The Inventory of the Christopher Dickey Collection #1765 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Dickey, Christopher #1765 8/28/09, 9/30/09, 11/8/09, 12/2/09, 2/4/10, 5/17/10 Preliminary Listing I. Manuscripts. A. Files; includes drafts, TS, TS with holograph corrections, thermofaxes; printed materials; correspondence; and professional materials. Box 1 1. “Bacchar - 1974.” [F. 1] 2. “Bios Ames, Arabs ‘P.O.’” 3. “Call Girls,” includes notebook. 4. “Call of the Wild.” [F. 2] 5. “CFR - Speeches - 1983-1984.” 6. “Clocktower.” 7. “The Colony (and Other Notes).” 8. “Computer Story Files Thru Sept 81.” [Env. 1] 9. “Computer Traffic w/Office Thru Sept 1981.” [Env. 2] 10. “Cousteau - NY - Working.” [F. 3] 11. “El Salvador,” includes map. 12. “Embassy.” [F. 4] 13. “EXPATS - Explorations.” [F. 5] 14. “EXPATS - The Old Country.” 15. “Faces Seen Once.” [F. 6] 16. “Files and Readbacks.” [F. 7] 17. “Film.” [F. 8] 18. “Film American Central.” 19. “Film School 1972-1974.” 20. “FMLN – M.O.R. Split/Urban Fronts.” 21. “For: John Herman Simon and Schuster, 1230 6th Ave.” [F. 9] 22. “Guggenheim Film.” [F. 10] 23. “KL SAL - Refugees,” includes notebook. [F. 11] 24. “LAMU.” 25. “MUJ - Misc Notes.” [F. 12-13] 26. “NYPD Proposal.” [F. 14] 27. “One Day of Life - Review for [The] New Republic.” 28. “Palestinian Passenger.” 29. “Philadelphia Revolution - 1972/3.” [F. 15-16] Box 2 30. “Point to Point 1972.” [F. 1] 31. “Press: French.” 32. “Project - 10 Yrs War - Basic Essay on 94-7 Updates (Haiti, etc.)” 33. “Project - CA Turning Point.” [F. 2] 34. “Project - Causes.” 35. “Project - Death Squads.” 36. “Project - Decolonization/Recolonization,” [F. 3] 37. “Project – N[ew] Y[ork] R[eview of] B[ooks] - Duarte - MSA Galleys.” Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 1 of 54 38. “Project - New York Review [of Books].” [F. 4] 39. “Project - Obedezco pero no cumplo.” [F. 5] 40. “Project: October Surprise.” [F. 6-8] 41. “Project - Reviews.” [F. 9] 42. “Project - Salvador Elections – T[he] N[ew] R[epublic].” 43. “Project TV.” 44. “Short Stories-1977, UVA-1970-72.” [F. 10] 45. “Spain - Almodóvar.” [F. 11] 46. “Syria - Arrangements.” 47. “Thru Aug. 1982.” [E. 1] 48. “Travel Holiday - ‘Letter from the Levant.’” [F. 12] 49. “Traveler - Egypt Monuments.” 50. “The Union and the Crown.” 51. “UVA - 1968-1972.” [F. 13] 52. “WITH THE CONTRAS.” 53. “X-Default.” 54. Untitled, re: a. “An American Pantheon.” [F. 14] b. Article inserts. [F. 15] c. “Beirut 1:05.” [F. 16] d. Central America. [F. 17] e. El Salvador, Nicaragua. Box 3 f. “Mission Unspoken” [i.e., INNOCENT BLOOD]. [F. 1] g. Nicaragua. [F. 2] h. “Philadelphia Revolution.” i. Sandinistas, San Salvador, guerilla tactics, Nicaragua, Panama. [F. 3] j. Short stories by CD. [F. 4] k. SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE, by CD, 2 files. [F. 4-5] B. Manuscripts by CD. 1. Books, TS unless noted. a. EXPATS: TRAVELS IN ARABIA FROM TRIPOLI TO TEHRAN. (i) 3 drafts, 321-345 p. [F. 6-13] (ii) Text fragment, 6 p., n.d. [F. 14] b. INNOCENT BLOOD (alternate titles: “Mission Unspoken” and “A Portion of Wrath”). (i) 24 drafts, 77-471 p. [F. 15-17] Box 4 (ii) Ibid. [F. 1-16] Box 5 (iii) Ibid. [F. 1-15] (iv) Text fragment, 3 p., n.d. [F. 16] c. SECURING THE CITY: INSIDE AMERICA’S BEST COUNTERTERROR FORCE -- THE NYPD. (i) 6 drafts, 106- 600 p. each, 5/31/08-6/11/08, n.d. [F. 17] Box 6 (ii) Ibid. [F. 1-10] Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 2 of 54 (iii) Text fragment, approx. 15 p., 6/11/09. [F. 11] d. THE SLEEPER, 351 p., n.d. [F. 12-14] e. SUMMER OF DELIVERANCE. (i) 8 drafts, 109-424 p., 12/20/97-1998. [F. 15-16] Box 7 (ii) Ibid. [F. 1-7] (iii) Text fragments, includes holograph notes, approx. 35 p., n.d. [F. 8] f. WITH THE CONTRAS (alternate titles: “The Secret War 1982,” “Suicide,” “Suicida: The United States, the Contras and the War in Nicaragua”). (i) 4 drafts, 60-525 p., n.d. [F. 9-17] Box 8 (ii) Ibid. [F. 1] (iii) Text fragments, approx. 250 p., n.d. [F. 2] 2. Articles, TS, holograph notes and thermofaxes. a. Re: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Guatemala, Costa Rica. [F. 3] b. Re: El Salvador. [F. 4-6] c. Re: Honduras, Nicaragua [F. 7] d. Re: Mexico, Middle East, Europe, United States. [F. 8] e. Re: U.S. diplomacy in Central America. [F. 9] 3. Essays, TS unless noted. a. “The Berge,” 6 p. [F. 10] b. “Film Notes,” 55 p. c. “The Non-Election of 1956: A Brief Look at Vietnamese Democracy,” 16 p. d. “The Pursuit of Happiness,” 15 p. e. Untitled, re: Jacques Cousteau; 2 drafts, 6-11 p., 4/12/93, 4/16/93. f. Untitled, re: El Salvadoran Government; holograph, approx. 20 p. g. Untitled, re: El Salvador; holograph, approx. 10 p. h. Untitled, re: Virgin Island Film Festival; 1976, 10 p. 4. Interview transcripts, TS. a. Re: WITH THE CONTRAS. (i) “Binder 1.” [F. 11-13] (ii) “Binder 2.” [F. 14-16] (iii) “Binder 3.” [F. 17] Box 9 (iv) Ibid. [F. 1] b. Re: Deane Hinton. [F. 2] c. Re: El Salvador. d. Re: Edgar Chamorro. e. Re: George Price. f. Re: “Good Morning America” interview of Rev. Jerry Falwell, 9/20/01. g. Re: miscellaneous quotes re: Nicaragua. 5. Proposals. Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 3 of 54 a. “Complicité: The Conspiracy of Loving,” 7 p., n.d. [F. 3] b. “Kudzu,” 11 p., 7/2/74; includes correspondence. 6. “Amos Berry,” screenplay, 21 p. 7. Short stories. a. “Quality Control,” 11 p. b. “The Talented Eye,” approx. 30 p. 8. Untitled text fragments, re: Washington D.C. history, TS with holograph notes, holograph, approx. 30 p. II. Research Materials. A. Files; may include correspondence; printed material; professional materials; memorabilia; photographs; slides; and interview transcripts. [Note: AQ = Al Qaeda; NYPD = New York Police Department; OBL = Osama Bin Laden; WTC = World Trade Center.] 1. “10 YW - Columbia.” [F. 4] 2. “1990 - Kahana/Nosair.” 3. “1994 - Brooklyn Bridge Shooting.” 4. “1997 Subway Plot.” 5. “9/11 Boston.” 6. “9/11 - Civil Complaints.” 7. “9/11 - Clips Analysis.” [F. 5] 8. “9/11 Clips etc.” [F. 6-8] 9. “9/11 Clips.” [F. 9] 10. “9/11: Editorials/Analysts.” 11. “9/11: Fateh Kamel.” [F. 10] 12. “9/11: French Network.’ [F. 11] 13. “9/11 - Insider Trading.” [F. 12] 14. “9/11: Moussaoui Indicted.’ 15. “9/11 - Prisoners.” [F. 13] 16. “9/11: Report Saudis.” 17. “9/11: Ressam,” includes sub-files: [F. 14-15] a. “Ressam (Direct Examination 9/11).” b. “Ressam (Cross Examination).” Box 10 18. “9/11: Ressam, Rqanzi & Turki Al-Feisal.” [F. 1] 19. “9/11: Terror: General.” 20. “9/11: Terrorism - CTA: USA.” [F. 2] 21. “9/11: Terrorism - Gilmore Report.” [F. 3] 22. “A4 - Battleground,” includes sub-files: a. “NYPD - FALN.” b. “NYPD - Bombing.” 23. “A5 - Black Sites.” [F. 4] 24. “AQ: Canada Suspects.” 25. “AQ: European Nets: 2004.” 26. “AQ: Finance - Hawala.” [F. 5] 27. “AQ: Italy.” 28. “AQ Italy 2 Court Docs.” [F. 6] Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 4 of 54 29. “AQ: Italy 3 Court Docs.” [F. 7-8] 30. “AQ: Italy 4 Court Docs.” 31. “AQ: Italy 5 Court Docs.” [F. 9-10] 32. “AQ - Morocco.” 33. “AQ - ‘Navy.’” 34. “AQ: New Directions,” includes sub-files: [F. 11] a. “[Jose] Padilla, etc.” b. “Terror: Richard Reid.” 35. “AQ: Piracy.” [F. 12-14] 36. “AQ: Pre-War, 2003 (Iraq).” 37. “AQ: Sahara.” 38. “AQ: Saudi Etc.” Box 11 39. “AQ: Second Wave.” [F. 1] 40. “AQ: Source Docs.” 41. “AQ: South Africa.” 42. “AQ: South America.” 43 “AQ: Spain.” [F. 2] 44. “AQ: U.K.” 45. “AQ: Women.” [F. 3-4] 46. “Abdelghani Meskini.” [F. 5] 47. “Abu Omar.” [F. 5-6] 48. “Abu Zubaydala Interrogation.” [F. 7] 49. “Admin DOD-DEF Guidance 84-88.” 50. “Admin - Reagan.” 51. “Admin - State - Releases.” [F. 8] 52. “Admin - State - (Reporting Probs etc).” 53. “Afghanistan.” 54. “Ajaj Calls.” [F. 9] 55. “Al Qaeda: Transcripts and Clips etc.” [F. 10] 56. “Al Zawahiri’s Book.” [F. 11] 57. “Appeal.” [F. 12] 58. “Arab Bashing.” [F. 13] 59. “Assassinations.” 60. “BI - Safe Streets.” [F. 14] 61. “Bios - Alvarez, Gustavo.” 62. “Bios - Ames Family Friends.” [F. 15] 63. “Bios - Bolanes Hunter, Miguel.” 64. “Bios - Borge, Romas.” [F. 16] 65. “Bios - Casey, William.” 66. “Bios - Castro, Fidel.” 67. “Bios - Cerna, Lenin.” 68. “Bios - CDVC Bravo.” 69. “Bios - Claridge, Duane ‘Dewey’ (also see “Networks CIA - MIL) Aug-Dec. 84.” 70. “Bios - Constantine Menges.” 71. “Bios - COS Honduras Donald H. Winters.” [F. 17] Dickey, Christopher (8/28/09-5/17/10) Page 5 of 54 72. “Bios - COS Honduras Michael Farmer.” 73. “Bios - ‘El Muerto’ P. Javier Nunez Cabezas.” Box 12 74. “Bios - Fiallus, Francisco.” [F. 1] 75. “Bios - Fitzgerald, Lisa.” 76. “Bios - German, Paul F.” 77. “Bios - John Norton.” 78. “Bios - LAU, Riccardo ‘El Chino’. 79. “Bios - The Lebs.” 80. “Bios - Macmichael, David, C.” 81. “Bios - Pastora, Eden.” 82. “Bios - Sabra.” [F. 2] 83. “Bios - Salmatar, Jorge.” 84. “Bio - Sancez, Nesoor.” 85. “Bios - Suicida.” 86. “Bios - Walters, Gen. Vernon.” 87. “Book.” 88. “Casey Story.” [F. 3] 89. “CIA - High Value Detainees.” 90. “CIA History.” [F. 4] 91. “CIA P[eo]ple.” [F. 5] 92. “Central America.” [F. 6] 93. “Central America – Policy - Major Admin Statements.” 94. “Chris’ Stuff.” 95. “Commandante.” 96. “Congress - The Intel Committees.” [F. 7] 97. “Contras – AD - Non US (?).” 98.
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