336 New Zealand Journal of History, 38, 2 (2004)

Research THESES COMPLETED 2003–2004

The University of Auckland

PhD Diggelmann, Lindsay Marriage, Inheritance and the Balance of Power in Twelfth-Century England and France Reid, Nicholas A Critical Biography of James Michael Liston MA Black, Philippa History of Mining and Settlement in Northern New Caledonia Edmunds, David Censorship and Values in New Zealand Broadcasting 1961–1990 Flinn, Laurel Representations of Masculinity in Nineteenth-Century British Working-Class Autobiographies Gross, Steve ‘The Time’: Its Determination, Its Standardization and Its Uses in New Zealand Until 1890 Shen, Yu Charles de Gaulle and Chiang Kai-Shek: Nationalism in Different Countries Young, Jean British Child Evacuees 1939–1945

University of Canterbury

PhD Wanhalla, Angela Transgressing Boundaries: A History of the Mixed Descent Families of Maitapapa, Taieri, 1830–1940 MA Allen, Michael The Chiefs that Ballance Met: Maori Political Authority in 1885 Boulton, Leanne The Native Reserves, Assimilation and Self- Determination: Te Atiawa, the Crown and Settlers, North Taranaki 1840–1875 Brown, Hayley ‘A woman’s right to choose’: Second Wave Feminist Advocacy of Abortion Law Reform in New Zealand and New South Wales from the 1970s Bye, Ken For the Greater Good: A Comparative Study of Southland and Wallace Counties’ Reaction to Local Government Restructuring, 1871–1989 Dowling, Sarah Female Imperialism: The Victoria League in Canterbury, New Zealand 1910–2003 Fergusson, Jack Crusades as Anti-Heresy Strategy. The Cathaar and Hussite Crusades Moore, Linda Gender Counts: Men, Women and Electoral Politics 1893–1919 Department of Mäori PhD Maaka, Roger Changing Perceptions — The Political and Social Realities of the Tribe for Maori in the Twentieth Century Wallace, Patricia Traditional Maori Dress: Rediscovering Forgotten Elements of Pre-1820 Practice RESEARCH 337

MA Hanham, Diane Maori Health and Introduced Disease in the Pre-Treaty Period 1790–1840

Massey University – Albany

PhD Morrison, Hugh ‘It is our Bounden Duty’: The Emergence of the New Zealand Protestant Missionary Movement, 1868–1926 Hunter, Ian Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in New Zealand, 1880–1910 MA Clarke, Mathilde An Analysis of the History of the Wellington Young Women’s Christian Association Since it was Established in 1906 Deason, Anna ‘A Nation’s Health is a Nation’s Wealth’: Perceptions of ‘Health’, 1890–1914 Hewlett, Stephen ‘Adam’s Helper’: Women’s Roles in Evangelical Churches in New Zealand From Colonial Times to the End of the Twentieth Century

Massey University – Palmerston North

MA Davenport, Carol Trading in Traditions: New Zealand’s Exports to Countries of the European Union 1960–2000 Duke, Andrew ‘A country in which I have long had an interest’: New Zealand’s Relations with Japan in the 1950s Hickey, Carina ‘Man in his time plays many parts’: Life Stories of William Jordan Loveridge, Greg The Gilfillan Murders: Narrative, Marginality and the Strangeness of the Colonial Past McIntosh, Gordon Schola Caritatis: Twelfth Century Cistercians and the Ideas of Monastic Caritas and Amicitia Ridge, Peter ‘If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear’: An Examination of the 1977 Security Intelligence Service Amendment Bill and the Protest Directed Against It Wright, Jason Company of Strangers: Patea and Wanganui Hotels 1866–1899

University of Otago

PhD Knudson, Danny Gifted Education in New Zealand State Primary Schools 1878–2000 Wood, Vaughan Soil Fertility Management in Nineteenth- Century New Zealand Agriculture MA Green, Albert A Necklace of Jade. The Dunedin Town Belt 1848–1903 Henning, Jon A Rejection of Bondage Redwood, Sian The Elegant Endurance of Burnside

338 New Zealand Journal of History, 38, 2 (2004)

Victoria University of Wellington

MA Hart, Wendy A World Without Weapons A World Without Want: A History of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom in New Zealand 1955–c.1991 Pollock, Kerryn Botanic Gardens, Botanical Exchange and Economic Botany in New Zealand 1860s– 1890s Shoebridge, Tim Stories in Books and Stories of Life: Helen Shaw, New Zealand Writer, c.1937–1985

University of Waikato

PhD Moodie, Jane Family Myths in Oral History: The Unsettled Narratives of Descendents of a Missionary- Settler Family in New Zealand MSocSc Sircombe, Amanda A Welfare Initiative? The New Zealand Child Migrant Scheme, 1948–1954 Strathern, Lavinia ‘Much Remains to be Done’: The Changing Health Profile in the Urban Region of South Auckland, 1956–1972


Massey University – Albany

Berks, John William The Impact of Deinstitutionalisation on Kingseat Hospital 1961–1999 Lewis, Wynford R. Either Conform or Defy: A Comparative Analysis of the New Zealand ANZUS Crisis

Massey University – Palmerston North

Croon-Hickman, Leanne Poisons of Sterility and Crushed Conception: Contraception and Abortion in the Works of Hildegard of Bingen Day, Andrew A Significantly Independent Brief: The Professional Role of School Nurses 1917–1938 Dollery, Helen Fools Abroad: The Town–Gown Relationship Between Massey University Students and Palmerston North at Capping Time, 1963–1973 Halberg, Laura ‘An Impossible Job’: Guy Powles and his Role as High Commissioner in the Development of Policies for Western Samoa Kinnell, Donald Conscription, the Korean War and ANZUS: Debates in the Wairarapa Medcalf, Pamela A Comparison of Aspects of a Hawke’s Bay State Secondary School and Private Presbyterian Boarding School RESEARCH 339

Perrett, Sara ‘Supreme Work of Home Making and Child Rearing’: Representations of Motherhood in 1920s Australia and New Zealand Stone, Joanne ‘A dwindling elderly group faithfully preparing for the last war instead of the next’? The New Zealand Christian Pacifist Society in the Vietnam War Period White, Jill A Challenge to Government: The Introduction of the Rabbit Calicivirus into New Zealand 1997


The University of Auckland

PhD Albright, Jonathan New Zealand, Canada and Anglo-French Appeasement in the 1930s Attwood, Nina Representing Prostitution in Victorian England 1837–1901 Barnes, Felicity New Zealand’s Londons: The Cultural and Economic Role of the Metropole During the Inter-War Period Barry, Roger New Zealand’s Defence Policy from the Last Years of the First World War to the End of 1975 Bevan-Smith, John Desire for Identity: The New Right in New Zealand, 1981–2001 Braren, Antje A Social History of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in New Zealand, 1920–1970 Callister, Sandra Visualising Armageddon: The Iconography of New Zealand in World War I Day, Alison Child Immunisation: Reactions and Responses in New Zealand Government Policy 1925– 1975 Dunsford, Deborah A Social History of Tuberculosis in New Zealand Since World War II Fortune, Gabrielle War and Marriage: War Brides of New Zealand Servicemen during World War Two Frank, Tim ‘About Our Father’s Business’: Fatherhood in New Zealand, 1900–1940 Gooder, Claire Outside the School Gates: Sex Education in New Zealand 1950–2000 Harper, Wakefield The Second Law Harris, Aroha E Kore e Taea Oranga mo te Tangata i te Aroha me te Pipi Anake: Maori Leadership and Representation, 1945–1975 Hoar, Peter ‘In me are sounds embalmed’: Recording Technologies and Musical Life in New Zealand 1880–1949 Kolesova, Elena Changing Values in Japanese Education: An Historical Study O’Shaughnessy, Michael Experience, Memory and Meaning: New Zealand Narratives of the Spanish Civil War 340 New Zealand Journal of History, 38, 2 (2004)

Prebble, Catharine Psychiatric Nursing in New Zealand, 1945- 1980 Puckey, Adrienne Relationship of Maori to the ‘Pakeha Economy’ Twohill, Nicholas Trade and Relations Between New Zealand and the Southern Cone of Latin America Whittle, Jo Electricity and the New Zealand Landscape, 1888–1998 Wilcox, Matthew A Social and Cultural History of Gay Men in Auckland, 1890–1990 Wrapson, Jill Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies: An Historical Investigation into Societal Attitudes and Concerns, 1950–2000 MA Atchison, Alyson The Role of the Scottish Parliament and Its Relationship with the Court, 1513–1560 Bolitho, Sally ‘Holy’ Bodies: Death, Desire and the Construction of Gender in Late-Medieval Hagiography Bosch, Arina The Social and Cultural Construction of Renaissance Englishwomen’s Bodies, 1450– 1650 Derbyshire, Alison Anyone’s But Our Own: The Teaching of New Zealand History in Secondary Schools Since 1920 Evans, Courtney ‘Not Aunt Daisy’: Ambivalence in the Representation of Womanhood in Post-war New Zealand Herriman, Nina The Relationship of Historical Memory and Commercial Culture: New Zealand Popular Music Since the End of World War II Jeffery, Christina Maori Women’s Experiences of Childbirth at National Women’s Hospital 1950–2000 McDowell, Tiopira Riria te Riri, Mahia te Mahi. Te Whakapümau me te Whakatupuranga o te Hunga Whakahë i nga Tau Tohetohe ki Aotearoa: The Development and Dynamics of the Modern Mäori Protest Movement McEnteer, Neil The Life and Ministry of the Right Reverend John Tristram Holland — Bishop of Waikato and of Polynesia Monter, Sven The ‘Sonnenorden’: A Cultural Historical Case Study of German Colonialists in the Pacific Pollock, Jacob From Colony to Culture: Historiographical Discourse and Historical Identity in Aotearoa/ New Zealand 1883–2003 Rankin, Jeremiah The Scientific Community of Nineteenth- Century Auckland Robinson, Helen Compulsory Carnivores? Meat and Society in New Zealand, 1945–2005 Säuberlich, Matthew German Scientific Expeditions in the Pacific, 1880–1914 Savelio, Antonina Citizenship (Western Samoa) Act 1982: Immigration or Citizenship Crisis? RESEARCH 341

Stewart, Kathryn Home and Away: Three Generations of Japanese Women in Auckland Sutton, Ross Two Hemispheres: Sir James Parr

University of Canterbury

PhD Abdel-Fattah, A. They are not regular soldiers: The Life and Times of the Second New Zealand Division in the Middle East 1939–1945 Campbell, Charles Responses to Crisis: Government, Missionary and Indian Responses to the Scarcities of Early Nineteenth-Century Bombay Presidency, 1820– 1860 Cording, Rex The Battle for Bomber Command: The Struggle Between the Air Ministry and the ADC Bomber Command McLeod, Stephen The 1935 General Election and the Rural Vote Morris, Matthew A Social and Ecological History of the Christchurch Home Garden, 1920–1950 Nicole, Robert Aspects of Resistance in Fiji from 1850 to 1945 Priestley, R. Nuclear New Zealand Richardson, Mary Social Capital and Public Policy in New Zealand MA Caudel, Mark Julius von Haast and the Origins and Development of the Canterbury Museum 1859–1882 Davis, Leigh Airworks (NZ) Ltd. A History, 1938–1983 Fox, Karen Women in the Honours System, 1917–1999 Hunt, James Was there a Justifiable Economic Opposition to Deterrence? Mackey, Sarah A Case Study of Command: The 20th Battalion in World War II Miller, David Churchill’s Diplomacy Towards the Tehran Conference Molloy, Tessa New Zealand Biography: Towards a National Genre O’Hagan, Paul ‘The New Zealand Community 1949–66’ — How Accurate is the Assumption that it was a Period of Trust and Social Cohesion which came at the expense of tolerance and individual expression? Searle, David An Analysis of the World War II Diary of Major E.P. Davis Using Microhistory Sedgwick, James Politicised Justice? Allied Partisanship and the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (I.M.T.F.E.), 1946–1948 Smith, Michael The Electoral Behaviour in Christchurch Between the Wars Welch, Josephine Biographical Study of Canon Wilford Department of Mäori PhD Hollis, Turi Aotearoa: Continuing Colonization by Western Theology. Issues Affecting Maori Participation in the Development of Contextual Theory in Aotearoa 342 New Zealand Journal of History, 38, 2 (2004)

Holman, Jeffery The Science of Savagery and Savage Chivalry: Orientalism in the Work of Elsdon Best and James Cowan, 1900–1925 Sutton, Anna Politicization of a Maori Identity in New Zealand MA Wairau, Tracey Kohanga Reo: An Examination of Whakapakari Training as the Vehicle for the Delivery of Rangatiratanga in Maori Education

Massey University – Albany

PhD Mincham, Carolyn A Social History of Horsemanship in New Zealand Troughton, Geoff Representation of Jesus in New Zealand, 1900–1940 MA/MPhil Gardiner, Carol A Social History of Freemasonry in Auckland Keenan, Ria In this Sign Conquer: New Zealand Military Chaplains and their Uses in the Great War Lewis, Wynford Imperial Preferences: A Study of New Zealand’s Great Power Relationships from 1949 to 1963 Thomas, Bill William Morley, Methodist Leader

Massey University – Palmerston North

PhD Davenport, Carol Trade Diversification in New Zealand Since World War II Foster, Barry Apprenticeship in New Zealand Greenwood, Bill The Creation of Rugby League in New Zealand Hickey, Carina A Biography of Bob Semple Newell, Reginald The Third Division in the South West Pacific Taylor, Richard Logistics and the New Zealand Wars Yeo, Carol Women and the New Zealand Wars MA Bell, Rachael Ruth Ross and Treaty Historiography Candy, Adam Dispute Resolution in Fifth-Century Gaul Dollery, Helen Palmerston North Methodist Social Services Centre, 1963–2004 Gawith, Barbara James Clendon: The Life and Times of an Early New Zealand Entrepreneur Innes, Craig New Zealand Firearms Policy in the 1850s and 1860s Kinnell, Don A History of Langdale Station Lane, Susan Women and Rural Local Body Politics Luxford, Sarah Women and Employment in New Zealand During World War I Medcalf, Pamela A Comparison of Hawke’s Bay Secondary School Headmistresses Reid, Jan-Maree Maori and Pakeha Women with Reference to the Early Years of the WCTU Scarfe, Alan A History of Maraekakaho Station Stone, Joanne Local Nuclear Free Zone Committees RESEARCH 343

Ward, Jaime Popular Agitation and Responsible Government in New Zealand

University of Otago

PhD Beattie, James Climates of Uncertainty: Rainfall, Desiccation and Drought in Nineteenth-Century New Zealand Clayton, Neil New Zealanders and Their Weeds 1770–1970 Cottle, Eleanor Snakes and Ladders: Social Mobility Rates and Reasons in Nineteenth-Century New Zealand Grant, Susannah Sir George Grey: Science, Religion, Politics and Race Harland, Jill Immigration Study of Orcadians and Shetland Islanders to Colonial Settlements Heydon, Sue History of the Kunde Hospital, Nepal Li, Kangying The Global Economy and the Fall of the Ming Lockerbie, Mary Rose The Role of Religion in the Development of Society in the Southern Suburbs of Dunedin Lousberg, Marjan Dr Edward Shortland and the Politics of Ethnography Parsons, Gwen New Zealand Society During the 1920s. The Impact of the Great War Peden, Robert Changes in South Island’s Range Lands in the Pastoral Era 1840–1914 Smith, Bruce New Zealand Railways Standfield, Rachel Race in the Tasman World Strack, Mick The Spatial Extent of Rights in Watercourses West, Jonathan Environmental History of the Peninsula Warbrick, Paerau Maori Land Court 1960–1980 MA Deed, Stephen Cemeteries Findlay, Angela The Campaign Against the Aramoana Smelter Gilmore, Helen Queen’s Gardens: A Cultural Landscape Study Henderson, Jennie Environmental History Keenan, Lauren The 1996 Waitangi Tribunal Report on Taranaki Maori Mackay, Don The Significance of the New Zealand Post-war Deployment of Troops to Gallipoli in 1918 for Posterity Redwood, Sian An Historical Study of ‘Burnside’, Oamaru Stewart, Mary Notes from New Zealand: A Window into a Settler Mind

Victoria University of Wellington

PhD Christoffel, Paul From Swill to the Café Society: Liquor Control in New Zealand, 1920–1989 Falkner, Nancy Schoolgirls of the 1940s: Young Women of the 1950s. A Study of a Cohort of New Zealand Women Born in 1929 and 1930 Gush, Nadia Cultural Citizens: Women and Beauty in New Zealand 1880–1940 Rashmi, Katti Gandhi and the Press in India, 1919–1922 344 New Zealand Journal of History, 38, 2 (2004)

MA Bernau, Sharmila Hinduism and Identity Amongst the Indian Community of Wellington Brown, Rachel Family History: A Part of History or Apart from History? Dee, Emma China and the Human Rights Question: The Historical Debates Gregg, Andrew Beneficiary Bashing? The Debate Over Social Welfare Benefits in the Mainstream New Zealand Media from 1990 to 1998 Heng, Yoong Ru Sino-Malay Conflict Between the 1942 and 1969 Riots Hill, Marguerite Madness in Early Twentieth-Century New Zealand: The Patient Case Records of Porirua Hospital 1909–1915 Knowles, Emma Dakota and Lakota Self-Representation in US History, 1950–2003 Power, Paddy Rugby Football in Wellington, 1860s–1920s Rodríguez, Vivian Running Away from a Labour System: A Case Study of the Egypt Plantation, Jamaica, 1751– 1776 and Thomas Thistlewood’s Journals Spanhake, Craig ‘The Grand Old Duke of the Hill’: Cabinet Selection in New Zealand 1949–2002, an Overview of Political Process

University of Waikato

PhD Bentley, Trevor Images of Pakeha–Maori Fisk, Jane Pakeha Women’s Activities Outside the Home, Hamilton, c. 1914–1945 MA Amos, Thomas Hamilton Remembers World War Two: An Investigation into Collective Remembrances 1917–2004 McDougall, Charlotte Mary Wollstonecraft’s Use of the Eighteenth Century Travel Writing Genre as Cultural Critique O’Flaherty, Erica Keeping up with the Joneses? Representation Versus Reality in the Private Suburb of Hillcrest, 1949–1962 Shanks, Alida ‘Having their Cake and Eating it too’: Anti- Nuclear Sentiment and Security in New Zealand Politics, 1982

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