Managing Preserving Developing FOREWORD

ver 300 years ago, chief mining With an ecological conversion, we are helping the O administrator Hans Carl von Carlowitz introduced sensitive forest ecosystem to adapt to climate change. the term and principle of “sustainability” into our We improve its protective function, and preserve and business life. Today, this principle has significantly develop fragile landscapes. In the state forest, we also broadened its scope. At Sachsenforst, our daily work use state-of-the-art, soil-friendly technology, in the forest takes into consideration sustainable as well as efficient, modern organisational structures, utilisation, as well as the needs of those seeking to increase our profitability. Many small and medium­ recreation and conservation aspects. sized businesses benefit from forestry work.

Eco-tourism is a priority on the agenda of ’s large nature reserves. Here as well as across the entire state forest, we impart environmental knowledge and awareness to young and old. Interested private and corporate forest owners receive advice and assistance from us on how to properly manage their .

The basis of information applied to sustainable management of all forest properties is constantly being expanded at our Competence Centre for Wood and Forestry.

Forestry in Saxony has a tradition of having an eye to the future. “Managing, preserving, developing” is what The forest is habitat of numerous plants and animals, our daily work is all about. while simultaneously serving as a place of recreation for many people. Timber, a regionally available, renewable raw material, is also produced in this forest. But these elementary requirements cannot always be met equally. Multi-purpose forestry also means having Prof. Dr. Hubert Braun, a mutual understanding and to compromise. Landesforstpräsident (Managing Director)


achsenforst’s tasks are as varied as Saxony’s Its headquarters, located in /Graupa, includes Managing, preserving, developing S forests themselves. In addition to managing the the General Management, the Competence Centre state forest*, Sachsenforst also bears responsibility for Wood and Forestry, as well as the Superior for the large nature reserves, and provides extensive Forests and Hunting Authority. The operational level forest-related information gained from forest research is split into twelve forest districts and three nature We’re taking responsibility preserving and environmental monitoring. As a Superior Authority reserve administrations with a total of 181 forest Saxony’s forest, with its functional and for Forests and Hunting, Sachsenforst helps to ensure stations. Sachsenforst also encompasses one forestry structural diversity, and constantly adapt that the legal regulations affecting the forest are apprenticeship and further training centre, three forest it to changing environmental conditions! We increase our profitability in the state complied with, and consequently that the forest can schools, two machinery stations, one seed kiln, three forest while preserving the consistency of fulfil its many functions in future. forest-tree nurseries and the Moritzburg wildlife park. The forest as all its functions! Sachsenforst currently employs around 1,450 staff, a whole Usage The Public Enterprise Sachsenforst founded on who, along with the outsourced services, make it one of 1 January 2006 is the product of the former state forest the biggest rural employers. Sachsenforst is supervised administration and the Saxon forestry offices. It is part by the Saxon State Ministry for the Environment and of the Saxon public administration as a special superior Agriculture (SMUL) and its administrative board. We improve protective functions, and state authority. preserve and develop fragile landscapes We maintain and increase the recreation within the state forest and in the nature facilities in our forest and nature reser­ reserves we monitor! ves in line with public needs, promote Preserving environmental awareness, and support eco-tourism! Recreation

We help private and corporate forest We develop the information basis for owners to manage their forests! sustainable management of all forest Private and properties! corporate forests Competence Centre for Wood and Forestry

* The term “state forest” as used in this publication exclusively denotes the forest owned by the Free State of Saxony.


On approx. 1,200 hectares of Saxony’s total area Sachsenforst are: we plant and sow a new generation of trees every is forest. This corresponds to year as part of the forest conversion scheme. In 29 % € 15 million terms of plants, that means: 533,000 1,454 € 2 employees, million hectares. including

145 invested every year in forest spent on average per Who owns Saxony’s forests? trainees conversion and remedy of year on conservation. forest damage. Private forest 46 % 3 million 1 million 1 million 12 European beeches oaks silver firs forest districts State forest 39 % (Free State of Saxony) Which types of trees Over 800 identifiedbiotope tree groups grow in the state forest? 3 which have been preserved create a habitat for many Corporate forest 8 % nature reserve different species in the state forest, and help to increase administrations 51.0 % spruces biodiversity. State forest (Federal 5 % Republic of ) 181 17.3 % pines forest stations 3 Church forest 2 % 64 million m of timber in the state forest. 4.7 % larches

0.6 % other conifers 3 ? 12.2 m of timber ! grow in one hectare of forest every year. 6.4 % beeches

3 5.9 % oaks 15,000 75,000 13,000km Around 1.3 million m consultations performed every year with interested learners make use of our of trails are available to visitors used every year as part of forest maintenance 13.0 % other deciduous trees over 8,000 private forest owners. forest education services every year. in the state forest. and timber harvesting. Sources: German Federal Forest Inventory 2012, Management Report 2015


Romi Seibel works in the Florian Strauß works as a District forest official Janina Lorenz Richter watches over As head of the Oberlausitz Ulrike Gemballa is a member management’s HR division. forester in the Neustadt forest Albrecht runs the Glauchau the animals and plants in the forest district, Holm Karraß is of the research team to Together with her colleagues, she district and, like many of our forest station in the Chemnitz biosphere reserve Oberlausitzer responsible for almost 130,000 help Saxony’s forests at the looks after Sachsenforst’s 1,450 specialists, learned his profession forest district, where she is the Heide- und Teichlandschaft hectares of forest and some Competence Centre for Wood staff, and ensures all the talent at Sachsenforst. His tasks include first contact person for local as a ranger. He knows all the 60 staff. Together, they ensure and Forestry. She works in and diligent hands remain in the planting, forest maintenance, private and municipal forest region’s unique habitats and that the forests can fulfil its the laboratory, examining company. timber harvesting and building owners seeking information and rare species, explaining their utilisation, protective and environmental impacts on forest recreation facilities. advice on forest management. importance to many visitors on recreational functions, both soils, and therefore on tree tours through the nature reserve. today and in the future. growth.

08 09 The landscapes in many regions of Saxony are dominated by forests. It is part of our culture, represents a yearning for nature, but is also an important economic factor. Humans have long held significantly influenced the forest’s appearance by using its resources, particularly timber.

According to our legally stated exemplary function, we manage Saxony’s state forest properly, harmoniously and sustainably.


We’re planting the future We’re securing a balance

he forest is changing. There are historic reasons unting also plays a key role in securing the T for the pure spruces and pine plantations, which Hinvestments in forest conversion. It guarantees Browsing = biting off buds and leaves continue to characterise Saxony’s forests until today: the maintenance of an ecological and economic balance ► delayed growth or dieback of plants, lack of In line with the social requirements of the time, these in terms of game numbers. Sachsenforst is striving mixed tree species in the next generation tree species supplied the necessary construction and for woods, able to rejuvenate themselves naturally by industrial timber quickly and with relatively little spreading their own seeds and largely without any production expenses. Coupled with this, seeds for additional protective measures against damage from deciduous tree species were only available to a very bud browsing and bark peeling (e.g. fences). Sachsenforst has put in place a comprehensive monito­ limited extent. ring system to protect Saxony’s forest. Numerous kinds of environmental data (climate data, soil condition, In future we will face new challenges. Forests need plant nutrients) are collected and used to draw con­ to be more adaptable, particularly due to the ongoing The large, herbivorous wild animals (in Saxony clusions about the forest management. Sachsenforst’s climate change. A semi-natural mixed forest of coni­ primarily red and roe deer) often cause significant staff constantly monitor major forest pests to deter­ ferous and deciduous species, for example, is more damage to the trees as a result of bark peeling, mine potential hazards, and take appropriate measures resistant to storms, wild fires and harmful insects, rubbing off velvet or browsing. Heavily affected to prevent and combat these. such as various bark beetles and butterflies. It also forests are then particularly susceptible to other provides a habitat for a lot more types of plants and harmful factors, such as bark beetles or storms. animals. Bark peeling = gnawing and removing the trunk The conversion needed to change the composition bark of the forests requires time and patience – it’s a task ► rotting caused by fungi, tree weakening, in for generations. Sachsenforst is helping with this some cases extreme decrease in timber quality conversion, which will see appropriate mixed forests established over some 1,200 hectares in the Saxon Rubbing off velvet = the male animals rubbing state forest alone every year. Million young trees, off the protective skin (velvet) on their newly particularly European beeches, oaks, sycamores and grown antlers on the trunks of young trees silver firs, will also be planted or sown, resulting in ► bark damage, growth limitations and even some 15 million Euros being invested in the future of dieback Saxony’s forests every year.


We manage sustainably We’re trailblazers

umans have been using timber for millennia. H A simple principle must be observed to ensure that this popular, long-lasting, native, renewable natural resource continues to be available: Only fell as much timber as can be regrown. This principle of sustainability was first formulated in 1713 by Saxon chief mining administrator Hans Carl von Carlowitz as a way of making sure the mines could be permanently supplied with timber from the Ore Mountains.

In keeping with this principle, Sachsenforst fulfils its role of managing the Saxon state forest in an exemplary manner. The aim of developing and preserving stable, profitable forests and producing high-quality timber requires continuous maintenance and harvesting.

As part of the forest management scheme, Sachsen­ achsenforst maintains an extensive trail network. For Sachsenforst, it goes without saying that, follo­ forst provides over one million cubic metres of timber S The Saxon state forest is home to some 13,000 wing forest management measures like timber har­ for the woodworking industry, craftsmen and even kilometres of forest roads and trails, which serve as an vesting, these trails must be restored to a condition firewood customers every year. But the forests are elementary basis for sustainable forest management, enabling use by visitors and pleasure-seekers. far from being overused: Recent records show that but also as a means of pure natural and recreational only about 60 percent of the annual timber increment The Saxon state forest has been certified in accordance enjoyment. Approx. 3,600 kilometres of these are Even special recreational facilities, including moun­ in the state forest is harvested. These findings are with the PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of officially designated as hiking trails, while a further tain-bike tracks and cross-country ski runs, can also incorporated into the forest management plan to Forest Certification Schemes) criteria since 2001. This 1,300 kilometres are bridle paths. be arranged on suitable trails in consultation with ensure that sustainability can be maintained over the involves regularly assessing the sustainable forest Sachsenforst. This always involves weighing up con­ medium and long term. management system in terms of ecological, social and servation aspects, forestry aspects, and the needs of economic aspects. forest visitors.

14 15 The forest has many different ways of preserving the bases of human existence. As a habitat of rare and protected species, it is of particular importance to conservation efforts in today’s intensively used landscape. ”Close-to-nature” forestry preserves and improves biodiversity, providing an opportunity for conservation.

At Sachsenforst, we’re committed to taking responsibility for the nature reserves in our care, preserving and promoting the forest’s protective functions, and protecting particularly fragile areas.


Forests protect the basis of our existence We safeguard the forest’s protective functions

he forest is an important basis of existence with a number of positive effects, both for humans Forests supply the environmentally Forests serve as windbreakers and T friendly, renewable resource timber. stormbreakers, and reduce soil erosion, and for flora and fauna. By preserving the forest and particularly on hillsides. managing it in a multi-purpose manner, Sachsenforst makes a significant contribution towards ensuring the

Forests supply us with drinking water forest can keep rendering these services in future. and, as reservoirs, reduce the risk of flooding. Forests provide habitats for many species of plants and animals. Sachsenforst takes this into account in freshwater dams, for example, where the use of machinery and choice of tree species are focused on sustainably Forests produce oxygen Forests ensure a balanced climate, protecting water quality. In a bid to prevent flooding, and fix the greenhouse gas Forests provide space for reduce extreme heat or cold, and carbon dioxide. recreation and leisure activities. filter dust out of the air. streams, rivers, wetlands and moors are being renatured, enabling them to store and retain more water. At the same time, these fragile and largely Sachsenforst places particular emphasis on protecting protected biotopes become more considerably forest soils, since these are the foundations for valuable. long-term, sustainable forest management. Based on a virtually full-scale recording of soil properties, But biotope maintenance is not just limited to bodies known as forest location mapping, relevant measures, of water and wetlands: By preserving deadwood and such as the use of soil-friendly timber harvesting retention trees, maintaining open-ground biotopes, technologies or the liming of heavily acidified forest landscaping the forest outskirts and performing soils (particularly in the Ore Mountains), are identified large-scale forest conversion, Sachsenforst plays a and implemented. major role in creating a biotope network in Saxony. The stable forests aspired to through the forest Special species protection measures, e.g. for the silver conversion, along with the moorland recultivation fir, stag beetle and various bat species, ensure their measures, guarantee optimum, long-term storage of populations are safe and can develop positively. carbon in Saxony’s forests. This process is accompanied by nationwide research projects, which Sachsenforst is part of.


We preserve national natural landscapes

farming industry, to ensure otters, sea eagles, cranes and water lilies can continue to live here. s an authority for large nature reserves, Sachsen­ spanning three quarters of the area can develop A forst is particularly responsible for the large without human management. Sachsenforst wants Two of Saxony’s largest nature reserves, the Königs­ Saxon reserves, namely the Saxon Switzerland National to achieve this by 2030. It is a huge challenge to brücker Heide and Gohrischheide/ Elbniederterrasse Park, the biosphere reserve Oberlausitzer Heide- und harmonise the conservation objectives with the Zeithain district, were established in completely Teichlandschaft and the nature reserves Königsbrücker Sandstone Mountains’ long-standing importance for different circumstances. They were used as military Heide and Gohrischheide/ Elbniederterrasse Zeithain. the region’s tourism industry. training areas for over 100 years. This use and their relative isolation from public access facilitated the With its fascinating rocky landscape, the Saxon The UNESCO biosphere reserve Oberlausitzer Heide- formation of unique habitats, particularly open Switzerland National Park, founded in 1990 during und Teichlandschaft is characterised by all kinds of ha­ ground, and retreats for rare and heavily endangered German reunification, is highly regarded well beyond bitats, such as forests, water, heaths and inland dunes. species of plants and animals. the state’s borders. Its 700+ climbing peaks and some Unlike the Saxon Switzerland National Park, human 400 kilometres of hiking trails attract three million management plays a key role across most of the area. Protecting, maintaining and developing these impres­ visitors to the region every year. Another aim pursued The traditional cultivated landscape is to be preserved sive landscapes and biotopes, with their diverse flora by national parks is to ensure the natural environment through sustainable usage, e.g. the centuries-old fish and fauna, is one of Sachsenforst’s main tasks.

20 21 Society is placing increasingly varied and often conflicting demands on forests, which is why our work focuses on establishing a balance between the public’s interests and the needs of forest owners. This requires large sections of the population to understand the complex forest ecosystem.

By passing our knowledge onto others, we are actively shaping and creating the future of Saxony’s forests.


We keep an eye on the forest We take care of aspiring foresters

achsenforst’s Competence Centre for Wood and S Forestry conducts environmental monitoring and practical research at eight permanent observation sites, ten forest climate stations and over 200 random­ sampling points. Aspects such as tree vitality, soil condition, meteorological data and the growth trends of harmful organisms in the forest are recorded on a rotational basis.

Building on from these findings, long-term strategies for a stable, productive forest are then devised. The data is also made available to other authorities to assist with their work.

The Competence Centre works with various state and national partners to carry out research projects, e.g. on the gene content of endangered tree species and achsenforst passes on its forest knowledge to In order to keep its employees, the staff at subordinate on tree species’ adaptability to climate change. The S future generations of foresters. Vocational trai- forest authorities and third parties, such as the forest publication of these results enables knowledge to be ning in the field of forestry and forestry career courses owners, constantly in the loop, Sachsenforst offers transfered both into everyday forest work and society ensure highly qualified staff are always available to needs-based advanced training. in general. perform the wide, varied tasks associated with forest management. Regular forest inventories and resulting operational plans are key instruments in achieving proper, sus- Tertiary studies themselves involve professional tainable forest management. Sachsenforst generally exchange between the forestry faculty at formulates this plan for the municipal, church and University of Technology and Sachsenforst, based on a state forest enterprises every ten years. research and teaching agreement.


We ensure people understand the forest We partner forest owners

he forest as a lush, natural classroom offers At three forest schools and other forest education ver half of Saxony’s forest belongs to some Sachsenforst performs certain support services T countless ways of experiencing its diversity facilities, the Moritzburg wildlife park and the visitors’ O 85,000 private, church and municipal forest on a contract basis for forest owners lacking with all the senses – something which is becoming centres at the major nature reserves, Sachsenforst owners. The vast majority of these only own very small forest specialists. Churches and municipalities not increasingly important in an age where people are offers interested persons many different ways of areas spanning less than five hectares. Sachsenforst’s employing their own forest station managers can use becoming more and more alienated from nature. exploring the forest’s secrets. The forest districts and advisory services and advanced training courses help Sachsenforst’s forest district service. Only those who understand and respect the complex reserves also run numerous events, such as “Forest the forest owners manage their forest competently forest ecosystem can help preserve it. As part of youth games” and forester hikes. and sustainably – in the interests of the owners and The European Union, the German federal government environmental and forest education services for all the forest itself. and the Free State of Saxony have set up funding ages, Sachsenforst uses the forest as a teaching aid programmes for a series of forest management to convey humans’ responsibility for sustainable The growing demands placed on forest management measures. Sachsenforst is responsible for assessing development across society as a whole. have prompted Sachsenforst to offer private owners and approving forest owners’ funding applications. advisory services on various topics, such as nature conservation in the forest, tree species selection and work processes, as a self-help aid. In addition

26 27 Sachsenforst contacts

Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst (Public Enterprise) Management Forest District Taura Forest District Bonnewitzer Straße 34 Heilemannstraße 1 Neußener Straße 28 01796 Pirna OT Graupa 04277 Leipzig 04889 Belgern-Schildau OT Taura Telephone: +49 3501 5420 Telephone: +49 341 860800 Telephone: +49 34221 54190 Facsimile: +49 3501 542 213 Facsimile: +49 341 8608099 Facsimile: +49 34221 51869 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Adorf Forest District Marienberg Forest District Nationalparkverwaltung Sächsische Schweiz Kärrnerstraße 1 Markt 3 (National Park Administration) 08261 Schöneck 09496 Marienberg An der Elbe 4 Telephone: +49 37464 33090 Telephone: +49 3735 66110 01814 Facsimile: +49 37464 3309226 Facsimile: +49 3735 6611180 Telephone: +49 35022 900600 [email protected] [email protected] Facsimile: +49 35022 900666 Bärenfels Forest District Neudorf Forest District Alte Böhmische Straße 2 Straße der Einheit 5 01773 Altenberg OT Bärenfels 08340 Schwarzenberg Biosphärenreservatsverwaltung Oberlausitzer Telephone: +49 35052 6130 Telephone: +49 3774 89898-10 Heide- und Teichlandschaft Facsimile: +49 35052 61328 Facsimile: +49 3774 89898-99 (Biosphere Reserve Administration) [email protected] [email protected] Warthaer Dorfstraße 29 02694 Malschwitz OT Wartha Chemnitz Forest District Neustadt Forest District Telephone: +49 35932 3650 Am Landratsamt 3, Haus 5 Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 7 Facsimile: +49 35932 36550 09648 01844 Neustadt in Sachsen [email protected] Telephone: +49 3727 956601 Telephone: +49 3596 58570 Administrative structure Facsimile: +49 3727 956609 Facsimile: +49 3596 585799 NSG-Verwaltung Königsbrücker Heide/ National border [email protected] [email protected] Gohrischheide Zeithain (Nature Reserve Administration) State border Weißbacher Straße 30 Dresden Forest District Oberlausitz Forest District Administrative region border 01936 Königsbrück Nesselgrundweg 4 Paul-Neck-Straße 127 Telephone: +49 35795 4990100 District border 01109 Dresden 02625 Facsimile: +49 35795 4990109 District name Telephone: +49 351 253080 Telephone: +49 3591 2160 [email protected] Facsimile: +49 351 2530825 Facsimile: +49 3591 216123 [email protected] [email protected] Forest organisational structure Types of forest properties Sachsenforst management headquarters State forest (Free State of Saxony) Eibenstock Forest District Plauen Forest District Forest district border Schneeberger Straße 3 Europaratstraße 11 State forest (Federal Republic of Germany) Name of forest district 08309 Eibenstock 08523 Plauen Corporate forest Telephone: +49 37752 55290 Telephone: +49 3741 104800 Publisher: Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst (SBS), Management Facsimile: +49 37752 552930 Facsimile: +49 3741 104820 Bonnewitzer Straße 34, 01796 Pirna OT Graupa Private forest Telephone: +49 3501 542-0, Facsimile: +49 3501 542-213, Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Trust forest Editing and design: SBS, Competence Centre for Wood and Forestry, FGIS/Cartography/Surveying division Status: Forest ownership: 07/2016, Forest organisation: 07/2016, Administrative structure 01/2016 Church forest Press date: 2016/07/27

28 Publisher: Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst Bonnewitzer Straße 34, 01796 Pirna OT Graupa Telephone: +49 3501 542-0 Facsimile: +49 3501 542-213 Email: [email protected] Internet: Editor: Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst Management Department of environmental education, forest education and public relations; MediaCompany - Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH Image credits: Sachsenforst archive - Title, page 25; C. Rieken – page 1, 8, 9, 10/11, 16/17, 22/23; S. Blaß - page 2/3, 13, 20/21; A. Gerstenberger - page 4; mariyapvl/ – page 6; Color_life/ - page 6; anya/ - page 6; M. Thomae - page 12; D. Thomann - page 15; T. Rother - page 14, 19, 21, 24, 26, 27; amplion/ - page 18; Marina Zlochin/ page 18; scrapster/ – page 18 Concept and design: MediaCompany - Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH Typesetting: September Werbeagentur Printing: Optimalprints Press date: 2017/04/05 Reference:

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