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Access to Thesis Access to Electronic Thesis Author: Simon Furey Thesis title: Harmony in Discord: An Analysis of Catalan Folk Song Qualification: PhD Date awarded: 15th March 2002 This electronic thesis is protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. No reproduction is permitted without consent of the author. It is also protected by the Creative Commons Licence allowing Attributions-Non-commercial-No derivatives. If this electronic thesis has been edited by the author it will be indicated as such on the title page and in the text. Department of Hispanic Studies University of Sheffield Harmony in Discord: An Analysis of Catalan Folk Song Simon Furey July 2001 Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Harmony in Discord Abstract 2 ABSTRACT Traditional folk song is a reflection of the society that creates it. In the Catalan case it reflects not only Catalan society but also those of Valencia and the Balearic Islands, for whom forms of the Catalan language are native. This present thesis investigates the corpus of folk song in Catalan and puts it into the context of the nation states that encompass it, i.e. France and Spain. The great era of European folk-song collection was between the mid-19th century and the First World War. The early part of this period coincides with the Catalan Renaixença: the revival of interest in Catalan language and culture. However, in the Catalan case, extensive song collection continued through the cultural periods of Modernisme and Noucentisme and up until the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. Much was documented in the publications of the Obra del cançoner popular de Catalunya, but even that great unfinished work has had no critical appraisal to date. A second theme of this thesis is therefore to begin such an appraisal, and put the work into the context of all of the major Catalan folk-song collections, which contain thousands of songs collected in both France and Spain. All the songs considered here are to be found in books, journals and recordings published between 1852 and 2001. The subject matter and song types are described and categorised, ranging from ballads and love songs to drinking songs and Christmas carols. The songs of the Països Catalans are compared with the music and songs of other traditions to identify influences and possible sources of specific material. With reference to work currently (c. 2001) taking place in Catalonia, the focus of this thesis ranges from the descriptive to the interpretative and analytical. The analyses consider words and music taken together, with performance too where possible. Because the song corpus is large but not well known, this thesis may be used as a high-level reference source to find the material. A computer-based indexing system (a database) has been developed as part of this project with the ambition of eventually providing a single, unified and more detailed reference source for all of the songs, centred on the field work of the still incomplete Obra del cançoner popular de Catalunya. The thesis is accompanied by a CD-ROM (PC only) containing the database as it currently stands. An additional database is also provided on the CD-ROM: a much-needed index of the contents of the Romancerillo Catalán of Manuel Milà i Fontanals. The databases are tools for continuing research and indicators of significant directions that future work might follow. Harmony in Discord Contents 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ........................................................ 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................... 3 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ........................................... 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................ 8 DECLARATION .................................................... 10 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .......................................... 11 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................. 12 1.1 Subject Matter ....................................... 12 1.2 Definition and Approach .............................. 13 PART I: SOURCES ................................................ 17 2 HISTORY OF CATALAN COLLECTION AND RESEARCH ................ 18 2.1 Milà i Fontanals and the 19th-Century Revival ........ 18 2.2 The Heyday of Collection: 1900 Until the Civil War ... 22 2.3 The Franco Years and the Role of Joan Amades ......... 26 2.4 Post-Franco Work: Picking Up the Pieces .............. 29 2.5 Present-day Activities and Research .................. 36 3 STUDIES OF THE OBRA DEL CANÇONER POPULAR DE CATALUNYA ..... 37 3.1 Introduction ......................................... 37 3.2 History, Scope and Coverage .......................... 38 3.3 Francesc Pujol: Chromaticism, Modality and Tonality in Catalan Folk Song .................................... 49 3.4 Palmira Jaquetti - Collector Extraordinary ........... 66 PART II: SONGS ................................................. 74 4 INTRODUCTION TO THE SONGS ................................. 75 5 THE LONG SONGS ............................................ 78 5.1 Narrative Songs: the Romances ........................ 83 5.2 Narrative Songs: the Broadsides ...................... 86 5.3 Women in Catalan Traditional Songs ................... 88 5.4 Men in Catalan Traditional Songs ..................... 97 5.5 Love and Marriage ................................... 101 5.6 Religion and Religious Songs ........................ 105 5.7 Songs of Magic ...................................... 114 5.8 Songs of Amusement .................................. 117 5.9 Themes of Death ..................................... 122 5.10 Summary ............................................. 124 6 THE SHORT SONGS .......................................... 125 6.1 General Points ...................................... 125 6.2 Love Songs .......................................... 126 6.3 Work Songs .......................................... 129 6.4 Topographical Songs ................................. 130 6.5 Sea Songs ........................................... 132 Harmony in Discord Contents 4 6.6 The Cançons de Pandero and Caramelles ............... 137 6.7 The Valencian Cançons d'Estil and Musical Geography . 139 6.8 Francesc de B. Moll's Analysis of Les cançons curtes. 141 PART III: ANALYSES ............................................ 149 7 MUSIC .................................................... 150 7.1 Melodic Form ........................................ 150 7.2 Baltasar Samper and the Music of the Balearic Work Songs .................................................... 162 7.3 Rhythm .............................................. 166 7.4 Harmony ............................................. 168 7.5 Accompaniment ....................................... 171 8 PERFORMANCE .............................................. 174 8.1 Dance ............................................... 174 8.2 Work ................................................ 174 8.3 Religion ............................................ 175 8.4 Other Social Occasions .............................. 176 8.5 Children's Songs .................................... 176 8.6 Performers .......................................... 177 8.7 Modern Performance .................................. 178 9 MANIFESTATIONS OF OTHER LANGUAGES ........................ 180 9.1 Introduction ........................................ 180 9.2 Castilian ........................................... 182 9.3 French .............................................. 191 9.4 Provençal ........................................... 193 9.5 Sardinian (Italian) ................................. 195 9.6 English ............................................. 196 9.7 Other Languages ..................................... 199 10 ODDITIES IN THE CATALAN FOLK-SONG CORPUS ................. 201 10.1 Introduction ........................................ 201 10.2 Musical Escapes ..................................... 201 10.3 The Serrana ......................................... 202 10.4 Musical Dislocation ................................. 205 11 REFERENCING THE SOURCE MATERIAL: TOWARDS AN IMPROVED METHOD OF INDEXING FOLK SONGS ................................... 214 11.1 Index of Materials of the OCPC ...................... 214 11.2 Index for the Romancerillo catalán of Manuel Milà i Fontanals ........................................... 222 12 CONCLUSIONS .............................................. 223 APPENDICES .................................................... 228 Appendix A. Glossary of Terms Used for Short Songs ....... 229 Appendix B. The OCPC Materials Index Software ............ 230 Appendix C. The Romancerillo catalán Index Software ...... 231 Harmony in Discord Contents 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES ................................... 232 Works Referenced ......................................... 232 Selected List of Other Works Consulted ................... 237 Discography .............................................. 243 Internet References ...................................... 244 INDEX ......................................................... 246 Harmony in Discord Contents 6 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1 : The Països Catalans and the Linguistic Boundary .......... 31 Figure 2 : Example of Pujol's Transient Chromaticism ................ 52 Figure 3 : Example of Pujol's Structural Chromaticism ............... 55 Figure 4 : Song Analysed for Structural Chromaticism by Pujol ....... 56 Figure 5 : Further Analysis by Pujol ................................ 56 Figure 6 : Chromaticism Example of Pujol ...........................
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