No 41, 13 June 1946
jqumb. 41 805 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1946 Additional Land taken for a Technical School in Block II, Ngaere Declaring Land taken for a Government Work, and not required for Survey District ' that Purpose, to be Crown Land [L.S.] MICHAEL MYERS, [L.S.] MICHAEL MYERS, Administrator of the Government Administrator of the Government A PROCLAMATION A PRQCLAMATION URSUANT to the Public Work Act, 1928, I, Sir Michael Myers, URSUANT to the Public Works Act, 1928, I, Sir Michael Myers, P the Administrator of the Government of the Dominion of P the Administrator of the Government of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the additional New Zealand, do herebv declare the land described in the Schedule land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for a technical hereto to be Crown land subject to the Lrmd Act, 1924. school; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the seventeenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six. SCHEDULE ApPROXIMATE area of the piece of land declared to be Crown land: SCHEDULE 1 acre. ApPROXIMATE area of the piece of additional land taken: 5 acres Being Lot 2, D.P. 681 (Town of Harihari), being part Section 162. 3 roods 37 perches. Situated in Block V, Poerna Survey District (Westland R.D.). Being Subdivisions 12 and 13 of Section 84, Block II, N gaere (S.O. 4371.) Survey District, as shown on Deposited Plan No. 1874, and being the whole of the land comprised and described in Certifi In the vVestland Land District; as the same is more par cate of Title, Volume 50, folio 85 (Taranaki Land Registry).
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