High Line Corridor Pneumatic Waste-Management Initiative: Pre-Implementation Planning Study
High Line Corridor Pneumatic Waste-Management Initiative: Pre-implementation Planning Study Final Report | Report Number 18-28 | January 2019 NYSERDA Department of Transportation Cover Image courtsey of ClosedLoops LLC High Line Corridor Pneumatic Waste-Management Initiative: Pre-implementation Planning Study Final Report Prepared for: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Albany, NY Robyn Marquis, Ph.D., Project Manager Joseph D. Tario, P.E., Sr. Project Manager New York State Department of Transportation Albany, NY Mark Grainer and Robert Ancar, Project Managers Prepared by: ClosedLoops LLC New York, NY Benjamin Miller and Juliette Spertus, Co-Principal Investigators with Albert Mateu, P.E., Green Bending Christina Grace, Foodprint Group Stephen Lynch, A.I.A., Caliper Studio James Lima, James Lima Planning + Development Thomas Erickson, Rail Cents Niclas Tylli, Ph.D., P.E., MariMatic Oy Jan Allen, P.E., Impact BioEnergy NYSERDA Report 18-28 NYSERDA Contract 83177 January 2019 NYSDOT Task Assignment C-15-11 Notice This report was prepared by ClosedLoops LLC in the course of performing work contracted for and sponsored by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and the New York State Department of Transportation (hereafter the "Sponsors"). The opinions expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect those of the Sponsors or the State of New York, and reference to any specific product, service, process, or method does not constitute an implied or expressed recommendation or endorsement of it. Further, the Sponsors, the State of New York, and the contractor make no warranties or representations, expressed or implied, as to the fitness for particular purpose or merchantability of any product, apparatus, or service, or the usefulness, completeness, or accuracy of any processes, methods, or other information contained, described, disclosed, or referred to in this report.
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