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Unit 7 - Week 6_Community Ecology

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How to access 1) Which of these is not a characteristic of 2 points the portal ability to grow on bare rocks Week 1 - Introduction ability to tolerate extreme temperatures large size Week 2 - Ecological short life span structure No, the answer is incorrect. Score: 0 Week 3_Ecological Accepted Answers: Interactions large size

Week 2) A climax caused by wildfires is an example of 2 points 4_Ecological Energetics climatic climax

edaphic climax Week 5_Population disclimax Ecology catastrophic climax

Week No, the answer is incorrect. 6_Community Score: 0 Ecology Accepted Answers: Lecture catastrophic climax 16_Community nature and 3) Which of these is correct? 2 points parameters

Lecture Fundamental niche > Realised niche 17_Community Fundamental niche = Realised niche changes and ecological Fundamental niche < Realised niche succession a or b Lecture 18_Community No,© 2014 the NPTELanswer - isPrivacy incorrect. & Terms - Honor Code - FAQs - organisation Score: 0 A project of In association with Quiz : Accepted Answers: Assignment-6 a or b

Wild Life 4) Importance value varies from Funded by 2 points Ecology :

1 of 3 Wednesday 12 June 2019 12:51 PM Wild Life Ecology - - Unit 7 - Week 6_Communit... https://onlinecourses-archive.nptel.ac.in/noc19_...

Feedback For 0 to 10Powered by Week 6 0 to 50 Assignment 6 Solution 0 to 100

Week 0 to 300 7_Distribution and abundance No, the answer is incorrect. Score: 0 Week Accepted Answers: 8_Management 0 to 300 of threatened species 5) Importance value can be written as 2 points

Week 9_Human Relative density + Relative frequency X Relative dominance Ecology Relative density X Relative frequency + Relative dominance

Week Relative density + Relative frequency + Relative dominance 10_Ecology of change Relative density X Relative frequency X Relative dominance

No, the answer is incorrect. Week 11_Applied Score: 0 Ecology Accepted Answers: Relative density + Relative frequency + Relative dominance Week 12_Revision 6) When compared to generalist species, specialist species have 2 points

narrower niches

broader niches

same-size niches

none of these

No, the answer is incorrect. Score: 0 Accepted Answers: narrower niches

7) A species found most frequently in a particular community, but also present occasionally in2 points others is called

accidental species

indifferent species

selective species

exclusive species

No, the answer is incorrect. Score: 0 Accepted Answers: selective species

8) is an example of 2 points

No, the answer is incorrect. Score: 0

2 of 3 Wednesday 12 June 2019 12:51 PM Wild Life Ecology - - Unit 7 - Week 6_Communit... https://onlinecourses-archive.nptel.ac.in/noc19_...

Accepted Answers: xerosere

9) The climax near Tindni village is being controlled by disturbance by cattle. This is an 2 points example of

climatic climax

edaphic climax


catastrophic climax

No, the answer is incorrect. Score: 0 Accepted Answers: disclimax

10)Which of these depicts correctly the lithosere primary succession? 2 points

Rock → Crustose → Foliose lichen → → Herbaceous stage → Shrub → Woodland → Climax

Rock → Foliose lichen → Crustose lichen → Moss → Herbaceous stage → Shrub → Woodland → Climax

Moss → Crustose lichen → Foliose lichen → Rock → Herbaceous stage → Shrub → Woodland → Climax

Rock → Crustose lichen → Foliose lichen → Shrub → Herbaceous stage → Moss → Woodland → Climax

No, the answer is incorrect. Score: 0 Accepted Answers: Rock → Crustose lichen → Foliose lichen → Moss → Herbaceous stage → Shrub → Woodland → Climax

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