: Zero Mission Play Journal Entries

Stagger Lanayru79 01/14/2016 10:21 AM

It's about time. Yeesh.

While I'm an obnoxious .98% away from 100% total survey on Mira, I've had enough Xenoblade for now. A return visit to Zebes, and the last Metroid game I've never owned or played, is just what the doctor ordered.

E Yeah♥ e 30 r 100 D

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Nintendoer 01/14/2016 10:24 AM I don't know if you'll be logging your initial playthrough here or not, but I'll comment anyway. Have fun!

E Yeah! e 2 D

myosan8bit 01/14/2016 10:25 AM Enjoy still have GBA cart for my GBA SP and micro :)

E Yeah! e 1

Stagger 01/14/2016 10:37 AM Thanks brethren! I'm sure I'll be my standard effusive self. This is new! Heh ... I like this feeling that I'm on the familiar Zebes of my youth, but that surprises are in store too. While I welcome a map system, I'm not sure how I feel about the Chozo statues pointing me in a desired direction. It seems harmless enough I guess ...

E Yeah! e 1 D Stagger 01/14/2016 11:08 AM That big brute seemed displeased about me finding the first couple of missile pick-ups. Really dig his addition, and this is promising too - a couple of decidedly different pick-ups, not in location iirc, but the methods to obtain them were more thought provoking.

E Yeah! e 2 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 11:30 AM It appears they've taken some extra measures to discourage my kamikaze Kraid-first approach, ha! There are new obstacles that appear to require some items not found in the original, and a lot more Varia Suit recommended hazards as well.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Ag Falcon 01/14/2016 11:34 AM Now you're on a Whole Different Planet.

E Yeah! e 2 D

Nintendoer 01/14/2016 11:35 AM As you're quickly discovering, this game is more of a separate entity than a remake, sharing little more than just the basic structure of the world.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 11:48 AM @Ag: I see what you did there. :p I wish the XCX battle themes in Skells were as entertaining as the on-foot ones.

Amen 'doer. This screen sums it up, heh. I can see why they retconned the original and replaced it w/ Zero Mission in the canon.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 12:09 PM It took a while to remember where to get the Varia when I replayed the original after a couple decades last summer, so my chances of finding it in the retooled Brinstar this early seem pretty slim. I'm content w/ my exploration of the starting area and Kraid's newfangled lair for now. That big worm had its swan song, gifted me the Charge Beam, and I get a cut scene heading into Norfair. Paradise! E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 12:17 PM Say what now? Sweet! Forget about Norfair for a minute. I can reach Crateria and what seems like a limited portion of the Chozo Ruins! I'm in ...

E Yeah!? e 1 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 12:52 PM It's only slightly less satisfying that it was mandatory to get the ledge gripping item from those Ruins to proceed to the Ice Beam in Norfair. My instincts were honed at least. :p This was a very cool missile pick-up puzzle on the way out. So I'm being asked to go to Kraid now huh? Fat chance I get there before putting this Ice Beam to work in a couple spots in Brinstar. E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 1:21 PM That was cool! Neat fight ... I presumed that a Grappling Beam of some kind was necessary to use that sort of equipment, but now I see that's not the case.

Someone knowledgeable tell me when I'm supposed to start marking spoilers, eh?

E Yeah! e 1 D

Nintendoer 01/14/2016 1:42 PM Up to you...I would say maybe after Kraid?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 2:41 PM I am prepared for the giant Kraid that we know and love to replace tiny original Kraid beyond this door. After I took a lunch break, this area proved quite complex to navigate, w/ a number of little unexpected tricks to it. I kind of want to double back and recheck a few spots efore visiting Kraid's chamber, but the Screw Attack and Shinespark (!) are not with me so it's kind of pointless.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 2:45 PM Rats, not possible to return as currently equipped ... there was one passageway in grey there that I didn't get down and could have that irks me. I do love these old school cut scenes though!

E Yeah! e 0 D

Michael 01/14/2016 2:50 PM The Chozo statues only point you in the direction of the next big objective though, not through the entirety of the game, which is a point of contention I had with Fusion. Zero Mission still feels somewhat non-linear and exploratory.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 2:59 PM Hence why I was withholding judgement br'er Mchael. I greatly agree on linearity being a detraction, yet I find Corruption to be the pinnacle of the Prime games, so ... Fusion gets huge points for the quantity and quality of boss fights, not that I'm already pondering my personal ranking of the three most revered side scrolling Metroids. :p

That was a fun version of Kraid. I love the big lunk.

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 3:39 PM One fun thing about playing Fusion many years after Super was learning new mechanical wrinkles. Apparently Zero Mission carries on this tradition. I have no idea how Speed Boost will work in this situation, but since a Super Missile expansion lies across a couple of screens from here w/ a similar Morph Ball height Speed block obstructing it, I think I'm meant to find out a little later. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 4:01 PM ·Spoilers I actually remembered ... but I'm not patient or proficient enough w/ bomb jumping to get here w/out the High Jump. Huzzah! It's such a sweet traditional garb.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Michael 01/14/2016 4:03 PM Zero Mission has a lot of weird little boost sections that block off power ups. It can be kind of annoying sometimes because some of them are like "How the **** do I get that??" I would really like to finally 100% the game this time, so I expect to spend a lot of time on YouTube this go around.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 4:10 PM ·Spoilers Good luck on your endeavor br'er Michael! I'll have the same goal in mind, sans the video gazing of course. I'm a stubborn old man. ;)

This is very cool. I really enjoyed some of the puzzles involving the X- parasites in Fusion, and this has a similar employment of environmental manipulation.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Amazonpech 01/14/2016 5:32 PM Oh God! The memories I've had with Zero Mission. Playing and beating this game in 2 1/2 hours (fastest I ever beat a Metroid game) were some of the most gratifying in my gaming history. And then there was the end game unlockablility of playing the original NES Metroid game. Such bliss! Kept me company a week prior to moving back to the US in '04. I still have the GBA cardboard box in my room.

E Yeah!? e 1

Stagger 01/14/2016 5:36 PM ·Spoilers The original is such a beastly game Peach. This is much lighter fare in the difficulty department so far.

Between a puzzling put away of the second caterpillar exiting w/ the Wave Beam, and the fact that I think I just chopped down some sort of larval coccoon, I think a prototypical War Wasp evil is coming my way shortly. I like the thought of that ... hope my instincts are still honed. E Yeah! e 1 D

Amazonpech 01/14/2016 5:43 PM ·Spoilers There's a reason why this game is usually ranked #1 in most certain top 10 GBA games of all time. Not just because of the retconning of the Metroid lore that 'fleshed out' Samus' backstory drastically (dat Zero Suit though! :O..), but because of how tight & well designed the gameplay, levels & controls all congealed to make a satisfying remake that set the benchmark for how to make a proper remake

E Yeah♥ e 0

Stagger 01/14/2016 5:46 PM ·Spoilers It's pretty entertaining thus far, but nothing I'd vault over Super or Fusion just yet. Plenty more to see before I make such a judgement ...

I got what I wanted, heh. has had two nice cut scenes making his way to the scene, but a little exit and reentry revealed the hatchling was loose. I haven't come up w/ much of a strategy here heh. E Yeah! e 0 D

Amazonpech 01/14/2016 5:53 PM Well obviously Super Metroid and if we even unfairly add the mainline Prime games are the more superior games overall. Yet its still a favorite of mine, regardless of scaled difficulty, short playtime & not as many sequential breakings on offer in stark contrast to the 860 pound mammoth that is Super Metroid, but a damn fine valiant effort as a game nonetheless. I hope you enjoy it all by the end.

E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 01/14/2016 6:40 PM ·Spoilers Ziggy played guitar. Wham bam thank you m'am!

Ahem ... I like it better this way. The Screw Attack is a proper Ridley reward, w/ a nice winding road past a ruined Chozo statue and through a suspect corridor spotted in an elevator shaft. Now I'm in serious business! Let the exploring commence prior to Tourian. (I am sadly already aware that Mother Brain is not the end of ZM. I like surprises.) E Yeah! e 0 D

Nintendoer 01/14/2016 6:54 PM ·Spoilers Aw, that's a shame! I know it's a pretty hard secret to avoid, but I would have liked to see your reaction to it.

Out of curiosity, how much do you know about the post-Mother Brain part of the game?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 7:17 PM ·Spoilers When I was climbing back into the series last spring, I wanted to see what the official timeline was. I unfortunately read enough about ZM replacing the original to learn that Ridley and Space Pirates complicate Samus leaving Zebes.

The Screw Attack garnered me a few goodies, but mostly ran me into places I need Power Bombs. I'm going to take a dinner break before seeing this old friend. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 8:21 PM ·Spoilers Jeepers creepers! Slightly more numerous concentration of Metroids deep in Tourian than the old days, eh? They seem a bit tougher to ut down too. It's nice to see Space Pirates on the scene too.

E Yeah!? e 0 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 8:39 PM ·Spoilers Aw, I might have to fight Mother Brain again, because she looks pretty cool in this version, she's basically as tough as ever with the brutal arena, and I missed the screen shot. :p E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Nintendoer 01/14/2016 8:43 PM I'm sure this won't be your only playthrough for the time being, anyway. You would be missing out if a standard 100% run was all you did right now.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Stagger 01/14/2016 8:45 PM ·Spoilers Now we're talking! I'm a little mystified as to when I'll get to return to Zebes proper and dig for missing pick-ups, but let's see what's in store. Nice little space scene w/ the Pirates in pursuit, and what appears to be a lesser version of Samus' ship. (Yes, I reached it during the playthrough and thought the same, but seeing it in action, it's definitely not her standard rig, right?)

E Yeah! e 1 D Stagger 01/14/2016 9:02 PM ·Spoilers So this is pretty intense eh? I'm out of comments for the day, so I'll just save screen shots. This cloak and dagger stuff is relatively stingy though.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Meagan 01/15/2016 9:57 AM I didn't know that Zero Mission is on the VC now! Glad to see you beat the game, Stagger! BTW, I did said I'm taking a break from MV; I'm just popping in to see how you guys are doing.

E Yeah! e 1

Stagger 01/15/2016 10:56 AM ·Spoilers I haven't beaten it yet sis! I'll catch up on what I did after running out of comments late last night using some saved screens. First off, sneaking around the Pirate Mother Ship and Chozo Ruins was pretty cool. Here I'm learning that Samus foot is viewable by the searchlights. E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 10:57 AM ·Spoilers Here Samus is crawling. Ha! Ruins that old troll joke ... anyway, this final stealth portion proved pretty tough for me. I thought I had to get through undetected, taking a few tries to realize I could cut the floor out from under my pursuers.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 11:00 AM ·Spoilers I wasn't certain what to expect, chasing after the Pirate who absconded w/ the Power Bombs, but reaching this room filled me in pretty quickly. Nifty little puzzle fight here btw ... E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 11:02 AM ·Spoilers Oh yeah! Suit restoration, and three foreign capabilities granted all at once! The art style of this game's cut scenes is interesting. Half of it is fetching. It's like a different hasty artist drew the other half. :p It was nice to see the canon manga about Samus' youth and Chozo caretakers get a flash in these scenes too.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 11:05 AM ·Spoilers I stormed to the Power Bombs and then directly to this mechanized Ridley battle on the ship. As fortune would have it, I didn't discover a weak point on my first attempt, and immediately resolved not to try it again until I went hunting for pick-ups w/ my new powers. I don't like returning to a file to finish 100% after clearing the game's main story. Ahem, Minish Cap, cough ... E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 11:07 AM ·Spoilers Some of the Shinespark moves to get these pick-ups are preposterous. How perfect an angle do I need here? Geeze! Anyway, there are three I've worked on and left for today because they're frustrating. The other two are by the exit to Crateria from Chozodia.

E Yeah!? e 0 D

Nintendoer 01/15/2016 11:08 AM ·Spoilers There...is a trick to that one. It's not as bad as you would think...

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 11:09 AM ·Spoilers Others I've found on my search thus far are flat out brutal in different ways. This was a real pain, for example. I'm currently coping w/ a very technical one down in Ridley town beneath Norfair. Time to improve my skills, and hopefully get a little lucky.

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Meagan 01/15/2016 11:20 AM ·Spoilers I never fought Mecha Ridley in that game, but I heard he was hard to fight. loves bringing that dragon back, huh? :P

E Yeah! e 1

Stagger 01/15/2016 11:30 AM ·Spoilers He's the standby Meags! He kind of created Samus, in a roundabout way, and in a tale only told during gaming in Other M, strangely enough.

@'doer: I think there is some of the ramp Speed Boost extension technique that I learned in Fusion, and had to use just to get in here, that applies to the ones I'm flummoxed by. This was tricky after accessing the chamber, yeesh. Hope I don't fumble it. E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 1:17 PM ·Spoilers The second pickup over there was murder. :p Anyway, I think this is my last area of curiosity in Ridley's lair. It was mind-bending figuring out how to Shinespark into this green section. There was a red herring stretch of flat ground that I thought must be the way to bust the Speed Boost blocks in the adjacent long vertical shaft. It took me a while to give up on it and discover the solution.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 3:38 PM ·Spoilers Boy, I've been digging. I found this one pretty tough in comparison to others since I was forced to discover Morph Ball Shinesparking. I think this was meant to be one of the easier ones, but it vexed me, while some that were seemingly pretty tough set-ups I got w/ a lot less effort. Tourian had a couple nice hidden items. Chozodia is my last place to sweep before I give in and fight Mecha-Ridley.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Amazonpech 01/15/2016 4:01 PM ·Spoilers Now that sometime has passed and you (possibly) beat the game, what are your overall initial thoughts on Zero Mission?

Enjoyed the Zero Suit Samus stealth sections? *Insert Ozzy Osborn's 'Shot in the Dark' song here*

How does ZM compare to the other 2D Metroid predecessors as a whole?

E Yeah! e 0

Amazonpech 01/15/2016 4:03 PM ·Spoilers Or did I spoke too soon? My bad, bruh!

E Yeah♥ e 0

Stagger 01/15/2016 5:25 PM ·Spoilers Negative Peach, I'm trying to get 100% of pickups before I defeat Robo- Ridley, who by the looks of things is the final boss. Tentatively? It's got a better story than Fusion, but I'm not so sure it's the better game. I need a lot more time w/ each, but my gut instinct is after playing Fusion, it felt like a true rival to Super. This does not.

I present the hardest pickp in Metroid history. E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 5:34 PM ·Spoilers *pickup* Serriously, figuring out how to hold a Shinespark all the way to the passage from the Ruins into the Ship after finding the Speed Boost blocks was boggling. The execution had to be so precise. It involved five ramp tricks, and took me about an hour and a half to get right.

I appear to be one of all four pickup items short, if there is a nice round ending. I'm about spent though ...

E Yeah! e 1 D

Nintendoer 01/15/2016 5:50 PM It took HOW long? On this playthrough, I did it in five minutes...

Granted, I already knew what to do, and I have had a lot more practice with Speed Boosting/Shinesparking... E Yeah!? e 1 D

Michael 01/15/2016 6:01 PM I'm one of the few people that just never got into Fusion much. I had it, Prime, and Zero Mission all at the same time back when they were all new games and out of the three, it was my least favorite. Something about it just made it not feel like a Metroid game to me and a couple of the bosses made me angry enough to throw my GBA a few times.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 6:35 PM ·Spoilers An hour and a half, all told. Do you know how obscure that route is to the Tank? The fact that I couldn't just Screw Attack through the barrier and had to destroy the two Missile blocks to use the Morph Ball in the tunnel didn't dawn on me for about a half hour. If you perceived and completed that in less than 20 minutes your first time seeing it, you're underpaid. I could do it in five now, heh.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 6:36 PM ·Spoilers While you're here super genius, is there another Power Bomb pickup? I feel like I've hit 100%. There's just not a stone unturned on all of Zebes at this point, but this number isn't round and pretty like the others.

E Yeah! e 1 D Elzonire 01/15/2016 6:46 PM Is this game just that short?

E Yeah! e 0

Amazonpech 01/15/2016 6:56 PM Ya had to hint up that braggadocio of yours on shinesparking, huh Nintendoer? ^_^ I'm only teasing ya!

E Yeah♥ e 2

Nintendoer 01/15/2016 7:09 PM Oh trust me, it took absolutely forever to get that pickup on my first playthrough. Just gloating and teasing a little bit. =P

Nope, you've got them all. Congrats!

E Yeah! e 2 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 7:23 PM @Elzo: Metroid games can be completed incredibly quickly when you know them inside and out like 'doer does, especially in an any% fashion. I'll probably see a time over 15 hours here on my first 100% look at this one.

@'doer: I figured you were ribbing. I'm not remotely the Metroid player you are heh, but I'm trying to get better.

@Michael: I can see Nightmare and the Spider inducing fits.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 7:25 PM ·Spoilers As you know Michael, I relish difficulty. I though Mother Brain retained most of her maddening environmental danger in ZM, really liked that - and this was a pretty tough fight! Pretty specific hit window, devious pattern in the latter stages to keep the big claw damage in play ... E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 7:33 PM ·Spoilers *thought* I had a strong suspicion the one area I couldn't get into on the ship would be part of a classic Metroid escape. Yay! Samus flies to freedom in ... a computer mouse?

E Yeah! e 2 D

Nintendoer 01/15/2016 7:34 PM ·Spoilers Fun fact! The final boss actually has a difficulty boost if you have 100% of the items...

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 7:40 PM ·Spoilers Now you tell me! Metal, err Mecha, um Robo-Ridley beat me like a gong a handful of times before I handled my business. Less on the clock than I thought ...

Now Nintendoer has hyped ZM up for me by teling me there are unlockable endings for various achievements that the save files hold on to, unlock other side scrolling Metroid games. This will likely lead to me playing a lot of this for a bit. :)

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 7:46 PM Err, *unlike* ... I must have had a premonition though. Classic 8-bit Metroid unlocked? Awesome! What a great game this was on the GBA, to include that ... what's this Fusion link business all about btw? Time for a well- earned dinner.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Nintendoer 01/15/2016 7:52 PM ·Spoilers If you link the game with Fusion, it unlocks a separate gallery showing all the possible endings for that game, regardless whether you've actually seem them. This includes the endings exclusive to the Japanese version of Fusion...

E Yeah! e 1 D

Nintendoer 01/15/2016 8:06 PM ·Spoilers By the way, I disagree with your assessment. This is the hardest pickup to get. Well, once you know how to do the rest, anyway. Shinesparking? I can do that all day. But I'm kinda failish when it comes to Space Jumps...

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 8:09 PM ·Spoilers I used a Shinespark to get that one, heh ... charged up, dropped down, one spin jump, weapon fire, spark! Took me a few tries, but after a couple attempts to Space Jump across, I figured I'd have better luck w/ an alternative tactic.

Which reminds me, I've been dying to say something since playing Other M. I'll make it a separate comment, because it's not a spoiler.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Nintendoer 01/15/2016 8:12 PM ·Spoilers Aaaand...I can't believe that never occured to me. Wow. I take back my uneducated comment. =P

Just did a comparison, without 100%, it takes 6 Super Missiles. With, it's 17. Plus, I believe he can deal more damage per hit, but I'm not 100% certain about that.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 8:13 PM Okay, so does everyone know the Elton John song Crocodile Rock? There is a part in the song where he repeatedly exclaims, "sky rockin'!" or something like that. My roommate is sure he's saying crocodile very quickly rather than sky, but in any case, whenever I go on a Metroid binge, I sing that lyric, but replace the words w/ "shine sparkin'!" I find this hysterical. I don't know why.

E Yeah! e 2 D

Stagger 01/15/2016 8:18 PM ·Spoilers Fine research bro! I know one thing, that claw hit for well over a tank.

Don't feel too bad. It took me way too long to realize I could spark as the morph ball, which made a few seemingly impossible pickups relatively simple, like the one you comforted me about earlier in the day.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Amazonpech 01/15/2016 9:22 PM ·Spoilers Usually I just sit here listening in on you two, Stagger & Doer, and wonder why you all haven't done fan made strategy guides just yet. I feel so emasculated- in an inspired sort of way (its oxymoronic; I know).

E Yeah!? e 1

Stagger 01/15/2016 10:57 PM Kind as always br'er Peach. Much appreciated. We both do, in our own sort of way ... I made some almost step-by-step Miiverse walkthroughs of LoZ games before the free speech Miiverse amendments, heh. Both of us put out some mammoth material on XC3d. Miiverse has changed though ...

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Amazonpech 01/16/2016 7:31 AM Don't remind me of 'The Miiverse Gestapo' and all the newer restrictions Miiverse put in place 1 year after I've been gone.

I GET that they're trying to avoid the community from turning this place into their own ghettoized version of DeviantArt, Twitter, & Tumblr, albeit only to backfire in miserable quantities by limiting the problem and ruining it for game discussing/using individuals like us.

E Yeah... e 1

Meagan 01/16/2016 8:51 AM A fan-made walkthrough sounds very interesting, pech. I was thinking of doing some challenges on my own, like what Doer and Stagger did.

E Yeah! e 1

Stagger 01/16/2016 11:46 AM Alright, first attempt with the express intent of going quickly in a Metroid game in my life ... I've already noticed a couple shortcuts for when I aim for the under two hour mark on Normal difficulty. My aim here is to just finish in under four with any%. I'm probably picking up more Missile expansions than necessary, but otherwise I feel decent about reaching Kraid at this clip.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/16/2016 12:22 PM Muhaha! I picked up on this during my first playthrough. While I didn't see any way to get early Power Bombs, I did spy this: early Super Missiles! E Yeah! e 0 D

Nintendoer 01/16/2016 12:32 PM And so the sequence-breaking begins...=P

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 01/16/2016 1:05 PM ·Spoilers This is crazy fun! I'm no threat to the two hour mark this first attempt, but I'm learning. That early Super Missile had tons on uses! I got to take a statue skipping route by unleashing the little energy bugs w/ one after getting the Varia. Then I got to expand my collection earlier on the way through Norfair ... and wow did they make quicker work of the War Wasp- esque sequence reaching Ridley!

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/16/2016 1:41 PM ·Spoilers I like both entrances to Tourian. In the original, there was no pretense of course: just the sudden, swift, huge horror of Metroids.

If I'm lucky, I might bring Mother Brain down before two hours are up, but I'll probably be just slightly over, w/ a good hour of game left. There are a bunch of pickups I could have ignored, so under two doesn't seem too unreasonable w/ practice.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/16/2016 1:56 PM ·Spoilers Estimating an hour left FOR ME at this point, anyway ... I'll forego all Chozodia pickups that are remotely out of the way, but I don't have the region down pat just yet. Ten Super Missiles plus the strays along the way ought to be enough. Power Bombs are just exploration fodder, not an applicable utility.

I've cleared the barriers to Mother Brain away and poached my way back up to 100 Missiles. E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 01/16/2016 2:01 PM ·Spoilers Wow, MB looks so good in this version, w/ her added blast attack to boot. Love it ... so 30 Missiles is plenty, twenty in a pinch provided I continue to think having ten Supers at this point is wise. Eventually I'll have to learn to scrape by on the minimum!

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/16/2016 2:09 PM ·Spoilers No sweat! Under two hours to this point ... I think she's a good bit easier on this version, now that I'm growing accustomed to the Super use and less traffic in the environmental hazard pattern. Way less exposure time to that hot mess! It took seven Supers, don't think I missed - what I don't know is how many big ones it takes to shatter the chamber. I'll take a lunch break before the rest ... E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/16/2016 3:27 PM ·Spoilers That's a thing of beauty. I'm getting the sick feeling that I might finish in around two and a half hours. I guess it's for the best, as I need the two to four hour finish on Normal for the gallery. The thought that I could have approached sub-two on an initial attempt leaves me feeling a difficult emotion to name though.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/16/2016 3:56 PM Oh I've got sub-2 hours in the bag later tonight ... there are plenty of Super Missile pick-ups along the way to the final boss, more than enough to remove the most laborious of the five I nabbed en route. I can trim my Missile count significantly too. Not bad for a first attempt at haste, right? What do you thik, maestro Nintenbroer? Btw, that end boss hits WAY harder when you show up w/ 100%! E Yeah! e 1 D

Nintendoer 01/16/2016 4:02 PM Looking good for just your second time through the game. Well done! Getting it down under two hours should be a piece of cake.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/16/2016 4:08 PM Thank you very much. After the end of this football game, w/ a grudging windfall hopefully secured heh, I'll give it a shot. I despise but respect the Patriots, and gave out a bold line that looks likely to pay off. :p

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Ed™ 01/16/2016 6:14 PM ·Spoilers You're gonna nail sub-two hours, Stag. I look forward to seeing speedruns from you two. Now that I've finished the game myself.

Also, a couple quick questions since I'm about to go for a 100% run on Normal mode. First off, how the heck do you get out of the Pirate ship to get the remaining Zebes content, since the Power Bomb upgrades are lying around back there? Also, what's Shinesparking, and E Yeah! e 0 D

Ed™ 01/16/2016 6:15 PM is it used to destroy some of those Speed blocks in areas where I can't figure out how to build up speed?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/16/2016 8:24 PM Not even tense, heh ... aside from removing the one Super Missile expansion I mentioned, I didn't make many other adjustments. Just played better ... I'm beginning to contemplate a few chunks of the game that might not be necessary. Do I really have to fight the war wasp at all? There are also some tunnels I found while working on the 100%er that seem like they can serve as workarounds to items.

E Yeah♥ e 2 D Stagger 01/16/2016 8:31 PM ·Spoilers @Eduardo: Shinesparking occurs when you press down after a Speed Boost is charged, and Samus can then directionally leap w/ great force, breaking through Speed Boost blocks at great distances. It works across rooms, and there are a variety of specialized tricks w/ it, including one that lets you extend your Speed Boost by Shinesparking into an incline and quickly pressing down again.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/16/2016 8:34 PM ·Spoilers As for exits from Chozodia, there are two towards the lower left of the Ruins section. I can get you specifics if the hunt goes poorly. Just a warning though Ed - 100%ing this or Fusion is significantly trickier than Super imo. There's a real learning curve.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/16/2016 10:07 PM ·Spoilers I'm blasting through my first Easy mode playthrough, and two strange things have occurred. I've failed to get the Charge Beam, ha! More importantly, while it might have taken more time due to my unfamiliarity, and costs me the Energy Tank from the caterpillar fight, I managed to skip a huge chunk of Norfair by using the long green vertical passage on the right of the map. Why did I get the Varia?

E Yeah! e 0 D Stagger 01/16/2016 11:02 PM ·Spoilers I wasn't thinking about it untill some enemies stood up longer than they had on Normal mode, but skipping the Wave Beam was an unintended consequence. I also just ignored the hatched larva (which I'll call a War Wasp until someone corrects me), but six Super Missiles is one too few to dispatch Mother Brain after shattering her casing, so I'm not sure how much I like leaving those bosses out.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/16/2016 11:28 PM Fun inventory! I feel like there is a way to skip the Screw Attack though. According to Nintendoer's endings post, this is what you get no matter what you do on Easy except at 100% or possibly under 15%. So I've caught up to the four that he's shown, and presume others involve Hard mode, as well as combinations of max percentage or under 15% and times under four and two hours on the other modes.

E Yeah! e 0 D Stagger 01/16/2016 11:30 PM @Steady Ed: I did discuss Shinesparking and the exits from Chozodia above, but here's a general tip for exploring w/out internet assistance as I am inclined to do. Once you have the Power Bombs, they're my favorite tool for checking for secret stuff. Any screen that seems suspicious, they just lay bare it's block composition ...

E Yeah! e 1 D

Nintendoer 01/17/2016 5:09 AM ·Spoilers Yep, there are four endings left, two involve normal mode, two involve hard mode. The one you just got is the only possible ending you can see on Easy.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/17/2016 9:49 AM So I'm guessing they are under 15% w/ any time, and 100% in under two hours ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/17/2016 10:52 AM Let me get a little advice Nintenbroer. I see that I can circumvent the Long Beam initially, but does it become impossible to complete the game w/out it? Similarly, as I try to keep my Missile counts as low as possible, will I need the Charge Beam to defeat any bosses, or can I get away w grinding in-fight? I couldn't see a way around the first E-tank either, semi-thankfully. E Yeah! e 0 D

Nintendoer 01/17/2016 11:07 AM ·Spoilers Long beam? Not required.

5 missiles is enough. Every boss is either vulnerable to beam attacks or has a method you can use to replenish missiles.

Energy tanks? All are skippable. =P

For the record, 9% is the lowest you can possibly go on Normal. 10% on Hard.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/17/2016 11:37 AM I had a feeling on the Long Beam. Oh well. I didn't look very hard for a way around that first tank, and also got a Missile pickup before realizing I could have avoided it w/ an acid bath working through Kraid.

Vulnerable to Beam attacks, but only charged shots, correct? That was the import of that part of the question ... I wanted to know if I should fetch it before Ridley here. I guess I will.

E Yeah! e 0 D

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