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Team project ©2017 Dony Pratidana S. Hum | Bima Agus Setyawan S. IIP



Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Key Informan: Debby – Guest Experience Manager Pullman Jakarta Indonesia

Hari/tanggal: 2 Mei 2018 Waktu: 15.17

Tempat: Executive Office Pullman Jakarta Indonesia

Olivia (O) – Debby Triana (D)

O: Perkenalan diri dan jabatan di Pullman Jakarta Indoneia

D: Saya Debby Triana selaku Guest Experience Manager Pullman Jakarta Indonesia, saya sudah di Pullman hampir 2 tahun

O: Apakah Planet 21 merupakan program CSR yang diterapkan sehari-hari atau ada penetapan waktu tertentu untuk melaksanakannya?

D: Planet 21 itu adalah our daily activity, Planet 21 itu dia bisa berupa…, jadi dia ada yang daily terus ada yang berupa event, eventnya itu misal contohnya ada World Food Day di mana kita bisa mengurangi penggunaan food waste itu maksimal 30 persen, udah gitu kita ada Earth Day kayak kemarin yang kita nanem, jadi macem- macem, yang ada eventnya itu memang berdasarkan timingnya, tapi untuk ke harian lebih ke yang food waste segala macem itu, saving energy, misalnya apa nih saving energynya? Tadinya hotel kita kan gak banyak pake LED tuh koridornya, sekarang koridorya diganti sama LED lights dan yang biasanya kita di depan kamar itu ada dua, sekarang kita cuma satu, makannya koridor kita gelap. Kalo misal dari kitchen selain food waste, dia ada bikin marmalade sendiri, dia bikin dari kulit jeruk, bikin marmalade sama dia bikin croutons, tau roti-roti yang gak kepake itu dikeringin dijadiin croutons sama mereka. Terus yang kayak serpihan-serpihan, kan cake itu bisanya dibentuk gitu kan, terus ada pinggiran-pinggirannya yang gak kepake gitu kan, sama mereka dibulet-buletin, dijadiin kayak rum ball gitu, dijadiin buat amenities, jadi amenitiesnya sendiri adalah hasil basically dari reusing repurposing bukan recycle ya karena beda, repurposing dari si ingredientsnya, jadi yang tadinya

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 biasanya kita buang, sekarang kita bisa tambahin lagi ingredientsnya gitu tapi masih bisa dimakan.

O: Planet 21 terbagi dalam 4 pilar program keberlanjutan (Plant for the planet, Stop eksploitasi sekual terhadap anak, eco-design, dan pangan sehat), bisa dijelaskan masing-masing isi programnya dan contoh kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan dalam operasional sehari-harinya?

D: Planet for the planet itu basically kalo misalnya manage…, jadi tiap tahun Accor akan minta setiap…, misalnya kita jual 4000 kamar, setiap 20 kamar dari penjualan itu akan dibeli untuk membeli 1 buah pohon, nanti sama dia pohonnya akan di taro di…, terserah, mereka punya ada namanya PUR Project disebutnya, PUR Project ini jadi dia…, third party ya, jadi perusahaan ketiga yang ditunjuk sama Accor Paris untuk ngelola uang dari si CSR ini, jadi sama mereka PUR Project ini dia punya dua di Indonesia, satu di Takengon Aceh sama satu lagi yang di Bali yang di West North, kayak apasih…, kayak taman hutan lindungnya yang di Bali yang di daerah Barat gitu. Yang di Takengon itu, dia ngesupporting si Coffee Industry. Coffee Industrynya itu kan sebenernya kopi itu kan gak bisa berdiri sendiri, dia gak bisa bikin farm gitu kan, jadi PUR Project ini adalah dari uang yang kita saving, eee…, dari minimum expenses yang kita keluarkan gara-gara kita nyuci laundrynya gak sebanyak yang seharunya, karena tamu basicly ngeliat kartunya itu, ok akan gantung lagi jadi gak tiap hari ganti linen itu, itu kan kita ada benefit…, basicly kita ngurangin expensesnya kan tapi kita dikasih persenan yang harus kita bayar ke Accor. Nah, si uangnya itu sama dia dibeliin pohon, pohon si perkebunan kopi ini, jadi sustainable farmer…, sustainable farmnya mereka. Nah, si kopi ini terus dijual sama si farmnya itu ke perusahaan lain, tapi kita sih lagi on the process katanya untuk bikin special coffee yang hanya dijual untuk luxury hotelnya Accor berdasarkan dari farmer ini, tapi si mixturenya itu lagi dikembangin di Accor Singapur, gitu lah idealnya seperti itu.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Nah, itu linennya yang kayak ini, di kamar kita udah ada kok, tau kan informasi yang kayak if you want to still use this towel just leave it…, di gantung itu Planet for the planet, jadi nanti berapa persen dari kamar yang kita jual tiap tahunnya, pokonya setiap 20 kamar harus nanem satu pohon. Stop eksploitasi anak itu…, ada di HRD, kita ada WATCH. Jadi WATCH itu gimana kita bisa identify ini termasuk eksploitasi buat anak kecil atau engga, jadi peran pentingnya adalah bagaimana kita bisa…, si security ngeliat is this matching or not? Si front office juga nanya ini siapanya…, jadi lebih identify aja sih.

O: Apakah ada keterlibatan pihak eksternal dalam Planet 21? (tamu hotel/komunitas/mitra)

D: Iya, contohnya tamu hotel…, kita kan ada box tuh di depan yang batre sama tree for hope yang tamunya bisa nyumbang buat nanem pohon, terus komunitas…, yang kemarin Planet 21, jadi we work together with buat nanem atau yang food wastenya itu kan yang kita kasih makanan hotel ke orphanage, dari makanan yang masih layak tapi di kasih ke orphanage jadi kayak supply mealsnya jugakan. Terus dari mitra paling yang ini…, jadi kita jual…, instead of buang si minyak goreng yang udah kita pakai, kita jual lagi ke mereka dengan harga lebih murah dan kondisi yang masih baik juga.

O: Dalam proses eksekusi program CSR, sebelum menetapkan aktivitas yang akan dilakukan, tentunya ada identifikasi permasalahan lingkungan, seperti apakah cara yang dilakukan manajemen Pullman?

D: Hmm., biasanya kita akan liat, apa nih trainingnya karena si CSR itu gak hanya mengenai helping, tapi apa sih yang lagi happening apa yang lagi dibutuhkan biasanya kita akan…, biasanya emang kita identifikasi dulu misalnya, kemarin kita lagi bahas tamen pohon, gak mungkin kan kita kalo tanam pohon di pinggir jalan,

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 karena itu juga gak ada yang ngurus kan at least kita…, kenapa kita ngebahasnya ragunan karena; satu, ragunan tuh jantung hutannya kota, kedua, itu akan di kemudian harinya potensial ditebangnya juga gaada kan karena itu memang punyanya…, basically itu memang daerah memang harusnya dia ditanam, ketiga, jadi kita memang mau kasih sesuatu yang ada manafaatnya bagi tempatnya sendiri jadi memang tujuannya adalah jadi memang kita kasih tempatnya di Ragunan, toh juga nanti anak cucu kita…, once their children will go to the zoo, so they can see it oh this is the planet my father plants like years ago, so it also relates to the memory and everything. Ya…, biasanya sih kita lebih fokusin ke apa sih trainingnya saat itu, apakah itu dibutuhkan atau tidak.

O: Dalam identifikasi masalahnya, dari mana saja sumber informasi didapatkan? Apakah terdapat aktivitas diskusi dengan stakeholder lain (komunitas/konsumen/mitra perusahaan/pemegang saham)? Jika ya, seperti apa pelaksanaannya?

D: Kayak gitu, kita lebih liat ke trendingnya, biasanya marcom akan kasih tau oh sekarang trendingnya lagi apa… Komunitas, konsumen, mitra itu gak ya, jadi biasanya antara executive com aja.

O: Apakah ada unsur lain (contohnya; budaya nasional/sifat bisnis) dalam eksekusi progam?

D: Iya, budaya nasional iya, sifat bisnis juga iya, karena kan jatuhnya kayak promotion kan.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 O: Setelah menampung seluruh sumber informasi mengenai ancaman dan peluang dalam melakukan program CSR, pertimbangan apa saja (dari internal) yang dilakukan untuk mengeksekusi suatu program CSR?

D: Biasanya sih kalo kita bikin event itu kita “Is it good enough for us?” kayak…, jatuhnya juga kayak lebih promotion juga sih, karena buat apa kita ngerjain sesuatu saat semua orang lain udah ngerjain? That’s no effect on it. Jadi kita selalu ngeliat “What we can do more?” “What the effect?” dan bisa ngasih promotion or media expose apa yang kita bisa dapatkan.

O: Dari 4 pilar program tersebut, siapa saja sasaran programnya? Apakah ada perbedaan sasaran dari masing-masing program? Jika ya, mengapa?

D: Stop eksploitasi terhadap anak obviously sasarannya adalah awareness ke employee kita sendiri, karena kan sebenarnya semua bisa dicegah asal kitanya juga aware apakah ini eksploitasi atau berdasarkan suka relawa. Uhm…, karena ya lebih kita dan lebih ke society ya. Planet for the planet itu obviously world wide karena CSR ini bukan Pullman aja, tetapi memang kita undernya Accor, jadi kita itu ditentukan bayar berapa.

O: Apa pesan kunci dari Planet 21?

D: Supporting society.

O: Setelah mengeksekusi programnya, usaha apa yang dilakukan untuk mengomunikasikan program/kampanye yang akan dilaksanakan kepada internal perusahaan?

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 D: Kalo internal sih paling HRD, biasanya kita invite people untuk ikutan ya kayak biasalah kalo ada acara-acara bisa mailing list atau gak group Whatsapp, biasanya sih excom-excom, pokoknya kita udah kasih tau ini tujuannya ini terserah dari mereka mau tunjuk siapa tapi harus ikut kayak gitu. Kampanye lagi yang dilakukan kayak contohnya pada saat induction itu WATCH kayak gitu kan secara garis besarnya kan buat yang first timer buat yang baru-baru.

O: Penilaian seperti apa yang dilakukan untuk mengukur keberhasilan program Planet 21?

D: Kita itu ada GAIA Audit, GAIA itu adalah sekali lagi third party yang ditunjuk Accor untuk mengaudit kita, dia akan kasih list, musti diisi apa saja harus complete list itu plus including buktinya kalo kita ngerjain. Jadi aka nada check list yang di kasih sama si GAIA, jadi biasanya at the beginning of January tanggal per 31 itu closingnya dia akan minta semuanya, jadi dia ada yang namanya bronze, silver, gold, dan platinum. Platinum itu berarti sudah ngerjain semuanya.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Key Informan: Pricilia - Public Relations Manager Pullman Jakarta Indonesia

Hari/tanggal: 2 Mei 2018 Waktu: 18.32

Tempat: Gedung Annex Kawasan Pullman Jakarta Indonesia

Olivia (O) – Pricilia (P)

O: Perkenalan diri dan jabatan di Pullman Jakarta Indonesia

P: Aku dengan Pricila, jabatannya sebagai PR Manager di Pullman Jakarta Indonesia

O: Apakah Ibu bisa menjelaskan secara garis besar apa itu Planet 21?

P: Ok, Planet 21 itu adalah kegiatan...bisa dibilang kegiatan dari CSR dari Accor…AcccorHotels sendiri, bukan cuma untuk Pullman sebenarnya, itu adalah program yang dicanangkan semua masing-masing properti termasuk Pullman Jakarta Indonesia. Nah Planet 21 itu gak cuma…gak cuma hal yang berkaitan tentang lingkungan, tapi juga berkaitan dengan kegiatan sosial kepada sesama gitu…salah satunya juga ada di bawah payung Planet 21 juga ada namanya ATFAC (A Tree For A Child) kayak gitu sih, jadi kita punya anak yatim kita bina, yang merupakan salah satu kegiatan sosial.

O: Apakah ada keterlibatan pihak eksternal dalam Planet 21? (tamu hotel/komunitas/media)

P:Ok, sebenernya gini, semua kegiatan itu dibikin sama pihak internal, which is dari kita sebagai management terus bikin juga keterlibatannya dengan staf-staf kita terus kita somehow encourage tamu-tamu kita, kita juga bekerjasama dengan komunitas- komunitas yang terkait, somehow kita juga invite media untuk acara-acara yang

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 memang ada news value. Kalau untuk tamu hotel, kita pernah membuat acara yang melibatkan tamu hotel itu adalah, let’s say kita ajak tamu untuk menyumbangkan…apa…barang-barang yang tidak digunakan lagi untuk disumbangkan ke yatim piatu atau ada kita juga pernah mengadakan nanam bersama…itu dengan…kita bisa ajak tamu juga, tapi biasanya tamu gak sampe segitunya ya…cuma, kalo untuk support-support dana aja sih mereka mau gitu.. Nah kalo untuk kita melibatkan dengan komunitas…ya itu…kita kerjasama dengan yayasan-yayasan, terus udah gitu kerjasama either itu dengan yayasan yatim piatu, dengan yayasan autism, atau…banyak sih yayasannya berbagai macam gitu…

O: Usaha apa yang dilakukan dan media apa yang digunakan untuk mengomunikasikan program/kampanye yang akan dilaksanakan kepada eksternal perusahaan?

P: Hmm…, usahanya sih, kita kalo untuk usaha komunikasi sendiri, kita biasanya mulai dari below the line kayak poster gitu-gitu, poster internal ya…, yang didalam hotel, digital poster, yang biasa lah gitu lah, atau kadang kita juga sampai social media juga ada…, terus udah gitu, kita juga ada banyak sih…banyak yang kita lakukan, semaksimal mungkin yang kita bisa.

O: Pada media apa saja promosi mengenai Planet 21 dilakukan?

P: Oh Ok, kita sih…, mostly kita…, aku sih pasti bikin press release kalo memang itu menarik, kayak misalnya kayak kemarin pas Earth Hour, kita kan bikin acara Earth Hour, terus udah gitu kita intinya Save Our Earth kan…, intinya gitu kita bikin campaign, kita nunjukkin bahwa kita peduli dengan lingkungan dengan small action. Terus udah gitu, acara-acara lain juga misalnya kalau acara menanam atau acara ke yayasan segala macam kita bikin Internal Release. Internal Release itu biasanya melalui YAMMER, YAMMER Social Media, jadi YAMMER itu adalah kayak

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Facebooknya within Accor internal gitu, jadi di situ kita publish, publishnya ke seluruh Accor worldwide, jadi semua properti tau bahwa Pullman Jakarta Indonesia melakukan kegiatan ini untuk CSR kayak gitu…, seperti itu…., biasanya itu lebih ke internal media, nanti kalau misalnya untuk eksternal media juga bisa…, kadang kalau memang big campaign yang misalnya…, nanti kita mau bikin nih halal bihalal dengan anak yatim, kita bikin…, hmm kita bikin press releasenya kita sebar ke media-media kayak gitu sih. Sebenarnya ada, upcoming kita ada…, kita punya halal bihalal di bulan Juni, di bulan Juli yang menarik itu kita ada bikin painting exhibition dan exhibition sama anak-anak autism gitu. Nanti paintingnya akan dijual, dilelang gitu ke tamu-tamu kita. Hasil dari uang lelangnya itu akan kita sumbangkan ke Yayasan ATFAC yang memang sudah di bawah Planet 21.

O: Dalam promosi sosial media, apakah ada guideline yang digunakan dalam memberikan informasi mengenai Planet 21?

P: Eee…, gaada sih, sebenernya gaada guideline yang terlalu kaku gimana, cuman ya intinya kita memang secara highlights aja, karena kan social media kita gak bisa terlalu jelas kan gimana gimananya, kita yang the whole bener-bener highlight, today kita ngelakuin ini, today kita ngelakuin ini.

O: Apa saja kendala komunikasi yang didapatkan dalam masa kegiatan mempromosikan Planet 21?

P: Eee…, mungkin kendala komunikasinya, kadang karena orang Indonesia…, yang culture-nya masih kurang terlalu peduli ya, kurang…, beda sama orang Eropa mungkin yang lebih peduli sama hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan sosial, kalau orang Indonesia lebih cenderung kayak sekedar mau tau, tapi mereka yang kayak…, pasif gitu.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018

O: Karena sifat mediumnya, kadang dalam media sosial terjadi overpromoting, apa langkah yang dilakukan jika Pullman mendapatkan reaksi seperti itu?

P: Sejauh ini sih kita selalu, bisa dibilang sih, gak pernah sih ya kena reaksi overpromote, karena kita selalu punya banyak hal yang bisa dibicarakan gak cuma satu hal ini aja gitu…, biasanya kita emang udah plot-plot-in sih kalo memang terjadi sampai ada complaint dari followers misalnya yang reaksi, kok ngomongin ini mulu sih atau gimana atau promosi mulu atau overpromote dan lain-lain, kita mungkin yang akan lebih di review lagi aja supaya gak ngebosenin lah ibaratnya, kan mereka bisa complaint karena ngebosenin atau gitu-gitu.

O: Dari mana sumber evaluasi dilakukan? (interactive feedback/laporan tahunan CSR)

P: Biasanya sih kiat liat feedback-nya langsung sih ya gak perlu nunggu lama, so far kalau acaranya memang berhasil, campaignnya berhasil, terus tamu-tamu suka, terus udah gitu melalui dari feedbacknya orang-orang di luaran juga seneng gitu, itu…, itu udah termasuk berhasil sih, udah termasuk evaluasi juga, kita gak ada report yang detail atau gimana-gimana kalau ibaratnya tidak ada complaint, tidak ada masalah itu kita katakana berhasil.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Informan: Willy Gowandy – Staf Pullman Jakarta Indonesia

Hari/tanggal: 27 April 2018 Waktu: 21.14

Tempat: Starbucks Central Park

Olivia (O) – Willy (W)

O: Perkenalan diri dan jabatan di Pullman Jakarta Indonesia

W: Perkenalkan nama saya Willy, saya salah satu staf catering sales di Pullman Thamrin Jakarta.

O: Apakah bisa menjelaskan secara garis besar apa itu Planet 21?

W: Jadi Planet 21 adalah sebuah program CSR dari AccorHotels group, di mana program ini fokus pada empat pilar penting yaitu, plant for planet, eco design, pemberantasan eksploitasi seksual terhadap anak, dan pangan sehat untuk orang- orang. Kalau menurut aku sih, aku liat fokusnya…, fokusnya lebih ke plant for planet ya, jadi eee…, untuk di Hotel Pullman sendiri lebih ke plant for planet, jadi fokusnya lebih untuk menanam tanaman dan lingkungan.

O: Pesan kunci apa yang ingin disampaikan perusahaan kepada sasaran program?

W: Jadi key messagenya itu adalah…, jadi kita di sini memiliki fisi dan misi yang sama hingga tahun 2020, turut berpartisipasi dan berinovasi dalam membantu lingkungan alam dan sosial untuk membuat kehidupan yang lebih baik.

O: Bentuk keterlibatan seperti apa yang telah dilakukan dalam pelaksanaannya program Planet 21?

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 W: Sebagai partisipan untuk kegiatan plant for planet di sekitaran hotel bersama teman-teman karyawan-karyawan dengan ikut serta menanam tanaman hijau dan biopori.

O: Bagaimana cara panitia inti mengomunikasikan program/kampanye Planet 21 kepada seluruh internal perusahaan?

W: Untuk cara menginformasikannya tuh mengirimkan e-mail kepada karyawan- karyawannya jika teman-teman karyawan ingin ikut berpartisipasi bisa menghubungi internal perusahaan dannanti akan dibuatan group dan nanti teman-temannya akan diinvite disitu untuk ikut serta membantu kegiatan planet 21 ini. Yang merencakan ini dari department HRD.

O: Apakah Ibu pernah melihat atau mendengar kampanye Planet 21 pada media online? Jika ya pada media apa dan seperti apa bentuknya?

W: Kebetulan sih aku pernah lihat ya di media sosial yaitu di Instagram, aku pernah liat di Instagram Pullman itu, kebetulan itu hari campaignnya Earth Hour, jadi untuk mendukung dalam penghematan listrik.

O: Dari individu Anda sendiri, apakah manfaat yang dirasakan dari pelaksanaan Planet 21?

W: Untuk maanfaatnya sendiri, jadi sekarang saya menjadi lebih aware ya…, sama lebih peka juga terhadap perbaikan lingkungan sosial dan lingkungan alam, itu merupakan visi misi dari Planet 21 sendiri yaitu, dalam melestarikan lingkungan dan membantu kehidupan supaya lebih baik. Saya jadi lebih peduli lingkungan lah seperti itu, lebih aktif berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan-kegiatan menjaga lingkungan…, seperti itu. Bisa dibilang campaign dan programnya Planet 21 sangat positif dan menurut

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 saya anak-anak muda serta teman-teman yang belum tau ini harus diberi tahu juga dengan program Planet 21 ini, jadi semakin banyak yang aware terhadap lingkungan.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Informan: Acha – Tamu Hotel Pullman Jakarta Indonesia

Hari/tanggal: 12 Juni 2018 Waktu: 20.49

Tempat: Quiznos, Menteng

Olivia (O) – Acha (A)

O: Selamat malam…, perkenalkan saya Olivia dari Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, hari ini saya menemui Mbak untuk membantu saya menjadi salah satu informan guna keperluan skripsi saya mengenai Planet 21, pertama-tama mungkin bisa perkenalkan diri dahulu... A: Halo, nama saya Acha, umurnya 27 tahun, saya tamu di Pullman Hotel Thamrin, saya nginep di Pullman tuh, hmm…, weekend kemarin yah, 3 hari 2 malam.

O: Menurut sepengetahuan Anda, apakah Mba bisa menjelaskan apa itu Planet 21? A: Eee.., yang saya tahu ya Planet 21 itu program CSR dari Pullman, terus hmm.., programnya ada banyak nih, kalo gak salah mereka ada nanem pohon, terus penghematan energi, terus apalagi yah…, pokoknya ada banyak deh yang saya tahu ya.

O: Pesan kunci apa yang ingin disampaikan perusahaan kepada sasaran program? A: Pembangunan berkelanjutan. Jadi pengennya tuh kedepannya bumi tuh masih bagus dan layak ya…, jadi kita tuh seusaha mungkin gak ngerusak dan n gejaga kelestarian bumi ini gitu lah inti yang saya dapat.

O: Bentuk keterlibatan seperti apa yang telah dilakukan dalam pelaksanaannya program Planet 21? A: Hmm…, oh! kalo untuk tamu ya, kita cuma dikasih tau mengenai campaignnya itu lewat semacam TVC di tiap kamar, jadi kalo kita nginap dan nyalain TV di kamar

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 pertama kali pasti keluar semacam video kampanye tenteng Planet 21 itu. Terus ada juga, di tiap kamar ada kayak…, apa tuh card gitu di meja, di gantungan baju, yang isinya hemat pemakaian air, hemat listrik, terus handuk juga.

O: Bagaimana cara panitia inti mengomunikasikan program/kampanye Planet 21 kepada seluruh internal perusahaan? A: Saya sih waktu itu juga dikasih tau…lewat front office, tapi cuma sekedar info farewell aja info...sekilas info lah ya, tapi kalo di Hotel Pullman sendiri itu ada kayak semacam green campaign box yang aku liat, disitu kita bisa beli satu tanaman kecil dan nyumbang berapapun jumlahnya untuk kontribusi di Planet 21 ini.

O: Media apa yang digunakan untuk mengomunikasikan program/kampanye yang akan dilaksanakan kepada eksternal perusahaan? A: Aku sih sempet liat di Instagram ya, tapi pas aku liat itu di postannya itu program menanam bersamanya udah lewat, tapi selain itu yang aku liat di beberapa postingannya Pullman juga tentang kampanye Planet 21 ini.

O: Apakah Mba pernah melihat atau mendengar kampanye Planet 21 pada media online? Jika ya pada media apa dan seperti apa bentuknya? A: Paling ya itu dari Instagram sih.

O: Dari individu Anda sendiri, apakah manfaat yang dirasakan dari pelaksanaan Planet 21? A: Sebagai tamu ya, sebenernya kita jadi tau sih ya, sebenarnya langkah menjaga bumi ini gak dari menanam pohon doang, misalkan bisa juga dari penggunaan ulang handuk gak sekali pake cuci...kayak gimmicknya yang dikasih tau hotel. Terus ternyata untuk Hotel Pullman yang udah ngeluarin sumber daya yang banyak, mereka juga bisa nih membantu dan menghimbau tamunya ikut menjaga kelestarian bumi, terus jadinya saya bisa jadi ikutan deh acara sosial kayak gini.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Field Note Pullman Jakarta Indonesia – M.H. Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat, 8 Mei 2018 Olivia Hasana Dharmawan

KETERANGAN WAKTU AKTIVITAS Hasil observasi TEMPAT Kamar Grand 1:28 – Melihat isi kamar dan mencari Deluxe 14: 10 kampanye Planet 21 (disediakan oleh rekan sebagai bahan penelitian – kebutuhan showing room)

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Field Note Pullman Jakarta Indonesia – M.H. Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat, 7 Mei 2018 Olivia Hasana Dharmawan

KETERANGAN WAKTU AKTIVITAS KOMUNIKASI NON-VERBAL INTERPRETASI PENGAMAT TEMPAT Pintu masuk 10:37 – Dua petugas keamanan (dua -(10:39) Senyum selalu diisyaratkan dari -Pullman Jakarta Indonesia lobi 12:00 perempuan dan satu laki-laki) petugas keamanan sambil menggerakan mengimplementasikan memeriksa semua orang yang tangan sebagai isyarat selamat datang kampanye feel welcome hendak masuk hotel dan disambut kepada tamunya, agar tamu oleh welcomer, bagian dari Hotel -(10:39) Sambil mengatakan sesuatu si mendapatkan pengalaman Pullman. tamu menaruh barang bawaannya sambil baik dengan pelayanan yang berbicara dengan teman di belakangnya. hangat

-(10:40) Tamu tersebut berjalan ke arah receptionist counter

Meja 14:10 – Seorang bapak dan seorang datang -(14:10) Seorang bapak dan anak sampai di -Sesuai dengan kampanye resepsionis 14:45 menghampiri meja resepsionis hotel disambut oleh welcomer WATCH, personel hotel untuk melakukan check-in diwajibkan untuk selalu -(14:10) Welcomer perempuan terebut waspada terhadap tamu berbicara kepada sang bapak yang hotel yang sekiranya sebagai menggandeng anak laki-laki bentuk tanggung jawab kepada beberapa yang -(14:10) Salah satu petugas kemanan yang dianggap mencurigakan bertugas di lobi hotel terus memantau untuk dipastikan tidak ada gerak gerik sang bapak dan anak kecil ancaman ekploitasi yang tersebut terjadi

-(14:11) Welcomer tersebut mengantar keduanya ke meja resepsionis

-(14:11 – 14:27) Petugas resepsionis (front office agent) perempuan berbicara kepada

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 keduanya dan beberapa kali meminta dokumen kelengkapan dari sang bapak.

Pojok lobi 15:00 – Beberapa tamu menghampiri box -(15:12) Seorang tamu perempuan expat Terlihat adanya ketertarikan tempat battery 16:00 tersebut mengampiri dan melihat-lihat box baterai beberapa tamu terhadap box kamapanye box baterai yang -(15:20) Seorang tamu perempuan lainnya diletakkan di lobi melihat dan jongkok untuk membaca instruksi pada boxnya

-(15:34) Seorang tamu expat laki-laki sempat berhenti sebentar dan memutari box tersebut

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018



Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 COMMIT TO SOCIETY Planet 21 offers Improve your hotel performance with sustainable initiatives September 2017

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Our vision Drive the change towards positive hospitality wherever we are

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018

AccorHotels / Planet 21 offers September 2017 2 Why does sustainability matter? Our world is facing huge challenges

Hosting more than 500,000 guests every day generates significant impacts on the Planet, and a great responsibilities to balance our activities with the People working our living in our ecosystem. Every one of our hotels is a world in itself that has to address key challenges to run its business in a sustainable manner:

+250,000 employees in our hotels 1 out of 4 hotels is located in a water stressed area We must ensure good working conditions and Some cities are already experiencing water shortage respect human rights everywhere in our value chain Each hotel produces an average of 45 t/year 1 out of 7 human being is malnourished – 50% being food waste 1 out of 5 human being lives in extreme poverty Our duty is also to share wealth and solidarity ACCORHOTELS IN SOME KEY FIGURES

85 to 90% of hotels turn over is injected in local economy, ensuring our local anchorage 4,7 Mt CO2 = Our carbon footprint

~2M children are sexually abused each year 60 M m3 = in the frame of travel and tourism Our global water consumption

More than 30% of world food 1 M JOBS = Number of people working in AccorHotels value chain production is lost or wasted

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018

AccorHotels / Planet 21 offers September 2017 3 Why does sustainability matter? Business is more and more impacted


ON B2C SIDE, SUSTAINABILITY IS A GLOBAL TREND LEGAL CONSTRAINT IS HIGH Today’s guests are concerned about social On topics like global warning, human rights, data protection, responsibility and the environment. transparency… national and international legal framework is growing. Companies are more and more expected to act. 80% Ex. Paris Agreement (COP 21) will mean an average reduction ARE AWARE OF COMMITMENTS of 80% of CO2 emissions in each hotel TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Ex. “Duty of vigilance law” in France compels AccorHotels Half of them make it a criterion when selecting a hotel. to make sure that all our suppliers respect international standards for human rights and environment OUR B2B CLIENTS PAY BROADER ATTENTION TO SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE MANAGING REPUTATION IS CHALLENGING 94% 53% 33% NGO’s are sometimes very offensive towards business players OF B2B CLIENTS OF THEM USE CSR even disqualify (ex. animal welfare). Any social or environmental breach is now consider CSR as as an additional offers given buzzing on social media with immediate effects on reputation. an important issue. criteria to poor CSR segregate offers. performance.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018

AccorHotels / Planet 21 offers September 2017 4 The benefits of sustainability for your business


 You reduce your hotel’s energy You have access to a series of tools to mitigate  You increase your hotel’s attractiveness and water costs your risks, ensure legal compliance and manage and differentiate from competitors  You reduce your food cost though reputation on a wide range of issues:  You enrich guest experience and increase better food waste management  Corruption  Discrimination your guests’ satisfaction and loyalty thanks  You secure and even increase the gross  Money laundering  Carbon emissions to your commitments asset value of your property thanks to better  Sexual exploitation  Waste management  You secure B2B sales revenue with good environmental technology and performance of children score on sustainable criteria in requests  Water stress for proposals (RFPs)  Procuring /  Etc. prostitution  You improve staff loyalty and motivation by providing better working conditions  Sexual harassment and engagement And at the end of the day, you improve your  You innovate with new concepts, offers license to operate and your local anchorage or services that answer clients growing expectations

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018

AccorHotels / Planet 21 offers September 2017 5 AccorHotels is pioneering and leading sustainability in hospitality


1998 2002 2005 2006/ 2009 2011/ 2015 2016/ 2016 1994 2001 2003 2010 2015 2020



Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018

AccorHotels / Planet 21 offers September 2017 6 Planet 21 - Acting Here! is the Corporate Social Responsibility The program is structured around 6 pillars: (CSR) program of AccorHotels, implemented in all hotels / our 4 main stakeholders (employees, clients, partners all brands across the world. It sets a series of objectives for 2020 [hotels’ owners and suppliers] and local communities) in order to tackle AccorHotels’ main issues and drive innovation. + 2 priority fields (food & beverage and buildings).

1/ Act as an inclusive company for our people

Our goal? To act as an inclusive company, meaning we: EMPLOYEE  Are open to all and proud  See differences as % ENGAGEMENT of our differences opportunities to spur 72  Empower people and innovation, grow local SCORE encourage talent to blossom roots, step up performance and nurture dedication  Care about our employees’ wellbeing and balance

VIVAH In South America, AccorHotels has launched VIVAH, which aims to promote the welfare of all employees in the region through three pillars: health, food and physical activity.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018

AccorHotels / Planet 21 offers September 2017 7 2/ Engage our GUESTS in a sustainable experience

Guests consider our hotels like a second home where they can sleep, eat, unwind, etc. This proximity with our guests means we have a unique responsibility; that of guaranteeing them quality products and services with a high environmental and social performance. It also means we can forge even stronger bonds around sustainable development issues, so that ultimately, we can encourage them to take action with us.


Eco-designed bed & amenities Green stars AFTER 1 YEAR OF IMPLEMENTATION 45% OF OUR HOTELS ACHIEVE “BRONZE” LEVEL Near 40% of hotels have Through the Green stars ecodesigned bedding operation, we promote in guest rooms. towards our guests the great commitments of our hotels Near 90% offer eco-friendly amenities (soaps, shower gels, around Planet 21: +60,000 guests have voted to designate shampoos). the best 3 projects among +600 hotels achievements…

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018

AccorHotels / Planet 21 offers September 2017 8 3/ Co-innovate with our PARTNERS to open up new horizons

Our goal: to co-innovate with our partners to open up new horizons and give a concrete form to our vision of positive hospitality. At the same time, we commit ourselves to a wider responsibility and must:  extend our social, societal and environmental commitments to our partners,  involve them in our progress, and  raise standards all along our value chain.


Create a more sustainable and inclusive future

As a partner of thecamp, the first European campus dedicated to emerging technology and social innovation, AccorHotels will lead the way to imagine new solutions for sustainable cities and inclusive hospitality.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018

AccorHotels / Planet 21 offers September 2017 9 4/ Work hand-in-hand with local COMMUNITIES for a positive impact

Respect host communities. Care for the most vulnerable. Protect local ecosystems. We foster sustainable social and economic development, and support communities, wherever our hotels are.


Solidarity AccorHotels Plant for the Planet

+3,000 HOTELS COMMITTED TO LOCAL SOLIDARITY PROJETS % 85 HOTELS IMPLEMENT OUR PROGRAM AGAINST SEXUAL +270 projects in 40 countries Thanks to guests towel reuse, EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN supported by our employees AccorHotels finance tree to fight exclusion through plantation with laundry savings professional integration. and act for a more ecologic agriculture through agroforestry in +200 projects 5M TREES in 26 countries. PLANTED IN 26 COUNTRIES WITH PLANT OF THE PLANET Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018

AccorHotels / Planet 21 offers September 2017 10 5/ Move towards carbon neutral BUILDNGS

Zero carbon, zero waste… as well as increasingly controlled water consumption, notably through recycling. This is the target AccorHotels has set for its buildings. % Today, we act with AccorInvest to improve all the hotels -8,4 they own, i.e. about 30% of our portfolio. This is just the beginning. We will not stop there. WATER CONSUMPTION 2011 - 2015 SOME ACHIEVEMENTS…

% First BBCA hotel : -7,2 Jo&Joe Paris Plant for the Planet ENERGY CONSUMPTION 2011 - 2015

AccorHotels innovate in the As a main partner of the electric field of new construction & hydrogen vessel Energy design & process with the first Observer, that will ever low carbon hotel labelled circumnavigate the world BBCA: Glued laminated timber without any carbon emission, superstructure, innovative AccorHotels has access to the energy and digital most innovative and advanced architecture, ecofriendly technologies and work with the materials, low impact world leading researchers to roll construction work… it in our hotels.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018

AccorHotels / Planet 21 offers September 2017 11 6/ Strive for zero food waste & healthy, sustainable FOOD

Our hotels serve 150 million meals a year. Because we are also restaurateurs, because today’s food model is not sustai- nable, and because our guests want quality food products, we must take concrete action regarding food, which is a high-stakes issue for our Group. Our Goal? To offer our guests +600 healthy, sustainable food and also to eliminate food waste. VEGETABLE GARDENS WORLDWIDE SOME ACHIEVEMENTS… % % Too Good To Go -50 TO -80 partnership Planet 21 café FOOD WASTE REDUCTION IN OUR PILOT HOTELS

Breakfast buffets and meals A 100% sustainable experience leftovers are sold at low price, in a successful F&B concept: in the Too Good To Go recycled furniture, local food, application, meaning collaborative project lead additional revenues and by the hotel team. traffic for the hotel.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018

AccorHotels / Planet 21 offers September 2017 12 Supports and tools to manage sustainability in your hotel


Plug & play roadmap and A unique and ergonomic +120 dedicated people Ready to use tools A network of partners and toolkit with factsheets, tool to manage actions worldwide to bring you to communicate in your NGOs in the countries trainings, ready to use kits, (Planet 21, compliance, daily support and promote hotel, on the web, in social to support you locally referenced products safety) and all data your achievements medias… (agroforestry = Pur Projet, & partners, etc. (energy/ carbon, water, Charity projects = waste…) Solidarity AccorHotels, Planet 21 levels (Bronze, child protection = ECPAT, Silver, Gold, Platinum) to animal welfare = Humane pave the road to progress Society…)

Food waste: Monitor food waste thanks to an app connected to a weighing scale and access to analytics to reduce BILLABLE SERVICE by 50 to 80% your food waste day after day. Earn 2 to 5% food cost. More services on coming: Energy and Carbon efficiency (for construction/renovation and exploitation); Waste optimization; Urban agriculture… Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018

AccorHotels / Planet 21 offers September 2017 13 Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Planet 21 In Action, hotels’ sustainable development roadmap


1. Appoint a Planet 21 manager 4. By default, reuse sheets for stays 8. Participate in the "Plant for the 10. Ban the use of overfished species 11. Measure and analyse water and energy consumptions 2. Train staff on respecting the longer than one night Planet" programme on a monthly basis. Act in the event of discrepancies values and ethical rules of the 5. Offer eco-friendly amenities (soaps, 9. Roll out the WATCH child 12. Comply with water flow standards for all showers, Group shower gels, shampoos) protection programme taps and toilets 3. Train staff on eco-friendly 6. Display key Planet 21 messages 13. Ensure that all waste water is processed behaviours specific to their 7. Use eco-certified cleaning products 14. Use energy-efficient light bulbs jobs 15. Sort your hazardous waste and have it processed in appropriate waste streams 16. Sort and recycle at least 2 types of waste: paper, glass, cardboard or plastic MANDATORY ACTIONS MANDATORY Bronze

16 16 Mandatory actions

Pts Pts Pts Pts Pts Pts PRODUCTS WATER & ENERGY 17. Institute a staff committee +4 25. Roll out the "Meeting 21" offer +4 42. Follow the 'Ethics and CSR +4 43. Donate products being phased +3 48. Roll out a programme to fight +4 56. Install automatic metering and sub-metering +4 on 'Health, Safety and Well- 26. Provide eco-friendly sheets or +3 checklist' for purchases out for reuse or recycling food waste of water, energy and temperature Being' bedspread covers made directly by the hotel 44. Support a local association +3 49. Comply with the Healthy and +4 57. Have a renewable energy generation system +4 18. Implement collective +3 27. Provide eco-friendly towels +3 45. Donate unused food products +3 Sustainable Food Charter 58. Have a cogeneration system +3 planning for work schedules 28. Have eco-designed bedding in +3 46. Put fundraising operations in +3 50. Install an urban vegetable +4 59. Receive power from a 'green' electricity +3 19. Implement concrete action +3 guest rooms place garden supply on diversity 29. Offer at least 2 eco-friendly +3 47. Open up to the surrounding +3 51. Use food products from local +3 60. Insulate the domestic hot water, heating, +3 20. Train staff on health and +2 products from the following list: area and support the local suppliers and/or short supply and air conditioning networks, as well as well-being at work toilet paper, tissues, paper economy chains devices with significant heat loss 21. Train staff on appropriate +2 towels, printing paper 52. Offer food products with +3 61. Commission an expert to perform a regular +3 behaviour and attitudes at 30. Offer an alternative to plastic +2 third-party labels (organic, water/energy diagnostic on the hotel work water bottles fair trade, etc.) 62. Reuse grey water +3 22. Facilitate staff members' +2 31. Use eco-friendly paint or carpet +2 53. Recycle food waste +3 63. Have the building's thermal performance +2 commutes between home 32. Highlight the Planet 21 +2 54. Offer vegetarian catering +2 checked regularly and work commitment on a dedicated wall 55. Offer honey from beehives +1 64. Introduce a process for managing occupied +2 23. Facilitate staff lodging +2 mural or a green wall installed around the hotel and unoccupied modes for rooms and 24. Raise awareness internally +1 33. Offer eco-friendly or socially +1 communal areas on the fight against staff responsible welcome gifts or 65. Collect and reuse rain water +2 illiteracy products in the hotel shop 66. Automatically turn off heating or cooling +2 34. Use eco-friendly magnetic key +1 systems if a window is open cards for guest rooms 35. Display (additional) Planet 21 +1 ENVIRONMENT messages about measures unique 67. Receive low-carbon or sustainable building +4 to the hotel certification for construction & renovation work SERVICES 68. Receive an external environmental +2 36. Implement at least one systematic +2 certification measure to reduce the amount of 69. Use eco-friendly landscape maintenance +1 paper used for printing products or ban chemical treatment 37. Organise a guest awareness-raising +2 70. Use eco-friendly products and processes for +1 event around Planet 21 or treating pool water SOLIDARITY 38. Offer a charging station for +1 WASTE

+ A CHOICE OF ACTIONS TO GO FURTHER GO TO ACTIONS OF A CHOICE+ electric cars 71. Sort and recycle paper, glass, cardboard and +3 39. Offer eco-friendly transport +1 plastic services 72. Install recycling bins in guest rooms and +3 40. Offer sustainable trips or activities +1 meeting rooms nearby the hotel 73. Collect and recycle cooking oil +2 41. Publicise the hotel's Planet 21 +1 74. Recycle coffee capsules +1 actions on social networks 75. Install a waste compactor +1 76. Install grease bins to collect and recycle +1 cooking grease

Strategi CSR Planet21...,Silver Olivia Hasana Dharmawan,Gold FIKOM UMN,Platinum 2018 LEVELS ≥ 40 points ≥ 80 points ≥ 110 points EXPERT PAPER WATCH PROGRAMME


Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) is a crucial issue for an international hotel group such as AccorHotels. With over 170 million customers staying in its 3,800 hotels in over 90 countries every year, AccorHotels is determined to combat all forms of sexual abuse of children that could occur on its premises. This is the purpose of the Group’s programme called WATCH, We Act Together for CHildren.

This long-standing commitment is the result of the moral responsibility that is intrinsically linked to its work as a hotel operator. It also limits legal and operational risks as well as risks to its reputation.

Protecting underage children against sexual abuse in travel and tourism forms part of the Group’s ‘Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Charter’, endorsed by the Group’s Chairman and CEO and distributed at all levels of internal management as well as, to AccorHotels partners. It is implemented through the ‘PLANET 21’ programme, AccorHotels’ sustainable development strategy. By 2020, the Group aims to have 100 percent of its hotels (including subsidiary, managed and franchised hotels) committed to fighting against child sex abuse in travel and tourism (compared to 88 percent in 2015).

AccorHotels’ commitment to fighting the sexual exploitation of children is constantly evolving. Developed at the beginning of the 2000s by general managers of hotels in South East Asia who were directly faced with increasing levels of child sex tourism, the Group has gradually expanded its commitment worldwide. Over a period of more than 10 years, the Group has acquired an increasing level of maturity in understanding local contexts,

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 1 awareness and in devising effective For this reason, AccorHotels has chosen measures to address the problem. An to take on a partnership-approach to awareness of the worldwide dimension support the development of its child of sexual exploitation of children in the protection programme by establishing travel and tourism sector and the growing close relationships with experts on the danger it can pose to local communities in issue. Firstly, AccorHotels has long been countries in which the Group operates, has in partnership with member associations led to AccorHotels’ to bolster visibility to of the End Child Prostitution, Child its commitment by launching the WATCH Phonography and Trafficking of Children programme in 2014. for Sexual Purposes or the ECPAT network, which can be found in most of THE NECESSITY OF the countries in which the Group operates. COLLABORATIVE LOCAL ECPAT provides an understanding of local IMPLEMENTATION issues and realities, networks for looking after victims, and training expertise. In operational terms, the AccorHotels Group’s commitment to combating sexual In addition, local and/or international police exploitation of children involves establishing networks are key partners in developing a national policies and procedures that are procedure at the national level. Regular adapted to local issues, providing training contact between hotel operators and to staff and running campaigns to raise police forces is a key element in making awareness among customers. sexual abuse reporting mechanisms a success. One of the main difficulties encountered by AccorHotels in the deployment of its Finally, AccorHotels is a signatory of the WATCH programme is the high level of Code of Conduct for the Protection of sensitivity and complexity surrounding Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel the issue of SECTT. The significant and Tourism initiative. ‘The Code’, offers a variation in contexts between countries framework that matches the structure of and the difficulties in accessing statistical the Group’s child protection programme information to better understand the (establishing policies and procedures, phenomenon, are some of the other training employees, sharing commitments challenges. The Group does not always with the value chain and in particular with have the resources or expertise it needs customers, etc.). By the end of 2015, 38 of within the company to overcome these the countries in which the Group operates obstacles. more than 2,700 hotels, signed The Code.

To increase the efficiency of its child protection procedures, AccorHotels has worked in partnership with ECPAT France and French/International Police forces (the Direction de la Coopération Internationale and the Office Central de la Répression des Violences faites aux Personnes). This collaboration has allowed to complete the essential step of awareness raising on SECTT, with the definition of an operational procedure that allows suspected or emergency cases of abuse of minors to be reported. Combining operational experience has made it possible to identify the stakeholders that need to be involved, as well as the information that needs to be shared with these partners to ensure that victims are cared for effectively and that abusers are dealt with by the authorities. This work first led to the production of a ‘Reporting Manual’ tested in three pilot countries; however, the format proved to lack effectiveness. The working group then developed other formats, such as videos and training documents, which were better suited to the limitations of the field and helped stakeholders take ownership of the content. These tools are now used as part of the WATCH programme.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 2 THE WATCH PROGRAMME: ACCORHOTELS’ OPERATIONAL RESPONSE TO THE CHALLENGE OF SECTT The launch of the WATCH programme within the AccorHotels network in 2014 was the result of 15 years of commitment to combating sexual exploitation involving children and of lessons learned from a range of local initiatives already carried out throughout the Group. Its purpose is to prevent cases of sexual abuse of minors in the Group’s hotels and to react as best as possible in suspected cases or if confirmed cases are detected.

The WATCH programme involves creating a child protection structure at the national level, appointing a WATCH Coordinator who is responsible for coordinating the programme by adapting it to the local context, establishing a method of Finally, visible communication with operation with police forces (local and/or customers is a key element in the international) and organisations that care implementation of the WATCH programme, for children who have been victims of with a role that prevents potential abuse abuse. and supports customers who could also find themselves witnesses to abuse. Awareness-raising and training sessions are also organised every year at two This communication can take the form of levels. Firstly, they target employees who in-hotel communication (digital displays are in direct contact with customers or posters in common spaces, brochures (such as housekeepers and reception at receptions, in rooms, etc.) as well as staff), who must feel confident and know digital communication. For example, what is expected of them if they witness before the FIFA World Cup in Brazil in situations of abuse. Secondly, they target 2014, AccorHotels ran the ‘Don’t Look employees in positions of responsibility Away’ campaign, created by ECPAT, on its (general managers or department heads), booking sites. who must know their role to take the lead if abuse is detected, acting as a link From mid-2016, the Group will also with the people that care for victims and raise awareness among all customers the authorities. To ensure this training is booking their stay on the Group’s booking properly carried out, AccorHotels uses platforms with a message included in the tools developed both within the Group confirmation email. and externally: classroom-based training modules, ‘emergency response cards’ given to employees, awareness-raising films, e-learning modules, etc.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 3 Examples of detection and reporting of cases of SECTT by AccorHotels/ Orbis in Poland

Thanks to the AccorHotels Poland/Orbis prevention policy and commitment of its employees, in the past three years, several cases were reported to Polish Police as ‘suspicious’. Within these situations, two cases (described below) were confirmed, and the offenders were punished in court by the Polish penal code.

Case no. 1 1. A man who looks like a regular hotel guest checks-in alone for three nights. 2. What draws the attention of the hotel employees? The man is loud, talking to himself but still – he’s alone. 3. What alarmed the receptionist? On the last day of his stay, the suspicious guest enters the hotel with a 10-year-old boy and goes to a room with the boy. 4. The boy escapes the hotel. The hotel manager immediately informs the police. 5. The man returns to the hotel with another boy, but the police are already there.

Case no. 2 1. A man who looks like a regular hotel guest checks-in with a boy of approximately 10 years of age. 2. What draws the attention of hotel employees? His relationship with the boy at the swimming pool doesn’t appear to be a father and son relationship. 3. The hotel manager immediately informs the police. 4. The situation is fully managed by the police.

WIDE-SCALE DEPLOYMENT 15 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AccorHotels’ commitment to combating AND ZERO TOLERANCE FOR sexual exploitation of children in travel SECTT and tourism (SECTT) has enabled over After 15 years of commitment to the fight 140,000 employees to receive child against SECTT, AccorHotels expertise, protection training since 2002. involvement and commitment is stronger than ever. Addressing this issue for an In 2015, the involvement of hotels was international Group as AccorHotels requires stepped up further, both in countries a long-term commitment, supported by that have historically been involved and all levels of management, with regular in those countries across all continents training updates in collaboration with local in which little work had been carried out partners. AccorHotels has learned from its on the issue of child exploitation. In total, experience that there are always obstacles 88 percent of AccorHotels network (over to overcome when addressing the issue of 3,000 hotels) have enroled in the WATCH SECTT, in particular: programme. -- The attitudes that form part of the The training of employees is a key factor in hotel profession can sometimes be an the actual identification of cases of SECTT. obstacle. The traditional ‘savoir-faire’ Every year, cases or suspected cases of of the hoteliers requires attention to sexual abuse of minors are detected by the guests needs, the spirit of service AccorHotels teams and reported to the and quality, discretion and respect police. for the guests’ privacy; which can

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 4 be perceived as challenged by the Once the Group’s commitment against operational procedures linked to SECTT is clearly stated and promoted, WATCH. the vast majority of employees follow -- Preconceived ideas and an under- the procedures because it helps give estimation of the reality of the their profession meaning and a shared phenomenon in certain countries commitment to a common cause. (and sometimes the lack of local Experience also shows that guests are truly contacts as a result) remains an understanding and grateful for the teams’ important obstacle to the issue being commitment, even when suspected taken up by the largest possible cases turn out to be false alerts, as it is number of people. a demonstration that child protection is seriously addressed in the hotel. To maintain and strengthen the commitment of as many people as By endorsing its commitment against possible, it is essential for the Group to SECTT in its new Sustainable Development communicate even more about the reality Strategy for the period 2016-2020, of sexual exploitation of children in travel AccorHotels demonstrates its intent not and tourism and about levers to encourage only to continue to act within the scope action from all parties. The group has also of the company through the most wide- adapted measures to the issues specific reaching training and awareness-raising to each country, relying on the valuable measures, but also to act as a leader to expertise of relevant partners (NGOs and encourage the largest possible number of police forces) and using an appropriate players in the travel and tourism industry tone and resources to help people to take to follow suit. the message on board. © AccorHotels 2016


AccorHotels is a Group united by a shared passion for hospitality and driven by a shared promise to make everyone Feel Welcome.

Over 180,000 women and men in almost 3,800 AccorHotels establishments look after thousands of guests every day in 92 countries.

AccorHotels is the world’s leading hotel operator and offers its customers, partners and employees: -- its dual expertise as a hotel operator and franchisor (HotelServices) and a hotel owner and investor (HotelInvest); -- a large portfolio of internationally renowned brands covering the full spectrum, with luxury (Sofitel, Pullman, MGallery, Grand Mercure, The Sebel), midscale (Novotel, Suite Novotel, Mercure, Mama Shelter, Adagio) economy (ibis, ibis Styles, ibis budget, adagio access and hotelF1) establishments; -- a powerful marketplace and loyalty program Le Club AccorHotels -- almost half a century of commitment to corporate citizenship and solidarity with the PLANET 21 program.

Accor SA shares are listed on the Euronext Paris exchange (ISIN code: FR0000120404) and traded in the USA on the OTC marketplace (Code: ACRFY)

Follow news on Accor Book a hotel https://twitter.com/Accorhotels | www.accorhotels-group.com http://www.accorhotels.com/

Contact Global Study on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism Email: [email protected] Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Website: www.globalstudysectt.org 5 A new program to reinvent hotels - sustainably

April 12th, 2012

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 A longstanding commitment

1994 Creation of the Environment Department 4 leading international socially responsible investment indices

1998 1st Accor Hotels Environment Charter

First hospitality group partnering with ECPAT 2001 against child sex tourism

Creation of the Sustainable development 2002 department (society + environment)

Commitment to the UN Global Compact 2003 st 1 Accor sustainable procurement charter Several recognitions

2004 ibis commits to ISO 14001

Launch of OPEN, Accor’s 2005 sustainable development management tool Launch of the Earth Guest program, 2006 Accor’s sustainable development 2006-2010 strategy

2011 Plant for the Planet: 2 million trees financed

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 To go further, Accor has acquired in-depth knowledge of guests’ expectations

Key learning #1 All hotel guests feel concerned by sustainable development.

Key learning # 2 High expectations concerning concrete actions in four key areas: water, energy, waste and child protection.

Key learning #3 Guests consider themselves an essential link in the sustainable development chain.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 3 The environmental footprint allowed to identify priority areas of improvement

Key learning #1 Carbon and energy are the first pointers for progress for the Group.

Key learning # 2 Food purchases account for most of the water we consume and contaminate.

Key learning #3 Building sites are a critical link in the waste production chain.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 4 Today, Accor enters a new era of ambitious expansion

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 5 PLANET 21: two levers of improvement

A continuous improvement strategy

A program to involve guests

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 6 PLANET 21: a continuous improvement strategy

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 7 PLANET 21 strategy: 7 pillars and 21 commitments to reinvent hospitality - sustainably

21 commitments 21 quantifiable objectives

1. Guarantee healthy interiors 85% of hotels have eco-labelled products

2. Promote responsible eating 80% of hotels promote balanced dishes

3. Prevent diseases 95% of hotel organize disease prevention trainings

4. Reduce our water use 15% reduction in water use between 2011 and 2015 (owned/leased hotels)

5. Expand waste recycling 85% of hotels recycle their waste

6. Protect biodiversity 60% of hotels participate in the Plant for the Planet reforestation project

10% reduction in energy use between 2011 and 2015 7. Reduce our energy use (owned/leased hotels) 10% reduction in CO emissions between 2011 and 2015 (owned/leased 8. Reduce our CO emissions 2 2 hotels) 9. Increase the use of renewable energy 10% of hotels use one renewable energy

10. Encourage eco-design 40% of hotels have at least 3 eco-designed room components

11. Promote sustainable building 21 new or renovated hotels are certified as sustainable buildings

12. Introduce sustainable offers and technologies 20% of owned and leased hotels offer green meeting solutions

13. Protect our children from abuse 70% of hotels have committed to protecting children 70% of hotels will purchase and promote products originating in their 14. Support responsible purchasing practices host country.

15. Protect ecosystems 100% of hotels ban endangered seafood species from restaurant menus

16. Support employee growth and skills 75% of hotel managers are promoted from internal mobility

Women account for 35% of hotel managers 17. Make diversity an asset (outside Motel 6 / Studio 6) 100% of host countries organize an employee opinion survey every 2 18. Improve quality of worklife years Accor is included in 6 internationally-recognized socially responsible 19. Conduct our business openly and transparently investment indices or standards 40% of all hotels are ISO14001 or EarthCheck-certified (excl. economy 20. Engage our franchised and managed hotels segment) Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 100% of purchasing contracts are in compliance with our Procurement 8 21. Share our commitments with suppliers Charter 21 PLANET 21 strategy: Ambitious commitments with quantifiable objectives

85% of hotels use eco-labeled products  68% in 2011 80% of hotels promote balanced dishes  62% in 2011 95% of hotels organize disease prevention training for employees  77% in 2011

-15% reduction in water use  -12% between 2006 and 2010

85% of hotels recycle their waste  64% in 2011

60% of hotels participate in Plant for the Planet  34% in 2011

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 9 An ambitious, yet achievable strategy

Over 100,000 trained employees in health & fight against child sex tourism in 5 years

590 certified hotels (ISO 14001 and EarthCheck)

12% decrease in water consumption in 5 years

172 hotels with renewable energy

82% of hotels with low-consumption light bulbs

85% of hotels with water flow regulators

1,100 hotels with organic food on their menus …

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 10 Employees’ development on sustainability through e-learning

Already 8 languages planned betweenStrategi CSR April Planet21..., & June Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 11 PLANET 21: two levers of improvement

A continuous improvement strategy

A program to involve guests

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 12 Strong visibility of achievements for responsible hotels

Booking Hotel entrance

Rooms Public areas

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 13

PLUS DOUX POUR VOUS ICI, VOS SERVIETTES ET POUR LA PLANETE PLANTENT DES ARBRES Ces produits sont écolabellisés 5 serviettes réutilisées = 1 arbre planté et certifiés par un organisme indépendant. PLANET 21 will only highlight the best achievements

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 14 PLANET 21 identifiers depend on sustainable development performance 3 levels of performance

Certified hotels

Hotels that meet Hotels on the way to PLANET 21 standards PLANET 21 standards They have received a sustainability certification: They do not apply Charter 21’s They apply Charter 21’s ten ISO14001, EarthCheck, ten compulsory measures compulsory measures LEED, BBC, BREEAM or HQE

Identifiers on the concrete actions really Identifiers on the concrete actions really Identifiers on the concrete actions really implemented in the hotel: implemented in the hotel implemented in the hotel • Plant for the Planet + + • Waste sorting Identifiers on PLANET 21’s ambition Identifiers on PLANET 21’s ambition • Central switches • Mural 21 • Eco-labelled amenities • Doors 21 + • … • New Charter 21 Poster Identifiers on the building & booking sites mentioning the certification • Sticker on hotel entrance door • PLANET 21 tag on accorhotels.com and brands.com

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 15 PLANET 21 identifiers depend on sustainable development performance 3 levels of performance

Ten actions of Charter 21 are compulsory They have been identified as the easiest to implement, the ones guests most expect or the most profitable.

#1 Be familiar with environmental regulations

#2 Train employees to adopt the right eco-friendly gesturesCertified hotels

#13 Monitor and analyzeHotels energy that meet consumption every month Hotels on the way to PLANET 21 standards PLANET 21 standards#14 Use low-consumption lamps for 24 hour lighting They have received a sustainability certification: They do not apply Charter 21’s They apply Charter 21’s ten ISO14001, EarthCheck, ten compulsory measures#31 Monitor and analyze water consumption every month compulsory measures LEED, BBC, BREEAM or HQE

Identifiers on the concrete #32actions reallyInstall water flow regulators on showers and faucets Identifiers on the concrete actions really Identifiers on the concrete actions really implemented in the hotel: implemented in the hotel implemented in the hotel • Plant for the Planet #43 Recycle ink cartridges + + • Waste sorting Identifiers on PLANET 21’s ambition Identifiers on PLANET 21’s ambition • Central switches • Mural 21 • Eco-labelled amenities#44 Recycle hotel batteries • Doors 21 + • … • New Charter 21 Poster Identifiers on the building & booking sites #56 Use eco-friendly cleaning products mentioning the certification

• Sticker on hotel entrance door #57 Offer balanced meals in the restaurant • PLANET 21 tag on accorhotels.com and brands.com

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 16 PLANET 21 identifiers depend on sustainable development performance 3 levels of performance

Certified hotels

Hotels that meet Hotels on the way to PLANET 21 standards PLANET 21 standards They have received a sustainability certification: They do not apply Charter 21’s They apply Charter 21’s ten ISO14001, EarthCheck, ten compulsory measures compulsory measures LEED, BBC, BREEAM or HQE

2011: 70% of hotels 2011: 17% of hotels 2011: 13% of hotels 2015 Target: 10% 2015 Target: 50% 2015 Target: 40%

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 17 Accor worldwide results – source: Accor Charter 21 33 hotels in all brands have already rolled out PLANET 21

 4 ibis  18 Novotel  4 Sofitel  4 Mercure  3 Pullman

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Starting in April, an on-going deployment until 2015!

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 19 To help us go further, Tristan Lecomte is PLANET 21’s sponsor

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 20 Accor goes further with its reforestation project

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 21 Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 22 Global Luxe Communications Guidelines


Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 1 Approval & Dissemination of LUXE Press Releases

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 ACCORHOTELS LUXE |AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 2 APPROVALS & DISSEMINTATION OF LUXE PRESS RELEASES


• All press releases must be formatted in approved brand release template ( links to all brand release templates) • All press releases must include respective brand boiler plate ( links to all luxe boiler plates) as well as the AccorHotels boiler plate • All press releases require appropriate approvals including corporate, regional and global luxe review ( see slide 4&5 for procedure)

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 APPROVALS & DISSEMINATION OF LUXE PRESS RELEASES


• All LUXE press releases require review by Country/ Regional Luxe VP/COO and Global Luxe Communications. Final approval will be given by the Corporate Communications team.

• All quotes require final approval and sign off from individual being quoted

Dissemination Process • The Country/Regional Communications team is to coordinate the press release distribution with their specific Public Relations Agency • If the News listed in the release is of interest to audiences outside of the specified country/region, the Global Luxe Communications Team or local Luxe Com are responsible for sharing the press release with the Corporate Communications team. The Corporate communications team will review/adapt and validate the content and choose the best way to push the news through the global PR network.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 APPROVALS & DISSEMINATION OF LUXE GLOBAL BRAND PRESS RELEASES


• Luxe Global Brand Press releases require review by LUXE Brand Leader and Global Luxe Communications. Final approval will be given by the Corporate Communications team. • All quotes require final approval and sign off from individual being quoted

Dissemination Process • Distribution of Global Brand press release are mandatory in all Country/Regions • The Country/Regional Communications team is to coordinate the press release distribution with their specific Public Relations Agency

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 2 Global PR Agencies for Luxury Brands (list of Agencies)

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 6 GLOBAL PR AGENCIES FOR LUXURY BRANDS

AccorHotels Global Public Relations Agencies for Luxury Brands have a Brand Mandate. This means that these agencies have been contracted to drive Brand Awareness and Understanding for all of AccorHotels Luxury & Upscale Hotels in strategic markets globally. While the Public Relations agencies are routinely asked to leverage individual hotel information to assist in telling and sharing brand stories, please understand that they have NOT been contracted to support hotels on an individual basis. The agencies have been contracted to support key brand stories and priorities and are working towards an a pre determined plan of action.

• Agency Scope of Work is managed and approved by respective Country/Regional Communications and Global Luxe Communications teams/Corporate Communications team. • All Directives regarding Global Luxe PR Agency Activity are disseminated by respective Country/Regional Communications. • All pitches for a new agency have to be validated and monitored by Global Luxe Communications teams/Corporate Communications team. • AccorHotels Global Luxe PR agencies have the ability to interact directly with hotels on activity that is aligned with their Scope of Work. Hotels are asked to provide assistance in a timely manner.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 GLOBAL LUXE AGENCIES IN KEY MARKETS

BENELUX UK Coebergh Luchford APM RUSSIA Sparkle Uschi Liebl PR



ALL AGENCIES ARE DRIVEN BY REGIONAL COMMUNICATION RELAYS Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 GLOBAL PR LUXE AGENCY STRUCTURE


Comms Relay Region Agency Main contact Phone number E-mail address NicolePLACEHOLDER FOR AGENCY LISTING Anne-Cecile United States Hawkins + 1 212-255-6541 [email protected] Lierheimer Blanchot Jim Long UK & Ireland Luchford Lou Harris +44 (0) 7825 068 383 [email protected] Sophie Kiki Hirschfeldt Benelux Coebergh +31 (0)20 470 87 87 [email protected] Ratouis Marine [email protected] Todesco France Hopscotch/LPS Virginie Martins Pires +33 1 41 34 20 43 Sabat +49 89 724 02 92 - Anne Wahl Germany Uschi Liebl PR Yvonne Pollakowsky [email protected] 11 Alka Winter United Arab Emirates House of Comms Tryphena Greenwood +971 505736413 [email protected] Alistair Watts Russia Sparkle Gaynor Reid Singapore Mango Chloe Sisson +6565366527 [email protected] + 86 10 6528 9983 – Phyllis Sio China GHC Asia Nina Lhamo [email protected] 217

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 3 LUXE Press Trips

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 10 LUXE PRESS TRIPS


The objective of the AccorHotels Luxe Press Trip Program - Global is to profile and enhance the awareness of our luxury brands through an annual series of coordinated group press visits in key markets around the world. These customized, multi-market group press trips will provide us with a discernible platform to share the incredible stories and unique attributes of our brands/hotels with top tier international journalists and leading online influencers.

The goal will be to leverage flagship properties, strategic openings and need assets with a truly international audience to generate feature articles that will encourage trial and drive greater understanding of AccorHotels luxe brand offerings.

Hotels selected to participate will provide the perfect backdrop for top media to explore and learn about each brand, as well as the specific local market, in a meaningful and memorable way.

The Global Luxe Communications team will provide the list of properties on an annual basis. Corporate Communications teams to set up all press trips.

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 LUXE PRESS TRIPS


 Introduce the AccorHotels Luxury Brands to key media partners globally  Strengthen our company’s position as an industry leader in the luxury travel sector  Generate valuable earned coverage in top media outlets globally  Cultivate and strengthen key media relationships with international luxury travel media  Enhance brand awareness/understanding  Highlight key brand markers, USP’s and top news from each brand  Promote key strategic assets


Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 4 MEDIA REQUESTS

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 13 MEDIA REQUEST PROCESS – IN HOTEL


Hotels receive a lot of Media Requests. In order to secure the requests and returns, here is the process we suggest to follow:

Send the request to the regional PR contact The regional PR contact will make a recommendation and let you know if it is interesting to follow up or not

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 5 PR Reporting

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 15 PR REPORTING


Each week, send to local PR contact your clippings in order to highlight your work Local PR contact will send it into the right template (link to the template) and transfer to the Global PR Network ([email protected]) Global PR Network is in charge to pass the articles into the weekly Press Review

* After each media stay, please make sure to make a report (link to the template)

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 6 Awards & Accolades

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 17 AWARDS & ACCOLADES WHY APPLY

Awards serve as unbiased recognition from industry organizations & leading travel publications. They elevate the reputation of our luxury hotels and brands, showcase excellence, and help build awareness & credibility about the AccorHotels portfolio worldwide.

THE BUSINESS CASE FOR AWARDS • Contribute to guest engagement & enhancing the loyalty of existing guests; they incite trial and build intrigue dialogue among new and potential guests • Reinforce why your owners choose to invest in the AccorHotels Luxe Organization and our Luxury Brands • Showcase and bolster the value for potential investors in the AccorHotels Group • Act as recognition for our colleagues efforts and boost employee morale • Lead Influencers and Journalists to watch and follow AccorHotels Luxe Organization and our luxury brand news

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 AWARDS & ACCOLADES DECIDING TO APPLY | SELECTION CRITERIA

• Does your hotel/spa/restaurant/etc. have a program worth talking about? Is it groundbreaking? Impactful to the business? • Does the award align with the AccorHotels Luxe Organization Key Focus Areas? • What is the best category, outlet and/or brand pillar for this award submission? • Does this award apply to the hotel level ( local/regional), or is it more suited national/international awards ( corporate/brand teams)? • Is the award influential/high profile • Is the award celebrated within the industry and coveted by our competitors? • Are our competitors being recognized in this category and/or by this award? • Will the award increase the profile of your property or the brand? • Will this award add to or create a unique story for your property? • Will this award showcase excellence to our stakeholders ( owners, investors, potential talent, guests, B2B groups)? • Does the cost to apply for the award align with the resulting return on investment? • Is this award decided by industry experts, media or consumer voting?

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 AWARDS & ACCOLADES TYPES OF AWARDS


• Geography: is the award local, regional, national or international?

• Business Unit: which business unit does the award support? Service & hospitality, operations, travel & tourism, digital & e-commerce, marketing, human resources, etc.

• Source: consider the type of organization presenting the award. Association, travel, curator, news outlet, reviewer, events, etc.

• Pillar: is the award granted in one of the LUXE Organization’s focus areas? Luxury travel, guest experience, food & beverage, spa &wellbeing, design & architecture, sustainability, innovative technology, growth & development

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 AWARDS & ACCOLADES DEVELOPING THE SUBMISSION


• Choose awards and categories aligned with a specific hotel and/or program • Engage the correct colleagues for support, information and entry collateral • Consider global initiatives that have been implemented locally to amplify the story • Back-up all claims made with concrete proof to demonstrate why your should win • Support your entry with creative collateral • Be clear about your unique proposition • Be direct and concise in your writing • Learn from experience: bring key learnings to future entries • Leverage the global PR network for support through the Corporate Communications team

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 22 AWARDS & ACCOLADES INTERNAL AMPLIFICATION & RECOGNITION


• Hotels are to keep their regional PR offices updated on property-level awards & distinctions • Regional teams are to share detailed information/summaries on notable awards received and other high profile distinctions with the LUXE Communications team on a regular basis • When appropriate, the LUXE Communications team will provide guidance around appropriate internal and external communications support • The LUXE Communications teams will promote notable awards through the following internal channels:  Yammer  Intranet Posts  LUXE Newsletters  Annual Highlights Summary

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 AWARDS & ACCOLADES EXTERNAL AMPLIFICATION


• Regions and luxury hotels are encouraged to develop and distribute press releases to their local markets on influential awards • High-profile and notable award wins should be shared with Global Luxe Communications teams & Corporate Communications team. Corporate Communications team will determine if the information should be cascaded to other global markets for proactive press outreach • Whenever possible, releases should reinforce recent hotel or brand news to add additional newsworthy angles for media

SOCIAL MEDIA • Information on the award win should be shared through property and brand social channels • Social media content should include relevant tags, links to handles and links to releases • Leverage images, award badges and other visuals to make posts captivating Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 AWARDS & ACCOLADES SHARING THE NEWS


• When notified about an award win, let your regional office know- include award name, presenting organization, category and any other key details • If developed, also provide a copy of your award submission so that our teams are aware of what was submitted • Highlight any local amplification or activations taking place to raise awareness about the win

REGION • Keep an active list of awards garnered from luxury hotels/brands • Share regular updates of important award wins with LUXE Communications team • Share a quarterly recap, broken down by brand, of all awards, accolades and distinctions that have been obtained

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 APPENDIX

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 26 YOUR DAILY CONTACTS

As a reminder, you will find on the next slides, the contact you can refer to, according to your regions. As said before, please make sure to refer to the right contacts on a regional and global basis depending on your topics.

REGIONAL • Please see the next slides

GLOBAL Global Luxe Communications team Mike Taylor, Director Global Communications Luxury Brands

Corporate Communications team Line Crieloue, Senior PR Manager Luxury Brands

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 27 YOUR DAILY CONTACTS


BeNeLux Sophie Ratouis Director of Brand Operations, Communication, Quality, PLANET 21


UK + IRELAND Jim Long PR Director EASTERN EUROPE (, Poland, , Slovakia, Romania, Joanna Swierkosz VP Marketing, Quality, Loyalty - Poland and Eastern Europe Bulgaria)

RUSSIA Alistair Watts VP Sales & Marketing

TURKEY Nazli Isikli VP Sales & Marketing

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 28 YOUR DAILY CONTACTS


ITALY Daniela Tondini Communication Manager & PA to Renzo Iorio

SPAIN + PORTUGAL Rebeca Avila Communication Director

MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA Alka Winter Director of Public Relations

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 29 YOUR DAILY CONTACTS


LATIN AMERICA / BRASIL Antonietta Varlese VP Communications South America NORTH AMERICA / CANADA / CARRIBEAN / MEXICO Nicole Lierheimer Executive Director of Communications & PR ASIA PACIFIC ASIA PACIFIC Gaynor Reid Vice President Communications GREATER CHINA Sio Phyllis Director of Communications

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 AccorHotels Luxe | AccorHotels Global Luxe Meeting 24/10/2017 30 Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018 Public Relations is my forte. Adaptable, sociable, committed and OLIVIA responsible, those things explain who I HASANA am. Address: Jakarta, Indonesia DHARMAWAN Phone: +(62) 818 700 789 Email: [email protected]

2016 Basic Korean Teaching for UMN Student Activity Units • Teacher Teaching basic Korean language and culture

2017 Pullman Jakarta Indonesia • Trainee Working on marketing communication department, mainly with social media, producing an effective campaign in order to increase positive WORK impression and online engagement

MS Office 2016 Test of Proficiency in Korean

Photography UMN Social Work Awards 2016 Copy Writing Volunteer English teacher Public Speaking Best Trainee Awards SKILLS & 2018 Adobe Marketing Communication Dept. AWARDS

INTERESTS Internet Socializing Movies Music

2014 - 2018 Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Bachelor of Strategic Communication - Public Relations

2011 - 2014 SMA Regina Pacis Jakarta Head Coordinator of Sports for Student Council EDUCATION

Strategi CSR Planet21..., Olivia Hasana Dharmawan, FIKOM UMN, 2018