
The Heavens


Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius A Look Toward the Heavens and the Ptolemy’s

The History of , Part 10 Homework

Chuck Garner, Ph.D.

Department of Mathematics Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology

February 24, 2021

1 / 31 The Heavens

Outline Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ancient Greek Astronomy Ptolemy’s Theorem


Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


2 / 31 The Heavens

Outline Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ancient Greek Astronomy Ptolemy’s Theorem


Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


3 / 31 The Heavens

Aristotle Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


4 / 31 The Heavens

Aristotle Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


5 / 31 The Heavens

Aristarchus Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


Aristarchus of Samos 310 BC-230 BC

6 / 31 I First to give a heliocentric model of the solar system

I uses Aristarchus’ theory in The Sand-Reckoner

I Idea was not popular among the Greeks

I Used the equivalent of sin α α tan α < < sin β β tan β

in his works (0 < β < α < π/2)

The Heavens

Aristarchus Garner

Ancient Greek I Reasoned mathematically that Mercury and Venus Astronomy revolved around the sun Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

So the sun is much bigger than earth... Ptolemy’s Theorem

So the earth revolves about the sun as well Homework

7 / 31 The Heavens

Aristarchus Garner

Ancient Greek I Reasoned mathematically that Mercury and Venus Astronomy revolved around the sun Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

So the sun is much bigger than earth... Ptolemy’s Theorem

So the earth revolves about the sun as well Homework

I First to give a heliocentric model of the solar system

I Archimedes uses Aristarchus’ theory in The Sand-Reckoner

I Idea was not popular among the Greeks

I Used the equivalent of sin α α tan α < < sin β β tan β

in his works (0 < β < α < π/2)

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Hipparchus Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


Hipparchus of Rhodes 190 BC-120 BC “Never deceive a friend.”

8 / 31 I Catalogued 850 stars

I Advocated use of latitude and longitude

I May have been the first to introduce dividing a circle into 360 parts

I Constructed a table of chords

The Heavens

Hipparchus Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

I Careful and precise astronomical observer Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest I Determined the mean lunar month to within one Ptolemy’s Theorem

second Homework

I Accurate calculation of the inclination of the ecliptic

I Discovered procession of equinoxes

I Computed lunar parallax

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Hipparchus Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

I Careful and precise astronomical observer Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest I Determined the mean lunar month to within one Ptolemy’s Theorem

second Homework

I Accurate calculation of the inclination of the ecliptic

I Discovered procession of equinoxes

I Computed lunar parallax

I Catalogued 850 stars

I Advocated use of latitude and longitude

I May have been the first to introduce dividing a circle into 360 parts

I Constructed a table of chords

9 / 31 The Heavens

Outline Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ancient Greek Astronomy Ptolemy’s Theorem


Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


10 / 31 The Heavens

Ptolemy Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


Claudius Ptolemy 90 AD-170 AD “When I trace at my pleasure the windings to and fro of the heavenly bodies, I no longer touch the earth with my feet: I stand in the presence of Zeus himself and take my fill of ambrosia, food of the gods.”

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Ptolemy Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest I Improved Hipparchus’ table of chords Ptolemy’s Theorem

I Wrote the definitive Greek work on astronomy in 13 Homework books

I Mathematiki Syntaxis; trans. Mathematical Collection

I Became known as Megisti Syntaxis; trans. Greatest Collection

I Islamic traslated it to al-Magisti

I translation of Arabic became Almagest

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Retrogade Motion Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


13 / 31 The Heavens

Epicycles Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


14 / 31 The Heavens

Ptolemy Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem I Was not concerned with why only in a geometric Homework model of motion

I Ptolemy calculated where planets and stars would be; to do this, he needed a way to measure chords in circles...

I Almagest surpassed all other astronomical works

I Did for astronomy what Elements did for

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The Table of Chords Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest The table gives the lengths of chords of all central Ptolemy’s Theorem 1 ◦ ◦ Homework of a circle from 2 to 180 in half-degree intervals I Radius of the circle is divided into 60 equal parts

I lengths expressed in base-60 in terms of a radius-part

I Let’s use “crd α” to mean the length of a chord of α

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The Table of Chords Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


crd α α

17 / 31 I Let’s relate chords to something more modern...

The Heavens

The Table of Chords Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest I So Ptolemy has Ptolemy’s Theorem

Homework crd 36◦ = 37p 40 5500

which means the chord of angle 36◦ is equal to

I 37 parts of the 60-part radius, plus

I 4/60 of one of these radius parts, plus

I 55/60 of one of the 60 parts of the radius part

I Note to degrees, minutes, seconds

18 / 31 The Heavens

The Table of Chords Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest I So Ptolemy has Ptolemy’s Theorem

Homework crd 36◦ = 37p 40 5500

which means the chord of angle 36◦ is equal to

I 37 parts of the 60-part radius, plus

I 4/60 of one of these radius parts, plus

I 55/60 of one of the 60 parts of the radius part

I Note similarity to degrees, minutes, seconds

I Let’s relate chords to something more modern...

18 / 31 So the Table of Chords gives sines in quarter-degree intervals from 0◦ to 90◦.

The Heavens

The Table of Chords Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy M Claudius Ptolemy A B and the Almagest α α Ptolemy’s Theorem Homework O

AM 2 · AM AB crd (2α) sin α = = = = OA 2 · OA 2 · 60 120

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The Table of Chords Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy M Claudius Ptolemy A B and the Almagest α α Ptolemy’s Theorem Homework O

AM 2 · AM AB crd (2α) sin α = = = = OA 2 · OA 2 · 60 120

So the Table of Chords gives sines in quarter-degree intervals from 0◦ to 90◦.

19 / 31 The Heavens

Outline Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ancient Greek Astronomy Ptolemy’s Theorem


Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


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Ptolemy’s Theorem Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem This geometrical gem is not found in the Elements Homework Theorem In a cyclic quadrilateral the product of the is equal to the sum of the products of the two pairs of opposite sides.

21 / 31 From similar 4ABC and 4DEC, we have AB/AC = DE/DC, whence AB · DC = DE · AC. Therefore

AD · BC + AB · DC = BE · AC + DE · AC = AC(BE + DE) = AC · BD.

The Heavens

Proof of Ptolemy’s Theorem Garner

Ancient Greek AD/AC = BE/BC, whence Astronomy Claudius Ptolemy AD · BC = BE · AC. and the Almagest Ptolemy’s Theorem


Let E be on BD such that ∠BCE = ∠ACD. Then 4BCE ∼ 4ACD, so that

22 / 31 Therefore

AD · BC + AB · DC = BE · AC + DE · AC = AC(BE + DE) = AC · BD.

The Heavens

Proof of Ptolemy’s Theorem Garner

Ancient Greek AD/AC = BE/BC, whence Astronomy Claudius Ptolemy AD · BC = BE · AC. and the Almagest From similar triangles Ptolemy’s Theorem 4ABC and 4DEC, we have Homework AB/AC = DE/DC, whence AB · DC = DE · AC.

Let E be on BD such that ∠BCE = ∠ACD. Then 4BCE ∼ 4ACD, so that

22 / 31 The Heavens

Proof of Ptolemy’s Theorem Garner

Ancient Greek AD/AC = BE/BC, whence Astronomy Claudius Ptolemy AD · BC = BE · AC. and the Almagest From similar triangles Ptolemy’s Theorem 4ABC and 4DEC, we have Homework AB/AC = DE/DC, whence AB · DC = DE · AC. Therefore

AD · BC + AB · DC BE AC DE AC Let E be on BD such that = · + · = AC(BE + DE) ∠BCE = ∠ACD. Then 4BCE ∼ 4ACD, so that = AC · BD.

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Ptolemy’s Corollaries Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem

Corollary (1) Homework If a and b are the chords of two arcs of a circle of unit radius, then a√ b√ s = 4 − b2 + 4 − a2 2 2 is the chord of the sum of the two arcs.

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Ptolemy’s Corollaries Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem

Corollary (2) Homework If a ≥ b are the chords of two arcs of a circle of unit radius, then a√ b√ d = 4 − b2 − 4 − a2 2 2 is the chord of the difference of the two arcs.

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Ptolemy’s Corollaries Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem Corollary (3) Homework If t is the chord of a minor arc of a circle of unit radius, then q √ h = 2 − 4 − t2 is the chord of half the arc.

25 / 31 Using Corollary 3, we may successively find chords of 12◦, ◦ ◦ 3 ◦ 3 ◦ 6 , 3 , 2 , and 4 , obtaining

3 ◦ 3 ◦ crd 2 = 1.5708 and crd 4 = 0.7854.

The Heavens

Calculating the Chord of 1 Degree Garner

I From “Incommensurables” an isosceles with Ancient Greek equal sides 1 and vertex angle 36◦ has base equal to Astronomy Claudius Ptolemy the golden 0.6180 and the Almagest Ptolemy’s Theorem I Hence, in a circle of unit radius, Homework crd 36◦ = 60 × 0.6180 = 37.082.

◦ I In a circle of unit radius, crd 60 = 1, so by Corollary 2: crd 24◦ = crd (60◦ − 36◦) = 22.918.

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Calculating the Chord of 1 Degree Garner

I From “Incommensurables” an with Ancient Greek equal sides 1 and vertex angle 36◦ has base equal to Astronomy Claudius Ptolemy the golden ratio 0.6180 and the Almagest Ptolemy’s Theorem I Hence, in a circle of unit radius, Homework crd 36◦ = 60 × 0.6180 = 37.082.

◦ I In a circle of unit radius, crd 60 = 1, so by Corollary 2: crd 24◦ = crd (60◦ − 36◦) = 22.918. Using Corollary 3, we may successively find chords of 12◦, ◦ ◦ 3 ◦ 3 ◦ 6 , 3 , 2 , and 4 , obtaining

3 ◦ 3 ◦ crd 2 = 1.5708 and crd 4 = 0.7854.

26 / 31 Also, crd (3/2)◦ 3/2 3 < = , crd 1◦ 1 2 or 2 3◦ 2 crd 1◦ > crd = × 1.5708 = 1.0472. 3 2 3 Hence, crd 1◦ = 1.0472.

The Heavens

Calculating the Chord of 1 Degree Garner crd α α ◦ ◦ By the relation < , for 0 < β < α < 90 , we Ancient Greek crd β β Astronomy have ◦ Claudius Ptolemy crd 1 1 4 and the Almagest < = , crd (3/4)◦ 3/4 3 Ptolemy’s Theorem or Homework 4 3◦ 4 crd 1◦ < crd = × 0.7854 = 1.0472. 3 4 3

27 / 31 The Heavens

Calculating the Chord of 1 Degree Garner crd α α ◦ ◦ By the relation < , for 0 < β < α < 90 , we Ancient Greek crd β β Astronomy have ◦ Claudius Ptolemy crd 1 1 4 and the Almagest < = , crd (3/4)◦ 3/4 3 Ptolemy’s Theorem or Homework 4 3◦ 4 crd 1◦ < crd = × 0.7854 = 1.0472. 3 4 3 Also, crd (3/2)◦ 3/2 3 < = , crd 1◦ 1 2 or 2 3◦ 2 crd 1◦ > crd = × 1.5708 = 1.0472. 3 2 3 Hence, crd 1◦ = 1.0472. 27 / 31 The Heavens

The Almagest Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


Ninth century copy, in Greek, from the Vatican Library – oldest known copy of the Almagest

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Ptolemy’s Table of Chords Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


29 / 31 The Heavens

Outline Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ancient Greek Astronomy Ptolemy’s Theorem


Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem


30 / 31 The Heavens

Homework Garner

Ancient Greek Astronomy

Claudius Ptolemy and the Almagest

Ptolemy’s Theorem

Homework I A general survey of ; Math Through the Ages, pages 15–24

Next: And Now, Everything Changes

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