124 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 5 Revocation of Masterton Milk Delivery Notice 1946 Notice of Intention to Take Land for Scenic Purposes in Block XIV, Bruce Bay Survey District URSUANT to the Milk: Delivery Regulations 1949* the Minister P of Marketing doth hereby revoke the Masterton Milk Delivery Notice 1946.t OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provisions Dated at Wellington, this 29th day of January, 1951. N of the Public Works Act, 1928, and the Scenery Preservation Act, 1908, to take the land described in the Schedule hereto for K. J. HOLYOAKE, Minister of Marketing. scenic purposes : And notice is hereby further given that ,the plan * Statutory RegulatioDB 1949, Serial number 1949/150, page 601. of the iand so required to be taken is deposited in the post-office t Gazette 11th July, 1946, page 976. Amendment No. 1: Gazette, 15th August, 1946, page 1139. at Bruce Bay and is there open for inspection ; and that all persons affected by the taking of the said land should, if they have any (l\lI.M.D. 99/5.) well-grounded objections to the taking of such land, set forth the same in writing, and send such writing within forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Minister of Works at Wellington. Lemon Marketing Regulations.-Notice Fixing Prices of Certain Grades SCHEDULE Office of the Minister of Marketing, Wellington, 31st January,.1951. APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land required to be taken :- URSUANT to regulation 19 of the Lemon Marketing Regula A.
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