CHURCH OF SAINT ELIZABETH NNNNNNN Sunday August 30, 2020 NNNNNNN Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time May God Bless you always and in a ways, Faer Vincent! Parish Center 700 Wyckoff Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 OfLice: 201V891V1122 Fax: 201V891V3708 Website: Email:
[email protected] Parish School Website: OfLice: 201V891V1481 Can you find the hidden picture of School Principal Jesus in this bulletin? Karen Lewis Dear St. Elizabeth friends, In our Gospel passage last week, the question Jesus asked his disciples at Caesarea PhilippiNbut who do you say that I amNbrought back a flood of memories of my time in Rome during World Youth Day, 2000. I think most of us, in reflecting on our own lives, can point to moments or events where we felt the presence of God’s grace. Perhaps the evening prayer ser- vice with Pope John Paul II in the rolling hill country just outside the Eternal City with 3 million other pilgrims was one of the defining moments of my life. The Pope began his homily with the question Jesus asked, “but who do you say that I am.” He challenged us to answer the question for ourselves. During the vigil service, I remember standing on high ground looking around me in all directions. A sea of humanity encamped on the hills as far as the eyes could see. The Pope was just a small speck on a stage far off in the distance. I was able to make my way through the multitudes to the fence that surrounded the stage area.