOrlC 0Ww"5"or'» Coww* on Crtmlnal Ju B14 March 16,1979 Island Reporter By Jean Campbell

This is the last in a series of articles based on Jean (Jampbett's recent visit to China. ' Kai-feng held another surprise for us. We had heard of subterranean shelters in Peking which can receive three million inhabitants underground within 15 minutes, in the event of war. Other foreigners had been shown these shelters but we had no opportunity to do so. But in Kai-feng we were led underground into a long tunnel, oval shaped and made of A member of Jean Campbell's brick. This egg shape was experimental, the touring party displays news of engineers believing it to be of greater strength the Sino-American detente in than a round or square shape. a street of Wuhan. When Oval shaped brick silos led off the sides of news of the accord broke, this tunnel, each of which can hold some 500. Chinese mobbed the small tons of wheat. Some silos were empty but band of American tourists those filled with wheat had long, thick hoses leading from the silo to a flour mill further down the passage. There was an underground water well and a sewage disposal plant.. It was chilling to hear our host say "When there is war," rather than, "If there is war." I asked how many persons the shelter could accomodate. "We have no statistics on that," replied the official. This labyrinth, I thought, is the modern equivalent of the Great Wall of - China. We spent two nights in a "soft class" sleeper on a train, sharing our compartment with another-Florida couple. Our beds were clean and cozy but cramped. Inevitably, the train was frigid until 7:00 p.m. when the heat was scheduled to be turned on. Since we all had rasping coughs, one's snores could scarcely be China watching heard. I walked the seven cars or so through "hard thousand American dollars, and they would language. 'Til never forget this day as long as class" sleeping quarters to the diner. Three ship them home for me! . I live," he said. "You can't know how moved I

tiers of metal shelves are attached between In this antique store I again found nothing I am." •: \ . ••;<;- --\"-.';- ;-:;•.'>;/••-- steel rods and the wall. No curtains or privacy, could afford. I left the shop to saunter down ; but certainly convenient accomodations for a the street, peering into store fronts. People Our interpreters again sat with us that noon , great number of people. were gathering about me, as usual. It was during lunch. They had taken us to a favorite Now each new morning we awakened then that I experienced the only hostile restaurant of JMjtao Tze-t:urt^ expectantly but fatigued. We had seen cotton incident during my entire journey in China. A again toasted with that firey ^diplomatic drink* mills, kindergartens, Ming tombs, the Great stumpy little man, no doubt a warrior of life's Maotai. ••."''''' r'' • y. •, . :- •- •'": ':•. '•' •• Wall, communal farms, and underground many battles, jostled his way through the "It is thought among us that your group, our. shelters. We had observed thousands of crowd to plant himself before me. With an American friends, has brought this news from Chinese who observed us in return. Our minds obscene gesture, he spat on the ground. There your country. Let us hope that our friendship were battered by too many impressions. was no doubt in my mind what he thought. I will strengthen. We are all very happy to have "Sensory overload," our psychiatrist called it. was a "running dog" capitalist. you as our special friends*" Our journey Was We had neither the time nor the energy to A moment later I was joined by our young nearing its end, and our group would always recall those nagging worries left back home. In sinologist. The doors of a small shop opened recall the charm and thoughjtfulness of these fact we had heard no news from the West. and a bent men emerged carrying a stack of special Chinese hosts of ours. Wuhan, its atmosphere laden with pollution, straw paper posters printed in red Chinese We had been priviledged to see China before is a city of over three million people. We were characters. The crowds surged forward to to visit Wuhan University and I wpndered read the papers and my companion excitedly the new Pan Am International hotels are wearily if I could absorb another pedagogic exclaimed that Chinese and American rela- constructed, before the advent of Coca Cola fact. However, my husband decided to go to tions had been resumed. The quiet, wary' and the little luxuries of Western life reach the University with his Questar lens, a curiosity of the crowd immediately turned to China, before a billion people surge toward magnificent optical instrument which even the overt friendliness. They clapped their hands (a the "Great Leap Outward.? We had slept in Japanese have not yet duplicated. He was sign of approval in China) laughed and tried to the spartan hotels, often cold, walked upon old searching for a sophisticated audience in the touch our shoulders. "Good morning lady." Oriental rugs in those rooms and had used physics'department to whom he could explain "How old are you lady?" "It is good news." chop sticks because;th^;^re :|ib}terfeiVWe- this complicated tool. Such timid English. became acquainted with the Chinese and very His English speaking escorts obligingly led The wide boulevard had become crowded fond of our gracious interpreters, so proud of him to the Physical Education department with thousands of people, filling several blocks the changes and developments of their country where gymnastics were being performed. on either side of our bus. All wheeled traffic .where even the most menial task is honored. Once the misunderstanding was corrected he had become immobilized. Our young American The hordes of tourists had not yet descended. had the rapt attention of the physics faculty. scholar had tears in his eyes. He had studied Wben we saw China we probably viewed it as Suddenly the public address system blared nine long years the complexities of this it will never be seen again. throughout the large campus. The United. immense country and the intricacies of her And for that, I feel very fortunate. © States and The People's Republic of China had agreed upon rapprochement after 30 years! All POST SCRIPT: hope of an orderly presentation of my husband's Questar dissolved into chaos. How to for a China trip "All hell broke loose," my husband told me If you travel to China during the winter, Most Chinese cities where we travelled later. A wave of joyous exuberance permeated long Johns, stocking cap and a heavy coat are a would not accept American Express Travel- the entire student body and professors. necessity. I slept with long Johns under my lers Checks; We used Cooks- of Britain. Chinese generally do not like to be touched but pajamas on many nights. Blue jeans for men When you find what you want in a our group was hugged and squeezed, and and women of any age are ideal. Only one good Friendship or Department Store, purchase it. hands were pumped by those inscrutable pant suit was necessary. Chinese women wear It may not be seen in subsequent stores. impassive Chinese. Some of those students trousers on all occasions. A couple of sweaters Chinese smoke cigarettes, perhaps a hold- blinked back tears. It was a most poignant during winter months are also advisable. over from the opium days. They like cigarette moment for all. lighters hand %nericap: magazines with food During that same morning I was tagging A gamma globulin shot just before leaving rec^p1es> They will never accejpt a monetary tip along with the antiquers to see what they prevents, hepatitis for a few weeks. A strong in any currency.- ^ - would ferret out of dusty shops this time. Once cough medicine and some tetracycline are a Keep in mind your hotel accomodations are in Hong Kong I had coveted two handsome, good idea. Lomitil also. A couple of our probably better than your host's home. Your hand carved teakwood chests with heavy lids travellers required injections which had to be interpreters will be unfailingly kind and and a brass foo dog seated on each lid. After refrigerated. They carried their shots in a patient, so don't complain. China is a poor much thought I was willing to pay $1,000 for thermos and our interpreters gave them ice. country opening its doors to you with her best those treasures. I asked the price: forty morning and evening. 'iootfbiward.-Enjoy-Jt^-^ ; • ' •' March 16,1979 Island Reporter Luncheon at Scotty^ Indoors in our new Dining Room or out in the fresh air in our new courtyard.

11:30 - 2:30 weekdays only YOU LIKE'EM •Fries •Chili •Shakes

• Franks •-Soft Pretzels • Ice Cream 1223PerwinMeVtoy •SanibelIsland.Florida *»i7«Phoru-: (8Hi472-1771 Priced from 49* - $2*25 -—-VALUABLE COUPON—•-•«"• We only look expensive r S Ice Cream Sundae | \ I hi 472-2500 open till 10:00 PAA ! BUY ONE I 1 BURGER EMPORIUM i A 2353 Periwinkle • offer good any evening 7;30-cl©sing expires 3-31-79 • at Palm Ridge Road •--—VALUABLE" 2244 Periwinkle Way •• •••••;•• 412*886 •.;'.; ; '. ••',. •.; - ~ open? days lli80r7 JO •' . . SANIBEL'S . . GOURMET TAKE OUT Ear Better at Home Than Anywhere Else Leave the Cooking . ~'; . to SI Bon! , Delectable Dishes ' ; Aeady to Reheat and Enfoy \^/aty^wiiei»iire. :: i i ; -•:•: ••'. ->.v..'« ''><;r-->i-;>3« <'»'';'tV.'.:'''-,.'-' -iT--J-.'V -- '• ; . -

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If we can't make your tummy smile with one of our truely delicious hamburgers, no one can.

RESTAURANT AND ICE CREAM PARLOR 2075 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 : Regular menu served from 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Dinner Specials served from 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Closed Sunday --472-2525 i s B18 March 16,1979 Island Reporter AT THE CAPTTVA LIBRARY P(iid Goble torj^ children 9s story ByMaryR.Kelsey 91-year-old prince Clary has lived European ihemories an entire civilization is savored seriously injured. In immediate retaliation history first-hand to become one of the like the last bottle of a vintage wine. twd submarine-launched ballistic missiles, Paul Goble is Artist-in-Residence at the world's greatest storytellers, bringing new one American, and one British, destroy Gallery of Indian and Western Arts at Mt. blood to an aristocratic world long-for- "fhe Third World War, August 1985," by Minsk, .in 'the Soviet Union. The Third Rushmore National Memorial in the Black gotten. One of the last surviving .noblemen General Sir John Hacket. "August 20,1985, World War has begun." These apocalyptic Hills of South Dakota. We have now on our of Emperor Franz Joseph. Prince Clary A Soviet SS-17 missile's warhead detonates events occur in General Hackett's gripping children's shelf his wonderfully written and weaves together anecdotes of moments in over .Birmingham, England. An-estimated and astonishing novel! illustrated "The Girl Who Loved Wild the past that created our present. In these 300,000 people are killed and 250,000 Horses," a Caldecott winner. A story of a girl who, though she loved her people, loves AT THE SANIBEL LIBRARY her wild horses more and prefers to live among them where she is truly happy and free. • . Vermont setting for Mosher's stories

: By Freda Inrka psychological implications firmly nailed Cole Brogan is on a drunken binge And for the older child or young adult we .down. following the death of his girl when have'The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin. "Where the River Flows North" friend Michael DeBoucherin of Interpol n This book, a Newberry Medal winner, is Howard Mosher's stories have a quiet "Sherbourne's Folly" by Nora Barry requests his help. "The Contract °~by written with the authors own special blend confidence, uneomplex plot and are set • for mystery fans with Gothic-lean- Joe Poyer. - of intricacy, humor, and upside-down in Kingdom Comity in rural upper ings. • perceptions. Raskin has entangled a re- Vermont. The description and the feel markable cast of characters in a puzzle- of the land and water and frees is A 30-year saga of the enforced "The Complete International Salad knotted, word-twisting plot. She - then, superb. conquest of-indent Britain by imperial Book" Once again Kay Nelson offers a deftly unravels it again in a surprising (but Rome. SoBd, light historical fare is highly serviceable, unfussy cpDection fair) and highly satisfying ending. Deep in the scrub of northern "The Eagle and the Raven" by Pauline of recipes crisp and fresh throughout! ; Ontario, approached by an unpaved Gedge. ':•. ..'.,..' ^ •'- ':.•;'•' \ .-,•"•/; v "Vintage Nantucket," by ' A.B.C. two-lane road lay the enclave of When the stagecoach falls --, or was it Whipple. "On a September evening, under a souvenir, stands, homestead and pushed? into a ravine - in 19th century waning moon, my wife and I went for a walk hospital/stadium known the world Robert Carter has spent the past10 Wales; only one of the two young through the heart of Nantucket." So begins over as Quintland. years of retirement steering his dream- women survive and she, poor lamb, is the lyrical stroll through the history of one The Dionne Years" is an extra- boat through and around 23 countries. suffering from amnesia so she doesn't of America's most fascinating islands. At ordinary story that Pierre Berton tells Skimming from coral to know which one.of them she is. A once guidebook and informal history, the full length and undoctored for the first glimmering Norse fjords and down to tangled web which Jill Tattersau knots book covers a wide range of island lore. time. A dismal but inescapbly absorb- the Aegean and Mediterrean. "Sail Far and unknots skillfully in "Dark At ing affair, with the political, social and Away", suavely homespun essays. Noon."- ;•••::-• .-.•.. .•••.••. "A European Past," by Prince Clary. The




FRESH SEAFOOD DINING ROOM OPEN Breakfast 7:30-9:00 472-1561 FISH CHOWDER • SHRIMP CREOLE Dinner 6:30-8:00 STONE CRABS STEAK TERIYAKI Lunch 11:30-2:00 Dinner 6:00-9:30 closed Sunday : At Blind Pass on Sanibel 472-4244

FROM THE OWNERS OF THE Breakfast Place BREAKFAST- 7AMto2PM Variety of Egg Dishes, Waffles, Pancakes, French Toast, and "Kay's Delight" with our delicious "Sanibel Sauce."

LUNCH- HAM to 2PM Lighthouse Specials/ Chowder, Sandwiches, Soups, Salads and "Tuna Melts"

DINNER- 6:30PM to 9:30PM FAMOUS FOR OUR: 5 Nights, Tuesday thru Saturday Night Fish 'n Chips • Steak Pies Crepes; French Style Steaks, Omelettes Shrimp in Beef • Oam Chowder and Shrimp Newburg " - ,

LUNCH 12:00-2:30 MONDAYrFRIDAY John Vroman at the piano from 7:00 PM (Closed Saturday-Lunch only) DINNER 6:00-9:30 MONDAY-SATURDAY CLOSED MONDAY ^ ' - ^ 472-9976 Closed all day Sunday 362 Periwinkle Way; Sanibel Island, Florida tn the Heart of Downtown Gaptiva 472-3434 HOME OF THE "SANIBEL SAUCE" Island Reporter March 16,1979 B21 B20 March 16,1979 Island Reporter Visitor center not meant to attract tourists Black'necked By Del Pierce r facility. The prime attraction is and will Perhaps the logical thing to do would be to continue to be the wOdfife on the refuge. budget more money for refuge facilities to stilt expected - •- [Del Pierce is manager of the J.N. "Ding" make up for the difference. Unfortunately, Darling National Wildlife Refuge on : The bicycle path agreement has become this procedure would present too many By George Weymonth Sanibel.] °_ bogged down again. We have reached a complications to be realistic. There is some opiwstion to our construct- fairly good field level agreement with city From the refuge's point of view, some Arrival dates for the black-necked stilt ing a visitor contact station from persons planners regarding the location of the path. sort of weight-fee waiver in exchange for are March 14,16, 17. So we should expect who believe it wffl attract niore visitors to However,, written agreement pertaining to bicycle path land would have been a neat this clown of the bird world this coining exchange of moneys, favors, or whatever way to get the building funds back. may be in the "pending", category for quite However, the city has elected not do this If the water level was down as it normally sometime. ' f because the amount of refuge lands involved should be (as this normally is the dry When the Fish and Wildlife Service first are not as much as originally thought, and report planned and budgeted for the new visitor from a strictly business point of view, they contact station and maintenance buildings, do not want to give up any more money than there was no- special fee- for trucks Using they have to. At any rate,' it's still being sanibel sightings Sanibel as long as they were; under the negotiated. *-' /" / , • the island. It should be stressed that the maximum weight limits set by Lee County. \f function of this faculty will be to introduce Now, the city charges a substantial fee for People with dogs are reminded that it is season) we'd expect them to first arrive at people to the refuge and the refuge system. trucks carrying loads over a certain weight. . against' refuge regulations to allow mti**"**- the Island Inn Road pond Where the huge It wfll not have continually changing This results in a situation where in some of ed dogs on the refuge. If you want to take sand mound is located, or in the Bailey exhibits, special shows or other features the money budgeted for construction of your dog for a walk without a leash please designed for attracting people„ to the . refuge facilities will be diverted to the city. don't do it on the wildlife drive. #^; continued on 22-B

UNIQUE GIFTS rung - & . : CHRISTMAS SHOP The Wooden Barrel is of Sanibel Island

dedicated to the sensory Handmade Shell Candles pleasures of Hfe. Decorative and Useful In a Variety of Colors

In keeping with this philosophy we have stocked Open 9:30-5:30, Mon. thru Sat. 472-2767 our shelves with the finest wines, cheeses and gourmet . Sanibel Center Building (corner delights available throughout the world. We have of Casa Ybel Rd. & Periwinkle Way) spared rib expense in seeking out a Unique.i- atmosphere to enhance your shopping experience. The barrels in the windows are from the NOVITIATE Captiva Seminary and Winery in California. since 1927 The spindles on the doors are from ah old mahogany stairway found in New Orleans, La. The hanging lamps over the bakers table are antiques from a turn of the century Pullman car. Open For Breakfast, Come in and let us help you choose from the ; : finest wine and cheese selection on the Islands. Lunch and Dinner . :Q^^:-tf^^ ;••-•'•'

Breakfast - Lunch: 8:00 - 1:30 Dinner: 6:00 -

Featuring •i~?.; .••••<".';*":.'.""-.'''.!'": Friday Seafood Buffet 6:00 - 9:00 ALL YOU CAN EAT ALSO FULL SEAFOOD MENU Prime Rib S^dalSatuwiay 6:00 -9:00 FRIDAY NIGHT — PIZZA SPECIAL Also a wonderful selection of Sunday Brunch 10:06 - 2:00 Domestic and Imported £aj)Hva VVines&Beer cocktails, beer and wine available for your dining pleasure. Children's Menu available Breakfast 7 a.m. to noon Located 2 miles lieyond - Lunch 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. - - .Dinner 5 p.m. tp"9:30 p.m. • Blind Pass on €apiiva V7S4* Sunday Breakfast 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. hours 11 AM - 7PM seven days a week Reservations: 472-5161 t; Lunch 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. V Closed Tiiesday' -^Ca^iidt Attire 1 Located at 1625 Periwinkle Way 472-1033 B22 March 16,1979- Island Reporter Island Reporter March 16,1979 B23

ESTATE AUCTION^ sanibel sightings Sunday March 1811 A.M. "Extra Closet" Storage Warehouse • from 21-B Off Rt. 41 South Tract. But probably they'll appear first on Commercial Drive, Fort Myers, the "new" dike on the left of the wildlife Turn "Wicked Wick" drive near the tower in the refuge. The water level was high last year and that's Oval Marble Top Table, Cradle Box, Large where they first appeared. Look for a Shaker Vz Spindle Settee, Walnut Oval bantam hen-sized bird in a black and white Table, 1812 Praktor Birth Ceritificate, tuxedo with, very long bright red legs. Stilt 1820 Samplers, Large Victorian Mirror, is the perfect name. Rare Chickering Upright Piano collector The fulvous: whistling (formally tree) r ducks probably are still in the refuge. Walk Item, Walnut Marble Dresser, Round Top out to the end of the new dike and turn to Pine Chest wrought iron handles, Small the left. Walk about 'A mile and you'll notice roll top paper chest, Pair Victorian Chairs, a large pond off to your left, often full of 4 & 5 Drawer Oak Chest, Piano Stool, roosting shorebirds, long legged waders, and waterfowl. Most of the sightings of the iw Shaker Plank Seat Style Boston Rocker, America begins its observance of Sewing Cabinet, Small reproduction long legged tan duck have been from this National Wildlife Week on Sunday. A few Mahogany desk & Secretary; ca; 1815 pond. It's an excellent spot for picking up a rarity. ..• ...... '• , .-'• • .'• • : of the honorees are pictured here, along Mahogany book case, 3 Section Bookcase, Mallard ducks sure still being recorded. with a request from an island naturalist Gateleg Drop* Leaf Table, Spinet type Bob Steel saw a pair; (drake and hen) on Brown pelicans also are molting out the Stilt is the perfect name that brings the event into local Desk, Tea Cart, Cathedral Spool Chair, Marcjrl2 near the start of the refuge drive. white neck, feathers and replacing them for the long-legged, tuxedo perspective. Dining Table & Chairs, End Tables, 8 Day Keep_jour eye out for a hen mottled With a along the rear of the neck with dark plumaged black necked "Without her flora, and fauna, Sanibel Ansonia Steeple Clock, Very old Tole dark blotch or saddle on her bill and a white chocolate brown plumage. stilt. would not be an attractive place for Watering Bucket & Trays, Old Pewter tail; it will be a hen mallard. -: ^ So;as;ypucan see, "spring has sprung," visitors or residents," George Campbell Plate, Pouch Horn Canteen, Large Bisque Kathy Birch reportsi that; she ??aw two and much to everyone's joy the roseate wrote in the forward to his book 'The Figures, Limoges, English China etc. Old pair of great egrets (formerly common, and spoonbills are back. There were 26 counted before, that, American Egret) building their on March 9, and the next evening 32 were Nature of Things on Sanibel.' "It is the sea Stoneware umbrella stand, All Kinds nest on one of the islands in Lake Murex. seen. With the cool front that swept in on shells and the Spoonbills, the Alligators. Glass, Ruby, Goblets, Brass, Linens, And you'll see many now are getting their the following Sunday we counted, about 20, and the Egrets and all the other creatures Blankets, One lot Old Books, German green lore, and long aigret plumes. but by this coming weekend there should be ~ as well as the Mangrove forests, the . Sextant, 16 mm. Camera, Stereo, 410 Shot The double-crested cormorants on the left. about 40 near the refuge tower. central wetlands and beautiful beaches ~ Gun, Fishing Tackle, DeWalt Radial Saw near the refuge tower are beginning to Tve been seeing a Bonaparte's Gull out by that make this place worth saving. Let's on Stand, Router, Electric Drills, Hand show their "double crest," a tuft of feathers the restrooms on the causeway islands; it's all join together in an effort to preserve Tools etc. on each side of the head in the temple area. an immature for it has the narrow dark You'll notice too the very dark plumage band along the edge of the tail. The and restore these natural values. Let us Tools 11:00 A.M. with a green iridescent sheen and aqua laughing gulls, which are starting to pair up demonstrate to the world that the fine art Terms: Cash-Travelers Checks green eyes. (many now have their summer .breeding of environmental stewardship can reach Some of the white ibis are now showing plumage, the black heads) are a trifle larger its greatest development here." WILLIAM JAMES ALQUIST AUCTIONS the effects of the longer daylight hours, as than the Bonapartes and have a slate grey SANIBEL ISLAND, FLORIDA the hormones begin to flow. The red in the mantle, (wings and back both) fading into a bill and legs is now starting to show. In a black wing tip. The Bonapartes have a month they'll nearly all have firey red fleshy 'lovely white wash over the' wing tips that -•areas.-".--r-'-.••"'-'; :~:i/'?]:• ::/r' \ \ '."'•'.'•..•.:'• • make it unique among gulls. A few black-bellied plovers now are If you should have any unusual sighting WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY - ATTEND showing the first signs of their "black you'd like to share, please call me after 5:00 belly/* which theyTl need in the Arctic to p.m. at 472-4695 or write to me in care of THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE. blend in with the tundra. Bailey's General Store.

DUNCAN'S WHERE THE ISLANDS SHOP TOYS AHOY Restaurant & Ice Cream Parlor Better Toy Boutique .. _ '

TIFFANY PARLOR LADS & LASSIES • Gift & Decorator Boutique Tots to Teens Clothing SIR OF SANIBEL Quality Men's Clothing SEA TO SKY Fine Gifts , ] IRISH LOOK UNPRESSURED Top: bottlenose dolphin. Above: barn owL Irish Woolens and More " •• Bight: Eastern diamonback rattler. Below: COOKER Monday through Saturday lOOOam,- 5OO prrt. A Shopping Center: As Unique As Sanibel bathing robins. FOX WORTHY'S Cookware [/ . \: located on Periwinkle Way. one half mile before Bailey's Furniture. & Accessories " • TiENNIS ANYONE •>;• FABULOUS FAKES Clothing,& Equipment Extraordinary Jewelry VAL HAL LA Hill SPORTS CLOSET 'Scandinavian Imports Women's Sportswear' THE BEACH HOUSE Women's Swimwear & Accessories IDLE HOURS Needlework, Crafts. Hobbies CHEESE NOOK Gourmet Shop SHAKEY'S NOISY OYSTER THE BROWN BAG This - You Got to See Casual Men's Wear THE SWEAT SHOP T-Shirts Designed by You ABBEY'S Tobacco &'-.News' MARINER PROPERTIES, INC. CHINESE IMPORTS Quality Island Developer Exotic Imports . • ' . . • OH ISLAND REPORTER SUZANNA the sign of Island Newspaper Fine Women's Clothing relaxed shopping I Photograpte hy JSmil Fray Island Reporter March 16,1979 B25

B24 March 16,1979 Island Reporter photo show A photographic exhibit on wildlife, in celebration of National Wildlife Week, will Sanibel open at The Photographers* Gallery on Eastman at Audubon Sanibel from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Taxi Cab CoM inc Karen Eastman, a renowned local birder, The juried show will feature works by the will present a color slide and narration late Richard Beebe, Sanibel naturalist and ON THE ISLAND: program, at the Sanibel-Captiva Audubon nature photographer, as well as the work of Society meeting March 22. The program several gallery members. will he held at the Sanibel Community ', A Sanibel resident for five years, Beebe HOURS 6 A.M. -10 P.M. DAILY ALL CABS A/C House beginning at 8:00 p.m. - , died in September, 1977 at the age of 62. MEETS ALL FLIGHTS - RESERVATIONS ONLY Karen Eastman has' been coming to Described by bis island friends as "a quiet Sanibel for 23 years arid, in addition, has. and modest man," Beebe was.increasingly taken many; interesting trips to far oft concerned by the shrinking wildlife habitat on the islands and the degradation of the f Please do not park or drive places. Besides being a world-wide traveler, she is a recognized authority on birds and environment. He wrote. many articles to promote conservation and as a talented TO THE POST OFFICE? your vehicle on the birding. Karen and her husband, Whitney, belong nature photographer, shared his wildlife photographs with many who attended .his Periwinkle Way bike path. to the exclusive 600 Club. This is a group LEASE A MOPED composed of birders who have seen and lectures and slide presentations. The color -identified at least six hundred species of photographs are being made; available, for birds in the United States, Canada, and exhibit and sale by bis wife, Caroline Beebe . The Eastmans are both charter of Sanibel. . members of this very special birding group. The late Richard. Beebe's Following the Sunday opening at 1554 They have birded on six continents and photograph • of amovxy Periwinkle Way, hours for the gallery are have extensive experiences to relate. One of egret wm be among those 1:00 to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. their most recent trips -- Down Under to featured at a photographic In addition to prints and photographic books New Zealand and Australia *-. will be the exhibit on wOdfye at the offered for sale, the gallery features a topic for the Audubon meeting. Photographer*'GaUery; photographic - reference library for the Karen: has served as President of the public's education and enjoyment.. v Minneapolis Audubon Society and also as a member of the Board of Directors of the Sanibel-Captiva Audubon Society. She has . given generously of her time and knowledge NOW mTAHTTIAN GARDEN • • to benefit island birders and has assisted as . a field guide on a number of trips on Sanibel. She recently served as hostess and helped escort the Southwest Florida he <&ells<&ea Shells Audubon Society on their visit to the "Ding" Ocean Boutique" and now a whole lot more. Darling Refuge and Sanibel. A complete line of Shells, Corals, Jewelry and all the findings to do your own thing. A DESIRABLE KING'S CROWN AN IDEAL BEACHFROINT CONDOMENIUM CONDOMINIUM offering WEST GULF DRIVE SEND FLORIDA CITRUS WEEKLY, MONTHLY, SEASONAL RENTALS We're a licensed bonded fruit shipper .Pelicans Roost — an exclusive uncrowded 3V« beautifully landscaped acres with: condominum complex of just 21 units 2 lighted tennis courts, a 40' heated ; If you love the Sun Coast Out Of State ; with on-site rental management. Each 2 swimming pool, a wood deck barbeque GAEL TOLL FREE (800) 874-9063 bedroom, -2 bath Gulf Front apartment is area, boardwalks to all facilities and the luxuriously furnished, full equipped and beach and an elevator you can now ideally located at the foot of Donax Street for your convenience. on the Gulf of Mexico. , a vacation home in its —We'll mail your purchase— 1983 Periwinkle Way Sanibel 472-3991 PELICAN'S ROOST 605 Donax Street premier resort area, Sanibel Island, Fl. 33957 (813)472-2996

4 v s Interval Ownership makes even bequeath) for your inter- All the waterfront pleasures %, - - •••. > /:."' it possible at the Charter val of ownership. (And at the of a yacht club. 1 *; *,;<&. - ^J Club of Naples Bay. price, it's a lot more sensible Boaters will enjoy the board- than owning and paying for, walk and docks where the Now you can afford a fine Tennis, swimming pool, shilling, Attractively furnished three vacation home on elegant, your vacation home all year). club provides power boats and bedrooms plus two baths. Under cover parking. Elevator of charming Naples Bay. Be- "You can even save further sailboats—without charge— course. $125,000. cause now, through Interval now, while pre-construction for homeowners' use. Plus oc- Ownership, you'll own that prices are in effect. casional cruises aboard a 851 ANGEL WING DRIVE home only during the vacation 53ft. Hatteras convertible. —^. weeks of your choice. Which • First we sell you a vacation will save you a small fortune hon^e like this. Then we give A world of vacations. over year 'round ownership. you dozens of reasons not to The Charter Club is a mem- stay in it. . . ber of Resort Condominiums Interval Ownership means Your 2 bedroom/2 bath Char- International. So if you can't you actually own the prop- ter Club home is thoughtfully come to the Charter Club for' dm erty. A one-time cost from furnished and decorated with your interval, you can ex- $3,400. a color TV A king-size bed in change it for a different inter-, Interval Ownership isn't just a the master bedroom. Even val at The Charter Club or at- license to use your property, liriens and games. one of the other fine member or a lease. It's true ownership. Your fully-equipped kitchen resorts around the world. ... . For one week or more, every has a wealth of work-saying "Happiness Is" a lovely retirement-home on a canal leading year, forever. features and appliances. Plan your next Naples to San Carlos Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Incomparable Property you can sell, lend, vacation now. quality Michigan built home with two bedrooms, two baths lease, use to build equity, (or You don't have to take your Mail the coupon now for all plus formal dining room. Our professional representatives vacation lying down. the information about your will be happy to assist you. There's a splendid recreation lifetime vacation here at The club, a uniquely designed Charter Club. 1041 9th Street 610 DONAX STREET pool, billiards, ping-pong and South,Naples. Florida 33940 99 YEAR LEASE - $150,000. other games. Phone: (813) 261-5559. A short stroll or bike ride (provided for your use) will take you to 8 pro-lighted ten- nis courts. And a club van will whisk you to one of Naples' contemporary in the tradition of good taste 18 championship courses. Take your ThayerCoggin • Founders • Dux • Directional Flair •and many more If your physician pre- scribes medications, keep taking ^them. As a team, Ask about this TRIPLEX (one efficiency and two 2-bedroom you and the doctor can al- units). Newly remodeled with paneling on some walls, residential business quality furniture and appointments throughout. Contact' most always get your blood The vacation you come horn* to. For life. . 1041 9th Street South. Naples. Florida 33940 Bluebill Properties. Inc. for further information. 2422 pressure under control. : Phone: (813)261-5559 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Island, phone (813) 472-1528, May !• HlBh Mood *r«*sw» Month :• American He«rt Assoclstlon Pleas© send me information about my Naples vacation retreat BLUE 3324 Cleveland Avenue, Fort Myers/ Florid^ Pryan Mtlnnis ASID • Registered Real Estate Broker - MalnjOfNce*2422 Periwinkle, Way Sanibel bland. Florida 339S7 (813) 472-1528 L Island Reporter March 16,1979 B26 March 16,1979 Island Reporter Japanese Lions Club visits Ireland topic of slide show The Sea Horse Shop oh Sanibel will host going to purchase equipment for the A narrated slide show tour of Ireland will winter' residents of Sanibel, spent the an antique fair and ice cream social Sanibel- Captiva gymnastics program. Members of the Lions Club of Ichinomiya Sanibel attended the Saturday evening Alumnae luncheon be presented Saturday, March 17 at the greater part of October, 1978 touring banquet and exchanged dub "banners and Saturday, March 24 to benefit-Sanibel-- Tickets are available at the Sea Horse Shop Sanibel Community House beginning at 7:30 Ireland.. Campen*s presentation, entitled Naka, Japan were guests of the Fort Myers Captiva gymnasts.. and at the door. In case of rain the fair will Beach Lions Club and other area. Lions identifying pins -with members of the p.m.. •'••::•.-•:•. - : -: •..•• -.• •' ,.•.•'.• • "An Irish Experience," will highlight the The sixteenth annual Naples-Fort Myers The fair will be held in the Sea Horse be held Saturday, April 21. • Clubs March 10 for the Fort Myers Beach Japanese dub. The visit was arranged by Richard Campen and his wife, Helen, Dublin scene, several Georgian houses and Smith College alumnae' luncheon will be Shop parking lot from 11:00 a.m. to 5:30 Shrimp Festival. Area Lions Clubs, includ- the international affairs chairmen of the environs, the beautiful south and west held Thursday, March 22 at 12:30 p.m. at p.m. Young island gymnasts and ballet ing the Sanibel-Captiva club, assisted in clubs at the international convention in country and a number of archeological sites. the Naples Bath and Tennis Club at 4995 dancers will open the day with a demonstra- entertaining: and honoring the ^visiting Tokyo last year. The visiting Lions party. The Sanibel-Captiva Orchid Society will The presentation is sponsored by Interval Airport Road in Naples. - tion of their skills. A fashion show will Japanese Lions and their wives. will see. Disney World and other Florida meet at the Captiva Civic Center Wednes- Travel Agency on Sanibel and is open to the Richard P. Unsworth, chaplin and pro- follow at 1:00 p.rm featuring antique clothes Jim and Juanita Hermes, Dee and Hazel points of interest before their return to day, March 21 at 1:30 p.m. Warren Kelly, of public. ; fessor of religion at Smith College, will from private collections and the Vanity Fair Amon and Don and Sally Cooperrider from Japan. •' • .. . • ' -• _ . • • •';'•-; "V.•-•.'••• speak on "A Century of Women, a Decade of Miami, owner of "Orchids by Kelly" will museum collection; A Vanity Fair re- speak on equitant orchids. Orchid Society •• ' ' - • •" •• * •• •'••.,•- .i •-.• •.•".'""•'.••••'••. Change;" Cost of the luncheon fs. $7 per presentative will be at the show. . person, and reservations must-be made by A series of classes on orchid culture is An antique show and sale of items from; being sponsored by the orchid society. Picnic to benefit Humane Society March 19. Send luncheon checks to Mrs. Lee County antique dealers will continue Ciub meets George S. Stearns, Jr., 1960 Sixth Street Classes are held every Monday at 7:30 p.m. throughout the day. There also will be at the Sanibel Community House with er The annual spring picnic for the benefit of beans, salads, rolls, home made cakes for $2.50 for the senior citizen special (small South, Naples, 33940. demonstrations of traditional crafts includ- '• The Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club will meet the Lee County Humane Society will be held dessert, coffee and cold drinks. portion), and $2.50 for * a child's plate. South College alumnae who are visiting orchid grower Tom Tucker as the in- ing weaving, spinning and pottery. Minia- structor. The classes are open to the public . Wednesday, March 21 at the, Sanibel Sunday, March 25 from 12:00 noon to 4:00 , Entertainment wfll feature the Roving Proceeds will go to the Animal Shelter to Southwest Florida are welcome to attend. ture dolls and a flower shop round out the Community House beginning at 8:00 p.m. p.m. at Judd Park, on Betmar Dr. in North Magician, the Riverdale High Dancers, defray expenses for the year. Dinner will be For more information, call Barbara Stearns for a nominal fee. For more information call attractions at the fair. " George Ghristensen at 472-2086. . Lt. Col. Corrine Edwards, (Ret.) will speak. Fort Myers. belly dancers, the Riverdale Gymnastics catered by men and women volunteers of at 261-7602 in Naples, or in Fort Myers Tickets for the fashion show and refresh- Visitors are welcome and refreshments will There will be a full course cold plate Team and a trick horse act. the Humane Society. Call 332-0364 for Marion Perry, 936-1487. ments are $3 per person, with the proceeds Deserved; dinner featuring roast beef, ham, baked Donations are $4.00 for the adult dinner, pickets."''. '/•••, • •'•- ••-. '•" . -.- / • .• • i 481-2512 Nature Prints on Linen by AAarushka F v Sanibel's Specialist in Elevated Homes -3' 2 Patricks Dav Scrvin9 SarabcTs Finest Seafood Cash n Cory Special Since A by Candy Voss Green Carnations HOT SANDWICHES Ft Myers Beach, (fytrva iei9 Periwinkle Way P.O. Drawer Z ICE CREAM TREATS Sanibel Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 f ^and Cape Coral Duty Mon.-sat.8:3o-5:oo B Junonia 12x36 $16.95 472-3125 Available in Brown, Rust or White. O Ready to Hang-No Frames Needed THE UNKNOWN STORY i Dairij OF SANIBEL AND CAPTIVA A by Florence Fritz MONEY'SAVINO Dozens of Designs Sketches by. Eleanor Douglas Clapp Available Queen Fresh Stone Crab Dinners N Now in Its Third Printing $10.00'plus 75c handling (Florida residents add 40c sales tax} 708 TARPON BAY RD. 472-4809 to G 1048 Periwinkle Way order from your favorite book dealer or from Mrs. Bertha A. Stewart SOUTH Sanddollar Hours 11AM to 8PM Daly 4062 Katharine Street, Yt. Myers, Fl. 33901 25' DRAFT WITH LUNCH A 13x13 AMEMCA Pelican From May through August. 1979 At Tahitian Garden Silk Screened on 2009 Periwinkle Way Natural Linen 12x24 472-4035 Simply Beautiful I $14.95 Delta Line Cruises offers the 10-5 Mon.-Sat. The Island Club bonus of a free local shore 100% FM^ excursion at all major ports on their 54-day Grand Circle at Sundial < cruises around South America. See us for details." Sanibel's DISCO DANCE LESSONS TERMS UP TO 10 YEARS Every Tuesday Afternoon NO PENALTY FOR PREPAYMENT ANYTIME in the Island Club's

Lost Horizon Disco 241»Palm«og«Roa Rick and Kay. They'll (watch theitrBeing made) Clams Casino. Oysters on the V4 shell, Clams on the 'A shell demonstrate the newest and best Sandwiches - Sodas - Beer Try us for lunch from 12-3 for Chicken crepes f lorentine, or our 3 vanities of fresh country Lake Murex, Disco dances for your pleasure. Wine - Milk -. Salads - Desserts quiche. " __ ' For Fast Pick-Up Service 472-5374 Join us on Sunday for our Champagne Brunch The Island Club served from 12-2 call for reservations. 1T-7 / Seven Days at Sundial VICINITY' MAP 2400 Parm Ridge Rd - opposite Fire House & Library Dinner 5:45 - 9:00 Closed Mondays OWNER: 472-4886 * NIXTOOOIITONIWibcATiONOI' Reservations Accepted 472-1141 WYMAN •. A1KIM* JR. RIO. HAL ISTATfatOKIft 1246 Middle Gulf Drive 470 Surf sound Court 1761 West OuH Drive, Senlbef SahibelIsland/Florida I Island Reporter March 16,1979 B29

B28 March 16,1979 Island Reporter WqlchxmJtfar DID YOU KNOW 1: trans This is the season when birds are building Fledglings-young birds feathered out, but % nests, incubating eggs and rearing young, The members of the Boy Scout Troop 88 not strong enough to fly well - should, be IS Scoutmaster Sebald and his guests, David reminds the Florida Audubon Sotiety/'Baby placed in a tree or shrub-as-near as possible ft courses 5 miles through the center of the island. on Sanibel spent one day early this month Mulicka of Cape Coral, Chris DidoHa of Fort birds found outof their nests are usually not transplanting vegetation, then took a day to where^they jwere*&nnd. Myers and, Dick McCuny of Charlotte, orphans — their parents; are nearby gather- *- you showerheads or faucets can soon be elected: '.'•'•'"'-,.•'• .•'",' " •' • .•'' '•<. from a gunshot wound. A positive cause of from the golf the scouts next went to Gator All girls and adults who are registered trip by car can still dp so, but they death could not be determined for 38 of the. use in your home. It's a job that add up to a lot of wasted water. FRANK D. JOYCE, Vice President Lanes for three games of bowling. Sebald - Girl Scouts are urged to join if they are should contact Carolyn Russell, who is salvaged manatees. Twelve animals' either goes on, hour after hour, even if One drop a second adds up to 60 was tops with a 672 and Larry Raulersoh interested in shelling. Those with expertise in charge of trips for the Audubon died from natural causes or birth-related you don't use the hot water. jrallons of hot or cold water a G & J INVESTMENTS OF SANIBEL, INC followed with a score of 333. Scouts Eric in shells who would like to participate in the Society. _ incidents. The fastest way to save that en- week. P.O. Box 326. Sonibel, Fl. 33957 Wightman, David Krepin, harry Raulerson, {8.13)472-1571 program on a volunteer basis are welcome ergy is to turn down your water About every three months, drain a Dan Burns, Greg Hermes, and Brad Haynes to join. For- further information call 334- heater thermostat. Most water : ; r: pail or two of water from the took part in the competition' along 'with 63871 ••' V ."r-"'" - - ' ' ' • " • heaters are set for 140° or above, faucet'at the bottom of the hot but you may not need water that water tank to get rid of sediment hot. A setting of 120° should be ;and mineral deposits. This action & Scwtce (M* adequate and will save more than will lengthen the life of your unit 18° of the energy used at the and assist in higher operating effi- FILET MIGNON higher temperature. ciency. . CERTIFIED LICENSED AUTO MECHANICS Insulating your water heater is an WINSTON CHURCHILL excellent way to slow down heat Prime Filet of beef - prepared to your liking by •TUNE UP SPECIALISTS-FRONT END ALIGNMENT loss. When properly done (always professional European Chefs and served in ~ * COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE • TOWING leave room for air vents), you POBo<345S North Fort Myers. Florida 33903 a delightful atmosphere. Come join us at the Hatchcover should save in energy costs. Phone <8i3i 995-2121 and see a beautiful handcrafted sculptured chariot - uniquely fashioned and fascinatingly beautiful. MEMBER OF CHAMBER 1215 PERIWINKLE WAY 1800 vrSA OF SANIBEL ISLAND. FL. 33957 Colonial Blvd. CARDS ACCEPTED COMMERCE PHONE 472-1878 - 939-1800 1 Lunch Served Mon-Sat. A FISH HOUSE 11:30 AM - Southwest FIori'd&^N&West and Greatest Erilertaihment Center... AFTER FOUR FABULOUS YEARS m 2 PM ; ; Announces Its Famous Sunday LIVE: THFATRE SUPERB BEHIND SANIBEL'S FINEST EATERY, Dinner: IaplesDinnep Mon.-Sat. 5:30 PM - CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH "SCOITY'S" 10 PM oTheatpe Apart from Super-Delicious Dishes, Its Great Fu^ WE'VE EXPANDED AND GONE WEST TO ALL THI CHAMPAGNE SANIBEL CENTER buffet Ctrl., live on stage - YOU CAN DRINK SALADES Spring Corn Relish Aspic -Mixed Green SaladeGarnie THE MARCH MOVE SPECIAL 11.00 a.m. to 2:00p.m. Assorted Salade Pierre 2162 Periwinkle Way Caesar Salade Cottage Cheese Supreme ENTREES :::•:••- • VV: A LOVE OF A SHOW Roast Beef au jus - 10%QFF Roulade Marco Polo Seafood Newburg . . Noodles Romanoff 14K ITEMS LEGUMES . ••:;:. ;•• Parsley Potatoes • with Mushrooms 20% OFF ALL WATCHES INTERIOR DESIGNS Vegetable du jour DESSERTS , Repairs now done on premises Charlotte Russe CONSULT OUR PROFESSIONAL DESIGN STAFF Three Fruit Fantasy . Most within 72 hours Homebaked Cake Holland T. Salley , ASID* Here's what the critics say:; Robert W. Coxey, ASIP* "A great big smash hit, a fascinating treat "A happy show, generous with* charm and. and a delight for all . .. an irresistible lavish with love .. a sheer delight, this NOW HAVE A Mlisil-TIIRQUIOSE TEPEE, TOO. John D. Kempfer, ASID* musical comedy hit that chronicles a view of Ithe brighter side of marriage. It's Andrew J. Krecicki, Sr., ASID* happy marriage from its first fumbling an affectionate hymn to the profound John C. Bellows, Jr., Designer wedding night through the ups and downs joys of 50 years of marriage ... a winning of fifty years, to the accompaniment of a and enchanting -musical, it's irresistible • * Members of American Society of glittering harvest of song and dance ... a theatre ... a show that is amusing, touch- Interior Designers honey of a show, go see it and enjoy I" ing and truly endearing . . .a show to be Walter Ken, N. Y. Times .seen and enjoyed by ail." . • ' Timothy Patrick Kelly, goldsmith, silversmith Visit our Naples Showroom which displays a Richard Waits, Jr, N. Y.Post large collection of the finest quality furniture, lamps, bedding, and accessories to tastefully Sanibel Center Building complete interiors for your Florida life style. - 1711 Periwinkle Way Across from the Bank parking lot HULL on the Around the' corner from The Mole Hole sum Periwinkle Way HOURS: 10-6 Monday thru Saturday ; 350 FIFTH AVENUE SOUTH NAPLES, FLORIDA 33940 TELEPHONE 813-261-7464 bike path. Island Reporter March 16,1979 B31

March 18,1979 bland Reporter i

designed as ;: : SANYIVA '•.• i"-? i "~-f~ t:fe>:i sees significance in hexagon and married his wife Marcia, a immediately bought a house; They feat "of architediure," sayist 0e ^^ oX ;Once p^ sculptor and violinist. subsequently bought a second Rocco. With-all my background Time, a Sanibel antique shop; ; For 18 ye^fiejfacco taught h^ Win cpr^(^::.,I ; still cannot Efe^Sofeco' iays" ^ie. new (Sb By Peter Larson art at Sweet • Briar Coltege in j^^^ derive tiari Science Church to be built at MART Virginia. He- resigned in 1958 to such graceful, workable solutions tlte cdrher6t^West Gulf Drivfe and Ml When "the new Christian Science enter the publicpractice of Chris- summer home in Stroudsburg. "It to difficult engineering problems.'' Palm Lake Road, wa^^ another Church rises this year on Sanibel, tian Science healing/ establishing :-is^^iftf^e^ •; / Because super-eight film cannot labor of love. Construction of the the building's hexagonal shape will an office in Stroudsburg, Pennsyl- I^iro^f noticed one day that the: be diipf|icailied or reproduced, De, hexagonal building is scheduled to FOR CONVENIENT not be coincidental. vania. - dimensions of our bedroom mateh- Rocco says his audience is limited begin within the> week. -, ^ "Almost every living thing is "I became a Christian Scientist ed thie:draensions of/the kin^s mainly to friends, "I believe films De Rocco says there is also a SHOPPING patterned after the hexagon," in 1S43," recalls De Rocco. burMrt: chainber in the Great are the most relevent way to reach practical reason why he designed a claims Sanibel resident Jovan De "Duringmy years as a healer I had people today,*' says De Rocco. hexagonal church. Part of the Rocco, the retired architect, art an office much, the same as any "Pamphlets are too technical; they Christian Science worship service Open 7 Days prbfesspr: and Christian Science other doctor. But my approach to film maker. His subjects, intended aren't understood. I've learned is devoted to testamonials, and De healer who designed the hew healing was spiritual: I told my tp depict heaven and hell "ur a that in many hard ways." Rocco says it often is difficult to A Week church. "Six electrons orbit the patients that they were perfect nutshell," have included "The Although he has accepted no turn in your seat and see who is carbon atom," explains DeIldcco; children of God." Ocean of Form," and "Homage to a commercial architectural con- speaking. In the hexagonal church "Even^snowflakes^are hexagonal/' Snowflake." He is currently at tracts for decades, De Rocco the seats will be arranged in a 7AM to 9PM By his own admission, De Rocco De Rocco resigned his practice in 1972 at the age of 75. After work on a film that recreates theA occasionally designs homes for his semi-circle. has sjient a lifetime looking for publishing several metaphysical making of a spiderweb: friends. On Sanibel, De Rocco "No one will have to turn spiritual significance and symbol- pamphlets, he decided that the "These webs are an amazing designed the home of Bernard Le around," says De Rocco. Groceries-Meats ism in nature.Bis career has been best method of expressing his a rare combiriatipn of science and metaphysical ideas would be film. spiritualty; physics and metaphy- I Cold Beer & Wine : De Rocco bought a super eight sics. ;'..•.;• '.••:.- ' •••':•' '"•.'• '' .••".•'• ';". , movie camera and has been Magazines-Post Cards Born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, making films ever since.. 'With all my background and knowledge I still De Rocco was trained in- architec- Hats-Health & Beauty Aids ture at the University of Belgrade. "The word 'metaphysical* means He later emigrated to New York different things to different can not comprehend how spiders derive such Fishing Tackle where he worked from 1925 until people," De Rocco explains from Architect Jovan De Rocco cradles a model of the new 1930 for H. Van Buren Magonigle, the Sanibel office where he does Christian Science Church to be erected at West Gulf Drive much of his filming. "Actually it graceful, workable solutions to difficult and Palm Lake Road. De Rocco says his hexagonal design one of the outstanding architects was first used by a librarian in was a labor of love.' He accepted no commission for of the period. De Roceo's achieve- ancient ^Igypt. When he finished NORTH END designing the structure. ments as a young: architect in- grouping all of Aristotle's writings engineering problems.' cluded design of the American that concerned physical things, he OFSANIBEL Embassy in Tokyo. didn't know how to group the In 1930 De Rocco left Mago- remaining volumes. He finally nigle's office tb study painting at decided on the heading, 'metaphy- ATTHE the Art Students League in IJew York. The following year 'he BLINDPASS received a fellowship in painting at The De Roceo's visited Sanibel the prestigious MacDowell Colony for the first time in 1975 and BRIDGE in New Hampshire, where he met HOW TO SPEND A UNIQUE AFTERNOON ON THE ISLANDS. i® Take a guided tour through the Conservation Center's Nature Trails. POOR PETE- HE'S ALWAYS See things you've only read about. MISSING THE FUN. Presents HE STILL BANKS A Very Special Showing OFF THE ISLANDS. IKKI MATSUMOTO Originals and Fine Art Prints • Located on 207 acres of unspoiled virgin uplands and lowlands on the Sanibel-Captiva Road 1 mile west of the 3 Star, gasoline station. Look for the sign. ^ • The Conservation Center is a project of the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation: Foundation. Over 2,300 members support our activities to preserve and protect the unique character of these Hand Woven/ Tapestries islands. ••• ..,.•"• .• /-V-V;:;'••;..;''-^ / .:..•• • . • • The Conservation Center features over 2,000 feet of exhibit SHOW CONTINUES ^ space and over 4 mHes of nature trails. Guided tours are available at 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 1:30, 2:30 and 3:30. through Morch 24th Admission: Adults $17 Children 50c /'Members Free.

Daily 10-5 exc^pft f uitdjay^ FOUNDATION n Bay Rd, Sanibel Island OPfHt (Lobby; Monday through Friday, 9-2, ondTirldoy 4-6 ~ " ' PHONE 472-2329 ^ through Thursday, 8:30-4, and Friday 8:30-6 4724141 Member FDIC Member Federal Reserve System Ik March 16,1979 Island Reporter Island Reporter March 16,1979 BS3 Hi church notes Puzzler An estimated 140 women at- for the 5th Annual Easter Sunrise festival of Purim this evening at accept his dictatorial decrees. He tended .the ninth annual meeting Service to be held April 15 at 5:30 8:00 p.m. Purim, a Persian word felt, like Hitler, that'Jews would of Episcopal Church Women, host- p.m. on the Sanibel Causeway. meaning "lots," indicates the not succomb to his, despotism. Don Stfce was first to ed Thursday afternoon at St. This one should be easy torTegula r beach guess this image is a The speaker this year will be Dr. manner in which an ancient bigot Mordecai, a patriotic Persian Jew, -goers. If you are OH and know this location, reflection of the Algiers Michael and All. Angels Church on David Robinson of Edison Com- named Haman sought to .calculate and Esther, who became Queen of call us at 472-1587. steamboat paddtewheeL Sanibel. Featured speaker for the munity College. The service is the day when lie would practice . Persia , thwarted .Hainan's luncheon program was Rev. Canon being sponsored by the Com-genocide of the Jews in that land. designs. The Jewish Community W. Newell Graham, Diocesan munity Church with the coopera- As recounted in the Book of Center is located at 915 SE 47 Director of Public Relations and tion of the Congregational United Esther; Haman was indignant Terrace in Cape Coral. I Development. Graham's theme Church of Christ. Susie Pickens is because the Jews, refused to was, "Increasing church visibility this year's service coordinator. through the mass media." The OBITUARY meeting was attended by women At a meeting last month of the from churches throughout the new Sanibel Community Church diocese. Council, Chairman Jerry Wierman 9 made six new committee appoint- Vere S. 'Pappy Welker dies Twelve new members made ments. Appointed were: John Funeral services were held last night in L He was a member of the Simpson !«•• • their commitment to Sanibel Wflcox, legal counsel; Glenn Slay Fort Myers forVer e S. "Pappy" Welker, 70, Methodist Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Community Church last month. and Billie Elder, dedication of Sanibel. The Rev. John Wflcox officiated. a charter member of Citizens Bank Club 19, New members included Harold services; Harry Goodwin, gifts .• Welker bad been an island resident since the Horizontal Club Inc. and Moose Lodge and Bernice Baglin, Robert E. and and bequests; Phil Johnson, build- 1972. The Welker family owned the former iuFort Wayne, .; Doris A. Hidde, C. Stanley and ing committee; Harmon Elder, Golden. Sands restaurant on Sanibel and Charlotte C. Knight, Margaret newsletter editor; Mary Lou later purchased Mom's Cracker Box on He is survived by his wife, Gertrude McGregor Boulevard. Welker and his two McKenney, Lorimer and Helen Hosier, publicity. .j;:ljt6^Eyiilgey.;;iimdJames;Md . Moe, and Evelyn H. Piggott. sons were a popular entertainment trio at Welker, both ;of Sanibel; and eight grand- the Golden Sands, where "Pappy" played children. •'- .-'•-:'••;;•, ;'••• :::''V:- V :.'•. • .;•;;? :••;!-••',•'•/'- The Jewish Community Center "drums.."' - "- •••••••• ".' • -.•" ••• ' •'." : Burial will be in Decatur, Indiana. Plans are already being made of Lee County will observe the

Recovery,'Inc. (Ft. Myers Chapter) - 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 2459 McGregor Blvd. Sponsored by Recovery, Inc. of Chicago, III. Weekly meetings of self-help for church /calendar people with emotional difficulties, and nervous or former mental patients who demonstrate the Recovery method of improving and maintaining their mental health. For more information, call Sanibel Congregational United Church of Temple Beth-el Synagogue: 2721 Del Prado St. Michael and All Angels episcopal Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Tuesdays. 481-3513 or 472-4316. There is no charge for attending meetings. Christ: Worship Sundays 10:30 a.m. in the Club Parkway, Cape Coral. Friday worship, 8:00 p.m. Church: Rev. James D.B. Hubbs, Rector, Mr. 9:15 a.m. at First Baptist Church on Sanibel. island cinema Room of the Dunes Country Club. Dr. James For information call 542-3733. Larry Brunke, organist-choirmaster. Sundays:. Public invited. : Wills Lenhart, Minister. The Holy Eucharist at 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Bird.Tours of the Islands with Griffing Bancroft. Leave Cinema Captiva Fire Control District Commissioners meet second "Blaring Saddles" - The brilliant, witty comedy of Mel Brooks. A Plaza at dawn. Reservations must be made at Macintosh Book Store, Tuesday of each month at 8:30 a.m. Captiva Community Center, Greek Orthodox Church off S.W. Florida: on the 1 st, 3rd and 5th Sundays off each month. great satire on the western movies. An outstanding cast for an •472-1447.' V '. ' ••••"•_ "' ' ' •'••• "• •'•'•'•.• Gore Road. Captiva Chapel by the Seas Dr. David E. Rev. Arthur Kontinos, Pastor. Sunday services Morning Prayer: 2nd and 4th Sundays of each Bible Study Group of St. Michael and All evening of fun and laughter. Adult fare, Rated R. Plays Friday - Weinland, minister in residence. Interdenomi- held at 10:30 a.m. at Cypress Lake Drive month. Wednesdays: Holy.Eucharist at 9 a.m. . Angels Episcopal Church meets Monday, 7:30 Thursday, March 16-22. 7:15 and 9Y06; • Blrdlng Tours by George Weymouths Morning and afternoon. Alcoholics Anonymous Closed discussion meeting. Tuesday, 8:00 national services held Sunday at 11:00 a.m. trailer, adjacent to the new Presbyterian p.m. in the parish hall. .Reservations made through Bailey's General Store, 472-1516. p.m. Open speakers meeting at St. Michael arid All Angels Church. i" - starts Friday, March 23rd. ' Natural History Field Trips by water with naturalist George Episcopal Church, Periwinkle Way, every Friday night, 8:00 p.m. Unitarian Unlversallst Church of Ft. Myers: Campbell. Breakfast at Cabbage Key, walk across Cayo Costa, visit Alanon meets in the church Friday nights at 8:00 p.m. For Jewish Community Center off Lee Cowntyt Sanibel Community Church: Rev.: Bruce E., Edison Avenue at Clifford Streets Sunday The Bible Reading Fellowship of St. Michael to an embryonic barrier island. Minimum five people. Call 472-2180 information call 472-3488; 472-4427; and 472-3256. 915 S.E. 47th Terrace, Cape Coral. Rabbi Dr. Milligan, Pastor. Sunday worship, 9:15 and service, 10:30 aim. Rev/ Richard Benner, ond All Angels Episcopal Church meets for information and reservations. ; . Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. in the parish hall. Sanibel-Captlvoi Shell Club meets the third Wednesday of each* Samuel M. Silver. Services every Friday night, 11:00 a.m. Church school for pre-school age Minister^ phone 334-4734 or 93941828. '. Organizations and groups wishing to have their meetings and month- at 8:00 p.m. at .the Sanibel Community House. Visitors events published In this section are requested to have the. Captiva Memorial Ubraryi Library hours are Tuesday, Thursday 8:00 p.m. Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. children 9:15 a.m. Classes for grades 3-8 10:30 and Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.; welcome. •''.'•* . to 11:15 a.m. Youth Club for grades 3-8 Seventh-Day Adventlstt 2663 Second Street, material Jn written form at the offices of island Reporter by • : 12x00 noon on the Tuesday p -*ding the publication date. arid Saturday \4:WjajrQ.~nQoii. The Library will also be open on , Captiva Volunteer Fire Department meets every first end third Wednesdays 3:15 p.m. ' Fort Myers Shores, 8 miles east -on Route 80. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting- Wednes- Wednesday evenings from 5:00-9:00 p.m. Tuesdays of eoch mon^i at the fire house on GoreRood ot 7:00 p.m. Sf. Isabel Catholic Churcfe Father Gerard Sabbath School, 9:30 a.m. (Saturday); Morning days, 9:15 a.m. at First Baptist Church on (Sanibel Public Library summer schedule: Monday, Wednesday Sanibel-Captiva Chamber of Commerce meeting of the Board of Beauregard, Pastor. Rev. John J. Tucker, SJ, First Baptist Church: Interim Pastor Walter Worship, 11:00 a.m. (Saturday); Evening Ves- Sanibel. Public invited. regular activities and Friday fcom 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday, from Directors, second Tuesday of each month at the Chamber building Assistant Pastor Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m., 10 Pratt. Sunday morning worship, 11:00 a.m.; pers, one hour before sunset on Saturdays; on Causeway Road, 8:00 p.m. . Evening services, 7:00 p.m. Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; and oh Saturday from 10:00 a.m. until 12 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Saturday evening mass, Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. French conversation with,Serine. Telephone 472-3233. Klwanls Club meets every Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m. at Top 5:30 p.m. Daily Mass: 5:30 p.m. Vigil Mass 10:00 a.m., all ages. Youth: school grades 1-6 noon: Palm-Ridge Road near the fire hall. ' Zlon Lutheran Church* 7010 Wlnkler Road, The Mrs. Willie Glass Bible Study Group of OH painting classes with Tom Waterman, sponsored by the Sani- O'the Mqst II. Visitors welcome. : preceding Holy Day at 5:30 p.m. Holy Day Mass needing transportation to Sunday School call Beginning November 1 library hours will be 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. just off Gjodio.las. Rev. T.J. Fangmeier, Pastor. the Community Church meets every Tuesday ibel-Captivo Art Leagued Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.; For de- . South West. Anglers Club meets second Tuesday of ea.'i month, 10:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Confessions before 472.4318' or 472-3266. Wednesday evening Monday-Saturday. • • .' prayer meetings, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday morn- Sunday worship: 8:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Island Beach Club tails call Torn Waterman at 472-2919. . ' 7:30 p.m. at Moose Hall on Parkmeadow Drive, off U.S. .. in Fort each Mass and at 3:30 p.m. on Saturdays. on West Gulf Drive on Sanibel. All interested in Bridge for furo An afternoon of enjoyable bridge every ing bible classes, 9:15 a.m. Open for medita- Sunday school: 9:15 a.m. . Sanlbel-Captlva Art League sponsors a Monday art workshop Myers. Admission is free and visitors are welcome. Call 472-2685 tion and counseling, if desired, Tuesday, attending are welcome to come. Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. at the Sanibel Community House. One for further information. . " • . ' 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the Captiva Community Center. dollar charge. Partners will be available. The public is invited. Baha'l Group off Sanibel Island: Study ses- Thursday, Friday 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p:m. Non- Sanibel Community Association Board of Directors' meeting denominational Prayer Center always open. Painting island scenes with instructor Helene Sparkes. Meet at A.CR.E. Classes In Meditation: Hatha Yoga, Yoga philosophy, every third Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m. Community House. _ sions on the Baha'i Faith are held on the first gatherings Christ the Servant, Church off the Brethren: and third Thursdays of every month at 7:30 the Captiva Community Center Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. intuitive art, taught by Elma Fleming. Workshops, lectures and Weight Watchers meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. every Christian Science Service: Sunday at 11:00 meets at' First Federal Building, Cape Coral, Canoe Adventures with naturalist Mark "Bird" Westall. Choice of p.m. at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Everett a.m. in the Sanibel Community Center. Wed- demonstrations by the new age thinkers. Call 482-1225 or 472-1413 Wednesday at the ESI Branch Office, 2427 Periwinkle Way (next to Prayer Meeting Saturday evenings, 7:00 p.m. corner of- Del Prado and Cape Coral Pkwy. three trips: Sanibel River, Wildlife Refuge, or Buck Key. Call for more information. Walter. 3812 Coquina Drive. The Walters have nesday evenings at 8:00 p.m. in the Sanibel in non-denominational Prayer Center at First the B-Hive) on Sanibel. Doors open one hour before class. For more Services at 9:30 a.m. Sundays. Reverend Don 472-5218 for information and reservations. Keep trying. information call 936-0306. more information at 472-1455. Library. Baptist Church. All welcome. Shank. Tennis] The Dunes Racquet Club offers to the public a full-service Duplicate Bridge/ Fridays, promptly at 7:30 p.m., Sanibel Com- tennis facility and various instructional programs. Call 472-3522. Captiva Erosion Prevention District - The regular monthly munity House. All bridge players welcome. If you need a partner, meeting will be held the first Monday of each month at 3:30 p.m. at call 472-1829 prior to the game and the Winterrowds will try to Racquetball and Handball: 24 hours daily, reservations prefer- the Captiva Community Center. ' s red. Signal Inn, Middle Gulf Drive, 472-4690. Open to the public, A warm, friendly welcome arrange for one. . • .', - Shipmates of the Sanibel-Captiva Power Squadron meet at 7:30 Gymnastlcsi The Sanibel-Captiva gymnastics program offers p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month. Classesat Idle Hours $1.00. Macrarne, Weaving, Crewel, Needle- gymnastics and ballet classes for children and teens. Beginning, Welcome Aboard Our Ship — Cross The Moat — Walk The Gang Plank awaits you at point, Knitting or Crocheting Lessons at Idle Hours. 31 Periwinkle Sanibel Community. Association Dinner Meeting for member' intermediate and advanced gymnastics classes meet Saturdays and guests, followed by program also open to the public, every first Place. Mon., Tues., Thurs., or Sat. 10-11 a.m. By appointment only 9:00 a.m. to noon; beginning ballet Fridays 3:00-4:00 p.m.; and 472-1039. . • ...' ; Tuesday of the month, 6:30 p.m. Community House. - - \Cal for nasnratim adult ballet arid exercise Wednesdays 8:30-9:30 a.m. For informa- Sanibel City Council will have regular meetings the first, third and 'for the finest & largest selection of All are invited to utilize the 24-hour non-denominational Conservation Contort Open 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily, on tion call Polly at 472-1058 or Georgia at 472-2053. fifth Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. City Hall. Special meetings will be INTERVAL REALTY, IN& Sanibel-Captiva Road. Center features education exhibits on'the • French conversation group now forming. Call Sef ine at 472-3233. announced. • . . ftegjeteytd HH EftM BRASV V. Prayer Center whenever possible. Sunday School (ail ages) 10 a.m. islands' natural systems, wildlife and vegetation, plus a gift shop. Refuge tours along|1he Wildlife Drive in the J.N."Ding" Darling Bridge for fum An afternoon of enjoyable bridge every 1618 PeriwHde Way Morning Worship 11 a.m. Guided tours through nature trails. Free to members- of the National Wildlife Refuge. Meet at the entrance Thursdays and Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. at the Sanibel Community House. One Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation; nominal charge for MEN'S & LADIES' • Evening Worship 7 p.m. Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. and 2tOO p.m. on Sundays. Commodore dollar charge. Partners will be available. The public is-invited. There Sanibel Island, Honda visitors. The Center will be closed on Sundays. will be no class on Wednesday, February 28 because of Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer 7 p.m. • Creek canoe trail tours leave from Tarpon Bay Marina Fridays at 472-5104 Gerald frost. Pastor Tel. 472-1018 Craft classes at Three Crafty Ladies. Weaving, Tuesdays 10:00 . preparations lor the Shell Fair at 1he Community House. o.m.-noon, $2 per session plus materials, no registration necessary. 11:30 a.m. ond Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. Must furnish own canoe, Sanibel Fire Control District Commissioners meet on the second Fabric painting, Thursdays 9:30-11:30 a.m., $8. pre-registration limit ten canoes per tour. . Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. at the fire house on Palm Ridge APPAREL required, all materials furnished. Mocrame classes and private Women In Business The island chapter of the American Business Road. The public is invited. | lessons, $15 plus materials. Night weaving classes, .Mondays Women's Association will meet the second Thursday of each Sanibel City Planning Commission meets alternate Mondays at ^g^, SAJNIBEL 7:30-9:30 p.m.. pre-registration required. Phone 472-2893. - month. Meetings will convene at 6:30 p.m. Members will be notified 9:00 a.m. at City Hall. Special meetings will be announced. MEN'S Wildlife Refuge tours Guided Wildlife Drive tours through the of meeting locatjons. For membership information call Bette O. Sanibel Volunteer Fire Department meets: second and. fourth When you are J;N. "Ding" Darting Notional Wildlife Refuge are conducted Parke at 472-2946. Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. at the fire house. Palm Ridge Road. Thursdays and Saturdays at 8:00 am. beginning at the Wildlife Duplicate Bridge, Friday, promptly at 7:30 p.m., Sanibel Lions Club of Sanibel and Captives meets the first and third SPORT COATS Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, Sanibel- Drive entrance on the San-Cap Road, Guided canoe tours through . Community House. All bridge players welcome. If you need a : tempted to talk Captiva Road. ' '• . . i 'the Refuge are held Fridaysat 11:30 o.m. beginning at Tarpon Bay partner, call 472-1829 prior to the game and the Winterrowds will about someone, 0F€HRISt Marina; Canoes are notprovided. Limit of ten canoes. For more try to arrange for one. • Blazers DR. JAMES W.UNH ART. MINISTER Information phone 472-1100. : Karate Lessons By the Dojo Karate Association every Sunday and current activities come to the Cordially Invites you to share In the worship, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 p.m. Call Lew Phillips at 472-4948 for 'Pirate Playhouse- Fine acting performances In Sanibel's only The Photographers Gallery. Fine photographic prints by area : ; ; : ; : theater. Sat. March 17 "January Thaw." Sun. March 18, "January • Hopsack work and witness of the new church In our • i photographers on display and for sale. Current show features work • deioils,,..,:,:;.;-;;:•,..;•., ;: v; .. ;..,• ;..';. . • .'. " Thaw." Shows start at 8:15. Box off ice: 472-2121. *• COffMVtUHlV)fe'.'w •'. - ''••'. V. •",'•-.'- . • '. - • Prayer Center by. members of the gallery. A wildlife show will open March 18 in regular meetiigs Schbolhouse Galleryt Two person show featuring Ikki and Polly /'vl • Madras and talk to conjunction with Notional Wildlife Week. Open Tuesday-Sunday Sanleel-Captlva American Legion meeting of members the Matsurriofo. Ikkl's originals and fine art prints, and Polly's hand ( i 1:00-9:00 p.m. 1554 Periwinkle Way. second Tuesday of each month. woven tapestries. Opening reception Sunday, March 11 5-9:00 p.m. One Session Art ClesMSi »hell jewelry and crafts No Sew Show continues through March 24. Hours are 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Sons of ttie> American Revolution. Coloosa Chapter, meets the daily. Located on Tarpon Bay Rood. God about them. Trapunto (pelicans and sandpipers) decorative tale, and three hour second Wednesday of each month at the Fort Myers Country Club. at the AND THE GOD WHO CARRIES? I landscape painting and fabric painting at Mlki's House on Sanibef. SanlbeKCeptlve: Orchid Society now meets at the Captiva "An Irish experience" Color slide presentation of Richard N. in the Tahltion Garden shopping center. 472-1800. Community Center-on the third Wednesday of the month at 1:30 Campen's travels in Ireland, Saturday. March 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the Natural History Field Tries" to Sanlbel's wildlife habitats by p.m. Visitor* are welcome to come arid bring their orchids for Sanibel Community House. Open to the public. Sponsored by Prayer Center Interval Travel Agency. i ' Lenten theme: "Updating Lent" naturalist George Cambell. Thursdays and Saturdays by appoint- questions and discussions. i -located ment. For reservations call 472-2180. Wednesday'* Open Trip: meet Captiva Civic Association Board of Governors meeting, first and AntloueFeir andke cream social at the Sea Horse Shop Saturday. at Sanibel Elementary School Parking lot, Sanibel-Captiva Rd. at third Tuesday, 10:00 ajm. Coptiva,Community Center. March 24. Antique fashions, refreshments, an antique show and i. 4115 Sanibel- 9:00 a.m. Fee is $4. SenlbeKapttai Unit off the League of Women Voters meets sale, traditional Crafts demonstrations, a flower shop ond "Famous For Fine Apparel" gymnastics and baltetoemonstrations. Tickets are $3 per person for V for over 40 years Bingo (Mures} every Thursday. 8:00 p.m. American Legion Hall, ^ the third Monday of each month at the West Wind Inn at 9:30 coffee Turn Right Off Causeway -First Store on Right Our church offkei 11531 Sanibel-Captiva Rood. -, „ hour, 10:00 meeting. - v . the 1:00 p.m. fashion show and refreshments. 11 -.00 a.m.-S:30 p.m. (Non-denominational) V.

t I

1 ...... n, ByNormaLoos gentleman, quietly said, "Only you, knew you I were void in Clubs and had: the other three Vulnerable: East-West. Dealer: North. We hadn't visited the refuge for some time, "Cooky stared at her hand and finally bid 1 aces, so you could have used Blackwood for Spade (!) Ellie bid\2 Spades. Betsy bid THREE so decided to see if we could find some kings when you found out we trad a fit in !•• -51 fireworks. Much to our surprise the Eagles' Spades! I had no idea what Ellie meant Nest was occupied by the men and another because with 10 high card points in my own clubroom, as yet unnamed, had been added for hand I didn't think it was that terribly strong a the ladies, who were playing a Swiss Team seated southwest cue bid. I bid 4 Hearts. Cooky passed, Ellie game to celebrate its opening today. passed. Betsy sort of woke up and asked me, We looked in on the men's game first and 'How strong is your partner's hand?' I had to watched the bidding. Hearts.".Con was having- another kind of fit, say I honestly didn't know. She debated and but when all the scores Were in, NQT ONE passed. And I made 7 Hearts! Cooky led a North [Sam Spoonbill) team had reached the slam! Spade, I played the 10 from dummy, Betsy S-K In the other room there was great hilarity. played the king, which I trumped. I led a low H-K 10 9 3 2 The four Robin sisters had flown in and Heart to the jack, which was allowed to hold. D-K8 6 apparently had been indulging in a little A Heart back to my ace and the king drew all the trump. So I could get rid bf all my C-8 6 5 2 Brazilian pepper berry before entering the Swiss Team game which was scheduled. It was Diamonds on the Spades, and we all collapsed West [Oscar Osprey] East [Peter Pelican] a light-hearted game and Cindy Sandpiper, laughing." 7 ; .; S-J ia9 6 S-8 7 5 3 who played with Ellie Egret against Cooky At the other table Lucy Robin and her sister H-6 5 4 H-none and Betsy Robin, just had to share the last Sally were in 6 Spades against Fran Flamingo D-2 D-J 10 9 7 3 hand with us. and Rosabel Spoonbill and went down one. We C-AKQ10 7 C-J94 3 were curious about Cooky's 1 Spade bid, but W1LDFLOWER. The exquisite beauty of the French countryside breatttlessiy comes to IHe with North [Cooky Robin] she had a quick answer: "Oh, I was just this dua] presentation of magnificent porcelain ovenware and matching dinnerware. Louis South [Con Crane] •• •• -•' s-98 ••;•:;••• :>• :••-..:/•:•...• psyching!" Lourioux has created a versatile collection In many sizes and shapes S-AQ42 MORAL: Robins . should never stop at THE H-AQJ8 7 •-:'•'••• D-AKQ3 :,\::. . , • Brazilian pepper bars before playing bridge at D-AQ5 4 C-J10d3 the refuge. C-none " I West [Cindy Sandpiper] East [Ellie Egret] Creative Jewelry S-norie - S-A Q J 10 7 4 Winners: North-South, 1st Don Brown- Vulnerable: North-South. Dealer: West. H-AK9 7 6 H-J2 Charles Wilson; 2nd Louise Bach-Lotta Nel- - Sanibel's first jewelry store -17 years on the islands Oscar bid 1 Club, Sam passed, Peter passed, D-J 105 4 2 D-8 son; 3rd George Emerson-Bud Knight. IN THE HEART Cf) THE ISLAND ON SANIBEL and Con doubled. Oscar passed, Sam said 2 C-Q8 5 : C-AK6 East-West, 1st Janet Kadel-Hilda Rush; 2nd 10-5 Tues. thru Sat. 472-1454 Hearts, Peter passed, Con bid 4 Hearts. When South [Betsy Robin] & 3rd Frank and Doris Gilmartin; Marie dummy went down Con roared, "WHY didn't S-K6532 . : White-Mary Norris. you overcall the Club with one. heart? We H-1083 should be in a Grand Slam!!!" D-9 7 6 After the slam was made Sam, always the • . •, C-7 42 v-;: ••—••—;: cand BROWSE IN OUR BEAUTIFUL BATH SHOP Gifts Galor* • Shower Curtain. • Pillows • Bath Rugs * Towels • Beach Tow«b • Table Cloths ••' Kltdie* Accessories • Place Mots •Sol* Toilet Seats ST. COTTAGE LET US FURNISH YOUR HOME OR CONDO Hear about our .Halloween Party? How ajwut our New Year's Bash? Well, St. Patrick's Day promises to continue omtradition^ 2015 Periwinkle Way Sanibel, Florida Join us March 17th for: Write us and tell us what you do • Corn beef and Cabbage - all you can eat S5.75 Welcome to • Specialty drinks 99e with your paper after • Old Fashioned Irish Singalong you've read it. • Costume prizes for the "wearin of the green" • Plenty of surprises . SUNSET CAPTIVA Come early and stay late! Bring your camera and meander F&B OYSTER CO MONDAY •Kids Night—Every Night about the tree shaded lanes Fresh Maine and lush tropical foliage; FREE take time to feed the gulls Lobster DINNER or gather a few seashells *^ids under 10) on our Gulf beach; $6.95 perhaps even drop a line . • - . into the fish-filled waters of Pine Island Sound. WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Island Shrimp All of this is Sunset Captiva, Barbeque Country Ribs a very private community all you can eat! All you can eat! of fine island homes tastefully secluded amidst 18 units in 9 beautiful buildings Plus private balconies providing $5.75 $5,75 thevnatural beauty of Captiva Island. surrounded by amenities. 2 tennis beautiful Sanxbel Sunsets to add to i courts, 2. swimming pools, golf near- the ^r^yrneM ' of :'^/jSBp«^-^:ter'-iAe- Individual wooded homesites, by, plus all the attractions Sambel including several directly on the beach, relaxing atmosphere of the Dunes. 2163 PerlwlhklefWby. Sanibel Island is famous for, beaches, shell- Don't you owe it to yourself to are available, offering you ing, fishing, etc. consider us? Well bet you decide on ONEjpFTHE fJNEST the opportunity to style The Dunes Cottage Condominiums. FISH HOUSES IN SOUTHyVEST FLORIDA your own distinctive island home. TRY OUR FAMOUS SHORE piNNER We invite you to inspect our furnished models open daily, 10:00 a.m. 'til 5:00 p.m. The Dunes Cottase Condominiums - BE0RS AND or by appointment SERVED DAILY 5:00 to 9:30 Represented Exclusively By Sanlbel Today For Your Sanibel Tomorrows Phone 472-5276

VACATION AND INVESTMENT "WeCovwThe bland" PROPERTIES, INC •••our Solo* I tart* Dam* Country dub 472-**4« RAW OYSTER Realtor Phone (813) 472-5444 Center briond Offlw just Eo«t of the bonk, 1633 Periwinkle Way - 472.1949 P. O. Box 49 • Captiva Island • Florida 33924 REALTOR tot PfffoM In fheHuxterVMorfietPloza, 1207 Porfwinki* Way • 472-19**

•.;;.•..•; •';~-r5i£gFf.i^g.i;~; B36 AforcA 15, 1570 Island Reporter Section C March 1$, 1979


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If you're 52 or over...here"s a rare opportunity to explore in depth the y rewarding and fulfilling aspects of your retirement years with noted and respected experts in important and related fields. This Seminar, sponsored by Leisure 'iHage at Seven Lakes, explores in depth the impact and benefits of THE FREEDOM v.. YEARS; from every aspect; health, finance, housing, legal, political. : ; ; Featured speakers include Hugh Downs, noted television personality; U.S. -.Senator. Lbwefl Weicker; Or Art Ulene of the NBC Today Show; and Michael L. Tenzer, President and Chief Executive Officer of Leisure Technology Corp. ~ ^ Space is fimited. Reservations are open to adults 52 brpyer who are home owners, so mail the coupon today. (Must be received by March 21st, 1979.) Don't miss this outstanding opportunity to 1 help formulate your future during retirement: *& ^^ "Theirreeddni Years:1 Date: Saturday, March 24,1979 Our first issue ran *'This fe Time: 9:00 a.:m.—3:00 p.m. . Place: ••'.•.•;•'• Leisure> Village at • ;'.•.•^;;>;•;'•••• ."•'" SeyenLakes^ ' \ Registration Fee: $8.00 per person (Including Lunch) $15.00 per couple a a us now! Introducing the first ever classified section to your Island Reporter. An Aetiye AdultCommunity AA/e're grovving with your qyergrowjrg needs in your private little market place-

t^rf^^T "«DOWNTOWN Island Reporter Qassifieds •' •''*•''J&^/•^^^ iWjFT. MYERS ... _rR"f:-';^^:-:'--'- r . ;r--Mv-V- --/ -vv;v/.;.V:; ^J^ :C. m; AIRPORT ^Cpllegje Pkwy^M •

LEISURE\1- ; ;." • • o 1 VILLAGE•vTmfc ••,-.•. • •' . :': '-• ••TD-^mV- ••'.. HUGH DOWNS I ••••. • ' • NAPLESm •:• > Retirement: The Freedom Years Mr, Downs, author, lecturer, outdoors man and One Half Mile South of College Parkway serious student of music,.art, literature, history and on U.S. 41 in Ft. Myers. philosophy, is perhaps one of the most recognized and MICHAELL TENZER respected television hosts and moderators of our time. For information call (813) 481-1212 Most noted for his nine years as host of NBC's popular Housing for the Senior Citizen. Mr. Tenzer, nationally recognized for his outstanding TODAY SHOW, Mr. Downs will be the keynote speaker RETIREMENT: at THE FREEDOM YEARS Seminar. achievements within the housing industry has been a' recipient of House and Home Magazine's prestigious "Top I Leisure Village at Seven Lakes LOWELL WEICKER, U.S. Senator Performer "award. Mr. Tenzer is President and Chief • 1965 Seven Lakes Boulevard Political Role of the Senior Citizen Executive Officer of Leisure Technology Corp.. one of the | Ft. Myers, FL. 33907 nations largest developers of retirement communities". Well known for championing individual rights. Mr. Weicker s political career has been equally marked COLIN GILLIS , I Please register me in your "Freedom by his creation of legislative solutions to problems as Legal Affairs of the Senior Citizen. | Years" Seminar. diverse as ocean development and urban development. Mr. Gillis is Senior Professor of Law, New England I1 enclose : ^ for .reservations. ARTHUR ULENE.M.D. School of Law and is a noted specialist in Real Property. I Name : • The Maintenance of Good Health. He is a partner of F. Lee Bailey. Creator of NBC's popular "Feeling Fine" television PAUL MEYER I Address. program. Dr. uiene's work at the University of Southern Financed Planning for Later Years. I California has resulted in the development of self- A recognized expert in. personal financial planning, City. State. Zip. instructional materials in use* in medical schools Mr. Meyer is Vice President and National Director of the across the country. highly respected brokerage firm of Paine Webber. I Local Phone Number. . . " ©1979 Leisure Technology Corp. I Make check payable to Leisure Technology' lofFlorida,Inc. '• --,-.- - ',', ^c^~y

. ..-• ••••:. • • '{ i H1' (. !'• •;.... • ..I;:.-.; March 16,1979 Island Reporter €2 Island Reporter March 16,1979 C3 classified advertising advertising WRITE P.O. DRAWER R. SANIBEL ISLAND, FLORIDA 33957 472-1587 •* WRITE P.O. DRAWER a SANllBEt. ISl^ND,ROBIDA 33957 472-1587 *^

CUfcSSmtO INFORMATION HOUSESITTING - BOOKKEEPER - Full charge, ex- HARBOR.HOUSE RESTAURANT, MUST SELL - Portable and FOR SALE- Piano. Kimball perience in payroll- payroll •v Cashier needed. Five nights ar Couple' available. April Installable electric Kitchen- World Exposition model, very APARTMENT FOR RENT - 1 FOR LARGE FAMILY - new KINGS. CROWN CONDOMIN- ». 1«7«. through December. Local ref- commission* and related week. Bonus! -Call 472-1242. Aid dishwasher^ Under war- good condition. $400. 3008. bedroom and den, furnished, three bedroom, two bath IUM- Two bedroom, two bath. FOR LEASE DtJUMJNf erences furnished. Reliable. taxes a must. Self-starter post* before 2 P.M. - ~ ranty. Asking $225.,Call 472- " Poinciana Circle on Island Inn A-C with sundecks on the Gulf. house with separate guest Tropical decor. Monthly and 482-4829. tioh. Excellent starting-salary Noon Tuesday 4849. .-'* *• ' Hood. After 6 p.m. - 472-2177 after 5 p.m. Prefer quarters including kitchen ami seasonal rates.. 1979 and 1980 Immediate Occupancy DISMAY 343 plus company benefits. Bridge HELP WANTED * Mature adult 3-16 toll paid. Call JoAnn Sheans, yearly lease. bath. Centrally '. located on reservations available. Write $2.00 per column inch. "If you see GEORGE QUIMBY Jsland resident for permanent FOR SALE • Set of Golf Clubs • 472-5177. - TFN canal leading directly to Gulf. E.G.. 655 Pilgrim Rd. Birming- 900 sq. ft. to 4500 sq; ft. NONMSMAY on March 17th. wish him a part-time work. Approximate- nine irons and putter, three Few steps to beach. $550 per ham. Mich. 48009. 313-647- $1.75 minimum for 25 words happy birthday." 3-16 ly 30 hours per week. Apply woods-and,bag - all"for left week. 305-248-8312 . 1199. Sanibel's Finest Location DUNCANS RESTAURANT • Now Sonibel Grog Shop. See Dov*. or less. Over 25 words 8 cents 3-1* handers, $75. Charrri-glo, gas TFN 3-23 High Volume Traffic per word.' hiring Cooks and Kitchen TFN grill - doubly grjll. tbtissfrie Help. No experience neces- HJNDBOX WANTED - Waiters, waitress- and two gas tanks'. Call after 5 FURNISHED PRIVATE ROOM Parking for 100 cars $1.00 extra. sary. Full and part-time posi- es, buspersons. salod prep, p.m.. 472-1369. , „, " \ tions available. Apply at Dun- AND BATH - Weekly rate $50 CONDOMINIUM FOR RENT - IXTRA SPfCtAL BATIS dishwashers. Make good single, $75 double, occupancy. cans Restaurant. Periwinkle Beautifully furnished two bed- ~ "ACROSS THE STREET" FROM THE BEACH Gulfside Plaza ALL classified ads paid in money! Apply in person. The FOR SALE - Klrsch ,RHD T«w* ,~ Col 472-1682, days; After 8 Place. 472-2525. 1 room, two bath. Large living IS OUR LOW-RENT CHARMER. advance saves us 25 cents in Timbers Restaurant, 957 Rab- v«rse*8od, H6 x 150" and palr'Tt p.m.- 472-1230. 2353 Periwinkle Way. Sanibel. Fl. 33957. 472-2500 TFN bit Rd.. after 4 p.m. room and patio: Fully equip- handling and postage. So we'll of window Charlie bars. Call '} I - - / ' ' '•' TFN ped ' kitchen. Pool, tennis save you a quarter, too. RETIRED OR SEMI-RETIRED-PER- TFN 472-3968. , - v . SON • Needed for full charge COMMERCIAL BUILDING • And CONDOMINIUM - Two bed- - courts and Gulf. $750- per Rent our Sanibel garden apartment across the street from HARDWARE SALES PEOPLE - 3-16 additional covered work area room, two bath. Pool, tennis. month until the end of April, the expensive Gulf, and save a small fortune. Winter rates bookkeeping. Excellent hours, Full time. Experience prefer- FOR SALE -Bedroom set - fired on Periwinkle Way. Available Adults only. No Pets. Long then $600 per month until the are just $375 per week, $1,000 monthly. After April '15, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - five red. Bailey's True Value. 472- THESES .Mahogony.; firuitwood finish.' immediately. 472-1686. term rental. First, last and end of October. No children, rentals are $175 weekly, just $600 monthly* Our elegant, days. Prefer Island Resident. 1516. 1971 SUBARU - Inspected, Doublebed.wmS f> foot dresser damage deposit required. Ref- no-pets. Pay own utilities. For woodsy apartment has two bedrooms, two baths, front and Contact Ken Sharp - Ramada . ..' •' •;•'./;.;•.• ' •; TFN HELLf runs great. $400. 472-3274. .••••- -••.":• •• •"•:••• ••-• TFN- and two nig)it stands.- Hand erences a must. 472-4634. - information call collect, 212-.' back screened patios, huge living room, dining area, SHE05gF Inn. 472-4123. .330 Carved. $800. Apple green; BLIND PASS CONDOMINIUM -. 3-16. UNI-2206 Contact Mrs. Bor- ' TFN gourmet kitchen, "islandy" furnishings including bar, cable SANll PORSCHE 1972 - 911 T. Excel- Henry Link bachelor chest - Beautiful two bedroom, two glum. • . T.V., telephone, carport, tennis, heated pool, and private ADULT GAS STATION ATTEN- three drawers. $75. Eureka LOVELY TWO BEDROOM lent condition. Many extras. ; v beach'access across the street. Condos across the street, rent DANT- Apply in person. Three bath adjacent to Gulf with HOUSE - On six month lease . ;• •-•• • :•-•••••• • :• " 3-23- 936-5252 or 334-6053. eve- up-right sweeper with attach- tennis, pool. Fully furnished. BAYFRONT - 2 bedroom, fire- for $600 per week in winter, $300 other times. Ours.is Star. Tarpon Bay Rd. and Palm ments. $25. Call 482-1457. with option to renew. Close to nings and weekends. Ridge Rd. Yearly rental,.$500 a month, beach. 472-5681. - . place/ steeps 6 - $265 per hundreds less, with loads more charm. Write: S. Dietz, 7925 ••; --• • ; "'. ' •. 3-16 first and last required. 3-16 ; week. $2500 - season. 472- S.W. 51 Ave, Miami, Flq. 33143. Phone: (3O5) 667-7870. No TFN •••• .• •'•;••' ' '. TFN ' FOR SALE - Englander Hide-a- •••"•••.:• *••.•••• -4-6- 4439. pets. _ ''- LOST - Hub Cap for 76 Cor- DUNE BUGGY - Manx Body, DAIRY QUEEN OF SANIBEL - BEACH, POOL, TENNIS -Large r Bed. $40. See ai Lot 45, FOR RENT - New secluded v doba Chrysler at Turner Beach red. sharp with white top TFN ' ' •.. .•'• ." •'..-' ' / • - • TFN Has immediate job openings Periwinkle Trailer Park, trailer canal-side home with your 2-2, furnished. Seasonal and- on Captiva. Reward. Cad 472- $1.995 BaJa Bug. new motor, ATRIUM - Exclusive gulf-front for responsible male or fe- section, Sanibel. Call 472- own private dock and skiff. or year lease, Sanibel. Roberts 5433. wiring, tires $1,295. or best j condo. Two bedrooms, two male. Full or part-time work 4083. Screened pool, beautifully & Associates, Realty, Inc. 936-. ;., 3-16 offer. Golf cart like new call available. Must have some bath plus den. Beautifully LIVE-ABOARD 36' SEA RIVER 3-16 landscaped. Brief walk to 2030. After hours associate 472-3332 experience, with cash and furnished and fully equipped, NEW COM SHOP - In Cape HOUSEBOAT - (no motor) - Blind Pass beach, grocery 482-1485. 1980 WINTER SEASON Coral - Treasuretrove II. 916 handling money. We will train NEEDED -Couch, shelves, mis- including microwave oven. Sanibel dock, space available. store, restaurant and boat TFN 2840 Gulf Drive, just west of Tarpon Bay Cape Coral Parkway. Next to you for counter work. Ask for cellaneous furniture, ' and Plexiglass -enclosed wrap- Call after 6 p.m., 472-1232. ramp. Two bedrooms, each HOME - On beautiful natural Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 1957 CADILLAC Candy, 472-1170. drapes in good condition and '. around balcony with panora- Bamett Bank. Full service 3-16 with luxurious bath, flexible Bay. Blind Pass beach, restau- RENTALS Telephone (813) 472-4634 buying and selling. Highest 3-16 reasonably priced. Call 472- plan with big sleeping loft and rant, groceries, marina; within ' mic view where sunrises and 1968 16 Ft. GLASSPAR - Fresh 2218, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. sunsets can be enjoyed. Pool, Whether you visit Sanibel Island for a week or for the prices paid for all silver dol- ELDORADO DOORPERSON-VALET ATTEN- lanai with bath for guests. 3 minute walk. Private dock - water boat with 40 H.P. John- tennis.'Available from April entire season, come see how quiet and uncrowded Luxury 2 bedroom, 2 bath lars - silver - gold - etc. Phone A rare classic. Rebuilt motor. DANT - The Island Club at ' 3-16 Large living-dining room, with water access to Sound , son. Good condition. Call 472- 1st. Season $675-wk., off sea- Pelicans Roost is during the height of the season. rental apartments • 549-3325 or 542-5841. Saber wheels and wide white Sundial. Full time, toll paid, FOR SALE - Dishwasher, china screened porch, garage, com- and Gulf. 3 double bedrooms, 3276, before 3 p.m. , si.i $300 wk. Owner: JOG, 1 'There are only 21 Gulf-front condos, with two lighted Off-season rates in effect until December 15th. TFN wall tires. Trophy winner. excellent benefits. Call Mon- cabinet, corner cabinet, misc. plete laundry, kitchen and i Vi 2 baths, Florida room, large 3-23 Brighton Lane, Oak Brook, III. tennis courts, gas barbeque grills and our 40 foot pool Winter rates starting at $350 per week. CHIROPRACTIC - Harry G. Truly a prestigious car. day, March 19, 472^4151, Mr. items. 472-1292. . central air-heat. $550 per living room witk converta- SAILBOAT - Com-pac 17 ft., . 60521. (312) 887-7826. is always heated. Rates of 1 month or longer, discounted. Kair, D.C.P.A., the practice of Phone evenings. DeHart. TFN week, 1979-80 season. $375 couch. Ramped' entrance , in sleeps two, with galvanized Contact resident manager Chiropractic 1640 Periwinkle 482-1917 per week off season. Monthly consideration of handicapped. * ••--, •.:"••.• •• • '. TFN 3-16 trailer, like new. Sanibel, by Pelicans Roost Way, Limetree Center. 472- TFN HOUSEPERSONS - The Island rates available. Brochure - J. Fantastic Birding from large' FOR RENT - 2 twin bedroom appt. Call 472-5458. or write for information 1824. ! Club at Sundial. Full time, toll Parcher, Georgetown. MD. porch. Full kitchen. $250 week cottage, two full baths, wash- 605 Ponax Street TFN : CQLOR TV TFN paid, excellent benefits.* Call -.. .' • ; • •• . :3>16 21930. (301) 275-2209. - 5-1-79 to 12^1-79. $450 week •' endryer, color TV, fireplace, Sanibel. Florida 33957 Monday. March 19, 472-4151, VHF ANTENNAS-All new,one - 12-1-79. to 5-1-80. Parcher,- lovely.yard,*beach easement, •.;.••,. :• - • ;•;:•:",- (813)-472T29«6 ' ...• '..,,.:... ..,. .. PRACTICAL HELP AFTER A . . •. •:• ". ' •• s-ie Office opbii dafly. wlthoh-slte managemant. MASTECTOMY - New natural, Mr. DeHart. third lisH>rlce. 5 ft., 12'/» ft.. CONSOLE FOR RENT - Two bedroom Box 208, Georgetown, MD -month or season. Box A.S.' 1 .' " .-,.:•<-•. - • •' . -• '• • 4-6 comfortable prosthesis, 3-16 21V, ft. 3 DB-6DB-9DB. 472- Zenith used 25". Must see to house; $400-month. Available 21930. Tel. (301) 275-2209. c-o Island Reporter, P.O. 5277. mastectomy bras and swim- WAITERS AND WAITRESSES - believe. $175 cash or 10 May 1.472-1206. ' • ..••••.•••••-•- 7-4 • - Drawer, R, Sanibel, Fl. 33957. suits. Professional fitting. Dot- The Island Club at Sundial. Full TFNL payments of $18. Still in : . , •;*, . ."4-6 CAYO COSTA TROPICAL TFN I BEL ti of Sanibel II, Kingston time, toll paid, excellent bene- warranty. See at: WANTED -By retired couple ISLAND - New cottage,- com- Square, McGregor Blvd. - On fits. Call Monday, March 19, Aquasport National tewing Center with no children, one or two pletely furnished; Get away >EALiy the Road to sanibel. Or call 472-4151, Mr. DeHart. 3083 Cleveland bedroom facility - 1980, Jan., from it all, no phone or TV. 482-1070. 3-16 19.6 ft. . (Next to Morrison's Cafe) Feb. and March. 472-3295. Weekends, weekly, or month- iscilla Xfluuphy's IMS! BUS PERSONS - The Island Club Open9-7 . ly. Call 283-0895 for informa- . Cuddy cabin. Loaded I. See 3-16 Directly on the Gulf, RENTAL DIVISION HOUSESITTER • Single, middle- KITCHEN HELP WANTED - at Sundial. Full time, toll paid, Russ at Sanibel Marina. 332-4133 DELUXE CONDO. SANIBEL • tion or write: Box 228, Bokeel- " Condominium R»nl»li Now "W* Cover The Islands" age man, very responsible Apply in person at the Stoned excellent benefits. Call Mon- *5,900. TFN Two bedrooms, two baths, ia, Fl. 33922. iiUbl* By IIM WMk Month or Year avaijable immediately and in- Crab Restaurant. 472-4809. day, March 19. 472-4151, Mr. • ••,",• • •', '.- : :•• rtu porch. ON AND FACING TFN Call (813)463-2357 Island definitely. References avail- TFN DeHart. BEACH. Pool, Tennis. $260- FOR RENT - Vacation on a 6610 Eslero Blvd. 472-1566 . Ft..Myers Beacti. Fl.. 33931 able. Please call, before 9 BOOKKEEPER - Wishes part- 3-16 week after May 1. Details, tropical island in thejBaham-', Accommodations mthe a.m. - 549-4870, or 472-5545 time position, evenings. Fami- WAITERS, WAITRESSES AND SINGER pictures • Drawer 757, New* as. Modern 3 bedroom house, Huxter's Market Plaza and leave message for Mr. liar with general accounting BUS HELP NEEDED - Experi- OPEN ARM Providence, N.J. 07928 $25 a day. 472-4719. ATTENTION!" - 1979-80 sea- 1207 Porlwlnklo Way Carlston. and office procedures. Call ence preferred. Excellent in- TFN TFN sonals. Luxury accommoda- come $. Interviews at 4 p.m. 1978 Zig Zag sewing mac- ONE BEDROOM CONDO - com- tions in the Gulf front condo- 3-23 after 6 p.m., 939-3365. FOR RENT • Sanibel 2 bed- daily. Apply in person FSB hine left in laydway. Sold pletely furnished. Beach and minium, complex at 1978-79 3-16 room, 2 bath condominium. Oyster Co., Periwinkle Way, new for $389.00. Need a pool facilities. Adults, no pets. prices!. 4 month minimum - TURN SNOW FLAKES CONDOS ISLAND HOME BUSINESS - 5-6 people; .Pool, tennis, $100 + net for 5 hrs.-week Sanibel. reliable party to assume 10 Available March 15, two week .$900 per month, 5 months or Atrium $675 wk - $2600 mo - Gulf frt. payments of $16.00 or minimum; prefer monthly. sauna, etc. Near Bowman's : more - $800 per month. Off- INTO wholesaling unique product. TFN Beach. 332-1722. Blind Pass from $400 wk ELECTROLUX Small investment .entirely for HELP WANTED - Kitchen help- $153.00 cash. Makes button- Call 995-5043. season, long term 50 percent Capt. Walk from $700 mb avail 4-1 holes, sews on buttons, and TFN discount. Ground floor one For Sales* Service inventory. 472-4490. er and busboy. Experience not grains of sand or pretty shells as you vacation on Sanibel or Gulf Beach $550 wk Gulf Front ^ . blind items. See at 3083 ON THE GULF -Loggerhead bedroom unit available April 1 We now have an upright TFN necessary. Excellent income RENTAL WANTED - Interested Captiva Island at one of the following condominiums .. . Island Beach Club $450 wk ' Cleveland Avenue next to to April 14. Second floor end vacuum. For free home and benefits. Call for appoint- HOOVER, APT-SIZE WASHER • in three month rental for 1980 Cay. 2 BD, 2 B luxuriously Kings Crown $600 wk OFFICE MANAGER & BOOK- ment before 2:00 p.m.. Harbor $50. Call after 6 p.m., 472- Morrison's cafeteria season with beach .access. Call furnished. Heated pool, ten- unit one bedroom unit avail- demonstrations call: Atrium. Nutmeg Lighthouse Pointe $500 KEEPER needed for Sanibel House Restaurant. 472-1242. 1232. or call 332-4133. 472-4029 before April 15, nis, recreational facilities. able end of March from $275 Oeorqo Cromorty Blind Pass '. Pointe Santo de Sanibel Loggerhead Cay from $400 office. Applicants must have • , ... •...,.... • • : TFN 1979. " Available March and April - per week until April 22, there- TFN Captain's Walk Sanddollar Ocean's Reach - $315-$365 wk GAlf Front the ability to handle all ac- : after from $150 per week. PART TIME SALES CLERK • Posi- "..•••-..'• '\. " .: "•• '•-..• ••'"-'' " ." 4-6 $500 a week. Off season rates 472-2954 Coquina Beach Sand Pebble Pointe Santo from $500- ••.""' counts receivable functions, tion available at the Cheese PENTHOUSE - Gulf front Con- after Easter. Write B.J. Keller; McCormick Enterprises, 1201 Donax Village Sanibel Arms West Sqndpebble $350 wk 3-30 cosh receipts, deposits, re- Nook, Periwinkle Way. Call do. Accommodates two,-no 400 First National Bank Bldg., Orchard Ave., Chicago Golden Beach Sanibel Surfside Sanibel Arms $425-$450 wk cording new customers, joor- 472-2666. , pets. Heated pool, tennis, Richmond, Ind: 47374, (317) Heights, III. 60411 (312)-755- 1600. P.M. calls only. Seagrape Village Sayana from $550 wk Gulf Front nel entries, and read compu- TFN shuff leboard. Call 472-3191 or 962-7527. Gulf Beach Island South Seas Plantation Sea Winds $350 wk - $1150 ter print-outs. Applicant must WANTED • Deli-clerk and stock 482-2444, 'ask for Nancy TFN TFN Island Beach Club Spanish Cay Spanish Cay from $900. mo STORAGE have 'background of at least personnel. Apply Huxter's -'• Thompson, Unit P6D, Island Junonia SHOES N SANDALS Sundial Sundial - $350 wk - $700 wk High School bookkeeping Market. 472-2151. Beach Club. . Kings Crown UNLIMITED classes, must be able to type Surfside 12 Surfside XII $800 wk - Gulf Front TFN for Men-ladies •Children ' ••''•:• :•.-"• :••• V :\'••-••'• TFN Lighthouse Point San Carlos & Kelly (behind with minimum of 5 years Tennis Place Tennis Place - $300 wk Captain's Car Wash). Many The Island's only Shoe Store FOR RENT BY OWNER - Un- " Invest in some time with us Loggerhead Cay experience as a full charge furnished new three bedroom, Mariner Pointe Ventura Captiva sizes including dehumidified bookkeeper. A neat appear- Super Sandal Selection 4 x 4 x 4. Also open storage. Opening For two bath home in East Rocks. Villa Sanibel 10 Percent Discount for 4 wks or longer ance and ability to get along Adults only/no pets. $500 per One month rental or longer. with others are essential. We before you invest your money Full security. TELLER POSITION Located in the month, plus utilities. Annual are an Equal Opportunity Em- > lease. Availalbe July. Phone ployer. Call 472-5381. or we have cottages, houses and duplexes available, from HOUSES 481-6364 TFN On Sanibel TAHITIAN GARDEN {412)-885-4638, or write: P.O. December 15, 1978 to May 1.1979. Prices range from 200.00 3-23 Box NCK. c-o- Island Reporter, • Interval Ownership to 1,000 per week. . Deluxe 3-2 house -pool-tennis $600 wk across from Gulf Personable individual who SHOPPING CENTER P.O. Drawer R, Sanibel, Fl. • Vacation Rentals•••'••'.'••',' Duplex - \ bdrm $600 mo - 2 brdm from $750 mo must be able to learn opera- '33957. • Residential 1991 Periwinkle Way open 9:30-5:30 472-2728 Gulf front 2 bdrm-2 bath $525 wk - $2000 tion of computer terminal. TFN • Commercial ; Gumbo Limbo - Tradewinds - Tahiti Shores -Rocks YES, THERE IS AN Training wilt be done at mam FORB.ENT • Furnished two bed- • Acreage '":'"". Limpet Drive • 2-2 house - Pool - On canal. $450 wk office in Ft. Myers. Applica- room, two bath horn* in • Income • Shell Basket Lane - Minutes from Gulf $1200 mo tion blanks available at San- Sanibel v secluded"SanibelLakeEstates. • Flo. investment opportunities PLEASE CALL ...472-4113 l! Janrzen-Rosemarie ISLAND OPTOMETRIST! ibel office. 2449 Periwinkle No pets. Four month mini- • New listings, very welcome! '' Way. Applicants will fa* con- BEACHWEAR Reid-Maidenform mum. Long term discount. Call tacted for an interview. Gabor-Bobbie Brooks ' colled: Days- (216) 921-2110, ANNUAL LEASE Dr. Robert G.LeSage Evenings-(216) 771-1700. rFOttAtSAVMOS CENTER Unfurn. 3-2 Bayberry Model House - $500 mo Eyes Examined - Contact Lenses TFN Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 4*2-5104 OFFT.MYOS OCEAN'S REACH - Beautiful 2402 Palm Ridge Rd. Sanibel. Fl. 33957 Over 3,000 Swlmsuits to Choose From .. Gulf front on«.bedroom apart- MainOfftcotP.O.Box 57 ... ./ .-: Call 4794304 for Appointment Sanibel tow«Is.-Beoch cover-ups Periwinkle Way. Sanibel Island, Florida 472-1511 "We ore on equal ment with. 4th. floor view. v For a choice selection to meet your requirements, just write % . 1618 Periwinkle Way opportunity employer" Floats-Lotions - •V - Heated pool ondtennis. From - toll Free: 800-237-3104 or call our Rental Department ' i Jst on. {303) 5894116. Captiva Office: Andy Rosse In. 472-1149, 472-5154 Joan Good - Linda Miller - Realtor Associate; REALTOR/.,. ..;JR)W«*al ;Otfic«: Causeway Road 472-4113 ^c , TFN

rcc Island Reporter March 16,1979 C4 March 16,1979 Island Reporter


FOR SALE BY OWNER • Lot 44. CAPTIVA-3 bedroom furnish- it ASSOCIATED on Ibis Lane. 84 x 120 - Sanibel ed house on 100 ft. Gulf front Lake Estates. $18,000. Call lot.: Priced unbelievably, low. CALL FOR CALL" PROPERTIES 472-4849. Blue Chip Realty. Inc. Real-, 340 tors. 340 San Carlos Blvd., Ft. ON SANIBEL - GULF FRONT CONDO WEST GULF DRIVE - Immacul- Myers Beoch. 33931. 463- • . • f?.EALTOf? ate; three bedroom, two bath 5771. QONDOS RENTALS home located directly across TFN BLJUEBILE THOMAS H. BROWN Beach & Bayf ront the street from beoch access. Reg, Real Estate Brokv Furnished - Bring your suit case Three day minimum For sale by owner. $J 04.000. Kings Crown • Furnished 2 BR Condo - 29 percent will stay available 472-5464. FOR SALE REALTOR start you Please call: ••.'•••• •• .• TFN BY OWNER Unit No. 424 Sandpobblo Condo with pool, fishing 4 tennis Phillip Moon at $89,500 472-4138 Secluded Water front homo with pool, dock & lift CAPTIVA FOR SALE - By the week for a 4 Max - ample room for Improvements . 472-1613 or lifetime. Two bedroom fully BEACHFRONT 472-3446 ENJOY SPACIOUS COMFORTABLE LIVING IN A FULLY- Fisherman's Delight - small homo - wants offer furnished waterfront condos HOME Immaculate Cape Coral Pool home GuH vlaw furnished effi- TFN on the Lighthouse end of the .% Acre, 150 Ft. on Beach EQUIPPED PRESTIGE CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT. -CONDOMINIUM- ciency apartments with fire- Island. One time price as low 3 Bedrooms, 1700 sq.ft., RECREATION BUILDING, TENNIS, SHUFFLEBOARD. places. Next to Tree House as $3/900. Full price plus . Terms considered,, PUTTING GREEN AND V . CALL IT THAT "GOOD OL' GULF FRONT Gift Shop. HOAAESITES RENTALS annual dues. Call 472-5181, 8 phone Owner 472-1164 MILES OF WHITE SAND BEACH ON THE GULF OF MEXICO 1-bedroom, completely furnished. Ocean's Reach apartment, ; $250 par week ''. •.•'••• .•;•'.-. •" 3-16 A.M. to 9 P.M. for appoint- SANIBEL ISLAND WAS CREATED FOR IMPORTANT LEISURE FEELING OF INDEPENDENCE" heated swimming pool, tennis courts, superb view of Gulf. $3000 cash will start you - Near Golf& Tennis 472-9942 Unique apartments for your ment. Interval Realty Inc. . ,-/•• - HOURS. Assumable mortgage. $80,650. ' • 2 In GulfPlnes - owners anxious ; TFN vocation stay on a unique Broker. EASY FINANCING WITH ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE 5 Acres • Noar 1-75 - yot secluded islands Come .to Sanibel TFN SURF$IDE TWELVE Cabbage Key Island-Access by boat Beach Club. Spacious, luxur- 3 BAYFRONT • Exclusive Agent Call or write: -— BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY — ious two bedroom, two bath, FOR SALE • Duplex, each two 5S5 East riye bedroom, two bath. Five years Italian Delicatessen ideally located in Tahitian Gardens on the Gulf - plus pool. HCifAES One of the distinguished addresses on Sanibel BUY-SELL OR EXCHANGE IT1 YOUR CHOICE old. Private o«*)ch access 500 Shopping Center. $17,000 RALPH A. CALL On Large Lots BLJUEBttL PROPERTIES INC ' Not your every-day Condominium feet. Excelled location. . Interval Realty, Inc. Each has 150 foot - Reg. Real Estate Broker . , First • Start with the view . . . Gulf of Mexico and natural Realtor-fxchangor (813) 472-4127 GULF FRONT $165,000. Write Box XYZ, c-o Realtor private beach. ' 'beach ,•••:...:.;,.. ..; ••.;.-.., '..,. ' '/. \ • •• : • ' . ..•:.. P.O. Box 232, Island Reporter, Drawer R, (813) 472-1528 ilj NerHa Street Bloa, Chip Realty, Inc* m 164S Periwinkle Dr. The Bank Is King's Crown-Ocean's Reach Sanibel. Fl. 33957. 2422 Periwinkle Way. Sanibel Island, Fl. 33957 3 i HOMES Sanlbol Ukmd, Sanibel. Fl. .. Realtors . . Second • Comfort... . room galore, generous dining.room, Across From Us ^ GULF VIEW 3-16 ria. 33997 Pointe Santo - Island Beach (813) 472-1545 463-5771 three bedrooms, two baths : TFN FOR SALE - Large corner lot in ' -:'-/ '•••••":• TTO Beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath SHELL HARBOR EXCHANGE IT KM SOMETHING YOU REALLY LIKE! Gumbo Limbo sub-division. Third - Practicality ... an enormous amount of closet and condos available at off sea- This CBS Bristol model home built by Michigan has three son rates starting April 21. Cleared and bulldoble. storage space, trash compactor, washer ft dryer $16,900 with terms. Call 472- bedrooms and a den. 2V4 baths, separate living and dining CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON Taking reservations now for room, plus family room and a very attractive garden room, PUNTA YBEL 2973, SHELL HARBOR Fourth - Luxury ... radio inter-corn system, intruder fire the 1979-80 season. which overlooks pool and patio. There is a double garage I am Interested Ira TFN alarm system, musicom stereo system, central vacuum and boat dock with the grounds professionally landscaped, Soiling my Homo. .Land. .Business. (313)645-3498 PLAZA HOME cleaner, nutone food center, microwave browning oven FOR SALE BY OWNER • Spa- NEWTON including a sprinkler system. This spocitfos home may be Buying Homo____HomosIto___Land_-__Conao. Florida .Enterprises Store on Periwinkle Three bedroom, two bath. Waterffont ^_Of# Water v cious three bedroom, two bath purchased furnished or unfurnished. 1344 Willow Lane 600 Square Feet condo. Washer-dryer, all ap- Solar heated pool. Deep Associates, Inc. Fifth • Durable wood construction ... the picture of style and •••'•'--.• $175,000 Furnished Birmingham, Mich. 48009 $275 Per Month water canal. No, bridges to Realtor Member MLS • taste - . •. ; • • .. •' . . •••• ..;,.• • . pliances. Tennis courts, swim- $165,000 Unfurnished TFN For More Information ming pool, sauna, with the Bay. Writ* Box ELM, c-o Call 472-2364 finest shelling beach on Sani- . Island Reporter. Drawer R, I Sixth -Amenities ... covered, parking, elevator, swimming SANIBEL HARBOURS Name. Evenings Sanibel, Fl. 33957. pool, tennis court, 200 feet of beach front bel a few minutes walk away. Beautiful, newly-decorated, home on canal with an un- TFN ... TFN $90,000. Call 472-3055. SUNDIAL obstructed view of San Carlos Bay. The living room, dining SANIBEL WHY NOT CHANGE THE THINGS YOU CAN TFN room, .kitchen, and each 6f the 3.bedrooms have their own Modem, one bedroom apart- DECIDE TO MAKE SURFSIDE TWELVE YOUR HOME Town. JState ment. Gulf view $230. Gulf SHELL HARBOR SUBDIVISION • OWN your own condominium apartment at the Wonderful view of the Bay. New floor covering in the 2 baths "and World of Sundial. Experience the finest in beach front living front, $275 per week. Open SANIBELS FINEST New Canal front three bed- - kitchen^alsp new appjiances^carpeting and drape*. Large 'Phone} 'Area (. after 3-25-79. Long rent dis- room; two bath with swimming EXCELLENT '.. .tennis ... .a luxurious restaurant and lounge facility Visit the model screened porch, double garage, piatio dock, boat davits. count. Please no pets. pool on Sanddollar Dr. $135,- overlooking.the Gulf of Mexico for your dining pleasure .. . Water depth sufficient to accommodate large power or nearby golf; SELECT your vocation home to fit your dreams. J.J.R. Gulf Front O00. Make an offer before this FT. MYERS sailboat. Excellent financing available. to purchaser. ALL apartments are completely furnished and fully equipped. or call 472-3636 for an appointment 2883 Aspen Lane one gets away. 472-3030 or USED CAR " $169,900 Bloomfield Hills, Mi. 48013 3 bd., 4 Baths 472-2583. (313)335-6522. TFN BUSINESS YOU'VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES TFN Super Penthouse Apartment CAYO COSTA • 108 ft. gulf- « 21'x22' porch overlooking CLUB SUITES Unit No. 434 at loggerhead Cay has an assumable mortgoge HOMESITE* front to Bay. Cottage, dock, to help you with financing. You will enjoy the^floor plan and Gulf. Heated pool, tennis, SUPER Lovely Gulf and Garden views. One-bedroom balconied well, will trade. 334-7093. traffic pattern. The ten-acre complex was carefully planned BELLE MEADE golf, private cabana on Suites featuring xi panel-fold wall to close off the sleeping 3-16 to assure plenty of room in the Inner-court. There Is also a Homesite for piling home with native trees and vegetation. WATfRFROMT HOUSE beoch. Rent weekly or LOCATION area by night.' By day, the entire area-opens Into a targe, monthly. 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH CONDO • Recreation Building. Two tennis courts and putting green for Cash or terms. $9,300 FOB MOT Owner Selling Due to . attractive living space. $60,000 and up. (305) 865-4446 Furnished, at Sanibel Arms exercise ... to say nothing about the miles of sandy beach JOHN NAUMANN & ASSOCIATES. INC Health Reasons for shelling. Contact one of our sales representatives at 2422 Available 1980 Winter TFN West. Tennis, pool, boat dock. Option to buy land and Periwinkle Way or call 472-1528 fop. further information. CASTAWAYS ESTATES - Specializing In condominium Season $76,500. Write: Harvey Sey- bold, 2621 Cove Bay, Clear- building Included in EFFICIENCY SUITES CLAM BAYOU sales, resales, and rental Across from Shell Harbor v water, Fl. 33520. purchase price Large, cjeored lot % of acre, good fishing in Bayou and management- Beach $150,000 + Inventory Unique suites offering separate one-bedroom luxury. Large BE SURE TO SEE RENT 3-30 birdwatching with access to Gulf. Cash or terms. $33,500 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Dock, . Terms Available living and dining area . . . some Gulf view, some Garden SEASCAPE CONDOMINIUM COMP1EX at Hickory Point. 4336 weekly Piling home, cathedral ceil- ESTABLISHED SPORTS CLOTH- - Contact: Garth Good vistas. From $55,000. Bonita Beach, Stop at our MODEL at D-105. One and two Call or write: E. Schuller ing, skylights, three bed- ING STORE - In prime location Executive Services, Inc. bedroom units starting at $63,000, right on the Gulf of BEACH ACCESS (201)-667-1781 rooms, two baths, three on Sanibel. For sale by owner. GULF PINES I (813)472-4195 'Mexico.'/' ."•'••-.' "•*':.••"-".••' •'•'. ' ••'•- .--•;-.•' '• '' ••••.:••.'•••• "" • Fully stocked with fashionable 33 N. Spring Garden Ave. porches. Short picturesque 3-16 TWO-BEDROOM, TWO-BATH Community planned subdivision with private beach ease- Available for immediate occupancy, and ready for your island wear. $25,000. 472- Nutley.N.J.07110 walk to Bowman's Beach. ment, tennis courts, and swimming pool: inspection, we have two beautiful.three bedroom, two bath 4719. TFN 3-23 $500 per week. SUITES U.S. 41 SOUTH WILL TAKE Large elevated lot on fresh water lagoon $30,000 piling homes for sale within a stones throw of the beach. monthly discounts. Featuring a spacious floor plan including vaulted ceiling, GULF VIEW - 1 bedroom IN ROCKS SUBDIVISION '• Beautiful lot, one block from beach easement $29,500 313-349-5267 Large .bedrooms,'each with its own full bath. Living-dining OUR VANDERBILT OFFICES kitchen appliances, carpeting, space on ground floor for furnished condo, low down Beautiful Home on Fresh . Lot near Green Way and Recreation Area $28,500 3-30 area overlooking either the Gulf or the Garden. All fust steps enclosed work room, plus a deeded beach access. These two payment. $49,000. Write or Water Canal 2 Bedroom, 2 Cash or Terms RENT away from the beach.-A limited selection. $80,000 to. are priced to sell for $79,500 eoch. . call for particulars sheet. Art Bath including Living Room, VanderStek, 103 South Main, $150,000. , ' ' • •-' •' Hi THE BEAUTIFUL MODELS . GuH Front WATERFRONT HOUSE - Din ing. Room, Kitchen plus FOR RENT Mountain Home, AR. 72653. Breakfast Room, 2% car GUMBO LIMBO Sanlbel Island (501) 425-3000. Vanderbilt Surf Colony, 25 BlueblH Avenue . > Our beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 garage with electric doors 2 adjacent lokefront lots, abundance of native trees and TFN Vanderbllt Gulf Side. 10851 Guif Shore Drive CANAL FRONT HOME bath apartment at Sunset Available 1980 Winter Sea- Underground Sprinkler Sys- TWO-BEDROOtyS, TWO BATHS Bay Shores of Vanderbilt Beach, 10475 Gulf Shore vegetation, excellent homesite for piling home. Cash or South Condominiums. Com- son. Across from Shell Har-. FOR SALE - Lot 98 - Beachview tem, Beautifully Landscaped. terms. Includes both lots. $28 000 pletely furnished, miles of bor Beach. 3 Bedroom, 2 Country Club Estates, Sanibel. Price $110,000. Owner will PLUS PINING ROOM , If you are serious about owning property in S.W. Florida, you If you've been looking for a reasonably priced house located sandy beach. Season, month- Bath. Dock. Large comer lot on golf consider 29 percent Down Just a little larger with a separate dining area for your will find something "that suits your'fancy among those WEST GULF DRIVE on a deep water canal with unobstructed access to the bay. look no further! Located in the Sanibel Isles subdivision, we ly, 2 weeks. Don Fase: 7590 $336.00 weekly. course, palm trees. Gulf . and carry -balance at 10 convenience. Comfortable and complete. Gulf front and Gulf - mentioned above. It is a cross section of sizes and prices. Let Across from Rocks, Beach Easement • 100 x 150' includes have a brand new three bedroom, two bath home on a canal, Courtland Dr., NE Rockford, access, city sewer and water. percent. views available. $140,000 to $175,000. " us discuss your needs and help you make your dream come Water permit. Cash or terms. ' $30,000 just minutes from the bay by boat. Priced to sell at $85,000, $41,500. Write H. Krusche, : v Michigan, 49341. Call or write E. Schuller POINTE SANTO de SANIBEL -true: • •••-.' •' •' -. ?' 'V - • ' '- • " • •• • •'• P.O. Box 13, Wabeno, Wise. this one won't last long.. .„ (616)866-1142 (201)667-1781. 2 Bedroom,- 2 Bath • Pent- 54566. •MOTEL TFN 33 N. Spring Garden house with Private Sundeck, Our sales representative will follow through on your needs Avenue. Nutley. TFN completely furnished. Gulf TWO BEDROOMS, TWO BATHS for service. '•'"•. •• • . • '.'. • V ' • ' , • :. : ' '••• ':"•': NJ.07110. FOR SALE BY OWNER - Mar- Front $195,000 with Large SEAHORSE COTTAGES PLAY GOLF Barbaras. School. 3-23 iner Pointe, two bedroom, two assumable mortgage. '•.'.'•'• WITH t>EN Dorothy E. Curran Robert Stephenson Six rental units plus owner's spacious apartment. Beautifully bath, fully furnished condo. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Pent- • Beverly Henry In your own backyard. Call us for further information on this HenryP.Kalita landscaped grounds with coconut palms, citrus and banana Bayfront, tennis, pool, dock- house with Private Sundeck, •-•.. I, GeraWine Moore exquisite two bedroom, two bath and den contemporary GULF The largest resale apartments at Sundial. The den offers the Virginia M. Stephenson 'trees. One half block to Son Carlos Bay and one block to ing, etc. 472-2788. completely furnished with . Charles G. Bennett piling home. Located on the scenic Dunes Golf Course, this convenience of a third-bedroom, if desired, and every Frances J.Kinzie .. beach, access: Good shelling and fishing. Price: $200,000 FRONT TFN Beautiful View of Gulf and . Mary P. Stephenson one of a kind home features a large freshwater pool, with Martin F. Sullivan . with assumable mortgoge. • ;'; •• ' •.• •• •;?_. .-_' '••'•}.. •. •"'.. Landscaped Courtyard. location has a view of the Gulf. Spacious and inviting ... just Robert L. Stephenson built-in bar, lush tropical landscaping, vaulted ceilings and LUXURY APARTMENTS Carmen D. Halterman $165,000 with assumable • see for yourself. • . :. . • .._'• GaryG.frautman. Sr. much, muchmore. AHfor $149,900. • . . Rf NT DIRECT FROM OWNER Helen J. Bieber :. 1 LUXURY mortgage. • David G.Bennett THOMAS H. BROWN REALTOR Three privately owned, Call our offices at Sundial, or drop by for a visit. One of our GladysS.Curtrlght 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Beauti- beautifully furnished luxury Associates will be pleased to furnish you with information on '•:•. •'•-; .'Broker-. -.';\'~-. GULF FRONT fully furnished with excep- apartments in choice beach these exciting buys. tional view- of/Landscaped front condominiums - 1, 2, or Owner passes pre-construc- 2410 Palm Ridge Rood JOHN NAUMANN* ASSOCtATU, INC 3 bedrooms - from $375 per tion savings on to smart Court Yard arid Gulf.' P.O. Box 142 Sanibel, Fl. 33957 $135,000 with assumable U • 47M121 week. investor. Compass Point San- MelnOffice*24M lnkUWay After Hours: Jean I. Nichols 472-3203 CALL OR WRITE NOWII ibel condo, two bedroom and Mortgage. NEWTON ASSOCIATES, INC. Virginia R. Brown472-2450 BEST BUY ON THE ISLAND • (305)945-0101 den, two bath, microwave, E.A. BROWNE REALTY Fully furnished condo. Two Jacuzzi, terrace, heated pool, Esther A. Browne, Broker REALTORS •';. AfterHours 2019 Periwinkle Way bedroom, two bath, two tennis. 1554 Periwinkle Way Jean I. Nichols 472-3203 Virginia R. Brown 472-2450 ' Sanibel, Fl. 33957 Mr. "A" Nationwide screened porches. By Owner. 1246 Middl© Gulf Drive 17070 Collins Ave. Rm. 263 GRANITE 408 W. 57 St. N.Y., Sanibel, Florida Good rentals. $75,000. 472- N. Miami Beach. Fl. 33160 N.Y. 10019. Phone, 472-5454 (813)472-4151 TFN 4513. -3-16 Island Reporter March 16,1979 C7 March 16,1979 Island Reporter classified advertising WRITE POrDRAWER R, SANIBEI: IStAND, FLORIDA 33957 472-1587 WRITE P.O: DRAWER R, SANIBlEL ISL^D, &ORID/^33957 472^587 ^

CAS A YBEL IS A GREAT BUY! $90,000 INTERVAL OWNERSHIP Brand new -- Completely Furnished -~ One Bedroom, One THE FINEST SEASON Bath Resort Environment with Outstanding Amenities - Panoramic View of the Gulf - Excellent lease agreement with Caso Ybel Resort. IN VENICE, FLORIDA CONDOMINIUM UNITS •' CALLUSTODAY! . 472-5187 m VACATION AND INVESTMENT REALTOR LASTS PROPERTIES. INC. 1509 Periwinkle Way Registered Real Estate Broker • Jfor rent •for sale •for option ALL YEAR 'ROUND REALTOR Executive Services, Inc. A Choice Offering Of to purchase (option cost applied HOMES to purchase price if you buy) Access to the beach is only steps away from this Sqnibel arid Captiva Real;Estate San i be Is Complete attractive three bedroom, two bath home located in Even tho there's a tendency to one of Sanibel's most desirable residential areas. Two break up our. .Venice year , into Wk. 1*79 1W0 Visit model Real Estate Company car garage, screened porch, assumable mortgage, 'seasons1 - like 'off season* and SANIBEL ARAAS WEST and plenty of room-for a pool. $104,000 BEACHFRONT LIVING: Welcome to beachfront living Jan. 6-13 Jan. 5-12 apartment 3-B JOHN NAUMANN & ASSOCIATES. INC. -t 'winter season' - actually some of on Sanibel Island I This comfortably furnished two 13-20 12-19 our most enjoyable months, wea- bedroom, two bath, residence opens onto .a large 20-27 19-16 at Specializing in condominium POINCIANNA CIRCLE screened porch overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. 27-3 26-2 Feb. 3-10 Feb. 2- 9 sales, resale's, and rental KINGS CROWN - therwise and funwise, arrive during Excellent tennis facilities, clubhouse, swimming pool, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, piling home with deeded beach 10-17 9-16 Sanibel Beach management and a superb shelling beach provide a variety of access to' the Gulf. 2 car garage, large open sun deck, the so-called "off season/ 17-24 16-23 recreation activities. Your island lifestyle will be right 24- 3 23-1 Club H THREE BEDROOM screened porch, completely enclosed lower level. at home at Sanibel Arms West, for $96,500. 9 Mar. 3-10 Mar. 1- 8 Assummable mortgage $86,300 10 10-17 8-15 You haven't really felt and breathed 11 17-24 15-22 (Owner present INTRODUCING SANDPAPER COVE: Completely furnished three bedroom apartment on the 12 24-31 22-29 "second floor with over 1900 sq. ft. of living area -and a a true spring until you've Jived a 13 31- 7 29-5 6-7 P.AA. daily) - The lowest priced new Gulf Front on Sanibel - Under fantastic view of the Gulf, beach and sunsets. Amenities 14 Apr. 7-14 Apr. 5-12 GUMBO LIMBO Venice one, or played and slept so construction at this time, we are offering a limited number of include pool, tennis court, underground parking and a 15 14-21 12-19 16 21-28 19-26 . Gulf Front two bedroom, two bath condominiums, starting wonderfully relaxing atmosphere. Completely furnished and 3 bedroom, 3 bath, den.-Obi. car garage; extra large comfortably as during our fall PRIVATE HOMESITE 17 28-5 26- 3 at the unbelievably low price of $120,000. Sand Piper is the beautifully decorated for $150,000. lot centrally located. Assumable mortgage. $79,500. and who could ask for more, during 18 May 5-12 May 3-10 2'/> ACRE ISLAND HOMESITE: An outstanding location 19 12-19 10-17 name of this low-density complex which features a pool, the summer; than miles and miles of for a very private home, this large homesite is 20 19-26 17-24 tennis court, boardwalk to the beach and undercover parking 21 26-2 24-31 and storage. Located on Middle Gulf Drive and scheduled for situated-in a naturally wooded area near-school, Interval Ownership enables breeze-refreshed beaches with all 22 Jim. 2- 9 31- 7 August completion, Sand Piper Cove is the Gulf Front recreation facilities churches, and nature conservan- 9-16 Jim. 7-14 you to have what you'want - by SCENIC - SERENE - SUPERB CONDOMINIUMS 23 complex at the price you thought you would never see again. that sun you come here to enjoy? cies. Encompassing 2 V* acres on Sanibel Island, with 24 16-23 14.21 the week - without the paved road frontage, this exciting property is now 25 23-30 21-28 30- 7 28-5 problems. In Blind Pass, this 3 bedrooms, 2 Vi baths has 1586 sq. ft. of SUNDIAL available to you for $50,000. ; 26 living area and is completely furnished in soothing earth The 'winter season', by custom, tones. Amenities include pool, tennis court, saunas and, of One bedroom, furnished Condo. Excellent investment runs from December 15 to April 15. POINTE SANTO DE SANIBEL course, the beautiful Gulf beaches are just a footbridge and rental property, low down payment.' SANIBEL BEACH CLUB II away. $87,000 Our luxuriously furnished, fully A view of the gulf, a view of the lake, a view of the gardens, equipped rentals are available then Lighthouse Rd. Sanibel Island all offered from this Jovely third floor condominium SANIBEL ARAAS WEST SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION apartment of popular Pointe Santo de Sanibel. Elegant Lovely Gulf view; 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 porches,, at rates ranging from $80Q to $1400 . furnishings in a Florida decor and included in the selling price of $129,500. Call for an appointment today. EXCELLENT completely furnished. Pool; tennis courts, sun deck, on a month - many directly on the Gulf. BEACH VILLAS: Select a 1 bedroom-1 bath, a 2 30 Doy Available for rent site rental manager. $84,700 But the rest of the year is just as bedroom-2 bath, or-a 2 bedroom-2 both with a loft. All Unif Week Price Option to Buy 1979 1980 feature' spacious screened porches overlooking the; 1 A 6 $9,900 $200 X BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY delightful ... and gives; you an Gulf.of Mexico and are accompanied by^termis courts/ 1 B 6 9,900 200 X all-i mportant, money-saving: a swimming pool, borbeque areas and all the 1 D 6 10,100 200 X MARINER POINTE This Exclusive Resort Wear Dress Shop has been established COMMERCIAL amenities and activities of one of the nation's premier 5B 9 13,600 300 X Bay Front two bedroom, two bath. Completely furnished at on Sanibel for eight .years and offers an excellent resorts. Each of these luxurious island residences has 5B 10 13,600 300 X Terrific Island Restaurant with excellent track record only $87,500. This is one of the lowest waterfront properties opportunity for the right party in the fastest growing a full kitchen and is completely furnished. Priced from 3B 9 13,600 300 available. Good location. Call for details. x; on Sanibel, so hurry it won't last long. shopping area on the Island. The owner will teach you the $95,000. ':;••'•• ••>•• 3.B 10 13,600 300 X. i - • • . 40% discount business, including your first buying trip. $45,000 3B 11 13,600 300 X Established Seafood Market at Miner's Plaza Shopping off winter rates 3B 12 13,600 300 X Center for sale. The set-up cannot be replaced, custom 1 D 11 14,400 400, X built lobster tanks with plenty of extras. A steal at Our fun things don't go away in the 1 D 12 14,400 400 X X DOS IN IA $25,000. 1 B 13 11,200 300 v ^^ y. Over 2,100 square feet of luxury living is included in each POINTE SANTO WITH A VIEW 'off season' -The beaches, the sun, SUNSET CAPTIVA 1 A 15 11.200 300 X Dosinia condominium apartment. Each location is gulf front 2 A 15 10.900 300 / x x the pools, the/golf courses^ the "Developer Models For Sale" and includes private garages, quality appliances, marble ^ LOTS 2B 15 10,900 300 X Gorgeous two bedroom, two bath apartment in the front tennis courts, the fishing - fresh, THE GASPARILIA: Two bedroom, two bath residence baths, pool, tennis and more. This small community of only building of Pointe Santo on the Beach. Beautiful unobstructed and salt water off our famous beautifully furnished and complete with, appliances, + reiTT8B for 1979 six luxury residences offers the ultimate in Island living. view of the Gulf. This apartment is -very attractively DIXIE BEACH BOULEVARD carpeting, tropical ceiling fans, fireplace & draperies. Priced at $180,000. decorated. $145,000, Furnished. jetties, the boating, the fine Near Gumbo Limbo Subdivision - Lovely native Features a loft with skylight, covered, parking arfH an vegetation. $13,500 restaurants and theatres, are here oversized screen parch. All for $\ 54,900. LIGHTHOUSE RESORT AND CLUB r all year 'round - just for your THE CAYO COSTA:Beautiful tree shaded island home SUNDIAL HOMESITE SPECIALS CAPE CORAL enjoyment, x offering two bedrooms, two baths, screened porch, Lighthouse Road, Sanibel Island • v • • • • upstairs balcony, fireplaces in the living room and This fourth floor corner location offers one of the very finest master bedrooms, covered parking, modern appli- views in all of southwest Florida. This completely furnished No Bridges! On deep canal with direct access to the Bay and Waterfront lot, off Del Prodo 80x125 near shopping ances, and tropical ceiling fans throughout.'.Yours for areo. $10,500 Come on down to Venice on the Gulf two bedroom, two bath and den condominium apartment not Gulf for even the larger boats. This lot has 146 ft. of seawall $134,900.-' / '•;/ •• \' " '•... "•'. ,: ',:.•.. 30 Day Available for Rent and a 16' x 20' recessed dock. In Shell Harbor. $66,900. - homexof tfie RingHnS Bros., Unit Week Price Option to Buy 1979 1980 only offers one of the finest floor plans on Sanibel, but the Sunset. Captiva features tennis courts, a swimming best Location, Location, Location. Condominium, furniture 108- 11 $10,200 $300 X Barnum & Bailey Circus. Or, better pool, clubhouse, boat docks on Pine Island Sound, and and view; Package Price 185,000 Complete. Lakefront lot in Sanibel Bayous, with all underground utilities UPPER CAPTIVA boardwalk to our Gulf Beoch. 108 12 10,200 300 ^ X X and sewer. Located mid-island. $18,900. yet, write, or call toll-fr$e: 201 11 11.100 300 * . X 2 Lots, your own ^secluded island paradise. $7500 201 12 11.100 300 X X each. Extra large homesite in Gumbo Limbo. Well wooded with 301 11 11.100 300 X canal in rear of property. $26,000. ' Nationwide: 1-800-237-3877 Ext.117 301 T2 11.100 300 X ATRIUM In Florida: 1-800-282-6810 Ext.117 309 13 8.300 300 X In Sanibel Highlands - Two pieces of property available. One 309 14 8.300 300 x X Looking-for luxury? Well you'll find it in this elegant top floor MOBILE HOME & LOT TENNISPtACE condominium at the Atrium. Dine out on the comer balcony with 21,600 sq. ft. at $16,000, the other with 43,200 sq. ft. at 309 15 8.300V .-300 x X ' totally enclosed for year round living or open it up and enjoy $18,000. Very secluded, heavy natural vegetation, 3 miriutes and let usfcridyif jhbw^ $oqn you can EXCELLENT•'. VALUE: At Tennlsplace. conveniently 300 x X the tropical breezes from the Gulf of Mexico. This three from shopping areas. Each parcel allowed one residential COASTAL ESTATES situated on Sanibel Island's quiet bayslde. A one come - and what accommodations 1 bedroom, two bath residence offers a large centrally located unit. Excellent values. Owner will consider liberal terms. bedroom, one bdjh waterfrbht condominium home Only minutes from. Sanibel's beaches. Spacious kitchen, covered parking, pool, tennis and elegant furnish- you need. We'll be glad to help you. invites your inspection, Tennis courts.heated "pool, PLANTATION BEACH CLUB, Captiva 12'x65' mobile home and lot. Fully furnished, 2 ings. A luxury. Island lifestyle for $230,000 complete. covered parking, and a private storage room enhance bedrooms, large screened porch,'and carport. Central 30 Day ;• Available for Rent Air conditioning and heat. Won't last long at $27,900. its value. Well situated for year round living, or as a rental property, this outstanding residence Is now Unit Week Price Option to Buy 1979 .1980 available-priced ar$43;000. ;:_",, r v v , 1030 . 10- $15,000 . $500 : 1030 ,1.1 V 15,000 500 . SUNSET SOUTH Your personal inspection of these and other ~ - fine properties.rnay be arranged by, ;;. _ A luxurious apartment, with /Gulf view. Two bedroom, two TranH C bath garage, elevator], pool, large storage, clubhouse and INTERVAL REALTY, To Contact Owner this week leave message at Executive Services, Inc. ;. Interval Realty, Inc. golf course one block away. In one of Sanibel's favorite AND Reg. Real Estate Broker ' r complexes. $125.000. Unfurnished. Registered Real Estate Broker INC INC. 1618 Periwinkle Way (beside the Interval Travel Agency) PROPERTIES, ING. Sanibel Fl. 472-5104 or Main Off ice: 455 Periwinkle Way REALTOR MO? Periwinkle Way See between 6-7 p.m. dairy at - JOHN NAUMANN AV ASSOCIATES, INC (At the Lighthouse end of the Island) REGISTERED REAL ESTATE BROKER 1618 PERIWINKLE WAY Rental Department SambelistdrJd{8t3)47i.51iB7 • 472-4195 (Beside Interval Travel Agency 1 Coptlva island (813) 472-2523 Owner: Harry B. Lippard at Heart of The Island Shopping Center) 880 Tarpon Center Drive P.O.Box 168,SohlbelUland,Florida33957 P.O.Box 1053 Troy'Michigan 48099 Branch Office: 2427 Periwinkle Way 472-5104 Venice, Florida 33595 (313)644-0039 2019 Periwinkle Way (Just before Bailey's Shopping Center) REALTOR Sanibel. Fl. 33957 472-3133 813/488-2208

• ^ « > ' i . • • ' . . • , .. • • - ' • '- > > •>:- r- • :• • '• •; '< ' J *J\

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^n r^^-ifipgniF^T-^tlVJlJ^^LUUllLJalU>.Jrg-,j-T:?-y C8 March 16,1979 Island Reporter Island Reporter March 16,1979 C9 1 WRITE frO. DRAWER R;BAISHBEL ISI^I^;H:dRIDA 33957 472^587 WRITE SAN i

Catch the big one, set your sails; 1FQKSAIE GULF PINES II M ACTION PROFESSIONAL CONDOMINIUM .Two:choice contiguous lots in a secluded, lushly landscaped Pmscilla We'll take care of pur closing, OFFICES IN "THE PALM RIDGE area on Sanibel within walking distance of shell laden Gulf front beach.. • •."'-. TH Realty. Inc PROFESSIONAL CENTER" 30 DAYS ONLY- OF SANIBEL Tennis courts,' swimming pool and party house are nearby. REALTOR Sanibel Title Insurance $1.33 PER SQ. FT. PALM RIDGE ROAD, Priced at $32,500 to buy now and retire later, owner will ONLY 6 GULF-FRONT UNITS ^ryicfe Corporation accept 29 percent down with five year payments of only SANIBEL FLA. . $490-month. • ' HOMES COMPARE WITH ANY FIVE LIME TREE CENTER 1640 PERIWINKLE WAY Call Jo Ann Gillingham, Realtor Associate, at (813) WITH MAGNIFICENT VIEW . • POSfOFHCEBOX)55 CENTER NOW UNDER 473-5187. . SANIBRtSLAND FLORIPA33957 CLOSINGS OWNERS SMOttGAGErPOifCIES ESCROWS CONSTRUCTION SUBDIVISION (S/D) ON SANIBEL • Over 2300 square feet of living area CHARMING CAPTIVA • 38 feet of balcony S screened porch facing the Gulf OCCUPANCY JUNE 197? 3-16 FRAME COTTAGE • Secluded end of Island •'" •• •'•" Leases with Option to Purchase • 3 Bedrooms - 2 baths Will be Considered • Wall-to-wall carpeting included : : BUILT IN 1918 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH HOME HAS LARGE • Entertainment center - •' : . • , ' 472-1439-PALMRIDGE ASSOCIATES PORCK UTILITY ROOM, BOAT LOCKER. AND IS Sea Gate • Enclosed garages with remote-control doors TFN SUNDIAL RESORT FURNISHED FOR $112,500. • Tennis Court and swimming pool ...'.. SANIBEL • Elevator ' • • EXCLUSIVE SALES AGENTS for some of the finest S-D"A" $2.05 SQ. FT. S-D"B" $3.03 SQ. FT. • Marblelite both fixtures % , ; condominium buys at the famous Sundial resort. S-D"C" $1.93 SQ.FT. SEA GATE $1.33 SQ.FT. OP PORT • Kitchen includes food, center, microwave double oven, Offerings vary from lovely garden views', one GREAT HOME FOR YOUR OWN DEEDED compactor, etc. 12 UNIT MOTEL bedroom, one bath apartments at $55,000, complete- PRIVATE BEACH ACCESS • Large cabana & storage areas • ly furnished to a gulf front two bedroom, two bath and ENTERTAINING All utilities in den with a corner balcony at $185,000 complete. See 80'Scenic entrance With Qwners apartment. us before you purchase at Sundial. LOW DOWN BAL.5YRS. 8% PERCENT NO POINTS 3 Units Available ' OR JUST PLAIN ENJOYING! THERE IS A HUGE SCREEN- Make your own selection of colors now Details to qualified parties only. ED VERANDA. & 4 BEDROOMS. LOCATED IN GULF during construction PINES NEAR A BEACH ACCESS. $155,000 From $179.500. Compare our value with anything 2 GULF FRONT LOTS NEWTON ONLY 3 LOTS AVAILABLE on the Island. Associates, Inc. Zoned single family. $85,000 each Realtor Member MLS ACT NOW Dosinia of Sanibel SAN CARLOS REALTY, BROKER Drawer 9 Sanibel, Fl. 33957 John Nauiriann & Associates Inc., 3339 West Gulf Drive SALES AGENT ON PREMISES (813)472-1011 "SUNDIAL OF SANIBEL CONDOMINIUM HOMES 472*2240 472*4791 Realtors WEST END OF GULF DRIVE After Hours: 472-1880 Telephone (813) 472-5361 ' • .-• • •• ...... , TFN One bedroom, one bath club suite with a view of the Gulf. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR or call San Carlos Realty. Broker (813) 472-5833 Lovely furnishings and well cared for. $67,500 2019 Periwinkle Way A DIFFERENT KIND OF Sanibel Siesta • Lovely 2-bedroom. 2-bath apartment Sanibel, Fl. 33957 HEAVEN ON EARTH furnished with casual elegance in mind. Cared-for and just CONDO COMPLEX? steps away from tn^Golf. Owner will o»«ist in fMonclrtB for 813-472-3121 KNUDSEN REALTY, INC YOUR DREAM HOME ON qualified purchaser. $85,500. After hours, call Beverly 3-2 WE HAVE A SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM UNIT WITH A LOFT Cooper-481-1692. FOR A DEN OR GUEST ROOM. THERE IS A POOL. 1619 Periwinkle Way ANGEL WING DRIVE TENNIS COURT AND A SHORT WALK TO THE BEACH. For the. Golfer - Residential lot in Beachview Country Club $69,500 Realtor (Landlubber Shopping Center) It is difficult to imagine a BETTER LOCATION, close to the Estates. Located on the 8th Tee of the Beachview Golf Club LIGHTHOUSE 472-3737 or 472-3716 Causeway and only a short walk to the GULF. OF MEXICO and for the golf enthusiast and close enough to'the Beach to SOUTH SEAS .the BAY. When you apply LOGIC to buying a RETIREMENT please the conchologists. $34,000. After hours, call Beverly POINT HOME the answer is the incomparable quality of the Cooper-481-1692. PLANTATION Gulf Front - Sanibel Arms W. (2-2) $115,000 F MICHIGAN built home, NEWBERRY MODEL In the first place Gulf Complex - Sanibel Arms W. $79,500 F H is just the right size ... two bedrooms ... two baths . After hours, call Elizabeth Meister 472-5681 CONDOMINIUM "GIVE US AN OFFER" Sanibel Arms (1-1) $54,000 F dining room plus eat-in kitchen and family room; double BEACH VILLA Beautiful Bay view ground Sanibel Arms (2-2) $80,000 F SAYS THE OWNER OF THIS DELIGHTFUL, BRIGHT 2 garage and extra large screened porch with a southern floor apartment. 2 bedroom, Gulf Front - Pointe Santo $190,000 F BEDROOM 2 BATH CORNER APARTMENT. CATHEDRAL exposure. Comfort, style and room galore. Secondly, if NEWTON ASSOCIATES/INC. 1st floor corner, 2 bedroom, 2 bath with den. screened Gulf Drive • Sea Shells $60,000 F As Sanibel weaves its magic around your heart, so CEILING FOR ADDED CHARM. $94,500 FURNISHED. fishing is your thing bring your boat and tie it to your own 2 bath, excellently furnish- lanai, carpet and all appli- POINTE SANTO de Sanibel will satisfy your deepest dock at the back door. The canal leads to San Carlos Bay and REALTORS ed. Golf, tennis, marina. ances. dream of luxury. Elegant villas, wide views of the Gulf on to the Gulf of Mexico if you so desire. This one owner Hurry) , It won't last. 8125.000 with shining sands and tranquil waves, acres of land- Residential Homes home has had tender, loving care. Irrestibly priced at 1246 Middle Gulf Drive $138,900 Claud* Allen scaped parklands, private swimming pool, and tennis Canal Front - Shell Harbor $150,000 $125,000. Call 472-1528 for further information and an Shown .exclusively by: Realty. Inc. courts and much mor* for the discerning homeowner, (813)472-4151 Gumbo Limbo - with pool $124,500 • appointment to see for yourself. Our experienced voles staff Point* Sanibel Realtor ail combined to offer you a lifestyle of privilege. Lake Front -- Gumbo Limbo $85,500 will be haoDv to assist you. Development Corporation 4600 McGregor Blvd. BUILDABLE SITE Fully Landscaped - Sanibel Lake Estates $89,900 Ft. Myers, Fl. v Reg. Real Estate Broker The choice of those who have the* world to choose 2245 Gulf Drive 936-4621 Residential Lots from I .•••-•'•• •.-.••..: BLJUEBIIJ.^ Peter A. Pavel Sanibel. Fl. 33957 After Hours Associate: EAST ROCKS Betts S-D (canal) • . $35,000 Dorothy Pavel In Florida. (813) 472-1568 Carol Davenport - 3rd floor, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, furnished. Reg. Real tstate Broker r Sanibel Isles (canal) , $31,500 to $42,000 Excellent Gulf view. (Assumable 1st mortgage at 9 Reg. Real Estate Brokers 472-4382 . NICE LOT OVERLOOKING AN AUDUBON RESERVA- -Sanibel Bayous (lake) $25,000 percent) $127,900. Main Office • 2422 Periwinkle Way. P.O. Box 73, Captiva, Fl. 33924 TFN TFN TION. $25,500 Gumbo Limbo $16,000 to $28,000 Sanibel Island, PI. 33957 P.O. Box 73, Captiva, Fl. 33924 ••42-Two bedroom; 2 bath Gulfview Penthouse with (813)472-3138 DemerLane (150x200) Gulf Access $39,000 (013)472-1528 private rooftop syndeck. gorgeous furnishings. A steal at $149,000 DINKINS BAYOU C46 -Two bedroom, two bath Penthouse with private BABYSITTER REGISTER SEAVIEW rooftop sundeck, plush furnishings and panoramic Three bedroom, two bath home in a beautiful setting. Finest "Home Style"Condominium view of entire development and Gulf of Mexico. Property is tastefully landscaped and immaculately cared Dlna Fraxetta - 472-3825. weekends " $145,000 Assumable first mortgage. for. Home has many extra features both inside and out. An Morels Ferrlot - 472-4*90.. 472-4653. "after school, extra buildable lor (not adjoining) can bet purchased with this weekends. • in all Florida TREE CENTER property. This is a standout property that must be seen to be , D-35 • Two bedroom, 2 bath. Third Floor. Magnificent Karen Hughes - 472-4616 (retired RN) appreciated. Asking $165,000 with vacant lot. 737 East Gulf Drive view of the Gulf; Excellently furnished. $130,000 Krlsta Juhla - 472-4715 evenings & weekends Ideally located on Periwinkle Way across from the Christine Carrol 472-3028 evenings & weekends Space Up to 4,000 sq. ft. D-31 - Two Bedroom, 2 Both Gulfview; Second bed- , Bank of the Islands. Only one remaining 1,000 sq.. ft. SUNSET SOUTH CONDOMINIUM Becky Mitchell - 472-4885 or 472-4216. anytime after 2 room overlooks Tennis Courts. Furnished $125,000. Could be a stbre^or professional office. P.M. weekdays and anytime weekends. Two bedroom, two bath, living-dining room overlooking $205,000 and up Carol Read - 472-5111 ext. 5216, anytime, Captiva only Lagoon and Golf .Course. Kitchen with bar, large screened D44 - Two, bedroom, two bath 4th floor penthouse Shellee Joffe • 472-3152 after 6 and on weekends 29% down" lanai accessable from two bedrooms as • well. This with private rooftop sundeck. Beautiful custom con-' Julio Suhllng Dougherty -472-2549 after 6 or on week- condominium has many fine features, including central a COMMERCIAL PROPERTY temporary furnishings. Large expansive Gulf view. ends •"'•.:. vacuuming system, garage area, private storage, private Pm'i sci Ha Near corner Periwinkle & Casa Ybel Rds., 6.67 acres with $155,000. Financing available. will handle••> balance on Kevin Epranlan -472-2322 weekends ' . 490' frontage, zoned commercial $480,000 stairway, plantation fans on lanai and very large closets. This GULP FRONT GROUND FLOOR> 2 Bedroom, 2 unit is in extremely good condition and is priced reasonably Gloria Johnson-- 472-4587 after 4 p.m. Realty. Inc Another Periwinkle lot available with good location on West Ellen Hunt - 472-5573 anytime \ Bath. Just walk out your porch door and youore on the 15 yr. terms. at$90.000,% side of Pate's Restaurant $195,000 beach. Lovely Furnishings. $175,000. Monica Stahlln • 472-3274. Own home, daytime. , Stanley E. Johnson, Jr. GRI President DUPLEX Tracey Upscomb - 472-1357 or 472-4033 evenings and Sheila B. Snell. GRI Vice President f-7 - GULF FRONT GROUND FLOOR - 3 bedroom, 2 ISLAND LIVING - PLUS INCOME Income property located on Casa Ybel Rd. near the Bank. Two • weekends • ; .\ • '• -• ' ' . ' • . • and associates bath, excellent view; Financing available. $239,000. Call Doug AAcGoon, Associate Kelly laScola - 472-2893. evenings & weekends Large living area home and .four rental units. Two fully units composed of one Targe bedroom, one bath, large living equipped efficiencies and two motel rooms. Very clean and Owner will hold 2nd mortgage. V. V" .: Main Office: P.O. Box 57 room-kitchen area, utility room and screened porch. Chryp Webb - 472-5205. at my home, daytime no week- nicely furnished. Across from the beach with walking Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Island, Florida 472-1511 (Q13) 472-4195 Currently occupied and producing $600. Monthly income. ends. • '.'•'_ ••.•.'.•'.-•.' - •' easement, seawalled canal has dock. Branch Offices Causeway Road 472-4121 SHOWN IXCLUStViLVBYt Asking $79,000. . . ANYONE WISHING TO BE REGISTERED... Captiva Office: Andy Rosse Ln. 472-5154, 472-1149 RENTAL DIVISION Pointe Sanibel Development Corporation SHOULD CALL 472-1587 Island Accommodations: Causeway Rood 472-4113 Registered Real Estate Brokerage EXECUTIVE SERVICES, INC In provMlna this service; Island Reporter asaumea no Call our Bonnie Righter. She can find excellent accom- 2245 Gulf Drive VACANT D,?L SEGA LOTS respomlblltyvls-o-vU those who ue»H. modations for you. • • Sanibel Island, FL 33957 , Registered Real Estate Broker A large selection of Buildable lots, starting from $17,000 ASA««VrCtTOTHICC»MMONrrY.1SlANO«l»0«TW In Florida 813-472-1568 with water access to mid-fifties on the water. IS f«6yiDINOTHIS RtOISTOIOfBABYSITTIRS Island Reporter March 16,1979 Cll CIO March 16,1979 Island Reporter

classified advertising WRITE P:O: DRAWER R; SAISIIBEL ISLAND. FLORIDA 33S57 \ \ WRITE P.O. DRAWER R, SANIBEL ISLAND, FLORIDA 33957 472-1587 **

ISLAND STRIPPING ODD JOB WOOSTER '• • • .*••••.:'• CARPENTRY For Sale YOUR SANCTUARY SANIBEL ISLAND LOCKSMITH SEASCAPE SHEI1 HARBOR Large-tropical HomeSite • tUXURV FOR SALE REFINISHING •.'•• Beochvie>w/ Country Club TV& APniANCIS '"•'• Furniture and small repairs. WORK located on a high ridge in xi BOBS' . ':•• Sales and Service LAWN CARE By Owner ^p4 GtfLF i=RQNT Call Ray: Free estimates -BY OWNER Waterfront-Golf Course desirable area with over Two large lots for sale by By i?Qwrier 24 Hour Emergency Service Complete lawn care service Owner';passes pre-constroc- : DON HUMPHREYS : 472-1060 Sanibel 472-2902 Lot 68 twenty Palm trees and other owner: Corner 25,700 sq. ft., tion" savings on to smart Call us for any odd Jobs you 472-1133 or 472-2244 V Phone 472-2394 TFN for residential 'and small Three bedroom, two bath, TENNtSPLACE /w 3-30 472-2826 exotic Native Plants in La- adjoining 25.500 sq. ft. Ori- investor. Compass Point San- may have -We will watch commercial properties. two car garage Michigan . CONDOMINIUM 2-2 goon Estates at Casa Ybel ginally three-lots now di- ibel condo, two. bedroom and over & take care of your Sanibel-Captiva • Home with lonai looking out and Periwinkle. vided into'two.. Low down den, two bath," microwave, Two bedroom,•'•" 1V4 baths. ; home or condo while you are MikeTipson on a beautifully landscaped 1738 Windward Way payment, owner financing. Jacuzzi, terrace, heated pool, Completely furnished. Top away. We are retired, year 472-3822 tropical garden. Private boat' Window Earth Care; Inc. SOON COME tennis. : ~ \"- floor with magnificent canal round residents. TFN dock on canal to Bay and $16,400 Cash or Terms Natural-setting with access Complete landscaping, tree For Sale GRANITE 408 W. 57 St., N.Y., view and boat dock. Excel- Call: 472-2M)8oV Gulf. Short walk to beach. Writ* or call Oman to tennis courts, swimming., Cleaning trimming, brush chipper ser- Landscape •V N.Y. 10019. -...• lent rental potential. •'• : . 472-1307 for particulars. $120,000. PEACE -QUIET - SERENITY El Boloy. 3023 E. Cheryl Dr pool, gulf beach. Write'Box GuHside vice, and grounds mainte- By Owner Pxn..Az.85O28 MCA, c-o Island Reporter. •-/ "••-. • -, :••• :••;• TFN Licensed-Insured Maintenance 472-2134 nance. Serving Sanibel & AIR Quality Rutenberg CBS P.O. Drawer R, Sanibel, Fl. Phone* 4724207 TFN Phonet 6O2-992-6454 Captiva. TPN home. Three bedrooms, two . 3-16 33957 4-27 212-541-6270 $58,900 4-27 472-3440 472-4439 CONDITIONING baths. Family room over- 472-3317 or 472-3141. bsk & ELECTRICAL looking screened, heated for Mr. Starnm . . pool. Double garage. Many CONTRACTING SHELL HARBOR SANIBEL ISLAND TFN DUPLEX extras. Private corner lot on Tree Trimming DEB'S Commercial canal. Excellent Island loca- CANAL CERAMIC Residential tion. 8VV percent loan Quality built in 1973. Small Motel Hauling & Furniture Moving Island Resort Cleaning Sales assumption possible. FRONT HOME 15th Big Season In excellent condition. 472-2902 Maid Service : TILE Service 472-4224. Broker's custom residence - -Excellent location. Close to presents Extra deep secluded lot. CAR WASH TFN House ACondos . Commercial Refrigeration & TFN built by Mariner Homes in beach & bay. Large lot to FOR SALE Close to beach, - build.home.. A rare oppor- Out-of-state condo owners, New- Repairs - Renovations "JANUARY THAW" Ice Machines. late 77. Four bedroom-three FOR SALE let us clean and care for your Edward T. Forrest golf course and shopping. bath. Quality and extras tunity for the right person. Furnished 2 bedroom,2 bath Fri.; March 16,1979 - Bob Bass Inc. Realtors condo. Island Resident avail: Sun, March 18,1979 ISLAND AIRE, CONDO throughout. Huge master at Sanibel Arms West. 2nd A Full Service Pharmacy able 7 days. . Bus.-542-0990 Principals only. 472-5681. suite with custom marble 3313 Cleveland Ave. CAM 472-3094 Wm. "Mac" McArthur floor. Gulf view. $79,900. A. Featuring 54941287 Hse. - 542-2277 INC. TFN bath., Formal' dining room. Ft. Myers, Fl. 33901 and Sons Curtain 8:15 P.M. FOR SALE Brown, 9480 S;W. 108 St., Prescriptions TFN 9-29 Living room fireplace. Cen- . 936-4348 .. . Painting & Paper hanging Box Office 472-2121 Finest shelling beach on Good. Miami, Fl. 33176. Greeting Cards - 472-1260 ter island kitchen with top of After.hrs. assoc. ,, 472-2979 9-16 Sanibel Island. Blind Pass. -. (305)271-8473 Fanny Farmer Candy the line appliances and ice John Choote, 472-4212 Opportunity Condominium. 2 bedroom, TFN Key West Aloe • •;. ''•" •••-• ."• TFN TFN Call before 7:30 a.m. maker. Family room wet bar. Sun Products - . FOR SALE 2Vi .bath, completely furnish-' or after 7:30 p.m. Separate, large guest wing. Chanel - Revlon - Pantene WINDOW HANDY DAN ed. Ready to move right in. 601 Los Colony Road BY OWNER Quality -carpet, vinyl and OPEN 9-3 Mon^Fri^ Island Resident will paint Toll Free Travel $89,900 parquet throughout. Ceiling Sanibel, Fl. 33957 your condo, clean your car- 9-2 Sat. WASHING Our toll-free telephone number for all your travel LIGHTHOUSE RESORT fans in every room. Wired P.O. Box 293 . pet, cut your grass, clean Bob Bass. Inc. Realtors . 2398 Palm Ridge Rd. 997-5864 after INTERVAL WEEKS throughout for phone, CATV, your office. Free Estimates. needs can be called from all out-of-state locations; 3313 Cleveland Ave. (across from the library) 6 p.m. for estimate and stereo. Three A-C and "YOUR HOME Write it down. QQy 237-3104 472-1519 4, 13, 14, 18, 21, 22, 44, 45. Ft. Myers, Fl. 33901 heating systems. Ten foot IS OUR CASTLE" 3-23 Call 549-0287 TFN All on Bay-front. 10 percent 936-4348 and cathedral ceilings. Two Emergency 472-2768 • Airline Tickets •Cruises •Tours After hours assoc. John •Hotel & Rental Car Reservations below list. (612)-473-5248. car garage with cabinets, ••"•''• '-' :'. ' •. TFN 4-13 Choate. 472-4212 and Bob work area, and attic storage. HOUSE • Travel & Baggage Insurance Woods, 995-5260. Deep water patio dock with REMO (RIP) • Notary Public TFN electric, water and davits ~ CROSSWORD PUZZLE CLEANING GABACCIA • Greyhound bus tickets no bridges, two minutes to Interval Travel Agency Reasonable Rates PLUMBING CONTRACTOR 1618 Periwinkle Way. Sanibel DUPLEX bay. Completely private Edited by Eugene T. Maleska C.H. POTTER 481-2124 Licensed - Insured -Bonded heated pool with: hug* river The local phone number is 472-3171

(after 4 p.m.) Captiva -472-25r8 r '•" ' ' ' " AND HOUSE SANIBEL rock deck. Professionally TFN Furniture Service 4-6 ./.-••. ' '.'':• " "••• TFN FOR SALE MOORINGS landscaped, two 30. foot TWO BEDROOM. strangler f igs, privacy hedge, TWO BATH CONDO fountain, gumbo limbo, sea- ACROSS 59 Spike for 10 Prepared apples 31 Fashion REPAIR TOUCH-UP SANIBEL SHORES BY OWNER grape,palms, key lime, and mountain for 32 Rara NAVE sprinkler system. Unique 1 Magnificent climbing 11 "And take—- 33 Network of WALLPAPER By Owner architecture, on no thor- 6 Separate 60 God of love of fate":... nerves PLUMBING 472-4675 This completely furnished 10 Boxing program Macbeth REFINISHING REUPHOLSTERY AND INTERIOR White space increases readersh'p. ground floor corner unit with oughfare street. Cannot be 61 Scrooge's cries 34 Culbertson 2242 Periwinkle Way TFN replaced. Solid value at 14 Ridin* and 62 Blot out 12 TheO'Grady 36 Humorist < screened porch view of the ropin' show George—— PAINTING 472-11O1 Gulf and- patio overlooking $275,000. Xall Becky girl Sanibel 15 Congregation 13 39 Louis or Bill 542-4692. TFN the pool is located in one of Rauschenberger, Realtor Acheson and 694-7598 at 472-5187. response DOWN Rusk , " • 40 Exclaimed 3 Bejpi oont Honwf the Island's most attractively 16 Woodwind 19 He said: "A 42 Firm beliefs Dunes Golf Course landscaped developments. TFN 17 Church officer 1 Zane or Jane little learning is 43 Tall grass . Starting at $77,900 Recently redecorated in soft 18 City near San 2 Thespian's need a dangerous 44 Moon or Spoon Sanibel Home* white and beigetone with Francisco 3 Po tributary thing" 45 "—^-Autumn": FAST, PROFESSIONAL 481-2512 accents of orange and rat- 20 "The -—- rose 4 "Two at a trade 21 Patients* Keats 9dCa*ut Twwcid Svwim santiva tan, this unit reflects the Waterfront is brief: can agree": TFN payments 46 Fairy-tale (Financial Planning & Management) charm that Sanibel is popu- Home For Sale Swinburne . Gay 24 "My Sal" menaces TV SERVICE lar for. 22 Red head: 5 She said: 25 Hindu queen 47 Hardwood tree housekeeping services Shell Harbor- 1918-24 "Brevity is the 26 Crafts' 49 Greek portico 23 Sesame; til soul of lingerie" Bring your TV in ... and SAVE! • accounting and bookkeeping for shops, motels, condo Shown by appt. only Michigan three bedroom companion 50 Middle East 24 Norman . 6 Light literary J associations, partnerships, and corporations including FOR SALE 813-472-4119 Immediate Occupancy 27 Sourpuss Sanibel Island, Fl. 33957 Bel ——. • sketch ' # budget preparation, financial statements .and financial. For additional Fully screened - heated pool 28 Allen or Torme 51 .Theater group Maid Service - Home Guard - Window Cleaning By Owner stage designer 7 Menottihero ANDERSEN'S analyses as well as . ' : "••' ••'•'".. . Information, contact Private Boat Dock 29 Mason's burden 52 Grande and Rita Professional Cleaning of Homes, Mariner Pointe Condomin- 25 She wept and 8 Descartes 53 Byway or •) executive tax service a division of H.& B Block . 612-447-3101 30 Prefix with Condominiums and Business Offices ium, two bedroom, two bath would not be 9 Relative of place or grace '- seaway Sanibel Center Building, 1711 Periwinkle Way, TFN 472-2577 comforted dynamite TV & STEREO facing Bay. Completely fur- TFN 55 Vestment PO Box 194, Sanibel, Florida 33957 Telephone: 481-4761 nished by decorator. Ground 28 Satirist (813)472-1439 ElliotGelberg TFN floor. $85,000. Assume loan Beerbohm 1 2 3 4 MINERSPLAZA 481-8111 at 8VJ percent. 29 James and Can 472-2694 Houdini 14 TFN HIDEAWAY FOR SALE BY OWNER 30 English poet 35 Available 17 Melissa Reid Approximately 350' canal PROFESSIONAL SANIBEL ARMS 38 Trouble Owner AKERS CAR WASH frontage (3 lots). Beautiful 37 Austen work 20 Licensed and !-sured CLEANING & MAINTENANCE North Captiva Island .'. . 2 One bedroom, one bath. 38 Breaks ranks; Have your car washed to reflect THE BEST CONDOMINIUM bedroom, 1 bath, furnished Newly equipped G.E kitchen. scatters has the following services available for Condomin- BARGAIN ON SANIBEL lendal cedar home. Screen- One building from Gulf - 40 Something UNIQUELY iums and rental units on Sanibel. your image. ed porch, deck on 2 sides .. . close to pool, laundry, club strange ISLAND UNIT 19. PERSONAL ' DeepCleanings DONAX VILLAGE concrete patio and large house. First floor. Nicely fur- 41 "... pocket utility underneath. Seawall- nished. full of •" Regular Cleanings • CAR WAXING HOUSEKEEPING light Cleanings ed boat slip for 2 boats, » 56.000 42 Welsh-rabbit Large, 2 bedroom, 2 bath loft Housekeeping - Maid Service generator, good Jeep. 12 ft. 472-1067 sine qua non SERVICE Waxed to protect from sun and salt. unit, fully equipped with ice . . ; Maintenance- . '. maker, disposed, dishwash- boat, close to airstrip. ; 3-16 43 Rupert, the poet: 1887-1915 Tel. (813) 481-4279 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 472-3094 er, trash compactor, self- S95.0O0 by owner MSUKDANDUCENSID cleaning oven, storage 47 Rabbit or Fox P.O. Box HOLD Mon. thru Sat. ' Located next to Scottys 694-3051,995-4389 Ca>472-«7M TPN room, laundry room, walk-in 48 Hogback Sanibel, Fl. 33957 Closed Sundays 1215 Periwinkle Way. Sanibel Contact Mrs. Winslow. 49 Gem weighing 43 44 45- - 48 closet, and screened porch. TFN BAYSHORE less than Tennis court, swimming VILLAGE Vi grain 48 pool, lush native vegetation. 54 Estimated too SUBDIVISION highly 54 A well-located unit in a quiet Large naturally vegetated 56 —— vincit amor m 1939 Dana Drive RETIRE 57 58 Ph. santiva window corner of the condominium lots available within 900' of 57 Allot HANDY SERVICES property with q sunny south- the Gulf of Mexico. Stop by 58 Off one's rocker GO cleaning services ern exposure and a private ON THE BEACH our office off Tulipa Way Cardium Street entrance. opposite the Beachview Golf Minor Household Repairs The fulfillment of your Course enterance from 1-4> bahama recovering Is it any wonder that this unit dream. A fabulous three, Lot prices begin at $22,000 Interior ft Exterior - Sanibel & Captiva Professional cleaning of window* is worth thousands more, bedroom fully decorated with houses and house pack- Custom Danish Furniture for local shops, offices and residences. home, 150 foot beachfront. Answers on 32-A ages . also available:_• Bay- Reupholstering * Cushions Recovered Tel: 813-481-4761 9:00 o.m.-5:00 p.m. For sale by owner. $74,900. Vt acre valuable Sanibel shore Homes, Inc. c-o 9436 CHRISTOPHER DAVIS 813-482-2920 Evenings land. • firm. For details, call 472- Sage Court. .Sanibel, Fl. : Put W. Frits JIM NOLAN. Mgr. 1734 or write P.O. Box 214, 33957. (813) -472-3030 or Noritne Fries Fort Myers, Fla. 33907 Box 67, Sanibel, Fl. 33957 472-3822 (a division of SonHvo Housekeeping Services, Inc.) Sanibel, Florida 33957. Call Owner. 7-9 472-2583; „'-.=.- •• ,-..-. -TFN- 472-1839 ...,.-,... JTN 3-1© 1. rr5.r*y/;:-iSo.v.->^;:,^^y,^^^yi^'^'v/^••••^;^^^^^^ i

s»MS3BT>r.r?r?wrfjflflv»! C12 March 16,1979 Island Reporter lift tpay shopping ; V- By Mark Twotnbly If Bob Louwers invites you over to his house for dinner, plan on having ham. Louwers' kitchen is full of great hunks of ham ~ about a dozen of them,- canned and -otherwise • .--• witjfci; Jmcon for a year's sliced cheese sandwiches, and ^g for a week. '• " '*:.'... C<- ^ is the result of just five minutes shojp- Please begiiv iiriy s^bstri^tJori ifio the Islaiu^j Kepjpiter. ping by Louwers; five minutes in 1 which he crammed as much food as MAIL TO: Island Reporter; possible into one of Bailey's shop- P.O. Drawer R. Sanibel Island, ping c^s.v.il^wers v^ cram- Florida 33957 I ming it LQ because it was all for NAMF - .free«. •'••.' : ' '• .•'•-• ••'.'. ADDRESS. The Island Exxon station owner CITY. I was the lucky winner of the first STATE ZIP. START: Bob Louwers begins fiveminutetunthroughBaUey's. ."•-.• 9 continued on 4-A FINISH: Frozen food and peanuts top off the overstuffed cart. Please bill me .. I enclose my check for $ I Rates: On Island- $7.50 per. year. Continental U.S. or Split (on and 6if Island) - $'10.00 per year. Canada and Foreign - $l2.50.per year (U.S. currency, please). : ' ; ? •This is a ______new subscription ' renewal. • v 3 16

SANlMt-CAPTIVA AND TMi TO THE OASPAMUAS rgulfed by beach erosion, Cdptivti home is under siege

By Peter Larson beach began receding the home „ was pounded and even disabled by It may be true that no man is an severe storms. When Hanchar island but on the erosion battered 'bought the house it was derelict,, coast of Captiva, Mike Hanchar is half demolished by a storm that fast becoming an exception to the knocked out the front wall and rule. loosed the structure from its steel At high tide Hanchar's home is pilings. -. perched 10 feet above the Gulf of "Nobody lived here when I Mexico on wooden pilings, connec- bought it," says Hanchar, a retir- ted to land by a wooden gang- ed Indiana marina owner who has plank.'Smce purchasing the house always lived on, but not necessari- Mike Hanchar's Captiva home has a turbulent history. The 11 years ago, Hanchar estimates ly in, the water. "Local people house itself was once severly damaged by a storm, and the he has lost 100 feet of beach. used to come down here and make surrounding beach has receded 175 feet since 1951. According to one old survey map, Hanchar's sign advertises his predicament. the beach has receded 175 feet • continued on 17-A since 1954. : "You see those poles out there," says Hanchar, pointing put two submerged posts that flank his Architect tackles affordable housing front porch. "Six years agp those were utility poles." By Susie HoDy The trick lies in efficient design and use of McCormack believes all other standards Two months ago Hanchar decid- materials, according, to McCormack. He and regulations of the city's land use plan ed to advertise his predicament. When the subject comes to moderate-cost says building costs can be brought down low could be met in. building moderate-cost On the north wall of his.home he housing for Sanibel, people tend to have one enough to offset the high cost of land and housing. " painted a billboard-sized sign, of two very strong feelings about it. They create housing within reach of moderate His idea for a workable project on Sanibel either believe it is economically unfeasible, incomes. ; .' , is an apartment complex of two or three i i- Written in foot-high letters: simply won't work and doesn't belong here; He concedes that in order for moderate- stories. He believes the project could be "SAVE GAPTIVA! 171 FEET or it is necessary, does have a place here cost housing to be successful, the city will built attractively, following the island EROSION!" Since painting the and is worth a try. , . ; - theme, and still be. affordable. sign, Hanchar figures he's lost an Fort Myers architect B.J. McCormack is To build efficiently does not 1 'To build efficiently does not mean to additional four feet of beach. of the latter opinion. He realizes that mean to build u^y.' - R.J. build ugly," he says, adding that many of providing moderate-cost housing is no easy the island's so-called "luxury" condo- "I'm fed iip with all the talk matter^ but he believes it could be done and. McCormackv Fort Myers miniums are not particularly attractive to about erosion on this island," says ^ '' '' / ' P he says^he is, willing to give it a try. his'eye.- . • , ._.• ' '„ ^^'-p-''-- .•• Hanchar. "As I understand it McCormack and his partner, David Smith, The price difference between a moderate- we've spent half a million dollars currently are looking at a piece of property cost housing project and a 'luxury condo- for erosion studies. What have we on Sanibel with an eye toward developing it minium would come in unit size, finishes, got to show for it? Not a damn into some moderate-cost 'housing. Hie have to make concessions in allowable amenities and structural .'materials, ac- thing. I think this beach should be property is. a six-acre% tract on North density. He points out that the island's cording to McCormack- A. moderate-cost renourished; if it means providing Yachtsman.. McCormack and Smith ^ say highest density of five units per acre project also can be made energy efficient to they have just begun to investigate-the probably would not work economically. further cut costs for the inhabitants, more public access, that's fine possibility of a moderate-cost housing Other developers have said the same thing, McCormack said, with trie." V , . project on Sanibel and have no; definite and the dtjr has indicated its willingness to The architect has just finished designing ' Built by Captiva resident Griffin plans yet. They do believe it is possible, increase density. Officials will not specify a 40-unit apartment complex to be located A. Bancroft, Hanchar*s home has a however, e«en on. Sanibel whete land' and how high they would be willing to raise building costs run so high. ' , - density. • continued on 18-A 'X •'. turbulent history. Even before the