University of Central Florida STARS St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 10-2-1924 St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 06, October 02, 1924 St. Cloud Tribune Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in St. Cloud Tribune by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 06, October 02, 1924" (1924). St. Cloud Tribune. 108. 1S24 OCTOBER 1924 [SlWl^NtTtJEl-'^^ (SAT ST ll ,11 il TKMTrJL\TI!f .''...a \V ...... and Watch Heaulli w Wednesday ,i,i.n,.H* I . *-<> HI 1J2J3J4 Tuesday, Beptoa***er SO HO tt o • o s /j 6 j y iu ii,iv. Si'lH.' L'II T8 711 Ruaday, iepmubae H aa-M 12 12 13114115116 17118 .Nallli'diiy. S,.|lli'llll.iH- L'T BS T2 Friday, Si'lHl'llilllH- L'II . Sl "1 Vi) Zu Z122 23|24j[25 ^©^jILa^ Thursday, September 28 MI T'J 26i 27i|28|29 30ii31|| ^^^ ^^ TM* Wll.. NO. «—KKJIIT PAGES THIS WEKK. ST. CM) I'll OWKOIaA COINTV, FLORIDA, Till KNI>AV, ,l( Illlll It >, l»2l FIVK CCNTfl TIIK COPY—S3.00 A VKAR ++.:.^..;..:..*.+.j..;..:.+.H.+.:. - • r*-r | •*t-++**H-+*+*+*>+++++-*+++++++•*> + MUCH GOOD WORK DONE SEMINOLE HOTEL RE-OPENED FOR -*-*-»cnr.i BAWD CONCERT kri-wa,, • " TIIK .** 'IIOOI.MASTKK'S * ULnwu,, HAM) OONCKRT FK1IIA1 -:* I'KAVKK * AT City l'urk e} AT NEW SCHOOL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT LAST SUNDAY NOON THURSDAY WELL *9> + 8 If.