Hundisburg Castle

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Hundisburg Castle Castle with Potential for Development and Outcrops On Top of the Triassic Salt Structure and Disposal Site Regional Stone-age Discoveries Glossar 6 Flechtingen Castle 7 The Walbeck Ruin 8 Information Site ERAM Morsleben 9 Museum Haldensleben Geological Development of the Region Landmarks (“Landmarken”) are physically prominent The Flechtingen Castle which was mentioned in a Following Federal Road 1 (B 1) towards Weferlingen The former common salt and potash salt mine The regional museum of Haldensleben was founded in The oldest rocks in the area of the present Land- spots and/or well-known places which have been selec- document for the first time in 1307 as belonging to through the valley of the Aller (Allertal), the Otto dynasty Bartensleben at Morsleben was transformed into a 1910 and is especially devoted to the cultural history mark can be found in the Flechtingen Ridge. This ted as being representative for a certain area. They are the Masters von Schenck is surrounded by water and village Walbeck with the ruin of the collegiate church of disposal site for radioactive waste by the GDR in 1971 of the region and the Biedermeier epoch. Therefore area represents one of the most northern hardrock occurrences within North Germany which is other- name-giving for the area and may serve for a first ori- one of the best preserved constructions of its kind in St. Mary, St. Pankraz and St. Anna is reached. The ruin, and was continuously in use until 1998. A total of 36,000 the exhibitions are centrering on the one hand around the State of Saxony-Anhalt. Parts of the ward and the 25 m above the Allertal on top of a hill formed by Middle m3 of weak to medium active waste has been deposited archaeological objects and an impressive sculpture wise mainly covered by unconsolidated Quarternary Landmark 28 entation within the second-largest geopark of Europe. sediments. The ridge itself is composed of sedi- 21 of these landmarks and the areas arond have been keep are still preserved from the early times. Starting Triassic Muschelkalk facies limestones, is witness of under conditions which would never become licensed of Riding Roland, on the other on artistic pottery with the beginning of the 15th century, a stately construction techniques of the Otto`s times and as today. Therefore an application has been made to close and furniture. Furthermore, an ensemble of two half- ments and volcanic rocks of Carboniferous and Per- described in detail by a flyer, such as the present one. home was built step-by-step on the foundations of such a spot on the touristic route of the Romanesque the site finally under Federal Atomic Law. timbered houses with a chicken run and a flower mian age. The Carboniferous rocks were deposited the medieval castle. Eduard von Schenck constructed Road (Strasse der Romanik). Here, duke Lothar II in The mine at Morsleben is geologically situated in the salt garden forms an open-air document of town life in the in the so-called Rheic Ocean and folded by the Va- Hundisburg Castle Geopoints (“Geopunkte”) are spots of special inte- the park in 1860 and the drawbridge was replaced 942 donated a Benediktine’s chapter as expiation for structure of the Allertal (Allertal Structure). The salt was Biedermeier epoch. Part of the estate of the Brothers riscan orogeny. About 300 million years ago, granite rest within the areas of the landmarks. As prominent by a dam to connect the park to the buildings. In conspiring against emperor Otto I. The most famous deposited in Zechstein times (Late Permian) and later Grimm belongs to the European cultural heritage intruded the folded rocks. examples they illustrate the geological and cultural the final stage of the 2nd World War and afterwards person in the history of the chapter is bishop Thietmar covered by younger deposits. Starting with Late Triassic and forms the centre of an exhibition of more than history and heritage of the respective areas. Identified the buildings were used for housing refugees from von Merseburg, a major chronicler of the time of Otto I. (Keuper) times the sedimentary cover started sliding regional importance. There are many interconnections In terms of the regional geologic situation the Flech- by consecutive numbers beginning with #1 for the land- bombing and displaced people. In 1945 the property He has not only recorded the history of Walbeck, but also apart, and the Zechstein salt moved into the opening to the Ecomusée Haldensleben-Hundisburg (#1, tingen Ridge is part of the Flechtingen-Roßlau-Block mark they may be individually combined to Georoutes was expropriated from the family von Schenck and consecrated the church in 1015 following reconstruction space. Following a period of subsidence into Late Landmark). Rooster Hans is guiding children into which extends from the Drömling in the NW to Mag- (“Geo-Routen”). transformed into a convalescence facility and a after fire. The famous bell of Walbeck, one of the oldest Cretaceous times the salt structure was compressed and the fabulous corners of the museum landscape. The deburg and Roßlau in the SE. The famous cathedral dermatological and psychological clinic by the State`s church bells in Germany, survived from that time. elevated again, accompanied by renewed uprise of salt. remains of extinct civilizations are the prime source of Magdeburg is based on an isolated exposure of Solpke the same block (Magdeburger Domfelsen). The accompanyingPeckfitz map may help for planning your Following the Variscan Orogeny the mountain ran- individual Georoute. Rühen ges were quickly eroded and the area soon was co- Mieste vered by the sea again. For the next several million Brechtorf years until Cretaceous times sediments were depo- Breitenrode Miesterhorst Wendschaft Letzlingen sited in the region. Marine flooding started with the Grafhorst WassensdorfBergfriede Niendorf Late Permian Zechstein Sea, afterwards terrestrial Danndorf and marine conditions alternated. Oebisfelde Berenbrock B244 Bösdorf Velpke Rätzlingen Starting at the end of the Cretaceous the Flechtingen Meinkot Block was lifted and the sedimentary cover eroded. Kathendorf Calvörde Klein Bahrdorf Since a thick cover was still existing S of the area, Twülpstedt Wegenstedt Wasserschloss Flechtingen Aufschluss an der westlichen Wehrseite Impressionen der Ruine Walbeck Historischer Schacht Bartensleben ... ... und heute ERAM Morsleben Museum Haldensleben Reitender Roland im Museum (Original) Groß Bödensell e.g. on the Weferlingen-Schönebeck Triassic Block, Twülpstedt Wieglitz Zechstein salt started to become plastic and slowly Groß Mackendorf B71 social security agency in 1947. Before, it was partly The Walbeck ruin is situated on the Weferlingen- Elevation continued to the end of the Cretaceous and of information on the prehistory of the Haldensleben Sisbeck moved upward forming salt-structures, such as, e.g., Döhren 6 Flechtlingen used as a retirement home and for regular housing. Schönebeck-Block which is composed of Triassic rocks was followed by the erosional removal of about 1.5 km region in the museum. Both, the diversity of Querenhorst Bülstingen the Allertal Structure. Siestedt From 1958 to 1963 the castle was occupied by the and separated from the Allertal graben structure (Allertal of Mesozoic deposits. As a consequence, the salt within material and design in the individual objects, and a B244 5 HALDENSLEBEN frontier division of the national troops of the GDR Structure) by a major fault. The steep eastern flank the Allertal Structure reached groundwater and became chronologically ordered exhibition offer the chance to Grasleben Weferlingen 9 until it became retirement home again. Following re- of the Allertal forms the most prominent relief of the subject to subsurface dissolution. The remaining learn about the regional specialities of the different 7 unification it was sold for an use as hotel in 1993, and area, including elongated stretches of slopes formed by gypsum-cap is heavily karstified which is documented times. Remarkable spots of colour are painted Mariental Walbeck reconstruction started in 2000. Flechtingen Castle is Middle Triassic (Lower Muschelkalk) Wellenkalk facies at the surface by a number of more-or-less evident reconstructions of prehistoric life in combination with Alt B71 Schmanefeld Altenhausen now again in private ownership and may be visited by limestones. Following the tectonic structure, the Aller sinkholes. photographs of archaeological monuments from the Barmke 4 haldensleben Vahldorf B2453 Süpplingenburg 1 Hundisburg appointment. has formed a wide valley which is filled by Holocene The Morsleben permanent atomic waste disposal site landscape around Altenhaldensleben and Hundisburg. Beendorf Bebertal 2 Gutensmegen Flechtingen Castle is also important from a geological sands and alluvial loam. will be prepared so that people and the environment This includes a group of bronze-age tumuli on the Kunersleben 4 HELMSTEDT Morsleben 8Alleringers- Erxleben standpoint. The contact between Lower Carboniferous North of Walbeck, towards Weferlingen, Upper Cretaceous should not be endangered in future times. This requires Galgenberg. The archaeological objects and their leben Ingersleben Süpplingen Uhrs- greywacke and a Rotliegend porphyry dike is situated (Maastrichtian) quartz sands are extensively mined at large constructional efforts for closing and securing context in the excavation are well presented and give Ostingersleben Dohlenwarsleben B244 leben at the NW corner of the adjacent pond. The heat of the the surface. Upper
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