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St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida


St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 06, October 02, 1924

St. Cloud Tribune

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STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 06, October 02, 1924" (1924). St. Cloud Tribune. 108. 1S24 OCTOBER 1924 [SlWl^NtTtJEl-'^^ (SAT ST ll ,11 il TKMTrJL\TI!f .''...a \V ...... and Watch Heaulli w Wednesday ,i,i.n,.H* I . *-<> HI 1J2J3J4 Tuesday, Beptoa***er SO HO tt o • o s /j 6 j y iu ii,iv. Si'lH.' L'II T8 711 Ruaday, iepmubae H aa-M 12 12 13114115116 17118 .Nallli'diiy. S,.|lli'llll.iH- L'T BS T2 Friday, Si'lHl'llilllH- L'II . Sl "1 Vi) Zu Z122 23|24j[25 ^©^jILa^ Thursday, September 28 MI T'J 26i 27i|28|29 30ii31|| ^^^ ^^


++.:.^..;..:..*.+.j..;..:.+.H.+.:. - • r*-r | •*t-++**H-+*+*+*>+++++-*+++++++•*> + MUCH GOOD WORK DONE SEMINOLE HOTEL RE-OPENED FOR -*-*-»cnr.i BAWD CONCERT kri-wa,, • " TIIK .** 'IIOOI.MASTKK'S * ULnwu,, HAM) OONCKRT FK1IIA1 -:* I'KAVKK * AT City l'urk e} AT NEW SCHOOL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT LAST SUNDAY NOON THURSDAY WELL *9> + 8 If. lly Dnet-M I HANK < HANK: • THURSDAY ATTENDED -: Thr Bemtnoto Hgfral, whks bai bam Itosmiuiry l.mullss. .\Ir. ami Mrs. Jo«b it I:I,I.IS. Director h -,'• My Ood, I'I Rs> I inly 1 liy * PetgUaon, Mrs- M. I'm-krll Foster, son 9 methods mni imiiiiii* Unin AJ • su popular f«»r tho past scvcrul >eai*M The llrs( loiuert of the season hy w. POBTBR. Manager A ItSlps nuiiilM'l" of IrlU'ks, incj, nml I'lteketl ami diiujihter Mary, \V. C. and -:• 1I...11 toot I.i I111: nil life- In Its • uniii'v th«: owaataWp and DUUMf-BUMM tht- si. rhnid Band wns gtvan in tin* •* IKI.VS wars on iiiiiiil insi Tiniisiinv II! I'Mlth McMnrriiy. Mr. ami Mrs. Q. A rrograni + possible perfectloa l,.v grow-lli, -3- of Ml- .\IIIIH Ml'holit'h? 1'i'K TSOH. WHS eitv park last Thursday evenim:. under -.- ,,..• tern hi-tii Hiiiooi to assist in liiiiim I'etil. M r. anil Mr*. Arkles Mass nnd • March, 'The llluiniiiator" 4* an l.'i iu,* duly villi,,* 11,,* eie •!- the direetion of Mr. .1. It. Klli«, nnd •v* Hn. L"'..un.Is iiml innkiiu; Iln* ptoaa inon* re^»(-*nMl Siiml.iy n\ DI»>U uiuhT the wm Tohe. MUH Kllzaheth Kish^r. ami * _j__..,_ , Ilost krans i 111.-HI ef tin,,' in m.v ]..i| asit *•* wns much enjoyed. The linnd hns bM •I iillnii'llvi*. I>lrt wns hinili'il (Mai Hi'' in it u i gemml iat .Mrs. T. <;. MOOT*, who Mr Harold Hcoffleld, -Mr. Preston *!• (•verturi' "Klna t-ear" iy •fs i-mli'iivor ,*iilh,*r to Riilili' llii'in -t- hoidiinr andh naab fot some I. I., i iiui.liiis,',) junt i-nst of the ,-lty rcci-iitly tdok a IciiKP «n tin- hoU'l pro- .lohnson, Kdwnrd Hazel •• In uinhiril.v that lo forco them • time past ueitiim in riMga for the •+ for this |i,irtN>sc. Mr. and Mrs. fi. T. Mlljiu nml chtl- March, "tioldcii lltays" •t* In |M*rl',*,-tiini. I..-t ill,* la* 11 -I- party. winter season, nnd tin- bum uttend- •+ 'I'll.' 'I'.'iilh slii'i'l slili* wns ti'rrfli',-,1 dren, .1. <*.. Dorothy and (.nmett, Mr. I. B. Wells •:• Ciinli'ili'l' uf s.illK not a lucre •!* AiinouncInK » tine chiikcn ilinn-r nnee lust Thursday evenim* shows that SSTSrsJ fii't hlKhi'l- iliiriint Hu- l,lKrrliniH i.f facts, linlili," iin- *.- for tin* norm \\OOt Smiiliiy, Mrs. Moon* the i-ltlwiiK nre bnek of tlio bund ntul Dorothy. Holopaw, Kla. Manh, 'S. IV 11. A" Hnll *:• with tmlli'iii','. I la:, f I mny 1,'aril •'• wn- graatad by » jfiu'st list ronist«*rt*ii Bind to turn out In lnr^e numbers nt Hi,' supreme art of teaching + Thus.' who fiiriilsliiil tr-uks wort- for dinner tlmt taxed tin* hotel dining Mr. mul Mrs. .1. W Oliver. M.I-K Overture, "Simplicity" . .• •e A. Iluss, .rn,.: Sl i' lea Go. four; Alpha Weatfall, Mrs. K. It Oliver. all roliien-. * which Is (,i wait. Milki- Illi- •'•• room to iiipiiclty. mul tin* in<*nl serve*! Dorothy Lee Jack Wliiiinoiis, on,*: .1. ll. Iinnis. on,-; Miss I'en-ie Oliver. Kissimmee. Kla. J.nst Tliiirsdny cards wei-e circulated -:* •ynmatbetlc with youth. Ihut -t- Wflv niosl sntlsfiictor*- to thin IJITK" March. "Klefei's Special" -I- M. K. rnnil,*!-. on,*, A. M,cm. oaa; anions the :iudlence asklntr for •t* I limy unt critlctes IIH evil what •!• liwi nt jjiifsi*. preaaat. Qnlta i mm 9i Mrs. ftfabel limes. .Mrs. Carlton W II. Klefer ritv of St. (louil. on,*: .1. w. Snu,*. Ilu- Blade, Master Carl Blade. .Mr. nnd Mrs. flnatictal supiwirt. and Mr. S. AV. Pur­ is aothlBg I.t 11 iiiiuiiitiirlty. (iivi- * thn guaatg failed to reglater in ler, lhe IM.-In;i -»•!• of the bund, reports Overt ure. "tfaglc Meliid.v" 1 on,.: ('. A. llnlliy. : .1. <'. Uiillnllii. Ihi' fulhiwiiiK J. fe. Dleher, Orlando, Fl.i. 1111' tin love of my pupils, for -l- tarpa gntbaiiaA imt thnt the pledgee nre coming iii nicely. Bmnbarg ono: Willi,',* Harris, on,*; \. tee, one: M,is« i.eonn Derrtckaon, Tnmpa. wll I,oul lov»* (licri* Is BO t**H,'h- -I- niiini's wt'rr ohtalnoil among tho«e AM who failed ti> «et n card enn sex* March, "Tionibone I.lues" Sum .Mi II. Hi. om': -.iii-i.* A, Uos Daniels mid wife nnd Mlsrt iiiiT. Anil itlvi* to,* Hint Joy in -i* preaani i Mrt I'oriei* who will lie only too j-bid nni.. .\rr. end Mrs. c. w. .I.'iequiHiie Stu'll). Miami „,., work. exaltation in m.v *•* 1 Baaeet, T. w. to _!•*<• you oiw nnd explain the plans Tin voliinli'i'i* Inlii.i-oi-s w,-rp ns fol­ U. i: MeCrellla and May, ( hnny privilege, unit thnt sn 1 i-.l'u.1 i. 111 ••• CroekaiTi Mi»-*> i-con<* U'limiT. Mr. .1. for the hand for the com Ins season lows: it. Barria, I, OOOJUO, Waa. V. rnswnrth. Mrs, I.. Caaee, Md. in my norvlce tlinl cuii**, from • •). Cltiuson. Mr. Friday nlj-lil the 2nd concert will IH> Phlppa, 11. W. lliivii*. WJn l>,N.i.vir, Ti II. Sum nn* I'M. Mrs.- It will lie noted that thntn were tin- l_owled**a thnt of all hu- • liia A. aflahar, glrea at the band stand In the park, ROBERSON DRUG STORE .1 0. Hull..Iin. 11.>l, lioni-siiii. Hum Mr. nml Mrs, Jack t\\i\to ii few mtt-of-tnw'ifc gHaat^ mi mini i,i-i'ti|Nilii>u*. Hint of ti'itrh- *> Vincent. Mr. nn-1 tin* program for which la printed else­ l. B. DtefsadotC, A. .1. Mr*. Wm. I-iiiMlisy, II.I ltd for tile furinal upi'iiin^ Inn Is Ilk,' Hi,' lm*in.'.s •:• Nina I.m* nml where in this issue of the Tribune OPENED ITS DOORS i.f Ood. • Hlllltll, .link Sinn ~. JackaOB Sim All music lovers of the city who wnnt nu,ns. .1. I,, lliirii.. isii.'i.* llni-lif,'. .1. tu -e" the liost band in South Plorlda WEDNESDAY !•:. Oel—T, lli'ury Partln, W. Q. Wood, +.;.^..;..;..;..;..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..;.^..:..*..:..;.^..;. .;..;.<..*. STATE AUDITOR RE­ STATE BOARD HEALTH in SI. Cloud, are nrj-ed to glTO tbelr .1. W, Rnga, Sam M. ii. th. i,.*s|ii* Par co-oparattoa ami aaatatanca by coming Workmen have been bus.- this week ber, Prank M,*Ii<>,,. naassnn Barlwr, PORTS OSCEOLA CO. SUGGESTS SANITARY Installing the new flxttrree of the new Knrl Hcofleld, .1. ll Collins, Harold to i In* lomert yiiurself and bringing drng tfeore In tbe J-obnaon bnlldlna, COUNCIL LEGISLATES •Omaona with you. A hup* audience 1 S,..lli-l.I. Ain-i.' Idivl.lson, 1-. 1>. owned by .1. /,. Boflbnon. of K iss im- RECORDS ORDINANCES has much to do Willi llle sun -ess of Miu-iiti-. Jin-k V'lnaon, ll I.. Qodwla, lIM'i'. .'Illd the ijnoi-s were flllown o|H*ll FISH HOUSES OUT a band concert, as the ability of tho llnriii.' Barber, Daalal Pack, It.-,. OKI reail,\- for business bi-tj Wed need ay Annus! 90, IB34, Ron. <\ N- MiMiillni. |,l;ivirs The larger iiumlter present, OF TOWN Inn. Win. I.iniili.s. i: w. I ,i->• I-sl,-i,, W. morning. i l» in..-I.,.-in. Dan Anaatronff, Dan II.m. I'.riu-sl Am..s. hlnyov st* Cloud-. lhe belter ibe bo.vs ean play, -o bring Btate < omptrollsr, Hi. CloQd, Kluriil.e your neighbor nml "turn out." Mr ijoiH'i's.ui bai ipared neither I'.n.wii. M. Crawford, Wm in... ],.ir, A time nor uioiiey in MCUrlng the vrry VVheii tin* round] net in roffiiliif Tnllnjisaeee, l-'ln. I>e;ir Sir: IT, Cooler, A. ll. WianinioiL Principal best, and most modern fountain eqnip- |reeklj teMlon laM Monday thntn "-•*• ii. r. z.'iiiuiir. Prof, A r otagsr, Dear sir: Lasl Tuewlay, Bc-ptember 1-tth. I PwntiHl nn ordinance ii» problbti Hi*' I have insi i. .• IntleU nn ,'\niniii'i- \i**lled nnd made N.'iniliiry snr\ oy nf WE HAVE inent and oilier flvliiri"- nbtalnabla I'I. I'r.n r.n. in Parker, nil tba bar* from The woodwork of the display cnaaa •king UoUM «iiii li.ui gnd "h.'i k of lh" !,"<•,>,lnts. reports yonr *\ty. end wmiid reapectfully aali Tbe Park— 0]M rill 1(111 of :i lisli pill' ih,- iiinii School nn.l .>r th.. MTentti is a work Of art and is Ihr most beniui- mul aouplalnts nnii ci*, ..f iiio officers of ,,s,-,.i,in rini tin' follawtai *-:iniiiiiy condltiona Tbe i:.iud St;iml— in ilu' iity limit mni eighth trades ful of its kiml to be found in Die city. ntere beard sboul iin* location of the County and reapacttlilly lulmll here IM* remedied And Tlie Hand— Dr, l.. ,'. Riddle rotild nol i«- ores* ,\ ppeeialO "ill be imide of lee prrfcnl concern, TbC ordlnadce wu-* with mv ri'imrt. Tiisr. 1 notad the f.-M't tiiat farbaga Itut We lark Hiimires for this ini. nn,I ii.< donated 18.00 Instead •ream ami cold drink* *•'' nil Nimis, and lllllllly pitssed nil tWO nulling :iml ri.KIIK ,ir nil I! I* caaa, ninl dacajrlng animal nml tonjot' winter's Iin id programs. We Tiu* i-lns. i.f Domastlc Science with the new f.ouiijtli]. a ti expert soda iiliil ever, hill 11 ..*.....i11M wns held Tlio rlerk <>f Court his ae, ntad jiiiie nntier won batng allowed u* re­ need your help! SSI .'" H .. I, li, i, linn. r itiul thay ,Ii­ dispenser and the very ln**sl of sirup* present concern, 'I'll.' ni'dinilliei- \\:is f..r mul promptly rcportad nil ra- main on prrmlina, allaya mid etreetai o ssrTB nn h .II for ii.Hr woik and Ice cream, no doubl ihis depart­ (tlvcii IiiiiiI pMMffi-*. Permit tor §, now "i-uipiioiis of Tas , "itiiii iii.'s, sa I'onn- net nnly In n'sideiitfnl dUtrlct*. Imt Biiclow tlnd $ ment a in prove an ittraetton to the bucking 1 te srai refnaed 0. W, ty Auiiiioi-, ii,- ke,'|is nn account i wot pUad "p in araal [dlaa in tba for the Band, IHKMI K KKSIDKNTS VlSII'IMi citiaena of si. t'loud. Brhnt nn hearing uroteata fi pro­ *gfIIBH the Tas Collector nn.l agalnat prlnct*pal nm) business .ik«ii.i ,'. M. A,-,-...Vsi,iiili, nf ..I! :.."..mils iiiiii reisn-Hs are ]H.S1.S! II;,: limi of voiir eity ordinanec as well. domtlon nt .-iiher Bank, mall nr hi ml will be in direct coaTga of Mr. r.. v. Tampa, spent in s. w I'.n.'P or A. I.V'awMr. jnetiue. l.ut in> m-iimi WOM In ken en III.. IV rk .-,1.1 111 III,' to data nn.l ine ii,-.,i,• i,i,'lv kept The way this natter is taken eara af Coleman, n ragtateead pharmacist, who home of M. l.lsi nf donatlnn. win bm |Mihiisi,,*,i ihi- matter this week. Al'l-owsinlth's tmi'i'nts. lUI'N'I'Y JUDOE at dump Is also in vinlnliou of each hi st. Cloud TribotiB October nti ti will also net as manager of tba state Sir. iiinl Mis Complain! from <}. W Ranni it •bom ,1 W Arl'owsmltli. Tin* The I'liunty .IIHIK" hns n.-eounleil for *-t:iie ami rity ordinance, for Mr. Uoberson. Only the verv baat tn,,,,\- friend s ,.i Hi.' fiirm,',' si. ,'Ion.I druffs. a fresh stock of which will be im i>i»'ii onomt, wim gleeg immediate mul promptly depoalted nil i elpta I nlso made very eareful tnapectlon hoy nri' jili'iis. koi_ on hand at all times, will lie iin.'iilii'ii I lo know Hint In' hns from Hunting License. of jnivieji in your eity. nnd hnve .vet used In compounding prescriptions, so City Marshal Moore eras given nti- mil,io snni! in th,' world, !«' TAX l-lll.I.CCTiil! to the! one trial was not in violation nf to coniribuie fifteen dollars mora to­ the public* is assured of the vt-iy IK-S| Hmrlty In employ nn in-slsl.inl tn look iim rtca |.i.-i.i.Hii of tin- ,\. _ .1, The Tn\ Collector lms accounted tor tin' law, in that they were none fly ward Ibis Object. A mnllnn was made seiviii' that' can IN* obtained In South after ihr eity poan<1,'i-si.ii Insiii-nnii' ,'|iniiy. with all colh'ollons on bis IMS roll nn>l prf, and were not COOatrocted 0* fo this eff.vf and carried, Mrs. .lolin Florida, rti.' - ii 11, tn Instroefced in erder I..*IIIII]II:MI.Ms iii Tatnpa, Befora his hns inini.' tin;,I selll.ini'iit with Stnla kapt up n ; the law requires. This is Oferd and Mrs. 'Campbell were chosen •n i .ii'ii*:• •) nf tontnt peae for wnth oa umi'i-iii-."' ninl i'«.in.ivnl t.. ".';,iu|in. Mi*. a aerlOUa menaee. ami whieh ai ;iny ni'.i i' iy Including license nn.l aa the committee tn Jnok after the ITH 1 In HM . Illinois aveMtM ;unl "ii Ai*i"wsiuith wns Tory poposar in —'ini I iin i' may ionise you s irk n «***•*, and it ll AKKIVAI-S AT HOTKI. i„.ils. matter ami preaaat the twenty doUata Thlril nml l-'iMI11 li siii*»'t** nii.i raJIgtona alrdes. Re took artlfs epidemic id' some sen or other. V K \ N S \ I. \ A N I A part in tho affairs ..r tha K. E. chnrdi, < III \IV WH Slllinu, KI'MIS from the W. ('. T. 1T. to tlie School At Iln' T;;;. momlllt -*»'s-liin iln The _tablea where fhe eity koojm; Ills activities IH'IIUJ th.* preal' Th" Clerk keeps soa us ,.f tt>>* board tot tho pqypoae namnd. I, ft, ghort .lacksonville : H. S- Coiihiil sol tho t:i\ inllhmc tot thr their stta k was !',niu-l to lie lu not the dency <.f the Bpwnrth f^agne, l.,t,*r ,'..unly l-'nuHs which nl*,' nenllv nml baal 0t condition, nnd breed in-- Hies. Heating closed with W, C T. V. Meiritt. Gordon, Aht.: w. V,. Cnppa, conilnir; yi'iir nt 'JU mills iii-enrnlrly . Th" pas* BBSl I nn In- I..-, nun. th.* young,",! Bunday sclioo, The lnw govatutag ihr si-reenia^ nf bemsllctlim. Cottonw I. Ala.: ,1. 1> Kaykindatl. lllllll lap SI | of lhe Counly Superillli'll • ill.. riliH'liH.-iil mi' iH.' ted to Illlll of food stuffs wns Itelnu; WIM fully nog- We hope to have n iiiiii. attendance wife ami child and Miss Hazel Knapp, MKTIIIIIMS'r (III Kill NIKI'KS wns "liis-k.-d nml Isllallies ns iln-. Mr.. Arrowmntth is stmllsrly In* looiwi. Qtntnry Ktnres, niarkeiv. [ on October .'trd »s officers are to lie Gocoanul Orore, Fla.; .Mrs, it. A Ma shown 11."I.-..n verille.l h.v hunk slntis tarested socially and spiritualty. frill! stands, and rest,nirnnls should elected niMl considerable bottneei dona sen, Kdna Ma-on, K, A. Mason, I). 0. ments on in,-. The Buperlntendent's «>• ••• A Friendly Church In hy nil means kept in tanifary cottdl* (also ti good time lM assured as a pic- Mason. Miami. I'la. : Mr. and Mrs. It- -•! nii**.itiiis ure lu-ntiy and accurately l-'riomllv rity" HAKUKTTS Bid mow tlon, nnd well screened I from Hies. ete. i nie luiieeli is to la* served on the lawn Q Marly tie nnd family, Augusta, frrt. ; Thorn was n very uriilifyini: in kept. Yenr sprtie tanks were fOOJtd to lie j during the social hn-nr- Mr. and .Mrs. W. A. Brers, Miami; .•ri'iis.' i„ ih,* nil,'ii.lm...' al Bunday AOVTOrraiNG IIKI'I. STOKK siii'.Rirr in vr.v good TTOtlrtng enmlitinn, nnd Kvery one rei|iiesicsl te brine some­ Henry Frost. .Yiitrnl -Ttty. Ky.; H. Si'li.s.l Insl Sun.Inv, W" l.a.k ' fi.i The Bherlff lms tweaaatad for all 'I'h.' Hun-. iu Big free vi.„|.vilir dotaf the work ns it should. thing toward the Unlit refreshments. T. t.leason, Allnnta. Ga. I J, J, Whire- fnrth.'i- Inrreaaa in*,' araak. The Mis- iiNs'lpts of Finos nml Kin-foil,II*". uml Show in iiv. .1 in town Tiiostlny for I Would * imp-st fluil your eity pass A. RUTH AWA1U.K. Tress. Cor. slde ami wife. Leosborg, Fin.: W. slonnry BnperlnteBdenl( Mrs, 1.. r. hoi,Is HI., following IMHIII- for Fine ih,. opening of ih.. Now Drag Btore, some of our model ordliinnee whieh t'lark and wife, Miami. Kin.: Mr. and Ziinmi'l'iiitiit l will hnvo i-hni-iii' ..1 II,,' li,ul Coat. 'I'h.' Barrett! nml thalr free slum* hiiv,. ymi will find in our einle. The eity IEHXY I'MIKMt TO BPBAK Mrs. O J. Tarlow and Mr. nml Mrs. ri-^iiln i* monthly mlaaloMry program. John Darts, Bond line li'-i:i-2.'.. sninr, bean mighty wi-ll ri -, *) .,11,,,, -, I, l.'i f to us «-hrk has one of our rodes. I think ti. A. R. RALL SATl KDAY Oeorge • meal, Jacksonrllle, Fla.: 0. Ti ,v mlaslooarmhanasr presented llen Tllliliill, Bond line 1*.'-H-*.'.i. 1122.61 I*,* tin- Itr.nnlwiiy I'linl-lnui-y • I Kis you should paia ont model privy or- I W, I.ymlon, Atlanta. On, : Mi. and Mr-- l,y Mr lioff will I,,, iiwiii',1,',1 to the RespectfullT s,,i,T11iitis] siiiiii.,'.'. They hare n.nliiiii; 1" S"ll d hm nee. moequlto ordinance, •eraan- Hilly Parker, well known le cl uu >r. i K. O. Goldsmltb, Miami: .lames ft, ,-it,-s showing iiio iiiuiu'st ,MT eniiiin iSi-ii,,li I,Kill IV CAMrilKl.I.. ninl tiik,' np im collections, ini; ordinance, garbage ordinance), ami lms enfagecl Ihe QU nf tin* O. A. It. Saunders and wife, Tampa: Mr. and •ring i"i' the mlsatonary o*fTBti*aaj. A 11 L siui" Auditor. josvii-iv tf*-t up g i dairy ordlance. ball for licxi Saturday ufterneo II. jus| '.Mrs. \V. \V. Buggs, PenaacoU, Fla.; .'orillni w looms is aii-oedad to nil win. claimed thai they draw tha large*! crowd to if ai any fime i can he of any an after the Veterans Aaaoclatlon unci M Oeiille. Tiiu ftOck, AU. i B. I>. in.- nol nlfillnlisl t'lM'wIii-t. Kis.innii"" |ns| Su, in il.i.i VRTBBAN8 ASSOCIATION nighl iin t ever n-s. mMed ill nil, ilntance to fou in tbeee matter*, I vrlU luff, and for Sunday afternoon, when price and A. v Kdiey. Thomasrllle, II..' SnnnliiK'iil of III,' 1 Ill's Slip 'I'I leetlng ..f Bepl 21 ..... uueaed iiin" thai tfadlj do >o, he win deltrer two lectures an topics Ga.; ll !• tinihiiin nnd lt. s Walker. nri i,HI i..' n.iiniiii-ii II.I i •• is-r 'i'ln- shomw* ..poll* ni I ]i in i.y ih" president. III.- in ini. with hesi regardfi i nm. Of the day His mcetinj-** werr ar I'ensa.-ola. Fla. : M, D. Williams, w if-' nl i morning se*i, lee, li mrlil nl 7 .'III M America was iii" opening BOBS. 'I'h, \'ery ri-spcct full v vours. and family, M'iaini: W. T. Bangster. 'I'll.' .Iniii.'i' la-ilsHl.' mr,', Big Clrcos inni. pr plays before Prayer wus offered i.v Rnjras Wll- ranged for by local people Interacted tin.'. th.. -iniw starts, s.. llama. D. ll' usiu UN, Roonoke, Va.; Mr, and atra, u. It. ..'. I... I, .'\i'l\ RuDdaj lldrl'llni'll. ...ii arly nml |ti his work I.rin, : Mi" ..hi psopla, Bltng am) II. it. Bobneri rod dangb* Tin' nun.>\ ..I* tin* rliiirrh wns ,..m- This shoa i- N,.ii.*"s read. Pres. Kenney sn Stale [nape itor. nol Intaraatlng PRRKinTERIAN €111 KCII DAM­ hr. Miami. illli-.l i'.n* llu* Kpworth l.inuiii' iin.l inslrin-tiv, in. ..I ihni .ui BOIl Siliinluy. Oct i.n. fiinnj Th,. sh... TIIK \\, (. T. I . Ililli AGED in h'lltK WKDNKDA'i Hull.,' Dsy serrlre ..n Knnday sre-alng . grounds sllu iih al iii" . lose ..r the regular ,n HIDI1VS KKI.IKf' CIIKI'S Inst Tlu'i-i. were I8fl In attendance. I between the Poal Office mul tlm Ing. Billy Parker whn is • candidate rNTEBBSTINfl MEETING firm ' luin.' SI.II*". Show ..|„.„s We.ln,. fo,* congress in the fourth district. 1.1-1 Wedaetdsy, aboal naoo, Ilm Thr K,nni.-.' I .I'm.'!!.' attended i city Hr, department whs railed In the Meeting of 1., U Mitchell t.Hi.'f .i.v Dctnber i., and run-s f.u four win address the people In fhe ,; A It A meeting nf tlie si, Oloud Woman's Iiliil , liii'iri' >»f Iln* |„-.,UI-IIIII. Miss Ninu Presbyterian church, when? H small Corps im i s,*|ii. 36th al I i». Willi ilny. nt T :.'ui p, in. sharp. Mull. ('hi'isii.-iM Temperance fiiinn ,\*ns aaU J,„i- I.llinli'.s hOI .Iiiiii.'.' n'"*l Suililn,'. l.l.iz.' wns gstnlng t-onafderable head tli.' lu-.'slili'iit In th,' ,iinir. taken, ..t th,* ,11, papa I'ri.i.n afternoon Th.. I..|.i. is "I I.,vim; n p.o.l limi'." si. Clond Yell. Collection «nv Tii.. r.i.n' im,II, riaaiaged. ,is Fifteen officers present al roll mil. I. M KIIINK rKIKIIIIAIKS si'i.i nnii. Wr stlirl „l 0:.1O. I'lnriiln Song, araa Hn* plaatertng tad pewa from the Mr„. l.iivinin liiMlgera wna elected lhe Hn ti unt i.f l.,nl w.'iiilii'i* Ihoro A -ins-lit 1 |.rt.-rrn ni hn- been. I'lKTII NINTH -VNMVRS8AR*, Programme wns in chart* ot hni:.' :»i mt nf water thni wns thrown i.» bacoma n mambac of our order. wns .. siiiuli iiit.'iiiliitit',. with,- orrnimisl fnr Iho r*****Jg! SVeglng I '11 IlillltiTs. on tin' strnctare by the iia baaa, ii Mr. Hary B. I.i.riiin nn.l Mrs. Hnll Ite- twenty Bva memlieTa present. 'I'ln* Sgr-rlce. A s..l.> l.v Mrs. Kuunvt'l. who Siiiiir.iny marked iho Bfty-nlnth an­ KII-HI nuaabsr, Battle Hyma af la unknown Just how the in originated i', i liny were Initiated. ,l*-v„ti,iiuilM were .-.>•,, I ll,,.-. I I.y Mrs I. gifted will, n tine -"i>, vol,-,., n niversary of .1 M, Rhine's birth. In public. |.nt it is uadststood linn II wns parti­ .<>,nw, wns voted iu the achool to Janata Wait*. u>*> Kwingts sniiih unil.- ... in* quartet, and taw or thro. " veniuu> „ part. „f ehUdran snr Baadtng by Mrs. o*.>i,\ suhjoct, "A ally covafad by Inaurance. pay for milk for the children's lunch. a*athrm* i.y the choir will be followed prised -i,a,i" Rhine, aa thay hava Beautiful l>uy." landing in i,,-ny,*.-. and all Joined in .-. rising ,.nt* of iiinnkw wns. siv.'ii 1 Mrs. Severance, tnrbjeet, "Tlie Pong rapes ting tba twenty third Psalm, l*y „ Hi'iiiiiiii by Iho jMialnr- » »'"il l'» enll him, nl his home NKW FKl'IT 1'KOIVV IIKKK W- O. Klnir tin- irlft „f **J..-.,I to* Tin* monthly stealing of tha OflkUl on Ohio Avenue. Tiiffy-piilliiig formel titln of Youth." Dv. ,'nsiniuni ,iiiswi.iii ,,'ji, preaenl ward the new flng purchnscd liy tho Solo l,y Mr-, Nrtl fi >r en nn,I pgvn snni,. tim,. ,,, Inatructlng Jloiuil will la* hold on Tui'siln, nl tha principal fsatnre of tin. entartaJn. e dark, Mrs. Iv \'IT.'Innii hrodghl Hi,' I'ri ...i*|is Inr llu- ,1. A. It. Ilni.' Ball, It nieni. Mr. Ithlne was remembered • ore. '-.lust I.Ike Yon. ih,..,. |,,',.s....| in Christina Cltlaenahlp, ni'v.-n thirty, l-ii,,,' n Hn,' inini'h i.f eyelopala, s ui-i,|„- will be i,-**.I ..n speclS occasions. will, a number of B|!|>r»|>rliit<> prosiiits II. inline hy Ml-s. I'cun. Sl bjeet wiih ii -.linr! ilisi-.nii-.,' on ih,. iintv nf rmyor meeting on Wadaaaday ni llkn fruit that growl in daaleia on Fifty iiuHiiii.'is IIII.I visitors preaaat. uml before «i..- party departed for home "Whiil iln you think if tbatr aveij nn,* I., vote I in IK> qualified tht* iisiuil hour. trees, nii.i beloagi ,,> the curranl fam­ Kiorii , i.x. Praia. r„r. RnrBI U'iiliuins :i •'1 rand he il"ilnr,.,| thnl II wns tin* happiest reading, in rata in the right wm, aad looking ily of fruit This Is the only tree of m..tiler's sermon." li.HU l l n Kl CLAIM nlghl he ever spam iu st. Cloud toward inmlng -.-.....l A.msrU*an ,*HI/IHIS this delicious frail known in this part KNTKRTAIN AT niSM-.K Two sele.Hions of n IMHNU KINK WOW Those contributing lo his bap-plnt-ei lisle by the driiu lm,I offtas, Hii,' will gtve another laa <>f tha state, and lms n iin,. lavor wr.. \ irurinin Davis, Tilda Cornell, corps. »>i„ nt Hi,' nest t., IK. in.i.i •ih.* sgrtcultnrs itoaa, which is un Hint ahould miik,* it popular, Wi* doa't Mrs. Mnry K. I.llill'iilll nml Mrs. Hiiim Brawalng, rrancas Qona iiaam Mr. Ith,, kmiii). s asdlng, "I Oil so- •.I.IIMM- :ir,l ni tin* noma ..(* the praal- .;. i iii.* sniiiii iiuLhis get, lms mini,'* tin* blatory nr nativg home nt' llelie Gray of Jersey ;l,.*uu,' mul Nth linvls. II,'I,ui I'lillaotl. llnrVlet tjri,v,* cleaning time." • I Mra, smiili. n Ilni' shosrlog In the llrst* Booth of ihin variety, bat from the sn,, .-ss made sir.s,. satertalaed Mr.-, John Vreetaad ly. Helen Bird, Hary Parker, Bunlcs Bote hy .Inn,* Johnson. .Mrs. Bogsr, II,,' ,n»ii'i,t praatdeat, ai-luM.I. Thoy hnve ,*,|„iii*|,,-,l their of th.* ana tree haa u iimiii be made nt tliuni't- 'rhiirsiliiy .'v.'iiinir. After Mildred \ k.i*. Th, lms Mayas Mr Shefllelil who Is lo h.ive ehiiiire araa aval from Klaalmmee nml held a I ronni wiih sh.'lvi's, tnhh*s, rul.lnotH ittul n wnrih While iiilillilnii in Florida's lllllll,'!' Mis. Orsy reiulereil -s..nn' IK'HII- ratal Mayas, nn.l Alhe Williams, next Siiiiiniiiv afternoan. aaaoonced HII..I-I s,.».si,ni wiih ti,,, dlatrlcl oHIcera miuiy othor useful aitlclee, Bach is,y fruit , liftll m*l,*,-lious .in tba idmiola l.v nines elates iH*iui; represented hu progrant which pramlsas ,., bg „ attar arMaa tt,,* n,,i,.n took „II the lms IIII iml'vi.Iiiiii |iliH asstgned hun I'lidi'i-i-iiMki tin,) other I'UIIHIU*, nrtlst*,. very B.IO.1 Btaan In n'Biinl t,. ih,* W. O, T. P. .iul i'rof. A. 9, Qelger, who bj in IVIKRKSTIMi T.U.KS ON .lAI'AN It wns n rent treiit. nud all app**act> Ml.s Kinmcrsnn. , reiulintf. "Moving "-Temple nmi Beat' raasj wMeh aave I charge of ihis .-iiisH, stnt,*s tlmt In* is atod it highly. Mrs. Margie Hopkln, KI-WOIMII uuoin Iln- bean deter red lev s..m,. Uas sarattlag well pleaaed with tti.- wny iho hags M0UL KN.IOI Kll The iiiissii.ii;ii-y uni..ns ..r thg Piaa> .Mrs. .lolin 11. Vri'cl.'lli.l. .Mi's, llelie hm. progressed In thf work nml ho|i<*s Comman,let- CmnplM'll reiiilereil two ii,.' aaceaaai] papers, lira. Klbba | hyterlana and Baptists Chnrchsa inid self, tlons nu lli" mouth nninn. Orgy, Mr-, ilrny K. I^iurian. hy nexl month ho will ho aMs t.. nu rn.* Methodlal starch Kpivorth r,*n,l ,, letter rn.m Mr, Overatreet n joint masting nt the Hinds apart- 1 Mrs Benedict than favored ns wiih whiih waa saclnisd with the Charter noun, ,' .-..IIIIHIIIII:. wrorlh while thnt l.oii|;u" entertained with nn lea rragm nieni linns,' on Miss i nvelnie nml TIIK < HIM; \l SOCIKTV i 1 n very interest IIIK tnlk, of her recent Hn* hoys t,,iv.- completed. Rs lms ""' " al lh.* .Hy pni-k Insi Tuewtav ,, hi. h smpnwan Ui>- bolldlng r ,lt- Bleventb Mrsel ..u Friday, Heptember I iun t,, the National Bnoaaneasnt, iin* si n,.no Choral loelaty rotad twenty four Is.ys lu tin' Hnss evening. Misses Vers .I.HHIS,,,, -,,,.i laa i>. K.I on wiih the work al once, ITtb, Than wns „ mil hoosa aad j nml back lo lui' unlive slate. Mnlii" last week I.. pal on an I'literliiiiinu'iii Willi., sue Dale im,i charge of the ir wn. voted thai Mr. Parker arraage ih,-., srara richly entertained ay Dt, She snhl that ll wns Ibe patriotic In lhe neiir 1'iiitii-i' for tlie paaafH "f ON V< « Ol NT OK OAMAI.K ll\ I IKK tames mi this occasion which provided will, llu* nr.hli.'.l ,,n Sana for build- Kt'Isey. nml Ilr. snd,.. Thay h of the li. A. It. unit W. It ('. P V.' tin* local band, Tfean an now .vj Tiler.' win I." n.. set—lag in ii." """ ninusei i f,,,- ii,,,.,. preaenl \ lag ni ni ilmi Mr. Siniii, I,,, named with - vary Intonating talks oa linn -hn sn., when sha iii-i .-n,,,,* ta .I..on li rafliatersdl mamben ,.f the r*octet-y. I'resliyti'rlnii Chnrch Siiinluv However -innii charge was made tor rake aad Mr. Parker ss casamlttee ea details ot nml served „ Japaaaae luncb wl* .ny thni Inspired her to Join the iii*h we 'I'll, il,-,* showing BP well- A few hy permission of the Managers sen I"'- 'i'ii in mul u ni-iii sum wns -realised building Mrs. l'urk,n- read a letter nil i HI J. iy,'.I. Daughters, A dnty she tbonghl sbs ni.ire ar.' i I,sl t,, balance tag i.i's «ill lie hehl iu III" I'nik Clul. l"i- llu- li'.iijii,. iii'.isiiry. fnun Mrs Houseman asking tlmt the .. t,, her fstber, lha alaa related pari*:. House. building I..* 1.. r,,n.|.I.H l..ii H.S MRH, l IM .'inn;! nni;,i\ I\I. her trip op mi tba n ntatna ..u whal fimt ns posalMv nn.l pledging to aid Siuiilny School 11:30. NOTHK NOTICE TO III , Kl W KKSIDKNTH is kn..wn ns Jacobs In.hi,•i*. Mini* Hi..11 ii..' wars, iln.iii. inii, ns fm* ns she was Preaching 10:48 1 1 1 ,; The mnny friends .,f Mrs. !•:. R im Wedi la, October nth al J ,,' ' " ' II"* sorlc ,,f fni,,,, s111.1l nml eleven feel above sea level, mole .* COllMITTBF Mary H. Brown, lhe Pro, **•_, th,. school IIII.I lh.- I, mil,,n everylnaly plag "" » •'"••.'.•' null- I I. wiH.i.n,,'. I r.\ct: TWO THK ST. CLOTT) THlBrXK. ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA Till RSIIAV. IHTOI'.KK I, 1921 -:•-^^,«M^*•t••^•^•^•^-^*^•.'•^*^•^ •^+-^• •H-J--:* *:**:••:• :*-X*>*:--:*^^^+H'^>-:^+'«.'.+^*5**:+**-** MOST GIGANTIC PICTURE IS PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION "THE COVERED WAGON" *AM III 1,1. SJIIKK -J1EIX1C i», J-EGION^ If il were possible to ill* ,. behiiftj, would later be foim... ' ~" (he s.cne- the i w. r,i> milll-' , motion linins. erery animal lielng obliged to|,, picture f IUS MI Hun II rj • gbl ara I ii swim as in the actual experiences of License ;i sllgbl couesiptlon of the in 'ii.nilou.s ls|s '. task Involved In makbi- tin epic pie •nr.- -n. li a* •The Hovered \Vagon*.*' Hundreds or OMII ami Bonaa VtrH IMM -VNAP1 is Urll l.ii.,I, tie l.'.i'll f tin* King it would ihsprov.* tin i.r.iu-iiiied claim Oxen had to be obtained to poll dogged kind. :i Kriui deter inimii imi lo of Honor gad tha Croaa iheui gnd an ISO yoke of ateers wen* of Italy, .lim Drain den sd himself tbal motion pletnrs producer* a re fun e his wny forward iu the Baca ot -hill- and nre •ecured snd broken to the yohei tie- Notice! tu the problems of lhe d -.nhled witii sntlafled with make hard*hip, rtlffteoMei and misfortune niieb'S> Of detail. yokes and chains bad to be made, win>m ihe iiu'imiry of bla shattered In addition .Mai mules "ere required, wM.h would aasa aannpeil the averaan When FsntOUS I'layers Uiikv I'm'- mun. and quiet, effeeflre, self-deuxta* right arm nnd his agDU*f brought him of the army tepf in* sinntl la-k in it Notice is hereby given that all occupational srorb with himself ronstantlj la tbe in rloM-a) symimlliy. He has II.*I|N,| pnratton detanaliied apoa the hnge self A hard of BOO buffalo waa 2.fl00 men to obtain their right-* from task «'f transbitlng to Ibe scrsan uilii/.ed for ihe I.itf hunt scenes, lM,k_reun.l thnt is tbe *ta*J of Jim the goranunewt, often ai agnsldersbie Drain. iu"*v patloaal commander at Rmeraon Heagh'b BOT-M, '"The t orrred A thousnnil boraaa, 100 oorrpimlea liconst's expirt* on September BOth ami must Tbe Ameriean l*enb-u expense to himself. Wagon" as a I'll ran lit picture, ll wltb equipment, several herds of OT- lie at nin-e N-cime active in the was with a full knowledge of whal was dlnnry catrle Banking tha wagmt be renewed promptly. Information will In- Born "ii ,1 farm in Warren Cona- Legion, ami worked up through t be • , n.iii.i.u tn iK7(». .iim Drain baganj earn lied, it meant weeks ef prepare tralna were needed, ; lion, pe Inst eking reesnfeb, glgnntb s tt niggle aganaat ftip uumiite ».•-* •_• . '.t •••s or—em |M>slllon. tie lias One thousand Indians, tive litimlnd Bled against a|| delinquent! after October stances of tii-, bii-Hi srUeb tut** hti •erred na i-ommnnder of the DLstrlei expenditure snd a reeponslbUlte al being mounted warriors, the resi • him 10 tbi iiHiiitsitl re iiiiuimlership of .'oinnibia Departmeal of BO Months, inns: ime.pialb'l In the hi-teiv Qg the Up of sipuiw-. papOOSee, Old men and I.Mil. of ih.- Uegtoa, ••* ge-Uloa wblcb be re- naember of tbe antsonal saaentlve lilnu. M on, was another order. gnrds :is second In Importance only I'uniuiiiiee. member "f the board of Tremendous Difficulties <)\ err cine Five hundred dlirera tor ihe ov to tbe prisideiie y of the United Itataa. dlmetoM ef the American. Leg laatend af acting as i deterrant. teams types of beared, brunund ptalns- C. 1.. BANDY, Weekly, member of the na tlonal legis­ men; CantUlea ot wlrea, children, et<-. Doing n mbtiVi » •»• k nn tbe farm this only iparred them on to a greater lative committee und chairman of the , ti.-it ind determination to make thla anam, gublea, wagna train eaptaa_e, ail Tax Collector. •w-hm only twelve yenta old, Ita eras Fourth Dtatrtet rahnbtlltetten eonmlt* wore aaaaafl the aec^gattnaa. rending and -rtmiyt.ijc- in .spare boors not only mi entertaining drama ef -i are. WegK for thn disabled had l>een "fttai period In \merlenn history, siif Ooeaeg had •'» ba made tor ateera] snd fu meatlea time, AI iii ba ajob M passion .1 i'.n l>rulo. a pUSalon bandied smgens. MILTON PLEDGER. htph SCbooL A stunt term at a m«r Miieniiv recent to compel M»1 hold the which will uuike itself felt tu the andlences of today, but likewise an The ream ry was aataacbad by mod­ mil •eb-OO'l and he s-truek nut for hlni- 1,-etfion provrnm for 1B0B, ern equlpiltfes. there wcri* lio telephone -,if historical document ou celluloid, pre- County Attorney. sailing for all time the accunite or telegraph wire-, gn trains, no antos. laaborer la « egafgnnd ynnM nt In fiict, much of the territory gaad t «dti. Nehriiskn, then A clerk hi a bank, spectacle of tha artut tusk of tha I VI >l A hUp-j M.I S. Imt—linmuilhiii- pioneer- who Ina ve,| the trails aCTOSS never has been inn bleu by man; all off nn expert siieaaanal. ••» Ure bnwranca steps will lie taken to interest former It Is wild and primitive in none uf Itf mrent In spnra bean •aeratery ta n Lha continent in the face of untold on vy and murine men in The Ann-! hardships, dangers mln privations. tia.s ii ggggggg ever clicked. r..n. - * i-slrt-gntj ii anaeuuM of the tenia I.eiclun. It \va» niinounecd here '+*M--K--*H~fr**i-"5"K-->--K»M-*-r->-K^^ law. at the -iMiie time mi n tweiity- tftltaj A gmul impetus wns Riven In James Oruse, producer of "The Old hmir.i-wei'k schedule nn nicin the movement by the formation nt the Romeetead," wag gtran Ihe task of her of 'he natiuJial guard pf tba stats recent Lpagton recreation nt st. Paul niakini* the pholodramn. A Staff ofl iLffA.MJA.M'flUa'a.fflWA-M^ of Wa«hln«tO0bj clerk nf the suplgBS of II -.jMiial assini;ition kiniwn ;is the liftv nr more saperta was assigned to court nl 8i*»oknWj Adjutant general of Navy and Marine posts of The Aniei- him. .'ind immediately tiu* preliminary rin. W'Huhlnatoe gnned. peaeHelan st- ii'.in i .< uion. i trajsnumtloa <>f am-h work of re-enr.h and location rind in K | ii.mev in New York <'lty nnd then In paate af the Lpegion in nil the larger I w.-is sntered upon. Nine atatea Onll- ehtiea <»f tha eountry will ba ander fornla, Utah, Nemda, Idaho, Wymnlng, Washlnaton. D. ft uldlar In tan Mon tan.'i. (Ue*:, m, NOW Me\ieo and World 'iViir. coinnuiu.b'r af the I.e. ion Liken at once. Bugene V. Onlrln, Minneapolis, wai Arlanna- wara combed for lacnt.oni theae sre the Step" which umik .lim ami dates nmierini ninl *tyranarttaa." lirinn'- rfaa fleeted presjiiiMit Df thr Bsnoetelion ill Ifnrs *lmtnesol for the part which ;' BSSetlng held nt the invitiltieii ef The Hash Baaaarah Wort DBBB Minneapolis. \"n vy- Ma riue post dnHag THURSDAY, OCT 9 |i,. m| In lh:iti anv el lii.-e, Meanwhile the eosi inning ilepai 1 perhara more rfgntllcanl than ths h> the convention He plans to asab tha meat was prepnrlng for the lnun< nee tii of them ail. i** tbe hunting tt ri co-operntten of all departments af the number of period gnrtnenta to ba worn dent whi.h me*lit tot h-iii the leas af IsSSJSBB. pluhiMueii. trappers, Indians. _nid.*-. liis right '''•" wben he n*ns thirty, with Other officers elected me: Wesley emigrants, -eonis. cattleinen, drivers n family of four children t«» support M:i-ters. I otunii'ils. Ohio, lirst viee ate, i'ii-. - -all iiiu-r be represented That .it i ill--nt. with ii< li'-ri ible Pie-id.-nt ; John M. l>ci\in. Pb lla del The Department was busy anguish nf Iwdj ami mind, sdmllteil |.lli:t. -isiS's ioil, I vi, -• |.re-1,1' ,,, ; I-',,-,) ('_ rollstIna date. Mate Historical Bod- .iim Drain to Ibe "felloe -hip of pnlu" i '.i mi IM I 1, M iiine;ip,.iis. snrretnn sties were appealed in ami among tboee . [|i ii which fitted him to gel [ reaaurer The adrlsorjr ronaefl i** wim answered were A K Hheldun, the ** i' wp«»ln| of Hu* disabled superintendent i»f tht Seltraaka Btate ORLANDO'S ,f I liar!.- W Sbiek. rbt- nf lhe World War ta wl i lie bai r V sp.iwr. Beaten Har­ lli-;. rlcal s.i, ie:>. who au|tplleil rate­ nlli ll. able photoi-iaoU- nml data about the on Seue.iiber 30, 1-000, l»i:tin eaa bor, Mi< btgaa . Mi— I'.uiiii .* Deswet, i irenon trail in that atate; Bnalce tl, Washington, and tier be rl nm after quail. He stumbled on * A i II ler-, >li. State Hi-tor ian of Wyom- r.'.ebu-b r A** ba fell. • tartg I'hiliol- Iphls gs re mi\ ii a and let'- rencea re- 'l be riuin bain i cardtni t'ori Bridget and othar br* wnt ,1,-1 i srgl '' HI* 1 -In hand .li- ATI.ANI'V Qa Bad eeercrowdtug terle f.Tis in Wyoming So jr cams ii ill the fl * t i-fiii-tory -unitary conditions from all Quarters until tha pile of bulb l* rn reported st Bs-•• I began to sesuma formidable Htlrred to redoubled ,e i'n ity, Draln'i •S in re, sa • result of an taveettgatlon pi opart-loan mind worked iik-- llcfati Ing l l.« • ii'in.-ti-l hj . - w, ra open. *>n. ,* .1 ssUsele i'he Ameriean l.e-ioii. Th" Baaaaa haaaai fan Utah , v, blm tto With his Th.-n Mr. Preae, Ulanself, w. nt to tei tb hi knotted • itr*p 1 - maaas for '.*• to IBO . Nevada and llah. whkrh bad bam ash . ,1 hai 1 tbe tl" •' ~;>i;:il now is rating f(,r IBB tb*! Spoa lar^eU gg the DBOSl pr.'inis- life araa tort Boning ttwm bim ramlttee. i._ -|n - • bereos te blm the sxraes for T-AI. :i, '••- 1*.... s - the • -(. I.••• f.-r an bvatBtioo ward tba pbu With "it,. M-eu. otrnei of farm houae Bid sa • rei heat be • ,, bonae tub* r. ctsr •he Bnaer Banrh. af probably 200,000 rearm red on, rtiasbhia two - with padmatB fafea from the acrea, largaat la Iteraaa If am bi UM ttire teat • -. Breathing * n»en and raachas are r..iri oa The bnopitel SUtborltles and in t>:irT •'Iirive uie te n buepltel." Sit mil-***-* | thny tiroes to 1 rnuntry dort-ast srha ea owaeia nf •' Ineenl to the •are little sM. six un;. - mm bespits Rei a mendal lona for en- Strained Eyes the Presentation of Complete Stocks street ear, aud Drs I Spokane larned farjltttss •« iii ha nuide. it is Quickly recover th»*ir utrt-ajtb if treated and Barred Dser-I Bsepttnt nadei -to*-! with l-M>D«rili's *i;,.M-»u V.yr lotion . Hb'od-shnt. inflammation nnd aor^uesa ar* i Tin* flgbi for Hie began. "tees BM ' rrlieTf-d without pain in OD«> day. Coola, in the New Autumn Mode 1 finger, tha Mttfs naana l.nviiov por nIf. rtr-i time Mure heala sod atr-^nrthena. Insiat on h-Tine the rxpeii mnrkasaaa erclared. The Tin* An* ia i • -::"u I*«'-I hei•• ussler- . *'f>onardi'a.'' It makes itroni eya. anrgenn wile, there wns only ana Utteh te tinge l lerlea nt besebell Guari nttyeti or ciou'-y refund-ed. All chance In a bnadred and It initb: eaal •aesea, tha etilei pi laa hs* *ii"»n •• dru-fgiata aell it. In,,, in- : ••• "Takr tbe ham •-. WSJ I ice cdlng r.. Dons Id ,\. Smith. Thi*. \\ iii be a gala da| la on* itore; each departmenl iM il -glow the :h.irp i,-pN a • .111.,ii-iv shaped •i 10.00(1 paM sdariaadnns far tbe wn- witii gnm iirfie Bager wee moulded from the -••ii. •ere than half were [^ondonen. Ant innii met-ebs ndlee the l*e-t id.tniliilble « ide in \ . 11 i, • 1 \ ind hi I:III_*' of ptice, wrerkage of the h inrl Mood pnison, The prottts wm be ispsnl Ul i"-teiim- DrWilb.ims so nil m,-ii be serred i mt pleeaed «iic-rene -• t In, tern saonth be tbe Aaserlana gnnss tu I."ntlon. iln< tortures of hell for ibis BagUf and losl A -1 font I operation srai Mag) thingn hav i n arranged for v..iir i'lii('l*l.-iiiiiii,-iH I,'.I ,,f l.ll >..!! 1 -**.i 1 . "i • la let be lefl I ni;Mi I \ FOR KILMNO i i or Imt rhe li"-i'i*.il. a chin, pale seasbbiB f Mosquitoes, v\\t'*. Fleas, Hal laga, For, ria.Chill-s and will eiiJM.v ten-tint; y.oir e.vev OQ foabfaNU of ii.- mot i„ ii|,iun', i fnr men, ,,..1111*11 llll.l himself. Moths. Coekronrbes snd Ants, in the Fe vcr.Cold-s and LaGrippe "hil'li'ii. nud the eorreel dress BPCeaaorles. L .ni, sill, sad iroolan Knirr! . I'll in 11 II I-I- 11,'-pile h 1- handicap, he seas eane bouse, yanl or llie orchard. Dn yon . tl in the 11] dn 10. • ib'jHi 11 nn-iif want to learn how to kill theae insect snd lion*** furnishings, VlctriVj mul Victor Raeords, ..f the ttmy In *'•'•'. II" arffected a • on tbe milli'.u- ef ICaks gaai own Insect killer st nil'- rhe go. niiaenl boogbl under home; ns simple to mnke ua a pot of N't'U' H.'|,;u I III.'Ml. II II.I.I..I., .li.ii.i;. , 11.. v *• 1.1,'ti II...Hr III Illl lH plan On .lune eoffta. and very cheap. ra T. 1(117, 1 o-ijii went to France as Mni I ui gg rent,, shirnp^ or coin HI more efficient ordnanee officer of I be i nnd we will nuiil jag thi formula for H- '.....• Q raethoda to perfe< t tha ninkint; a sta Ini raa tassel Urtda thnt J • •• mipply aari 11 liPwil ll, "II- K i.*. I... Hi.' da] mul -H..|. i.. iin. mn.!,' ivi.i.i, UIII i„. statbmsd ..,, will powitiTcly kill ibers uientinned in i Then he Turned bla attention to •acta and many more. Send gfl eental Fistula mil Other Rectal Diseases l'V.T_l MM... tjuik-. iI'-\• i-iiiK u scheme f-»r a--enibl- today. It will lie the aaat quarter you Hur„ Mfully Treated br tii. Ing tie in in ibt^iami He worked ever laeeeted --iir :. -]., • ii treAty between ihe United AMBULANT J1ETH0D II (H:fi»\ cvmaCaU- co, No hoapltnl, no oparallnn, no nb.enra Bta ten i,nd England i" create tha f.".„ >,*...... I..»s vt tiliia, nu ii,'. . f... - tnglo-Amerk-un Tank t'omntlastoa, >.f 81 li St. A T;il11-> r;uid Ave •MS with Bocf.l cnifavementa. \lii. li |," '-• liM-r V. O. Itox 1.VU5 Send for my Free Booklet— Bark from the war with tha i>i- , IV KSONVH.I.K. Fl OKU) V "Curing Piles and Other Rectal Disease,"—It explains every­ Yowell-Drew Co. thing -»^H•^M••^^•^H^^^•^--r'W-^•M•*^^ I i-fi-t--: iim » Dr. Geo. L. Dickerson On.illl, Hid 11" Hill Willi IIDKIIM ; RKfTAI. AND I-CLVIC 8PECIALIHT "Tell The World With Signs" f 111'.. .fair, SU Oppo.Ho K».. Ba.ond Ploar l,,r„. Bids, •hone IU', J Al.h-,,1.-* Vll.l. :; i -ill *'r^*HH*++^*:^^*t-++-l--Wr^-V*l-*^ iwwmmwmwfiwm wmwcw\\Ws\rmwc\WiWiwmswmm\wwm


are In tbe ilonhlfu! column, according fairly Indicative of the n.iii'.nal eenti- TWENTY-SEVEN STATES PILED UP BIG In lhe rotes N'I far polled. They are inenl. RHEUMATISM ENDLU Okteboms umi Ohio. Coolidge ia*ws Have you vi.lcil ft* in this Don't auffer any longer from rheu­ V/hTF |N NATinNWinF PRFSinFNTI4L POLL an ii,.».•>-"•,> * strength In iiklnhonui. wide poUl If not ymi ahould do so ut matism. Why endure such intense normally a Democratic stule. In once. Y'ou are eonferriiiir a fnrur pain-, in the muscles, nerves and OhlO the Huiii , V i.].-ul I y is lo lie he upon your |*nr,.v leaders h.v mating a joints? Tin- niiilonwlili' presidential poll. In progressing in tw-i'iily-si'vi'ii slnH'S iween Coolidge nn.l I.n Follette, La lest ballot for your ciiniildiile . This The poison-, of rheumatism are wlili-h 'll,,* SI. ,'Inini Trilinii,' IH to. Iliroiichoiit t ba . ounlry : loll,HI.' has the backing lu , Iiii,, of nationwide veil will cloae Sutunlny carried in the blood. LEONARDI'S M| ELIXIR FOR THE BLOOD com­ opsratlM mUM mora than v.i» SeiXj lhe powerful Scrip!.. Howard ui'onp ol erenlng. Oct, 11. < lip oat tlie sample t'< ...ii.i,.'.' I,, Fill lei te Darts bats these poisons, drives them out nmi wi'ki.v aawapsraa*. In ******* newspapers. ,'ooli.lee is sl preaenl ballot below, murk ui. X before your Now York . 11.711 B.398 BJS1 of the system. The rheumatism stats. Mo pii.-.i up ii total ot nora leading l.a Prtllette, hut political im .-nu.II.lute's ansae i'i"' mail or hrtiii*- Milrxliiii'l 8,961 7.*.'4.'J B,_0 vanishes. You can go about your raters returning fnun tin* i,,n.i ..r Hum 318,000 Mill's, llt'iiri's wlili-h fur­ Illinois ^.N.H,I7 r.iad. 4.K42 lu |i, The St Cloud Trihuiio's offlx. daily tasks freely, happily. nish iin* kauris i'"1' sunn' HI., Intaieat' Ilueke.ves r. |s.rl that enthusiasm for It w-lll he tahutateil and soul in io HI., i.nsln - .1,180 •J.lMtl MS LEONARDI'S ELIXIR FOR |a| BOHtlMl S|HM lllllllOII. the Tliinl I'iirly candidate is lo he New York, where llle national CO—It Wnsliiiiirloii ..1.7411 I.IHI.I mtn THE BLOOD does more than this f<.llll.l Ihr..null..Ill the state. Is UHiis inade. Xnin* I'r.nii lu.tii,, sii.'ii stataa lmvi* Mn-s. L'.llit VTI.'.I 2,485 for you. It builds new strength r I n i.'.'.Hvi'il mul In IIIIIIIIHTN snfflci- T.Kll* ...1,50(1 III!) :i.. i4.-i Parhapa tbe placing bf Pauarlranla's show other states whe, Florida snd vitality. It's use insures against I'lll tll 1,1,11,1,1,' II," I r,'Illl ilf |s.Iiii.;,I . .,*.. II.' i il ... 11*111 H71I L'.47M In the OooUdgl l-min on Un- fa f wants as tbe next President recurrence oi attacks. ***'i.tiiiii'iit. Tin's.' stataa asa tettt nil N 11. 3,001 HM MX return*, will be questioned hy ninny. ~rv uromnni"' *CT T—TTJ Section-, of llu .iiiiiiI ry IUKI iM'iir out Missouri . ..MSi '1711 1.5X7 However, (he slii'l.. I .' ;» ;. _*, •-„: TOR THE BLOOD now. Refuse Iln* |.ri'.|l,*tliiii liml ll„> null,in Is BO* 3,087 1 215 KmisiiK :IH:I l,*,<*- '.. should l"' .Us,*..unieii inns- 1*<>I*T1CAI. ANNOHNOEMKNTS substitutes. At all druggists. lm a >if Hi,* closest nautical CIK-CM Vl**irlnl.'l 1,1)60 846 jiitiel, as I'hlliiilelpliJa am] l'ltl.-,1iiii'K)i in tetty yi-ntn. \V. Viiylni.i on 1KII 1,44ft votes are not lueliiilei) mitl woul.l no r Tliis' h'st vnl,' is tOO, IVliitsyiv.iiiii i.oai 6,381 :i.. i77 iliiuhl oveniune the leail an.i give a 1 hereby snaaejace myself as a sisii'iii «itii nii.iT sii-nw rotas mni Moi.tiiiiii It,!!' 1,864 1.11,17 Sllhsllllllllll lllaji.rjly to ,'i.oliilge. i-andldate for Ibe office of Ht-pr,'sen(a- shows •'null,Isc l.-.l.I IIIK. I-n l*ollatt*l \V\..IIIIII<** . Tils m ,1!,-.' Tin* -1 slates so far not reported In tive. siilijisH |„ the "leclsion of the si'i'nnil iiiiii liiivis tliinl. However, S. link,Hn s.."„-,H .S.4*."., 5,680 this imii are Ainl.unin. Arlaooa, Color electors at the November election. WILLIAMS' Nevada •221 481 lllis voir shows IIIIVIK i-niniiiiix ii bat­ MB ml,,. Delaware, norida, Idaho, Iowa, It stand fnr law enforcement; for LIVER <*• -(IDNtV tel tliinl Ihnn ,lo soma of tl>«' othet IllllflllLJl f,.7*JI! 471 :I,L'17 K.iilueky, Louisiana. Maine. Missis the no fence law; for honesty ln the t'st rotes, niiinol.v :. Tlie l.ltvi in*., Mil hi-.'.-!n L'.!l.-,7 **7.-, IM-.V2 slpiil. New Jersey, New Uexico, North iiiliiilnlst rat Ion of public office; ami SOUTH Oklahoma . .. 1 .HSt 7K1 1,841 ,'iii'oiiiin. souih Carolina, Oregon, for every!bin,*: that makes for the PILLS Dlajaal rata aad Ilia M~M> papara' poll This ran ba areonnted , '..iiiiisH lent 1 -,_'! :n 11 S77 Rhode [aland, North Dakota, Tonnes progreaa and develop,,lent of Oscaolg Keep Laxtj layers Livelij tot in tbal this newapapar's poll em- Nebraska -'J.-ill !l,32l 1,821 we, I'tiih, Vermont. COUntf illlil llle Slate ol' l-'lorida. Kori».tt Ki'dnev^TR^np.*i\irit s M Innesota ...1,081 WM. J.ANIHSS. l.r,i.,s thi' iinui vol,., wtill,- Iln* oilier *-'. HI ,4 Severni of these '21 stales are 111 the Ohio _. »,T81 2.4T1 in two straw rotas an ,n,i**ti.v ttem Hi,' .soli,I soutli an,I nre llavis states, four . 1411 L".l 1 .Him lllll'K. Arkanaai of f'i.-ii, me New Bnglaud stales nml The luteal rolilillK In 111,- l.lti'.-ury au Mkrly for COOlUsA 81a ol tliein are •^****r+++*.»-+*+*++*--*^***>**+.^ FLORIDA i'iui'si poll SB-pars i loollrlga lm* in ilu* 87,824 06,88* 80,781 111 the West 1111,1 Northwest anil limy i,*„,i. ills rota is ie2,*M t„ la K„I- Assiiiniii'.' tlmt ih,- abora rota is in- SWlag lo I.a l-'ollelte. latta'a tmjBM and Dark's i-'.nii. i.n iii'iiiivi' of smtlmsnl In tin* rasps* Delaware, Iowa. Kentuekv, New Foil,-11,* is ran&lng n,',*k uml ni-, k i iv• • -t.iti-s, wo liml Hint Cooliili'i* will .l.'is.'.v. New Mexico, rtah anil OsagDB wllh Cootld-gs In ,'alIfi.rni;i in 111,' hi,vi- nil,i' slates : New York, Illinois, are stal,*s aniftiiust the lil as yet un- IllKi'Hl poll, This Is consistent wllh .MI.SSJH luisi'tts. New Hampshire. Kan- heanl from, whieh, when their vote la this news*,,,iter's IK.11. SIIS. IVitnsylvnniii. Iniliiiiui. M It-111 Kim City License Notice will this poll Tin* rote is'iiiK taken bj tl,,* Bearsl ,-niH ,-onlieetl.-ul ; I.n Kolh'lte nlso nine, LANDS aawspapora shows • ttteee in, F,,I- namely: Wisconsin. Washington, Call- latta si'iiilnii'iii hut iho snmii positions tOtOimi Molitiilia. WyiilnlliK. South of Hi,* iiiiiilliliili's: OooUdfa lirsl, IJI Dakota, Neeada, Nabraaka, and Min- Poll,Hie aaeand, nml Ilmis thinl, nn.l llavis seven slates, us All occupational licenses i.iitist tabulation ,,f this nans spa psr's follows : Mm ., In nil, Texas. QeOI**_, poll abowa ' oollil*:,' wllh MT.S-J-I, I.n Missouri, Virginia, W,-st Virniiiiu nml expire in the city of St. Cloud Have advanced 100 per roliatte 66,888, nn.l linvls BB.TOT, Tlie Arkuiisa* DUNTILE nil,I,, below shows how tho voting Is Tw,, nt ih. .'" stntis beard Fron on September 30, 1924. eent in the past four HE iileal building unit IIIIUIIMIIIMIIHIMIIMIIIIIHinilMIHMMIMMI T for homes, gara-aes, All persons who are re­ years while in many factories, Mores and farm 1 ?• building!!. Keeps out heat quired to procure these states they have depre­ nnd cold, frost and damp­ Your Choice lor President? j ness. Strong enough to licenses are respectfully re­ ciated 50 per cent. build an office building quested to do so as near the | ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE and light enough to build Where will you invest a biinp.-ilo-iv. Manufac­ first of the month as possi­ PRESIDENTIAL POLL tured in economical isizes. your money? Ask about it. ble and not later than the Builds Better • 15 th of the month. Our guess is — "That it CALVIN COOLIDGE—Republican Buildings Cheaper will be in South Florida JOHN W. DAVIS—Democrat JOHN B. COLLINS where your success i.s in­ ROBERT M. LaFOLLETTE—Progressive JAS. SAGE •t Cloud. Fla. City Clerk sured, where you art able • Put an X mark before the one you intend to vote) \-^.M-^*l*+-l-+*S.**M-^-*-S->+*t^^ to draw on the banks of £ Alter hllin*.' out Ihis llial ballot, plruse mall or bring to every state in the union t Ihe office of The St. Cloud Tribune. I in payment of our much- \H****--K-**-:"H":'***J.*^+^^ sought-for lands." "COULD BETTER FERTILIZER BE MADE WE WOL'IJJ MAKE IT* .Inly 10th Price list of lhe old reliable "SIMON POTHT un,| ",:KM We consider ourselves Uli.YNHS" now ready. , onlainiiii; FALL PBIOM Slaliilard of QVAte ITY for Ihe past forty years with Florida t'rnwois Prices right— indeed very fortunate to ,|iiality ' Not the che;i|s'st Imt the BEST for resulis. Aiso Ret price list I NSK, Tll 11, KS. sl'KA YKItS. UlSTKItS mid lll'STS. Know the be able to offer the in­ E. O. PAINTER I I It 1 Il.XUt CO , .IAI KM1W1IJ.K. FLA. vesting public some of Florida's richest unde­ veloped land at prices that will double within two or three years and REAL JOY on terms that enable you to share in South Flor­ ida's wonderful harvest. Of Electric We know values, and are offering our years of successful experience as Cooking service to you. Clean utensils—cool kitchen—perfect results. If we can assist you, call What You Want- on us. Don't deny yourself the joys and comforts of When You Want It! Electric Cooking any longer. CITIZENS REALTY Call and ask us to show you just what this Plumbing service Is an neerwiity. The averaee modern, labor-saving range means to you. COMPANY home requires the service**, of a plumber, but a few linns ht Its exlstenre—but wl,.,, it wants it. it wants it. ".Vinl,T months are the time ot the year when feal e>ti_**i_>s*-*~i£>2> Ask Mrs. Foster pliunlilng eenlce must be ,<„isi,l,r,sL I'nanpltaiess—ef* tlcirsic}-—gooil ivo-rksmiuuililp and reas~ioMe prtces are mast fanportant. We guarantee all of Iheee In the service we offer you. No mailer whether your needs are for a small repair "At Your Service" job—or installation of a complete plumbing system In a new home you mny he pl-uinlng thii, spring, we ask the privilege of quoting vou prices C-U^S^E**^??* WALTER HARRIS Gallatin Electric Co. -PLUMBING-- TlirRSllAYg OCTOBER 2, 1921 r**(.K 101 R TITK ST. CT,Ori) TKIHUNK. ST. CI-OITD, FLORIDA M-H H MH-K1 IM HI I !>• ST.CLOUDTRIBUNE I'i 1.1.-I..-.I Firrv Thi*i--li.y H* th-. i\X ARTKRLV ANMVKKSARV tIK Till: «r M-nrn THim »K (OMFANV * dt-*mT*< * CLAUD r. .louse's . I'rcBtih'iit But end n- S,v..i>,l ihis*. Mull M.itt«*r April Sfttfc, IDtO ;.t ihr PoiU'fflM ..t It POPULAR THEATRE fluid i'i,.ri.i:i ander th« Art "f CoBBitMi Tht prograai of oivilUgllOel '•ontinuully mlils ii) tha •f Man ti ... 1ST*, conveniences and !UIKU-SU\ iny daviOM oi tba home. Not|M- l'u 1.1. S<*rv<',l !•><* II, iiiililiil l>r,*„ri,ti,.n*- A*)v," t islnt; Mllii lire payable oil the goto I-M inmiy \ea:** a#0 whan ouv paraBM uml ^randpin ent- flrit cf ci ti ni'>i• tTi V irtlM '•"' Un.>wii •A'antod to keep their milk butter, nud other IIMU' *fraa h' Wo will „|a-ii nn .-Mill ilm i-.iill 1,1'i'k sliirlliiK mi J'ri.liiv al|ht, Oet te ui will !>•• r»-,|iilr,',l |< . jiiiy hi nilvMiice. sleep9 and sweet it was nueessary U> slor-* them in ilaniji Biuaty 3rd. iln* i|iiiii-,t*,-l,v ,iiii,ivi'i>ni-,v ot ill,* opsBllfl ol ill,- l'«,i>,ili,,- Tl*i*itti*,'. The Trillion* kl iniHIsh't) e»t-r.v Thum- cave* or well houses. gtxf ami mulled tn nny |>urt nf lhe VnlteJ We iviu aalatoate bf tlT_*j sai ootetet me iirsi issalsillls ol tha *•.., Kutex. p.isttiire fr-**, f«-r *:' oo H year: $1.25 Now. with ihe aid of artitleal bag, you may keep food aoti wttb iin- Woesl nn.l keel partus »»ai ilmwa in st. Oumtm> fir ill ni»ii(liH of 19a fur tbi-ee uioiiihi fraah in sweet hi clean, sanitary, i-imvi menl refriji-eru- •IrU-tly In aiavam-f. lora. It is so economical*, too. bg_%oyg diahea reiimin !a WO-ilBf I'i JOB* •oil>*,i*rl|itl'H., nlwRfi fresh .uiil wholesome for an indelinite timu wVien kept .n -fUli- •nVlbi-T i',*in'w:il nr new HUI-MTIIMT. th*- ice-box. In *• >i -* r, •_• i n L* yuur u,l,!ri'ji»4 be »ure in -state former mlilri'ii. I'lume or rail now, so that wt may iiiehi.le you on our a-fnllnif liotireg In 1< ,*") ii'ii-m. 10c a deli very route. Ho*. Itnteg f-.r iltuplii-/ adv-mUl-i- fur- sn-lfttlt-O nil lip|illcltlon. "The Common Law" WE ARK HBRJ.TO SERVE VOU IN TKN K1H S ( Forrign Advertising Rvprvatnt«t|v« • THE AM tRirANHRF5S ASSOCIATION starrini ODrfana Crifflth, the ,tm*,*u of Illm-k *i Wullj- Vuu, Miss llnl'ont, Klllott. supply of hint from tIn* sun. The , Dtxlir. REAL \l<• AV(H AIM>l:iS, I.V ami farther one j-oes away Truni this heat, D. B. ARMSI'RUMI, Maaater. ALSO Ml at BaJIrj';* . the f.ililer the air tiocoi.ies. lhiw balmy the I'eeliiii- ot A T>\«»REKI, COMEDY F. S. I-*i*tUK*tIi*r was ninony Ui.. Kis­ -a,.a ___a .4. A s______! ___! aa__l * *• I I * * " I aaal * * * __• * ______• ss ale, • __ simmee IHIYS tn- go tt> Atliuit.L iiiiiiiii- t.lACKKIN AM) Ki ill,,» HUB Hi'" lHnBiuiii lln'io will be two nets of vini,l,villi* This uiiiisiinl tlie past WOnh in filter Gent-giif Tt'eb. ^^^^^^^a^gssj^r ROSK WATKK big i>i',*Bi!iiii nt 1 h>' |,>'|>iil'ir in-k*,**i Bl will probably lake nn eii^hieciinK when ii-y wimls bile intn the skin itnl CongeJaum Bale WEBK, Oct Bth to Iln M. K. I.aurlan rtOlfad a letter leave Ji ettftplMd Ud OOtnl Oct, 11th. 1.:;_ BWgabU in tienuiue from her sen In , Mich, thnt rinettist -Ulycerii. anil BOM Waur he hftd divided 1" sell out und join CHILDREN, .10 - ADULTS, .25 Class in phinu-forUv 0|M-IIIIIK dMMi tiold Seal OaggOlaOSl Art BII-^N. Hy Is not only wonilerfully BOoUUttg OO tin' YJILII, and Kttg Borders. H. C. his mother iu St. riuud. She is happy i-n T90tdojtt -iitul Krid.iys. Thnst* wim chappeil hiimis ninl faee, n delight Hartley, renn. A\c. It. to hear it. hart imt .tlr-mly enrolled call at l*ulin ful lotion after shiiviiifc'. lM-litaiely Theater between two ami live fraj:runt with roaa boni'iief. Mi*- Oeort* QajntMfi U-4t (hie of 900 l'nri'test preparations. Kvery Item HM list that skill ami Piny Tih.l.ill, tttot a tow days* Ul it'iis-iem«.* can product. TlllMIIIIIIMIIiriMllllllllilltlltlltTT * iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii •• a a III| anOO, it able In be mi the streets again EDWARDS PHARMACY 1" reut • plnno bf Mrs. i ..anlner. tor icbool building this week Trie *J*{g*X___ Drag Stare nr DCflt. Addrew KMwM 0-lt

Mr tad UM. V. A, BbOdM ami Mrs. Gold Baal Oongoteum Art Illlll A <;. I>IIIII i lefl Wi-'tiii'-iiMy tat a tin* ninl Rug 1 a-dan BM d;i\>' trip. Hartlej. 1'i'iin. k*e. White Silver Skin or Brown Onion*, Dr. and lira, .1. W'. ..1* :,• JM:- Ib; -• N<** foi ft. ft. Main Grt> Miami, wer.' guests stcinda? evening *ory ami Market. W It -.villi Mi- nml Mrs. B. 0. H.yii"l.l-. Come to Orlando Mr Idd ICn. C, C. 1'iki . whQ have s Cauliflower mni irrod nt Main "The Shopping Center of Central Florida" . nauner in W Market aad Qroci 1 > Olt arrived bome Saturday tTenlag audi re-optned theh studio. LrOal I.mli.'s alltlC-tOf purse. ggOMt* Lwtweao riorldi avenue ami Congoleum Sale WKKK, Oct 8th to 1 it>• parte; contained a\iw of Mouty, 11th. Big Bargain in Genuine Finder plea-te, return to A. C, l_ rail- tatton and racMva rewai-,1. 8-lt Thursday, October 9, 1924 Mr Ion \. lrw'ne. wife a iul two daughters, ot Connecticut, ware anoug I thn port week, coming ini-c fot the winter aaaaon. Thaj bava BLANKETS BLANKETS pun baaad tha W. 11. Onthrie p on Vermont and Eighth street, Wi- h.l,e thclil ill |B -i/is, |il*iii-» mul New r.e-i - at Mam Market and uiliir**. li l! lir.lllliflll I'll,!,I ,MH.I m*) bhlldiCts. Applet, f.l'iry td.'ker--. T 11- . 8 Wh9> ORLANDO'S tot 20., At Main .Intn iy and Market. i F.111. n,l J:u,|ii.,rd Ni,,iij„ lle- nml the sfgrd, and Bug Borders. _L * • FALL EXHIBIT?! I mi. solid enlur*. nill, plaid borders, llartle\, I'i'lili. Ave. It. priced at S1.76 to IU*. Olao 1| Mnin -inwery ami Marker. \ ijnili-. t omfortaliles, nnd Uni lly '.!.nii*, ::i« : Vali«ff Park, natural Sprcuds. eotor, Be; Bock Bprtnga Nut Olao, age o-it. Sheet' and pillow sli|*ai. Tuin Hawkins, state hank . \.i iniii'T. F'r.illier pillows. wa** .1 caller last Wadnt -•i.iy gveniag on his frieml ami seho-ilniatr. V. C\j4n SCHOOL SHOES Bdwardg. Dr. J. D. I'hiiiiii. I' ian and We have the la-rj-est stock of (firls Siirpgon. Offlre over Teed* Grocery. Band music! Fall's newest styles on living models! anil bojN -cliiitil slities we have ever rhones at office and resideme. tf. Automobile show with the latest cars of all prominent h ni ami prii'«- more ri'>lr Mian QnuavLatad Sugar, •"» u*n S0e, wiien ever dire The AgHculrure ctaaa oi thn farmers Shoes (or the men anil ladies. which has been bald nt UM Cbambar Exhibit. Won't you drive over with your family and nf ( 'nllillieri-i* ilUlillf- the p;t-t ai-Vi-nil enjoy it? montha andar tin* laatrnettoti of PraC A J, (leiL-er will ba dlacontlnnad tor thf ii--\t tnw ni'iiitii-.

FERGUSON'S STORE Mr. and Mrs, O, It. Bleacll ami baby, AN automobile show uitli a,hum,-—all llu* FASHION SHOW „ill, Ibe glillrr of Fall's golden who now live in Baabraaaa* Riorlda* NEW ViiIiK AVE. w<-re rlafttlng relfttiTM bata tba past lrailHiK ili-ali-rs miriM-iitcl—)ar--,-r by far ll,.,,. colors at one nt the theiitres—livini- ,i„iil,-l. ,1IN- week. Mr. IWt'iili WOt P-rnierly last >«ir'» successful show! See tills show l,y all nlaiiiii' ;i|i|,ar.l frnin anc of tlie largest stores! Two caahlar o_ tha Hank af gt Ohrad, aad mains iu, you vbrtt! .i.iiiiii;-! Altii.,1 ii.i., „f iimn'. i* now roniiet [eil willi 1 new hank ar Reabn i /•

DAM) concert—practically all ilay loiiy! tiooil r\i , ni: \ i in;-, competing—glorious windowi linnils playiiiit go.,,1 music—rtn*. (-lushical mimic terlors „f stores in Fall costume—all lovely—all latest steps! Ami orchestras in the leit«li>if> stores splendid! 1.,,-ry merchant cooperating for the "th for the Fall Openinc. —super exhihit.

Cl.l. ,,i..,l Hi> real ,•-(.,i„ men tai They will be f\RI i; ,sTllltl.S crondid, goiin slio|*s deli-glilbig. dm- repreKente,! in this Second Fall Ope,iln>>! Mini., i..u tiiiinl stores siirji.issnti- lhe expected with the ture groves, ideal homes display, ,1, novel nn,l new new things of a new season! Come over—,11 Joy tho tilings for home lovers! See these. day! Thursday, 9th.

r-tltlM-: over to Orlando, Thursday, the 9th of October—spend IJte day at the (ity Beautiful—discover what's been done for your entertainment—all NOW being put in readiness. Second fall exhibit—all working together for a greal day of rxhllaraling pleasures tor MO. (Tbls evbibil is planned and carried out by tbo Orlando iUal Orange Advertlsin-. Club—affiliated with the Associated Advertising ( lulls of tbs World.

REMEMBER THE DATE Second Annual Event—October 9

COVERED WAGON ,_ t imminii •,.*..>• J_J-H-:..:..:.*M*^-:.^-:**:- **4 r+*-:"W-«-i*++->**!*+*>-i-+-i--^*s^:-i-*-i-*^ A lAVI, COUZE IHOIlutllllN PHE-iENTID 11 11,(11 l«M, _., rnrarsrwrs ?Witt\W\*»/\flla'iiw. Till RSIIAY, ()( I'OltMi 2, 1031 THE ST. CI.OUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA PAC. mn li. ll Horn, ..f iiiekHiinviih.. Ohio, COMINti PERSONAL OOINO ami Ml'-, .lelinie I.m,,., of < ill I l.-t I. Ind. are now hei-e I.. keep hOOSS I'nr tather, T. A. ii,un. oa Virginia ara, IA.1..,s.n li.'ni' ..,.., -MM II sireeis.

LOCAL VISITING SOCiAI. Any one wi• hing ,,i buy moniiiiieul.s see Fisel.i.iii llrolliers. ;{5-|f

H. W. Porter, real estate, insurance. t'orsels mail.' to >our measure. W.i Berkla Tears -.i M.iin Usrki i lad man's F\, haiigi*. Will call l..\ appoint­ III.leery. i;||. All.i'lt H.illnwii.v iif ,ll*lllllil,i spent ment Mahal llraeey. d-.t. Unti.Iiiy In llils city culling nn lili'iiils. (alhci-ijie Sackhnff, Cliirprurtor, BB routs t,, Fori Lauderdale from G'fltt nours, » to It a. BL| '! lo li p. in. Miss Oracle 1{ Da»ls i,-n —atarova Tennessee nml N.nHh Csmlliia, III Caaa iiiiiiding-. . u for lltHiieslniiil when* sin* baa accsptad ami Mrs. A. ,|. I'.vk Mopped'i* Mini Confolsum Ms UKKK. Oat nth to u ajaalttaa In ii private family. ilny IIIKIII in lllis eily. IMUKItSi IN PHARMACY IN JOHNSON BUILDING Oil. lllli. Mf ll.ii-guliis In (Jen,line l.'.ilil l-i-nl OoOfOlenm Art Kill's, lly Mrl'nll's I'allen, oa, sale ut lhe Wi>- lie Wm. II. IIO-HIH, I'hvslcUin and man's Kxrluutgr this week, it' Surgeon, office Kleventi, ,i,„, , .nn... Ave. l)uy und Night culls promptly Hartley. Penn. Ave. it. Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. H. Hulleiy, of alliiidnl. 17-tf Booth N'.irwnlk. Coin,.. nri-Uisl In Ht. Froth celery st the Main Market Oil mn laal nasi in apand tooth™ .,in, Raymond KHI**> of this eltjr is MB und Qroei ry, u-lt HT here. I ptojrsd <.n I lit- Klssiinn Valley- Coma unt,» me all you newly-weds I iluz.ti,. isfiiteiiiiHa, >« issuing a senil- Formal Opening Roberson's and thaaa without lionie-i-, and buy Mrs. Pi-lln WeHtenfi-lt retinue,! In weekly, ami probably lata* a dally if your furniture and live il happy life. haa st*. Ctood hooa insi Wodnsadajr, business eniiililintis wilrriilit It T. II. Summers bus a nice line of after spi'iiillng tin- sniiinii'i' in New ili-e.-sei s, he,ls. hniuiiKieks, hye bahy, Dr. M (Hsliinai, (irlswold, llnnioi- York state. ttet, nml reenrds, in luith and Osteoputh. Hours from 9 to New Pharmacy fail what ynu want In furniture, II; 2 to 1. Ma. Ave. bet. 10 & 11 (tf) J. <". Hisl'iip will leiiv.' nexl Tues­ l'enna uve., llrst iloni* south of Bird's day fnr a slny hi, It. ,'. store. 5-tf Mrs llella ThiHiuiN lias purehascil If you want to buy n house nt a Virginia Cobbler Potatoes, 9 lbs, E ARE pleased to announce that we nre now open for Teaminutilc price see J.eon 11. I.iinih. tile A. It. I.i-avltl Ilium. lilllee ami will make her future hiinu' tln-i*''. The ileal for ''nu, at tha Main (.merry iiiiii Mar­ W business in the new Johnson building, at Eleventh Street ket. 0-lt. Mr. an,I Mrs. W. J, lllaekiiiiin re­ was niiule tliriitigh Win. Lamliss. man turn,',! from Miiuii-iiisilis, Mini,., last tern, iiinn.iger ,.f ih,. Hhiikin* Land <>.. and New York Avenue, where we will endeavor to render the most Notice has l.een issued tlmt Boos­ week, nt wLlch placa lliey liud lii'en ters Club of tbe I. O. O. I*. lodge will efficient service to the patrons of St. Cloud and vicinity. Call and i.ia*,i,liiik- Iln* BU__sr inoliMis. Kresh TomltOSS nl Main Market ami hold their next in,-cling at their hall (jrneery. Hit get acquainted. We have everything brand new and freuh in the oil , trtoher. 111,' Bth. All IllellllM'rs and PAKT l.ROCKTERIA al Itailey's. .visiting*s are invited to Jie line of Mrs. < . A. For.I, whn wns taken h. present. It is anno,meed tlmt It is expevted nn Orlando hoapttal last week fnr nn the Tenth street paving project apasstloa is reported to ba lapro-rla-g, will l*o enmplt-t,',! II,Is month and news that her ninny friends will la- '.|s-in.l to the traveling pulilie l,y the pl,.|,M,*,l tn 1,'iini. Drugs : Toilet Articles : Sundries tlrst of NOVI'IIIIHT. PURINA FEF.I) IIKAIKH ARTFKS l'r..f A, .1. <;< Igor, ncrieulliiri* al lliiiley's. Candy : Cigars : Etc. t.-:,.-11,-r In lhe Ht. Clond M.IIOOIH, left t.slnv for dallies, ill,', where he Mi nn.l Mrs. H. \V. Ln,key left Chew it after will n.i'iH wiih tlie Higiiin i'i,i Frater­ mm ,.,i Monday tor thalr old home every meal nity .*, n.i spaad lhe week ellll. in HI. rh,ml. Inking a sleainei' l*. Baranoah' Thay will probabl] arrlra It altmalalea Prescriptions Filled by Registered Pharmacist U ('. Kiddle, Ilentist, Conn lliillduig. in It <'l I Sa I ,II*.I.*I ., . sppriiie anal Appoint liH-nts nude. tl DBuciot s KIPK AMI SWEEP • 14a olgrstlon. II makes yonr ttr. nn.l lira. W. ll. II.MI.I- retained I.RIMKS (.OI.11KN APPLES. II LIIS. lili „,*. I, in.i ii , iii. in nni i. uli in. where '.'.'><• al llailej 's. food do you more tbey spent ss-raral weeks visiting. good. Note how Best Cold Drinks in the City while away In*, took a s|*e.ial Ml*, and Mis William llriillnii III­ II relieves tbal stnlfy IceUaaj e.Hirse ill Klis-trielil Tliela|M'llli('S. III eil Mi.luin, fltMB < 'It'vclflli.l. (thin. alter hearty calls, a. Thay ara wiii, Mrs. Qao. Dawhlns, • kHHl>i. Icoth, Colorado*- I.etlllel' III M:.n. slat i* ..ii ivis.-.iiisiii a,* ,,.'1 12th I ... - a I « • • M;;r!.. I \ ::,,„,-,.,. »lt street. breath a.d II*. the uuuu*/ VOU US FOK SERVICE Mr. an.i Mrs. ]i. 11. Hull returned I" SWEET .11 111 SECKI.E PEARS 'in its t ], - * 11- NI. »'i..ii.i hoi m laturday at Itailey's. i, a rip to I.,,IIII Haras*. Panama Piirity , it, sod points ..n HI. Andrew! liny, Miss I.e.nia Itei i wim n.-w n ft/sat nortda. lives in Tampa, i.m who wns formerly Package Roberson Pharmacy am. Hi:: Ht. ,' popular If .,..11 hnve "lijlhing t'i sell tell It young la.lies, wns in the eity tlio past L. V. COLEMON, Mgr. ti. Lamb ami he will ,ln tha ri'sl. week vi.iiing win,,

Mr. nml Mrs. llnvid Winkler el TAKE A IIASKET AMI HELP Woosti I*, llllln, llll.l Mrs, 1'. ll.*. .1 nn.l VOIKSEUK TO WHAT MH CAN, .i.iughier, arrlrad Monday. Tiny nre THEN HI; GOT THK REST FOE 14 ,WfWWfW^ ii-rim** on COBB, iiveiiiie and llth Hi. I 101' at Kuilcj's.

rOl'NDS Specials - SATURDAY, OCT. 4 - MONDAY, OCT. 6 1'OI'NDS (.RAMI .ATF.II Main Grocery & Market (iRANT'l^ATKI) KVKKV MOKSKL OK THIS |<*OOI> Sugar AMI EVERY ITEM SOIJ> IS IS MOD I Mil Itl'KKUl Sugar The Largest Retail Grocery-WHY? The Mnin Murket housewife It pMI without Mjfe-g ttHl "very I.n,iws her dollur is mora produc­ pnrliVIo of food Wi st*ll ia thorough- tive Hum _at of bar neiKlilior who l.v wli'ilf-sonio mid good -ttfftlllg, We Sell For Less — We Sell Only the Best mny shop elsewhere. The oxiiliinu- iloii is aaaa**, w>* ,i„ a fTtat qoantlty l.iv.iuso it imif-t bo that before it Alien boiiRht Willi oilier goods We Give You Better Service hiialuaaa. which radoces prlcaa sl can h*M*omo I juiit of our .sto< 1*. eiilll'HP.. Win,i I tl,i niii, oilier :.....!-


SWANSIIOWN TOILET I'AI'ER (10c Siie) GORTONS COD FISH CAKES £oL°5., TW„ mm *2Welch'7 s Tomato Catsup»-- il Strike* unyiiliere, **tr„nj: nnd uni- fl 3 pkgs TOILET PAPER - - 21c form itleksi no afterglow. MP PHOENIX MATCHES 1 r Baa 4Wr; TWO F'OR ww| RINS0F_S_o. .071-2 N. Y. DRIED APPLES TWO FOR .14 Per 1 1 1.9 7-\ Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese 33c BEST BUTTER 49c Paakata „ •* I t-c T»O for •*-*'

NO. 2 CAN • 17 1-2 HVliKAItE .31 MORRIS' PORE WHITE LEAF LARD Cl RQ Summers KL Beans TWO CANS FOR .34 IH.III I'lllMI BUCKET ^ |a V U VAIXF.Y PARK, Niituriil Color .. .33 Ob KOI K SIKIMiS NI T OI.KO .28 APPLES FANCY COOKERS, 7c Ib. ?n CAN .15 1*2 r TWO on •11 « IssV-UI^ THREE POUNDS FOR •*» U U FANCY PINK SALMON CANS FOR „ 'OO. 7c PFR CAN AMERICAN SARDINES IIIKIK FOR 20c MEATS (18c Pkr) ROIN1) STFAK Per Pound .... .23 SUN MAID RAISINS iSHe; TWO ;-X)R 30c NO. I III,- PACKAI'F, OK; MACARONI TIIKFF I'OR CIIOK | WISIIRN IMRK CHOPS 23c Per I',mini ...... 35 CHOICE rone BOAR »He Per Piirliiife P,T Found ;. ... .23 All l.!Klit Menl. 2Kc prr can cr Record Tuna Fish TWO CANS FOR 'OO 3 Minute Oat Flakes TWO FOR ... BUT ROW'' OF IfFF.F 18c P,T Iin .13 1-2 BISCHOFFS COCOA ,m,, Hr.,,;., COVE OYSTERS Will 11: SUA I R LARGE No. 2 CIIII, '.TN* per sail I7H. PER CAN SKIN F\N< \ ONE l.l! TWO KIR CAN -- .21 TWO FOR .35 Olt ONIONS Per Ut. .07; I III:I I FOR BLACKBERRIES 49c IIUOWN 20c


problem, i* o.t either meat tka ever In age acreage will produce ju-t g suf- and fro-b vagatnblea, ns tbaaa tra •toward Qaner, ti'-* wife, ntanwoa •*»• creasing food demiiuii- -f • rrr h^****«a i''i nt amount ef meat to -oisinin one liiicli more efficient sources for hU- Slewdnl nnd Anne U, BtVWard, IIIH wife. AVOCADO WILL RIVAL KriinU H I;OO|MT ami Marl.- Htewar' REDUCED PRICES Ing M-i'iiiathms b] a corresponding ta- man. this same acreage planted to nuni fiMHt couauaaption ne cumpa'-i - . i.n it,.-1. ni*. wif-r, min *i."»'>fi II -sicwtirii CITRUS, SAYS , . rea-e of agricultural production of avocadoee, suitably located a- to cli­ to even the cMeeJa; though, of course. and Bllaabeth Steward, bu wlfi. •' ' • * ; tfthef .nereasiiig the mate and son condltiona, ahould fnr theae v\ill always be proiluced in large *i mi a ml Bath ef vmi nre ii* . >*!,, r<* (intrt*d in appaar to tha bin nf een- I»ry (Uaac_aj a"d 9tttott*t I AMrAN acreage of crops or hotter Inrrenae tba Ulah sufficient food requirement., to ipiantltles, especially ler ivrtain lilutnt riled la-reln umiiiiMt you in tha abova Mets'n par acre production through the prac­ support (Up human souls. climatic and soil condltiona, rntiM.'.l cauaa, mi or ber,.r»- the l»t ilny SHU*. Urj cii'iuM*,! JMSSI rri-ivlnc. $1.25 ut Lhrtwrabvr, A. i> 1QIM. tice of a more sc entitic and parked This Illustration is simply aatonlab* Our future iigriculture throughout ( .ml*.. Dry Cl.*iui,,l ..iul l'r,*H*i«l _ .75 f Naana, Wlacon "AH a huniaii food source of aupply," Iroin the soil in perfect form ready and this i- i onaunod by the individual alii; p. K Shaner and Mra, lv K ghaner, his nrlfa, «>f «Iraauabarg, Pan nay Ira nla ; *'. THE B[ST WAY Ji*' cOIltilUHil, 'l In* ;|\ >ic;nl' a proper selection of energy as abonrn by the above com nml Mm. Loota H. Hiinl. hia wife, of M, Cload, Klnrbla: A. i-:. Kannal mal Mra, A potdtfOO, the olive. Tin* fruit carrlaa of -i.n dardiee-] horticultural varletlea, I pa rai Ive Bgnran B, IN nil,-I. bla wiic. ot si. Cloud, Plorlda, The best way to i-et nheatl finnnii.illy is to a caloric value far in excess »»f moat, as well IIS offering a very unusual and We And that Willi but few Bxcep- Mattle !•: Pataraon, of st. Cloud, Klorlda; addad te an tTOLtntyt pi*ott*ln in con­ fa vera hie tield or thO working of and tl. II- li'lsi.r mid Mm. u, li. Latatar, | tions all den*t iy populated areaa of bla irira, "i care of acau Ttra Companr save money today, tomorrow and every ilav. tent of -'.."'. a quantity of kbe htghaal avocado hy -products ns well. i the world, and eepeolally those hi the Mlnu-iHipolla, Mtnnaaota, ami beat known organic 8iiIt \«lues, a Kroin a human food source of sup­ tropics and semi tropics, practice al- >i i imi aaeh of vou ara bareby re liitrh vitamin contaal nmi n dlgaatl* ply the nvoeado stands in the world innsi strict vegetarianism, •iiiir,,i in anpoar to tin' nm uf complaint Put it in a savings bank, where it earns in­ hilit.v M high that even the most Hied UKUbiMt yen in tlic HIIUVF entitled without ji may he .said a single rival, Take, for instance, the population delicate stinimcli run cat almoai any i.ius, mi rn- licfurc tin* 3rd dny of Novcm its nearest being proUddy the banana ' of China, India, Japan, Asia Miner ber. A. t> IWM. terest and, one of these fine mornings, an op­ quantity wit hour ill pff-tvt. This. and in compoattton the olive. Tin1 land Africa ami even snuthein I'uropo, Tha st. Cload Tribune \n hereby gg added to it- e*.'|utsite tlavor. makes •hrnatad as tha nawapa-pai '-i which this more the chemist and dietician studios There are fundamental economic portunity for investment will present itself, the avocado nn inifnitely tuiiiorior sub- order xtiuil be pobllabed onea a araok for the avocado iu the laboratory and | reasons for this. I'rinuirily the elim- *-.[JtUtc tO meat. i seciHiv,. weeks. hospital and sanitarium the more, tnatiou of foml energy wastes a** far lis anil you'll be prepared. "A human food nnd Health Godaesd WITNKM my hand and aaal at offlca amazed ha tiei-onie*- it the wonders of possible l»y the consumption o*f veget­ carrjlng all the elements of nourish­ : nt glulauaae, Oacoola County, Florida, this almost uulielieviil'le horticultural able foiHl products direct by the hn thla tim'toiii day of Saptambar, A D. 1W4, ment, grow thi health and eternal youth man rather than aacondarlly through J, L OVKHSTHKKT, Join the large number of depositors who arc fruit prod iet. dark Circuit Court. rolled into one incxpressivelyy delicl- sonic meat animal. Many analyses Mil \\\. a corporation, i beeidea offering I Held for the work­ known organic s;1lis valuea <>f all Dafoadanti PEOPLES BANK OF ST. CLOUD A-, the populationa of the world In- ing out of valuable ^y-prodocte. fruits : ihat the vitamin content is rerj high, running verj high in vitamin 1. craana it is absolutely nneaannty for I-i Wini!.. rlc Mel.eoit mul Mm Who "The calorie value Of tha avocado b-ri. Mi i.-.ii, in** arlfa. Ho bar I 1*. Biav-iird and alao recoi i atudlea show that this us to eliminate n neat diet and suli* is 1,800 compared to ggo for be. i" nal i I ,,i Mabel II. Si.-Wiiid, liis wife, Harriet frull carries vitamin 0 valms of con­ stitnte -regetnriantan.; eapeclally en* s St< u.,:,i .1 .mn • M, tlmgt r und llalen Mr Relmbnrgar, "allowing the wonder­ siderable amount and Importance; that ful natural food efficiency «.f the the dlgeatlblllta of this fruit is so blgh fruit. By comparing the paeturar l»i. rapaci-ty of *i flvan acreage, and the Ihat even tie- ino-t delicate stomach j.*,.-iii -nf time ii lakes in raiaa ii can partake .d ii iu almost any marketable steer, to the poaalble yield quanttt) without any known dellterloua affect, As a Bnal taot even infant s Of the same amount and land planted can e-ir thjs fruit in moderate amounts to avocadoee, it hai been discover.ti (conaddering its rlehneaa as to hi-_h that m. -iven ftcreaga win pro- fat content), Wonderful, is ii vary dnce just a sufficient amount of meat U) sustain om* num. this BUM ;niv conservative expreeaion iii ties, i ibinu age planted to avooadoos, rattably lo this fruit but in addition the BVOCadO eat ed as to i lim ate and Poll condi­ carries an exojUlaitO fltoVOf all its nwn. tions, -houM furnish sunn-lent food olive-like and nutty; a aalgd and fruit requirement! to aupport 640 human comblnad; Uu gvecedo is Infinitely souls." better ihan a sul«titutc for tnant, A hitinan food and sMfilth Hod-sent car Whereat, (approximately 98 per rent. Min- all the elements nf noui i**hi'innt, In pasturage r'"'»! energlea la lest, a*> growth, health ami eternal youth eerdlng to itatlattca, Mr, Helmburgei relied in une Inexpreealrely dolicloua HUtid. tlo- avocado producei a tremend­ ft nir product Hi for a king, ous direct frnin tin* aotl nei yield of ] have d"in* a lillle liuuring on tbe human food par acre, all of which is BtdOi *.h"'-\" i r i _r i he WOttderful natural consumed as food, with a c-orreapond- f r i _r cl im in.'it imi ot the tremendoua efficiency in human, food production w.iste nf energy found tn the meat that la ahowu iu the gvoendo, in t-•nn- products of beef; both having high caloric values, i. e. 1,300 and 880 reapecttvely. Our future a„! .culture throughout I have never aaaa inob a com­ the world will really reso|\,' ii-*.-!; parison aa this rondo before In writing into i in-w and extended horticulture and the Bgnrea produced nre really with avocado culture ranking 0T0t> ahly tirsr." he concluded. aatoundtng. Ottf beat authorities state that eight Following ia the addfuag mad'' by acraa of average pastnrace is reipiirctl .Mr. Ileimliuri-er Ia-"t night over The tO keep an iidnlt meat animal, it ro- Times radlai qnlring fron three to four yeara to The product* of the tropica have produce a marketable steer. Am. a begn greatly lacreaaing in tbalr rule iln' animals will dres* out ai abOVt economic Importance and value to man r<0 P-t'r eent. in his advancement in civilized life The writer is taking Into ronatdotn- during «he paal half century, inn none tioti that the peaturage carrying of theae many neeeaaar*' essential pro­ capacity in ternu "t IJM- -t.,«k is based ducta and luxnriea can ba nld to hear largely ou die alse and age "f the Help Florida's Greatest Industry To *iuitc ii< great aa aconomk impor* animals ixiuy pastured thereon. tance and fin ure promlae eepei tally <'onse.jiieiitly we will arbitrarily place i us a prime human food and health es. IH arvea •••- the r.-.|iiircniciit in pae-tUT* v I sent lal offering poealbllittea of im- age to produce '****' pounda of meat in - Pay Real Dividends EVERY Year S'I'I' yieida cavnelug prae- one year. ttaallj the entire year aa tha aoaaou of In other wi.nis, it will require the production, than tha fruit product-, of groaa pasturage products grown on 16 • tree native to tropical lunhrica, acrea to produce •"•|M| pounda of com* eampbor, aaaaafrM menial meal in ;, year's tine, Anybody can ship green fruit these first weeks and • ml cinna mon, ;t BM_absf of the J Aa already stated tba avocado ranks botanical family Lauraceae and genua higher 'ban probably any «.rhcr known fjet a few hi|-h dollars. That may not be difficult. Paraea, THE VVOCADO fruit iu hunniii food producing raluoi The cultivated ntcaea of tbo with au average fai content of 83 avocado, all native uf tropical Amer* P-T eent. with :i» ftveiTigB of some fl But the far-sighted shipper—he who works for future Id (Mexico and Central America ns per "nt i arbohydratee, and about _'- wall as Mouth America i arc now protein, poaaeaaiog dlgaatlva cc-*aff1cL divided Into two diettnet -'roups, |, e,. ent rnluea far greater than any of as well as present profits—will not. r Americana and !». drymlfolla; Laa our ni'-;,t funds and auperioi probably t "iincr Including mi horticultural to all VcL'ctalilc and fruit products. coming from the Weal In­ Becauae "f 'be wonderful prollflcneaa He knows that green fruit kills the interest of the con­ dian and f.uati'inalan aWaa -•nerally of the avocado under favorable cli­ known aa the Wont Indian race, and matic ainl -oil con-lit ion***, "ib'ic j- a sumer and trade north in Florida fruit. thoee v ni letli oi Iglnatlng in the Uext- grant poaalMUty of antanelva com* ran highland! oi Mexican race; thaaa meri'-al hurt ieiiltural doveiopmenl in The Florida Citron Ex­ two racaa of avocadoea can pn readily ibe e\pbiitat ion of this fmii. change guarantees all He realizes that green fruit helps drop the bottom out distlngnliihed by tbe very .strong nnd With an estimate nf pi treea to the ft ait shipped as Staid- pronounced anlae odor that can ba acre a ud ."'rt • [tound*; annual produc­ detacted by crushing In tbe hand the tion of fruit per tree tbls givef an gen sweet to conform to the of the market for the balance of the Florida crop. young growth and team of the iiicni- production of fruit amounting <" no,-* spirit ofthe law against bera <>f tha Mexican race fP. drymlfo­



WOTK'K OF SIICHM I *i HA I.R BUSINESS DIRECTORY LEGAL NOTICES NOTICTD is HRURRV IIIVRN, That un- «flM»IMHMhMM»HMMMMlMIMMIMMMMMMM» M •ler and by virtue ..f .HI execution Uaulnv id* 11* I I 1 II |. II I *»*l-*-SH--*l*^+-l**1***H*-l"» "ill of the r ' '. • .-• . . _„*,_ ; •*-• .>,,,.,.. ,* KI.ICrTlO*. ri*aeiili,tl*i,, Hi Iho iln t ii r- na r.'.iulr. tv. Floridu. on tii" Ith duv of August. *T IIOI.I.IMiSWOKTII X UKKSIOItll WHIOKKAM. Tl..' IrfsldStUr. y 11.1. it. n,„ (;,,v."n.,r ah-, 11034, OU a certain llnul judt'tiienl thendu ! T .I.T II.. < ...ialll.lll.,11 »f .* ItSt. Iiylthli, .. ,!... .*...... „,,,_„ •••-I'iii ('barlea n Marsh waa V Conlriuti.r*, mid I.nil.I.r. of I'-l'T.n.i. dl.l |.u.« ...,* ...... ,.,s ,,..,,.,„, ..,. tb. r.*xiil«r at-asl.tni. cull tl,.' I,.' ,1 philntirf nud Joseph gorrell, Iflnh Kcrn-U proposing ....'•'"I'.' -.',*< 1" I*,'* ,-„,iainnii'.,i i..4.ihcr In (-strier-Hnary «.*,l->n t.i aud Bllaa Iferrell were defendants, and Ilo. HI.", SI. Omi, I'la. ..f th.*' ,.f riorida. ami tii- ssrao iv T.- ooaal'oi- tba quaitlo,|ii.'all»n ..•r whl.di aald judgmenl IMI tb>- MI ti day of SSTSSd t". l>y *> v,*!*- *'•" ,l,r*',' llftlia ,»f „ll and iucb extraordinary K.-MHI-.H ..f th,. August) UBi, wai tranacrlbed In tha Clr- • I 11111 im-f 11111111111 in III,, uiailllH'IM ,'l.'.-,.-.l ,'. ,*...,I li.iiia.-; Laal i lat ura la her.-by muiidatorlly p*. t'uit Court racerdB of Osceola County, it.,, rotas ".. -.•'.I Jolnl Resolutions were 'inir.'-l In reapportion the repreHpntatloii Vlorlda, and r r.ieil |tl it .,,k <' Judg- OSCEOLA COUNTY SBtSrsfl iiin.ii lli.'lr r.'H| llv J.i.iriiilt,, ua required h.v thla antaodaiOBl before Ita meiiia transerlbed, Paga ft_, I have levied lli.-y on mul AIIi aall before the Cearthoues KIIIIII1S * STEED Willi ,1," v.'.,. nn.l inly, tli.-r ...I .!. adjournmont luml aueb oatraoriHnary aoa* .11.1 H.-t. . ...H..' .....I .llr.'.l l>i,t tb, .:ll>1 -Ion no called for reaiiportluuineut ahull door, In Klealmnieo, Klorlda, diirlni** the .1 ,,li.t K.-H..I.,, I.... s li.. ttiilnultr.'.l to tbe iej*al honra of mile, on Ihe Ot h ., Hi.' stnt.- ,t th.' ,l"i,.* Mao- ••"' be hinil.-il tn expire nt the end nf October, UKM, tame being a Hub- Day tl.ui In .N.iv.'iul.t'r, '..21. twenty ..r ut nil, until roapportloa of aaid Court ull (lie right, title nud In­ •••ats 11 sad 12. Stat* Bsak «l*s NOW. THERM-ORB, I II. rl.AY lliviit la OsTaeted. und aball t aider gg terest of I Blab Kerrell In and Ui (In* fol ,'HAW I-',lilll. s.'.'r.Hnrv of BtStS ..I* 111** buwlneau other fhun HII, It raappoI Mun lowluii deecrlbed property In Usc-**ola KJssliamea, Florida Htute nf Kl.irlHil, do hereby ..." notlct* aimnl). rounty. Klorlda, to-wlt: Tax Notice tin, u JOl-NT ItKHOI.IITION I "i "inirtio-* Lots KUty eight (US) ami Seventy-ae-ren l.r.MMU. KI.KCTION A miiii.-jK to Boctloa l f Article tt (771 of Kectlon Twenty thr<*«* (U:t), Town- will I..' Iiel.l In tsoh r., In 1' l"< ' I i on of -**'" ^~ i..; *.:•.. ', i-_.«, ;._.'.j-c Thirty lira jl'iti tteiatlog to laiatloii and Klnrnce. (.Ull Knat. Deed at coat of purehaaer. ELLIS r. DAVIS. day In **...>rmbof A D, UM. tit* a-lil lie It U.-aolvi'd by the I.eHlalnture of the Turmlay h«*lnj" thu Slute of Klorlda: I.. It FAKMKH. Alton,,'*, At Lav, Ii.i Kill HAY Of SIMKimKK Tha* th" f.,lbi\vliiir auiendment of Sec Sheriff of Oaceola County, Klorlda Klsslmnwe. riorida. for tii,. ratltli'tilliin or rpJ-Ttlon ••" the tl.Mi 1 of Artl.-le 11. uf the fonit Itnl mn ,.f Kills r. I>.ivW. Attorney fur plaintiff. •Ufflras In Bank ot O-ceoU Count; an l.l Jo lui Roaolutloai propoainn araeoo tin* Slit,. uf Florida, relutliii- to iii;iii,ni ____ Sept. 4*Oot 2. llit'illl to Hi.* I ullHl Itllllull of tll>* Stlt*» Ilf nn.l linn or,*, la hereby mrreed to mni ahull OTICE is hereby given that Hulldlnf l-lorula. via; *, • of \|>iill.-nil.>n for Tax li.i-.l Ovll—Chawer/—Crimlnlal Practlc* be auhraUted to ti l«cto*-a of th.* nut* N->tlca IN hereby given, thnt William foi'nir l iid>pri.,ii i or -rejection :,i the noxl aaa* ..innii-H. purehaaer of Tax Certificate No. the Osceola County Tax A JOINT ItKHOH'TlDN I* min*.* In* »" In Hi I'-'lioii <,f Hi-preai-iitutlvcs. to be h<-*UI • •'HI dated the dth day nf June A. D. 1IK.1, N' Amoadii t to Arttcla IX of th.* cmiaruii tion • y ar |9M* thnt la to nny, that Re haa tiled aald ci*rllUe:ite In my office, and tlon of tin* Itata or Klorlda. lt«*latlv« to the f J. Artli-b* 0, of the ( *>.lt-| 11 lit of hue mule BPptlcatloO for tag deed to Tn nation and Kiminc*-"-. _ _ 'at i .»f Florida, lm .uu. mi. .| t_ read laaue ln accordance with law. Snld Books tor the year 1924 will open fat John.,on. u. P. it.* If Kooolrod hy tbo I.OSUIII-MTO of th* •an miiowa: eartlfloata embracea tho following de- suit., of Florida: s'" I I. Tho I.Csflalntiue almll provide eerlheil property, eltuate-J tn Oareola JOHNSTON * (1AKRETT, That tlio followlna aiupudmpiit to Arti­ or ii milfirni and eiiuul rula of taxation, County. Klorldn, to.-wit : Lota ** and u cle IX of tin* nuiHtltutlon of th** State of exce|,i thu It may provide for apeelnl rate of Hlock 117 Ht. Cloud. The iald land for collection on November 1st Attormrs-at-La—. Klorlda rolttiYo fi Tuiallon mid Kluanre i»r rafoi on Iotangible property, but audi being aaaeaaed nt the date of laaiiAnee 1 to be noatbored Sectl«»n Ktpvrn (III *o Bpaelnl t.u.. „r rut.-a ahull nut ei.',-,-.l rive of *:i 1,1 cert III cute In Ihe mime of 11. 1'. 10. 11, .n.i 12 t'.lttacna Ban. aald Anlil." IX. lie and tho mrtio la here rullla on tbe dollar of the aaaeaa.-il valua­ Uanuees, Vuleaa aaid cnrtiilcate *»hu.l Bulldinc. Ktaslnuaso, lla. by nur I to :ind ahull 00 aubmUtpil t» tion of auch liihii.-lhN. property, which he redeemed ai'cordlug to luw, tex deed I am now ready to furnish esti­ Ihe fl.'.t.i-i of tin- St«i.* at tho ireneral ipoclal rut.* or ratea, or the tinea col- will lar-iie thoroOO *in the 11th day of election to be held oa the ..rat 1 u**ad»y lectod therefrom, inn? be apportioned t.v October A. lb IIK I . lifter tba 1-rnt Monday In November. A the I.Mi-ialnture, nnd ahull he BXCluNive of I) HM, fur i iMilriill-m or rejection, to- ill prher Stnte. r ty. dialrlet and J. L. OVHRSTRKKT. mates of these taxes. In writing Mti's; and ahull prearrlbe am-h Clerk Circuit «"niirt, Oaceola Co., Florida. Local Representative Boetloa 11. Ho tai upnii hiherltaueea or rej-nl itloiia aa ahall a.-cun* a jimt viola­ •apt U Oct. :i I ,,M-liHs upon the jiiroiue «»f naldeuti >.r i-itl-**n-» tion of nil property, both real and per­ .,!' Ihla HtHta ahull be U-vleil hy the Statu gonal, rxeentlnir BUcb prupertv aa mny be Notl-n* nf -tp|illi-ii I bm for Tax I>e*it about taxes, give full description New York Life Insurance Co. of Klorldn, ar ler Ita and exempted by taw for minihlii-i), -.diica- Notice In hereby (riven, that V. B, I>oUjt- tbire Plnill be oxi-mpt .mm tinntion to tlon, literary, ae.ciitl.U-, rclltrloua or bis, ptircha-ier of Tus tVrtllicnte No. iYlt, SAM L. LUPFER Ihe head of a f.imlly real-Mag Irt this State, charlUble purpnaea. dated the JUh cbiv of July A. 1». 191\ hns honnehold ffoOdfl and in-i-minnl effect n Th,* rotoa egat In compliance with anld tiled Hiild certificate In my office, and has of your property and enclose post­ rho-a2>2 KiMlramaa Fla. propoaed amendment a. and the eauveaa, made a pi), [ration for tar deed to Issue lhe talua of Five HUM.In*.1 it-VMl.tMl Pol­ (tecla rat loaa and returna thereof, ehatl ba lura. In sceordanee with law. Snld certtfloat*? lubjected to lhe la-me riiRiilatlona ntul rc^ emtiraceii the foiinwlnnr described proper- •trlctluna aa aro provided by law for ifen* tv, Hltuaied in Oaeaola County, Florida, to- age. 2 °/o discount will be allowed eral eleciiona In Ihe Stale of Klnrlda. St. Cloud Lodf* No. Ul JOINT lEKMOI.DTin.N' ITnpoatna an wlt: TKST1MON . U IIKKKIIF I .nv,> Lots 10 and 20 of Hlock 'JS1, St. Cloud. r.lA.BL AaioBdaiant t" Arti.le VMI of the Con- lioreuuto aet my hnnd and affixed the Tbo snld laud being "• -••*-• d ut the date Htltiitbin of the Stub* of l'lorida, relative Qnet Baal of the state of Klnrlda at of the i-Hiiai,. .• of said certllb'Hte in tbe on all taxes paid during November Mee ta aeeond and tonrt* (0 -Tltli-a nud I'olintlea. Tallahaeaec.. the I'npilnl, thla the twenty- Bo •' Keanlv.'ii by tho I.eRlahiture of thn tlflti day of July, A. I>. liut. name of J. Buckley. Rstate, T'nlesa said •Crl-Jay eTenlng eaeb (Heal.i II. CLAY CHAWFOUD, rortlllcate Bhall be rede«>tned aeeordlni- ta State or Floridu: Inw. tas dead will laaue thereon on thu month. Tlmt 111" f.dlnwlin- aiiieildiiient to Aril- Bacraeary ->f Btmte, rin VIII tif the CoitatttattoU of tbo State Uth day of October. A. O. 11>24. UPPER a. A. H HALL J. I.. OVBRBTRBBT, of Florida rolattra to cltlea aad cononoa Noll,.- of AapUeotloa for Tnx Ileed Clerk Circuit Court. Osceols Co.. Klorldn. W. POBfTSE, ffonbtpfnl Maatrr t.i tba iHimb.-r.-ii Bectlon t» of anld Aril Notice \4 hereby slvco, that It. EC. Down Sept ii Oct. u. C. L. BANDY L. IJ. /IMMKKM .V Hecretarj cle VIII, be nnd tha Nairn* is hereby iif-r 1 lug. purehaaer of Tax Certlfloate No WS \oliie of'on fur T:i\ 1-M#*«I Vlaitlnc Brothers WVIrama to and ahull be aiibmlt b*d to Iho elect.ira dated the 5tb day ot .1 .\ D IBM, bna i.f tin* Stute ,it tin* acnenil elertb.n to be tiled aul.I certifiesU iu mv office, and hsa Notice U Kcrsby Irlven, that W, H. Taw Collector. held on the flrat Tueadny after the Bral inni,, application for tai deed t.i Issue In Moniluy In November, A. I>. !»-(. for ordunea with law Bald certificate enj i.mvMin, pnrchaaai of TBI Certtllcata ratlfleatlon or rojoctlon, to-wlt: hreeea th,' foiinwing propsrt-* alt tinted in Nn. iL'iiii datad tbe 2nd day <>f July] 1. O. O. K. Btetlon it Tb<> tefflalaturo ihall hava Oseenla County, riorlda, t" wU i Lol * A. I> 11M7. has Med said CBTl Ideate in power to a tea fellah, eaaaao and nboiiah a fetoel MS, Laks Front Addition ta Ht. 1 Ht. rloiirt Ivodg* Ureal nTornaiont extendi na territorially Cloud rbs aald I «• J behia asaeseed ut my oltii* . nnd has UUHIO application thru ML-ii,.ni JHIVU . County iii tba placa of taa itate uf the laannnee of aald certificate Nu. tW, 1. O. O. I fot tai daad to issm* in aooerdanca nil county, diatrlet, taunlelpal nnd bx-ul In the nun i II. II. Coble. Ciiteaa aald with law. Hulit certlfleata sssbraoaa 'ii. <•!• every Tue* go-ermnonta, boarda, bodlei aod offlclnla, eertlil.'iiti' ahnll be red nod acoording to day evening U co u at It u tlonal or atatutory, leglalotlvo, aa* law, tax d i will laaue thereon on the th.- followlag described property, sim MMMMMI1MHMMMMMI »M»I' >*»*»*•»»*€•» »•»»»»•»•*• acutlva or judicial, and ahall prescribe tbe -•L'U.i day .if September. A. lv "''• gted iu OsCOOiB County, Klnrida, to- t). t\ ardg gubdlvtgion of Lota •••* v, I.. & I. uui- All vlalt boarda, UM nod nfftclala; to divide the territurv Included in iueh gorernmenl Aag. i'i .s.'jit. i^ .i. L, o. Company's Addition t<> tflashnmaa ing brothepg weleome. Into aUDordlnata dlatricta, aad ta pra* City, Thu said land JuMug BBBBBBBd P, t. H.M.I.. N tl. a-M'i'" n tost nmi reasonable ayatnai ot nt the dun* of tin1 IstuutiU'e of eahl inxniive f..r anch govommenl aad dia BSOIBTBATIOM NOT1CK r'ltaDKHIC STKVrJNH. trlctaj •• Mr.iim- nud future bonded la- Ni.ti.'.- is b.T.'bv Kiv.'ii Hint lhe Reg certificate In tba mime of \v. Blanch del incaa ahull 1"' I remain detlnltely Is tra tlon Books r.n- OBceola County, Klor­ urd. Dniaea ssld eartlfloata ahall ho DA! (SITTKItS OV 1(1 Ml U VMS in nr.<.i ;III,I taxabla liability; a honoatoad lda, win be oi it ti ffi t tha redeemed according :•' luw, lux dead In a rural area almll noi !».• ibuit,.d ua if Supervisor of Beglstratlou of Oseoela Mils ANTO1NKTTB IIAUItIS, N. O. in a <-itv or town: but no laglalatlon under County, Plorlda, Moadsy Aagusl 4. A. l>. win ii-suo tbereon tn the istb day Mltw .MMA i itKNcn. s.i retary. thla IOCtlon •.imii be efltectlve until i ma or.-t, ami will close Saturday, Oel r n. of October A. D. i!>--* j.irltv nf tba electora tu th.* eoouty, who St. Cloud Lodge, DatiKhlcra of Re- almll voto i t an ilectlon for the unt, J, L. OYKRtTBHBT, City Tax helciili meet everv m-eonil ami fourth pnrpoeo, and who ara auallfled to vote 'i ii a Registration Ifooka in each Bias Clerk -circuit Ceiitt. Oflcaola Co., Fla. for membera of tha legtaiotura, ahnll vote tlnn District in ths county, will be opaa Heiit. IS Get. Ill*p*l Monday In the OuM r«_U«ra Hull. Vial tu favor "f aucb lealalatlon. Monday. September B, IBM, nnd will OlOfla tora Weli**ome Bstnrdey, October n. vvt. rlhHs* »I ,\|i|»lii*i,ll„n for Tav I>«*«! A JOINT BEBOLI ri(t.\ rr.i|Mi»!ng nn M\ peraona who are 81 years of aaa aad mend in en t to krl Id • IS, He-rtleo IT, of ihe Beet, and who are eltlaenB nf the L'ultod Ni.iici* i** hereby fWen, Unit .1, F. Walter Harria Stataa, and who boss beeu residenta of (jtter, purehaaer nf Tnx Ceriiliriite Conal ll ut ion of Hi St. f Klorlda. Be- ths Btste of Florida for tha paal twelve ri I -MI.KK la Una to tin* laaua *e of Honda by S| iul iu.iniin. .md of the County of Osceols No. SM, datad tka "nli d** "f June Taa School niatri and the 1,,-v \ of a (Jeneral HouoelmM Klxturao for tha 1 for tbo past six months, are cut it led to ,\. n. IH*-I-. haa it i.-.l sni,i certlfleata enta Sinking i- 1 f< rpglatcr. W C 11 IBB, I'rliK-lpal in my office, and lms made applica­ Notice I.utb Room Payment sf tba rn mi pal and I liferent Supervisor of Registration, Tin of ttu i leeeola I "ounty, Plorlda tion f'.r lux Hi'iil to laana In m-enrd- TIN WORK llo It lb*,ol l.v the I,.-;;ialature of tin* .111..' INHlll _W. Sili.l ,-,*lHilil*ll|l* illl Near 10th and Florida ATO SI; f I'I. >i Ida: N'ntire of ApplicalUin for Tu\ DaBri Thn* tin' followlag ameadmen-t af s**c- \idii i' i hereby gtveiii tftwt .inim braces ths tollowlni daacrppafl proper. it-.ti 17 of Article fi of tUe Constitution s lv, KIIIIIII.'.I in IIS.T.IIII ('.Mint,,, I'lnr- ..r taa Bute or riorlda, ai rs tilled Bt the /I. Johnatoa purehaaei of Tag (Vrtif- Osaeral Blectlon or RepreBoatatlvefl bold i.l.i. I.iivll: 1,,'t 21. Illin-k IM, Sl. OTICE is hereby given B. C. HARTSJRT. i.:iro Nu M.I, (17 tiiiii TOO datad tba In tbo fear IBIS he and the name in here r.iii daj of Juno A. i». 1099, bus Wed Qood. 'I'ln- MI iii luml iH'inu nswswHl bl agreed to nnd «lmll be nubmltted in the ni tin* .imp ..f iss,nni... ,.r sni.l ,,'iiif- N that the St. Cloud City Hardware. I-arming elector! ,,t ib.- Btata at the neit Oeneral sniil oartifleatea iu my offlcBi ntul bus Kl.-ction ..f RepreaentatWaa to lw held iu matte application lor tux daad to is­ i,-7,1.- iii Illi* nnilli' ,.f Tft'iislln-r Sl;il„ iii,- rest IB24, f.-r rat Idea tlon or rejection, .f Florida. I'ni.'ss sniil eartlfloata Tax Books for the year Paiiita, oils, aad Vanlabea. Thati Mill.) Bectlon 17 ahall be amended sue ill SCFOtdailC* wiih law. S;iiil eo MM t«> raad aa follow*: certlllcataa embrace tba following de* shnll ba redeemed a-*,-,ir,linn; t„ lnw, Bectlea I". The LejtlelMlurc nia.v provide siriin'ii property, situated In tlaceots ,;,T ii,',*.l will |..'i>* ilici-,*iiii on tlie 1924 will open for collec­ for Bpedal tea achool district** to I aaaa i OUnty, I'lnriiln. fn wit- : In. In l.xti, .im- „f October A. D. UM bon.1-4 for ihe SKcluslVB aaa of public free Oartlflcstta Mo, 440; i.m :;i in (Vrti- J, I.. OVKRSTHF.KT, tion on November 1st. I REAL FSTATB *>, iinui*. uiiii.u any auch apoelal tut acheel diatrlet, whenever n majorltv ef tba quell Beata No. 447, af tti*- laataela Laaul Clark i in nil 0 1. (Jweolu Co., Flu. Hw or Write ib>d electora thereof who nre freeholders und Invest im*nt Company's SiiUlivl Si'lH. is l l. I. 111. IM. am now ready to furnish • tiiii vote in favor "f the loaaaa t saah HUUI of nil except \>-_. Bf NW'1,. B W. II. Mil I.SOM bonds, imt no bonds Nhnll bo laaued her.' NOTICE KOK KIWI, I»l>( II Mit.K tion ii*. Ttrwtmhip •_'•; Booth, Rang nn.I.i which "hull exceed, (.mother with in tba t'nurt of of County J-od-gBi estimates of these taxes. Bl Cloud riorldh ilo- »_latliig Indebtedness •»f auctt speetal SO Baat. kino l*ni HW in OertlBeaia State of riorlda. tax achool district '-t» per eeat ..r the la No, Tim. uf tin- iSi'iuinuli* 14tml nud *.«sp,i •.„i, r iti.- tsxabla p^perty <>f in taa Knit f siihM'.v vit-rs. da- In writing about taxes, give mi. h .iiit ri, t acoording to tin* bint ns invi'sinciii Cnmpany'a iulslleiBton of ii--n.iii.oit fnr Mtotc and County purpoHesj all fractional except Lake Fronl Ad* paaaad, I t-aceolj I lountr. IK. ft S. .lOXRH, irler to ths lOBUlUg of mirli Anv dltlun, Heetlon l. Township fM Bouth, Nut i.c \u h«*n*|iy i;ivi-n, tn nil whom full description of your 1-ifiif.cil Cliir|iracIor lomiM tn« I hereunder ahall become pay- il llliiv rmiri'lll. tbsl "li tin* JOtti c:irs In Orlando. Lady aftcniUnti naaanca in annuel I natal inent a which Tba aatd land being aaaaaaad a| tba ef November A ,I>. 1034 I shall apply property and enclose post­ , nii.i.I. (.* X r;i> »*i|iii|iinriit. 4th floOc, ball ei'iuuience nol mors thaa three reara tn tbe Honorable T, i. Comer, Jadge 1 after the dat*> <>r lasue Kii'-h annus) In iluie of Hi" is.-iiiin. o of aald certlfleata Yo\sVllI)rcw Illdff.. OrUnde, Fla. in ihr name nt i>. Imlth, )- Hamilton of -niii Court, n**- JudgB of Probata, age. I ft discount will be St. CIU.MI nffire, Tha Haven, 8th and stallt_ m shall I"- nol lasi then thr* •• pec eent .,f iii,> total II NUHI nt of the Issus and P, it. Ilpe. Unless aald ci'iiiii- for my Anal dlacharga aa Bxacutriai Maaa. ave. Office hourg 3 lo 7 p. «„ When.'i.r .my BBcfa •pedal t ;i x BChool dli* QBta tht ii be ledeeflMd seoacdlai t<> nt' the oatate of Sidney Vlere, dereaaed, allowed on all taxes paid Tueeday mil Saluniay. ri. t iii. rotsd iii levor of too loeoance of mni Mint al tin' aame time l will pre­ nii.'ii bonda a Bpeclal taa fcr tha peymeel law, tux daad win issm* ttwreoo on of th.- int.-1.'it .in said boada nmi ths iim IMII day of October A. i>. i;i_i. sent my Inal seeavnts ns •ncntrli during November. principal thereoi as the aame ahall b nn* J. I.. OVEKSTRBBT, nt **;ihi aetata snd Bab Pot their .-»i•• - due iiml pavaldc. nhall bo levied on the proval. ' tn XIIbie property within tna district vat Olevk Clrcull Court, Oareoli t'o.. Klu. loir for i ii.i i Issuance iu accorilauee with •apt U Oct, ifl j. II. ,i. Dated Sept. mix r 18th, A. l>. l-»_l law, provTdtna for the levy ef taiea aad M.vrtv i: rimMAs, mieh taa nhall noi be applied to any pur Bept hNi.i. o , st. Cloud. aaaa other thaa the payment al taa NOTlCsB Or i i i t I'ION p ri nri i mi ami Interest of asld boada. i" tha Sheriff of Or-rt-ohi County, af tbo In thr (nun of < niinty JIUIK*'. Stute John B. Collins Ro it Knowa. Thai I. ir. ciai CraarfaH of I llHI.Il A JOINT RBSOI.UTION rrnpimlinr an •Ntrratari _f Btata of tha State o( riorlda in ihe _Nate of fannle K. Periav Aini-iMliiH'iiT of S.-.-111)11 :i nf Arti.l,' T at da hereby give notice that a s.m dacaaaad, Oaeaola County, Ttw Collector. ihi* r.iiiiti.iitinn "f ti»" eWatsi «»r riorlda, OBMRRAL RLBCTIUN iti'iiitinix t.i Caaaua utni -apBerttoniaant, Mill ba held la Oacoola Couaty Btota af Notice IM hereby uivcn. te all vh-3_s n» it i.i'K'.iv.-,! i>v taa _*flatatura of the florlda, on Xaoodar aoil attcvoadlag the it mny i-nncfi n. that Ul tba \'Mb day Slut., al l-'loriilH : III-HI M.nuiiiy in Rovoanbor, A. D. II^JI lh.' oi November -V i». cui. i thtXl np- •aid Tuoadaj ii.-ini- iii,* 'i"imt i ii.. r..n..w iiij- anaadBMnt »f Her- ply In thn Ilnlinitlhlt' T. L, Cmui'f. ti,iii | of Arttcl.* 7 nf tin* I'-itihtliiiti-ni *>i Fourth Dli **t Xov*mUe*r tii,- Btata of l'"i.irirl I. MI tiu-uf. he. nnd thw -iMtili* In. i*or onr ROD roaa ola tiro of th.- re a rth Probate, tor my bwal dlacharga ns h.Ti'liv ii^i-.'.'.i In nml nhall li*> inlninti .-.I t ongrraolooal iHrtit-in of thi* state or riov* Bxeearor of Uka aatata <>i Paiinta M. ta tha "lactori <>r tin* Btata nf riorlda f«r i'ln. in thn Sixty ninth Cuiif-maK of th* aopreval '»r r^jt'i'iinn at' ih«* aest Oaa«flal Daltod siatt'r*. INargnaoa, daasaaads sad thut nt tho ^•••••••••••eeeeee^ 11 > M I it** i •••••••••i IM !<•••••••• ri,-, 11.", nf it, IM • •-, i.i 111 -'- tn ba in*id nn Fnr Qorornor of ihn State of Florida. •ama time i will prassafl wnj iimii m- thn tlrnt Tn.-ailii** iift-T th.> Drtl Monday Fi.r Bo-rotary .,r stnt.* ,.f tho Stule of coaata sa Bzecutot oi _s!d aatB-ts sod iu BToroanbor, A. U. IBM; thnt U tn anv. norldo. thnt Boctloa -•> "f Artlcla 7 nf th.* Con* n-.k I'm Iinir BpproTaL Btitiitiim »f ilu* Btata of riorlda ahull in* Kor Attorn, -y Qonrnl ..f th- Ktiih* of Dated I8tb »>r Bept A, i>. BARGAIN SIBSCHIPTION OFFER ! riorMa THK RIGHT CUT •Uiondoil I" mml an fnllnwn: tt. w, FITKUHUH, Rxafator, Bartlon S. Tho I.^t-lnlninr-* that -hull ror Comptroller of th** etato of riorlda. in.'.'I In ri'unlnr H«*aMtnii A, I>. r.••_•,', nml F..r Treaaerer .if ihi- State of riorlda i Iberokeo-i inw;i. That'a what makea tba Dnrth mi Hi,.-.,' thnt -hni] tni'i'l fvcrv It'll y**ara K"r S.ipnrlMt.-*ti.(niir of I'tihlli: (nitrite •apt is N,,V. i: The Florida Times-Union ket popular. We know how to cut khenaftvr, nlinil apportion thf Ropmrnta tlnn of the **ta(t* or FlorMa. arery kind of fresh meat ao that It la tlnn in tin* Sfiinto. and ahall provlifo fnr i'"i roaimlaoloaec r ConniT Judge. llvo moat |in|Tiilotia miintlra. ntul t»o (f) ror Sheriff (OppnsKa library). Omi -loliliriil ,,i,ri-.*.|Hiiiil,,i|s now majriaj r,, .i,l, rsimpaiKii. Roprooontat(**«i (•• -"ooh "f tho n#_l «*l_h i "i t i.Tk ..r tho Circuit Conn 1 For rroevcutlng Attorney, County C t CAM, AND SKK is ti'i'ii in-iri' aaptlloUf ..iiiiitl.'N, nnii nm ilil.'iils I... il.,l in ;I ***|ii'« i,ill t np port I.MI nt. Should tho 1 .••U-IHIO t ur** Iti-irn.lLoii ; full to apportion th,* Rapron*oration in rot i 'iiuniy Surveyor. All, WOOB «.l AllWIKIII Tll UK avail lar>>,' I..,,,, in I l..r ,l.i i,n,l Soutli ,....,--,.. lh<* S.'iuit,*. nml In tin* tlotMB ot Ropro •Tor Throe Membera of tba » ounty lionrd PERCY'S BARBER SHOP aantattroa, m mj rogular ifaalon of th<* Public Inatructloa HATUPACNBV Ml. TKOI Ill.Ks KiKlit-|ii,e,' fo,ir-,-„l„r nia^iuinr .rrtiuu mul 11,-* lull nni*;,**, of ,*,.,,ie*. K..r Jnitl t tho Peace In and f..r tlie ,•..,11. Hull.Him nl Tll.'niii* Kiilnin.'i* [.rirlalntiir.. || nnv nf tho H I Berola III THK rtflff (OKIIK1TKI1. iu rnlor every Siuiil:,.,. Ht, Soolanntad n -.tmii t..* tho ioty **t lha following Juellce niairinta. rial No-. I I, t*«:i slut 11 ii- or fsOaloUtiirpa auccoodlnB ;in.i 3 See,ire elul, ol xlx mail -tilllserihera t» His, offer, an.h rogalar ^.-KHI f tin* r-f-flolaturo, I'or Conatabla In aad f-.r tim fallowing ifthor in ipoctal nr naulor aooalon, In «P JiiHti.n Dtatrlcta, ria; Noa. I an.i -j, MAKE $2.00 (lour own *,iih*„-ri|,li,m may cuint os one). pnrtlnn Ilm U.'),r.'s.'iii.-i ll.ui in iln> Senate in taotlmoey W hoeoof i have heronnto I\,',*|, i'.M anil -illil ,,*- mill.DO for the si\. No limit to the ilnl, J.III HATTON THUS •uni tu iln* it.MI HI. ot Repraaontal Ivea »« «.*t mv linn.] iin.i affixed i he (Iroal Bool herein prevtdod. 'lhe j»r. »llmr regular itf the siatr of Horlda il Tallnhaaaoa tti. C. W. BASSETT nu,., si*,„l, Imt offer Is ROO. ti**- # 1ii'ii,l,ii.l,' ,if SihiMil of Orll,,,|ir.i\j Vo*t ( ;inlH, I imt, Kir. niMiiirtliniliMMit nf Itapri'Mi'iitntl''.". In t h«* 1. S li II,AV IKAWKOHII, Florida Times-Union. Jacksonville, Fla. Scriiml IliHir South ot Tost Office Sonata and In tha Rfouaa <»r Raproaonta * '.in uf Mtnlt*. liv k B-«tp tlvca, ahall mnlrol in naklOB " aaeR To li it rarmor, Bharltf Oacoola Couaty. :••:• >••••• :-':-^-:--:-'*:**:**:**:**:-*:--:*^*>*'.--:-*>»-»<--H-»*i-*!*-:--;-^*!-*f.'r4 •ip|i.M-tliMnn.-nf In tba rv. ut tii- [tOgla- Ktaatuimoe, Fla. <.+*{" •:•*:••:••:••:••: lituro ofaall full t

SNw t,», >.*,,,« _V»R Ttl^VT out,Kit 110. all ll, See. '-'II. Twp -ju. I li. mi t: la circuit ,'.,ur,. SovsateMti, ,-|rcul,. tot, :i ;s s, si, na. in IIIIII nn. all Iii f II..W* ('..„,,..,.,, , | ,.. H"i IVU- s,.,. .'it. T,,|i. in, s t: II i: I..a. a. i ,...» til* I.t... , - ^^^^^^^^^a^^^^^B. I -.,1 11 1 • 1.1 I 1 -.'1. J- . "'. 7T. ?•'. * I,ut. iii.H.iU' I n ni S.VI.I: nit TOADi: Mii..ii,oiili of I...... i.n. - ,.r a U.rrlrd ll ...... Kt. M. »*,,' '.Sl '.'. UK, I.m. 111. II*'. 1,3. \9Mhm I In n Number Ons abapp. Win "''"•l i .ml.itf on to l»* hennl thla* t'.'.l. I. .*. I'.'T uml l'.'S. nil tu BVe. IT, Tw|. 1 ilu__^^^^^^^y for Hiinl onler ^lluol ^^^^^^^, Un- petition ^I.l.'. l *.*.l s ll :• I K, sl, 'Ml uu.l nil, nil for raal est. sell. Cull «t Tr li.U'.Hi. .ni.l (lie i'i| 1 lhe S|.,- tut Mn. I hi See till. Tn|.. 2ll. S I! Ill 11 I...Is .17, a i.r .mil it appearing ilni ilu. .mil legal it. il mi as, ll, Illl ..ll h< bet. 211, Twp, —i fyauuiiiLljtU Adls|» I...I li... I.ecu s'lv. .. Ull.l 11 li.ulier „|. | .-.1. S It. .11 1. l.,,|» ,1. tl, '.'7. S8, II. 18, ;,;-. i r from lli" i • ,...-. nl lie- s.ilH i Mi. .-.7. ii: 7s. si. ..HI ui a. Ul ST, u* 105, OBITl'ARI Special Muater, nfl-i Iminlry. 11,1,1 'no. 111. Ill and 11". iill III s.-e ".I, Twp aid pctl,inner la rapahl. nn.l , , '*'l, N. It. HI K. Lots n. s. 11. II. 11 is, -.'7. <>£_ J .Inhn A. MeCiirtli) petdiii tn I..:,,' chnrirv nt nn.l tnnnat* bar • :7. BH, B0, IS, it )."• 00 Bt, mi. *'<~. 90, WANTKI) TO RKNT KKAI. BHTATK Illl! SAIK .lol.n A :.!.•< 'in I lt> was li... n in 11"-- own r-i.ii" aud propcrt*. and to become In .*'. Wl, SO, !u. iu, i i;t. and ISA. iill In Bee. |. li. ,M I.SS.I, IHIS, i i s, Novi-lnl..-.' I. IH70 \ftmty rmmpt • i • fr dealer and tbal tha • >-. Twu. M, s. it .it K hot! 71 Her X\. prayer nf the petltl r I'I mid be gt i ttted Twp, Ji;. s U ;;ii 1-: !,,.tK 28, «2, SS, fl* HOV8K WANTKD- K.mii*-!..'.!. trlth lull SAI.K ii..ii.,*. ,*. large rooaMi - mul passed io liis rssrard Beptenibcr n*)d (hiit thr dleahltltl '' ,'1" p«*tltlonot Hi, til 71, 7*.. Bt, .Hi. BB, Wl uml 108, ..II 111 LM. IDM. three Iwii IIHHM mni nil mode'* lleeplfif |..'i*.li.". ; I IH... k. 1*1.Mil srliool Itoaa Hi,* \\ lalt. rviulthig from Bee, :,:i, Twp. W, ,s K :II R hoti fl, S4, llo araa married to Miss Barah Caa coverture, ahould be remiired and tha I:'. 17. SB, Bl, id, lilt, SO, TO, BB, BB, s; IHI, convent en cea, Vlmt bare ynu to octet,'. .', MoakS fi'tiu l*i..-li.\ i .-nail ke* .iun.' "ju. IH!.',. whom, with one «' i belua fniiv -ni *;i,-ii ax i" tbe tl 101. 108, lOfl, IU7 nil, ii., iii. Illl. !•'_, far rental Appi> Bouaa, rare taa dun*, li. B Morlis fiiuii post ,>',Ti.t>" TB •in iililcatlona af th • pet loiter M taaa li*.'t, oj.\ mid lan, aII______-_- -is|. r. lie I.Mies |o lu.Ull'll Ills ,|l'p.lll Ti Trihiipo. 41>1 f fool fl-OOl Willi Illlll llll.l II...vers . i •. i r •_* * * i.f iin.I manaiie net own •- I M, it. :u) i:.. unit i ;i. ts. t_. H. l**. BL. :>r..|.' rt) IIII.I tu IM i''l't* In' hy th.- connectiai roaBM CM UgM Bot^ae sm prs, rui-niuir,' sim Bos 11. It IK Therefore, Ordered, Adjudfod and Ii.i.-.l in .In- l. s. Army, n member Tha Bt Cloud Tribune, I iiawapupef Clark "1 lh'- < H.V "•..llii.ll nf Ilm l-lty „t keeping. South nml aaal expnnre prt si ii... • flflB i•'*.!• i thai Lha rapurl .-r the ipeclal utibllahad nt Bt. ploud, Oaeaola county. maaraf Blad herein ho, nnd the tauia ll si Cloud, florlda, In ths si Cloud Tri ferred, Daacrlae f.iity ami Btata how of iho Bad ('oiupaii.. II. s Regl nt it klorlda, IM hereby dealanatthl an th.' uewe siis-nnl i ..i|.. in which li»' salved hereby, conflrmed and a tip ro red paper hi which "IN order NIKIII be BBb- 1 ;, w...'kiv newspaper, I''.i nn.l i";ir 11 "in I'lisiiiis^ i ci 11 IT anil In.iri *l 7 uui,M t'OTTAOR For Sal>- Partly li le Further Ordered Adjud I upsCm :. vraek f,..- tlabl couaeetttlre Sl I r;,l Circulation III Ihi* Illy of St. laiihiiiiiv au.l iviHi until granted ..a t rlnbhoeae. ttv*tn Bvica pat nnuith tor iiiriii.iitsi. rity wm,'i- and lights in. i>.'.r..'.i ih..i I:.THS.- La hereby franted tha _ U^t^^m^m^^^^mMmmmmmmmmmW^m^m^m^mm t'lnu'l. riorlda. Sniil liltiilli-ittl,,,, to ba Honors Ws Dlacharga sl iln- .lose ol [i. ilih.II-r. Roaa Baal Woodall, In :i r.l HII-XKSS my Inui.l ,,.|,l wot lit sffiaa ,.n,i' * nl! n.nk foQf (I. .'<>ii,.'.'i,>lv.' r. IIMMITIIN 4ddraaa Oe©, n KHMV. class io sswurngs iln,'. I«Jl lOOxtlMl. lh.- Spanish Alni'i-l.-aii War. a nee with the prayer of ber mi hi petition, " Mssinin Uacaala rminiv. florids SHMtka nn.l pricodtns M.,I.I alsetloa, Th" Btoenahaor, Vt. wtp, simii,. ii»*,*s, bsarteg .u-.-um,.. grape* t.i tube charge "f and nianam her aatnte tl... tlii- .'loth day ..f s.'|.,,.uii„.r. A 1. i-.-i ftrat nulillrntlnn llnTnof ,,. ,.,' mil 1sSB frui, ,..'.s, gvaraa, ,H. ; alaa •swap, and property aad i" I **iaa A trea dealer Ihnn tvv,ii,y llv,* i'J."., tlnya prinr tn .... i. lu ararji r- laeet. , , , , .., , . *' '- OVKBHTItKslT WAMTKH anil slirul.!'«•!> I'..'t„ .'«>,, city nu.l M la further Ordi red, tdhidged and . lark ..I , Ir.'iil, Court, lor ll. i.i I'juntl ,* ler, Inn. DRDER EASTERN STAh Klorlds. - ' Thin Iho 22H.1 il.iy "f Sept A 1,. 1021. lake. flsragS and ,-lili-kt-ti site.I and Deer I flitr after .hi' ixihlio-nth.ii of ihi*. 1,'lrcull ,*..nrl S,'iili WANTKI**— Clean Hags al Tribune order, in aorardiHtcu arlth low, the mid ,- N McMVLLBN, var.l. Desirable pla.,*. I*'.H* further St. (loud Chapter No 46 i.AMH.s, riHu i, in -i.i,. Presldss, of ,'llv ,'nun.'II. St. t'loud, l'i:i office, live enll*. |ur nfiiml. Must petitioner, Roaa Baaa VFoodflll, "bull ba pal'li. ulals inltli'i'ss I*. ,». 11.,\ 884, St, aathorlaod to take rbantu .if and .*.>uLr»l -tollclton fnr ,'..,1,1*1 iin II...... 1 Basil Alli'Ml: be rleaii ti„l no „,H,1. ,„*,. 2 Nn. :7. Claud. I'I,,. il-ilt. «_*ota In O. A. K. Hull First oa-r h"r aattta. tu eon-rojt nr norttaaa tb** JOHN B. COLLINS. •Thlrrl Thur*lay EvcnltiKa. Vtsltotrt •ana, in eontracl nr be -rtod with, -II.' iin.i tn ba Kui-ii. aad t.i Vimi her Approved ,hl, tha Bnd dsy "f s..,,, A FOB SAI.K Al a lia I-*.**.! In, ir lakon nt 'nflt.Ml. •alf In nil reapecia HI 1'iiliv aa o HIH- wcte M1TIIK Or 11,11.KIM. OK IIIMtlKlt MISt'KI.I.ANFOris I, llr.'l ,* N. M, Ml'l.l.HN. ..-us' rive room house ami stora; Ji***'ii' luiiiiir., Woriiiy Matron unman tad. 11,,Mil, IHKlTlnV Mayor of St. Cloud. Florida. six lots; L*S fruit Ires; ,1 nut tries. Dooa and ordered iu Chanbef* nt Or- TO ALL WHOM IT MAY IIINTKUS IIIANK HAniSY, fiperlenied «uts Colvln Parltarp Sacretary t AUII OK THANKS Miiini'.sot'i :iv,Hill,' ami lotli s*roiH. Iun,In. Klnrliln Ihin h»lh .l.iv ..T S,*|.t,MiihiT N.i,i.v 1. ll.'i-.H.y , ilv.-u tbnt II," I'll,' ino-hani.*. will do your work st flOo per To lh,* friciula wl„. ,'„„,*• to us in l> ,, lt.,\ BOS, St- Cloud, lip A. li. h.r.'i. r.nlll.'il nf th," ,-||.v nf Sl ,'lui,I, Klorldn. hour. Any odor Liu,I of work res ANNtM \C.T..MKNT r O. AM'IIKWS ii, rasolutloa adopt-a-l al Ita mk'niiir u , in, hour of trouble uml ,-ntit nil sonatile, 4QQ So, ria A,-,-. hiitl.y aiiiiouiici* ui> i-iiMiliiliK'y afl Judga nf Sniit f.niri. iii^* ii.H.i .,,1 tii.- L'-.'IHI dsy *.r .s.'i,,.. A. 11. Hint In,mun Mnntneia rouM SHICKI'SI. KAIt.M Full S\l.i: Twa ncrea. on iitih*|M-iiih*iit ranaUdate for tha of Oet, - *.o »rnrv«ii. lll.'l. .11.1 rcanl,.' ,.> .-.ill uml h.l .nil nil sya r.l urn most 11,,,11-tt'i'll lliiinks nml , 'run ra ria.—have plenty Of Wr Pri.ii'tutiiijt Atluriii'y of Os- flBBM OF IM in n XTUIN Ckarfsr Board, ...n Caarlar Baard i» <".n iiiiii,.tiul, stiili ilcvolcil fri,'„ilsl,ii> ,*uu- iinw tier ererybody. Wood ysrd s» ture. ,-ow nnd nluml llfty ejhlckana. in ii.-- circuit court. BevoateeatB Jadlelal iiiunty. Miihji't t In tin* will Of alder a I..-,, .ti.iii.r t..r lbs i'ii, ..: si. nnl ri'intn.' Hi,- su.l in,'i„,irl,'H Ihnt '.—:- -'.' SBd (Mil ou I>*Mis. 17is Wi-,,,,,sin St.. Unci lie, will In* ;i m-Mtlng nf thf Btockholdera Tn: .Ml sartlM elsbalas Int.reat, nnda, tl..'l..r nt fl rai Slii,.' t'l.'.*tl...iM nn.l almll Wis. 3 Ot. -•f ih.- ST. CLOCD HOLDING COM* ,'urn.ltua ll.-vmiin.. deCMtsad, ..r atharwla. hnvi' ptilil |..Hl In, na prnvlili'l liy lnw. tboaa rrtenita will osad slmtlai attan- FARMIN.l IN PI'miliA. Know bom TANV bald nt tho lYnpii-s Bank iu I.. ,1,.* pro-port', ..ralBSftsr .l...rll.,..l: o. I ... I,.-... . Hn-.l for Btata 1.1.'.-,I..n.. nml tlnn. Inil vvli.ii tin* linn* inni,.. mny II i.. ,s,.r. if ll.lss ni.l If .Li"! "II partln,' real.l.'.l in IBS 'll\ "f Kl Cloud »!*• lli,*, r, .-niv,' th,' sum,' lull slim of il is done I.y resdlnt The Karmer St. cinmi. norida, oa October 20, 1024, . ini...i.i'.' Istanata und.rO, ll i,ist.r da Ft IK S Al .1: Coil ,' li.-.liti 1 months nasi prMsMllns Hn* dsts ol ssld and Mm-Uman. published al Jackson- BB nt .'t o'clock l*. M. toy thn putpaaB oi .'..,.....i. .., ntb.rwlao in il,- proparty h.ra alrctlon and ahsll bar. 1 !*.slater***d ir. nus ni.l nn.l trotter a.v,ii|iiitliy plain III. 11>ti -,.' daacrtbad: all parttsa rlalmlns In vin. Band I'V in statmna tor a thras Beaaonabl, 1" Ira lakUag iH-tioii apoa • propoaad re in iiir rcslatratlon ... prcacrtbsd iiii'., brnnaTal i" "s. ley'. Ul .'i.v. tf. tanata andar Balnl rloud , > •>,-,..,,.,,,•,., i.v ..iHiiiniii-.'. ahall 1..' qualllad ••'. i..» MIIS S.VKAII AMAItTin wife. inontli*- trial -Hlisi'iiiuiou. Yearly lata, ,„ *' flotation tn Utcraaac tbe capital ttock .'.,ui|..i.> . .ni...'tin..'. km.,,.. ... St l'l,....l 1., rot. m uld .!.*.-,Inn. MIIS BARAll M.MAN AMY, al»t,'r. .w: iiir..* yean, $l 00. i if s;ii(| ('()iu|Kiny f ii mi fire tbattaand I... v.'l. *,*,..<>1.1 C-nmpsiiyl ;» rorporstlon. ..r UllNKSS ,|i„ sasl ..f Hn- City "f st. BAN'ANA I.AM. •-. n. i.s. mil,* and tu elghl tbouaand dollara ... tii-ri, l... Ii. ih.' prop-arty a-orolnsftar da Cloud, nml my 1.nm.' la i'1.-rk hair from si. clou,1 and ,*Hy lol FltKH M. KKNNKV, Brrlhad. nun all paraoo, or partlp, Int., .'i.> .1 si ,* 1 florlda. .... tbs KT, I.IKK'S KrisriH'AI. « III Kill EXCHANGE I tractor, plows, foi K ,1 Beran, Box B01, .si.,,1 li, ih., proparty inv..I,.'.I In tsla *.nll 33n,l day ..1 Bept. A. D. H'-'i nnii siiii.i.iy ,,ri>*i* Trinity sni. >"i ".* Si*i*ri'l;ny I.i.l l..l'.'i..:lll.'r H.'s.-I'll.I'H. ,. In...' lllllll.' 'lis.' mul li-niltY for sal.- .1 ]. or -.-ltp JOHN II ,'HI.I.NS. ji-.-l : la.okin*' K..r,v.iiH 'I'.'M. l'l,ilii>- will exchanga foi good Ave pasaanger ,.r ii.nii.'s ..," unknown ' mplalnant City Clerk ..r i'ln- "f st Clood, riorlda. N.,1 lii* of \|ii>llriilliin fair Tu% I •< ,-,l l*ou i I. -l * "ii :ir.. li.T.H.v ri* Anprored Ibla lha -•--...I dsy ..f Isal k. P plana Bi 11, l praaa toarard lbs iiinrv . ;ir. Ira Mi smiil, in Pleki us store FOB BAJJ5—Tltree-burner oil atore, Noli.-.- tn h.'l.'l.v ftTPU, Unit Wll I tfl III ,|illrnl |n ..|.|....r to 11.- bill ..f rantplalnl 1031 1* N MrS • fm* lit,' |,rl/j' ol iln- liis'li iiillinu of nil,. lil,'.I II.T.'II. imiiliist you In ll bow i ' UO.MI .'on.lilioli. enn I.e seen at Mrs. [..nulls*. purcBaaar "f Taa CarttSeata No M.....r ..f ,'iiy ..r si Cl 1. riorlda ,:.,.I lu tiirist .I.'SIIS. Bt. I.iil..-'s Hpta- •sm. date-] Hi" .nil day ot July -\. D, IMT liti.i ..iii..', on or bafora Monday, Hi.' i.t 1. ,..I...... I.' s.'nli 11 I; Crawford's, IT11, .*• Delaware. nmi THI CartlUcatP \" twa, da led thi- sind Hn.,* ..f n, Bihar, ., li l'.i*.'l .aalil ..HI- ropal Ulaslon. Benrlc* :,i 10 BO s M BOO—B I-OK ts_NT 1*. nip daj "i Juaa A D t»l». ins it',,,i Mid ft.Hiii.' II .nil to f'.ii. 1..*..' .. aiortsaaa and wii. wr.sTiiYKi: .-crliil.'.ili' I II my nil i. •!•. iiti.l li 11 ii I.I .r niu.'inline ,li.< preaenl ebartor ducklings, Oood stock hhis Amlul- Lot, .:*• ii r. I« la 10 ll, xi, j:i and I i.n, BB* In- •;.' s i lint I lu-v will slurl n FOB RENT Tw.. ni.i* fmni-lu-.l The Rald land being aaaaaaad it Hu* data .•I. Block I'M: Lot, in, in. 10 nun -ii Block nf Mid 1 llv. nn election f..r iln. purpoae sioil I'o.UleN. ;ilso v.,,,,.•* , hi, k.HIS fol ..r ih.- laauance of aald certlfleata in tha offoleetlns n ' barter Board aboold i»* bold tlinl. farm oul ut Nu in noss.,. mul i-".nis fot- liiiiit housskscplng wttb name <>r n. il Johnatan and V I. IA ISO; Lota n 7. and v Block IBS; I -**.* *.*:i nn.l 21 Block HU*.: Lota II -•" .....I JI nun.-r iii" ttro.lalona ICTtb day of Octoboi NOW, TIlKRBPOnB in: IT liKs. H.V i;n noma linn, to .mr county uu.l bespeak Mr .1 \V. Slliilh. B-tt A l» l'.l'JI. .1 1. OTBHSTKERT, ,:. lili.-k Lota 7. s. D, 11 iin.l 19, Block 1*7. Lota r. nn.l Hi Block ISO; Lola by tl..- i Hv Council ..f III'' City nf SI f.u tii.un itin deserved auwesa Iron CAHBAIIE PLANTS tliat will produce Clerk I'lr.uit Court, Oaeeolfl Caaaty/, Fla. 1 1...1.1. Hi.., a municipal election 1,.' 1..1.1 Oft .'.ii«-t. :io. 0, HI nn.l SB, Block 1***: I.'Hi* 10 llll.l 10. their ,ff,n*ts ut favwlBi mni h BIBB Al'TO SKBVH'K Hard henda. Leading Block ISM, : I...I a 111.*, k -I"*.: I...I W, In il... aald lily mi tbs Kith da, ..f October, Miri.tics poatpnkj KO, B1.00; 1,000, Block -I-: Lota •-., .-• -i, in .mn -'ii Blocl A l>. IDM, fnr Iln- iniri...... al electlni 11 ...... I ilti/,i*i.s In Iiii.* II.'W lioini'liinil of Katlee af applteotlaa toe TH\ Daad .lini'l.'r ,.. aoaalool I I.'.I ili'iri.T PUflMP QO I'er Auln XT,ire $1.7... Expressed -sl per 1,000, II,.lly Notice i- herehy girmn, that c. II. Hut B0; Lot, U, IB, in. --1 an.l „, 111... k 223; thatr ,*l„.i.*.* rnUIHC OC (tinsel Car) any iv 1 I'*arliis, I'uvo. (hi ltp I...1. li .nni 12. lil-.k u'.H; Lota '.'. ll and ..r .Inni.T nini'liilliK'l.ta I.. III.' |.r.s...l t.T.v. purehaaer -f Taa Cartlflcnt* No. Ml ll Block -i.".; l."i» Ul and HI Block -'l:i .linrt.r ..i tba CltJ .H St. Cloud. Mi*, mi'I Mi- t'alliunii nn.l two .Iill time. .'uiy*.vl><'i0, A. IJ. llcntmon, St. dated taa Bth day ••( June A D, IBBt, haa dran, nf Indiana, nrriv,,i in S'. Maud Bled tatd eertlfleate la mj offlce, nn.l haa Lol 12, Block !U>: lall '•'. Block t_; Lol Tbs aolllns 1.1 1..HI 1..' ib.* ''ii* 11 .11 Cloud. If. iun S.M.I: Largs Dug, 11x12, r..,u- made application for tux daad to Umi<- i. Hl.i.-k 27S; Lot 1. 1,1,,1'k IBM; lots I, - nt Kt. I'loud, 1*1..rl.Iii. litis ,,1'ik. iiuitiii nn* lln.iimli ill I |uirty -nn' Clark and Inspactara ..f 11 dining i n eiiui,-. twa stand tablea, In •ceordanca with law, Bald eertlfleate I nn.l l Block .*I71: Lota 1. », H nn.l HI. POini I ..f Mr nn.l Mrs. C. 1'. I'lk,*. embracea tba followlna described proper III.., k :::.;; Lota I to 1" Inclual*—, lil,,,k ii..ti aball l»* 1.. C. Outlaw, Clark, and ,1 IX)ST T, .1. Bogera, Maryland Ave. between ty, iltuated hi Oaeaola Connty, Florlda, SM); i,.,is i to lo iii.iiiaivi'. Block sail K. ,'..111. nn.l II I. Oodwln .m.l V. Clyde It Is anderstnod thai Mr. I'uiluniii is Tth aud sHi St. il-ltp ta «if l...r i" ..i Mora ir.:. si Cloud, I..,,. 1 to III,'. lll,.,k :i>--2: l.'.l I, Edwards, Inspectors, nil <>f ur,- ra B llllislrimi .if 1,1.111. y. 1111,1 il Is Imiani I.USI' Sun.lay, a r,*d licail Mexican tii- Kiiii land ix-iitx aaaaaaad at the data Bla. k in*:. Lata 1 to I I... ln.i*. . Block aldenta, nml res-later-ed, quslllled alaarora Mini iin itlt.l Mis i iilliiiIIU will lm innii IJS: Lota 1 and -' Block "•"*• Lota l 2. :i ,.r iii.. city "f st Cloud. parrot, left car L".^ miles u.'-t of ,.r tha laauance ..i aald eertlfleate in tha s !>,Tr C \i Dodga. I alaai uld cartlf i and '. Block BOB: Lola I ," lBclual*ra, Tt,.- torn of 1..1 il", 1.. 1 a..1 in a,,I.I St. Cloud Reward tor return ,.. ,-iiy sale cheap. Covered laiily. See Mr Icata ihall be redeemed accordlnfl t.i law Block .".Hi: all In tin- ,'Hv "f at. Clood. .•I...11...1 ihall 1..' ;i» f «- lu'riultlHIH 1, klorlda: Lota I to -.-ii IBCIUSITS, IS, :u. ::.".. Mni-iinl. .<^."..i«i Reward. S up Smitii al Pick,HIS*. ll-llp * .!*. deed «iii laaua i here i tha 1-.1 Olflelenl llollnl Far ,'l..»r,ar BasH II.'.- I.. A. Poole, of Miissn. Itiisili-. bus day of KoTombar, A D, ISB4 :,.-.. :,7. ::•* '•" H '* I PS t.. 11,1 ln.Hu ,1,11, II.'I.I In Ilia rlly „1 Ht. ,I,»|,I. on MM nHllllli.1 to St. ,'loH.l Hit,*,* 11 stuiiiiiiT 1.1 isT- sun.lay morning white thread J I.. n\ BBHTRKKT, si... ajl in SI Clood ll.*nl.'*:ir.l : l.f. :: •'.-.Hi II.. i.f ,,.-,.,l,ar _ 1». Ml. FOR SA LH New Borroagha Adding , :.. H. ad 2~. J.. .:' :i.i :;l :::. IS, IT, N, 'i-n I.. Ilis ..l.l In,uir. nml will be hall.I I.n colli., ill iln: purs,. with. rlerk Clreall Court Oaeaola Co., Plorlda. M.i k.- .1 Ir.a*. Marl <\. I..I..1. 111. Machine tot aala at • lacrlflce Ree not. _ Oct. s».—J. I.. O. in. ;.». .-,'., mi ill. M, SR, SS, i*,7 n- ,;'... 7.i ni 11HI,Ini.' ..f y..,ir choice. here on ilm ff*B I.y his wife. small change n,„i pink cornered iian.i I Mr in ....* BS :>i '.'."• us 00 I,.! HH. 102, 10S, Smith nt I'i.kriis More, fl ltp tor llc.i.Urr. .1 1 I.,,:. 1 ,;,.!,r.l Tin- will niiikn siviThl wiiiiiis ilm kerrhlef. FituhT picas.- ermmnnIrate nil. 131 133, 121. 13,1, 130, 1ST, 13S, 130, world, so fnr Bfl is now kti-nvn. Is In IVots fnr tl v .', I'....Irs hare spent in litis , ii. with Mr- Manly. BM I'll. I'o.i tM (Ji'ii. Citniiihi'll. who baa heen apend* iso i.-.i ita, iss, ii-. i:m. ioa. i.-.i. inn the pBaBBBBtoa "f a liiniihui win*- BB> llec li-*.'t|l UlU bla wint' rs in Sl 1 fOf sor­ l:,7 Ua. I'-'l UUI IH7 IM, 111 IH, I-'" ream, nrrivi-.t Friday for tha na-- port. It i*. :i battla of lliivitriiiii hmk. US, 'Hi 17- I7H ISO, l-J nml ."II. nil In which hours on its luh-vl the date 1840, toon. lh* iiimh* nn extended trip s.,' i Two. •_'.-. s i: :*,n i: t.,.t. in; IM rOB SALE—A largfl lot .•(1x140. MlB- ,-,'J 177 17-* l-.'l l-*t f*--.. •-.'** IMI I -.111 through tin- aorthern utatca ilurinu all in s..' ::•-,. twp. -J.'., s. II. :m K !...,*> 630- 1 • ii ri BTaaaa nti. -1 BJ s.*', sl. s:,. S7. ss. ,„-,. Ills ,,*•., tin 111 I tShe 11-.'. IIS. IH. 117. Mil. IIH. Illl -'Ii7. -',-*. -.'tin. 310 ,.'7.-i. -.'711 1177. 'J7s. 200, JOB, 301. HOB, SOD "111 Wit, :t:*.- :••!•: MO, :*.ll :il_*. 1MB, riJCAsE KEMKMltKK :-.,:,. :i7:i. MM MIT, IPS. IM. MO, and BOS, | Shaker Land Co. j .ill in Sac :i Twp -'i-.. s ll. :l,i 1*. Lot! :;.,, ;vi l|*.' HI nnd UM. .11 In S,'.' I. Twp, •-•,*. s II :in 1. _*71 -71. IMS, :;is :;.:. :::... :iltl ur., :::.:'.. :-.!.,. SIUI, :HN1. GRAY'S MEAT MARKET inf. 4,MI. 107, In- UKi 110, ill 113, Ul. GROVE LAND 1^. U:: Ul. I-*. 12" •:: IV UIT, ins UM ll" HI. II-'. ni III 133 IH, ton, AIIOIT ii v___a_n oi MBATS—Bear, raaa, maaan I,;, i:,7 IIV. ISO. I."-' 111... ITI. 171, 17*-'. ! TRUCK FARMS IT". 171 IT.-, ITH. Is:. I8B, I-T Iss ,s,i IKus, S\II-AI,K, I,IMII uaAia, cHBaaa, an*, nana, I'.HI 101 103 B01 :.'-•. •-'.:*. Wll ... EM0, r,,i7. mi,I .--Hs. nil In Sec. II, Tn '.-.; s ll. St, DKhSM-'h t IIKKKV, fm.. t.Tl.. KT( . AT I.IMVKST I'KH KS t CITY PROPERTY i: i..... 7 in IT. .-in. I-., IT na .*... mi IND B88I ae ill Al.lTV. 117. 7s 711 SB, !><; '17 W HH 1...' Ill, 113, IH. ill. 117 1311 136, an. l.'s .HI in s..,. -;. 1. Ta |. -T s l: ::l 1; I . .. : .-, il. 7. In I- 21 ;:n :ll ;;s .-..i in ,-j ,7 -j, i;; Al IKK 'HMS WKKK, WKSIKKN IIKKI AS UtmeVL AS Ol It OWN v Coma ana Baa Ua 7* M '.MI, 117. BB 101 111. 121. is'il. an.I ,.ooii. I\T PUM KKD, BBBF. 1J7 ..II ... s..,' .-,. Tn ,. '^7. s l: :n 1: Lot, | WM. LANDISS, Manager :'.. II in -'I 'J,. BB, SO, SO, I.*. *.l. 7:. 7n --.. :**.' BO. OT. 112 1'** "'" 1 '". 11 I'-l •fohaaofl Bnlldtni iin.l 1'js, nil |„ Si- 11 Twp -7 s 1: ::, | Lot, I. ::7. II. IU, 117. nn.l 7J nil In laa,, GRAY'S MEAT MARKET *\* New York Ave. 7. Twp -.1 s 1: ::l 1: Lot, 1. s ir,. |«, 17. -'l, 2:1 ::t, :;*J. :il :tii HI, 11 H, IS 1.1 "THE ROME OT ECONOMY." 17. I-. Ill tM, .".I. 7,2. .VI. r.l. .-Ml, .V.i ui .11 at, as, a, 12. ...; .-,7 ..s TI. T*. s.-,. as, „. :MI !>_• In:; nil lir, , I*in nl In lac, 7. Twp *.*7 s 11. .*u 1: 1.,,1 tw, s.. s Twp, 21. s 11 11 B, I,..,. *.', II IS, in ... :;: .11. IKl, 1.-., HI 17. is, in. r.u. r.l. 117. 1.7. ll*.'. Long DistancH ('i)rils am abniit the IMJUIH' ifM Mid 666 III 1 r:s. s.',' :. Twp 31 s 11 ::n | Lota ,,. IS. 711 anil Illl. nil In S.-.' '.I Tw». is a pr-Mriplian for Miliaria, 1 hill, ^7. s 1: u a. Lola .:*-'. BB, mi. 7:. aad weight an 90 penent fif most gDml cord tires. They 12.1. nil in |M>, HI Twp, M. s it :iii 1: and IVvrr, IK-n-iie or lUllinu. I.m, I.ntM 40, r,.; nn.l 7, In BM, in, Tw,. 27, It (/'.lis Uu is—us. S. It :il l; I.-.i. OS, sil s|, ST. nil l.r_' I..-, represent a ilistinct value to the car owner who W. G. KING 1,17 mil IHI. nil Hi H.'.. IJ. TiV|. '-'.'.. S. It .'10 IT I...I. 'JI. *J7 nn.l Bl. nil In Sis' IL' Twa IT. s li :.n ,:. Lota II, IM, ,i. in, does not wisli to buy tlie extreme high '|iiality n2. .-•*. SO, Sl, «7 IMi, 1117 mil 111. nil In «..,• Real Estate : Notary Public in. Twp. 30, K 11 :m K Lota I. :i, l II It. in. in. .'.-,, -2x. SO, :i-.', .17. :is. ao, 13. II, and high jirice tires, but who deiniinds a high Typewriting SUV.ear s Is BB, BB, no, IM ll**.. s,,, s,. la, si,, .,»•,, ;i; Have Proven mi. nu mi, nis. ioa, nn iu, IM. in, quality tire that will give him vulue received for I For. 120. I-'I, I3», ,-.',-. 1ST nn.l Us nil In S... l.l. Twp. 27 s It :;n B Lots :: II « .... Oltir-r- witii Citizen* Realty Co., N«w V'ork Avenue, 711 7.-.. 1117 1 Ull, nil Iii Ice, 11. T.*. 21. every dollar he has t<> spend. Such a tire is the s It :;n I*. lalt, I IS, IM, in, nn.l l.'s nl] in s.'i IB, Tw|, '-•,;. s i; HI K, I.I.IM 1 ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA s :, 11 1.1 IT in .. 'i *j:*., -JI ot -*n Long Distance ('ord. Bi»v^ ::n :l IB, BS. St, IS, IS, ST. ,1. 44, 1., ... 17 is in .-.I. si, r,j -, ,-,..1, m, iv,. ,u, T(, 71. 71. TS, S3, BB, s7 s>, ..), -rj. nl. ..s ..... IIKI. in_., m:i, mn. 1117 im. nn, In, n, 11.-., 11.1. 117. IIM. nn. lis. UM, 134. u.-i l'-'i:, nn.l us all 1.. .M.T rs, Twi>. -*7 s it Your father and BIBB-father knew N i: 1...1, .,.. m, si 1.mi sa nil in s.'.' 111. Ta 1. -'•', s It ni K l...m I, 3 :: 1 «;II,\RANTKI-: nnd . truaUd Winbtramit.h'a Chill 1 Tonic, juat aa mothera and fathera of 11. 1:1. 11 I".. in in. It *JI. 3T *-'s, 38, :;n livery lam*, llialiini, l!or,i today know and uae it with ahaolut-a "1. 13, BB, :il. :::., 80, :I7, :is, IS, II. I". 11: 17' 'I'ln* Is uui, ru lit,>,sl lo niv,- confidence. For youna: and old it la a 1 IH .'. ,m. S3, ill. 7s, 71,, sn. si, H2. s:i s.-,' S. W. PORTER reliable anti malaria prearription; IMI, :.l I,.. 1,1. ;>:,. 1*7. um, Ull. 111,1. 11,7. mi 1H.IMM, Hllil-s of HlTvl.'l'. Wlll',1 made under one formula for u6 yeara. Its 117. lis HO, 130, Ul. 113, l-'.*l. Ul nnd Hi,- liiilnii,',' of tiu* tin* is in Ull. nil In S,.,., Ill, T«|, _*7. S II :|I| g General Insurance and Real Tlie rcinedy for malarial and other Lola 4. IS. 20, LH. S3, ,*,. nn. Itt. 77. 7S. so *,' i condition, wa will con- fevera, including rirmeiie; alao fur in­ si :i», IJ.-,, un. 1ST and us. IIII 111 17 slilcr i-liit .-II'M nn.l 1.1..wonts tfr\h fan dfurfi fluenza andd strip Eicollentt tonic after Twp. J7. s, it. :in B. I.nta l". and II Juatlce of the Peace Notary Public otlng illneae. Popular mt-, us ll.t.iul li.'fo.-ls, and tnuk.' Estate _f*m\ fWc; mammoth size. 11. All drug atorea. s.'.' 10, Twp, Bfl, s u nil K Lota 1 IT. I ctUUfga only for tba III inni K.l.lHl.h.J in llll I WintajramitJi Chamlcal Co.. •->- •*' '. .*,. 711. m. in, os, m M, IM in inil.'niu* ri'.-i'lvoii. legal Papers Decd-r Mortgage, Abstract, ^^ — L~uu*ill«, Kaatuckr ll.*l. 114. I1'7 nn.l Us, nit l.l BBC ll». Twp •211 s a. .11 B. i„,i. ,1 min :n in s.*,' The Paul Rubber Co. 30, Twp. M, I. It :il B Lola 13, 17. JI Snlisburj, N. ft Phone 61 . PORTER BLDG. Penna. Ave. UJintersmiths11*1 nml so „|| In s. . w Twp **,|, S, It n BJ, |,,,,n S. rl. 7. M. 10. II. U, 17. Bi, -.'11. -7 :::: :;:,, Is, mi. TB nn.i, l Hi7s, doni,l ii7In. S.',in"-. MB Chill Tonic 21 Twp ill S It ?.ll h, Lol. 7, ||, |S, M :i7. 41. nn. in. 70. HI, Bfl,