
Approved Residential Development in , VA S Find Out Why O N U IK W T E H I 4) L t 70 P AD (R A Our Hometown is Your C RO S RY PARK R O H ATTE K B R N U O R A R D Next Boomtown C O ( H R A t 6 D S 6 T 9 Isle of Wight County, Virginia ) ( R James River Bridge to Newport News & Hampton R E t ) 8 ) E 6 6 ) t 6 1 T (R t 7 E R ( IV ( R DR E R t K N O EE A U 1 CR L TE 0 S K / TU C 10 2 TI O B 5 R Y 8 W P A B O S LL S U E (R S Y t 10 ) ) /2 2 5 /3 8 8 ) *UNDER CONSTRUCTION* 5 /2 Eagle Harbor Tract 8 7 of Smithfield 1 t 208 Apartments R (Pop.(Pop. 8,059)8,059) ( 90,000 SF Commercial D R A ) V 2 E 1 L 0 U 2 O ( B D N Area Depicted O P B T V E L N L 0 N 5) O 3 S APPROVED: St. Luke's Village t 66 R ,2 (R 5 R C IVE A 4 H 179 Single Family attached/detached, DR C 2 U LDS R 79,650 SF Specialty retail, and YNO C RE Expand Your Market and Your Bottom Line H 96,000 SF Medical office B while staying Home O APPROVED: The Crossings U L Here in the Heart of Hampton Roads! E 240 Apartments V 8) A 2/25 234,000 SF Retail R 10/3 (Rte. D LVD. ( K B Find out Why Everyone is Moving R NEC t ERS 2) 1 REW (201 to Isle of Wight County, Virginia APPROVED: Red Oaks 0 B PD /2 80 V 5 6,3 6 191 Mobile Home Lots 8 2 1 ) APPROVED: Archer's Meade 3 4 71 Single Family Detached ^_ The Newport Development Service District is a 3.5 Acres Commercial strategic growth area planned for future 7 residential, commercial and industrial development. Newport Development Service District is the fastest ^_ growing area in County - current number of households is approx. 2,900 with another 2,000 8 *UNDER CONSTRUCTION* 2 residential units approved. Carrollton Manor Median household income is $86,327. 43 Single Family Homes ^_ 2 APPROVED: Brewer's Station *UNDER CONSTRUCTION* 5 , 10 6 34 Townhomes ^_ Median home value is $304,100. Benn's Grant 0 54 Single Family 240 Apartments, 5 Average VPDs: Route 17 (24,230), V 162 Apartments ^_ Route 10/32/258 (26,380), 40 Single-family attached, P 9 85,000 SF Retail APPROVED: Carrollton Condos Route 10 (25,605). 280 Single-family detached, D 34 Condominiums 533,000 SF Retail, ( 2 18,000 people in a 5 mile radius 100 room Hotel, 0 T ^_ 1 o 25,000 people in a 7 mile radius B 9 Commercial outparcels 2 N E 20) ) t 6 N (R o Enjoys 2.4% average annual increase in total ROAD r N TAN APPROVED: Bridge Point Commons t ^_ taxable sales since 2000 and up 2.8% in 2014 S h 230 Condominiums e C r H n Documented unmet retail demand T ^_ U 46,000 SF Retail A S R N u C f

R f H o The site's central location and easy commute to the O l B k ^_ A O rest of the Hampton Roads region allows it to pull from D & U a regional workforce of over a half million people.

L L ( P O R E o N t G V r V A 6 t Easy access to the region’s transportation network, 2 s _ I R ^ E 0 m including Route 17 and Interstates 64 & 664 (10 miles). W D ) o

D ( u R R ty t IV t Lower your taxes - Isle of Wight County boasts n h E 1 u ^_ o ( 0 of the lowest real estate tax rates in Hampton Roads. R / C t 3 t 6 2 h 0 g lk ) i o 2 W ff ) f u For more information, please contact: R o S I e f D sl o D I y Isle of Wight Economic Development I it C C K R (757) 356-1962 O A D www.insidetheisle.com


Size: 77,049 SF Size: 90,000 SF Retail & Available Units : 1,393 to 208 Apartments under Size: 85,000 SF Retail & 3,600 SF construction 250 Mixed Residential Tenants: Food Lion, Units Subway, ABC Store, El Burrito, Old Point National Bank, Langley FCU & more Contact: Brenda Karp, The Breeden Company Contact: The Breeden Company, (757) 486-1000 Contact: Mr. Francis P. Norsworthy, Jr. 804-364-1006 or www.thebreedencompany.com www.thebreedencompany.com 757-220-6772

THE SHOPPES AT EAGLE HARBOR THE CROSSINGS ST. LUKE’S VILLAGE 13609 Carrollton Blvd., Carrollton, VA Carrollton Blvd. & Brewer’s Neck Blvd., Carrollton, VA Brewer’s Neck Blvd.

Size: 23,303 SF Available Unit : 2,812 SF Size: 79,650 SF Specialty Tenants: Tropical Size: 234,000 SF Retail Retail; 96,000 SF Medical; Smoothie, Anytime 240 Apartments 179 Residential Units Fitness, Virginia BBQ, AJ Gators Bar & Grill, Sakana Sushi

Contact: Angelica Beltran, Wheeler Real Estate Company Contact: Gary Werner, Franciscus Homes Contact: Mr. Lewis McMurran, III, McCale Development Co. 757-627-9088 or www.wheelerrec.com 757-425-8391 X114 757-873-1101

CARROLLTON COVE SHOPPES BRIDGE POINT COMMONS BENN’S GRANT 15042 Carrollton Blvd., Carrollton, VA Carrollton Blvd. and Deep Bottom Drive, Carrollton, VA Brewer’s Neck Blvd. & Benn’s Church Blvd.

Size: 27,149 SF plus Size: 533,000 SF Retail; 17,200 SF Future Phase II Size: 42 Acres; 46,000 SF 100-room hotel & nine Available Units : 800 SF+ Retail, convenience store commercial outparcels; Tenants: Xclusive Stylz, and 230 condominiums 240 Apartments; 40 Major Reflections Salon, single-family attached Dashing Dogs units & 280 single- family detached units

Contact: Elliott Cohen, Owner Contact: Bob Thornton, Thalhimer Contact: Trip Ferguson, Harvey Lindsay 757-483-1750 757-499-0583 or www.thalhimer.com 757-640-9292 C O



U ) B

8 R 3 I 6 T t T (R Find Out Why D H Approved Development in Isle of Wight County, VA R

A O O RO U A RU T TH S D Our Hometown is Your o E UT ( R I C H -9 t I DRAFT 11-25-14 G 6 5 ) 3 Next Boomtown H 0

7 0 W 6 )

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Y Isle of Wight County, Virginia R ( 6) 0 Rt 6 ( AD ( R L S RO I FORK ) t E FIV 7 A F 2 IV 3 W ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿R ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ 5 E 6 I T F N 8 D OR t ) S ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿H￿￿ K R O S ( T R RO A B ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ A D P D

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R 258 IV T ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ U E D ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ (Rt 6 t 3 Y N 5)

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