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4-2000 Probability Distribution of Distance in a Uniform Ellipsoid: Theory and Applications to Physics Michelle Parry Longwood University, [email protected]

Ephraim Fischbach Purdue University

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Recommended Citation Parry, Michelle and Fischbach, Ephraim, "Probability Distribution of Distance in a Uniform Ellipsoid: Theory and Applications to Physics" (2000). Chemistry and Physics Faculty Publications. Paper 4. http://digitalcommons.longwood.edu/chemphys_facpubs/4

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Probability distribution of distance in a uniform ellipsoid: Theory and applications to physics Michelle Parrya) Department of Natural Sciences, Longwood College, Farmville, Virginia 23909 Ephraim Fischbachb) Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 ͑Received 4 November 1999; accepted for publication 24 November 1999͒

A number of authors have previously found the probability Pn(r) that two points uniformly distributed in an n-dimensional are separated by a distance r. This result greatly facilitates the calculation of self-energies of spherically symmet- ric matter distributions interacting by means of an arbitrary radially symmetric ⑀ ⑀ two-body potential. We present here the analogous results for P2(r; ) and P3(r; ) which respectively describe an and an ellipsoid whose major and minor axes ⑀ϭ Ϫ 2 2 1/2р ⑀ ⑀ are 2a and 2b. It is shown that for (1 b /a ) 1, P2(r; ) and P3(r; ) can be obtained as an expansion in powers of ⑀, and our results are valid through order ⑀4. As an application of these results we calculate the Coulomb energy of an ellipsoidal nucleus, and compare our result to an earlier result quoted in the litera- ture. © 2000 American Institute of Physics. ͓S0022-2488͑00͒04304-8͔

I. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY It is well known that the exchange of fields with appropriate quantum numbers gives rise to ͉ Ϫ ͉ ϵ two-body potentials V( r1 r2 ) V(r) between particles 1 and 2, which contribute in turn to the self-energies of many-body systems such as nuclei and neutron stars. In typical applications of interest these potentials are often of the Yukawa form,

eϪr/␭ V͑r͒ϭC , ͑1.1͒ Y r ␭ where CY and are constants, or are inverse powers

Cn V͑r͒ϭ ͑nϭ1,2,3, . . . ͒, ͑1.2͒ rn

where Cn is a constant. The most familiar example is the self-energy of a spherical charge distribution ͑e.g., a spherically symmetric nucleus͒ arising from the Coulomb potential

e2 e2 ͑ ͒ϭ ϵ ͑ ͒ VC r ͉ Ϫ ͉ . 1.3 r1 r2 r ϵ As we discuss in Sec. IV, the average interaction energy UC ͗VC(r)͘ of a single pair of charges having a uniform probability distribution in a sphere of radius R is given by

6 e2 U ϭ . ͑1.4͒ C 5 R

For a nucleus containing Z charges, and hence Z(ZϪ1)/2 pairs, the total Coulomb energy is1

a͒Electronic mail: [email protected] b͒Electronic mail: [email protected]

0022-2488/2000/41(4)/2417/17/$17.002417 © 2000 American Institute of Physics 2418 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 M. Parry and E. Fischbach

1 3 e2 W ϭ Z͑ZϪ1͒U ϭ Z͑ZϪ1͒ . ͑1.5͒ C 2 C 5 R

͉ Ϫ ͉ The conventional way of obtaining UC is to integrate VC( r1 r2 ) over r1 and r2 which requires evaluating a six-dimensional integral. For the Coulomb potential this is relatively straight- forward, but for other potentials evaluating UC is considerably more difficult, particularly for the inverse power potentials in Eq. ͑1.2͒. These typically arise from the simultaneous exchange of two quanta: For example, the exchange of two pseudoscalars produces a 1/r3 potential,2–6 while the exchange of a neutrino–antineutrino pair leads to a 1/r5 potential.7–10 Evaluation of U for these potentials in nuclei or neutron stars would lead to formally divergent integrals, but finite results are obtained by introducing the hard-core radius rc , which cuts off the lower limit of integration. ͉ Ϫ ͉Ͻ When the hard-core restriction r1 r2 rc is incorporated into the conventional evaluation of U, as in Eq. ͑4.3͒ below, it leads to complicated constraints on the six-dimensional integration region. By contrast, the same constraint can be expressed trivially in terms of the function P3(r) in Eq. ͑1.6͒, which gives the probability that two points in a sphere of radius R are separated by a distance rр2R. The utility of this geometric probability approach lies not only in its ability to deal with the hard core constraint, but also in its universal applicability to any potential V(r), as we discuss later. The object of the present paper is to extend the above formalism to ellipsoids and , which would allow geometric probability techniques to be applied to systems in which there were deviations from exact spherical or circular symmetry. As in the case of the function P3(r), once the corresponding functions are determined for an ellipsoid or an ellipse, the evaluation of the self-energy U for an arbitrary two-body potential becomes trivial. To set the stage for the ensuing discussion, we begin by reviewing earlier results for the probability distributions in spherically symmetric geometries. Consider two points 1 and 2 located at coordinates r1 and r2 in a uniformly distributed n-dimensional sphere of radius R, and let r ϭ͉ Ϫ ͉ р r1 r2 . The normalized probability Pn(r) that 1 and 2 are separated by a distance r,0 r р2R, has been treated by Deltheil,11 Hammersley,12 Overhauser,13 Lord,14 and Parry15 ͑see also Kendall, and Moran16 and Santalo´17͒. It is convenient to introduce the variable sϭr/2R,0рs р ϩ 1, and to then define Pn(s) as the normalized probability that s be in the interval (s,s ds). 17 Pn(s) is given by

͑nϩ1͒ 1 n nϪ1 ͑ ͒ϭ 2ͩ ͪ ͑ ͒ P s 2 ns I Ϫ , , 1.6 n 1 s 2 2 where Ix(p,q) is the incomplete beta function,

⌫͑pϩq͒ x ͑ ͒ϭ ͵ pϪ1͑ Ϫ ͒qϪ1 ͑ ͒ Ix p,q dt t 1 t . 1.7 ⌫͑p͒⌫͑q͒ 0

As discussed here earlier and in Ref. 10, the results for nϭ1,2,3 are of interest in physics when calculating the self-energies of various configurations of charges, and hence we exhibit the explicit functional forms for P1(s), P2(s), and P3(s) below: ͒ϭ Ϫ ͒ P1͑s 2͑1 s ,

16 ͑ ͒ϭ ͓ Ϫ1 Ϫ ͑ Ϫ 2͒1/2͔ ͑ ͒ P2 s ␲ s cos s s 1 s , 1.8

͒ϭ 2 Ϫ ͒2 ϩ ͒ P3͑s 12s ͑1 s ͑2 s .

In terms of Pn(s) the self-energy U of a one-, two-, or three-dimensional configuration of charges interacting via an arbitrary potential V(s) is given by J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 Distribution of distance in ellipsoids 2419

1 ϭ ͵ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ U ds Pn s V s . 1.9 0

The effects of the hard-core radius rc can be included trivially by replacing the lower limit in Eq. ͑ ͒ ϭ 1.9 by sc rc/2R. For some applications where symmetry conditions are important, it is essential to know how the results in Eqs. ͑1.8͒ change in the presence of deviations from exact circular or spherical symmetry, characterized by a nonvanishing eccentricity ⑀. In what follows we derive the appro- priate generalizations of P2(r) and P3(r) for an ellipse and an oblate , which we denote ⑀ ⑀ by P2(r; ) and P3(r; ), respectively. The outline of our paper is as follows. In Sec. II we present ͑ ͒ the unpublished Overhauser method for deriving P3(r), which we then generalize in Sec. III to ⑀ ⑀ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ obtain P3(r; ). The expression for P3(r; ) for an oblate spheroid is given in Eqs. 3.31 – 3.34 , and analogous results for a prolate spheroid can then be obtained trivially. As an illustrative example, we use the results of Sec. III to calculate the Coulomb energy of an ellipsoidal nucleus in Sec. IV, and we compare our results to those obtained earlier by Feenberg.18 In the Appendix ⑀ ⑀ we present the results for P2(r; ), which can be derived in analogy to P3(r; ), as discussed in Ref. 15.

II. THE METHOD OF OVERHAUSER ⑀ ⑀ 12 The results for P2(r; ) and P3(r; ) can be obtained using either the Hammersley or Overhauser13 method. The latter has a simple geometric interpretation which is discussed in greater detail in Ref. 15, and which we summarize below. In a uniform three-dimensional sphere of radius R suppose that point 1 is located a distance ␳ from the center of the sphere and that point 2 is located a distance r from point 1. The conditional probability that point 2 is located a distance r from point 1, given that point 1 is located a distance ␳ from the origin of the sphere, is defined to be f (r͉␳). Similarly, f (␳) is the probability that point 1 is located a distance ␳ from the origin, where ␳ and r are continuous random variables. Then,

R ͑ ͒ϵ ͑ ͒ϭ ͵ ͑ ͉␳͒ ͑␳͒ ␳ ͑ ͒ P3 r f r f r f d , 2.1 0 where f (r) is the sought-after probability that the two points are separated by a distance r. Evidently,

4␲␳2d␳ 3␳2d␳ f ͑␳͒d␳ϭ ϭ ͑2.2͒ 4 ␲ 3 R3 3 R for 0р␳рR. Since point 1 is required to be inside the sphere, f (␳) must be normalized such that

R R 3␳2 ͵ ͑␳͒ ␳ϭ ͵ ␳ϭ ͑ ͒ f d 3 d 1. 2.3 0 0 R

It is convenient to calculate f (r) separately for the two cases, 0рrрR and Rрrр2R. We show, however, that f (r) has the same functional form for both regions. When 0рrрR, there are two regions of ␳ in which f (r͉␳) has different functional forms. From Fig. 1͑a͒ it follows that when 0р␳рRϪr,

4␲r2dr 3r2dr f ͑r͉␳͒drϭ ϭ . ͑2.4͒ 4 ␲ 3 R3 3 R

However, when RϪrр␳рR, the shell intersects the sphere as in Fig. 1͑b͒. In this case the enclosed area (S) is no longer 4␲r2, but is given by 2420 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 M. Parry and E. Fischbach

FIG. 1. ͑a͒͑top͒ Geometry for the Overhauser method when 0рrрR and 0р␳рRϪr. Point 2 is constrained to lie on the surface of a spherical shell of radius r centered at point 1. Note that the spherical shell is totally enclosed in the sphere. ͑b͒ ͑bottom͒ Geometry for the case 0рrрR and RϪrр␳рR. The spherical shell made by point 2 intersects the sphere at an angle ␪. The dashed line represents the portion of the spherical shell that lies outside the sphere.

2␲ ␪ ␳2ϩr2ϪR2 ϭ 2 ͵ ␾Ј ͵ ␪Ј ␪Јϭ ␲ 2͑ Ϫ ␪͒ϭ ␲ 2ͫ Ϫ ͬ ͑ ͒ Senclosed r d sin d 2 r 1 cos 2 r 1 , 2.5 0 0 2␳r where the law of cosines has been used to replace cos ␪. Hence,

3 r2 ␳2ϩr2ϪR2 f ͑r͉␳͒drϭ ͩ 1Ϫ ͪ dr, ͑2.6͒ 2 R3 2␳r for RϪrр␳рR. Combining Eqs. ͑2.1͒, ͑2.2͒, ͑2.4͒, and ͑2.6͒ yields

RϪr 3␳2 3r2 R 3␳2 3 r2 ␳2ϩr2ϪR2 ͑ ͒ϵ ͑ ͒ϭ ͵ ͩ ͪͩ ͪ ␳ϩ ͵ ͩ ͪͫ ͩ Ϫ ͪͬ ␳ P3 r f r 3 3 d 3 3 1 d 0 R R RϪr R 2 R 2␳r 3r2 9 r3 3 r5 ϭ Ϫ ϩ . ͑2.7͒ R3 4 R4 16 R6 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 Distribution of distance in ellipsoids 2421

FIG. 2. ͑a͒͑top͒ Geometry for the case Rрrр2R and 0р␳рrϪR. The spherical shell is always outside the sphere when 0р␳рrϪR. The dashed line ͑only part of which is shown͒ represents the portion of the spherical shell that lies outside the sphere. ͑b͒͑bottom͒ Geometry for the case when Rрrр2R and rϪRр␳рR. The spherical shell made by point 2 intersects the sphere at an angle ␪.

When Rрrр2R there are also two regions of ␳ in which f (r͉␳) has different functional forms. The spherical shell lies outside the given sphere when 0р␳рrϪR as seen in Fig. 2͑a͒, and hence

f ͑r͉␳͒ϭ0. ͑2.8͒

When rϪRр␳рR the spherical shell intersects the sphere as in Fig. 2͑b͒. The discussion leading to Eq. ͑2.6͒ can be taken over immediately and we find for rϪRр␳рR,

3 r2 ␳2ϩr2ϪR2 f ͑r͉␳͒ drϭ ͩ 1Ϫ ͪ dr. ͑2.9͒ 2 R3 2␳r

Combining Eqs. ͑2.1͒, ͑2.2͒, ͑2.8͒, and ͑2.9͒ yields

rϪR 3␳2 R 3␳2 3 r2 ␳2ϩr2ϪR2 ͑ ͒ϵ ͑ ͒ϭ ͵ ͩ ͪ ͑ ͒ ␳ϩ ͵ ͩ ͪͫ ͩ Ϫ ͪͬ ␳ P3 r f r 3 0 d 3 3 1 d 0 R rϪR R 2 R 2␳r 3r2 9 r3 3 r5 ϭ Ϫ ϩ ͑2.10͒ R3 4 R4 16 R6 2422 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 M. Parry and E. Fischbach

р р ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ϵ for R r 2R. We observe from Eqs. 2.7 and 2.10 that the probability function P3(r) f (r) has the same functional form over the entire region of r, and agrees with the results obtained 11 12 14 ͑ ͒ previously by Deltheil, Hammersley, and Lord. P3(r)dr in Eq. 2.10 reproduces the expres- ͑ ͒ ϭ sion for P3(s)ds in Eq. 1.8 using s r/2R. We note in passing that

2R ͵ f ͑r͒ drϭ1, ͑2.11͒ 0 which is the required normalization condition.


A. General considerations The equation for an oblate spheroid in Cartesian coordinates is

x2 y 2 z2 ϩ ϩ ϭ1, ͑3.1͒ a2 a2 b2 where a and b are the major and minor semi-axes, respectively. It is more convenient to describe the oblate spheroid in spherical coordinates ͑R,⌰,⌽͒ so that the equation for the oblate spheroid may be written as

aͱ1Ϫ⑀2 R͑⌰,⌽͒ϭ , ͑3.2͒ ͱ1Ϫ⑀2 sin2 ⌰ where the eccentricity, ⑀, is defined to be

b2 ⑀ϭͱ1Ϫ . ͑3.3͒ a2

It should be noted that R(⌰,⌽) is independent of the azimuthal angle ⌽, and hence R(⌰,⌽) ϭR(⌰). Although the oblate spheroid can be described using any two of the three variables a, b, and ⑀, it is most convenient to use a and ⑀, since the maximum possible distance between two points in the oblate spheroid is 2a. Suppose that point 1 is located at a position ͑␳,␪͒, where ␳ is the distance from the origin of the oblate spheroid and ␪ is the angle with respect to the z axis. If point 2 is a distance r from point 1 as in Fig. 3͑a͒, then it is constrained to lie on the surface of a sphere with radius r. The probability that point 1 is located at ͑␳,␪͒ is defined as P(␳,␪), and the conditional probability that point 2 is located a distance r from point 1, given that point 1 is located at a position ͑␳,␪͒,is P(r͉␳,␪). P(r;⑀) is then given by

␲ R(␪) P͑r;⑀͒ϭ ͵ d␪ ͵ d␳ P͑r͉␳,␪͒P͑␳,␪͒, ͑3.4͒ 0 0 ⑀ ϵ ⑀ where P(r; ) P3(r; ) is the probability that two points are separated by a distance r in a uniformly distributed oblate spheroid with eccentricity ⑀. Since point 1 is constrained to lie on the circumference of a circle of radius ␳ sin ␪, as shown in Fig. 3͑b͒, it follows that

3 ␳ sin ␪ P͑␳,␪͒d␳ d␪ϭ d␳␳d␪ ͑3.5͒ 2 a3ͱ1Ϫ⑀2 for 0р␳рR(␪). The conditional probability P(r͉␳,␪) is proportional to the ͑en- closed in the oblate spheroid͒ of the spherical shell made by point 2 as it rotates about point 1. It J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 Distribution of distance in ellipsoids 2423

FIG. 3. ͑a͒͑top͒ Geometry of an oblate spheroid. Point 1 is at a distance ␳ from the origin and located at an angle ␪ as shown. Point 2 is a distance r from 1. ͑b͒͑bottom͒ Constraint for P(␳,␪) in an oblate spheroid. Point 1 is constrained to lie on a circle of radius ␳ sin ␪.

follows that P(r͉␳,␪) has a different functional form in each of four regions of r ͑i.e., ranges of values of r͒. When 0рrрb, the spherical shell can either be totally enclosed in the oblate spheroid or can intersect it. When bрrрa, the spherical shell always intersects the oblate spher- oid. When aрrр2b, the spherical shell can either be outside the oblate spheroid or can intersect it. Finally, when 2bрrр2a, the spherical shell can either be totally outside the oblate spheroid or it can intersect the oblate spheroid only over a certain region of ␪. P(r;⑀) cannot be expected a priori to have the same functional form over the entire range of values of r, and for this reason each of the above cases must be considered separately. We illustrate our formalism by considering the region 0рrрb.

B. The intersection of a sphere and an oblate spheroid Since the probability function P(r͉␳,␪) is proportional to the surface area of the sphere of radius r enclosed in the oblate spheroid, one must determine how an oblate spheroid and a sphere intersect. The surface area of the sphere enclosed in the ellipsoid can be determined by introducing a new coordinate system (xЈ,yЈ,zЈ) centered at point 1. The xЈ axis points in the same direction as the x axis, out of the page. The zЈ axis points toward the origin of the original coordinate system along ␳. Finally, the yЈ axis is to the xЈ and zЈ axes. Associated with this new coordinate system are the spherical coordinates (r,␪Ј,␾Ј). The surface area of the sphere enclosed in the oblate spheroid is then determined by

ϭ 2 ͵ ␾Ј ͵ ͑ ␪Ј͒ ͑ ͒ Senclosed r d d cos , 3.6 where the limits of integration depend on how the sphere and the oblate spheroid intersect. 2424 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 M. Parry and E. Fischbach

FIG. 4. One configuration illustrating the intersection of a sphere and an oblate spheroid. The dotted line represents the

portion of the spherical shell that lies outside of the oblate spheroid. R1 is the distance from the origin to the surface of the ␣ ͑ ͒ ␽ oblate spheroid at the location of the intersection, and is described by an angle 1 according to Eq. 3.7 . The angle 1 represents the position of intersection.

Consider the case 0рrрb, for which there are two subcases. In the first subcase the sphere intersects the oblate spheroid as in Fig. 4 which, for simplicity, depicts only one quadrant of the R ϭR ␣ oblate spheroid. In this figure, 1 ( 1) describes the position of point 2 on the surface of the oblate spheroid and is given by

aͱ1Ϫ⑀2 R ϭR͑␣ ͒ϭ . ͑3.7͒ 1 1 ͱ Ϫ⑀2 2 ␣ 1 sin 1

The surface area of the sphere enclosed in the oblate spheroid for this subcase is

2␲ 1 2␲ ϭ 2 ͵ ␾Ј ͵ ͑ ␪Ј͒ϭ ͵ 2͑ Ϫ ␽ ͒ ␾Ј ͑ ͒ Senclosed r d d cos r 1 cos 1 d . 3.8 ␽ 0 cos 1 0 ␾ ␽ ϭ␽ ␾ The integration over Ј is nontrivial since 1 1( Ј), and will be discussed below. R ϭR ␣ R ϭR ␣ In the second subcase 2 ( 2) and 3 ( 3) represent the positions of intersection and are defined in the same manner as above. In this case the surface area of the sphere enclosed in the oblate spheroid is

␲ ␽ ␲ 2 cos 3 2 1 ϭ 2 ͵ ␾Ј ͵ ͑ ␪Ј͒ϩ 2 ͵ ␾Ј ͵ ͑ ␪Ј͒ Senclosed r d d cos r d d cos Ϫ ␽ 0 1 0 cos 2

2␲ ϭ ␲ 2ϩ 2 ͵ ͑ ␽ Ϫ ␽ ͒ ␾Ј ͑ ͒ 4 r r cos 3 cos 2 d . 3.9 0

⑀ ␽ ϭ To determine P(r; ), cos i (i 1,2,3) must be expressed in terms of the positions of intersection R ␣ ␽ R i which depend on the angles i explicitly as in Fig. 4. cos i can be expressed in terms of i using the law of cosines,

␳2ϩ 2ϪR 2 r i cos ␽ ϭ . ͑3.10͒ i 2␳r

͑ ͒ ␽ R Equation 3.10 does not give a total representation of the angle i since i itself depends on the ␣ ␽ unknown angle i . This makes it necessary to find a second relationship between the angles i ␣ and i . ␳ R Consider the triangle formed by , r, and i and its relationship to the z axis of the defined coordinate system. From Fig. 5, J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 Distribution of distance in ellipsoids 2425

FIG. 5. Enlargement of Fig. 4 showing the primed coordinate system used to calculate the enclosed surface area. See text for further details.

R ␣ ϭ␳ ␪ϩ ϭ␳ ␪ϩ ␾ ␽ ␪Ϫ ␽ ␪ ͑ ͒ i cos i cos rz cos r sin Ј sin i sin r cos i cos . 3.11

͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ␽ Combining Eqs. 3.10 and 3.11 gives a quartic equation in cos i whose solution can be ex- pressed as a series in powers of ⑀:

⑀2 cos ␽ ϭYϩ ͓a2 cos2 ␪ϩr2͑1ϪY 2͒͑sin2 ␾Ј sin2 ␪Ϫcos2 ␪͔͒ i 2␳r ⑀4 ϩ ͓2␳ra2 cos2 ␪ sin2 ␪ϩ2r2a2Y͑cos4 ␪Ϫ3 sin2 ␾Ј sin2 ␪ cos2 ␪͒ 4␳2r2 ϩ2␳r3͑1ϪY 2͒͑sin2 ␾Ј sin4 ␪Ϫsin2 ␪ cos2 ␪Ϫ2 sin2 ␾Ј sin2 ␪ cos2 ␪͒ ϩ2r4Y͑1ϪY 2͒͑6 sin2 ␾Ј sin2 ␪ cos2 ␪Ϫsin4 ␾Ј sin4 ␪Ϫcos4 ␪͔͒ϩ0͑⑀6͒ ϩ•••, ͑3.12͒

␳2ϩr2Ϫa2 Yϭ , ͑3.13͒ 2␳r where ... denotes terms of order ⑀2 and ⑀4 which do not contribute to the surface area. Note that ␽ ϭ cos i has the same functional form for i 1,2,3, and hence we drop the subscript i. For 0рrрb there are thus two possibilities for the intersection of the sphere and the ellipsoid. For the purpose of calculating the surface area, the sphere is effectively ͑i.e., to order ⑀4͒ totally enclosed in the oblate spheroid for 0р␳рRϪr, which gives

ϭ ␲ 2 ͑ ͒ Senclosed 4 r . 3.14

However, when RϪrр␳рR the sphere intersects the oblate spheroid and produces a surface area equal to

2␲ ϭ ͵ 2͑ Ϫ ␽͒ ␾Ј ͑ ͒ Senclosed r 1 cos d . 3.15 0

When the expression for cos ␽ in Eq. ͑3.12͒ is substituted into the above result and the integration is carried out, we find 2426 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 M. Parry and E. Fischbach

⑀2 1 S ϭ2␲r2ͭ ͑1ϪY ͒Ϫ ͫa2 cos2 ␪ϩr2͑1ϪY 2͒ͩ sin2 ␪Ϫcos2 ␪ͪͬ enclosed 2␳r 2 ⑀4 3 5 Ϫ ͫ2␳ra2 sin2 ␪ cos2 ␪ϩ2r2a2Y ͩ Ϫ cos2 ␪ϩ cos4 ␪ͪ ϩ2␳r3͑1ϪY 2͒ 4␳2r2 2 2 5 1 35 15 3 ϫͩ cos4 ␪Ϫ3 cos2 ␪ϩ ͪ ϩ2r4Y͑1ϪY 2͒ͩ Ϫ cos4 ␪ϩ cos2 ␪Ϫ ͪͬͮ . ͑3.16͒ 2 2 8 4 8

The calculation of the intersection of a sphere and an oblate spheroid for the case in which b рrр2a can be carried out in an analogous manner, and leads to the same result as in Eq. ͑3.16͒ above. It follows that when the spherical shell and the oblate spheroid intersect, the surface area is independent of the regions of r and is always given by Eq. ͑3.16͒. The conditional probability P(r͉␳,␪) is then given by

Senclosed P͑r͉␳,␪͒ϭ , ͑3.17͒ ͑4/3͒␲a3ͱ1Ϫ⑀2 where the denominator is the volume of the ellipsoid. P(r͉␳,␪) is explicitly given in Eqs. ͑3.18͒– ͑3.20͒ below.

⑀ C. The determination of P„r; … We begin by summarizing the three possible functional forms for P(r͉␳,␪). When 0рrрb and 0р␳рRϪr, the sphere is effectively totally enclosed in the oblate spheroid, and hence the contribution to P(r͉␳,␪)is

3r2 P͑r͉␳,␪͒ϭ . ͑3.18͒ a3ͱ1Ϫ⑀2

When the sphere intersects the oblate spheroid for 0рrрb, RϪrр␳рR, and aрrр2b, rϪRр␳рR, the contribution to P(r͉␳,␪)is

3 r2 ⑀2 1 3 P͑r͉␳,␪͒ϭ ͭ ͑1ϪY ͒Ϫ ͫa2 cos2 ␪ϩr2͑1ϪY 2͒ͩ Ϫ cos2 ␪ͪͬ 2 a3ͱ1Ϫ⑀2 2␳r 2 2 ⑀4 Ϫ ͫ2␳ra2 sin2 ␪ cos2 ␪ϩr2a2Y͑Ϫ3 cos2 ␪ϩ5 cos4 ␪͒ 4␳2r2 ϩ␳r3͑1ϪY 2͒͑5 cos4 ␪Ϫ6 cos2 ␪ϩ1͒ 1 ϩ r4Y͑1ϪY 2͒͑Ϫ35 cos4 ␪ϩ30 cos2 ␪Ϫ3͒ͬͮ . ͑3.19͒ 4

Finally, when aрrр2b, and 0р␳рrϪR, the sphere is effectively totally outside the oblate spheroid, and hence the contribution to P(r͉␳,␪)is

P͑r͉␳,␪͒ϭ0. ͑3.20͒

The functional forms of P(r͉␳,␪) and P(␳,␪) can be used to determine P(r;⑀). Since P(r͉␳,␪) has only been determined for the upper half of the oblate spheroid, which is specified by point 1 in the the range 0р␪р␲/2, the corresponding contribution to P(r;⑀) for point 1 lying in the upper half of the oblate spheroid is given by J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 Distribution of distance in ellipsoids 2427

␲/2 R ͑ ⑀͒ ϭ ͵ ␪ ͵ ␳ ͑ ͉␳ ␪͒ ͑␳ ␪͒ ͑ ͒ P r; upper d d P r , P , . 3.21 0 0

Similarly, the contribution from the lower half of the oblate spheroid is given by

␲ R ͑ ⑀͒ ϭ ͵ ␪ ͵ ␳ ͑ ͉␳ ␪͒ ͑␳ ␪͒ ͑ ͒ P r; lower d d P r , P , , 3.22 ␲/2 0 so that

⑀͒ϭ ⑀͒ ϩ ⑀͒ ͑ ͒ P͑r; P͑r; upper P͑r; lower . 3.23

On symmetry grounds it follows that

⑀͒ ϭ ⑀͒ ͑ ͒ P͑r; upper P͑r; lower , 3.24 which implies that

⑀͒ϭ ⑀͒ ͑ ͒ P͑r; 2P͑r; upper . 3.25

In analogy to the case of the sphere treated in Sec. II, P(r;⑀) can be obtained by evaluating it separately in each of four regions of the variable r. For 0рrрb the sphere is effectively totally enclosed in the oblate spheroid in a region where 0р␳рRϪr, and it intersects the oblate spher- oid in a region where RϪrр␳рR. Using the results of Eqs. ͑3.5͒, ͑3.18͒, ͑3.19͒, ͑3.21͒, and ͑3.25͒,

1 ␲/2 RϪr 3␳2 sin ␪ 3r2 ͑ ⑀͒ ϭ ͑ ⑀͒ϭ ͵ ͵ ␳ ␪ͩ ͪͩ ͪ P r; upper P r; d d 2 0 0 2a3ͱ1Ϫ⑀2 a3ͱ1Ϫ⑀2

␲/2 R 3␳2 sin ␪ 3r2 ⑀2 ϩ ͵ ͵ d␳ d␪ͩ ͪͩ ͪ ͭ ͑1ϪY ͒Ϫ ͫa2 cos2 ␪ 3 2 3 2 ␳ 0 RϪr 2a ͱ1Ϫ⑀ 2a ͱ1Ϫ⑀ 2 r 1 3 ⑀4 ϩr2͑1ϪY 2͒ͩ Ϫ cos2 ␪ͪͬϪ ͫ2␳ra2 sin2 ␪ cos2 ␪ 2 2 4␳2r2 ϩr2a2Y͑Ϫ3 cos2 ␪ϩ5 cos4␪͒ϩ␳r3͑1ϪY 2͒͑5 cos4 ␪Ϫ6 cos2 ␪ϩ1͒ 1 ϩ r4Y͑1ϪY 2͒͑Ϫ35 cos4 ␪ϩ30 cos2 ␪Ϫ3͒ͬͮ , ͑3.26͒ 4 where

aͱ1Ϫ⑀2 RϭR͑␪͒ϭ . ͑3.27͒ ͱ1Ϫ⑀2 sin2 ␪

Among the terms appearing in Eq. ͑3.26͒, several do not contribute to order ⑀4. These are given by 2428 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 M. Parry and E. Fischbach

1 a 3␳2 3r2 Ϫ⑀4 ͵ ͵ d␳ d͑cos ␪͒ͩ ͪͩ ͪ ͩ ͪ 3 2 3 2 ␳2 2 0 aϪr 2a ͱ1Ϫ⑀ 2a ͱ1Ϫ⑀ 4 r

ϫͭ r2a2Y͑Ϫ3 cos2 ␪ϩ5 cos4␪͒ϩ␳r3͑1ϪY 2͒͑5 cos4 ␪Ϫ6 cos2 ␪ϩ1͒

1 ϩ r4Y͑1ϪY 2͒͑Ϫ35 cos4 ␪ϩ30 cos2 ␪Ϫ3͒ͮ . ͑3.28͒ 4

Notice that to order ⑀4, the limits on the ␳ integration can be replaced by aϪr and a, respectively. From Eq. ͑3.26͒,

1 1 9r2 1 1 1 1 1 ͑ ⑀͒ ϭ ͑ ⑀͒ϭ ͵ ͑ ␪͒ ͭ R 3Ϫ R 2 ϩ 3ϩ R 2Ϫ 2 P r; upper P r; d cos 6 2 r r a ra 2 0 4a ͑1Ϫ⑀ ͒ 6 4 24 2 4 1 1 1 3 ϩ⑀2ͩ Ϫ a2Rϩ ra2 cos2 ␪ͪ ϩ⑀2ͩ Ϫ cos2 ␪ͪ 2 4 4 4 1 3 1 3 1 1 ϫͫ R 3ϩ r3Ϫ Rr2Ϫ R 2rϪ Ra2ϩ ra2 4 16 4 8 2 4 1 ͑r2Ϫa2͒2 r 1 1 Ϫ lnͩ 1Ϫ ͪͬϩ⑀4 sin2 ␪ cos2 ␪ͩ Ϫ Ra2ϩ ra2 ͪͮ . 4 r R 2 4 ͑3.29͒

The integration over cos ␪ can be carried out by combining Eq. ͑3.27͒ and the results for various useful integrals which are tabulated in Ref. 15. We find to order ⑀4,

r2 9 r3 3 r5 3 r2 3 r3 3 r5 P͑r;⑀͒ϭͩ 3 Ϫ ϩ ͪ ϩ⑀2ͩ Ϫ ϩ ͪ a3 4 a4 16 a6 2 a3 2 a4 16 a6 9 r2 27 r3 9 r5 ϩ⑀4ͩ Ϫ ϩ ͪ ϩO͑⑀6͒. ͑3.30͒ 8 a3 20 a4 40 a6

Although this probability function is valid for only one region of r (0рrрb), the analogous results for the other three regions can be obtained in a similar manner.15 D. Final results Although we have argued that the functional form of P(r;⑀) could be different in each of the four regions 0рrрb, bрrрa, aрrр2b, and 2bрrр2a, it turns out that the first three regions are in fact described by the expression given in Eq. ͑3.30͒. Hence the final expression for P(r;⑀) is

P ͑r;⑀͒,0рrр2b, ͑ ⑀͒ϭͭ I ͑ ͒ P r; ⑀͒ р р 3.31 PII͑r; ,2b r 2a, where

r2 9 r3 3 r5 3 r2 3 r3 3 r5 P ͑r;⑀͒ϭͩ 3 Ϫ ϩ ͪ ϩ⑀2ͩ Ϫ ϩ ͪ I a3 4 a4 16 a6 2 a3 2 a4 16 a6 9 r2 27 r3 9 r5 ϩ⑀4ͩ Ϫ ϩ ͪ ϩO͑⑀6͒ ͑3.32͒ 8 a3 20 a4 40 a6 and J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 Distribution of distance in ellipsoids 2429

⑀ ϭ ⑀ϭ FIG. 6. A plot of probability function P3(r; ) as a function of r for an ellipsoid with a 1.0 and 0.3. The solid line ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ⑀ is the analytic function in Eqs. 3.31 – 3.34 . Also shown but not visible is a Monte Carlo simulation of P3(r; ) which is indistinguishable from the analytic result. Note that the result for the ellipsoid differs from that for a sphere with radius aϭ1.0, which is shown by the dotted line.

r2 9 r3 3 r5 3 r2 3 r3 3 r5 9 r2 27 r3 9 r5 P ͑r;⑀͒ϭXͭͩ 3 Ϫ ϩ ͪ ϩ⑀2ͩ Ϫ ϩ ͪ ϩ⑀4ͩ Ϫ ϩ ͪͮ II a3 4 a4 16 a6 2 a3 2 a4 16 a6 8 a3 20 a4 40 a6 117 r2 171 r3 9 r4 27 r5 9 r͑r2Ϫa2͒2 r ϩ⑀2X͑1ϪX2͒ͭ Ϫ Ϫ ϩ Ϫ ln ͩ Ϫ1ͪͮ 96 a3 192 a4 32 a5 128 a6 32 a6 a 1251 r2 2619 r3 171 r4 2259 r5 27 r7 ϩ⑀4X͑1ϪX2͒ͭ Ϫ Ϫ ϩ ϩ 768 a3 2560 a4 256 a5 15360 a6 512 a8 171 r3͑r2Ϫa2͒ r 63 r͑r2Ϫa2͒ r Ϫ ln ͩ Ϫ1ͪ ϩ ln ͩ Ϫ1ͪͮ 256 a6 a 256 a4 a 261 r2 711 r3 135 r4 1323 r5 63 r7 ϩ⑀4X3͑1ϪX2͒ͭ Ϫ ϩ ϩ ϩ Ϫ 256 a3 2560 a4 256 a5 5120 a6 512 a8 135 r3͑r2Ϫa2͒ r 27 r͑r2Ϫa2͒ r ϩ ln ͩ Ϫ1ͪ Ϫ ln ͩ Ϫ1ͪͮ ϩO͑⑀6͒, ͑3.33͒ 256 a6 a 256 a4 a

ͱ1Ϫ⑀2 4a2 Xϵ ͱ Ϫ1. ͑3.34͒ ⑀ r2

Although the functional form of P(r;⑀) is different in the region 2bрrр2a from what it is in the other regions, it can be shown that at the boundary of these two regions,

⑀͒ϭ ⑀͒ϩ ⑀6͒ PI͑2b; PII͑2b; O͑ , ͑3.35͒ Ј͑ ⑀͒ϭ Ј͑ ⑀͒ϩ ͑⑀4͒ PI 2b; PII 2b; O , where the primes denote differentiation with respect to r. It is also straightforward to show that the expression for P(r;⑀) given Eqs. ͑3.31͒–͑3.34͒ is appropriately normalized,

2b 2a ͵ ͑ ⑀͒ ϩ ͵ ͑ ⑀͒ ϭ ϩ ͑⑀6͒ ͑ ͒ PI r; dr PII r; dr 1 O . 3.36 0 2b

Figures 6 and 7 compare the analytic expressions found in Eqs. ͑3.31͒–͑3.34͒ to the results of 2430 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 M. Parry and E. Fischbach

⑀ ϭ ⑀ϭ FIG. 7. A plot of the probability function P3(r; ) as a function of r for an ellipsoid with a 1.0 and 0.6. Note that ⑀ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ P3(r; ) in Eqs. 3.31 – 3.34 deviates slightly from the Monte Carlo simulation, shown by the dashed line, and that both of these curves differ from that for a sphere, shown by the dotted line. a Monte Carlo simulation for different values of ⑀. For these simulations we have generated 109 random points in an oblate spheroid in which aϭ1.0 so that the largest possible distance between ⑀ two points is 2.0. In addition the figures compare the results for P3(r; ) to those of a sphere with radius aϭ1.0. We see from these figures that the probability functions for an oblate spheroid are clearly different from those for a sphere. Moreover, the analytic results are seen to agree with those of the Monte Carlo simulation for ⑀Շ0.6. For larger values of ⑀ higher powers of ⑀2 would necessarily have to be included in our expansions.

IV. APPLICATIONS We illustrate the application of our results in Eqs. ͑3.31͒–͑3.34͒, by using them to calculate the Coulomb energy of a charged ellipsoid. As noted in Sec. I, the significance of these results is that they allow ͗V(r)͘ϵU to be computed for an arbitrary two-body potential V(r) in terms of a simple one-dimensional integral over the ellipsoidal matter or charge distribution. The Coulomb energy of an ellipsoidal nucleus has been found previously by Feenberg18 using a different method, and we will show that our result agrees with that obtained in Ref. 18 to order ⑀4. We find the Coulomb energy of a charged ellipsoid following the same procedure discussed in Sec. I. The ϭ ϭ potential energy of two charges, e1 e2 e, separated by a distance r is

e2 e2 ͑ ͒ϭ ϭ ͑ ͒ V r ͉ Ϫ ͉ , 4.1 r1 r2 r ␳ 3 ␳ 3 and the probabilities of finding these charges at r1 and r2 are 1d r1 and 2d r2 , respectively, where

1 ␳ ϭ␳ ϭ␳ ϭ . ͑4.2͒ 1 2 0 4 ␲ 3ͱ Ϫ⑀2 3 a 1

It follows that the potential energy between two such charges in an ellipsoid of uniform charge density is

ϭ ␳ 3 ͒ ␳ 3 ͒ ͉ Ϫ ͉͒ ͑ ͒ dU ͑ 0d r1 ͑ 0d r2 V͑ r1 r2 . 4.3 As in the case of a spherical matter or charge distribution, the average potential energy is found by integrating over all possible r1 and r2 in the ellipsoid, which necessitates the evaluation of a J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 Distribution of distance in ellipsoids 2431 nontrivial six-dimensional integral. By contrast, the present formalism allows the same calculation to be carried out as a one-dimensional integral using the ellipsoid probability function. Since U is the average electrostatic energy, it may be written as

2a 2b 2a ϭ͗ ͑ ͒͘ ϭ ͵ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ϭ ͵ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ϩ ͵ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ U V r ellipsoid P r V r dr PI r V r dr PII r V r dr, 4.4 0 0 2b where PI(r) and PII(r) are the probability functions for each region of r and are given by Eqs. ͑3.32͒ and ͑3.33͒, respectively. The integrals in Eq. ͑4.4͒ can be evaluated in a straightforward manner and, after expanding the results in powers of ⑀, we find to order ⑀4

6 e2 1 3 Uϭ ͭ 1ϩ ⑀2ϩ ⑀4ϩO͑⑀6͒ͮ . ͑4.5͒ 5 a 6 40

Equation ͑4.5͒ gives the energy U for a single pair of charges. Since a nucleus which contains Z Ϫ charges can form Z(Z 1)/2 pairs, it follows that the Coulomb energy WC of a charged ellipsoid to order ⑀4 is

3 Z2e2 1 3 W ϭ ͭ 1ϩ ⑀2ϩ ⑀4ϩO͑⑀6͒ͮ , ͑4.6͒ C 5 a 6 40 where Z(ZϪ1) has been approximated by Z2. The result of Eq. ͑4.6͒ can be compared to Feen- berg’s calculation18 of the Coulomb energy of a perturbed nucleus. Feenberg assumes that the nucleus is perturbed from its original spherical to an ellipsoid defined by

z 2 R2 x2ϩy 2ϩͩ ͪ ϭ , ͑4.7͒ 2/3 ¯a ¯a where R is the radius of the unperturbed nucleus. Note that in the above parametrization of an ellipsoid the volume of the nucleus is always 4␲R3/3 independent of ¯a. When the nucleus is perturbed, Feenberg finds for the Coulomb energy

3 Z2e2 4 W ϭ ͭ 1Ϫ ͑¯aϪ1͒2ϩ ͮ . ͑4.8͒ C 5 R 45 ¯

To compare Eqs. ͑4.6͒ and ͑4.8͒ we note that the equation for the ellipsoid in Eq. ͑3.1͒,

x2 y 2 z2 ϩ ϩ ϭ1, ͑4.9͒ a2 a2 b2 can be written as

2 z x2ϩy 2ϩͩ ͪ ϭa2, ͑4.10͒ ͱ1Ϫ⑀2 where we have replaced b with aͱ1Ϫ⑀2. Comparing Eqs. ͑4.10͒ and ͑4.7͒, we see that

¯aϭͱ1Ϫ⑀2, ͑4.11͒

Rϭa͑1Ϫ⑀2͒1/6. ͑4.12͒

Combining Eqs. ͑4.8͒, ͑4.11͒, and ͑4.12͒,wefind 2432 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 M. Parry and E. Fischbach

3 Z2e2 4 W ϭ ͭ 1Ϫ ͑ͱ1Ϫ⑀2Ϫ1͒2ϩ ͮ . ͑4.13͒ C 5 a͑1Ϫ⑀2͒1/6 45 ¯

Expanding Eq. ͑4.13͒ in a Taylor series about ⑀ϭ0, we find

3 Z2e2 1 3 W ϭ ͭ 1ϩ ⑀2ϩ ⑀4ϩO͑⑀6͒ͮ . ͑4.14͒ C 5 a 6 40

This is exactly the same result that was found in Eq. ͑4.6͒ by using the ellipsoid probability function. We note in passing that although it may appear from Eq. ͑4.14͒ that the Coulomb energy of the ellipsoid is larger than that of the original sphere, this is not the case. Recall that the unper- turbed nucleus has a Coulomb energy given by

3 Z2e2 Wsphereϭ . ͑4.15͒ C 5 R

When this is compared to the leading term in Eq. ͑4.14͒, we observe that

3 Z2e2 3 Z2e2 Ͼ ͑4.16͒ 5 R 5 a since RϽa. Even though it seems as though more terms are being added to the original energy, this is not the case since the leading term in Eq. ͑4.14͒ is not the original energy. In fact, if we replace a with R(1Ϫ⑀2)Ϫ1/6 in Eq. ͑4.14͒, and then expand the result in a Taylor series, we find that the Coulomb energy decreases as a result of perturbing the nucleus from its original spherical shape.


We are deeply indebted to Professor A. W. Overhauser for making his unpublished results available to us, and for numerous discussions. We also wish to thank David Schleef, Shu-Ju Tu, Brian Woodahl, and Michael Yurko for helpful conversations. This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC-02-76 ERO 1428.


We present in this Appendix the probability distribution of distance in an ellipse. The previous ⑀ formalism can be taken over immediately to obtain P2(r; ) for an ellipse, as discussed in Ref. 15, and hence only the final results are presented here. We find

P ͑r;⑀͒,0рrр2b, ͑ ⑀͒ϭͭ 2I ͑ ͒ P2 r; ⑀͒ р р A1 P2II͑r; ,2b r 2a,

1 r r r 2 r 2 r r P ͑r;⑀͒ϭ ͭ 8ͫͩ ͪ cosϪ1 ͩ ͪ Ϫͩ ͪ ͱ1Ϫͩ ͪ ͬϩ4⑀2ͫͩ ͪ cosϪ1 ͩ ͪ 2I ␲a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a

r 2 r 2 r r r 2 r 2 Ϫ2ͩ ͪ ͱ1Ϫͩ ͪ ͬϩ3⑀4ͫͩ ͪ cosϪ1 ͩ ͪ Ϫ3ͩ ͪ ͱ1Ϫͩ ͪ 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a

1 r 2 r 2 Ϫ1/2 ϩ ͩ ͪ ΀1Ϫͩ ͪ ΁ ͬͮ , ͑A2͒ 4 2a 2a J. Math. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 4, April 2000 Distribution of distance in ellipsoids 2433

4 r r r r 2 P ͑r;⑀͒ϭ ͩ ͪͭͫ cosϪ1ͩ ͪ Ϫͩ ͪͱ1Ϫͩ ͪ ͬ4 cosϪ1 ͑X͒ 2II ␲2a 2a 2a 2a 2a

r r r 2 ϩ⑀2ͫ 2 cosϪ1 ͩ ͪ ͕cosϪ1 ͑X͒ϩXͱ1ϪX2͖Ϫ2ͩ ͪͱ1Ϫͩ ͪ 2a 2a 2a r 2 r r4Ϫ3r2a2  ͕2 cosϪ1 ͑X͒ϩXͱ1ϪX2͖Ϫ2ͩ ͪ ͫcosϪ1 ͩ ͪ ϪcosϪ1 ͩ ͪͬ 2a 2a 2ra3

1 r r4Ϫ3r2a2  ͕Xͱ1ϪX2͖Ϫ ͫcosϪ1ͩ ͪ ϩcosϪ1ͩ ͕ͪͬXͱ1ϪX2͖ͬ 2 2a 2ra3

r 3 3 ϩ⑀4ͫ cosϪ1ͩ ͪͭ cosϪ1 ͑X͒ϩ Xͱ1ϪX2ϩX3ͱ1ϪX2ͮ 2a 2 2

r r 2 9 r 3 r 2 Ϫ ͱ1Ϫͩ ͪ ͭ cosϪ1 ͑X͒ϩ2Xͱ1ϪX2ͮ ϩͩ ͪ ͱ1Ϫͩ ͪ ͕3Xͱ1ϪX2 2a 2a 2 2a 2a

r 1 3 5 1 Ϫ6X3ͱ1ϪX2͖ϩͩ ͪ ͭ cosϪ1 ͑X͒Ϫ Xͱ1ϪX2ϩ X3ͱ1ϪX2ͮ 2a ͱ1Ϫ͑r/2a͒2 8 8 4 r 2 r r4Ϫ3r2a2 Ϫ2ͩ ͪ ͫcosϪ1 ͩ ͪ ϪcosϪ1 ͩ ͪͬ  ͕Xͱ1ϪX2ϩX3ͱ1ϪX2͖ 2a 2a 2ra3

1 r r4Ϫ3r2a2 3 1 Ϫ ͫcosϪ1 ͩ ͪ ϩcosϪ1 ͩ ͪͬͭ Xͱ1ϪX2ϩ X3ͱ1ϪX2ͮͬͮ, ͑A3͒ 2 2a 2ra3 4 2 where

1 4a2 Xϭ ͱ1Ϫ ͑1Ϫ⑀2͒. ͑A4͒ ⑀ r2

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