DELIVERING oN SuSTAINABILITY PREVIEWiNG ICAO’S SiXtH AIR TRANSPORT CONFERENCE, 18–22 MARCH 2013 State Profile special featureS: UAE & burkiNa faSo aSSeSSiNG tHe RESULTS: ICAO’S 12tH AIR NaViGATION CONFERENCE FLIGHt PLAN 2012 uSHERS iN a NeW ERA Vol. 67, No. 6 contents Message from the Secretary General Since 1994, ICAO Air Transport Conferences have been held approxi- THE ICAO JOURNAL 4 VOlume 67, Number 6, 2012 mately once every decade, focusing on high-priority policy issues informing global economic and regulatory frameworks applicable Editorial to international civil aviation. ICAO Communications Unit Tel: +1 (514) 954-8220 Special Preview: the Sixth Worldwide air transport conference Four key Conference stakeholders - Airports Council International (ACI); 6 the International Air Transport Association (IATA); Civil Air Navigation Bang Marketing Services Organisation (CANSO) and the United Nations World Tourism Stéphanie Kennan Organization (UNWTO) - share their views and insight on the main Tel: +1 (514) 849-2264 E-mail:
[email protected] policy goals of this landmark event and the theme of ‘Sustainability Website: of Air Transport’. Advertizing FCM Communications Inc. the challenges of infrastructure financing Yves Allard Infrastructure development and the associated costs bring unique Tel: +1 (450) 677-3535 12 challenges for airports. Angela Gittens, Director General, Airports Council Fax: +1 (450) 677-4445 E-mail:
[email protected] International (ACI), addresses the issues and challenges facing airports and States as part of the 9th Annual Assad Kotaite Lecture. Submissions The Journal encourages submissions from interested individuals, organizations and States wishing to share updates, perspectives or analysis related to global civil aviation.