St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 06, October 02, 1924

St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 06, October 02, 1924

University of Central Florida STARS St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 10-2-1924 St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 06, October 02, 1924 St. Cloud Tribune Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in St. Cloud Tribune by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 06, October 02, 1924" (1924). St. Cloud Tribune. 108. 1S24 OCTOBER 1924 [SlWl^NtTtJEl-'^^ (SAT ST ll ,11 il TKMTrJL\TI!f .''...a \V ...... and Watch Heaulli w Wednesday ,i,i.n,.H* I . *-<> HI 1J2J3J4 Tuesday, Beptoa***er SO HO tt o • o s /j 6 j y iu ii,iv. Si'lH.' L'II T8 711 Ruaday, iepmubae H aa-M 12 12 13114115116 17118 .Nallli'diiy. S,.|lli'llll.iH- L'T BS T2 Friday, Si'lHl'llilllH- L'II . Sl "1 Vi) Zu Z122 23|24j[25 ^©^jILa^ Thursday, September 28 MI T'J 26i 27i|28|29 30ii31|| ^^^ ^^ TM* Wll.. NO. «—KKJIIT PAGES THIS WEKK. ST. CM) I'll OWKOIaA COINTV, FLORIDA, Till KNI>AV, ,l( Illlll It >, l»2l FIVK CCNTfl TIIK COPY—S3.00 A VKAR ++.:.^..;..:..*.+.j..;..:.+.H.+.:. - • r*-r | •*t-++**H-+*+*+*>+++++-*+++++++•*> + MUCH GOOD WORK DONE SEMINOLE HOTEL RE-OPENED FOR -*-*-»cnr.i BAWD CONCERT kri-wa,, • " TIIK .** 'IIOOI.MASTKK'S * ULnwu,, HAM) OONCKRT FK1IIA1 -:* I'KAVKK * AT City l'urk e} AT NEW SCHOOL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT LAST SUNDAY NOON THURSDAY WELL *9> + 8 If. lly Dnet-M I HANK < HANK: • THURSDAY ATTENDED -: Thr Bemtnoto Hgfral, whks bai bam Itosmiuiry l.mullss. .\Ir. ami Mrs. Jo«b it I:I,I.IS. Director h -,'• My Ood, I'I Rs> I inly 1 liy * PetgUaon, Mrs- M. I'm-krll Foster, son 9 methods mni imiiiiii* Unin AJ • su popular f«»r tho past scvcrul >eai*M The llrs( loiuert of the season hy w. POBTBR. Manager A ItSlps nuiiilM'l" of IrlU'ks, incj, nml I'lteketl ami diiujihter Mary, \V. C. and -:• 1I...11 toot I.i I111: nil life- In Its • uniii'v th«: owaataWp and DUUMf-BUMM tht- si. rhnid Band wns gtvan in tin* •* IKI.VS wars on iiiiiiil insi Tiniisiinv II! I'Mlth McMnrriiy. Mr. ami Mrs. Q. A rrograni + possible perfectloa l,.v grow-lli, -3- of Ml- .\IIIIH Ml'holit'h? 1'i'K TSOH. WHS eitv park last Thursday evenim:. under -.- ,,..• tern hi-tii Hiiiooi to assist in liiiiim I'etil. M r. anil Mr*. Arkles Mass nnd • March, 'The llluiniiiator" 4* an l.'i iu,* duly villi,,* 11,,* eie •!- the direetion of Mr. .1. It. Klli«, nnd •v* Hn. L"'..un.Is iiml innkiiu; Iln* ptoaa inon* re^»(-*nMl Siiml.iy n\ DI»>U uiuhT the wm Tohe. MUH Kllzaheth Kish^r. ami * _j__..,_ , Ilost krans i 111.-HI ef tin,,' in m.v ]..i| asit *•* wns much enjoyed. The linnd hns bM •I iillnii'llvi*. I>lrt wns hinili'il (Mai Hi'' in it u i gemml iat .Mrs. T. <;. MOOT*, who Mr Harold Hcoffleld, -Mr. Preston *!• (•verturi' "Klna t-ear" iy •fs i-mli'iivor ,*iilh,*r to Riilili' llii'in -t- hoidiinr andh naab fot some I. I., i iiui.liiis,',) junt i-nst of the ,-lty rcci-iitly tdok a IciiKP «n tin- hoU'l pro- .lohnson, Kdwnrd Hazel •• In uinhiril.v that lo forco them • time past ueitiim in riMga for the •+ for this |i,irtN>sc. Mr. and Mrs. fi. T. Mlljiu nml chtl- March, "tioldcii lltays" •t* In |M*rl',*,-tiini. I..-t ill,* la* 11 -I- party. winter season, nnd tin- bum uttend- •+ 'I'll.' 'I'.'iilh slii'i'l slili* wns ti'rrfli',-,1 dren, .1. <*.. Dorothy and (.nmett, Mr. I. B. Wells •:• Ciinli'ili'l' uf s.illK not a lucre •!* AiinouncInK » tine chiikcn ilinn-r nnee lust Thursday evenim* shows that SSTSrsJ fii't hlKhi'l- iliiriint Hu- l,lK<luy's mul Mrs. tlno. Kelly and dimiiliter. Overture. "Radiant" Klefer *:• •4* iiii>rrliniH i.f facts, linlili," iin- *.- for tin* norm \\OOt Smiiliiy, Mrs. Moon* the i-ltlwiiK nre bnek of tlio bund ntul Dorothy. Holopaw, Kla. Manh, 'S. IV 11. A" Hnll *:• with tmlli'iii','. I la:, f I mny 1,'aril •'• wn- graatad by » jfiu'st list ronist«*rt*ii Bind to turn out In lnr^e numbers nt Hi,' supreme art of teaching + Thus.' who fiiriilsliiil tr-uks wort- for dinner tlmt taxed tin* hotel dining Mr. mul Mrs. .1. W Oliver. M.I-K Overture, "Simplicity" . .• •e A. Iluss, .rn,.: Sl i' lea Go. four; Alpha Weatfall, Mrs. K. It Oliver. all roliien-. * which Is (,i wait. Milki- Illi- •'•• room to iiipiiclty. mul tin* in<*nl serve*! Dorothy Lee Jack Wliiiinoiis, on,*: .1. ll. Iinnis. on,-; Miss I'en-ie Oliver. Kissimmee. Kla. J.nst Tliiirsdny cards wei-e circulated -:* •ynmatbetlc with youth. Ihut -t- Wflv niosl sntlsfiictor*- to thin IJITK" March. "Klefei's Special" -I- M. K. rnnil,*!-. on,*, A. M,cm. oaa; anions the :iudlence asklntr for •t* I limy unt critlctes IIH evil what •!• liwi nt jjiifsi*. preaaat. Qnlta i mm 9i Mrs. ftfabel limes. .Mrs. Carlton W II. Klefer ritv of St. (louil. on,*: .1. w. Snu,*. Ilu- Blade, Master Carl Blade. .Mr. nnd Mrs. flnatictal supiwirt. and Mr. S. AV. Pur­ is aothlBg I.t 11 iiiiuiiitiirlty. (iivi- * thn guaatg failed to reglater in ler, lhe IM.-In;i -»•!• of the bund, reports Overt ure. "tfaglc Meliid.v" 1 on,.: ('. A. llnlliy. : .1. <'. Uiillnllii. Ihi' fulhiwiiiK J. fe. Dleher, Orlando, Fl.i. 1111' tin love of my pupils, for -l- tarpa gntbaiiaA imt thnt the pledgee nre coming iii nicely. Bmnbarg ono: Willi,',* Harris, on,*; \. tee, one: M,is« i.eonn Derrtckaon, Tnmpa. wll I,oul lov»* (licri* Is BO t**H,'h- -I- niiini's wt'rr ohtalnoil among tho«e AM who failed ti> «et n card enn sex* March, "Tionibone I.lues" Sum .Mi II. Hi. om': -.iii-i.* A, Uos Daniels mid wife nnd Mlsrt iiiiT. Anil itlvi* to,* Hint Joy in -i* preaani i Mrt I'oriei* who will lie only too j-bid nni.. .\rr. end Mrs. c. w. .I.'iequiHiie Stu'll). Miami „,., work. exaltation in m.v *•* 1 Baaeet, T. w. to _!•*<• you oiw nnd explain the plans Tin voliinli'i'i* Inlii.i-oi-s w,-rp ns fol­ U. i: MeCrellla and May, ( hnny privilege, unit thnt sn 1 i-.l'u.1 i. 111 ••• CroekaiTi Mi»-*> i-con<* U'limiT. Mr. .1. for the hand for the com Ins season lows: it. Barria, I, OOOJUO, Waa. V. rnswnrth. Mrs, I.. Caaee, Md. in my norvlce tlinl cuii**, from • •). Cltiuson. Mr. Friday nlj-lil the 2nd concert will IH> Phlppa, 11. W. lliivii*. WJn l>,N.i.vir, Ti II. Sum nn* I'M. Mrs.- It will lie noted that thntn were tin- l_owled**a thnt of all hu- • liia A. aflahar, glrea at the band stand In the park, ROBERSON DRUG STORE .1 0. Hull..Iin. 11.>l, lioni-siiii. Hum Mr. nml Mrs, Jack t\\i\to ii few mtt-of-tnw'ifc gHaat^ mi mini i,i-i'ti|Nilii>u*. Hint of ti'itrh- *> Vincent. Mr. nn-1 tin* program for which la printed else­ l. B. DtefsadotC, A. .1. Mr*. Wm. I-iiiMlisy, II.I ltd for tile furinal upi'iiin^ Inn Is Ilk,' Hi,' lm*in.'.s •:• Nina I.m* nml where in this issue of the Tribune OPENED ITS DOORS i.f Ood. • Hlllltll, .link Sinn ~. JackaOB Sim All music lovers of the city who wnnt nu,ns. .1. I,, lliirii.. isii.'i.* llni-lif,'. .1. tu -e" the liost band in South Plorlda WEDNESDAY !•:. Oel—T, lli'ury Partln, W. Q. Wood, +.;.^..;..;..;..;..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..;.^..:..*..:..;.^..;. .;..;.<..*. STATE AUDITOR RE­ STATE BOARD HEALTH in SI. Cloud, are nrj-ed to glTO tbelr .1. W, Rnga, Sam M. ii. th. i,.*s|ii* Par co-oparattoa ami aaatatanca by coming Workmen have been bus.- this week ber, Prank M,*Ii<>,,. naassnn Barlwr, PORTS OSCEOLA CO. SUGGESTS SANITARY Installing the new flxttrree of the new Knrl Hcofleld, .1. ll Collins, Harold to i In* lomert yiiurself and bringing drng tfeore In tbe J-obnaon bnlldlna, COUNCIL LEGISLATES •Omaona with you. A hup* audience 1 S,..lli-l.I. Ain-i.' Idivl.lson, 1-. 1>. owned by .1. /,. Boflbnon. of K iss im- RECORDS ORDINANCES has much to do Willi llle sun -ess of Miu-iiti-. Jin-k V'lnaon, ll I.. Qodwla, lIM'i'. .'Illd the ijnoi-s were flllown o|H*ll FISH HOUSES OUT a band concert, as the ability of tho llnriii.' Barber, Daalal Pack, It.-,. OKI reail,\- for business bi-tj Wed need ay Annus! 90, IB34, Ron. <\ N- MiMiillni. |,l;ivirs The larger iiumlter present, OF TOWN Inn. Win. I.iniili.s. i: w. I ,i->• I-sl,-i,, W. morning. i l» in..-I.,.-in. Dan Anaatronff, Dan II.m. I'.riu-sl Am..s. hlnyov st* Cloud-. lhe belter ibe bo.vs ean play, -o bring Btate < omptrollsr, Hi. CloQd, Kluriil.e your neighbor nml "turn out." Mr ijoiH'i's.ui bai ipared neither I'.n.wii.

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