Colonial Office
PU1LIC il",;·-;.'H> O' .L';E L0l1(lo11, En;' II C,l,);r\L ")F'I...;-;;: Am-.~~c'1: ,f St::1tc; 1. 117"), 1'- i\")riL, rli' ...'1,11. Lor d Dnr-rrou Lb ::0 j n"I' '. ':!'Cc') 1J). kilJ l mcn t i.on of Col.• 1;lC1.c'·\n I.:; pr oj c r l: '11 r-ti z;' L; n r erj i ncn t nmon; SC'Jti'3h irnrd,~r'l.,t·, in llo r t h C'1.r~fO.n"l "I_~' L775, 3 rh~'t 4hit(lh',ll.. Dnr t mout h to (Jt~" (c oy), r i c f l~-t;tr.r rer;ardinr. Lo y-i i i o t IC01.i.n; ill t h : IIJ"1("~ o t l Lcmo n t c ;!' 80· tel. (-3 ). 177S, '(~hY, Boston. G" ~c to Dar t moubl, l-j_,," ;c 1.1 ont 0.1 Co]. J'i "1C 1oan '::;1H' 0 j C ct. 80, I 3. I- :L 1775, 12 June, Boston. GLlCC to Dnr t raou Ll; , 31'i':!f "("ire ic o to Hnc10an. ~ O· 11-. \ - i ') . 1775, 2l~ July. Boo t on . GLlGC to Dar bmou tn . Gov o r-nor r: r t i.n and loyalist feel inG in North carol,i~O. Is: I - =:L ,- NNI ln t i () . 1775, "lG Hay, Bcr-u . l r n to GaGe (ropy). Situ,'3tion in Nor t h Ca r o'l i ria [e ncl.os od Vii I:h n')o,'r J.
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