Congressional Record-Senate Senate
198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 10 6110. By Mr. HOUSTON: Petition of 22 citizens of Wichita, 6125. By Mr. THOMAS of New Jersey: Resolution adopted Kans., urging enactment of House bill 1, to impose on persons by Herbert Cawley Post, No. 188, High Bridge, N. J., recom operating 10 or more retail stores under the same general mending that the activities of the Dies committee be con management a graduated excise tax; to the Committee on tinued during the year 1940; to the Committee on Rules. Ways and Means. 6126. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the North Long Beach 6111. By Mr. MARTIN J. KENNEDY: Petition of the Democratic Club, Long Beach, Calif., petitioning consider- American Legion Auxiliary, New York County committee, ation of their resolution with reference to Byron N. Scott; to New York City, concerning their five~point legislative pro the Committee on Elections No. 2. gram for the year 1940; to the Committee on World War Veterans' Legislation. · 6112. Also, petition of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of SENATE the United States, legislative department, Washington, D. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1940 urging support of House bill 2726; to the Committee on World War Veterans' Legislation. The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the 6113. By Mr. LECOMPTE: Petition of sundry citizens of following prayer: Ollie, Richland, and Sigourney, Iowa, expressing unalterable 0 God, our Heavenly Father, of whom all fatherhood is opposition to America participating in any foreign war, and named: Deliver us, we beseech Thee, from the sins that urging the continuance of the Committee Investigating Un divide us, from forgetfulness of Thee, from indifference to American Activities; to the Committee on Appropriations.
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