

Wiccid Academy of Witchcraft & Magic

Third Quarter Lesson 3 (9)

By Wiccid

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Wiccid Academy of Witchcraft & Magic

Lesson 9

Greetings Apprentice!

Welcome to Lesson 9, the final lesson of the third quarter. This month we learn about Elemental Magic, the herb Rosemary, the crystal Howlite, the Cauldron, the Native American Pantheon, the planet Mercury and the Moon phase of Libra – how can you utilise this energy for your magic? We also connect with the throat chakra and make our second potion – a potion for healing. Your practical activity for this month is making a hanging chakra crystal, your mediation is designed to help you find peace and your ritual for this month will help you draw success to you. There are also all the regular bonus magical bits + a new ritual kit to help you along on your journey.

There is a lot to cover this month so just a reminder that this is self-paced and self-monitored learning, meaning I won’t be marking your work - how much or how little you participate and integrate these teachings into your life will be entirely up to you. I am simply here to provide you with the tools you need to bring magic into your everyday life.

Have a beautiful month,

Love, Light and Blessings to you, Bella x

How to get the most out of your lessons:

When you receive your lesson each month, I recommend you print and then skim through all the material to give you insight into what you will be doing for the month. Then gather the materials you will need and create a sacred study space for yourself that is quiet and private. I like to cleanse my space with a smudge stick or incense to clear any negative energies before I start.

It is up to you how you choose to study, some of you might like to tackle it all in one big hit and some might like to do a bit each day. There will be some tasks that will be required to be done daily but may only take a few minutes such as your morning ritual. Once you read through your material you will better understand how you will work through it. A few other things to note:

 - If you see this symbol it means there is an important point to note

 - This symbol means you are asked a question that you will be required to ponder/explore/journal about

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Some simple Terminology you may see throughout this course:

 Athame: A magical black handled knife used in ritual  Boline: A magical white handled knife used in the preparation of magic ingredients such as herbs  Wand: A magical tool used to cast circle and direct energy  Book of Shadows: A sacred book to record all your magic information, rituals, recipes and more  Pentagram/Pentacle: A 5 pointed star representing Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit. A symbol used to represent unity and protection  Guardians: Each direction has a Guardian that represents the qualities of that direction and who you can ask to attend your magic ritual for guidance and protection. (Please note: in the North the directions and representations are different)  Cast circle: To create a sacred space  Altar: A table/surface where you can place all of your magical tools/ingredients and use as your sacred space to perform ritual and magic  Deity – Divine being  Otherworld - Another realm in which dwell magical beings such as faeries, elves, sprites, goblins, nymphs, salamanders, pixies and so many more

Things to do for the month at a glance Read through your lesson Take note of any supplies you may need and make plans to attain them Continue to perform your morning ritual (Lesson 1) Set up your altar with this month’s Altar Set Up suggestion Do your energy work Perform your ritual Do your meditation Read your book Perform the monthly practical activity Add to your Book of Shadows Carry out your self-care rituals Journal the journal questions

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Lesson 9.1

Sabbats – Ostara – the Spring Equinox

Southern Hemisphere: September 22 – 23rd

Northern Hemisphere: March 20 – 21st

A Lesser Sabbat – A Solar Festival

Also known as the Vernal Equinox, this is a time of renewal and to celebrate new life on earth. A time to plant seeds – in the ground and in your own life. Traditionally known as Witches Easter, eggs are painted to represent fertility, hope and life. At this time the light and darkness is of equal length and from now the days will begin to grow longer then the nights.

A History of Ostara

It is widely thought that Ostara is linked to Goddess Eostre – Goddess of Spring. The first known account of this is in works by a Northumbrian monk named Bede : “during Eosturmonap (April), the pagans celebrated Eostre with feasts before the Christian holiday Easter came into existence”.

The truth of the link with Eostre has been debated but either way, there is no doubt about her links to Spring and as this is the Spring Equinox it is fitting that she be honoured or called in to assist your rituals.

There is evidence to suggest that this was one of the Sabbats celebrated by the ancient Irish people. There are megalithic cairns dotted throughout Ireland that were first thought to have been built by the Druids but have been dated to show they are even older then the Druids. A group of these cairns to be found in Loughcrew contains a tomb that has a backstone with astronomical symbols on it that fully light up when the sun’s rays hit them on the Spring Equinox. The meaning of the symbols is not clear but they have obvious significance and tell a story of some importance.

Dating back to 550BC a dynasty of Kings known as the Achaemenians celebrated Ostara with a festival called No Ruz, meaning ‘New day’. It is a celebration of renewal and hope and is still celebrated in some parts of Persia today.

In ancient Greek and Roman traditions they would celebrate the Goddess Ceres – the Goddess of Grain – from Ostara until the first harvest. It was believed she would go from field to field of newly sown crops and bless them at the Equinox.

In Salem on Mystery Hill stands ‘America’s Stonehenge”. At 4000 years old it is thought to have been created by either European migrants or Native Americans and contains 5 standing stones with one that points to sunrise and sunset at both equinoxes.

When the sun sets over the pyramid known as El Castillo in Mexico on the Spring Equinox, it creates the illusion of a giant snake descending the pyramid stairs and is called the “Return of the Sun Serpent”. The Equinox has been celebrated with this phenomenon by the Mayans for over 1000 years.

In the twelfth century Angkor Wat in Cambodia was built as a temple for Hindu. At sunrise on the Spring Equinox, the sun climbs the central tower until it reaches the top of the temple spire where it rests just brielfly.

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There are many other sites around the world where the sun marks the equinox/s so it is evident that people from many cultures dating back thousands of years have observed the cycles and marked them accordingly – whether with monuments to track when they would occur (like calendars), ritual, harvests or celebrations.

Some Olde Traditions:

 In medieval societies in Europe the March Hare was honoured as a symbol of fertility. This creature was nocturnal until March when the mating season would begin. At this time bunnies could be seen all through the day shagging to their little hearts content.  In Babylonia a Spring festival called Akitu was held to acknowledge the escape from imprisonment of God Marduk and his marriage to Earth Goddess Ishtar soon after. As heaven and earth were united with this marriage a representation of this union was arranged on earth. The King would play the role of marrying the highest ranked priestess of Esagila (temple devoted to Marduk) after which they would sit on their thrones & recite poetry for the assembled people.  It is said that sexual relations and feasting was pretty much obligatory at Ostara with foods such as honey, cakes and eggs served up (all symbols of fertility).  In Russia the people would lay red eggs on graves as a symbol of resurrection  To the ancient pagan Greeks and Romans, lilies were a symbol of life and were placed on altars and adorned temples. Young men would also dress up and play the role of a lusty young God, presenting their love interests with a lily. Accepting one was like accepting an engagement ring.

The story of Goddess & God

In her maiden form the Goddess teaches the young God about his increasing power as new life bursts forth from the earth.

Magical Associations:

Herbs: Frankincense, Sage, Dragons Blood, Honeysuckle, Nutmeg, Benzoin, Irish moss, Lemongrass

Trees: Apple, Hawthorn, Alder

Flowers: Violets, Peony, Apple blossom, Daffodil, Orange blossom, Iris, Primrose, Rose, Tulip, Daisy, Columbine, Jasmine, Lilac

Crystals: Amethyst, Bloodstone, Agate, Aquamarine, Red Jasper

Colours: Light blue, Pink, Green, Silver, Violet purple, Yellow, White, Gold

Foods: Sesame or sunflower seeds, eggs, asparagus, honey, grains, green vegetables, lamb, lettuce, seafood, spring onions, radishes, dill, cupcakes, fruits.

Gods: Irish: the Dagda, Aengus MacOg; Celtic: Cernunnos; Greek: Pan; Egyptian: Osiris; Norse: Thor

Goddesses: Greek: Amalthea, Gaia, Persephone, Maia, Eos; Celtic: Epona; Welsh: Blodewedd, Guinevere; Roman: Flora, Libera, Venus

Animals: Butterflies, Chickens, Hedgehog, Bees, Phoenix, Rabbit, Boar, Horse, Ram, Robin

Perform Rituals at this time for:

Re-dedicating yourself to your magick

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Bringing balance to your life Manifesting your desires Improving your strength New beginnings Rebirth Rejuvenation Communication and improving communication in groups Creativity Flowing through change Fertility Protection of the home and its inhabitants Divination Abundance Inspiration for planning out a garden

Activities to celebrate Ostara:

 Bless your home  Make plans for the year ahead  Plant an uncooked egg in each corner of your property to ensure a fertile and fruitful home. Say a blessing for your home as you plant each egg.  Get out in nature and observe the arrival of Spring – notice the plants, new buds, animals and their behaviour, the air and the changes in the weather.  Create a garden  Make and eat braided bread  Make rune stones  Give your house a spring clean  Colour eggs and then do an egg hunt  Plant seeds  Go out at dawn and collect water from a spring. It is said that water collected in this manner on this day is especially holy

 For a fabulous in depth study of Ostara I highly recommend: Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials – Ostara

Lesson 9.2

The Planets – Mercury - Wednesday

Each planet rules a day of the week and you can use its associations – such as incense for example, to strengthen your magical workings.

Associations: The Roman God Mercury who is known as the God of messages, communication, finance & commerce, divination, luck, travel, merchants & trade, boundaries, trickery & thieving as well as a guide of souls to the Underworld.

Ruled by: Mercury

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Element: Air

Colour: Yellow, Purple or Orange

Metal: Aluminium, Mercury

Incense: Lemongrass, Mace, Lavender

Crystals: Malachite, Aventurine, Turquoise, Onyx, Citrine, Agate, Hematite, Jasper, Opal

Trees: Ash, Hazel, Cedar, Almond

Herbs & Oils: Lavender, Parsley, Bergamot, Mint, Valerian, Chamomile, Fennel, Dill, Lemon verbena

Animals: Cockerel, Tortoise, Ram, Goat

Perform Spells for:

Business and ventures that will bring you money. Now is a good time to negotiate Versatility Science & inventions Consecration of tools Improving and sharpening your memory Public speaking Learning, exams and tests Travel (short distances) Revealing and concealing Healing – especially good for surgery Releasing debt Mental health Improving perception Repelling negative energies from others such as jealousy, gossip, deception, spite Improving communication Exposing the truth Learning and mastering new technology Anything to do with farming – bringing protection to your crops for example

Lesson 9.3

Moon Magic – Plan your rituals by the Moon

This month we look at the energetic influence of Libra

New Moon and Full Moon. You can check online as to when each sign is passing through the month or get yourself a Moon Diary.

The Zodiac & the Moon:

 The new Moon – the Sun and Moon will be in the same sign

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 The full Moon – Cosmic powers are at their peak at this time

 Blue Moon – A second full Moon in a month that occurs once a year

Moon in Libra

Energy around this Moon: Originality, fairness, responsiveness, balance & harmony, beauty, love, courtesy, sociability, cooperation & compromise, self-exploration

Associated Element: Air

The Sun is in: Aries

Associated Sun Element: Fire

Ruled by: Venus

Colour: Emerald green

Crystals: Bloodstone, Quartz – particularly rose, Diamond, Jade, Ametrine, Opal, Marble, Citrine, Moonstone

Metal: Copper

Herbs/Plants: Bergamot, Plum, Feverfew, Elderberry, Violet, Rose, Catnip, Thyme, St John’s Wort, Mint, Pennyroyal

Animals: Raven, Swan, Deer, the Grey Wolf, Swan

Gods & Goddesses: Eris, Maat, Venus, Xolotl, Hera, Ishtar

Perform Rituals for:

Love and romance Partnerships Justice or anything to do with a legal matter Clearing your name Spells to promote cooperation – so would be good for the family or your working environment Improving communication Attracting new friendships or strengthening current friendships Enhancing artistic expression and promoting your work Healing for the kidneys and lower back Fair treatment Decision making Helping others to see things your way

Focus your Awareness on: Steering clear of conflict

 Remember: To be decisive and focus your intention (in everything)

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Lesson 9.4

Gods & Goddesses

This month we shall learn about the Native American Pantheon

Native American Indian tribes have many rich mythologies or stories that form the basis of their spiritual belief systems. These stories usually revolve around nature, animals, the seasons, the weather, the ancestors, great battles, the earth, water, sky and fire with many deities featured throughout. Of the hundreds of tribes across the lands of America & Canada, they each had/have their own myths and deities that are sacred to them with factors such as the land and the climate playing a role in the creation of their stories.

As with many cultures though – there are common threads that bind some of the tribes in their spiritual beliefs such as:

Creation stories – These are stories about how the humankind came into existence, how the tribe was formed and how man relates to the cosmos and the universe.

Vision Quests and Spiritual Journeys – These are spiritual journeys that usually mark an important transition in one’s life (such as becoming a women or becoming a man). They can involve communing alone with nature and inner quests that bring about a vision.

Medicine people – Are people within the tribe who perform sacred ceremonies and rituals. These rituals are unique to each tribe and are not to be shared with the outside world.

Honouring the Ancestors – Many tribes honour the elders and ancestors within their tribes. This is seen as a mark of respect to families and the tribal community as a whole.

Deities and Spirits – In Native American culture “Great Spirit” is a term that refers to the all-encompassing power and in some tribes Great Spirit may be known by a specific name. Many Gods and Goddesses are also honoured and as mentioned above – each tribe may honour different ones according to their tribes spiritual beliefs.

As the list of Native American deities is so vast, I have picked just a few below to learn about: Gods:

Kokopelli - Hopi Tribe

Also known as: Kokopele, Kokopilli, Kokopilau, Neopkwai’i, Ololowishkya, La Kokopel

Depicted as: A humpbacked flute player – sometimes with feathers or antenna like bumps on his head. He is also sometimes depicted with his consort named Kokopelmimi and with animals such as rams and deer.

Associations: God of Fertility, Childbirth, Music and Agriculture. He is also known as a ‘Trickster God’. Also associated with animals that love water such as snakes, lizards and insects. The flute. The rain.

Myth: As a fertility God Kokopelli is sometimes feared by young women as he carries children on his back and distributes them to women. He often takes part in marriage rituals and is sometimes depicted with his own consort. As a God of agriculture, Kokopelli’s flute is said to chase away the winter and bring in spring. He can be seen on the full and waning moon.

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Igaluk – Tribe

Also known as: Aningan

Associations: He is a major lunar deity

Myth: and his sister lived in a village together. They were close when young but were separated into different lodges when older – the men’s lodge and the women’s lodge – so they naturally grew apart. One day Igaluk was watching all the women as they went about their daily tasks and he noticed that his sister was the most beautiful. That night he crept into the women’s lodge and forced himself on his sister under the cover of darkness so she couldn’t see who he was. The next night Malina covered her hands in soot from the fire lamps and when her attacker came at her again she covered his face in it. Later she went to the men’s lodge and shone a light inside, shocked to discover that it was her own brother. So she used her sharpened knife to cut off her breasts, placed them in a bowl and went back to the men’s tent. Presenting them to Igaluk she said “if you like me so much, why don’t you eat these” and then ran away, grabbing a torch as she went. Igaluk also grabbed a torch and raced after her, tracking her easily by the pools of blood she was leaving behind. At one point Igaluk tripped and his lamp almost went out, leaving only a faint glow. He resumed the chase and eventually caught up with Malina. They both ran so fast that they launched into the sky, becoming the Moon and the Sun.

Another part to this myth involved Tulok – a true warrior. When he heard about what Igaluk had done to his sister Tulok challenged him to a battle and planned to run so fast that he would launch himself into the sky where he would douse Igaluk with water and put out the Suns flames. When Malina heard of this she realized the devastating effect losing the Sun would have on the world so she banded with Igaluk to form an eclipse. When Tulok reached the sky he was then trapped and it is said he split into 1000 pieces becoming the stars.

Atius Tirawa – Pawnee Tribe

Also known as: Father Above, Tirawa, Creator God, Atiuch, Atius

Associations: Tattooing, Fire building , Stars and the planets, Wind, Hunting, Lightening, Rain and Thunder, Speech, Clothing, Agriculture

Wife: Atira – Goddess of the Earth and Corn

Myth: It is said that Atius Tirawa created the human race and was responsible for setting other Gods to their tasks. He seemed to rule everything and was said to literally saturate the universe with his being – everything was said to depend on him and his say so. He could bring good luck or bad, gift success or failure and as such was frequently invoked in the rituals of the tribes medicine men.


Gyhldeptis - Haida and the Tlingit tribes

Also known as: Lady hanging hair

Associations: The Earth, Trees, Synthesis, Protection, the Forest, Transformation

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Myth: A destructive whirlpool called Kaegyihl Depgeesk was threatening her people and eating seafaring ships. So Gyhldeptis called a meeting with all the natural powers of the coast and prepared a magnificent feast for them with the intention of convincing them to all work together to change this situation. Her guests were so delighted with the feast that they all agreed to work with her and thus she was able to synthesize all their energies and change the whirlpool into a river that no longer posed a threat.

Her wisdom: Gyhldeptis teaches us that when we are able to bring all our parts together we can achieve wholeness –we become our whole self, we synthesis.

Sedna – Inuit Tribe

Also known as: Mother of the Sea, Arnakuagsak, , Mistress of the sea, Arnapkapfaaluk, , Sassuma Arnaa, Mother of the Deep

Associations: Goddess of the Underworld, Sea Goddess, Seals, Walruses, Whales - all sea mammals, Goddess of life and death

Myth: There are quite a few myths surrounding but all have a common theme: Sedna’s father was a widow and was constantly trying to marry off his daughter. Dissatisfied with her father’s choice of suitors Sedna instead married a seagull (or Fulmar) who had promised her a rich palace filled with servants and plenty of food. Instead she discovered she was to live in filth and squalor. When her father came to visit she begged him to rescue her and so he took her away in his . They were pursued by many fulmers who surrounded their boat. Their incessant flapping created a huge storm and to save himself her father threw Sedna overboard. When she tried to save herself by grabbing the boat her father chopped off her fingers and as she sunk to the bottom of the ocean her fingers transformed into sea mammals. Sedna sank to the land of the dead also known as Adlivum, where she now rules as Queen. Sedna is responsible for feeding the people and it is said that she must be respected and appeased and if she is not she endures physical pain – for which the humans will suffer. Shamans must endure terrifying journeys to reach her and then appease her, after which she will agree to send animals to the hunters so the people will not starve.

Her Wisdom: Sedna teaches us that we must journey to meet our shadow and face what we fear most if we are to become whole and find ‘our riches’ (whatever they are for you). She also reminds us that no matter what mistakes we make - we deserve to be treated with love and respect.

Changing Woman – Navajo Tribe

Also known as: Turquoise woman, Estsanatlehi, Self-renewing one, White shell woman, Painted woman, Sky Goddess

Associations: The Blessings Ceremonies, Earth Goddess, Food, the Seasons, Plants, Maturing

Myth: It is said that Changing Woman can change her age just by walking towards the horizon. Her many names correspond to the changing colours of her dress which changes with the seasons. Born from the First Man and the First Women (it is also said that she was born of Darkness and Dawn), Changing Woman was found by Coyote on Spruce mountain with a blanket of clouds and rainbows. She was kept secure in her cradle by lightning and sunbeams.

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Her Wisdom: Changing Woman says that when you honour and pay attention to your cycles you reclaim the power of them. When we celebrate our cycles we celebrate ourselves and it is in this way that our wholeness is nurtured.

Lesson 9.5

Let’s take a closer look at Elemental Magic

Elemental magic is as the name suggests – working with the elements specifically to create change. Someone who practices elemental magic would have an innate understanding of what each element embodies, they would be able to feel the energies of the elements themselves and manipulate the energies to create a desired outcome. It is said that this is quite a technical form of magic as you are dealing with the real and tangible characteristics of the element itself – not just an ethereal correspondence. So there is little to no room for error – you will either have success or you will fail. As such, there are not thought to be many true elemental magic practitioners around. Many witches use this form of magic as part of their practice – such as an eclectic witch like myself.

Elemental magic can be used for natural magic like producing heat or changing the direction of the wind, bringing rain or grounding yourself. To find out what it involves, let’s look more closely at each element independently: Air:

Qualities: Travel, Intelligence, Inspiration, Creativity, New beginnings, Mental clarity and memory, Ideas

Associations: Bell, Incense, Quartz, Feathers, Amethyst, Lavender, Mint, Fluorite, Pine

Perform spells such as:

 Spells for creativity and inspiration  Spells for travel  Spells for any new beginnings  Spells to improve your memory or enhance mental clarity  Spells for new ideas

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Qualities: Passion, Strength, Creativity, Anger, Energy, Ego, Willpower,

Associations: Candles, Athame, Carnelian, Volcanic Glass, Cinnamon, Basil, Garnet, Cedar, Bloodstone, Rosemary

Perform spells such as:

 Spells for creativity  Use the fire element when you need to bring more energy to your spell or magical working  Spells to bring more passion into your life  Use in spells or meditations that are working with ego  Candle spells of any kind  Use this magic when you need more willpower in your life  Spells that require strength or even invoke this element to bring you strength in moments you need it


Qualities: Friendship, Fertility, Sleep, Healing, Love, Mystery, Dreams, Psychic ability

Associations: Moonstone, Lilac, Chalice, Ice, Rainwater, Jade, Valerian, Jasmine, Malachite, Aquamarine

Perform spells such as:

 Spells for emotional healing  Spells for restful sleep  Spells for healing  Spells to enhance your psychic ability  Spells for love and relationships  To enhance astral travel  To bring you sweet dreams or to remember dreams  Ritual baths  Spells for fertility


Qualities: Grounding, Nature, Rules, Stability, Growth, Money, Prosperity and Abundance, Responsibility, Fertility, Home

Associations: Salt and sand, Jet, Vetivert, Pentagram, Stones, Live plants, Onyx, Mugwort, Aventurine, Patchouli, Cypress

Perform spells such as:

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 Grounding work  Any spells for money, prosperity and abundance  Spells for stability  Spells for responsibility (like how to ease the weight of it, or how to be grateful you have responsibilities)  Spells to strengthen your connection to nature  Banishing spells where you will bury an object  Spells for fertility  Spells for growth  Spells for your home

How to learn more about the elements:

Read whatever you can get your hands on (I would actually recommend reading about them after you have spent time with each individual one (below)) Focus on 1 element at a time and spend time with it Eg: Working with water – sit near it, breathe it in, wear blue, add more water elements to your home such as a water feature or decorative bowl of water, meditate on water, swim or bathe in it and meditate as you do so. What do you intuitively pick up for yourself about this element? Can you feel the energies of this element? What do you notice about them? (Journal your insights)

Lesson 9.6

Magical Tools: The Cauldron

The cauldron has been used for hundreds if not thousands of years for a multitude of purposes including cooking, boiling water, making potions and herbal brews, containing sacred fires and divination (scrying). The cauldron has a rounded fat body similar to that of the traditional Goddess representations, a handle, lid and 3 legs. The 3 legs are said to represent the Triple Goddess – Maiden/Mother/Crone, the number 3 and also the lunar cycles – waning, waxing, full. The cauldron is represented by Goddesses Cerridwen with her magical cauldron of transformation; and by Baba Yaga who used the cauldron to fly in.

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Associations: Goddess – in particular The Triple Goddess, Transformation, The lunar Cycles, Rebirth, Wisdom, Spiritual enlightenment

Element: All of them as you can use the cauldron for magical rites involving each element

Use it for: Sacred fires, burning incense, cooking, making potions, divination

Where to find one: In magical shops, online or antique stores/op shops

Before you use it: Clean it and consecrate it (see Lesson 4)

An example of how you might use your cauldron: When performing a banishing spell you will often burn the piece of paper you have written what you wish to banish on. You would place the piece of burning paper into your cauldron until it is consumed.

Lesson 9.7

Crystal Magic – Howlite

Attributes: Howlite stones are typically white or clear in colour with brown, grey or black veins through them. They are known as a calming stone, helping to soothe stress & anger as well as aiding in a restful sleep – particularly useful for insomniacs if you have an overactive mind. Howlite is a stone of attunement and can help you tap into spiritual dimensions by preparing your mind to receive downloads of wisdom & insight - In this capacity it can reveal the true meaning of enlightenment. It is useful if you are a procrastinator as it will give you creative ways to achieve your ambitions - both spiritual and material. It is an aid to peaceful meditation as it eases you into a space of inner peace and awareness.

Psychological healing: Howlite teaches us patience and helps to calm anger, rage, anxiety and stress. It helps if you are aware that you have a tendency to be overly critical, rude and selfish and replaces these traits with a more positive attitude. This in turn helps you to be more comfortable with who you are without the need to put on a mask for others. Howlite fosters in you a desire to gain more knowledge and helps you retain memories, very handy if you are studying or wish to. It helps you communicate in a calmer manner with more reason + gives you the gifts of subtlety and tact - particularly useful when dealing with aggressive people.

Physical healing: This is an excellent stone to help cure insomnia as it calms the mind. It balances our calcium levels and strengthens the teeth and bones as well as helping bone disorders like osteoporosis. It can help soothe the effects of arthritis or pain caused by old broken bones, is helpful for general pain and strengthens our soft tissues. It assists in healing illness that has been caused by stress.

Emotional healing: Emotionally it can help to calm unbalanced emotions – especially if they relate to past life trauma or old stored emotions.

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Spiritual Healing: Howlite helps you to tap into other spiritual dimensions so you can receive downloads. It is an aid to out of body journeys as it can help transport you to other times and dimensions. It can also help you retrieve messages you have received in dream and bring them to light upon waking. It helps you to access past lives which can open you to healing past life trauma by calming you enough to deal with whatever comes up.

Chakra Healing: Howlite assists the third eye and crown chakra during meditation and can actually help you communicate with the higher frequencies of the higher chakras. You can then integrate these frequencies subconsciously allowing you to remove anything that may be hiding your truth.

How to use it:

Place over the third eye to open memories of past lives Make a potion with a howlite stone in it to sip before bed if you suffer from insomnia Keep on your person to help strengthen your bones if you suffer from bone disorders such as osteoporosis Place a piece in your pocket to help calm your own anger and absorb anger directed at you from others Keep a piece in your pocket to absorb any kind of negativity Place near your pets beds (in a safe way!) to inspire calm for them Make a grid around your bed to help insomnia

Note that if you see howlite in other colours, these are the natural stone that have been dyed.

Lesson 9 .8

Divination – Crystal Ball Scrying.

* Image from otherwisetrading.co.uk

I don’t know about you but I grew up with many stories about gypsy’s and their crystal balls that were able to divine the future for people visiting their magical gypsy tents!

In all seriousness though, the crystal ball is a powerful magical tool that can be used for divination. You can scry your current situation, get answers to questions or possibly even divine future events.

Crystals balls come in a gazillion shapes and sizes and can be made of any crystal. Clear quartz is best but I have also seen them in sodalite, amethyst, rose quartz, obsidian and so many more.

What about the clear balls you see? They are made of glass and require a different reading technique. With the crystal ball you read it by the natural patterns contained within the ball whereas with the clear glass ball – you will read it based on the pictures (appearing first as mist) within the ball. I would encourage you to start with a true crystal ball while you are learning to get more accurate readings.

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What to look for: Lines, patterns, shapes, letters, numbers. Also use your intuition – you may feel or see things in your mind’s eye when reading. Go with what feels right and do not discard any thoughts that come to you. They may not make sense to you but will make sense to someone else if you are reading for another person. For example: I recently learnt how to read a crystal ball and practiced on another person. I was worried I might not see anything but actually I saw a lot! Things that didn’t make much sense to me made perfect sense to my partner (client).

Where to find them: You can buy them online, in your favourite magical or crystal store. I would encourage you to personally connect with your crystal ball so you are able to get more clear readings.

When you buy it: Cleanse and consecrate it. Cleanse your crystal ball under running water (make sure the crystal can go under water – selenite for example cannot go under water), leave out under the full moon, cleanse with sage smoke or cleanse with sandalwood or frankincense essential oil.

Note: It may seem impossible to imagine but you will get a different reading each time you gaze into the crystal ball. You will notice different details and intuitively feel different things whether reading for yourself or practising on another person. Just trust your intuition and read it as you see it.

Lesson 9.9

Herb Magic – Rosemary

A member of the mint family that is readily available and easy to grow. Bushes can grow up to 5 feet. Use fresh or dried.

Also known as: Rosemarinus officinalis, Sea Dew, Ros Maris, Dew of the Sea, Guardrobe, Incensier, Rosemarie

Element: Fire

Planetary Association: The Sun

Gods/Goddesses: Aphrodite – there are ancient depictions of her with this plant

Gender: Male

Which part/s you use: The whole plant

Magical Powers: Purification, Intellectual powers, Love, protection

Use it for: Bath sachets, herbal pillows, incenses, wearing on your person to utilize its magical energies, use in natural beauty and skincare recipes, for teas and brews. Also excellent to throw sprigs on the fire when performing outdoor ritual.

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Magical Workings:

Hang sprigs around your home for protection and to keep away thieves Keep a sprig in your bedroom to keep away evil spirits and nightmares Use in a sachet for purification baths Use in protection rituals and sachets for travel over water – particularly to keep away storms when the travel is on the sea Make a simple hand wash to purify your hands before ritual Make a wreath for wedding and handfasting celebrations Make a tea with it to improve brain function – especially good for exams and tests Make an incense with it and burn before bed to dream about past lives (use in conjunction with Howlite (above) for a double powerful whammy). Use in protection sachets, rituals and incenses Combine with juniper to make a healing and recuperating incense Decorate your Yule table with rosemary along with mistletoe and holly Use in attraction love spells Wear rosemary oil when you want to make a good impression

Lesson 9 .10

Potions and Brews – Healing Brew for Illness

This brew is especially good if you have a cold, the flu or a respiratory condition

As with anything you will ingest, please make sure you do not have any allergies to any of the ingredients, check with your doctor if you are unsure.

You will need:

A ceramic teapot A blue glass bottle or jar to store the herbs Distilled water A handful of the following: Peppermint leaves, Sage leaves, Spearmint leaves A good pinch of saffron Half a cinnamon stick

To prepare your potion:

1. Grind the peppermint, sage, spearmint and cinnamon together in a mortar and pestle until combined – don’t grind it too finely, rough and rustic is good. 2. Add the saffron and mix through 3. Store the mixture in your glass bottle or jar To use:

 Put a heaped spoonful into a strainer and place within the ceramic teapot (or you can just put the mixture in the pot and strain after)

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 Boil your distilled water and add at least a cup to the teapot  Steep for at least 5 minutes, strain and drink nice and hot at least several times a day

Lesson 9 .11

Your Altar set up for this month:

For your altar set up this month I would like you to take the initiative. Study what phase the moon is in, what season are you in, is there a Sabbat this month? Add appropriate colours, candles, crystals, items from nature etc to represent any of these themes.

You may also like to add any new tools you have collected or crystals you would like to charge. Do you have any special items you would like to bless? Would you like to pay tribute to a particular Goddess or God? What items could you add to represent them?

You might also like to add items for any rituals you have planned so they can begin to soak up the energies of your sacred space.

By now you should be pretty savvy with what items you would like placed on your altar and may have developed your own personal style. Set it up in a way that pleases you and feels good.

Lesson 9.12

Your energy work for this month: The Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra – I AM AND I WILL

When this chakra is open and in harmony you will know the power of words and therefore have a great respect for both the spoken and written word. You will not waste your energy on gossip or criticism and you speak your truth with clear intention. You will be able to communicate calmly from the heart as your heart and throat are fully connected.


Colour: Brilliant sky blue, Indigo or silver

Element: Akasha meaning sky and Ether - a medium of sound – The medium of the spoken word as well as the Divine word.

Sense: Hearing

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Scents: Sage, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Birch, Lavender, Rose, Eucalyptus, Oregano, Jasmine, Neroli

Crystals: Angelite, Blue lace agate, Turquoise, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Sodalite, Apatite, Celestite, or any blue crystal.

Symbol: Circle within a downward pointed triangle within a larger circle

Lotus: 16 petals

Location: The throat area – the front and back of the neck and the shoulders

Governs: The thyroid, the parathyroid, oesophagus, the larynx, vocal cords and trachea, ears, the jaw, mouth, teeth and tongue, neck and shoulders, cervical vertebrae

Functions: Communication, Speaking your truth, Willpower, Self and soul expression, Expression of emotions

Corresponds to: Solar Plexus Chakra

Affirmation: “I easily speak my truth with clarity, confidence and kindness”

Signs your Throat Chakra may be unbalanced:

You are vulnerable to outside influences You will find it difficult to speak the truth and lie often – the lie comes more easily then the truth. This may be a protective measure due to past trauma or even past life trauma You can come across as arrogant, domineering and manipulative If you try to express your deep thoughts and feelings you get a lump in your throat You are creatively blocked You may be holding negative karmic patterns that impact your beliefs such as: “I have to be quiet and well behaved”. You gossip and speak in a dishonourable manner about others to detract and take the attention away from yourself You find it hard to express your dreams and desires If our throat chakra is blocked there isn’t a clear flow of energy between the head and the body. This can result in you being “all in the head” (overthinking, over-analysing) You are quiet and shy and suffer from social anxiety. You prefer to be alone. Unexpressed emotion can get stuck in the throat chakra and block it If your throat chakra is unbalanced the nape of your neck (the back of the chakra) is vulnerable and open to psychic attack The thought of speaking in front of people fills you with anxiety and terror You do not trust your inner voice If you were part of a silent order or oppressed and unable to speak out as part of religious beliefs in the past or in a past life, this chakra may be blocked You will be fearful of open spaces as you prefer enclosed spaces that feel safe

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You don’t like silence and have to fill it with constant chatter or jokes You may experience physical problems such as headaches, neck and shoulder pain or throat issues like hoarseness, soreness or laryngitis. This is a physical manifestation of holding onto emotions – the body can’t handle it Women especially find it hard to express themselves because of long term problems with the throat chakra If the throat chakra is blocked your language may come across as cold, blunt, detached or business like. If you have past life trauma in your throat chakra such as torture or persecution for speaking your truth and being yourself – you may have a fear of speaking out in spoken or written word If you have been wounded in the throat chakra in the past you will do anything you can to avoid showing the real you to protect yourself from further harm. You will suppress your emotions and not allow yourself to express feelings like anger, hurt or frustration. You are unreasonably stubborn Tips to balance and heal this chakra  Wear bright blues (not navy – it can close it off)  Practice speaking your truth and empower yourself  Use essential oils to heal and balance such as Sage – to loosen the throat and be able to express messages from your soul; Sandalwood or Frankincense to cleanse and purify the energy around your throat; Eucalyptus to aid communication, loosen the throat and help you connect with your inner voice  Work through negative emotions such as guilt, resentment and hurt to unblock the throat.  Use the mantra “I am and I will”. Especially good during meditation. Use sound to unblock this chakra – sing, make different sounds or tone ‘Eh’  Strengthen your throat chakra by doing some public speaking – start small! I used to nearly die at the thought of public speaking but with having a business this is almost unavoidable. I started years ago with simple 30 second pitches to a small audience and recently performed a public ritual to nearly 80 people with almost no nerves!  Journal. If you have trouble expressing yourself out loud right now start with expressing yourself on paper  Do an open eye meditation. Lie on the grass, stare up at the blue sky and with your mouth open – breathe into the throat  Have a good cry to release emotion and unblock the throat chakra. I recommend this therapy all the time to my clients!  Practice listening – like truly listening. Sitting in nature in silence so you can hear the sounds all around you is an excellent way to practice this.  Practice saying what you really mean – no is no, yes is yes  Find a throat chakra meditation on Youtube and then journal your observations from it. I have done this quite a few times and found it invaluable  Surround yourself with blue – cushions, throws, art, flowers, candles etc

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Lesson 9.13

Your Ritual for this month – Success

This ritual can be performed to draw success to any area of your life you choose – success at work, personal success of any sort (Eg: Success in a sporting venture or to seal the deal on a new house), success in your relationships, success in your study. You could also perform this spell for another person (with their knowledge).

 The success you wish to draw to you must be personal. For example: You would not perform this ritual to win lotto as that could impact other people. If you wish to draw success to something that does involve other people (like a sporting event in which you are part of a team) – you must draw the success to you personally. So if you have an important sporting event coming up – the success will be your personal success in the game.

* Please cleanse your crystal before this ritual

You will need:

A trinket that represents the success you desire Eg: A gold coin to bring prosperity and abundance Your Moon book, your journal or a piece of paper An orange candle A small orange bag (like an organza one you can get from a $2 shop) Gold thread A small rectangle piece of paper: Cut a section from an A4 piece of paper – about 8cm in height An orange or gold pen A piece of amber – any size

The Ritual:

 Prepare your sacred space and your altar by cleansing with sage and making sure you have your altar set up correctly (Refer to Lesson 1)  Gather together the tools you will need for your ritual and place them around or on your altar  Cleanse yourself with either sage smoke or shower cleanse with sea salt mixed with water to a paste and scrub yourself, rinse  Cast circle (refer to lesson 3)  Light the orange candle  Now take your moon book/journal/paper and write down all the ways in which you wish to bring success into your life  Ponder this list and choose the one that really resonates the most with you right now (you will probably have this already in mind)  On the piece of paper, write with the gold pen the success you wish to draw to you. Roll the piece of paper up like a scroll  Now take the crystal and hold it to your lips. Speak the desire for success you have into the crystal (your breath is what will charge it with the intention)  Place the scroll, the crystal and the trinket into the orange bag. Tie the bag with the gold thread.  Hold the bag and incant the following (or do please create an incantation that resonates with you):

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Success, Success I draw to me I shall have my desire come to thee By the power of 3 times 3 Success I attract So mote it be!

 Blow/snuff out the orange candle  Thank the guardians and Goddess and God for attending your rite  Close circle in the usual way  Keep your magical orange bag on your person until you draw the success you desire to you. Once you have, bury the bag in your garden

 Journal your experience

Lesson 9.14

Meditation – Journey to Inner Peace

(You might like to put on some soft meditation music for this one).

Find a time and a place where and when you will not be disturbed. Lie down with a pillow beneath your knees for lower back support and your arms outstretched. Bring your attention now to your breath. Begin to deepen the breath and slow it down. Breathe in for a count of 5 – breathing all the way down into your toes, now breath out for a count of 5 letting as much air out as you can. Repeat this 3 times.

Now focus your attention on your toes. Are you holding any tension in them? If so, let it go. Now your feet – release any tension you are holding in them. Now your lower legs – release. Your knees – release. Your upper legs – release. Your hips – release. Your pelvis – release. Your torso – release. Your chest – release. Your shoulders – release. Your arms – release. Your hands and fingers – release. Your neck – release. Your face – release. Your head – release.

Now call in Goddess Eirene – Goddess of Peace. She sits beside you and asks what has been preventing you from achieving peace. One by one you tell her about any stresses, issues, arguments or negative emotions you have been experiencing. As you verbalize each thing you feel the weight of it leave your body and as it leaves your body Eirene puts it in a basket to be taken away to be healed.

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When you have finished you feel lighter. Anything that has been weighing you down has now left your body and your psyche. Eirene gently takes your hand and as soon as she touches you, you feel an immense wave of peace wash over you. It is as if you have become weightless and are now lying on a bed of clouds just floating.

You thank Goddess Eirene for bestowing this blessed gift on you and she tells you that whenever you wish to feel at peace all you need do is close your eyes, breathe slowly and steadily and allow peace to wash over you. She then bids you farewell and fades away.

Stay in this state of peace for as long as you wish and when you are ready, take 3 deep steady breaths. On the third breath bring your consciousness back into the room and gently open your eyes.

 Be very gentle with yourself for the remainder of your day and you may like to journal this experience.

Lesson 9.15

Self-Care Rituals Living in tune with cycles

We have been talking about cycles from lesson 1. Has your awareness been opening more to the cycles all around and within you? I would like to expand our awareness even further now to really understand how cycles affect you personally and how you can live in tune with them to harness their energies for your own wellbeing – not just for magic.

We are governed by cycles – our own, the cycles of nature, the cycles of our family, the cycles of our business, study or workplace, the cycles of society and the cycles of our daily lives.

A cycle is a rhythm or ritual that we experience in every moment. A cycle can be as simple as the one we adhere to every morning like showering or brushing our teeth - or it can be as intricate as the cycles that exist in nature like the seasons or the moon phases.

Our own cycles: We all have cycles whether we are male or female. Our hormones do all sorts of interesting things each month that affect us on a daily basis. Start taking notice of when you are at your most energetic or your most lethargic, your most inspired and creative or when you are feeling a little melancholy. Understanding the rhythms of your body can help you identify when the best time to do things is – like when is the best time to work on a creative project? When is the best time to perform an intricate ritual? When do you need to get lots of sleep and when can you function with less? When do you need to withdraw from the world for a bit to rejuvenate and when is a great time to get out and be seen? You could start keeping a little record for a month or 2 to really get a good handle on this and start utilizing your own energy better.

Our daily life cycles: What are the daily cycles for you or your family? Do you have specific routines or are you more a go with the flow type? What are the cycles of your workplace? Are there ebbs and flows? Is there a boiling cauldron of crazy energies when it is approaching end of month and all the months’ work needs to be finished off? What are the cycles within your social circles? Are there times when you get together heaps and times when you might not see each other for what seems like ages? Do you do any extracurricular activities like a sport? What are the cycles within that – do you have seasons? Are there periods of hard training and then times when you don’t train for months? Bring more awareness now to these daily life cycles you exist in. Are

©Wiccid 0422 958 100 www.wiccid.com.au 25 there any elements that you totally love and would like more of? Or are there elements that make you crazy? Is there any way you could make your daily life cycles flow more naturally? (Like eliminating things that don’t bring you joy). Note too that when you start living more in tune with your own cycles and the cycles of nature and start utilizing energies more efficiently – you will also be able to apply this to your daily life cycles and there will be a positive ripple effect throughout.

The Moons cycles: The new Moon, the waxing Moon, the full Moon, the waning Moon and the dark Moon. How does the energy of these Moon cycles affect you? We have been talking about the phases and cycles of the Moon since lesson 1. I am asking you now to really tune in to how these cycles affect your own energy and how you can utilize these energies. It might be a good idea to keep a record over the next month or 2 to get a good understanding of this.

The Seasons: Summer, Winter, Autumn, Spring. These are the cycles of nature and the earth. Have you ever noticed how you feel when a different season begins? I know that when the cooler weather approaches I start thinking about warm blankies, hot tea and slow cooker casseroles. I like the cold so I am also more motivated and creative in Winter (the opposite of most people). As the weather warms I start thinking about lighter food, lighter clothing and saying goodbye to my fav uggies for another 9 months. I am also more sluggish in the heat and want to hibernate as best I can so I use this time and the energies to work on the creative ideas I birthed in Winter. Begin to notice how you feel when the seasons change. How do they affect your energy?

We have been learning about cycles for each lesson to enhance your magic but for your self-care ritual this month I am asking you to really tune in to how cycles affect you personally –how do different cycles affect you emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically?

 Spend time journaling your thoughts, feelings and physical symptoms over the coming month/s.

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Bonus Magical Bits

Your Practical Activity for the month: Make a Chakra Hanging Crystal for your sacred space

* Please note that this is a hanging crystal that I made with my children’s magic circle and is not ‘real’ crystal. I would suggest that you use actual crystals for best results. You will need:

Crystals or glass beads in the colours of the chakras: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple & clear 7 clear beads in any shape or size you like A larger crystal for the bottom Very thin wire or fishing line 2 crimps (little silver rings that can be clamped shut to hold your design in place Small pliers

How to make:

1. Cut the wire or fishing line to the desired length 2. Make a small loop (about 1.5-2 cms in diameter) in one end and thread the free ends through the crimp until the crimp is sitting at the end of the loop. Clamp it closed so you have now secured the loop 3. Begin threading your beads at the free end. Start with the clear crystal and then a clear bead. Then the purple crystal, then a clear bead and so on until the red. 4. Now thread on your second crimp 5. Now loop the free end through the hole of your large crystal and thread the free end through the crimp 6. Clamp the crimp closed 7. Hang your crystal hanging over your altar if you like in your sacred space. It is great if it is near a window so that the sun catches it and showers your sacred space with rainbows which helps to lift the vibration in the room – this is most excellent for your rituals

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Your reading suggestion for this month:

Moon Rites by Michelle Royce – An amazing book about connecting with female wisdom. This book takes you on a 13 month journey to help you better understand how to lie in tune with the cycles of the moon and your own cycles. Look for it online.

Your Book of Shadows:

For this month:

Copy in the Sabbat info Add The Planets and The Moon Phase info Add the information about Gods & Goddesses Add info about Rosemary Add cauldron to your magical tools section Add your potion recipe Add the crystal info Add info on the crystal ball Add info on Throat Chakra Add Ritual

As I have previously mentioned, your Book of Shadows is your own so it is 100% up to you how you wish to lay it out and what you wish to include.

Next month:

In Lesson 10 we move into the fourth and final quarter. It is from now that I will be asking you to start creating your own potions and rituals. You will also be able to start creating magical tools with your practical activity for this month being making a smudge stick (how exciting). We will learn about the Chinese Pantheon, we study a new crystal and a new herb, there is a new meditation, we explore the third eye chakra, you will learn the basics of designing your own ritual and we learn a new divination technique.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this lesson as much as I have enjoyed putting it together. Remember – you will only get as much out of this as you put in so I would recommend daily practice.

If you have any questions you can email me anytime: [email protected] or post them in our Facebook group.

Please also remember to fill out the feedback sheet and email it back to me so I can continue to improve your learning experience,

Love, Light & Blessings to you, Bella x

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* Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure an individual’s safety throughout this program - All recipes, meditations, magical workings and rituals are suggestions only and should only be undertaken under your own discretion and responsibility. Belinda Payne & Wiccid do not take any responsibility whatsoever for any adverse reactions to any of the items listed above whether physical or mental. If you are unsure as to whether you are fit to undertake any of the above listed items – please seek the advice of a health care professional.

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