Flywheel Energy Storage Switcher

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Flywheel Energy Storage Switcher I 1 385.0973 1 I Un386ord ' ; 1 -fqj>c,' I L--- i . FRA/ORD-79/20.1 FLYWHEEL ENERGY STORAGE SWITCHER STUDY SUMMARY AND DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF ANALYSIS I AiResearch Manufacturing Cornpany of Ca Iifornia I 2525 W. 190th Street I Torrance, California 90509 I I j i I I i APRIL 1979 1 FINAL REPORT I 1 -2,8, Document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service r'I f:; Springfield. Virginia 221 61. i i 1 Prepared for L.. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION I OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT . WASHINGTON, D.C. 20590 NOT ICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or the use thereof. The United States Government does not endorse products of manufacturers. Trade or manufacturer's names appear herein solely because they are considered essential to the object of this report 72.00 1 Pzq Technical Report Documentation Page 1 1. Report No. 1 2. Government Accession do. 3. [Seciai*~+':: Cotolog No. I 'W 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date FLYWHEEL ENERGY STORAGE SWITCHER Apri 1 1979 Volume /--Study Summary and Detailed Description of Analysis 7. Authorls) L.M. Cook, W.T. Curran, R. McConneli, A.K. Smith 9. Performlng Orgcnr~zationNoma and Addrsss 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) AiResearch Manufacturing Company of California 1 2525 W. 190th Street 11. Controct or Grant No. Torrance, Ca i i forn i a 90509 DOT-FR-777-4247- t 13. Type of Report ond Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name gnd Address 1 U.S. Department of Transportation Final Report for period Federal Rai lroad Administration Sept 77 to Jan 1979 Office of Research and Developmen? 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington, D.C. 20590 1 RRDI 2 15. 5upplamentary Notes Volume II (Report No. FRA/ORD-79/20.2), 363 pages, contains appendixes that ccm- I prise field data developed during switchyard and locornative Test phases. An indepth study of the application of flywheel energy storage to the rail- road switchyard tocomotive was conducted io determine the practicality and viability of such a system. The system, as originally conceived, required the use of separately excited fraction motors, and a major +ask of the study was to test separately excited version of -the Electro-Motive Division's D77 traction motor. The attraciiveness of the system is very dependent on the operational scenario of the switching locomotive. Therefore, the study examined +he operation of locomotives at three flatyards: Dillard (Southern Railway System), Baldwin (Seaboard Coast Line), and Whitefish (Burlington Northern), Also, a large amount of data concerning the operating environment of switching locomotives was collected, It was concluded early in the study that a boxcar was required to carry the energy storage unit because no room existed on the iocomotive. This, combined with the increased auxiliary load, results in the same energy consumption with or without the FESS system, for a typical flatyard operation in spite of the energy recuperated and reused. Brake maintenance savings, although significant, are not sufficient to give an atiractive return on investment. -- Fi L 4,c , <, , d _ J PREFACE This final report summarizes the results of the Flywheel Energy Storage Switcher study. it is submitted to the Federal Sailroad Administration by the AiResearch Manufacturing Company of California, a division of The Garrett Cor- poration, in accordance with U.S. Departmen* of Transportation Contract No. DOT-FR-777-4247. The Flywheel Energy Storage Switcher Study represents the efforts of the AiResearch Manufacturing Company of California, assisted in the hardware test- ing by Motor Coils Manufacturing. The continued assistance and guidance of the Federal Railroad Advinistration (FRA) contracting officer's technical rep- resentative, Mr. William F. Cracker; the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LRL), Engineering Sciences Department systems analyst, Mr. Robert K. Abbott; and several members of the FRA and LRL staffs were invaluable to the successful comp!etion of the study. Major contributions were made by many U.S. railroads, who contributed com- prehensive information that was used to establish and maintain the necessary data base. in addition, the following railroads made a significant contribu- tion to the study by allowing the use of their flatyards for dat? collection: Burlington Northern (BN) Seaboard Coast Line (SCL) C- Southern Railway System (SRS) Specifically, the assistance of Mr. T. C. Gilbert (SRS), Mr. R. J. Morris (EN), and Mr. J. Prosser (SCL) was greatly appreciated. Southern Railway System also allowed the use of their test facilities to investigate locomotive performance, and they provided two EYD 077 traction motors for test purposes. The Southern Pacific Transportation Company made available an SW1500 loco- motive at their Taylor Yard facility to enable the equipment installation drawings to be made. The final report comprises two volumes, as follows: Volume No. Title I Study Summary and Detailed Description of Analysis I I Field Data METRIC COMVLRSIOM FACTORS I "w rn,ll,rnl"l OM ma.. 8- m cenl$m~ess 0 4 md*. $n mel. 3 3 hn \ n - _I... 11 Id, * h LoI-M. 06 nlkr rnt i AREA on' -tmtws 0 18 -I. .9W" 'Ddr. i.= d gwr. ".US 11 .9W" ".d. & h2 WI. Lll-u. 0 I -. m,,.. m2 ha 21 2 r - MASS irei@bs) 02 -s n ms P Ib Ma 0.W kilopr- LP .hen un. 0, t-.. lm Ibl VOLUYE ** -ww-n 6 mill;,;,e,' rnl lb Ubl~spmn. 15 rnillilits,r rnl 11 rn ll"id wm.. 30 rnillili,0.. m, cw 026 lil~. I 6-4 pint. 0.87 lit... I 94 qums 095 IMte~s I Wl wIIm. 3.8 liters "' subis lee, 0.03 NbiC rnF1rn' d ld3 rvblr vldr 0.X cubic mters m3 TEMPERATURE (oxact) TEMPEAAFURE (exart) OC . Cdllux 9 5 1- Fhonhalt .s lapl.Nrn .dd PI t-"M .I F*mlhsit 5 9 1ohs Call#us .C tamrn.l"r. wbnrsuw I*~,~lU.L .. UI , " 2.5. ..6," . , ,u -., u,rirb tables. see NBI *I.,r. PI.*, :*. Un,s 0, WC,.IX$ adMsdsillel. Rice ti25 I: CIU \-. CII I0 286. 3ct ion Motors Economic Analysis Alternate Configurations Conclusions and Recommendations 2 FESS STUDY INTRODUCTION 4 l ntroduct ion 4 Program Rationale 4 Program Out l i ne 5 Program Methodology 12 Format of Final Report 12 3 FIELD DATA ACQUISITION, TASK I 14 Scenario Tests Data Gathering Scenario Data Reduction .- Scenario Test Data Summary Scenario Formulation Fuel Consumption Comparison Locomotive Performance Tests 4 SYSTEM ANALYS l S 56 l ntroduct ion 56 Basic System Elements 56 SW1500 Locomotive 55 ACT-I Energy Storage Unit (ESU) 57 Flywheel Energy Storage Capacity 67 Flywheel Assernbl y 67 Safety Features 72 Gyroscopic Effects 75 Input-Output Machine 75 Computer Simulation 78 Series Votor Model 78 Series Motor Model Val idity 89 FESS Yodel 9 1 FESS Model Validity 97 Use of the Vodels 102 Preliminary Analysis (Task IIB) 102 Concept A 104 Concept B 104 v CONTENTS (Continued) Selected Concept lndepth System Analysis (I IC) System Description System Hardware System Control Energy Management Motoring Control Brakinq Control Control Analysis System Operation System Performance Risk Analysis System Costs and Credits Initial Costs Annual Costs and Credits 5 TRACT l ON MOTORS Anal ys i s/Des i gn Unmodified Motors Tests of Unmodified Votors Traction Motor k40difications ..-. Test of Modified Motors Test Configuration Yo-Load Saturation Test Load Saturation Tests Performance qeat Run Test Data Traction Motor Thermal Analysis Thermal Analysis Details Thermal Performance Main Field Coil Optimization Results of Traction Motor Task 6 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND RESULTS Economic Analysis Techniques 202 Office of Mandgemenf and Budget Circular A-94 202 Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform (4R) Act-1975 203 Sensitivity Analyses 1 and 2 203 lnf lation 203 General Price Level 204 Diesel Fuel 204 Maintenance 205 Engineering Economics Computer Program 205 Input Data 205 ~L.. CONTENTS (Continued) Output 3ata 207 Economical Analysis Results 207 ALTERNATE CONFIGURATIONS 213 Configuration Descriptions 213 Economic Analysis 213 8 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 224 Conclusions 224 Recommendat ions 225 9 REFERENCES 226 Appendixes APPEND l X A: l NSTRUMENTATION A- 1 APPENDIX B: END PRODUCT SOFTWARE B- 1 APPENDIX C: FESS ECONOYICS PROGRAM LISTING C- 1 i.~. APPENDIX D: FESS BASELINE CONCEPT ECONOYICS ANALYSIS D- 1 APPENDIX E: ALTERNATE CONFIGURATIONS E- 1 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1 Flywheel Energy Storage Switcher Study Methodology 13 2 Instrumentation Block Diagram 15 3 Scenario Test Qata Reduction Process 17 4 Portion of Meta IV Strip Chart 19 5 Co~puterProgram Rlock Diagram for Scenario Data 70 Processing 6 Scenario Data Reduction Program Printout 22 .&" Baldwin Yard Data Summary Whitefish Yard Data Summary Combined Data Summary (Armature Current vs Active Time) Combined Data Summary (Speed Less than Abscissa Value vs Active Time) Combined Data Summary (Speed vs Active Time) 9i l lard Yard Peak Speed Distribution Raldwin Yard Peak Speed Distribution Whitefish Yard Peak Speed Distribution Combined Total Peak Speed Distribution Southern Railway System Dillard Yard Annual Average Southern Railway Dillard Yard Test Period Activity Seaboard Coast Line Baldwin Yard Annual Average Seaboard Coast Line Baldwin Yard, Test Week Activity Burlington Northern Whitefish Yard Annual Average Burlington Northern Whitefish Yard Test Period Activity 24 Locomotive Speed Distribution Characteristic 2 5 Locomotive Armature Current Distribution Characteristic 26 SW1500 Load Box Test, Engine and Generator Performance, Locomotive 2302 27 Load Box Data, Speed vs Throttle 28 Locomotive Fuel Consumption, Load Box Test, Locomot i ve 2302 ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Data, Generator Voltage vs Engine Speed Data, Field Current vs Engine Speed Engine Generator Response Time 52 Data Ro l l No.
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