COOPERATING IN EUROPE The results of Interreg Programmes in COOPERATING IN EUROPE The outcomes of the Interreg programmes in Italy

edited by Luca Santarossa Publisher: Edizioni Carte Segrete Printed by Tipografica Artigiana July 2009 This handbook summarises the results of nine years of work; acknowledgments are due to all those who were engaged on that work, over such a long period. Firstly, may we thank the Directors General who made sure there was overall continuity at the strategic level: Gaetano Fontana, Renato Li Bassi, Paola Rocchini, Pietroantonio Isola, Pasquale Cialdini, Francesco Nola and Luciano Novella. Secondly, the Managers, each with his/her own professional and human capabilities, who negotiated the basic elements of the different programmes, set out the procedures, maintained contacts with external actors, and managed the numerous staff that was recruited: Cinzia Zincone, Fabio Croccolo, Loredana Campagna, Alessandro Violi and Massimo Boldrini. Thirdly, the officials who managed the complexity of the problems day to day, making possible the excellent performance of the programmes, of which this handbook is the evidence: Francesco Gaeta and Zaira Piazza (Medocc), Giuseppe Izzo, Paola Barbati, Monica Straniero and Letterio Denaro (Cadses); Giulia Toti and Rosalinda Esposito (Alpine Space), Zaira Piazza, Rita Grasso and M. Tiziana Scabardi (Archimed); Paola Boscaino and M. Gabriella Irace (IIIC). Nor must we forget to thank Claudio Gramaccioni, who for generations of Officials acted as an invaluable guide on how to manage European programmes, and Carlo Grassini, Laura Zorzi and Fabiana Conti for their precious and generous support. We must also emphasise that the original idea for this handbook came from Fabio Croccolo; then Rosalinda Esposito coordinated the publication process from an administrative point of view, i.e. monitoring the activities of the Temporary Association between Renzi & Partners and T6 Ecosystems, and Luca Santarossa acted as technical manager. We must also thank Adolfo Marino, Communication Officer for Medocc, for his useful advice at the drafting stage, and the Technical Assistance staff of all the programmes, for their willingness to make available the documentation and data included in the enclosed database, which was used as the source for developing the contents of the handbook. Finally, our thanks to the external authors who worked with us, for kindly contributing their own views, to add to the wealth of suggestions in the handbook. Our thanks also to Renzi & Partners and T6 Ecosystems, whose high quality contribution is evident through- out. Preface The Italian strategy

It is 20 years the European Commission, through its Interreg programmes, began to promote the cooperation and development of the frontier areas, in line with its objective of building a common economic and social policy, not only between Member States, but also with the States bordering the EU. This handbook analyses the results achieved by Interreg, specifically for its third programming period, 2000- 2006. When the European Union first started programming Interreg in 1988, the community consisted of only a few countries. Foreseeing, with remarkable intuition, that many other countries would also join (and there are now 27), even at that time Interreg proposed that national boundaries should not get in the way of balanced development, and indeed, that the aim should be to integrate all of Europe. An effective, comprehensive way of thinking was adopted, to enable the concept of cooperation to be addressed from three different but complementary angles: “cross-border” cooperation stood for integrated regional development between border regions, and creating cross-border socio-economic areas; “transnational” cooperation meant strengthening cooperation between national, regional and local authorities, to bring about more effective integration between the EU candidate countries as well as other, third countries; and “interregional” cooperation was intended to ameliorate the effectiveness of policies and

6 instruments for regional development and cohesion, by creating networks, particularly in regions that were lagging behind in development, or that were going through a process of reconversion. Today more than ever, in a Europe that continues to expand, those objectives of the past still need to be considered in the present, particularly when we look east, or towards the Balkans. Promoting collaboration between places that are so different, in terms of their territory and also politically, culturally, and linguistically, is no simple matter; it can only be made to work when the parties and institutions within each country strongly desire it.

In Italy, a key role is played in these programmes by the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport, which has been responsible for managing Interreg since 1997. Due to its responsibility for creating new infrastructure and completing that which already exists, improving transport networks and their efficiency, this Ministry looks the cooperation between the various EU countries as a useful tool for these tasks. In this effort, it is of course essential that we comply with the guidelines established by the European Commission: regulations that are intended to be applied to economic sectors closely related to one another. Any well-designed policy for cooperation must, of necessity, include measures for territorial development, for improved mobility between regions, and for actions that will protect the environment and promote the use of renewable energy. Against that background, it is also important to provide support for business and innovation, and for the conservation of cultural heritage. Indeed, it is from that local level that the path towards achieving all these objectives must begin. The future will bring new challenges in these areas, and Italy will continue to take an active part in the 2007-2013 programmes. More than merely a source of funding, Interreg must be seen as an opportunity for many territories, formerly in difficulty, to open up to cooperation, and to set off in a new direction, towards a virtuous, sustainable form of development.

The first essential step is to assist the European regions to work together, sharing their knowledge and experience, as a way of implementing the cooperation between peoples who, without the slightest trace of rhetoric, we should call a Union.

Senator Altero Matteoli Minister for Infrastructure and Transport



Introduction 8 Preface 9 Presentation 10

PART I - Managing an Interreg programme 13 Interreg in brief 14 Italy and transnational cooperation 16 Management outcomes 26

PART II - Territories in the Spotlight 29 Planning 30 Competitiveness 40 Innovation 50 Mobility 60 Environment 70 Culture and Landscape 80 Energy 90 Society 100

PART III - Conclusions 111 A view from outside 112 The viewpoint of the regional governments 113 Future prospects 114 Introduction Responsibilities and objectives of the Directorate General for Programming

The powers of this Directorate General are wide, and start from strategic planning of transport infrastructure to identifying the fundamental directions to be taken by large-scale territorial planning (in respect of infrastructure networks and the territorial system of cities and metropolitan areas), promoting agreements between central government and Italy’s regional governments, managing urban retraining and development programmes, and lastly, participating in national and international working groups. The DG for Programming was the Managing Authority for various European programmes in the 2000-2006 period. These included the National Operational programme (NOP) for Transport, which is the implementation tool for policies on infrastructure and transport, and operates in 6 Objective 1 Regions; the URBAN programmes for urban regeneration and economic development, and the Interreg programmes.

To implement the planning objectives set out by the European Commission, which begin from the “Lisbon Strategy”, the DG has upgraded its study and research activities, to focus on the variety of contexts, and the dynamics, of some economic macro-areas in Italy. This support our effort to assess the impact of infrastructure policies, in relation to changing demands and needs. The research has been condensed into a number of “strategic regional platforms”: territories that can be understood as critical masses, each with its endogenous and relational features, making it easy to intercept and strengthen their production chains of goods and services, and thus attain levels of excellence in the category of “territorial offer”. For the period 2007-2013, this DG is responsible for three EU programmes: the “Networks and Mobility” NOP for the “Convergence Objective” regions of Campania, Calabria, Puglia and Sicily, which is aimed primarily at the rail network and the port system; allocating funding to the “Networks and Mobility” axis of the Fund for Underutilised Areas (FUA) which applies to eight regions in southern Italy; and programming the allocation of FUA “Infrastructure” funds to central and northern Italy. This DG also acts as Italy’s national point of contact for the URBACT II programme, which is intended to foster the exchange of experiences and to promote networking between European cities, and the ESPON 2013 programme (European observation network for territorial development and cohesion), which aims for territorial cohesion and harmonious development of the European territory, by promoting studies and research. From the foregoing, it should be clear that managing the Interreg programmes has been framed within a wider network of other sectors and activities for which the DG Programming is responsible, and that Interreg has benefited from the expertise and strategic vision of the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport.

In that sense, whilst Italy’s new model of governance - and the precedence it gives to the decisions taken by the devolved regional governments - has undoubtedly given new management tools to these local governments, and brought them closer to the central decision- making process, the national system has certainly been the loser, in terms of its ability to integrate the various issues, and take action at the centre. This has resulted in resources being parcelled out to meet the demands of the various local administrations. We therefore offer this handbook as a valuable repository of acquired experience that brings out the strength of an approach that is in a position to guide local planning towards the attainment of wider strategic objectives, in a way that strengthens the whole Italian territorial system, in all its parts.

Luciano Novella Director General DG for Territory Development, Programming, and International Projects Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport

8 Preface From Interreg Programmes to European Territorial Cooperation

In recent years, the process of European integration has significantly changed the Union, eliminating or at least reducing the constraints imposed by economic borders, and promoting freedom of movement for people and capital.

The 2000-2006 Interreg programmes have helped to make progress on that front, by building unity between the areas affected by the programmes, based on their diversity. This has enhanced cooperation in many sectors, and has enabled initiatives to be developed that fall within this process of European integration.

In closing the 2000-2006 period, it does have to be noted that although the degree of success achieved has varied from one programme to another, the importance of Interreg at the European level has obtained widespread recognition, indeed going so far as to allow it a “legitimacy” of its own, within the EU cohesion policy during the current 2007-2013 programming period.

This cohesion policy is the correct framework for harmonious development of the Community, and for reducing inequalities. The cohesion policy now has three priorities: • Convergence between the different countries and regions • Competitiveness and employment in the regions •Territorial cooperation across Europe.

In its pursuit of European Territorial Cooperation, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) focuses on carrying out economic and social activities that use shared strategies to reduce disparities between different geographical areas. The ERDF can also help to promote the integration of labour markets, local employment initiatives, equal opportunities, training, social inclusion, knowledge transfer, and the sharing of human resources and facilities for research and technological development.

In respect of those programmes where Italy has been involved, the objectives outlined have often coincided with the future prospects for the 2007-2013 period, so it only remains to me to express my hope that the results that will be achieved during this third phase of Interreg will bring real added value for Italy, and will serve to strengthen cooperation between Italy and her partners.

José Palma Andres Director “Territorial cooperation, Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, United Kingdom” Direction DG Regional Policy European Commission 9 Presentation User guide

Nine years ago, the Italian Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport (which at that time was the Ministry for Public Works) started preparing the official documents of Community Initiative Interreg, in concert with the other participant countries, for the 2000-2006 Programmes where Italy participated, i.e. in the “transnational” and Luca Santarossa “Interregional” strands. editor During those nine years, criteria were established for selecting project proposals; systems were implemented for Ministry for certifying expenditure and monitoring progress of the projects that had been funded; shared transnational rules Infrastructure and Transport were defined, to assist project partners and facilitate full and proper implementation of what they had undertaken to do; and when the programmes were publicised outside Italy, the Ministry resolved the difficulties of making the specifics of territorial cooperation understandable to non-specialists. Why Now the time has come to reflect on this exciting experience (and on the effects it has had on those who were this publication involved in it, one way or another). But above all, this is an opportunity to publicise the tangible, concrete, innovative outcomes of the activities undertaken. These were all actions that involved Italian institutions, and they generated a wide variety of activities. The results of these activities are now available: they consist of about 570 projects, all of them falling within the eight Interreg IIIB (Cadses, Medocc, Alpine Space, Archimed) and IIIC (South-East-North-West) programmes, in which Italy was a participant. The publication summarises these achievements, and provides a snapshot of Italy’s overall performance within individual programmes. It gives a selection of the results of projects carried out within Italy, highlighting the thematic areas that inspired the Interreg idea itself. We focus our attention especially on successful outcomes of those projects that included Italian partners. That was a deliberate editorial decision. Of all the projects results (a complete list is included in the database), the selection we made is intended to foster a more profound understanding of what constitutes best practice, and to explain the real impact these actions have had on the ground. But in divulging this information, we already have our eyes firmly fixed on the future, on the new 2007-2013 EU Programmes for Territorial Cooperation. As compared to the previous period, these have an even greater ambition to develop the territories of Europe, as part of a philosophy inspired by the catch phrase “more growth and jobs for all regions and cities of the European Union”.

Why the Database Our editorial decision was a painful but necessary way to keep the printed text manageable. The database, on the other hand, contains information on all the activities undertaken - thousands of them - and details of all the projects in which Italy was a partner. It is searchable in different ways (by type of financing, by territory, type of activity, etc.) and according to different classification levels (by programme, axis/measure, keywords, project partners, etc.) This makes it an indispensable tool for statistical purposes, and for gaining insights into specific themes, i.e. identifying all the initiatives taken in any given field, and their outcomes. To fully exploit the potential of this database, users are advised to read the instructions on the enclosed CD-Rom.

Which are the Summarising what said above, we can describe the objectives of this publication as follow: objectives • summarising nine years spent, by Italy, managing 8 highly innovative (on governance, implementation systems, thematic areas, etc.) EU programmes; • describing the outcomes actually obtained by the projects funded by the 2000-2006 Interreg programmes in the “transnational” and “Interregional” categories, and where possible, their impact on the territory; • highlighting those findings, selected from a very great number, that featured a high level of innovation, have long-term validity, or were successful at the local level; • setting up a complete archive of the projects that included Italian participants.

10 Operators who intend to submit new projects under the 2007-2013 “European Territorial Cooperation” Who should read Objective Programmes, and who intend to learn as much as possible from previous outcomes, by basing their this publication proposals on the outcomes achieved previously in their specific field, during the previous programming period. Operators in particular sectors that fall within the various different thematic areas: regional government officers, universities, regional agencies, and all those who may already have experience of Interreg, but do not fully know the numerous other projects in their field were carried out. Policy makers who want to enlarge their understanding by relating it to other contexts in neighbouring territories, and who fundamentally believe in cooperation as a tool for development. The general public, as a way of learning how the future of Europe lies in fully cooperating with others, who may or may not be geographically close, but may have similar problems, and may have developed responses that are similar or completely different, but who are all animated by a spirit of sharing and comparing.

The introductory section has an “institutional” character: the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport (responsible How the publication for the programmes management) describes the strategic objectives underlying its actions; it includes also a is structured contribution from the European Commission, expressing its own viewpoint about the outcomes of the programmes in which Italy participated. Part I briefly presents the Interreg initiative and describes the main contents of the 8 programmes in which Italy took part (and in two of which it was also the Managing Authority), along with the outcomes that resulted at the “managerial” level: financial, partnership, etc. Part II focuses on what actually carried out by the projects, summarising their various topics within 8 macro- themes that enable comparisons to be made between the outcomes of similar projects. Each thematic chapter first refers back to the general issues, and the most innovative strategies implemented in the public sector and elsewhere. The topic is then broken down into a number of sub-themes, within which the most significant results of some projects are set out. It was not easy to select these, because various non- reconcilable types of selection criteria had been used, for instance the “communicability” of the activity undertaken, the tangibility of the output that resulted, the degree of experimentation that was involved, the impact in the local setting, etc. Undoubtedly, many more projects deserved to be mentioned than was possible, but in any case, all of them can be found in the database. Numerous detailed sidebars are included, also providing a personal comment from individuals who were involved “at the coal face”. The thematic chapter concludes with a quantitative analysis including all the programmes. This is one way of showing how much interest there was, at the local level. Finally, Part III gives space to a number of individuals, from regional government or the academic field, who have long experience of Interreg and can provide an outsider’s view. This will be useful to those who are responsible for managing the programmes. Then the publication concludes by describing future prospects: how the Ministry will be acting in the new programming period, recently launched, and which will build on the previous experience acquired.

A clear editorial decision was taken to publicise the Interreg programmes not as funding opportunities, but as an How to read the experience that has transformed regional territories; hence the generous space devoted to presenting the publication outcomes. This decision also influenced the graphic design (intended to resemble that of a magazine) and the generous use of images, tables and graphs, making a large quantity of different types of information attractive to the non- expert reader. The publication is also structured so that the reader can make his own way through it, focussing on any preferred thematic area, or any particular programme whose eligible area he is part of. At the end, we wish you to enjoi the reading!


PART I - MANAGING AN INTERREG PROGRAMME Interreg in brief Italy and transnational cooperation Management outcomes

13 Interreg in brief What it is and how it works

What is Interreg? the North Sea Area, the Baltic Sea Area, the North- East Zone, the Atlantic Area, South-Western Interreg is a Community Initiative funded by the Europe, the Cadses area (Centre, Adriatic, Danube European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), for and South-East Europe), the Western cooperation between regions of the European Mediterranean, the Alpine Space, Archimed, and Union. Unlike most EU programmes, Member the ultra-peripheral regions. States do not manage the programme directly; the For Strand C of Interreg, the whole territory of the European Commission entrusts this task to a European Union was deemed eligible. specific transnational Managing Authority (MA). The MA coordinates the regions to be included in the area of cooperation, and presents an What is the ERDF? Operational Programme directly to the Commission. This Operational Programme sets out The European Regional Development Fund is part the joint development strategy for the area in of the “family” of Structural Funds, and is the most which the cooperation is to take place, and important instrument of regional policy used by the identifies “axes” – thematic areas – around which European Union. Brought into being as a set of it is intended to target the available resources. regulations in 1975, its current regulatory Project proposals falling within the various framework dates from 1999, and sets out the programmes have to be submitted by a priority task of the ERDF as the promotion of a transnational partnership, which must present their policy for economic and social cohesion. This idea within one of the axes. objective is to be pursued by removing imbalances For some twenty years now, Interreg has played a between different regions of Europe, by decisive role in developing processes that foster the implementing processes of development and construction of a European policy, through the reconversion. exchange of know-how and experience, enhancing Specifically, the ERDF supports various types of cross-border cooperation and identifying, in intervention through mechanisms of co-funding,

Northern Periphery Periphery NorthNorth Sea Sea BalticBaltic Sea Sea NorthNorth West Europe West Europe Atlantic Area Area

0 100 500 km 0 100 500 km 0 100 500 km 0 100 500 km 0 100 500 km

different local contexts, the players most capable of the most important of which are: initiating processes of cultural integration, • direct investment aid for business (particularly economic development, and social cohesion in the SMEs) to create sustainable jobs; Member States of the European Union. • infrastructure-related aid to areas as research and The whole territory of the European Union was innovation, telecommunications, environment, considered eligible for transnational cooperation energy and transport; within the Interreg IIIB programmes, along with the • financial instruments (venture capital funding, frontier regions. The eligible areas consisted of 13 funds for local development, etc.) that support local grouped regions: the northern peripheral regions, and regional development, and promote

14 cooperation between cities and regions. and regional development, by means of The Cohesion Policy The sectors covered are mainly transport, transnational and interregional cooperation. communications technology, energy, environment, The main aims of the research and innovation, social infrastructure, How does Italy participate? Cohesion Policy of the European Union are to training, urban and industrial reconversion, rural reduce disparities development, fisheries, tourism and culture. Overall funding for Interreg III, for the period 2000- between EU regions, Û 2006 and for the whole of Europe, was 4,875 and strengthen million (at 1999 prices). The ERDF contribution was economic and social How is Interreg structured? not permitted to exceed 75% of the overall cost of cohesion. It is an any programme in the Objective 1 regions, and expression of economic In three strands: 50% in other regions. solidarity among • Strand “A – cross-border co-operation”, which The European Commission allocated to Italy Member States. Through promotes integrated regional development resources for Interreg of approximately Û 426 shared objectives, it between contiguous border regions, including million. This was distributed among the various aims to make the EU external borders and certain maritime borders; programmes by means of CIPE (Committee for regions more attractive, innovative and • Strand “B – transnational cooperation”, which Economic Planning) Deliberation no. 67, dated 22 competitive places in strengthens cooperation between national, June 2000. To this amount was added which to live and work. Û regional and local authorities and promotes approximately 12.2 million for index-linking the Written into European greater territorial integration across large 2000 and 2003 financial years. Of the overall treaties since 1986, the groupings of European regions, in order to funding, 60% was allocated to programmes in the Cohesion Policy is achieve harmonious and balanced development cross-border Strand (Strand A), 34% to four based on a key in the EU, and improve territorial integration programmes in Strand B, and 6% in Strand C. concept: the principle with the candidate countries and other For Interreg IIIB programmes, Italy decided a of subsidiarity. This neighbouring countries; cofunding rate of 50% for the ERDF to all the provides a legal basis • Strand “C – interregional cooperation”, which Italian regions; where public funding is concerned, for Community action, improves techniques and policies for cohesion Italy is an exception in the European context, in areas where the Treaty does not confer exclusive powers on the Union, and SouthSouth West Europe West Europe CadsesCADSES WesternWestern Mediterranean Mediterranean AlpineAlpine Space Space ArchimedArchimed competence is shared with the other Member States.

0 100 500 km 0 100 500 km 0 100 500 km 0 50 250 km 0 100 500 km

because her own national contribution is fully guaranteed by the State through a “Rotation

Açores - Madeira - Fund”. This fund was established in 1987 and is Canarias Area managed by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance. On that basis, national co-financing for Italian entities participating in Interreg IIIC Caribbean Area programmes consisted of 70% from the Rotation Fund, with the remaining 30% provided by the Indian Ocean Area final beneficiary.

15 Italy and transnational cooperation

Factsheet compiled by: Letterio Denaro Official, Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport

Programme approved by the European Commission with Decision C (2001) 4013 on December 27th, 2001, modified by Decision C (2004)5411 of 17 December 2004

Participating Managing Authority: Joint Technical Secretariat: countries and - Italy Dresde - Germany management bodies Member States Third countries

Austria Albania

Bulgaria Bosnia-Herzegovina

Czech Republic Croatia

Germany Federal Republic (Baden-Württemberg, of Yugoslavia Bayern, Mecklenburg- Vorpommern, Sachsen, Former Yugoslav Sachsen-Anhalt, Berlin, Republic of Macedonia Brandenburg, Thüringen) Republic of Moldova Greece Ukraine Hungary (Odesa oblast, Zakarpatska oblast, Lviv Italy oblast, Ternopol oblast, (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Emilia- Ivano-Frankovsk oblast, Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Cernovci oblast) Giulia, Lombardy, Marche, Molise, Apulia, Trentino-Alto Adige, Umbria, )



Slovak Republic


Programme The area covered by the Cadses programme is the transformations, the programme adopted a summary largest and most complex of the thirteen Interreg “proximity” approach, which made it possible to zones. It includes 18 countries and over 200 million consider Third Countries as “full members” and beneficiaries. Its aim is to promote better territorial promote cooperation between ERDF and other EU integration across large groupings of European mechanisms designed for external cooperation regions, with the target of achieving sustainable, (CARDS/PHARE/TACIS). This approach made it harmonious and balanced development across its possible to elaborate innovative activities, and to area. Cadses has proved to be a formidable test- develop financial instruments that could be used in bed for implementing EU enlargement policies; the new programmes. These cooperation projects initially it consisted of four Member States, which were concerned with promoting rural and urban then became eleven in 2004 with the entry of development, improving the transport system and Poland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, access to the information society, safeguarding Slovenia, and Hungary, which were joined by natural, landscape, and cultural heritage, and risk Bulgaria and Romania in 2007. As a result of these prevention.

16 Financial data (millions of euro)

total initial budget 237.5 Italy’s contribution was more than 39% of the total programme budget. total initial contribution by Italy 104.3 The Italian partners benefited from resources amounting to approximately 83% of the share total final budget 265.2 guaranteed by Italy. As at 31/12/08, certified expenditure was more than total final contribution by Italy 104.3 83% of Italy’s allocation.

allocation to Italy 86.3 certified expenditure by Italy as at 31/12/08 71.9

Cooperation: the numbers

Compared to Italy’s contribution of 39% of the 133 projects approved total for the programme, more than 83% of the 111 projects with Italian participation projects had Italian participation and of these, almost 50% were Italian-led. The Italian partners 53 Italian-led projects were more than one fifth of the total. 1,601 partners in total 337 Italian partners

Distribution of the programme across Italy 54 23 65 34 28 The Italian region most strongly represented is Emilia Romagna, which participated in the programme with 65 partners (equivalent to more than 19% of the Basilicata 0.7 Italian total); this value is in line Lombardy 6.9 Apulia 8.1 36 with the share of funding allocated Molise 1.4 Trentino A. Adige 2.0 to that region, equivalent to 22% of Abruzzo 6.9 18 the total for Italy. Central Bodies 3.7 Veneto 21.5 18 9 34 Marche 12.1

Umbria 4.7 Friuli V. Giulia 9.8 2

Emilia Romagna 22.1 13 Central Bodies

Funding allocation by region (%) Italian partners by region

17 Italy and transnational cooperation

Factsheet compiled by: Zaira Piazza Official, Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport

Programme approved by the European Commission by Decision C(2001) 4069 of 27 December 2001, modified by Decisions C (2004) 4911 of 8 December 2004 and C (2007) 6666 of 14 December 2007

Participating Managing Authority: Joint Technical Secretariat: countries and Rome - Italy Rome - Italy management bodies Member States Third countries

Spain Switzerland, Morocco, Algeria, (Andalucia, Aragon, Tunisia Catalonia, Balearic Islands, Murcia, Valencia, Ceuta and Melilla) France (Corsica, Linguadoca-Roussillon, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azure, Rhône-Alpes) Greece Italy (Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Latium, Liguria, Lombardy, Umbria, Piedmont, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Val d'Aosta) Portugal (Algarve, Alentejo) United Kingdom Gibraltar Malta

Programme The Medocc programme was designed to reinforce Via the Medocc programme, the European Union summary cohesion across an area that includes territories has funded numerous projects to develop regional which are geographically and economically very policies, focusing on integration between the two uneven. Following the philosophy that inspired the shores of the Mediterranean, and cooperation Barcelona Process - to trace out a path for integra- between cities and between urban and rural areas, tion of the EU with Third Countries around the in a polycentric development. These include the Mediterranean basin - the key challenge for sustainable development of efficient transport Medocc is to spread the development of poles of systems, improving access to the information growth, from the most advanced zones to the society, promoting environmental protection, and southwest European rim as a whole. It aims to the management of cultural heritage and natural increase competitiveness, in order to build a resources. southern area of economic integration that can acquire global importance.

18 Financial data (millions of euro)

total initial budget 215.0 Italy’s contribution was more than 46% of the total programme budget. total initial contribution by Italy 96.7 The Italian partners demonstrated a satisfactory ability to absorb these resources, with more than 104% of total final budget 208.1 the share being guaranteed by Italy. The level of certified expenditure total final contribution by Italy 96.7 also demonstrates the efficiency of the Italian partners (88% of the allocation to Italy) allocation to Italy 101.1 certified expenditure by Italy as at 31/12/08 88.9

Cooperation: the numbers

Compared to a financial weighting for Italy of 142 projects approved 46%, almost all the projects (96%) had Italian 136 projects with Italian participation participation, and more than 50% were Italian- led. The percentage of Italian partners (47%) also 71 Italian-led projects reflects the high level of interest of the Italian 1,034 partners in total regions in this programme. 486 Italian partners

Distribution of the programme across Italy

35 24 The Italian region most strongly represented is Tuscany, which 7 47 68 participated in the programme with 33 68 partners (approximately 14% of the Italian total); a value that Lombardy 5.6 exactly matches the share of Liguria 10.7 funding allocated to Tuscany, Valle d’Aosta 1.8 Emilia Romagna 6.3 21 equivalent to 14% of the total for Piedmont 4.8 Italy. Tuscany 14.0 35 Sardinia 11.0 32 Umbria 2.9 35 13 Sicily 10.4 Latium 24 and Central Bodies 12.2 32 Calabria 12.1 Campania 6.4 Central Bodies Basilicata 1.8 55

Funding allocation by region (%) Italian partners by region

19 Italy and transnational cooperation

Factsheet compiled by: Rosalinda Esposito Official, Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport

Programme adopted by the European Commission with Decision C (2001) 4017 of 19 December 2001, modified by Decisions C (2004) 5556 dated 22 December 2004, C (2005) 0320 dated 3 February 2005, C (2005) 3092 dated 3 August 2005, and C (2006) 5746 dated 23 November 2006

Participating Joint Technical Secretariat: Managing Authority: countries and Rosenheim - Germany Salzburg - Austria management bodies

Member States Third countries

Austria Liechtenstein Switzerland France Rhône-Alpes, (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Franche-Comté, Alsace)

Germany districts of Upper Bavaria and Swabia (in Bavaria), Tübingen and Friburgo (in Baden-Württemberg)

Italy (Lombardy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Autonomous Provinces of Bolzano and Trento, Valle d'Aosta, Piedmont, Liguria )


Programme This programme was created with the intention of tiveness of the area. A number of activities were summary becoming a reinforcing element for the Alpine area directed towards resolving issues of accessibility by as a “strong” territory among the EU areas for promoting sustainable modes of transport and development, and affirming a common identity in communication, and adopting intelligent solutions the process of sustainable development of this ter- such as intermodality. Other projects aimed at ritory. This goal was pursued by encouraging inte- improved protection of cultural and natural herita- raction between the “heart” of the Alpine regions ge - particularly water - and at creating instruments and the transition areas of the Alps, trying to direct for defending civil society and infrastructure from all operations - including those that affected areas natural disasters, by exchanging information and in the plains - towards a positive impact on the methodologies. regions and their mountainous specificity. The tran- snational projects focussed on different areas, hel- ping to outline a coordinated policy for sustainable territorial development which, by adopting new planning methods, aimed to improve the competi-

20 Financial data (millions of euro)

total initial budget 123.8 Italy participated in Alpine Space with a contribution of more than total initial contribution by Italy 49.2 39% of the entire financial provision for the programme. The Italian partners benefited from resources total final budget 118.1 equivalent to approximately 111% of the share guaranteed by Italy. At total final contribution by Italy 46.4 the end of 2008, certified Italian expenditure was more than 95% of the total allocated. This allocation to Italy 51.5 demonstrates a great ability to make use of available resources. certified expenditure by Italy as at 31/12/08 49.0

Cooperation: the numbers

Italy participated very actively in the programme, 58 projects approved partnering in all the projects except one: 57 projects with Italian participation approximately 39% of these projects were Italian- led; Italian partners amounted to 38% of the 22 Italian-led projects total. These numbers are in line with the values 652 partners in total for the financial provision guaranteed by Italy. 240 Italian partners

Distribution of the programme across Italy 54

42 26 23 33 The Italian region most strongly 41 represented is the Trentino-Alto Adige, which participated in the programme with 54 partners (22,5% of the Italian total); this value perfectly matches the share of Liguria 3.3 12 Lombardy 14.8 funding allocated to that region, Piedmont 17.7 equivalent to 22,7% of the total for Italy.

Valle d’Aosta 7.5 Trentino A. Adige 22.7 Central Bodies 2.2

Friuli V. Giulia 12.1

Veneto 19.7 9 Central Bodies

Funding allocation by region (%) Italian partners by region

21 Italy and transnational cooperation

Factsheet compiled by: M. Tiziana Scabardi Official, Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport

Programme adopted by the European Commission with Decision C(2003) 117 dated 3 March 2003, modified by Decisions C (2004) 5056 of 13 December 2004, C (2006) 7006 of 18 December 2006, and C (2007) 6827 dated 20 December 2007

Participating Managing Authority: countries and Salonicco - Greece management bodies

Member States Third countries

Greece Turkey Lebanon Italy Syria (Basilicata, Calabria, Palestinian Authority Campania, Apulia, Sicily) Israel Jordan Malta Egypt Libya Cyprus

Programme This programme aimed to improve integration The co-financed projects had a strong transnational summary between the regions of the central Mediterranean character, focussed on the recovery of cultural iden- and southeastern Europe, by promoting models for tity, traditions, crafts and folklore typical of the sustainable and balanced development through the Mediterranean basin. They contributed to the implementation of synergistic activities, and con- enhancement of the cultural and natural resources structing networks capable of stimulating growth of the area, and the development of a sustainable and economic competitiveness in the whole area. form of tourism. The programme also supported The fragility of this area, including the neighbou- actions aimed at environmental protection, and the ring Third Countries, is due to large coastal surface prevention of natural risks intrinsic to this area, and mountainous and desert inland zones, difficult which are intensified by climate change. to access and sparsely populated. These geophysical peculiarities penalise opportuni- ties for economic growth, and necessitate actions to overcome delays and structural deficits.

22 Financial data (millions of euro)

total initial budget 119.6 The programme, which started with considerable delay due to the entry of Malta and Cyprus in 2004, was total initial contribution by Italy 39.4 only able to begin allocating funding to projects in 2006. Italy total final budget 79.4 participated with a contribution of approximately 33% of the total total final contribution by Italy 26.0 budget: the Italian partners benefited from resources equivalent to more than 118% of the share allocation to Italy 30.7 guaranteed by Italy. As at 31/12/08, certified Italian expenditure was certified expenditure by Italy as at 31/12/08 18.2 approximately 60% of the total allocated.

Cooperation: the numbers

Despite the financial participation of 33%, Italian 85 projects approved partners took part in 93% of the projects. The 79 projects with Italian participation Italian partners currently involved represent approximately 35% of the subjects participating 30 Italian-led projects in the programme. More than one third of the 562 partners in total approved projects are Italian-led. 195 Italian partners

Distribution of the programme across Italy

The Italian region most strongly represented is Sicily, which participated in the programme with 46 partners (more than 23% of the Italian total); this is in line with the share of funding allocated to that region, equivalent to 26,4% of the Campania 20.1% Apulia 17.4% total for Italy.

Central Bodies 3% 37 41 Basilicata 20.5% 37

Sicily 26.4% 23 11 Calabria 12.7% Central Bodies 46

Funding allocation by region (%) Italian partners by region

23 Italy and transnational cooperation

Factsheet compiled by: M. Gabriella Irace Official, Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport North Zone: East Zone: South Zone: West Zone: adopted by the European adopted by the European adopted by the European adopted by the European Commission with Decision Commission with Decision Commission with Decision Commission with Decision C (2001) 4771 dated 31 C (2001) 4773 dated 31 C (2002) 789 dated 28 C (2002) 54 dated 22 December 2001, modified December 2001, modified May 2002, modified by March 2002, modified by by Decision C (2004) by Decision C (2005) Decision C (2005) 3725 Decision C (2004) 4291 4151 of 19 October 2004. 5664 of 15 December dated 30 September dated 27 October 2004. 2005. 2005.

Managing Authorities (MA) and Joint Technical Secretariats (JTS) MA, North Zone for Interreg IIIC Kiel - Germany programmes STC, North Zone Rostok - Germany

MA and JTS, East Zone MA and JTS, West Zone Vienna - Austria Lille - France

MA and JTS, South Zone Valencia - Spain

Programme The Interreg IIIC area of cooperation took in the By operating at a capillary level of cooperation, summary entire territory of the EU, including the Enlarge- these RFOs – a typical component of the IIIC pro- ment Countries, and also made a clear commit- gramme – encouraged small areas to come in, ment to promoting participation by Third Coun- otherwise they would have been penalised. The IIIC tries; the Community's external borders were of programmes had the goal of improving the cohe- great importance in defining the projects. To sim- sion and effectiveness of regional development plify financial management of the projects, but policies, through the exchange of information, without placing geographical limits on cooperation, know-how, and experience between European L the area was divided into four broad zones (South, Regions. This was a form of “soft cooperation” East, West and North). Although the Italian part- that was implemented by sharing similar experien- ners were only allowed to lead projects in the South ces, and which aimed at influencing regional poli- and East zones, they took part in projects in all four cies, which is the special characteristic of strand C zones. Three programme implementation models of Interreg. were adopted: individual projects, network buil- ding, and Regional Framework Operations (RFOs).

24 Financial data – ERDF only (millions of euro)

total initial budget 349.0 In the case of the IIIC programmes, which have different rates of co- financing depending on which total initial contribution by Italy 25.6 territories are involved, only the ERDF part has been considered. total final budget 313.3 Italy’s contribution to the various zones was approximately 8% of the total final contribution by Italy total. The Italian participants 25.6 performed extremely well, taking up a proportion of funding almost allocation to Italy 49.9 twice that estimated (195%). As at 31/12/08, certified expenditure was certified expenditure by Italy as at 31/12/08 46.6 more than 93% of the total allocated to the Italian partners.

Cooperation: the numbers

The numbers highlight the significant 266 projects approved participation of Italian actors: approximately 70% 185 projects with Italian participation of the projects had Italian participation, both as partners (approximately 14% of the total for a 35 Italian-led projects programme that covered the whole territory of 2,669 partners in total the EU) and as Lead Partner (more than 19% of the total). 369 Italian partners

Distribution of the programme across Italy

8 The Italian region most strongly 27 58 9 24 11 represented is Emilia Romagna, which participated in the 22 24 programme with 58 partners (more than 16% of the Italian total); the Sardinia 3.1 Piedmont 2.9 region that took the largest share of Sicily 5.8 Valle d’Aosta 0.8 33 20 funding is Tuscany: 16,8% of the Calabria 3.5 Liguria 11.0 Basilicata 3.6 total for Italy. Apulia 1.9 12 Campania 1.7 Lombardy 9.5 11 Molise 1.3 17 Abruzzo 2.9 Trentino A. Adige 1.0 3 Latium and Veneto 3.7 20 Central Bodies 6.5 Friuli V. Giulia 3.7 10 Marche 2.5 6 Umbria 4.3 16 Emilia Romagna 13.3 Tuscany 16.8 4 Central Bodies 5

21 Funding allocation by region (%) Italian partners by region

25 Management outcomes Interreg IIIB and IIIC programming period 2000-2006

Within the 2000-2006 programming period EU that more than 2,600 actors were involved in IIIC Regulations required each Member State to take Programme partnerships, the Italian participation responsibility for the efficacy, efficiency and transparency represents approximately 70% of the projects overall, and of its own management and implementation processes of 14% of the partners projects. And it should also be Fabio Croccolo the Interreg programmes. underlined that no less than 35 Interreg IIIC projects were formerly Interreg In agreement with the regional authorities, the Member Italian-led: 13% of all the projects in which there was programmes National States participating in the various “spaces” designated a Italian participation. Coordinator, Managing and Payment Authority for each programme; Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport this Authority took responsibility for the key management Besides the high level of participation of Italian actors in functions of the programme. the IIIB and IIIC Programmes; their exceptionally good In the case of the Italian Ministry for Infrastructure and performance was also shown by their ability to take up Transport, the following roles were performed: the available resources. • National coordinator for the 9 cross-border Interreg IIIA Italy has always been well known as one of those programmes; unfortunate EU Member States that are inefficient in their • National coordinator for the 4 IIIB and the 4 III C ability to spend EU funding; in Italy’s case this has been programmes (South, East, North, and West zones); estimated as less than 70%. • Managing and Payment Authority for the Cadses and Thus in the 2000-2006 Interreg programming period that Medocc Interreg IIIB programmes. earlier trend was completely reversed. As in the case of For the last of these three roles the Ministry was any European funding not pre-assigned to an individual responsible, across a very wide area of Europe, for country, but managed directly by the European managing almost half a billion Euro, within a framework Commission, Italian operators had to compete for into which many new regulations were introduced, resources with the other countries. As compared to what increasing the burden of the procedures that had to be had been initially estimated, Italy successfully secured a complied with. larger share of the funding - absorbing resources initially Where geographical eligibility was concerned, the IIIC allocated to other countries – which amounts to programme covered the whole of Italy, and all twenty approximately 114% of the ERDF resources initially made Italian regions took part in at least one IIIB programme. available. The Lombardy region (Cadses, Medocc, Alpine Space) and This was thanks to Italy’s greater competitiveness and the Basilicata region (Archimed, Cadses, Medocc) were each better quality of her projects and partnerships, but above involved in three programmes. all, to the effectiveness and scrupulousness of the Ministry’s coordination work (in collaboration with the On conclusion of the 2000-2006 Interreg IIIB and IIIC regional governments), and the excellent negotiating skills programming period, Italian operators had taken part in of Ministry representatives on the decision-making approximately 570 of the 684 projects approved in total, committees. Nor should we overlook the exhaustion of resulting in an extremely satisfactory 83% overall. Of the resources actually used: although Italian actors were these projects with Italian participation, more than 31% allocated a budget bigger than initially expected, their were Italian-led: an unmistakeable indicator of the good spending ability (including the resources for technical planning and management skills of the Italian operators, assistance allocated to the Ministry itself) reached who were supported in this challenging task by central extremely high levels: more than 87%, and this before all state coordination. Finally, out of a total of more than incurred costs have been certified. 6500 project partners, more than 1600 were Italian, i.e., one in every 4 participants. Looking specifically at individual programmes with Italian If, for example, we focus our analysis on the IIIC participation, the four IIIC Programmes were the most programme – on which Italy did not exert any particular effective considering resources allocation, absorbing influence, since the Managing Authorities were in foreign 195% of the funding initially made available. But in all the countries – we can see that 369 Italian partners other programmes as well - except Cadses, and we shall participated in 185 projects. This figure places Italy first see why later on - the balance between what was made among the participating Member States, followed by available at the beginning of planning, and what was Spain with 293 partners, and Germany with 249. Bearing taken up by the Italian project partners, is always positive; in mind that a total of 266 projects were approved, and it means that Italy was able to draw on ERDF resources

26 What others say about us

• on 75 occasions the Interreg by Italian universities IIIB and IIIC programmes – in • Approximately 2,800 articles that had been contributed by other Member States. which Italy participated – about the Interreg IIIB and So far as efficiency in making use of resources is were cited as best practice in IIIC programmes, and/or concerned, the IIIC programme, and Alpine Space, had INTERACT programme publi- about projects funded by the highest levels of certified expenditure. cations, for individual aspects them, have been published in The lowest level was for Cadses; essentially, this was • More than 8 Italian Regions print media and/or on-line, linked to the peculiarities of this programme. Following have issued a publication nationally or locally enlargement of the European Union in 2004, all the new describing their participation • Approximately 120 interviews Member States that were brought into the area involved in Interreg IIIB and IIIC pro- about the Interreg IIIB and in the programme (Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, grammes IIIC programmes, and/or on the Slovak Republic, and Slovenia) joined in with a budget • 22 studies on the Interreg projects funded by them, that was significantly less than their potential to absorb it. IIIB and IIIC programmes, have been broadcast on In other words, the old Member States actually sacrificed and/or on projects funded by national or local television part of their resources in favour of these new members, to them, have been carried out increase cooperation and territorial cohesion in the east; this was in fact the main political objective of the Programme.

So far as expenditure is concerned, the real lame duck in which the programmes were structured, which led to was Archimed, but this is explained by the long delay in various procedural and administrative difficulties in implementing that programme, and as a result, the implementing them, the Italian experience has been tardiness in allocating resources to projects. Now that the successful beyond all expectations. It shows that Italy period of eligibility for expenditure has been extended, possesses the ability to develop a very rich selection of Archimed should be able to deliver outcomes similar to projects, and that her central and regional authorities are those for other programmes. more than ready to meet the new challenges of European In conclusion, it can be said that despite the complexity cooperation. and novelty of the organisational procedures, and the way

Partner participation (PP = Project Partners)

Programmes Projects Projects with Italian-led Total Italian PPs / approved Italian PPs projects PPs total PPs Cadses 133 83% 40% 1,601 21% Medocc 142 96% 50% 1,034 47% Spazio Alpino 58 98% 38% 652 37% Archimed 85 93% 35% 562 35% IIIC 266 70% 13% 2,669 14% Total 684 83% 31% 6,518 25%

Financial participation (ERDF funds in millions of euro)

Programmes Total funds Funds contributed Italian contribution Funds allocated Funds allocated / by Italy to the total to Italian PPs funds contributed Cadses 132.6 52.1 39% 43.2 83% Medocc 104.0 48.4 46% 50.5 104% Spazio Alpino 59.0 23.2 39% 25.8 111% Archimed 39.7 13.0 33% 15.4 118% IIIC 313.3 25.6 8% 49.9 195% Total 648.6 162.3 25% 184.8 114%

27 28 PART II - Territories in the Spotlight Planning Competitiveness Innovation Mobility Environment Culture and landscape Energy Society

29 Planning New governance tools for balanced development of the territory

The last few years have witnessed an evolution in specific territorial system: public services, territorial planning logic and tools, thanks to the infrastructures and the level of innovation. growth and development of new methods for The following become crucial points which can evaluation, management and programming of the have a significant effect on the territory and the priorities and demands of the territory with the environment: awareness that the principle of “government of the • innovative capabilities, which must be the force territory” must be replaced with “governance of behind administrative and programming efforts the territory”. in public offices and regional policy; In particular, the territory is becoming more • the actions of the public administrations complex, a residential area where diverse needs and promoting the initiatives, even those that are interests cross paths in a search for balance, costly and complex, and managing coordination bringing many different social entities into contact of these; (public institutions, companies, civil society, • the presence of suitable infrastructures able to companies, citizens, etc.). direct economic development towards higher The process of “governance” therefore deals with levels while respecting the environment and local diverse actors, orders and selects common demands. objectives and initiates processes focused on territorial transformation, aiming to instigate In particular, the actions of public administrations economic actors involvement in a complex system are a fundamental intervention tool for reaching of cooperation. territorial planning objectives which, as described Voluntary cooperation – promoted by entities previously, are collective objectives: their function is operating in the territory and initiated by national regulated by a delicate equilibrium between and local policy, as well as legislation – therefore decisive autonomous entities and subsidiarity, or becomes an ever more strategic lever for the rather by the demands of decentralization of development and promotion of projects and the administrative functions necessary for territorial management of the details pertaining to the planning, and the real extension and relevance of

The Challenges

Positive territorial planning living areas in the natural Italy reflect a cultural change in choices produce positive environment. citizens and in administrations impacts on territorial Territorial and urban planning to a direction that includes environmental, residential, is being called upon to bring to more participation and economical and infrastructural the forefront governance exchange of knowledge, systems, improving potential processes aimed at favouring organisational and uses. This increases levels of conscientious consumption of productive processes able to quality of life in terms of well- the social-economic and natural guarantee compatibility of being, health and efficiency in resources of a territory, developmental and residential territorial systems and also ensuring duration and demands with protection of the reduces health and safety risks availability into the future. physical integrity and cultural stemming from human activity In this regard, the enacted identity of the territory. and the pressure of residential programmes in Europe and in

30 the interests in question, which can often exceed local range. A change in perspective from government to governance has spurred an important change in the territorial planning sector – starting in the 1980s – moving from an aesthetic/architectural approach to a method built on ecosystem, social- economical and geographical foundations.

To adequately explain territorial planning in this day and age, it is necessary to take into consideration diverse areas, including economical, geographical, geopolitical, social, urban, historical and cultural factors. These areas are nevertheless dynamic and Territorial planning has become an economical and transformative in nature and require coordination social cohesion tool, to the point that economical, activities among the various entities operating in social and territorial cohesion are spoken of in the territory, as well as consideration of medium the same breath, signifying solidarity between the and long term scenarios and the adoption of Member States and the European Union, and the flexible approaches designed around future desire to favour balanced development of initiatives, all aimed at protecting delicate community territory, the reduction of structural social/economical balance, promoting eco- gaps between community regions, as well as sustainability and the use of adequate resources in promotion of equal opportunities for citizens. full respect of future generations. Europe is fully aware of the importance of territorial The need to promote the territorial planning planning processes, and there are numerous process, and consequently economic, social and political and financial programming efforts territorial integration, has spurred the development underway, starting with the principles of the of transnational projects and jointly actions “European Spatial Development Perspective”, financed by the European Union. updated in the “Territorial Agenda”, and the In regards to Interreg Programmes, the intention is new generation of regional territorial plans to primarily the transformation of latent conflicts prevent the typical threat of “deterritorialization” between places and economical dynamics into caused by an approach that is based on the positive dialogue over economy, local culture and consumption of the territory without consideration delocalized interests, including the protection of for the identity and vocations of the region. the territory and development demands. The basic reasons for the growing interest in Europe These projects are initiated to facilitate innovation, for territorial planning processes are founded on entrepreneurialism and exchange of know-how, the necessity to redefine the identity of a territory and are designed to: that is subject to continuous changes and to have a • stimulate the regions and cities to take into ready response to new geo-political factors, which account new approaches aimed at governance are always less correspondent to the logic of and sustainable development; administrative boundaries and more to the logic of • favour an equilibrium of actions through trans- interaction, exchange of knowledge, partnership institutional cooperation on all levels. and synergy.

31 Planning

European Union The Projects same lines, focusing its actions on the recovery, in strategies: cooperation with local institutions, of ex-military The Territorial Agenda The evolution of cities areas and patrimony. One of the partners in this initiative is the city of , a world cultural Approved in Leipzig The pressure for change in territorial planning heritage site and a city adorned by many towers, on May 24, 2007, the fortification and castles, which since the middle Territorial Agenda is systems in Europe has made a precise configured as a understanding of the new local economy a ages were built for the purpose of military defence strategic political necessity, since this point is now considered to be of the port. In the scope of territorial renewal, document that an important indicator of the ability of local military areas like the “Entrenched Camp of identifies diverse institutions to produce development. The vicinity of ”, which consists of a fortified built up area territories and local administrations in the territory in question and around the railroad hub in Mestre, have been promotes cohesive the awareness of specific demands has been a key renovated and made accessible to tourists and reinforcement of the element in the willingness of Europe to approach visitors. common theme of these types of projects, also those involving urban The “leap” towards changing the definition of sustainable renewal and improvement in quality of life issues these areas as destinations, also where there are economical within urban environments, interventions adopted historical and artistic buildings present, and the development practices attention of the local government in these efforts and improved mainly by secondary government administrations. employment has also provided incentives for the creation of opportunities in Vital Cities, for example, has offered important associations dedicated to these renovation and Europe. The priorities contributions to the “revitalization” of urban areas, renewal activities in the city, favouring an increase of the Agenda are: making available operating tools that are in employment for the younger generation. • the promotion of appropriate for the territorial and economic trans-national, demands of the city. This project has provided The object of the project Poseidon, however, was competitive, significant support to local administrations for the poverty and criminality deriving from decayed innovative regional development of city planning, initiating studies on urban and social-economic environments. The clusters; citizen behaviours, mapping of related demands project created a model for social recovery of high • the need for new and correct dimensioning of the interventions risk urban areas and launched urban renewal pilot forms of territorial projects. The area around Valle Scrivia in Liguria, for governance between necessary for comprehensive urban “renewal” in urban and rural the involved areas. One of the most interesting example, is compromised by significant areas; outputs of this project is the study conducted by industrialization of the territory, and was the object • the promotion of the Lombardy Region on the renewed role of of study for a mixed team of international environmental and commerce as a valorisation tool for cities and the professionals from other important European urban cultural resources; production of tools for regional programming of areas (Stockholm, Amsterdam, Vienna, etc.). • the reinforcement mountain areas, where the lack of commerce is not Through meetings with the local communities and of trans-European yet compensated by the introduction of tourism institutions, the team mapped out several diverse technological activities. corrective interventions, which resulted in the networks; The results of this research were shared and development of a green park area (Pratogrande • the promotion of discussed over the course of the international Area) that acts as a point of ecological connection trans-European risk between the Appennine area and the management; Forum held in December of 2004 and November of • the reinforcement 2005 respectively in the city of Brescia (entitled Mediterranean area, permitting conservation of of polycentric urban ”Innovative trade models: the mountain areas biodiversities in the various areas involved. development. case”) and in Milan (entitled: “Trade legislation: a The territorial comparison between European regions”). Support from and participation of citizens in large dimension of cohesion scale urban transformation projects are is centred on the The project Ascend has developed along these fundamental objectives of the communication

32 strategies enacted by local entities participating in the Grands Travaux project. In addition to numerous communication initiatives already enacted, the main result of this project is definitely the fact that it has stimulated reflection in European municipalities on ways to create a community spirit and how to bring closer citizens of diverse generations and social groups to respective urban areas, increasing a sense of belonging and reinforcing local traditions. Furthermore, the development of connection tools among citizens and local decision makers, as well as available development and urban renovation of small alpine reinforcement of information pertaining to city modernization and towns subject to social-economic decline, with territorial capital in development helps to alleviate public opposition in inadequate public/private services, quality of life European cities and respect to urban renovation projects which may and buildings, and with populations that have only regions, valuing create temporary disadvantages for the community limited access to cultural facilities. diversity and territorial character, directly involved. AlpCity has built a wide ranging trans-national going beyond local The benefits from the use of these strategies and partnership that has developed exchange and points of view and networking opportunities, creating an awareness communication tools have been significant in the promoting new case of the Florence tramway, which initially faced and common strategy for gathering good practices, processes and models the opposition of legitimate worries in the local for distribution and communication, as well as for multilevel population about transport disadvantages and common guidelines, with the following results: governance. fears of negative impacts on the aesthetic qualities • an increase of information on all levels, sharing of a tourist destination like the city of Florence. and improvement of awareness about the Source: Diffusion of information about the intervention project’s theme; through communication means, developed by • the promotion of 21 innovative local case studies territorial-agenda Grands Travaux, allowed on the one hand calming on issues involving economic development, the fears linked to negative impacts on the city’s services and quality of life, urban development appearance, and on the other hand also provided and cooperation between cities; information about the benefits that would come • the promotion of innovative political practices from the new tramway, actually drastically reducing and guidelines under the scientific direction of the amount of private transportation and the Piedmont Region and the production of a automobile traffic. Another positive application of multilingual database containing 15 good the communication techniques developed by the practices for alpine cities; project can be seen in the case of the Rome • the founding of a Regional Urban Observatory Tiburtina Train Station renovation project. This (AlpCityRUO) with the scope of evaluating local ambitious initiative took advantage of the urban conditions and ongoing tendencies, and experience of Grands Travaux for obtaining the the promotion of distribution and necessary approval for launching renewal projects communication of good practices; AlpCity RUO for the urban and outlying railway lines, providing refers to the international network of Urban the capital of Italy with a new traffic configuration Observatories promoted by the Un-Habitat that is less chaotic and more rail dependent. agency as local branches of the Global Urban Observatory (GUO), created for the purpose of Finally, the project AlpCity should also be monitoring and evaluating urban conditions and mentioned. The project focused on local tendencies at a global level.

33 Planning

Economic reinforcement of insular regions and Focus: integrated management of coastal areas The Alpcity project For a country like Italy, with its specific geographical The Alpcity project, managed by the characteristics, valorisation of the resources in Piedmont Region, has insular and coastal areas represents one of the most been judged to be an significant and effective solutions for responding to international best the demands of economic development, and also practise, and has to the consequences of climate change. become part of the The MeSFIDE project (Mediterranean Small Craft best practices Fishery and Development) focuses on the database promoted by valorisation of coastal and insular resources, the city of Dubai and investigating the theme of over exploitation of the United Nations fishing grounds Human Habitat The recovery of traditional fishing methods and programme. The database contains consequently local development of coastal and 3,800 projects from insular areas has been the main focus of the more than 140 project, which is defined by a developmental model implementation of policies aimed at stopping countries and is an that integrates cultural traditions with self- environmental degradation of coastal areas and the important tool for sustaining economies in the local communities. In protection of related natural and cultural resources. understanding the the developed model, reinforcement of traditional The project has brought to light the advantages challenges of a world activities represents a meeting place and point of derived from the implementation of a Management that is ever more integration for exploitation of fishing resources and System for environmental quality control and urban in nature and launching the tourism sector. In fact, the project policies developed along the Mediterranean coast, the possible has implemented a tracking and certification combining the approaches of the European-based environmental, system for fish products, guaranteeing a link economical and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and political solutions. between places of origin and promoting the the Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) For further territory and its traditions, as well as development of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). information about of employment opportunities. In the scope of MedCOAST.Net it is also necessary this award: The Sicilian coast is an excellent example, where the to mention the Sorrento city government, which is http://www.bestpracti model in question was applied in order to recover always sensitive to the issues in its own territory, the “Voice Market”, or rather the traditional and has become a promoter of the creation of a auction system for fresh fish. The “Voice Market” is permanent network of institutions guaranteeing a typical tradition of the coastal areas in Sicily (the sustainable management of urban coastal areas via coasts around Palermo and Syracuse) where the urban renewal projects (e.g. the renovation of fresh catch is auctioned off in an area near the port: Piazza Andrea Veniero in Sorrento). revisiting of this market technique, abandoned for Another valid example can be found in the several years, has resulted in the lowering of “sustainable bathing” pilot project in the coastal intermediary costs and the development of a direct area of Rimini, one of the numerous initiatives sales method among fishermen and the local enacted in the area. This action outlined an aware populations, also producing a significant tourism and ecologically compatible usage methodology in interest. tourist and bathing facilities on the coast (recycling shower water, use of solar panels, information Another significant experience is the project points pertaining to the health of the bathing area). MedCOAST.Net, whose objective was the

34 • the harmonious growth of the residential system, News from Europe rationalizing citizen services and transport, lowering the negative effects of waste and Jessica (Joint pollution. European Support for Sustainable This is the collaborative logic that frames the Investment in City development of the S3 project (Sharing Solutions Areas) is a financial tool created by the for Structural Funds), which has constituted a European Union to European network of entities implementing support urban development interventions in the scope of renewal projects, also Structural Funds, expanding levels of possible through the synergies between implemented projects or those intervention of in progress. private capital. This project is based on the need, for the new Founded as a joint Structural Funds programming period, to allocate initiative of the resources in a way that takes into account possible Commission, the BEI synergies from increased cooperation among the and the European Council Development Planning for sustainability involved entities on the European scale, a stronger Bank, this interesting impulse in favour of communicative policies and initiative now includes valorisation of past experiences, as well as Territorial planning inevitably also involves a wide a platform for range of institutional entities, many of which have convergence and coherence of territorial exchange of conflicting interests. These must be organised in a management approaches by European regions that experience and good comprehensive programme of interventions that have benefited and will benefit in the future from practices. The respond to the various demands in question, these significant financial resources. network will be open rendering the diverse entities coherent and to representatives of directing them through shared negotiation tools In terms of sustainability, important cooperative central and regional and procedures. efforts have been initiated for the management of administrations, as In fact, the planning process articulates around the territory in the rural sector. This can be seen in well as many other entities involved in different levels of territorial government that the results of the Rural Med II project. This urban planning; require institutional (or not) concertation project, managed by the Andalusia Region with the among the issues on participation of 15 Italian partners, has permitted procedures, and must be suitable for guaranteeing the agenda, funds for the participation of all of the interested actors in the creation of a network for exchanging urban development preparation of the plan contents. experience and coordination of interventions and governance, Synergies between the different duties and involving rural development, making an important integrated urban knowledge become the driving forces behind a contribution in the valorisation of the natural planning and projects successful outcome, ensuring: environment and preventing negative impacts of that may promote the • the quality of the territorial plan created in terms agriculture on soil and subsoil resources. latter. For further of protection of natural resources and the safety The theme of environmental protection and information: and health of citizens, urban quality of life, protection of the natural countryside was the basis integration and coordination of single territorial for project activities in support of valorisation of the management interventions; identity and typical equilibrium in rural areas, with • an increase in efficiency and appropriate set up efforts to rebalance the disparity between of the infrastructural system (networks and production cheapness and the protection of mobility) necessary for economic and social cultural traditions and environmental resources. development in the territory; A particularly significant study in this scope is

35 Planning

My Experience

represented by "Contemporary Rural Landscapes", which was compiled by the Italian Association “L’Atelier” in collaboration with the University of Florence Departments of Urban Planning and Agrarian Economy. The specific project produced research and experimentation on the problematic Gilberto Zinzani Director of EEIG issues of the contemporary landscape and living MARCO Polo System areas, and was aimed at favouring sustainability in Project Manager the specific conditions of Mediterranean regions.

MARS (Monitoring of Alpine Regions’ “Above all, the Sustainability) is a project launched in 2003 with ASCEND project had the participation of six European countries for the the merit of purpose of developing a common database based reopening a EU on common indicators measuring sustainability of priority – the re- conversion of former economic and territorial development in the military areas - which regions of the Alps. was successfully In particular, the study of Alpine areas brought to focussed in the past light the fact that these territories present problems Konver programme. of social-economic decline and how an inadequate The stipulation of an building infrastructure and a local community with agreement for limited access to political decisions further degrades permanent cooperation between the cultural and natural resources of the territory. project partners has The project made it possible to gather technical also worked in favour information and to initiate diverse pilot research of the creation of a projects, creating the foundations for a sustainable long term strategy for local development model for Alpine areas. Finally, dealing with issues of MARS organised the relevant information, creating recovery and social- a set of 45 sustainability indicators grouped over 33 economical use of former defence European regions in Austria, Germany, France, Italy, installations. The Liechtenstein, Slovenia and Switzerland. Ascend Network has The application of these indicators also resulted in reiterated the need to the creation of a ranking of the regions that define a programme participated in the study, acknowledging the with several years Austrian region of Voralberg as the most evolved in duration with the terms of sustainable territorial planning. scope of enacting a partnership and a permanent action The development of the Progresdec project has programme in Europe constituted an effort to enact the European Spatial to deal with these Development Perspective (ESDP), applying issues”. principles of territorial cohesion on a regional and sub-regional level. Progresdec represented an important occasion for experimentation of territorial strategies through the

36 identification of scenarios that will define the Focus: priorities of local development: urban regeneration, Leader Region polycentrism, rural development and environmental-landscape issues. The theme of The project developed along three main ideas: territorial planning as vertical cooperation, which was concentrated on a tool for local analysis of the levels of ESDP implementation development has been the focus of intense within regions; horizontal cooperation, which interest from all the includes interaction between the policies in the Italian regions. sector; experimentation on enactment of ESDP Beyond the strictly principles in pilot actions. quantitative data, the Latium Regional Authority was involved in this abilities of all the experiment and applied project activities to seek to central Italian regions go ahead with the transfer of urban planning (the Umbria Region, duties from the Regional to the Provincial in particular) and the Authority: the Regional Authority has to retain the Campania Region to tasks of overall government and coordination with initiate interesting national territorial management strategies, whereas and innovative projects have been the Provincial Authorities are responsible for quite significant. assessing municipal urban planning schemes and territorial upgrading.

Finally, the Semson project had the scope of gathering, processing and analyzing data related to territorial development in the southwestern area of the Mediterranean through the development of a planning observatory. The project is articulated in three stages: the first stage was the definition, in relation to the area in question, of a Territorial Indicators System fully compatible and in synergy with the approach used by the ESDP and the European Spatial Planning Observatory Network (ESPON). The second empirical stage verified the applicability of the aforementioned territorial indicators through the experience gained during the pilot projects in, among others, the weaker areas of Basilicata (those characterized by medium to small settlements). The third stage dealt with the creation of a Spatial Planning Observatory Platform in southwestern Europe, which has permitted the creation of a network of entities, institutional and not, which are active in the territory in the field of territorial development and planning.

37 Planning


The wide ranging nature and the centrality of the have become the basis for the development of gui- theme of territorial planning intended as local deve- delines illustrating the positive impacts these lopment and renewal of urban centres, as well as projects have had on the political-decision making improvement of governance dynamics at regional sector. As far as common declarations are concer- level, can be seen in the high number of imple- ned, it is important to note that a significant part of mented projects as part of the Interreg program- the output from these projects is constituted by the mes. Many of the financed projects have spurred creation and institutionalization of cities and terri- into international cooperation networks aimed at tories networks. These networks are common the exchange of good practises for territorial gover- grounds where common themes and issues conver- nance in areas sharing common aspects and pro- ge, increasing the ability for intervention, even after blems. This is obvious from the high number of the conclusion of the projects financed by Interreg. common declarations and agreements that have From this same standpoint, a significant amount of been developed through the 60 implemented attention has been dedicated to the development

Projects Programme No. projects Total funding (euro) Average project worth (euro) and Funding Dedicated Alpine space 5 5,605,027 1,121,005 to the Topic Medocc 16 11,506,256 719,141 Cadses 21 14,451,341 688,159 Archimed 4 1,373,151 343,287 Interreg IIIC 14 8,347,696 596,264 Total 60 41,283,471 -

projects. Territorial planning is also often combined of human resources, translating into numerous edu- with themes related to mobility, as well as sustai- cational interventions, and to dissemination, with a nable management of goods traffic and citizen high number of dedicated events. Finally, the infra- transportation by land, river and sea. Another structures involved have taken on many different significant connection is the crossroads of urban forms; in fact, it is important to remember that the planning and protection of architectural-urban theme of territorial planning was often accompa- patrimony, which has resulted in interesting urban nied by sharp attention dedicated to local develop- renewal projects. ment and support for territory productivity. The Numerous studies have contributed to the deve- small scale infrastructures therefore include new lopment and updating of a knowledge base for urban design elements, green spaces, renewal of good territorial management. These studies have abandoned buildings that were still points of refe- also been made accessible through numerous rence for local businesses, as well as research and publications. Many of these research publications consultant centres for specific production sectors.

38 What Was Achieved

269 Studies and Research

6 Networks and Observatories

64 Shared Guidelines and Declarations

513 Training Events

168 Information Events

202 Publications

38 Multimedia Products

103 Databases and SW

82 Small-scale Infrastructures

Projects Mentioned in This Chapter

Interreg IIIC • POSEIDON - • Grands Travaux - • Ascend - • S3 - • Progresdec - Medocc • RURAL MED II - Cadses • VITAL CITIES - Archimed • MeSFIDE - • MedCOAST.Net - • Semson - - Alpine Space • ALPCITY - • MARS -

39 Competitiveness New opportunities for SME: cooperation as a developmental tool

During the last decade, the theme of Italy, whose economy is founded on SMEs, must competitiveness has often been the object of new focus maximum attention on these processes: it is perspectives particularly linked with the emergence estimated that this phenomenon will have negative and consolidation of two phenomena in effects on more than two and a half million industrialized countries: the globalization and the workers. knowledge economy. The first has redefined the concept of competitiveness, expanding In light of these considerations, it is evident the geographical horizons and potentially infinite importance of programmes such as Interreg, which multiplication of benchmark parameters and move according to two main principles: vertical players involved. The second has undermined the collaboration (from local entities to European foundations, redefining the concept of a material institutions and viceversa), through public-private horizon to one that is infinitely more mobile and partnership (PPP), and horizontal collaboration seemingly immaterial. Europe, especially through (between only homogeneous institutional entities), the Treaty of Lisbon, has associated the theme of using interregional and transnational programmes competitiveness with that of the knowledge such as Interreg. economy , making this an operative tool for In a global context, the single territorial realities sustaining its own framework in a greater scope of cannot always create policies that sustain their own transformation required by new economic productive sectors with the power to make the scenarios. most of competitive aspects and to, at the same Globalization and the dictates of the new time, mitigate risks coming from international knowledge economy have profoundly changed the competition. The challenges of globalization characteristics of competitive advantages. It has require a transnational approach to been estimated that in the next ten years more competitiveness of the territories and SMEs: than a half a million SMEs will close in Europe alone economic flows do not stop at borders, but cross because their business models will not be able to over them and open processes that must be adapt to the new competitive context. confronted in a systemic manner, allowing a

The Challenges

The European Union, and Italy European Union is linked to the of the Old Continent. At the in particular, has historically success of this strategy. If the same time, without a united directed public support actions Union is not able to quickly Europe, the single States have a towards small and medium jump on the train of the much smaller chance to enterprises: recently it has been immaterial economy, compete positively in the game concentrating these efforts in considering the chronic lack of of globalization. In short, the interregional sectors, which are bulk materials and high only possibility that the considered to be the most consumption that Europeans European territories have to suitable dimension for are used to, the counter win the globalization challenge development of competitiveness tendencies of the European is to affirm themselves as part required by the new global political project will find fertile of a European cooperative economic and political scenario. ground in which to grow, project. It is evident how the economic, seriously undermining the political and social future of the political-institutional stability

40 European Union Glossary

Since the Lisbon strategy laid out the objective of making Europe’s knowledge economy the most competitive and dynamic in the world, competitiveness has become one of the political priorities of the European Union. In fact, competitive European industry is indispensable for reaching common economic, social and environmental objectives, therefore guaranteeing improvement in quality of life for transformation of risks into opportunities. This new cooperation for investing in new innovation European citizens. In definition of competitiveness means that the through the use of European project incentives and order to be European productive fabric must confront new the assistance of partners in areas unexplored up to competitive, the sectors: firstly, the knowledge economy, and now, as occurring, for example, through Interreg European Union must therefore immaterial production. This all requires a programmes. be more profitable in terms of research and rethinking of business models, giving more innovation, relevance to research and innovation, as well as a The first result that deserves mentioning – a direct information and new focus on public policies governing valorisation effect of national and community based communication of artistic and cultural patrimonies, also from a investments in Interreg Programmes – is the technologies, tourism point of view. reinforcement of interregional and transnational entrepreneurialism, cooperation in both public and private Italian and competition, Obviously, it is necessary to consider the effects of European entities. This process definitely facilitated education and this changed social-economic scenario on the successful exchange of knowledge and experience. training. territory, and therefore also on the population. The Elements stemming from public/private European productive framework, and the Italian partnerships have been part of each of the Source: one in particular, is characterized by the centrality evaluated projects. This is the common lus/glossary/competiti of small to medium enterprises: it is within SMEs denominator of Interreg projects and the key factor veness that creative capacities intertwine with productive that makes it an indispensable tool for European necessities, giving life to a network of small integration. This integration assumes, on the one suppliers that is the foundation for the social- hand, the commercial role of also exchanging, economic development to be protected, or in some launching and supporting non-local markets, and cases, incentivized. This is the right moment for on the other hand, valorising a local cultural taking maximum advantage of the potential of a identity. This identity is open to trans-territorial knowledge-based and immaterial economy, and in confrontation, and finds a new habitat in the combination with lacking infrastructure typical of marketplace, a fertile ground for planting the roots many regions, to support SMEs during their of tradition and watching them thrive. This renewal processes. It is necessary to use the situation is a key configuration for launching local information highways when actual highways are characteristics: a marketplace that is open to lacking, as well as to take advantage of institutional interaction, confrontation and renewal.

41 Competitiveness

The Projects

News from Europe Competitiveness, entrepreneurialism and Competitiveness and business models working policies The SME European One of the paths taken by Italian and European website( The Interreg projects implemented in Italy have SMEs to confront the rapid changes taking hold in enterprise/sme/text_en.htm) obtained significant results, the first being that of the productive and competitive scenario in which is a virtual space in having contributed substantially to improving the they operate is the review, and often reinvention, of which entrepreneurs economic and social conditions in the territories in their own business models. and professionals can question. For example, the concept of “multipurpose find all types of business” comes to mind, i.e. commercial entities financing, innovation The contribution to occupational policies, for and collaboration example, should not be underestimated, and the that are dedicated not only to the groups of opportunities results of these activities are evident in the territory, merchandise handled (primary goods and accessory dedicated to small in contrast to diverse demographic characteristics, goods), but also groups of goods and services and medium including valorisation of cultural identities. typical of advanced tertiary sectors, also with the enterprises. When creation of a front office for basic public services accessing the website Backed up by the organisation of 13 conferences provided in the name and under the responsibility it is also possible to with more than 1200 participants, the Transregio of public agencies, and regulated by specific contribute to the project (Transmission d’Entreprise dans les Regions agreements. creation of the Small d’Europe) has identified one of the main causes of The Veneto Region (together with other local Business Act: in only a this dynamic in the inability of enterprises in administrations, e.g. the Morbegno Mountain few steps it is Community) has experimented it through 5 pilot possible to transferring know-how gained over the years from participate in the one generation to another. From a macroeconomic “shops” financed by the Qualima project (Quality definitions of point of view, this phenomenon is presented in a of life improvement by supporting basic public and European policies in similar way when a territory cannot integrate private services in the rural areas of the Alps). the sector! knowledge gained in diverse areas of society into its These “shops” were conceived as points of This initiative is own productive framework, such as public and reference for small mountain communities, where combined with other private research centres. Among the regions the available public and private services were active tools from the involved in Transregio, the Lombardy Region, relatively few, and following organisational time period (2000- through its controlled Cestec SpA, is a valid optimization models, these shops took commercial 2006) aimed at example of how practised knowledge economy can benefit from the opportunities in their own supporting SMEs in translate into numerous actions created to form a territories. These points of sale received ample Europe; some of the approval by the local community, as well as from other initiatives virtuous cycle among productive entities, regional include: the administrations and European programmes, numerous surrounding communities, which are Programme in Favour facilitating technological transfer and diffusion of also contributing to the effort by launching other of Business and the culture of innovation in small and medium “multipurpose businesses”. Entrepreneurialism, enterprises. The rooting of local artisan traditions, spurred by a Asia-Invest III, AL- renewed commercial energy, favours the Invest, activities reinforcement of temporary repopulation of specifically targeted depressed areas, thanks to cultural and nature to SMEs within the based tourism and tertiary services: a process that VI programme and contributes new input to production and JEV fund benefiting consumption, activating a virtuous circle which is collaborative self sustaining and economically significant. initiatives between businesses.

42 The Lombardy Region is moving in this direction Focus: with initiatives financed by the Craft project The Innofire Project (Cooperation between Regions of the Alps for Development of Transnational and Tran-sector MediMap, Medical Synergies), with the creation of the “Piazza dei Technology Map of European Regions and Mestieri Artigiani” [Artisan Crafts Square], a place Clusters, is the new in which the three dimensions of the artisan world Web platform created can converge: the productive, commercial and by the Innofire training dimensions. project; it is an Similar initiatives follow new economic models that information website valorise specific aspects and dismiss standardization that informs users of of production; models that emphasize artisan all business production systems over large-scale productions, opportunities in the quality over quantity, recognition over wide scale medical technology distribution. These models transform the territory sector. into a showcase and become an asset for the Find out your commercial partners territory's competitive advantage, also true on an in Europe at environmental level with low or negative impacts! and sustainable management. More traditional activities have also been launched alongside these new innovative models in support of local production, especially agricultural, and in order to rationalize the distribution chain. In fact, interconnectivity processes between direct farmers in support of more structured cooperative forms of commerce with better possibilities of reaching the consumer and activating price and marketing policies have been stimulated. A good example is represented by the actions taken in the Qualima project by GAL Appenino Genovese. In this case, two cooperatives were created, one livestock and the other agricultural, to decrease the distance between the producer and consumer, spreading the culture of quality, fair commerce ends solidarity, as well as respect for the environment. In addition, in support of the producers and consumers, an association has been created that protects and ensures organisation of markets of typical high quality food products, also in the surrounding countryside. Reinforcement of commercial networks, if well organised, can also result in advantageous dynamics of competition, lowering purchase prices for local populations to the advantage of the market and consumers. The Qualima project has

43 Competitiveness

Focus: Leader Region

Lombardy is the region with the highest number of projects that fall under the theme of Competitiveness, followed by Emilia Romagna, Tuscany and Piedmont. The centrality of small and medium enterprises in the economic framework of these regions has attracted Interreg funds and support of economic development of the territory through research, education and cooperation.

also included experience – under the coordination reaches a predefined number of points, this card of the German Pongau Region – where this process then has the value of e 10 to be spent in the same was combined with another tool for launching commercial enterprises that are part of the consumption of local products. A "card" was network. It was calculated that consumers in the created and distributed at local level; this card can region increased their spending power be used in more then 90 commercial enterprises comprehensively by e 6 million using this tool. who joined forces to organise a network (by so This is a good example of how Interreg projects can doing reinforcing their own sales strategies and stimulate dynamics starting with apparently increasing performance). This card is loaded with "micro-logical" elements. one point for each e 10 spent. Once the consumer

44 My experience

Competitiveness, culture and tourism and social approaches aspiring to the principles of equality, conscience and belonging. These themes The cultural dimension consists of two distinct require strong scientific support and have the areas. On the one hand, there is a traditional potential to become determining factors in public Luigi De Luca Director dimension that focuses on the protection of typical and individual decision making processes. of the Institute of aspects of local productions, the territory and the To this end, the promotion and diffusion of a Mediterranean environment. This area deals mainly with the scientific, innovative and structured approach to Culture of the Lecce priority of repopulation of depressed territories, these issues and the use of correct analytical Province Project Manager launching local economies and spreading historical methodologies are key factors for the development typical traditions as the key for the economy and of small and medium enterprises and depressed “Among its most tourism sector. territories, even more than in larger enterprises or important results, the A typical tool for valorising cultural identity is more advantageous geographical areas. The ECRIF-AV project constituted represented by responsible tourism. Interreg approach to assessment, study, planning and CINEREGIO. Founded programmes have focused on this aspect using control, both in regards to the public and private upon the cooperation both traditional tools and innovative approaches. sectors, becomes a fundamental tool for reaching between various Among the first of these is reinforcement of higher levels of development, competitiveness and partner projects, hospitality structures both from an architectural well-being. CINEREGIO has approximately 40 point of view, as well as from a reference model In this sense, European programming, with its associates and has point of view. In particular, the commendable specific methodologies and rules, in regards to been successful in results (so successful that they will be a point of Interreg Programmes in particular, has had the affirming and reference for laying out regional tourism legislation) significant result of effectively impacting the ability consolidating the of the Friuli Municipality of Sutrio – which thanks to to do business in our country. A concrete example strategic role of regional funds in the funding from the Craft project has developed the of this dynamic can be seen in the creation of the European audio/visual Hotel Lodging Network System, an innovative Salento Film Fund as part of the Ecrif-Av project system. Furthermore, version of the "Hotel distribution" (a network of (European Coordination of Regional Investment thanks to the small accommodation structures acting as a single Funds – Audiovisual). The Film Fund benefits local experience gained by enterprise) model – it is intended to combine the audio-visual companies through direct financing, ECRIF-AV the Lecce Province has also tourist and cultural offerings of the territory. favouring cooperation with other regional entities, enacted the Salento On the other hand, the agreements underwritten and the insertion of local professionals in Film Fund, which over by important cultural institutions aimed at creating production enterprises that choose Salento for their three years has a feasible, integrated and expanded programme of location. financed nearly cultural activities should be noted. The agreement The Lecce Province, an especially active partner in twenty projects, including feature between the Institute for woodworking of Nuova the Ecrif-Av project, has come into contact with the films, short subject Gorica, the San Carlo school of Turin, the Master best experiences in Europe, taking advantage of the films and Artisan of Sutrio and the Olympia Association is a knowledge gained in other countries of the documentaries, permanent working team dedicated to informing, European Union and creating a regional fund in a making a decisive educating, creating exchange opportunities and short period of time to support the audio-visual contribution to the local audio/visual organizing events for artisans. Another example is production sector in specific aspects that system and affirming the eco-museum of the Municipality of characterise Salento. Salento as an ideal Champorcher in Val d’Aosta, which favours and location for film promotes traditional textile weaving. productions, both at a national and international level. Nevertheless, there is yet another cultural The Salento Film Fund dimension, definitely no less important, that is tool continued in linked to the development of civic, entrepreneurial 2007 as part of the Apulia Film Commission. 45 Competitiveness

Competitiveness, research and innovation

Another especially significant dimension for small and medium businesses in depressed areas is the diffusion of adequate education and technical capabilities in the research and development sector (R&D), innovation (industrial, processes, etc.) and new technologies. The Radio SMEs (Research and Development – Investing on SMEs) project has obtained marked success in favouring the diffusion of a more modern business culture, which through research and innovation is able to provide businesses with suitable tools for international competition in the knowledge economy. Through the creation of a dedicated website (, the implementation of 7 educational seminars, 1 informative convention and 4 scientific publications, the project has supported many SMEs in especially disadvantaged areas in Italy (such as Basilicata, Campania, Apulia, Calabria and Sicily). The activities of this project range from the creation of ad hoc studies to technological audits in companies, and to extend to benchmarking and set-up of targeted information and diffusion campaigns.

The same can be said of the EKIE (Enhancing Knowledge Intensive Enterprises in Small cities Surrounded by Rural and Sparsely Populated Areas) project, whose operative focus is the economically depressed and scarcely populated areas. The technological poles, clusters and local development objective of the project was to study and agencies focused towards innovation and R&D. All interconnect the experiences gained during of this in order to improve the research and research and development initiatives and by the development system in the territory in question, European technical parks (such as “Marche favouring competitiveness in SMEs throughout the Development” and the Trieste Technological Pole), territory, while at the same time creating new in the scope of creating an innovation model based entrepreneurial opportunities aimed at the on pre-existing models, with new operative challenges facing knowledge society. Technology guidelines that could be easily converted for local can be a powerful stimulus for overcoming natural development policies. The tools chosen for barriers and for diminishing the differences of obtaining this result were the testing grounds of standpoints in the productive and distributive business and scholastic-professional education of entities in a territory. In fact, competitive operators to better take advantage of the advantages, which are naturally determined by the opportunities offered by the presence of intrinsic characteristics of the localisation of an

46 enterprise (for example, improved commercial One of the results derived from a systemic opportunities that a company has if it is located on approach to regional realities promoted by Interreg a state highway that is well served by suppliers and IIIC is the formation of clusters around a crucial easily reached by potential consumers, as opposed theme for international competitiveness. to a comparable company located in a mountain The project Innofire (Network of Medical village or other remote location), are much less Cooperation), for example, has analysed and influential with the use of e-commerce, which sustained the development of European clusters of provides better visibility (via a dedicated website, medical technologies, supporting interaction and for example), and the use of e-commerce. networking among the numerous existent clusters, In this regard it should be mentioned some of the promoting a more effective transfer of knowledge results of the HES pilot project, such as the and best practises, incentivizing trans-regional construction of a broadband network in Alta Val cooperation and better focusing various Trebbia in Liguria to reinforce the visibility of local investments in the area. In this way, the project not artisan businesses, or the website developed by the only sustained the growth of competitiveness in Fruili Venezia Giulia Region, providing online single regional entrepreneurial landscapes, but also services for local retailers and small shops. favoured the creation of a European strategy that is All of these initiatives, through the use of ICT tools, more coherent and cohesive in terms of medical contribute to the creation of departure points for technologies. production and commerce, therefore supporting the small and medium enterprises committed to valorisation of the local territory through their artisan production and quality, creating a stimulus for tourism.

47 Competitiveness


The theme of competitiveness is, as expected, knowledge was an important element and a present in all the programmes that have one by one fundamental tool for sustaining competitiveness in connected it with innovation, promotion of natural the participating territories. Advancement of and cultural patrimonies and the local research, fundamental in this sector, can be seen in development. Most of the financed projects placed the high number of studies and related particular attention on the world of SMEs, publications, which provide a sense of the impact favouring development, innovation and that Interreg projects have had on the national and participation in thematic networks. Therefore from international scientific communities. In many cases, one standpoint innovation is seen in the scope of these advances have resulted in the creation of local development directed towards launching communication and diffusion events, often competitiveness, and from another standpoint with international in nature, and even more effective careful attention to traditional sectors such as thanks to the multimedia products developed

Projects Programme No. projects Total funding (euro) Average project worth (euro) and Funding Dedicated Alpine space 7 5,040,975 720,139 to the Topic Medocc 11 6,502,015 591,092 Cadses 5 6,735,439 1,347,087 Archimed 6 2,910,770 485,128 Interreg IIIC 37 21,656,262 585,304 Total 66 42,845,461 -

artisan, agriculture, livestock breeding and fishing. during the projects. Italy has demonstrated to be of great interest in It should also be noted that a high number of small numerical terms, participating in 66 of the projects infrastructures were also created, which in turn dedicated to this theme, projects which have a took on various forms within the projects: from the comprehensive budget of almost 43 million Euros. information front office to new structures for sales Considering the scale of the projects, except for and distribution of products and services, and to Cadses these are small and medium dimension places dedicated to research and education. Access projects, which nevertheless have the capacity to to reliable, updated information is one of the produce interesting results. primary necessities of businesses that seek to In fact, it should be noted that great effort was innovate, and for this reason several shared dedicated to training events, and therefore direct databases were created, and the Web was used to involvement of the enterprises, which were the first create sector dedicated websites for updating beneficiaries of these activities. The capitalization of entrepreneurs and at the same time offering new technical knowledge and transfer of that opportunities for collaboration.

48 What Was Achieved

175 Studies and Research

13 Networks and Observatories

100 Shared Guidelines and Declarations

127 Training Events

96 Information Events

182 Publications

29 Multimedia Products

28 Databases and SW

83 Small-scale Infrastructures

Projects Mentioned in This Chapter

Interreg IIIC • Transregio - • Ecrif-Av - • Innofire - • Ekie - Alpine Space • Qualima - • CRAFT - Archimed • Radio SME’s -

49 Innovation The information society as an opportunity for businesses and citizens participation

Worrying about recharging your mobile, checking own competitiveness, but also on its own your email, exchanging views and ideas with organisation and modus operandi in a profoundly friends and colleagues in chat rooms, transferring changed local and global market, in which music and photographs on to portable devices: technologies now play a central role. The new everyday gestures that were simply unimaginable social phenomena associated with the Internet even 15 years ago. The revolution set off by the (dematerialisation, delocalisation, and so on) must development of information technology, and its not be impeded by a bureaucracy unwilling to impacts on the day-to-day routines of citizens, change; they must be seen as opportunities for businesses and local authorities, have been so great developing and rethinking the old patterns of as to mark a turning point in the very definition of interaction between institutions and citizens, and what society is. Today we talk about the between firms and their customers. information society, or the knowledge society, to To make the most of this new, complex way of denote a paradigm shift generated by the new interacting, and ensure it translates into information and communication technologies. opportunities and not threats, the information From an economic standpoint, the spread of society, and still more the knowledge-based technologies that use other technologies is now at economy that drives it, must be shaped by creative the centre of political debate, in Italy and the rest of new policies that can adapt not only to the Europe. What can be done to spread their use more innovations with which we are already familiar, but widely? How can we maximise their benefits and more particularly those that are emerging (and reduce their risks? which are very rapidly developing and cross- Obviously, the interactions between the contaminating one another). Already in 2005, phenomenon of globalisation (which was defined following guidance from the European in the previous chapter), the knowledge Commission, and as part of a wider review of the economy, and the information society, are Lisbon Strategy, the Member States undertook to numerous and multidimensional. The European ensure that the greater part of EU funding would Union, in both the public and private spheres, now be used to encourage investment in research into has to address issues that not only impact on its innovation, and remove obstacles to the

The Challenges

The information society - a various subsystems rely on a threatens to leave behind vast concept that first saw the light type of thinking very different territories, and to exclude a in the 1990s, in the academic from the one that underpinned number of social groups. The world - marked a significant the previous industrial European Union has been quick break with the first industrial approach; understanding and to see the opportunities the societies, in which production managing it calls for new new technologies offer, and to and consumption rotated paradigms and modes of promote their use for the around material, tangible goods. governance. economic and social benefit of In today's society, intangible On the one hand, the Internet its citizens, through its goods, which can be referred to has an enabling effect: it Framework Programmes for as “knowledge”, are produced sustains competitiveness by research, and targeted and consumed. reducing costs and distances. programmes like Safer Internet, In this new post-industrial But this race to innovate also eContentplus, and “MEDIA”. space, everything relies on the produces negative phenomena, Internet. The internet and its such as the digital divide that 50 development of innovative proposals in the field of innovation, and to drive forward initiatives that European information and communication technologies would have a positive impact on the manufacturing Union Glossary (ICT). sector, on the competitiveness of Europe’s different The intention of the INTERREG programming territories, on the internal dynamics of public i2010 - A European Information Society for period 2000-2006 was to follow up the European administrations, and on the lives of European 2010 - is the European Commission’s guidance by giving priority to citizens generally. Commission's new strategic framework for the information and media society. i2010 centres on three priorities: • completing a single European information space which will encourage an open, competitive internal market for the information and media society; • promoting innovation and investment in research into information and communication technologies (ICT); • creating a European information society based on inclusion and stressing better public services and quality of life. i2010 is the first initiative taken by the Commission within the renewed Lisbon partnership for growth and employment.

Source: us/glossary.htm

51 Innovation

News from Europe The Projects Information Society Expertise). Using advanced communication, knowledge sharing and Launched the Innovation and public services networking tools, the project then developed a European Institute of number of inter-regional clusters to address Innovation and In recent years the coming together of innovation, numerous issues such as broadband provision, e- Technology (EIT). ICT, and public administration has led to the learning (distance learning by computer), and The EIT, a new tool to emergence of the idea of e-Government: the developing research for innovation in business and boost innovation in the academic field. Since this was the type of Europe, was officially delivery of public services by means of information announced on 15 and communication technologies. activity contemplated by the i2010 strategy, it was September 2008. One At first, the Internet used rudimentary applications strongly encouraged by the European Commission. of its activities is to as mere tools for disseminating information, but foster collaboration since then things have come a long way; greatly Contemporaneously, to maximise the results of all between European increased use of the Internet has brought to light these efforts, and assist public decision makers in research institutions, ever more complex and demanding obstacles that their arduous task of choosing, out of the various and to transfer higher must be overcome. Today there is an ongoing effort themes covered, those with priority interest for education, research to provide citizens with ever more sophisticated their own region or city, another consortium - in and innovation new services that must meet their expectations, which the Emilia Romagna and Piedmont regional activities to the and this has led service providers - municipalities, governments took a leading role - was tasked with business context, developing tools for comparing and evaluating including SMEs. On outsourced private firms, and academic research this important institutions - to come together and build alliances policies on innovation and ICT. This was the occasion, the capable of addressing the growing expectations of UNDERSTAND project (European Regions UNDER Commission President end users. way towards STANDard indicators for Barroso said: "By One ideal example of how municipalities – benchmarking information society) and within it a attracting and operating within seemingly very different benchmarking methodology was developed. This retaining the best and administrative cultures and national settings – can provided a means for making comparative analyses most talented find fertile ways of collaborating on an e- and to assess how the Information Society was students, researchers Government project, was the e-Citizen project being implemented at regional level. In order to and staff from across carried out by the city of Tampere in Finland. With develop shared indicators that could be used in the Europe and the active participation of Trento and Bologna in analysis, four sectors were identified: e- worldwide, the EIT Government, citizens, business, and broadband. will bring significant Italy (and 8 other cities, from Russia to the UK) value-added to the Tampere spearheaded a project to computerise its UNDERSTAND has the potential to generate EU's research and delivery of public services, and then shared this outputs that could have a very positive impact on innovation landscape. experience with the others, whilst continuing to policy makers, by giving them a new tool to [...] It is a milestone develop new proposals for enhancing its own support their territorial planning at the local level. towards the fifth ability to plan and implement e-Government freedom – the free policies. movement of knowledge.” Another group of about 10 European partners (which for Italy included the Provincial Authority of Fonte: Treviso and, again, the municipality of Bologna) undertook a similar project. Led by ERNACT (the European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology) this group set up and motivated a network of executives and public officials, known as BRISE (Boosting Regional

52 Innovation and territory communication tools now available were unimaginable just a few years ago; these have Great interest has been shown by local brought about a complete rethink of the concept of governments, and public or private research bodies, territorial management. The objective of the GRISI in using e-Government for territorial management. project (Geomatic Regional Information Society Part of the core responsibilities of civil protection Initiative), for example, is to develop and agencies, police forces, and urban or extra-urban disseminate the principles of geomatics to the local traffic networks managing bodies is to oversee a authorities responsible for territorial management whole territory, and new technologies and in four European regions, including the Abruzzo in

53 Innovation

Focus: Italy. The term “geomatics” describes an transport services). The project carried out a study the ICHNOS project interdisciplinary method of representing a physical and implemented a multi-services territory area and its features on computer. In the agency service in Florence, by applying ICT to a The ICHNOS project case of the GRISI project, this could be valuable for particular regional territory, identifying solutions to looked at how to use many purposes: organising data about material problems of urban and extra-urban public the new technologies assets, grouping this data by geographic area, and transport. Supported by AGATA, the municipality of to deliver services to citizens and business. then presenting it as web graphics that could be Florence used ITS technology (Intelligent This knowledge was analysed for instance for fiscal purposes, in ways Transportation Systems) to tailor a number of its then transferred to that would be impossible using written tables or transport services to the specific urban the Sardinia Regional printed maps. Thus the numerous areas covered by characteristics of the areas served, and to the real Government, which the GRISI project are but the tip of an iceberg. A needs of the population; the new services included used it to create the more widespread use of geomatics in managing an on-call transport service, special transport for Comunas web portal the environment could, for instance, revitalise the elderly and disabled, and home delivery for ( cultural and commercial projects in Europe’s users with special needs. Comunas brings regions, creating new two-way dynamics between together information local territories and activities. One outcome of GRISI This long wave of innovation in the field of mobility from widely scattered was a web map added to the website of the Majella even got as far as Italy’s port authorities. Admitting municipalities in a single user-friendly National Park in the Abruzzo; based on open source to a certain tardiness in their readiness to adopt format, giving citizens tools, this gives visitors a new way to access the new technologies, these authorities developed the and business an park maps and services. iPorts project (Intelligent Port Systems). iPorts integrated tool, studied how new innovative solutions, developed updated daily, for To facilitate inter-regional projects like GRISI and by municipal and provincial governments, could handling the create more of them, four European countries plus apply to urban and extra-urban transport links administrative issues, Tunisia (led by the regional government of Liguria in connecting to ports. As always happens when less procedures and Italy, along with the University of Genoa) developed dynamic public institutions, such as Italy’s port regulations affecting the Technolangue project, which integrates the IT authorities, adopt innovative principles for the first their activities. needs of urban planning with the most advanced time, they also took the opportunity to rethink the computer technologies. Technolangue used ICT port system as a whole, using ICT to recover and GPS to create interactive digital maps, making efficiency and productivity, and identifying a new possible a new approach to particular processes like role for themselves as an agent for regional sustainable urban and territorial planning. development in alternative to air, road and rail Beginning from GPS-referenced information, the transport. digital maps enabled regional policy-makers to think about land use and future development with a precision and concreteness only possible with geomatics. One specific way of applying Technolangue techniques is to use this information to plan transport policies.

Transport is one area that greatly benefits from this interaction between new technologies and territorial management, as demonstrated by AGATA (Multi-services agency based on telecommunication centres for the integrated management of mobility and of accessibility to

54 Innovation and development project, whose goal is “Smart Growth”. This is increasingly complex to achieve, particularly at a In the information society, the basis of time when the need for continuous development competitiveness is innovation. To increase has to come to terms with the issue of productivity and survive in a global market, sustainability. To identify the many factors that operators in the knowledge economy can no longer could enable stable sustainable growth, the Grow only rely on industrial concepts of efficiency, but project analysed numerous inputs under three main have to continuously invest in product and process themes: Green Growth (i.e., sustainable growth), innovation. Since these both go hand in hand, the Business Growth (economic development in the strategic use of new technologies can play an private sector) and Inclusive Growth (socially important role in creating advanced products and inclusive growth). The Grow project awarded services. One excellent example is the Grow

55 Innovation

My Experience

financing to 16 cross-border sub-projects involving nearly 100,000 people and creating 39 new collaborations between universities, firms, and research centres.

In a more specific way, the REGINS project Marco Sambataro (Regional Standardised Interfaces for a Better Expert CORFILAC Integration of Regional SMEs in the European (Research Consor- Economy) analysed regional thematic clusters, tium for Milk Pro- cessing in the Sicily comparing and improving their modes of Region) interaction, publishing technical documentation, Project manager and above all, financing 15 interregional subprojects in the automotive, biotechnology and logistics sectors of four participating regions, one of “Thanks to the which was Lombardy in Italy. intelligent use of One of these mobility subprojects, REGINSlog innovative (Logistic Competence Centre for REGINS Partner technological tools Regions) was particularly interesting: it led to the and scientific research, publication of a study on logistics competence T-CHEESE.MED brings centres, and the creation of an international high added value, fostering regional logistics network, whose participants included the development in the Emilia Romagna region, CERTET for the Lombardy Archimed area. region, and the "LOGICA", Regional Agency for It raises the profile of Logistics of Campania. locally produced cheeses, and adds The objective of the MATEO project (Matching other factors that Technologies and Opportunities), in which give quality Lombardy was again a particularly active assurance. It gives participant, was to transfer research outputs to recognition to good business, and use them to develop new Italian cheese making knowledge-intensive industrial activities. Using practice, and establishes a control INTERREG IIIC funding, 12 projects from 8 thematic network to oversee areas were selected and implemented: 4 key focussed on identifying current needs in the agro- the whole supply sectors for growth and innovation were identified food sector, in the form of knowledge and chain by means of a (functional food, pharma and medical technology, technologies relating to the traceability of food quality certification aerospace and renewable energy) together with 4 products, and on making this information available system, using new ICT key technologies (biotechnology, advanced online, via a database that brought together input and computerisation materials, mechatronics, process and production from about 200 firms. systems to support technologies). MATEO thus addressed one of the the historic, biggest problems faced by SMEs: translating ideas Clearly, in a competitive setting such as food traditional cheese into real activities, wherever possible with an production, bringing together academic research making industry.” international scope. MATEO also promoted and and business is of central importance. As much as financed numerous subprojects that favoured they can, local authorities need to work along with technology transfer in various fields. One of these is industry, in its constant striving for improvement. worth noting here: TRACENET (led by Italy’s The public sector can no longer be seen as a Fondazione Parco Tecnologico Padano), which hindrance to economic development, but as a

56 projects, it seems appropriate to mention T- Focus: Cheese.Med, a particularly interesting project that Leader Region combined assistance to business, creation of new relationships between businesses and their regional The projects for innovation have been territory, and reform of the public administration. distributed fairly The aim of T-Cheese.Med is to use ICT to uniformly across Italy, revolutionise the dairy industry in the but Liguria’s Mediterranean countries, motivated by the fact performance is that more than 70% of the actors in the dairy food particularly chain are located far from their administrative interesting; despite its district centres. This puts them in a state of small population as enforced isolation from the scientific community, compared to other from most of the other firms operating in their Italian regions, it has sector, from their own market segment, and so on. initiated a number of Furthermore, the dairy industry is a particularly particularly interesting and tightly regulated sector that requires good original activities. interaction not only with local authorities, but also at the national and European level (for instance on matters of quotas and financing). Clearly, dairy producers lose out if they cannot keep in touch, all the time, with others in their food chain, and this deprives them of competitive edge in a market that is now worldwide. T-Cheese.Med is a typical process innovation that brings together, via the Internet, the public administrators responsible for agricultural policies with the scientific agencies responsible for the quality control of dairy products – this particularly impacts on the agencies that certify classic and traditional types of cheese – T- Cheese.Med enables outlying producers to maintain contacts with their interlocutors of reference, on a daily basis if necessary, and this partner supporting it. In this regard, the Sardinia enhances their operations in ways that benefit the Regional Government, through ICHNOS wider territory, which in turn generates numerous (Innovation and Change: Network of One Stop economic and other benefits. Shops) has defined and tested one example of a The T-Cheese.Med eCommerce platform is one Centre of Regional Competence (CRC) for the output that very effectively summarises this process SUAPs (Single Front-offices for Industrial innovation. It brings together all the producers, Production). The project defined the functions, the making their products available in all the other organisational structure, and the appropriate ICT territories taking part in the project. tools to facilitate and support the dissemination in Sardinia of SUAPs. The outputs of the project were published as a white paper that public administrations in the new EU Member States could use as a support tool. To conclude this overview of some innovation

57 Innovation


Whilst innovation has been the central theme of 1,000 training events. The very first effect of many projects, it is even more evident in innovation is an intensive updating of human subprojects that cut transversally across a range of resources, and in terms of their local impact, the themes: support for local development, high number of these events would seem to ensure conservation of the environment, mobility, and that the outcomes will be positive. The idea of support that enables local businesses to compete. It innovating has also been publicised by a large is strongly linked to the information society, and to number of communication opportunities, which the introduction of ICT into a range of economic have included numerous informative events aimed and industrial sectors across the EU. The numbers at policy makers. Unsurprisingly, considered the set out below demonstrate that there is widespread topic, these projects have resulted in the interest in promoting innovation, and that research publication of numerous multimedia outputs that and technology can make a significant contribution can be used as working tools. Undoubtedly, these in many settings, leading to improved living and publications have enabled dissemination of the

Projects Programme No. projects Total funding (euro) Average project worth (euro) and Funding Dedicated Alpine space 6 3,664,298 610,716 to the Topic Medocc 17 13,465,185 792,069 Cadses 14 6,883,855 491,703 Archimed 10 3,093,926 309,392 Interreg IIIC 34 14,996,448 441,072 Total 81 42,103,712 -

working conditions, and increasing the outcomes of actions taken and research completed. attractiveness of any regional territory and its The numerous small-scale infrastructures that business activity. thereby came into being have mainly evolved as Italy has taken part in many such innovation electronic networks interconnecting research projects. Whilst these are of small or medium size, centres, universities, laboratories and public taken together they have attracted funding for over authorities, facilitating knowledge sharing and 42 million Euro. helping to manage the processes of industrial These innovation projects have produced production and local governance. interesting quantitative results, including more than

58 What Was Achieved

74 Studies and Research

16 Networks and Observatories

34 Shared Guidelines and Declarations

1047 Training Events

571 Information Events

258 Publications

105 Multimedia Products

52 Databases and SW

275 Small-scale Infrastructures

Projects Mentioned in This Chapter

Interreg IIIC • e-Citizen - • Brise - • Understand - • GRISI - • Grow - • REGINS - • MATEO - • ICHNOS - Medocc • Technolangue - Archimed • AGATA - • iPorts - • T-Cheese.Med -

59 Mobility Connecting Territories to Accelerate Growth

Efficient, sustainable mobility today is essential for energy consumption. Paradoxically, other areas economic competitiveness and for development of suffer the contrary as they are peripheral or insular commercial, economic and cultural exchange. The areas that are still badly connected. topic becomes even more crucial if we consider its dual implications: not only as a competitive factor, An element common to the projects described here but also as an absolute acquired right with all the is the effort made to ensure the territories attain connotations and guarantees deriving from it. the aptitude to interpret a rapidly changing Nevertheless, the representation of European situation. Methods and solutions must be acquired mobility in recent years has certainly raised a to enhance the quality of life for citizens, while number of issues – congestion on main transport upholding local economic development. The routes, increased polluting emissions with fallout defined scenario should include several on health, safety – that Europe is called upon to considerations in a perspective that will highlight address. Italy’s strategic position and its unique the value of the challenges arising. Economic territorial features require special attention to all of growth will almost automatically translate into an the highlighted topics. The problem of increase in mobility demands for both goods and overcrowded roads, for instance, is deeply felt in persons. Vehicles for personal use have tripled over the highly industrialized areas of Northern Italy, the last thirty years and increase annually by three where scenarios evolve continuously. The million units, although in most European Union thousands of HGVs connecting with markets are in States the average number of cars per family seems daily transit to reach or cross Italy, a nuisance that to be stabilizing. The situation is different in the is gradually becoming less tolerable and less new Member States, however, where enhanced tolerated. economic conditions lead to significant vehicle The lack of efficient ways to manage vehicle increase. For goods, growth is tied mainly to the traffic has aggravated the situation in key cities. evolving European economy and production The stop-start progress so typical of traffic jams systems. increases emission of polluting substances and The expansion achieved is thus bringing about an

The Challenges

Europe is expanding and conse- transport systems are now quently needs for connection sustainability, safety, intermoda- and mobility grow and multiply. lity and logistics. National poli- Italy is in a strategic position cies and European projects, like and is a transit location for those described here, have the important flows of goods and difficult and impelling task of persons who need to move understanding the phenomena along old and new routes. At in progress, updating traffic the same time, there is an study and management metho- increasing awareness that the dologies, facilitating the use of right to mobility should be eco-sustainable solutions and linked to the right to health encouraging strategic planning and environmental protection. of infrastructural setting up. The new bywords in European

60 explosive increase in transport flows to and from as an “integrated” approach to mobility is European new Member States, especially in frontier zones. required. This approach, officialized by the Union Glossary This means in regions and major transit routes that Gothenburg Council of Europe as one of the are already significantly congested, the volume of contributions offered by the Commission, was Transeuropean networks must enable traffic will tend to increase. It should also be reaffirmed by a White Paper defining European connection of Euro- considered that delocalization of businesses and transport policies up to 2010. It includes pean regions and elimination of frontiers within the EU has adjustments to the balance of various means of national networks contributed to the development of “just-in-time” transport, thanks chiefly to an investment policy for through a modern, and “travelling supplies” systems, which have a infrastructures in rail, inland water routes, short- efficient infrastructu- noticeable impact on the road network. A prime range maritime transport and intermodal re. This is crucial for example is the Alpine region where, in 2007 alone, operations, with investments targeting the the proper operation 117.3 million tons of goods were taken through transeuropean network and new tariff criteria. It is of the Internal mountain passes, showing a 4.3% increase hoped that this will assist in a significant market as it is the compared to the previous year and 131.4% disengagement of increased mobility from only way for goods, compared to 1980 (Source: Alpinfo). economic growth, achieved without limiting the persons and services to circulate freely. mobility of persons and goods that is one of the Since 1986 the Single In the light of these considerations, what is defined founding principles of the European Union. European Act has underscored the bond between best functio- ning of the single market and the objec- tive of economic, social and territorial cohesion. The inter- connection and inte- roperability of natio- nal infrastructure networks become key factors in the rational management of EU territory. Source: plus/glossary/ten

61 Mobility

News from Europe The Projects intermodal transport hubs, promoting redirection of Central European goods transport flows from Over 2,000 towns and Intermodal Mobility the North Sea to northern Adriatic ports. cities participated in The functions and specific features of the main the 2008 European The European principle of intermodality tends to existing, planned and potential terminal hubs Mobility Week. In integration and combination of various means of (located along the Intermodal Corridors n. V, n. X Italy, 35 took advan- transport and services, for optimizing integrated, and the Adriatic/Ionic Corridor) were mapped and tage of the opportu- assessed. Moreover, a series of feasibility studies nity offered by the efficient use. It is a case of fielding a support European Union to strategy for logistics and intermodality, in relation was undertaken (based on solid demand forecast) promote a vast range both to rules and to the incentives system, as well for the reorganization of logistics available for of initiatives dedica- as for direct infrastructure investment choices in several haulage categories (e.g. Ravenna Distripark ted to sustainable rail, ports, freight villages, and relative road and rail for perishables in the port area, as part of the mobility. European connections. FRESHLOG pilot project). Mobility Week was Moreover, it becomes necessary to reprogramme conceived with the logistic distribution and goods interchange hubs in Alessandria Provincial Authority and Emilia aim of encouraging urban areas. Actions to supporting rail transport Romagna Regional Authority, on the other hand, Europe’s citizens and must also be started, so as to reorganize logistics were at the forefront of the Concept project, administrations to chains for haulage companies, transferring road which achieved its aim of disseminating best modify their tran- mobility practices by setting up a database that sport habits and opt traffic quotas to rail. A further line of action, for more sustainable undertaken by the Interreg programmes, regards collected and assessed about 40 innovative means. During the the consolidation of a freight village system – for examples at European level. The project also seven events comple- modal shipments and serving industrial districts – ensured the best practices were actually available to ted so far, a number and logistics, to rationalize transfer of goods from a vast international audience by organizing of public administra- production to consumption areas, optimizing the numerous research trips. One of these brought tions dedicated Euro- distribution network. enormous visibility to the port of Livorno and its pean Mobility Week In this perspective, the Newton project freight village, as well as the Faldo automotive to the promotion and (NEtWorking ports to promote intermodal platform – a huge service area for storing the trial of various new Transport and better access to hinterland) has been thousands of vehicles reaching Livorno before they proposals. Some, like implemented along the Italy-Greece-Turkey axis, in are sent to various dealers all over Italy. the increase in cycle paths or the use of other words between the Ionian and Black seas. “green fuel” for public The initiative was inspired by the reinforcement of transport, were later the Ionian-Aegean Sea maritime segment that adopted on a stable assigned various ports (Taranto, Igoumenitsa, basis, decreasing pol- Kavala, Thessaloniki) a leading role in the modified lution in urban cen- intermodal transport panorama. The project has tres and enhancing thus produced an IT platform between the ports of quality of life for resi- Taranto and Igoumenitsa (consultable on the dents. project website), enabling the computerized management and simplification of administrative procedures to the advantage of port operators.

The Imonode (Efficient Integration of Cargo Transports Modes & Nodes) project investigated chief transport flows, identifying cutting-edge solutions that will improve the efficiency of

62 Efficient, Accessible Mobility

One of the most appreciable results for the Interreg projects implemented in Italy was certainly that of having reinforced cooperation between Italian and European public and private structures with regard to efficient, accessible mobility. The ENLoCC (European Network of Logistics Competence Centres) project, initiated by Emilia- Romagna Regional Authority, supported development of Logistic Competence Centres dedicated to regional logistics. These centres were able to gather together the main logistics-transport stakeholders and players in specific regional contexts, so as to transfer knowledge and project district of Montebelluna (Veneto). This allowed development, create an interface between public businesses to measure their production and private players, cooperating at European level performance and costs attributable to logistics for the identification and trial of innovative logistics decisions. In Marche region another ICT tool was solutions. Lastly, Open ENLoCC was founded, developed to support the kitchen furniture district: which is a network open to all Logistic Competence the ReCast IT-platform allowed companies to try Centres who wish to access it, aiming to transfer out a coordinated order management, organizing know-how and prepare projects on topics of more efficient restocking from suppliers and thus mutual interest. achieving significant scale economies.

The I-Log (Industrial Logistics and intermodal Access and increase of collective transportation transport for SME development) project involved six services, in a European perspective, were the tool Italian regions, turning logistics into one of the key for fostering competitiveness and social cohesion in factors in enterprise competitiveness. The 19 pilot urban, suburban and rural areas. In this context, the projects promoted by the scheme offered many SUNRISE (Cohésion Sociale dans les zones innovative methodologies and tools, including a urbaines-rurales basée sur services collectifs de web instrument for developing the industrial mobilité innovateurs et durables) project concentrated on swapping experiences at regional and transnational level for Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) services. The experiences of several transport companies who have advanced DRT systems (for instance around Florence) were used and shared as they were not only economically sustainable, but also resolved the problem of mobility for citizens in underprivileged areas, encouraging social integration and economic development. The best practice considered was the area of Tuscany’s main hospital, the Careggi in Florence. Thanks to a mobility analysis of the area, the local authorities involved in the project were provided

63 Mobility

Focus: with various support tools for starting up a new Well-organized access to Mediterranean islands Leader Region global access reorganization, in particular for and outlying regions may certainly be considered a improving perceived quality in different user types. prerequisite for their effective integration into the Tuscany and Emilia European Union. Romagna are leader regions for Mobility, Efficient, integrated management of urban mobility The Reports project (Actions pour le with 14 projects each was also the key feature in the Merope project, développement du transport maritime dans les activated. Hot on which promoted many feasibility studies in various régions de la Méditerranée Occidentale) promoted their heels are Veneto Italian and European cities. The intention was to a series of actions for developing integrated and Piedmont. A create logistics platforms that would enable regional Short Sea Shipping (SSS) services. In Sicily, central position in the coordination of various means of urban transport for instance, the pilot action was the opening of a peninsula and the and traffic flows, providing citizens with more new merchant line between Palermo and Tunis. The need to integrate various types of detailed information about available services. Here, regional authority also developed new port systems transport has Siena’s experience was noteworthy, in that it planning with Sardinia and Corsica, which certainly played a key developed an IT system to monitor and manage pinpointed the port of Cagliari and those of Sicily as role. tour bus flows. The system communicates with new hubs for traffic involving, respectively, the drivers and allows them to identify the best parking Western Mediterranean and the Eastern areas, which takes pressure off the city’s historical Mediterranean with North Africa. areas.

64 Safe, Sustainable Mobility work groups will be used to estimate the outcome Focus: of new transport infrastructures (road and rail) now AlpCheck Project Increased mobility in European Union Member being planned or to design adequate administrative States has made it increasingly difficult to keep and technical measures to limit air and noise The database produ- greenhouse gas emissions below the levels set by pollution. ced by the AlpCheck project is online, easy the Kyoto Protocol. As a consequence, an to access and user integrated approach is required to deal with the Alpnap has begun a close collaboration with the friendly. It displays a problems caused by mobility, seeking shared Monitraf (Monitoring of road traffic related effects sort of map, both solutions with a special focus on areas of social, in the Alpine Space and common measures) with graphs and historical and environmental value. project. The objective is to record and analyze the tables, of the traffic Sustainable transport, consistent with European repercussions of interalpine and transalpine road flows status along the Union indications, requires targeted interventions traffic along the Brenner, Fréjus, St. Gotthard and main Alpine routes. A to reduce the environmental, economic and social Mont Blanc transit corridors. The analysis few clicks and users effects the transport system produces. Chief conducted on the current corridors situation has led can pull up traffic expectations were connected to service reliability, to development of a series of tangible proposals – flows, area by area passenger rights, enhanced energy efficiency and benefitting political decision makers – that aim to and day by day. green fuel, as well as reduction of pollution caused reduce the negative impact of traffic as well as Source: by transport systems. Furthermore, it should be improve the quality of life in the Alpine area. http://progettoalp- considered that new measures envisaged at EU level will modify the overall picture of emissions and The Alpcheck (Alpine Mobility Check) project, relative environmental impact. For instance, coordinated by Veneto Regional Authority, dealt significant consequences are expected from new with a key issue in this context, which is the need rail tunnels in construction or under design, as well to have up-to-date, standardized data about traffic as from administrative measures (for instance flows crossing the Alpine regions. In fact, it is only prohibition of night transit) and incentives for possible to field targeted actions to safeguard the freight modal shift or co-modality. Measures social and economic habitat of such an currently being discussed include increased tolls interdependent context by analyzing the territory in and the introduction of a barter system for “transit a transnational perspective. Alpcheck produced a permits” in the Alpine zone. In this scenario, prototype information system (Data warehouse) support from experts in atmospheric pollution, that enabled dialogue and synergies for the various noise and effects on health, with the application of national systems currently monitoring haulage, appropriate scientific tools all become crucial for tourism and local road traffic. The project set up providing a solid base for political and five pilot areas to test different methods of administrative decisions aimed at obtaining a gathering and analyzing data. Alpcheck not only sustainable equilibrium for mobility, economy, implemented a flexible system for collecting environmental protection, public health and quality information, but also contributed to the expansion of life. of the knowledge base both for traffic flows and for transport demands. Thanks to the Alpnap (Monitoring and Minimisation of Traffic-Induced Noise and Air The Alpfrail (Alpine Freight Railway) project, Pollution Along Major Alpine Transport Routes) however, aimed to promote the use of the rail project, a large group of experts was recruited network as a complementary or alternative means whose expertise was in Alpine weather and issues of transport that safeguards the characteristics of linked to air and noise pollution, and their effects the Alpine space from economic, environmental on valley health. The methods developed by the and traffic standpoints. In this respect, Alessandria

65 Mobility

My Experience

Provincial Authority initiated a pilot project for choosing actions to be implemented. Other setting up a system to manage rail services with cutting-edge technologies were also tested, Germany for a freight connection between the including installation in local bus stations of pumps Ligurian ports and Northwest Italy on one hand, for biodiesel (fuel that reduces pollution and and Baden-Wurttemberg and Donaul-Iller German extends engine life) and “Adblue” (a new additive regions on the other. that eliminates the most polluting parts of gas Claudio Bordi European projects emissions from heavier vehicles). Responsible at Depart- ment XV, Rome Muni- The Urbike project united eight European cities in cipal Authority the aim to define sustainable transport in the urban Project Manager scenario, targeting the use of bicycles as a flexible, efficient solution. As well as undertaking detailed “The VILLEMIZERO analysis of obstacles that limit use of bicycles and project involved resi- proposing specific solutions to those obstacles, the dents in the creation of eco-friendly tran- project allowed Florence to renew several sections sport systems, based of its cycle paths, improving accessibility. on the use of bicycles and rail. The feedback Apart from the projects dealing with public and and adopted solutions private road mobility, and rail traffic, some projects were based on needs voiced by citizens and also looked into air traffic. Of course in this era of on the unique terri- globalization, airports also become a key element tory involved. All The Mobilmed project (Mobilité dans les îles, sur for territorial competitiveness, in particular when players took part in a les côtes et dans les écosystèmes fragiles de la their location is a key factor, especially in the case city workshop that Méditerranée), in the Campania region, has of European regions with high demographic proved to be a venue for interaction but brought about the realization of an intermodal density. was also enriched by transport system. This integrates the service offered In this context, the Teria (Territorial Insert of comparison with by the railway with the one using Airport) project, with scientific coordination experiences deriving low environmental impact vehicles, facilitating the undertaken by the CNR-ITC (Italian National from the project’s circulation of goods between the city of Naples and Research Centre), explored possible new solutions other pilot areas. The added value produced the Sorrento Peninsula. for protecting the population from noise generated by this cooperation by airport sites. Some of the results include the was the start-up, The Villemizero (Ville Emission Zéro) project creation of advanced tools for measurement of including in Southern concentrated on the study of methodologies based airport noise, definition of noise field details, Europe, of a virtuous on enhanced infrastructure and connections comparative evaluation of active control process that was quite the contrary of efficiency to prevent the undesirable effects techniques, and numerous tests in a common test what occurred after (pollution, landscape alteration, etc.) of intensive field. World War II, when development deriving from economic promotion of the automotive boom marginal areas. Rome Municipal Authority’s pilot A “National road safety Plan” was implemented on squeezed out bicycles action as part of this project involved the Italian the topic of reinforcing safe mobility on Italian and pedestrians from urban spaces, develo- capital’s coastal area (Ostia-Acilia Local roads. The plan did not just focus on road transport ping infrastructures Administrative Unit). A sustainable mobility model but also considered monitoring of rail, port and for motor vehicle was developed using Strategic Environmental coastal safety aspects. Therefore European projects traffic.” Assessment (SEA) methodology that includes must flank domestic policies and contribute to citizen participation. Thus the local administrations achieving safe mobility objectives. Support is were made fully aware of the crucial elements for required for efforts that are encountering low levels

66 of safety culture (at least in Italy), above all with regard to road mobility, and in some instances with the difficulty of coordinating many players who are responsible at local, regional and national level for transport, safety and education topics. The Pimms project proposes diffusion of safety culture. Treviso Provincial Authority has actually set up a local network of institutions and enterprises concerned with the “Education and Mobility” topic, which will pinpoint the best practices to be disseminated. One is certainly a safety-themed marketing strategy implemented by Treviso Municipality, which has met with some success. The strategy includes extensive use of various multimedia tools including videos, posters, interactive games, shock tactics (i.e. accidents simulated by professional stuntmen).

Thanks to the Securmed project (Sécurité de la navigation pour les passagers et les marchandises), Tuscany Regional Authority has been able to implement a study that produced a database of the vessels and goods that transited in Tuscan ports over the last two years, of sea accidents over the last 15 years, and of negligences noted during compliance inspection on ships in the period 2005- 2007.

Emilia Romagna Regional Authority played a key role in the Madama project (risk MAnagement systems for DAngerous goods transport in the Mediterranean Area), implementing a very interesting pilot project. The action was undertaken in partnership with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and developed a prototype SW platform for monitoring dangerous goods in transit on this territory. This again shows that the public and private sectors can cooperate effectively to resolve concrete issues and benefit the community, in this case managing risk factors linked to intermodal transport (road, rail and sea) of dangerous goods.

67 Mobility


Mobility projects involving Italian partners are not The projects developed by Italian partners brought so many but the financial commitment to these a significant number of studies and research. In projects is evidence of how important they have many cases these studies were dedicated to the been. They dealt with problems and opportunities assessment of current transport systems and relative to land and sea transport of people and planning of more efficient and sustainable goods. This chapter illustrates how the topic was solutions, both from economic and environmental developed, focusing on major infrastructure standpoints. The large number of publications junctions as well as analyzing more micro levels, like proves that this theoretical production was then the potential of sustainable transport in the urban circulated in the scientific community and amongst context. Consequently the projects raised sector specialists. The presence of countless events awareness and brought solutions for the sub-topics organized indicates a more extensive territorial of intermodality and efficient, sustainable transport impact.

Projects Programme No. projects Total funding (euro) Average project worth (euro) and Funding Dedicated Spazio Alpino 8 10,186,23 1,273,279 to the Topic Medocc 22 26,899,359 1,222,698 Cadses 9 12,231,505, 1,359,056 Archimed 5 2,780,906 556,181 Interreg IIIC 11 3,365,222 305,929 Total 55 55,463,226

system management. There were also actions that The number of databases and technological led to planning of international connections that solutions developed is interesting: in many cases would improve mobility for citizens in Europe and these instruments permitted more efficient in the Mediterranean area. The topic was especially management of the various transport systems. important for the Medocc programme, with its 22 Lastly, there appeared to be a large number of small funded projects accounting for almost half of the infrastructures, mainly for registering flows, tools projects dedicated to mobility. for improving urban mobility, functional centres for There is a strong link between the topics related to data organization and management in intermodal sustainability, territorial planning and local hubs. All signs that these projects had clear impact development. In fact, efficient mobility is certainly on logistics and management of goods and people one of the tools required to improve the growth flows. opportunities for a territory and its businesses, but it should not prejudice typical natural heritage.

68 What Was Achieved

181 Studies and Research

26 Networks and Observatories

19 Shared Guidelines and Declarations

138 Training Events

197 Information Events

166 Publications

49 Multimedia Products

80 Databases and SW

138 Small-scale Infrastructures

Projects Mentioned in This Chapter

Interreg IIIC • Concept - • ENLoCC - • Sunrise - • Pimms - • Urbike - Medocc • Merope - • Reports - • Mobilmed - • Villemizero - • Teria - • Securmed - • Madama - Archimed • New.Ton - Alpine Space • Alpnap - • Monitraf - • AlpFrail - • Alpcheck - Cadses • Imonode - • I-Log -

69 Environment Cooperating for Sustainable Development

European In recent decades, European territory has characteristic of the scientific realm and those Union Glossary experienced profound changes caused by an related to management (implementation of expanding population and increase in residential sustainability strategies and measures) The concept of and production infrastructures, primarily in characteristic of the political realm. sustainable development agricultural and/or natural areas. These socio- Society has become increasingly aware of the refers to a system of economic dynamics have brought increased human negative impact that certain human activities have development that meets the needs of the and asset vulnerability respect to environmental on the environment, as well as the fact that present, without risk, particularly in areas of European territory that environmental degradation may directly threaten compromising the are more prone to extreme natural events. human health and quality of life. The need to prospects of future Recent floods in Central Europe, recurring forest minimize environmental risks while simultaneously generations to meet fires in the Mediterranean regions and, in general, ensuring economic growth and social progress is their needs. This type of the occurrence of natural and technological well known, and this has been the objective of EU development aims to phenomena that pose a potential threat to policies and the agreements signed by all European improve human living humanity require a rethinking of sustainable countries in recent years, with initiatives that assert conditions, at the same territory management themes with respect to the fundamental soundness and continuity of time protecting their dynamics that cannot be analyzed, anticipated or results coming from awareness campaigns and environment in the managed by strictly bureaucratic logic, and which related implementation policies implemented since short, medium and – above all – long term. include environmental risk dynamics. the 1980s. Sustainable development The transnational nature of some of the The 2007 “Europe’s Environment” report, issued by has a threefold environmental components – for example the European Environmental Agency, focuses objective: development management of the hydrographic basins whose attention on several topics, including sustainable that is economically boundaries do not coincide with political development, biodiversity and climate change. efficient, socially equal boundaries – and the proposal of common Climate change has become the main catalyst for and environmentally solutions for risk mitigation and management are the global coordination of measures that must be sustainable. In May very important topics. They bring together adopted to avoid the grave consequences predicted 2001, a European Union multidisciplinary themes, including those related to in many sectors. strategy was adopted acquiring knowledge (risk analysis and forecast) It is important to remember that between 1988 and

The Challenges

Italy’s geographical position, cli- implementation. This is true for environmental information, as mate, beautiful landscapes and the quality of waters, reduction well as increased civic partici- unique terrain make it one of of CO2 emissions, protection of pation in territorial decision- the most critical areas on the landscape quality and for lack making processes then become European scenario, both for of management plans for the crucial strategic actions for geomorphological risk and for areas typified by broad biodi- achieving mutual aims for coo- wealth of resources. The objecti- versity. Platforms for sharing peration and harmonization of ves defined by the EU, even if environmental data, experiences territorial development policies. they are incorporated in dome- and transfer of best practices stic legislation, are light years amongst regions, communica- away from satisfactory levels of tion techniques for correct

70 (and then modified in 2005) to foster sustainable development. The “World 2004 there were more than 1,000 floods in Europe, landscape as a fundamental element for improving partnership for which resulted in the loss of 700 lives, as well as the individual and collective wellbeing of citizens. sustainable leaving 500,000 homeless. With respect to natural Within this framework, the Interreg programmes development”, that resources, European governments spend just under offer tools to support the development of the Commission 25 billion euros for the management of water environmental policies based on the principles of joined in 2002, added resources alone. cooperation, and networks for the transfer of a further, external, Numerous regulatory measures have been knowledge and the exchange and sharing of dimension. To instituted in recent years in an effort to pursue experiences on a cross-border, transnational and promote sustainable joint strategies for mitigating natural and interregional scale. development, public manmade disasters, and preserving and Today there is widespread acknowledgement that authorities must adopt the necessary enhancing the value of natural resources. The most issues like natural resources management and provisions for limiting relevant documents are European Directive mitigation of the effects of potential natural the damaging effects 2000/60/EC, which significantly changed the disasters (landslides, floods, earthquakes, etc) of transport and legislative framework of reference for policies cannot be addressed by a monodisciplinary health risks, concerning the protection and sustainable use of approach and cannot be limited by national improving water resources; the Kyoto Protocol – an borders. The Interreg programmes have therefore management of international agreement always to be taken into emerged as an appropriate response to this natural resources, account in European policies; the Bird (74/409/EEC) awareness and to the need to establish joint especially for and Habitat (92/43/EEC) Directives, two tools made courses of action that are not limited by specific consumption, and available to European Union Member States to disciplines or territorial borders. combating social ensure and promote the conservation of marginalization and poverty, not only in biodiversity; finally, the European Landscape Europe, but Convention, which confers a new status on the worldwide. These provisions also aim to fight climate change and limit its consequences. Source: lus/glossary sustainable_developm ent

71 Environment

The Projects maps have been a determining factor in the decisions made by residents on a daily basis – for The Environment and Natural Hazards example, when deciding whether or not to travel in the areas concerned. In fact, many of the project’s The mitigation and prevention of environmental activities have focused on the need to provide the risks is one of the primary issues addressed by public with accurate information, as well as Interreg programmes: an analysis of the specific detailed, continual communications about hazards. objectives of approved projects clearly demonstrates the importance attributed to The Risk Aware project focuses on increasing studying climate change effects and, in particular, knowledge of processes that regulate the attention given to seeking new methods for meteorological hazards. It demonstrated that defining quantities in primary factors of uncertainty. hydrogeological risk management requires an With this in mind, the Amphore project developed integrated approach involving various regional a hydrometeorological model based on probability players. The project provided an important techniques. This prototype found considerable use contribution to the scientific community by in all selected areas of study, also through the focusing on short-term forecasts (0-24 hours), organization of numerous workshops. which are crucial if local staff are to work effectively. In addition, the project developed The Amphore project was the scientific evolution of software to determine the critical thresholds related Hydroptimet, another project headed by to triggering of rain-induced landslides, as well as Piedmont Regional Authority dedicated to systems for analyzing and making short-term optimizing instruments used for (nowcasting) and long-term forecasts. The results hydrometeorological forecasting. In particular, obtained by Risk Aware were evident in the credit should be given to the Amphore project for publication of more than 40 articles in national and having directed scientific research towards a international scientific journals, presentations at probability and multi-scenario approach, with a specialized conferences in the sector, and the strong orientation towards the final user and creation of an international school dedicated to therefore towards emergency management. various aspects of environmental risks. As additional support for these scientific activities, The Meteorisk project also focused on rainfall and several scholarships have been created in succeeded in improving the coordination of management and research institutes. national and regional meteorological services for 14 areas in the Alpine region (Italy, Slovenia, and The Catchrisk Project, headed by the Lombardy Austria). Thanks to this project, more than 1,500 Regional Authority, focused its attention on meteorological stations are now available to experts identifying hydrogeological risk scenarios, including and proved to be essential in predicting the floods the vulnerability of the Alpine area system. A key that occurred in the summer of 2005. The website aspect of the project’s activities was the study of that links all the available meteorological stations Alpine hydrographic basins, which resulted in an and permits collaboration between the various information system being devised to analyze area scientists active in the region represents another of where landslides may occur; calculation of extreme the project’s important accomplishments. The values for sediment transport in basin branches; risk infrastructure created for station coordination and assessment as a function of the intensity or the SW tools developed by the project combine a duration of precipitation; creation of a GIS to high level of innovation with ease of use, as proved characterize river branches, focusing particularly on by the fact that the project's website was visited by water course evolution and its behaviour after millions of people in just a few months. The rainfall prolonged rainfall.

72 The project produced many important results and hydrometeorological data, updating drought Focus: particularly noteworthy was the impact the indicators and determining remote monitoring and Atmosnet Project Catchrisk Project had on Lombardy's regional drought forecast methods. policies, which used project data as a basis for What was the developing territorial management plans. Due to the existence of numerous risk categories on graminaceae its territory, Sicily was also selected as the subject of concentration in Palermo in May 2007? As far as monitoring was concerned, Alps- research for the Media Terra project, designed to Not only is this GPSQuakenet – coordinated by the University of ascertain the types and scales of natural disasters in information available, Trieste – made a significant contribution to the the central and southeast sections of the but it is also possible

field of geodesy applied to natural hazards. The Mediterranean basin. The various thematic reports to see it clearly on complete success of this project is seen in the – grouped by area of investigation – and the the ATMOSNET! installation of 40 GPS stations in the Alpine area, methodology guides produced, primarily project website, instead of the 30 originally planned. In addition to concerning Civil Protection measures, became the http://www.atmosnet. providing landslide risk data to the regional (Friuli starting point for the island’s risk prevention and org. In fact, the site Venezia Giulia and Lombardy) forestry services, the management measures. shows concentrations of about 40 different meteorological departments of regional types of pollens Environmental Protection Agencies and the IGM A focus on the methods employed in the field of recorded by nine (Italian Military Geographic Institute), the GAIN Civil Protection is also a feature of the Redcode Italian stations (Geodetic Alpine Integrated Network) network project, headed by Basilicata Regional Authority. networked through created by these stations was used to analyze the Thanks to the involvement of the Civil Protection the project. An continental deformation and seismic danger in the Agency, this initiative succeeded in identifying and excellent example of Alpine area and to monitor ground deformations. testing intervention models and methods on a how scientific This information is used to monitor and predict transnational level. This led to the drafting of research can apply landslides and earthquakes. protocols of understanding relating to the new technologies to managing, monitoring and prevention of open important Another environmental risk is desertification, catastrophes, as well as the creation of common avenues of communication with which is directly associated with the rainfall and procedures that were proposed to all the potential the general public. drought conditions in particular. players involved in risk evaluation and disaster Numerous Italian administrations, lead by Sicily management at the European level. Regional Authority, confronted this issue through the Sedemed project. The project led to a greater understanding of the phenomenon by improving methods for collecting, storing and processing

73 Environment

News from Europe Environment, Climate Change and Protection farming, agriculture, transport, tourism and of Resources urbanization), which can easily affect the system EMAS (Eco-Manage- and therefore water quality. One function of the ment and Audit Sche- One of the key principles of sustainable “Decision-Making Support System for Regional me) is a voluntary development relates to the preservation and proper Planning” – generated by the project – was to act system for enterprises management of resources. Numerous Interreg as a tool for assessing the “development load” that and organizations projects are dedicated to this issue and mostly a specific area can sustain without depleting the who want to under- which concern water, so-called "blue gold", water resources. take an assessment of their environmental universally considered to be a strategic resource. efficiency so it can be Issues relating to water resources management are Three other projects involve water management: improved. Each year, the primary focus. For example, WaterMap Educate, Mipais and Foralps. The first project EMA rewards enterpri- produced vulnerability maps (on a GIS platform) of focused primarily on educational initiatives, ses and public admi- a few important aquifers and created a decision- through the establishment of a network of nistrations who have making support system for planners and organizations in Southeast Europe specializing in made outstanding management personnel, intended primarily for environmental protection. The project’s main contributions to effi- areas at high risk of pollution. Specifically, the accomplishments were the development of a cient management of adoption of spectrophotometric and remote transnational graduate course – based on e- their environmental sensing techniques for pedological analysis was an learning methods – dedicated to integrated water impact. Since 1995, innovative aspect of the project. management, and training when EMA was laun- ched, many Italian The project also constitutes an courses for industry technicians organizations have example of integration with and administrative personnel. obtained acknowled- local planning: the project’s The other two projects gement in this sector. results were adopted by investigated the issue of water This year Italy was Abruzzo Regional Authority’s availability in the light of represented by four “Programme of structural and hydrometeorological forecasts. organizations: Eolo srl non-structural initiatives For example, Foralps provided for micro enterprise; relating to the safeguarding, innovative techniques for Pangea Green Energy use and management of monitoring and predicting for small enterprise; surface water and groundwater meteorological and hydrological Astrid Energy Enter- resources - Fucino Plan”, processes by means of statistical prises for medium enterprise; Siena Pro- permitting the identification of simulation models; in addition, vincial Authority for a series of both material and the project conducted public administration. non-material measures for proper use of water important cost-benefit analyses for improving the In the small enterpri- resources. meteorological-hydrological information in pilot se category, Pangea areas of the Alpine region. Both of these initiatives Green Energy was the The development of a decision-making support provided technical support for the adoption of most cutting edge for system was also one of the primary achievements appropriate management measures on a political greenhouse gas reduc- of Kater II, which focused on the quality and level. Mipais developed strategies and tools to tion. quantity assessment of the impact that soil use contain the deficit between the actual water More information: activities have on the environment and on water availability and water demand deriving from resources in karst areas. It is a little known fact that agriculture and other production sectors. An ficazioni/site/it/EMA- Scategory in many European countries karst aquifers provide innovative aspect of this project was the the greatest contribution to meeting water introduction of a probabilistic approach to requirements, but there is also a tendency to meteorological forecasting: regional drought underestimate the sensitivity of these environments indices for the six pilot areas – two of which are in to certain types of human activities (livestock Italy (Sardinia and Emilia Romagna) – were

74 produced for managing and planning irrigation systems. This was the focus of the Citeair project, activities. designed to increase knowledge of the impact that urban traffic has on air quality and to develop As previously mentioned, the effects of climate specific mitigation measures, which rely heavily on change make drought and desertification real exchange of experiences and information. With this threats to the preservation of resources and, objective in mind, a broad network was created consequently, to the sustainable development of that both encouraged the exchange of information the territory, particularly in the Mediterranean area. and implemented a web platform to provides air Two projects are studying the close relationship quality data, expressed through a complex indicator between drought and desertification: Image and made specifically to facilitate real-time comparisons Atmosnet. among the various participating cities. The first project has developed an integrated water In addition, a special information strategies guide resources management strategy intended to fight was written to help local administrations develop phenomena like salinization and desertification. efficient communication methods for informing For this purpose, an “Expert Decision-Making citizens about air quality problems. Support System” (WARDSS) was created that takes into consideration not only the possible effects of The development of effective communication climate change, but also the initiatives provided for methods for mobility was addressed in the Alpine in the 2007-2013 Rural Development Plan. In Awareness project, which actively promoted addition, the project had direct impact on Italian sustainable transport. The awareness campaigns territory through the stipulation of a protocol of planned by Alpine Awareness were conducted in a understanding, followed by signing of a plan of differentiated manner, based on well-defined action, containing measures for managing target social groups (youths, employees of the resources in the Basilicata Ofanto Basin pilot area. public transport sector, etc.) and produced The Atmosnet Project deals with the same topic, interesting results, including an increase in the but with a greater emphasis on forecast aspects. purchase of public transport season tickets This project revisits the technique of using the (particularly among students), and a greater interest concentration of certain pollens as indicators of in soft mobility (non-motorized) solutions. effects deriving from climate change, as indicated The increased use of soft mobility options, by both by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate residents and tourists, led to direct reduction in the Change). An additional benefit of this project, emission of pollutants and a consequent reduction headed by Campania Regional Agency for of environmental impact. Environment, is the establishment of an experimental network for biological monitoring of Finally, with respect to sustainable development, it the area by installing pollen measuring instruments is hoped that new policies will be adopted for in 13 pilot locations (nine are in Italy) in the reducing consumption, beginning with daily Mediterranean basin. The techniques applied personal consumption habits. supported analyses aimed both at prevention Based on this conviction, the Changelab project (allergies) and forecasting, in order to create models provided a decision-making support tool that consider drought and desertification as well as (Technique Planner) connected to a best practices the effects on particular agricultural crops. database, with the objective of providing information and influencing societal behaviour in In addition to the applied research aspects, another the areas of transport, water, waste and energy. factor considered to be of fundamental importance to the objectives mentioned above was the sharing of environmental information through dedicated

75 Environment

My Experience

Environment, Landscape and Biodiversity projects aimed at providing reproducible methods to evaluate habitats in the Natura 2000 Network. Landscape and biodiversity are two themes linked by the important conceptual revision process While tools for safeguarding and conserving the currently addressing the need to implement landscape in protected areas are planned, there are protection, management and safeguard measures. other areas whose features are valuable for visual Guido Loperte The Pays.doc project’s portal is or functional aspects, like rural terraces. To address O.P. manager for Basi- dedicated to the relationship between landscape this issue, the Alpter project was created to licata Regional Autho- rity Civil Protection and local culture. Managed by Umbria Regional counter neglect of terraced areas, promoting its Project manager Authority, this interesting web resource combines recovery. The abandon of rural terraces is a grave information, events and documents on the theme risk, not only in terms of loss of the cultural of protecting and enhancing the value of the heritage they represent, but also because “The REDCODE project landscape. hydrogeological instability affects the territory achieved excellent In addition to documents, related links and a exposed when terrace is lost. The project collected results in creating a multilingual glossary, the portal features an and mapped data relating to eight areas with European network of interactive map that provides useful regional terraces, promoting improved risk assessment and civil protection information and access to further details by clicking providing essential information to improve the systems to be used in on the European area involved in the project. development of agriculture and tourism in those the event of suprana- In addition to creating the portal, the project has zones. Recovery interventions have been carried tional emergencies. In also realized an “Observatory of typical out in pilot areas and currently represent important this kind of context we thought it impor- Mediterranean landscapes”, which mapped the examples of “intelligent” recovery. This project also tant to define a uni- habitats that are most representative of current had significant impact on regional planning: Veneto versal methodology processes and trends. A “Catalogue of best Regional Authority, the project leader, developed amongst partners for practices” was also produced, as well as interesting plans for one million euro to fund engineering work risk and calamity handbooks to strategies that can be applied in the that will recover and improve terraces; in management. So we territorial policies, compliant with European Valchiavenna, another Italian pilot area, a selected the best ope- Landscape Convention provisions. permanent system for monitoring terraced areas rating procedures, was established to prevent landslide risks. developing and orga- The Habitalp project focused its activities on nizing an extensive protected areas located in the alpine space and When viewed as a resource for sustainable database of instru- advanced an important initiative to standardize development, the landscape can be connected to ments, news and information, made methods for surveying and analyzing mountain inherent natural resources problems. Taking this available to civil pro- landscapes, particularly with respect to biodiversity. into consideration, the Rekula project combined tection operators.” The project has made extensive use of landscape redevelopment with water resources orthophotography and aerial photography, management, implementing a pilot project that including infrared techniques, to survey the used an abandoned gravel quarry to collect water landscape diversity of the protected areas, with and re-establish equilibrium in the water resources methods including vegetation analysis. The project system, artificially recharging the aquifer and with also created and tested a transnational database the quarry catching overflow during floods. The that makes available all the surveys produced in the various activities provided for in the project and 11 protected areas. The project’s transnational meetings with the stakeholders resulted in the objectives for planning, managing and controlling creation of a planning tool (adopted by Veneto protected areas are particularly evident in the Regional Authority) for the reclamation of support provided for implementation of the Habitat abandoned gravel quarries. This action meets Directive. This support consisted of creating pilot agricultural irrigation needs – without affecting the

76 objective of using cypresses to safeguard rural Focus: economy, the environment and the Mediterranean Leader Region landscape. The initiative – led by the CNR (Italian National Research Council) and with the Emilia Romagna was the most participation of eight other Italian partners – representative region developed existing studies on planting cypresses as in projects dedicated “fire-stops”, as part of a programme promoting to the environment. fire-prevention initiatives. In addition, three In many instances the technical but at the same time disclosed Region was the publications were produced on the diffusion and project leader and function of cypresses. A particularly interesting one of the most result of the project was that the CNR’s Integrated active regions in Pilot Plant patented several clones that will be Europe. A more grown in authorized nurseries and then marketed. detailed analysis of each topic, considering what a Like the Med Cypre Project, the Posidonia project vast subject this is, focused on a specific plant – an aquatic plant, the showes there was a Posidonia oceanica – in the context of developing frontline commitment the ecological network for managing areas with from other regions, high biodiversity. The project’s most innovative like Piedmont, for product was a manual for managing impact on hydrogeological risk, Posidonia oceanica beds, containing details on all and Basilicata for “minimum environmental flow” – by storing large management criteria officially adopted in France, phenomena like volumes of water in the quarries. Spain and Italy. drought and desertification. Landscape conservation is closely tied to natural Finally, the Genmedoc project focused on the hazards and soil degradation in particular, with preservation of the genetic material of flora in the erosion and fire risk being two examples. The Med Medocc region, increasing exchange of technical Cypre project was developed with the specific information and adoption of common work protocols. A multilingual (French, Spanish, Italian and English) website on biodiversity in general and ex-situ conservation in particular provides access to the results of the conducted research and permits consultation of a database containing information on the habitats, populations and taxa studied (collection, treatment, conservation and germination). The results of the project are presented in a convenient format that facilitates their adoption and application by those responsible for managing biodiversity.

77 Environment


The environment, with various components that which is often associated with the theme of inno- include the protection and management of natural vation. This has led to the introduction of innovati- resources, risk prevention and promotion of natural ve technological instruments, for example devices and landscape heritage, is a very important theme that predict hazardous events and improve mana- in Interreg programmes, as can be seen from the gement of natural disasters. large number of projects, their average value in The projects have produced many results, both in financial terms and the important results obtained. terms of pure research and creation of tangible Specifically, for the Alpine Space and Medoc pro- tools, proved by the large amount of small-scale grammes, the projects dedicated to environmental infrastructures produced: ranging from the creation issues represent approximately a quarter of the total of new trails inside natural parks to the realization number of projects financed in each Programme. of new systems for measuring hydrogeological In some instances, the topic of the environment is data; construction of seismic risk monitoring sta- associated with sustainable development, resulting tions to opening of information points to enhance

Projects Programme No. projects Total funding (euro) Average project worth (euro) and Funding Dedicated Alpine space 14 14,086,268 1,006,162 to the Topic Medocc 37 38,146,984 1,030,999 Cadses 27 21,996,247 814,675 Archimed 8 11,121,656 1,390,207 Interreg IIIC 19 5,886,554 309,818 Total 97 91,237,709 -

in operational proposals for improved manage- the value of local natural heritage. There are also ment of the relationship between humanity and many networks that connect the various research nature. In other cases the tourism theme arises, for centres and databanks, which provide the general instance, for improving the tourism offer in protec- public and experts with information that is increa- ted areas. One third of projects discussed here singly reliable, both with regard to the weather and focused on the sub-topic of environmental risk, environmental risk factors.

78 What Was Achieved

392 Studies and Research

44 Networks and Observatories

146 Shared Guidelines and Declarations

433 Training Events

500 Information Events

877 Publications

151 Multimedia Products

157 Databases and SW

387 Small-scale Infrastructures

Projects Mentioned in This Chapter

Interreg IIIC • CITEAIR - • CHANGELAB - • AMPHORE - Medocc • HYDROPTIMET - • PAYS.DOC - • MIPAIS - • Med Cypre - • Posidonia • GENMEDOC - Archimed • MEDIA TERRA - • WaterMap - • ATMOSNET - • IMAGE - Alpine Space • METEORISK - • FORALPS • CATCHRISK - www.alpinespace.or • ALPS-GPSQUAKENET - • HABITALP - • ALPINE AWARENESS - • ALPTER - Cadses • RISK AWARE - • REDCODE - • KATER II - • REKULA - • EDUCATE -

79 Culture and Landscape Protection and Promotion for Self-Generated Development

European Over the ages European populations have The new European Culture Agenda has Union Glossary overcome geographical boundaries, religious, identified three different objectives in order to political, philosophical, artistic and scientific meet, in a well-structured way, the new challenges Although the intention diversities to influence and enrich one another. raised by the international socio-economic to promote cultural They have evolved a common cultural scenario that scenario. These aims translate into cardinal policies at European came to political definition and implementation in principles around requiring serious reflection to level was voiced in the 1970s, it was not until the Treaty of Maastricht, through a formal develop operating guidelines. The principles are: 1991 and the Treaty of recognition of the cultural dimension of European Maastricht (Article 151) integration. • Cultural diversity and intercultural exchange. that culture was given In recent years there have also been new challenges In recent years it has become increasingly urgent an official role in the posed by globalization thus, in the light of the to promote and encourage cultural diversity, construction of Europe. Lisbon Strategy – which aims to make the European exchange and dialogue. In this context, the Community the most competitive knowledge This challenge materializes, on one hand, as the European Union must society in the world – contemplation of Europe’s need to facilitate the mobility of artists and contribute to the full cultural traits and promotion of its heritage has cultural sector workers while reinforcing, on the development of the evolved further. Now the culture sector plays an other, intercultural skills, especially through cultures of Member increasingly key role in the dynamics of learning of foreign languages. Cultural exchange States, respecting national and regional development, cooperation and integration and the mobility of “cultural workers” around diversities, amongst the European Union Member States. Member States is one of the most significant, simultaneously functional aspects for realizing exchange, emphasizing any shared Culture’s central function is even more obvious if dialogue and coming together of knowledge and cultural heritage. To we consider the numerous, profound social, experiences, which will lead to a virtuous circle create a real European economic and political implications that underpin with positive fallout on social issues like racial cultural fabric, the this topic. Today’s “Culture” Programme is one of and ethnic discrimination. European Union intends the most consolidated and representative in the EU, to encourage enjoying funding of 400,000,000 euros for the • Fostering creativity as part of the Lisbon Strategy cooperation amongst period 2007-2013. for growth and employment. Member States and, if

The Challenges

The most urgent issues facing increasing need to support partnerships between culture European Union Member States mobility for artists and cultural and other sectors like tourism, today are the improvement and sector workers, to extend research and ICT. Lastly, a expansion of intercultural dissemination of any form of further challenge for the dialogue, support for cultural artistic and cultural expression. culture system lies in direct diversity (also in relation to To achieve all this, the European relations with cultural exchanges with non-EU states) Commission has identified a expressions of non-EU States. In and developing creativity for strategic objective, which is to this respect, the priority for new employment opportunities. render the “European creative Member States is to reinforce Intercultural dialogue is one of scenario” more dynamic, the cultural dimension as an the main drivers for promoting creativity in indispensable element for cooperation, integration and teaching, extending relations outside of the EU, development amongst the organizational and employment promoting exchange and citizens of Europe. For this capacity in the cultural sector, intercultural dialogue with non- dialogue to evolve, there is an and developing efficient EU States.

80 At the moment the European “culture system” must be encouraged by applying new teaching necessary, support employs almost five million people in Member techniques. and integrate actions States. This datum suggests in what measure the for: culture industry can actively support the labour • Culture as an essential element in international • diffusion of the culture and history market and contribute positively to resolving relations. of European unemployment. For these objectives to be met, As already mentioned, the “openings” imposed peoples; the organizational capacity of the culture sector by economic globalization lead not only to • preserve cultural must be reinforced. rethinking of Europe’s cultural heritage, but also heritage of This can be achieved by developing efficient require constant comparison with “other” importance to transverse partnerships able to circulate cultural systems. In this respect, the cultural Europe; knowledge and experiences from related but dimension becomes a key element in the EU’s • non-profit cultural independent sectors (first of all the tourist “public relations.” exchange; industry), as well as devising new methods for Thanks to an enormous historical and cultural • artistic, literary territorial promotion and development. heritage, Italy plays a leading role in this complex, and audiovisual Moreover, to inject energy into the creative multifaceted scenario. creativity; • cooperation with panorama, “talent” in the educational system In particular, the promotion of cultural heritage is a non-EU States and powerful development resource competent especially in areas with less dynamic international economies, since a form of organizations. “alternative” tourism arises. Nonetheless, to kick-start the Source: economy, all artistic and architectural assets, traditions, all lus/glossary/culture material and intellectual features that form territorial culture, must be protected, proceeding to recovery and enhancement where necessary. In almost all Interreg projects, protection and promotion of local cultural elements, awareness and perception stirred in native populations to achieve a diverse image of their own heritage and territory, and tourism all are closely connected and bring interaction with reciprocal influences that are difficult to separate.

81 Culture and Landscape

Focus: The Projects itinerary of about 700km, which covers the ancient Transromanica Project Roman road. In this way a symbolic location was Culture and Territorial Identity developed that was also an important tool for In 2007, the Transro- promoting alternative, ecologically sustainable manica route was offi- If culture is considered part of a system of complex, tourism. cially included by the articulated relations, it is quite evident that the Council of Europe as a promotion and protection of territorial identity and Another project that applied the “route” metaphor “European Cultural was Iron Route. It was led by Lombardy Regional Route”. The label cultural heritage will have deep, decisive effects on “European Cultural the development of an economically strategic Authority and aimed to identify, recover and Route” is an indica- sector like tourism. The promotion of places of promote mountain mining sites for cultural and tion of quality, cer- cultural interest is a very powerful tool for tourism tourism purposes. Iron Route succeeded in tifying that a road or marketing and at the end of the day a useful promoting the territories involved, pinpointing road network meets support for local economies which are quite often operations models that would highlight the cultural the criteria defined by very distant – not just geographically – from the and environmental heritage of the various areas, the Council of Europe. major European economy hubs. including them in an itinerary known as the “Via This certification tells The bond between culture and tourism thus Alpina dei Metalli” [Alpine Metal Route]. In the public that the proceeds along a series of real and symbolic places particular, several pilot actions – the project route is part of the that embrace and link a multitude of experiences underpinning – mapped out (and in some cases Council of Europe’s created from scratch) mountain paths in the areas programme to render and knowledge, to be promoted by shared, visible the underlying coordinated actions. In this respect, several Interreg involved, making them accessible to everyone. values of European projects refer to a number of “symbolic” places Moreover, information boards were installed along culture, with special that enable the linking of territories distant from all the paths, describing the most interesting sites attention to preser- one another but nonetheless closely connected. and providing important visitor indications. Lastly, ving cultural differen- This is the case of the “communication routes” that several ecomuseums were set up, representing an ce and intercultural emerge from various projects as the infrastructure innovative approach to interpreting territory’s dialogue. around which recovery, protection and promotion cultural values. The recovery and development of of territorial identity takes shape and develops. several mines for tourist use was crucial to the project, achieving a new cultural condition. One One example is Via Claudia Augusta, with its worth mentioning is Raibl, a mine in the province of dedicated project, promoted and led by Trento Udine, which was recovered so that some of the Autonomous Provincial Authority. The project came interior of the plant can be visited either on foot or from the need to breathe new life into this old on a special train, and this has brought new Roman road, which starts on the Adriatic Coast, visibility to the site as a tourist attraction. crosses the Po valley and reaches the River Danube. The scope was to promote the cultural diversities While the Iron Route concentrated on promotion found “along the road” but also to create a for tourism of Alpine mining areas, the Via Alpina “shared perspective” and a cultural brand that project picked up the philosophy of the itinerary would promote all the artistic and natural heritage and developed a symbolic link as well as a practical of the area involved. tool for development across the various areas it Diverse pilot actions enable the restoration of sites includes. Thanks to its five different itineraries, the of historical, architectural and archaeological project has produced a “route” of about 5,000km, interest. Other actions undertook recovery and crossing eight countries (France, Monaco, Italy, promotion of food and wine traditions for the Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, Austria and entire territory. All this heritage was, lastly, Slovenia), and connecting several of the most connected by a “route” or, more precisely, a cycle prestigious cultural and environmental sites in the

82 Alps. The entire itinerary is characterized by its strong “cultural dominant”, since visitors can discover archaeological sites, great architecture and museums, as well as lovely landscapes, connecting various communities and “window cities” that can exhibit and promote their cultural and gastronomic example is the upgrading and restoration of Focus: heritage. In this respect, Via Alpina stands as a Gamberale’s castle and school which the residents Leader Region useful tool for developing the economy, supporting perceived as traditional venues for meeting and tourism while acting as a practical tool for guides socializing. In the new setting offered by the An outstanding region and other mountain professionals. renovated castle, several fine food and wine events for the Culture topic is Sicily, not only for were organized for the promotion and protection the large number of The Transromanica project (which was included in of typical local products. projects activated the Cultural Routes of Europe in 2007) also there, but also for its attached key importance to the “route” concept. Unlike previous projects, whose underlying theme ability to stand out The project began with an analysis of the was the promotion of historical or traditional on the Mediterranean Romanesque architectural heritage present in the heritage, the VILLES CINEMA (Creative Promotion scenario, where it is a province of Modena and the Saxony-Anhalt, of Cultural Heritage through the Film Cities “central” region for Thuringia, Carinthia and Slovenia regions, Network) project focused on the contemporary manifold reasons. intending to provide support to the tourist industry. cultural heritage of film-making. More specifically, It focused on organizing the presentation of it targeted European cities (Venice, Oporto, San museums and sites of historical interest, Sebastian, Santiago de Compostela, Salamanca elaborating travel itineraries and producing and Thessaloniki) closely linked to the audiovisual material, tools and transnational marketing cultural industry and the making of films. VILLES strategies to increase visibility and raise awareness CINEMA networked the various cities so as to of the Romanesque cultural heritage found in the develop a cooperation for promoting the various regions. These objectives materialized as audiovisual sector, also creating a brand that would the transnational itinerary with 25 points of support and publicize these cities on the attraction present in the project’s five regions. international industry scenario.

A focus on cultural heritage can also be seen in the DST (Development of Sustainable Tourism) project. The initiative, coordinated by Abruzzo Regional Authority, began with a reflection on the best ways to exploit the heritage traditions, culture and archaeological sites for tourism in the geographical areas covered by the project. The aim was to develop a new type of tourism, with greater awareness of the value of surrounding territory. One of the most interesting activities suggested by DST was Abruzzo Regional Authority’s promotion of its small inland towns. The pilot action intended to afford tourist visibility to architectural, historical and gastronomic excellences that were at risk of being totally excluded from tourist itineraries because of heavy local emigration. An excellent

83 Culture and Landscape

News from Europe Sustainable Tourism and Waterways for upgrading territories in economic decline. In this respect, the pilot project “Marinerie Aperte” [Open European culture is Starting with an in-depth consideration of new Seafaring] was especially interesting: it was com- improving and types of sustainable tourism models – in other pleted in two days and its lead players were Roma- diversifying. The words with increased attention to the significance gna’s fishermen and fishing ports, with guided expansion of the of the cultural and environmental heritage of the tours and boat excursions, as well as food and wine European Union, territories visited – a number of Interreg projects events, which brought to the public eye a series of deregulation of were activated, including MedMysea. In the per- almost unknown traditions and cultures. employment laws and globalization have spective of sustainable, eco-compatible tourism contributed to that seeks to highlight natural and cultural resour- The BLUe (Building river Landscape across United multicultural ces, stimulating the awareness that residents have Europe) project was also involved in development development in many of local wealth, the project implemented a plan of of the cultural and natural heritage around rivers. countries, with the integrated tourism development between Italy and The swift changes in the transport industry over result that there are Greece, creating a sea route that connects several recent years have favoured air, rail and road, with more languages, of the most interesting ports in the two countries, river courses progressively losing their trade impor- religions, ethnic and including Punta Campanella, Bacoli, Lipari, Kalama- tance. Despite a rich material and intellectual heri- cultural traditions ta and Pylos. The project promoted a training cour- tage, the process led to river areas gradually beco- present on the se for “skipper-entertainers”, offering teaching of ming marginalized and being forgotten. The prime continent. history, natural environment and Mediterranean objective of the BLUe project, promoted by Lom- Consequently, intercultural dialogue cultures, as well as tools for effective communica- bardy Regional Authority, was to draw attention to plays an increasingly tion with tourists-sailors, respect of the sea and cultural, architectural and natural heritage present important role in protection of biodiversity. Furthermore, thanks to a along river stretches, to offer them enhanced touri- fostering European pathway of learning and exchange of experiences st visibility. identity and known as MeDcGame, eight classes from seven Ita- The project involved five European river areas in citizenship. The 2008 lian and Greek secondary schools (for a total of four different countries (Italy, Greece, Spain and European Year of about 200 pupils and 20 teachers) devised itinera- Portugal). In Italy the scheme was applied to the Po Intercultural Dialogue ries that they were able to test during study holi- river basin, chosen as the link for the scenarios and began by days and reciprocal hospitality experiences. history that have evolved along its course. The pilot acknowledging that project identified five different scenarios around the Europe’s great The Marimed project, like MedMysea, focused on Po, each of which expressed a specific river culture cultural diversity is a unique advantage, seafaring, ports and – in this specific case – fishing, feature, beginning with “places for the palate” and since it encourages all as “cultural sites” for starting a reappraisal of terri- ending with panoramas that have inspired and con- those who live in tories risking marginalization. The project was pro- tinue to inspire art and literature, including rural Europe to explore the moted by Emilia Romagna Regional Authority and architectural heritage. advantages of its rich involved various partners at European level, but it cultural heritage, as was most extensively applied in Italy, with the par- well as the ticipation of the Adriatic ports on the Romagna opportunities for coast, numerous Sicilian ports and the Sardinian learning from other municipalities of Carlo Forte and Porto Torres. The cultural traditions. project, with a series of combined measures (histo- rical-ethnographic analysis of the territory, increa- sed awareness amongst residents, exchange of experiences and promotional activities), aimed to exploit traditional seafaring and fishing heritage in cultural and sustainable tourism as a new flywheel

84 Protection and Promotion of Material and creation of a territorial information system for These are just some Intellectual Cultural Heritage management of Mediterranean archaeological and of the results of this cultural heritage. This project included an exhibition important European Europe has an inestimable wealth of architecture, about the sacred areas of Hipponion, set up in Vibo initiative: • 406 funded archaeological sites, museums, find food and wine, Valentia archaeological museum. The exhibition projects; but all these treasures risk being lost unless they are was noteworthy chiefly for several innovative • 524 national protected by recovery actions and highlighted as display standards and for the integrated tactile events; part of a wider tourism scenario. A number of pathway for the blind, including ten stations • 91 new national Interreg projects aimed to preserve and enhance around the museum complete with tables where ambassadors for the value of historical-archaeological sites of exhibits could be touched, accompanied by Braille intercultural cultural interest that, on one hand, can express in descriptions and drawings. dialogue appointed full the spirit of the territory and, on the other, serve by Member States; as elements to promote cultural tourism. The The DI.MA. (Discovering Magna Grecia) project • more than 100 ByHeriNet (Byzantine Heritage Network) project also began by reinforcing the territory’s cultural cooperation involved Italy, Cyprus and Greece, and its main identity, with the goal of producing tools to projects whose central theme was objective was to establish a network for the safeguard the cultural heritage of “Magna intercultural enhancement and integrated management of Graecia” (the territories that in antiquity were dialogue were Byzantine cultural heritage in the Eastern Greek colonies and even today are typified by a supported in 2008 Mediterranean basin. The project used shared cultural background), thanks to a series of by the “Culture technological tools, cooperation amongst partners activities aiming to achieve integrated development Programme”, with and exchange of know-how, concentrating on the of various aspects, with emphasis on culture and overall funding of development of itineraries, pilot projects, studies, tourism. Alongside the lead partner, Calabria more than best practices and international protocols for Regional Authority, the project’s other “natural” 33,000,000 euro; protection and management of Byzantine cultural partners were Cosenza and Agrigento Provincial • thousands of small- heritage. One of several tools developed aroused Authorities, East Macedonia-Thrace Regional scale mobility particular interest: a GIS system for mapping Authority and the Prefecture of Rethymno in actions (including Comenius, Erasmus, various archaeological sites, which was useful for Greece. Grundtvig, creating themed itineraries. Several events The main activities undertaken by DI.MA. were the Leonardo da Vinci) organized in the context of the project earned study and mapping out of Magna Graecia and for students were significant recognition, above all the multimedia Byzantine sea and land itineraries; creation of backed to offer event “Reflections of Byzantine Culture – The Event laboratories that performed satellite remote support and direct That Lights Up Life”, held in April 2008 in the detection of archaeological sites; networking of encouragement, church of S. Nicola dei Greci, Matera. More than Literary Parks. The latter was a pilot action that with hands-on ten thousand visitors are the living, tangible proof deserves further attention. The idea underpinning intercultural of the results achieved by the ByHeriNet project. “Parchi Letterari - Viaggio nel futuro della dialogue memoria” [Literary Parks – A Journey to The Future experience. The MED.ARCHEO.SITES (Study and Valoriation of of Memory] was the creation of a network of Source: Archaeological Sites of the Mediterranean Sea) theme parks scattered around Italy and Greece, http://www.intercultur project was inspired by a reflection on the value of where special cultural initiatives (conferences, Mediterranean archaeological, architectural and workshops, learning pathways, guided readings, cultural heritage, and declining visibility and theatre) would bring to life the conditions in which promotion. The promoter was Vibo Valentia Magna Graecia and Byzantine intellectuals Provincial Authority and the main results were the developed a prolific intercultural dialogue. This identification of historical sites, cataloguing of initiative was typified by the dual scope of archaeological and artistic heritage, as well as the safeguarding and drawing attention to artistic and

85 Culture and Landscape

My Experience

cultural heritage, and promoting this heritage in a new form of tourism. For instance, the following Literary Parks were established in Calabria: Parco Letterario dell’Istmo (Province of Catanzaro, from Lamezia Terme to the Gulf of Squillace), Parco Barbara Grazzini Letterario della Sila Grande as far as the Sila Piccola Partner-Director of area (with Rossano and Sybaris-Copia), Parco InEuropa srl Letterario del Marchesato di Crotone Project Manager for (archaeological areas on the Lacinio and Yapigi specific heritage, which can certainly become an Lombardy Regional Authority promontories), and Parco Letterario della Locride important element for quality cultural tourism. (all the coast from Monasterace to Brancaleone). “The IRON ROUTE The underlying objective of the Coesima project raised The projects that centre around promotion of (Coopération Européenne de Sites Majeurs awareness enormously cultural heritage also included CavesNetwork d'Accueil) project was also to create a network of amongst populations (economic and environmental valorization of European cities, but focused on seven centres of and administrations underground cavities and troglodytes). Catholic pilgrimage. This project linked seven about the potential The underlying concept for this project came from European cities that symbolize Christianity: that mining heritage a consideration of natural caves as sites of dwelling, Altötting, Czestochowa, Fatima, Loreto, Lourdes, offered for highlighting the culture and production that have always been at Patmos and Santiago de Compostela. These territory’s historical- the centre of human life. In point of fact, since important religious centres are also exceptional for cultural content, for ancient times, natural caves spurred human their art heritage. Each year over 20,000,000 local development and imagination and over history have been dedicated visitors arrive from 160 countries. The project also for generating more to many activities (homes, churches, storerooms, arose from the need for these seven cities to adapt employment. It led to stables, olive presses, mills, quarries), now offering to a new economic and social context, and to the transnational visibility tangible opportunities for tourist and cultural new needs deriving from social conditions, the that assures increased development. To preserve this important European world of voluntary work and the culture (especially access and attracts cultural heritage the project chose valoriation of religious and historical heritage). Coesima more tourists and ravines, rock sites and troglodyte habitats as its promoted the enhancement of the tourism offer visitors. This main objective, to be achieved by sharing and promotion of the seven sites thanks to the transnational network of contacts and knowledge and experience acquired in the creation of a network considered a tool for mining sites in the European field for the improvement of reinforcing and developing their economies with Alpine region was also management policies for these sites. The project intense cooperation amongst the partners. The useful for developing involved five European partners, with Italy surveys performed at the various sites, recording new cooperation represented by Taranto Provincial Authority and the visitor expectations and demands, allowed schemes, since further Murgia Materana Park. improvement of tourism planning, as well as the transnational projects The most significant project results included four development of operating proposals to adapt are actually evolving.” theme workshops that allowed partners to present urban infrastructures to tourist user needs. their studies, share their knowledge and consider possible solutions for problems and difficulties If previous projects focused mainly on highlighting encountered. The dissemination of research results material art and architecture assets, the basic scope was achieved via a dedicated website, a DVD, a of the Vintur (Espace Européen de the guide and various scientific publications. The DVD oenotourisme) project was to create strategies and was called: “Acting together for the future of tools for protection and development of wine underground caves” and is an interesting tool for tourism and culture in Europe. informing citizens in greater depth about this As a continent, Europe has the greatest potential in

86 The Culinary Heritage Europe project was set up to promote food and wine cultural heritage following the creation of the European network in 1995. The scope was to promote and develop regional culinary identity in united Europe, involving caterers, agri-food businesses and local authorities. The project sought to foster regional development based on local gastronomy, this sector, both at territorial level, for variety of protecting the natural environment and cultural product, and for sheer amount of “intellectual identity of areas with rural tradition, promoting cultural heritage.” Recently, however, the wine typical food products as part of a wider perspective tourism business (and consequently the “culture of of developing the territory’s tourism and economy. wine”) has had to deal with new players worldwide Italy’s representative amongst the 11 partner was (Australia, New Zealand, California, as well as Asti Provincial Authority. South Africa and South America). The project explored three issues: shared strategies This means that to remain competitive at amongst partner regions for the development of international level, the European wine tourism small food enterprises; links between gastronomy business has had to combine its energies and and tourism events; development of logistic address the market as a single, large entity. The systems for small agri-food/tourism businesses that Vintur project was based on the need to pool would stimulate the market in rural areas and resources, know-how, culture and skills acquired by create incentives for the companies operating in it. European wine-making countries in the wine The desired goal of enhancing capacity and skills in tourism sector, so as to evolve an overall European each region was addressed by study visits and direct wine tourism offer and meet specific quality contacts with the local authorities involved in standards. planning, operators, researchers and interest One of the key results of this project was a groups. Each partner region developed an analysis European wine tourism Charter, a document that of success factors for small-scale agri-food, fine emerged precisely from this overall collaboration food and tourism sectors. These studies and work underpinning the actual Vintur idea. The charter group results were disseminated via a series of contains guidelines that intend to and should open conferences in the various regions and constitute the new standard for quality European discussed together to define a best practices wine tourism hospitality. manual The project was promoted by the municipality of Vilafranca del Penedes (Cataluña) and its eight partners, which included the active Italian participation of the “Associazione Nazionale Città del Vino” [National Wine Cities Association]. This association was established in 1987 and is a network of municipalities, provinces, parks and mountain communities dedicated to wine-growing - who have achieved at least one DOC or DOCG label – and are committed to the promotion of quality agri-food production and are guardians of a documented oenological tradition.

87 Culture and Landscape


The protection, management and promotion of ICT tools to the cultural heritage sector. Conside- material and intellectual cultural heritage was a ring the results achieved by projects in terms of out- topic of extreme importance in many Interreg pro- put, the most noticeable are the large number of grammes. The topic was seen to be especially sui- small-scale infrastructures, which then translate ted to the tools of transnational cooperation, pro- into just as many instruments that will make land- moting theme networks that can unite areas which scape and cultural heritage more available to all. may be geographically different but share similar These include new signposting for cultural and arti- artistic or landscape heritage (for instance, the pil- stic heritage, urban indications for architectures, grimage routes that unite much of Southern Euro- welcome points for tourists, local information cen- pe, or the food and wine traditions connected to tres, etc. There are also large numbers of publica- vine and olive culture). The projects dealing with tions that do not limit themselves to disseminating this theme do not just reinforce and promote tradi- results of studies and research, but also often tran- tions and Italian and European art and architecture slate into tools for informing citizens, promote

Projects Programme No. projects Total funding (euro) Average project worth (euro) and Funding Dedicated Alpine space 9 6,487,352 720,816 to the Topic Medocc 24 20,525,215 855,217 Cadses 10 10,577,272 1,057,727 Archimed 12 6,136,090 511,340 Interreg IIIC 19 4,075,240 214,486 Total 74 47,801,169 -

history, but also develop new cultural pathways like knowledge and, where necessary, assist recovery of those flourishing in the Mediterranean area. There traditions and cultural assets. Similarly, there were a appears to be a strong connection between the large number of information events flanked by themes of culture and tourism (especially if sustai- almost 400 training events, which suggests that the nable), seen as a lever for promoting artistic and sector needs ongoing updating. Finally, mention environmental heritage, while developing the eco- should be made of networks and shared declara- nomies of territories involved in the projects. It is tions (about 90), which prove the importance of also interesting to note that often the “culture” international networking for the cultural heritage theme is associated with innovation, introducing and tourism sector.

88 What Was Achieved

267 Studies and Research

23 Networks and Observatories

92 Shared Guidelines and Declarations

369 Training Events

401 Information Events

390 Publications

96 Multimedia Products

151 Databases and SW

140 Small-scale Infrastructures

Projects Mentioned in This Chapter

Alpine Space • Via Claudia Augusta - • IRONROUTE - • Via Alpina - Cadses • TRANSROMANICA - • DST - Medocc • MARIMED - • BLUe - Interreg IIIC • VILLES CINEMA - • Culinary Heritage Europe • Vintur - • CavesNetwork - • Coesima - • DI.MA. - Archimed • ByHeriNet - • MEDMYSEA - • MED.ARCHEO.SITES -

89 Energy Innovation, Efficiency and Renewability For a Sustainable Future

Following the 1951 ECSC Treaty (which founded competitive and interconnected. So at this the European Coal and Steel Community) and the moment in time a clearer separation is required 1957 EURATOM Treaty (which founded the between the production or distribution of gas European Atomic Energy Community), the and electricity, and networks management. This European Union has always placed energy at the is to prevent a monopolistic regime arising with a centre of its actions and programmatic decisions. small number of enterprises managing the entire From 1951 to the present day the economic, social energy production and distribution process, and international political scenario has changed which generates a serious risk of abuse and extensively but the energy topic continues to be of discrimination. This will allow European fundamental importance, as proved by the 2007 consumers to benefit from the advantages of a Energy Green Paper. free, competitive market.

The Energy Green Paper constitutes the keystone • Secure procurement. Europe’s new energy policy of future European energy policy since it defines underscores the importance of mechanisms that the scenario, the actions and underlying aims that guarantee solidarity amongst Member States and the Member States must achieve in coming years. diversification of procurement sources and Above all, the strategy laid out in the document is transport routes. In recent years, in fact, it has articulated around three strategic objectives: become a priority to limit the EU’s dependence on imports to reduce the risk of supplies being • Competitiveness. In coming years a crucial point interrupted. To improve coordination of internal for energy policy will be the enhancement of energy supply and demand in the international efficiency for the European gas and electricity context it is therefore of strategic importance for network, through the development of an Europe to apply a shared energy policy and internal energy market that is both define clear, transparent, structured partnerships

The Challenges

Energy is one of the core topics external energy-supplying production ecologically around which the European countries. sustainable, conforming with Union Member States have Five key issues emerge: the Kyoto Protocol. In this developed and continue to • rising dependence on respect, numerous operating develop their integration imports; and strategic measures will be process. • instability of hydrocarbon activated in coming years to In 2007, with the Energy Green price; complete liberalization of the Paper, Europe redefined its • climate change; internal energy market, energy policy in the light of its • increased demand; ensuring it is safer and more own economic, social and • obstacles on the internal advantageous for consumers. At environmental objectives, and of energy market. the same time, the EU will use the new international geo- To face and overcome these important resources to combat political scenario. problems, the EU has decided climate change, offering active The new European energy policy to concentrate on enhancing support to the development of will bear in mind several basic the internal market, but also technologies that enable challenges that arise both on development and promotion production of more sustainable within Europe’s own boundaries of policies, strategies and energy that pollutes less. and from relations with research that can render energy

90 with non-EU States who produce, consume or in effect monopolies. In this respect, and also as a European allow transit of energy. consequence of the 1987 referendum that resolved Union Glossary in Italy’s rejection of nuclear energy, the Country • Sustainability. Global warming and the alarming still appears excessively exposed to procurement Energy is indispensable for daily life in the effects deriving from it are a direct consequence risks, despite the energy supply partnerships signed European Union. So of the increasing demands on world energy and with other countries. The development of new today it is essential to emission of greenhouse gases. To offset this technologies, the quest for energy efficiency, and a face the great energy phenomenon the EU has placed the battle more competitive market are seen as the key challenges raised by against climate change at the centre of its aspects for Italy’s economic and social climate changes, growing energy policy, actively supporting the research development, as well as for safeguarding its reliance on imports, and development of technologies that will enable environment. pressure brought to production of less polluting and more sustainable bear on energy energy. The EU resolved its primary objective to resources and providing achieve a minimum 20% reduction of its internal all consumers with emissions by 2020, improving energy efficiency energy at accessible prices. Implementation and raising to 20% the quota of renewable of an ambitious energy used in its overall energy mix. European energy policy – that embraces all If the energy topic plays a key role in European energy sources, whether policy making, the choices and strategies on the they are fossil (oil, gas, Italian energy scenario are becoming even more coal), nuclear, or urgent. In fact, it is common knowledge that the renewable (solar, wind, Italian domestic market has only recently begun to biomass, geothermal, liberalize and open up, after decades of what were water, sea-driven) – aims to start a new industrial revolution that will transform the EU into a low-energy- consumption economy that is safer, more competitive and more sustainable.

Source: http// /leg

91 Energy

My experience

The Projects effects for water storage, the level of protection against flooding, and energy produced. Energy, New Technologies and Eco- Moreover, the lack of detritus in areas down valley Sustainable Energy Development of reservoirs has adverse effects on local biodiversity, watercourse and aquifer stability. The Alpreserv project proposed coherent, careful Luciano Pizzigati In the light of the Kyoto Protocol and the Energy Officer, Agricultural Green Paper the link between energy and management of river sediments, referring to Development Depart- environmental protection assumes an increasingly experiences acquired in each Country, in order to ment of the Province decisive role in energy policy for Member States. On develop transnational directives and guarantee the of Forlì/Cesena preservation of existing reservoirs with evident Coordinator of local one hand, rising energy demands, on the other activities there is an increasingly urgent need to render the benefits for energy management. growing demand for energy coherent with a logic of eco-sustainable development that considers The use of wood as an alternative and ecologically “The BETTER project environmental impact. In this respect, the European sustainable energy source was the focus of the certainly made it Community is promoting energy policy of Robinwood project which undertook to develop easier for the farming increasing “greenness”, supporting research and and apply an innovative approach in rural world to talk to and development projects for technologies that can communities for sustainable forest management. contact institutions. More specifically – through an extensively All this allowed us to provide real support in creating eco-sustainable interdisciplinary perspective – the project has enter a scenario of European interaction on the topic of renewable energy sources, where swapping experiences with other players is crucial. BETTER was thus a forerunner for other schemes across the province territory that involved other players who were not energy sources with low environmental impact. enabled activation of territory maintenance part of the initial Of the various alternative energy sources found in activities that will mitigate hydrogeological and project.” the Alpine area, water is the most abundant and forest decline, whilst developing a stable, can be used for the production of “clean” energy. articulated timber market. Apart from high-quality The Alpreserv project, pursuant to the EU’s Water production (for the building and furniture sectors), Framework Directive, aimed through exchange of measures were defined for reinforcing the market experiences and knowledge to develop for inferior-quality timber to be used as an energy management guidelines – for reservoirs feeding source. hydroelectric power stations – which offer solutions The latter was a fundamental aspect that to the problem of sediments filling the reservoirs. characterized Robinwood. In particular, an On the management scenario where water is interesting quantitative investigation analyzed perceived as an energy source of prime importance, opportunities for implementing a local biomass- reservoirs play an important role since they serve as based energy plan. accumulators for potential electricity. The research was structured in several stages: The sediments reaching the reservoirs compromise • analysis of available local resources (demand for their accumulation capacity, with ensuing negative wood, infrastructures, etc.);

92 • analysis and database generation of the socio- Windharvest focused on the research and Focus: economic scenario (owners, entrepreneurs, exploration of management aspects and technical Leader Region artisans); issues linked to the development of wind turbines • catalogue of technologies available for biomass on mountain territory. Energy projects were combustion; In recent years, wind energy has become a popular concentrated in • analysis and reporting on the relationship alternative energy source on plains areas. Although Northern Italy. Most remarkable was the between wood fuel demand and quality. mountain areas are an excellent location for ability of the Veneto The project developed a number of subprojects that development of this kind of energy, the know-how Region to commit to encouraged the use of timber and off-cuts from the and technologies developed for production of wind a theme that wood production chain as alternative energy energy are difficult to apply there because of the combined innovation sources to fossil fuel, aiming to cut down emissions unique orographic layout. Inspired by this fact, the with environmental, of greenhouse gases – especially CO2 – into the project participants developed interdisciplinary social and economic atmosphere. studies with the aim of exploring technical, sustainability. One example is the subproject Prowood Energy - management and environmental aspects, problems Promotion of wood energy value chains based on and opportunities connected to the application of sustainable forestry management. This subproject, wind turbines on alpine territory, achieving whose Italian partner was Millesimo Municipality in significant results, including: Liguria, promoted energy production from local • creation of methods and tools for efficient biomass forests. identification and quantification of wind energy

A range of activities were undertaken, including potential on complex mountain terrains research into the potential of the biomass available • mapping of wind energy potential in the various on partner territories, analysis of the woodlands territories for the entire Alpine region; sector, census of best practices for forest • definition of critical issues arising from installation management, biomass energy promotion and of turbines on alpine terrains; energy plant feasibility studies. The various activities • assessment of the ecological impact of turbine listed allowed development of an integrated forest construction; management plan, reinforcement of the local wood • legal, social, political and economic definition of production chain thanks to use of biomass, as well conditions required to develop wind energy and as decreasing heating costs for local public and impact on local competitiveness; private user partners. • development of methods and proposals for overcoming any conflict between wind energy The topic of development and implementation of and other interests (environmental organizations, alternative, “clean” energy, was also at the heart of local residents, etc.). the Alpine Windharvest project. Unlike the projects described above, however, Alpine

93 Energy

Focus: Energy and Policies for Renewable Energy period 2002-2005, but is still only covering 1.6 % RegEnergy Project of overall demand. For Italy to meet EU objectives For Europe to be able to develop a really sustainable and domestic obligations (by 2010, 5.75% of all An online tool is energy policy, measures and actions for seeking fossil fuels must be biofuels), it will have to speed available for seeking new clean energy production methods must be up on progress made so far. the best practices for sought. It is also important, however, for each BETTER, led by Forlì-Cesena Provincial Authority, policies and financial solutions to promote Member State to promote an intense campaign was set up to promote production and use of sustainable thermo- that will lead to improved energy efficiency and biodiesel as part of the territorial development heating and thermo- saving of available resources. concept. On one hand the demand for innovative cooling. This This urgent, complex topic was explored in the energy had to be met, while also bringing instrument was many projects dedicated to it, following two economic and social unity for rural areas. The prime initially designed to different but interconnected paths. On one hand objective was to analyze the energy, territorial and enable local the problem was looked at from the standpoint of agricultural scenario in which partner countries administrators to find developing transnational policies for raising operate, above all to pinpoint sector strengths and specific information awareness and supporting the use of renewable weaknesses, thus providing indications for on how to include the energy with low environmental impact; on the strategies to apply in various operating situations sustainable heating other, various projects promoted awareness for (agricultural, industrial, etc.). topic in territorial energy policies, supporting intelligent, targeted use of energy. Some of the most significant results brought by the enterprise project include completion of a feasibility study for development, The BETTER (Biofuel chain Enhancement for creating biodiesel development chains at environmental Territorial developmenT of European Regions) transnational level and within each partner state; protection or project was part of the first topic area mentioned, signing of a national framework agreement (in territorial planning. since it focused on biofuel as an alternative and Italy) for biofuels and the generation of specific The tool, in English, ecologically sustainable energy source. As already information sources for citizens (CDs, books, can be found on the mentioned, the limits pinpointed by the EU indicate brochures). project website. that by 2020 biofuel should account for at least 10% of total petrol and diesel consumption for The Carbon Pro (Carbon balance drafting and new motor vehicles. resources management tools according to the In Italy, biodiesel production almost doubled in the Kyoto Protocol) project concentrated on the topic

94 News from Europe

400 European cities committed to excelling in the 20% energy objective. Almost 400 European cities have committed to cutting CO2 emissions by at least 20% by 2020. The undertaking was made by the Covenant of Mayors and was the result of cooperation between the European Commission and the Committee of the of developing sustainable energy, in particular the of energy saving and use of renewable energy Regions. Progress from need to decrease CO2 emissions, sharing and sources by pooling the knowledge and experience the Covenant and the supporting measures and guidelines indicated by of the five partner regions, developing flexible, list of cities taking the Energy Green Paper for promoting ecologically transferable instruments and methodologies that part can be found on sustainable energy types. could be applied effectively in various territorial the Covenant of The project was run by Friuli Venezia Giulia contexts. In the five partner regions (Italy was Mayors website Regional Authority and identified integrated represented by Emilia Romagna), Enercy'regio (, methodologies for management of agricultural and promoted three calls for bids to fund projects that which will act as a support structure for forest resources in the Adriatic-Danube area. It would develop instruments, measures and participating cities focused on the assimilation and storage function of methodologies for interventions to increase energy and citizens. Over one carbon in general and specifically of CO2. Apart efficiency, energy saving and use of renewable hundred Italian from various actions fielded by the project – aiming energy sources in the following contexts: municipalities are to raise awareness in institutions and citizens of the • local energy policy; involved in this importance of carbon storage in agri-forest • regional development of local enterprise and important initiative ecosystems to offset greenhouse gases (CFCs) – a employment; and consequently are pilot action, set up by Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional • administrative functions and tasks within busy preparing Authority, made possible the construction of two territorial authorities; important measures boilers fuelled by forest biomasses, whose scope • youth. for more sustainable was to study and monitor impact in terms of CO In particular, Emilia-Romagna Regional Authority energy management 2 to benefit their emissions from wood fuel compared to other – involved 15 regional organizations in seven of the citizens and the fossil origin – fuels. nine Enercy’regio pilot projects. Local authorities, environment. energy agencies, chambers of commerce, As previously mentioned, apart from the topic of environmental sector enterprises, centres for Source: promoting low-impact renewable energy, many technology transfer and other important http://www.eumayors. projects explored the difficult issue of developing stakeholders developed instruments for promoting eu various policies for improving energy efficiency. energy efficiency, energy saving and use of These included the Enercy’regio project, which renewable energy sources, including: focused on improving energy efficiency, promotion

95 Energy

• programmes for qualification of public officials in Soustenergy (new strategies of social and energy efficiency and programmes for energy educational action for energy saving and efficiency saving and use of renewable energy in in Europe) was another project that centred on municipalities; formulating innovative strategies and policies • technology transfer networks for eco-innovation aiming to increase energy efficiency. The project in the energy field; encouraged a change in European energy culture • quality and certification management systems for through involvement of various local players municipalities efficient in the energy sector; (citizens, local administrations, consultants and • energy efficiency networks for small-medium enterprises). municipalities; For this purpose shared methodologies were • ad hoc tools for verifying and improving energy created, defined and validated for formulating performance in public buildings; regional and local strategies to promote energy • measures for the energy sector training system. saving and efficiency, operating chiefly through education and information. The project generated:

96 • an inventory of best practices for regional and One of the most interesting pilot actions worth local energy saving, and efficiency programmes mentioning was promoted and supported by and actions; Modena’s Agency for energy and sustainable • a methodological guide for development of development, in partnership with “La Lumaca” (an regional and local energy saving, and efficiency environmental cooperative), in primary schools in programmes and strategies; the Nonantola and Formigine municipalities. • a number of pilot actions, including an energy The action involved organization of four lessons to saving and efficiency programme in local explain energy, its correct use and production from administrations, exhibitions of technologies for renewable sources. energy saving and efficiency, a programme for The scheme also included electing a class “energy sustainable mobility, a programme for saving in manager”, whose task was to record classroom schools, a programme for saving in buildings, a temperatures on a daily basis and adjust radiator programme for responsible consumption in thermostats accordingly, to avoid wasting heat. private homes; Lastly, a competition was held to test pupils and • a transnational workshop for energy saving and asking them to re-elaborate what they had learned efficiency. creatively, with the best class being awarded a demonstration kit for producing solar heat energy.

97 Energy


The energy topic was not a priority for Interreg pro- 121 were for information purposes and aimed to grammes and was actually to be found amongst disseminate amongst sector specialist and citizens environmental topics. Nonetheless, the centrality of the methodologies and approaches developed by the energy issue – both for innovation and for research activities. management of natural resources from which seve- Alongside multimedia products, they definitely con- ral energy sources derive – has led to development tributed to raising awareness in the population with of several interesting projects dedicated to renewa- regard to this important topic. In general all the ble energy. projects developed shared guidelines and declara- The projects absorbed about six million euros of tions, showing an ability to involve policymakers in funding and concentrated on various energy sour- a theme that certainly needs their involvement if it ces, developing methodologies and approaches is to become a tool for territorial development. that on one hand promote energy savings and on Central to the subject is the research role, confir-

Projects Programme No. projects Total funding (euro) Average project worth (euro) and Funding Dedicated Alpine space 3 01,713,400 571,133 to the Topic Medocc 1 570,00 570,00 Cadses 3 2,530,944 843,648 Archimed 0 0 0 Interreg IIIC 3 1,189,660 396,553 Total 10 6,004,004 -

the other encourage use of alternative energy sour- med by about 50 completed studies that led to one ces. Renewable energy was considered an econo- hundred publications. In many cases the output mic-production sector enjoying strong growth and from research activities concentrated on concrete thus a potential lever for economic development on opportunities for introducing or intensifying the use the territory. In point of fact, encouraging develop- of sustainable energy sources in the territories ment of entrepreneurship linked to green energy is involved. certainly an attainable goal for the future of Italian businesses. There were few projects but they gene- rated over two hundred public events, of which

98 What Was Achieved

52 Studies and Research

2 Networks and Observatories

10 Shared Guidelines and Declarations

114 Training Events

121 Information Events

107 Publications

8 Multimedia Products

16 Databases and SW

20 Small-scale Infrastructures

Projects Mentioned in This Chapter

Alpine Space • AlpineWindharest - • Alpreserv - Cadses • Carbonpro - • Better - Interreg IIIC • Enercy’regio - • Soustenergy - • Robinwood -

99 Society Exploiting difference as a way to combat discrimination

It is a fundamental principle of the European Union, employment and to reconcile working time with and of modern democracies in general, that there family time. cannot be economic development without an So promoting a better quality of life for all is now appropriate social policy to accompany it: the assumed to be the driver of economic prosperity, a Lisbon Strategy begins from that premise. Since its fundamental prerequisite for genuine social aim is to become the most competitive knowledge cohesion. And if social policy was not at the centre society in the world, the EU considers the fight of initial development of a united Europe, it is now against social exclusion, and the promotion of beginning to be so, first with the Maastricht Treaty, equal opportunities, essential prerequisites for that and then the 1997 Amsterdam Treaty. future development. In recent years, a new vision of The Amsterdam Treaty was followed by numerous social policy has gained acceptance. It is no longer issues papers, and significant steps that aimed at a simple matter of taking measures to help and harmonising national policies. In particular, the support groups considered to be at risk; the whole New Social Agenda for 2006-2010 sets out two social agenda is now seen a key factor for key objectives: employment and equality; work as a European economic growth. lever for prosperity and equality of treatment as a People with disabilities, for instance, are no longer tool for solidarity and reduction of poverty. viewed merely as citizens with special needs. Thanks to a redoubling of efforts to improve the The issue of equality affects such matters as employment of people with disabilities, and full assessing the impact of demographic change in the implementation of the principle of non- EU (due to the ageing population), supporting discrimination, their full role is now acknowledged Member States in the reform of their pension and as important players in economic and social life. healthcare systems, clarifying the role played by The same applies to women: it is now seen as a social services, combating discrimination and social good normal practice to support female inequality, and supporting equal opportunities for entrepreneurship, reduce barriers to the women men and women.

The Challenges

The watchwords of European (children, the elderly, women, as a lever for economic growth, social policy are: more and immigrants) which, for one not as an obstacle to be better jobs, and equal reason or another, might be overcome. As economic opportunities. Promoting equal subject to forms of social globalisation multiplies and opportunities, in particular, is exclusion. accelerates the movement of one of the fundamental With respect to some issues, goods and persons, too often principles of the Lisbon such as the fight against the rights of individuals and Strategy; gender, age, disability, racism, or the new attention groups still seem to stop at the or poverty cannot, and must being given to the gender borders between countries; the not, prevent European citizens question, the programmes homogenisation of social from living a full social, political implemented in Italy and the policies, promoting poverty and working life. EU rules rest of Europe are aimed at reduction and active citizenship prohibit all forms of bringing about culture change in the EU, are still key discrimination throughout the in citizens and public objectives of the enlarged Union, and specific measures administrations, to favour new Europe. have been taken to support full organisational and production participation by social groups processes that think of diversity

100 So far as equal opportunities are concerned, Thanks mainly to the European Social Fund and European international statistics clearly show that much still other specific programmes (Daphne, Equal, and Union Glossary remains to be done on the gender issue. So far as many others in the past, and the Progress the labour market is concerned, for example, programme today), Europe intends to promote The principle of non- female unemployment remains higher than male economic growth that is sustainable not only from discrimination aims to unemployment in no less than 21 of the 27 EU an environmental point of view, but also in social ensure equal treatment for all, regardless of countries, with Italy in one of the worst positions: terms, and to try and close the inequality gap that nationality, gender, race female unemployment in Italy stands at 7.9% as inhibits full participation by certain social groups in or ethnic origin, religion compared to 4.9% for the male population, a very political life, at work, and in decision-making. or belief, disability, age, large discrepancy which takes on added Among these groups, women, ethnic minorities, or sexual orientation. significance when it is compared with the figures and immigrants were the objects of some The prohibition of all for higher education. interesting projects. In the Interreg-funded projects, discrimination on As well known, girls do better at school than boys, territorial and regionally applied policies ensure grounds of nationality and in Italy 28.1% of female 25-year-olds graduate there is careful oversight of local contexts, and was laid down in Article successfully, as compared to only 19% of boys. openness to international cooperation. This has 12 (ex Article 6) of the Women encounter other problems when they enter proved particularly helpful in dealing with those Treaty of Rome, which the world of work; further obstacles that make it aspects most heavily affected by globalisation (such established the Euro- pean Community. Under more difficult for them to rise to managerial, as migration and human trafficking), and made it the 1997 Treaty of decision-making positions. The “glass ceiling” that possible to target interventions in ways that were Amsterdam, a new Arti- still too often blocks women is an invisible barrier able to substantially change the lives of the social cle 13 was written into but catched by all within many organisations. groups most at risk of exclusion. Moreover, the the EC Treaty, to reinfor- Interreg programmes were not limited to Europe ce the guarantee of non- itself, but broadened their scope to take in the discrimination laid down Issues of poverty and inequality affect migration in immediately contiguous Mediterranean countries, in the Treaties, and complex, non-linear ways and too often cultural which have fundamentally important cultural links extending it to other diversity is associated with discrimination and to many Italian regions, and are key areas for cases. prejudice. Whilst in Italy, the positive contribution addressing the immigration issue and, more made by immigrants to the national demographic generally, issues relating to European identity. Source: balance, and to entrepreneurship, is well known (in scadplus/glossary/ 2007, the number of enterprises run by immigrants nondiscrimination_ rose to 225,408 - an increase of 8% on the principle previous year), recent studies have shown that people believe there is still a high level of discrimination, and that this has increased over the past five years. 77% of Italians, in fact, believe there is widespread discrimination on ethnic grounds. That is greater than 10% more than the European average, and is coupled with a second factor: the widespread perception, by 60% of Italians, that discrimination has increased in recent years. We shall see how effectively some of the projects – presented below – have addressed this issue, and promoted a different perception.

101 Society

My experience

The Projects

Society and the gender issue

Gender discrimination can take many forms. Even though promoting equal opportunities between Maria Sangiuliano Head of the Provincial men and women is a central theme in European Authority of Venice social policy, discrimination still tends to take on Women Resource transversal forms that affect policies on work, Centre, education, family and participation. So there is a Local Actions Coordinator need for virtuous teamwork among organisations committed to protect women's rights and to support equal opportunities. For that purpose, W.IN.NET project has set up a “The W.IN.NET project provided more incisive European Network of Women Resource Centres responses to the (WRC) as an association in 2006; over the years, gender issue, in particular by supporting female difficult problems these WRCs have become recognised actors in entrepreneurship in the pre-Alpine and Alpine encountered by regional development. They provide services for zones, through advisory and training services. women in the women on entrepreneurship, on relationship Specifically, a pilot action carried out by the workplace. By between women and technology, and on Provincial Authority of Lecco is worth considering: comparing a range of combating social exclusion, constantly updating this was a training course attended by about 50 solutions tried out by various European their methods of social investigation and action. people, and achieved the significant outcome of countries, and The WRCs are still active in Italy and Europe, opening seven new female-run bed & breakfast identifying the best continuing to promote projects and initiatives that hotels, which were then further supported by the experiences of each enhance equal opportunities. The end goal of project partners to promote them locally, and link partner, the W.IN.NET being to establish an international them with the tourism agencies. A virtual centre for networking model association of specialist centres that actively equal opportunities, set up by the Provincial promoted by promote equal opportunities, as a first step it Authority of Trento, accompanied these efforts; it W.IN.NET helped us to develop a range of supported the WRCs by setting up a web portal, to includes a database of "best practices" on gender support services for coordinate their efforts and permit the exchange of equality and female entrepreneurship, as well as a women in the good practice. Starting with the 9 countries number of e-learning training modules. This active workplace. participating in the programme, over time effort in the field was accompanied by important Particularly for the W.IN.NET has succeeded in bringing in almost all research and networking activity, to identify the staff at our Women's the other European Member States, and most effective methods for gender mainstreaming, Resource Centre, developing a collaborative model that brings i.e., ensuring gender equality is central to all major inclusion in this network was an together all the WRCs. The Italian partners were areas of local policy. This led the Women-ALPnet opportunity to gain five, and they included the Venice Provincial project to organise a network of about 40 WRCs, experience in training Authority whose WRC is active in many other and take part in numerous international exchanges and benchmarking, European projects on related themes, and has with other European projects, such as W.IN.NET. and a constant recently been promoting training programmes stimulus to form targeted at the unemployed, which in teaching The WBC project (Women in Business Support European women ICT has identified one possible means for Growth and Competitiveness) is also concerned partnerships on other initiatives”. social self-promotion and work opportunities. with female entrepreneurship, and its dissemination. It has published a guide to best The Women-ALPnet project also focussed on the practice on women in business and employment,

102 activate 47 workshops and 32 training events, Focus: specifically targeted at policy-makers and The Walser Alps administrators. project One of the 32 local projects involved the “Langhe Monferrato Roero” local development Agency The Walser Alps (based in Cuneo), which locally tested the project website http://www.walser- methodology developed by Gender Alp. - part of The relevance of the gender equality issue, and the the Walser Alps high levels of competency displayed in Gender Alp, project developed by were demonstrated by the fact that the outcomes the Provincial of Gender Alp have now been taken on board by Authority of Verbano many municipalities in Italy, and by the European Cusio Ossola - is a Commission itself. rich database of materials on Walser The Gender Alp project brought the gender issue culture. It includes a and disseminated it in seminars and other into government and local government. The large collection of photographs of communication actions. purpose of the LEAD Project, on the other hand, people, objects, work, The female entrepreneurship sections that exist was to generate a new participatory model, able to and architecture that develop its own policy agenda for promoting within the very widespread Chamber of Commerce give insights into the networks (a WBC project partner) made it possible greater participation by women in society and the history of this to help women who are about to enter the labour economy. important local market. Above all, these activities made possible an Special Local Agencies for Equality (LAEs) were set culture. increased awareness, within local government, of up and tested, as networking spaces for many the benefits of including women in economic life. public and private entities, in various localities, promoting increased participation by women. The The Gender Alp! project focused at the decision- project was led by the Municipality of Bari, which making level. Beginning from the need to integrate live-tested one LAE and published a detailed the gender issue right across all the processes and manual for implementing and managing LAEs in decisions of public authorities, it promoted training other contexts. The focus chosen for the Bari methods and opportunities for gender planning experiment was the reconciliation of working time and gender budgeting. One practical outcome was and family life, whilst a similar experiment by the the publication and distribution, by the Provincial Provincial Authority of Milan focussed on female Authority of Genoa, of a handbook on the role participation in socio-economic life within its local played by this approach in the management of territory. public affairs. This handbook looks at regional The LEAD project led to the creation of an budgeting and spending decisions, starting with a international network of Local Agencies for Equality careful analysis of the impact public investment can at the European level; this will ensure their long- have on gender disparities. Thanks to Gender Alp! term sustainability. It is now possible to plan local development, implement housing policies, or promote a new road network, whilst taking account of the specific needs of men and women - which do not always coincide. In that context, it was possible for Gender Alp! to develop and disseminate internationally some 52 methodologies and resources, and to

103 Society

News from Europe Society, cultural diversity, and immigration Entrepreneurs' Reception Offices after the IMMENSITY project was over, they have been More than 430 Some might find rhetorical to define cultural incorporated into other local public services (such activities have been diversity – that characterize Europe in general and as job centres): their services remain at the disposal carried out at Italy in growing measure – as a resource to be of local business. national level, and recognised and exploited; but the Interreg projects more than 600 events presented in this section demonstrate how, In a not dissimilar approach, the MIGRALINK have spread the through carefully targeted action, perceptions of project developed support services for so-called message of the European Year of immigration and cultural difference can be "migrant entrepreneurship", though in this case Equal Opportunities changed. Focussing on different aspects of cultural seen mainly as support leverage for their countries for All. There is a diversity, and analysing its many components, these of origin. The purpose of MIGRALINK was to assist growing awareness of projects have made a substantial contribution to immigrants who, having spent a significant period European citizens on reducing the risk of social exclusion of immigrants in Italy, now wished to return to their home one of these key and ethnic minorities, at the same time developing countries. The Veneto Regional Authority - which issues of European the potential of immigrants and ethnic minorities to led MIGRALINK - activated various researches, social policy. As well bring benefits to local development. interventions and networking activities, including a as the many people free training course, aimed at immigrant who took a direct The IMMENSITY project, for example, began from Romanians and Serbs who wanted to return home. part in these the concept that the path to social inclusion passes This course provided the skills and information activities, it is estimated that 328 through supporting the entrepreneurial and self- necessary to reintegrate migrants into the world of million others persons employment potential of immigrants, whilst directly work, and it is interesting to note that the vast were made aware of supporting their countries of origin by promoting majority of the 45 people who attended were them through trade. To demonstrate the great potential primarily interested in setting up businesses that newspaper and immigrants have to offer, the IMMENSITY project could act as key points of reference for Veneto magazine articles. set up the Immigrant Entrepreneurs' Reception businesses interested in intensifying trade with Thanks to the Year of Offices, as a means of actively supporting other countries. Both these projects brought out Equal Opportunities, immigrant entrepreneurship and assisting the potentially positive impact immigrants can have numerous immigrants to develop and strengthen trade links on local development, not only because of their commitments were with their countries of origin. On an experimental economic self-sufficiency, but also as a real driver made at national and basis, these centres provided advice to numerous for business growth, both in Italy and the other European level, some of which will be migrants, directly and via a dedicated website. On countries. funded by the the research side, the skills and expectations of PROGRESS foreign workers were mapped, so that they could These projects show that concerted management programme. The “Stop be offered targeted training that responded to their at the local, national, and international level plays a Discrimination” actual needs. Data collected on import-export was central role in the effective management of campaign continued then used to support the internationalisation of migratory flows. That was also the focus of the for 2008, publicising Italian firms, which discovered how immigrants PEOPLE project, which carried out a comparative the existing could act as important channels of connection with analysis of policies for the socio-economic legislation, continuing new foreign markets. In that sense - well expressed integration of immigrants and asylum seekers, to combat by the experiments carried out by the Marche based on quantitative and qualitative surveys at the discrimination, and Regional Authority - immigrants are shown to be an regional level. By creating a network of local promoting the benefits of diversity important resource, for the social capital they observatories on immigration policy, the PEOPLE within the EU. represent, their particular networks, and their project, led by the Apulia Regional Authority, special relationships with their countries of origin. identified a homogenous approach – shared by all Source: To ensure sustainability of the Immigrant the other institutional stakeholders – for collecting,

104 My experience

professionals. Among the many significant achievements of the WEST project, it is worth mentioning the intense information campaign carried out in Albania and at all the major points of entry into Italy, to ensure that any potential victims of trafficking would have access to all the knowledge they needed, to prevent them from Marco Bufo assembling, and putting on-line data on migratory falling into the hands of criminal organisations. Director, Hospitality networks and information points were “On the Road” Social flows, their socio-economic impact, and the Association governance policies that were implemented. set up at border crossings, to ensure that women Local actions This data was used as the basis for defining entering Italy were given information, legal Coordinator guidelines aimed at policy makers, for developing assistance, and, where necessary, putting them into direct contact with social services. Migrant women new regional approaches to immigration “Via the work of the management, integrating migrants into social and were given support by a network of specialist multi-functional drop- labour markets, and elaborating reception policies lawyers, whilst intensified cooperation of police in centres, the WEST for asylum seekers and refugees. and border authorities helped them to understand project experimented their rights, and provided them with opportunities with new ways of offering social for employment and integration into the social The WEST project, led by the Emilia-Romagna protection to the Regional Authority, and focussed particularly on the fabric of Italy. The Provincial Authority of Trento victims of sex Balkans, tackled the very delicate issue of the also tested a model to enable victims of trafficking trafficking. In this trafficking of women and children. It is important to be returned and re-integrated into their own experiment, the to bear in mind that this traffic represents most of country of origin. Thanks to effective collaboration prevailing solution - accommodation in with the countries of origin, some women were the illegal immigration into Italy from the Balkans, dedicated residential and that in recent years it has increasingly been thus rescued from the sex trade and supported in facilities - was infiltrated by criminal organisations. Bringing the difficult process of return and were given legal replaced or supported women and children into Italy and forcing them to assistance, psychological care, and support in by a new model of live in conditions of semi-slavery, in order to exploit finding employment. Such a model would certainly non-residential assistance: informal be transferable to other parts of Italy and Europe. the market for prostitution, is a distortion of the drop-in centres as concept of free movement of people that not only At the international level, these activities involved welcoming places violates immigration laws, but also the Universal the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania, the where people will Declaration of Human Rights. Emilia-Romagna Regional Authority and the listen, and where a The WEST project brought together Italian Marche Regional Authority, and led to fundamental range of information services, guidance, and prevention actions. Support offered to Albanian government agencies with a number of non- advice can be directly governmental Italian organisations, one of which women at risk of violence and marginalisation, for given. Through these was "On the Road", an NGO that has been example by initiating them into processes of self- aid and support working for many years at the sharp edge, directly entrepreneurship, has become an effective way of activities, the drop-in rescuing the victims of trafficking and rehabilitating preventing people-trafficking. The outcomes have centres act as a filter between a person in been significant: a network of lawyers is active in them. Given the complexity of the phenomenon, difficulty, and the the WEST project undertook a wide range of the Lombardy region, and specialised legal advice external support actions: research, more than 20 information centres in Milan, Varese, Verona, Bologna, and locally provided by campaigns, legal aid for victims of trafficking, Udine have protected numerous victims from the social services”. training for operators, exchanging good practices, traffickers. The numbers are also significant: 209 and creating an inter-regional monitoring Centre women have benefited from a drop-in service set that built up a voluminous database, which was up by the Marche Regional Authority, 33 have made available for use by the public and entered programmes for social integration, and 477

105 Society

Focus: were contacted by mobile units and given the presence of Walser culture in the local area. Leader Region necessary information. The same information Artefacts belonging to private collections and campaign was also successful in the difficult task of municipal museums were also digitalised and In terms of numbers, contacting the clients of prostitutes, and was made accessible to a wider audience. In parallel, and the importance deservedly awarded the Agorà prize (the Italian the Walser website also provides an integrated, of the outcomes, National Prize for Advertising) in 2005. systematic history of Walser culture, its localisation Puglia emerged as the and distribution in the Alps, and gives better Lead Region in the “Society” thematic As has already been pointed out, the Interreg visibility to the many museums devoted to this area. The various local programmes fostered a more respectful concept of ethnic minority. This website, it should also be actors from that the person and their rights, by managing migration noted, has become a place of identification and region demonstrated more effectively. But whilst it is important to have communication for the Walser community itself, an ability to take these new tools to welcome people from other allowing Walser people to interact and keep in action in an original faraway cultures, there is also a need to promote contact, overcoming the territorial isolation in way, particularly for traditional, centuries-old cultures and minorities in which they find themselves, and straddling the those aspects relating various zones of Italy itself. One such example is the boundaries that separate them. To spread to the social inclusion Walsers, a people of Germanic origin who migrated knowledge about Walser culture, a dedicated of women and into Piedmont and the Valle d'Aosta (and into library was opened, and numerous initiatives migrants. Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria as well) launched to create links between Walser culture, between the seventh and thirteenth centuries. the Alps, and tourism. These included setting up To invigorate the local capacities, the Walser Alps thematic tourist trails, and establishing a dedicated project brought together a great many activities so Walser tourism agency in the province of Vercelli. that Walser culture could become a factor for local The main themes of the Walser Alps project - development. The project partners not only worked identity, language, culture, environment, and the on conserving the history of Walser culture, but relationship between the generations - were at the also setting out a path for its future development. centre of the final project event in Gressoney, By bringing in young people and the schools, this entitled "A conference about the future," which project opened up an important debate about the brought together not only representatives of the links between Walser culture and future different Walser communities, but also those of generations, and the possibility of integrating other linguistic minorities in the Alps. traditional culture into projects for promoting tourism and territorial development. The Walser Alps project was also an important tool for Society, cooperation, and Mediterranean strengthening relationships and expanding identity exchanges between the various scattered Walser communities in Italy, France, Switzerland, Austria, Thanks to the Interreg programmes, there has been and Liechtenstein, and providing them with a more an increased interest in diversity, and the EU’s desire efficient organisational structure. to enhance all elements of social and economic Led by the Regional Authority of the Valle D'Aosta, enrichment has gone beyond Europe's borders and the Walser Alps project took important steps to extended to take in the whole Mediterranean recover, organise, and digitalise the Walser cultural basin. Because of her geographical position, Italy heritage. In particular, the Provincial Authority of naturally plays an important role in that scenario, in Verbano Cusio Ossola created an online database, which the linguistic, cultural, and economic bonds which brings together an enormous quantity of that unite the countries around the Mediterranean texts, images, songs, place-names and ethno- have central importance. A number of Interreg- anthropological cultural artefacts, testifying to the funded projects promoted initiatives in support of

106 enterprise and international collaboration, and the local products, and the territories north and south development of a shared vision of the rich culture of the Mediterranean (the Mediterranean to of the Mediterranean basin. As a linking element Country Agreement). between the southern and northern shores of the Several festivals were organised to promote these Mediterranean, the EuroMedSys project focussed products, and were attended by about 500,000 on promoting typical local products and high-value people in all. Another agreement was signed, goods. setting up an Association of Mediterranean food Three pilot projects were implemented: FoodMed production micro-chains. One tangible result of (for certifying the quality and origin of organic these strengthened links between institutions was products, typical local products, and high-quality “Mediterranean to Country", a project to create a traditional agri-food), HabitatMed (for interior circuit to promote the trans-Mediterranean territory design products that share a common and its products. This networked many cities Mediterranean identity), and the Euro- around the Mediterranean, and was an interesting Mediterranean virtual market space, for advanced early look at how relationships will develop, when business support services to SMEs (the prototype of the Mediterranean will become a free trade area. a Mediterranean market-place: a market mediated via the web). The Tuscany Regional Authority, via The SSSL project was more directly focused on the “Casa Toscana” consortium, led the Mediterranean cultural heritage. Promoted by a HabitatMed pilot project. By bringing together cultural network of 30 cities in 9 countries - Cape Italian manufacturers and designers with others Verde, Croatia, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, from the southern shore of the Mediterranean, Morocco, Portugal, and Spain - it takes its name ideas and experience were exchanged, and a from the “Sete Sóis Sete Luas” Festival, which number of prototype pieces were designed to arrived at its 16th edition in 2008. With the synthesize, in the form of simple interior design participation of famous artists from European and objects, the symbols, knowledge and possibilities Mediterranean culture, the festival promotes music, that exist on the two shores of a sea over which the people, street theatre, and the visual arts. Romans once ruled as Mare Nostrum. Organised as a travelling event, it literally make the images, traditions, and poetic expressions travelling The MIDA project addressed similar topics, through the various partner countries, promoting analysing the experience of various typical food cross-cultural dialogue and the development of a micro-chains in the different territories north and Mediterranean vision. The 2005 edition, funded by south of the Mediterranean. This project, which the SSSL project, took Italian artists overseas and attracted 10 Italian partners, investigated the made it possible for Italians to hear and see some opportunities and feasibility of creating shared of the best-known names on the international activities and services, and developed instruments scene. Since this is a festival of the highest cultural for protecting and enhancing local territories and quality, it is no surprise that the honorary Presidents micro-sectors of food production; this led to the were the Nobel Prize winners José Saramago and signature of a protocol agreement for promoting Dario Fo.

107 Society


As previously noted, the “Society” category number of training events were dedicated to included projects that addressed the theme of the empowering specific social groups (women, multicultural society, the gender issue, and in a migrants, those at risk of exclusion) and training more general sense, that exploited differences as a professional specialists working in those fields. way of enhancing social inclusion. Those issues are A significant number of multimedia products was not the exclusive preserve of the projects generated, including videos and other audio-visual mentioned here; there were many others devoted materials to raise public awareness. A great number to promoting local culture or intangible heritage of studies and reports were published, reflecting (discussed in the “Culture” chapter), digital the positive impact of the Interreg projects in inclusion (discussed in “Innovation”) and assembling and disseminating knowledge. sustainable development (discussed in “Planning”), So far as small-scale infrastructures are concerned,

Projects Programme No. projects Total funding (euro) Average project worth (euro) and Funding Dedicated Alpine space 6 5,496,588 916,098 to the Topic Medocc 14 9,252,130 660,866 Cadses 13 10,843,225 834,094 Archimed 8 3,593,398 449,174 Interreg IIIC 3 2,149,779 716,593 Total 44 31,335,120 -

and which all had important positive impacts from it is worth mentioning the numerous front offices a social point of view. But of the many projects and regional offices that were set up to provide specifically devoted to social issues, Italy was an targeted services in the field of social services, and active participant in 44, taking up over e 31 million the virtual networks that were created to share of the available funding. information and best practice between countries. It is no coincidence that Medocc and Cadses were The sharing of the many databases and, thanks to the two most active programmes dealing with them, of the knowledge seems to have played a social matters. The aim of Medocc was to particularly important role in fostering the strengthen the common identity (and social emergence of a common approach to issues like practices) between the countries of the migration, which can only be positively and Mediterranean basin; Cadses dedicated a specific effectively managed in an international setting. axis to social issue, focussing on the study and management of migration, which will foreseeably be one of the impacts of European enlargement. Naturally, in each initiative undertaken, a very large

108 What Was Achieved

473 Studies and Research

27 Networks and Observatories

75 Shared Guidelines and Declarations

443 Training Events

146 Information Events

234 Publications

64 Multimedia Products

38 Databases and SW

174 Small-scale Infrastructures

Projects Mentioned in This Chapter

Interreg IIIC • W.IN.NET - • LEAD - Medocc • Euromedyss - • SSSL - Archimed • PEOPLES - • WBC - • M.I.D.A. - Alpine Space • Women-ALPnet - • Gender Alp! - • Walser Alps - Cadses • Immensity - • WEST - • Migralink -

109 Introduzione

110 PART III - CONCLUSIONS A view from outside The viewpoint of the regional governments Future prospects

111 A view from outside An interview with the scientific coordinator for Italy of the 2000-2006 ESPON Programme

What was the 2000-2006 ESPON Programme, and How did Italy benefit from participating in the how did Italy benefit by taking part in it? 2000-2006 Interreg programmes, especially in Put briefly, the ESPON Programme is a European terms of raising the capacity of the system? And Territorial Observatory that consists of networks of are there any areas for improvement? Roberto Camagni European research institutes. The topics covered by the As compared to our European partners, Italy has at last Professor of Urban programme were very varied: structure of urban “got into the game” with equal dignity and above all, Economics, Faculty of systems, regional competitiveness, environmental with an equal level of interest on the part of others. It Architecture, MIlan challenges, and new accessibility ways. has finally become possible for Italy to make the rest of Polytechnic For Italy, and for all the other EU countries as well, it Europe aware of many specific aspects of our marked a big improvement in the quality of the approach, and of its richness (in cultural heritage, for information on regional European territories that instance, or in our networks of cities, our readiness to became available. Above all, it was an opportunity to use data that is not official, but is useful in forming a compare the performance of the different regions (and more realistic snapshot); additionally, Interreg made it of the Provinces) on a wide range of issues, in the possible to internationalise Italy’s regional and local European framework. In that framework, the Ministry public administrations. for Infrastructure and Transport developed its own ESPON Thematic Atlas, which included the most How would you judge the significance of the important maps produced by the programme during its participation of regional Italian operators in the first 5 years, with a short commentary on the 2000-2006 Interreg programmes (in terms of the outcomes, as seen from the viewpoint of the Italian funding they took up, and the number of regional governments. partnerships in which they were involved)? So far as Italian participation is concerned, those The results were extremely good, although some outcomes had their own significance. There were two regions were more responsive and committed than Italian-led networks, one dealing with competitiveness others. The ability to take analytical work to and the other, cultural heritage; significant other completion, and then publish well-structured, well- contributions were made by Italian universities, acting designed reports, was much better than in previous as partners in networks run by others, and dealing with editions of these programmes. urban hierarchy, natural heritage, demographics and migration, environment and environmental hazards, What impacts of the projects financed by the urban governance, policies for technological 2000-2006 Interreg programmes are beginning to excellence, the structure of telecommunications be visible on the ground, in Italy? networks, territorial development scenarios, and more. Those projects generally consist of ideas that remain to be translated into practical projects; all the same, there What two-way influences were there between were cases in which the proposed Italian projects were the ESPON Programme and the Interreg already being implemented, and this made possible a programmes during the 2000-2006 programming significant degree of inter-regional dissemination across period? the Country. In other cases, an authentic interregional ESPON was the basis for many Interreg projects in type of cooperation was set in train, thanks in part to which I participated. The overall approach, which the shared experience of collaborating on international extended to the whole of Europe, was most useful for projects. positioning the various sub-areas of Interreg. In the other direction, the influence consisted of an ability to What would be the future potential of an detect errors in the ESPON database (which are more approach to territorial development that is based easily spotted by local observers on the ground) and re- on transnational cooperation? elaborations or re-interpretations thereof, many of We must develop joint projects, which could be which were requested by eastern European countries. managed separately but would use parallel criteria and Moreover, when the participants in Interreg and Espon tools. And, of course, we have to strengthen cross- were the same actors, the interaction became border projects. More individual projects must be particularly fertile, and produced ideas for further Italian-led, and must take special care to spell out that elaborations (maps capable of carrying multiple types they are aiming at achieving an Italian objective. In such of information, etc.). cases, closer cooperation will be essential, both with the Ministry and with the Italian Contact Point.

112 The viewpoint of the regional governments A contribution by the Italian Regional Governments Coordination

From a general planning point of view, rather than EU the bottom-up approach that typifies Interreg, planning alone, Interreg 2000-2006 was an privileged a free, open way of elaborating projects that extraordinarily important space in which to experiment made the process more difficult to govern. If the with new models of governance, for institutions to objective of Interreg is to put down deeper and deeper cooperate, and for developing innovative projects. So roots so that territorial cooperation can become normal Mariella Olivier far as the Italian Regional Governments are concerned, practice, to be considered in terms of synergies and in Director-General, that is how the main legacy of the 2000-2006 period concert with other programming tools, we will need to Strategic Planning, Housing and Territorial should be summarised. learn how to identify that delicate meeting point where Policies, Piedmont local requirements encounter with the requirements of Regional Government The very “rules of game” of Interreg encouraged the regional or supra-regional planning. development of a new model for governing the implementation process: by taking part in National In that sense, the experience gained from the 2000- Committees, the Central Government, the Regional 2006 period constitutes a valuable capital that ought to Governments, and the other actors in the institutional be re-invested in the 2007-2013 programming period. partnership were all able to join in a continuous And in fact, within the newly configured EU cohesion dialogue and exchange of views, working together to policy, territorial cooperation has been given a role that improve Italy’s participation in the programmes. In is as much respected as are the mainstream managing the implementation process it was the programmes. This is a complex, challenging scenario, in Regional Governments, above all, that worked which the Regional Governments are called upon to alongside the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport, play a strategic role, fitting their cooperation with other participating in the transnational programme-related regions into the overall framework of their regional bodies, and assuming the vice-presidency of the Italian planning. That task will require us to acquire a committees. The system of governance for the next capability to develop processes of governance that period 2007-2013, which reconfirmed the National improve the ability of local communities and regional Committees, chaired by the Regional Governments, is authorities to act in a coordinated manner, and that will directly derived from that model. take us towards identifying shared goals for sustainable development. To a significant extent, the effectiveness But above all, Interreg is a setting for developing of public policy-making will depend on that capability, innovative projects. Interreg programmes allocate and that is the most important challenge of the 2007- funding by means of periodic invitations to tender, and 2013 programming period. the competitive spirit that typifies such processes brought out a capability to attract increasingly high- quality proposals. What is more, Interreg became a place for forms of experimentation that would hardly have been possible by other means. The added value of cooperation enabled regional and local actors to acquire strategic advantages, by adopting innovative administrative and capacity building practices, becoming accustomed to inter- and intra-institutional forms of cooperation, sharing methods and strategies, acquiring skills and knowledge, and constructing long- lasting partnership networks. It all adds up to a very important capital: we should reflect on how to identify its long-term effects and how to make the most of them.

As key players in territorial planning, Italy’s Regional Governments intervened in the process, both by responding directly to calls for tenders, and by encouraging the regional actors to bring into play their ability to activate, mobilise and channel local energies. But at the same time, this very competitiveness, and

113 Future prospects The legacy of the 2000-2006 Interreg programming period

In a way, the 2000-2006 Interreg programme was to which a project extends across a whole regional “privileged”, in the sense that Interreg played an active territory generates a multiplier effect that magnifies its part in the very lively enlargement phase of EU policy- impact beyond its strictly local area of operation, making, whilst at the same time benefitting from it. Of extending its benefits to a wider sphere bigger than the Loredana Campagna course, at that time political decisions were being taken original regional or local reference. And thirdly, the ability National Coordinator that had wide-ranging impacts, and which necessitated of a project to generate partnerships creates a network of of Interreg Programmes, Ministry for Infrastructure modifications and adaptations to the programmes, even relationships; this induces numerous secondary effects, and Transport as they were being implemented. This affected the most important of which is the exchange of best management of the more technical aspects as the practices between public and private organisms, each in financing, when it became necessary to reallocate the their own areas of reference, which thereby make it available resources. possible to create consolidated conditions for other forms Against that background, which was rich but also of project development or further collaborations. complex, some of the ideas and reflections that matured can be seen as having added value, and having given an The role played by the Ministry for Infrastructure and advantage to those who are either already at work now, Transport in the 2000-2006 programming period was as a or who are about to measure themselves against these privileged observation point for evaluating issues European regional cooperation programmes. My pertaining to territorial cooperation programmes, during comments here are intended as a key to interpreting the management, implementation and monitoring those programmes in ever better ways, and to further phases. Obviously, this included not only the strictly strengthen Italy’s role in the projects and programmes that technical aspects, but also, and especially, the relational fall within them. and administrative aspects. Some of the outcomes generated by Interreg have a much wider impact than The main function of European territorial cooperation some others that are more immediately visible; more programmes is to give concrete form to projects that are “intangible” activities are characterised by a difficulty in funded and implemented in the regional territories, and promoting and disseminating them, which can be to consolidate the ability of public authorities from ascribed to their particular nature and/or to problems different countries, with different cultural backgrounds associated with measuring and assessing them. In some and different administrative procedures, to form respects, although they often elude monitoring by the networks. So as far as giving concrete form to projects is programme indicators, it is those outcomes that confer concerned, in terms of added value and the outcomes the most prestige on the Interreg programmes; they are that were achieved, the real contribution was the range of the true wealth that consolidates over time, bringing geographical locations of the projects actually benefit to public administrations and to the other actors implemented. who, in various ways, are involved in managing and Bearing in mind the ultimate intentions of European implementing the programmes. Union policies, as these are implemented through In such a system Interreg programmes, considered as the individual programmes that pursue particular objectives, means for pursuing a series of institutional goals and the important thing is to promote projects that ensure policies of the European Union, makes it possible, firstly, three key conditions are met: their sustainability over to promote the construction of new capabilities within the time, the degree to which they extend across a whole governing bodies and institutions of the various Member regional territory, and their ability to develop partnerships. States that participate in the programmes; secondly, to These three conditions make it possible to interpret the promote better public awareness about the wide-impact outcomes of the funding programmes, and to extend policies promoted by the European Union, such as them over time, so that they can be replicated in similar Enlargement, which affected the Cadses Programme, or projects, in a European context that is becoming wider the Neighbourhood policy, which affected the Medocc and wider. Firstly, when a project is sustainable over time, programme; and thirdly, to promote a European culture this extends the scope of funding beyond its period of and spirit that must permeate the activities of the actors reference, with the effect that the project outcomes who, in various ways, have been vested with that continue to be usable, including by other potential final responsibility, at various levels of competence. beneficiaries in subsequent periods. Secondly, the degree

114 In this context, for the 2000-2006 programming period, current programming phase. On that basis, the new Italy played the part of protagonist. In carrying out that programmes are the framework in which to develop more role, the focus was not so much on technical aspects as effective, higher quality projects in terms of their ability to on the ability to elaborate projects, to involve the scientific capitalise on outcomes, of their concreteness, their sector, and so on, but on Italy’s “natural vocation” to innovativeness, and their consistency with EU priorities. To create a system of relationships that has a more precious that end, it would be opportune to think about all those and lasting value than participating in any particular projects as a single system, and to try to reward the ones project or programme, and which is a prerequisite for that consolidate results previously acquired, that pursue creating strategic alliances whose purpose is to go on new goals, and that guarantee innovative, tangible cooperating on other fronts or by other means, ensuring impacts in sectors that are deemed at the European level strategic and operational continuity. to have priority importance. Moreover, in line with the need to simplify procedures, which is another of the Based on past experience of applying EU policy, the 2007- European Commission’s objectives, it would be necessary 2013 Interreg programming period has evolved into the to take whatever steps are required to ensure that “European Territorial Cooperation” Objective. The management of the programmes becomes more purpose of European territorial cooperation is to intensify streamlined and efficient, and capable of being shared cooperation in three areas: strand A - Cross-border and implemented by the various types of actors cooperation, which aims to remove obstacles related to participating in the programmes. By such means, it should national borders by means of joint cross-border local and be possible to strengthen governance at the European regional initiatives; strand B - Transnational cooperation, level, as a basis for ensuring the success and effectiveness by promoting integrated territorial development in respect of the programmes at the wider scale. Finally, it should be of EU priorities, based on creating “trans-European borne in mind that in the current programming period, zones”; and strand C - Interregional cooperation, by urban development policy has been integrated into the extending “the outcomes and knowledge of regional objectives of cohesion, regional competitiveness, and development” to the European level. employment, thereby emphasising the importance the EU Regional diversity is certainly strongly desired by the EU, attaches to those aspects of Cohesion policy. In that and in fact the programmes that are funded in pursuance regard, the EU’s strategic guidelines emphasise that one of that objective are intended to reduce or eliminate what of the features of cohesion policy (as opposed to sector might be called “regional disconnect”. In that policies) is its ability to adapt to the needs and perspective, those programmes, based as they are on characteristics of specific, geographically located analyses at a wider political and territorial level, confer an challenges and opportunities. From that point of view, important additional European dimension on regional when defining programmes and establishing priorities, development, and favour, by means of a participatory Member States should pay particular attention to those process, the attainment of an agreement on priorities and specific territorial settings. In that context, the role of on the coordination of strategic responses, with the aim cities emerges as a fundamental asset of the European of creating a shared reference framework for strategic space; indeed, cities may be the most important investments funded by other resources, from structuring element (except, of course, for physical and “Convergence” Objective funding to more sophisticated geographical factors) on which to calibrate approaches financial instruments, producing a multiplier effect on the and policies for territorial development and potential for development. transformation, if the intention is to take proper account of the needs of the most important part of the European Considering Italy in particular, from an administrative population, and to promptly grasp the challenges (which point of view, the 2007-2013 programming period has are not only economic, but also cultural, social, modified the institutional assets, identifying some regions environmental, and so on) that must be taken into as “referees” which will be responsible for managing account in any strategy. specific programmes at the national level. Within that The objective of this publication and enclosed database is framework of reference, the experience gained in the to make a fundamental contribution for use in the 2000-2006 programming period must be made available implementation of future programmes. to European territorial cooperation as a whole, during the

115 This publication was produced with the support of a Temporary Association between Renzi & Partners and T6 Ecosystems.

Preparation of the written material:

Alessandro Bellantoni: Competitiveness Floriana Ferrara: Environment Alessandro Micali: Culture and landscape, Energy Antonella Passani: Society, Innovation Marco Virginillo: Planning, Mobility

Antonella Passani: Part II Coordination


Alessandro Fava del Piano: proof-reading BeTranslated Italia: texts translation T6 Ecosystems: database coordination and data processing EDB&RDB: graphic design, editing, photo editing

Publisher: Edizioni Carte Segrete

© Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, 2009 All rights reserved

Printed in July 2009 by Tipografica Artigiana s.r.l. for Edizioni Carte Segrete s.r.l. via della Scrofa, 47 – Rome, Italy Ceo: Arch. Cristina Di Stefano

Pictures on pages 46-47 are from “L’Encyclopedie” of Denis Diderot (1753)

Photograph on page 31: the Ascend project; photograph on page 83: the Via Claudia Augusta project; photograph on page 102-103: the W.IN.NET project.

116 COOPERARE IN EUROPA I risultati dei Programmi Interreg in Italia eg in Italia I risultati dei Programmi Inter r A- COOPERARE IN EUROP