Missouri'walk-In'points up Explosive School Huslssue

Missouri'walk-In'points up Explosive School Huslssue

Missouri'walk-in'pointsup explosiveschool hus lSSUE of St. Louis, lrad no contntent orr 'I'lrc tlte situation. chancery saitl tlte Oardinal rreithel approvcd 'l'lrc nrovcnrettl slltt'lorl :ls it ttut' rlisalllrlot'erl of tlrc nror.oncnt protest to the killirrg bl tltc,\lis- rrhiclr he felt uas a plotcst by sotrli Iftrrrsc Jrrdir:iar'1'(irrtttttitttt: pafertts antl rrot a eltrrrch rnattcr.. of a bill rrltich u,otrl(l ltavc pct'- tnittetl pat'ot'hial alrrl otlrct' pri- vate sclrool pupils lo t'irlc lttx- pairl sclrool llttscs. AS thc Irtass tt'arrslc|s sltrcirr[, Ilcp. Janrcs J. Ilussr:ll of I"lot'is- Iililililllililililillilllilllillllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllll Ediforial, Page 4 vor-.rri, r.ro.rt---'-...* rnoraxapoiis,rNoraxl, nlv io, "Natry uei- [ccI tltese it't'espollsible .--.- pt'otcsts agaiust thc I'otc of the 'Nlissortli llousc.lrrrliciarv tloln- f1a . liill'i'u"""1;;{.'i$:il:,lilii.,"i'''ft t, lr t'l s h a ll s 0httlch." tolcl to scck I,'OU R PAS:|0ItA:l'ItS I1\rVOLVEI) rif t (:Ar.lscs 16clergyasslgnmentsI annOuncedbv lr o tr r pastoral changcs 1vere announcecl this rvcck by tite {ihancer.v Officc along \\'lth I2 ollrcr clcrgv assign- Inent.s. Inclurlcrl in the list ale first appointurents for The nexl dry, childrun from :jcven ne\\'l-v-o r ([ a i n c d four Catholic schor'ls i6 the priests. Jefferson City erer lurned up rt public schools. Two Missouri bislrops tonr. menled on lhe dernotrslr.rfiotrs, In tht r:rrtrtlal llrssouri torvrt of both professirrg no advance Osagc Ilcntl, tl(i pupils [r'onr St, knowledge of fhe prolesf plan. Stanislltts -schotrl, \\'at'tlsvillc, sltorvcrl up ;rtul princill:tl lltrltttr lloelsclttlt' orrlct'rrrl classcs htlltl i,, the s(:lto()[ blscn.rcttt arxl (]n 111! lllrvrr. ln St. l\lllt in, l,'lther l't'tct O'ltrrrtt'kc. plstor, sairl hc lta<l bcr:n itt tlxr clrrtlclr lol ottly n rvrrck arrd {irst- hcnlrl ol thc plo- losl plan llrr: nighl bcfolc it tooli plitcr'. 'l'hc FATHER KNIGHT tlrlcc lll0n \vt,l'c ltct'e to spcuk ilt tlrc l'oulth Natirtttal (lonfclonce on Dot:tt'inr: anrl llctt- THE ACTION u:ts tulit'rt b5' llrrt tncnis nr. liart'nts ott tltt,it' oun iuitiativt' 'Lt)o ;rpparcnl ll' rt it ltottl t'0ttsttllul iolt Frlher Wei gtl cautioned rk it t J'f(/gc.r Nanrerl parl,rl' 0f St. JIa|r"s rvitlr ('rttholit' (lltut'clt ol scltorrl Crtholics rgainst nrisunder- .firrul, pat'islt, f ,artcsvr llr, \\ ls l,';rlhet' rrl'ticills. Ill il lr]ill{{'r ol'a li'rv standing the lruc rims and 'l'hc tlharlcs Kniglrt, ult,r rs lctrrlning \',\'['l("\N ('l'l'\--..''l'lte Vaticaii t'crrrnerric;rl corrrtt'i['s tlt't'. of thc ecumenicel tlal's tlte rtrrrvt' stlorvbirllcrl. lltrtt. melhods ('oltlll)iisi()ll l.o set'r'ice iu the Arclrdioccse t',rrtnt'il's l,itttt'litcitl on tht' littu'!11' l'as lltr: tllcrls ol clrilrllcrr \r't'r'r' rurr)ovorl movenrent, lat'ltirrn after 20 ycars as a rrrilitar'.vr:hap- r iltrtitlll' r'ontplr'lt'tl its tvotk otr Irotn 1nt'ocltial sr'ltool. ortt'ollt'rl l)in'('nts s:ritl lltt,r' tvctc ptotcst^ Iirst l)roioct consitlct't'tl b1' tltr' lain. Adntinisllalrrl of thc par'. lk' no{r.tl llt;rt I'r'rttcslltttls ltine lltt' t't'r'i.st'tl tlt'alt th'ttlittatioll t)ll 'l'he irt alro:rrll' r rou'tlcrl pulrlil' 1'1'111;1115irrg llre killirrg bl' tltc llotrsc ('oun('ll l,'atlrt Is. rnt|otlttcti0n ish tluring lltc past vtirl rvas [.'a- Irot'n tvolliittll itr lltr'alti of t'r'lt- \vrlrship in llrc Iirst tw() \\'c('lis of Irtt<ltrttlt' ,ltc sr'lrorll llttscs, .ltttlit'i:rt'1.Llotrtnrittcc of a bill to anrl Iilst cltaptt't'of the seh('lrl ().S.1t., Pttlrlu ('allto- lt''tt t't'k ll)o('llllg, ther I'laci<lns lienrpl. rrf grt.rttrit yrttpils. gious trnitl' sirtt't' l1)l(). ltttl its st'ltltlttk'rl lltt all t't'gtrrlk'ss ol ",lrtlttttn'- |t't'r'ir t'rl iln rr\ ol \\'ll('llllilll \'ol(' St. llcinratl At'chahbcy. I lulrr.t'l \\' lrr.t'lct',Sl rrtt. ( lrltrtrris' lics alt. b1' contlltt'isotl ;rccot'rlitt( trt ;\t'cltllislttip I'ittll tltr st'hool lht.f tttt'ttrL'rl, io t'itlt: ot allPt'rlval tlrt'tlirl lrr'ftrte llttr sioncr ol l,ltlttcrrliort, s:ritl il thc corrre-lltt'11's" irr tltt'sc nliltt('r's. Il:rllinlu of '\llitrtlit. 'l'he (lhancr.r'..' ott l:rs.pitirl scltttll lttts,'s. council l'('('f i:('(l last I)t'cr'tttltt't' Ollict inrlicalrrd ('itlltolics, \\'illl 'l'lrt. llrotcst lrrrl cotrlrrrrrt,tl irclrlss llrc lle s'arttt'rl lltal 'l'lrt. (it'ot'liit lhc ollll' li. l'(': t trl tlto liltlt'lli('itl thal- othcl clt'r'!r' appoitrtnrcnts slatc lttrl llrr' p;rt'oclri:rl scltool illr)lo r\,rll lhlrn oxPt'tir'ltt't', iltt'lltlt', llrlr){l schctttit rt ns ltt'lrl ttvt't' fot lltc rtct o pt'nrling arrrl rroulrl lrc arr- ,\tttctit'iut tttt'tttltt't ol llttt t'ottt' clriklt'r'tt tortlirtrtcrl itt pttlrlir' t'orrltl trtirlit' s()n)c s(,rious lllrs- (rll Nt'rls sr,('rl0(l s(,s\irrtt, trlttt'lt l)r'Sitls tt0ttncr:d at a lirlr.'r'rlalr:, s<'lrrlols ncxl Sr'plcrrrlrr'r'.il rlortlrl takt's in cctunt'ttical nla{l{'l s. trtsstrttt, toltl llrt' \('\\'(l ltatl Sr'lllorttbct'li. cost ilissorrri a rrrirrrnrrrnrol S{i{i,- St'r'r'icc llllt tll(' crrtttnlissitln FOLLOWING is Iir torrrpk'tc THE JESUIT tltt'olottiiut rlis- .trrst alrottt put tlrc lirtal tottcltt's ll(X).(XX) to a<'r'orrrrrrorl;rlt'llrcrrr. ARCHBISHOP IIlllinlrt sitirl linituislrt'tl trlo tlillirt't'nt kilttls of r'l lto t t'ttlitittttti: list ol ncrv appoinlnrlrrls: (it'otrps ol'Jr:rfr.rtls ltarl s;rirl lltcv rrtt tll st'\'('tl l lcligious rrrritr'--olganic, in u hit'lt pt'tl.ioct ()n llr:rt platts lrt' ultclttll tttltlt't' rr';tv rvotrkl conlitttrr.to st'rrrltlreil r,hil- t'ltitltlets ol tlte lllt' ('lrlisl Falher Charles Knighi, rrrilitaly all iatts \\'orrI(l l)ololl{.1 {o I rtrl r t0 liet,ll lltt' cttttncil's e()llillllssll)lt rllcn to thc prrblic st'lrools iu St,1l. 'l'lrc {\'. chaplain. has blcn nanrcrl paslol st'ltool lnrs bill n ltit'lr tlrc sarnc clrrrlt'lt ttttrk't lltr'siurtc 's I t,ntllt'r. orr rlolsltip lclivc ctt.tt il[t('f tltc of plolcst atrrl ('ool)('t'irli\'('. irt tvltit'h St, llar'1 lr:rli-,h, l,arresvillc. lrttt<'ltcrlotl'llrc rvrts liillctl lrr.atl: cottncil itl)l)r'o\'('srls ltttrt';11 pt'rri' ()n fl) lrv r st'u'r't volc ol tltr' ,ltttli<'iitt'1' ltiotrlirrrrcrl I)ng0 t.c1. IIt' citcrl its llrc tltinlittt{ of Falher Victor Wright, p:rstor ('() 'l'ht' rn nr i t t c r', r'ornlttittt'e's (lat'rlirtal ..\ t'c it rl i o l,itfl'ollit, of Sl. p;rlislr. Allnt,s Nashville, chlilrnln. llt'p, l.1 rrn Jt. I,jrvin{ ol' ('.tl,l'.. pt'csitk'tti ol llrr' l,itrrlgi. an(l cltal)lain ol tlte Irtrliana IJni- t'loscrI l)r't'sitk'rtI t'tltlttt'sls Nor':rrll, llo., sairl al'tt'r' tlrt' cltl (\rtlttttissiott' tltat lltc litttt'sv versrtl' Slrrrllnts' {.-iuthrrlir; Lfcn- st,ssiott tltat llrt' r'()t(' \\'ls lf) tu B. rlocltlation u'ill lrt' tltt' Iit'st itettt Ict'. Illrlornint{lon. has bcun Itarnctl ('itlltolic (llli- i'0t' ptritt't, on lhc agrurla u ht'tr tltt' council l'ounrling paslol ol St. (iabr.ir:l's No illrlul)s \\,('t'(! l)l'il)-(!r's l.athct's toconvcno. ,\ntl he intli. parislr. Intiianapolis. cr:rll1' ort ltcorrl ;rs tirvoring tltc t'alt'tl lhat ltt' !,r'lievcs th(' colll. l,css tltltt l2 ltoru's:rllol llrtr hill. It rras 11r'irclalll' conccrk.rl \\',\SlllN(i'['()N I)t'estrk'tlt nris"irrtt \\'ill Ilr"l'oli)r'r' lrt' itltlt' ttt Falher Joseph McCrisaken, llottst: conurrillt'c irt:lion, tlrt llr:rl. palt'rrls ol r,lrilrllcn a{lotttl- tr<'nttt'tlJ' lt:ts ttslio<l tltltt tlto ttlt. .llil srr.t.ltllr'rl conr,rlirtt' pu:;tol ol Sl. Illu'.r"s gllr.islr. ol pt'lvt't' l ils ilosl Sl . nrrn'ctttt'nl. upglat'r'ntl1' lrr,gtrrr irr irrrl plloclrill lltrl,rlltct' l)fivlto lioll unit(! itl ;t tttotttt'tll o Itt'slrtt t' lltr' t'itf l ttttlltl t'ttltt' 1 ('\'r'll $lrilc tlrt' is illat'1'-ol.llrc.llot'ks. (je- \\'()lli cottttt'il arrrl St. (,L'tttct'tosu. ll splr,url to \V;rslr- sr'lrools rvt'r'r' its plirne birckols. lt ll t.rn. on illt,ttrot'itl l)u1. llll' ntt'tttrtt;tlitttt trl tltt' t't('llls ol tllc cilia pat'ish. ();rli lrolest, ('lllrolit' pc:tt:tr. .still itt st'ssiott. has llucn ingtort. Sl. r\lirtlitt. (lttiorr, lilirlrorr', No i\lissotrli hisltop ltar: lit), lor lrtstittg Ilcrlltrption lrt lls l)r{''t'lllitt{'nt namcd pastol ol Sl. Agrtcs par.ish, (lrtilrlt'lt;rtts, St. (llirit'. I'lru'r'kl. rrrlrkr anv stltcnrr,rtl rln lho irt llrt' lilttt'lr. "'l'lris ' FOLLOWING alc lilsl ltrpoirrl- In a plor'lrrrtt:rt iort, ,\lt'.

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