DESTINATION GREEN DRIVING PROGRESS THROUGH ACTION ON AVIATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT STATE PROFILE SPECIAL FEATURES: CAMEROON & MALAYSIA STATE CO2 ACTION PLANS CAEP/9 ACHIEVEMENTS ACI AIRPORT CARBON ACCREDITATION Vol. 68, No. 2 Contents Message from the Secretary General Reviewing the progress achieved since 2010 on the environmental THE ICAO JOURNAL 4 objectives established by the 37th Assembly, as well as the challenges which VOlume 68, Number 2, 2013 lay before us in this important area of international aviation cooperation. Editorial ICAO Communications Unit Driving progress through action on aviation and the environment Tel: +1 (514) 954-8221 Jane Hupe, ICAO’s Chief, Environment Branch, discusses the key elements 6
[email protected] contributing to rapid environmental progress towards the sustainable future of international aviation, including the work of the Committee on Bang Marketing Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP). Stéphanie Kennan Tel: +1 (514) 849-2264 State Action Plans take aim at reducing CO 2 emissions E-mail:
[email protected] Website: As of February 2013, 59 States covering 77.4 per cent of global inter- 10 national air traffic had already submitted Action Plans on to ICAO on Advertising their CO emission reduction activities. The ICAO Journal reports on FCM Communications Inc. 2 Yves Allard recent progress being made by Canada, European States, Indonesia, Tel: +1 (450) 677-3535 UAE, Uganda and Venezuela. Fax: +1 (450) 677-4445 E-mail:
[email protected] Towards quieter skies and greener aircraft Submissions The Ninth Meeting of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection The Journal encourages submissions from interested 16 (CAEP/9) agreed on a comprehensive set of recommendations that will individuals, organizations and States wishing to share updates, perspectives or analysis related to global help ICAO to fulfill its mandate on aviation environmental protection.