Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of Kenrick-Glennon Seminary

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Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of Kenrick-Glennon Seminary Winter 2008 “Forming men for the The priesthood for over Herald 100 years.” Mission Statement A Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of Kenrick-Glennon Seminary Kenrick-Glennon Seminary is a community of faith, for- The 2008 Convivium Dinner Auction mation, and learning, located in the Archdiocese of St. Community and Friendship Mark 16th Annual Fundraiser Louis, preparing men for the Roman Catholic priesthood of Kenrick-Glennon Seminary celebrated a the oral auction, spurring a playful bidding Jesus Christ. spiritual and spirit-filled evening with 260 competition between generous donors Under the guidance of the friends and benefactors at its throughout the evening Holy Spirit and to the praise of sixteenth annual Convivium of this much- God the Father, we cultivate dinner auction on Saturday, anticipated annual the human, spiritual, intellec- November 8. Beginning with event. tual, and pastoral gifts of can- Mass celebrated by Fr. Mi- Kenrick seminarian didates for the diocesan minis- chael Houser (Associate Rev. Mr. John Mayo try. Pastor, Holy Trinity Parish, (Theology IV, Archdio- To this end, we commit our- ordination class of 2008) and cese of St. Louis) made selves to a responsible and ef- continuing on through the a special appeal during fective stewardship of re- silent auction and a lively the oral auction, en- sources, carrying on our recog- oral auction, Convivium Fr. Michael Houser celebrates the couraging generosity nized tradition of service to the 2008 was energized by a Convivium 2008 Mass the evening of among the attendees Church. spirited enthusiasm from November 8. (Zachary Edgar) toward the evening’s guests and seminarians alike. Fund-A-Need, that is, Highlights In The Winter For the second consecutive year, Fox the special need designated by the seminari- Issue: Channel 2 meteorologist Glenn ans for the 2008 dinner auction. This year’s Zimmermann served as the auctioneer for Fifth Annual Open House, (Convivium 2008, cont. on pg. 6) Sunday, February 15 2 Alumni Day Thank Yous 2 Newly-Ordained Priest Reflects on His Formation Remembering Seminary Professor Msgr. John Byrne 3 By Fr. Scott Hastings, can be no effective communication of the Seminary Graced by Special Ordination Class of 2008 truth of the person of Jesus Christ without Guests in September 3 For me, Kenrick- serious consideration of how Faculty News and Notes 4 things are said. Kenrick- Glennon for five In Support of the Seminary years was truly a Glennon, simply through her this Christmas Season 5 day-to-day activities and house of formation. Looking Office of Vocations Bids back, what stands out are not interactions with people of Farewell to Msgr. Butler 5 the studies so much as the real goodness, demonstrated to me the importance of Seminarian Follows Long human interactions. and Winding Road to The true quality of the communicating the faith Kenrick-Glennon 7 seminary is shown in her At his June 7 ordination in with joy, clarity, and above Omaha, Nebraska, Fr. Scott all, attractiveness. There is a Rooms Added for Increased people. In my very brief Hastings with Kenrick- Enrollment Blessed by hunger in the Church in the priestly experience, there is no Glennon Seminary President- Bishop Hermann 8 doubt that while what is said Midwest for priests, but over Rector Msgr. Ted Wojcicki. Coming Events 8 and taught is important, there (Hastings, cont. on pg. 6) Page 2 The Herald Meet the Priests of Tomorrow...Today Sunday, February 15, 2009 1:00-4:00 P.M. The Fifth Annual Kenrick-Glennon Seminary Open House * Seminarian-Guided Tours * Display Tables Featuring Various Aspects of Seminary Life * Refreshments * * The Opportunity to Meet the Future Priests of the Archdiocese of St. Louis and the Midwest United States * Please mark your calendar and join us for this annual event For further information please call 314-792-6100. Directions: Kenrick-Glennon Seminary is located at 5200 Glennon Drive, off Weil Avenue – approximately 6 blocks west of Chippewa and 10 blocks east of Laclede Station Road . Thank You to Everyone Who Attended Our Alumni Day of October 1st It Was a Great Blessing to Welcome You to the Seminary Congratulations to Our Silver and Golden Jubilarians Silver Jubilarians (Class of 1983) Golden Jubilarians (Class of 1958) Isidore M. Bac, C.M.C. Joseph H. Blattner – St. Louis Gerald Lynn Bunse – Springfield, IL Robert N. Deming – Kansas City-St. Joseph Robert Dinkins Knight – St. Louis John Lee Dinan – Wichita, KS William Walter McCumber – St. Louis James Richard Fuemmeler – Jefferson City, MO Joseph Matthew Molloy – Springfield, IL Michael Jerome Gillgannon – Kansas City – St. Joseph Martin Joseph Mulvihill – St. Louis John Thomas Myler - Belleville John Valentine Kerber – St. Louis Peter Glenn O’Sullivan – Kansas City, KS William John Leach – St. Louis Carl J. Scheble – St. Louis Robert Gene Leibrecht – St. Louis Kevin Vincent Schmittgens – St. Louis Robert Louis McCarthy – St. Louis John Mark Seper – St. Louis Larry Edward Pierce – Salina, KS John B. Shamleffer – St. Louis Charles William Regan – Wichita, KS Keith Dean Weber – Salina, KS F. Joseph Reilly – St. Louis Richard William Weltin – Springfield, IL David Carey Sullivan – St. Louis William Joseph Wigand – St. Louis Thomas James Wissler – St. Louis Winter 2008 Page 3 diocese and Msgr. Byrne was chosen Remembering Seminary Professor Msgr. John Byrne as the Chair. In February of 1977 Msgr. Byrne By Msgr. Greg Mikesch, Louis in 1961 and then Cardinal became the pastor of Holy Redeemer Pastor, St. Alban Roe Par- Ritter asked him to establish Most Parish in Webster Groves. He contin- ish, Ordination Class of Precious Blood Parish and to teach at ued to teach at Cardinal Glennon 1975, Archdiocese of St. Cardinal Glennon College. Louis College and direct Paul VI Institute. Msgr. Byrne taught at the college With all this responsibility he still Msgr. John T. Byrne was seminary from 1962 until the mid found time for his “holy hour” every a man who found joy in his priest- 1980’s. He taught day after lunch. hood and in his Irish heritage. His psychology, coun- In June of 1983 he asked to be friends knew that he was never to be seling, and catechet- relieved of the responsibilities of be- considered among the “silent Irish.” ics. He also accom- ing a pastor, and he became the chap- Msgr. Byrne was ordained by panied Cardinal lain to the sisters at Ursuline Acad- John Cardinal Glennon in 1945. His Ritter to the Second emy in Glendale. He began to have first assignment was to the St. Louis Vatican Council. He some health issues and so around Cathedral. After only six months at was counted among 1990 he moved to Our Lady of Life the Cathedral, Cardinal Glennon the periti for the Apartments and served the residents asked him to serve temporarily at St. Cardinal. of that community. By the late Mark’s Parish to replace the Cardi- Around 1970 John Cardinal Car- 1990’s the health issues became more nal’s nephew. The nephew was going berry asked Msgr. Byrne to establish a serious and it was necessary for him to visit Ireland, which he did, but he catechetical institute under the title of to move to Mari de Villa Nursing Fa- did not return, and so Msgr. Byrne Paul VI Institute. Msgr. Byrne drew cility. He remained there until his spent the next ten years at St. Mark’s. on the experience of many of the pro- death in August of 1999. In 1955 Archbishop Joseph Ritter fessors from the seminary and from Msgr. John Byrne served faith- asked Msgr. Byrne to go to Catholic St. Louis University. The Institute has fully as a priest of Jesus Christ for University in Washington D.C. to ob- helped to form and educate many of more than fifty-four years. He left his tain a doctorate in education. He re- the catechists and permanent deacons mark on the Archdiocese through his ceived his doctorate and then re- of the Archdiocese. In the mid 1970’s intellect, dedication and humor. The mained at Catholic U. for a few years Cardinal Carberry established the Church of St. Louis was well served as a professor. He returned to St. Theological Commission of the Arch- by this man of faith. Seminary Graced by Special Guests in September Kenrick-Glennon Seminary was On the following evening, Sep- Hermann, archdiocesan administra- blessed to host two special functions tember 11, the seminary was privi- tor, presented the award. Peg Forrest during the month of September. leged to host the 2008 was welcomed as Wednesday, September 10 saw Annual Catholic Ap- the incoming the Order of Malta visit the seminary peal Council Apprecia- Chair of the An- for an afternoon program arranged by tion Event. nual Catholic Ap- Order of Malta member Carole Hess. In recognition for peal Council. Guest speaker Dr. Sandra Keating of his leadership on the This Council the Vatican Commission for Council, outgoing raises significant Religious Relations with Muslims ACA Chair Con Fra- revenues each year presented on the topic of “Islam: ney was enrolled as the for the support of What We Need to Know Today.” The 57th member of the Bishop Robert Hermann with Con the works of this Order of Malta members later joined “Order of St. Louis, Franey and Peg Forrest at the Sep- Archdiocese and the seminarians of the School of King” for outstanding tember 11 ACA Council Apprecia- provides substan- Theology for Rosary and Evening service to Christ and tion Event. (Marian Brickner) tial assistance to- Prayer. His Church. Bishop Robert J. ward the mission of this seminary. Page 4 The Herald Faculty News and Notes This past September, the disagreement between these two Dr.
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