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August, 1941 our • 0- erna lona TROTSKY MEMORIAL NUMBER Father and Son .......... Natalia Trotsky Lev Davidovich .............. Karl Mater Trotskyism Lives ............ The Editors Stalin Seeks My Death ....... Leon Trotsky The Federal Prosecution of the Socialist Workers Party Articles By William F. Warde and Felix Morrow The Soviet Union At W ar By John G. Wright =============== Twenty Centl the month, however, has the fol lowing to say: 'Manager's Column FOURTH INTERNATIONAL "A lot rof water has passed Published by the Fourth International Publishing Association througL ~ondon. and a lot of wa· ter has been poured on London, Volume II August 1941 No.7 (Whole No. 14) A year has passed since the since we last met. That seems assassination of Leon Trotsky. 116 University Place. New York. N. Y. TelepRone: Algonquin 4-854i. a devil of a while ago to me. People who saw in Trotskyism Subscription rates: $2.00 per year; bundles. l4c for 5 copies and up. "My main pnrpoce in writing: Canada and Foreign: $2.50 per year: bundl~s 16c for 5 copies nr.d up. a movement based solely upon Ent~l'ed as second-class matter May 20. 19·10. at the post ot'fice at New is to express my thanks and gra, admiration for the genius of a York. X. Y .. under the Act of M3.rch 3. lSi9. titude to everyone concerned fol' man predicted a rapid disinteg Editorial Boaro,. the way in which you have all ration of our forces after the JAMES P. CA~NON JOSEPH HANSEN endeavored to breach the gap in Old Man's death. WILLIAM F. WARDE FELIX MORROW recent times. I cannot express Yet this year has not only BU3ine88 M anauer : all I feel about the matter but shown an inner solidification of LYDIA BEIDEL I would like you to know how the Trotskyist movement. but very much I have appreciated has brought an extension of the all the items which you have sent influence of o~r press through TABLE OF CONTENTS me so regularly. I thank you. for out the world. The very process those that rearhed me and I must of social and political decay thank you for those that did not which drives capitalist reaction Trotskyism Lives ................ By T be Editors 195 reach me - for I know of course to persecute us also drives the Father And Son .............. By Natalia Trotsky 196 that there h:we been losses, as world working class to assimi you will know too. Many a time late Marxist theory. Stalin Seeks My Death ........ By Leort Trotsky 201 during very depressing periods your publicattons have been most The great hunger of the pro Lev Davidovich ................ By Karl Mayer 207 letariat for an undel'standiug or welcome I can aS8ure you. 'rhey its life prOCE!f:lS has never and The Right of Revolution .... By William F. Warde 209 have helped to break down that will never go unsatisfied. The feeling of isolation, and in the wealth of proletarian revolution Text of the Federal Indictment ................. 212 midst of' most trying circum ary science wi 11 spread - and The Federal Prosecution of the Socialist stances have Leen a beacon of light in an p,bominable gloom. does spread. '1'he devices a de Workers Party .......... By Felix Morrow 214 sperate and dying bourgeois "The deat:l of L. T. was a world uses to hinder this spread The Soviet Union at War ...... By John G. Wrigbt 217 great blow, something antici may be subtle or openly terror pated and yet not expected. istic; they are all equally futile Zinoviev and Kamenev ........ By Leon Trotsky 222 "You were no doubt informed that a Memorial Meeting was historically. MANAGER'S COLUMN Inside Front Cover ~261 * * * held here in London. Durill~ Excerpts from three commu- the meeting an air-ra!d warning nications are illustrative of the took place, so the process of the One comes this month from nals." opinions of the readers in this meeting had to be held UlJ (ac Asia Minor. It reads in part: From England we again get country: cording to re~ulations) to allo,v "I turn to you with a request a request for a change of ad anyone desirous of seeking "In these times of darkness that you send us your papers and dress "because of enemy action" and ~haos the .F'OURTH INTER shelter to do so. But needless t(\ other publications with regular and find at the end of the short, NATIONAL stands out as a light say no one Jeft the meeting for ity. Among us there is a group business-like note: "The material of bope and inspiration. But that; they had come to pay which is very much interested in has been reaching us quite reg· more than that, the FOURTH their tribute to a great leader your theoretical explanations ularly and we are very glad to INTERNATIONAL - like THE and preferred to stay. which are very new for us but have it. We tind the material on MILITANT - is today, even "Thanks again for all the in of great fascination. the Military Policy most useful more than before, a living, teresting and enlightening mate "The publications we received and we are looking ahead with breathing, fighting instrument of rial which y:m have sent me. I until the end of last year were confidence now in the new turn the work,ing-cluss struggle. We would like to send you quite a completely read by us. Please of events." must keep living, breathing and number of news items, tmt you fighting." now send '..lS your latest jour- Our most cherished letter or know how taings are with us, "Believe me, after reading for and anyw~y, judging ?lom Amer three weeks the filth of th" ican publicati.::>ns, you must often bourgeois press, the columns of know more 'lDoUt what h1.s he en the FOURTH INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL PA MP H LETS on than we do over here our- and MILITANT were like a 8cl'.'es." breath of fresh air." Leon Trotsky Memorial Address "You comrades are doing a "To the Memory of the Old Man" fine job of' getting out both re By James P. Cannon If the number on your volutionary organs. It will be Ull wrapper reads: to the comrades on the battle 15 page pamphlet-5c front to see that money comes In N 55 or F 14 so the FOURTH INTERNA THE ASSASSINATION OF LEON TROTSKY your subscription expires TIONAL can come out." with this issue. In order to * * * The Proofs of Stalin's Guilt avoid missing a single is The letters 'which occasionally By Albert Goldman sue of FOURTH INTERNA find their way through social dIs TION AL, be sure to send in organization, war and censor 74 page pamphlet-15c your renewal order imme diately. $2.00 for one year, ship give us significant insights PIONEER PUBLISHERS $3.00 for one year in com into the way in which the move bination with the Militant. ment carries on under all condi 116 University Place New York tions. , FOURTH INTERNATIONAL VOLUME 2 AUGUST 1941 NUMBER 7 Trotskyism Lives By THE EDITORS One year after Trotsky's death, the American Trotskyist revolutionists is but an index to the certainty with which they leaders are under indictment by the capitalist government of expect the revolutionary wave. the United States for propagating his ideas. It is symbolically appropriate that the indicted members of the Socialist Workers Trotsky's Example Under Persecution Party should be arraigned in the federal court in August, just The oppressors answer our ideas with physical blows. a year after Trotsky was struck down. Thus the class enemy Trotsky suffered many such blows after he, as a boy of 18, testifies to the growing power of Trotsky's immortal ideas, entered the workers' movement. He was imprisoned in Czarist his program for the emanicipation of humanity through the Russia, the French Republic, the Spanish Monarchy, Canada, socialist revolution. Norway. He was shot at by White Guards, imperialist inter ventionists, GPU gangs. His heart and body shook with the' The Roosevelt administration has now added its name to death-blows struck at him through the murder of his secre the long list of governments which persecute the Trotskyists. taries, his closest collaborators, his children, by the Cain in We are hounded by Hitler, Mussolini, Petain (who merely , the Kremlin. And finally a GPU assassin pierced his brain continues where his "democratic" predecessors left off), with a pickaxe on that terrible day of August 20, 1940, and, Franco, Vargas, Batista, Chiang-Kai-shek, Churchill and the still fighting, Trotsky died the next day. British colonial administrations-there was no reason to ex Trotsky's inspiring example taught us how to answer the pect that Roosevelt would long remain an exception to the blows heaped on us by the enemies of the workers' revolution. rule. Prison became for him a place of preparation for the next On August 25, 1939, just before the break of diplomatic stage of the revolutionary upsurge. He came out of Kerensky's relations between France and Germany, the French ambassa jail to lead the greatest revolution in history. Exile in Asia dor Coulondre reported to Minister of Foreign Affairs Bonnet did not prevent him from maintaining collaboration with the his dramatic interview that day at 5 :30 P. M. with Adolph movement. In the darkest days of his life, when his son Leon Hitler: was struck down, he chained himself to his desk and made of "If I really think"-I (Coulondre) observed-"that his obituary for his dead son a burning inspiration to the we will be victorious, I also have the fear that at the revolutionary youth of all countries.