New Zealand G·Azette
Jlumb. 145. 3520 THE NEW ZEALAND G·AZETTE jublis!].eh hn iutqority. WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1939. Proclaiming Native Land to be veBted in His Majesty the King. SCHEDULE. ALL that area in the Auckland Land District containing by [L.B.] GALWAY, Governor-General. admeasurement 5 acres 2 roods 7 perches, more or less, A PROCLAMATION. known as Ruatoki A Section 21, situated in Block II, W aimana URSUANT to section four hundred and fifty of the Native Survey District, and being all the land contained in the P Land Act, 1931, I, G1iorge Vere Arundell, Viscount Auckland Provisional Register, Volume 183, folio 127. Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, (S.O. Plan 16008, red.) do hereby proclaim and declare that the Native land described in the Schedule hereto is vested in His Majesty the King. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued SCHEDULE. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 5th day of December, 1939 . .ALL that area in the Auckland Land District containing by FRANK LANGSTONE, admeasurement two acres three roods and twenty-two perches, more or less, being part Kawhia S No, 2A Block, situated in For the Native Minister. Blocks IX and X, Kawhia North Survey District, and bounded Gon SAVE THE KING ! as follows: Towards the north-east by Kawhia G No. 1A 4 Block and Section 18 of Block I, Te Puru Native Township, 37· l, 162·3, and 160·5 links; towards the east by Section 18 aforesaid, and the abutment of Huki Street, 233·9 links ; Proclaiming Native Land to have become Crown Land.
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