The Patwin and Their Neighbors
THE PATWIN AND THEIR NEIGHBORS A. L. KROEBER ~UNrrVmRTY oiw CALiFoRNIA PuBuroATroxsix~ Awn.IRtYowoY AND ETHNOLOGY Volume 29, No., 4, pp. 253-423, 6 figures in text I map UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 1932 .. t..- - :: ~ ;0 :. BAON O U D- .- A M~hoose VA L Anholoie. tAA Amican Antbropologit.s rAA-E< Aericazi. vAnthropoiol Assoiation, Memoi'A'rs AAcl4~ fffl Anthr4Ok-ie., ABS-P~ Amria +tnioial SocetY, Pblications.- * AG HthBropolbgicheAn Gse7ehaftinWien,tP Mttungen4 00WX X,. + Amica :ti~nJ. of Physica Authrp9og. >- -0 AiV0fl; AnifXeriCal ]¢ M-iseniu of latua History---; ::?M- -: ;Memois.e I e khdt, BA1BAT-1WMmrsuea of A; ieriCanEthuoloty- 0W -'''(Ann;< , .,' U al) Reprt.; - ;:- :- a Qo-nt..-rlbutioW to-1roithh Amescn tWilog..- -CU-(iA - ColumbiaUiversiy Gotrbuiosto; Mtltopolo-g- :PMNH:.. .Fsied Mi itumofNaura.lHsorg: i ..0.--; ';-' .PASe Pubr'-; l icatins, A trplgc Series.... AZ? -1W itertIQalesn M~~emoirs. -' f' rBthno,- plre. IA-W BA>of;> men- Ameicaits'.Ao0 (Comptest* Rend .--- . 1JAL I;t.-rnati.. al Journal of American Linguisti-cs... >JAF'L- Jou-: nal of Amrf ;Poflc-Lore.. -:;.-.-.-.. X . ; JRA0ISI Snz~~GoIth4oniaiUibutuoiou.-.Jora RoyA' Antholgical-Ititute:.: ;. MAIHY-''-.'t' Mi.seix fthe merican IndiAn) ey.?ndtion-i .-; -I indiaC . ,otes ..,i;.., 4INM-,*IAndi,nNe ;aie Moograp'l, PM '"Peabdyor' Msum,(,,f Harvar Unversty)- - , ,BA'4 o t Aie aribAs,EJo gy,. -AR .. ..Annual Reports.{t-- - / - o :--GIC...0: '',-. Contribut.ions to ...........,Knolede......,- :'' -,. -',' ,... .. ,.:.'-.' M-s'e ' .'-'n--.'eous C.ollection'u . :'.,.-.','. .-o--.;b".'s'.. .UI-.-P4A3' -, Unierit:y,of-,Cta1ifona, PublicaKtlQns, in Ae$ca Archaol9g .;Lr,' olk aLd Ethnology. ,*U'P1W<:A ;Uni-J,verMWty.
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