The Inventory

of the

Christopher Dickey



Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Dickey, Christopher #1765 8/28/09, 9/30/09, 11/8/09, 12/2/09, 2/4/10, 5/17/10 Preliminary Listing

I. Manuscripts. A. Files; includes drafts, TS, TS with holograph corrections, thermofaxes; printed materials; correspondence; and professional materials. Box 1 1. “Bacchar - 1974.” [F. 1] 2. “Bios Ames, Arabs ‘P.O.’” 3. “Call Girls,” includes notebook. 4. “Call of the Wild.” [F. 2] 5. “CFR - Speeches - 1983-1984.” 6. “Clocktower.” 7. “The Colony (and Other Notes).” 8. “Computer Story Files Thru Sept 81.” [Env. 1] 9. “Computer Traffic w/Office Thru Sept 1981.” [Env. 2] 10. “Cousteau - NY - Working.” [F. 3] 11. “El Salvador,” includes map. 12. “Embassy.” [F. 4] 13. “EXPATS - Explorations.” [F. 5] 14. “EXPATS - The Old Country.” 15. “Faces Seen Once.” [F. 6] 16. “Files and Readbacks.” [F. 7] 17. “Film.” [F. 8] 18. “Film American Central.” 19. “Film School 1972-1974.” 20. “FMLN – M.O.R. Split/Urban Fronts.” 21. “For: John Herman Simon and Schuster, 1230 6th Ave.” [F. 9] 22. “Guggenheim Film.” [F. 10] 23. “KL SAL - Refugees,” includes notebook. [F. 11] 24. “LAMU.” 25. “MUJ - Misc Notes.” [F. 12-13] 26. “NYPD Proposal.” [F. 14] 27. “One Day of Life - Review for [The] New Republic.” 28. “Palestinian Passenger.” 29. “Philadelphia Revolution - 1972/3.” [F. 15-16] Box 2 30. “Point to Point 1972.” [F. 1] 31. “Press: French.” 32. “Project - 10 Yrs War - Basic Essay on 94-7 Updates (Haiti, etc.)” 33. “Project - CA Turning Point.” [F. 2] 34. “Project - Causes.” 35. “Project - Death Squads.” 36. “Project - Decolonization/Recolonization,” [F. 3] 37. “Project – N[ew] Y[ork] R[eview of] B[ooks] - Duarte - MSA Galleys.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 1 of 54 38. “Project - New York Review [of Books].” [F. 4] 39. “Project - Obedezco pero no cumplo.” [F. 5] 40. “Project: October Surprise.” [F. 6-8] 41. “Project - Reviews.” [F. 9] 42. “Project - Salvador Elections – T[he] N[ew] R[epublic].” 43. “Project TV.” 44. “Short Stories-1977, UVA-1970-72.” [F. 10] 45. “Spain - Almodóvar.” [F. 11] 46. “Syria - Arrangements.” 47. “Thru Aug. 1982.” [E. 1] 48. “Travel Holiday - ‘Letter from the Levant.’” [F. 12] 49. “Traveler - Egypt Monuments.” 50. “The Union and the Crown.” 51. “UVA - 1968-1972.” [F. 13] 52. “WITH THE CONTRAS.” 53. “X-Default.” 54. Untitled, re: a. “An American Pantheon.” [F. 14] b. Article inserts. [F. 15] c. “Beirut 1:05.” [F. 16] d. Central America. [F. 17] e. El Salvador, Nicaragua. Box 3 f. “Mission Unspoken” [i.e., INNOCENT BLOOD]. [F. 1] g. Nicaragua. [F. 2] h. “Philadelphia Revolution.” i. Sandinistas, San Salvador, guerilla tactics, Nicaragua, Panama. [F. 3] j. Short stories by CD. [F. 4] k. SUMMER OF , by CD, 2 files. [F. 4-5] B. Manuscripts by CD. 1. Books, TS unless noted. a. EXPATS: TRAVELS IN ARABIA FROM TRIPOLI TO TEHRAN. (i) 3 drafts, 321-345 p. [F. 6-13] (ii) Text fragment, 6 p., n.d. [F. 14] b. INNOCENT BLOOD (alternate titles: “Mission Unspoken” and “A Portion of Wrath”). (i) 24 drafts, 77-471 p. [F. 15-17] Box 4 (ii) Ibid. [F. 1-16] Box 5 (iii) Ibid. [F. 1-15] (iv) Text fragment, 3 p., n.d. [F. 16] c. SECURING THE CITY: INSIDE AMERICA’S BEST COUNTERTERROR FORCE -- THE NYPD. (i) 6 drafts, 106- 600 p. each, 5/31/08-6/11/08, n.d. [F. 17] Box 6 (ii) Ibid. [F. 1-10]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 2 of 54 (iii) Text fragment, approx. 15 p., 6/11/09. [F. 11] d. THE SLEEPER, 351 p., n.d. [F. 12-14] e. SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE. (i) 8 drafts, 109-424 p., 12/20/97-1998. [F. 15-16] Box 7 (ii) Ibid. [F. 1-7] (iii) Text fragments, includes holograph notes, approx. 35 p., n.d. [F. 8] f. WITH THE CONTRAS (alternate titles: “The Secret War 1982,” “Suicide,” “Suicida: The United States, the Contras and the War in Nicaragua”). (i) 4 drafts, 60-525 p., n.d. [F. 9-17] Box 8 (ii) Ibid. [F. 1] (iii) Text fragments, approx. 250 p., n.d. [F. 2] 2. Articles, TS, holograph notes and thermofaxes. a. Re: , Dominican Republic, Haiti, Guatemala, Costa Rica. [F. 3] b. Re: El Salvador. [F. 4-6] c. Re: Honduras, Nicaragua [F. 7] d. Re: Mexico, Middle East, Europe, United States. [F. 8] e. Re: U.S. diplomacy in Central America. [F. 9] 3. Essays, TS unless noted. a. “The Berge,” 6 p. [F. 10] b. “Film Notes,” 55 p. c. “The Non-Election of 1956: A Brief Look at Vietnamese Democracy,” 16 p. d. “The Pursuit of Happiness,” 15 p. e. Untitled, re: Jacques Cousteau; 2 drafts, 6-11 p., 4/12/93, 4/16/93. f. Untitled, re: El Salvadoran Government; holograph, approx. 20 p. g. Untitled, re: El Salvador; holograph, approx. 10 p. h. Untitled, re: Virgin Island Film Festival; 1976, 10 p. 4. Interview transcripts, TS. a. Re: WITH THE CONTRAS. (i) “Binder 1.” [F. 11-13] (ii) “Binder 2.” [F. 14-16] (iii) “Binder 3.” [F. 17] Box 9 (iv) Ibid. [F. 1] b. Re: Deane Hinton. [F. 2] c. Re: El Salvador. d. Re: Edgar Chamorro. e. Re: George Price. f. Re: “Good Morning America” interview of Rev. Jerry Falwell, 9/20/01. g. Re: miscellaneous quotes re: Nicaragua. 5. Proposals.

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 3 of 54 a. “Complicité: The Conspiracy of Loving,” 7 p., n.d. [F. 3] b. “Kudzu,” 11 p., 7/2/74; includes correspondence. 6. “Amos Berry,” screenplay, 21 p. 7. Short stories. a. “Quality Control,” 11 p. b. “The Talented Eye,” approx. 30 p. 8. Untitled text fragments, re: Washington D.C. history, TS with holograph notes, holograph, approx. 30 p.

II. Research Materials. A. Files; may include correspondence; printed material; professional materials; memorabilia; photographs; slides; and interview transcripts. [Note: AQ = Al Qaeda; NYPD = New York Police Department; OBL = Osama Bin Laden; WTC = World Trade Center.] 1. “10 YW - Columbia.” [F. 4] 2. “1990 - Kahana/Nosair.” 3. “1994 - Brooklyn Bridge Shooting.” 4. “1997 Subway Plot.” 5. “9/11 Boston.” 6. “9/11 - Civil Complaints.” 7. “9/11 - Clips Analysis.” [F. 5] 8. “9/11 Clips etc.” [F. 6-8] 9. “9/11 Clips.” [F. 9] 10. “9/11: Editorials/Analysts.” 11. “9/11: Fateh Kamel.” [F. 10] 12. “9/11: French Network.’ [F. 11] 13. “9/11 - Insider Trading.” [F. 12] 14. “9/11: Moussaoui Indicted.’ 15. “9/11 - Prisoners.” [F. 13] 16. “9/11: Report Saudis.” 17. “9/11: Ressam,” includes sub-files: [F. 14-15] a. “Ressam (Direct Examination 9/11).” b. “Ressam (Cross Examination).” Box 10 18. “9/11: Ressam, Rqanzi & Turki Al-Feisal.” [F. 1] 19. “9/11: Terror: General.” 20. “9/11: Terrorism - CTA: USA.” [F. 2] 21. “9/11: Terrorism - Gilmore Report.” [F. 3] 22. “A4 - Battleground,” includes sub-files: a. “NYPD - FALN.” b. “NYPD - Bombing.” 23. “A5 - Black Sites.” [F. 4] 24. “AQ: Canada Suspects.” 25. “AQ: European Nets: 2004.” 26. “AQ: Finance - Hawala.” [F. 5] 27. “AQ: Italy.” 28. “AQ Italy 2 Court Docs.” [F. 6]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 4 of 54 29. “AQ: Italy 3 Court Docs.” [F. 7-8] 30. “AQ: Italy 4 Court Docs.” 31. “AQ: Italy 5 Court Docs.” [F. 9-10] 32. “AQ - Morocco.” 33. “AQ - ‘Navy.’” 34. “AQ: New Directions,” includes sub-files: [F. 11] a. “[Jose] Padilla, etc.” b. “Terror: Richard Reid.” 35. “AQ: Piracy.” [F. 12-14] 36. “AQ: Pre-War, 2003 ().” 37. “AQ: Sahara.” 38. “AQ: Saudi Etc.” Box 11 39. “AQ: Second Wave.” [F. 1] 40. “AQ: Source Docs.” 41. “AQ: .” 42. “AQ: South America.” 43 “AQ: Spain.” [F. 2] 44. “AQ: U.K.” 45. “AQ: Women.” [F. 3-4] 46. “Abdelghani Meskini.” [F. 5] 47. “Abu Omar.” [F. 5-6] 48. “Abu Zubaydala Interrogation.” [F. 7] 49. “Admin DOD-DEF Guidance 84-88.” 50. “Admin - Reagan.” 51. “Admin - State - Releases.” [F. 8] 52. “Admin - State - (Reporting Probs etc).” 53. “.” 54. “Ajaj Calls.” [F. 9] 55. “Al Qaeda: Transcripts and Clips etc.” [F. 10] 56. “Al Zawahiri’s Book.” [F. 11] 57. “Appeal.” [F. 12] 58. “Arab Bashing.” [F. 13] 59. “Assassinations.” 60. “BI - Safe Streets.” [F. 14] 61. “Bios - Alvarez, Gustavo.” 62. “Bios - Ames Family Friends.” [F. 15] 63. “Bios - Bolanes Hunter, Miguel.” 64. “Bios - Borge, Romas.” [F. 16] 65. “Bios - Casey, William.” 66. “Bios - Castro, Fidel.” 67. “Bios - Cerna, Lenin.” 68. “Bios - CDVC Bravo.” 69. “Bios - Claridge, Duane ‘Dewey’ (also see “Networks CIA - MIL) Aug-Dec. 84.” 70. “Bios - Constantine Menges.” 71. “Bios - COS Honduras Donald H. Winters.” [F. 17]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 5 of 54 72. “Bios - COS Honduras Michael Farmer.” 73. “Bios - ‘El Muerto’ P. Javier Nunez Cabezas.” Box 12 74. “Bios - Fiallus, Francisco.” [F. 1] 75. “Bios - Fitzgerald, Lisa.” 76. “Bios - German, Paul F.” 77. “Bios - John Norton.” 78. “Bios - LAU, Riccardo ‘El Chino’. 79. “Bios - The Lebs.” 80. “Bios - Macmichael, David, C.” 81. “Bios - Pastora, Eden.” 82. “Bios - Sabra.” [F. 2] 83. “Bios - Salmatar, Jorge.” 84. “Bio - Sancez, Nesoor.” 85. “Bios - Suicida.” 86. “Bios - Walters, Gen. Vernon.” 87. “Book.” 88. “Casey Story.” [F. 3] 89. “CIA - High Value Detainees.” 90. “CIA History.” [F. 4] 91. “CIA P[eo]ple.” [F. 5] 92. “Central America.” [F. 6] 93. “Central America – Policy - Major Admin Statements.” 94. “Chris’ Stuff.” 95. “Commandante.” 96. “Congress - The Intel Committees.” [F. 7] 97. “Contras – AD - Non US (?).” 98. “Contras - ARDE.” 99. “Contras – CIA - Church/Press/Organization.” 100. “Contras - FDN.” [F. 8] 101. “Contras – FDN - Internal Point.” 102. “Contras – FDN - Documents.” [F. 9-10] 103. “Contras – Direct - US Action.” [F. 11] 104. “Contras - Juan Carlos Group/UDN/Other Pre - FDN.” 105. “Contras - Major Developments in the Conflict.” 106. “Contras - Misc. Incidents.” 107. “Contras - Misc Publications (Non FDN/ARDE).” 108. “Contras - Misletters (Also, Refugees, etc.).” [F. 12] 109. “Contras - Public Debate.” 110. “Contras - US AID - Congress.” [F. 12-13] 111. “Contras - US AID - Opinion Pieces.” [F. 14] 112. “Cousteau - Family Feud.” 113. “Cousteau – Obit[uary].” [F. 15] 114. “Cousteau (Travel).” [F. 16] 115. “Cuba - Internal Sec./Pol. Prisoners.” Box 13 116. “Diana.” [F. 1] 117. “Dickey - Funeral/Memorial,” includes notable correspondence:

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 6 of 54 a. TLS from Joan Didion to CD, 6/14/95. [F. 2] 118. “(DOM) Iraq - MOW Al-Rubaie Dec. ’03.” [F. 3] 119. “Dom - Trying Saddam’s Crimes - DRC 16-23.” 120. “Dossier no. 2 France History.” [F. 4] 121. “Dossier no. 9 Afghanistan.” [F. 5] 122. “Dubai,” includes sub-file: [F. 6] a. “Dubai - 2006. 123. “East Meets West.” [F. 7] 124. “Eastern Med.” 125. “Egypt 2005-2006.” 126. “Egypt (at WFC/Jihad).” 127. “Egypt - Arch: Pyramid, Beltway, Alexander.” [F. 8] 128. “Egypt - [Hosni] Mubarak Mar. 2001.” [F. 9] 129. “Egypt - Onworking.” 130. “Egypt - Population Conference (Women and Islam).” [F. 10] 131. “Egypt - Red Sea Riviera.” 132. “El Sal[vador] AMCIT Murders - Nuns.” 133. “El Sal[vador] AMCIT Murders - Nuns - Goetinger.” [F. 11] 134. “El Sal[vador] AMCIT Murders – Nuns - Lawyers Committee Reports.” 135. “El Sal[vador] AMCIT Murders - Schaufelberger.” [F. 12] 136. “El Sal[vador] AMCIT Murders - Sullivan.” 137. “El Sal[vador] AMCIT Murders - Tyler R[e]p[or]t.” Box 14 138. “El Sal[vador] Chron 9/10/79-12/31/82.” [F. 1] 139. “El Sal[vador] Chron - Jan. [19]84-Mar. [19]84.” 140. “El Sal[vador] Duarte as Pres.” [F. 2] 141. “El Sal[vador] ‘Mafia’.” 142. “El Salv[ador] – Asst – Soc[ie]ty Asst - Material.” 143. “El Salvador - 1930s - Antecedents.” [F. 3] 144. “El Salvador - AMCIT Murders (1) (and for Killing Archbishop).” 145. “El Salvador - Christian Democrats - Murdered Mayors.” 146. “El Salvador Church.” [F. 4] 147. “El Salvador - Constituent Assembly.” 148. “El Salvador - El Ho Jo.” 149. “El Salvador - Elections ’84.” [F. 5] 150. “El Salvador - Election Publicity.” 151. “El Salvador FMLN Bros.” [F. 6] 152. “El Salvador - FMLN Documents.” 153. “El Salvador - FMLN//FDR (General).” 154. “El Salvador - Guerrillas - FARBUNO Marti Transcripts.” 155. “El Salvador - Intipuca.” [F. 7] 156. “El Salvador - Land Reform - Los Hojas Case.” [F. 8] 157 .“El Salvador - Military - 1940s (Becker) Antecedents.” 158. “El Salvador - Negotiations.” 159. “El Salvador - Palo Blanco Massacre 1982.” [F. 9] 160. “El Salvador - Pre 1930s - Coffee Loons (Becker) Antecedents.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 7 of 54 161. “El Salvador - U.S. Ambassadors.” 162. “Eur - - Drugs,” includes sub-files: [F. 10-11] a. “Europe - Drugs.” b. “Eur - Eurocops ’89.” c. “Drug Use + (Claude Evin) Drugs, 1989.” d. “Drug Busts Dec. 1989.” 163. “Eur: Eurospecks.” [F. 12] 164. “Europe - Integration.” 165. “Europe: Schengen.” 166. “European Commission Nov. ’99.” 167. “EXPATS - The Gulf.” [F. 13] 168. “EXPATS - The New World.” Box 15 169. “EXTPATS - The Shore.” [F. 1] 170. “Far Away.” [F. 2] 171. “France/Eur: Terror Alert 2002.” 172. “Fontaine, Roger.” 173. “France - Liberty.” 174. “France: Politics.” 175. “France - Society Cultures.” 176. “France.” [F. 3] 177. “France - Banzieurs 2005-2006.” [F. 4-5] 178. “France: History (Occupation; 68).” [F. 6] 179. “Fr: Terrorism - Port Royal.” [F. 7] 180. “France: Terror Policies.” [F. 8] 181. “Guantanamo.” [F. 9-10] 182. “Gulf – Aviation - Unfriendly Skies.” [F. 11] 183. “Gulf - Background + Overviews,” includes coins. 184. “Gulf - Features (Camels ) (Dhows) (Press Coverage).” 185. “Gulf - Geneva 2002.” 186. “Gulf - Reconstruction.” 187. “.” [F. 12-13] 188. “Gulf War 95/6.” [F. 14] 189. “Gulf War - Arms Supplies.” 190. “Gulf War - Endgame.” Box 16 191. “Gulf War - Europe, France.” [F. 1] 192. “Gulf War - Jordan.” 193. “Gulf War - Military Buildup by Outside Forces (Non Iraq/Non Iran) 1985-July 31, 1987.” 194. “Gulf War - Oil Business.” 195. “Gulf War - Oil Market.” [F. 2] 196. “Gulf War - Running - Aug-Sep. 1990.” 197. “Gulf War - .” 198. “Gulf War - Tanker War - 1985-1986.” [F. 3] 199. “Gulf War - Tanker War - Jan-June, 1987 (including Stark).” 200. “Gulf War - Tanker War - July-Aug., 1987.” [F. 4] 201. “Gulf War - Tanker War - Aug. 29-Sept. 30.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 8 of 54 202. “Gulf War - Tanker War - Oct. 1987.” [F. 5] 203. “Gulf War - Tanker War - Nov.” [F. 6] 204. “Gulf War - Tanker War - Dec.” 205. “Gulf War - Tanker War - Chronologies, Maps, Lists.” 206. “Gulf War - U.S. Politics and Reactions.” 207. “Gulf War - U.S. Position.” [F. 7] 208. “Gulf War - USA - Bush Initiative.” 209. “Intel: Interrogations (Padilla).” [F. 8] 210. “International Terrorism (A-F),” includes sub-files: [F. 9] a. “Terrorism Carlos.” b. “Al-Qaida.” c. “French Terrorists (including Zacarias Moussaoui).” 211. “Iran,” includes sub-files: [F. 10-11] a. “Iran - Bloggers.” b. “Iran - Timeline.” 212. “Iran - 0.0./F.A. - Belgium.” [F. 12] 213. “Iran - 0.0./F.A.: PA 103.” 214. “Iran - 0.0./F.A. Saudi Arabia (incl. Mecca) 1987.” 215. “Iran - 0.0./F.A. - SHIAS 1987.” 216. “Iran - 2000 Post-Election.” 217. “Iran AIR 655 (Aftermath).” 218. “Iran - 0.0./F.A.: U.S. TWA Hi-Jack.” 219. “Iran - 1,” includes sub-files: [F. 13-15] a. “Anti-Khomeini Opposition.” b. “Iran Airbus.” c. “Iranian Pilgrims.” d. “American Hostages.” e. “British Relations.” f. “Economy.” g. “French-Relations.” h. “Khomeini/Profiles.” i. “Kurds.” j. “Mineral Sources.” k. “Military.” l. “Social.” m. “U.S. Relations.” Box 17 220. “Iran ’93.” [F. 1] 221. “Iran - 98.” [F. 2-3] 222. “Iran - ’98-’96.” [F. 4] 223, “Iran - 2005-2006.” 224. “Iran - Arms Deals - BSM.” [F. 4-6] 225. “Iran Feb.” [F. 7] 226. “Iran - Feb. ’99.” 227. “Iran - Insurgent Narrative.” [F. 8-9] 228. “Iran - IR 655 Redux.” 229. “Iran - Mohajerani.” [F. 10]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 9 of 54 230. “Iran - Nukes IARA ’05.” [F. 11-12] 231. “Iran - Onworking.” [F. 13] 232. “Iran - Opposition.” [F. 14] 233. “Iran - Overseas Operations/Foreign Affairs ’87.” Box 18 234. “Iran - Overseas Operations HIT Teams, Mecca, 1989.” [F. 1] 235. “Iran - Post Khatami.” 236. “Iran - Post War.” 237. “Iran: Pre-Elections.” 238. “Iran - Prostitute Killings.” 239. “Iran - Speeches, Threats, Statements, 1987.” [F. 2] 240. “Iran - U.S. Embargo/Nukes.” 241. “Iran - U.S. - Hague.” 242. “Iran - U.S./Oct. SURP,” includes sub-files: [F. 3-4] a. “Bani Sadr Document, 31 Oct. ’91.” b. “Bani Sadr.” 243. “Iran: Women.” 244. “Iranamok—Chron—1980-84.” [F. 5] 245. “Iranamok—Chron ’85-86.” 246. “Iranamok—Comapnies.” 247. “Iranamok—People.” [F. 6] 248. “Iraq.” [F. 7-8] 249. “Iraq,” includes sub-files: [F. 9-11] a. “Israeli: Aggression.” b. “Kurds.” c. “Military.” d. “Opposition.” e. “Parties.” f. “Profiles/Saddam.” g. “Social.” 250. “Iraq,” includes sub-files: [F. 12] a. “Iraq—Sgrena/Caliposi.” b. “Maria Ruzicka.” Box 19 251. “Iraq 1.” [F. 1] 252. “Iraq 1992.” [F. 2] 253. “Iraq ’93,” includes sub-files: a. “Unfiled Iraq Materials, 1993.” 254. “Iraq—’94.” 255. “Iraq—July-August ’92,” includes sub-files: [F. 3] a. “Iraq—Summer ’92.” b. “Iraq—Shias/Kurds.” c. “Arab Reaction.” d. “Misc. French and Kuwait Iraq.” e. “Iraq General with Some ‘Why Now’ Articles (i.e. Election).” 256. “Iraq - Missing Weapons, Westhusing Suicide.” [F. 4] 257. “Iraq - Post War.” [F. 5]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 10 of 54 258. “Iraq War - Anniversary.” [F. 6] 259. “Iraq: War - Blowback.” 260. “Iraq - Vid[eo]games - Blogs,” includes sub-file: a. “War Games.” 261. “Israel.” 262. “Italy 2000-2006,” includes sub-files: [F. 7-9] a. “Antiquities - Hecht.” b. “France – Culture - Taste.” c. “Italy - Beriusconi - 2006.” d. “Italy - Post-Election.” e. “Mafia - Provenzano.” 263. “Iyman Files.” 264. “Jamaica.” 265. “JLD - Last Poems.” [F. 10-12] 266. “Jordan,” includes sub-files: [F. 13] Box 20 a. Ibid. [F. 1-2] b. “DATA History.” c. “Economy.” d. “Jordan/Border with Israel.” e. “Foreign Policy.” f. “Interior Policy.” g. “Military.” h. “Profiles.” i “Tourism.” j. “Unrest.” k. “West Bank Palestinians.” 267. “Jordan (Post War).” [F. 3] 268. “Khebar Towers, ’97.” [F. 4] 269. “KSM Commission Transcript.” 270. “Kurdish Refugees.” 271. “Kuwait (inc. Vanity Fair),” includes sub-file: [F. 5] a. “Kuwaiti Exiles.” 272. “,” includes sub-files: [F. 6-7] a. “Americans.” b. “Armenians.” c. “Christians.” d. “Druze.” e. “Economy/Ports and Airport.” 273. “Lebanon,” includes sub-files: [F. 8-9] a. “Social Affairs.” b. “Terrorism/Explosion - Bombs.” 274. “Lebanon.” [F. 10] 275. “Lebanon, ’92.” [F. 11] 276. “Lebanon ’94.” [F. 12-13] 277. “Lebanon ’95.” [F. 14] 278. “Lebanon ’96.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 11 of 54 Box 21 279. “Lebanon ’98.” [F. 1] 280. “Lebanon - 2000.” 281. “Lebanon - Aoun.” 282. “Lebanon - Current,” includes sub-files: [F. 2-3] a. “Beyrouth 1992.” b. “Lebanon (Newsweek).” 283. “Lebanon - Drugs.” [F. 4-5] 284. “Lebanon – GWB - Issam Fares.” [F. 6] 285. “Lebanon Hostages.” 286. “Lebanon (incl. Hostages).” 287. “Lebanon South.” [F. 7-9] 288. “Libya,”(3 files). [F. 10] 289. “Libya 1.” [F. 11-12] 290. “Libya 2.” [F. 13-14] 291. “Libya 80’s.” [F. 15-17] Box 22 292. “Lisa Fitzgerald.” [F. 1] 293. “Luxury Present at the Creation 2006,” includes sub-file: a. “Russian Luxury.” 294. “Mafia,” includes sub-file: [F. 2] a. “Mafia (Italian).” 295. “Maroc and Bosnia,” includes sub-files: [F. 3] a. “Bosnia Muslems.” b. “Morocco.” c. “Economy.” d. “Foreign Policy - general.” e. “Foreign Relations - France.” f. “Foreign Policy - U.S.A.” g. “Interior Policy.” h. “West Sahara.” i. “Israel - Moroc Summit.” j. “Social Affairs.” 296. “Mayid Khan - Clips.” [F. 4] 297. “Mayid Khan Commission Transcript.” 298. “Mayid: Khan Misc. Docs.” [F. 5-6] 299. “Midd East Iraq Pol - Gulf - Qatar - Shafallah Center and Related,” includes DVD. [F. 7] 300. “Middle East - Misc.” 301. “Middle East: Saudi Arabia,” includes sub-files: [F. 7-8] a. “General Information.” b. “History,Culture and Religion.” c. “Politics and Royal Family.” d. “Saudi Women and Way of Life.” 302. “Mideast Arabists.” [F. 9] 303. “Mideast - Arab Attitudes ‘90/91.” 304. “Mideast - Arms Bazaar.” 305. “Mideast - Arms - Missile Prolif[eration].”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 12 of 54 306. “Mideast and U.S.” [F. 10] 307. “Mideast - Chronologies.” 308. “Mideast Democracy Initiative.” 309. “Mideast - Friendly Fire.” 310. “Mideast - Gays.” [F. 11] 311. “Mideast - Media.” 312. “Mideast - Mednews.” [F. 12] 313. “Mideast - Oil.” [F. 13] 314. “Mideast – Oil - OPEC/SICO.” 315. “Mideast - Pals Nov-Dec. 88.” [F. 14] 316. “Mideast Peace Talks Pre Madrid.” [F. 15] 317. “Mideast - Syria.” 318. “Mideast – Syria - Assad.” Box 23 319. “Mideast Tourism.” [F. 1] 320. “Mid-East - U.S. - Foreign Policy.” 321. “Mideast - Water.” 322. “Morocco.” [F. 2] 323. “Morocco 2003; Terrorist Acts and Co.” 324. “Naguib Maufouz.” [F. 3] 325. “Nairobi Bombings Related Doc.” [F. 4] 326. “Nairobi Bombings Related Docs.” [F. 5-7] 327. “Netherlands: El Al Crash.” [F. 8] 328. “Networks 2001,” includes sub-file: [F. 9-10] a. “UK WP.” 329. “Networks Argentina.” 330. “Networks - CIA - Mercs.” [F. 11] 331. “Networks - CIA - Misc.” 332. “Networks - CIA - U.S. Mil.” [F. 12] 333. “Networks - Cuba - Left.” [F. 13] 334. “Networks - Cuba - Right.” 335. “Networks - ETA/GAC.” Box 24 336. “Networks - Iranamok - Contra Arms.” [F. 1-2] 337. “Network - Israel.” [F. 3] 338. “Networks - Opus Dei.” 339. “Networks - Sandinista (Aid to Salvo’s).” 340. “Networks - Sandinista (Attempts on Somoza, Bravo, Pasiora) etc.” 341. “Networks - Sands/Drugs Contras/Drugs.” 342. “Networks - Soviet.” 343. “Networks - U.S. Right Wing.” [F. 4] 344. “Networks - U.S. Right Wing – (Heritage Foundation Backgrounders).” 345. “Networks - Venezuela.” 346. “Newsweek.” 347. “Nicaragua - Human Rights.” [F. 5-6] 348. “North Africa.” [F. 7]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 13 of 54 349. “NYPD - Anthrax.” 350. “NYPD - Clips.” 351. “NYPD - David Cohen, TRS Jan. 07 and Richard Falkenrath.” 352. “NYPD - Congressional Testimony Falkenrath.” [F. 8] 353. “NYPD - FBI.” 354. “NYPD - Misc.” 355. “NYPD - New Yorker.” [F. 9] 356. “NYPD - Policy Terrorism.” 357. “NYPD - Potential Sources.” [F. 10] 358. “NYPD - Pre 9/11 Plots and Attacks.” 359. “NYPD - Ray Kelly TRS, Jan. 07.” 360. “NYPD - Recruiting Problems.” [F. 11] 361. “NYPD - Related.” 362. “NYPD - NYU - Conference May ’07 - La Piedra.” 363. “OBL,” includes sub-files: [F. 12] Box 25 a. Ibid. [F. 1] b. “Bin Laden - Family Biz.” c. “Bin Laden - E. I. J.” d. “Bin Laden - Overviews.” e. “Bin Laden ‘Disappearance,’ Feb. 99.” f. “Osama Bin Laden.” 364. “OBL 2.” [F. 2] 365. “OBL 3.” [F. 3-4] 366. “OBL 4.” [F. 5-6] 367. “OBL: Accomplices,” includes sub-files: [F. 7-8] a. “Bin Laden - ‘Accomplices.” b. “Khalid Al Fawaz/OBL.” 368. “OBL: Basics.” 369. “OBL: Family - Carmen Bin Laden.” [F. 9] 370. “OBL: Fateh Kamel.” [F. 9-10] 371. “OBL: Files A-L,” includes sub-files. [F. 11-12] a. “Adel Abdel Maguid Abdel Bary.” b. “Ali Mohamed and Bragg.” c. “Ayman Zawaluit.” d. “Ayman Zawaluit and Albania.” e. “Balican Connx.” f. “Bosnix Web.” g. “Zawahari (Zarembo).” h. “Chron.” i. “Courtailler.” j. “Deek.” k. “Dr. Ali Zaki.” l. “Egyptian Terrorist.” m. “Gidarous.” n. “Faizul.” o. “Holt 1 and Holt 2.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 14 of 54 p. “Lionel Dumont.” 372. “OBL: Files M-Z,” includes sub-files: [F. 13] a. “Magdisi.” b. “Mir-Hawzeh and Jamiat.” c. “Rawzi 1.” d. “Nabil - Fargo - rtf.” e. “Talia and Talia CRN (3).” f. “Yemen.” g. “Talaat Kassem - MF.” 373. “OBL: Intel Strange Bedfellows.” [F. 14] 374. “OBL - Intelligence Sharing.” 375. “OBL - Italy Docs 1.” [F. 15] 376. “OBL - Italy Docs 2,” includes sub-files: a. “Italian Transcripts.” b. “OBL – Italy - Docs 2.” Box 26 377. “Oil 2006.” [F. 1] 378. “OSEAS - The Iraq Effect (Jan 19-26 Issue).” 379. “Palestinian - Phone Deals.” [F. 2] 380. “Pals/Mideast,” includes sub-files: [F. 3] a. “More – PLO - Lebanon-Syria.” b. “Mideast - Peace Process - Post War.” c. “Arafat Visit - Labor Stuff.” d. “AP - Arafat - Lebanon.” e. “Arafat/PLO in Paris 15 April - Onwards 1987.” f. “Lebanon Mid-April 1901 Reprint May.” 381. “Pakistan – IRQ - Maliki.” [F. 4] 382. “Pat Robertson METV.” 383. “PLO/CIA.’ [F. 5] 384. “Pilgrimages.” [F. 6] 385. “Project : Altered States,” includes sub-files: [F. 7-8] a. “Palestine - 1992.” b. “Palestine - Feb.” c. “Palestine.” d. “P.T.: Techno Terror.” 386. “Project: Art: Forge, Theft, Dub. ACQ,” includes-sub-files: a. “Project: Art: Dubious Acquisitions.” [F. 9-10] b. “Project: Art, Forgery and Theft.” c. “Art - Forgery,” d. “Features - Art - Theft.” e. “Features - Art - The Eye of the Beholder (Forgery Expertise.).” f. “Art Theft.” g. “Art Louvre Theft.” 387. “Project: Art: Underworld.” [F. 11] 388. “Project - CFR Address to May 14, MFO.” [F. 12] 389. “Project: Child Prostitution Dutroux.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 15 of 54 390. “Project: Child Soldiers.” [F. 13-14] Box 27 391. “Project: Churchwomen 2.” [F. 1-2] 392. “Project: Death of Zia.” [F. 3] 393. “Project: Germans—Willing Execution.” 394. “Project: Landmines.” [F. 4] 395. “Project – MSE - Updates.” 396. “Project - The Program.” 397. “Project - Quagmire: The Unconventional War Game.” 398. “Project - Questions of Scale.” 399. “Project: Salvador: Churchwomen.” [F. 5-6] 400. “Project: Spies Misc. Drugs & Thugs,” includes sub-files: [F. 7] a. “Project: Private Spies.” b. “Project: Spies – Misc Drugs & Thugs.” 401. “Project: Spreading Democracy.” 402. “Project: Suicide Clips.” [F. 8] 403. “Project: Terrorism - Cults Japan.” 404. “Project: Time - Centralizing Europe.” [F. 9] 405. “Project: U.S. Aid.” [F. 10] 406. “Project: Versace.” 407. “Ressam 1.” [F. 11] 408. “Ressam 2.” [F. 12] 409. “Saudi – 2.” [F. 13] Box 28 410. “Saudi ’95.” [F. 1-2] 411. “Saudi 2001.” [F. 3] 412. “Saudi 2003-2004.” [F. 4] 413. “SA – Libyan Plot.” [F. 5] 414. “Saudi – Alwaleed,” includes sub-file: a. “Saudi-Prince Alwaleed.” 415. “Saudi Arabia,” includes sub-files: [F. 6] a. “Saudi Arabia – Personalities – Walid Bin Faleh.” b. “Saudi Arabia ’98.” 416. “Saudi Arabia.” [F. 7-10] 417. “Saudi Arabia 2006.” [F. 11] 418. “Saudi Arabia – A Fire in Mecca.” 419. “Saudi Arabia – Women’s Issues (Rania Case).” [F. 12] 420. “Saudi – H.R. – Mideast.” 421. “Saudi Initiative.”T 422. “The Saudi Game.” [F. 13] 423. “Saudis.” 424. “Saudi – Opposition,” includes sub-file: [F. 14] a. “Saudi Arabia Dhahran Bombing.” 425. “Saudi – Post War.” 426. “Saudi Project – Energy Future.” [F. 15] 427. “Sept. 11 Tech Stocks.” [F. 16] 428. “Shadowland – E-mails.” 429. “Shadowland B.G,” includes sub-file: [F. 17]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 16 of 54 a. “John Gregory Dunne.” Box 29 430. “Shadowland – Learning from Pros Jan 16, 2004.” [F. 1] 431. “Shadowland: Saddam’s Mojo Dec. 16, ’03.” 432. “Shadowland – Year of Living Obliviously Jan 10, 2004.” 433. “Somalia.” 434. “Sudan ’95.” 435. “Spain: ETA,” includes sub-files: a. “Spain – ETA.” [F. 2] b. “Spain – Basques – ETA.” c. “Basque – ETA.” d. “Spain – ETA.” [F. 3] e. “Spain – Basques – 1989.” 436. “Spain: Opus del.” [F. 4-5] 437. “Spain: Terror Post 3.” [F. 6] 438. “Spending on Terrorism.” 439. “Sudan.” [F. 7-8] 440. “Sudan – Darfur.” [F. 9] 441. “Sudan – Turabi, etc.” 442. “Swiss Bank (Shakarchi etc.).” [F. 10] 443. “Syr[ia] – Arabs.” [F. 11] 444. “Syria.” [F. 11-13] Box 30 445. “Syria ’95.” [F. 1] 446. “Syria ’96.” 447. “Syria 1999.” 448. “Syria - Human Rights - Tadmur Military Prison.” 449. “Syria - Jun. ’91.” 450. “Syria – Lebanon 2005-2006.” [F. 2] 451. “Syria (Lebanon),” includes sub-file: [F. 3] a. “Syria – 1986-1990.” 452. “Syria – Peace & Succession.” 453. “Syria – Succession Jun 2000.” [F. 4] 454. “Terror ’96: TWA 800.” [F. 5] 455. “Terror – Chronology 1915 – Present.” 456. “Terror: ’96 Roubaix Network.” [F. 6] a. “Clips Judy Prepared on Roubaix Shootout (Islamic Connexion?).” 457. “Terror: ’96 – Policy.” [F. 7] 458. “Terror: ’96 – Ramzi Yousef Trial.” [F. 8] 459. “Terror ’96 Khobar.” [F. 9] 460. “Terror: Afghans,” includes sub-file: [F. 10] a. “AQ – Origins – Abdullah Azzam Family Photos.” 461. “Terror: Afghans,” includes sub-file: a. “Osama Bin Laden El Al.” 462. “Terror: Al-Zarqawi.” 463. “Terror: Carlos.” 464. “Terror: Counterfeiting.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 17 of 54 465. “Terror: Croats 1.” [F. 11] 466. “Terror: Croats 2.” [F. 12] 467. “Terror: Domestic – Alpha Bomber.” [F. 13] 468. “Terror: EU Counter Cooperation.” 469. “Terror: Europe Sleepers.” 470. “Terror: Iraq.” 471. “Terror: Kansi Arrest.” 472. “Terror: Pan Am 103,” includes sub-files: [F. 14] Box 31 a. Ibid. [F. 1-2] b. “LNC (PA 103).” c. “Mideast – Terror – TA 103.” 473. “Terror: Pan Am 103 cont.,” includes sub-files: [F. 3-4] a. “P.T. – Pan Am 103.” b. “Al Kasseris Arrest June 1992.” c. “Terrorism – Lockerbie Trial.” 474. “Terror – Right Wing Conx.” [F. 5] 475. “Terror: Right Wing Oklahoma.” 476. “Terrorism – Andrew Silke’s Papers.” 477. “Terrorism: Biological Weapons.” [F. 6] 478. “Terrorism: Carlos.” 479. “Terrorism: Hijack 1.” [F. 7-9] 480. “Terrorism: Int’l,” includes sub-files: [F. 10-11] a. “Gia & Algeria.” b. “Guantanamo.” c. “Hostages.” d. “London Bombings.” e. “Madrid Bombings March 11 2004.” f. “Moscow.” g. “September 11, 2001.” h. “Saudi Arabia: Terrorism Terrorist link.” i. “Shoe – Bomber.” j. “Terrorism, General Information.” k. “Various terrorist movements/cells: (includes: UK and France and Belgium).” 481. “Terrorism: Islamic.” [F. 12] 482. “Terrorism: Kidnap 4,” includes sub-files: [F. 13-14] a. “Cyprus.” b. “Dutch.” c. “Germany – Hamad:, Ali Abbas.” d. “Irish.” e. “Italy.” f. “Jews.” g. “Korean.” h. “Roman.” i. “Saudi Arabia.” j. “Spain.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 18 of 54 k. “Syrian.” l. “U.A.E.” m. “U.N. n. “Britain.” o. “U.S.S.R.” 483. “Terrorism: U.S. Docs.” [F. 15] 484. “Tunisia.” [F. 16] 485. “Turkey.” Box 32 a. Ibid. [F. 1] 486. “Turkey – 1997.” [F. 2] 487. “Turkey 1999.” [F. 3] 488. “Turkey – Alawi Riots.” 489. “Turkey – Antiquiotes. 490. “Turkey – Balkans, Caucasus, etc.” [F. 4] 491. “Turkey – Erbakan.” [F. 5] 492. “Turkey – Iraq.” 493. “Turkey – Israel.” 494. “Turkey – Kurds – Ocalan.” [F. 6] 495. “Turkey – Politics.” 496. “UFR – ASSAD.” [F. 7] 497. “The USA,” includes sub-file: a. “Washington & the World 2005/6.” 498. “Uncollected Poems.” 499. “United Arab Emirates.” [F. 8] 500. “U.S. – Immigration – Gangs.” 501. “U.S. – Immigration Issues – Crime.” 502. “Vatican: Benedict XVI.” [F. 9-10] 503. “Volume I Report.” [F. 11] 504. “Volume II Report.” 505. “WTC II – May-Sept ’95.” [F. 12-14] 506. “WTC III – Oct ’95-Present.” [F. 14] Box 33 a. Ibid. [F. 1-2] 507. “WTC – ’93-’95,” includes sub-files: [F. 3] a. “PT-WTC ’95.” b. “PT-WTC: NWK/ABC Investigation – Apr May ’94.” c. “WTC – Wires/Articles – Feb-Nov ’93.” 508. “WTC: 1995,” includes sub-files: a. “1995.” [F. 4] b. “1994.” [F. 5] c. “1993.” 509. “WTC Court Records,” includes sub-file: [F. 6] a. “WTC Court Records II.” 510. “WTC Court Records.” 511. “WTC Evidence.” [F. 7-8] 512. “WTC: Fed Court Docs,” includes sub-files: [F. 9] a. “WTC – Court Documents 1994.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 19 of 54 b. “WTC Fed Court Docs.” 513. “WTC: Jihad Conspiracy Docs.” [F. 10] 514. “WTC: P.C. – Saddam Speeches.” 515. “WTC: P.T. Notes & Numbers.” [F. 11] 516. “WTC: P.T. Post Arrest.” 517. “Wine Thieves.” [F. 12] 518. “World Trade Center Interviews.” 519. “Yemen.” [F. 13] 520. “Zambia- Ecol 90.” [F. 14] 521. Untitled, re: a. Abu Omar case. [F. 15] b. Beirut. Box 34 c. Beirut; Ames, Buckley. [F. 1] d. Europe, Interpol and neo-Communists. e. Female suicide bombers. [F. 2-3] f. First Commercial suit. [F. 4] g. Harken Energy Corporation. [F. 4] h. Iran. [F. 5] i. Islamic Cultural Center of Greater Chicago. [F. 6] j. Islamic political activity. k. Israeli-Arab relations. [F. 7-9] l. Lebanese Civil War and Pierre Gemayyel, 1970s-1980s. [F. 10] m. Maghreb, 2005/2006. [F. 11] n. Mckinley. o. Middle East. p. Nicaragua. [F. 12] q. PLO and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. [F. 13-14] r. Saudi Arabia. [F. 15] Box 35 (i) Ibid. [F. 1] s. Terrorism in Iran. [F. 2-4] t. Vatican, 2005/2006 522. “With the Contras.” [F. 5-8] B. General, re: “The Shadowland Journal,” Spain, US-Iraq War, PATRIOT Act, Nicaragua, Harken Energy Corporation, human trafficking, Saudi- Arabian oil, 1970s-2000s; includes CDs, clippings, magazines, notes. [F. 9-14] Box 36 1. Ibid. [F. 1-16] Box 37 2. Ibid. [F. 1-13]

III. Professional Materials. A. Subject files re: SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE; may include correspondence, manuscripts, printed materials, photographs, and slides. 1. “1971 Deliverance Stills (JLD, CSD),” includes notable: a. 9 black and white prints re: , Burt Reynolds, Ned Beatty, Ronny Cox, James Dickey. [E. 1]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 20 of 54 2. “1971 - Grandmama, Grandpapa Dickey – Deliverance Photos.” [F. 14] 3. “1974 Deliverance Stills,” includes notable: a. 39 black and white prints re: James Dickey. b. 56 black and white prints re: Jon Voight, Burt Reynolds, Ned Beatty, Ronny Cox. [E. 2] 4. “Address Lists and Directives.” [F. 15] 5. “Amos Berry - 1972.” [F. 16] Box 38 a. Ibid. [F. 1] 6. “Arts.” 7. “As Saved by MSD 1945-1975.” 8. “Call of the Wild - 1977(?).” 9. “Chris Dickey.” [F. 2] 10. “CSD - 66.” 11. “CSD - 1967/68 Photos CSD JLD Gene McCarthy John Updike in Capital Hill Apt.,” includes notable: [E. 1] a. 39 black and white prints, 12 negatives re: John Updike. 12. “CSD - 1969 - Summer.” [F. 3] 13. “CSD - 1976 (Clips saved by MSD).” 14. “CSD/CSD – Tuliem - 1979.” 15. “Chris and Susan Dickey.” [F. 4] 16. “CSD Schoolboys Abroad ’67,” includes 15 black and white prints re: military, Middle East, early 20th century. [F. 5] 17. “DDD - 1990s - Recovery Notes Etc.” [F. 6-7] 18. “Deborah D Cottage 8 - Bed 11.” [F. 8] 19. “Deliverance Journal, 1971.” 20. “Deliverance - Publicity and Articles.” [F. 9] 21. “Dickey Family.” 22. “Income Tax Info 1964.” 23. “James Bayard Tuckerman Dickey,” includes 17 black and white prints re: CD, Susan Tuckerman, J.T. Dickey. [Env. 2] 24. “James Dickey - Poems.” [F. 10] 25. “Journal 1972-73.” 26. “JLD - 1942-1946 (Military Records).” 27. “JLD - 1951 (letters to MSD),” includes notable correspondence from James Dickey to Maxine Dickey, 18 TLS, 2 ANS, 1951. [F. 11] 28. “JLD 1953 (letters to MSD),” includes notable correspondence from James Dickey to Maxine Dickey, 7 TLS, 1 ANS, 1953. 29. “JLD - 1954 (CV, Job letters, Poems).” [F. 12] 30. “JLD – 1955 - 1962 (Advertising).” 31. “JLD - 1971-76,” includes 2 black and white prints re: James Dickey. 32. “JLD – 1976 - ‘The Zodiac.’” [F. 13] 33. “JLD - 1976-1980.” 34. “JLD Clips - 1966.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 21 of 54 35. “Journal - 1976.” [F. 14] Box 39 36. “JLD – or – DD - Letters ’94.” [F. 1] 37. “J.L. Dickey—Scholarship.” 38. “JLD – MSD - Newly Weds 1948.” 39. “JLD - Mid 1980s.” 40. “JLD – Letters - ‘55-’56.” [F. 2] 41. “JLD - Letters from School.” 42. “JLD - Falling Docs Recent Clips.” 43. “JLD/DDD – Divorce - 1996.” 44. “JLD – 1996 - Crux.” 45. “Martha’s Vineyard Caper.” [F. 3] 46. “The Making of Deliverance (Shall we Gather at the River) - 1971 (?).” 47. “Leisure.” 48. “Litchfield - 1973.” 49. “Letters from Chris Remes.” 50. “Maxine - 1974.” [F. 4] 51. “Maxine Syerson.” 52. “MSD - 1962 (Letters to MWT),” includes 2 black and white prints. [F. 5] 53. “MSD - 1971 Calendar.” 54. “Personal,” includes 2 color prints. 55. “Permissions - Late Details.” [F. 6] 56. “Places to Go.” [F. 7] 57. “Receipts from Trip to Calif - AH, Fla, and Calif - Summer 1964.” 58. “Special Issues 1995-96-97.” 59. “Short Fall.” 60. “S.O.D. - Temporary File.” [F. 8] 61. “Summer of Deliverance.” 62. “Summer of Deliverance July/Aug ’96.” 63. “Summer of Deliverance Book Covers, Blurbs, etc.” [F. 9] 64. “Summer of Deliverance - Letters Received.” 65. “Summer of Deliverance Publicity.” 66. “To Keep for Chris, 1950s-1960s,” includes 25 black and white prints. [F. 10] 67. “To the White Sea-Movie.” 68. “University of Virginia - Chris.” 69. “War Under the Pinestraw Chris and Maxine Dickey Business.” 70. Untitled, re: JLD, 12/31/95. [F. 11] 71. Untitled, re: JLD, 12/29/96. [F. 12] 72. “Gene Bullard;” includes manuscript by James Dickey, 169 p., 7/30/83. [F. 13] 73. “Death and the Days Light,” includes poems by James Dickey, 13 p., n.d. 74. “Summer of Deliverance,” includes manuscript by CD, 118 p., 11/5/97; includes fragments, approx. 20 p. [F. 14]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 22 of 54 B. Office files; may include printed materials, manuscripts, correspondence, memorabilia, and audio materials. Box 40 1. “10 YW - Afghanistan.” [F. 1] 2. “100th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs Media Package.” 3. “Achille Lauro Trial.” 4. “Afghanistan - 2000-2001.” 5. “Address Card Copies,” includes sub-files: [F. 2-3] a. “Already Entered.” b. “Not Entered.” c. “Partially Entered.” 6. “Addresses.” [E. 1] 7. “Afghanistan Misc. Clips.” [F. 4] 8. “Afghanistan - Pipelines.” 9. “Afghanistan - U.S. Detention Centers - Abuse.” 10. “Africa - 2003.” 11. “Africa Comores ’97.” 12. “Africa: Congo, Zaire.” 13. “Africa Diamond Wars.” [F. 5] 14. “Africa - Ebola.” [F. 6] 15. “Africa - Elephants.” 16. “Africa: Gen.” [F. 7] 17. “Africa - Kidu Crisis - Nov. 96 (Rwanda/Zaire).” [F. 8] 18. “Africa Mercs etc.” 19. “Africa - Peter Beard.” [F. 9] 20. “Africa - Rwanda.” 21. “Africa - Zaire.” [F. 10] 22. “African Cardinals.” [F. 11] 23. “AIDS in Africa - 2000.” 24. “ALG - Rai Khaled,” includes sub-files: a. “Khaled March ’93.” b. “Khaled Notes.” Box 41 25. “Algeria,” (2 files). [F. 1] 26. “Algeria,” includes sub-file: [F. 2] a. “Other Maghets.” 27. “Algeria ’94.” [F. 3] 28. “Algeria ’95.” [F. 4-5] 29. “Algeria ’95-’96.” [F. 6] 30. “Algeria ’97.” 31. “Algeria ’98.” [F. 7] 32. “Algeria 1999.” 33. “Arab Street - Survey.” [F. 8] 34. “Algeria, Afghanistan & Rwanda,” includes sub-file: [F. 8-10] a. “Algeria (SJ).” 35. “Algeria - Sonatrach.” [F. 11] 36. “AMRIT Murders – Sheraton – Afl - C10.” [F. 12] 37. “AZ - Spy.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 23 of 54 38. “B6 - Intel Division.” 39. “Bahrain.” 40. “Borger - To Be Filed.” [F. 13] Box 42 41. “Bios - Court Documents.” [F. 1] 42. “Book - Chronologies CD.” [F. 1-2] 43. “Book - Contras, Story, Ideas.” [F. 3] 44. “Book - Draft Pages.” 45. “Book Projects.” 46. “Book - Reference Books.” 47. “Bunkers - Found in Guest House.” 48. “CADC.” [F. 4] 49. “Cairo Luxury.” 50. “Castro - Fidel.” 51. “Central America - Escalation - U.S.” 52. “Central America - Negotiations - Bilat - Nicaragua/Hand - Nica[ragua]/US.” [F. 5] 53. “CFR - Cuba Study Group.” [F. 6] 54. “CFR - Central America Study Group.” [F. 7] 55. “CFR - Speaking Engagements, Panels, etc.” [F. 8] 56. “Chronology - El Sal ’32-82 (CRS).” [F. 9] 57. “Contax.” [F. 10] 58. “Correspondence and Addresses.” [F. 11] 59. “Cousteau.” [F. 12] 60. “The Cousteau Society.” [F. 13] 61. “Cuba.” [F. 14] 62. “Cuba - Anti-Castros.” 63. “Cuba - Bay of Pigs.” 64. “Cuba - Central America and Africa.” 65. “Cuba - Economy.” [F. 15] 66. “Cuba - Interviews - Overviews.” 67. “Cuba - Radio Waves.” 68. “Cuba - U.S. Travel Ban [and Puerto Rico Flap].” 69. “Cyprus - Green Lines.” [F. 16] Box 43 70. “Czech Film - 1974.” [F. 1] 71. “Defense Analysts Ltd.” 72. “Divers,” (2 files). 73. “Dupes.” [F. 2] 74. “Egypt,” (3 files). [F. 3] 75. “Egypt ’98.” [F. 4] 76. “Egypt – Antiquities.” [F. 5] 77. “Egypt – Archeology – ’95,” includes sub-file. a. “Alexandria.” 78. “Egypt: Clips ’97.” 79. “Electronic: IBM/Personal Projects.” [F. 6] 80. “Elephants – April 90,” includes sub-file. [F. 7-10] a. “CITES.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 24 of 54 81. “El Sal – AMCIT Murders – Bracken.” [F. 11] 82. “El Sal – AMCIT Murders – Sheraton – Avila.” 83. “El Sal – Chronology – 2/77-6/81 – ‘Bitter Grounds.’” 84. “El Sal – ‘Mafia’ – Albuquerque.” 85. “El Salvador – Mafia.” [F. 12] 86. “El Salvador – Land Reform.” [F. 13] 87. “El Salvador – Mafia – Saravia Notebook and D’Aubuisson Papers.” [F. 14] 88. “El Salvador – Military.” [F. 15] 89. “El Salvador – Military Misc.” [F. 16] 90. “El Salvador – The White Paper.” Box 44 91. “Environment – Antarctica.” [F.1] 92. “Events – Pope – Mar’ 83.” 93. “Fearful Symmetry.” [F. 2] 94. “F-Lance.” 95. “F-Lance – Lauren.” 96. “For[eig]n Affairs – Assad and His Allies.” 97. “France.” [F. 3] 98. “Franco-Iranian Relations Feb ’89 – May ’91.” 99. “Freelance.” 100. “Geneva – ‘Fearing the City.’” 101. “Germany.” 102. “Green Lines – Pre-Pub.” [F. 4] 103. “Gulf War ’90-’91 – Press Coverage.” 104. “Hand/Nica[ragua]/U.S.” 105. “Honduras – Escalation – U.S.” 106. “Hostages – July-Aug ’89.” [F. 5] 107. “INNOCENT BLOOD – Blurbs, Promo.” [F. 6] 108. “INNOCENT BLOOD – Final Reasons.” [F. 7] 109. “Iran -1989.” [F. 8] 110. “Iran - 1992 (France - Iran).” 111. “Iran ’99.” 112. “Iran 2001-2002.” [F. 9] 113. “Iran 2004 (Nukes, Etc.).” 114. “Iran 2006, Nukes, Oil, Etc.” 115. “Iran – Condo Deal.” [F. 10] 116. “Iran – Exiles.” 117. “Iran – France.” [F. 11] 118. “Iran – Hits – Backup.” 119. “Iran – Hits – CRN.” [F. 12] Box 45 120. “Iran – Internal Affairs (Economy) (Political Figures) (Hashem et al) 1978-88.” [F. 1] 121. “Iran – Iraq War – Diplomacy (UN, Arab Summit).” [F. 2] 122. “Iran – June 2001.” [F. 3] 123. “Iran – Newsletter.” 124. “Iran – Spy Networks (and Possible Fallout).”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 25 of 54 125. “Irn/Frn: ’87-’88 Boul Salem.” [F. 4] 126. “Irn/Frn: Hostages.” 127. “Irn/Frn: Nov/Dec ’87-’88 Bologne Affair.” 128. “Irn/Frn: Terror: ’89-90.” [F. 5] 129. “Irn/Frn: Terror: Naccache – ’89.” 130. “Irn/Frn: Terror: Naccache – Liberation.” 131. “Irn/Frn: Terror: NAC – Prison.” 132. “Irn/Frn – Terror – NAC – Trial.” [F. 6] 133. “Irn/Frn – Terrorism: Review ’88-’89.” 134. “Irn – IAEA – April 2006.” 135. “Iraq.” [F. 7] 136. “Iraq ’95.” [F. 8] 137. “Iraq ’96.” [F. 9] 138. “Iraq ’96 Crisis.” [F.10] 139. “Iraq ’96-’97.” 140. “Iraq ’98.” [F. 11] 141. “Iraq 2000-2001.” [F. 11-13] 142. “Iraq 2002.” [F. 13] Box 46 143. “Iraq ’03,” includes sub-file: [F. 1-2] a. “Clips from this Week.” 144. “Iraq 2004 Clips Misc.” [F .3] 145. “Iraq Abu Ghraib.” 146. “Iraq – American Prisoners.” [F.4] 147. “Iraq – Antiquities – 2.” 148. “Iraq – Archaeology Theft.” [F. 5] 149. “Iraq – Balances.” [F. 6-7] 150. “Iraq –Bunkers.” [F. 8] 151. “Iraq – Cover – Sep ’02.” [F. 9] 152. “Iraq – Donor Conf – ’03.” [F. 10] 153. “Iraq – Feb.” [F. 11] 154. “Iraq – France-USA – France was Right – ’03.” 155. “Iraq – Hashemites – ’03.” 156. “Iraq – Insurgency/Efficiency.” [F. 12] 157. “Iraq – Iraqi Casualties ’03.” 158. “Iraq – Jews ’03.” 159. “Iraq – Kurds ’96,” includes sub-files: [F. 13] a. “(No Fly Zone) US Kurds in Iraq 1996.” b. “Iraq refusal to reveal weapons to UN October 1997.” c. “US sanctions on (total) foreign investment in IRAN oil October 1997.” 160. “Iraq – Kuwait – Monday 20, Aug.,” includes sub-files: [F. 14-16] a. “Recent OPEC.” b. “Running 20 Aug.” c. “US 20 Aug.” Box 47 161. “Iraq Looted WMD ’03.” [F. 1] 162. “Iraq Misc.” [F. 2]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 26 of 54 163. “Iraq Misc and Weapons.” 164. “Iraq – Nov/Dec 98.” [F. 3-5] 165. “Iraq – Oil Conf.” [F. 5] 166. “Iraq/Opp Chalabadi 1.” [F. 6] 167. “Iraq/Opp Chalabadi 2.” 169. “Iraq/Opp Generals ’02.” [F. 7] 170. “Iraq – Opposition.” 171. “Iraq – Parisoula Lampsos.” 172. “Iraq – React – 2002.” [F. 8] 173. “Iraq – Reconstitution/Post Saddam.” [F. 8-9] 174. “Iraq – September 1996 Crisis.” [F. 10-11] 175. “Iraq – Sept ’03.” [F. 12] 176. “Iraq – Shiites 2004.” 177. “Iraq – Summer ’03 Source Docs.” 178. “Iraq – UK Tim Collins.” [F. 13] 179. “Iraq – UN (Horsetrading) 2002.” 180. “Iraq – US Military Bases, SOFA.” Box 48 181. “Iraq War – Arab Map.” [F. 1] 182. “Iraq War Crimes.” [F. 2] 183. “Iraq War Crimes – 1991 Documents.” [F. 2-3] 184. “IRQ – 2002-2003 – Buildup.” [F. 4] 185. “IRQ – Absence of Evidence.” 186. “IRQ – The Cost – 2002,” includes sub-files: [F. 5-6] a. “IRQ Chalabi.” 187. “IRQ – The Cost – 2002.” [F. 7-8] 188. “IRQ – History – 1917-1930.” [F. 8] 189. “IRQ – Impact – US-EU Great Divide ‘02/’03.” [F. 9-10] 190. “IRQ – Reax Arab Street – Notes 2002.” [F. 11] 191. “IRQ – Sunnis June ’03.” 192. “IRQ – US Ideological Roles.” [F. 12] 193. “IRQ – WMD & AQ Connex ’02.” [F. 13] 194. “ISL – American and European Muslims.” [F. 14] 195. “Isl in E[u]r[o]p[e]. – France.” 196. “Islam – Algeria.” 197. “Islam – Balkans.” 198. “Islam – Banking.” Box 49 199. “Islam – Egypt,” includes sub-file: [F. 1] a. “Islam[i]st. Asia/Central.” 200. “Islam – Farrakhan.” 201. “Islam in Europe ’95.” 202. “Islam in Europe – Culture.” 203. “Islam in Europe – Notes and Files.” [F. 2] 204. “Islam – Jewish Clips.” 205. “Islam – Jordan.” 206. “Islam – New Directions Aug ’03.” 207. “Islam – Overviews.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 27 of 54 208. “Islam – Religious Persecution.” 209. “Islam – Women.” [F. 3] 210. “Islam – Intellectuals.” 211. “Isl[a]m[ists]. in E[u]r[o]p[e]. Underground.” 212. “Isl[a]m[ists]. in Europe – UK.” 213. “Islamists – South Asia – Bangladesh, India – Southeast Asia – Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines.” [F. 4] 214. “Isl[a]m[i]st[s]. – Afghan (internal),” includes sub-file: a. “Project Islam.” 215. “Isl[a]m[i]st[s]. – Iran.” 216. “Isl[a]m[i]st[s]. – Israel.” [F. 5] 217. “Isl[a]m[i]st[s]. – Sudan.” 218. “Isl[a]m[i]st[s]. – Tunisia,” includes sub-file: a. “Tunisia and Fundamentalism.” 219. “Isl[a]m[i]st[s]. Turkey.” 220. “Isl[a]m[i]st[s]. US – CRS Reports.” 221. “Isl[a]m[i]st[s]. US Policy.” [F. 6] 222. “Israel Clips etc. 2003 – present.” 223. “Israel – New Anti-Semitism (Including France).” 224. “Israel/Pal[estine] – Intifada 2 – Nov 2000.” 225. “Israel/Pal[estine] Peace/War Plans.” [F. 7-8] 226. “Israel/Palestine,” (2 files); includes photographs. [F. 9-11] 227. “Israel/Palestine ’96 – 1.” [F. 12] 228. “Israel Palestine ’96 – 2.” [F. 13] 229. “Israel/Palestine 1999.” 230. “Israel/Palestine 2001-2002.” 231. “Israel/Palestine – Arafat – 2000.” 232. “Israel/Palestine – Arafat – Corruption – ITT Suit.” [F. 14] Box 50 233. “Israel/Palestine – Cyberware.” [F. 1] 234. “Israel/Palestine – Intellectuals.” 235. “Israel/Palestine General: ’96-’97.” 236. “Israel/Palestine – Peace Process – 2003/2004.” 237. “Israel/Palestine – Peace Talks Berlin –Mazen Memo – 1995.” [F. 2] 238. “Israel – Settler Youth.” 239. “Isr[ae]l. Jewish Iss.” 240. “Isr[ae]l./Pal[e]s[tine]. Money.” 241. “Isr[ae]l./Pal[e]s[tine]. – Onworking.” [F. 3-4] 242. “Isr[ae]l. – Post Netanyahu.” [F. 5] 243. “Isr[ae]l. – Tunnel Crisis.” 244. “Italy Cardinals.” 245. “James Angleton.” [F. 6] 246. “Jenine’s HRW Report.” 247. “Jordan,” (2 files). [F. 7-8] 248. “Jordan ’89.” [F. 9] 249. “Jordan 1992.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 28 of 54 250. “Jordan ’94.” 251. “Jordan ’95.” 252. “Jordan ’98.” [F.10] 253. “Jordan Current.” 254. “Just War.” [F.11] 255. “Kuwait.” 256. “Kuwait – ‘94 Iraq Border Crisis.” 257. “Kuwait Feb.” 258. “Kuwait – Mideast,” includes sub-files: [F. 12-14] a. “Citizens for a Free Kuwait,” 2 files. 259. “Latin America – Mexico,” includes sub-files: [F. 15] a. “Sandoval Iniquez Mexico.” b. “Rivera Carrera Mexico.” 260. “Kuwait – Post War.” 261. “Lebanon – Hostages (misc) 1987-88.” [F. 16] 262. “Lebanon – June-July ’89 – Frogs etc.” 263. “Lebanon – LF.” 264. “Lebanon – Women Correspondents.” Box 51 265. “Loose Notes and Files.” [F. 1] 266. “Middle East.” 267. “Mideast (Current).” [E. 1] 268. “Mideast – Kurds (Apr. 91).” [F. 2] 269. “Miscellaneous Addresses and Cards.” 270. “Network – Arms.” [F. 3] 271. “Nicaragua – 1983/84,” includes notable TLS letter from Peter Davis. 272. “Nicaragua – Escalation – US.” 273. “Newsweek,” includes sub-files: a. “Accord with Soualin.” [F. 4] b. “African Newsweek Files,” includes sub-file: [F. 4-5] (i) “Africa 1990 & Africa 1991.” c. “Architecture.” [F. 5] d. “Art,” includes sub-files: [F. 6] (i) “XVIIth Century Art.” (ii) “XIXth Century Art.” iii.“XXth Century Art.” e. “Art – Monuments and Museums.” [F.7] f. “Astrology.” g. “Automobile Industry 1975-1984,” includes sub-file: [F. 8] i. “Automobile Industry (General) 1975-1984.” h. “Beauborg/Art.” i. “Benefits.” j. “Bille.” k. “Books – General (inc. publishers),” includes sub-file: [F. 9] i. “Itachette Publishers.” l. “Cairo Bureau.” [F. 10]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 29 of 54 m. “Communications Television.” n. “Communism: International Communism Movement/ Eurocommunism,” includes sub-file: (i) “Eurocomm mtg – Apr.28-29 ’80.” o. “Crime – Meserine,” includes sub-file: [F. 11] (i) “Autonames.” p. “Crime—Organized/Miller.” q. “DeBroglie Trial, 1981.” r. “Decline of Europe.” [F. 12] s. “Diana – Operation Paget.” [F. 13] Box 52 t. “Fashions (2).” [F. 1-2] u. “Finance – Currencies (Franc/Dollar, ECU) Exchange Controls/EMS/Monetary Reform.” [F. 3] v. “Francophone/Franglais – 1983.” w. “French Politics – ‘50s and ‘60s.” [F. 4] x. “French Politics – 1970s.” [F. 5] y. “French Politics – ‘70s and ‘80s.” [F. 6] z. “Foreign Legion.” [F. 7] aa. “Gambling and Casinos.” bb. “Garaudy.” cc. “Iran.” dd. “Justice.” ee. “Labor – Conference/Strikes (General).” ff. “Maghreb – General,” includes sub-file : [F. 8] (i) “Western Sahara.” gg. “Medecins sans Frontiers/Medecins au Monde.” hh. “Monaco.” ii. “Music.” [F.9] jj. “Political Parties: Parti Communiste Français 1969-1971.” [F. 10] kk. “Political Parties: Parti Communiste Français 1972-1976.” ll. “Politics: Presidential Elections 1981.” [F. 11-12] Box 53 mm. “Netherlands and Switzerland.” [F. 1] nn. “Night Life.” oo. “Nouvelle Droit (Fane etc).” pp. “Nuclear,” includes sub-files: [F. 2] (i) “Testing.” (ii) “Proliferation.” qq. “Oil (General).” [F. 3-4] rr. “Opposition to Europe – Notes (1992).” [F. 4] ss. “N.Y.,” includes sub-file: [F. 5] (i) “Army Soldiers.” tt. “Press: American.” [F. 6] uu. “Press: French.” [F. 7] vv. “Press: Le Monde.” ww. “Social 1950s-1970s,” 2 files. [F. 8-9]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 30 of 54 xx. “Terrorism.” [F. 10-11] yy. “Theater – General.” [F. 12] zz. “UNESCO.” aaa. Untitled, re: (i) American perception of war. [F. 13] (ii) France and Mexico. [F. 14] (iii) War commentary. Box 54 274. “Notes – Articles, Reviews – 1976-1978.” [F. 1] 275. “NWK Story Suggestions,” includes sub-file: [F. 2-3] a. “Mideast Buro – Cairo Accts.” 276. “Outside Actors.” [F. 4] 277. “Pacs – Terrorist Groups inc ABUNIDAC.” 278. “[Kim] Philby.” [F. 5] 279. “PLO – Europe,” includes sub-file: a. “PLO – EEC.” 280. “Project – Hit Team.” 281. “Project – Israel – Passover 2002.” [F. 6-7] 282. “Project – JYC Updates ’94-’95.” 283. “Project – Kidnapping, Psychology, and Politics.” [F. 8] 284. “Project – Risk.” [F. 9] 285. “Project – Sandino.” 286. “Project – Young Pals.” 287. “Saddam – Capture/Iraq Trial.” [F. 10] 288. “Saudis,” includes sub-files: a. “King Faisal Foundation.” b. “Saudi – (misc) (INCL, Fenn, OPEC).” 289. “SD – US Mil. and CIA Policy in 1950s.” 290. “Shiites – Hizbollah.” [F. 11] 291. “Soldiers of Democracy.” 292. “Somalia - Audrey Hepburn,” includes notable: photocopy of TLS from CD to Audrey Hepburn. [F. 12] 293. “Speaking,” 2 files. 294. “Syr – Econ.” 295. “Taliban – Afghanistan.” [F. 13] Box 55 296. “TBF,” 2 files. [F. 1] 297. “Technology – Cameras, Laptop, etc.” [F. 2] 298. “Terror–Counter Terror – (Abu Jihad).” 299. “Terror–Counter Terror – France.” 300. “Terror—Misc. (Recent Hits).” [F. 3] 301. “Terrorism—Trends.” 302. “Travel Plans: Iraq.” [F. 4] 303. “Tunisia,” 2 files. [F. 4-5] 304. “UAE - Dubai.” [F. 6] 305. “USA - ‘Clear and Present Danger’ IRQ - ‘Threat.” 306. “Victor + Gray (+Alice Mayhew).” [F. 7] 307. “Warrants.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 31 of 54 308. Untitled, re: a. “Bronwen: The Traw, and the Shape-Shifter.” [F. 8] b. Business cards. [Env. 1] c. Jacques Cousteau. [F. 9] d. Dennis Lehane. e. El Salvador interviews. [F. 10-12] f. Environment, includes sub-files: [F. 13-14] (i) “Environment - Cousteau.” (ii) “Global Environment.” (iii) “Antarctica/Ocean Environment.” g. Guatemalan political parties. [F. 15] h. Letters/notes. i. Letters/articles re: CD. [F. 16] j. Newsweek. [Env. 2] Box 56 k. Nicaraguan rebels. [F. 1] l. Notes and business cards. [Env. 1] m. Peace. [F. 2] n. South America. [F. 3] o. “Style Notes.” [F. 4] p. WITH THE CONTRAS. [F. 5] q. Iraq, “Missing Weapons Turkey.” C. Notes. 1. Files, includes notes; business cards; memorabilia; and printed materials. a. “Algeria.” [Env. 2] b. “Casablanca Conference.” [Env. 3] c. “Cyprus.” [Env. 4] d. “Divers (Photocopies).” [Env. 5] e. “Egypt.” [Env. 6] f. “Europe Asia Africa.” [Env. 7] g. “France,” (2 files). [Env. 8-9] h. “Gulf.” [Env. 10] i. “Israel/Palestine Palestinians (Some Tunis).” [Env. 11] j. “Italy.” [Env. 12] k. “Jordan.” [Env. 13] l. “Lebanon,” includes shrapnel. [Env. 14] m. “Morocco.” [Env. 15] n. “Notes for Wired Paris.” [F. 6] n. “Syria.” [Env. 16] o. “Turkey.” [Env. 17] p. “UK.” [Env. 18] q. “USA.” [Env. 19] r. Untitled, re: business cards, addresses. [Env. 20-21] s. Untitled, re: Cairo, Kuwait. [Env. 22] 2. General notes, re: articles, books, professional engagements, contact information. [F. 7, Env. 23]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 32 of 54 D. Agendas, 1988-1991. [F. 8-9] E. General re: El Salvador, Middle East, Newsweek, Nicaragua, Reagan, cinematography, Paris, New York, Central America, 1960-2009; includes business cards; notes; correspondence; schedules; printed materials; professional materials; rolodex cards; manuscript fragments; transcripts; and memorabilia. [F. 10-13] Box 57 1. Ibid. [F. 1-6, Env. 1-6]

IV. Printed Materials. A. Files, may include manuscripts, photographs, professional materials, correspondence, and electronic media. 1. “Algeria,” includes sub-files: [F. 6-7] a. “Profiles.” b. “Economy.” c. “Foreign Relations.” d. “Interview.” e. “Interior Police.” f. “Military.” g. “Refugees.” h. “Social.” 2. “Al Qaeda-Euronets, Renditions-2006,” includes sub-files: a. “Al Qaeda in Europe - 2006.” [F. 8-9] b. “Pathology of Suicide - Suicide Bombing.” 3. “AQ - Christopher Paul.” 4. “AQ - Ideologies, Leaders, ‘Homegrown Terror.’” [F. 10] 5. “AQ - Jabarah.” 6. “AQ - OBL Project.” [F. 11] 7. “AQ - Richard Reid.” 8. “AQ - War of Ideas.” 9. “B2 - Showtime.” [F. 12] 10. “B3 CT Bureau.” Box 58 11. “B4 - Iran Probes.” [F. 1] 12. “B5 - Feds.” 13. “B7 - Madrid.” 14. “B8 - Neighbors.” 15. “B9 - Apathy/Anger.” [F. 2] 16. “Bahrain.” [F. 3] 17. “Best Laid Plans, Secret Armies.” 18. “Bistro Dogs,” 2 files. [F. 4] 19. “Bolivia.” 20. “Boore - July 1979.” 21. “Bush Admin - Leo Strauss.” 22. “Business Correspondence.” [F. 5] 23. “Cameras, etc.” [F. 6] 24. “Central America.” 25. “CFIZ - Basic Project.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 33 of 54 26. “Christopher Dickey Gulf War Articles August 6, 1990-March 25, 1991.” 27. “Christopher Dickey File.” [F. 7] 28. “Christopher Dickey SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE Book Reviews.” 29. “Cigar Aficionado - Absinthe.” [F. 8] 30. “Clandestine Arms Transfers.” [F. 9] 31. “Clips 1981 (through June).” [F. 10] 32. “Clips 1981 (June-Dec).” .[F. 11] 33. “Clips 1982 (through June).” [F. 12-13] 34. “Clips 1982 (June-Dec).” [F. 14] Box 59 35. “Condeca.” [F. 1] 36. “Cuba - Letelier Terrorists.” 37. “D.” [F. 2] 38. “Diana - Tina Brown.” 39. “Dickey Articles File.” [F. 3-5] 40. “Dickey Clips - Feb-April, 1980.” [F. 6] 41. “Dickey Clips - May-Nov., 1980.” [F. 7] 42. “Dickey Clips - Dec., 1980.” [F. 8] 43. “Dickey Clips - Jan.-March, 1983.” 44. “Dickey Clips – April-Oct., 1983.” [F. 9] 45. “El Sal[vador] - AMCIT Murders - Kline.” 46. “El Sal[vador] - AMCIT Murders - Sheraton.” 47. “El Salvador.” [F. 10] 48. “El Salvador - Escalation - US.” 49. “El Salvador - FMLN Publications (Misc.).” [F. 11-12] 50. “El Salvador - FMLN Hugs (Salpiness).” [F. 13-14] 51. “El Salvador Post Election ’84.” [F. 15] 52. “El Salvador - ‘Proceso.’” Box 60 53. “Emirates Golf Club.” [F. 1] 54. “Europol – Anti-Mafia Effort, Sept. 1992.” 55. “Europe.” 56. “Escalation - Costa Rica-US.” [F. 2] 57. “Events - Radio Notizias - Dec., 1980.” 58. “EXPATS - Publicity, Quotes, Reviews, etc.” 59. “EXPATS - Reviews, etc.” [F. 3] 60. “France - Judges-Bouloque.” 61. “French Thinking and Education - ‘Cogito Ergo Dumb.’” 62. “Fire and Forget (Selection).” [F. 4-5] 63. “George Bush’s Year as CIA Director.” [F. 6] 64. “Gifts, Gadgets, Offers, Clubs.” 65. “Gabiemo De El Salvador.” 66. “Gulf War - Military Buildup - Aug. Dec., 1987.” 67. “Gulf War - Military Buildup - Overviews of Forces.” [F. 7] 68. “G[lobal] W[ar] O[n] T[errorism].”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 34 of 54 69. “G[lobal] W[ar] O[n] T[errorism]. – CDSTS - JCC Report Nov. 2007.” 70. “G[lobal] W[ar] O[n] T[errorism]. - National Intel Estimate.” [F. 8] 71. “Herald Square.” 72. “Herald Square—Siraj Indict Clips.” 73. “Hostages.” [F. 9-11] 74. “Immigration – Security – Pak[istani]s.” [F. 12] 75. “INNOCENT BLOOD (After).” 76. “Int. Police – TNP - Islam, Terrorism.” 77. “Iran – 2 - Irangate,” includes sub-files: [F. 13-14] a. “Interior Policy.” b. “Foreign Policy.” c. “The Revolution.” d. “Irangate and Effect.” 78. “Iran - June 1990 Quake.” [F. 15] 79. “Iran - Miyahedin Khalq.” 80. “Iraq, Mideast, Etc.” 81. “Iraq - Syria.” Box 61 82. “IRQ - ‘Day After.’” [F. 1] 83. “IRQ - Missing Weapons.” [F. 2] 84. “IRQ - Missing Weapons Victor Eugene Noe.” 85. “IRQ - Petraeus Thesis.” 86. “ISL - Secular Muslims (On Faith).” 87. “Japan Bomb.” [F. 3] 88. “JLD Trouvailles.” 89. “Latin America - General.” [F. 4] 90. “May 1996 - IEC 1996, Clips.” 91. “Metro - Rita Buxbaum.” 92. “Mideast - Tony Blair.” [F. 5] 93. “MISC - IBE.” 94. “Misc - Reading.” 95. “Miscellaneous.” 96. “Mohamed Fayed 4th Time Lucky?” [Loose] 97. “Monaco.” [F. 6] 98. “Muslims in the E.U.” 99. “N.E. Jeau Odessa.” 100. “NIE - Homeland Terror July, 2007.” 101. “NYPD - Matin Siraj (Herald Square) 2004.” 102. “NYPD - Findings, ‘Radicalization in the West.” [F. 7] 103. “NYPD - Maps.” [F. 8] 104. “NYPD - Republican Convention.” 105. “NYPD - Turkish Pan - France.” 106. “NYT Review Oct. 98 ‘Traitor.’” Box 62 107. “Palestinian Authority.” [F. 1] 108. “Palestinian in Lebanon - Camps War,” includes sub-files:

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 35 of 54 a. “Assassinations (Palestinians).” [F.1-2] b. “Gaya - Jen InCo Effects on Lebanon.” c. “Camps War/Palestinians in Lebanon.” 109. “Project - Death as a Way of Life (Copies).” [F. 3] 110. “Project - GFP Bunny.” [F. 3-4] 111. “Project - Loner Nation.” [F. 5] 112. “Project - Obedecco Pero No Cumplo.” 113. “Project - Olives.” [F. 6] 114. “Project - Pursuit of Happiness (Surplus of Consuming, Depiction of Belonging).” 115. “Project - The Mind of the South.” [F. 7] 116. “Project - Witness to War.” 117. “Rushdie, Salman.” [F. 8] 118. “Russian Intrigues.” [F. 9] 119. “Rwanda - April ’94.” 120. “Saddam’s Money.” [F. 10] 121. “Saudino Packet #2.” 122. “Saudi and Gulf.” [F. 11] 123. “Security Director Mag.” 124. “SEGO.” [F. 12] 125. “S’exprimer conrannent en anglais comme en francais les editions d’organization Benedicte Lapsupe.” [F. 13] 126. “Shadowland.” 127. “Spain - Madrid Bombing.” 128. “Speaking - Freelance,” includes sub-files: a. “Chattanooga Expenses.” b. “Speaking - March 2006.” Box 63 129. “Story Ideas and Memos.” [F. 1] 130. “Strinorrs - Benjamin Sutherland.” 131. “SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE” (3 files). 132. “SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE New Yorker Excerpt.” 133. “SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE Reviews and Articles.” [F. 2] 134. “TBF.” [F. 3] 135. “Teratoma.” 136. “Terrorism - Funding.” 137. “Terror - Trends.” 138. “Terror World 2.” [F. 4-5] 139. “Terror World 3.” [F. 6] 140. “Transgenic Art.” 141. “UIC – Culture - Butters.” [F. 7] 142. “USA-PATRIOT Act etc.” 143. “Virgin Islands Film Festival - 1976.” 144. “The White Man’s Burden.” 145. “Wired - Festo.” [F. 7-8] 146. “WMD - Biological Weapons.” 147. “WMD - The Middlemen.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 36 of 54 148. “WPost - Duarte Review.” 149. Untitled, re: a. Bangladesh, Clint Eastwood, movie reviews. [F. 9] b. President , 1979. c. Catholicism. d. Central America. [F. 10-11] e. Collateral Damage clips. [F. 12-14] Box 64 f. Counterinsurgency operations. [F. 1] g. Dickey Publications. [F. 2] h. El Salvador. i. French newspaper articles [F. 3] j. Hezbollah. k. Immigration, visas. l. THE JAMES DICKEY READER. m. Lebanon (2 files). [F. 4-5] n. Middle East. [F. 6] o. Mideast newspaper articles. [F. 7] p. Pope John Paul II’s visit to the U.S., 1979. [F. 8] q. Ronald Reagan, France, Lebanon. r. Refugees. s. Salander - O’Reilly Galleries/Robert De Niro, Sr. [F. 9] t. “South America Meeting.” u. Stickney prose articles. v. Sudan. w. SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE. x. Vanity Fair. y. “Yellowcab statement.” [F. 10] B. Magazines. 1. Containing articles by/re: CD. a. Cairo Today, Dec. 1986, 2 copies. [F. 11] b. Charleston Magazine, May/June, 1989. c. Cigar Aficionado. (i) Winter 1996-1997, 2 copies. [F. 12-13] (ii) Dec. 1999, 2 copies. [F. 14] Box 65 (iii) Apr. 2001, 2 copies. [F. 1] d. Condé Nast Traveler. (i) Sep. 1988, 2 copies. [F. 2] (ii) August, 1990. e. Das Magazin, Dec. 1990, 2 copies. [F. 3] f. Dateline, 2003. g. Doctor’s Review, Jan. 1989, Vol. 7, No. 1. h. G&B Quarterly, Oct. 1994. i. Harper’s Magazine, June 1984, 2 copies. [F. 4] j. Lire, Dec. 1999-Jan. 2000. k. Newsweek. (i) July 2, 1990, 2 copies. [F. 5]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 37 of 54 (ii) Dec. 16, 1991, 2 copies. (iii) Mar. 15, 1993. (iv) Aug. 9, 1993. [F. 6] (v) Sep. 13, 1993. (vi) Sep. 20, 1993. (vii) Sep. 27, 1993 (International). (viii) Sep. 27, 1993. (ix) Oct. 11, 1993. [F. 7] (x) Feb. 7, 1994. (xi) Mar. 17, 1997. (xii) June 9, 1997, 2 copies. (xiii) Aug. 25, 1997, 2 copies. (xiv) Sep. 8, 1997, 2 copies. [F. 8] (xvi) Aug. 10, 1998. (xvii) Dec. 7, 1998. (xviii) Feb. 15, 1999, 2 copies. (xix) May 31, 1999. [F. 9] (xx) Feb. 28, 2000, 2 copies. (xxi) Mar. 20, 2000, 2 copies. (xxii) July 3, 2000. (xxiii) July 31, 2000, 2 copies. (xxiv) Aug. 2, 2000. [F. 10] (xxv) Aug. 7, 2000, 2 copies. (xxvi) July 30, 2001. (xxvii) Sep. 24, 2001, 2 copies. (xxviii)Mar. 4, 2002. (xxix) Sep. 23, 2002. [F. 11] (xxx) Apr. 11-Apr. 18, 2005. (xxxi) May 2, 2005. (xxxii) May 23, 2005. l. The New Republic. [F. 12] (i) Nov. 21, 1983, 2 copies. (ii) Dec. 26, 1983, 2 copies. (iii) Mar. 26, 1984, 2 copies. (iv) Oct. 15, 1984, 2 copies. m. The New Yorker, July 13, 1998, 2 copies. [F. 13] n. People. (i) May 5, 1986. (ii) Oct. 11, 1993. (iii) Jan. 31, 1994. (iv) Dec. 29, 1997 – Jan. 5, 1998. o. Playboy. (i) Aug. 1974, 2 copies. [F. 14] (ii) Aug. 1974 (French Edition). (iii) Oct. 1981, 2 copies. [F. 15] p. Reckon, winter 1996, Vol. 1, No. 4. [F. 16]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 38 of 54 q. Rolling Stone. (i) Aug. 18, 1983, 2 copies. (ii) Oct. 27, 1983. Box 66 (iii) May 10, 1984, 2 copies. [F. 1] (iv) May 24, 1986, 2 copies. (v) Oct. 4, 1990, 2 copies. [F. 2] (vi) Mar. 7, 1991. (vii) July 11-25, 1991, 2 copies. [F. 3] r. Tango, summer 2005, 2 copies. [F. 4] s. Time, Sep. 14, 1998, 2 copies. t. Travel Holiday. (i) Mar. 1991, 2 copies. (ii) May 1992. (iii) Sep. 1992, 2 copies. [F. 5] u. TV Guide, May 9-15, 1981, 2 copies. v. Vanity Fair. (i) Feb. 1987, 2 copies. [F. 6] (ii) Feb. 1988. (iii) Nov. 1989. [F. 7] (iv) Nov. 1990, 2 copies. [F. 7-8] (v) Apr. 1993, 2 copies. [F. 8-9] w. The Washington Post, July 4, 1976, 2 copies. [F. 10] x. Wired. (i) June 2000, 2 copies. [F. 11-12] (ii) Apr. 2001, 2 copies. [F. 13] 2. Not including articles by/re: CD. a. Calypso Log, Mar. 1993. [F. 14] b. Condé Nast’s Traveler, Dec. 1987. c. The Economist, Oct. 16, 1997; 2 copies. d. House and Garden, Oct. 1992. e. Life, Jan. 22, 1965. f. Martial Arts Movies, Dec. 1981. [F. 15] g. National Geographic, Apr. 1983, Vol. 163, No. 4. h. Newsweek, 1963-2001. Box 67 i. Newsweek (continued). [F. 1-4] i. The New Republic, Mar. 24, 1986. [F. 5] j. The New Yorker, 1976-1993. k. Patria Libre, Nov. 1983. l. Playboy, 1977-1986. [F. 6] m. Radar, 2005. [F. 7] n. Rolling Stone, 1983-1984. o. Soldier of Fortune, 1983-1984. [F. 7-8] p. Sunday Times Magazine, 1984. [F. 9] q. Time, 1967-1984. r. Vanity Fair, 1997. [F. 10] s. Vogue, 1993.

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 39 of 54 t. WJR, 1985. C. Proofs. 1. INNOCENT BLOOD, page proof, 335 p., n.d. [F. 11-12] 2. SECURING THE CITY. a. Setter’s proof, 456 p., 6/11/2008. [F. 13-15] b. Page proof, 310 p., 10/8/2008. [F. 16-17] Box 68 c. Setter’s proof, 304 p., 8/12/2009. [F. 1-2] 3. THE SLEEPER, page proof, 274 p., 5/28/2004; includes fragments. [F. 3-4] 4. SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE. a. Page proof, 262 p., 3/31/1998. [F. 5-6] b. Page proof, 278 p., 3/31/1998. [F. 7-8] c. Page proof, 262 p., 3/2/1998; includes cover proof. [F. 9-10] 5. TOBACCO CONTROL IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, page proof, 489 p., 6/21/2000. [F. 11] 6. UN SANG INNOCENT [INNOCENT BLOOD], page proof, 330 p., n.d. [F. 12-14] 7. Cover proofs. a. BIJ DE CONTRA’S [WITH THE CONTRAS]. [F. 15] b. EXPATS: FROM TRIPOLI TO TEHERAN, 5 copies; includes 1 book jacket. c. INNOCENT BLOOD, 2 copies; includes French cover proof. d. SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE. D. Photocopies re: Playboy articles, SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE, El Salvador, Nicaragua, CIA, Cousteau, immigration, James Dickey; 1986- 2008. [F. 16-17] Box 69 1. Photocopies (continued). [F. 1-4] E. Newspapers re: Kim Philby, Book Reviews, Silvio Berlusconi, Terrorism, “X-Files,” Sandinista, Contras, Latin America, SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE, El Salvador, Washington Post, Nicaragua; 1958-2005. [F. 5-10] F. Clippings re: James Dickey, El Salvador, Contras, SUMMER OF DELIEVERANCE, Dick Cheney, George Bush, Carlos Fuentes, Central America; 1981-2007. [F. 11-13] Box 70 G. Booklets re: El Salvador, Nicaragua, foreign affairs. [F. 1-9] H. Maps re: Italy, Kansas, , national forests, Tehran, Antarctica, Oman, Turkey, Rome, Scotland, Iran, Jordan, Abruzzo Molise, London, Syria, Egypt, Vienna, Canterbury and East Kent, Iraq, Monaco, Monteverde; 2000-2004. [F. 10-12] Box 71 1. Maps (continued). [F. 1] I. Various newsletters, 1965-1998. [F. 2] J. 6 pamphlets, 1983—1998. K. Invitations re: SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE, 1998. L. Flyers, 1998-2003.

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 40 of 54 M. 14 event programs, 1965-2007 [F. 3] N. Internet printouts re: Newsweek articles, 1998-2010. [F. 4] O. Journals, 1982-1998. [F. 5-9] P. Mexican travelogue.

V. Correspondence. A. Files; TLS, ALS, ANS, TNS, e-mails, greeting cards; may include research materials, manuscripts photographs. 1. “1967 Xmas Cards Etc.” [F. 10] 2. “Addresses, Numbers, Cards.” [F. 10-12] 3. “Advisories.” [F. 13] 4. “AI - Coop.” 5. “AQ - Zawahiri et al 2007.” 6. “Book Tours 2003/2004 - Clemson.” 7. “Correspondence” (3 files). [F. 14-15] Box 72 8. “Correspondence 2003.” [F. 1] 9. “Correspondence Aug. ’97.” 10. “Correspondence and Contacts,” includes: [F. 2-3] a. Hepburn, Audrey. ALS from CD, 11/4/1992. b. Hickam, Homer, Jr. TLS to CD, 12/14/1998. 11. “Correspondence - Family ’94.” [F. 4] 12. “Correspondence - Family ’95.” [F. 5] 13. “Correspondence - Family Crisis ’94-’95,” includes notable: a. Dickey, James. TLS to Carol Dickey, 7/9/1993. 14. “Correspondence Oct. ’89,” includes subfiles: a. “Chris Returns.” 15. “Correspondence - Personal,” includes notable: [F. 6] a. Ginsberg, Allen. TLS (photocopy) to CD, 2/4/1982. b. Farrell, Mike. 3 TNS to CD: 3/31/1983, 8/26/1992, n.d. c. Dunne, Joan Didion. 3 TLS to CD: 11/21/1992, 1/30/1983, 1/2/1984; includes printed materials. d. TLS to Joan Didion Dunne from CD, 6/30/1982. e. Dickey, James. 4 TLS to CD, 11/20/1981, 7/22/1982, 8/9/1982, 3/16/1983; includes TLS to Thomas Congdon from James Dickey, 11/16/1981. 16. “Crunch.” 17. “Deeds, Titles, Etc., [Copies/Originals in EDB].” [F. 7] 18. “Dickey - Letters of Condolence,” includes notable: a. Dunne, Joan Didion. 1 ALS to CD, 1/24/1997. b. Carter, Jimmy. 1 TNS to CD, 1/21/1997. 19. “Expats - Correspondence.” [F. 8] 20. “IRQ - Suicide Bombers - IEDs.” 21. “Italian Papers.” 22. “James Dickey: The Bowhunt at Bull Island - 1973.” 23. “J.L. Dickey - Condolences.” [F. 9] 24. “Job Letters.” [F. 10]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 41 of 54 25. “Letters from Katie’s Class.” 26. “Letters Rec’d – 98.” [F. 11-12] 27. “Mail Answered,” includes notable: a. Didion, Joan. TLS from CD, 6/17/1998. 28. “Messages To and From Newsweek NYK.” [F. 13] Box 73 a. Ibid. [F. 1] 29. “Office – Incoming Cables.” [F. 2] 30. “Office – Outgoing Cables.” 31. “Otis Ferguson – 1973.” [F. 3] 32. “Overtech – KAL 858 Hang Gliders ‘Discover.’” 33. “Personal Correspondence,” (3 files); includes notable: [F. 4-6] a. Didion, Joan. TLS to CD, 12/10/1993. b. Dunne, John Gregory. TLS to CD, 8/12/1989. c. Didion, Joan. TLS to CD, 12/10/1993. d. Brokaw, Tom. ALS to CD, n.d. 34. “Personal Emails ’94-’95.” [F. 7] 35. “Piece of Correspondence to C. Dickey About His Mother - Don’t Know Who Millie Wilder is.” 36. “Reaction to Coverage.” [F. 8] 37. “Recent Correspondence.” 38. “Service Messages.” 39. “To Be Revised Letters – 97.” 40. “To Do.” [F. 9] 41. “U.S. Neocons.” 42. “Vanity Fair – Fuentes.” [F. 10] 43. “War Under the Pinestraw – 1974.” 44. “W[ashington]. Post Bureaucratic B.S. (Letter of Understanding etc.) Other W.P. Letters.” 45. Re: articles. [F. 11] 46. Re: articles for various publications, personal and professional correspondence from family and colleagues. 47. Re: Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic. 48. Re: Envelope from Antoinette Lewis, San Diego, CA. [F. 12] 49. Re: letters from family, includes notable: [F. 13] a. Dickey, James. TLS to CD, 9/3/1982. 50. Re: personal correspondence from friends and family. Box 74 a. Re: personal correspondence (continued). [F. 1-2] 51. 3 Untitled files re: SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE, TLS, ALS from family/friends; includes notable: a. Stanley, Bruce. TLS to CD, 6/8/1998. [F. 3-5] B. General, 1965-2007, includes notable: [F. 6-11] 1. Dickey, James, To “Anne,” 6 TLS: Dec. 1965 – Mar. 1966. 2. “Three Sea Poems for M,” manuscript by James Dickey, TS, 2 p.; includes black and white print of James Dickey. 3. Douglas, Michael. TLS to CD, 6/9/1987. 4. Rockefeller, David. TLS to CD, 6/11/1985.

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 42 of 54 5. Hoyer, Steny Hamilton. TLS to CD, 4/17/1985. 6. Dickey, James. TL to Joe Fox, TL, 1/28/1986. 7. CD to Dickey family, ALS, 11/22/1985. 8. DeNiro family to CD, 2 ALS, 1998-1999. 9. O’Shaughnessy, Elise M. TLS to CD and Carol Dickey, 7/30/ny. 10. Swing, John Temple. TLS to CD, 2/11/1986. 11. Holderman, James B. TLS to CD, 8/9/1982. 12. Kennedy, John F. Signed note to Carol Salvatore, 8/13/1962.

VI. Memorabilia. A. Files; includes drawings, juvenilia, photocopies; printouts; clippings; legal materials. 1. “JBTD.” [F. 12] 2. “Personal.” 3. “Tuck’s Schooling.” B. Various awards, examples of Arabic calligraphy, invitation, press passes, passports, key, pins, badges, tote bag, knife given as JD’s wrap gift to crew of “Deliverance.” [F. 13, Env. 1-4, Loose]

VII. Audio Materials. Box 75 A. Files; includes microcassettes and cassettes. 1. “Anne.” [Env. 1] 2. “David Turnley.” 3. “Poco 1.” [Env. 2] 4. “Polo 2.” 5. “Art Mireille Belisarazzi Jan 16 1989.” 6. “Gades.” 7. “Rosen[illegible].” 8. “Paul Wilkine.” 9. “Art Police.” 10. “Art – Alain Defer,” “Cheurillon – 253.” 11. “Spore.” 12. “Melanie Stocknell May 6 1988.” [Env. 3] 13. “Dianne Dillard 16 Jan 88 – Florence, ITA.” 14. “Eric Terzuolo, Debbie Park, Jo Ellen Powell, Stephen Engelken, Rome 17 Jan 88, 1 of 3.” 15. “Rome 17 Jan 88 2 of 3.” 16. “Dillon Owunwra Vienna 18 Jan 88,” “Dillon – Bios.” 17. “Dillon – Bios 18-19 Jan 88,” “Dillon – Bios 19 Jan 88.” 18. “Helen Ames May 1988.” 19. “Pat Ames Gubieza May 1988.” 20. “Richard Melons Stoners,” “Stoners June 1988.” [Env. 4] 21. “[Illegible] Mucciars.” 22. “Henry Precht.” 23. “Bill Quandt June 1988.” 24. ”Rome 17 Jan 88 3 of 3.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 43 of 54 25. “Harrington,” “Sec of Energy.” [Env. 5] 26. “John Kirk, Br[illegible] Pilor, Dubai, 14 Oct 87.” 27. “Warship Warning – 030, Brian Hopkins – Expat Pilot in Qatar, Interviewed in Dubai” 28. “Defense Analysis LTD July 88,” 29. “Jesse Jackson, Belgian Minehunter,” “Ray Jorling, Ray Natfield,” 30. “Angel Jalida 1st Mate of Big Orange XIV,” “Hit Sept 1 1987 intuu, 23 Nov 87.” 31. “Dame Violet Dickson,” “Sea Isle City Crew.” 32. “SOU AMB FEDOROD.” 33. “Vassiliou.” [Env. 6] 34. “Arafat – Baghdad – 17 Dec 87.” 35. “Arafat – Baghdad – 14 Dec 87 Info Mio.” 36. “Wissam Zahawie, Elias Farah,” “Elias Farah.” 37. “Gragra, 24/Aug/88,” “Gragra, 24/Aug/88.” 38. “Pakradonni, 23 Aug 88.” 39. “Serge Howard [illegible], Aug 88.” 40. “Chadli Benuedid, 4 Feb 88,” “(Tape 2 Erased).” 41. “Kaddafi in Annara, 7 Feb 88 – Side 2,” “Side 1.” 42. “French,” “Cousteau.” [Env. 7] 43. “Sadnu[illegible] ’89 ? ?.” 44. “OC.” 45. 7 untitled cassettes. 46. “Hennessy.” [Env. 8] 47. “Arnault.” 48. “Arnault.” 49. “Intrac[illegible].” [Env. 9] 50. “Cousteau.” 51. “DEA – Lawn,” “Lawn.” 52. “Perez Olinde 9 [illegible].” 53. “Olympic Skat[illegible],” “8SM.” 54. “Cousteau.” 55. “Mexican Killer,” “Trapnell.” 56. “Kouchner.” 57. “Suha Tawil,” “Medi Zana.” 58. “A[illegible],” “[Illegible].” 59. “Warden.” 60. “Basques.” 61. “Mewshaw.” 62. “Marion Van[illegible].” 63. “Felipe.” 64. “Lane,” “Lane – Trapnell.” 65. “W [illegible].” [Env. 10] 66. “K[illegible] Dickey Dec 95,” “Dickey.” 67. “Dickeys.” 68. “Dickey, 19 Nov 95.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 44 of 54 69. “[Illegible],” “[Illegible].” 70. “Jim Kitch[illegible] & Dad Dec 30 ’95,” “Kitch[illegible] Dickeys, Dec 30 ’95.” 71. “Dad, Jan 1 ’96.” 72. “Dickey Cron, 31 Dec 95,” “Dickey Cron.” 73. “Almodovar, Jul 91.” [Env. 11] 74. “Petra.” 75. “Naguib Mahfrir.” 76. “Thurman Arms Calderon,” “Arms Calderon Herr[illegible].” 77. “Marion Interpol?” 78. “Cressen Almo[illegible] side 3,” “Cressen.” 79. “Woodley.” 80. “Almodovar,” “Mayor of Mijas.” 81. “Panama,” “Barcelo.” 82. “Olinde.” 83. “Fisac,” “Kitt.” 84. “Newton,” “Endara.” 85. “Leakey.” 86. “Lily Treaui,” “Treaui.” 87. “King.” 88. “King II” 89. “Marion – Whitehead,” “Whitehead.” [Env. 12] 90. “Sadruddiu Jango.” 91. “Exiles.” 92. “Levins.” 93. “Pierre Marion, Aug 91,” “(King H.) Marion, Sept ’91.” 94. “Kauff[illegible” way 89.” 95. “Raca[illegible],” “Fejto (Banis[illegible].” 96. “Escape.” 97. “Joe Wilson.” 98. “Sheldrica.” 99. “Jordi Tujol,” “Banisad[illegible].” 100. “Trinity.” [Env. 13] 101. “The Berge, Aug. ’80 (2).” 102. “TB,” (B). 103. “Archbishop Romero.” 104. “Somebody Else’s Tennis Injury, Moraces Erlich 1980 (?).” 105. “NOTO,” 1/13/79. 106. “Castañeda Presser, Sept ’81.” [Env. 14] 107. “Castro,” 15th Sept 1981. 108. “P. Fausto Milla (?) Hond,” Apr. 81 (?). 109. “Alarcón,” Sept. (?) 1981 (?). 110. “26th July.” 111. “Michael Manley,” Oct. 15th, 1981. 112. “Hinton,” Aug. 1981. 113. “Jaime Abdul Gutierrez” (1981?).

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 45 of 54 114. “Rafael Rodriguez.” 115. “Peña Gomez,” Aug. 8 1981. 116. “Fernando Manfredo,” 8/6/81. 117. “Duarte Presser,” (Late 81?). 118. “Ana Maria.” 119. “Untitled,” n.d. 120. “Torrijos Funeral,” Aug. 1981. 121. “1” 122. “Hinton,” July 1982. [Env. 15] 123. “Noriega,” 12 July 1982. 124. “Majano,” 23 Feb. 82 2A/2B. 125. “JLP (Inform-Illegible),” Sept. 1982. 126. “Hinton,” 29 Jan 1982. 127. “Ferman Cienfuegos,” Mar. 1982 (cont’d). 128. “Majano,” 23 Feb. 82 1A/1B+. 129. “Gutierrez,” 3/11/1982. 130. “Conandte Cero-Copia,” 21-5-82 Fin-. 131. “Benny.” 132. “EP, 17/4/82 [Thru 4th note].” 133. “Untitled.” 134. “RN CDRS, Mex,” 2 July 82. 135. “Garcia? Lopez Nuila? (w/ Julia Parson?) Hinton Presser,” 1982 (?). 136. “Tardencillas in ES Presser,” 1982 (?). 137. “’Pastora,’ (w/ Leo Gardner) 17 April 82.” 138. “Bayardo Arce,” 6 March 1982. 139. “Borge,” Mar. 1982. 140. “Noriega,” 12 July 82. 141. “Benedicto Lucas,” Jan 1982, 1/A. [Env. 16] 142. “Hinton,” 11/18/82. 143. “Hinton,” 11/24/82, 2A. 144. “Hinton,” 11/24/82. 145. Elect Commission,” March 1982 (?). 146. Humberto Ortega,” July 1982. 147. Pastora Presser,” April 15, 1982. 148. Daniel Ortega (WCSD @ Pat Oster),” July 1982 (?). 149. “ICARA 3A, 2/3/83.” [Env. 17] 150. “Panama Ricardo de la Espriella, President, May 12, 1983/De la Espriella,” May 12, 1983, 2 of 3 sides. 151. “Sebastian Aguilar, Guar REB ORPA,” August 12, 1983. 152. “ICAZA, 4A,” “BARGER, ICAZA, 4B.” 153. “Hinton,” January 1983. 154. “Nothing, A/B.” [Env. 18] 155. “Untitled. 156. “King Hussein.” 157. “Fusha Capitatas.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 46 of 54 158. “Allin More on Giraff.” 159. “JLO Car A,” “JLO Car B.” 160. “JLD, July 24, 1996.” 161. “E. Todd.” [Env. 19] 162. “Pal Phones,” “JLD, 9B-DEB,” January 26, 1996. 163. “J. Cousteher,” October 6, 1995. 164. “King.” B. Loose cassettes, 1979-2002, n.d. Box 76 1. “Chapin, March 1983.” [Env. 1] 2. “Gustavo Alvarez, 7/26/83.” 3. “Gutierrez, 22/Oct/83, 1A/1B+.” 4. “Gutierrez 22/Oct/83, 2A/2B.” 5. “Hinton, Apr 1983.” 6. “How Does the War End? (Man in Street)/ Hinton, April 1983.” 7. “Leon, Nica, 19 July 1983/ Emilio Echaverry, 27 July 83.” 8. “Magana, Oct 83, 3A.” 9. “Nutting Deyoung [?] @ CSD, May 1983.” 10. “Nutting, 14 May 83, 1A/1B+.” 11. “Steve Van Cleave, Sept 1983.” 12. “Van Cleave, 2A.” 13. “Waghelstein, 27 June 1983, On the Rec.” 14. “Bicycle Notes, 1A (Aug 84)/ Nat Hamrick, Aug 84 2/B.” [Env. 2] 15. “Cerna, 29 May 84.” 16. “Edgar Chamorro, 9 Aug 84, 2A/B+.” 17. “Edgar Chamorro, 4A/4B, 12 Aug 84.” 18. “El Muerto, 5 June 84, 1A/1B+.” 19. “El Muerto, 3A, June 84.” 20. “Icaza, 1A/1B,” 10/27/1984. 21. “J.F. Cardenal, 11 Aug 84, 4A/4B.” 22. “L. Fitzgerald/ Stockwell, June 84.” 23. “Lisa Fitzgerald, 4 June 84.” 24. “Nat Hamrick, Aug 84, 2A/B.” 25. “Pastora, 6/7 July 84, 1A/1B+.” 26. “Pastora, 7 July 84, 2A/2B+.” 27. “Pastora, 7 July 84, 3A/3B.” 28. “Pastora, 7 July 84, 4A/4B+.” 29. “Pastora, 7 July 84, 5A/5B.” 30. “Rene Guerra y Guerra, 1A/1B, 21 June 84.” 31. “‘Alejandro Montenegro’ (End)/ Eden Pastora, 6 July 84.” [Env. 3] 32. “Carbaugh, 7 Aug 84.” 33. “Chele Medrano, 30 June 84/ Fred Francis on Contras.” 34. “Edgar Chamorro, 9 Aug 84, 1A/1B+.” 35. “Edgar Chamorro, 12 Aug 84, 3A/3B.” 36. “Face the Nation, March 25, 1984.” 37. “Gorman, 30 June 84, (Amcham QA in ES).” 38. “Icaza, 28 Oct 84.”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 47 of 54 39. “Leopoldo Salazan 1+2, 6/8/84.” 40. “Magana, 21 June 84, 1A/1B+.” 41. “Magana, June 84, 2B/ Gutierrez, 26 June 84.” 42. “Marcia Izaguirre Johnson, 29 Nov 84.” 43. “‘Montenegro’, 5 July 84.” 44. “Villagra to 2.5, 12 Aug 84.” 45. “Arafat, ’86,” 12/10/1986. [Env. 4] 46. “Arafat, ’87, (3 of 3).” 47. “Gipsy Kings,” 1988. 48. “Joseph Sisco: Press Conference on His Mid-East Tour, 1/25/85.” 49. “The Larry King Show, 2/11/86, 1.” 50. “The Larry King Show, 2/11/86, 2.” 51. “Thesiger, ’87,” 7/5/1987. 52. “A. Hariri, Jan 93/ B. , Jan 93.” [Env. 5] 53. “Fadlallah, Feb 94.” 54. “Iran Election Series,” 1997. 55. “Iraq Covert Ops, Sep 96.” 56. Re: James Dickey. a. “A. John Galliand, B. James Dickey, 12/29/96.” b. “J. L. Dickey Summer of Deliverance, 12/29/96.” c. “JLD Summer of D, 12/29/96.” d. “JLD 12/29-30/96.” e. “JLD 12/31/96.” f. “JLD 12/30-31/96.” 57. “Kouchner, Dec 93.” 58. “Michael Allin, 11/18/96.” 59. “Michael Allin: Girafe, Nov 96.” 60. “Michael Allin: La Girafe, 11/19/96.” 61. “Mu Barak-2, 6/6/95.” 62. “Nabic Shaath, 1994.” 63. “Samaranch, 6/5/92.” 64. “Tansu Ciller: Turkish P. M., May 1994.” 65. “Chris Patter, 11/8/99.” [Env. 6] 66. “Columbia, 1/97.” 67. “Gwen Walti Lerge, 2/13/97.” 68. “James Dickey: Poetry Class, 1/14/97,” (2 copies). 69. “Jean-Louis Dumas, Feb 97.” 70. “JLD, 1/1/97.” 71. “Kouchner (Kosovo), 10/31/99.” 72. “Mu Barak, 3/29/01 (3 of 3).” 73. “Ahmed Chalaisi, Jan 2002.” [Env. 7] 74. “Almi Bishara, July 2002.” 75. “Armani, 2001 (1 of 2).” 76. “Armani 2, 2001 (2 of 2).” 77. “Diego Della Valle, 2001.” 78. “Mu Barak, 3/29/01 (1 of 3).”

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 48 of 54 79. “Radio Popolare, 10/28/01.” 80. “Col. Garcia TV Speech,” n.d. [Env. 8] 81. “Duarte,” n.d. 82. “J.F. Cardenal,” n.d. 83. “JLD Dated Last Class,” n.d. 84. “Majano,” n.d. 85. “RR,” n.d. 86. “Villagra/JF Cardenal,” n.d. 87. “Wright #1,” n.d. 88. 9 untitled tapes, n.d. Box 77 89. “2 pieces,” n.d. [Env. 1] 90. “Arafat,” n.d. 91. “Ferman Cienfuegos, Mar 1982 1A/1B.” 92. “Hassan Al Alfi Egypit Int Min, 7 June 95.” 93. “James Dickey Poetry,” n.d. 94. “Janet-Jak Esim, Erkan Ogur Turkiye’de Judeo-Espanyol Ezgiler, 1492-1989.” 95. “JLD Phone/Mary MacLa[illegible]/Lynn Canslor,” n.d. 96. “Magaña Oct. 83, 1A/1B+.” 97. “Magaña Oct. 1983 2A/2B+.” 98. “Milla (cont’d.),” n.d. 99. “Old Buckdancer’s Gone,” n.d. 100. “[Title in foreign language],” n.d. 101. 6 untitled cassettes. 102. “Brugu iere,” n.d. [Env. 2] 103. “Family Chronicle,” n.d. 104. “Garcia,” n.d. 105. “Icaza 2A/2B,” n.d. 106. “Icazu 4AX/4BX,” n.d. 107. “JF Cardenal 2A/2B,” 10/11 Aug. 84. 108. “Nutting,” n.d. 109. “Prensa Ysu –3—A/B,” n.d. 110. “Ricardo Alarcon (w/a little Fidel),” n.d. 111. “RJC Ricardo Castillo,” n.d. 112. “Stockwell, June 84, 1A/1B+.” 113. “Tuck, Feb. 1982.” 114. “Villagra 1A/1B+,” n.d. 115. 9 untitled cassettes. 116. “26th of July.” [Env. 3] 117. “Analysis: Week 22, Hardy – Bin Laden,” n.d. 118. “BRT-1,” n.d. 119. “Bruno’s Wash/Chris Dickey,” n.d. 120. “DSK,” n.d. 121. “Ian Gale,” n.d. includes; business card from Ralph C. McCullough II. 122. “JLP,” n.d.

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 49 of 54 123. “Making Terror Breaking Terror, Programme 3,” n.d. 124. “Nadro Vencerenuos,” n.d. 125. “Ortiz 2,” n.d. 126. “ I/II,” n.d. 127. 6 untitled cassettes. 128. “Messier,” n.d. [Env. 4] 129. “Mike Moore (WTC),” n.d. 130. “Ranger Cadences,” n.d. 131. “Trying to talk out a novel 1976 (?).” 132. “Vernon Walters (Guat. City) 1981 (?).” 133. “Wayne Dyer,” n.d. 134. 3 untitled cassettes.

VIII. Film and Video. A. 8mm reels. 1. “Birthday Morning - Mainland Tower.” [Env. 5] 2. “Feeding Seagulls - Basketball.” 3. “FLA - 1961 - I - Deep Sea Fishing.” [Env. 6] 4. “FLA - 1961 - II.” 5. “Florida 1961.” [Env. 7] 6. “Inter. Track Meet 1st Day 2.” 7. “Marineland Seals – Porpoises - 1st Day of Track Meet – (Pageant) 1.” [Env. 8] 8. “Track Meet 2nd Day - Ryuns 880.” 9. “1. Universal Soldier, Church Show 2. Graveyard.” [Env. 9] 10. “Whale Show - Marineland.” [Env. 10] 11. Untitled. B. “War Under the Pine Straw,” 16mm reel. [Film Vault]

IX. Electronic Media. A. Minidiscs. 1. “5 Jan. 2006 Abdul Halim Haddam Paris Part 1 [Segments 1-3 Arrests] Starts ’04 - 2:40.” [Env. 11] 2. “Abdel Halim Khaddam Part 2.” 3. ‘Prodi Oct. ’05.” 4. Untitled, 2 discs.

X. Legal and Financial Materials. A. Files, may include receipts, account reports, budgets, contracts, etc. 1. “1984 Expenses.” [F. 1] 2. “Apartment.” [F. 2] 3. “ Properties - 1976.” 4. “Divorce.” 5. “Expense receipts - CFR - 1983/84.” 6. “Expenses - Rook and ‘Other’ - 1984.” [E. 12] 7. “Extra Income.” [F. 3]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 50 of 54 8. “The House.” 9. “Income Taxes - 1983 (1984 1 of 1/4).” 10. “INNOCENT BLOOD - Paperback, Translations, etc.” [F. 4] 11. “Insurance Proposals.” 12. “James Dickey Dec. ’96,” includes “Show Us the Sea,” poems by James Dickey. 13. “James L. Dickey - May ’90 Conversation.” 14. “J.L. Dickey Estate 1999.” 15. “JLD - Dickey/Papers/Use.” 16. “JLD Estate - Nationsbank Statements.” Box 78 17. “JLD - Literary Estate.” [F. 1-2] 18. “London.” [F. 3] 19. “Nationsbank ’98.” 20. “Newsweek – Budget - 2003.” 21. “NYPD Expenses.” 22. “Paris Office.” [F. 4] 23. “Passport.” 24. “Past Expenses - Special Items.” 25. “Rolling Stone - 1991.” 26. “Post - Letter of Agreements - (Cairo).” 27. “Taxes - 1979/1982 D.C. Mess.” 28. “Taxes 2008.” 29. Re: Employee Weekly Expense Report. [F. 5] 30. Re: Clarfeld Financial Advisors. B. Various receipts, expense reports, insurance policies, 1986-2000. [F. 6] C. Various real estate agreements, amendments, contracts, 2000. [F. 7]

XI. Notebooks, includes photocopies. A. Travel, pocket notebooks, holograph; may include photocopies. 1. 1965-1979. [F. 8] 2. 1979-1984, 1 notebook. [F. 9] 3. 1980-1989. [F. 10-12] Box 79-82 a. 1980-1989 (continued). Box 82 4. 1990-1999. [F. 8-13] Box 83-85 a. 1990-1999 (continued). Box 85 5. 2000-2007. [F. 10-13] Box 86 -88 a. 2000-2007 (continued). Box 89 6. Undated. [F. 1-4]

XII. Photographs. A. Files; includes negatives, black and white, color prints. 1. 1970-1979. [Env. 1-5] 2. 1980-1989. [Env. 6-52] 3. 1990-1999. [Env. 53-87] Box 90 a. 1990-1999 (continued). [Env. 1-75] 4. 2000-2002. [Env. 76-89]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 51 of 54 5. Undated. [Env. 90-107] Box 91 a. Undated (continued). [Env. 1-62, F. 1-6] B. Miscellaneous prints; includes notable: [F. 7] 1. 6 black and white prints of James Dickey and family. 2. Color print of Yasser Arafat and unknown woman. 3. Color print of CD CBS News appearance. 4. 2 color prints of James Dickey. 5. Color print re: Albanian refugees taken by Peter Turnley. [F. 8] C. Slide/negative files. 1. “Absinthe Museum Auvres – SW – Oise,” 95 slides; includes negatives; photographs by Peter Turnley. [F. 9] 2. “Aurelia, Brittany 1967,” 21 slides. 3. “Australia Brittany Sep ’97,” 20 slides. 4. “B City Hall [illegible],” 7 negatives. 5. “Buz and Walt Feb ? ’95 July 1995,” 12 negatives. 6. “Dickey 17/1/92 Adia 2 exemplairés 13x18,” 2 slides. 7. “Drag Races with Danny Ward ’67? ’68?,” 21 color slides. 8. “Ischia,” 5 negatives. 9. “Kevin in Yard Point to Point Spain ’68,” 20 slides. 10. “Kids,” 4 slides. 11. “Lancaux Oct. 1967,” 17 color slides. [F. 10] 12. “London Xmas,” 6 negatives. 13. “Monticello – Aug. ’68,” 19 slides. 14. “Negatives Family Year in Cairo,” 40 negatives. 15. “Negatives – Gulf in Cairo,” 12 negatives. 16. “New Year Fall ’90,” 11 negatives. 17. “New York 1990 Tuck R/St B’s Party May - Negative of Chris’ Address to Crowd,” 7 negatives. 18. “New York Spring ’88,” 1 negative. 19. “NW Files,” 19 slides. 20. “Peter McSmith April 1995 Suez,” 10 negatives. 21. “Pint to Point ’68,” 19 slides. 22. “Slide of Kevin as a Child,” 1 slide. 23. “Tuck with [illegible] Sept 1998 [illegible] NEGATIVE,” 1 negative. 24. “Xmas ’89 Paris,” 11 negatives. 25. “Xmas ’99 – Palm Beach,” 6 negatives. 26. Re: a. Aircraft carrier, 34 slides. [F. 11] b. Beach, 27 color slides. c. Car show, 8 negatives. d. CD photo shoot, 13 slides. e. Christopher and Carol Dickey, 34 negatives. f. Dickey family (6 files), 33 negatives, 40 slides. g. Dickey family vacation, 27 slides. h. Domestic space and church, 1 photo CD. [E. 63]

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 52 of 54 i. Flag, 5 slides. [F. 12] j. France, 7 negatives. k. Gothic cathedrals, 29 slides. l. Home pictures, 3 negatives. m. René Pinck (environmentalist activist), La Tagna, ski jump, 3 negatives. Box 92 n. On set of the film “Deliverance,” 476 slides, with list of slides; includes notable: Re: James Dickey, Ned Beatty, Jon Voight, Burt Reynolds, Ronny Cox; 2 black and white prints re: James Dickey, color print re: Bronwen Dickey. [F. 1-2] o. SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE, re: CD in Paris, Aug. 1998, 13 slides. p. Vacation, 11 negatives. q. Circus elephants, 10 negatives; includes computer printouts. [Loose] D. Miscellaneous negatives re: Dickey family, 4 negatives, 2 rolls. [F. 3, Env. 1]

XIII. Oversized Materials. A. Scrapbooks. Pkg. 1 1. Re: CD Articles c. 1970s; includes photograph. Pkg. 2 2. Re: CD Articles, 1976-1977. B. Printed Material. Pkg. 3 1. “Sandino,” poster, 2 copies. 2. Washington Post framed article re: CD. Pkg. 4 3. Map re: Middle East, 1985, framed. Pkg. 5 4. SUMMER OF DELIEVERANCE, book review, 2 copies. 5. INNOCENT BLOOD, poster. 6. Barnes and Noble poster re: SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE lecture, 1997. 7. Peter Turnley signed print. 8. Map re: Urosevae, 1970. 9. Saddam Hussein poster. 10. Newsweek poster, 2001. 11. INNOCENT BLOOD, cover proofs, 2 copies. Pkg. 6 12. “IAPA—Tom Wallace Award,” to CD, 1981. 13. “Princess Diana Commemorative Print,” 1997. 14. Newsweek framed cover, 1992. 15. Commemorative Newsweek, 4 cover prints, 2001. 16. “Peter Turnley Paris,” autographed poster. Pkg. 7 17. INNOCENT BLOOD, poster. 18. “Peace,” poster. 19. “The Middle East: Past Problems and Future Prospects,” lecture by Herman Frederick Eilts, 2 posters. 20. “Peter Beard ‘Carnets—Signed Amercains,” poster.

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 53 of 54 21. “The Interparliamentary Conference on the Global Environment,” signed by Al Gore and Jacques Cousteau, poster. C. Memorabilia. Pkg. 8 1. Tribal switch. Pkg. 9 2. Tribal spear. Pkg. 10 3. Knife with tribal belt. Pkg. 11 4. Tribal sword. Pkg. 12 5. Tribal knife. Pkg. 13 6. Wood carving.

Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 54 of 54 Dickey, Christopher # 1765 7/09/10, 7/13/10, 7/31/10, 8/31/10, 9/30/10, 11/12/10 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 92

I. Printed Materials. A. Newsweek Online, articles by CD, July-November 2010. [F. 4] 1. “All Talk and No…Talk,” 4 p., 7/09/10. 2. “The Flying Prius,” 5 p., 7/16/10. 3. “Power and Light,” 4 p., 7/28/10. 4. “Happiness Is…,” 3 p., 8/16/10. 5. “Sarkozy’s Right-Wing Rubicon,” 3 p., 8/17/10. 6. “Zero Tolerance at Ground Zero,” 3 p., 8/25/10. 7. “The Coming Terror War,” 3 p., 9/29/10, 2 copies. 8. “Better Angels and Killer Angels,” 3 p., 11/10/10. B. Newsweek Online, articles by others, July 2010, includes Internet printouts. 1. “The Afghan Endgame,” by John Barry, 3 p., 7/4/10.

Dickey, Christopher (7/09/10, 7/13/10, 7/31/10, 8/31/10, 9/30/10, 11/12/10) Page 1 of 1

Dickey, Christopher #1765 11/30/10, 12/08/10, 1/07/11, 1/10/11, 1/31/11, 2/28/11, 3/31/11 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 92

I. Printed Materials. A. Articles by CD, published online for, or The Daily Beast, internet printouts, 1- 5 p. each, 10/25/10-3/20/11; articles may be co- authored with Tracy McNicoll, Andrew Bast, R.M. Schneiderman, Babak Dehghanpisheh, Ron Moreau, Sami Yousafzai, Mike Giglio, John Barry. 1. “America Turns Inward: Apathy, Not Activism, is Likely to Dominate U.S. Foreign Policy after November,” 10/25/10. [F. 5] 2. “The Top Guy: Dominique Strauss-Khan has Been Busy Saving the World, Which May Qualify him to Run France,” 10/31/10. 3. “Mood Music for Terrorists: What if the Parcel Bombs from Yemen had Actually Gone Off?” 11/02/10. 4. “Spooking the Terrorists – and Ourselves: Arrest of Somali- American May Tell us as Much About the FBI as Al Qaeda,” 11/27/10. 5. “The Sleaziest Reality Show Yet?,” 12/02/10. 6. “Not Dead Yet: A United States with Geopolitical Muscle like No One Else,” 12/05/10. 7. “The Shadow War: Someone is Killing Iran’s Nuclear Scientists. But a Computer Worm May be a Scarier Threat,” 12/13/10. 8. “Holbrooke in the Trenches: The Late Envoy Knew he was Taking on the Mission Impossible in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but that Didn’t Stop Him,” 12/14/10. 9. “Tunisia Riots: The Youth Revolution,” 1/14/11. 10. “Lebanon’s Dangerous Power Struggle,” 1/25/11. 11. “Rage Against The Regime: From Tunisia to Egypt to Yemen, a Youthful Uprising is Challenging the World’s Rulers,” 1/30/11. 12. “Among the Believers: The Muslim Brotherhood Stands up in Egypt,” 2/06/11. 13. “The Tragedy of Mubarak: The Egyptian President had Ruled for Decades. Then his Grandson Died, and the Unraveling Began,” 2/13/11. 14. “When Strongmen Become Straw Men: The Knock-on Effect of the Arab Uprising,” 2/27/11. 15. “Can Buy Me Love: Before Libyans Rose up Against Him, Muammar Qaddafi Used Money, and Well-timed Diplomatic Overtures, to Worm his Way into the West’s Good Graces,” 3/06/11. 16. “Obamas’ Mistake in Libya,” 3/08/11. 17. “Obama’s Last Chance on Libya,” 3/15/11.

Dickey, Christopher (11/30/10, 12/08/10, 1/07/11, 1/10/11, 1/31/11, 2/28/11, 3/31/11) Page 1 of 2

18. “‘Drinking From a Fire Hose,’” 3/20/11.

II. Manuscripts. A. FIRE AND FORGET, collection of columns by CD published by Shadowlands, CD website, TS, 2 drafts, approx. 120 p., 2010; includes printed materials. [F. 6-8]

Dickey, Christopher (11/30/10, 12/08/10, 1/07/11, 1/10/11, 1/31/11, 2/28/11, 3/31/11) Page 2 of 2

Dickey, Christopher #1765 4/29/11, 5/31/11, 6/30/11, 7/31/11 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 92

I. Printed Materials. A. Articles by CD, published online for, or The Daily Beast, internet printouts, 1-6 p. each, may include articles co-authored with John Barry, Ron Moreau, Sami Yousafzai, Tracy McNicoll, Jesse Ellison, John Solomon. [F. 9] 1. “Middle East Revolutions Off The Rails,” The Daily Beast, 4/10/11. 2. “Burqas, Bikinis, and BS,” The Daily Beast, 4/12/11. 3. “Obama’s Middle East Head Spin,” The Daily Beast, 4/22/11. 4. “A Decade On the Lam: How Much Longer Will Al Qaeda Survive?” Newsweek, 5/05/11. 5. “The Next Terror Threat,” The Daily Beast, 5/06/11. 6. “Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s Arrest and Political Fallout,” The Daily Beast, 5/15/11. 7. “Three Women to Decide IMF Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s Sexual-Assault Case,” The Daily Beast, 5/17/11. 8. “To Catch A Creep: How Do You Know Who’s Lying and Who’s Telling the Truth About a Rape?” Newsweek, 5/29/11. 9. “Dominique Strauss-Kahn Makes Not Guilty Plea,” The Daily Beast, 6/06/11. 10. “Intelligence Test,” The Daily Beast, 6/12/11. 11. “Anthony Weiner’s Fear: Being Invisible to Women,” The Daily Beast, 6/14/11. 12. “The Galliano Dossier: Fashion’s Enfant Terrible is About to Have His Day in Court On Charges that he hurled Anti-Semitic Insults in a Paris Café…” Newsweek, 6/19/11. 13. “Union Jacked: A New History Shows How the British Almost Turned The Tide in the Civil War,” Newsweek, 6/26/11. 14. “DSK’s Accuser’s African Connection,” The Daily Beast, 7/01/11. 15. “The Maid’s Prison Connection,” The Daily Beast, 7/01/11. 16. “The Martyrdom of DSK,” The Daily Beast, 7/05/11. 17. “DSK Maid Fights Back,” The Daily Beast, 7/06/11. 18. “Petraeus’s Next Battle,” Newsweek, 7/17/11. 19. “DSK’s Shocking New Accuser,” The Daily Beast, 7/19/11.

Dickey, Christopher (4/29/11, 5/31/11, 6/30/11, 7/31/11) Page 1 of 1

Dickey, Christopher #1765 8/31/11, 9/30/11, 10/31/11 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 92

I. Printed Materials. A. Internet Printouts re: articles by CD, published on The Daily [F. 10] 1. “The Maid’s Tale: She Was Paid to Clean Up After the Rich and Powerful. Then She Walked into Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s Room – and a Global Scandal. Now She Tells Her Story,” 9 p., 7/25/11. 2. “The DSK Maid’s Public Battle: In Search of a Better Life, She Found Herself Embroiled in a Case of Alleged Sexual Assault By One of the World’s Most Powerful Men. As Nafissatou Diallo Goes Public, Friends Reveal New Details,” 5 p., 7/28/11. 3. “Time to Brace for the Next 9/11: The Biggest Threat to America Isn’t Terroism. It’s the Wrath of Mother Nature,” 3 p., 9/4/11. 4. “Gore’s Dire Weather Warning,” 3 p., 9/5/11. 5. “Citizens, It’s Down to You: Tired of Waiting for Washington? Good Old American Innovation is the Answer,” 3 p., 9/11/11. 6. “Greece on the Skids: The Prime Minister Must Remake His Country. Fat Chance,” 3 p., 9/25/11. 7. “The Pornography of Terror,” 4 p., 10/1/11.

Dickey, Christopher (8/31/11, 9/30/11, 10/31/11) Page 1 of 1

Dickey, Christopher #1765 11/28/11, 12/31/11, 1/31/12, 2/15/12, 2/21/12 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 92

I. Printed Materials. A. Internet printouts, articles by CD, published on "The Daily Beast" website ( unless noted. [F. 11] 1. “Does Egypt’s Real Revolution Start Now?” 5 p., 11/27/11. 2. “Why Dominique Strauss-Kahn Needs to Tell His Side of the Story,” 4 p., 11/28/11. 4. “The O Word: Christopher Dickey on What Occupation Means Today,” 5 p., 12/6/11. 5. “Is A Doctor from Florida Joran Van Der Sloot’s New Conquest?” 6 p., 12/12/11. 6. “An Arab Spring Update of Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’,” 3 p., 12/12/11. 3. “Why Arab Spring Is Here To Stay,” 5 p., 12/18/11. 7. “Geert Wilders Says There’s No Such Thing as Moderate Islam,” 5 p., 1/16/12. 5. “Davos World Economic Forum’s Glum Kickoff,” 3 p., 1/24/12. 5. “Capitalism and Croissants: Peter Mandelson Spins the Political Future in 2012,” 2 p., 1/25/12. 6. “Christine Lagarde Sounds the Alarm on Europe,” 7 p., 1/25/12. 5. “After Davos: Holding the Financial Beasts at Bay,” 4 p., 1/30/12. 5. “Obama’s Dangerous Game with Iran,” 9 p., 2/13/12. 6. “Greece’s Reckless Behavior Has Europe Fed Up,” 3 p., 2/15/12. 7. “Anthony Shadid: The Middle East’s Great Voice of Reason Dies,” 4 p., 2/18/12. 8. “Greek Bailout Deal: A Sad Fairy Tale,” 3 p., 2/21/12. 9. “America Welcomes Yemen Elections, Remains Wary of Al Qaeda’s Influence,” 3 p., 2/21/12. 10. “Dominque-Strauss Kahn’s Stinky New Scandal,” 3 p., 2/21/12. 11. “Marie Colvin: A Legendary Reporter Killed In Syria,” 4 p., 2/22/12. 12. “Marseille’s Melting Pot,” National Geographic Magazine (, 4 p., Mar. 2012.

Dickey, Christopher (11/28/11 - 2/21/12) Page 1 of 1 Dickey, Christopher #1765 4/30/12 Preliminary Listing Added to Box 92 I. Printed Materials. A. Internet printouts, articles by CD, published on 1. “Asma al-Assad’s Retail Therapy,” 3 p., 3/5/12. [F. 12] 2. “Lagarde: Don’t Underestimate Italy,” 3 p., 3/9/12. 3. “Mohamed Merah and the War on Terror’s New Front,” 4 p., 3/22/12. 4. “The Americans Who Witnessed the Rise of the Nazis,” 3 p., 4/2/12, 2 copies. 5. “France Arrests The Usual Islamist Suspects,” 5 p., 4/4/12, 2 copies. 6. “Death in New York of French Educator Richard Descoings Treated as Suspicious,” 3 p., 4/4/12. 7. “Why DSK [Dominique Strauss-Kahn] Would Have Been An Ideal Opponent for [Nicolas] Sarkozy,” 5 p., 4/16/12.

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Dickey, Christopher #1765 6/11/12 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 92 I. Printed Materials. A. Internet printouts, articles by CD, published on, unless noted. [F. 13] 1. “Ibrahim al-Asiri: The Body Bomb Menace,” 4 p., 5/14/12. 2. “Quants, Derivates, and the Myth of the Rogue Trader,” 4 p., 5/21/12. 3. “After the Queen’s Jubilee, a Sobering Summer,” 4 p., 6/8/12. 4. “Ray Kelly’s NYPD Battles with the FBI,” 8 p., 6/11/12.

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Dickey, Christopher #1765 6/29/12 Preliminary Listing Added to Box 92 I. Printed Materials. A. “The Forgotten Lives of Refugees,” article by CD, internet printout, 4 p., 6/21/12, 2 copies. [F. 14] B. “A Game of Thrones in Saudi Arabian Succession Plans,” article by CD, internet printout, 3 p., 6/25/12.

Dickey, Christopher (6/29/12) Page 1 of 1

Dickey, Christopher #1765 8/31/12 Preliminary Listing Added to Box 92 I. Printed Materials. A. Internet printouts, articles by CD, published on, unless noted. [F. 15] 1. “NYPD: Suspected Iranian and/or Hezbollah-linked Plots against Israeli or Jewish Targets: 2012 Chronology. Date 18 July 2012,” from The Shadowland Journal, 3 p., 8/8/12. 2. “A Nation In The Valley Of The Three Frontiers,” 2 p., 5/5/91. 3. “Horror In The Night,” 4 p., 9/7/97. 4. “Time to Brace for the Next 9/11,” 4 p., 9/4/11. 5. “The Forgotten Lives of Refugees,” 4 p., 6/19/12. 6. “A Game of Thrones in Saudi Arabian Succession Plans,” 3 p., 6/25/12. 7. “Architect Rem Koolhaas and the Next World Wonder,” 5 p., 7/16/12. 8. “Will Libya be an Arab Spring Success Story?,” 2 p., 7/16/12. 9. “Roosevelt Island: New York’s New Tech Hub,” 6 p., 7/30/12. 10. “Manaf Tlass—Our Man in Syria?,” 6 p., 8/6/12. 11. “How Iran’s Spies Are Losing the Shadow War With U.S. and Israel,” 4 p., 8/7/12. 12. “Syria: There Goes the Neighborhood,” 4 p., 8/10/12. 13. “French Rage Explodes in Riots,” 3 p., 8/14/12. 14. “Earthquake Shakes the Philippines,” 2 p., 8/31/12. 15. “A Safe Haven Inside Syria? Bad Idea,” 3 p., 9/1/12.

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Dickey, Christopher #1765 10/31/12 Preliminary Listing Added to Box 92 I. Printed Materials. A. “Daily Beast” Newsweek Online, articles by CD. [F. 16] 1. “The Return of Christine Lagarde, the Trillion-Dollar Woman,” 3 p., 10/16/12. 2. “The Truth Behind the Benghazi Attack,” 5 p., 10/22/12. 3. “Maajid Nawaz: The Repentant Radical,” by CD,, 7 p., 10/15/12. [F. 17] 4. “Romney’s Living in a Fantasy Land,” by CD,, 4 p., 10/9/12. 5. “U.N. Syria Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi’s Tough Assignment,” 2 p., 8/27/12.

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Dickey, Christopher #1765 4/25/13 Preliminary Listing Added to Box 92 I. Printed Materials. A. 19 articles by CD from, February-April 2013. 1. “Around the World in Six Ideas: Government by Nudge,” 6 p., 2/19/13. [F. 18] 2. “Around the World in Six Ideas: Rights for Robots?,” 6 p., 2/25/13. 3. “My Horsemeat Lunch,” 3 p., 2/27/13. 4. “The Pope’s Dirty Past,” 5 p., 3/16/13. 5. “From Dirty War to Child Abuse, Church’s Past Confronts Pope Francis,” 4 p., 3/17/13. 6. “Around the World in Six Ideas: Heads in the Cloud,” 6 p., 3/19/13. 7. “The FBI’s Art Heist flimflam,” 3 p., 3/19/13. 8. “The Iraq War Inside Newsweek,” 9 p., 3/19/13. 9. “As L’Oreal Family Feud Engulfs Sarkozy, an Unlikely Ally Emerges,” 5 p., 3/24/13. 10. “Around the World in Six Ideas: From Rat Brains to Losing Our Religion,” 6 p., 3/25/13. 11. “Pakistan’s Woman Warrior,” 7 p., 3/25/13. 12. “What Were Egypt’s Divers Up to With Underwater Cables?,” 3 p., 3/30/13. 13. “Slavery’s Scourge,” 3 p., 4/4/13. 14. “Susan Rice on Getting ‘Jumpy’ Over North Korea and Her Brush with the State Department,” 3 p., 4/5/13. 15. “Around the World in Six Ideas: Water Wars,” 6 p., 4/15/13. 16. “Boston Marathon Attack Still Mysterious,” 3 p., 4/15/13. 17. “Boston Bombing Intelligence Failure,” 3 p., 4/16/13. 18. “The Story Behind the Bombers,” 6 p., 4/19/13. 19. “The Terrorist Tipping Point: What Pushed the Tsarnaev Brothers to Violence?,” 16 p., 4/23/15.

Dickey, Christopher (4/25/13) Page 1 of 1

Dickey, Christopher #1765 Addendum Added to Box 92 I. Printed Materials. A. Internet Printouts re: articles by CD. 1. “Maajid Nawaz: The Repentant Radical,” by CD,, 7 p., 10/15/12. [F. 17] 2. “Romney’s Living in a Fantasy Land,” by CD,, 4 p., 10/9/12. 3. “U.N. Syria Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi’s Tough Assignment,” by CD,, 2 p., 8/27/12.

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Dickey, Christopher #1765 4/8/14 Preliminary Listing Added to Box 92 I. Manuscripts. A. Articles (internet printouts) by CD for, 4/27/2013- 5/3/2013; 1/16/2014-3/28/2014. [F. 19]

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Dickey, Christopher #1765 9/10/14, 9/30/14, 11/17/14, 1/5/15, 2/18/15, 4/2/15, 4/21/15 Preliminary Listing Added to Box 92 I. Printed Material. A. 39 articles by CD, including internet printouts, 2009-2015. [F. 20]

II. Manuscripts. A. “Happy New Year Haiku,” poem, 2015; includes correspondence. [F. 21]

Dickey, Christopher (9/10/14, 9/30/14, 11/17/14, 1/5/15, 2/18/15, 4/2/15, 4/21/15) Page 1 of 1

Dickey, Christopher #1765 7/15/15, 9/8/15 Preliminary Listing Added to Box 92 I. Printed Material. A. Daily Beast articles by CD. [F. 22] 1. “Confederate Madness Then and Now,” 2 copies, 7/14/2015. 2. “Confederates in the Blood,” 7/21/2015. 3. “Cuba’s Star-Spangled Slavery,” 8/15/2015. 4. “Ken Burns’s ‘Civil War’ After Dylann Roof,” 9/6/2015. 5. “Memo to Trump and His GOP Debate Buddies: Quit Lying About Immigrants,” 8/6/2015. 6. “No End in Sight for Migrants’ Desperate Chunnel Blitz,” 7/29/2015. 7. “You Might As Well Ignore #KiyiyaVuranInsanlik and the Photos of Dead Refugee Kids,” 9/2/2015.

Dickey, Christopher (7/15/15, 9/8/15) Page 1 of 1

Dickey, Christopher #1765 9/19/16, 9/26/16, 11/4/16, 11/8/16, 11/28/16, 12/4/16, 1/17/17, 1/31/17 Preliminary Listing Added to Box 92 I. Printed Material. A. Daily Beast articles by CD, 9/25/2016-1/30/2017. [F. 23]

Dickey, Christopher (9/19/16-1/31/17) Page 1 of 1

Dickey, Christopher #1765 6/1/17, 6/12/17 Preliminary Listing Added to Box 92 I. Printed Material. A. Articles by CD from the Daily Beast, 4/18/2017-6/11/2017. [F. 24-25]

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