Inside Archbishop Buechlein . 5 Editorial . 4 Question Corner . 11 The Sunday and Daily Readings . 11 Serving the CChurchCriterion in Centralr andi Southert n Indianae Since 1960rion www.archindy.org August 13, 2004 Vol. XXXXIII, No. 44 75¢ New task force seeks to inform Catholics about home missions By Brandon A. Evans and schools in the archdiocese that pro- unite to provide financial support for archdiocese. vide vital ministry where they are located them. Therber said the task force will make A home mission can seem like some- but are struggling to continue providing The archdiocese currently supports recommendations to the archbishop and, thing of a contradiction. that ministry. such home missions by means of the gen- in that process, consult with the CCF Dean Stanley, a member of St. Chris- Stanley was one of two people with erous donations that people give to the board of trustees and the archdiocesan topher Parish in Indianapolis, wasn’t even whom Father Michael Welch, pastor of annual United Catholic Appeal and also finance council. sure what a home mission was a year ago. St. Christopher Parish, consulted about by the money that parishes raise for the “Right now,” he said, “we’re on three “We don’t typically think of having how to raise awareness of home missions. appeal beyond their goal. tracks of activity. One is researching cur- missions here a mile and a half or five That consultation led to the creation of The Catholic Community Foundation rent or existing forms of outreaching and miles from a parish,” Stanley said. “We a new archdiocesan Home Missions Task (CCF) also supports home missions. partnership for the home missions. think of foreign missions, maybe, but Force that has as its primary thrust raising “The awareness and the involvement Another is reviewing the definition of a there’s plenty of needs right here, both awareness about the needs of some of our has grown significantly in the last five home mission. And the third is drafting inner city and rural.” own parishes and schools. years, but we still have a ways to go,” said communications strategies to raise aware- Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein They are needs that require, in many Joseph Therber, executive director for ness and increase involvement.” defines home missions as those parishes cases, Catholics in the archdiocese to stewardship and development for the See MISSIONS, page 3 Communications Byzantine Bishop John Kudrick makes issues rank low on candidates’ agendas pilgrimage to St. Athanasius Church Editor’s note: The U.S. bishops’ Administrative Committee adopted By Sean Gallagher “Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility” as a blueprint on Bishop John Kudrick, the spiritual how Catholic social leader of the Eastern Catholics in the teaching should Byzantine Eparchy of Parma, Ohio, affect political par- came to St. Athanasius the Great Church ticipation by in Indianapolis on Aug. 1 as part of a Catholics. Here is broader pilgrimage that he is making to one story in an the eparchy’s parishes, which reach ongoing Catholic News Service series from Cleveland to Kansas City and about how the stands of the Democratic Minneapolis. and Republican presidential candidates Along with many of St. Athanasius’ stack up with “Faithful Citizenship.” parishioners, its pastor, Franciscan Father John Kapitan, and former pastor, WASHINGTON (CNS)—Trying to Father Edward Wojciechowski, Bishop find communications policy issues in the Kudrick celebrated Matins, which is George W. Bush and John Kerry cam- equivalent to morning prayer for paigns is like trying to find public service Western Catholics, as well as the Divine programming on a commercial TV or Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, which radio station. It’s barely there. is equivalent to the Mass for Western Just as network affiliate clearances for Catholics, and a prayer service called an Catholic Communication Campaign-pro- akathist to St. John the Baptist, the duced religious specials shrink from year patron saint of the eparchy. to year, the presidential campaigns’ A choir from Annunciation Parish in stances on communications and culture Homer Glenn, Ill., also joined him on has dwindled over the past dozen years. the occasion. This was the second visit Rap music took center stage briefly in that Bishop Kudrick has made to the the 1992 campaign as the song “Cop parish in the past 16 months and the Killer” from rapper-actor Ice-T’s rock members were glad to welcome him. group, Body Count, was vilified by cul- “He really is our spiritual head,” said tural critics, and Democratic candidate Indianapolis resident John Danovich, Bill Clinton took rapper Sister Souljah to St. Athanasius’ parish council chairman. task for her militant raps. “So it is a special privilege when he In 1996, Sen. Robert Dole, the comes to visit us. We always look for- Above, Bishop John Kudrick of Republican nominee, blasted the movie ward to it.” the Byzantine Eparchy of Parma, industry. In 2000, Sen. Joe Lieberman, In his pilgrimage to St. Athanasius Ohio, proclaims a Gospel reading See ELECTION, page 2 and to the other parishes in his eparchy, during Matins, which is equivalent Bishop Kudrick brought with him the Sean Gallagher Photos by to morning prayer, on Aug. 1 at message of the importance of the parish St. Athanasius the Great Church in the life of faith and of the importance in Indianapolis. Bishop Kudrick of taking that faith out of the parish in visited St. Athanasius Parish as works of evangelization. part of a series of pilgrimages In fact, the bishop wanted his pil- that he is making to the parishes grimage to be, in part, an evangelization of his eparchy. Bishop Kudrick event. Parishioners were supplied with stands in front of the iconostasis, invitations to the liturgies to give to peo- the screen covered with icons, ple who might be interested in joining that separates the sanctuary from them for the day. the congregation. Receiving newcomers to the parish is something that its pastor, Father John, tries to emphasize continually in his Processing out of St. Athanasius own ministry and encourage his parish- the Great Church are, from left, ioners to do as well. He discussed this in Bishop John Kudrick, bishop of an interview before Bishop Kudrick’s the Byzantine Eparchy of Parma, pilgrimage to Indianapolis. Ohio; Franciscan Father John “My approach is to do the hospitality Kapitan, pastor of St. Athanasius of Abraham,” he said. “I try to welcome Parish in Indianapolis; and Father all. I try to catechize my people to say, Edward Wojciechowski, a previ- ‘If we have a stranger in our midst, ous pastor of St. Athanasius See BYZANTINE, page 7 Parish. Page 2 The Criterion Friday, August 13, 2004 another $20,000 a year to maintain. ELECTION The National Association of continued from page 1 Broadcasters, a powerful lobby in Washington, had successfully pushed four CNS photo from Reuters D-Conn., the Democratic nominee for years ago for a moratorium on low-power vice president and a persistent critic of FM licenses while the FCC conducted a what he called “trash TV,” was chided by study on interference with existing FM his political opponents for muting his crit- signals. The study found no interference icisms during the campaign. issues. This year, with the exception of the Still, while all Democrats on the com- occasional rallying cry about hooking up mittee voted for the bill, it needed one rural America to the latest technological Republican to OK the bill. It found that advances in communication—one plank in vote in Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., a the Democratic Party’s 2004 platform— Catholic. the candidates and their parties have been But Katherine Grincewich, on the staff silent about communications issues. of the U.S. bishops’ Office of General Part of that could be because there is Counsel, lamented the work necessary just not much over which the two parties can to get a seemingly minor bill out of one disagree. Last year, after an avalanche of committee in one chamber of Congress. letters and e-mails, there was broad bipar- The U.S. bishops listed their concerns tisan support for repealing new Federal on communications issues in the quadren- Communications Commission (FCC) rules nial statement on political participation, that would have allowed greater consoli- “Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to dation of media ownership. Those rules Political Responsibility,” issued last year. were later repealed by a federal court. “Communications play a growing role This year, Congress has again shown in society and family life,” the bishops bipartisan support in cracking down on said. “The values of our culture are broadcast indecency after last February’s shaped and shared in the print media as Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry greets people outside San Felipe de Neri Church in Super Bowl halftime show “wardrobe well as on radio, television and the Albuquerque, N.M., on Aug. 8 after attending Sunday Mass. Kerry was traveling through key western malfunction” in which singer Justin Internet. We must balance respect for free- states on his “Believe in America” train tour. Timberlake exposed singer Janet dom of speech with concern for the com- Jackson’s breast before tens of millions of mon good, promoting responsible regula- points of view on political issues. complains about a show’s content, and TV viewers. tions that protect children and families. In “Faithful Citizenship,” the bishops violence in TV programming. Partisan voting patterns in Congress, “In recent years, reduced government said, “We support regulation that limits But the deadline for receiving written though, were clearly visible when the regulation has lowered standards, opened the concentration of control over these comments on the issues fell within three Senate Commerce Committee voted this the door to increasingly offensive mater- media; disallows sales of media outlets weeks of each other, making it difficult to summer—almost completely along party ial, and squeezed out noncommercial, reli- that attract irresponsible owners primarily assemble the kind of broad support often lines—to lift restrictions on the use of gious programming,” they said.
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