
'walk-in'pointsup explosiveschool hus lSSUE

of St. Louis, lrad no contntent orr 'I'lrc tlte situation. chancery saitl tlte Oardinal rreithel approvcd 'l'lrc nrovcnrettl slltt'lorl :ls it ttut' rlisalllrlot'erl of tlrc nror.oncnt protest to the killirrg bl tltc,\lis- rrhiclr he felt uas a plotcst by sotrli Iftrrrsc Jrrdir:iar'1'(irrtttttitttt: pafertts antl rrot a eltrrrch rnattcr.. of a bill rrltich u,otrl(l ltavc pct'- tnittetl pat'ot'hial alrrl otlrct' pri- vate sclrool pupils lo t'irlc lttx- pairl sclrool llttscs.

AS thc Irtass tt'arrslc|s sltrcirr[, Ilcp. Janrcs J. Ilussr:ll of I"lot'is-


Ediforial, Page 4

vor-.rri, r.ro.rt---'-...* rnoraxapoiis,rNoraxl, nlv io, "Natry uei- [ccI tltese it't'espollsible .--.- pt'otcsts agaiust thc I'otc of the 'Nlissortli llousc.lrrrliciarv tloln- f1a . . liill'i'u"""1;;{.'i$:il:,lilii.,"i'''ft t, lr t'l s h a ll s 0httlch." tolcl to scck I,'OU R PAS:|0ItA:l'ItS I1\rVOLVEI) rif t (:Ar.lscs 16clergyasslgnmentsI annOuncedbv

lr o tr r pastoral changcs 1vere announcecl this rvcck by tite {ihancer.v Officc along \\'lth I2 ollrcr clcrgv assign- Inent.s. Inclurlcrl in the list ale first appointurents for The nexl dry, childrun from :jcven ne\\'l-v-o r ([ a i n c d four Catholic schor'ls i6 the priests. Jefferson City erer lurned up rt public schools. Two Missouri bislrops tonr. menled on lhe dernotrslr.rfiotrs, In tht r:rrtrtlal llrssouri torvrt of both professirrg no advance Osagc Ilcntl, tl(i pupils [r'onr St, knowledge of fhe prolesf plan. Stanislltts -schotrl, \\'at'tlsvillc, sltorvcrl up ;rtul princill:tl lltrltttr lloelsclttlt' orrlct'rrrl classcs htlltl i,, the s(:lto()[ blscn.rcttt arxl (]n 111! lllrvrr.

ln St. l\lllt in, l,'lther l't'tct O'ltrrrtt'kc. plstor, sairl hc ltas and plo, and ltiqlt sclrool irtstt'ttr'lot'. ckisltl oll .rullr) ll0 ttl alltirr' Iot' exllattsiort lrtc.: ittttI clccll'icltl. tlst'll ()l'h] lllt'\'i()trs lllllL'll(l- lcssional rnt,n's olgarrization. '['lte Ilar'1'rlitlc .School. ('tlnstt'ttctitltt is t";pcctctl to bc tlotrtplt'tcil ttatioturlll svtttlrcatt'rl t'ol- rrrr'rrls t{) tltt' :c}trtrla' ( ttrnnist saitl Il;r1' I ) rltrlirrg hrs Accoxliltg to li'alltcr Jatrtes D. r\loriat't1'. uitltitt six nro:tllts. "'l'ltetl fottt'tlt lttttturl lt,lcvr:.iott .lpll{'lr" pt'i- rtt't'tltc It'oposal' it}tielt "('t3S tlit'cclot', lltc- irctr' lacilitie's u'ill ltlovitlc llrtl I'etLt'itl attcr: ((lBS-'f\"s Ilr'polt-r") {-ocatctl ll 5;l5ii li.5(illr S1,, "ttot i':1t0 r'00lt1s ior' {i.l I'ctroatfll)ts illxl a l'ssi- thlt it rtits lit'r'ctul tltr rlit u itl be,situatetl ott r 1;l-itct'tru',,,,,1,,,1 tlcnl. stalf {)l' six \\'onlelt. Ile ttlatlc llo all' housc ;l:l:.,'li"lll;*l:;",,'l't'i,l,llll':'Jl,,l;;:: of tttirtl" tr) l'csol\'('lltc tt'lrgtotts silrtts t'! lhe cttttnt'il ultct'c tltc llrt' itl- tritt:t Atl.iitCcttl to l,ittll'tt0Otl .Scltool 1tt'O1r- lsste In l"t'dpt'irl itirl lot' tltttt'r'lt- llottll(:elllent ab0trI rt'lto \\'otlltl slilll (('trttlittttt'tl oll pilgc 9) t,t't.\.. llllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllililllllilliiiiiiiiliiiliiiiiilliiiilliiiiiiiiillliililiiliilliiiliiill lclatrd scltoul.s. sIil ut ion. PAGE TWO CA|VADIAN CARDINAT, 'beginning Calls council of era'

it possible By J. F. WILLIAMS and tltc Sacred Congregation of make for non.catholics other religious bodies hrr becn thc llasilica of St. I'cter's. to lnrlcfstalul its tlue nature, its highly preised by leaders of '- Car- \1ON'I'IIllAL, Que. tcaclrings anrl beliefs. Olterr ruis- many danominations. Do you THE NCWC News St'r'tice sttb- tlinal Patrl Iitnilc Legc'r trs- runtlelstantlings alise hava any plcns for incroasing nritterl I I qttestitrrts to Caltlinal .because sr]sscd the Secontl \/alicatt -soluc aspects of doctrine ar(: thc work elready besvn ln thii "the Leger. Ilrtre are tha tlucstions Cot:trcil as beginning of r_rvcr'.stlesserl und othals are nol. re specl? and thc Cardinal's iiltstt'ol's: givcn tlru iurportance lhuy shorrkl ?r new cfa irt the life of tlte " 'ave , A.__Flientlly eontacts betrvee r (,lltttt'ch. Q.-What would Your Emin' (-'atltolics A rnlrtter closc15' g611pg,1l.etlrvith an(l other religiour "Alrcad]' ence lisl ar fhe rccomPlish' iI has tlone great tlre rrotiorrs of tlre Cll[rrch anrl tro(ttes are Certain to increase ir menls of the firsi session of lhe tlrings for the rtttiver.sal Cltttl'clt clrrrlch ruenrbership is that of lltc fttttrre' Tlre impetus given bp Second Valican €ouncil? rope..lolln anrl the entit'e worltl, attd lvc hnve freerlotu of conscience, flecdoru XXIII and by tlrt erely rigltt to elipoct that mttclt to br:long to the Chulch one sin- t-'0tlllcil li'ntlters is somcthinp rvhich lrole guod is still to Come," the scl isetrsst'tl by ec.el_v ljolie'cs to ba 6re Ir.ue lras Dlaced us irroversibli on ule patlt of ilontlcal told tlte nt of tuncil at clnrr'r:lt. tn the past, il. is possilllc of continuing dia logtic. NCIV(I ir-gvs Sen'icc. nd tlrat loo nrtrclr stless has becu placc( 11p1v1]uttrvilliilg t0lclarrce I am cel'taiu Q.-Will eny rction be faken the futule rVil of olhct' rcligions alul nol cnougll lcatl us to greatrrr on ihe suggestion lhai married .uopu.rtion'li on the positilc aspcct of rcspert alt thilgs tvlrere possillle men serve ts deacons in lhe it is anr Iot'thc sittcct'ity and ft'cetlour ol cvcll ncccsstry tlrat'we mission counlries and in olher aet-in (Appendetl to this clttcstion u'as r:{}nsciitlrdl! 0f rrthe|s rvho firc not FCiller, I arr srrle areas where lhero is a thorf" 'l'hc ilre clrtrrclr $,il of crrrr faitlr. council rnay (l.finire guirlance arrotlrer: Spccifically cottkl 5ou age of priesls? !{ivc on irrer, nr.r't' acculately give rrs att er,alrtation on the tl.firrc lhc rnat- urattcr.s nfter llre council arrti- tt't' of ft'e otlottt of conscit'rtcc. 11t ccr.lainly qrrite follorr'ilg rlueslions? Af te'r sn- _ rcady anr (lar- s*'erirtg tlre filst. palt, tlre lo,..do all thitt I can tr e.--witt dny new rcrion be :lll)j?l;]. rlinal latcl'rlellt rvitlr the spc- Ile also was nalttetl bl' llis Iloli- rrkenin,*g,i.d fo sri-urariis cific rluestions.) lll;:lliiH,,.liiiii.:,u'"'fif;|'i.,ii',,L-: ttrrss I'ope Joltn XXIII to tlte cont- the lay rposlolale? pletlict tlifferent. faiilrs in nry orvn tlirt nrission of llt) cardin:rls cltarged A.-lt is tlifiicult tti the cosc' of the (krrle of final artd lotal t,:t-onu;lishment A.-', i\lost of tlrr: rouncil tonr. u'ith the t'evision . PIANOS & ORGANS he s'as oi lhe t:ottttcil, but elcn n(lw we rrrissions, anrl the p.:.li^ri.li]:.1: O SHEETMUSIC Caruur Lan'. I{ct:cttlll' e._oo you havc rny other t'rril ltvrkrt srlnte sr)l't of t:r'ltltta- c.rnrnissio's lrof,rro th,'^']],:,,:r,of:: O STEREO TV & RADIO natncd a ttrctttltcr of lhe Sac,'ed .oirn,Jn'rr ;-;;;;*;ii,."Jl;; tion. li llre t-ottttcil ryerc to conre scl ut) as otganrsr)rs pL':^ll:,.,11 . BAND INSTRUMENTS o MUSTCSCHOOL fi)ngrt'Ijillion of lhe Sact'antents, to the Second Vrticrn Coui.iii llrr' r'xistittg cortgt'egirlitrtts tlte Saclctl (jungt'egation of Ititcs to att rtt

('ltttlt'lt. thcy rvill contirrrre to irrch,rlc, in \\,lri1. r.t,rrrrrirrirrr.l *'solrrtcly I feOZ N. Franklin I all sttlrt'r'tlttt'ttt t:.tttrcil *:]l'l::.i.ili: faithfrii t' irrrrrrrrtilhlc your {rrrilrs, tlrr: e.*Thc leadership of I f' -L 9.4740 - " - | locations 5i(l('l'itliorl of nrtl' rt'llctrttssiotts t:t,,ri.,li rrlill <'cr.tirirrlvsepk lo cr- Enrinence in pronroling closer | I llrcir rltlcisiotts tttiglrt ltilrc ort p,'cro Geo, F, Usher itrcli: in a rvay rvhich rvill conlracrs belwesn caiholics rnd _=]-' {)hris{ian'l.lris(,{ltttit|llill|||(,|l(\'l|pilti(|ttl.)l-i|1l(:c0'[tltt''Irair:lrffi.ffi rrnity. (lLlistian willrnrosr or,re rrc,isions rrnily ;ti;j'tlin I grt o I'illl L:c o I tIr c [ra IRVINGTONNORTHSIDE LAWRENCE \'1 .l6th llrct's arrrl is tiable lo hlvc o 53,12E. Washinston 3,147Collece Avo. 8051E. Sf. grcat illilrrenr:c on tlialogrrc lla. CLUB SPEAKER - FL 7.1159 WA Lr PROCTOR irvce'(,rristianirvce'(lrristian bo'ries nreAre Youi".rYoui"rt 6.6056 7-5140 Frfhcr Harry J. Sievrrr,5.J,, ttt'. nl{}r'e t:ltali{altle, xi,,fli,:li:,tlill st:cll lllili()r |,lrLinl_.,lttilt Ph,D,. profcrror ol hirlory et lrpfrvolrrbetrvet:n flromtlretn, 1lroblt:ttt}lroblt:ttt I e,,,auy I Ballrrmina College, Platlsburgh, I nright also sny that it ig N()'l'lili: guerl i\{oorc,Kirl' & ljslrcr N.Y,, will ba lhe speaker rt fhc linll meeling of fhc Proe- tor Club'r 65lh yonr. The meet. FUNERAL HOMES inE will hkc plrcr rl 2 p.m. 'Tuesdry, Mry l,l, in lhe home of Mrr, Philip M, Cornelius, ill70 ittationof corrr;cirncc,in lurrnilill,. clarcrl lrr:r'e, ur rluirlctlrt'sc thirnlres," SUeentOn C|EVnOLET, Crnlral Avc,, lndienapolir, Fa- orr thc ot'ca.,iiorr,,illr:,.. I I thcr Sievcrr lr lhs rufhor ol r lhrcc.volumr lile of Benia'nln lltintls ttr rentttv atttl te{ut'ltl itt "ti.o'"ii";: ri,,rigionlrntr ch:rrri-rrrirr is pulrrrrtrt .o,ptrratc $,irh nll Hrrriron. A tr:r will follow lhr itsel|ill0rdcrtop'".::illi!T]1|i,*li',",i,',.l:i.:it.,,saitllh0|t}\\'(]l'I}L,t'S()|is:tnt|ot,rtattizilti.,u'.li'li.'.l.ib-ME(.11l(lrle L mseling. ;*:T,"1,:;ljl;,1',,m;:lltliiiif*,,^llll*l;''iillilil,,,[lii hiflif]lfui;li]i:,iil,';':l:iif ol lllerrish." trtt:t't n:;ff r1rras r*r,n sairr r,v rr,'.ilre.r,) liii,,:]1,,J'il,,it'ttpre lllrrs lirrcng (rlrcr il:,illl,"'jli"'llx;i,ji1,l:,.;l'l1l\,,"',lil, M_ *d srviss.rrrtoro' ii,iii.iil ,1t,,rr,,. ^,,u .'.\virl.r, {rI sian)rlra{ urc {rrrrrrcrri'. iii",lli}i. :ll]1,f' rN ANoTHERcrr'r.r.rnr,e rirrri, fiENE'S HOW TO HAVE -,]j;:ii"i,,,,iil,.,,l',i"')li"'i,,,i,'l slitnl ttr:t'tl rtf t't'lolttt llecatrst iL in' n.,,iir,;i''"" li'atlrcr llorlr'r' \Iclietrrans, li..l., of tttarlc tt;t {rf lllt'll $'hrr lt;r\'r'llrr,i| tltc {'ailrOlir llnivc|sitr- of (llrilt', gleanest, Ittttttan itlllt't'ftr,lirrttsattrl rrf rrrll llisltolr .i.r'('r';rllt lllrl llre lutl sairl llrc orrlv s6lrrti91 lir tlrc l,1li1 thellfost Conrfortable, rglrr) arrt sirrlt t's aryl rllrrt r,11 lrr: I't't'cttlc tllilt ultlil tt,r'r'ttlly [,llttt ,\rttr,r'ir,lrl]t.()l)lo1t is f.L Ilrt. c61rr_ 'l'lre "sllrlit', trnfirilhlrrl lo llre rrill rrf (lorl. ,\tttt:tit'ittt strt:it'lr' ltlirl a lr.ir'r; ol tlrirl t,ontitrt'rrl to (,.\l)(,rl- ('lrttrch pittt't'nitlistie. is lroll arrrl hoatr{ifltl l)llt. coltrtrial stftlcttlr(:." {,uc(' l,'r,rrllrrr'al ttrrrltrliort",srrr.lr Safest tt is also ineitlttale itnri,,,.sttlr.ilr'I irs.f aIan r,xPclilrrr.r,rl rlillr.\rrrr.r.i. HeatYou'ue Euer Known! lN THIS sir.rrt.trr.r,,lrt, lii,,lll: s.itt, llrc ,llil',ll' gttirllrttr'tllt'rtll itltrttt" atttl ttrt t't'itl Sttclt a t'ttllttt'al tnttlali.n llc ',rrr.(lallr.lir: lrrtrllrr.t,r,,ji..,l" ':]:i,1 tlslosl,.,titrrrrlt,ltlitrl.1'liil,.',',]'llilll:..T,:l'ill;l.1'..'1li,1li.,ll*,ll,|l.l,i,l;i'llll;..'.'jlli Itirt t' lrr t i,ttr,u. cltltit;;t: itt Llrlitt "\ttterieit' ('a|rlin:rl 0i lllc l.'ililh alrrl " ('l'he tlr0rr pr.dt,r,trlr,rl l::lll:l.ltll*l "li rlrorl lorrrrrrilrrrrrtl." l,rrlin.'\nrolir';r is not irtlc. ffi'SICURITY/SAIITY t,.nsrvr,r,(,artirin,r,,,"iria",i,i.,i' r)('ts'rrtl 'l'ltt gt'lilcrl ftrrttl tllr' ('(',ltollli(', sociirl plus TO P DIVIDENDS tirrils.) t;l;,.;;l;;;li,,,ljil'l';i,,iilil,,rvoll lrr-r|i -.a$, no tl(,(,(I,'l llr e.-Doyou ,rrirrk rhe coune ir ill:1, ,iiil,,,i',ll"liill',,;i;11"'l::"iili'.,i;,,',1111 with Geltic's insured aavings will bring rboul any decenlrali, sir)rr of tt't'stt'ttt ttttil.\'--.\\'c st'(' i,,ii,,i,iu'l-.'l ri,,,"i,,,,,,.",,,i,i f,,,ii*i,ll-"- (.clric ralionwilhinlhaChurch;oilttt -"-'l ."--." ll()l)ossil)ililvirl .at'ltlltlt'll l,uck1' Sitvtrrseirrrr consisrerrtlt'lrigh rlivirlunrls,anrl Inany ol the adnrinislralive llllililli{)r1," l"tt!ltr't' \ ckt'tttatts cvet)'itccr)untis lNSUltlil) Sr\lfli rrlr to $10,0(.)0by ir 1:cr- problenrs Isitirl will be han

:\.-'l ltc vtl nlr(.ulirI' rvill (:el.- GRASSSEED tainlv bc rrst'tl to il gt'r'alct cNlont ASPHALT itt llre littrrg.r'. Ilr liccpilrg u'itlr FERTILIZER lltc tt'entl I lralu alrt:arl1'rrrr,n- qulckfi DRIVEWAYS Elsolrlr Horl ir rnd r*ily kr lionctl, I ltelit vt-' tlrc llol,v Se e s,ill lcirle llris rnatlcr.trt tlc- rtallod h r nrr or crirtinq homr' Chrtk tltc or fow .r 2A' rq, rt. 1ll,,S cision trf tlre bislton: ol r.aliotrs Il lDS wilh yout bulldct or cloctrlcll contrillor' t:otrrrIr'icsantl re;1iorrs. NOTHING OOWN LA!7N EQUIPMENT Up to 5 Yarrsto Pry & SUPPLIES c. eallPovr.t & Lllht' ME l.lltl' ErL ?5t. O.-Will cny action be laken O SONDED O INSUREO lo rrrange lor r grerler distri. Church and School Playgrounds 2958Crrson Ave. rf Troy bulion of lhe avrilrble clergy cr.d Parking Lolr Indirnapolis3, lnc. lhroughoul the world? SCHAFER sT 7-51II CONSTRUCTIONCO, .\.*-'l'lrc bislrops ol lhc *,or'lrl l,'r'cc1';rtkitt:l at llre corrrrcil halc lrccrr rnatlc FL 6-970E iJDcllS 6 "\lott.tltl'tt Sat. Also Conrrclc Drivcwrys a\\'ilfc iis never bofoLr: ol lltr: PAGE THREE - - = Papul rite Fr. Kueng und Kenntdy The Vatican

O'fhc llalzattr Peitce Prizc is bcing confcrt'e tl otr PoPc John XXIII in thrce scparatc cerc- 'I'hc monies l\lay 10 alltt 11. fil'st was scllli-l)rlvatc, attcntlctl by Italian I'r'esidcnt Antonio Scgni (i antl [ot'ttter' I'trrsitlcnt iovaltttt Glonchi. A secontl rvas lteltl in St. Pcter"s lrasilica, attendcd by PRESENTING 2,000 persons, inr:luding thc dipltt- matic cttt'1rs, Vatican antl Italian qoverntnol)t tlignitnlics. On 1\Iitl' "'S.rlIiT'TS (,)t.il'f{). - go | liruatkrr' Le uador''s il, the Ptrpo is sehettttlctl lo to ALIYB" liislrops har,c calltrrl ior'lanrl r.e- lhc l'alrtcc, the officill Qrrit'irirrl folnr autl the cultivation of un- rcsitlcnce of tlre I{alian pt'csirlenls, ttscrl lanrls t.o he'lp solve Ecrrl- for a thiltl cerclnollY, (l{}f's ccononric problctns. In a FATHERKENNY SWEENEY .lrrinl llaslolal lctter', tlre ltrelates also urgetl tlrat teclrnical, finan- cill arrtl hrrrnlnistic tlaining be trra

I ('r\1.1. ('irhrlnlltl ljrrt. nt,rv ;ralrsh r.r'nler.s \\icl'c opctrcrl her.e llris vear'lo nrr:ct sonrc of lhc, srrcial-r'eli{iorrs ncctls of tlris rrrushloonrintl citr'. A total of 2,$ Iravt' lrctu tl,lll il last trvo lll

I LOU\r..\lN. 13clgiurn - - Arr,lr '[.ASK lrishop Allhrrr' illit:lrael llanrscv PERKINS TOR I:OTINCIT, of Llantcr'lrrrr'.v.AnAlican I'r.itrnte VAiI & STORAGE of ;\ll llnglanrl. gave a krctule lrt tltc Catholic LIrrivclsill, of Lou- vain bcfolc an irrvitt'd :ru(licn('o ot :")(){}richolilrii, llc tt'as itryilctl {o loctulc llv thr: ponlilit:nl insli. Itttion's t'crrnrctrit:al cit'<:ltr. anrl "tllrr.is- Betterdistrihution gilvc a 4{)-ltriltutc lalli oil lian Spit'ituality anrl lhe [lorlt'r'n Wor'k|." ['ope .lohn saitl lrt his fit'st | 0 KOTABARU. Wesl lrirn*- gcnct'al atttlictttt: of llay thttt lhe The Dulch.born hishops of West sotts of tlrtl (lhrrrch tht'ortglttlttt lhe rvollrl ilfc lil()f(l rrniled tltan ,r/' clergyprediated evet'. While lltottsatttls of ltalian cornntttttists took paI'l in a 1\Iay GrinrteinerFuneral Home Dal. tletrlonstt'ation aet'os'r torvn A NEWWAY TO SAVE! Bv VINCENT T. MALLON. M.M. both liotterl itr tlrc Spanislr attrl llolttt- Established 1854 in flont oI St. ,lohn l,atet'an On Your New Car Purchrse llLr' grrese.speakirrg corrntlir.s of tlrc hasilit:a. l'ttpc .loltn toltl tltott' CEORGEN. GRINSTEINER HAROLDD, UNGER ,,\nrcli<'ans otrl of a lolal of l],2011 sanrls gltlttlt'ctl itt Sl. I)etcl"s MElrose 2-5374 160l Ersi New York St. *$fil,o \\'()l'l{l t('('o!lliTos o\:crscns missionar'1' pliriits. t.)ne hlrsilicn tlrlt lirr' 63 "('hrrlclt RAMBLER-17086t,jj.].",i'l1,'fi,-,'.','#, llrtt lhc is ltt lltc scl'\rl(lo ilc. Irunrllcrl and frvt'rttl''five pt'icsts " of tnankinrl. Only 68.67Dwn. -- 57.31lil from llre tr.S. flr'e rvot'kinA in ['cru-..,nraking it scctrntl only lo P[,LiS vou nr:r1'rcccilo e clsh dividtnd rt'suliirrg florrr 1'rxrr At home pttrr'hasc.,.\ntrthcr lJlazil. rvherc thele at'c 221 (lements Itoclockt'r exclusive-lst pn1'nr'nt .\rre. 1st, if L G. & Sons tlcsilcd, Gct the details of this scnsntional ploiit.shariug plnn plicsts flom the I-initcd States. lN- l"allrcl Ilitns I WASlllN(;'l'( torlay. Nobodl' r:au scll lol less! Ku,tttg. Iitnrt'tl lltt'ologian t'lto has GENERALCONTRACTORS nratld' a sct'ies of cotltt'ovct'sial Est. 1885 lcctut'es oll (llrttl'<'lt Lcfot'ltr Spt'r:ializing in l,ight anrl Llcavv llt'plils tltc llrtitctl Slatt'r;, ent[' llrlottgltttttl (jonrntr:rr:ial ant[ llttsi

YIP 'l'lrrr A[il R0f]l:l.illi lif'lo\rv i:' cvcrybociy'rilcurc(l)/ ior carly fnornu)LlblLres! lf you sLrtterlronr ilris (;onlttlottnloft.titlg tttllltclv , . . t;rlic llre cttrt,... " ttrneyout'raclio to WXI-W.950 on the clialI si.art- rlEugrP 'lry ing at tj A.lVl.rrrrl lot Ati'l brirrrlyotr oirt o[ your clolclrrrrnsl it for oftr]wlael(... tlre ARl' ROBERTS oiut l)oc()rllc . trb-Zl- llFlOW lr;rbitltlurritrgl Yort'll i:c rrp l.otlre nrirrrrtelvitlr tinrt: tenr[]erittureand weathef FZr-.E.- . !lvava\ reports traffic {ipl; irrrcl;:rsi llrt: rililrt rrrrrsicio lrtlll you sltakc ilrc arrrrsof Morplreus!Tlre arrciclnt fI.II (irecks ltttcrv tlr;,ttil Vorrricvclopcrl ;r rroclclirlgacquaintance witlr Morplreus--go(l of drcarns..,-yoti'tl 7 E Ittllaslceyr.., bLrtil yorr'rt-.ttrrrcd [o tlrc t\llf ROi]FRfS Sl-lOWyou woll't(lare,.. you nrilllltr]li:i:) - - 0 NtADISON. \ltis.--.-'['ltc \\tiscott. -l'akc sin Suprcrnc (lourt. has aholisltcrl :lotttt:tltiltgl llri::(lrfe lor ilrt-.ttcxt 5(.ve.rl(l.ryri... shakt.:tlrc rrtorrrrttgltlurrs... attr{ t.',.rl(eul) lhe doctlitra thlt lt'ligious olgrn- It;r1r1tywitlr tlre Altl llOllt-lll'ii :rllOW! THTWII'JNER izations nrc in.nrrrnc florn liabil' lo COMMENTING on lhc possibil- ity tlrre rror)rnron larv negli' Il'IE\/IRY DEPARTfu{TI'IT, OOI.DEI.IOtJERt'lSF/ I'|II.K gctlco. 'l'ltc ity of a nerv rlefinitiorr of flecrlorn rlcr:ision t'cvcfs('ii a Deliciour Goldcn Guernsey Milk h the al7 hiil r"cr le oI yeligion, (]arrlinal Larrdazuli trarlitiott of lnorc lhln t ccntrrlt' otfoir a parfed rothg in rycry rolegory dvrng "the cxpcctcrl rotirnrd statcd tlrat inviolability ot nnd is to rcsrll, in:rrr lrfrfiL inctcasc in rturnbal rllrrr' compe cottscience is elcal and nectls no lhc oI suih lrloughI Froa ik *lvafy-smooth )osle lo he rich, nohnol iood Ca- ncrv dcfirrition." egc aglrirrsl 95O ON YOUR DIAL clttttr:hes.'l'lte Slalc Strpluntr merh found L wry golden glosslul, Golden Crucrnr*y lllore lhan rnything elsr', at i (.llttt'1. (iarrlinal pt't-r'irrusly harl alrolislred nohte's moel rrcorly perfccl food. Conscientirr least in I'rrrtr. tlre sairl. rothen llrc iturrtttttit,r' of qovr:r'lrtnlnl;rl thr: lrv apostolale lcrlrritcs nrole ' A rervc Goldcn Gr.rcrmey beccuso lhey v


Etiltiliiiiitilliiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiliilillililllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll O QUESTION BOX . CO.JTROVERSY = Conurrenl Will council stop in lhere editorial columnr reP' Laity inferior? = The opinion: expressed = re:enl a Calholic viewpoini-not necessarily THE Catholic of fhe edilorg lo rerve public = viewpoinl. They arc efforfs i f the Popc dies? lhc Nalion. disagrees opinion within the Chureh and within Iesuit = By MSGR. J, D. CONWAY A Jcsuit thcology pr.ofessor . has challenged the theory thrt the lay sta{e is inforior O. lf Popc John XXlll rhould die befora lhc to the iligious li(e. [fissr]uri lcsson Second Vrlican Council complelcr ils scsrionr, would fhrt lerminale lhe work of fhe council? Would rll Father .Iohn Gclkcn, S.,I., of John Carroll Uni- We tvet'e ltitllpv to sc'c tltat sottlt: of tlte cottrage.o[ tlte matlerr under discussion, cven lhough neorly com. velsil"y, Clevelantl, author of the book,,Toward Negroes of Bilrliirghalll hits I'tll)bc(l ofi on the Catholic pnr- plefed, hrve to be droPped? 'I'heology a of ihe l,aymin," said laymen nre nor ents of llissottt'i. ungenerous rvhen they embrace the lay state in oberlience to Goti's l'ill. 'I'he sign's ol a laynran's calling, he srid_like the signs of a rcligious calling-are spiritual reren- joy ity, -'"ace, nnd caused by lhe decision to serve God and fcllow nrcn in thrt slate. B-l' rrou' cvcr)'bo(ly kltott's ltott' thc parcltls applicd tlte crrroliirrg thcir I)l'essiu'con tltc illissritrri Slate i\sscttrllly b.v Father Gelken holds that the lay anrl religious judicialy ihilrlrcn in thc prrblic schools after a conllnittee slates of lite do not ropr.osent diffcrent degrees (su- tuigltt pt'oviclctl lltts transporta- pelior bottlccl up a bill rvltich ltat'e and inferior) of lhe sanre ettitude tolard the 'l'hey "exclusivcly tion lor all pulrils-g)ttblic illt(l I)afochial. rvolltl. rre different attitudes torvard the \\'orl(1" Rnd cannot lre set alongside one Catholic parents ltave trtatle lhcir point. fJtts lt'ans' 1'lre another and comparetl. Ile added: poltatiorl costs the statc $2'1.50a year pcr pttpil--obviottsly ".{s inuch les.s than t.he autrual cost of cclttcitting a cltiltt in the attitude.s torvartl the rvor.kl, they hale nothrn( public schools. in conlmon, and as attitutles torr,ar.d [iod, they are exactly tlle srnte because total lor.e ol God in(orms eaeh altitude."

"lT lS SIMPLY false to sa.v ilre lay stale is arla. qrrately explainerl as tlre slale o{ those who are not Vatican I was net'ct'Iolntally dissolved. It rvas as generous as lloligious," Fatlrer Gelken said. intelluptcrl in 1670 by thc Franco'Prttssian lvar. I'irrs IX tlied in 1878 rvithortt reconvening it, IIis suecossofs Loo XIII, St. Pitts X, Ilattcdict XV, Pitts II and I'ius III rlirl nothing abottt it. lVhen I'optt .fohn callerl his cottrrcil sontc thoorists rvontleled if it rvoulrl l)e R continuation of Vatican I or a ncrv council, After ntot'c than $0 1'ent's of rapidly chang- 'l'he ing problerns our new council has espects vastly laill', he said, ale ilrose rr.lrosehoncst antr\.rf tliffclcnt than \/atican l-as diffct'ent, rvc nright sn1', is lhat (lod calls thent lo the Iry stnte---nol bccarrse as the r:ontllstitrg personalitics of I'itts lX antl 't{olt, lhev alc loss gcnerous or. in any rvay infcr.ior., DoilTrAtilL..yot,R yotcE 0F wtsDoM brrl Jolrn XXlll. AfiDTALrilTs ARt t{ftD[D. bct'arrse tlrc la1' slate is thoil vocalion, antl thcre rr il ililil|| ilililil ililil| divine u'olk to be done r,hich l'ill go untlone unless o oPtNtoNs thol' tlo it, Ile ntlrled; o "lf ley pcople think they rrr ungen!rout, ra(. 'fhcv're ond.rrlc Chrirtians, lhey aru krr likely to br holy rrrrrs loo cards cvokc Chrirlia nr." tf Ileport anothcr comrrren[

Abottt the nealcst thing to taxation without rcplesenta- Itb the llditor: Arnong you, do not rrphlnid hinr: tion in thc United .States torlay is thc school tax inrnosed llut ltrt him me anlong $s Ttank you for publrshrng lhe Jou upon Catholics. lVc arc not ialking here about the fact one of llre sanre countryl antt intelligeut lettel on the rcpolt paroehial get yott shall lovc hinr as I'orrrsclvcs: that Catlrolic ehiklten in schools nothing for card system in oul' dioccsan for yorr rvere strnnger,s in tlre lrtncl the school tax rlollar pai(l I)y lheir parcnts, bul of solnething schools, of Egypt. I anr thc l,or.rl your 'l'hese "strang- '.1'lrcological clse which is ottr orvn lault. rlorrls I'r.lcr' lo a thirrliing rvlrich rclegatctt lhe laity to (lod." (Levilicrrs, l9::l:l-34.) "alien"; cr'," and ryhnt of one's Ilcre in the lvliddlclest, rvlrclc \ve ar0 lortunate ollough ntt infcliol lole, he bclicves, har wlcnked greel. lio it is phlasetl in orvtt fcllol citrzens, onc's own to ltave tnost nf ouf childrcn in inclcpcndent schools, we tlre Douay harur by crrrsing the lnit.v tr' suppose thnt they were Ir'nnslation. brotlrers nlrd sistels in Christ: {latholics not callctl lo conlplote tlt'tlication to the rervice of Irilve corne to lhink of the public schools as pcrhaps elt'n f ctl with L]hrist's "sunday "tlreir,s." (iorl: tlrnt ilrev rrrcd only to be Llhrislirnr." IJvur in large cities, whct'e 1ve fil'e accused of body anrl bloo<11' IIarc tvc uolh- On the contlarl., he snitl, tlre laity lunning things, (latholic.s holding rlorvn influential po,sitions ing to nrcrlitlt0 upon when rr'e should b.: cvr;y pliest, itt the public sr:hool systcms itrc o[tcu as rarc as P,aptists rliserrs.s opcn of t'lrr.st'd occupancy, bit rs dorlrt:atttd as the Sis{er, or Brother. "plrrblt'nr" lltc racial Rs it bcals tlireeting er lieville fiesta. 1'his is not as it should bc. 1\Iost of tts {t'trstrntcd patcnts Ii'nther (ierkrn saitl lre n'rote hls book prrtly to rupon horrsinlJ? I)irl not thc par'- nttrlely blcatlrerl n siAh of lefute tlre itlca that tlrc lly statc is rpiritually in- Catholics have a big stakc in the public schools-.not "Anlell" cnts or glanrlpnlcnts of nrost of aftcr secing nll ouf positive tus flee, ryith (iorl's lrclp, unlrappy ft:r'ior', arrd to oifcr nt least r tentative lhe- only lhe money in taxes, buf tlre iuvestrnent in the future ploblcur,r blought into the open, ((lontirruerl on pagc 9) ology for' la,v life. lrr the intlodrrction he rvrote that of the nation rvhich that. moncy reprcsents. ln the public "sr.t:k.s Itis book to he only a stop torvlrtl $chools our future as well as that of the childrcn attcnding whct vill ont: rlav be a ctlnrplctr them is being shaped, for from them colne tlte vast ma- thcology of lhe layman," jority of eitizens lvho tornorrow will determine rvhat hap- lf il;"il1i''il"i,lftl.?*'i,T,i; = (lllesl = IIe nrninlaint'tl th:rt such thinking u'ill not lond pens to our country an(l our way of lifc. in the sarne sclroolat least. 'l'his i r:rrnlmona lo lesscn intele:it rrr leltgiorrs votratiorrs rnlonB youth = antl arlderl: It is foolhardy to brag of how our Catholic boys helpad """"""""""""""' . sonalll',luri. it soemsgrossly un" rlcfcnrl thc U.S. rvil.h their livcs in battlc rvhilc ive ignore "\'orr ,iust fol' trvo chiklren. rloing llre ( Rtprintrd from lhe Oklahomr justiee thcrrlngiansdid not lacr: rrlc rnolc lrliclv lo havt'r'cligiorrr vocatlons another civic obligal.ion, ecpr;rlly if rrot mol'e important. in fatrtilit's corrl'rrnorl rlilh (iotl's rvill--_.ineu atmsr' sanrc calible of rvolk to he grarl. Courier) rup lo the plolrlern of wlrether Like thc duty tn votc, or lo tlclutd one'.s n.ltion iil times etl so diffclcntly, phert: of listtttirrg for lhe toictr of (iod nnd ins\r'er- (jartholics ls il tirrrc for (llrlistians lo le- rval rntl tlre killing of nrcn in of rlee(I, it u'ould sccln thal. lrzrvc a moral ollliga- ing it-*tltt'n in fanrriirs ulrcln lhc Chlistian cnllinti tion to take nn iutcrest in tlrc public school,s exnrninc thc popular llrinking rvar is e.'el riglrl. lit' urnking the of their r:oin- ".tusI to the la.v slatr' is ttot ltllt,rcrl." !nunity. nboul. rvRr', nnd is it rlso linre lrr r'llssifir:ation of rvar" lhco" FATHER GERKEN'S book rlso tlcals s,ith re-exanrine the llreolngy of rvar? logians ftrlthclcd tlre itler llrat "Sact'r Sotrte Catlrolir:s zrct as thouglr thc.y rvoulrl be irt rlauger \\,&r can bc jtrst*-that sonle \\'ill's I'ttts Xll's crtcl'clical ott lurl)' r'it'8inity, \rit'- o[ excolnl'nunir:ation if they \vct'e to uttenrl thc pLrblic func- are livcly nationalist as- Ile savs thc l'ope u'as refuting erfor--. 'l'hey .iu${. 11initas." f,n tion,s of thc lor::rl t'. S. wolrl(l filther take- the risk of surnt's lhis applies to Itis pnrticu- tho irlon th rnlrtinrlo, hocaustr it is i rrcrimenl. rnrrsirrga polio vit,tirrrtlrarr ol'l'er lhcir selviccs prrblic lar rvar'. ['t r'lraPs it slroultl ltar,e is hctte t' arrrl lurlicl tltatt 'l'hcy to lllc t-onsccLrtted virginity. school. arc llsually l.lreoncs u'lro crrrnplnin the' loud- becn stitl tlrnt rval rs nltogetlrcr lrrrt est that thc l\{asons are running thr: school syster}l, ?rnd cvil nrtrl rlron{ ntttst be lolt'r- Ar for the stnlenrent of lhr Council ol Trrnl until tlte Catlrr,rlics havr:n't :r chzrncc. Chattge of stttr.iecl matter rr,orrlrl alsn.lc;rrl lo atcd for a rvIrlrr roplar:erl llrrl vilginity for God'r rako ir bellrr rnd morr tliffot'cncc.s of style. b1'othcl nlcnns. blesrcd lhan mrrriage, ho poinlr ouf lhrl Trenl Clafholir:s pro" u'ill lrnve a cllauc0 wllcll wc bcgin to shorv 1'lhen llrc nrt ans of n)o(l('r'il did not de{inc in whnl way lhir lr ro---or whrt 1'hele rvas R spacc of about lll ycars betrvccn "btrfler othels that rvc rcnlize the tlublic schools are orLrs. too. Wc s'ar', atouric \\'ar', ale so et'tl that cisely ir nreant by end morr blcrrod." lhc first l,)pistles of St, I)arrl ((inlalians, l all(l ll rrccrl n<;l st'rrrl rirrl chiklrcn to llrcm lo nrake lliertr ortt's. 'l'ltcssalorrians), llrc victor')'of cithel side rtrusI nn

Urrfortunately, likc tlre:;cerl gr,or.rnd, ()n (,thor on hurd I\1r.. Appreciation lllo lrlrrrtl. if ut' t'rrttttttil tttotlal sin, tt'e lloover's cxccllcllt ll'losslgc. l,rll uitlr litilc effect on tl1auv &r'o n{}t p0r'rnilterl to Ic<'t'ive llol}'(i)tnnlllllioll llltlll pcoplc 'lir nnrl organizations. Norv :rs lhcn, tlrclrr alc llr,llllofous tlrc llrlitor': a[lot rt't' ltarc ttuttle f llo()(l ('()n[essioll, groups and intlivitluirls lrtrsill, profitalrly) {erncl cngagctl in 'l'hc .idlarv- Irlay I tnkc lhrs oppollttnitl'lo petsott u'lttt rttrrirls st'tiott5 sitt ttta.t'lo('t'l\e thaI form ol rlo-it-.yoursclt airli-(iorrrinunisrn'whcrr:' As I get get A, older | lo wondering aboul tomr {ltank you kinrl antl gcn- iug ct.rnch.rsir.rrrsaurl circulating I'ulllors', is stlicily lor llre llolr'('onrnrunirrn ils ollt'tt attrl fot'Rs krttg f, tillle business. of my confessions. I rlways lhoughl lhat I mado ot'otts tltlilorirrl ( Congratulelionr ) ns hc rt islt0s Nillrrrul giltt'lL l() ('rtttli'.ssi0n. 'l'hcrc good rvill, lrorvevcr'. pr.ollalll1.,llc oue organizzrtion miss- conferrions cnd especiolly at mirsions, but I gei in lnst rvcck's (lritclion c()ncorn. ('r,lt'- lng.florn the I'irnks thc ncxt tirne tlre sc[-stylc{l investigntors to thinking mrybe I didn'l presenf romc things in ing lho l25lh Annivclsaty ".stan

If a Catltolic Const'rvatilc is rvortlry of lris nanre. he rvill be rejtricing in tlre nerv I'ucclt itt 'l'a'r'is on religiondisputed cncycliclt of Pope John. Ilc tt'ill sec in it att eurplrasis uporr :';.,,.:;:ifj,:"':','],1 : Ww ;;';,';';;-\:;i: ;;wFr r,. ;';Ji''..k"'i';ff "'iffi i,lil,ii,)'.".,ill;i:-o ff,ffi "on "u' ':,n n vcfy loltg.tct'm ttclttl," "t'cligion liiil;i,it"". l asscrts. he corrfitlcrttl.v ln :rn rge in \' ls 11'e litro,,v il :rppoat's to bc ott llrt'rr'av ottl." All of tlte tt'atli- "tnay lronal r-pligiors, lte sa1 s, ri*,ruTilfim bc t'xpecletl lo bo long in d.ving ont: ltattrl autl increasing patrnnl- as llrt'r' prar:tical rolc tlitnirlisltes istic governnrctt{s on the otlter ('rrrsion rrn

2313W. WASH.5T. ME. z-etsz TEAR OFF ON THIS LINE# Dcar 1\lottsigllclr {;o{)ssens, fol tlte Pricstltooil t'or The errclosctl $. . . .. is to spollsor a Natiye Sttt{etrt (clteck ... r|cck(s) iu thc i\lissions of r\fricit Latin r\trtet'ict't your choice). canllot USHER people in the n]issioll Iantls trre very poori tltitt plrcnts I u16er.stltu4 tlarl bo1's ttt earll ll']otlc]': lrrr,[ur iltr'iI lltlt,s in llie,shtrinarl'; thert there is Iltl rval'ltlr the ('.:holic l"aith to ljiiir i'rii..f iii"y''i,;.r['io ss tor help. so r *.'uiitiiis-to milp car'y thd othct' latttls. fnANCIS CARDINAIt?EtLMAN, Prctdrnl Fun,eralf{ome^ Irtc. ltrgr, J611p1t, ljor. Nri.l h3., IIAI{,'I'O Sendoll tonnrrllec?lonrlcl CA?HOLICNEAR EATT WTTFAREASSOCIATION Anna c. usher ;. ^" usher 480 lcxington Avo. ot 46th 5t. r.{ew York lZ, N. Y. SOCIETYOFST. PETER FOR NATIVE PRIESTS Frank E, Johnr 6, Indiane p.o. Box No. 302 Goossens, Director Indianapolis PAGE SIX THE CRITERION,MA.Y IO, 1963

secretary, pr,rish golf leagui A tournament Remmetter is schetluled for early in Septem- ber. to open 6th season is head of CYO board 'I'honras Rentntetter, a junior at Edifed by the Cleric Seminarianr of Wesl Baden Collegc Sceeina IIigh School, has becn eleeted president of the Indianap- causes anxictics should help rts olis Junior CYO Yottth to unrlcrstanrl ottrsclt'cs antl Anxiety t';i,""",;:" H; is a merntrer of others, espccially rvhen the othor Little Flowcr parish. By RONALD J. FERGUSON, S.J' person is urcntally ttistulbctl. Brothert of lloly Grosc Other offieers eleeted at the A fcrv da1's ago I read a nelvs. rccent election nteeting inclttde: Yount mit tdrrlshd In lhr 'l'im rrliJ'os1 111a ctn rn!rlt in Cathrxlral lligh paper s'hich stated that if Blalock, rctiyillrtr article O*r 'n(lerstanrli'g of a'xiety FrnI trtchln!, school and st' I]ridget's par' tora'16 |nr3!ront, wotlinr we

I 'l'he SOFTtIAtL DEADLINE -- OURBRAND.NEW MODEI.! 30, r ('YO t)ffice torrrituls pitrishcs , 22, Judc l0; 6;l Cros: lB. th;rt tlrc cntly rlearlline for llrc lhony l0 lrtrlianaJrolisl)eancly,Iunio I' Ikrt's' antl Gills' Softblll Lenflur:s Susannn ,18, St, Ann l3; NouuOlten! 51. frdr,ci5 6; Atrunrption is l't'irlay, NIa.y 10. All etttt'ics 20; Sacrrd ll.drl'Mounl (:Y() ()fficc Sl. M,rla.hy, byr. nrus[ hc in thc hv tlro Iollorvirrg llolrrliry nrrrrttittg. M.y a a rN w .mKs esoo

Anihonl Jude l2; Trinily, t) 0irkion Cant.Tt sclrctlrule 30; Socrctl 20, lloly / surn!l etyffitENffitlE'ffi openings lisle.d DIRECTIONS: 3 Blocks West of Corrnty OPENDAILY, 2 TO 6 P.M. Line Rocd betwccn High- woys 40 ond 36. $| 00 g3y--,.3i $| 3,200f03ti ND lo rlerlir:atc WE coln[)uling center

Chart,rnnrl fills 9540 W. Momis Sl. conching positions

'l'ltrce ncw arltlitiotts lo tlrtt coacltittg stlff :r[ ehlrtrantl Iliglr School, Indiau:tpolis, havc bcurr nnnouncctl jointly by the prin' cipal, Irntlrar Ilobcrt L. Kitchin, nrrrl thc atlrlctic rlircctor. .lanres L. NIac(iregor. YCW rllans study Nanrc

PAGE EIGHT THE CR|TER|ON,MAY t0, t963 vlfiwlw vn'Ir ARN0LI) # WorryFree Apartment Living ,fi Efficiency, I and 2 bedroom aDart- 'David :t ments in SS, lreter anrl paul parish. and Lisa'is apex Also close to in otliei parts of the city. Rental rates to suit y_o^ur_-n1eds,Stop in for listings at 850 N. Penn., or call ltlElrose q.--Sni's of clinical film drama any day, including Sunday.

By JAMES \t/, ARNOLD nontittatiotl fcrr tlircctor Pct'r'1', sct on Friday nigh{. But itt a nor. nrally matrrrc rtr

NO MORE PAINT BILLS Racliouncl'Iclevision Mmum SIDING 6200 EAST ilth GOLDMEDALLION TOTALELECTRIC LIVING 'l'*.o Iledroonrs. Lalt{e Lir.inu WON'T PEEL OR CRACKI Iloorn, Dining Ar.ca, l,'rrll ltath^'- ct't'atttic lilerl, r\rrtplt. clost'l sptrl'r'. Illrrrlu'oorl l"lrrols, l,arrrrtllr-- untl 5Hi+1ltlr$zlgo adtlitional Sl()t'iliI(' far,ilitics, llt,. servt'rl Parkirrg, Schottl, Clrrrr.ch. ?4x30x8' Slropping nntl'J'r.ansportation iacili. . ROOKSOI TrrB IIOUR 0lhtr !lr.s €orrespondinqlytlwl tles. \!tstlngh0uta ll ru. ft. rft'iqF:etor t,!,r,,tt frq, *.,ilT": fc0d d;rnOrfr,\.,'e:tii.lr,cuse i.,r"r,:rr,l qlr1rr,1 I lrl. GEN ERAt fit:"' Air, eoild,tioning,sdfc eleitriuirrrt r,olcr Iorru, ranire and 0\'an. PHONE ME 8.3408 ,;::Ti Cermany'*fateful years ltf[ [sIr[{AIt5--uEtRALIIRMT A. J. FOSSO FL e-4093

By O. B. THEALL, O,S.8. thrl rrc lhc prolagonisls{ rnd irr rnlagonirh) ol lhir One of the riany boolrs crrlr,cnt. novel*lt ir ly appealing tha{. nttcnrpl to *x. fhc Germrn people ol r prrlicu, plain in fit:tionnl fornt rvlraI ryent lrr and rorrowlul trr. rvronJl (icrmany G.H.Herrtn&nn, tvilh lhe of thrr ,l9ll0's, oue o[ thc urost rcadlbk-', filll;:l*;i-l{'".T'11rwmx. m Trr,neral Hornes p'ffiW 5l4l liladisorlvenug i'#'?e'irti.t,.i. 'm 1505South East Street +l ll ! r'lrl i nrl's H{ "'t'lr c .ltiltltrlay ffi. .:r. ro ilE2'8{88 sI 7-721t 'ffi,'::;."",' It,\13t1, H:if;.(t\rorrorv' 7 tHt oRotl ']fii,1r,,ll:iiiJ,l,,l,,,t ffit'. # it,,1:1""1*:W i"t"'tir"-c;,,. lW lnart ltrvasiott of I'olautl, the litt11- lish novelist plcst-nts ltis picltrre Prayerson Stone LovedOnes ol' lhc llitlot' r't'ir itl ltticLocostttir: fornt, lle shorvs tts tltrr rlct'iotrs M. H. FARRELL GRANITE CO. path follorvctl llrrortgh llte tvat . t.lll 2:,013. MER|D|AX tT, 0lfiilr lT. years of (()PP{)Stre (Ailj(Jil(j cel,lEirRtr3} hy tltc vatiotts tnt'nthet's thc intlrrstrial l\fcirlrnann Inrlily, Catlxrlic nurl pult .lrrvish,

1'he pat.h iri rlcviorrs bocalrse, ilg thc dontitrattt:t: of Ilitlrt' anrI his gang ovcr evcty:rs1.rcr:t o[ (it'r- w. IONES nran life incLtasos, tlir \Vcitl- * tnanlts rcsolvc to rkr rlltirtevt't'is RUG CLEANERS n(lccssary l.o sulvilc. Sio lont{ as 4440N. KEYSTONE .llil.lcr lasts, tltcy rvill coopcratr: with thc Ilrtss;ilrts- -lttl'thin1.1 lo rctain thr' Iautily itlutlity arttl thc. Iamily's intlustt'ial rvcaltlt, Preferred Risk Insurance Service 'lhis "Andy" is rvltat tlre tna.iot'i1y ol'ils nrcrubcrs rrc dctct'rrittcrl to tlrr,-- A. J, Auda Jxrt one son, Alh'icrl, lrls irk'as of his orvn, fottntltrt[ rrpon r.r.urLcl.hurr Fire - Homeowners - Auto - Life - Boals cxpcdicncl': I'ottntlcrl, itr [acl-, rrp. 4602E. l0lh St. at Drexel, ort a Catlrolie isnr llr:rt is volv in- Indianapolis lcnsc, anrl uporl a vct'y rcal l cotnplclcly, l,)rce pt, f ol Alf t'icrl, I fiioBtrHrAT the Wcirlrnanns alc u'illirr11 lo BUDCETPAYMENT PLAN "lrrrll I trttst lo llitlt't'to ol['lris "O,,t tlaring cxgrct'irnctrts rlith a pcoplc Oil IIlut, C'tut,t.tJc rJr:ttL,, antl u conl.incnt, lroping tlrat co- ffi opcratiorr silh hirn s'ill olclbal- | ,w attcc lhc tloublc sligrru o{ Crttlur- uTuErflrAN licisru antl ,letr'islr bloorl. I V Coal& Oil(orp. "",il'{:il=riii::" I "Keep I,'ulL Scrrica" |

Alh'icrl grurs itll llrc ull, irr his ollllosition |rr tlrc pltlty orr lt'li;1i- ous grotnrrls, lnrl srril'r'r's fot: iI lly itttpt'isottrnonl. thotrIh hc tlor,s sttt'vivc. A:; I lrt, lrool< onrls, I lrc traitot'orts nlr'tr)l)('l'sol' llrt' flrrrill, at'c rtaitittg 1o sor.horr,'{hrty rvill bc jtrdgt,rl b5. llrc orrc tr lrrr hirs kcpt his inlcglitl,. [lrrpl'cr,lrt, tttcitntitne, hirs sollt:rl lris orr,rr ltroblcrn lty goinlg or r:t Io Ilrc Itttssi ans. a i\Ir. t'iol(lin!{ hirs: r't't't'lle'rl itr r.c. ccnt- intcrvietvs tllal this is l)ut lhc llcginning of t ltc \\tcirlrnann fanrily chrorriclc, r\lrotrt tr.lral is tn conrc, lrr: hls siritl, :illlollg ()lll(tr tltings^, th:ll r\ll'r.ierl rvtll lolk orrt lris tlestinl' ultirurrtr.ly tin ilrc priesthootl, tou':rrrl rr'lriclr, intlcctl. it. is evidcrrl thirt lris tlroughts :rlc al*ays tcutling.

In lhe less.lhan.400 prges of fhis book, Mr. Fieldins has prcked !n impressive Grost, reclion of lhe German people. ll ir not lhc Wiedmrnn lrmily ?HE CRITERION, MAY IO, I963 PAGE NINE lVlissou'i r\rloral iorr projct... (t' t';X,'f$;,' ) fT;;;;l cltairrnerr [o rneet. fic Tacker ,''.." : L|;lli ;nX . nn h****:assss:$s*t*o.*** othcr plivale schools. FRIDAY, MAY l0 'rhe NAMES lN THE NEWS- Father Lrurence Lynch, instl'uctor at the measurecailctr .ro' esrab- ..i,,.ii:J"11,.t";"lt:?'"i,if:'nl::T; lishnren{ of a special funrl lo (jlub flonr 8 p.nl. to ntitlnighl- in Lrfin School of lndianapolir, has rct'ttil'ed a National Science Fottntia' rvhich all monies applopriated by the school cafeteria, ,1858 Flccher grant of chtttntslry anrl rnathetnnticr at Iiastern tlon fof sunllnor.sltttl.v the Assembly for school btts Ave. Illinois tlrrilelsity. .. Mr. Jrmer H. Bowman, S,J,, formel etli{or of tlansportation's,orrlrl lrave been assignad. Thc Ladies' Parly rnd Smor. the'l'ccn's Onll'colrttln irr lhis pallct'. t't't:civotl art arvaLd at the recent 'l'lre gerbord at St. Chlislophel' ('athrtlic ltrt'ss.'\ssociation for fiction in yottng peo- speei;rl transpoltation ae- conven{ion of the Cltulch, ,5301 W. l6tlr St., Speed- '[ir counl was designerl bl' the bill's llo ot'tlaitttrtl lll' Archbishop Schulfo next ntonth way, Iront 7 to ll p.nr. Irlcs' nra:lazittcs. sponsor', Ilep. IIalrv {loltlbct'g of for his story at Wesl Baden Collego, illt'. Ilowntan cat'ned tlre award Kansas Cill', Io avoid conflict RING THE LUNCH "'lirtla1"'nlagazine St. Rite'r soJJnogln, at G:to ''lVhiske.v {'ake." rr'ltit:lt appcat'crl in in Oc'toher, rvith a decision of thc l\l issout'i BELL... 'l'lre p.nr. in the ptlish hall, 19th and Srrpreme ('orrr'1. eorrrt hcld 1962,... Willianr McMahon, st'niot at Scecina Memorirl High School, Alscnal Avc. t.nrl head for' [,r\UGH- in l9ir3 that it is rrnconstitutional NER'S. food . , . Irrdianapolis, ltas heen arvartlt'rl a frtll scholalship to the trniversity of lo finance such tlanspoltalion Quality fastscn'ice ..and 'fhe from fttnds lcscn ctl cxclttsivelv l,ouisuillc tvhele he rvill attt'n

llttt in this legald, Alr,lrbishop Ilallinar, sairl it is ver'.r'lrarrl lo sing {ii'ogoliarr chanl rvillr rvolrls ollrcl lhirn llre oliqirral l,atin,

l72l N. Rural St. ll?5 Mediron Ave


DANVILLF DANCE I)r\tr-\'ll,l,ll, Intl. -'l'lre Altll Sorit,t5' lrrtl Wonron's ('lrrb of St. llalr"s lrrlislr rvill sp{}nJi)r' il Variell'Slrou'antl Dlrrrc aI I ?401W. Wmh. i E /.3525 ,THE p.nr. Saltrlrla]'. i\lal l l, rn lhe palish hall. Ilefleshurenls rvill CITY.WIOEDELIVERY OUALITYNA|\ilE INCOI/IFORT'' 'I'he bc scltrrrl. ptrtrlic is itrvitctl,


University head ==1!lttllllllllllllllllllnllllllllllllllInFARMER'S VIEW mnllmnunnnntnntt!lnntg CONTRIBUTORS tHE CRIICRIOX. Church will c.rry . litt ot ,rrirh the anq of oagtnttrtional Story cora!tpondrnlt and 0lherl lJoo wno rtlortqd newr eheap fot to eat fh! cutranl greet .nrta Irruc. to alunrni = = lh.Jollawiog = 9t.rotr. rubmilcd itrmr tor'iiii By DANA C. JENNINGS The economic record shows is teleuision PrasidenrKennedy recenily *xtJ[;"r:l's"i1T1"J,;:: #,f; ili:: l;li,,"ll,:1li!ioil,'ii:l,,T,o.", ftnture warnctlthatunlesswesolveourofparity,irice-support.oit.w"'"_-_] -l NIiIY YoRK-'l'hc tnost oitcn' nrassive unemnlovrnentunemployrnent problem oroblem corinted'incounted in tne the millions of dol. dnl. r this nation faces a lO.year tlepres- lars instead of in the billions. sivc rcligious - histot'ical tlocrt' Un- si

"Youl JOECHRISMAN inte llectrral life has bccn Go To Ullrich's for Seruicc ru,hcttcd-...-and Ihrvartcrl," hc told ZENITH HEARING AIDS - Clothier- "As the rvomen's society, n re- 3012nd Strmt Ph. 27 AURORA, sult, rnany wonrcn join club after INOIANA clrtb, and attcnd tea upon tea in st'alch of all outlct. Tlut in essence the rrlubs and teas nre SavageAppliances Patron,ize trseless and do not satisfy {heir Your Gelercl intcllcctrtal cravings, The rea- Our son is that too often Urese affair,s Electric Deale.r are tlcvoted to programs rvhich 216Main S!. Ph. 309.R Acluertisers alc nol intcllectually rcrvarrling,"

Poy'n Pqkir IGA Mkr. |l ARIAN SPEAKERS-Frlher Glorgc H. Dunnr, S.J., Ph.D., lcft, errirhnl lo thr prcridenl of Georgalown Univrrsity, Washinglon, Quoliry llcc|r-lcar I Wlnc HARPER'S FASHION D.C,, will delivcr thr Marian Collegr commencrmenl addrerr in New Alhrny IICCW ?rm Dellvcry-Opon Sundoyr lhc eudilorium on Sunday, Junc 2, Fathcr John Fish, M.1., yig61, CLEANERS principrl ol Bishop Chrtard School, givr lEn High Indirnrpolir, will ilnnounccs lllans 1320 - trh 'r. lR, J.3t2t I'or Bctter Drycleaning lhr bacclhurcrlr rddrc:r fhc prcccding evcning in r caremony DRUG STORE Uso Our COIN LAUNDRY to br held in fhr collegc chrpcl. for lrvo rel.reals 22{ E. Mrin 5f, Phona76 Ph.CRctwd. 3212$ HishwryI Hohl srid he linds lhr femin" MITCHELL OIL CO. "alrrming ist lrend for womcn Nl:iV ALIIANY, Ind.---'l'hc Nerv NrrD rre nol lhr rqurl of men, lx. tuEt ott? Albany Deanery Counr:il of Cltho- cepl rpirilually," NlED ilRES? Lichlyter lic Womcn is sponsoring trvo lr:. Phono BR,5'5711 CHATT{PION "lVoruan treats at I'atinra Ilctlcat IIousr:, is plinralily 'l'lre rrran's BuildingSupply Indianapolis. first retlcat is eornpaniou and helpnrarc," he lOtt ?fh 5t. Bcdfo'd, lnd, - Fuel Oils- "antl Complclc Bvilding Supplior Soy It With I'LOIYEIIS HARDMANPAINT & sclrcdulcrl the wcckenrl of ItIay addc

H. Cofinot CARPENTER'SREXAtt DRUG STORES "Fine 5Th - AVE. Dry Cleoning" & WASHINGTONST. 2739CENTRAL -- Phone l3l0 Broad New Castle Phone I'hoto *Supplies-* Sunth'it:s Gifts l72QF. Avc. JA, ?-4804 379'4421 l'r'eseliptions - I)rugs .- Cosrnctics 372'7851 Phone WH 4-2285 ftilovlNG ,t*t",':Ji, T' Ijl:;::; Bonk Nunrber ?hrac Orgonircd ln 1873 Local & Long Dirlanco ffi; THECITIZENS HargoOil Company STATEBANK EldredVan Claancd I'iltcrcd ffi & StorageCo. I And lhunit {'outoV/ Tell(!ily Federal FISCHER'S FUEL OIL 547 N. t3fh 5t. c.622t Furnifureand ApPlirncer \W S, & L. As$n, "l'rirtidrrfi'c turd lluuLag Ai.icut llo'i;,T3'iffi Distt'ibtttor" lJrril.cdVan [,incs 910Main St. Kl 7'?351 FREE Scrcen with TFLL CITY Purchesa of Any Movir Walterm;ann,In(, E.T. HazledineCo. Western Auto I or Slide Projector KOOIVENTV Ot'nanrcntal llorr * \Ycltlrng NATIONAL BANK For Funerab Associate Store Aluminum AwningsA I\lachirrc Slrnp I "Drivo.fn Benking Scrvicc" "I!L:argt.lLitrg uthllth Sfreer for lrld rlt.lo" ,, rliltY LAIIItI\1I\1AN,Orvncr 231 S. lsf Sr. C.9523 FlIEE PARKING Russell's I TELL CITY and CANNELTON tlarrce Servrce I @.'*:' i 3920 Nal. R.d, Westrst Ph, 2.6265 Inc. "Your CameraShop, Patroni;e Value Cenlcr" Patronize Patronise Our Dauby's Dept. Store wH 4-6317 KeystoneBeverage Co., Inc. Our Our i 3 Blocks Off Mrin l3t E. Markcl, Ncw AlbanY, fnd' i Adterlisttrs Adwrti$(frs in Tell Ciry Adaertist,rs Schlitz - C.V, - Corlings Blqck lobel

Red - - FunerolHome lop Old Dutch lolstoff TERREHAUTE SAVINGS BANK Zoercher-Gillick I(IttlIIl'' ond Corlings Red Cop Ale llcniltcr ol l'cdcrnl Dcposit llsrrrrrrrr:c ('olpornliol - Ambulanct Servico - FUNERALHOME Rosfla?HOS|(lNS NEW ALBANY, INO' Ornrral ilonogcr t?t{ GRIIH StRfEt 5.W. Cor. 6lh and Ohio C-9576 Kf 7.25tt TELL CITY, lND. 708E. SPRING Sinco1856 THE CRITERION, MAY I0, t963 PAGE ELEVEN


INDIT\NAPOIIS J' ,0St?lliilt 0l,lG:R, 17, sdlred liedr I Clrur€lr, Mdy 3. St. Jo\ellll (rnrrlcry, SIt- vivorr: 5on, Irviil; brolllurt, Albrrl dil,l'.\il- lianr Vondersdar,

f [Anoto l. rnrrrli|.t" 6.r. sr. ,ui.hners Chufch, May i. (alvary Centctery. 5ur- vivor5: \?ife, l,4arquerite; rorrs, Jar're, rrr,l Willidill, (idu0llleri 0lrlene; [,rotlre., Llif. lofd; si5ler, l,,1arqitol,

(, {' GRACE rracx*rir. /3. ss- r,0rr nrr(r PdUl Cdlhedral, A\.ry t. lloly Cross Cenrc- l?ry. Srrrvivot5r \i\lcls. (Jtlteriile lftCo0l, iililmililuil11ilil1ilil$ililililililililililil1ililil11ilililt1 llf,ry Bldrkwell' brotlrer- Dr. lolrn J. Elackl well.

I JtMrs r. ooorrE zrlr. pdrricr's (rrurirr, llroetels' trustetrs l,1ry 4, Sl. Jorepll Ccilt0lcry. Srrrvivorrr 10n,. Jatircs D.; 5isler, r\'1ae l,4eycfs; llr0lheh, Paul, lllolrds, Joltn, and E!erelt. scheclule nrceting I InAu( r.. urNoiri-i. 52, lrory no(dry Churclr, Lldy 7, Sl..,osfl)h CenreterV. Srir. viv0r1! .brolhsr ol Xdtie, Ailro, l,td,lii,rlnrr? . S't. tlr\trY.r)1,' -'l,tII.] . Rdirilondi, Angellne Draqarr, Anthony, (-trtrlr:, \\'o0I)s, jorr Prul and l/,ichrel Rairnolrli; of COsrrro; Inrl.--il'hc splirrg uccting of St. lrlher of (osntrs A,, dnrl Jdr'res I. i\laly-of.lhc.\\:oorls (lollt'gc's lirl' f _tHARtEt u. xouiaui, ,tt. oui rrity or Grccrrwood Clrufclt, l\1ny ,/. lloly Cfoss boat'd of tlustccs tlill lre hcltl on List (lduglr. lndianapolisParish Shoppitg Crrnelcry. Survivors: wife,' Elirallatlt; O O cautpus Satur([il]'. ]lirl' l l. i\ bantluct fot. lrua r,rl rrrentbcrs 'ft'r.r.e I'Iotlrcr-I)aughter ittttl thcir rlir t,s irt tlrc :-="".I-l-:i:,- Il:urte lloust', in'l'erlc llarrtr', rvill pt't'cetle tlrc nreetin{ on Ii'r'irla1' 'l'urkel evcning. ll al ol ll;rllrh o( breuklast slaled 'l'cllc llrrute arrtl Jostph \Yalket., ptesitltnt. trl tlte eit1.'s ['hanrlrt,r. of Cuttttttct'ce. rtill hc illnong tltc ltitntltt0t Xtl(,sls. ('llairtnilll ()i tll(' la1'boat'tl is \\'tlliirnr Ilrr,nuiln or I tttliatraprrl is.

i\ligrant Ltlror: rruiI sEXroNMoroRiALEs :l::':.___Jij":1l1.1'_l rr.rrcruan._ri.-.F-urriero| I .iJSilo"*"., l.o rttcr'[ .\lirr, l.tltlr pAUL,s CAFETERTAI .':':'1':1.:':T- I :1"i:i.ii1i"i1T" lioiiiiof ltRvlct 1,"""...",".,[ll:-""*'..1]:.".,,.crrwrordsvillerd' spacdw'rvcirY' iilt'i3032.. 1"""^ ,.,;r':;'.,'l;;.;'M.t': i "lglLED.MAGlC i .rQt.t.f,io" '" .,"^^iount W' l6th St. ME 2'0739 l\l)li\N'\l'(ll,lS- l'lttr lrrtlrarrr t* - f,lnst (lot)llr)ittuL' 15t5 N. Penrtsylv.rtriaP.nnsyrvnnia Ii * urip 0,." - No.srtrfinq-*r n,,,,,"- Ho-, r*, IliL'ilirIi mr r. i.ii'iil NEW OFFICERS Citir.els' on lli';r'lnt ,url Aoplv | l,alror uill rrrr:r'l lrt l():ilO u.nr. 'l INI)li\N,\POl,lS--''l'ltc \Yrtttrctt s Berry Broe. Painl Storc Safeway Qualily Foods Satttt'tlir5,.\1a1,lB, in ilrc [rornr ol 't'l"l,iu , Cllult of Sl. Nlonica palislt rlill 55Jr trsr wrrhinqlon ltrct rt' 6'55 .\lt's. ]lat'ie L'lnrplrull, ll0.ll l}r'oltl- llrtr*;,.t?1" _",:,:,_,ill,Ijrr,Ti,'i 1 j:j,_l::T]."_:1::_j,::rj lllEt AVt. .l tAiAItIMo, install rterv offit:cls irt it tlittttct' ,,,iroui. n't1-. to t'cvit'rr lho lt';iislatirtn in. I "filasll !lroicr Lnl",tftatr 0rl'l'u('s(lir.\', ilav l,l itt tltc pitt'islt sroREy,sFocD sHOPs o'',,,enlLLpHARMAcy 'l'ltt' trotlttcetl itl the t'cr'cnt !)lJltl ticn- q'd! EIm lrall, tillll N. .il1iclti:lart ltrl. Lve'v'r'rtLye,v,r,rr drri'd,,i, llrrtrr'riltr.rr.ri ff.r0r! I I errl Asst'nrhl1. l"utul'o ltsislutiurr. "'"'""'u'l,il'r.u.r, i {otrfOt E, *.thirgt6n*arhirgton Stsl Ii ? - _r .!r^ D:l-^ cr^, n(!\{ officer's illc llls. Silr att rr r'sczr'-*-".-..^.:;li:::'ollr ltrr' Easr Side Bike Store l)otll stlto lrttl nttional. nill llrrr *u *.,jr'ii"" i pt{ftl,RlPilot{pl{ff{,RlPll0t{ I lllthz, plesirlent; Ilt's, l)o1'ltr r fRft ot.l_tvtRyoH_tvtRy IIrclwtxx tcttwtxx Et(rclts g36.rs rnd ui!*[ily Ifrnt br: rliscttssetl, Itt'ilt, r'icc pt't sitlottl I\lls. ,los" I "'t::i:fil_-;.1'l'--lill'j:...Prr.kroe tlou0[! - t{orl.Y t)rrjrrr I tltren l:3ti a.nt lo 6o o'rn'-Clo'c(l0""-cru'o'f,ililrozrl -itr'ad -- ; --sxop-Rrie----l--l".l,rrl"'i'ii,fi,dll.l"J" i\lt's, llielt. ('u.cltlitnrr:n ()l' llrc gfuulr itt'r' MULftE*n,s srnr.ro;R; I oph llrrgle, trtitsttt't't'i ,: ,"".i ANGELoS' alrl l,elch, r'r'cot'rlittg s('crol ilr)'i li'athcr,larncs l)oht'r'tv aurl liiclt ,'rlfi|i?t."i l-l' i sanandREsrAt (.'lrnplrell foR|,|ttl|,,rtoPlsHoP'|ffil,u.*,,BUtcHERsHoPisnn"+**.Fi,I,tURANT*'"'""lllil^i,"'^"',.llcrsBUtcHER lntl Itl ls. .lohtt llet'itittt', ('r)l'l'o- altl I'ltsons. llls. is rr- ,Hit.'r:t'jrJ!' +ioi"ii,ii;"fi;1 @l *-rd,ri.j,,|1"'*,*-sputtrlirtg secletat'.f , ecutlvc sortetilf). '-'i..';li::i1"i,,.-t"'1 'ft:;.r,,i;r;il;i,li'6il;iili' l$'l In$ n!in. | lpArs.qo11.o3_r.49|.9nvls,,1i{iriliil'{1 ";iilliiii.nrt''h @ST.NSIFIED[Dg@

"fYltc0Mt t0u" lo lhslr CATALINABAR -lreB! *-;-;;;.; ;lrui1; southside^Manresr co' ;-;,;;., I i l-ffiI ;s*''f*e,iili*,fu:,nlt#ill':l"li::: pnrscRrrrrori'r,J,,us rnrruo-ioun not"iunfltjftl.Jo.ll,t,' ,",n- I Mt r'6.7.i_._.I [1"',,i[1';l'['l]ii; i!'\ril,,;'"jl iror vii.q'iiliA"i 1iill:::::': :"58"'lr-lll@ '11,11',;il''u|;t"'i",l:lil':;;;.,,^;l; ' I ...riuii.u'bY.sirt'*. I ,1r, r. i6rh ci r.r,nrcrr rr,.r',luill-o1i1:'$';,1*r,"',. ' - l I urroi^,*o*r, sr 6'0346 5HERluANGARAGE..-.|o''l"l'1iijj''."i"':l'1;:'iii:'ii''",,..' Ar.ruo*rr | | ,"tlll,r*'[i1,1ti,,. i "lffi,lr.',.i,i.,,1'' -ll]'il*"11T"*- -:"11ff !33n.ri.rrdlftr *l I ,ltr_tf,,-- -i lli"';;l-,ifir'r:i",""".1 i'"6':rl'ir.*'- ',f ';Ii'^,lii\ry ,"ri*f,.,, ,,.u,rirri,".uior.t 4l r/vineron'-" t*,,..-,,,iA llll],I;,'r"'''"', iil;l;iff"'". rflrrrcr.r.rEn.roili'1 l@ i RAyRoss i"ili: . ilillllll lllli;-; xEErilEEil,"1T-r,r,.,,r";;-1t@ ,,.n0",0.",',.. "';;:,,,,r I tt,r' t'\,tlt lAt-l]ot tl0tls{rhds tirrilc'.1lstll,itltsl ;,,,,.i-"i.f;t;""=.,'" HAssE.sBAKER' PATRONIZE THE L lil,,i;lll'lii;li,,l''"i:llll''Ji,,,"'fl'.,i":,J'';:i AovERnsERs ."ll.',';#r.::lt,.,,,:[ii[).*iyl"l"i::{i:.:{*.ii*x.'.i@i,''.''j.1'*-,,,,,-."','..'I lltltil,;i,l;:il:li,ll:i"',llL1:":"'in.Il,';l,i:i *r,ff;il:"l;,J,r.*i,{,i;ll""""-7:.:t."'::,: 'ili;:""':,flT^i" q tt0srD f,l0NDAr I "*.,,1'_.,1,..lA -"1".::*,: I .W l|'r''El!"rjf:''r.fr|i::.l#liriii.T:j!.,=.,'::lTI.-'l:i:".'^.",''^|g,s|nddrdsgrvic.ir-ffru,,,ur, ,.r,",u ,r.''i,'o1i ;J;'";::;]:''" ,,',,01 l t'o'"t''14 llorir srryi'r' i * ti"i'J. rliiitJ'i -6rrrl;lu,f"t",,t"'u"i'rtonr! vlt* "'"" ^ * lr* l;l"l.i;'r;I REAL ESTATE DAV|sGr{0cERYco.!.,.-.'^r-,l'.r|il||t3ft|tn|3hctJi,;*|-'-'::."l'Hi ',,,,',,.,,'';,::,,::,,;|!,t,(JvJl'ctdbtfi111".1l1'1'*.-..---_1.::i:1|ERw|\.1tyl|E|sTER|wl " ",,,.^I otrl no ''.:.'.uzrlr.g..i*:''""""..",liii^^.'"".',,,.,|_|aoilD"-'--."-.1, MARKET l- BUYINGor SELLING *^a t-*t, I t,',tll';llcllli3..^..,^-....., id3'r. .,I.T: i'n'n'l. wootlcroft"Tii'-*,-fli.'fl::')odcrotl pharrnac'"narrnacy REI'TS,INSURANCE I PA'IRoNtzEArRoNrzE THErHE 0'1]illl:Jll,il;lii,l,l',1,,.,1:i1,. Rcrl Eslrlc FL.. e.8265r.,rl'* t i;"'id,iiiililir+l,lr',,;iill'"'l t"lsh. Srr lixrlr I l"rtslr t,Allilt-l( i!]{)Rli\i(lY. 0srrrf I 11,,,.,1i"*1.";;;;';;;;,*.' I trtlit: nrrrl Vegclrrlrlrs a I rr)nrt CALL ThomasA. WelchCo. AovlRT|5ERsr,??'ilj'iii'|9iij,l'"^"ii;:l,li-;li]i,I"',:':ilii:.--J't,,l,1llli.^"',,"',|'''ll];1.i.'^""'i,,.,.|||hhrf'f,fMtBo5|j Olrerr 6 r.nr.4 dtllr 0.ttt, JOSEPH H, I 804 Inland Bldg. i E 8'6561 ARGUS | - Inquirt lbouf our ffUR(H.sCH00l,.H0,UlE.'nANIENAilCEltT;l;;}f.-'^T:x"''Fhome lt rde. in phn, - - - '::'liTl suPERMARKET Contractors Suppliers Eleciricians Carpenlers ll :l':.-::11'l!.''-:l|"-'y'tl.--l ""''"'1,:1T",'inl:lT,::i'*oou" oRME'S 1, rrarr cur choiccM,r, Corpets nnd lnteriorl iro' N. xrv(r6n. phon! o t""' ilil0rtuM-SANDWARf--l ll,t cusroM itooll 0tsl(iN ":::y;,,::::' llffi M"''ol1-"!'.., il I11-l - - - -lll-l1il E ,,, ,,lljjl'i'r,|,]i'lfi'":ijil*". roc s. AudubonRord I - l1rl'18r1 :' ,.'.:l'l ^f.tt3.tiil,*ll,lif; I Wilson Brns, Aulo Sales - -f ,,Hourepowcr,, riull tA( i.0llli!ll HOME BEVERAGESTORE I I l.rl. l,'10{,cl C,rrlillrc's Olrl': Clrcv:i IA0(AGr ll0u0n5 - rltt Burr,li" nilrl I'olll'5 lusl Ed5lot lidrlisonAvo. 300! Mddilon at ItoY Il ,'9{?9 ,tlE l. tnoY Ph, Sl 0{Ct6 IW"','-$,&pl iI l*;*;ri g$*hii;;: I loSo l(tntuolf Avr, ^lt ''3481 lW Ii|' ",*.:,''#1.{lll ffi:,,,,"I I wa s.eseel'___- * SPRING SPECIAL Iurr,uau {.lau,r'ng dil{i llcDjlrrrrq r00K I Ntr' tttd U!.rl ln\ldllalion * SPIVEY Alr Cqn(lilion.rs Clern!d arrd Serviccd ihem all, sAvttstrAvr 4330 BROADWAY Look at sl' lny turnrer Cl!.rad-l!rYicrd o EtruMtNous SlrY rrl !'c onc J'tJ !.rrI'I.' !uu ._rd / ^11',"ff.,it'l E ta Itanre-o trll5., I li baill5, ffolrl art(J bLf A_ACME HEATING i'! \\ill t'a l'll ul ,"r d cutt"il fHA rour lj l'F" o 6.433i t A T ' PAVINO portll, 2.Lot .J,rl. Assunr! pla5'nt Plumblnf,- & COOLINGSPECIALISTS io!'/ dorro Fa!" Madisono;:,:;,?t"o to "'' fl h r r trari?a, Int o Mt a.t0E6 dt 5i33.d0 ril(,. ?,il!r t Grr{gar. . lrli AI 3.680,4 tor rrl)l- I D |'onct Dorr IFa ExcAvA.oNs lr|t Prlhcita kiendltS0TUTHP0RT Sllt'll I Gl. b' U B Patronizc: o J ROAooILING t F. S. GRADY I Out' llo,Mot, o & SONS,Inc. r ll5 5. Someruct CH f.t3{3 IUcker l'5583 {ffi (P.O. Box 2100f,W.l. Stction) Advertisers ^, ,orraI PAGE TWELVE THE CRtTERION, MAY lo, 1963 , I ITT C STC N IIi'ICA NC E' illilluulilililllililillilnlillillillnltnllilllilnil"'lilillll I IS7'0 Brotherhood OALLAS, Tcxas - Prayerr wcro offarcd haro by fho Coun. cil of €atholic Mcn of the Dcl. Protestant theolosians les.Forl Worlh Diocasc for lhc L) healfh of Prcsiding Bishop Arfhur Lichtenberger of fhc Protcrlcnl Eplscopal Church. 'Pacem In an rnnouncemcnl in Merch, rn Epircopel rpoker. in Terris' mrn reid th: bishop it suffcr. hail "Prrkinson's ing from tyn. dtomc," tympfomr rssocieled 'l'tt a prrtcnti:tll.v itttprtt'tattt clltttrl with tht Parkin. Nlil\\' \'OIt l( o of Iras orrly rlegcr of on intct'rcligiotts t'clations, son'g Dirolce. r\ trtct'icittt It t'ol cs tittt l.is ttl's In r lcttor lo thc prehfc, lhe lcatlirr11 lltcrrlogiittts, l)t'. DR. NIESUHR, tlacing llrc Crlhofic mon's group srid if Ilcirrtroltl Niclltrlrl ill)(l I)t.' histolical tlclclopntcttt ol tltc "dirlrcrsod" wor fo lorrn of hir (:. ltttt'c "r'ights ol' ntan" theot'y sittcc Iltc Jolttt lictttlctt' illncrr. said tct'ntcrl I)opc .folttt XXIII's linrc oI feutlal alistoct'ac1'. 'l'crt'is cttcl'clical's kel' signilicanet: I':rccl'l itt {l'eilcc otr tlrc lics in its tt'eat'ing logcthcr ()f .[iartht t]nt'.\'clicill a tloctl- lltc ttatttt'al latv and riglrts atttl nlenI ol' ltisloIic sigttil'icttttce ' "bt' thcrrlics asset'ting t Il il t 'r'iglrts Dr. Niclrrrlrr'. r'it'tr'pt'csltlcttt irtrpll' tlutics' antl tltat'it etrtct'itrts ttl Uttiott'l'heolu!ical is thc