Charleston Harbor
STORIES OF CHARLESTON HARBOR BY KA THERINE DRAYTON SIMONS 1930 THE STATE COMPANY COLUMBIA, S. C. COPYRIGHT, 1930 KATHERINE ORAYTON SIMONS These Stories of Charleston Harbor are Dedicated to my Grandfather WILLIAM SIMONS SOLDIER in South Carolina's Time of Battle SCHOLAR at a Period of Her Highest Culture GENTLEMAN of Her Old School III The following references have been used in preparing for pu~lication these sketches of Charleston Harbor: Statutes at Large of South Carolina. Year Books of the City of Charleston. The Defense of Charleston Harbor, Johnson. The Old Ezchange and Custom House, William Way. Drayton's Memoirs. Newspaper Press of Charleston, S. C., King. Narratives of Early Carolina, A. S. Salley, Jr. Torpedo and Submarine Attacks on the Federal Blockad ing Fleet off . Charleston during the War of Secession, A. T. Smythe, Jr. The Old Powder Magazine, Ellen Parker. History of South Carolina, McCrady. United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coa,st, Section D. Local Light List, Cape Lookout to Dry Tortugas. Handbook on the Port of Charleston, McElwee and Church. Charleston, Ravenel. Engineer and Artillery Operations against Charleston, Gilmore. Official Records of the War of the Rebellion. Photographic History of the Civil War, Milton. The A1·chitectural Record, Volume LVI. History of the 104 Pennsylvania Regiment. Writings of William Craft, 1828. Mills' Statistics. The Modern Lighthouse Service, A. B. Johnson. Lighthouses and Lightships of the United States, Putnam. Ancient and Modern Lighthouses, Major D. P. Heap, U. S. Engineering Corps. Pamphlet Port Series No. 9, War Department. Reports oJ Committee on Naval Affairs, U. S. Congress.
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