A for People on the Journey Luke Novalis Scripture Studies Series Each of the writers of the has his particular vision of . For Luke, Jesus is not only the one who announces the Good News of salvation: Jesus is our salvation. 9 copies Editor: Michael Trainor A Gospel for Searching People Matthew Novalis Scripture Studies Series Each of the writers of the Gospels has his particular vision of Jesus. For Matthew, Jesus is the great teacher (Matt. 23:8). But teacher and teachings are inextricable bound together, Matthew tells us. Jesus stands alone as unique teacher because of his special relationship with : he alone is Son of man and Son of God. And Jesus still teaches those who are searching for meaning and purpose in life today. 9 copies Editor: Michael Trainor A Gospel for Struggling People Mark Novalis Scripture Studies Series “Who do you say that I am? In Mark’s Gospel, no one knows who Jesus is until, in Chapter 8, Peter answers: “You are the Christ.” But what does this mean? The rest of the Gospel shows what kind of Christ or Messiah Jesus is: he has come to suffer and die for his people. Teaching on discipleship and predictions of his death point ahead to the focus of the Gospel-the passion, death and . 9 copies Editor: Michael Trainor Beautiful Bible Stories Beautiful Bible Stories by Rev. Charles P. Roney, D.D. and Rev. Wilfred G. Rice, Collaborator Designed to stimulate a greater interest in the Bible through the arrangement of extensive References, Suggestions for Study, and Test Questions. The John A. Hertel Co., Wichita, Kansas In the Beginning In the Beginning by James W. Aageson Critical Concepts for the Study of the Bible. Sacra Pagina Series By Daniel J. Harrington, S. J. Volume 7 The expression Sacra Pagina (“Sacred Page”) First Corinthians originally referred to the text of Scripture. In the it also described the study of Scripture to which the interpreter brought the tools of grammar, rhetoric, dialectic, and philosophy. This series presents fresh translations and modern expositions of all the books of the . Written by an international team of Catholic biblical scholars it is intended for biblical professionals, 2

graduate students, theologian, clergy, and religious educators. The volumes present basic introductory information and close exposition, adopting specific methodological perspectives while maintaining a focus on the issues raised by the New Testament compositions themselves. Seven Days with the Gospel of Luke By Joseph G. Donders For a Personal or Shared Retreat Seven Days with the Gospel of Luke provides for a retreat of seven days, offering suggestions for reflection and meditation. The retreat is based on the spiritual dynamics found in Luke’s gospel. Seven Days with the Gospel of Mark By Joseph G. Donders For a Personal and Shared Retreat Mark’s gospel reads like a mystery. Who is this Jesus, and what are his intentions? Why doesn’t anyone seem to understand him? How should we relate to him? Why does Mark’s gospel start with the words, “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God”? What is that good news? Seven Days with the Seven Days with the Gospel of Matthew provides For a Personal or Shared Retreat for a retreat of seven days, offering suggestions for reflection and meditation. The retreat is based on the spiritual dynamics found in Matthew’s gospel. The Bible Blueprint By Joe Paprocki A Catholic’s Guide to Understanding and Embracing It’s pretty hard to build a house if you don’t know God’s Word how to read a blueprint. In the same way, it’s difficult to develop your faith if you don’t know how to read the Bible – or are reluctant even to open it. In The Bible Blueprint, best-selling author and popular speaker Joe Paprocki cleverly uses a blueprint metaphor to help Catholics gain a solid understanding of the structure and organization of the Bible, and to help them build confidence in navigating its pages.

The Word Among Us - Keys to the Bible

Discovering the God We Call Father – By Rich Cleveland A Study on the Lord’s Prayer Each of the eight sessions in this Bible study from The Word Among Us Press features: 1. Insightful commentary linking Scripture to our lives 2. Thought-provoking questions for reflection 3. Quotes from , Church documents, and the saints 4. A free facilitator’s guide for small-group leaders, available for downloading


Food from Heaven – The Eucharist in Scripture By Jeanne Kun “Food from Heaven” will help readers navigate through the Bible to understand and appreciate the foundation of Eucharistic worship. Among the texts studied are Old Testament realities that anticipate the Eucharist as well as gospel accounts of Jesus’ bread of life discourse, the Last Supper, the crucifixion, and the breaking of the bread with the two disciples in Emmaus. Each of the six sessions includes the full tropical Scripture text, a short commentary, and questions for reflection and discussion. “In the Spotlight” sections are especially helpful to Catholics, featuring historical and cultural details, explanations of Greek word, and quotes from church fathers, the Catechism of the , and contemporary Catholic writers. Heart to Heart with God Ralph Torrelli Six Ways to Empower Your Prayer Life Session 1: Praying Persistently Session 2: Praying Expectantly Session 3: Praying the Desire of Your Heart Session 4: Praying Boldly Session 5: Praying Specifically Session 6: Praying with the Full Armor of God

Jesus’ Journey to the Cross By Jeanne Kun A Love unto Death Accompany Jesus through the events of his passion, death, and resurrection in this newest Scripture guide of our popular Keys to the Bible series. In Jesus’ Journey to the Cross, you can follow Jesus on his jubilant entry into , sit with him during his last supper with his apostles, pray with him during his agony in Gethsemane, and stand at the foot of the cross on Golgotha where – with a love unto death – he offered his life for our salvation. Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit By Rich Cleveland A Catholic Bible Study Originally developed for use in Catholic parishes, Emmaus Journey Bible Studies rely on the power of Scripture to change human hearts. This nine- session guide is designed to help Catholics grow in their appreciation of the Holy Spirit and his power to transform their lives in Christ. The many relevant Scripture passages, combined with wisdom from the saints, the Catholic Catechism, and church tradition, make this a truly inspired Bible study.


Mighty in Power – The Miracles of Jesus By Jeanne Kun Mighty in power, Jesus confronted sickness and sin- even death-with the sovereign authority that was his as the Son of God. Why did Jesus perform such miracles as the multiplication of the loaves and fish or the stilling of the storm at sea, and what is their meaning for us today? This Scripture guide will help you understand these miraculous events in the context of Jesus’ life and as invitations to experience God’s mercy and salvation now. Each of the six sessions includes the Scripture text of one of Jesus’ miracles, a short commentary, and questions for reflections d discussion. “In the Spotlight” sections offer fascinating background information d selections from the church fathers, saints, church document, and contemporary Catholic writers. Suitable for individuals or groups. Money in the Kingdom of God – By Susan V. Vogt Six Essential Attitudes for Followers of Christ As followers of Christ, how do we decide how to use the treasure that God gives us? How do we judge what to purchase and what to give to others? This Bible study helps us examine these and other issues honestly in light of the Scriptures and the characteristics we need to live as good Christian stewards: providence, justice, generosity, contentment, gratitude and humility, and investing in the kingdom of God. Moved by the Spirit By Kevin Perrotta God’s Power at Work in His People Looking for an extreme personal makeover? The Holy Spirit is your answer. The Spirit acts in us as “architect and contractor,” says popular Catholic author Kevin Perrotta, to bring about God’s plan for our lives. This Bible study explores such questions as: What does the Spirit come to do in us? How can we experience his presence and cooperate with him? What will happen if we do? My Soul Magnifies the Lord By Jeanne Kun A Scriptural Journey with Mary Accompany Mary through the events of her life as she accompanies us on our own pilgrimage of faith. Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving By Kevin Perrotta Spiritual Practices that Draw us Closer to God Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are often called “spiritual disciplines” The term highlights their similarity to physical disciplines. But like a physical fitness program, we can go through the motions of these practices without deriving much benefit from them. Jesus wants the spiritual disciplines to work for us, and we can rely on the Holy Spirit for help. In fact, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are ways of 5

seeking the Holy Spirit’s help, ways of cooperating with his work in us. In this Bible study, popular Scripture commentator Kevin Perrotta shows us why we undertake these disciplines and how they can help to transform us into the persons God has created us to be. The Words of the Risen Christ By Rich Cleveland A Bible Study on Jesus’ Resurrection Jesus’ final words after his resurrection, such as “Go make disciples” and “Peace be with you,” set the tone for each of the eight sessions of this Bible study and are the launching pad to explore such themes as community, reconciliation, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the call to evangelization. Each session features the scripture text, a commentary, a series of reflection questions, a prayer, and a call to action. Treasures Uncovered – The Parables of Jesus By Jeanne Kun Jesus’ parables are not simply engaging stories – they are part of God’s revelation to us. The love of God, mercy and forgiveness, and the values of the kingdom are among the great themes of Jesus’ teaching. As you progress through Treasures Uncovered: The Parables of Jesus, you will uncover the riches the Lord has for you, especially the “pearl of great price” – Jesus himself.

The Women of the Gospels By Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan of God’s Love The Women who encountered Jesus in the gospels were transformed by him and then spread his message of love. As Disciples, they have something to teach us about how to follow Jesus in our own day. The six sessions in this Bible study focus on Elizabeth, the mother of ; Anna, the prophetess who saw the baby Jesus in the Temple; the women who followed Jesus from Galilee; the mother of the sons of Zebedee; the Samaritan woman at the well; and Mary of Bethany. Each session includes:  The full Scripture text to be studied;  Thoughtful commentary;  Questions for reflection & discussion;  “In the Spotlight” sections featuring wisdom from the saints, root meanings of Greek words, and relevant historical background. The Gift of Repentance By Kevin Perrotta God’s Call for a Change of Heart Repentance is a gift-because coming to the realization of ourselves as sinners opens our hearts to the gospel. And while consciousness of our sins 6

is uncomfortable, it is also a cause for hope. In those feelings of guilt, God is calling us to return to him. The first three sessions in this Bible study spur readers to reflect on their own experience of recognizing their sins and taking action against them. The second three sessions focus on Jesus, who calls us to grow in love beyond anything that is easy for us-and enables us to do it by nourishing us with himself. This Bible study is especially pertinent during Lent but can be used at any time of the year. The Psalms Gateway to Prayer By Jeanne Kun For nearly three thousand years, men and women from diverse lands and cultures have been lifting their hearts to God by praying and singing the psalms. This illuminating Bible study show us why these beautiful and timeless songs have such universal appeal. As we learn how to make the words of the ancient psalmists our own, the psalms become our gateway to deeper prayer. The Seven Last Words of Christ By Rich Cleveland A Bible Study on Jesus’ Passion Originally developed for use in Catholic parishes, Emmaus Journey Bible studies rely on the power of Scripture to change human hearts. This Bible study plunges us deeper into the meaning and significance of each of the words uttered by Jesus as he hung on the cross. In doing so, we gain perspective on the similar challenges we face in our own lives. Whether used during Lent or at any other time of the liturgical year, for personal devotions or with a small faith group, The Seven Last Words of Christ will bring you close to your Savior.

Threshold Bible Study

Angels of God By Stephen J. Binz This study enhances today’s fascination with angels with an overview of the Bible’s presentation of God’s angels as guardians and messengers. Understanding their presence throughout biblical history will enhance your awareness of their invisible presence with us today. Light By Stephen J. Binz Threshold Bible Study is a dynamic, informative, and inspiring way to enter into a deeper relationship with God through Scripture. Each of its thirty- lesson, theme-based books will help readers 7

explore (through the lectio divina method of reading, study, reflection, and prayer) new dimensions of their faith. It will help them discover deeper insights for their lives and help open the doors of their hearts to the risen Christ. Great for personal reflection as well as group study. Church of the Holy Spirit – Part 1 By Stephen J. Binz (1-14) The most thrilling and adventurous book of the Bible, Acts shows us being lived for the first time. It takes us to some of the great cities of the ancient world. It introduces us to all kinds of people: apostles, prophets, martyrs, philosophers, governors, kings, merchants, jailers, and sailors. And it invites us to see the adventure continue in our own lives. Church of the Holy Spirit – Part 2 By Stephen J. Binz Acts of the Apostles (15-28) The second half of Acts narrates the journeys of Paul and his companions. We are invited into these courageous journeys because the adventure continues into the lives of all those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ. Acts begins in Jerusalem and ends in , but the story is open- ended, for it is lived in the church and its members in every age.

Divine Mercy By Stephen J. Binz When we study the Bible - we discover that God’s most fundamental attribute is mercy. The God revealed in Scripture suffers with his creatures and has a heart for the poor and the lost. Again and again, God demonstrates faithful love for the world and calls people to a joyful and abundant life. In this Threshold Bible Study, Stephen J. Binz helps individuals and groups open the door to the heart of Scripture – the heart of Divine mercy. Eucharist By Stephen J. Binz You are invited here to explore the biblical springs of the Eucharist. Through this exploration, you will enrich your understanding of this sacrament and deepen your appreciation of the great gift it is. Through texts from the Old Testament, the gospels, and New Testament letters, you will discover that the Eucharist unites the prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of our lives as an offering in union with Christ. Through meditation on these texts, you will learn to cultivate a Eucharistic life of prayer and active commitment in the world.


The Feasts of By Stephen J. Binz An appreciation for the feasts of Judaism will help Christians understand modern Judaism and the faith of Jesus. The biblical festivals are celebrations of God’s saving actions for all generations. In the Jewish ritual, the past becomes present and all partake of the saving graces of God’s redemption. Study the pilgrim feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Booths, the high holy days of Rash Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the minor feasts of the Ninth of Av, Purim, and Hanukkah, and the Sabbath and Jubilee Year. Understand the roots of the Christian faith in the faith of our elder brothers and sisters in Judaism. The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts By Stephen J. Binz The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, dwells among us and showers us with spiritual gifts. Here Stephen Binz has chosen key biblical texts to help readers discover how to rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit and allow God’s Spirit to manifest these divine graces and spiritual gifts more richly within them. He shows how the same Spirit who inspired the prophets and evangelists and who filled the life of Jesus now blows within and among all God’s people. Jesus, the Compassionate Savior – Part 1 By Stephen J. Binz Luke [1-11] Luke wrote his gospel for all Gentiles seeking to understand God’s universal plan of salvation in Jesus, the Savior of all people. His narrative continues to show people how the stories of Jesus transcend their setting in first-century Palestine to speak powerfully in every age. Today, the gospel becomes truly good news for the lives of people in every nation, of every race, language, and culture. Jesus, the Compassionate Savior – Part 2 By Stephen J. Binz Luke [12-24] The second half of Luke’s gospel narrates Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem and shows the inclusiveness of his love even for those who crucify him. The salvation he offers involves sharing in hope, receiving forgiveness, experiencing God’s kingdom, and being enlivened by the Holy Spirit. Readers learn how to be compassionate, evangelizing disciples without boundaries of race, gender, or class.


Jesus, the Messianic King – Part 1 By Stephen J. Binz Matthew [1-16] Matthew’s gospel presents Jesus as Israel’s royal Messiah, inaugurating God’s kingdom in the world. It was written to help Jewish Christians understand that their faith in Jesus was entirely consistent with the faith of ancient Israel. With frequent quotations and allusions from the Old Testament, Matthew demonstrates how Jesus is both Son of David and Son of God. This study will help you understand the scope of this gospel, the clear advice it offers for the church, and its personal implications for the lives of disciples today. Jesus, the Messianic King – Part 2 By Stephen J. Binz - Matthew [17-28] The second half of Matthew’s gospel moves from the Transfiguration to the Resurrection, announcing Jesus as the world’s true King. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus bring the hopes of ancient Israel to their dramatic climax, linking Jesus’ royal character to his humble service and self-sacrificing love. This study completes the unique portrait of Jesus developed in the first half of Matthew’s gospel and offers firm guidance for the church and disciples today. Jesus, the Suffering Servant – Part 1 By Stephen J. Binz Mark [1-8] Mark wrote his gospel for the persecuted church in Rome. This first half of the gospel focuses on the question for all disciples, “Who do you say I am?” In his fast-paced gospel, Mark highlights those parts of the tradition that will help the church understand Jesus better and follow him more faithfully. As participants in this study, you will learn that following Jesus requires radical conversion, deep faith in him, and constant readiness for the coming of God’s kingdom. Jesus, the Suffering Servant – Part 2 By Stephen J. Binz Mark [9-16] This second half of Mark’s gospel explores the implications of being disciples of Jesus. Exploring the recollections of Peter, readers will learn how to follow Jesus faithfully, based on both the successes and failures of his original disciples. As participants in this study, you will realize that Jesus can only be fully understood on the cross as he gives his life for the redemption of all people and that you cannot follow Jesus until you accept the necessity of the cross in your own life. 10

Jesus, the Word Made Flesh – Part 1 By Stephen J. Binz John [1-10] This first part of John’s gospel presents Jesus as the personal revelation of the unseen God and develops revelation of the unseen God and develops selected words and deeds of Jesus into seven great dramas to demonstrate the power and love of God working in him. This study will help you understand the scope of this gospel as well as its personal implications for the lives of disciples today. Jesus, the Word Made Flesh – Part 2 By Stephen J. Binz John [11-21] This second part of John’s gospel follows Jesus during his final week in Jerusalem, including his crucifixion and resurrection, and shows how believing in Jesus and loving as he loves leads to the fullness of life. This study will help you understand the scope of this gospel as well as its personal implications for your life as a disciple today.

Jerusalem, the Holy City By Stephen J. Binz Jerusalem is called the city of peace, but it has been torn by warfare from the time of David to the current crisis. Study the origins of Jerusalem in Israel’s history, the glory of Jerusalem as God’s royal city and dwelling place, the praise of Jerusalem in the psalms of Zion, and the destiny of Jerusalem through the prophets. Learn Jerusalem’s importance as the city of Jesus’ final pilgrimage and the founding city of the Church. Understand both God’s past plans for the city and future promises for the new Jerusalem. Enjoy a virtual pilgrimage to Jerusalem through study, reflection, and prayer on these biblical texts. The Lamb and the Beasts By Stephen J. Binz The is not about what the future holds, but about who holds the future. It lays out contrasting visions of the world-the world of the Lamb and the world of the beasts-and expresses the magnitude of our choice with inspired imagery. Reading Revelation momentarily gives us the eyes of God to glimpse the heavenly meaning of our worship, to look evil in the face and see its full reality, to gaze upon the cosmic meaning of Christ’s sacrifice, and to envision the world renewed by the hope of God’s victory. Revelation offers the world a wakeup call and teaches us how to live in joyful hope. 11

Mysteries of the By Stephen J. Binz This study explores the biblical roots of each of the mysteries of the rosary and the meditative tradition of this popular prayer. Enhance your reflection on the joyful, luminous, sorrowful, and glorious mysteries by understanding their biblical underpinnings. The Names of Jesus By Stephen J. Binz The essential purpose of reading the Scriptures is to know a person-Jesus Christ-more personally and intimately. Knowing the names of Jesus allows us to establish a closer and fuller relationship with him. Though no single name or title of Jesus can encompass the fullness of who he is, together they express his very nature and person. They express and convey all his saving deeds. The more we know about his names, the more we will understand what he has done for us and what he still can do for us. We reflect on the names of Jesus for this reason: Every name that he bears is a blessing that he shares. People of the Passion By Stephen J. Binz Suffering seems to bring out the best and the worst in our human nature. Some people are overcome with hopelessness that leads to despair; others are filled with courage that leads to heroism. Still others exhibit a wide range of responses that reveal their character; trust, generosity, steadfastness, cowardice, greed, and pride. The people of the passion in this book are the characters who participated in some dramatic way in the suffering and death of Jesus. Well-known characters include Peter, Pilate, and Mary Magdalen; lesser know include Simon of Cyrene, the daughters of Jerusalem, and the Woman who anointed Jesus. Pilgrimage in the Footsteps of Jesus By Stephen J. Binz - Because Jesus entered our world in the human condition, our faith has deep roots in the physical places where he was born, walked and talked, laughed and wept, where he suffered, died, and rose again. Though a bodily pilgrimage to the may not be possible for many, this imaginative pilgrimage unites these hollowed places with the sacred texts associated with the life of Jesus. This geography of salvation can fill out the written gospels with tangible reality. Here we can imagine Jesus with his disciples along the lake, teaching on the mountainside, praying in the garden, and dying on the cross. 12

The Resurrection and the Life By Stephen J. Binz Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” Jesus is God’s greatest victory and likewise he is the fulfillment of humanity’s deepest longing. Because of the resurrection of Jesus a new age has dawned and life will never be the same again. What exactly did happen on Easter morning? Why did it impel the disciples to begin a journey which would transform the world? What does this mean to us, here where we live today? This book will help you understand what the Scriptures teach us about our own resurrection and how that hope gives purpose to everything that we do. The Sacred Heart of Jesus By Stephen J. Binz The traditional devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is solidly rooted in Scripture and offers a rich source of spiritual renewal today. The human heart, the biblical symbol for human will and passion, can become hardened. But God has promised to change our hearts of stone to hearts of flesh. The heart of Jesus pierced and flowing with living streams of blood and water, is a threshold inviting us into the experience of divine love. Discover how devotion to the Sacred Heart can be revitalized in our day through a that is biblical, ecumenical, and contemporary. Stewardship of the Earth By Stephen J. Binz Here Stephen Binz takes one of the key issues of our day and examines it from a biblical point of view. He invites readers to experience God’s creation as a great gift and a sacred trust, one that God has lovingly shared with humanity. He chooses biblical texts that help readers understand their privilege and responsibility in caring for the earth and humbly recognizing their place within it. The Tragic and Triumphant Cross By Stephen J. Binz The cross is both the world’s most contemptible instrument of punishment and the symbol of humanity’s greatest hope. In turning this tool of torture into his followers’ proudest boast, Jesus produced the most dramatic reversal the world has ever experienced. The cross speaks to what we believe about Jesus and about how we understand our lives in relationship to him. This study plumbs the depths of Scripture for the horrible and glorious significance of the world’s most beloved symbol. Ideal for Lent and Easter seasons.



A Decision to Love (Couple’s Book) by John M. V. Midgley and Susan Vollmer Midgley

A Decision to Love (Leader’s Guide) by John M. V. Midgley and Susan Vollmer Midgley

A Marriage in the Lord by Family Ministries

A Marriage in the Lord by the Cana Conference

Annulment–The Wedding That Was–How the Church Can Declare a Marriage Null by Michael Smith Foster

Annulment–Your Chance to Remarry within the Catholic Church by Joseph P. Zwack

Before “I Do” (1999) – Preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage by Anthony Gerascia

Before “I Do” (2007) – Preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage by Anthony Gerascia

Before “I Do” and Catholic Remarriage – Combined Leader’s Guide by Anthony Garascia

Beloved – Finding Happiness in Marriage – Couple’s Guide by Augustine Institute

Beloved – Finding Happiness in Marriage – Leader’s Guide by Augustine Institute

Catholics, Marriage and Divorce: Real People, Real Questions by Victoria Vondenberger

Celebrating Our Love by Liturgical Resources for Preparing and Celebrating Marriage (2 Copies)

Ecumenical Marriage & Remarriage by Michael Lawler

Ecumenism – Two-Church Families, 28th Year, No. 109, March 1993 by Canadian Centre for Eumenism

Evenings for the Engaged by Jim & Paula Dahl & Father Chuck Gallagher

For Better & For Ever by Robert A. Ruhnke

Getting Married, Living Together by Anthony J. Garascia

Good News for Married Love by Michael R. Prieur

Healing the Wounds in Couple Relationships by Martin Rovers

In Love for Life by Catholic Organization for Life and Family

Interchurch Marriages Between Anglicans and Roman Catholics In by Concacan Inc (10 Copies)

Is Marriage in Jeopardy by Focus on the Family

Living in His Love: Essays On Prayer and Christen Living by Bernard L. Bush 14

Love Talks by Gary Chapman & Ramon Presson

Marriage and the Family by CCCB - 2 copies

Marriage by January/February 2005

Marriage by July/August 2004

Marriage by May/June 2004

Marriage by May/June 2005

Marriage by September/October 2004

Marriage, Divorce & Nullity by Geoffrey Robinson – 2 copies

Now and Forever by Toni S. Poynter

Only Love can Make it Easy by Bill & Patty Coleman

Perspective on Marriage with Catholic Wedding Ceremony by Leif Kehrwald

Perspectives on Marriage (Leader’s Guide) by William F. Urbine

Program for Mariage Preparation (Binder) by Catechetical Communications

Re-marriage in the Catholic Church, A Couple’s Guide by Joseph Sclafani & Linda Sclafani

Saying I Do - Couple’s Book by Novalis (2 copies)

Saying I Do (Facilitator’s Guide) by Mona-Lee Feehan – 2 copies

Should We Marry? by Joseph M. Champlin

The Marital Sacrament by Theodore Makin

The Marriage Preparation Course Manual by Alpha

The Ministry to the Divorced by Joseph E. Norris

The Seasons in a Couple’s Life by Genevieve Hone & Julien Mercure

The Sponsor Couple Program for Christian Marriage Preparation - For Better & For Ever – Dialogue Packet by Robert Ruhnke, C. SS. R.

The Sponsor Couple Program for Christian Marriage Prfeparation – For Better & For Ever – Manual by Roberft RFuhnke, C. SS. R.

To Seal & Strengthen Love by Mary Ann Paulukonis

To Trust Again – A Remarriage Preparation Program by William F. Urbine, D. Min. 15

Together in Christ by Canadian Council of Churches’ Commission on Faith and Witness

Totally Yours by Rev. Joseph Hattie

We Celebrate Our Marriage by John & Laurie van Bemmel

Wedding Liturgies by Flor McCarthy

What God has Joined Together by Robert H. Vasoli

When a Catholic Marries a Non-Catholic by Robert J. Hater

When a Couple Marries by Novalis

When Your Spouse Isn’t Catholic by Carol Gastelum

Why Get Married in the Church by John Bosio

Yes I Can by Mona-Lee Feehan & Martin Rovers


Gathered in My Name by ACTA

Marriage Matters by Focus on the Family

Planning Your Wedding Liturgy by St. Anthony Messenger Press

The Sacrament of Matrimony by Twenty-Third Publications

The Song of Songs by Saint Luke Productions

When Two Become One by Diocese of Rockville Center



A New Look at the Sacraments (1999) by William J. Bausch

And Their Eyes Were Opened by Michael Scanlan & Ann Therese Shields

Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry by World Council of Churches

Doors to the Sacred by Joseph Martos

Growing Together in Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry by William H. Lazareth

Rethinking Sacraments: Holy Moments in Daily Living by Bill Huebsch

Sacramental Guidelines: A Companion to the New Catechism for Religious Educators by Kenan B. Osborne

Sacramental – A General Introduction by Kenan B. Osborne, O.F.M.

Sacraments & Sacramentality by Bernard Cooke (2 Copies)

Sacraments Alive by Sandra DeGidio

Sacraments of Life, Life of the Sacraments by

Teaching Sacraments by Patricia Smith

The Book of Sacramental Basics by Tad Guzie

The Christian Sacraments of Initiation by Kenan B. Osborne – 2 copies

The Church Speaks About Sacraments with Children by Mark Searle

The Meaning of the Sacraments by Monika Hellwig

The Sacraments, Seven Stories of Growth by Joseph Martos

The Sacraments: Reading in Contemporary Sacramental Theology by Michael J. Taylor


Celebrating Sacraments by Peg Bowman



God’s Family Circle - Sacrament of Baptism by Patrick J. Twohy, Illustrations: Gus Antone

God’s Healing Touch - Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick by Patrick J. Twohy, SJ, Illustrations: Gus Antone

God’s Pardon and Peace - Sacrament of Reconciliation by Patrick J. Twohy, SJ, Illustrations: Gus Antone

Marriage and Family Life by Patrick J. Twohy, SJ, Illustrations: Gus Antone

Strong in the Spirit - Sacrament of Confirmation by Patrick J. Twohy, Illustrations: Gus Antone

The Sacred Meal - Sacrament of the Eucharist by Patrick J. Twohy, Illustrations: Gus Antone



Activities for Teens by Ruth Puls

Alive in the Spirit -Family Book by Catherine Ecker & Margaret Bick (2 Copies)

Alive in the Spirit -Leader’s Guide by Catherine Ecker & Margaret Bick (2 Copies)

At Home with the Sacraments: Confirmation by Peg Bowman

Baptism Confirmation, Sacraments of Faith by Youth Ministry

Be My Witnesses-Confirmation: Journal by Deacon William J. Reedy

Be My Witnesses-Confirmation-Senior High Students-Young Adults by Deacon William J. Reedy

Being a Sponsor by Liturgy Training Publications

Building for Justice and Peace-Group Projects for Teens by Gloria Hutchinson – 2 copies

Come Holy Spirit (Catechist – Teacher) by NOVALIS (2 Copies)

Come Holy Spirit (Christian Community by Novalis

Come Holy Spirit (Parent – Child) by NOVALIS (2 Copies)

Come Holy Spirit by Liturgy Training Publications

Come, Spirit of God! (Family Book) by Margaret Bick & Catherine Ecker

Come, Spirit of God! (Leader’s Guide) by Margaret Bick & Catherine Ecker

Confirmation Journal by Sr. Helen Hemmer

Confirmation: A Parish Celebration by Timothy Fitzgerald

Confirmation: Director’s Manual by Bernard W. Ciernick & Louise J. Santiago

Confirmation-Anointed & Sealed with the Spirit -Leader’s Guide by Thomas H. Morris and Kathy Coffey–3 copies

Confirmation-Anointed & Sealed with the Spirit-A Journal for Adults by Thomas H. Morris and Kathy Coffey

Confirming Faith – Candidate’s Book by Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D.

Confirming Faith – Director’s Manual by Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D.

Experience God’s Spirit by Joan McKamey

God’s Spirit Alive: A Confirmation Resource (Facilitator Edition) by Youth Update 19

God’s Spirit Alive: A Confirmation Resource by Youth Update

Junior High Liturgy, Prayer, Reconciliation by Sister John Maria Reeves & Sister Maureen Roe

Learning Centers for Confirmation by Doris Murphy

My Path to Easter by Kathy Coffey

On Becoming a Catholic by Regis A. Duffy

Preparing for Confirmation by Rev. Michael H. Smith

Receiving the Gift of the Spirit Confirmation by PfLaum Publishing Group

Send Out Your Spirit – A Confirmation Candidate’s Hand book for Faith by Michael Amodei

Send Out Your Spirit – Leader’s Manual – Preparing Teens for Confirmation by Michael Amodei

The RCIA: Transforming the Church by Thomas H. Morris

The Spirit Sets Us Free by William H. Sadlier – 2 copies

The Spirit Sets Us Free: Guide by William H. Sadlier

We Celebrate Confirmation (1979) by Rev. William J. Koplik & Joan E. Brady

We Celebrate Confirmation (1982) by Rev. William J. Koplik & Joan E. Brady – 3 copies

When should we Confirm? By James A. Wilde

Your Child’s Confirmation by Carol Luebering

Youth Update: Gifts of the Holy Spirit by Sara Kirtlink

Youth Update: What Difference does Confirmation Make? By Joseph Martos


The Spirit and Confirmation Part 1 by Gaynell Boordes Conin

The Spirit and Confirmation Part 2 by Gaynell Boordes Conin

Who is the Spirit by Gaynell Boordes Conin



A Book of the Readings on the Eucharist by National Conference of Catholic Bishops

A History of the Eucharist by Rev. Dennis Kennedy

A Mystagogy of Sacrament – Saying Amen by Kathleen Hughes

Admission of Children to Eucharistic Communion by Diocese of St. George’s Newfoundland

An Important Office of Immense Love by Joseph M. Champlin

At Home with the Sacraments: Eucharist by Peg Bowman

Bread Broken and Shared by Paul Bernier

Called to His Supper by Jeannine Timko Leichner

Celebrating Eucharist – a Book for Children by Twenty – Third Publications (2 Copies)

Celebrating my First Communion by Pauline Books & Media

Come Join Us at the Table (Family Book) by Muriel Loftus & Lawrence DeMong – 3 copies

Come Join Us at the Table (Leader’s Guide) by Muriel Loftus & Lawrence DeMong – 2 copies

Do This-An Analysis of the Basic Structure of the Eucharist & How it Relates to Our Culture by A. Gordon Baker

Eucharist - Celebrating Its Rhythms in our Lives by Paul Bernier

Eucharistic Prayers or Masses with Children by CCCB Publications

First Eucharist by William H. Sadlier

First Eucharist–Reproducible Games, Crafts & Activities for Young Children by PfLAUM Publishing Group

God’s Greatest Gift (Catechist’s Guide) by Bernadette Wilson

God’s Greatest Gift (Parent’s Guide) by Bernadette Wilson

In the Presence of Our Lord by Father Benedict J. Groeschel & James Monti

Jesus and the Eucharist by Tad W. Guzie

Living the Eucharist - A Preparation for First Communion by Francoise Darcy-Berube & John Paul Berube

Meaningful First Communion Liturgies – The Complete Planning Guide for Catechists & Teachers by Nick Wagner 21

One Bread, One Body by Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales, Ireland, and

Pastoral Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sunday Eucharist by Archdiocese of

The Church at Prayer, Volume II: The Eucharist by Robert Cabie

The Eucharist and out Everyday Life by Bernard Haring

The Eucharist Yesterday and Today by M. Basil Pennington

The Eucharist: “It is the Lord!” by Thomas Christopher Collins

The Eucharistic Words of Jesus – Study Edition by Joachim Jeremias

The Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist by US Catholic Bishops

Together in Jesus – First Eucharist Preparation (Catechist/Parent) by Joan Mitchell & Angela Schreiber

Together in Jesus – First EucharistReconciliation Preparation (Director’s Handbook) by Joan Mitchell & Angela Schreiber

Together in Jesus: First Eucharist (Booklet) by Joan Mitchell & Angela Schreiber

Together in Jesus: First Eucharist by Joan Mitchell & Angela Schreiber

We Share in the Eucharist (Leader’s Guide) by Francoise Darcy-Berube & Jean Paul Berube

Your Child’s First Communion by Carol Luebering


Eucharist: Celebrating Christ Present by Franciscan Communications

Grandma’s Bread and El de la Abuelita by Franciscan Communications

The Angle’s First Communion Lesson by Gwen Costello



A on Reconciliation by CCCB – 5 copies

Book of Readings on Reconciliation by NCCB

Confession – A Little Book for the Reluctant by Msgr. Louis Gaston de Segur

Experience the Reconciling God by Joan McKamey

First Reconciliation (A Family Companion) by Sadlier Sacrament Program – 9 copies

First Reconciliation by PfLaum Publishing Group

First Reconciliation by Sadlier Sacrament Program

First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and the Whole Community by Doris Murphy

For Give – Stories of Reconciliation by Lou Ruoff

Forgiveness and Healing by Hi-Time PfLaum

Guilty, O Lord by Bernard Basset

Healing by Francis MacNutt

How to Forgive by John Monbourquette – 3 copies

How to go to Confession when you don’t know how by Ann M. S. LeBlanc

Inner Healing by Michael Scanlan

Jubilee Journal by Mary Cabrini Durkin

Let the Children Come to by Rev. Thomas L. Long & Emily F. Filippi

Living Reconciliation – A Preparation for Celebrating Forgiveness by Francois Darcy-Beube & John Paul Berube

Meeting the Forgiving Jesus – A Child’s Book for First Penance by JoAnn Marie Angers (3 Copies)

Ministry of Reconciliation by David W. Barry

My Own Reconciliation Booklet published by Loyola Press – a Jesuit Ministry

Parish Reconciliation Services by Margrit Anna Banta

Penance & Reconciliation by Patrick J. Brennan 23

Penitential Services by Oliver Crill

Preparing Your Child for First Reconciliation (Leaders Guide) by Catholic Update

Reconciliation & Justification by Kenan B. Osborne

Reconciliation – A User’s Manuel by Fr. Michael Prieur

Reconciliation in the Church by Laonce Hamelin – 2 copies

Reconciliation Services for Children by Gwen Costello

Reconciling – Changing, Belonging, Welcoming, Speaking, etc. by Francis J. Buckley

Reconciling Embrace by Robert J. Kennedy

Repentance: A Guide to Receiving God’s Forgiveness by Michael Scanlan

Sacrament of Peace (Directors Guide) by Francoise Darcy – Berube & John Paul Barube

Shalom: Peace: The Sacrament of Reconciliation by Bernard Haring

Sign of Reconciliation and Conversion–The Sacrament of Penance for Our Times by Monika K. Hellwig

The Evolving Church and the Sacrament of Peace by Ladislas Orsy

The Holy Spirit Reconciles People by Concacan Inc

Things Go Better with Peace by Sister Paul Mary Janssens

To Walk Together Again-The Sacrament of Reconciliation by Richard M. Gula, S.S.

Together in Jesus: First Reconciliation by PfLaum Publishing Group

Towards Reconciliation by Walter J. Burghaedt

Turn to Me by Sr. Mary Fearon

Why Forgive? by Johann Christoph Arnold

Your Child’s First Penance by Carol Luebering


VIDEO MATERIALS - Reconciliation

Preparing Children for Reconciliation by Twenty-Third Publication – 2 copies

Preparing Your Child for First Reconciliation by Catholic Update – 2 copies

Ricky’s First Reconciliation by Twenty-Third Publications

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Door to Forgiveness and Healing by Kenan Osborne

The Angel’s First Reconciliation Lesson by Gwen Costello

The Church Celebrates the Reconciling God by Catholic Update – 3 copies

The God Who Reconciles by Catholic Update – 2 copies

The Sacrament of Reconciliation by Twenty-Third Publication – 2 copies



A Place for Baptism by Regina Kuehn

At Home with the Sacraments: Baptism by Peg Bowman

At Your Baptism by Carrie Steenwyk & John D. Witvliet

Baby’s Baptism by Father Anthony Scannell

Baptism by Liturgy Training Publications

Baptism and Beyond (Parent Booklet) by Kathy Coffey

Baptism and Beyond (Parent Guide) by Kathy Coffey

Baptism, Eucharist & Ministry by Faith & Order Commission, World Council of Churches

Before and After Baptism by Liturgy Training Publications

Beginning the Journey by USCC

Catechesis & Mystagogy by Liturgy Training Publications

Celebrating Baptism (A Journal for Families) by William H. Sadlier

Children of Light by Francoise Darcy – Berube & John Paul Berube

God’s Own Child by William V. & Patricia R. Coleman

Infant Baptism and the Christian Community by Charles J. Keating

Infant Baptism by Timothy Fitzgerald – 2 copies

Infant Baptism in the Parish: Understanding the Rite by Gabe Huck

Reborn – You, Your Child, and the Heart of Baptism –Leader’s Guide by Augustine Institute (2 Copies)

Reborn – You, Your Child, and the Heart of Baptism –Participant’s Guide by Augustine Institute (2 Copies)

Rite of Baptism for Children (1970) by CCCB

Rite of Baptism for Children (1989) by CCCB

The Gift of Godparents by Tom Sheridan

The Godparent Book by Elaine Ramshaw

Welcome to God’s Family by Geneal Kramer 26

When You are a Godparent by Elizabeth Bookser Barkley – 3 copies

Your Baby’s Baptism by Liguori Publications

Your Child’s Baptism by Carol Luebering – 7 copies

Your Child’s Baptism by NOVALIS – 9 copies

Your Life Begins by Gilbert Gagnon


Adult Baptism by Catholic Update

Baby’s Baptism: Part One by FC Video

Baby’s Baptism: Part Three by FC Video

Baby’s Baptism: Part Two by FC Video

Baptism by FC Video

Celebrating Sacraments: Baptism by Twenty-Third Publications

Infant Baptism by Catholic Update

New Life by Liturgy Training Publications

The Mystery of Faith: An Introduction to Catholicism, Baptism by Fr. Michael Himes

The Sacrament of Baptism by Twenty-Third Publications

We Want out Baby Baptized by Father Joseph Champlin



A Faith that Challenges: The Life of Jim McSheffrey by Maura Hanrahan, foreword by Helen Fogwill Porter

A Man of Faith by Jeanne Gosselin Arnold

A Shepherd’s Diary by Oscar Romero

A Song of Pilgrimage and Exile by Sister Mary Laurence Hanley & Bushnell

A Street Lamp and the Stars by Anthony Throne

All for Her (1967 by Fr. Patrick Peyton

All for Her (1973) by Father Patrick Payton

All Men are Brothers by Charlie May Simon

Aurelia by Frank & John Dolphin

Born for Friendship by Bernard Basset

But for the Grace of God by Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. Patrick Carroll-Abbing

Cardinal Newman in His Age by Harold L. Weatherby

Catherine McAuley by Sisters of Mercy

Catherine McAuley in her own Words by Sr M. Angela Bolster

Celebration of Love by Mary O’Hara

Challenged by A. L. O’Toole

Confessions of a Prolife Missionary by Fr. Paul Marx

Damien the Leper by John Farrow

Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul by MIC

Dorothy Day by William D. Miller

Edel Quinn by Desmond Forristal

Edmund Rice by Desmond Rushe

Esther Blondin by Christine Mailloux

Fateful Passages: The Life of Henry Somerville, Catholic Journalist by Joseph Sinasac 28

Father Dave by Wilfred P. Schoenberg

Father Paul of Graymoor by David Gannon

Fifty Years Below Zero - Jules Dion by Raymonde Hache

Fire upon the Earth-The Life & Times of Bishop Michael Anthony Fleming, O.S.F. by Br. J.B. Darcy C.F.C.

Footsteps of a Giant by P. Loogman

Fragments of My Life by Catherine de Hueck Doherty

From My Village to the Global Village by Rev. Tim Coughlan

Gandhi, Soldier of Nonviolence by Calvin Kytle

God Have Mercy by Michael Macklem

Hands to the Needy by Sister Mary Pauline Fitts – 2 copies

I, Francis Carlo Carretto Translated from the Italian by Robert R. Barr

I Sought and I Found by Carlo Carretto (2 Copies)

In Pursuit of Love by Sister Alice Johnson

John Henry Newman by John Moody

John of the Cross for Today: The Ascent by Susan Muto

Joyful Service by Sister Monica Woodrow

Lester Leeland Burry by Hector Swain

Love for Love by Gilles Mathieu

Martyr of Brotherly Love by Adalbert Ludwig Balling & Reinhard Abeln

Mercy by Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland

Mercy into Thousands by Sister M. Bertrand Degnan

Merton by Monica Furlong

Missionary in Labrador and New by Lionel Scheffer

Mose Morgan: A Life in Action by Cyril F. Poole

Mother Mary Ann by Sr. M. Camilla

Mother Teresa by Desmond Doig 29

Muggeridge by Malcom Muggeridge

Nano Nagle by Sadifa & Presentation Sisters

Nearer, My God – An Autobiography of Faith by William F. Buckley Jr.

Newman’s Unquiet Grave – The Reluctant Saint by John Cornwell

No Bars to Manhood by Daniel Berrigan

No Strangers to Violence, No Strangers to Love by Boniface Hanley

North River to the Land of Cherry Blossoms by Thomas M. Morrissey (2 Copies)

North/South Calling by Fr. Bob Ogle (2 Copies)

One Woman Journey – A Portrait of Pauline Vanier by Deborah Cowley & George Cowley

Pauline Jaricot, Founder of the Propagation of the Faith by Massimiliano Taroni

Peruvian Journal by Charles O’Neil Conroy

Played By Ear by Father Daniel A. Lord

Pope John Paul II – The Life of Karol Wojtyla by Mieczyslaw Malinski

Poustinia by Catherine de Hueck Doherty

Seven American Catholics by John Deedy

Silent Lamp – The Thomas Merton Story by William H. Shannon

Something Beautiful for God (1971) by Malcolm Muggeridge

Surprised by Joy by C. S. Lewis

Teilhard de Chardin - The Man and his Theories by Abbe Paul Grenet

Teilhard – The Man, The Priest, The Scientist by Mary Lukas and Ellen Lukas

The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest by John Gerard

The Less Traveled Road by Rev. M. Raymond

The Life of Eddie Doherty by Mary Bazzett

The Life of Father John T. Callahan by Marian Heiberger

The Life of Sir by William Roper

The Long Loneliness by Dorothy Day 30

The Lure of the Labrador Wild by Dillion Wallace

The Spiritual Journey of Catherine de Saint-Augustin by Dom Guy – Marie Qury

The Third Mystic of Avila by Maria Vela

Thomas More by Richard Marius

Tumbleweed by Eddie Doherty

Two Dancers in the Desert by Charles Lepetit



A Child’s Garden of Verses

A Pocket Full of Kisses by Audrey Penn

A Poppy to Remember by Heather Patterson & Rob Lightburn

A Short History of God, Me and the Universe by Russell Stannard

A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park

A Song for My Shepherd by Edward Henry

Adam & Eve’s First Sunset by Sandy Esienberg Sasso

All God’s Children by Anne E. Neuberger

All You Ever Need (Hard Cover) by Max Lucado

All You Ever Need (Soft Cover) by Max Lucado

An Amazing Catch by Bernard Hubler

Angels, Angels all around by Bob Hartman

Animals of the Bible from A-Z by Alice Camilla

Anna, Grandpa and the Big Storm by Carla Stevens

Bartimaeus by Bernard Hubler

Because I Love You by Max Lucado

Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo

Becoming Me by Martin Boroson

Bess and Bella by Irene Haas

Bible Stories for 40 Days by Melissa Musick Nussbaum

Big Ben by Sarah Ellis

Big or Little? by Kathy Stinson

Bless This House by Leslie Staub

Blessings & Prayers (Hard Cover) by Judy Jarrett 32

Blessings & Prayers (Soft Cover) by Judy Jarrett

Cain & Abel - Finding the Fruits of Peace by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso

Can You Find Followers of Jesus? by Philip D. Gallery

Can You Find Jesus? by Philip D. Gallery

Celebrate with Jesus by Jean Buell

Child’s Guide to the Rosary by Elizabeth Ficocelli

Children Map the World by Jacqueline M. Anderson, Jeet Atwal, Patrick Wiegand, & Alberta Auringer Wood

Children’s Psalms by David Haas

Climb up the Tree with Zacchaeus by Leena Lane & Chris Saunderson

Come into the Ark with Noah by Stephanie Jeffs & Chris Saunderson

Come to the Party with Jesus by Leena Lane & Chris Saunderson

Come, Follow Me by Jean Buell

Dear Children of the Earth by Schim Schimmel

Dear God, I Need some Answers...For Life! By Flying Frog Publishing

Dear God, It’s Me Again by Kidzone

Do the Angels Watch Close By? by Mary Joslin & Danuta Mayer

Draw Yourself into a Starlit Journey

Erika’s Story by Ruth Vander Zee & Roberto Innocenti

Escape South by Kim Siegelson

Everybody Needs a Rock by Byrd Taylor

Fearless Fergie by Nancy Cocks

Fergie Cleans Up by Nancy Cocks

Fergie Counts his Blessings by Nancy Cocks

Fergie Feels Left Out by Nancy Cocks

Fergie Frog Scout by Nancy Cocks

Fergie Goes to Grandma’s by Nancy Cocks 33

Fergie has a Birthday Party by Nancy Cocks

Fergie Hogs the Lily Pad by Nancy Cocks

Fergie Loses a Friend by Nancy Cocks

Fergie Tries to Fly by Nancy Cocks

Fergie: Welcome Home, Fergie by Nancy Cocks

First Book of Bible Stories – The Beginners Bible by WJ

Follow the Star with the Wise Man by Stephanie Jeffs & Chris Saunderson

Friends of God by Sandy Pennell, Wynanne Downer & Catherine Maggs

Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andrede

Giving Thanks at the Table by Elizabeth Hoffman Reed

God is Here ...When Bad Things Happen by Mary Martha Moss, FSP with Prof. Thomas H. Groome

God Lives in Glass – Reflections of God Through the Eyes of Children by Robert J. Landy

God Says I Am by Focus on the Family

God Speaks to Us in Dreams & Visions by Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan

God Speaks to Us in Feeding Stories by Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan

God Speaks to Us in Water Stories by Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan

God’s Best Gift by Sally Anne Conan

God’s Paintbrush – Celebration Kit by Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso & Rev. Donald Schmidt

Goha the Wise Fool by Denys Johnson-Davies

Goodnight, God – Sleepytime Prayers for Children by Bernadette McCarver Snyder

Granddad’s Prayers of the Earth by Douglas Wood

Growing Up a Friend of Jesus by Francoise Darcy-Berube & John Paul Berube

Guess How Much I Love You (Tenth Anniversary Edition) by Sam McBratney

Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney

Hannah – a Chapter Book by Gloria Whelan

Hanukkah by Cathy Goldberg Fishman 34

Hanukkah! by Roni Schotter

Have You Ever Heard a Catfish Purr? by Bernadette McCarver Snyder

Have You Ever Heard a Hummingbird Hum? by Bernadette McCarver Snyder

Have You Ever Seen an Ant that Can’t? by Bernadette McCarver Snyder

Have You Seen Birds? by Joanne Oppenheim & Barbara Reid

Hey, Little Ant by Phillip & Hannah Hoose

Hurry Up, Franklin by Paulette Bourgeois & Brenda Clark

Hurry up, Harry! by Kathleen C. Szaj

I Believe by Karissa Jekel

I Can Pray by Josep Codina

I Don’t Want to be Lunch by Michael Ambrosio

I Feel by Karissa Jekel

I Hate Goodbyes! by Kathleen C. Szaj

I Love by Karissa Jekel

I Meet Mary by Josep Codina

I Pray Like Jesus! by Josep Codina

I Promise I’ll Find You by Heather Patricia Ward

I Took the Moon for a Walk by Carolyn Curtis & Alison Joy

I Wonder by Karissa Jekel

I’m Your Child God by Martin Wright Edelman

If Only I Had a Green Nose by Max Lucado

If the World Were a Village by David J. Smith

If You Had to Choose, What Would You Do? by Sandra McLeod Humphrey

Images of God by Marie-Helene Delval

Imagine a Night by Sarah L. Thomson

In God’s House by Robert Coles 35

In God’s Name by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso

In Our Image God’s First Creatures by Nancy Sohn Swartz

In the Beginning by Steve Turner

Ish by Peter H. Reynolds

It’s Hard to be Five by Jamie Lee Curtis & Laura Cornell

It’s Up to you... What Do You Do? by Sandra McLeod Humphrey

Ivy’s Icicle by Gary Bower

Jairus’s Daughter by Mada Carreno

Jesus Begins to Preach by Mada Carreno

Jesus grows Up by Pilar Paris, Josep M. Lozano, & Maria Rius

Jesus is my Friend! by Josep Codina

Jesus of Nazareth by Alan Moore & Gill Tavner

Jesus, This is Your Life by Jeff Kunkel

Jesus’ Friends – My Book of Bible People by C. Goodings

Jillian Jiggs Phoebe Gilman

Joey Pigza Loses Control by Jack Gantos

Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key by Jack Gantos

Jonah and the Big Fish by Matthieu de Laubier

Jubilee by Ellen Yeomans

Judas Iscariot by Alan Moore & Gill Tavner

Just Me and My Dad by Mercer Mayer

Kitty’s Water Mill – A Tale from Latuia by Astrida B. Stahnke

Know What I Saw? by Aileen Fisher

Latkes and Applesauce by Fran Manshkin

Leo’s Poster Challenge by Louise Leblanc

Let’s go to Mass by Aileen Urquhart 36

Let’s Help This Planet by Kim & Jerry Brodey

Let’s Talk Abount Children around the World by Debby Anderson

Lift the Flap: Bible Stories by Juliet David

Lighthouse by Robert Munsch

Little Visits with God by Allan Hart Jahsmann & Martin P. Simon

Little Woman by Louisa May Alcott

Look and See What God Gave Me by Sally Anne Conan

Love Song for a Baby by Marion Dane Bauer

Love You Forever by Robert Munch

Making Memories by Janette Oke

Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli

March Round the Walls with Joshua by Leena Lane & Chris Saunderson

Mary Magdalene by Alan Moore & Gill Tavner

Mary Mother of Jesus by Mary Joslin & Alison Wisenfeld

Mary of Galilee by Alan Moore & Gill Tavner

Maury Had a Little Lamb by Janette Oke

Me, All Alone, at the End of the World by M.T. Anderson

Merry as a Cricket by Lynn Kelley

Missing May by Cynthia Rylant

Moira’s Birthday by Robert Munsch & Michael Martchenko

More Clean Jokes for Kids by Dan Harmon & Tamela Murray

More If You Had to Choose, What Would You Do? by Sandra McLeod Humphrey

More Little Visits with God by Allan Hart Jahsmann & Martin P. Simon

More Stories & Songs of Jesus by Paule Freeburg & Christopher Walker

More Stories and Songs of Jesus – Activity & Coloring Book by Paule Freeburg & Christopher Walker

Morning Has Broken by Eleanor Farieon 37

Moses’ Great Adventure by Jean Mercier & Monique Scherrer

Mrs. Goodheath and the Gargoyle by Lena Coakley & Wendy Bailey

Mrs. Spitzer’s Garden by Edith Pattou

My First Bible by Jan Lewis

Next Stop! by Sarah Ellis

Nobody Loves Fergie by Nancy Cocks

Now You Can Read Bible Stories....Noah and the Ark by Elaine Ife, Illustrated by Russell Lee

Old Turtle by Douglas Wood

One Hundred & Fifty Fun facts Found in the Bible ...For Kids of All Ages by Bernadette McCarver Snyder

Over the Moon – An Adoption Tale by Karen Katz

Palm Sunday– Bible Stories for Children by Mada Carreno, Illustrator: Bety Fischman

Papa, Do You Love Me? by Barbara M. Joosse

Paul of Tarsus by Alan Moore & Gill Tavner

Peter’s Angry Toys by Carol Therese Plum

Play to the Angel by Maurine F. Dahlberg

Possum Magic by Mem Fox

Pray with Mary by Jean Buell

Psalm Twenty Three by Tim Ladwig

Puppy Love by Christine Simpson

Put Your Best Foot Forward by Alison Stoutland

Rachel by Amy Ehrlich

Reach for the Sky by Allison Stoutland

Remembering Honey Elaine Ingalls Hogg

Rosanna: The Rainbow Angel by Gerard A. Pottebaum

Sacred Stories - A Child’s Bible Book by Pflaum Publishing Group

Sail in the Boat with Jesus by Leena Lane & Chris Saunderson 38

See and Say - Creation Story by Christina Goodings

Seesaw Girl by Linda Sue Park

Share Out the Food with Jesus by Stephanie Jeffs & Chris Saunderson

Shared Bread by Bernard Hubler

Silent Night – The Song from Heaven by Linda Granfield

Simon Peter by Alan Moore & Gill Tavner

Sky by Pamela Porter

Something to Remember Me By by Susan V. Bosak & Laurie McGaw

Song of Creation by Paul Goble

Stand Tall, Molly Lou Mellon by Patty Lovell

Stand up and Walk with Jesus by Lenna Lane & Chris Saunderson

Starlight and Candles by Fran Manushkin

Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner

Stories and Songs of Jesus by Paule Freeburg & Christopher Walker

Stories and Songs of Jesus – Activity & Coloring Book by Paule Freeburg & Christopher Walker

Suki’s Kimono by Chieri Uegaki & Stephane Jorisch

Sunday Morning by Gail Ramshaw

Teach Me to Love by Pennie Kidd

Teach Me to Pray by Pennie Kidd

Tell Me Again About the Night I was Born by Jamie Lee Curtis

Tessa’s Treasures by Gary Bower

Thank You, God by Sally Anne Conan

Thanksgiving by Julie Stiegemeyer

The ABC’s Lessons of Love by Francine M. O’Connor

The Always Prayer Shawl by Sheldon Oberman

The Birchbank House by Louise Erdrich 39

The Blackbird’s Nest by Jenny Schroedel

The Call of the Disciples by Bernard Hubler

The Calming of the Storm by Bernard Hubler

The Crib Book with Frederique and Claude Lafortune

The Crazy Man by Pamela Porter

The Disciples from Emmaus by Bernard Hubler

The Fall of Freddie the Leaf by Leo Buscaglia

The Forgiven Sinner by Bernard Hubler

The Garden of Life – A Story of Hope for all Ages by John R. Aurellio

The Good Man of Assisi by Mary Joslin & Alison Wisenefeld

The Good Samaritan and the Blind Man by Mada Carreno

The Good Samaritan by Bernard Hubler

The Hatchling’s Journey by Kristin Bieber Domm

The Human Body God Made by Zoomers

The Illustrated Children’s Bible by World Bible Publishers, Inc.

The Jabez Prayer Collection – 30 Life Changing Prayers by Stephen Elkins

The Kite by Luis Garay

The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park

The Lion Storyteller Bible by Bob Hartman

The Lord is My Shepherd by Rob Lewis

The Lord’s Prayer by Anne Wilson

The Lord’s Prayer by Tim Ladwig

The Lost Child by James Janda

The Milkman’s Boy by Donald Hall

The Miracles of Jesus by Emmanuelle Dalyac-Remond, Delphine Sauliere, & Monique Scherrer

The Mitten by Jan Brett 40

The Mother’s Day Mice by Eve Bunting

The New Baby Calf by Edith N. Chase & Barbara Reid

The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munch

The Parables of Jesus by Sophie Furlaud & Anne-Sophie du Bouetiez

The Paralysed Man by Bernard Hubler

The Peace Book by Todd Parr

The Prayers of Jesus for Children by Louis M. Savary

The Prodigal Cat – Animal Friends by Janette Oke

The Prodigal Son by Bernard Hubler

The Rosary for Children by Louis M. Savary

The Shepherd and the 100 Sheep by Michal Hudak

The Sower by Bernard Hubler

The Storm by Mada Carreno

The Story of Religion by Betsy & Giulio Maestro

The Stray by Gerard A. Pottebaum

The Sun in Me by Judith Nicholls

The Swinging Tree by Carol Therese Plum

The Tale of Three Trees by Angela Elwell Hunt

The Tales of the Heaven Tree by Mary Joslin

The Twelve Gifts of Birth by Charlene Costanzo

This is the Earth that God Made by Lynn Downey & Benrei Huang

Three Pebbles and a Song by Eileen Spinelli

Tiger Flower by Patricia Quinlan

Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt

What Does the Sky Say? by Nancy White Carlstrom

What If the Zebras Lost Their Stripes? by John Reitano 41

What is God’s Name by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso

What is My Song? by Dennis Linn, Sheila Fabricant Linn & Matthew Linn (2 Copies)

When You Were Born by Dianna Hutts Aston

Where Oh Where is Fergie by Nancy Cocks

Where the Wild things are by Maurice Sendak

Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg? by Leslie Eckard

Who Laid the Cornerstone of the World? by Ann Pilling

Who Made the Wild Woods? by Scharlotte Rich

Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

Why are the Dandelions Weeds? by Kathleen O’Connell Chesto

Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox

Winter Lights by Anne Grossnickel Hines

World Religion by Susan Meredith

Would You Love Me? by Andrea Wayne von Konigslow

Wyatt’s Wagon by Gary Bower

You Are Special by Max Lucado

You Can Count on Fergie by Nancy Cocks

You Want Me to be Good All Day? by Fr. Joe Kempf

Zacchaeus by Bernard Hubler



God’s Warrior by

I Heard the Owl Call My Name by Margaret Craven

Jesus of Nazareth by William Barclay

Joshua (1983) by Joseph F. Girzone

Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse

Priest of God by Patrick O’Flaherty

St. George and the and the Quest for the Holy Grail by Edward Hays

The Great Island – A Story of Mystery in Newfoundland by Clare Bice

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo

The Land God Gave to Cain by Hammond Innes

The Little Girl Who Saved her Aunt’s Life by Benjamin W. Powell, Sr.

Tolkien and the Lord of the Rings by Colin Duriez

Tuesday with Morrie by Mitch Albom

Waiting for Time by Bernice Morgan



A Dream Unfolds – The Story of Nano Magle by Noela Fox

A Great Cloud of Witnesses by Leo Zanchettin & Patricia Mitchell

A Kingdom and a Cross by Helen Magaret

An Anthology of Saints by William J. Bausch

Archbishop Romero by Placido Erdozain

Augustine the Educator by Eugene Kevane

Blessed by the Cross: Five Portraits of Edith Stein by James Sullivan

Blessed Gianna Beretta Molla: A Woman’s Life by Giulianna Pelucchi

Brother Francis by Lawrence Cunningham

Catherine of Siena by Mary O’Driscoll, O.P.

Complete Works of St. Theresa, Vol. I by Allison Peers

Complete Works of St. Theresa, Vol. II by Allison Peers

Complete Works of St. Theresa, Vol. III by Allison Peers

Diary 1838 by Saint Eugene de Mazenod

Divine Love Came Down! Wisdom from Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Elizabeth Ann Seton by Anthonian Pamphlet

Favorite Novenas to the Saints by A St. Joseph Prayerbook

Fire upon the Earth by Brother J. B. Darcy

Francis: The Journey and the Dream by Murray Bodo

I Have Called You by Name by Patricia Mitchell

I, Francis by Carlo Carretto

If You Seek Miracles by Claude M. Jarmak

Immigrant Saint by Pirtro Di Donato

John Chrysostom and His Time by Rev. Chrysostomus Baur 44

John of the Cross for Today: The Ascent by Susan Muto

Kateri of the Mohawks by Marie Cecilia Buehrle

Kateri Tekakwitha by Ron Zeilinger

Lives of the Saints by Rev. Hugo Hoever

Marguerite Bourgeoys (1620 – 1700) by Simone Poissant, C.N.D.

Modern Saints by Ann Ball

Mrs. Seton by Joseph I. Dirvin

My God and My All by Elizabeth Goudge

Patron Saints by Thomas J. Craughwell

Paul, Envoy Extraordinary by Malcom Muggeridge & Alec Vidler

Praying with Therese of Lisieux – Companions for the Journey by Joseph F. Schmidt

Saint Among the Hurons – The Life of Jean de Brebeuf by Francis X. Talbot, S.J.

Saint Anne and Ste. Anne de Beaupre by Eugene Lefebvre

Saint Augustine by Jacques Chabannes

Saint Augustine by Rebecca West

Saint Columban by Francis MacManus

Saint Jeanne de Chantal by Andre Ravier

Saint by Anne E. Neuberger

Saint of the Day by Leonard Foley

Saints – A Lively, Loving People! By Victoria Palisin

Santa Caterina Da Siena by Eric Aman

Simply Surrender by Ava Maria Press

Six Saints for Parents by Rosemary Haughton

Soldier Priest in the Killing Fields of Europe by Gary Browne & Darrin McGrath

Spiritual Realism of Saint Therese of Lisieux by R. P. Victor de la Vierge

St. George, Hero, Martyr, and Myth by Samantha Riches 45

St. John of the Cross by Antonio T. de Nicolas

St. John of the Cross Leon Cristiani

St. Therese by Franciscan of the Immaculate

Story of a Soul by John Clarke

Teresa of Avila by Marcelle Auclair

The Autobiography of St. Gherese of Lisieux – The Story of a Soul by John Beevers

The Autobiography of St. Ignatius Loyola by Joseph F. O’Callaghan

The Children’s Book of Saints by Louis M. Savary, S.T.D.

The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross by Kieran Kavanaugh & Otilio Rodriguez

The First Jesuit by Mary Purcell

The Life and Cult of Saint Anne by Gerard Desrochers

The Photo of Saint Therese of Lisieux by Francois de Sainte-Marie

The Way of Perfection by E. Allison Peers

Therese of Lisieux – A Discovery of Love – Selected Spiritual Writings by Terence Carey

Therese: The Saint Who Loved Us – A Personal View by Arthur Cavahaugh

This Saint Will Chnge Your Life by Thomas J. Craughwell

Unquite Souls by Richard Kieckhefer



A Handbook on Canons by Jordan Hite & Sharon Holland & Daniel Ward

Canonical Delicts Involving Sexual Misconduct and Dismissal from the Clerical State by National Conference of Catholic Bishops

Church Property – A Commentary on Canon Law Governing Temporal Goods in the US & Canada by Rev. Msgr. John A. Renken, MA, STD, JCD

Code of Canon Law - Annotated by Wilson & Lafleur Ltd.

Code of Canon Law – -English Edition by Canon Law Society of America

Code, Community, Ministry by James H. Provost

Complementary Norms to the 1983 Code of Canon Law by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Marriage Annulment and Dissolution by Hugh F. Doogan

Marriage in Canon Law by Ladislas Orsy

New Law and Life by Elissa Rinere

Special Marriage Cases by William H. Woestman

The Canon Law – Letter & Spirit – A Practical Guide to the Code of Canon Law by The Conan Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland

The Code of Canon Law – In Enlish Translation by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (2 Copies)

The Code of Canon Law – A Text and Commentary Edited by James A. Coriden, Thomas J. Grfeen & Donald E. Heintschel

The New Code of Canon Law: Volume I by 5th International Congress of Canon Law

The New Code of Canon Law: Volume II by 5th International Congress of Canon Law

The Pastoral Companion - A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry by John M. Huels, O.S.M., J.C.D.

The Pastoral Companion - A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry - Second Edition, Updated and Expanded by John M. Huels,O.S.M., J.C.D.

The Pastoral Companion-A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry-Third Edition, Revised and Updated by John M. Huels, J.C.D.

The Sacred Canons: Volume I by John A. Abbo & D. Hannan 47

The Sacred Canons: Volume II by John A. Abbo & Jerome D. Hannan

Studia Canonica: A Canadian Canon Law Review: by Faculty of Canon Law, Saint Paul Universary , Ottawa, ON

Volume 28/2 - 1994

Volume 29/1 – 1995

Volume 29/2 – 1995

Volume 30/1 – 1996

Volume 30/2 – 1996

Volume 31/1 – 1997

Volume 31/2 – 1997

Volume 32/1 – 1998

Volume 32/2 – 1998

Volume 33/1 – 1999

Volume 33/2 – 1999

Volume 34/1 – 2000

Volume 34/2 – 2000

Volume 35/1 – 2001

Volume 35/2 – 2001

Volume 35/1 – 2002

Volume 35/2 – 2002

Volume 37/1 – 2003

Volume 37/2 – 2003

Volume 38/1 – 2004

Volume 38/2 – 2004

Volume 39/1-2 – 2005

Volume 40/1 – 2006

Volume 40/2 – 2006 48

Volume 41/1 – 2007

Volume 41/2 – 2007

Volume 42/1 – 2008

Volume 42/2 – 2008

Volume 43/1 – 2009

Volume 43/2 – 2009

Volume 44/1 – 2010

Volume 44/2 – 2010

Volume 45/1 – 2011

Volume 45/2 – 2011

Volume 46/1 – 2012

Volume 46/2 – 2012

Volume 47/1 – 2013

Volume 47/2 – 2013

Volume 48/1 – 2014

Volume 48/2 – 2014

Volume 49/1-2 – 2015

Volume 50/1 - 2016



A Brief History of Christian Worship by James F. White

A Child Shall Lead Them by Gerard A. Pottebaum

A Handbook for Liturgical Catechesis- Building a Eucharist Community by Mary J. McDonald

A Liturgist’s Guide to Inclusive Language by Ronald D. Witherup

A Short History of the Western Liturgy/An Account & Some Reflections by Theodor Klauser

A Well-Trained Tongue – A Workbook for Lectors by Ray Lonergan (2 Copies)

A Well-Trained Tongue – Formation in the Ministry of Reader by Aelred R. Rosser

An Important Office of Immense Love/A Handbook for Eucharistic Ministers by Joseph M. Champlin

At the Supper of the Lamb-A Pastoral and Theological Commentary on the Mass by Paul Turner

Breaking Open the Word of God – Resources for using the Lectionary for Catechesis in the RCIA – Cycle A by Karen M. Hinman & Joseph P. Sinwell

Bringing Catechesis and Liturgy Together by Joe Paprocki and D. Tod Williamson

Called to Prayer–Liturgical Spirituality Today by Gerard Austin, O.P., Theresa F. Koernke, I.H.M., Mary Collins, O.S.B. Louis Weil

Called to Serve - A Guidebook for Altar Servers by Father Albert J. Nevins, M.M.

Canadian Studies in Liturgy: Number 1, Holy Days: Opportunities and Challenges by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Canadian Studies in Liturgy: Number 2, Ministries of the Laity by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Canadian Studies in Liturgy: Number 5, Culture and the Praying Church by Edward J. Kilmartin,

Canadian Studies in Liturgy: Number 6, Pastoral Notes by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Catechesis for Liturgy – A Program for Parish Involvement by Gilbert Ostdiek (2 Copies)

Celebrating the Liturgy of the Word with Children – Guidelines for Practice by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (3 Copies)

Celebration – Theology, Ministry and Practice by Eugene A. Walsh

Celebrations Along the Way by Dorothy McRae-McMahon 50

Children in the Assembly of the Church by Elkeanor Bernstein, CSJ and John Brooks-Leonard

Church -Building & Renovating for Christian Worship by James F. White & Susan J. White

Communion/New Parish Ministries, Series 3 by Novalis

Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy: Documents of the Vatican II by Unknown Author

Cultural Adaptation of the Liturgy by Anscar J. Chupungco, O.S.B.

Developing Children`s Liturgy by Gail Fabbro

Directory for Mass with Children by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (3 Copies)

Elements of Rite-A Handbook of Liturgical by Aidan Kavanagh

Focus the Word: Year of Luke C by Susan Sayers

Focus the Word: Year of Mark B by Susan Sayers

Focus the Word: Year of Matthew A by Susan Sayers

Forming a Liturgical Choir-A Practical Approach by Paolo Iotti

Forming the Assembly to Celebrate Sacraments by Lawrence E. Mick

Forming the Assembly to Celebrate the Mass by Lawrence E. Mick

God Acts We React – An Aproach to Liturgical Prayer by Msgr. Thomas Rowland

Groundwork – Planning Liturgical Seasons by Yvonne Cassa & Joanne Sanders

Growing in Church Music by Joseph Gelineau, S.J., Bernard Huijbers, Eugenio Costa, S.J., John Michael East, Helmut Hucke

Guide for Cantors by Jennifer Kerr Breedlove and Paul Turner

Guide for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion by Kenneth A Riley and Paul Turner

Guide for Lay Preachers by Patricia A. Parachini

Guide for Lectors by Aelred Rosser, OSB

Guide for Lectors by Virginia Meagher and Paul Turner

Guide for Liturgy Committees by Paul Turner and Michael R. Prendergast

Guide for Ministers of Communion by Victoria M. Tufano

Guide for Music Ministers by Jennifer Kerr Breedlove and Paul Turner 51

Guide for Sacristans by Corinna Laughlin and Paul Turner

Guide for the Assembly by Cardinal Joseph Bernardin

Guide for Ushers & Greeters by Lawrence E. Mick

Guide for Ushers and Greeters by Karie Ferrell and Paul Turner

Guidelines for and Exposition – A Publication of the Liturgical Commission, Diocese of London

Handbook for the Preparation of Parish Liturgy/Worship in Spirit & Truth by Diocesan Liturgy Office

Holy Week in the Parish-American Essays in Liturgy by Don A. Neumann

How Not to Say Mass – A Guidebook for all Concerned About Authentic Worship by Dennis C. Smolarski, S.J.

In the Breaking of the Bread by Patricia Coady, Deborah Griffin, and Theresa Jette

Introduction to Christian Worship, Revised Edition by James F. White

Introduction to Christian Worship-Third Edition, Revised and Expanded by James. F. White

Lay Leaders of Worship-A Practical & Spiritual Guide by Kathleen Hope Brown

Lay Preaching/State of the Question by Patricia A. Parachini

Lay Presiders at Liturgy/New Parish Ministries by Novalis

Lay Presiding: The Art of Leading Prayer by Kathleen Hughes

Leading the Assembly in Prayer by Michael J. Begolly

Learning to Celebrate the Mass & its Music by Joseph Gelineau

Lector Becomes Proclaimer by Jerry and Gail Ducharme

Let Us Pray-A Guide to the Rubrics of Sunday Mass by Paul Turner

Life Maps/Conversations on the Journey of Faith by Jim Fowler & Sam Keen

Liturgical Language-Keeping it Metaphoric, Making it Inclusive by Gail Ramshaw

Liturgical Ministry by Donna M. Cole

Liturgical Participation/An Ongoing Assessment by Frederick R. McManus

Liturgical Renewal - Documents issued by the & the Canadian Episcopate 1964-1964

Liturgy - Heritage Meets Hope by the Liturgical Conference 52

Liturgy and Architecture by Louis Bouyer

Liturgy and Worship by Rev. Thomas Richstatter, O.F.M, S.T.D.

Liturgy and Worship: Annotated Edition by Rev. Thomas Richstatter, O.F.M, S.T.D

Liturgy in a Multicultural Community by Mark R Francis

Liturgy Planning – New Parish Ministries by Novalis

Liturgy with Style and Grace, Revised Edition by Gabe Huck

Liturgy, Justice and the Reign of God by J. Frank Henderson, Kathleeen Quinn and Stephen Larson

Liturgy: In the Beginning was the Word by the Liturgical Conference

Living Liturgy for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2009 by Joyce Ann Zimmerman, C.PP.S., Kathleen Harmon, S.N.D.de N. & Christopher W. Conlon, S.M.

Melodious Accord – Good Singin in Church by Alice Parker

Messengers of God’s Word/A Handbook for Lectors by Joseph M. Champlin

Modern Liturgy Answers by Nick Wagner

More Disputed Questions in the Liturgy by John M. Huels (2 Copies)

Music and the Eucharistic Prayer by Edward Foley and Mary McGann

Nine Steps to Becoming a Better Lector by Nick Wagner

Our communion Our Peace Our Promise by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin

Our Identity as Assembly-We Gather in Christ by the Worship Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Our Place of Worship by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (2 Copies)

Parish Liturgies by Thomas Boyer

Pastoral Music in Practice 2/Children, Liturgy and Music by Virgil C. Funk

Pastoral Music in Practice 4/Weddings, Funerals, Liturgy of the Hours by Virgil C. Funk

Pastoral Music in Practice 5/The Pastoral Musician by Virgil C. Funk

Places for Worship-A Guide to Building & Renovating by Marchita B. Mauck

Practical Ideas for Celebrating the Liturgy with Children by Carolyn Detering-Ancell

Preparing For Liturgy – A Theology and Spirituality by Austin Fleming (2 Copies) 53

Preparing For Liturgy - Preparing and Evaluating Liturgy by Bernadette Gasslein

Preparing For Liturgy – Preparing Morning & Evening Prayer by James Richards (3 Copies)

Preparing For Liturgy - Preparing Music for Celebration by Heather Reid (2 Copies)

Preparing For Liturgy – Preparing Sunday without the Eucharist by Andrew Britz, OSB & Zita Maier, OSU(2 Copies)

Preparing For Liturgy – Preparing the Assembly to Celebrate by Kim Aldi-Wanner (2 Copies)

Preparing For Liturgy – Preparing the Environment for Worship by David McNorgan (2 Copies)

Preparing For Liturgy – Preparing the Eucharistic Table by Barry Glendinning (5 Copies)

Preparing For Liturgy – Preparing the Liturgical Year 1: Sunday & the Paschal Triduum by Corbin Eddy (5 Copies)

Preparing For Liturgy – Preparing the Liturgical Year 2: Lent-Easter & Advent-Christmas by Corbin Eddy (5 Copies)

Preparing For Liturgy - Preparing the Rites of Initiation by Bill Corcoran (13 copies)

Preparing For Liturgy – Preparing the Table of the Word by Normand Bonneau, OMI (3 Copies)

Preparing For Liturgy – Preparing to Celebrate in Schools by Margaret Bick (2 Copies)

Preparing For Liturgy – Preparing to Celebrate with Children by Gerard Whitty, Jeanette Mercer & Elaine Wells (4 Copies)

Preparing For Liturgy – Preparing to Celebrate with Youth by Marilyn J. Sweet (3 Copies)

Preparing For Liturgy – Preparing to Preach by Barry Glendinning (3 Copies)

Preparing For Liturgy - Preparing to Preside by Barry Glendinning (2 Copies)

Preparing For Liturgy - Preparing to Serve at the Table by John G. Hibbard (2 Copies)

Preparing to Preach - An Introduction for Lay Preachers by J. Frank Henderson

Preparing to Preside – An Introduction for Lay Presiders by J. Frank Henderson

Rekindling the Passion by Susan S. Jorgensen

Seasons & Feast of the Church Year/An Introduction by Michael D Whalen

Serve God with Gladness – A Manual for Servers by David Philippart – 2 Copies

Special Ministers of the Eucharist by William J. Belford

Sunday Book of Readings - Adapted for Children Year A by Sister Paule Freeburg, D.C. 54

Sunday Book of Readings – The Lectionary Adapted for Children Year C by Sister Paule Freeburg, D.C.

Sunday Celebration of the Word and Hours by National Liturgical Office, CCCB

Sunday Liturgy of the Word Planning Guide Year A First Quarter Winter 2004/05 by Gerard A. Pottebaum

Sunday Liturgy of the Word Planning Guide Year A First Quarter Winter 2001/02 by Gerard A. Pottebaum

Sunday Liturgy of the Word Planning Guide Year A Fourth Quarter Autumn 2002 by Gerard A. Pottebaum

Sunday Liturgy of the Word Planning Guide Year A Third Quarter Summer 2002 by Gerard A. Pottebaum

Sunday Liturgy of the Word Planning Guide Year B First Quarter Winter 2002/03 by Gerard A. Pottebaum

Sunday Liturgy of the Word Planning Guide Year B Third Quarter Summer 2000 by Gerard A. Pottebaum

Sunday Liturgy of the Word Planning Guide Year B Third Quarter Summer 2003 by Gerard A. Pottebaum

Sunday Liturgy of the Word Planning Guide Year C Fourth Quarter Autumn 2001 by Gerard A. Pottebaum

Sunday Liturgy of the Word Planning Guide Year C Fourth Quarter Autumn 2004 by Gerard A. Pottebaum

Sunday Liturgy of the Word Planning Guide Year C Second Quarter Lent 2004 by Gerard A. Pottebaum

Sunday Morning: A Time for Worship by Mark Searle

The Assembly Celebrates: Gathering the Community for Worship by James Challancin

The Canadian Studies in Liturgy: Number 4 - Catholic Priesthood by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Catechism of the Catholic Church on Liturgy & Sacraments by Jan Michael Joncas

The Church at Prayer Volume IV – The Liturgy and Time by A.G. Martimort, I.H. Dalmais, P. Jounel

The Communion Rite at Sunday Mas by Gabe Huck

The Deacon - Minister of Word and Sacrament – Study Text VI by Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy

The Earth is the Lords by American Essays in Liturgy

The Eucharist – God’s Gift for the Life of the World (2 Copies)

The Eucharistic Prayer at Sunday Mass by Richard McCarron

The Great Seasons – Your Guide to Celebrating Advent, Christmas, , Lent, Holy Week, Triduum, The Easter Season

The How-To Book of the Mass by Michael Dubruiel

The Lector – Effective Delivery of the Word by Mary Lyons 55

The Lector’s Ministry – Your Guide to Proclaiming the Word

The Liturgical Ministry of Deacons by Michael Kwatera, O.S.B

The Liturgical Year – Advent Christmas-Epiphany by Adrian Nocent, O.S.B. (2 Copies)

The Liturgical Year – Its History and Its Meaning After the Reform of the Liturgy by Adolf Adam

The Liturgical Year – Lent Holy Week by Adrian Nocent, O.S.B.

The Liturgical Year – Sundays in Ordinary Time by Adrian Nocent, O.S.B.

The Liturgical Year – The Easter Season by Adrian Nocent, O.S.B.

The Liturgy Committee Handbook by Thomas baker and Frank Ferrone

The Liturgy in the Catechism by Regis Duff Ofm

The Liturgy of the Hours – The General Instruction with Commentary by A.M. Roguet, O.P.

The Liturgy of the Hours – Your Guide to Praying At Home & in Your Parish Community

The Many Presences of Christ by John Baldovin, Michael J. Begolly, Michael Driscoll, Dorothy Dwight, Joseph A. Favazza, Maxwell E. Johnson, Theresa F. Koernke, Patrick R. Lagges, Gilbert W. Ostdiek, Richard S Vosko and Teresita Weind.

The Ministry of Communion by Michael Kwatera, O.S.B. (3 Copies)

The Ministry of Hospitality by James A. Comiskey

The Ministry of Lectors by James A. Wallace, C.SS.R

The Ministry of Musicians by Edward J. McKenna

The Ministry of Servers by Michael Kwatera, O.S.B. (3 Copies)

The Ministry of the Cantor by James Hansen

The Mystery of Faith: A Study of the Structural Elements of the Order of Mass by Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions

The Order of Celebrating Matrimony – Liturgy Planning Guide by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Order of Celebrating Matrimony – Pastoral Notes by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Parish Cantor: Helping Catholics Pray in Song by Michael Connolly

The Popular Guide to the Mass by William Marrevee, S.C.J.

The Priesthood of the Faithful: Key to a Living Church by Paul J. Philibert (2 Copies) 56

The Reader as Minister by The Liturgical Conference

The Sunday Lectionary: Ritual World, Paschal Shape by Norman Bonneau (2 Copies)

The Word into Life–Journey of Faith Cycle C – A guide for group reflection on Sunday Scripture by John F. Craghan, Elsie Hainz McGrath & Ann Wolf

Thirty-One Questions on Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

To Listen and Tell by Kate Dooley, O.P.

Understanding the General Instruction of the Roman Missal by Gerard Moore

Understanding the Revised Mass Texts – Second Edition by Paul Turner (2 Copies)

What Ever Catholic Needs to Know About the Mass by Kevin McGloin

When Children Gather by Robert W. Piercy and Vivian E. Williams

Whole Community Liturgy by Nick Wagner

Why Go to Mass? By Nick Wagner (3 Copies)

Worship – A Primer in Christian Ritual by Keith F. Pecklers

Youth at Worship by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops 57

Prayer Services

Children’s Word Liturgies 1 by Sister Majorie Moffatt

Classroom Prayer Services by Gwen Costello

Come and Celebrate by Rev. Dick Hilliard and Beverly Valenti-Hilliard

Communion of the Sick by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Fruits and Nuts in Symbolism and Celebrations by Mary Reed

Gathering Prayers by Debra Hintz

Give your Gifts: the Prayer Services by Linda Baltikas and Robert W. Piercy

Morning and Evening by Joyce Ann Zimmerman

One Hundred and Fifty Opening and Closing Prayers by Carl Koch

People of God at Prayer by Bill Huebsch

Prayer Celebrations for the Liturgical Year by Thomas H. Morris

Prayer Service Models by Kimberly A. Langley and Robert W. Meaney

Prayer Services for Parish Meetings by Debra Hintz

Prayer Services for Young Adolescents by Gwen Costello

Praying with Children: Some ways and Means by Jenny Pate

Psalms for Morning and Evening Prayer by Gabe Huck

Seasonal Liturgies by Karen Jessie

The Forgiving Christ by William J. Freburger and James E. Haas

Thirty Ten-Minute Prayer Celebrations for Young Children by Debbie M. Repp

Touch Holiness by Ruth C. Duck and Maren C. Tirbassi

Twenty-Four Intergenerational Liturgies of the Word by Resource Publications, Inc

Twenty-Two Gathering Prayers by Rev. Joesph J Arackal

We Celebrate Prayer Services for Special Occasions by Elizabeth J. French

We Praise You, O Lord! by Patricia Fritz, O.S.F. 58

Women’s Prayer Services by Iben Gjerding and Katherine Kinnamon



A Retreat with Gerard Manley Hopkins and Hildegard of Bingen: Turning Pain into Power by Gloria Hutchingson

A Retreat with Job and Julian of Norwich: Trusting That All Will Be Well by Carol Luebering

A Retreat with Mark: Embracing Discipleship by Stephen C. Doyle, O.F.M.

A Retreat with Oscar Romero and Dorothy Day: Walking with the Poor by Marie Adele Dennis

A Retreat with Patrick: Discovering God in All by Timothy Joyce, O.S.B

A Retreat with the Psalms by John C. Endres and Elizabeth Liebert

A Vacation with the Lord by Thomas H. Green, S.J.

An Eight-Day Retreat - Alone with the Alone by George A. Maloney, SJ

Christians and Prayer by Alfred J. Garrotto

Heaven on Earth – A Personal Retreat Programme by Brother Ramon

Journal: Liturgy and Worship by Sister Helen Hemmer, I.H.M

Journal: Morality by Sister Helen Hemmer, I.H.M

Journal: New Testament by Sister Helen Hemmer, I.H.M

Junior High Retreats by Grances Agnes Blake, Karen Jessie, Betty McCafferty, and Catherine M. O’Halloran

Luke: An Access Guide by Daniel J. Harrington, S.J.

Parent-Child Retreats – Ages 3-6 by Maggie Pike, Lynne Kickerbocker, Eleanor Sheehan and Mary Ann Filglino

Parent-Child Retreats – Ages 7-10 by Lynne Knickerbocker, Maggie Pike, Mary Ann Figlino, and Elanor Sheehan

People of the Passion by Stephen J. Binz(2 Copies)

Pilgrimage in the Footsteps of Jesus by Stephen J. Binz (2 Copies)

Pray – An Introduction to the Spiritual Life for Busy People by Richard J. Huelsman, S.J.

Retreats - Deepening the Spirituality of Girls by Julia Ann Keller

Self and Environment – On Retreat with Charles Brandt by Arthur James

Senior High Retreats by Karen Jessie William Griffin, Barry Katrichak, and Cheryl Rose 60

Teen Assemblies, Retreats and Prayer Services by Greg Dues

The Catholic Youth Retreat Book by Sister Mary Loretta Pastva S.N.D

Youth Retreats – Creating Sacred Space for oung People by Aileen A. Doyle (2 Copies)



Adolescent Spirituality by Charles M. Shelton

Awakening: Challenging the Culture with Girls by Janet Claussen

Biblical Women: Exploring Their Stories with Girls by Janet Claussen

Building Assets in Congregations by Eugene C. Roehlkepartain

Building for Justice and Peace: Group Projects for Teens by Gloria Hutchinson (3 Copies)

Building Your Own Conscience by William J. O’Malley

Canada’s Teens – Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow by Reginald W. Bibby

Catechizing with Liturgical Symbols by Pamela J. Edwards

Conscience: Choosing My Freedom by Nancy J. Ago, Kathleen Burton, and Gerald Pleva

Conversations with Teens: Becoming a Moral Person by Judith A. Caron

Conversations with Teens: Dealing with Emotions by Joanne Cahoon and Ruth Puls

Conversations with Teens: Images of God by Judith A. Caron

Conversations with Teens: Respect for Others by Ted Miles

Conversations with Teens: Serving Others by Patrick A. Howard

Defanging a Bully by A. Motiar

Did Adam & Eve have Belly Buttons? And 199 other questions from Catholic Teenagers by Matthew J. Pinto

Digging Deep: Fostering the Spirituality of Young Men by Michael J. Downey

Dreams Alive: Prayers by Teenagers by Carl Koch

Faith Facts for Young Catholics - Drills, Games & Activities for Middle School Students by Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D.

Faith First: At Home, a Family Guide by Mary Beth Jambor

Faith First: Called to Prayer and Liturgical Lessons by Richelle Peral-Koller, Jacquie Jambor, Robert Duggan, Steve Lanza (3 Copies)

Faith First: Church and Sacraments by Anne Battes-Kirby, Tina DeCamp, and Judy Deckers

Faith First: Jesus in the New Testament by Anne Battes-Kirby, Tina DeCamp, and Judy Deckers 62

Faith First: Mystery of God by Anne Battes-Kirby, Tina DeCamp, and Judy Deckers

Finding God in the Craziness of Life: Book 1 by Kathy Mulhern

Finding God in the Craziness of Life: Book 2 by Kathy Mulhern

God’s Call to Justice and Peace by Stephen J. Binz

Group Growers – Creative Friendship Activities by the Editors of Group Publishing

Growing Towards Intimacy by Bob Bartlett

Guided Meditations for Teens by Sydney Ann Merritt

Handbook for Today’s Catholic Teen by Jim Auer

Hi God, It’s Me! E-Prayers for Teenage Boys by Catherine DePino

Hi God, It’s Me! E-Prayers for Teenage Girls by Catherine DePino

How Excellent! Music for Teens by GIA Publications

In Search of the Good by National Office of Religious Education and Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Introducing Catholic Social Teaching to Children with Stories and Activities by Anne E. Neuberger

Journal: One Faith, One Lord by Gloria Hutchinson

Journey of Faith for Teens – Leader’s Guide by Debbie Repp

Keep ‘Em Talking by Mike Yaconelli

Living the Good News – Good News for Youth by Laura Q. Shupe

Mentor Handbook – Developing Faith by Kieran Sawyer and Michael Amodei

Ministering to Young Adults by Carol Gura

More Faith Facts for Young Catholics by Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D.

Nurturing the Spiritual Growth of your Adolescent by Michael Carotta

One Faith, One Lord by Rev. Msgr. John F. Barry

One Hundred Icebreakers for Youth Gatherings by Patty Hupfer Riedel

Poverty: Do it Justice by Thomas Bright

Prayer Service for Teens by Kass P. Dotterweich 63

Prayer Services with Young People by Donal Neary SJ

Prayer Times for Intermediate Grades by Marilyn Brokamp

Prayer: Celebrating and Reflecting with Girls by Marilyn Kielbasa

Scripture, Teens and Values by Kate Deehr

Seeking: Doing Theology with Girls by Janet Claussen

Service Projects for Teens by Tony Pichler and Chris Broslavick

Soul Searching – The Religious & Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers by Christian Smith with Melinda Lundquist Denton

Teens Are Non Divorceable by Sara Bonkowski

The Basic Guide to Young Adult Ministry by John C. Cusick and Katherine F. DeVries

The Book of Virtues for Young People by William J. Bennett

The Jesus Difference by Kieran Sawyer (2 Copies)

The Mass – Leader’s Guide – Step-By-Step by Novalis

The Mass – Student Booklet – Step-by-Step by Novalis

Twenty-Five Stories for Sharing Faith with Teens by Kass P. Dotterweich

Who Will Listen to Me? Prayer Thoughts for High School Girls by Judith Mattison

Why Go to Mass: Reasons and Resources to Motivate Teenagers by Greg Dues

Windows to the World: Themes for Cross-Cultural Understanding by Phyllis Kepler, Brooke Sarno Royse and John Kepler

Youth and the Future of the Church – Ministry with Youth & Young Adults by Michael Warren


Lent/Holy Week

A Child’s Easter by Patricia A. Pingry

Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter by The Plough Publishing House

Jesus is Risen by Rolf Krenzer and Constanza Droop

Palm Sunday: Bible Stories for Children by Mada Carreno

Seasons of Mercy by Catherine Doherty

Spirituality for Lent and Easter by Gerard F. Baumabach

The Final Gift by Novalis

The Joy of Your Salvation by Deborah McCann

The Last Supper: Bible Stories for Children by Mada Carreno

The Lent Book by Lonni Collins Pratt

The Lent, Triduum and Easter Answer Book by Paul J. Niemann

The Plaints of the Passion by Jude Mead

The Tale of Three Trees – A Traditional Folktale retold by Angela Elwell Hunt

The Three Days by Gabe Huck (2 Copies)

The Triduum Book by The Editors of Modern Liturgy

The Ways of the Cross by Liturgy Training Publications

What Every Catholic Needs to Know About Lent, Triduum and Easter by Kevin McGloin



A : Pop-up Edition by Charles Dickens

A Cup of Comfort: Book of Christmas Prayers by Susan B. Townsend

A Gift for the Christ Child by Linda Schlafer

Acts of Salvation by Kevin Yell

Advent and Lent Activities for Children by Shela Kielly and Sheila Greaghty

Advent for Kids, Year A: Children Everywhere Wait for Jesus by Alison Berger (15 Copies)

Advent for Kids, Year C: Where Did Advent Go? By Alison Berger

Advent Stories and Activities – Meeting Jesus through the Jesse Tree by Anne E. Neuberger

An Angel Visits Mary - Bible Stories for Children by Mada Carreno

An Orange for Frankie by Patricia Polacco

B is for by Isabel Williams

Build Your Own Bethlehem by Gertrud Mueller Nelson and Peter Mazar

Building Family Faith Through Advent by Lisa M. Bellecci-St.Romain

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Christmas Treasury by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Christmas Treasury for Kids by Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Patty Hansen and Irene Dunlap

Children Celebrate! Liturgy of the Word with Children, Fall 2008, Year A by Pflaum Publishing Group

Christmas Blessings for You by Deborah Boone

Christmas in the Manger by Nola Buck and Felicia Bond

Christmas is... , Coloring Book by Sue Turner Hayes

Christmas Stories from Newfoundland by Al Clouston

Gloria the Christmas Angel by Scott Anthony Asalone ( 3 Copies)

How Many Miles to Bethlehem by Kevin Crossley-Holland

Jesus Grows Up by Pilar Paris, Josep M. Lozano and Maria Rius 66

Jesus is Born – Words of Wisdom Series by Hong Kong Bible Society

Jesus is Born by Rolf Krenzer and Constanza Droop

Jesus of Nazareth by Collins Publishing

Jotham’s Journey: A Story Book for Advent by Arnold Ytreeide

Learning Centers for Advent and Lent by Doris Murphy

Let There Be Peace on Earth by Larissa Carrick

Make your own ! The Magazine for Catechist Formation by Twenty Third Publications (2002)

Miracle of the Poinsettia by Brian Cavanaugh

My Advent Fun Book by Liguori Publications

My Favorite Advent and Christmas Activity Book by Jenny Erickson

Newborn King: A Christmas Drama for Children or Adults by Graziano Marcheschi

One Hundred and One Things to do for Christmas by Debbie Trafton O’Neal

Only a Star by Margery Facklam

Rediscover Advent by Matthew Kelly

Ruben Grandpa Jacob’s First Christmas Donkey by E.A. LaPalme

Stations of the Crib – A Journey of Hope from Advent to Epiphany by Joseph Nassal

Teach Us to Number Our Days by Barbara Dee Baumgarten

The ABC’s of Christmas by Francine M. O’Connor

The Best Thing about Christmas by Christine Harder Tangvald

The Christmas Book by Wendy Poussard and Moira Eastman

The Christmas Crib Book by Fredreique and Claude Laforturne

The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey by Susan Wojciechowski

The Christmas Star by Marcus Pfister

The Christmas Story by Matthieu de Laubier

The Crippled Lamb by Max Lucado

The Huron Carol by Father Jean de Brebeuf 67

The Jesse Tree by Geraldine McCaughrean

The Legend of the Christmas Rose by William H. Hooks

The Life and Times of the Original , Bishop of Myra: by D.L Cann

The Mistletoe Girl and Other Christmas Stories by Ethel Pochocki

The Nativity – The Story of Christmas by Jane Ray

The Not –So-Wise Man by Alan Macdonald

The Promise by Luane Roche

The Shine Man by Mary Quattlebaum

The Story of Christmas by Paul Fehlner

The Way to Bethlehem by Inos Biffi

The Wonder of Christmas by Jeanne Conte

Tomorrow We Go to Bethlehem-Five Plays for the Christmas Season by John McTavish

Waiting for Noel by Ann Dixon

Watch for the Light by Plough Publishing House

What Child is This? By K.R. Knight

What Every Catholic Needs to Know About Advent and Christmas by Kevin McGloin

Wise Men from the East - Bible Stories for Children by Mada Carreno

Wishing You a Merry Christmas by Kelly Williams


Pope John Paul II

Canada Celebrating Our Faith by Daughters of St. Paul

Celebrate 2000! By Paul Thigpen

Celebrate Our Faith by Papal Rose Publishing

Crossing the Threshold of Hope by John Paul II

Easter and Vigil and Other Poems by Karol Wojtyla

His Holiness Pope John Paul II: In Celebration of His Visit by Royce Publications

Holy Thursday Letters to My Brother Priests By John Paul II and Edited by James P. Socias

Holy Thursday Letters to My Brother Priests By John Paul II and Edited by James P. Socias

Joannes Paulus PP. II by Charles J. Cipolla

John Paul II in Mexico: His Collection Speeches by Collins Publishing

John Paul II: A Pictorial Biography by P. Hebblethwaite and L. Kaufmann

Lift Up Your Hearts: Daily Meditations by Pope John Paul II by Carlos Alonso Vargas

On the Fiftieth Anniversary of My Priestly Ordination: Gift and Mystery by Pope John Paul II

Papal Wisdom: Words of Hope and Inspiration from John Paul II by Matthew E. Bunson

Pope John Paul II and the Catholic Restoration by Paul Johnson

Pope John Paul II at the International Labour Conference by the International Labour Office, Geneva

Pope John Paul II: A Man and His People by Trevor Hall and K. Spink

Pope John Paul II: Pilgrim of Peace by Harmony Books NY

Pope John Paul II: Sources of Renewal by Karol Wojtyla

Pope John Paul II: The Biography by Tad Szulc

Pope John Paul II: The Life of Karol Wojtyla by Mieczysi Awmalinski

Prayers and Devotions from Pope John Paul II edited by Bishop Peter Canisus and Johannes Van Lierde (2 Copies)

Priesthood in the Third Millennium by Rev. James P. Socias

Sign of Contradiction by Karol Wojtyla – Pope John Paul II 69

Sign of Contradiction by Karol Wojtyla

Spalancate Le Porte A Cristo by 14 Viaggi Apostolici Di Giovanni Paolo II

Talks of John Paul II by Daughters of St. Paul

The Keys of This Blood by Malachi Martin

The Magnetic Pope by Guy Marchessault

The Pilgrim Pope: A Man for All People by Francis X. Murphy

The Poetry of Pope John Paul II by USCCB Publishings

The Pope in Canada by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Private Prayers of Pope John Paul II by Pocket Books Publishing

The Tablet – Pope John Paul II Obituary Issue – 1920 - 2005

Throughout the Year with Pope John Paul II by Karol Woityla

When a Pope Asks Forgiveness by Luigi Accattoli

Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II by Geroge Weigel


Popes and the Papery

A Man Named John: The Life of Pope John XXIII by Alden Hatch

A Thief in the Night by John Cornwell

All Things in Christ by Rev. Vincent A. Yzermans

Amazing John XXIII by Dr. Fred Ladenius

Apostle of Peace: The Story of Pope Pius XII by Alden Hatch

Covenant and Communion – The Biblical Theology of Pope Benedict XVI by Scott W. Hahn

I Will be Called John by Lawrence Elliott

Illustrissimi: Letters from by Albino Luciani

In the Steps of Pope Paul by Reuben Slonim

In the Vatican by Peter Hebblethwaite

Inside the Vatican by George Bull

Introduction to Christianity by Joseph Ratzinger

John XXIII: A Pictorial Biography by Eric Pecher

John: The Transitional Pope by Ernersto Balducci

Journey of Love: A Pilgrimage to Pope John’s Birthplace by Kay Sullivan

Journey towards Easter by Cardinal Josephy Ratzinger

Milestones – Memoirs 1927 -1977 Joseph Ratzinger by Ignatius Press

Paul VI: The First Modern Pope by Peter Hebblethwaite

Pocket Dictionary of edited by Michael Walsh

Pope John and His Revolution by E.E. Y. Hales

Pope John by Meriol Trevor

Pope John XXIII - Journal of a Soul by Dorothy White

Social Wellsprings: Leo XIII by Joseph Husslein

Social Wellsprings: Pius XI by Joseph Husslein 71

Spiritual Thoughts – Benedict XVI – In the First Year of his Papacy by Libreria Editrice Vaticana

The Bishop of Rome by J.M.R Tillard

The Church by Pope Paul VI

The Church Speaks to the Modern World by Etienne Gilson

The Life of Pope Leo XIII by Bernard O’Reilly

The Limits of the Papacy by Patrick Granfield

The Message of John Paul I by St. Paul Editions

The Mind of Paul VI by James Walsh S.J

The Papacy by Paul Johnson

The Papacy in Transition by Patrick Granfield

The Papal Encyclical in Their Historical Context – The Teachings of the Popes from Peter to John XXLLL by Anne Fremantle

The Pope Speak by Michael Chinigo

The Pope Speaks by Jean Guitton

The Popes at Avignon (1305 – 1378) by G. Mollat

The Priest by Pope Paul VI

The Ratzinger Report – An Exclusive Interview on the State of the Church by Ignatius Press

The Teachings of Pope Paul VI by United States Catholic Conference

What Must God be Like? By Pope Paul VI


Other Faiths

A Guide to the World’s Religions by David G. Bradley

A Survival Guide for Ecumenically Minded Christians by Thomas Ryan

A Tale of Two Cities: The Mormons – Catholics by Rev. William Taylor

A World at Prayer by John Carden and the World Council of Churches

At the Edge of Tomorrow by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious

Eastern Catholics in the United States of America by National Conference of Catholic Bishops

Ecumenical Collaboration at the Regional Nation and Local Levels by Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis

Forming a Catholic Conscience by Michael Pennock

In the Shadow of the Prophet: The Struggle for the Soul of by Milton Viorst

Initiation into Christ by the Canadian Council of Churches

Light of the East by George Appleyard

Lutheran Catholic Dialogue in Canada by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

More Light Less Heat by Joseph Phelps

Peace and Disarmament: Documents of the World Council of Churches by The Pontifical Commission

Review and Expositor: Issues in Southern Baptist-Roman Catholic Dialogue by Faculty of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

The Role of the Apostolic Religious Life in the Context of the Contemporary Church and World by Canadian Religious Conference

Sacramental Sharing Between Catholics and Other Christians in Canada by Unknown

Sacred Journeys – Understanding the World’s Great Religions by Rev. John Monestero

Thank God: Prayers of Jews and Christians Together by carol Frances Jegen and Rabbi Byron L. Sherwin

The Anglican Church in Labrador by Francis Buckle

The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

The Byzantine Ukrainian Rite by Canadian Catholic Conference

The Final Report by Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission 73

The Origins and Approval of the Malines Conversations by R. J. Lahey

The Portable World Bible by Robert O. Ballou

The Religions of the World by William J. Whalen

The Search for Christian Unity by Catholic Bishops` Conference of England and Wales

The Signs of Our Times by Most Rev. Adam Exner

What it means to be Catholic by Father Joseph M. Champlin

World Religions by Susan Meredith



1992 Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence Awareness Guide by Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Association

A Matter of Conscience by Anne Packer with Paul Knowles

A Path to Hope John J. Dillon

A Time to Choose Life by Ian Gentles

Abortion and Slavery by J.C. Willke

Abortion: A New Generation of Catholic Responses by Pope John Paul Center

Abortion: The Silent Holocaust by John Powell

AIDS and Faith by Normand Bonneau, Barbara Bozak, Andre Guindon and Richard Hardy

AIDS: The Ultimate Challenge by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Past and Present by J.C. Willke

Beyond Sorrow: Reflections on Death and Grief by Herb and Mary Montgomery

Breach of Trust – Breach of Faith – Child Sexual Abuse in the Church and Society by Canadian Conference of Bishops

Breaking the Deadly Embrace of Child Abuse by E. Clay Jorgensen

Catholic Conscience Foundation and Formation by Pope John Paul Center

Catholic Identity in Health Care: Principles and Practice by Rev. Msgr Orville N. Griese

Choosing Life by John English

Christian and Imagination by Philip S. Keane

Christian Moral Principles - The Way of the Lord Jesus, Volume 1 by Germain Grisez

Christian Perspectives on Bioethics by John R. Williams

Complications – Abortion’s Impact on Women by Lanfranchi, Gentles and Ring-Cassidy

Conserve Human Life by Pope John Paul Center

Contraception and the Natural Law by Germain G. Grisez

Critical Issues in Contemporary Health Care by Pope John Paul Center 75

Death before Birth by E. J. Kremer and E. A. Synan

Death Ethics by Kenneth L. Vaux

Deciding: Moral Decision Making for Catholics by Michele McCarthy

Ethics Committees: A Challenge for Catholic Health Care by the Catholic Health Association of the U.S

Euthanasia: Recent Declarations of Popes and Bishops by Life Ethics Center (1980)

Food for Thought – Catholic Insights into the Modified Food Debate by John Perry

From Pain to Hope by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (2 copies)

Genetic Medicine and Engineering by Albert S. Moraczewski

Handbook on Critical Sexual Issues by Donald G. McCarthy and Edward J. Bayer

Healing the Church – Diagnosing and Treating the Clergy Sexual Abuse Crisis by Sister Nuala Kenny, MD

Healing the Wounds of Emotional Abuse by Nancy Benvenga

Health Care Ethics Guide by Catholic Health Association of Canada

Health Ethics Guide by Catholic Health Association of Canada

Honosexual Marriage and the Reversal of Birth by Antonio Lopez

Human Sexuality and Personhood by Pope John Paul Center

Just Wages for Church Employees by Frank D. Almade

Kill Our Unborn Canadians by David Dehler

Living a Christian Life - The Way of the Lord Jesus, Volume 2 by Germain Grisez

Living with Other People by Kenneth R. Melchin

Love Them Both - Why Can’t We by Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Willke

Manual of Catholic Medical Ethics-Responsible Healthcare from a Catholic Perspective by WJ Eijk, PhD, STL, LM Hendriks, STD, JA Raymakers MD, PhD, John I Fleming, BA, ThL (hons), PhD

Moral Development Ethics and Faiths by Andre Guindon

Moral Responsibility in Prolonging Life Decisions by Donald G. McCarthy and Albert S. Moraczewski

Moral Theology Today: Certitudes and Doubts by The Pope John Center

Morality and Law in Canadian Politics: The Abortion Controversy by Alphonse de Valk 76

Natural and Divine Law – Reclaiming the Tradition for Christian Ethics by Saint Paul University

New Hope in Christ by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

New Perspectives on Contraception by Donald DeMarco, Ph.D.

No Exception: A pro-life Imperative by Charles E. Rice

On Christians and Prosperity – Christian Social Thought Series by James V. Schall

Our Lords the Sick, Our Lords the Poor Edited by Bridget Campion and Rory Fisher

Our Posthuman Future – Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution by Francis Fukuyama

Reaching for Solutions by Health and Welfare Canada

Reproductive Technologies, Marriage and the Church by Pope John Paul Center

Respecting Life: An Activity Guide by Catholic Conference of the United States

Saving Those Damned Catholics by Judie Brown

Sex and Gender: A Theological and Scientific Inquiry by Mark F. Schwartz, Albert S. Moraczewski and James A. Monteleone

Sexual Abuse in the Church by Rev. John Allan Loftus

Sexual Assault and Abuse – A Handbook for Clergy & Religious Professionals by Mary D. Pellauer, Barbara Chester & Jane Boyajian

Slayer of the Soul by Stephen J. Rossetti

Technological Powers and the Person by Pope John Paul Center

The Church and Racism by Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace

The Dysfunctional Church: Addiction and Codependency in the Family of Catholicism by Michael H. Crosby

The Fetal Tissue Issue: Medical and Ethical Aspects Peter J. Cataldo and Albert S. Moraczewski

The Harm We Do by Joyce Poole

The Interactions of Catholic Bioethics and Secular Society by Pope John Paul Center

The Least of These by Curt Young

The Muted Voice: Religion and the Media by Michael W. Higgins

The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly–Volume 16 - Spring 2016 by The National Catholic Bioethics Center 77

The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly-Volume 16 - Summer 2016 by The National Catholic Bioethics Center

The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly–Volume 17 – Automn2017 by The National Catholic Bioethics Center

The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly–Volume 17 – Summer 2017 by The National Catholic Bioethics Center

The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly–Volume 17 – Winter2017 by The National Catholic Bioethics Center

The Splendor of Truth and Health Care by Russell E. Smith

The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Vatican II a Look Back and a Look Ahead by Pope John Paul Center

Theologians and Authority within the Living Church by James J. Mulligan

Theologies of the Body by Benedict M. Ashley

Tombs for the Unborn by the Knights of Columbus

Trust the Truth by Pope John Paul Center

Understanding child Sexual Abuse by Thom L.McGuire and Faye E. Grant

Victim No More – Ministry to Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Mollie Brown

What to do if Your Child Tells You of Sexual Abuse-Understanding the Law by Department of Justice Canada


Women’s Issues

A Woman in Love by Cynthia Donnelly

A Woman’s Guide to Surviving Sexual assault by Women’s Policy Office

Autumn Gospel: Women in the Second Half of Life by Kathleen Fischer

Beyond Anger: On Being a Feminist in the Church by Carolyn Osiek

Beyond Patching: Faith and Feminism in the Catholic Church by Sandra M. Schneiders

Bread not Stone by Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza

Engendering Jubilee by Jennifer Henry

Extraordinary Preaching: Twenty Homilies by Roman Catholic Women by Roslyn A. Karaban and Deni Mack

Freeing Theology by Catherine Mowry LaCugna

Friends of God and Prophets by Elizabeth A. Johnson

Generous Lives – American Catholic Women Today by Jane Redmont

Here All Dwell Free: Stories to Heal the Wounded Feminine by Gertrud Mueller Nelson

Hidden Women of the Gospel by Kathy Coffey

Holy Saturday by Phillis Zagano

I Am Worth the Effort – a Handbook for Women in Abusive Relationships by Judith Kelsey

Leave Her Alone by Megan McKenna

Lying Down with Lions – Helping Women Who Have Served Time in Prison & Building Healthy Communities by Edith B. Shore

On the Question of the Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood by Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Praying with Visionary Women by Bridget Mary Meehan

The Meaning and Mission of religious Life in the Local Church by Canadian Religious Conference

The Prophetic Role of Religious by Canadian Religious Conference

The Santa Clara Lectures by Lisa Sowle Cahill 79

With Respect to Women by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Woman Prayer Spirit Journey by Judy Esway

Woman Survivor in the Church by Joan Ohanneson

Woman to Woman by Elizabeth Bookser Barkley

Woman, You are Free by Susan Yanos

Womanhood: Gift of God by Institute on Religious Life

Womanspirit by Susan Muto

Women and Christianity Volume I: The First Thousand Years by Mary T. Malone

Women and Christianity Volume II: From 1000 to the by Mary T. Malone

Women and Teaching by Maria Harris

Women Christian: New Vision by Mary T. Malone

Women for What World? In What Church? By Canadian Religious Conference

Women in the Church: Discussion Papers by Unknown

Women in the New Testament by Bonnie Thurston

Women, Earth and Creator Spirit by Elizabeth A. Johnson

Women’s Mysteries by Christine Downing


Social Justice

A Civilization of Love – What Every Catholic Can Do to Transform the World by Carl Anderson

A Scriptural Rosary for Justice and Peace by Catholic Campaign for Human Development

A Spirituality for Justice by Gerard Moore SM

Being with the Poor by Dr. Richard P. Hardy

Calling Out the Prophetic Tradition by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Catholic Social Teachings by Peter J. Henriot, Edward P. DeBerri and Michael J. Schultheis

Children in the Game: Child Prostitution – Strategies for Recovery by Ross A. MacInnes

Coalitions for Justice by Christopher Lind and Joe Mihevc

Creative Connections for Catechists from A to Z by Janet Schaeffler

Do Justice! The Social Teachings of the Canadian Catholic Bishops (1945-1986) by Jesuit Centre for Social Faith & Justice (2 Copies)

Economic Rights and Human Development by Alyson Huntly, Jim Morin and Marsha Sfeir

Eradicating Unemployment and Poverty: A Political Choice by Development and Peace

Eucharist and Justice by Gerard Moore

Father Bob Ogle: A Man of Letters by Father Bob Ogle

Fragmented by Reginald W. Bibby

From Charity to Justice by Development and Peace

In a Breaking Wave by Dionne

In the Eye of the Catholic Storm-The Church since Vatican II by Mary Jo Leddy, Bishop Remi De Roo and Douglas Roche

Integral Justice – Changing People, Changing Structures by John J. Walsh

Joining the Street People by Alphonse Gerwing

Justice in the Marketplace by National Conference of Catholic Bishops

Justification by Faith through Grace by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops 81

Let Justice Flow Like a Mighty River – Brief by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishopsto the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

Life Abundant by Sallie McFague

Life, Death and Science by Richard Westley

Living Justice by Thomas Massaro

Loaves and Fishes by Dorothy Day

Love Kindness! By Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Missionary in Labrador and New Quebec by Lionel Scheffer

Muggeridge Through the Microphone by Christopher Ralling

New Vigor for the Church-Conversations on the Global Challenges of Our Time by Peter-Hans Kolvenbach

One Hundred Years of Thought by John A. Coleman

Preferential Option for the Poor by Catholic Campaign for Human Development U.S

Property-Christian Social Thought Series by Wolfgang Grassl

Scripture Guide by Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Social Justice and the Spiritual Exercises by Jesuit Centre for Social Faith and Justice

Stone Soup Reflections on Economic Injustice by Paulines Publishing

The Dorothy Day Book by Margaret Quigley and Michael Garvery

The Miracle of Love by Kathryn Spink

The Rule of the Society of Saint-Vincent De Paul of Canada by Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Canada

The Social Teaching of the Church by Marist Brothers Commission for Poverty and Justice

The Spirit Matters – Reflections on Economics & Society 25 years after the Fall of Communism by Kevin Schmiesing

Three Wishes Palestinian and Israeli Children Speak by Deborah Ellis

Towards the Future by Lay Commision

We Are Called by Connie Fourre

What’s Wrong with Global Governance – Christian Social Thought Series by Robert F. Gorman

Witness to Justice: A Society to be Transformed by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops 82


100th Anniversary of St. Georges’s Diocese by Roderick T. White (12 Copies)

2000 Years of Christianity by the National Post

A Brief Presented to the Royal Commission on Education and Youth by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy of Newfoundland and Labrador

A History of God by Karen Armstrong

A Journey through French History of Newfoundland and Labrador by Canadian Heritage (Calendar)

A Woman’s Way through Unknown Labrador by Mina Hubbard

Alluring Labrador: A Journey through Labrador byThem Days Magazine

Alluring Labrador: Labrador Today with the Past in Hand by Them Days Magazine

Bréve histoire du diocese de Labrador City – Schefferville by Henri Goudreault

Brief History of the Diocese of Labrador City-Schefferville by Henri Goudreault OMI

Companions on the Journey - 25th Anniversary 1980-2005 by The Catholic Womens’s League of Canada NL Provincial Council

Our Place in Canada - Consultation Documents-Renewing and Strengthening by the Royal Commission

Economic and Social Life Old-Fort by Ministere des Affaires Culturelles du Quebec

Faith and Fraternalism by Chistopher J. Kauffman

Healing Waters: the Pilgrimage to Lac Ste. Anne by Steve Simon

Heartbeat – Bay of Islands, Newfoundland by Joseph B Hacket

Heritage and Vision by Greer G. Gordon

Historic Newfoundland by the Late L. E. F. English, M.B.E.

Historic Newfoundland and Labrador by the Late L.E.F English

Journey through Labrador by Bernie Howgate

Labrador by Government of Canada

Labrador: The Land We Love by Benjamin W. Powell 83

Life of Faith - Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish by Fr. Anthony O’Dell, OMI & Gary Peckham

Making Saints: How the Catholic Church Determines Who Becomes a Saint, Who Doesn’t and Why by Kenneth L. Wood

Memories of Our Past by Margaret O’Gorman, RSM

Mercy 1831 – 1981- 150th Anniversary of their Founding by Catherine McAuley by The Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland

Miracles by Mary Hester Valentine

Newfoundland and Labrador by Bonnell Public Relations

Newfoundland by Harold Horwood

Newfoundland Island into Province by St. John Chadwick

One Hundredth Anniversary St. George’s Diocese by Roderick T. White (10 Copies)

Our Children Our Future by Government of Newfoundland and Labrador March, 1992

People of God by Anthony E. Gilles

Pilgrim to the Russian Church by Jim Forest

Pioneer History of St. George’s Diocese, Newfoundland by Very Rev. Michael Brosnan, B.A., P.P.

Salute to Port de Grave by R.A Parsons

Sharing Faith Across the Hemisphere by United States Catholic Conference

The Catholicity of the Church by Avery Dulles

The Church in Quebec by Gregory Baum

The Crooked Top of a Safety Pin by Cindy Gibbons

The Fifties by David Halberstam

The Grey Nuns/Les Soeurs Grises by Sisters of Charity of

The History of Black Catholics in the United States by Cryprian Davis

The Knights of Columbus in Newfoundland by Kathryn Pike

The Report of the Archdiocesan Commission of Enquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Children by Members of the Clergy – Conclusions and Recommendations

The Shroud of Turin by Ian Wilson 84

The Twentieth Century: A Theological Overview by Gregory Baum

This Confident Church: Catholic Leadership and Life in Chicago, 1940-1965 by Steven M. Avelia

Trial – The Loss of Constitutional Rights in Education in Newfoundland & Labrador – the Roman Catholic Story by Bonaventure Fagan

Unknown Gods: The Ongoing Story of Religion in Canada by Reginald W. Bibby

What Christ Means to Me by Sir Wilfred Grenfell

What We Heard by Royal Commission on Renewing and Strengthening Our Place in Canada

Woman of Providence: The Life of Sister Mary Antonion Egan

Words of the Servant of God by Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky


History of the Church

A Brief History of the Hudson Bay Company by Unknown

A Concise History of the Catholic Church by Thomas Bokenkotter

A History of Theology by Yves M.J. Congar

A Pilgrimage of Faith by Frank Galgay SR. Teresina Bruce, SR. Magdalen O’Brien and Michael McCarthy

A Popular History of the Reformation by Philip Hughes

A Short History of Canada by Desmond Morton

American Catholics: A History of the Roman Catholic Community in the United States by James Hennesey

An Invitation to American Catholic History: Volume IV

And Martha Served by James Cameron

Chronological History of the Irish Catholic Church in Newfoundland and Labrador by James M. Flemming

Chronological History of the Irish Catholic Church in Newfoundland & Labrador by James M. Fleming Sr.

Church and Society by John S. Moir

Churches of Newfoundland and Labrador: Out of Our Hearts by Gerald E. Benson

Conclave-The Politics, Personalities, & Process of the Next Papal by John L. Allen Jr.

Every Popish Person by J. Brian Hanington

Founded on a Rock by Louis De Wohl

From Acorn to Oak by Galvin

From Age to Age by Edward Foley

Gentlemen-Bishop and Faction Fighters by Cyril J. Byrne

Great Heresies & Church Councils by Jean Guitton

How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization by Thomas E. Woods, Jr. Ph.D.

How to Understand the History of Christian Mission by Jean Comby

In the Fullness of Time by Paul L. Maier

Integration and Other Developments in Newfoundland Education 1915-1949 by Ralph L. Andrews 86

Listening Journey by M. Raphael Consedine

Lone Eagles of God by L.G. Fitzgerald

Opus Dei by John L. Allen, Jr.

Papal Sin-Structures of Deceit by Garry Wills

Path through Catholicism by Mark Link

Pathways of Mercy: History of the Foundation of the Sisters of Mercy in Newfoundland 1842 – 1984 by Sister M. Williamina Hogan

Religious Thought in the Reformation by Bernard M. G. Reardon

Remembering our Past and Celebrating our Future by St. Joseph Parish, North Sydney, NS

Responses to 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls by Joseph A. Fitzmyer

Retrospect by John Deedy

The Catholic Book of Days by John Deedy

The Catholic Heritage by Lawrence S. Cunningham

The Church from the Roots by Jose Marins

The Church Threatened from Within by Rev. Michal Pordowski

The Churching of America 1776-1990 by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark

The Developing Catholic Church in China by Rev. John Tong, V.G.

The First Thousand Years by Raymond J. Lahey

The General Council of the Church by John L. Murphy

The History of the Church by Eusebius

The Reform of the Papacy-The Costly Call to Christian Unity by John R. Quinn

The Remaking of the Church by Richard P. McBrien

The Rhine Flows into the Tiber – A History of Vatican II by Rev. Ralph M. Wiltgen, S.V.D.

The Runaway Church by Peter Hebblethwaite

The Seeker’s Guide to the Christian Story by Mitch Finley

The Story of the Church by Gordon Albion 87

The Story of the RC Diocese of Harbour Grace & Grand Falls Newfoundland by James M. Fleming Sr.

This Our Church - The People and Events that Shaped It by William H. Herr

Traces of God by Peter Malone

When Was That? By H.M. Mosdell



A Short Novena to Our Lady of the Cape by Herve Aubin

Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary by Marialis Cultus

Fatima: Message of Tragedy or Hope? By Antonio Augusto Borelli Machado

Favorite Prayers to Our Lady by Anthony M. Buono

Feast of Our Lady by Msgr. Author Tonne

Fourth Secret of Fatima by Antonio Socci

He Saw Our Lady by P. Onesime Lamontagne

Is the Virgin Mary Appearing at Medjugorje? By Rene Laurentin

Marmora, Canada: Is Our Blessed Mother Speaking Here to Her Beloved Children? By Sister Alice Johnson

Mary and Your Everyday Life by Bernard Haring

Mary Co-redemptrix: Doctrinal Issues Today by Edouard Cardinal Gagnon

Mary in Protestant and Catholic Theology by Thomas A. O’Meara

Mary in the New Testament by Raymond E. Brown, Karl P. Donfried, Joseph A. Fitzmyer and John Reumann

Mary My Hope by Father Lawrence G. Lovasik

Mary of Nazareth, Prophet of Peace by John Dear

Mary, Our Mother by Marian Helpers Center Congregation of Marians

Mary: A History of Doctrine and Devotion by Hilda Graef

Mary: Images of the Mother of Jesus in Jewish and Christian Perspective by Justin Lang, Jaroslav Pelikan and Dav

Mary: Model of Justice by Rev. William F. Maestri

Mary: Queen of Peace Stay with Us by Guy Girard, Armand Girard and Janko Bubalo

Mary: The First Disciple by Marie Azzarello

Medjugorje – The Message by Wayne Weible

Medjugorje Testament: Hostility Abounds Grace Super Abounds by Rene Laurentin 89

Medjugorje: Prophecy for our Time? By Bob Bedard

Miryam of Judah: Witness in Truth and Tradition by Ann Johnson (3 Copies)

Our Lady at Medjugorje by Marcel Gagne

Our Lady Speaks from Medjugorje by Andrew Jerome Yeung

Papal Documents on Mary by William J. Doheny and Joseph P. Kelly

Quiet Places with Mary by Rev. Isaias Powers

The Apparitions of Our Lady at Medjugorje by Svetozar Kraljevic

The Best of “The Spirit of Medjugorje by June Klins

The Hail Mary by Nicholas Ayo

The Life of Mary Mother of Jesus by Charles Hartman

The Lord is with Thee by Herve Aubin

The Madonna by Jean Guitton

The Mother of Jesus in the New Testament by John McHugh

The True Story of Fatima by John de Marchi, I.M.C./ Our Lady’s Living Rosary Association

The Virgin Mary in the Writings of Maria Valtorta by Fr. Gabriel M. Roschini

This Place Called Lourdes by Sister Maureen Flynn

True Devotion: To the Blessed Virgin by St. Louis de Montfort

Truly Our Sister – A Theology of Mary in the Communion of Saints by Elizabeth A. Johnson

Under Mary’s Mantle: Our Lady’s Love for Canada by Fr. Emile-Marie Briere

What are They Saying about Mary? By Anothony J. Tambasco

Woman: First Among the Faithful by Francis J. Moloney (2 Copies)


Sexuality and Relationships

Becoming a Man by William J. Bausch

Bradshaw on the Family: A Revolutionary Way of Self-Discovery by John Bradshaw

Education in Human Sexuality for Christians by United States Catholic Conference

Educational Guidance in Human Love: Outlines for Sex Education by Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education Rome

Family Matters by Nelson Canada

Growing up Girl by Eileen Pettycrew

Hold on to Your Kids: Why Parents Matter by Gordon Neufeld and Cabor Mate

It’s Hard to Tell You How I Feel by Richard L. Krebs

Love and Let Grow: Reflections on Family Living by Herb and Mary Montgomery

Making True Love by Thomas and Donna Finn

Morality, Choice and Responsibility by Richard J. Riechert

Questions Teenagers Ask About Dating and Sex by Barry Wood

Responsible Parenting: CCCB Working Papers by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Sex, Love and the Believing Boy by John H.McGoey

The Courage to be Chaste by Benedict J. Groeschel C.F.R.

The Healthy Adolescent by Barry Lauton and Arthur S. Freese

The War Over the Family: Capturing Middle Ground by Brigitte Berger and Peter L. Berger

The Young Catholic Family by Andrew M. Greeley

Tips for Raising Teens: A Primer for Parents by Robert J. McCarthy

Valuing Values: Reverence for Life and Family II A Guide for Parents by Rev. John E. Forliti

Valuing Values: Reverence for Life and Family II Program Manual by Rev. John E. Forliti

What it’s All About: Youth in Search of Meaning by Tom McKillop

What’s Happening to My Life? By Tom McKillop 91


Arctic Journal by Bern Will Brown

Beedahbun: First Light of Dawn by George P. Leach and Greg J. Humbert

Christ is a Native American by Achiel Peelman

Conquering the North Shore by Air: Development of Aviation on the North Shore 1919-1954 by Msgr Rene Belanger

Denendeh: A Dene Celebration by Dene Nation

Doctor of the Snows by Dr. Donald G. Hodd

Dreams and Visions: Education in the Northwest Territories from Early Days to 1984 by Norman John Macpherson

Fieldiana: Material Culture of the Davis Inlet and Barren Ground Naskapi: The William Duncan Strong Collection by James W. VanStone

Friends of God by Bruce Henry

Hunters of the Northern Forest by R. Stephen Irwin

Indian Country: Inside Another Canada by Larry Krotz

Joseph Buliard Fisher of Men by Charles Choque

Kajualuk: Pierre Henry Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate Apostle of the Inuit by CharlesChoque

Kuujjuaq: Memories and Musings by Dorothy Mesher with Ray Woollam

Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement Appendices by Government Service Canada

Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement by Government Service Canada

Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement-in-Principle by Nunamik Satusainimmut Labradorimi Inungita Angiutillagittukakkatinnagu Angiutigutinga

Let Justice Flow Like a Mighty River – Brief by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishopsto the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (2 Copies)

Moon of Wintertime by John Webster Grant

Murder for Fun: The Rape and Slaughter of the Beothuck Indians of Newfoundland by Ernest Kelly 92

Native Issues Vol. IV No. II by John Kennedy, Adrian Tanner, Peter Armitage, Philip D. Ross, Vern Bellecourt and James MacLean

Nitassinan: The Innu Struggle to Reclaim their Homeland by Marie Wadden

Nitishitshiskut Amakuitan by Francois Bellefleur, La Romaine

Northern Frontier Northern Homeland: The Report of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry Volume I by Mr. Justice Thomas R. Berger

Our Foot Prints Everywhere: Inuit Land Use and Occupancy in Labrador by Labrador Inuit Association

Peace and Goodness by Terry Boland

People to People: Nation to Nation by Canadian Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

Prayer Book for Eskimos of the Apostiolic Vicariate of Labrador by L.J.C and M.I.

Remembering the Sacred Time of Elders by Coqualeetza Cultural Education Center

Roman Catholic Indian Residential Schools in British Columbia by Thomas A. Lascelles

Shingwauk’s Vision: A History of Native Residential Schools by J.R. Miller

Speaking Together: Canada’s Native Women by Secretary of State

Special Consultation with the Historic Mission Churches by Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

That the World May Believe: The Development of Papal Social Thought on Aboriginal Rights by Michael Stogre

The Beothucks or Red Indians – The Aboriginal Inhabitants of Newfoundland by James P. Howley, F.G.S.

The Innu by Peter Armitage

The New North in Pictures by Clifford Wilson

The Only Good Indian - Essays by Canadian Indians by Waubageshig

The Quest for Spiritual Wisdom by Naandaawaam Daaming Gi, Jemanitou Nibwaakaawin

The Vanishing Race by Joseph K. Dixon

Treaty of Elders of Saskatchewan by Harold Cardinal and Walter Hildebrandt

Tshitshue: Aiamieu Mishinaigan by Geo.Lemoin, PTRE

Vanishing Footprints by Anthony Swift and Ann Perry

What They Used to Tell About: Indian Legends from Labrador by Peter Desbarats

Wisdom of the Elders by Peter Knudtson and David Suzuki 93


A Book about Family Prayer by Gabe Huck

A Call to Prayer by the People of Hamilton Diocese

A Contemporary Celtic Prayer Book by William John Fitzgerald (2 Copies)

A Cup of Grace to Go by Anita M. Constance

A Journey Toward Freedom through the Lord’s Prayer by Kay Murdy

A Simple Life-Changing Prayer by Jim Manney (2 Copies)

A Single Mom Talks to God by Karen O’Donnell Taylor

A Voice Over the Water – An Invitation to Pray by William Breault, S.J.

A Woman’s Book of Prayers by Rita Snowden

Always Follow your Dreams by Susan Polis Schutz

An Invitation to Prayer by Kevin Perrotta

Be Merciful by Bill Huebsch – Reflections on the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy

Biblical Prayers by Lucien Deiss

Called into Her Presence by Virginia Ann Froehle

Carved in Stone by Brother Paul Quenon

Celtic Benediction by J. Philip Newell

Celtic Blessing and Prayers by Brendan O’Malley

Everyone’s Way of the Cross by Clarence Enzler

Godseekers by Earnest Larsen

Harvest of Gold by Ernest R. Miller

Healing Power Prayers

Heart of Prayer: African, Jewish and Biblical Prayers by Anthony Gittins

Heart to Heart – Praying with the Saints by The Word Among Us Press

Home is a Holy Place by Mark G. Boyer 94

How to Read the Prophets by Jean-Pierre Prevost

Intercessory Prayer – How God Can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven & Earth by Dutch Sheets

Let Us Become Friends of Jesus -Pope Benedict XVI by Jeanne Kun

Let’s Pray/2 by Brother Charles Reutemann

Let’s Say Grace by Robert M. Hamma

Living the Mass – How 1 Hour a Week can Change Your Life by Fr. Dominic Grassi & Joe Paprocki (2 Copies)

Lord Hear Our Prayer by Thomas McNally, C.S.C. & William G. Storey, D.M.S.

Lord that I may See by Catechetical Communications

Marian Year Prayers by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

More Good Thoughts from Good People - Pray to Love – Love to Pray by Carol Graser

Novena for Justice and Peace – Faith & Human Development Series by Bill Appleby Purcell

Our Catholic Devotion by Therese Johnson Borchard

Out of the Ordinary – Prayers, Poems and Reflections for Every Season by Joyce Rupp

Painting Rainbows with Broken Crayons by Brenadette McCarver Snyder

Pathway to our Hearts – A Simple Approach to Lectio Divina with the Sermon on the Mount by Archbishop Thomas Collins

People’s Companion to the Breviary

Power Lines: Celtic Prayers about Work by David Adam

Praise to the Lord of the Morning! By Patrick Mooney

Prayer after Nine Rainy Days and Other Family Prayers by Pat Corrick Hinton

Prayer Notes to a Friend by Edward Hays

Prayers and Meditations of Therese of Lisieux by Cindy Cavnar

Prayers by Michel Quoist

Prayers by Michel Quoist by Agnes M. Forsyth and Anne Marie de Commaille

Prayers Encircling the World by Westminister John Knox Press

Prayers for All People by Mary Ford-Grabowsky 95

Prayers for Feast by Charles Singer

Prayers for Married Couples by Renee Bartkowski

Prayers for Parents by Renee Bartkowski

Prayers from the Ark by Carmen Bernos De Gasztold

Prayers of Blessing and Praise for All Occasions by Hugo Schlesinger and Humberto Porto

Prayers of Hope and Light by Thomas Kinkade

Prayers of the Cosmos by Neil Douglas-Klotz

Praying the Our Father Today by Brother John of Taize

Praying the Stations with by Bill Huebsch

Praying with John Baptist de La Salle by Carl Koch

Psalms Prayers by David Haas

Savoring God: Praying with All Our Senses by Kathleen Finley

Seasons of Your Heart by Macrina Wiederkehr

Showers of Blessings by Helen Steiner Rice

Six Hundred Blessings and Prayers from Around the World by Geoffery Duncan

Stations of the Cross for the Sick by Catalina Ryan McDonough

Summoned by Love by Carlo Carretto

Take Five: Prayers for the Workplace by Simeon J. Thole

The Blessing Candles by Gaynell Bordes Cronin and Jack Rathschmidt

The Calm beneath the Storm by Donal Neary

The Canticles by Liturgy Training Publishing

The Divine Mercy by Devotion to the Divine Mercy

The Exodus Experience – A Journey in Prayer by Maureena Fritz

The Gospel According to St. Paul – Meditations on his Life and Letters by Cardinal , SJ

The Jesus Option by Joseph G. Donders

The Joy of Knowing Christ – Meditations on the Gospels by Pope Benedict XVI 96

The Laughter of God – At Ease with Prayer by Miriam Pollard, O.C.S.O.

The Lord’s Prayer by Nicholas Ayo

The Lord’s Prayer Today by C.R. Gibson

The New Companion to the Breviarry with Seasonal Supplement

The Nine-Month Miracle – A Journal for the Mother-to-be by Carie J. Heiman

The People of the Way of the Cross by Marci Alborghetti

The Prayer of Saint Francis by Leonardo Boff

The Seven Last Words by Michael H. Crosby

The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius by George E. Ganss

The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius by Lewis Delmage

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius by Louis J. Puhl, S.J.

The Spiritual Exercises of St. by Marian Cowan and John Carroll Futrell

The Way of the Cross by Hans Urs von Balthasar

To Thank and Bless - Prayers at Meals by Dietrich Reinhart, O.S.B. & Michael Kwatera, O.S.B.

Waymakers: Eyewitness to the Christ by Sister M. Pamela Smith

When We Pray: Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer by Eugene LaVerdiere

Woman Pray by Monica Furlong

Your Word is Near: Contemporary Christian Prayers by Huub Oosterhuis


Daily Reflections

A Book of Days – Reflections Inspired by the Liturgical Year by Bertha Catherine Madott

A Season with the Savior: Meditations with Mark by Edward R. Sims

A Year of Celebration: Experience God through the Feast Days of Church by Patricia Mitchell

Angel Hugs: Heavenly Embraces in Everyday Life by Ladonna Meinders

Beloved: From God’s Heart to Yours by Kay Arthur

Better to Light One Candle by the Christophers

Between Sundays by Paul Boudreau

Biblical Meditations for Ordinary Time-Weeks 23 – 24 by Carroll Stuhlmueller

Birth: A Guide for Prayer by Jauqueline Syrup Bergan and S. Marie Schwan

Catholic Mom 24/7 by Tammy Bundy

Challenge by Mark Link

Daily Prayers for Busy People by William J. O’Malley

Daily Strength for Daily Needs – One Year of Biblical Inspiration by Victor M. Parachin

Day by Day through Lent by Daniel L. Lowery

Daybreakers by Clifford Williams

Decision by Mark Link

Forgiveness: A Guide for Prayer by Jauqeline Syrup Bergan and S. Marie Schwan

Journey by Mark Link

Life as a Sacred Journey by David M. Thomas

Living Advent by Julia Dugger

Love: A Guide for Prayer by Jauqueline Syrup Bergan and S. Marie Schwan

Meditations: A Spiritual Journey Through the Parables by Archbishop Anthony Bloom

Pilgrims at Heart by Elizabeth-Anne Vanek

Prayer for Daybreak and Day’s End: Volume II by Mary Sue Taylor 98

Prayer Paths by Mark Link

Praying the Daily Gospels: A Guide to Meditation by Philip A. St. Romain

Proclaim Praise by L.T.P

Sacred Space by Jesuit Communication Center, Ireland

Slow Down by Joseph M. Champlin

Speak, Lord, Your Servant is Listening by David E. Rosage

Surrender: A Guide for Prayer by Jauqueline Syrup Bergan and S. Marie Schwan

The Book of Awakening/Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have by Mark Nepo

The Cup of Our Life – A Guide for Spiritual Growth by Joyce Rupp

The Friendship Book by Francis Gay

The One Year Gift Collection - Personal Prayer (Book I) Bible Readings (Book II) and Bible Promises (Book III) by Tyndale Publishing

Three Hundred & Sixty-Five Days with the Lord – Liturgical Biblical Diary

Three Minutes a Day – Reflections Arranged for Daily Use, Volume 28 by Father John Catoir

Three Minutes a Day – Reflections for Daily Use, Volume 30 by Father John Catoir

Three Minutes a Day by the Christophers

Through Seasons of the Heart by John Powell, S.J.

Two Thousand and One: A Book of Grace-filled Days by Margaret Silf

Vision – Praying Scripture in a Contemporary Way – Year A by Mark Link, S. J.

Words of Life by Carol Green


Prayer Types

All You Really Need to Know About Prayer You Can Learn from the Poor by Louise Perrotta

Approach to Prayer by Dom Hubert van Zeller

Beginning to Pray by Archbishop Anthony Bloom

Benjamin: Essays in Prayer by Joseph P. Whelan

Christian Prayer by Ladislaus Boros

Conversation on the Dung Heap: Reflections on Job by Rosemary A. Hubble

Courage to Pray by Anthony Bloom

Embodied Prayer: Harmonizing Body and Soul by Celeste Snowber Schroeder

Experiencing God through Prayer by Madame Guyon

Experiencing Mystagogy: The Sacred Pause of Easter by Gerard F. Baumbach

Eyes on Jesus by Michael Kennedy

Fasting – Exploring a Great Spiritual Practice by Carole Garibauldi Rogers

Gospel of St. John: Read and Pray by Pheme Perkins

Gospel of St. Luke: Read and Pray by Pheme Perkins

Guidelines for Mystical Prayer by Ruth Burrows

How to Pray Always without Always Praying by Silvio Fittipaldi

How to Pray for Spiritual Growth: A Practical Handbook for Inner Healing by Theodore E. Dobson

How to Read the Bible by Abbe Dean Martuecci

How to Read the Prophets by Jean-Pierre Prevost

Let’s Pray! By Brother Charles Reutemann

Let’s Pray/2 by Brother Charles Reutemann

Make Space, Make Symbols-If You Would Pray... A Personal Journey into Prayer by Keith Clark Capuchin

Meditation - Exploring a Great Spiritual Practice by Richard W. Chilson

Meet Jesus in Luke by Desmond O’Donnell 100

Meet Jesus in Mark by Desmond O’Donnell

Meet Jesus in Matthew by Desmond O’Donnell

Opening to God – A Guide to Prayer by Thomas H. Green, S.J.

Paths to Personal Prayer by Evan Pilkington

Paths to Prayer by Robert F. Morneau

Paying Attention to God-Discernment in Prayer by William A. Barry

Pilgrimage - Exploring a Great Spiritual Practice by Edward C. Sellner

Pray as You Can: Discovering Your Own Prayer Ways by Jean Gill

Pray: Step by Step Directions and Guidance for Praying by Richard J. Hueslman

Prayer - Exploring a Great Spiritual Practice by Richard W. Chilson

Prayer and Remembrance by Rev. Roger A. Swenson

Prayer and Temperament by Chester P. Michael and Marie C. Norrisey

Prayer in Practice by Pat Collins

Prayer in Practice by Simon Tugwell

Prayerful Pauses: Finding God’s Presence in Daily Life by Amy Welborn

Praying Our Experiences by Joseph F. Schmidt

Praying Our Goodbyes by Joyce Rupp

Praying with Icons: an Introduction for Children by Myroslaw Tataryn

Praying with Julian of Norwich by Gloria Durka

Radical Prayer: Creating a Welcome for God, Ourselves, Other People and the World by David J. Hassel

Rejoice and Be Glad by Maureena Fritz

Seeking the Heart of God: Reflections on Prayer by and Brother Roger

Six Ways to Pray from Six Great Saints by Gloria Hutchinson

Take a Chance on God by A.M. Besnard

The Art of Praying by Romano Guardini

The Believer’s School of Prayer by Andrew Murray 101

The Bible Way to Prayer by Mary Kathleen Galvich

The Breath of Life by Ron DelBene

The Celtic Way of Prayer by Esther De Waal

The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom by Rev. Jonathan Morse

The Enneagram and Prayer by Barbara Metz and John Burchill

The Father is Very Fond of Me by Edward J. Farrell

The Friend of the Bridegroom – Spiritual Direction and the Encounter with Christ by Thomas H. Green

The Heart of Silence: Contemporary Prayer by Those Who Practice it by Paul T. Harris

The Other Side of Silence – A Guide to Christian Meditation by Morton T. Kelsey

The Power of Healing Prayer by Rev. Robert DeGrandis

The Rule of St. Benedict by Anthony C. Meisel

The Seven Circles of Prayer by John Wijngaards

The Soul of Celtic Spirituality: In the Lives of its Saints by Michael Mitton

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius by Louis J. Puhl

Thresholds to Prayer by Kathy Coffey

True Prayer: An Invitation to Christian Spirituality by Kenneth Leech

Two Ways of Praying by Paul F. Bradshaw

We Cannot Find Words: The Foundations of Prayer by Tad Dunne

Weeds Among the Wheat: Discernment: Where Prayer & Action Meet by Thomas H. Green, S.J.

What Do I Want in Prayer? By William A. Bafrry, S.J.

When the Well Runs Dry: Prayer Beyond the Beginnings by Thomas H. Green, S.J.


Inspirational Reading

A Faith that Challenges: The Life of Jim McSheffrey by Maura Hanrahan

A Journey with Jonah–the Spirituality of Bewilderment by Paul Murray, O.P

A Life-Giving Vision – How to be a Christian in Today’s World by John Powell S.J.

A Log in a Stream by Father Patrick A. Martin

A Prayer Book for Remembering the Women by J. Frank Henderson

A Reason to Live! A Reason to Die! By John Powell

A Spirituality of Resistance by Roger S. Gottlieb

A Woman for All Seasons by Sally Moran

Abundant Treasures by Melannie Svoboda

Addiction & Grace by Gerald G. May, M.D.

Am I Living A Spiritual Life? By Father Adrian van Kaam and Dr. Susan Muto

An Invitation to the Spiritual Journey by John P. Gorsuch

Anatomy of the Spirit – The Seven Stages of Power & Healing by Caroline Myss, Ph.D.

And Would You Believe it! By Bernard Basset

Angels Everywhere – Miracles & Messages by Lynn Valentine

Answering the Big Questions by Shane Parker

At the Edge of Our Longing by James Conlon

Beauty at Dawn by Paula Bendry Larsen

Becoming Fully Human: A Biblical Perspective by Walter Vogels

Becoming Fully Human: Living the Bible with God, Each Other and the Environment by Walter Vogels

Belonging by Brother Leonard of Taize

Beyond Pain by Maureen Pratt

Brave New Church from Turmoil to Trust by William J. Bausch

Breakaway: Twenty-eight Steps to a More Reflective Life by Mark Link 103

Brother Fire, Sister Earth by Adela DiUbaldo Torchia

Called to Heal by Fr. Ralph A. DiOrio

Can You Drink This Cup? By Edward J. Farrell

Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore

Catholicism at the Dawn of the Third Millennium by Thomas P. Rausch

Catholics in Crisis? By William J. Bausch

Celebrate Mid-Life by Janice Brewi and Anne Brennan

Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Jennifer Read Hawthorne and Marci Shimoff

Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

Chicken Soup for the Soul: A 2nd Helping by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

Chicken Soup for the Soul: A 3rd Serving by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

Chicken Soup for the Soul: A 4th Course by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Hanoch Mccarty and Meladee McCarty

Chicken Soup for the Soul: A 5th Portion by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living Catholic Faith by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and LeAnn Thieman

Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Jennifer Read Hawthorne and Marci Shimoff

Christ, Stress and Glory by Wanda Nash

Christian Adulthood-A Journey of Self-Discovery by Evelyn Eaton Whitehead and James D. Whitehead

Clashing Symbols by Michael Paul Gallagher

Clever Foxes and Lucky Klutzes by William J. O’Malley

Coincidences: Touched by a Miracle by Antoinette Bosco

Confessions of a Catholic by Michael Novak

Conscience and Catholic Faith by Anthony Marinelli

Come Down Zacchaeus by Thomas H. Green

Cornerstones of Faith, Reconciliation, Eucharist and Stewardship by Thomas Cardinal Collins 104

Creating the Work You Love by Rick Jarow

Daffy Definitions for Seniors by Bernadette McCarver Snyder

Dare to Believe by Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger

Darkness in the Marketplace by Thomas H. Green

Dining in the Kingdom of God by Eugene La Verdiere

Discernment by Pierre Wolff

Discernment: Seeking God in Every Situation by Rev. Chris Aridas

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff with Your Family by Richard Carolson

Drawn to the Divine: A Spirituality of Revelation by William E. Reiser

Drinking From a Dry Well by Thomas H. Green

Embraced by God by Steve Givens

Enneagram Spirituality by Suzanne Zuercher

Essential Writings: Spirituality, Dialogue and Culture by Chiara Lubich

Eternal Echoes: Exploring our Hunger to Belong by John O’Donohue

Eternal Echoes: Celtic Reflections on Our Yearning to Belong by John O’Donohue

Even Greater Things-Hope and Challenge after Vatican II by Bernard Daly, Mae Daly and Bishop Remi J. De Roo

Every Bush is Burning: a Spirituality for Our Times by Joan Puls

Everyday Epiphanies by Melannie Svoboda

Exploring the Spirituality of Childhood by Vivian Gussin Paley, Wade Clark Roof, Jane P. Ward

Face to Face with God by Jacques Loew

Finding God at Home by Ernest Boyer JR

Finding Jesus in the Gospels by Robert Knopp

Following Jesus by Geroge S. Johnson

For One More Day by Mitch Albom

For the Record X: Celebrating Ten Years of Encouraging Words for Ordinary Catholics by Rev. J. Ronald Knott

For the Record XII: Twelfth Year Encouraging Words for Ordinary Catholics by Rev. J. Ronald Knott 105

Free: To Be Nothing by Edward Farrell

Fresh Bread and Other Gifts of Spiritual Nourishment by Joyce Rupp

From the Stars to the Street: Engaged Wisdom for a Brokenhearted World by James Conlon

Get Real About Yourself by William Larkin

God at the Edge by Niles Elliot Goldstein

God Has a Dream: A Vision of Hope for Our Time by

God Moments: Why Faith Really Matters to a New Generation by Jeremy Langford (2 Copies)

God Within: Our Spiritual Future as Told by Today’s New Adults by Jon M. Sweeny and Skylight Paths

God’s Library: Introducing Catholics to the Bible by Joe Paprocki

God’s Little Devotional Book for Women by Honor Books, Inc.

God’s Time is the Best Time by Anselm Hufstader

Grappling with God by Patrick Donohue

He’s Alive by Father Peter B. Coughlin

Healing the Heart by Kenneth C. Russell

Healing the Purpose of Your Life by Dennis Linn, Shelia Fabricant Linn and Matthew Linn

Healing Wounded Emotions by Martin H. Padovani

Home for Christmas: Stories for Young and Old by Plough Publishing

Hope Begins Where Hope Begins by Michael Downey

Hope for the Flowers by Trina Paulus

How to Befriend Your Shadow: Welcoming Your Unloved Side by John Monbourquette

How to Discover Your Personal Mission: The Search for Meaning by John Monbourquette

How to Love Again: Moving From Grief to Growth by John Monbourquette

I Believe in Love by Pere Jean Du Coeurde Jesus D’Elbee

I Hear a Seed Growing by Edwina Gateley

I Love You I Hate You: The Double Edged Nature of Human Relationships by Carlos G. Valles

Images of Women in Transition Compiled by Janice Grana 106

Immersed in the Sacred: Discovering the Small “S” in Sacraments by Kathy Coffey

In Search of Christ-Sophia: An Inclusive Christology for Liberating Christians by Jann Aldredge-Clanton

In the Footsteps of the Mystics by Henry C. Simmons

In the Midst of Winter by Louise Hageman

Inscape: God at the Heart of the Matter by George A. Maloney

Into the Needle’s Eye: Becoming Poor & Hopeful - Under the Care of a Gracious God by William E. Reiser, S.J.

Jesus – Our Eucharistic Love by Fr. Stefano M. Manelli, FI

Jesus – The Gospel Told For Our Time by Simon Pax

Jesus and the Children by Hans-Ruedi Weber

John Powel Box Set: “Fully Human, Fully Alive” “He Touched Me” “The Secret of Staying in Love” “Why Am I Afraid to Love?” “Why Am I Afraid to Love?” “Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am?” “A Reason to Live! A Reason to Die!” & “Unconditional Love” by John Powel

Journey without End by Carlo Carretto

Journeys of Courage by Joy Carol

Knowing the God of by Richard P. Hardy

Lazarus Interlude: A Story of God’s Healing Love in a Moment of Ministry by Rev. Dennis O’Neil

Lazarus! Come Out! by Richard Cote

Lazarus, Come Forth! by John Dear

Life to the Full: Reflections on the Search for Christian Fulfillment by John Heagle

Lift Up Your Eyes to the Mountain by Father David M. Knight

Lift Your Sails: The Challenge of Being a Christian by Vincent Dwyer

Listening Deeply to God-Exploring Spirituality in an Interreligious Age by Frederica R. Halligan

Living beyond the Daily Grind I by Charles R. Swindoll

Living the Richness of the Cross by John Dalrymple

Loneliness is for Loving by Robert E. Lauder

Lord That I May See Prepared by Office of Liturgy, Diocese of London, On

Lord, Have Mercy – The Healing Power of Confession by Scott Hahn 107

Lost in Wonder by Esther De Waal

Love Yourself by Rev. Edward Richardson

Lunacy and Letters by G. K. Chesterson

May I Have this Dance? By Joyce Rupp

Meal Stories: The Gospel of Our Lives by Kathleen Casey

Meditation in Motion – Discovering the stillpoints in your busy day by Susan Annette Muto

Meditations: Reflections on the Incarnation by Ladislaus Boros

Meeting Jesus in Everyday Life and Recognizing Him When We Do by Clair Woodbury

Milk and Cookies to Make You Smile by Becky Freeman

Models of Faith by Carlos G. Valles

Modern Spirituality: An Anthology by John Garvey

Moment by Moment-A Retreat in Everyday Life by Carol Ann Smith, SHCJ & Eugene F. Merz, S.J.

Moment of Christ by John Main

More Sower’s Seeds: Second Planting by Brian Cavanaugh

More Telling Stories by William J. Bausch

Mutuality Matters: Family, Faith and Just Love by Herbert Anderson, Edward Foley, Bonnie Miller-Mclemore and Robert Shreiter

My Only Friend is Darkness by Barbra Dent

Never Alone: A Personal Way to God by Joseph F. Girzone

Nonviolent Communication – A Language of Life by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Not Without Parables: Stories of Yesterday, Today and Eternity by Catherine de Hueck Doherty

On Suffering: Letters to a Friend by Francine Black

On the Job Spirituality: Finding God in Work by Marianne E. Roche

One Day He Beckoned by Antoinette Bosco

Opus Dei: An Investigation into the Secret Society Struggling for Power within the Roman Catholic Church by Michael Walsh

Our World in Transition by Diarmuid O’Murchu 108

Out of the Ordinary – Awareness of God in the Everyday by Peter Verity

Pilgrimage by Edward S. Sellner

Poverty of Spirit by Johannes B. Metz

Power for Living by Jamie Buckingham

Prayer in Other Words by Dom Hubert van Zeller

Prayer is a Hunger by Edward Farrell

Praying with by Patricia Mary Vinje

Precious as Silver: Imagining Your Life with God by Bishop George H. Niederauer

Proclaim Jubilee! By Maria Harris

Prophecies of Love by Kahlil Gibran

Pursuing Wellness, Finding Spirituality by Richard J. Gilmartin

Quest for the Grail by Richard Rohr

Radical Optimism: Rooting Ourselves in Reality by Beatrice Bruteau

Reasons to Believe – How to Understand, Explain & Defend the Catholic Faith by Scott Hahn

Reclaiming Spirituality by Diarmuid O Murchu

Rediscover Catholicism: A Spiritual Guide to Living with Passion & Purpose by Matthew Kelly

Rediscover Jesus: An Invitation by Matthew Kelly

Remove the Heart of the Stone by Donal Dorr

Renewed at Each Awakening by Susan Annette Muto

Repentance – The Joy-Filled Life by M. Basilea Schlink

Richest of Poor Men by John R. H. Moorman

Rummaging for God by Melannie Svoboda

Say to the Darkness, We Beg to Differ by Mary Jo Leddy

Scripture in the Streets by Anthony T. Padovano

Searching for God by Cardinal , Archbishop of Westminster

Secrets of the Heart – Meditations of Kahlil Gibran 109

Seeing the Mystery by William S. Taylor

Seeking Sophia by Josephine Griffiths

Seeking the Face of God by William H. Shannon

Senior Spirituality: Awakening Your Spiritual Potential by Harold R. Nelson

Seven Essentials for the Spiritual Journey by Dolores R. Leckey

Seven Keys to Spiritual Wellness by Joe Paprocki

Shaken Faith by Antoinette Bosco

Shaping a Priestly People by Bernadette Gasslein

Shepherds of Christ: Spirituality Newsletters 2 by Father Edward Carter

Shua by William Burke

Silence on Fire: The Prayer of Awareness by William H. Shannon

Simply Sane: The Spirituality of Mental Health by Gerald May

Sinner by Lino Rulli

Sometimes I Haven’t Got a Prayer by Mary Kavanagh Sherry

Soul Sisters: Women in Scripture Speak to Women Today by Edwina Gateley

Source: What the Bible Says About the Problems of Contemporary Life by John L. McKenzie

Sparks of the Divine by Drew Leder

Spiritual Quest: A Guide to the Changing Landscape by Thomas Hart

Spiritual Sayings by Kahlil Gibran

Spirituality and Health by Catholic Health Association of Canada

Spirituality and the Desert Experience by Charles Cummings

Spirituality and the Gentle Life by Adrian van Kaam

Spirituality at Work: Ten Ways to Balance Your Life on the Job by Gregory F.A. Pierce

Spirituality for an Anxious Age by Patrick J. Brennan

Stories for Telling: A Treasury for Christian Storytellers by William R. White

Straight from the Heart: Thoughts of John Henry Newman by Kevin and Gail Dean 110

Summoned by Love by Carlo Carretto

Sunshine and Shadow: Depression and Spirituality by Bertha Catherine Madott

Testament: Belief in an Age of Unbelief Faith in an Era of Skepticism by Stan Parmisano

Testimony of Hope by Nguyen Van Thuan

The Applause of Heaven by Max Lucado

The Art of Choosing by Carlos G. Valles

The Ascent to God by Jeffery G. Sobosan

The Awakening Call-fostering Intimacy with God by James Finley

The Beatitudes in Modern Life by Margaret Garvey

The Book of Confidence by Father Thomas de Saint Laurent

The Celtic Way by Ian Bradley

The Christian Vision: The Truth That Sets Us Free by John Powell

The Desert in the City by Carlo Carretto

The Easter God by John V. Taylor

The Emergent Self: Box Set Books 1-4 by Adrian van Kaam, Bert van Croonenburg and Susan Annette Muto

The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis

The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic: How Engaging 1% of Catholics Could Change the World by Matthew Kelly

The Gift of Peace by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin

The God Who Fell From Heaven by John Shea

The Healing Power of Faith by Jean Maalouf

The Healing Power of Hope by Jean Maalouf

The Healing Power of Kindness by Jean Maalouf

The Healing Power of Love by Jean Maalouf

The Healing Power of Prayer by Jean Maalouf

The Healing Power of Purpose by Jean Maalouf 111

The Healing Power of the Sacraments by Jim McManus

The Heart’s Journey Home: A Quest For Wisdom by Nicholas Harnan

The Homing Spirit by John S. Dunne

The Imitation of Christ – A Timeless Classic for Contemporary Readers by Thomas A. Kempis

The Immitation of Christ – A Spiritual Commentary & Readers Guide by Thomas A. Kempis

The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis (3 Copies)

The Listening God by Miriam Pollard, o.c.s.o.

The Martyred Christian by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Mystery of Transforming Love by Adrian van Kaam

The Power of Hope by Maurice Lamm

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The Secret by Rene Fumoleau

The Spirit of the Child by David Hay with Rebecca Nye

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The Tree that Survived the Winter by Mary Fahy

The Way of the Dreamcatcher by Robert Lax

Thirsting for the Lord by Carroll Stuhlmueller

Thoughts on the Run – Glimpses of Wholistic Spirituality by Thomas E. Legere

To Be Continued: Stories of Father Fred Magee by Delia Carley and Catherine Cavanagh

To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings by John O’Donohue

To Heal and Reveal by Paul S. Minear

To Know as We are Known-Education as a Spiritual Journey by Parker J. Palmer

Tomorrow’s Catholic by Michael Morwood

Towers of Hope: Stories that Help Us Heal by Joy Carol

Troubled Catholics by Norbert E. Gaughan 112

True Self-Esteem by Jim McManus

Trust in God but Tie Your Camel by Sylvia McDonald

Truth to Power by Andrew Murray Britz

Turning to One Another by Maragret J. Wheatley

Unbound – A Practical Guide to Deliverance by Neal Lozano

Under the Fig Tree by William Breault

Unsolved Miracles by John Van Diest

Walk Lightly Upon the Earth by Kevin Treston

Walking on Water: Reflections to Strengthen Your Faith by Giuseppe Agostino

Weaving the New Creation-Stages of Faith and the Public Church by James W. Fowler

What God Wants by Neale Donald Walsch

What is the Point of Being a Christian? By Timothy Radcliffe, O.P.

What’s so Amazing about Grace? By Philip Yancey

When God Whispers Your Name by Max Lucado

When the Going Gets Tough by John Wickham

Who Am I? By Irma Zaleski

Why are the Dandelions Weeds? by Kathleen O’Connell Chesto

Why O Lord? The Inner Meaning of Suffering by Carlo Carretto

Why, O Lord? Suffering in the Book of Job by Jean-Pierre Prevost

With an Everlasting Love: Developing an Intimate Relationship with God by William A. Barry, S.J.

With Open Hearts by Joseph Kane

Words of Wisdom: Proverbs for Everyday Living by Walter Vogel

Would You Believe? Finding God without Losing Your Mind by Tom Harpur

You Did it for Me by Kevin E. McKenna

Zen Contemplations: A Bridge of Living Water by Elaine MacInnes



Bible Rosary: The Life of Jesus, Thirty Five Mysteries by Eleanor Therese Burnside

Five for Sorrow, Ten for Joy by J. Neville Ward

Joy for the Rosary: A Way into Meditative Prayer by Anne Vail

Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious Reflections on Life and the Rosary by Father Mieczyslaw Malinkski

Marian Hour of Prayer by Knights of Columbus

Mary and Your Everyday Life by Bernard Haring

The Meditated Holy Rosary for Peace by PrayCard Publications

The Rosary Handbook by Mitch Finley

The Spirit of the Church: Magnificat by PrayCard Publications

With Our Blessed Mother, Daughter of Zion, Let Us Meditate by PrayCard Publications



A Lay Psalter: Selections from the Psalms with Meditations by Msgr. John V. Sheridan

Fifty Psalms: An Attempt as a New Translation by Burns and Oats Publishing

Meditations on the Psalms by Bernard C. Mischke

Parables Psalms Prayers by Sean Freeman

Praying the Psalms by Walter Brueggemann

Psalms and Readings for Every Season by James Kraus

Psalms Anew by Nancy Schreck

Psalms for All Seasons by People’s Edition

Psalms for Morning and Evening Prayer by the International Commission on English in the Liturgy

Psalms for Praying by Nan c. Merrill

Psalms Now by Leslie Brandt

Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Rejoice, Beloved Woman! The Psalms Revisioned by Barbara J. Monda

Runway to God: the Psalms as Prayers by Paschal Botz

The Psalms for Today by Canadian Bible Society

The Psalms of the Jerusalem Bible by Alexander Jones

The Psalter by Liturgy Training Publications


Catholic Beliefs

A Radical Guide for Catholics by Bill Huebsch

An Illustrated Catechism by Inos Biffi

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Catholic and Christian: An Explanation of Commonly Misunderstood Catholic Beliefs by Alan Schreck

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Catholicism – Volume 2 by Richard P. McBrien

Catholicism in the Third Millennium - Second Edition by Thomas P. Rausch

Catholicism Revisited: A Guide for the Perplexed by James Forsyth

Catholics and Fundamentals: Understanding the Difference by Rev. Martin Pable

Christ among Us by Anthony J. Wilhelm

Credo by Louis Evely

Exploring the Catholic Church by Marcellino D’Amrrosio, Ph.D

How to Live Our Catholic Faith by Mike Carotta

How to Read the World: Creation in Evolution by Christian Montenat, Luc Plateaux and Pascal Roux

I Believe... The Catechism and You by Glen Argan

In His Light by Rev. William A. Anderson, D. MIN., Ph.D

Journeying In His Light by Rev. William A. Anderson, D. MIN., Ph.D

New Vision, New Directions by Robert J. Hater

The Catechism Highlights and Commentary by Brennan Hill and William Madges

The Creed by Berard L. Marthaler

The Faith of the Catholic Church by Rt. Rev. David Konstant

The Mystery and Meaning of the Mass by Joseph M. Champlin

The Truing of Christianity – Visions of Life and Thought for the Future by John C. Meagher 116

Through the Catechism with Father Champlin by Father Joseph M. Champlin

Understanding Catholic Christianity by Thomas Zanzig

What Catholics Believe: A Popular Overview of Catholic Teaching Catholic Update by Leonard Foley, O.F.M.

What Catholics Believe: Exploring Our Faith Today by Joan Pahl Morris

What It Means To Be Catholic by Joseph M. Champlin

Why Catholics are Right by Michael Coren

Why Do Catholics Genuflect? By Al Kresta

Why You Can Disagree and Remain a Faithful Catholic by Philip S. Kaufman


Miscellaneous Authors

Anthony De Mello

Awareness - A de Mello Spirituality Conference in His Own Words by Anthony de Mello, S.J.

Awareness - The Perils and Opportunities of Reality by Anthony De Mello

Mastering Sadhana: On Retreat with Anthony De Mello by Carlos G. Valles

One Minute One Wisdom by Anthony de Mello

Sadhana: A Way to God by Anthony de Mello

The Heart of the Enlightened by Anthony de Mello, S.J.

The Song of the Bird by Anthony de Mello (2 Copies)

Wellsprings: A Book of Spiritual Exercises by Anthony de Mello


Miscellaneous Authors

Fulton J. Sheen

Go to Heaven by Fulton J. Sheen

Simple Truths: Thinking Through Life by Fulton J. Sheen

The Power of Love by Fulton J. Sheen

The Rock Plunged into Eternity by Fulton J. Sheen

Treasure in Claw by Fulton J. Sheen

Walk with God by Fulton J. Sheen


Miscellaneous Authors

Henri Daniel-Rops

A Fight for God by H. Daniel-RopsCathedral and Crusade – Volume II by Henri Daniel-Rops

Cathedral and Crusade – Volume II by Henri Daniel-Rops

Israel and the Ancient World by Henri Daniel-Rops

Jesus and His Times by Daniel-Rops

The Catholic Reformation – Volume I by Henri Daniel-Rops

The Church in the Dark Ages – Volume II by Henri Daniel-Rops

The Church in the Eighteenth Century by Henri Daniel-Rops

The Church in the Seventeenth Century – Volume II by Henri Daniel-Rops

The Church of Apostles and Martyrs- Volume I by Henri Daniel-Rops

The Church of Apostles and Martyrs – Volume II by Henri Daniel-Rops

The Protestant Reformation - Volume I by Henri Daniel-Rops


Miscellaneous Authors

Henry J. M. Nouwen

A Cry for Mercy – Prayers from the Genesee by Henri J. M. Nouwen

A Letter of Consolation by Henry Nouwen

Aging: The Fulfillment of Life by Henry Nouwen

Behold the Beauty of the Lord by Henry Nouwen

Can You Drink the Cup? by Henry Nouwen

Circles of Love by Henry Nouwen

Clowning in Rome by Henry Nouwen

Creative Ministry by Henry Nouwen

Eternal Seasons by Henry Nouwen

From Fear to Love by Henri J.M. Nouwen

In Memoriam by Henry Nouwen

In the Name of Jesus by Henry Nouwen

Intimacy by Henry Nouwen

Letters to Marc about Jesus by Henry Nouwen

Making All Things New by Henry Nouwen

Out of Solitude by Henry Nouwen

Reaching Out by Henry Nouwen

Sabbatical Journey by Henry Nouwen

Seeds of Hope: A Henri Nouwen Reader by Robert Durback

The Genesee Diary: Report from a Trappist Monastery by Henry Nouwen

The Inner Voice of Love – A Journey Through Anguish to Freedom by Henri J. M. Nouwen 121

The Living Reminder by Henry Nouwen

The Only Necessary Thing by Henry Nouwen

The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henry Nouwen

The Way of the Heart by Henry Nouwen

The Wounded Healer by Henry Nouwen

Walking with Henry Nouwen – A Reflective Journey by Robert Waldron

With Burning Hearts by Henry Nouwen

With Open Hands by Henry Nouwen


Miscellaneous Authors

Jean Vanier

Be Not Afraid by Jean Vanier

Community and Growth: Our Pilgrimage Together by Jean Vanier

Enough Room for Joy by Jean Vanier

Eruption to Hope by Jean Vanier

Followers of Jesus by Jean Vanier ( 2 copies)

From Brokenness to Community by Jean Vanier

Images of Love, Words of Hope by Jean Vanier

In Weakness, Strength by Jean Vanier

L’arche Journal: A Families Experiences in Jean Vanier’s Community by James H. Clarke

Our Journey Home by Jean Vanier

Seeing Beyond Depression by Jean Vanier

Tears of Silence by Jean Vanier

The Scandal of Service by Jean Vanier


Miscellaneous Authors

Joan Chittister

A Passion for Life: Fragments of the Face of God by Joan Chittister

Forty Day Journey with Joan Chittister by Beverly Lanzetta

Gospel Days by Joan Chittister

Growing into Life by Joan Chittister

Heart of Flesh: A Feminist Spirituality for Women and Men by Joan Chittister

Life Ablaze: A Woman’s Novena by Joan Chittister

Psalm Journal Book II by Joan Chittister

Spiritual Questions for the Twenty-First Century: Essays in Honour of Joan Chittister by Mary Hembrow Synder

The Friendship of a Woman by Joan Chittister


Miscellaneous Authors

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Christianity and Evolution by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Human Energy by Teilhard de Chardin

Hymn of the Universe by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Le Milieu Divin – An Essay on the Interior Life by Teilhard de Chardin

Letters from a Traveller by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Letters from Egypt (1905-1908) by Pierre Teilharad de Chardin

Man’s Place in Nature by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Teilhard & Womanhood by Andre Devaux

Teilhard de Chardin – a Biographical Study by Claude Cuenot

Teilhard de Chardin and the Mystery of Christ by Christopher F Mooney

Teilhard de Chardin: Scientist and Seer by Charles E. Raven

The Appearance of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Faith of Men: Inspired by Teilhard de Chardin by Ignace Lepp

The Future of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Making of a Mind – Letters from a Soldier-Priest (1914-1919 by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Phenomenon of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Religion of Teilhard de Chardin by Henri De L’ubac

Toward the Future by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


Miscellaneous Authors

Raymond E. Brown

A Coming Christ in Advent by Raymond E. Brown

A Crucified Christ in Holy Week by Raymond E. Brown

A Risen Christ in Eastertime by Raymond E. Brown

An Adult Christ at Christmas – Essays on the Three Biblical Christmas Stories by Raymond E. Brown

Priest and Bishop – Biblical Reflections by Raymond E. Brown, S.S.

Responses to 101 Questions on the Bible by Raymond E. Brown ( 2 Copies )

The Birth of the Messiah-A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke by Raymond E. Brown

The Churches the Apostles Left Behind by Raymond E. Brown

The Community of the Beloved Disciple by Raymond E. Brown ( 2 Copies )

The Epistles of John-A New Translation with Introduction & Commentary by Raymond E. Brown

The Gospel According to John I-XII-A New Translation with Introduction & Commentary by Raymond E. Brown


Miscellaneous Authors

Robert J. Wicks

After Fifty: Spirituality Embracing Your Own Wisdom Years by Robert J. Wicks

Availability: The and the Gift by Robert J. Wicks

Caring for Self Caring for Others by Robert J. Wicks

Living Simply in an Anxious World by Robert J. Wicks

Reflections: Psychological and Spiritual Images of the Heart by Robert J. Wicks

Riding the Dragon by Robert J. Wicks

Sharing Wisdom by Robert J. Wicks

Touching the Holy: Ordinaryiness, Self-Esteem and Friendship by Robert J. Wicks


Miscellaneous Authors

Ronald Rolheiser

Against an Infinite Horizon by Ronald Rolheiser

Forgotten Among the Lilies by Ronald Rolheiser

Seeking Spirituality by Ronald Rolheiser

The Holy Longing by Ronald Rolheiser

The Shattered Lantern by Ronald Rolheiser


Miscellaneous Authors

Thomas Merton

Becoming Who We Are – A Retreat with Thomas Merton

Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander by Thomas Merton (2 Copies)

Contemplation in a World of Action by Thomas Merton

Contemplative Prayer by Thomas Merton

Cornelia and Irving Sussman by Thomas Merton

Faith and Violence by Thomas Merton

Life and Holiness by Thomas Merton (2 Copies)

Merton’s Palace of Nowhere by James Finley

Preview of the Asian Journey by Thomas Merton

Spiritual Direction and Meditation by Thomas Merton

The Courage for Truth by Thomas Merton

The Living Bread by Thomas Merton

The Monastic Journey by Thomas Merton

The New Man by Thomas Merton

The School of Charity: Letters by Thomas Merton

The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton

The Waters of Siloe by Thomas Merton

The Wisdom of the Desert by Thomas Merton

Thomas Merton Brother Monk: The Quest for True Freedom by M. Basil Pennington (2 Copies)

Thomas Merton on Prayer by John J. Higgins

Thoughts of Solitude by Thomas Merton 129

What is Contemplation? by Thomas Merton

When the Trees Say Nothing by Thomas Merton


The Anchor Bible Commentaries

The Old Testament

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Esther by Carey A. Moore

Ezekiel by Moshe Greenberg

Ezra Nehemiah by Jacob M. Myers

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I Chronicles by Jacob M. Myers

I Samuel by P. Kyle McCarter

II Chronicles by Jacob M. Myers

II Kings by Mordechai Cogan and Hayim Tadmor

II Samuel by P. Kyle McCarter

Jeremiah by John Bright

Job by Marvin H. Pope

Jonah by Jack M. Sasson

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Judges by Robert G. Boling

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Proverbs Ecclesiastes by R.B.Y Scott

Psalms I by Mitchell Dahood

Psalms II by Mitchell Dahood

Psalms III by Mitchell Dahood

Ruth by Edward F. Campbell 131

Second Isaiah by John L. McKenzie

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The New Testament

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Ephesians 4-6 by Markus Barth

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II Corinthians by Victor Paul Furnish

Revelation by J. Massyngberde Ford

The Acts of the Apostles by Johannes Munck

The Epistles of James Peter and Jude by Bo Reicke

The Gospel According to Luke by Joseph A. Fitzmyer

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To the Hebrews by George Wesley Buchanan


Apocryphal Books

Daniel, Esther and Jeremiah, the Additions by Carey A. Moore

I & II Esdras – A New Translation with Introduction & Commentary by Jacob M. Myers

I Maccabees by Jonathan A. Goldstein

II Maccabees by Jacob Myers

Judith by Carey A. Moore

The Wisdom of Ben Sira by Patrick W. Skehan and Alexander A Dilelia

The Wisdom of Solomon by David Winston



Common Bible: Revised Standard Version by Collins Publishing

Holy Bible: The New Revised Standard Edition by Canadian Bible Society

The Catholic Study Bible by Donald Senior, Mary Ann Getty, Carroll Stuhlmueller and John J. Collins

The Complete Parallel Bible by Oxford Publishing

The Holy Bible with Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books by Collins Publishers

The New American Bible

The New Jerusalem Bible by Doubleday Publishing

The Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha by Herbert G. May and Bruce M. Metzger


Bible Commentaries

Authenticity: A Biblical Theology of Discernment by Thomas Dubay

Background to the Bible by Richard T.A. Murphy

Bible Themes: A Source Book Volume I and Volume II by Thierry Maertens

Biblical Perspectives on Evangelism by Walter Brueggeman

Discovering the Biblical World by Harry Thomas Frank

Exploring Scripture: How the Bible Came to Be by Rev. Philip J. Cunningham

Great People of the Bible and How They Lived by Reader’s Digest

Harper’s Bible Commentary by James L. Mays

How Relevant is the Bible? By John L. McKenzie

In the Beginning by James W. Aageson

Interpreting Scripture in the Third Millennium by Walter Vogels

Is the Bible Fact or Fiction by Barbra E. Organ

Living with the Bible by Moshe Dayan

Path through Scripture by Mark Link

People from the Bible by Martin Woodrow and E.P. Sanders

People of the Book by Paul Edwards

The Bible as a History by Werner Keller

The Bible in Order by Joseph Rhymer

The Biblical Foundations for Mission by Donald Senior and Carroll Stuhlmueller

The Catholic Bible Study Handbook: A Popular Introduction to Studying Scripture by Jerome Kodell

The Collegeville Bible Commentary by the Liturgical Press

The Collegeville Bible Handbook by the Liturgical Press

The Complete Bible Handbook-An Illustrated Companion by John Bowker

The Interpreters One-Volume Commentary on the Bible by Charles M. Laymon 136

The Jerome Biblical Commentary by Raymond E. Brown, S.S., Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J., Roland E. Murphy, O, Carm. (2 Copies)

The Literary Guide to the Bible by Robert Alter and Frank Kermode

The New Century Bible Commentary by William Neil

The New Jerome Bible Handbook by the Liturgical Press (2 Copies)

The New Jerome Biblical Commentary by Raymond E. Brown, Joseph A. Fitzmyer and Roland E. Murphy

The Promise by Canadian Bible Society

The Women’s Bible Commentary by Carol A. Newsman and Sharon H. Ringe

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New Testament

An Introduction to the New Testament by Raymond E. Brown

Antioch and Rome: New Testament Cradles of Catholic Christianity by Raymond E. Brown and John P. Meier

Apocalypse Explained: Volume IV by Emanuel Swedenborg

Discipleship in the New Testament by Fernando F. Segovia

How to Read the New Testament by Etienne Charpentier

Interpreting the New Testament by Daniel J. Harrington

Matthew: Abingdon New Testament Commentaries by Donald Senior

New Testament Essays by Raymond E. Brown

New Testament History by F. F. Bruce

New Testament Writings: History Literature, Interpretations by James M. Efrid

New Testament: Christian Scriptures by Peter Francis Ellis and Judith Monahan Ellis

No Ordinary Book: The Making and Meaning of the New Testament by Charles H. H. Scobie

Revelation: the Book of Revelation, What Does it Really Say? by Rev. John Randall

The Birth of the Messiah by Raymond E. Brown

The New Testament: An Introduction Edition II by Norman Perrin and Dennis C. Duling

The New Testament-the New American Bible-St. Anthony Guild Edition

The Writings of St. Paul by Norton Critical Editions

Why is there a New Testament? By Joseph F. Kelly


Old Testament

Celebrates the Feast by Martha Zimmerman

Crisis and Story by W. Lee Humphreys

Inheriting the Master’s Cloak – Creative Biblical Spirituality by John Wijngaards, MHM

Introducing the Cultural Context of the Old Testament: Volume I by John Pilch

Old Testament: Hebrew Scriptures by Nadine McGuinness and Judith Craemer

Pamphlet Bible Series: The Book of Deuteronomy Part 2 by George S. Glanzman

Pamphlet Bible Series: The Book of Ecclesiastes and the Canticle of Canticles by Roland E. Murphy

Pamphlet Bible Series: The Book of Genesis Part 1 by Ignatius Hunt

Pamphlet Bible Series: The Book of Job Part 1 by Myles M. Bourke

Pamphlet Bible Series: The Book of Numbers Part 1 by jFrederick L. Moriarty

Pamphlet Bible Series: The Book of Proverbs by J. Terence Forestell

Pamphlet Bible Series: The Book of Sirach Part 1 by Bruce Vawter

Pamphlet Bible Series: The Book of Sirach Part 2 by Bruce Vawter

Pamphlet Bible Series: The Book of Wisdom by Rev. Eugene H. Maly

The Bible Jesus Read by Philip Yancey

The Book of J by Harold Bloom

The Consuming Fire: A Christian Introduction to the Old Testament by Rev. Michael Duggan

The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: Volume I by James H. Charlesworth

The World of the Old Testament by A.S. Van Der Woude

Understanding the Old Testament: Second Edition by Bernhard W. Anderson



Christ in the Gospels of the Ordinary Sundays by Raymond E. Brown

Combined Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John by Maralyn B. Dyck

Explaining the Gospels by Wilfrid J. Harrington

Gathering the Fragments: A Gospel Mosaic

Good News Gospel: John by The Bible Society

Good News Gospel: Luke by The Bible Society

Good News Gospel: Mark by The Bible Society

Good News Gospel: Matthew by The Bible Society

Gospel Journey by Ernest Ferlita

Gospel Parallels: A synopsis of the First Three Gospels by Burton. H. Throckmorton

Handbook to the Gospels by John Wijngaards

I Call You: Gospel of Luke, Psalms, Prayers by Anne Sigier

Jesus and the Gospel by Pierre Benoit

Jesus: An Historian’s Review of the Gospels by Michael Grant

Jesus: Mystery and Surprise by Gideon Goosen and Margaret Tomlinson

John: the Different Gospel by Rev. Michael J. Taylor

Journeys into Matthew by Raymond Apicella

Light on the Gospels by John L. McKenzie

Light on the Gospels by John L. McKenzie

Luke the Perennial Spirituality: A Gospel Commentary by Leonard Doohan

The Call to Conversion: Recovering the Gospels for these Times by Jim Wallis

The Christian of St. John: New Insight into the Fourth Gospel by Edgar Bruns

The Gospel According to Luke by Messenger of Saint Anthony

The Gospel of Life by the Leaflet Missal Company 140

The Gospel without Compromise by Catherine de Hueck Doherty

The Gospels for your Whole Life by William G. Thompson

The Jesus Community: Reflections on the Gospels for the B-cycle by Joseph Donders

The Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke by Donald Senior

The Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark by Donald Senior

The Student’s Guide to the Gospels by James M. Reese

Transforming Body and Soul: Therapeutic Wisdom in the Gospel Healing Stories by Steven A. Galipeau

Words of Jesus: A Gospel of the Sayings of Our Lord by Phyllis Tickle

Youth, Gospel, Liberation by Michael Warren



A Believer’s Search for the Jesus of History by Phillip J. Cunningham

A Coming Christ in Advent by Raymond E. Brown

A Story of Jesus: For Those Who Have Only Heard Rumours by Leonard Foley

An Introduction to Christology-In the Gospels and Early Church-Who Do You Say That I Am? by Gerard H. Luttenberger

Believing in Jesus by Leonard Foley

Consider Jesus: Waves of Renewal in Christology by Elizabeth A. Johnson

Desire of the Everlasting Hills: the World Before and After Jesus by Thomas Cahill

Experiencing Jesus by John Wijngaards

From Jesus to Christ by Paula Fredriksen

Imagine Jesus by Frank Andersen

Is Christ the Only Way by S. Mark Heim

Jesus Before Christianity by Albert Nolan

Jesus by Malcom Muggeridge

Jesus Christ: the Holy One of God by Raniero Cantalamessa

Jesus in Focus: A Life in its Settings by Gerard S. Sloyan

Jesus Risen by Gerald O’Collins

Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography by John Dominic Crossan

Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time by Marcus J. Borg

Models of Jesus by John F. O’Grady

Nine Portraits of Jesus by Robert J. Nogosek

The Historical Jesus by Michael L. Cook

The Jesus of Faith by Michael L. Cook 142

The Jesus Story by Wilfrid Harrington

The Uniqueness of Jesus by Leonard Swidler and Paul Mojzes

The World of Jesus by Joanne Turpin

Through Moses to Jesus by Carlo M. Martini

To Change the World: Christianity and Cultural Criticism by Rosemary Radford Ruether

Who Do You Say that I am? When Jesus Is Not Who You Think By John T. Seamands


Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Atlas and Reference Material

Atlas of the Bible by Reader’s Digest

Bible History Atlas by F. F. Bruce

Cassell’s New Latin Dictionary by D.P. Simpson

Catholic Encyclopedia by Reverend Peter M. J. Stravinskas

Columbianism and the Knights of Columbus by Christopher J. Kauffman

Dictionary of Biblical Theology by Xavier Leon-Dufour

Dictionary of Christianity in America by Daniel G. Reid, Robert D. Linder, Bruce L. Shelley and Harry S. Stout

Dictionary of the Bible by John L. McKenzie

Dictionary of the Bible by John L. McKenzie

Dictionary of the Liturgy by Rev. Jovian P. Lang

Dictionary of the New Testament by Terrence Prendergast

Digging Up the Bible by Moshe Pearlman

Family Guide to the Bible by Reader’s Digest

Introducing Christianity by Michael Keene

Lincoln Library of Essential Information Vol. 2 by the Frontier Press Company

Oxford Bible Atlas by Herbert G. May

Pastoral Companion to the Roman Missal by Paul Turner

Religions of the World by St. Martin’s Publishing

Roget’s Thesaurus of the Bible by A Colin Day

The Archeology of the New Testament by Jack Finegan

The Collegeville Atlas of the Bible by the Liturgical Press

The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church edited by E. A. Liningstone

The New Concise Catholic Dictionary by Reynolds R. Ekstrom (2 Copies) 144

The New Dictionary of Theology by Joseph A. Komonchak, Mary Collins and Dermot A. Lane

The Oxfore Dictionary of the Christian Church by F. L. Cross

The Oxford Illustrated by John McManners

The Revell Bible Dictionary: Deluxe Colour Edition by Wynwood Press

The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Spirituality by Gordon S.


Lectionaries, Rites, Etc.

2015 Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays by Liturgy Training Publications

A Book of Blessings by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Blessings and Prayers for Home and Family by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Blessings and Prayers for Home and Family by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Blessings and Prayers for Home and Family by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers by National Conference of Catholic Bishops

Celebrations of Installations and Recognition by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Dedication of a Church and an Altar by Pope Paul VI

Lectionary – Ritual and Votive Masses CCCB Publications (2Copies)

Lectionary: Sundays and Solemnities by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Lectionary: Weekdays A by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops - 2 Copies

Lectionary: Weekdays B by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops - 2 Copies

Lectionnaire Du Dimanche

Liturgical Celebration by Pope John Paul II

Marriage by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Masses with Children Masses of Reconciliation by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Pastoral Care by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Pray without Ceasing by the Liturgical Press

The Church at Prayer by A. G. Martimort

The Order of Confirmation by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Understanding the Revised Mass Texts by Paul Turner

Vigils and Related Rites from the Order of Christian Funerals by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Word and Worship Workbook for Year A by Mary

Word and Worship Workbook for Year B by Mary Birmingham 146

Word and Worship Workbook for Year C by Mary Birmingham

Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers (1992) by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers (2000) by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers Year A (2002) by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers Year A (2005) by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers Year B (2003) by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers Year B (2003) by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers Year C (2001) by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers Year C (2004) by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers Year C (2004) by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers Year C (2007) by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops


Vatican II

Documents of Vatican II by Walter M. Abbot

Keys to the Council: Unlocking the teaching of Vatican II by Richard R. Gaillardetz & Catherine E. Clifford

The Declaration on Religious Freedom of Vatican Council II by Enda McDonagh

The Teachings of the by the Newman Press

Twelve Council Fathers by Walter M. Abbott

Vatican Council II by Austin Flannery

Vatican Council II: One Volume Version of the Four Historic Books by Xavier Rynne

Xavier Rynne: The Fourth Session by Farrar, Straus, Giroux


Catechisms, Directory, Hymnals

Catechism of the Catholic Church by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (3 Copies)

Catechismus Catholicae Ecclesiae by Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Catholic Q and A: All You Want to Know About Catholicism by Father John J. Dietzen

General Direction for Catechesis by Libreria Editrice Vaticana

The Singing Asssembly - Pastoral Music in Practice by Virgil C. Funk

The Teaching of Christ: A Catholic Catechism for Adults by Bishop Donald W. Wuerl, Ronald Lawler and Thomas Comerford Lawler



A Theology for the Earth by Anne Marie Dalton

A Theology of Liberation by Gustavo Gutierrez

An Aquinas Reader: Selections from the Writings of by Mary T. Clark

An Emerging Theology in World Perspective: Commentary on Korean Minjung Theology by Jung Young Lee

And Now I See: A Theology of Transformation by Robert Barren

Being One at Home/Interchurch Families as Domestic Churches by Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi, ray Temmerman (eds.)

Biblical Meditations on Peace by William Treacy

Birth of the Messiah by Raymond E. Brown

Catechetics: A Theology of Proclamation by Reverend Alfred McBride

Confessions of Saint Augustine by F.J. Sheed

Dogmatic VS Biblical Theology by Karl Rahner,S.J., Eduard Schillebeeckx,O.P., Karl Schelkle, Heinrich Schlier

Interior Castle: St. Teresa of Avila by E. Allision Peers

Jesus: Redeemer and Divine Word by Gerard S. Sloyan

Jesus: The Compassion of God by Monika K. Hellwig

John Courtney Murray: Theologian in Conflict by Donald E. Pelotte

Manuel of Dogmatic Theology Vol. I and Vol. II by Ad. Tanquerey

Many Mansions: An Introduction to the Development and Diversity of Medieval Theology by David N. Bell

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

Method in Theology by

Modern Christian Thought: From Enlightenment to Vatican II by James C. Livingston

Moment of Christ: The Path of Meditation by John Main

New Theology Review by An American Catholic Journal for Ministry

Restoring Our Friendship with God by Carol Frances Jegen 150

Spiritual Direction and the Encounter with God by William A. Barry

Strength to Love by Martin Luther King Jr.

Systematic Theology Vol. I by Francis Schussler Fiorenza and John P. Galvin

The Confessions of St. Augustine by John K. Ryan

The Early Christian Fathers by Henry Bettenson

The Heart of Creation by John Main

The Late Christian Fathers by Henry Bettenson

The Power of Love by Donald Goergen

The Sacramental We by G.M.A Jansen

The Spirit Master by John Shea

The Spiritual Life by A. Tanquerey

Theology for Teacher by Ian Knox

Theology of the Beyond by Candido Pozo, S.J., Mark A. Pilon, Translator

Tradition and Traditions – An Historical Essay and A Theological Essay by Yves M.-J. Congar O.P.

Two Dancers in the Desert by Charles Lepetit


Theology: Avery Dulles

Models of the Church by Avery Dulles

Revelation Theology by Avery Dulles

The Assurance of Things Hoped For by Avery Dulles

The New World of Faith by Avery Dulles

The Survival of Dogma by Avery Dulles


Theology: Bernard Haring

Hope is the Remedy by Bernard Haring

Prayer: The Integration of Faith and Life by Bernard Haring

Prayer: The Integration of Faith and Life by Bernard Haring

Road to Relevance by Bernard Haring

The Law of Christ Vol. I by Bernard Haring

The Law of Christ Vol. II by Bernard Haring

The Law of Christ Vol. III by Bernard Haring


Theology: Hans Kung

Does God Exist? by Hans Kung

Eternal Life? By Hans Kung

Freedom Today By Hans Kung

On Being Christian by Hans Kung

That the World May Believe by Hans Kung

The Christian Challenge by Hans Kung

The Church by Hans Kung

The Council in Action – Reflections on the Second Vatican Council by Hans Kung

The Council, Reform and Reunion by Hans Kung

Theology for the Third Millennium by Hans Kung

Truthfulness: the Future of the Church by Hans Kung


Theology: Karl Rahner

A New Christology by Karl Rahner and Wilhelm Thusing

A Rahner Handbook by Robert Kress

An Encyclopedia of Theology: Sarcramentum Mundi Vol. I by Karl Rahner with Cornelius Ernst and Kevin Smyth

An Encyclopedia of Theology: Sarcramentum Mundi Vol. II by Karl Rahner with Cornelius Ernst and Kevin Smyth

An Encyclopedia of Theology: Sarcramentum Mundi Vol. III by Karl Rahner with Cornelius Ernst and Kevin Smyth

An Encyclopedia of Theology: Sarcramentum Mundi Vol. IV by Karl Rahner with Cornelius Ernst and Kevin Smyth

An Encyclopedia of Theology: Sarcramentum Mundi Vol. V by Karl Rahner with Cornelius Ernst and Kevin Smyth

An Encyclopedia of Theology: Sarcramentum Mundi Vol. VI by Karl Rahner with Cornelius Ernst and Kevin Smyth

Christian at the Crossroads by Karl Rahner

Church After Council, The by Karl Rahner

Concern for the Church by Karl Rahner

Happiness through Prayer by Karl Rahner

I Remember by Karl Rahner

Mary Mother of the Lord by Karl Rahner

Meditations on Freedom and the Spirit by Karl Rahner

Meditations on the Sacraments by Karl Rahner

On Prayer by Karl Rahner

On the Theology of Death by Karl Rahner

Opportunities for Faith by Karl Rahner

Our Christian Faith: Answers for the Future by Karl Rahner

Prayers and Meditations by Karl Rahner

Servants of the Lord by Karl Rahner

The Content of Faith by Karl Rahner 155

The Courage to Pray by Karl Rahner

The Eternal Year by Karl Rahner

The Love of Jesus and the Love of Neighbor by Karl Rahner

The Practice of Faith by Karl Rahner

The Priesthood by Karl Rahner

The Spirit in the Church by Karl Rahner

Theological Investigations Vol. I: God, Christ, Mary and Grace by Karl Rahner

Theological Investigations Vol. II: Man in the Church by Karl Rahner

Theology of Renewal by Karl Rahner


Theology: S. Thomas Aquinatis

Summa Theologiae: IA – II AE by S. Thomae

Summa Theologiae: IA by S. Thomae

Summa Theologiae: IIA – II AE by S. Thomae

Summa Theologiae: IIIA by S. Thomae

Summa Theologiae: Suppl. By S. Thomae

Super Epistolas S. Paul I Lectura I by S. Thomae

Super Epistolas S. Paul I Lectura II by S. Thomae


Documents from Rome

A Lay Person’s Guide to Crossing the Threshold of Hope by Pope John Paul II/Joseph Bagiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to Pope John Paul II’s Plans for the of the Year 2000 by Joseph Bagiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on Ecumenism by Joseph Bagiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on Human Life Issues by Joseph Bgiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on Labor, Business & Economics by Joseph Bagiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on Mary by Joseph Bagiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on Spreading the Gospel by Joseph Bagiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on Suffering by Joseph Bagiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on the Eucharist by Joseph Bagiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on the Family by Joseph Bagiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on the Laity by Joseph Bagiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on the Moral Life by Joseph Bagiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on the Role of Women by Joseph Bagiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on the Sacrament of Penance by Joseph Bugiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to Pope Paul II’s Teaching on the Trinity by Joseph Bagiackas, Ph.D.

A Lay Person’s Guide to The New Catechism of the Catholic Church Promulgated by Pope John Paul II

Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio of His Holiness Pope John Paul II by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Apostolic Exhortation Marialis Cultus of His Holiness Paul VI Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary by Canadian Catholic Conference (2 Copies)

Apostolic Exhortation of His Holiness Pope John Paul II – Redemptionis Donum

Apostolic Exhortation of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to the Episocopate, the Clergy and the Faithful of the Entire Catholic Church on Catechesis in our Time by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops 158

Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to the Bishops, Clergy and Lay Faithful on Preparation for the Jubilee of the Year 2000 by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Apostolic Letter of the Holy Father John Paul II to the Bishops, Clergy & Faithful of the Catholic Church on Keeping the Lord’s Day Holy by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Apostolic Letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II on the 25th Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Concillar Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy

Apostolic Letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II on the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Apostolic Letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II on the Dignity & Vocation of Women of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Apostolic Letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II on the Dignity and Vocation of Women on the Occasion of the Marian Year by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Apostolic Letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II – Dignity and Vocation of Women by Editions Paulines

Basic Norms for the Formation of Permanent Deacons by Liberia Edtrice Vaticana

Caritas in Vertitate: On Integral Human Development in Charity and Truth by Benedict XVI (Libreria Editrice Vaticana) (4 Copies)

Consecrate Life Today: Charisms in the Church for the World by International Congress Rome

Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (2 Copies)

Encounter with The Living Jesus Christ: The Way To Conversion, Communion and Solidarity in America

Encyclical Address by the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II to his Venerable Brothers in the Episcopate, the Priests, the religious Families, the Sons & Daughters of the Church & to all Men & Women of Good Will at the Beginning of his Papal Ministry

Encyclical Epistle of His Holiness John Paul II in Commemoration of the 11th Centernary of the Evangelizing Work of Saints Cyril & Methodius by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Encyclical Laborem Exercens Addressed by the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II to his Venerable Brothers in the Episcopate on Human Work on the 19th Anniversary of

Encyclical Letter Addressed by the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II to the Bishops, Priest & Deacons Men & Women Religious Lay Faithful & all People of Good Will on the Value & Inviolability of Human Life

Encyclical Letter Addressed by the Supreme Pontiff Pope John Paul II to all the Bishops of the Catholic Church Regarding Certain Fundamental Questions of the Church’s Moral Teaching 159

Encyclical Letter of His Holiness John Paul II-100th Anniversary of Rerum Novarum-The Social Teachings of the Church (2 Copies)

Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II - On Human Work Peace on Earth

Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II - The Gospel of Life

Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II - The Redeemer of Man

Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pope Paul VI – Of Human Life Issued July 25, 1968 – St. Paul Editions

Encyclical Letter of the Holy Father Francis- Laudato Si – Praise Be To You (10 Copies)

Encyclical Letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II - On the Holy Spirit in the Life of the Church and the World

Encyclical Letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II for the 20th Anniversary of Populorum Progressio

Encyclical Letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II On the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Life of the Pilgrim Church by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Encyclical Letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II on the Mercy of God

Encyclical Letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Relationship between Faith and Reason by Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Encyclicals of Pope John XXIII by National Catholic Welfare Conference

Ethics in Advertising by Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Faith and Reason: On the Relationship between Faith and Reason by John Paul II (Mediaspaul)

Instruction on Infant Baptism by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Jesus, Source of Life for All by World Mission Congress 2000

John Paul II: Addresses and Homilies on Ecumenism by John B. Sheerin and John F. Hotchkin

John Paul II: Reconciliation and Penance by Office of Publishing and Promotion Services

Journeying Together by Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Lay Catholics in Schools: Witnesses to Faith, Rome 1982 (2 Copies)

Letter of Pope John Paul II to Women by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II – To All the Priests of the Church on the Occasion of Holy Thursday 1979 by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Letter to Families from John Paul II 160

Living the Gospel in the New Millennium by Concacan Inc. (2000)

Mater et Magistra – Christianity & Social Progress by The Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle

Middle Classes the Poor God by Canadian Religious Conference

On the Evangelization in the Modern World by Pope Paul VI

Ongoing Growth and Present Mission by Canadian Religious Conference

Papal and Curial Pronouncements: Their Canonical Significance in Light by Francis G. Morrisey

Peace on Earth – Encyclical Letter Pope John XXIII – National Catholic Welfare Conference

Pius XII: Foundations of Renewal by Deus Books Paulist Press

Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization - Pastoral Resources for Living the Jubilee:

Celebrating Mercy Confession: The Sacrament of Mercy Mercy in the Fathers of the Church Mercy in the Teachings of the Popes The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy The Parables of Mercy The Psalms of Mercy The Saints in Mercy

Pope John Paul II Speaks to Priests and Deacons by Conference of Catholic Bishops

Pope Paul VI: Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary by Publications Office

Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici of His Holiness John Paul II on the Vocation and the Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World

Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of His Holiness Pope John Paul II on the Bishop, Servant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the Hop of the World by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis of the Holy Father Benedict XVI onThe Eucharist as the Source & Summit of the Church’s Life and Mission by Libretia Editrice Vaticana

Priest within Associations of the Faithful by 1981

Restructuring of the Consilium de laicis in Which it Takes the Name Pontifical Council for the Laity by Pope Paul VI (1976)

Spe Salvi: On Christian Hope by Benedict XVI (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops)

The Attitude of the Church Towards the Followers of other Religions by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops 161

The Catholic School – The Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Church ad Racism Towards a More Fraternal Society by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Church in America – Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in America of the Holy Father John Paul II

The Coming Eightieth by St. Paul Editions

The Decree on Ecumenism by the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity

The Message of Fatima by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Mystery of the Incarnation of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 by Libreria Editrice Vaticana

The New Millennium – Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II

The New Millennium by Mediaspaul

The Pope Teaches (1979) by Catholic Truth Society

The Pope Teaches (1982) by Catholic Truth Society

The Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World by Synod of Bishops

The Rosary of the Virgin Mary by John Paul II (Mediaspaul)

The Rule of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Canada

This is the Laity-Simplification of Christifideles Laici by Philippa Craig

To the Youth of the World – Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II on the Occasion of International Youth Year by Editions Paulines

Truth, Unity and Peace by Pope John XXIII (Catholic Truth Society)

World Hunger – A Challenge for All: Development in Solidarity by Libreria Editrice Vaticana


Song Books

A Companion to the Catholic Book of Worship III by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

All God’s People Love to Sing, Melody Edition by Joe Pinson

Biblical Hymns and Psalms, Volume 1 by Father Lucien Deiss (2 Copies)

Breaking Bread by OCP Publications

Calling the Children by Christopher Walker

Canticles and Gathering Prayers by John P Mossi and Suzanne Toolan (3 Copies)

Catholic Book of Worship II by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Catholic Book of Worship III by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Celebrate in Song by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Children of the Light – Songs by the Redemptorists

Children’s Choir Basics by David T. Nastal

Circle of the World by Dana Blanck and Bill Peterson (CD Included)

Color the World with Song – Psalms & Songs of Faith by Carey Landry

Eucharistic Prayer for Children II by Marty Haugen

Eucharistic Prayer for Children III: Easter Setting Full Score by Sue Furlong

Gather: Comprehensive by GIA Publications Inc.

Genesis 1: A Reading for the Easter Vigil by Ed Nowak

Glory and Praise, Parish Music Program by North American Liturgy Resources

Glory and Praise, Third Edition by OCP

Glory & Praise, Volume 1 – Songs for Christian Assembly (6 Copies)

Glory & Praise, Volume 2 – Songs for Christian Assembly (4 Copies)

Glory & Praise, Volume 3 – Songs for Christian Assembly (2 Copies)

Glory & Praise – Young People’s – Christian Music for use in Worship & the Religious Education of Youth

Glory Day: David Haas and Friends in Concert by GIA Publications (CD and Video Included) 163

God Has Done Marvelous Things by David Haas, Leon C. Roberts and Friends (CD Included)

God Is... by Monica Brown

Gregorian Chant: Songs of the Spirit (CD included) by Huston Smith

How Excellent Vol. 1: Songs for Teens by GIA Publications

Hymnal for Young Christians, Volume 3

Journeysongs by OCP

Locusts and Wild Honey by the Monks of Weston Priory

Long Way Home – Songs of the Living Psalms by Frank Hillebrand, S.J.

Morning and Evening by Liturgy Training Publications

Music for Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Cycle A by Christopher Walker

Music for Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Cycle B by Christopher Walker

Music for Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Cycle C by Christopher Walker

Music for Liturgy – Children by Catechetical Office

Music for Wedding Services by Novalis

Music Issue 1989 by Novalis (2 Copies)

O Let Him In – Eleven New Songs for Lively Worship for Guitar, Chorus & Congregation by Bob Hurd

Ritual Prayer Series: Communion Rite by Marty Haugen

Share the Light by Bernadette Farrell (CD Included)

Sharing Music Guide Update 1 by Butch Ekstrom and Margaret Cassidy

Singing Our Faith by GIA Publications

Singing with Joy by Catherine Maresca (CD Included)

Songs of Celebration by Parish Productions, Inc.

Songs of Openness to New Life by the Monks of Weston Priory

Songs of the Spirit: Songs and Hymns of Renewal by Damian Lundy F.S.C

Spirit Alive by the Monks of Weston Priory

The Catholic Hymnal – Hymns for Liturgical Celebration with the Order of the Mass & Masses from the Kyriale 164

The Church Breaks Bread: Music for the Communion Rite by Gary Daigle and Marty Haugen (CD Included)

The Ministry and Mission of Sung Prayer by David Haas

United as One: Liturgical Music for Weddings Vol. 1 by OCP Publications

United as One: Liturgical Music for Weddings Vol. 2 by OCP Publications

Up From the Waters by Marty Haugen (CD Included)

We Belong to the Lord Jesus by Michel Guimont

We Give You Thanks by David Haas (CD Included)

We Give You Thanks: Mass, Jesus, the Compassion of God Choir/Guitar Edition by David Haas (CD Included) (3 Copies)

When Children Gather Full Score by Robert W. Piercy and Vivian E. Williams

Winter’s Coming Home – Songs to Celebrate Winter & Christmas by the Monks of Weston Priory

Who Calls You by Name: Music for Christian Initiation Vol. 2 by David Haas

Young People’s Folk Hymnal, Volume 1/25 Guitar Songs for use in Worship Services (2 Copies) 165

Coffee Table Books

A Faith Walk – Diocese of Charlottetown by Reverend Art O’Shea (2 Copies)

A Glimpse of Heavely Splendour – XVII Century Icons by the Fondazione Russia Cristiana

A History of the Diocese of Hamilton by Editions du Signe

A Life by T.P. Boland

A Pilgrimage of Faith by Frank Galgay, Michael McCarthy SR. Teresina Bruce, and SR. Magdalen O’Brien

As You Enter the Cathedral... by World Heritage

Assisi: Art and History in the Centuries by Plurigraf

At the Heart of the Cite: A living Cathedral by Marie-Jeanne Coloni

Blessed by L’Osservatore Romano

Catholic Church in Shanghai Today by Unknown

Concilium Oecumenicum Vaticanum II by Unknown

Franz Mayer of by Unknown

Franz Mayer of Munich Work Samples by Unknown

Heavenly City by Denis R. McNamara

Holy Year 1975 by Unknown

In the Footsteps of Jesus by W.E. Pax

Inside the Vatican by Bart McDowell

Jerusalem 5000 Years of History by Louis Faton

Journey to the Land of Jesus by Publications International Ltd.

North American Churches by B. Mitchell

Obra by Wyzsze Seminarium Duchowne, Misjonarzy Oblatow and Maryi Niepokalanej

Ostrow Tumski W Poznaniu by Pomorska Oficyna

Picts by Anna Ritchie

Poczet Arcybiskupow Gnieznienskich Prymasow Polski by S. Adalber 166

Red Bay, Labrador by James A. Tuck and Robert Grenier

St. Anne’s Centenary by Allied Irish Bank

Sweet Mother by Pietro Gaggiano, Michele Rak and Angelo Turchini

Tertium Millennium by Citta del Vaticano

The Basilica of : the Restoration of the Atrium and the by jFratelli Palombi Editori

The Centenary of the Basilica-Cathedral of St. John the Baptist St. Johns Newfoundland by Robinson and Company Ltd.

The Chapel of the Mother of God by Jan Golonka and Jerzy Zmudzinski

The Christian World by Geoffrey Barraclough

The Council by Lothar Wolleh

The Holy Land in Colour by Sami Awwad

The Life of Jesus in Masterpieces of Art by Mary Pope Osborne

The Roads to Santiago by Derry Brabbs

The Sacred Balance – A Visual Celebration of Our Place in Nature by David Suzuki & Amanda McConnell

Upon this Rock by Aubrey Menen

Upon This Rock by Paul O’Neil


Adult Faith

Living with Christ-The Jubilee Year of Mercy published by Novalis

On Care for our Common Home by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

On Good Soil-Pastoral Planning for Evangelization & Catechedsis with Adults by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Our Catholic Life: Drawing Closer to Christ by Bill Huebsch

Our Catholic Life: Living the Commandments by Bill Huebsch

Our Catholic Life: Living the Sacraments by Bill Huebsch

Our Catholic Life: Praying our Way Through Life by Bill Huebsch

Our Catholic Life: The Human Journey of Faith by Bill Huebsch

Our Catholic Life: The Mystery of God by Bill Huebsch

Our Catholic Life: The Mystery of the Church by Bill Huebsch

The Grateful Disciple – Daring to be Loved by David Wells

What Catholics Believe – Leader’s Guide by Christine Way Skinner 168


A Journey in Faith with Families Today by the Assembly of the Bishops of Quebec

Becoming Catholic Even if You Happen to Be One by J. Killgallon, M. O’Shaughnessy and G. Weber

Catholics Listening to God by Msgr. Mark Coleridge

Conversion and the Catechumenate by Robert Duggan

Faith is a Verb by Kenneth Stokes

Risking Hope: Fragile Faith in the Healing Process by Kathleen O’Connell Chesto

Stewardship: A Parish Handbook by C. Justin Clements

What Prevents Christian Adults from Learning? By John M. Hull



Christian Vocation by Rene Voillaume

Conversion Discernment Mission by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops


Documents from Bishops’ Conferences

A Guide to Formation in Priestly Celibacy - Canadian Catholic Conference 1974 (2 Copies)

Adult Faith by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Calling Out the Prophetic Tradition–A Jubilee of Social Teaching from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Catechetics in Our Time with Special Reference to Catechetics for Children & Young People by Synod of Bishops

Declaration on the Question of the Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood by US Catholic Conference

Living the Gospel in the New Millennium by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Precursillo – Witness to the Good News by Canadian Conference of Catholic Cursillos

Reconciliation & Penance in the Mission of the Church by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Redemptionis Sacramentum by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Responsibility in Ministry: A State of Commitment by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Catholic School by Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education

The Consecrated Life & It’s Role in the Church & in the World by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Formation of Priests in Circumstances of the Present Day-Lineamenta by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Formation of Priests in Circumstances of the Present Day-Working Paper by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Ministerial Priesthood by Publication Service of the CCC

The Parish Pastoral Council/Guidelines for the Development of Constitutions by CCCB

The Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School by the Congregation for Catholic Education

The Search for Christian Unity by Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales

The Word of God in Scripture-How to Read & Interpret the Bible by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Vocation & Mission of the Laity in the Church & in the World Twenty Years after the Second Vatican Council-Lineamenta by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (2 Copies)

Vocation & Mission of the Laity in the Church & in the World Twenty Years after the Second Vatican Council-Working Paper by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (2 Copies)

With Respect to Women – A History of CCCB Initiatives Concerning Women in the Church & Society 1971-2000 171

Charismatic Renewal

An Experience of the Life in the Spirit by Jean Laplace

Book of Readings on the Holy Spirit in Church and Society by National Conference of Catholic Bishops

Catholic Pentecostalism – An In-dept Report on the Charismatic Renewal by Theologian, Rene Laurentin

Filled with New Life by James W. Jones

Forward in the Spirit by Diocese of Victoria

In His Spirit – A Guide to Today’s Spirituality by Richard J. Hauser, S.J.

Is Jesus Coming Soon? A Catholic Perspective on the Second Coming by Ralph Martin

Perspective on Charismatic Renewal by Edward D. O’Connor

Real Presence: The Holy Spirit Works of C.S. Lewis by Leanne Payne

Surprised by the Spirit by Farrell

The Born Again Catholic by Albert H. Boudreau

The Charismatic Renewal and Ecumenism by Kilian McDonnell

The Church Institutional and Charismatic by Bishop J. Faber MacDonald

The Holy Spirit in Action by F. J. Sheed

The Life in the Spirit Seminars by Ann Arbor

The Spirit Bible by Eugene S. Geissler

The Spirit in My Life by James Alberione

The Touch of the Spirit by Andrew Greeley


Parish Ministry

A Common Sense for Parish Life by Liturgy Training Publications

Called and Gifted for the Third Millennium by U.S Catholic Bishops

Called to Parish Ministry by Greg Dues and Barbara Walkley

Catholic Evangelization: The Heat of Ministry by Rev. Robert J. Hater

Collaborative Ministry: Skills and Guidelines by Loughlan Sofield and Carroll Juliano

Creative Christian Leadership by Kevin Treston

Developing the Parish as a Community by Loughlan Sofield and Brenda Hermann

Dignity of the Human Person: Book 3 by United States Catholic Conference

Excellent Catholic Parishes by Paul Wilkes

Faith Culture and the Worshiping Community by Michael Warren

Gifts that Differ by David N. Power

God Knows Caregiving Can Pull You Apart by Gretchen Thompson

Good Things Happen by Dick Westley

Growing Together by National Conference of Catholic Bishops

Imagining a New Church by Louis J. Cameli, Fran Ferder, Anthony Gittins, Thomas Groome, John Heagle, Bill Huebsch, Diane Lampitt and Maureen Shaughnessy

Inside Christian Communities by Rosine Hammett and Loughlan Sofield

Leading Small Groups into Scripture Study: Here’s How by Living the Good News, Inc.

Like His Brothers and Sisters by Fritz Lobinger

Ministries: Sharing God’s Gift by James B. Dunning

Parish, Priest and People by Andrew Greeley, Mary Durkin, David Tracy, John Shea and William McCready

Preparing to Preach by J. Frank Henderson

Preparing to Preside by J. Frank Henderson

Principles, Prophecy and a Pastoral Response by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 173

Re-Imagining the Parish by Patrick J. Brennan

Renewing Your Ministry by Joe Paprocki

Sharing the Tradition, Shaping the Future: Book 1 by United States Catholic Conference

Spiritlinking Leadership by Donna J. Markham

Successful Parishes: How They Meet the Challenge of Change by Thomas Sweetser

The Collaborative Leader by Loughlan Sofiel and Donald H. Kuhn

The Family, Community and Participation: Book 2 by United States Catholic Conference

The Gifts of Lay Ministry by Barbara Dent

The Hands on Parish by William J. Bausch (2 Copies)

The Living Parish by Joseph M. Champlin

The Parish of the Next Millennium by William J. Bausch

The People Parish by Gerald J. Kleba

The Promise of Partnership by James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead

The Sign We Give by the Working Party on Collaborative Ministry

To Act Justly, Love Tenderly, Walk Humbly by Walter Brueggemann, Sharon Parks, Thomas H. Groome

Visiting the Elderly by Jeanette M. Jabour

Volunteers: Getting Them Placing Them and Keeping Them by Ann Lally Mark F. Fischer Robert Howes, Bridget Lynch Fischer and Judith Ann Kollar


Spiritual Guidance

A Living Tradition Penitentiary Chaplaincy by J.T.L James

Being Catholic in a Culture of Choice by Thomas P. Rausch

Beyond the Ordinary: Spirituality for Church Leaders by Ben Campbell Johnson and Andrew Dreitcer

Emotions and the Enneagram – Working Through Your Shadow Life Script by Margaret Frings Keyes

Faith Development and Pastoral Care by James W. Fowler

Guidelines for Spiritual Direction by Carolyn Gratton

Making Moral Choices – An Introduction by Mark Miller, C.Ss.R.

The Art of Spiritual Guidance by Carolyn Gratton

The Practice of Spiritual Direction by William A Barry and William J. Connolly

The Training of Priests and Pastoral Care for the Sick by Ecivitate Vaticana

The Way of Spiritual Direction by Francis Kelly Nemeck and Marie Theresa Coombs

Unbound – A Practical Guide to Deliverance by Neal Lozano



A New Look at Preaching by John Burke

Back in the Days of Jesus: Gospel Homilies for Children – John by Living the Good News, Inc

Back in the Days of Jesus: Gospel Homilies for Children – Luke by Living the Good News, Inc

Back in the Days of Jesus: Gospel Homilies for Children – Mark by Living the Good News, Inc

Back in the Days of Jesus: Gospel Homilies for Children – Matthew by Living the Good News, Inc

Childchurch – Homily Outlines for Preaching to Childrenby Ronald B. Mierzwa

Commentary on the Sunday Lectionary: Cycle B by Peter Coughlan and Peter Purdue

Hearing the Word of God: Reflections on the Sunday Readings Year A by John R. Donahue

Interpreting the Resurrection by Gerald O’Collins

More Than Silver of Gold – Homilies of a Stewardship Priest by Daniel J. Mahan

New Sunday & Holy Day Liturgies – Year A by Flor McCarthy, SDB

New Sunday & Holy Day Liturgies - Year C by Flor McCarthy, SDB

Preaching Better – Practical Suggestions for Homilists by Ken Untener

Resources for Sunday Homilies: Year A – Year of Matthew by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Resources for Sunday Homilies: Year B – Year of Mark by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Resources for Sunday Homilies: Year C – Year of Luke by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Seasons in the Word: Liturgical Homilies Year A by John Sandell

Story Power! Compelling Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching by James A Feehan

Story Sermons for Children with Object Lesson Adaptations by Luther S. Cross

The Dream Catcher by James L. Henderschedt

The Sower’s Seeds – 100 Inspiring Stories for Preaching, Teaching & Public Speaking by Brian Cavanaugh, T.O.R.

The Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels for Christian Preachers & Teachers - Matthew Year A by John Shea

The Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels for Christian Preachers & Teachers – Mark Year B by John Shea

Timely Homilies by William J. Bausch 176

To Walk With a Child – Homiletics for Children – A Guide – by Gerard A. Pottebaum

Who Knows the Reach of God? Year A by Corbin Eddy

Who Knows the Shape of God? Year B by Corbin Eddy

Who Knows the Colour of God? Year C by Corbin Eddy

Windows into the Lectionary – Seasonal Anecdotes for Preaching & Teaching by Donald L. Deffner 177


A Reflection Guide on Human Sexuality and the Ordained Priesthood by National Conference of Catholic Bishops

Alter Christus – St. Paul Speaks to Priest by John J. Gilchrist

An Experience of Celibacy by Keith Clark

Be Holy: God’s First Call to Priest Today by Fr. Tom Forrest

Being Sexual and Celibate by Keith Clark

Dear Father – A Message of Love to Priests by Catherine de Hueck Doherty

Happiness-Issues of Emotional Living in a Age of Stress for Clergy & Religious by Thomas A Kane

Leading through Change: Your Parish and the Revised Roman Missal by Kathleen Felong (2Copies)

Living Celibacy with Integrity by Richard J. Gilmartin

Mentoring: The Ministry of Spiritual Kinship by Edward C. Sellner

Method in Ministry/Theological Reflection & Christian Ministry by James D. Whitehead & Evelyn Eaton Whitehead

Ministry Burnout by John A Sanford

Priests – A Calling in Crisis by Andrew M. Greeley

Restless Churches-How Canada’s Churches Can Contrigute to the Emerging religious Renaissance by Reginald W. Bibby

Restless Gods-The Renaissance of Religion in Canada by Reginald W. Bibby

Servant Leaders of the People of God by Robert M. Schwartz

Shopping for Faith by Richard Cimino and Don Lattin

Take Heart, Father – A Hope-Filled Vision for Today’s Priest by Rev. William J. Bausch

The Changing Face of the Priesthood by Donald B. Cozzens

The Integral Human Formation of Candidates for the Priesthood by Jeannine Guindon

The Joy of Priesthood by Fr. Stephen J. Rossetti

The Meaning of Christian Priesthood by Gisbert Greshake

The Priest and Stress by United States Catholic Conference 178

The Priest as Servant Leader/Developing Values for Priestly Ministry by National Federation of Presbyteral Councils

The Priest: The Word of God and the Magisterium by Confraternity of Catholic Clergy

The Road Home by Mark Neilsen

The Unchanging Heart of the Priesthood by Fr. Thomas Acklin, O.S.B.

They Call Me the Bacon Priest by Werenfriedvan Straaten

When They Come Home by Melanie Rigney and Anna M. Lanave

While You Were Gone: A Handbook for Returning Catholics by William J. Bausch

Why Priests Leave by Father John A. O’Brien


Grief and Loss

A Child’s View of Grief – A Guide for Caring Adults by Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.

A Healing Walk with St. Ignatius by Lyn Holley Doucet

A Thoughtful Word, a Healing Touch by Jospeh M. Champlin

A Woman’s Healing Song by Kerrie Hide

All Shall be Well by Joan Wilson

An Empty Cradle a Full Heart by Christine O’Keeffe Lafser

Angels and : On Sorrow, God and Healing by Molly Wolf

Be Not Afraid: Overcoming the Fear of Death by Johann Christoph Arnold

Bereavement Ministry by Harriet Young

Counselling the Bereaved – Caregiver Handbook by Canadian Mental Health Association

Death by Virginia Sloyan

Death and Beyond by Andrew Greeley

Death in Technological Society by Hubert Doucet

Death: The Final Stage of Growth by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Dreams that Help You Mourn by Lois Lindsey Hendricks

Embracing Life by Dorothy Corkille Briggs

Facing Death Together by Margaret Smith

Friendship as a Sacrament by Carmen L. Caltagirone

God Knows You’re Grieving by Joan Guntzelman

Guiding Children Through Life’s Losses by Phyllis Vos Wezeman, Jude Dennis Fournier and Kenneth R. Wezeman

Handbook for Those Who Grieve by Martin M. Auz and Maureen Lyons Andrews

Healing Wounded Emotions by Martin H. Padovani

Helping Children Cope with Grief - A Teacher’s Guide by Ronald H. Sunderland, Ed.D 180

Helping Children Cope with Grief by Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt

Learning to Say Goodbye: When a Child’s Parent Dies by Eda Leshan

Little Pieces of Light: Darkness and Personal Growth by Joyce Rupp

Living with Grief after Sudden Loss by Kenneth J. Doka

Longing for My Child by Christine O’Keeffe Lafser

Lord, Help Me I’m Sick by Ph. Aviron-Violet and R. Barles

Lord, Support Me in My Illness by Philippe Aviron-Violet

May I Walk you Home? Courage & Comfort for Caregivers of the Very Ill by Joyce Hutchison& Joyce Rupp

Meeting Suffering/Humanum-Issues in Family, Culture & Science by Ruth Ashfield, RGN

On Suffering: Letters to a Friend by Francine Black

Parenting a Grieving Child by Mary Deturris Poust

Questions and Answers on Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Remembering Well by Sarah York

Resources for the Death of a Loved One by Suicide by Paraclete Press and Video Productions

Sacred Healing by Janet Davis

Should the Children Know: Encounters with Death in the Lives of Children by Marguerita Rudolph

Solace: A Correspondence of Gardening, Friendship and Healing by Diane Sims and Marla Fletcher

Suffering Loss, Seeking Healing by Evan Drake Howard

Suriving Death by Charles Meyer

Ten Things to Help You Survive and Heal While Grieving by Janet K. Lang

The Dignity of the Dying Person by Juan de Dios Vial Correa and Elio Sgreccia

The Eyes are Sunlight – A Journey Through Grief by Shirley Koers

The Ministry of Consolers by Terence P. Curley

The Pummeled Heart by Antoinette Bosco

They Shall be Comforted by Rev. Joseph Nolan

Time to Say Goodbye: My Grief Workbook by Mary Kathleen Glavich (2 Copies) 181

To Love Again by Jean Monbourquette (2 Copies)

Walking with God in a Fragile World by James Langford and Leroy S. Rouner

Walking with Loneliness by Paula Ripple, F.S.P.A.

Water Bugs and Dragon Flies by Doris Stickney

When It’s Right to Die by Dick Westley

When the Dying Speak by Ron Wooten – Green

When the Sun Sets by Geoffrey C. Carnell

When Your Spouse Dies by Cathleen L. Curry

Your Grieving Child: Answers to Questions on Death and Dying by Bill Dodds 182


A Journey in Faith with Families Today by the Assembly of the Bishops of Quebec (2 Copies)

A New Mother’s Prayers by Jayne Jaudon Ferrer

A Prayer Companion for Moms by Vickie Lopiccolo Jennett and Paula Hagen

Amen! Prayers for Families with Children by Kathleen Finley

Being Home by Gunilla Norris

Bless My Special Child by Carolyn Lynch-Quinonez

Building Catholic Family Traditions by Paul and Leisa Thigpen

Building Family Faith by Lisa M. Bellecci-St. Roman

Celebrate Grandparent’s Day by Judy Logue

Creative Grandparenting by Patricia L. Fry

Double Close: The Young Child’s Knowledge of God by Catherine Maresca

Enriching Faith Through Family Celebrations by Sandra DeGidio

Exploring the New Family by Kathleen O’Connell Chesto

Faith Grows First in the Family by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Family Book of Prayers by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Family Prayer for Family Times by Kathleen O’Connell Chesto

Follow the Way of Love by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

God Knows Gradparents Make a Difference by Priscilla J. Herbison and Cynthia Herbison Tambornino

God Knows Parenting is a Wild Ride by Kathy Coffey

Growing in the Dark by Nancy Marrocco (6 Copies)

Growing in Wisdom, Age and Grace by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin

Growing up with God by Nancy Cocks

Growing with Your Child by Centre d’ education Chretienne

Helping Kids Live Their Faith by Mary Beth Jambor 183

Helping Kids Live Their Faith by Mary Beth Jambor

Homemade Christians by Nancy Marrocco

How the Children Became Stars by Aaron Zerah

Interchurch Families by John C. Bush and Patrick R. Cooney

Keepers of the Promise Vol. 1 by National Conference of Catechetical Leadership

Keepers of the Promise Vol. 2 by National Conference of Catechetical Leadership

Keepers of the Promise Vol. 3 by National Conference of Catechetical Leadership

Kids are Worth it by Barbra Coloroso

Know Me, Hold Me, Sing to Me by Kathleen Chesto

Love is Our Mission – The Family Fully Alive – A preparatory Catechesis for the Word Meeting of Families by Our Sunday Visitor

Loving the Everyday by Elizabeth Bookser Barkley

Make Family Time Prime Time by Denise C. Yribarren and DeAnn L. Koestner

Making Peace in Your Step Family by Harold H. Bloomfield

Meditating Mamas by Rebecca Cunningham and Susan Whelehan

Mom Stories by Vickie LoPiccolo Jennett

Mom Stories: Instant Inspiration for Mothers by Vickie LoPiccolo Jennett

Mom’s Developing A Ministry by Paul Hagen and Patricia Hoyt

Mom’s Personal Journal by Paul Hagen and Vickie LoPiccolo Jennett

Moonbeam by Maureen Garth

Nurturing Your Blended Family by Ralph Ranieri

Parent as Mystic, Mystic as Parent by David Spangler

Prayers for the Beginning of Life by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops

Praying with Your Children: A Guide for Families by Pat Fosarelli

Putting Children and Families First by the U.S. Catholic Bishops

Raising Kids Who Care by Kathleen O’Connell Chesto 184

Raising Kids Who Will Make a Difference by Susan V. Vogt

Regarding Children by Herbert Anderson and Susan B. W. Johnson

Sharing the Faith with Your Child: From Age Seven to Fourteen by Mary Jo Pedersen and Joan Burney

Sharing the Faith with Your Child: From Birth to Age Six by Phyllis Chandler and Joan Burney

Shua by William Burke

Star Bright by Maureen Garth

Stories They’ll Remember by Frank K. Lord

The Catholic Family in a Changing World by Robert J. Hater

The Catholic Home by Meredith Gould

The Catholic Parent Book of Feasts: Celebrating the Church Year with Your Family by Michaelann Martin, Carol Puccio and Zoe Romanowsky

The Gift of Grandparenting by Thea Jarvis

The Godparent Book by Elaine Ramshaw

The One Thing by Matthew Kelly

The Peaceful Parenting Handbook by Burt Berlow, Elizabeth Lonning and Joseph Cress

The Seven Habits of Peaceful Parents by Joseph Cress, Elizabeth Lonning and Burt Berlowe

The Seven Habits of the Highly Effective Families by Stephen R. Covey

To Dance with God by Gertrud Mueller Nelson

Tots are Non Divorceable by Sara Bonkowski

Two Voices by Jim Doyle and Brian Doyle

Velvet and Steel by John K. Ream

We’re Running Late! Teachable Moments for Working Mothers by Kass P. Dotterweich

Welcome, Prayers for New and Pregnant Parents by Kathleen Finley

Word Made Flesh by Treehaus

You Break it You Buy it by Kass P. Dotterweich 185


10 Wise & Wonderful Stories for Children – Celebrating Holidays & Holy Days by Sr. M. Valerie Schneider, SND

37 Catholic Classroom Crafts... in 20 Minutes or Less by Nicole T. Woodard

50 Interactive Bible Stories...for Children Ages 5-8 by Phyllis vos Wezeman

A Catholic Call to Justice – An Activity Book for Raising Awareness of Social Justice Issues for Ages 14 – 22 by Catholic Relief Services

A Chance to Serve – A Leader’s Manual for Peer Ministry by Brian Reynolds

A Chance to Serve – Peer Ministers’ Handbook by Brian Reynolds – 2 Copies

A Child’s Book of the Mass by Betsy Puntel and Hannah Roberts

A Child’s Journey – The Christian Initiation of Children by Rita Burns Senseman

A Circle of Saints – Stories & Activities for Children Ages 4 – 8 by Anne E. Neuberger

A New Vision of Religious Education – Theory, History, Practice & Spirituality for DREs, Catechists & Teachers by Kevin Treston

A Pastor’s Guide to Whole Community Catechesis by Bill Huebsch

A Time to Listen...A Time to Heal/A Resource Directory for Reaching out to Inactive Catholics – Committee on Evangelization, National Conference of Catholic Bishops

A Well-Built Faith – A Catholic’s Guide to Knowing and Sharing What we Believe by Joe Paprocki

Active Learning for Catholic Kids Reproducibles for Primary Grades, Volume 1 –by PfLaum Publishing Group

Active Learning for Catholic Kids Reproducibles for Primary Grades, Volume 2 –by PfLaum Publishing Group

Adult Catechesis in the Christian Community/International Council for Catechesis, some Principles and Guidelines

Apostolic Exhortation of Paul VI – On Evangelization in the Modern World by Evangelii Nuntiandi

Because We Can Change the World – A Practical Guide to Building Cooperative, Inclusive Classroom Communities by Mara Sapon – Shevin

Best Practices in Catechist Formation – A Resource of the Department of Education – United States Conference of Catholic Bishops – 2 copies 186

Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox – Catechesis That Not Only Informs but Also Transforms by Joe Paprocki (2 Copies)

Bridges to Faith – The Why & How of High School Chaplaincy by Catherine M. Pead

Building a Eucharistic Community – A Handbook for Liturgical Catechesis by Mary J. McDonald

Bullying – Deal With it before Push Comes to Shove by Elaine Slavens

Bundles of Faith & Tons of Fun – Easy Activities, Prayers, & Projects for Children by Patricia Mathson

Called to be a Catechist – Your Practical Guide/Creative Catechist Series by Cullen W. Schippe

Canadian Studies in Liturgy, RCIA and the Period of Post-baptismal Catechesis, Number 7

Catechesis Revisited – Handing on Faith Today by Liam Kelly

Catechetical and Prayer Meeting of the Holy Father Benedict XVI with the First Communion Children by Roberto Rotondo

Catechizing for Justice – A Six-Session Program to Promote the Gospel Mission by Janet I. Miller

Catholic Education in the West: Roots, Reality, & Revival – Christian Social Thought Series by Christiaan Alting von Geusau & Philip Booth

Catholic Schools in Canada by Carl J. Matthews, S.J.

Catholic Vocabulary – A Glossary Workshop by Sadlier

Celebrating with the Saints – Advent for Kids Year B by Alison Berger

Children & Christian Initiation – a Practical Guide to Purification & Enlightenment by Kathy Coffey

Children Christian Initiation – A Practical Guide by Kathy Coffey

Children Imagination and Prayer – Creative Techniques for Middle Grade Students by Pat Egan Dexter

Come and See - Catholic Bible Study – Genesis by Fr. Joseph Ponessa, S.S.D & Laurie Watson Manhardt, Ph.D.

Come and See - Catholic Bible Study - John by Fr. Joseph Ponessa, S.S.D & Laurie Watson Manhardt, Ph.D.

Come and See - Catholic Bible Study for Children - In the Beginning by Laurie Watson Manhardt,Ph.D.

Come and See - Catholic Bible Study for Children - The Life of Jesus by Laurie Watson Manhardt, Ph.D.

Come on In - A Practical Guide to Getting Started with the Bible by David Winter & Anne Faulkner

Come to the Wedding Feast – An Eight Session Course for Training Catechists by Dominic F. Ashkar, PhD

Come Together/Participant’s Journal/An Adult Catechesis on the Eucharist by Kate Dooley, OP., & Maureen Gallagher 187

Community of Faith/Crafting Christian Communities Today by Evelyn Eaton Whitehead & James D. Whitehead

Creative Catechist – A Comprehensive, Illustrated Guide for Training Religion Teachers by Janaan Manternach & Carl J. Pfeifer

Discovering the Joy of Teaching – Seven Formation Sessions for Catechists & Teachers by Dominic F. Ashkar, PhD

Echo Stories for Children – Celebrating Saints & Seasons in Word & Action by Page McKean Zyromski

Echoing God’s Word by James B. Dunning

Educating for Life – A Spiritual Vision for Every Teacher & Parent by Thomas Groome

Educating for Life – A Spiritual Vision for Every Teacher & Parent – The Handbook by Thomas Groome

Empowering Catechetical Leaders by Thomas H. Groome, ED.D & Michael J. Corso, PH.D.

Engaging in Transcendence – The Church’s Ministry & Covenant with Young children by Barbara Kimes Myers & William R. Myers

Eucharist!/An Eight Session Ritual-Catechesis Experience for Adults by Susan S. Jorgensen

Evangelization & the Catholic High School – Agenda for the 1990’s by James T. Mulligan, CSC

Evangelizing Catechesis – New Vision – New Directions – A Series of Articles on Themes from the General Directory for Catechesis Set 1

Evangelizing Unchurched Children – A Pocketbook for Catechists by Therese M. Boucher

Faith Reflections – Sharing our Stories – RCIA Resource – 5 Copies

Family Violence in a Patriarchal Culture – A Challenge to Our Way of Living

Formation for Evangelization – Reflections of a Catholic Educator by James T. Mulligan, CSC

General Directory for Catechesis – Congregation for the Clergy by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (4 Copies)

Getting Back to Basics – A Parish Plan for Family Catechesis by Karen L. Howard

God Loves Me-Three Psalms for Little Children by Julie Walters, Illustrations by Kathryn Kelly

God Made All of Me – Activities for Young Children by Jolynn Johanning

God Speaks to His Childred - Texts from the Bible by Eleonore Beck

God’s Heroes – A Child’s Book of Saints by PfLaum Publishing Group

Godly Play – An Imaginative Approach to Religious Education by Jerome W. Berryman 188

Gospel Prayers by C. Singer

Gospel Theater for the Whole Community – 92 Plays for Education and Worship by Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND

Great Expectations – A Pastoral Guide for Partnering with Parents by Bill Huebsch with Leisa Anslinger - 2 Copies

Growing as a Catechist – Your Personal Handbook for Better Teaching

Guide for Catechist Formation – The DeSales Program by Rev. Patrick D. Ryan

Guided Meditations for Child Catechumens by Sydney Ann Merritt

Guided Meditations for Children by Jane Reehorst, BVM

Handbook for Success in Whole Community Catechesis by Bill Huebsch (2 Copies)

Here Comes Everybody!/Whole Community Catechesis in the Parish by Leisa Anslinger

Heritage of Faith/A Framework for the Whole Community by Jo McClure Rotunno (2 Copies)

How to Create a Parent Handbook for Your Parish Religious Education Program by National Conference for Catechetical Leadership

I Am Bread Broken – A Spirituality for the Catechist by Howard J. Hubbard

I Can Pray the Mass! by Mary Terese Donze, A.S.C.

Insight – A Resource for Adult Religious Education, Number 4

Jubilee 2000 – Reconciliation: Called to Wholeness – Small Group Reflection Series based on Sacred Scripture

Keeping the Peace – Practicing Cooperation & Conflict Resolution with Preschoolers by Susanne Wichert

Kids Creating Circles of Peace by Anne Marie Witchger Hansen and Susan Vogt (2 Copies)

Landings/Welcoming Returning Catholics/A Paulist Ministry – Participant’s Manual- 8 Copies plus Co- ordinator’s Kit

Leader’s Guide to Sharing Catholic Social Teaching – Challenges & Directions

Leading Students into Scripture by Sr. Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND

Leading the Way – An Educator’s Handbook From Living the Good News

Leading Young Catholics into Scripture – Fun & Creative Ways to Bring the Bible to Life by Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND

Learning About Liturgy – Catechesis for Children & Their Families by Dorothy Kosinski Carola – 2 Copies 189

Learning About The Liturgical Seasons – Catechesis for Children & Their Families by Dorothy Kosinski Carola

Let the Children Come to Me, Intermediate Level – Preparation for Christian Initiation for Children of Catechetical Age by Rev. Thomas L. Long & Emily F. Filippi, M.R.E.

Lights Camera....Faith! – A Movie Lectionary – Cycle A by Peter Malone, MSC with Rose Pacatte, FSP

Lights Camera...Faith! – A Movie Lectionary – Cycle B by Peter Malone, MSC with Rose Pacatte, FSP

Little Lucy’s Family – A Story about Adoption by Eleanor Gormally

Liturgical Ministry/Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, Volume 8, Spring, 1999

Living for the Lord – A Faith Journal for Catechetical Ministers & Spiritual Sojourners by LeLand D. Nagel

Make a Joyful Noise! Music, Movement, and Creative Play to Teach Bible Stories by Kathryn Nider Wolf & Heather P. Robbins

Make Room for Scripture – An Invitation to Catechists & Teachers by James Philipps

Making it safe – Women, Restorative Justice & Alternative Dispute Resolution by Provincial Association Against Family Violence NL

Ministry with Single & Single-Again Adults / A Workshop Resource Book to Assist Churches in Creating Stronger Communities by Betty J. Caughlin (Alford), B.S.W., R.S.W.

Models & Trends in Religious Education by Gail Thomas McKenna

Mommy Stayed in Bed This Morning – Helping Children Understand Depression by Mary Wenger Weaver

Monster Moments – Turning on Soul Lights to Help Children Handle their Fear and Anger by Daniel J. Porter

Morality – A Course on Catholic Living by Marcella P. Syracuse – 2 Copies

My Favorite Bible – Activity Book by Jenny Erickson

My Favorite Gospel – Activity Book by Jenny Erickson

My Favorite Jesus – Activity Book by Jenny Erickson

My Own Mass Booklet by Loyola Press a Jesiut Ministry

National Bulletin on Liturgy, Number 166, Volume 34, Fall 2001, The 15 Minute RCIA Book

National Bulletin on Liturgy, Number 51, Volume 8, November – December 1975

National Certification Standards for Professional Parish/Directors of Religious Education

New Testament - An Introduction by Norman F. Josaitis, S.T.D & Rev. Michael J. Lanning, O.F.M. 190

New Testament, Annotated Edition – An Introduction by Guide Writer, Gloria Hutchinson Authors, Norman F. Josaitis, S.T.D. & Rev. Michael J. Lanning, O.F.M.

Offering the Gospel to Children by Gretchen Wolff Pritchard

Pathways to Faithfulness/Developing structures which support catechetical ministry with adults/a resource for all those who share faith with adults

Peace – Perspectives on Peace/Conflict – for classroom Teachers, K – 12 by Bob Haverluck

Power Strategies of Jesus Christ – Principles of Leadership from the Greatest Motivator of all time by Harry A. Olson

Practical Catechesis – A National Pastoral Life Center Book by Judith Dunlap

Practice Makes Catholic – Moving From a Learned Faith to a Lived Faith by Joe Paprocki

Praying with Children – Prayer Models for Children & Catechists by The Center for Learning

Proclaiming Catholic Social Teaching by William H. Sadlier, Inc. – 8 Copies

Puppets + Kids + Bible Stories = A Creative Way to Learn by Anne E. Neuberger

Religious Education at a Crossroads – Moving On in the Freedom of the Spirit by Francois Darcy-Berube

Renewing Catechetical Ministry – A Future Agenda by Richard J. Reichert

Reshaping Religious Education – Conversations on Contemporary Practice by Maria Harris & Gabriel Moran

Rethinking Globalization – Teaching for Justice in an Unjust World by Bill Bigelow & Bob Peterson

Ritual Plays – Engaging Communities in God’s Word by Robert VedrEeche S.J. with George Drance S.J. & Michael J. Corso Ph.D.

Road to Emmaus – A New Model for Catechesis by Dominic F. Ashkar

School Year Activities for Religion Classes by Gwen Costello

Seasonal Celebrations by Sanders & Judith Bisignano

Seeds of Promise, Seeds of Faith – Vision & Themes of the General Directory for Catechesis by United States Catholic Conference, Department of Education Resource

Sharing Faith – A Comprehensive Approach to Religious Education & Pastoral Ministry, The Way of Shared Praxis by Thomas H. Groome

Sharing Prayer – Simple Formats for Small Groups by Mary Sue Taylor of the Mary & Martha House

Skits from Scripture – 10 Plays from the New Testament by Page McKean Zyromski 191

Spiritual Life of Children – The Inner Lives of Children by Robert Coles

Stories & Parables for Preachers & Teachers by Paul J. Wharton

Stories of Teaching by Jim Parsons & Larry Beauchamp\Christian Religious Education – Sharing Our Story & Vision by Thomas H. Groome

Teaching Peace – Skills for Living in a global Society by Ruth Fletcher

Teaching Threes, Fours, and Fives: Here’s How by Living the Good News, Inc.

The ABC’s Lessons of Love-Sermon on the Mount....for Children with Projects & Activities by Francine M. O’Connor

The ABC’s of Church by Francine M. O’Connor

The Art of Catechesis – What You Need to Be, Know & Do by Maureen Gallagher

The Candles are Still Burning – Directions in Sacrament & Spirituality by Mary Grey, Andree Heaton & Danny Sullivan

The Catechetical Documents –with Commentary & Index - A Parish Resource

The Catechist’s Toolbox – How to Thrive as a Religious Education Teacher by Joe Paprocki

The Catholic Thing by Rosemary Haughton

The Christian Initiation of Children – Hope for the Future by Robert D. Duggan & Maureen A. Kelly

The Church – Learning & Teaching by Ladislas Orsy

The De Sales Program/Catholic Adult Video Education Series/Participant Manual – The Living Gospels

The Dilemma of Priestless Sundays by James Dallen

The Effective DRE – A Skills Development Series – Building Community

The Effective DRE – A Skills Development Series – Catechizing for a Just World

The Effective DRE – A Skills Development Series – Communicating Effectively

The Effective DRE – A Skills Development Series – Developing A Parish Program

The Effective DRE – A Skills Development Series – Forming Ministerial Relationships

The Effective DRE – A Skills Development Series – Keeping Records & Budgets

The Effective DRE – A Skills Development Series – Maintaining Professional Balance

The Effective DRE – A Theology Series – Companions on the Journey – Mary and the Saints – 2 Copies 192

The Effective DRE – A Theology Series – Connecting Faith and Life – Theological Reflection – 2 Copies

The Effective DRE – A Theology Series – Faith Handed On – Church History

The Effective DRE – A Theology Series – In the Breath of God – Christian Morality

The Effective DRE – A Theology Series – Means of Grace, Ways of Life – Sacramental Theology

The Effective DRE – A Theology Series – Nourished by the Word – Scripture

The Effective DRE – A Theology Series – That All May Be One – Ecumenism

The Effective DRE – A Theology Series – The Church as Communion & Mission – Ecclesiology

The Effective DRE – A Theology Series – True God, True Man – Christology

The Effective DRE / A Skills Development Series / Recruiting & Training / Volunteer Catechists

The Effective DRE / A Skills Development Series / Understanding Catechesis

The General Directory for Catechesis in Plain English – A Summary & Commentary by Bill Huebsch (2 Copies)

The Good Shepherd & The Child – A Joyful Journey by Sofia Cavalletti, Patricia Coulter, Gianna Gobbi, & Silvana Q. Montanaro, M.D.

The Ministry of Evangelization by Susan W. Blum

The Modern Challenge to Religious Education – God’s Message & Our Response by Most Reverend G. Emmett Charter, D.D.

The New Catechist Glossary by Catholic Youth & School Services, Religious Education Department, Diocese of Toledo – 4 Copies

The New Catechist Handbook by David M. Riley & Patricia A. Rau – 5 Copies

The North American Forum of the Catechumenate Forum – Resource Packet – Serving the Initiation & Reconciliation Ministries – 2 Copies

The Priest as Empowerer of Catechetical Ministry – A Report & Workbook by William H. Sadlier Inc

The Prophetic Spirit of Catechesis – How We Share the Fire in Our Hearts by Anne Marie Mongoven, O.P.

The Secret of the Silver Horse by Department of Justice Canada (4 Copies)

The Value-Able Child – Teaching Values at Home & School by Kathleen Long Bostrom

The Vexed Question – Denominational Education in a Secular Age by William A. McKim

The Yellow Brick Road – A Storyteller’s Approach to the Spiritual Journey by William J. Bausch

Theology for Teachers by Ian Knox, C.S.Sp. 3 copies 193

To Act Justly – Introducing Catholic Social Teaching to Children with Stories & Activities by Anne E. Neuberger

To Love Tenderly – Teaching Compassion & Justice through Stories & Activities, for Ages 5-9 by Anne E. Neuberger

Transfiguration Catechesis – A new vision based on the liturgy & the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Dominic F. Ashkar, PhD

Turning Points – Rethinking Conventional Catechetics – Handbook for Parish Dialogue by Joyce M. Kelleher

Twenty-Five Questions Series by Les Miller:

About Catholic Saints and Heroes

About Catholic Social Teaching

About Prayer

About Signs and Symbols of the Catholic Faith (2 Copies)

About the Bible

About the Founders of the World’s Major Religions

About the Mass

About the Pope

About the Sacraments

About Virtues and Vices

About Vocations and Ministries

About What We See in a Catholic Church

Understanding the Revised Mass Texts, Revised Roman Missal, Second Edition by Paul Turner

We were Gonna Have a Baby, but We had an Angel Instead by Pat Schwiebert

What Can I Be? Exercise, Prayers, Poetry & Role-playing to Help Kids Grow in Christ by John A. Flanagan

What Do I Do Now? – A Guide for the Reluctant Catechist by Dan Pierson & Susan Stark

What Makes Us Catholic – Eight Gifts for Life by Thomas H. Groome (2 Copies)

What to do if a Child Tells you of Sexual Abuse – Understanding the Law by Department of Justice Canada

What’s Happening to Grandpa? by Maria Shriver 194

What’s New About the Mass – Revised Roman Missal by Maureen A. Kelly – 2 Copies

What’s Wrong with Bottoms? by Jenny Hessell

What’s Wrong with Timmy? by Maria Shriver

When Mom and Dad Divorce – A Kid’s Resource by Emily Menendez-Aponte

When You’re Sick or in the Hospital – Healing Help for Kids by Tom McGrath

Where Did Advent Go? Advent for Kids, Year C by Alison Berger

Who Are You, Jesus? Lent for Kids, Year B by Alison Berger

Whole Community Catechesis in plain English by Bill Huebsch

Workshops on Inclusive Language – Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

You Have Been Called – The New Catechist Handbook Part 2 by David M. Riley & Patricia A. Rau – 4 Copies



A Harvest for God-Christian Initiation in the Rural & Small-Town Parish by Michael Clay

Adult Religious Education – A Journey of Faith Development by Marie A. Gillen & Maurice C. Taylor

Apprenticed to Christ-Activities for Practicing the Catholic Way of Life by Jerry Galipeau

Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry by World ouncil of Churches, Geneva, 1982

Becoming Adult, Becoming Christian / Adult Development & Christian Faith by James W. Fowler

Catechumenate - A Journal of Christian Initiation/January 2001

Catechumenate – A Journal of Christian Initiation/November 2006

Christian Initiation of Older Children by Sandra Figgess

Conversion and the Catechumenate by Robert Duggan

Creating an Effective Mystagogy / A Handbook for Catechumenate Leaders by Dennis Chriszt, C.PP.S.

Discerning Disciples-Listening for God’s Voice in Christian Initiation by Donna Steffen, SC

Eucharist! An 8-Session Ritual-Catechesis Experience for Adults by Susan S. Jorgensen

Forum Essays/Eucharist as Sacrament of Initiation, Number 2 by Nathan D. Mitchell

Forum Essays/Preaching the Rites of Christian Initiation, Number 4 by Jan Michael Joncas

Foundations in Faith-Precatechumenate Manual by Resources for Christian Living, Allen, Texas (2 Copies)

Guided Meditations for Adult Catechumens by Sydney Ann Merritt

How to Form a Catechumenate Team by Karen M. Hinman

Inviting Catholics Home/A Parish Program by Sally L. Mews

New Wine: New Wineskins-Pastoral Implications of the RCIA by James B. Dunning

On Becoming a Catholic – The Challenge of Christian Initiation by Regis A. Duffy, O.F.M.

One at the Table/The Reception of Baptized Christians by Ronald A Oakham 2 CO

RCIA Leader’s Manual-A Treasure for all who seek the truth. A joy for all who seek to pass it on. by the Association for Catechumenal Ministry

RCIA /Spirituality! / Formation for the Catechumenate Team (with reflection questions by Gael Gensler) by Barbara Hixon – 3 Copies 196

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Ottawa, Canada (2 Copies)

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – Study Edition by International Commission on English in the Liturgy

The Art of Theological Reflection by Patricia O’Connell Killen & John De Beer

The Catechumenate & The Law/A Pastoral & Canonical Commentary for the Church in the United States by John M. Huels

The Catechumenate Answer Book/ML Answers the 101 Most Asked Questions by Paul Turner

The Reception of Baptized Christians/Three Crucial Issues for Parishes by Ron Oakham, O. Carm., Marguerite Main, Chuck Barthel, Margie Sullivan – 3 Copies

The RCIA–Transforming the Church, A Resource for Pastoral Implementation by Thomas H. Morris-3 Copies

This is our Faith – A Popular Presentation of Church Teaching – edited by Jeffrey John

We Send You Forth – Dismissals for the RCIA by Jerry Galipeau 197



Moyers on Addiction Changing Lives Changing Lives While addiction may cause similar changes in the brains of different people, recovery is a very DVD individual solution. Changing behaviour is the aim of treatment, but no single treatment program will work for all addicts. This program visits the Ridgeview Institute near Atlanta to interview recovering addicts and sit in on a group therapy session. The program also visits Project Safe, an Innovative treatment program what reaches out to disadvantaged mothers who are addicts, and to their children who are at serious risk of becoming addicts. Producer: Pamela Mason Wagner Field Producer: Karen O’Brien Editor: Susan Fanshel (90 Minutes, Color) Moyers on Addiction The Hijacked Brain The Hijacked Brain Aided by powerful new diagnostic tools, scientists are making dramatic discoveries about how DVD addiction affects the brain. In this program, Moyers goes into the Laboratory to follow researchers engaged in charting an "image of desire in the brain." We actually see Images of a cocaine user's brain as he drug takes effect, and a doctor explains how these scans reveal addiction as a chronic relapsing brain disease. Moyers observes a genetic researcher as he monitors a variety of factors that may determine who is likely to develop alcoholism. Producer: Gail Pellet Field Producer: Lynn Cooper Editor: Vanessa Procopio (60 minutes, color) Moyers on Addiction The Next Generation The Next Generation Experts are increasingly focusing on prevention efforts based on community and family. This DVD documentary looks at two of those efforts. One works with parents addicted to heroin by teaching them how to repair the damage to family wrought by drug abuse, and in spite of it, how to raise strong, resilient children. In a second program, vigilant counselors in Dade County schools watch for kids at risk of becoming drug addicts, and offer immediate counselling for those who are already involved with drugs.Nicotine addiction is addressed by a program that provides classes designed to prevent students from smoking, and another that helps them stop if they've already begun to smoke. 198

School officials, counsellors, and students are interviewed. Producers: Tim Casciato and Kathleen Hughes Field Producer: William Brangham Editor: Kris Kral (60 minutes, color) Moyers on Addiction The Politics of Addiction The Politics of Addiction The story of how our society meets the challenge of translating what scientists, doctors, DVD counselors, and recovering addicts have learned into rational public policy is complex and sometimes contradictory. This program looks at Arizona's recent struggle to find an alternative to current policies. Proposition 200 proposed a reassessment of the status of nonviolent drug addicts now serving time, and emphasized treatment over incarceration.The movement was supported by an alliance from across the political spectrum. On the Washington scene, members of Congress, doctors, and the policy activists have joined in a movement with recovering people that is pushing for new public policy. Producers: Marc Levin and Daphne Pinkerson Editor: Rob Kuhns (60 miuntes, color) Moyers on Addiction Portrait of Addiction Portrait of Addiction In this program nine men and women-all recovering from drug and or alcohol addiction-tell DVD their stories. The recovering addicts run the gamut: a former narcotics agent, a mother of three who is a marketing specialist; a former addict and founder of Stand Up Harlem, a community HIV-positive addicts and recovering addicts; a journalist and former addict who actually served as the researcher for Moyers on the series. This candid testimony from people who have been there leaves little doubt that addictioncan happen to anyone and so can recovery.


Adult Faith Formation

Almsgiving - Our Relationship with God The National Cathlic Parish Mission 2000, Show #2 DVD ALPHA Talks 4 Copies Introduction – Week 7 and Holy Spirit Talks

DVD An Introduction to CaFE CaFE is a process by which Catholics can explore their faith in Jesus Christ within the relaxed VHS & DVD environment of small groups meeting in the parish. Catholic Evangelisation Services www.catholicevangel.org Beatitudes, Our Blessings Kathleen O’Connell Chesto Suppose Jesus meant exactly what he said, that DVD each of us is a blessing, called to live out our own particular gift in a way that enables us to be a blessing to the rest of the community. Beatitudes, Our Blessings invites us to look at the beatitudes in just this way, and helps us fashion a way of life that wraps us ever more closely in the arms of God. Noted speaker, author, and workshop presenter, Kathleen Chesto, D.Min., is a former diocesan and parish director of religious education and family ministry. Twenty Third Publications, P. O. Box 6015 New London, CT 06320 Belonging BELONGING - THE SEARCH FOR The Search for Acceptance ACCEPTANCE Belonging - The search for Acceptance -A DVD profound, penetration and timely essay spoken from the heart of Jean Vanier. Truly one of the great spiritual leaders and modern day philosophers, Vanier has made his life work this message: "When we make others know they're welcome and that they belong then we know we all belong." - Jean Vanier Vanier's prophetic counter-culture ideas weave together a panorama of humanity in the 21st Century. Drawn from the stories of real lives, from the ordinary and the extraordinary, Belonging celebrates the dignity and diversity of humanity and identifies that which unites us - our aloneness and our longing to belong. Catholic Common Ground Initiative #910 The Catholic Common Ground Initiative promotes Sin & Forgiveness dialogue within the church as a way of reducing polarization and enhancing pastoral effectiveness. DVD It asks Catholics to meet with those of different 200

view and to examine contentious issues in order to widen areas of agreement and understand better the areas of disagreement. It calls all Catholics to move beyond individual preoccupations and perspectives for the sake of the gospel and the living Catholic tradition. 25 minutes Catholic Common Ground Initiative #911 The Catholic Common Ground Initiative promotes Faith Formation: dialogue within the church as a way of reducing The Nurturing of Faith in a Challenging Time polarization and enhancing pastoral effectiveness. It asks Catholics to meet with those of different DVD view and to examine contentious issues in order to widen areas of agreement and understand better the areas of disagreement. It calls all Catholics to move beyond individual preoccupations and perspectives for the sake of the gospel and the living Catholic tradition. 25 minutes Catholic Common Ground Initiative #912 The Catholic Common Ground Initiative promotes Let us Pray: dialogue within the church as a way of reducing Mystery & Community at Sunday Worship polarization and enhancing pastoral effectiveness. It asks Catholics to meet with those of different DVD view and to examine contentious issues in order to widen areas of agreement and understand better the areas of disagreement. It calls all Catholics to move beyond individual preoccupations and perspectives for the sake of the gospel and the living Catholic tradition. 25 minutes Catholic Common Ground Initiative #913 The Catholic Common Ground Initiative promotes Lay Ministry: dialogue within the church as a way of reducing Building or Blocking the Future of Ministry? polarization and enhancing pastoral effectiveness. It asks Catholics to meet with those of different DVD view and to examine contentious issues in order to widen areas of agreement and understand better the areas of disagreement. It calls all Catholics to move beyond individual preoccupations and perspectives for the sake of the gospel and the living Catholic tradition. 25 minutes Catholicism Catholicism Series.com Word on Fire & Picture Show Films Journey Around the World & Deep into the Faith The Complete Five Disc Set Witness the most significant story ever told. Most Rev. Robert E. Barron For the first time, in breathtaking, high-definition cinematography, the beauty and truth of the Catholic Faith are illustrated in a rich, multimedia experience. Journey with acclaimed author, speaker and theologian Bishop Robert Barron to more than 50 locations throughout 15 countries. Be illuminated by the spiritual and artistic treasures of this global culture that claims more than one billion of the earth’s people. From the sacred lands of Israel to the beating heart of Uganda, from the glorious shrines of , and Spain, to the streets of Mexico, 201

Kolkata, and New York City, the mystery of CATHOLICISM is revealed. Discover the full meaning of the Faith. Ten episodes. Ten hours. One film series. Cultivating & Caring for Creation Cultivating and Caring for Creation Modeling a Response to Pope Francis’ 2 – 2 DVD Disc Sets Environmental Encyclical “Laudato Si” Encounter with Garvan Byrne Encounter with Garvan Byrne From Central TV's acclaimed ENCOUNTER DVD series, here is a gem of a program that sets forth the legacy of an amazing boy of twelve whose life enriched thousands before his early death. You will want to watch this program a few times because the wisdom and insight of Garvan Byrne went far beyond his years. He was a twelve year old trapped in the body of a five year old with the certain prospect of an early death. he endured intense pain but walked close to God and found peace and profound meaning in life. Garvan said: "Death isn't really dying. It's going through an old door--into a new room--and Jesus will be there. He'll take me by the hand, and it'll be a lovely place and I won't want to come back." With insights far beyond his years... Garvan discusses life, death, suffering, and faith with insight far beyond his years. His relationship with Jesus Christ is clearly personal and vibrant. Despite tremendous suffering, Garvan exudes thankfulness and joy. Interviews with his parents, friends, and caregivers attest to the impact of Garvan's brief, difficult, but significant life. This video could be an excellent discussion starter on the spiritual needs of children and their families, the meaning of suffering, and the Christian view of death. Journal of Christian Nursing Family Spirituality By Dr. Kathleen Chesto This video program is a significant step in the DVD & VHS ongoing faith journey of families. Dr. Kathleen Chesto, a nationally known speaker and workshop presenter, enriches her audience with her thoughts and ideas on building a healthy faith life within the family. She emphasizes how the commitment we make to a family lifestyle is as important as any calling. 25 minutes Fasting – Our Relationship with God The National Catholic Parish Mission 2000 Show # 3 DVD Feed my Lambs Segment 1-6

DVD 202

Finding Faith in Christ FINDING FAITH IN CHRIST His life was like no other. his divine mission and DVD perfect love bring the blessings of heaven today just as surely as when he walked the earth. Experience the power, majesty, and love of Jesus Christ through the eyes of one who once doubted. Feel the truth as Thomas shares his firm conviction that Jesus is indeed the Son of God, our Lord and Saviour, our blood beloved redeemer. Ponder these scriptural events, that you too may believe in him and have everlasting life. Program time: 28 minutes, 50 seconds. Free to be Me – Part 1 With John Powell, S.J.

DVD Free to be Me – Part 2 With John Powell, S. J.

DVD Free to be Me – Part 3 With John Powell, S. J.

DVD Fullness of Life Fullness of Life Director: Clare Mullen, Editor: Derek Sharplin DVD 35 Minutes "Amidst the many distractions of modern life it's refreshing to pause and listen to Fr. Riechers speaking on spirituality." -Archbishop J. N. MacNeil "Very few of us approach spirituality in the unique and engaging way proposed by Fr. Erik." -J. E. Spicer, CSsR "Fr. Erik has captured on video the essence of spiritual formation in six basic points. Ideal for all levels of laity from grassroots to theological students." -Barb Riley (student of theology) ©1999 Adult Learning Commission 8421 - 101 Ave., Edmonton, AB T6A 0L1 Ph: (780) 469-6450 Fax: (780) 465-3003 Email: [email protected] Website: www.planet.eon.net/~alcom Gathered in My Name Using real life video clips of many different An Introduction to the Spirituality families, Gather in My Name explores the profound Of Family Life love that should be at the center of every Christian family. DVD & VHS Ordinary family events – meals, conversations, moments of intimacy and reconciliation – are Also listed under Sacraments–Marriage shown to be occasions of God’s presence. By observing families of all ages and all sizes, husbands and wives and parents and children can learn to reflect God’s love more fully. This 10 minute video is ideal for viewing by individual families. It can also be used by parishes 203

and dioceses for both marriage preparation and marriage enrichment programs. The enclosed discussion guide offers questions and activities for families and larger groups. ACTA Publications 4848 North Clark St., Chicago, Illinois 60640 God The Father Segments 1 - 3 1. The God Who Cares DVD 2. Lord I Love To See Your Face 3. The God Of Jesus God The Father(3), Son(4) and Spirit(3) 10 Segments Fr. Don Senior 1) Presence of God in the lives of Israelites. DVD 2) Portrays the life and times of Jesus. 3) Reveals the work of the H.S. all around us. God The Son Segments 1-4


God The Spirit Segiments 1-3

DVD Happiness is an Inside Job – 1 Happiness Is An Inside Job Happiness is an Inside Job – 2 "Something in me is sure that all of us were Happiness is an Inside Job - 3 created to be happy. I believe that God made us to be happy in this world and forever in the next. And DVD so, as I see it, this follows logically: If a person is chronically unhappy, there is something wrong. Something is missing. Obviously, it may not be that person's fault or choice. Still, I would maintain, something is missing. Anyway, please be patient with me as I try to explain my thinking. "To the extent that we think our happiness will come from outside things or even other persons, our dreams are destined for death. The true formula is, H=IJ, Happiness is an inside job." John Powell's presentation in Segments 2- 11 are followed by interaction with the audience, which is faciliatated by Loretta Brady. Twelve 30-minute Segments -Introduction -Growth, Not Perfection -Self Acceptance -Communication -Full Responsibility -Enjoyment of Life -Relaxation -Prayer -Nourishment and Exercise -Conclusion -Acts of Love -Stretching -Goodfinding In Search of Historic Jesus In 33 A.D., on a hillside near Jerusalem, a man was killed in an agonizing crucifixion...his DVD name was Jesus. Was Jesus an Ordinary man? A great prophet? Could he work miracles-heal the sick, give sight to the blind? Was Jesus, in fact, the Son of God and did he actually rise from the dead 2,000 204

years ago? Discover new answers about the most intriguing man in history in this startling motion picture, based on the best-selling book. Following clues across twenty centuries and several continents, IN SEARCH HISTORIC JESUS uses both Biblical and non-Biblical sources to recreate the life of the man who had the greatest impact on history-yet was mysteriously unkown to historians of his time. Approximate Running time: 91 Minutes. Jesus The most historically accurate film ever made about the life of Christ. DVD Five years of painstaking research and $6 million have been invested in what may be the most ambitious and credible Bible film to date. The film was made entirely in Israel at 202 locations, involving a cast of more than 5,000 Israelis and Arabs. Film maker John Heyman, credited with more than 30 major motion pictures, including "A Passage to India," placed enormous emphasis on accuracy. Workshop teams studied first century clothing, architecture, customs and food to ensure the film's authenticity. To send Modern Israel backward in time, crews temporarily dismantled telegraph poles and TV aerials from homes where shooting was in progress. Effective resource for evangelism Originally released by Warner Brothers, the JESUS film is having great success as a worldwide evangelistic resource. With a specially created evangelistic close, film teams travelling on every continent use the film to present the story and message of Jesus Christ. "When you see Christ in this film," explains John Heyman, "you can believe that he is a man who spent 18 years of his life in a carpenter's shop before he started his ministry. None of the reverence and respect has been sacrificed, but we are dealing with Jesus who is strong and has muscle. He is a man who can smile and laugh and share his emotions with people". An excellent tool for Bible study and evangelistic outreach. Color/ 120 minutes. John Paul II - #1 We gratefully acknowledge this donation from the You Are Gifts to the World library of Loretta Downey(RIP) 1921 – 2003

DVD John Paul II – #3 We gratefully acknowledge this donation from the Family, Be Yourself library of Loretta Downey(RIP) 1921 – 2003 DVD 205

John Paul II - #4 We gratefully acknowledge this donation from the On This Rock library of Loretta Downey(RIP) 1921 – 2003

DVD John Paul II – #5 We gratefully acknowledge this donation from the Let There be Peace library of Loretta Downey(RIP) 1921 – 2003

DVD John Paul II - #6 We gratefully acknowledge this donation from the Mary, Mother of Our Century library of Loretta Downey(RIP) 1921 – 2003

DVD John Paul II - #7 We gratefully acknowledge this donation from the Light at Midnight library of Loretta Downey(RIP) 1921 – 2003

DVD John Paul II - #8 We gratefully acknowledge this donation from the I Am Your Voice library of Loretta Downey(RIP) 1921 – 2003

DVD John Paul II - # 9 We gratefully acknowledge this donation from the I, Too, Have Been a Worker library of Loretta Downey(RIP) 1921 – 2003

DVD John Paul II - #10 We gratefully acknowledge this donation from the Visiting The Pope library of Loretta Downey(RIP) 1921 – 2003

DVD John Paul II-Visit to Cuba John Paul II Visit To Cuba Official Program DVD Official Welcome Ceremony. Holy Mass in the city of Santa Clara. Courtesy visit to the State Council President and to the Ministers of Cuba. Holy Mass in the city of Camaguey Visit to the monument that houses the remains of Fr. Felix Varela inside Magna Hall at the University of La Habana. Holy Mass and Coronation of the virgin of the Charity of the Copper in the cityof Santiago de Cuba Encounter with the "world of sorrow" in the sanctuary for San Lazaro. Ecumenical encounter with the Hebrew community at the Apostolic Nuncio. Holy Mass and in the city of La Habana. Encounter with the Cuban Catholic Bishop's Conference. Liturgical Celebration with the priests, deacons, religious, seminarians and lay members at the 206

Cathedral of La Habana. (We gratefully acknowledge this donation from the library of Loretta Downey (Rip) 1921-2003) Knowing God Better Helping Catholics get more out of their Faith Helping Catholics get more out of Their Faith By David Payne Director, Catholic Evangelisation Services 2 DVD Set A CaFE Resource Knowing God Better is a fun and engaging series of seven talks designed to help Caholics get more out of their faith especially in the nitty gritty of everyday life. The sessions include music, mime, icons, testimonies and opportunities for prayerful reflection. This is a flexible resource which could be used as a mini parish mission. Talk 1: Knowing God Better Talk 2: Knowing God’s Love Talk 3: Knowing God’s Forgiveness Talk 4: Knowing God’s Help Talk 5: Knowing God’s Word Talk 6: Knowing God’s Spirit Talk 7: Knowing God’s Hope Catholic Evangelisation Services P. O. Box 333, St. Albans, Herts, AL2 1EL Phone: 01727 823803 Fax: 01727 822837 Living Christ in a Changing World Living Christ In A Changing World "This video Promises to be a useful tool to help DVD people respond to vatican II's Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World.'" Archbishop joseph MacNeil. "The Church Today"is relevant to all adult Catholics, especially to religious educatorsand RCIA teams. A must for Parishes!" Fr. J.E Spicer, CSsR. Making Sense of Christian Morality Paulist priest and moral theologian Richard Sparks With Richard Sparks, C.S.P. provides insights into living Christian values. Hedre is the best of Christian moral theology DVD expressed in a realistic and pastoral way. Portrayals of contemporary life and enacted scenes make these insights come to life. Produced by Fisher Productions Franciscan Communications DVD Mission to Love FC VIDEOS are distributed by Franciscan Communications - producers and distributors of all DVD types of media to highlight faith and value. In addition to award winning LOVE SPOTS for radio and television, Franciscan Communications is nationally renowned for its media productions and print materials serving the needs of pastors and religious educators in their many ministries. St. Anthony Messenger Press and Franciscan Communications 1615 Republic ST. Cincinnati, OH 45210-1298 207

(513) 241-5615 Moving On Moving on – Responding in the Spirit is the story of Responding in the Spirit the choices that a family faces when they move into a new neighborhood. There they are challenged to DVD & VHS respond to Christ’s call to encounter him in a neighbor. Next door to the Martinez family lives “K.C.,” a Vietnam veteran whose service has left him scarred with memories from the past, challenged to cope in the present and threatened with uncertainty in the future. The Martinez children, Sal and Annmarie, befriend K.C. and his dog, Chelsea. For the children’s mother, Megan, their new neighbor stirs up her own feelings about the father she never knew, who died in Vietnam. K. C. Shares the family’s table, and, when the bank moves to repossess his house, all members of the family are confronted by choices. They must decide how literally to take the Gospel message of Jesus. Moving on is a multi-generational story that invites the viewer to consider the responsibility that our Baptism gives us: to respond in the Spirit. Leader’s Guide Included - 20 Minutes St. Anthony Messenger Press National Catholic Mission 2011 “The Heart of the Matter” Show 1 – Reconciliation DVD Show 2 – Spirituality Fr. Jack Lynch, s.f.m., Fr. Donald Senior C.P. Sister Melannie Svoboda SND National Catholic Broadcasting Council 1-888-383-6277 National Catholic Mission 2001 “No Greater Love” From What Must We Be Freed – Show #1 DVD National Catholic Mission 2001 “No Greater Love” Mary’s Life in the Freedom of Love – Show #2 DVD National Catholic Mission 2001 “No Greater Love” Baptism and the Eucharist – Show #3 DVD New Ways of Being Church Intercontinental Symposium on the Local Church DVD Bruges, - June 1985 Dr. Christian Brusselman, Executive Producer 59 minutes, color - VHS standard speed Distributed by: Ecclesia Localis Documentation Center, 199 East Thompson Ave., West St. Paul, MN 55118 USA. Copyright 1985 All rights reserved. Duplication expressly prohibited.


Overcoming Barriers to Spiritual Growth The purpose of this program is to help us overcome barriers that block spiritual growth. With DVD humor and good sense, Dolores Curran brings the subject of spiritual growth into the tensions and demands of modern daily life. She gives practical guidelines for dealing with Negativity, depression, perfectionism, and anger. These guidelines invite us to move forward on our spiritual journey by being authentic with God and one another. Four 30-minute segments: Segment 1: Overcoming Negativity Segment 2: Overcoming Depression Segment 3: Recovering from Perfectionism Segment 4: Making Anger Work for Us Award-winning author, columnist, and speaker Dolores Curran has that rare talent that allows people to renew their journey of faith by taking the small steps of life in harmony with the big picture. Her weekly column, Talks with Parents, reaches 4 million readers. Her best-selling books, Traits of a Healthy Family and stress in the Healthy Family, are considerd indispensible for parents and young people. Dolores Curran has received numerous national awards and two honorary doctorates. Prayer Our Relationship with God The National Catholic Parish Mission 2000 – Show DVD # 1 Pope John Paul II The history-making visit of Pope John Paul II to 2 Copies of a 2 Video Set North America captured the hearts of a nation and The Life and Teachings of Pope John Paul II made him one of the most beloved of world The Christmas and Easter Liturgies leaders. Now you can share the experience of his life and liturgies in this unforgettable two video set. “The Life and Teachings of Pope John Paul II” tells Also listed in Liturgy Section the incredible life story of the young man from and his journey of faith. Using archival VHS footage and a unique English-speaking interview with Pope John Paul II, this moving and compelling film gives great insight into the heart and mind of this much loved Pope. “The Christmas and Easter Liturgies” gives a unique opportunity to celebrate the most important liturgies in the Christian calendar in the company of the Pope in the Vatican City and Rome. Share the glories of Christmas and Easter enriched by music and magnificent architecture that can only inspire breathless wonder. Running Time: 104 Minutes Raising Children in a Violent World Here is Chesto at her best. She cuts straight to the By Kathleen O. Chesto heart of the problem of the over dominance of violence in our society (whether actual or in the DVD media), and offers very practical advice on how to counteract this trend within our own hearts and 209

families. Perfect for those preparing for marriage, parents of young families, and educators, Chesto’s video brings to light the roots of violence. Tracing the pattern of infant/child development she shows parents what children are indeed capable of learning and what is most important to emphasize at different age levels. She also explains how easy it is for parents to follow popular, seemingly harmless societal trends that can actually breed violence. Best of all, Chesto’s advice is doable, not complicated (no picketing, no boycotts, no writing to congress). She calls on parents to evaluate their lives and make choices that are indeed in the best interest of their children and of society as a whole. Leaders Guide Included - 33:5 Minutes Twenty-Third Publications Renewing the Sacred Balance Faith & the Common Good Aug. 2003, rt: 14:30 DVD ‘Shau: The Human Jesus By Fr. William Burke A Dramatization With passionate intensity and profound insight Father William Burke tells the story of Jesus 2 Copies of Each: through the eyes of a childhood friend. In a DVD & VHS dramatically moving narrative viewers learn what it was like to grow up with ’Shau and to follow him from boyhood to the Cross. 59 minutes 2 Copies Spreading the Salt - Reflecting the Light The National Catholic Mission 2002 DVD Tuesday, March 26, 2002

Stories of Faith Powerful faith stories are one of the strengths of By Kathleen O. Chesto our Judeo-Christian tradition. Believing that God acts through our lives when such stories are shared, DVD Kathleen Chesto inspires others to search for God in their lives. This new video invites viewers to begin recognizing and sharing their faith stories. It can be used for catechist meetings, for parent sacrament meetings, during retreats, or with discussion and study groups. 37 Minutes – Leaders’ Guide Included -Twenty-Third Publication Stories of the Human Spirit Nine Classic Stories of Spiritual Insight The Antique Watch and Other Tales The Antique Watch and Other Tales contains nine By John Shea timeless tales performed in a “reader’s theater” (dramatic retelling with minimal movement or DVD & VHS props) format by a splendid group of professional actors and actresses. Noted storyteller and theologian John Shea concludes each story with a reflection on what the story means and how it can be used to spark a lively discussion or enhance a prayer experience. 210

In segments lasting three to nine minutes each, The Prince and the Monkey, The Fasting Monk, the Antique Watch, The Obedient and Disobedient Servant, The Woman and the Kin in Lincoln Park, Nasrudin and the Hot Peppers, The Irritable Man, The Smoker and Junk! Engageviewers and start them thinking, reflecting and talking about the power of the human spirit. John Shea 44:50 Minutes ACTA Publications Stories of the Human Spirit Stories Enrich the Human Spirit The Man on the Ox and Other Tales The Man on the Ox and Other Tales contains nine By John Shea timeless tales performed in a “reader’s theater” (dramatic retelling with minimal movement or DVD & VHS props) format by a splendid group of professional actors and actresses. Noted storyteller and theologian John Shea concludes each story with a reflection on what the story means and how it can be used to spark a lively discussion or enhance a prayer experience. In segments lasting three to nine minutes each, The Man on the Ox, We are Three – You Are Three, The Helper and the Homeless Woman, Nasrudin and the Perfect Woman, Both Here and There, The Legend of the Bells, The Father’s Bowl, God’s Fruit Stand and The Grieving Woman and The Spiritual Master engage viewers and start them thinking, reflecting and talking about the power of the human spirit. John Shea 48:35 Minutes Acta Publications Symbolon Catholicism is an entire way of life. But today The Catholic Faith Explained it’s not known. Knowing the Faith We might be familiar with different aspects of the Episodes 1-10 Catholic faith. But how does it all fit together? And what difference does it make for our lives? Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained opens up the “big picture” of the Catholic faith in a way that helps us know it, live it and articulate it to others. Through beautifully crafted teachings and state-of- the –art video, author, speaker and theologian Dr. Edward Sri leads a team of dynamic teachers who provide a clear and comprehensive explanation of the Catholic faith. Filmed on location in Rome, the Holy Land, Calcutta and in the Augustine Institute studios in Denver, Symbolon-Knowing the Faith (episodes 1- 10) journeys through the core teachings of the Catholic Church and Symbolon-Living the Faith (episodes 1-10) focuses on our encounter with God in the sacraments and moral life. Augustine Institute. Leader’s Guide & Participant’s Guide


Symbolon We might be familiar with different aspects of the The Catholic Faith Explained Catholic faith. But how does it all fit together? Part 2: Living the Faith And what difference does it make for our lives? Episodes 1-10 Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained opens up the “big picture” of the Catholic faith in a way that helps us know it, live it and articulate it to others. Through beautifully crafted teachings and state-of- the –art video, author, speaker and theologian Dr. Edward Sri leads a team of dynamic teachers who provide a clear and comprehensive explanation of the Catholic faith. Filmed on location in Rome, the Holy Land, Calcutta and in the Augustine Institute studios in Denver, Symbolon-Part 1 journey through the core teachings of the Catholic Church, while Symbolon- Part 2 focuses on our encounter with God in the sacraments and moral life. Augustine Institute. Leader’s Guide & Participant’s Guide The Acts of the Apostles Lecturers for this Course: Introduction, Lessons 1, 2: Stephen Binz DVD Lessons 3, 4: Catherine Upchurch The Acts of the Apostles Lecturers for this Course: Lessons 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: Don Althoff DVD Little Rock Scripture Study Program Also Listed under Bible Study The Liturgical Press St. John’s Abbey Collegeville, Minnesota 56321

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Celebrating 2000 Years DVD 1 - Searching for Jesus II - The Task Ahead Duration: 25:25 Jan. 19 1997 The Holy Land A Journey through time, weaving past and present, legend and reality. A land where DVD spirituality and nature combine into a single powerful experience. The Holyland. The fascinating one-hour film covers major Bible events, in their authentic locations. Trace the journeys of the ancients through the deserts of Be'er Sheva, Jericho, the Dead Sea, and on to the plains of Moab. Follow the Life of Jesus, from Bethlehem to Nazareth, his ministry in the Galilee, the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem. See the mountain fortress of Masada. See the momentous events of the past brought to life as you travel from the beginnings of time right up to the creation of the modern State. A journey you'll want to make again and again.


The Mission – Part 1 "Come back to me with all your heart" with Father 2 Copies O'Reilly, C.Ss.R. Father Eugene O'Reilly, affectionately DVD known as "Red", was born in Monaghan, Ireland in 1944. He came to Canada with his family and later joined the Redemptorists. Upon graduating from the University of Windsor with a B.A., he pursued his theological studies in France and Montreal. After being ordained in 1972, he has preached Missions and Retreats in Newfoundland, and served there as a Pastor of a large Parish in St. John's. He has been Vocation Director for the Redemptorists of the Eastern Province. Fr. "Red" completed a Sabbatical year, part of which was spent at the School of Applied Theology, Berkely, California. He has a particular interest in music, and has composed a number of religious songs. Some of his music is in the Catholic Book of Worship and the Grade 4 Religion Programme in Canada. Teaming up with oher Redemptorists, together they have produced four . For further information please contact: Rev. Eugene O'Reilly, C.Ss.R 925 Cousineau Road Windsor, Ontario N9G 1V8 (519) 969-2840 The Mission – Part 2 "Come back to me with all your heart" with Father O'Reilly, C.Ss.R. DVD Father Eugene O'Reilly, affectionately known as "Red", was born in Monaghan, Ireland in 1944. He came to Canada with his family and later joined the Redemptorists. Upon graduating from the University of Windsor with a B.A., he pursued his theological studies in France and Montreal. After being ordained in 1972, he has preached Missions and Retreats in Newfoundland, and served there as a Pastor of a large Parish in St. John's. He has been Vocation Director for the Redemptorists of the Eastern Province. Fr. "Red" completed a Sabbatical year, part of which was spent at the School of Applied Theology, Berkely, California. He has a particular interest in music, and has composed a number of religious songs. Some of his music is in the Catholic Book of Worship and the Grade 4 Religion Programme in Canada. Teaming up with oher Redemptorists, together they have produced four albums. For further information please contact: Rev. Eugene O'Reilly, C.Ss.R 925 Cousineau Road Windsor, Ontario N9G 1V8 (519) 969-2840 213

The Seven Circles of Prayer Many people are looking for the ability to find God in veryday life. In this video program Father DVD john Wijingaards outlines a simple, practical method of prayer for ordinary people. This video presentation begins with the common human experience of life and draws us into the Christian understanding of spirituality. It describes the journey of discovery of four individuals in real life situations, as they pass through seven circles of prayer which lead to Christ as the center. The seven circles begin with situation (silence and space), opening our eyes (seeing), Encountering (suffering) and the importance of contact (touching and listening). The last circle is achieved through reading the bible and finally coming (face to face) with God. This is both an instructional and an inspirational video, which can be viewed as a whole, or broken down into seven sections (circles), each one studied separately. It is ideal for small group discussions and sharing in church, school, or family. This well- produced video combines beautiful photography with voice-over commentary. It will prove an inspiration to anyone seeking both how to pray and the place of prayer in their lives. #7382 / The Seven Circles of Prayer / 30 min. Distributed by Franciscan Communications / 1229 S. Santee Street / Los Angeles, Ca 90015

This Sacred People This Sacred People centers around a conversation Living the Mystery of Faith between two women who are at different stages in By Daniel Connors their faith journey. Ellen is a young woman who recently entered the church through the RCIA, but DVD is now feeling disillusioned with her new faith. Dorothy is a lifelong Catholic and retired DRE, who is grieving the death of her husband, Eddie, the man who first set Ellen on her path toward baptism. With a mixture of humor and tears, their hop-filled conversation helps them both come to terms with Eddie’s dearth and gives them powerful insights into what it means to join our lives to the dying and rising of Jesus. Perfect for adult religious education, formation for parish ministers, RCIA teams, sponsors, catechumens, candidates, and neophytes, This Sacred People will inspire viewers to explore and discuss what it means to be baptized, to be part of our community of faith, and to live the Eucharist we share. Guide Included. 23 Minutes Twenty-Third Publications


This Sacred Place Your Parish Church and the Mystery of Faith by Daniel Connors DVD A story, a discussion starter, a touching encounter that speaks of the great Symphony of faith found in the parish church.... A young woman and an eldery musician who is filled with the wisdom of faith meet after the funeral for the young woman's uncle, and a very interesting and moving conversation takes place. While asking about her uncle, who converted to the Catholic faith and became an active member of the parish, Ellen becomes curious about what the church meant to him and why. Ed the musician , who was the Uncle's friend for many years, uses a concrete, catechetical, yet often poetical, approach to unfold the meaning of the reealities and the symbols in the church-the Eucharist, the altar, the lectern, the baptismal font, the Paschal candle, the stained glass windows, and more-and what they meant to Ellen's uncle. Ed's simple but profound reflections touch a responsive chord in the young woman and their conversation brings him to a moment of epiphany as well. Beautifully written and portrayed, down- to-earth and uplifting, this video is an excellent resource for RCIA process, adult discussion groups, and high school religion classes. Its message of a lived Catholic faith will inspire gratitude and a renewed commitment in viewers of all Touching Jesus – Talk 1 Talk One: Who Needs the Catholic Church? Who Needs the Catholic Church? New as well as life-long Catholics will find answers to key questions about the Church. The DVD & VHS talks are practical, entertaining, enlightening, and completely faithful to orthodox teachings of the Catholic Church. ChristLife - Catholic Evangelization Services The Touching Jesus Through the Church Study series is published and distributed by ChristLife, 12290A Folly Quarter Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042, USA. To order other videos, audios, or manuals, call (888) 498-8474 or (410) 531-7701 or visit www.christlife.org. Touching Jesus – Talk 2 Talk Two: Baptism - Gateway to Life Baptism – Gateway to Life New as well as life-long Catholics will find answers to key questions about the Church. The DVD & VHS talks are practical, entertaining, enlightening, and Also listed under Sacraments-Baptism completely faithful to orthodox teachings of the Catholic Church. ChristLife - Catholic Evangelization Services The Touching Jesus Through the Church Study series is published and distributed by ChristLife, 215

12290A Folly Quarter Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042, USA. To order other videos, audios, or manuals, call (888) 498-8474 or (410) 531-7701 or visit www.christlife.org. Touching Jesus – Talk 3 Talk Three: Confirmation - Empowered to Confirmation – Empowered to Serve Serve New as well as life-long Catholics will find DVD & VHS answers to key questions about the Church. The Also listed under Sacraments-Confirmation talks are practical, entertaining, enlightening, and completely faithful to orthodox teachings of the Catholic Church. ChristLife - Catholic Evangelization Services The Touching Jesus Through the Church Study series is published and distributed by ChristLife, 12290A Folly Quarter Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042, USA. To order other videos, audios, or manuals, call (888) 498-8474 or (410) 531-7701 or visit www.christlife.org. Touching Jesus – Talk 4 Talk Four: Personal Prayer - Pathway to Joy Personal Prayer – Pathway to Joy New as well as life-long Catholics will find answers to key questions about the Church. The DVD & VHS talks are practical, entertaining, enlightening, and completely faithful to orthodox teachings of the Catholic Church. ChristLife - Catholic Evangelization Services The Touching Jesus Through the Church Study series is published and distributed by ChristLife, 12290A Folly Quarter Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042, USA. To order other videos, audios, or manuals, call (888) 498-8474 or (410) 531-7701 or visit www.christlife.org. Touching Jesus – Talk 5 Talk 5: What is the Mass What is the Mass New as well as life-long Catholics will find answers to key question about the Church. The DVD & VHS talks are practical, entertaining, enlightening, and completely faithful to the orthodox teachings of the Catholic Church. ChristLife – Catholic Evangelization Services The Touching Jesus Through the Church Study Series is published and distributed by ChristLife, 12290A Folly Quarter Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042, USA. To order other videos, audios, or manuals call (888)498-8474 or (410)531-7701 or visit www.christlife.org. Touching Jesus – Talk 6 Talk Six: Gettiing More Out of Mass Getting More Out of Mass New as well as life-long Catholics will find answers to key questions about the Church. The DVD & VHS talks are practical, entertaining, enlightening, and completely faithful to orthodox teachings of the Catholic Church. ChristLife - Catholic Evangelization Services The Touching Jesus Through the Church Study 216

series is published and distributed by ChristLife, 12290A Folly Quarter Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042, USA. To order other videos, audios, or manuals, call (888) 498-8474 or (410) 531-7701 or visit www.christlife.org. Touching Jesus – Talk 7 Talk Seven:Keeping a Pure Heart Keeeping a Pure Heart New as well as life-long Catholics will find answers to key questions about the Church. The DVD & VHS talks are practical, entertaining, enlightening, and completely faithful to orthodox teachings of the Catholic Church. ChristLife - Catholic Evangelization Services The Touching Jesus Through the Church Study series is published and distributed by ChristLife, 12290A Folly Quarter Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042, USA. To order other videos, audios, or manuals, call (888) 498-8474 or (410) 531-7701 or visit www.christlife.org. Touching Jesus – Talk 8 Talk 8: Mary and the Saints Mary and the Saints New as well as life-long Catholics will find 2 Copies - DVD answers to key questions about the Church. The talks are practical, entertaining, enlightening, and DVD & VHS completely faithful to the orthodox teachings of the Catholic Church. Also listed under Mary and Saints Marcellino D'Ambrosio is assistant Professor of Theology at the Institute of Religious and Pastoral Studies at the University of Dallas. His teachings reflect his vast pastoral experience in evangelization, ecumenism, liturgy, Hispanic ministry, and adult education. ChristLife - Catholic Evangelization Services The Touching Jesus Through the Church Study series is published and distributed by ChristLife, 12290A Folly Quarter Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042, USA. To order other videos, audios, or manuals, call (888) 498-8474 or (410) 531-7701 or visit www.christlife.org. The Treehaus Video Library – Vol 2 Vol. 2 - Jesus Christ 1) The Word Made Flesh/Biblical 12:59 DVD 2) Signs of Christ 12:21 3) Faith in Christ/Doctrinal 12:05 4) Life in Christ/Christian Living 9:17 Treehaus Communications Inc – Vol 3 Vol 3 - The Holy Spirit - The Spirit Moves Us 1. To Hear God's Word/Biblical DVD 2. To Worship/Liturgical 3. To Believe/Doctrinal 4.To Love/Christian Living The Treehaus Video Library – Vol 4 Vol 4 - The Church 1. People of God's Calling/Biblical DVD 2. People of Praise/Liturgical 3. People on a Journey/Doctrinal 4. People of Service/Christian Living 217

The Treehaus Video Library – Vol 6 Vol. 6 - Christian Models 1. Jesus--the Model Life/Biblical 11:14 DVD 2. Lives of Praise/Liturgical 9:37 3. The Communion of Saints/Doctrinal 10:53 4. Human and Holy/Christian Living 10:18 The Treehaus Video Library – Vol 7 Vol. 7 - The Sacraments 1) Signs of Faith/Biblical 12:05 DVD 2) Signs of New Life/Liturgical 12:09 Also listed under Sacraments 3) Signs of Community/Doctrinal 9:49 4) Signs of Love/Christian Living 10:46 The Treehaus Video Library – Vol 9 Vol 9 - Christian Morality 1. The Law of Love/Biblical DVD 2. A Change of Heart/Liturgical 3. Basic Moral Standards/Doctrinal 4. Modern Moral Conflicts/Christian Living Volume 10 – The Creed Volume 10 - THE CREED 1. To Experience God/Biblical 11:03 DVD 2. To thank God/Liturgical 11:12 3. To Know God/Doctrinal 11:18 4. To live God's Life/Christian Living 10:51 Wake Up! Spirituality for Today With Anthony de Mello, S.J DVD The Way of The Cross THE WAY OF THE CROSS Jack Wintz, O.F.M - From Catholic Update DVD 27:00 Minutes V0189 Also under the listing Lent Way of the Cross Way of the Cross The Way of the Cross recalls the events of DVD the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. The 14 Also under the listing Lent stations depict those moments when Jesus stopped along the way to Calvary: First Station: Jesus is condemned to death. Second Station: Jesus takes up his cross. Third Station: Jesus falls for the first time. Fourth Station: Jesus meets his mother. Fifth Station: Simon of Syrene helps Jesus to carry his cross. Sixth Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. Seventh Station: Jesus falls the second time. Eighth Station: Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem. Ninth Station: Jesus falls the third time. Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped and offered vinegar and gall to drink. 218

Eleventh Station: Jesus is nailed on the Cross. Twelfth Station: Jesus dies on the Cross. Thirteenth Station: Jesus, down from the cross, is held by his Mother. Fourteenth Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb. A Way to God A Way to God


What is Faith? Kathy Chesto’s charismatic personality and deep, By Kathleen O. Chesto abiding faith combine to produce an inspiring and uplifting challenge to live our faith to the full. Her DVD focus is on helping viewers understand that what we know is never as important as WHO we know – and how we can share that knowledge with others. Great for RCIA, parish ministry, catechist formation, and parent sacrament preparation. 31 minutes Leader’s Guide Included -Twenty-Third Publications

Where is God When Life Hurts? The Mystery of Suffering Where is God when life hurts? Anyone DVD who has experienced suffering or tragedy has asked this question. Is it really God's will? Does God hurt us to teach us? Dr. Kathleen Chesto, noted author and educator, challenges some of the religious theories we have created to justify pain. In sharing her own struggle with disability and degenerative illness, she questions a society that measures our worth by our productiveness. This is a video for those dealing with suffering and for their caregivers. It is for parishes that have a real ministry of caring and want to understand the best way to reach out. It is also for priests, ministers and health professionals who regularly minister to hurting people. It offers insight into the mind and heart of the person in pain, the helplessness and rage, but it does not end there. By suggesting that there is no answer to the question, it offers the possibility of accepting life as mystery and discovering healing and hope. Kathleen Chesto holds a Doctor of Ministry from Hartford Seminary and a Master of Arts in Religious Studies from St. Joseph College. West Hartford, Ct. Dr. Chesto lectures and gives retreats through out the United States and Canada and is a frequent speaker on the topic of disability. She is a wife and mother of three young adults.


Where Two or More are Gathered Where two or more are gathered "Where two or more are gathered..." is an excellent DVD & VHS introduction to Small Christian communities. Clergy and lay people share their experiences on how forming small faith groups enhances the spirituality of its members and enriches the church. This relatively new concept to North America helps Christians discover an exciting approach to their faith, an approach that has its roots in the earliest Christian communities. This video consists of the Following Parts: ---The Theology of Small Christian Communities ---Setting up small Christian Communities ---The Dynamics of Restructuring Produced by The Adult Learning Commission Archdiocese of Edmonton 8421-101 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta, T6A 0L1 Tel. (403) 469-6450 FAX (403) 465-5003 The Widows Mite THE WIDOWS MITE - STORYSCAPE 2 Copies In this contemporary retelling of the story of the Widow's Mite (Mark 12:41-44). Father Ron DVD Saucci, a missionary in Hong Kong, introduces Leaung Ho, a widow, who has come to him seeking Baptism. Fr. Ron's own missionary vision is enhanced by his encounters with Leung. She converts him by her generosity of spirit to a broader concept of the call to mission. He watches Leung give of herself in all the simple encounters of her daily life. Her routine is to give all that she has to help the poor, the elderly, and the ill. There is a dignity in Leung Ho and in everyone she meets. Concerned that she lives on the floor in a hallway, Fr. Ron is struck when Leung responds that "It's not where you live that counts." Leung's hunger for Baptism helps the viewer to focus on the sacrament's call to mission, a commitment to a life of love and generosity. #7105 / The Widow's Mite / 26 minutes. Franciscan Communications,1229 So. Santee Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 You are the The National Catholic Mission 2002 Monday, March 25, 2002 DVD You are the Salt of the Earth The National Catholic Mission 2002 Sunday, March 23, 2002 DVD

You Can Make a Difference FC VIDEOS are distributed by Franciscan DVD Communications – producers & distributors of all types of media to highlight faith & value. In 220 addition to award winning LOVE SPOTS for radio & television, Franciscan Communications is nationally renowned for its media productions and print materials serving the needs of pastors and religious educators in their many ministries. St. Anthony Messenger Press & Franciscan Communications 1615 Republic ST. Cincinnati OH 45210-1298 - (513) 241-5615


Adult Faith – The Footprints of God

The Footprints of God The Story of Salvation From Abraham to Abraham Augustine Father of Faith and Works He left his home and the false gods of his fathers to follow the God of glory. Mount your cames and journey back in time to discover Abraham, the only man called the “Friend of God.” Born to a pagan family among ziggurat temples and foreign gods, Abraham obeyed the call of God. Leaving his homeland he journeyed to a far-off land. When required to sacrifice his only son, Abraham held the course, pledging absolute trust in God. Join the adventure as Stephen Ray, best- selling author and popular Bible teacher, takes you on an exciting journey through Iraq, Turkey, Palestinian Territories and Israel. You’ll see Abraham’s hometown near Baghdad, where he offered Isaac as a sacrifice and the Tomb of the Patriarchs where he is buried. Learn how Abraham was justified before God by faith, obedience and good works. Join this sweeping saga, all in a fast- paced, entertaining biography, travel documentary Bible study, apologetics course and Church history study rolled into one remarkable adventure! Comprehensive study guide included. Ignatius Press The Footprints of God The Story of Salvation From Abraham to Augustine Handing of the Faith They faced Emperors, heretics and lions but these heroes of the Catholic faith never lost courage. Chains, prisons and blood-soaked arenas did not stop the early Christians from witnessing for Christ. Born into a pagan world of gods and goddesses, they blazed a new trail to follow the living God. With the words of the Apostles still ringing in their ears, these champions passed the fullness of the faith on to the next generation. With the tradition and practice of the apostles still fresh in their minds, these heroes died rather than betray Our Lord. Join the adventure as Stephen Ray, best- selling author and popular Bible teacher, takes you on an exciting journey to the Roman Empire and the world of the first Christians. You’ll sit at the feet of the apostles, celeb rate the Eucharist in hiding, and tremble at the suffering they endured for Jesus Christ. Retrace their steps through Israel, Turkey, France and Italy. All this in a fast-paced, entertaining biography, travel documentary, Bible study, apologetics course and Church history study 222

rolled into one remarkable adventure! Comprehensive study guide included. 90 Minutes Ignatius Press The Footprints of God The Story of Salvation from Abraham to David/Solomon Augustine Expanding the Kingdom He was just a boy strumming his harp and protecting his flock, but God used David to prepare the way for our salvation and the kingdom of God. His quiet life in Bethlehem ended when woung David killed Goliath and was anointed king. His heart for God catapulted him to a life of grief and glory. Join the adventure as Stephen Ray, best- selling author and popular Bible teacher, takes you on an exciting journey through ancients Israel following the saga of David and Solomon., Together you’ll tend sheep, confront a lion, kill Goliath, hide in caves, and rise to the throne of power. Discover how David and Solomon prefigured (or “forshodowed”) the life of Christ. Retrace the footprints of the warrior king and his royal son to better understaqnd the roots of our faith and the Church. All this in a fast-paced, entertaining biography, travel documentary, Bible study, apologetics course and Church history study rolled into one remarkable adventure! Comprehensive study guide included. 90 Minutes Ignatius Press The Footprints of God The Story of Salvation from Abraham to Jesus Augustine The Word Became Flesh The infinite God took on human flesh? Sometimes fact is stranger than fiction! Gaze into eternity in DVD & VHS Jesus – The Word Became Flash. How could a laborer who chiseled rocks and cut wood forgive sins, heal the sick and raise the dead? Who was this first-century carpenter who changed the whole course of history – of eternity? As he trudged the dusty paths of Israel, he was worshiped as God; as he performed signs that revealed his divinity, he was executed as a traitor. Join Stephen Ray, best-selling author and popular Bible teacher, as he catches fish on the Sea of Galilee, camps along the Jordan River, and explores the places where Jesus lived and taught. Experience the breath-taking journey through the streets of Jerusalem to Calvary and the tomb; encounter the Resurrection and Pentecost. Gain a deeper appreciation for our Savior and the price he paid for our salvation. All this in a fast paced, entertaining biography, travel documentary, Bible study, apologetics course and Church history study rolled into one remarkable adventure! 223

Comprehensive study guide included. 94 minutes Ignatias Press The Footprints of God The Story of Salvation From Abraham to Mary Augustine The Mother of God Mary’s ordinary life took an extraordinary turn when she agreed to become the Mother of God. DVD & VHS Follow her story in Mary – the Mother of God. She was a humble girl from an ordinary Jewish family. Yet Mary came to be exalted as the Daughter of Zion, the Mother of the God, and the Queen of Heaven. All because this simple girl said a simple word: Yes. Follow Mary’s extraordinary journey on location in Israel, Turkey and Greece, with popular Catholic author and speaker Stephen Ray as your guide. Together, you’ll travel the dusty paths that took Mary to the heart of the salvation Story. Discovering the Mary of the Bible will help you know and love her Son. You’ll clearly understand Mary’s , her role of intercessor, her Assumption into Heaven and more. All in an energized, high-impact adventure that’s a travel documentary, biography, Bible study, apologetics course and Church history study! A Comprehensive Study Guide included. 78 minutes Ignatius Press The Footprints of God The Story of Salvation from Abraham to Moses Augustine Signs, Sacraments, and Salvation What do Moses, Miracles, and mountains have to do with our Savior, salvation, and the sacraments? DVD & VHS Find out in Moses – Signs, Sacraments, and Salvation Born a slave, raised a prince, and humbled in exile, Moses returned to confront the mighty Pharaoh with only a staff and the promise of God. Join the adventure as Steve Ray, Best-selling author and popular Bible teacher, takes you on an incredible journey of discovery through Egypt, Jordan, and Israel. Cross the Red Sea, wander the wilderness and climb Mount Sinai. Together you’ll discover how Moses, the Exodus, and the Hebrew experience in the wilderness beautifully point to the coming of Christ and our salvation. Retrace the journey of the Israelites, and discover the roots of our Christian faith. Gain a deeper appreciation of our Savior, and of the Church and her Sacraments. Comprehensive study guide included. 90 minutes Ignatius Press The Footprints of God The Story of Salvation From Abraham to Over Holy Ground Augustine A Heaven’s Eye-View of the Land Over Holy Ground Where God Walked Finally.... A Heavenly Perspective on the Holiest 224

Sites in Christendom. DVD & VHS You’re probably familiar with many of the sites and attractions found in such sacred locations as Israel, Egypt, Greece and Rome. But only an aerial view truly puts these lands into perspective. And now you can enjoy that heavenly perspective in a presentation that is at once relaxing and inspiring. Over Holy Ground puts you in the skies above the Holy Land and beyond, giving you a bird’s-eye view of such significant sites as the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the pyramids of Egypt, St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome and many, many more. All Complemented by relevant passages of scripture, and backed by a moving musical score. Over Holy Ground takes inspirational filmmaking to new heights! From the producers of The Footprints of God video Series. 30 minutes Ignatius Press The Footprints of God The Story of Salvation from Abraham to Paul Augustine Contending for the Faith First a persecutor, then a of the Church; blinded and struck down only to see and stand tall. DVD Thrill in the story of Paul – Contending for the Faith. Zealous for the God of Israel, Saul of Tarsus pursued murderous threats against the disciples of Jesus. But Saul’s was turned upside down when he was knocked from his “high horse” and humbled by the hand of God. Join the adventure as Stephen Ray, best-selling author and popular Bible teacher, take you on the road with St. Paul through Israel, Syria, Turkey, Greece and Italy. Fall from a horse in the desert and dangle over the Damascus Wall in a basket. Cling to driftwood in the sea and stride along ancient Roman roads. You’ll better understand the life, ministry, and sufferings of Paul the Apostle. You’ll appreciate the gift of salvation and the Jewish roots of the Catholic Church. All this and more in a fast-paced, energetic biography, travel documentary, Bible study, apologetics and Church history study all rolled into one remarkable adventure! Comprehensive study guide included. 90 minutes Ignatius Press The Footprints of God The Story of Salvation From Abraham to Peter Augustine Keeper of the Keys Why would Jesus choose a rugged, uneducated fisherman to lead His Church? Discover the DVD & VHS answer in Peter – Keeper of the Keys. He is called the Rock, the Fisher of Men and Head of the Church. But how did Peter – a rustic fisherman – come to deserve such honor and authority? Join Stephen Ray, best-selling Catholic author and dynamic speaker, on a journey of 225 adventure and discovery. Follow Peter from Galilee to Jerusalem to Rome. Along the trail you’ll discover answers about the infallibility of the Pope, papal succession, the truth of Catholic teaching and much more! And you’ll see why Jesus chose this simple fisherman and his papal successors to be the Keepers of the Keys and Shepherds of the Church. A comprehensive Study Guide included. 75 minutes Ignatius Press


Bible Study

Abraham – The Bible Collection “The Bible’s power and glory shines in Abraham” “Go Away from your father’s house to a land I will DVD show you. Make a great nation. And I will bless all those who bless you and curse all those who curse you.” A humble shepherd named Abraham hears these words from God and embarks on an epic journey to the Promised Land. With his family and a handful of followers, Abraham faces thirst, famine, war, the might of Pharaoh and his own doubts to become the father of three great religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Color - 187 minutes The Acts of the Apostles Lecturers for this Course: Lessons 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: Don Althoff DVD Little Rock Scripture Study Program The Liturgical Press St. John’s Abbey Collegeville, Minnesota 56321 The Bible The People of God

DVD The Bible God Becomes Flesh God Becomes Word DVD Origins of the Bible The Book of Revelation With Father Paul Fachet, OMI Millennium of Hope “This Video is an excellent introduction to the Book of Revelation. It cuts through the difficult DVD symbolism John uses to give viewers a message of hope and encouragement.” The Christ

DVD The Christ 1. Jesus In The Gospels 2. Jesus & His Message DVD 3. Jesus & The Cross 4. Jesus & The Resurrection Esther – The Bible Following the conquest of Babylon, the King of Persia gives a banquet for his people at which he DVD requests the presence of his wife, Vashti. As she refuses the King’s demand, Ahasuerus disowns Vashti and goes in search of her replacement. In his harem, he meets the young girl Esther who immediately captivates him with her charm and beauty. Unaware of her Jewish heritage, King Ahasuerus falls in love with Esther. Esther then reveals to Ahasuerus that she is Jewish and asks him to show her people mercy, because of a 227

planned genocide of the Jews by the King’s right hand man, Haman. In doing so, she saves the lives of many innocent people and paves the way for their return to Jerusalem. Color – 91 Minutes Following Jesus Through the Church Year In this series, you and the children you teach An 8-Part Liturgical Experience for Children & will travel with an eccentric little detective named Adults Krispin to meet some of the people who point the way to Jesus. You will visit the places where Jesus DVD lived and ministered, and where his followers continued to spread the Good News about him after his resurrection. This is not a chronological study of the life of Jesus. Rather, it is a journey through the liturgical seasons as the church celebrates them today. Jesus is alive and can be encountered – not in the historical sense (thus Krispin does not meet him face to face either) but in the spiritual sense. He meets others who have known Jesus and have been changed by him. He listens to their accounts and shares their faith. That is what can happen to all of us when we share Krispin’s experience. On this DVD you will find the following: “Begin Here” (a brief introduction to the series), Part 1: Advent Roads; Part 2: Christmas Crossroads; Part 3: Lenten Lane; Part 4: Holy Week Crossing; Part 5: Resurrection Road; Part 6: Pentecost Passage; Part 7: Christian Corner; Part 8: Witness Way. Gwen Costello is author of many videos for children including the “Angel Lesson” series. She is also author of Blessed are You! A Prayer book for Catholics, available from Twenty-Third Publications, P. O. Box 180, Mystic,CT 06355 Tel:1-800-321-0411 Fax: 1-800-572-0788 Email: [email protected] www.23rdpublications.com Great People of the Bible & How They Lived They were seminomads: shepherds and farmers who moved their tents when the water dried up. DVD They looked like hundreds of other families, slowly moving through the lands of Mesopotamia, Canaan and Egypt in search of better lands for their flocks and crops. But they were different. Follow four generations of the family who believed the promises of God. ABRAHAM: A wandering shepherd faithful to the one God, he became wealthy and powerful in a time of famine and war. SARAH: She was so beautiful her husband feared for his life in foreign lands and pretended to be her brother. ISAAC: Digger of wells, tiller of the soil, he irrigated the new land and grew rich upon it. 228

JACOB: Cunning and intelligent, he tricked his older brother out of his birthright for a bowl of soup and married a pagan woman. JOSEPH: Favorite son of Jacob and Rachel - great-grandson of Abraham and Sarah - Joseph loved his jealous brothers and taught them the meaning of forgiveness. Jeremiah – The Bible Jeremiah tells the story of the prophet who abandons his family and the woman he loves, in DVD order to relay God’s message in Jerusalem. Although he is persecuted and branded as a traitor for warning others of the destruction of the Holy City, he continues fearlessly with his mission. When his prophecy is fulfilled, he experiences first- hand Jerusalem’s destruction by the Babylonians. Color – 96 minutes

Jesus of Nazareth In the entire history of the human race, there is no more important figure that the Carpenter DVD from Nazareth. For 2,000 years, believers and unbelievers alike have been fascinated by his life, his death, his message; they have also had to struggle with the mystery that is Jesus. Modern technology gives us the opportunity to experience the person of Jesus, his life and times, through the marvels of the videotape. The Gospels come alive and the words of Jesus take on new meaning for all who view this film with open minds and hearts. Don Bosco Multimedia's cathechical/educational version in video of Jesus of Nazareth is a new release of the television production directed by Franco Zeffirelli. It includes a special Teachers Guide with commentary, full script, and suggestions for prayer and other activities with children, teenagers and adults. The original picture has been divided into 14 parts according to theme; each is an ideal length for viewing and discussion. Part 4: Liberator of the Oppressed John is arrested--Jesus in the synagogue at Nazareth--Jesus preaches in Capernaum--Jesus cures possessed boy--Miraculous catch of fish-- Matthew the tax collector-- Parables of the Kingdom.

Jesus of Nazareth – Disc 1

DVD Jesus of Nazareth – Disc 2

DVD 229

Jesus of Nazareth – Part 1 The Awaited Messiah JESUS OF NAZARETH - Part: 1 DVD In the entire history of the human race, there is no more important figure than the Carpenter from Nazareth. For 2,000 years, believers and unbelievers alike have been fascinated by his life, his death, his message; they have also had to struggle with the mystery that is Jesus. Modern technology gives us the opportunity to experience the person of Jesus, his life and times, through the marvels of video tape. The Gospels come alive and the words of Jesus take on new meaning for all who view this film with open hearts and minds. Don Basco Multimedia's catechetical version of Jesus of Nazareth is a special release of the television production directed by Franco Zeffirelli. A teacher's guide with commentary, full script, and suggestions for prayer and other activities with children, teenagers, and adults is available. The original film has been divided into 14 parts according to theme; each is an ideal length for viewing and discussion. Jesus of Nazareth – Part 1 JESUS OF NAZARETH - PART 1 Beginning before the Nativity and DVD extending through the Crucifixion and Resurrection. JESUS OF NAZARETH brings to life all the majesty and sweeping drama of the life of Jesus (portrayed here by ROBERT POWELL) as told in the Gospels. A star-studded international cast, featuring MICHAEL YORK, SIR LAURENCE OLIVER, JAMES EARL JONES, ANNE BANCROFT, OLIVIA HUSSEY, ROD STEIGER and ANTHONY QUINN, adds depth and humanity to the roles of the saints, sinners and ordinary people who walked in the footsteps of the lord. The film provides the setting and background for the birth, childhood, baptism, teaching and many miracles of the Messiah, culminating in the Divine Ressurection. Directed by Oscar nominee FRANCO ZEFFIRELLI and acclaimed by critics and religious leaders worldwide, JESUS OF NAZARETH tells the greatest of all stories with tremendous emotion and splendor. Approximate Running Time: 382 Minutes NOT RATED

Jesus of Nazareth – Part 2 Part 2

DVD Jesus of Nazareth – Part 2 Part 2 - Born for Us

DVD 230

Jesus of Nazareth – Part 3 Part 3 – Sent by God

DVD Jesus of Nazareth – Part 3 Part 3 DVD Jesus of Nazareth – Part 4 Part 4 – Liberator of the Oppressed

DVD Jesus of Nazareth – Part 7 Part 7 – Friend of Sinners DVD Jesus of Nazareth – Part 8 Part 8 – The Man of the Beatitudes

DVD Jesus of Nazareth – Part 9 Part 9 – Massiah of Love

DVD Jesus of Nazareth – Part 10 Part 10 – Prophet of Truth

DVD Jesus of Nazareth – Part 11 Part 11 – Bread of Eternal Life

DVD Jesus of Nazareth – Part 12 Part 12 – the Innocent Condemned

DVD Jesus the Prophet

DVD Jesus the Redeemer Follow Jesus in the days leading up to the crucifixion and through the joyous appearances DVD following his resurrection. You will also visit the Holy Week sites of the Last Supper, Gethsemane, The house of Caiphas, the Via Dolorosa, Calvary, and the Holy Sepulchre. The journey ends as you recall the risen Christ with the two disciples at Emmaus. Moses – The Bible Collection Faith in God. Escape from slavery. The two great DVD themes from the Old Testament book of Exodus are given thrilling new life in this recreation of how Moses led the children of Israel from bondage in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land.182 minutes Stories of Jesus 1. Mary Says Yes 2. Shepherds Visit a King DVD 3. The Star That Lead to a King 4. Jesus Learns About Love 5. Jesus in His Father’s House 6. Those Who Follow Jesus 7. Jesus Teaches About Love 231

8. Jesus’ Healing Love 9. Jesus’ Story bout a Good Neighbur 10. Jesus Loves the Litle Children

Bible Study – Gospels

Evangelists Speak for Themselves Through the creative genius of Father William John Burke, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago, the By William Burke evangelist John comes to life to explain his Gospel and help today’s Christian apply the two-thousand- DVD & VHS year-old message to their lives. 58 minutes ACTA Publications Evangelists Speak for Themselves Theologian and storytellers William Burke appears Mark & Matthew on video tape before a live audience as evangelist By William Burke Mark and Matthew in these two original dramatic monologues. The author/actor attempts to get DVD & VHS behind the words of each Gospel and imagine the person who might have written them. He portrays Mark and Matthew coming to explain the context of their separate Gospels and the relevance of each to today’s Christians. 75 Minutes - Discussion Guide Included. ACTA Publications Genesis 2 With Vincent Dwyer, O.C.S.O Segments 3 - 4 DVD Genesis 2 With Vincent Dwyer, O.C.S.O Segment 5: The Many Paths to Prayer DVD (21 minutes) Segment 6: Spiritual Maturity and Prayer (19 minutes) The Gift of Peace First Six Chapters of St. Luke’s Gospel performed by Leonardo Defilippis. DVD Leonardo Defilippis captures the life and powerful meaning of Christ’s infancy and early ministry in this unique dramatization taken verbatim from scripture. Using only a cape and a candle for props, he transforms himself into the aged and suspicious Zechariah, the trusting and humble young Mary, the cynical Pharisees and the delightful if frightened Peter. 57 minutes The Living Gospels #1 Presented by Richard Groves Introducing the “Good News” According to It is an understatement to say that Jesus was a Mark remarkable person. Few lives have had such a long lasting impact on human history and civilization. DVD & VHS But Christians claim a personal relationship that surpasses time and culture. The Gospels are the strongest link with the historical and now risen Jesus. This series provides an important introduction to those writings, beginning with the oldest account, according to Mark. 60 minutes


The Living Gospels #2 Presented by Michael Raschko Learning the Secrets of the Messiah & His If God’s ways are essentially different from human Kingdom ways, then, using the metaphor of a modern computer, how does one system communicate with DVD & VHS the other? Is there such a thing as a common software? These questions are addressed by reflecting on the use of Gospel riddles or parables. 60 minutes The Living Gospels #3 Presented by Anne Dunn Presenting the New Testament According to If ever there was a “bridge over troubled waters,” it Matthew is the Gospel according to Matthew. It reflects a time of crisis and transition for the early Church. DVD &VHS Even though their faith had the same roots, Christians and Jews became suspicious of each other. At the same time, the Church’s relationship with Gentile outsiders still needed to be defined. Matthew’s community, itself steeped in the Jewish tradition, struggled to understand Jesus’ declaration not to destroy the Law and Prophets but to bring them a new and rich perspective. 60 minutes The Living Gospels #4 Presented by Anne Dunn Instructing Our Hearts with Parables To borrow a line from Matthew’s Gospel, the parables are like buried treasure. They can be DVD & VHS returned to time and again for new insight and inspiration. This session focuses on these timeless pieces of wisdom revealing that Gospel truth has the power to explain old things in new ways. 60 minutes The Living Gospels #5 Presented by Robert Simard Searching for the Meaning of Jesus This video is an excellent introduction to the third According to Luke and final synoptic Gospel. The wealth of Jesus’ teaching demanded more than one version of the DVD & VHS Good News. Luke’s presentation provides important dimensions not found elsewhere in the New Testament. 60 minutes The Living Gospels #6 Presented by Robert Simard The Good News About God’s Merciful Love This presentation is the companion to session five, Searching for the Meaning of Jesus According to DVD & VHS Luke. The rich and unique themes of Luke’s Gospel continue to be developed here. By the time this account was written, the early Church was asking some important questions: “Why doesn’t the Lord appear to us as he did after the Resurrection?” “Are these the final days?” “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Many people continue to wonder about these very things. 60 minutes The Living Gospels #7 Presented by Richard Groves Revealing the Risen Lord According to John The Fourth Gospel has sometimes been dubbed the un-synoptic Gospel because it describes a whole DVD & VHS new set of insights into the life and teaching of Jesus. Generally considered the last account to be 233

written, it also provides a look into the evolving Church towards the end of the first century. But while this Gospel is both an historical and theological overview, it is also an inspirational masterpiece. 60 minutes The Living Gospels #8 Presented by Anne Dunn The Joy of Gospel Living The point of the Gospels is not just to learn more but to feel more. This concluding session of the DVD & VHS series is intended to explore what the many kinds of dyings and risings in life feel like. 60 minutes The Visit The Visit - A video Translation Of Luke 1.39-56 At a time when women seldom traveled DVD alone, Mary courageously visited her elderly cousin Also listed under the section Mary to assist during Elizabeth's time of pregnancy and received a blessing for her own unborn son, Jesus. In her joy, Mary sings a song of Praise to God and remembers all of the great things God has done for the oppressed through the ages. In this exciting and colorful video, the skill of biblical experts and creative film makers - along with a compelling original musical score performed by women of the Calabash - combine to provide young people with a new translation of this important Scripture text. The visit is one of an exciting series of video Scriptures from the American Bible Society. This 8-minute translation of Luke 1.39-56 tells of Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth and culminates with her famous Song of Praise (sometimes known as "The Magnificat"). The ABS video Scripture series has been recognized internationally for its scholarly, imaginative, and contemporary approach to translating the Holy Scriptures in a remarkable new way. “Women of the Calabash” is a New York- based performance group who draws upon many different musical, dance and theatrical traditions to provide unique and exhilarating experiences for their audiences. They have performed internationally at festivals, and on radio and television.



The Angel’s Church Year Lesson By Gwen Costello Angel Vita wants children everywhere to know that DVD Jesus is with them always. With the help of Angels Caritas and Benedicta, she decides to invite children on a journey through the church year. The angels open a special “blessing” book that takes them (and the children watching) into their journey. Children learn about what happened to Jesus in each church season, including Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and Ordinary Time. 11 minutes The Angel’s First Communion Lesson By Gwen Costello The angels are at it again! Here’s a wonderful DVD teaching tool for your First Communion program. Also listed under Sacraments-Eucharist Angel Michaela and friends offer their heavenly aid to catechists and children in this delightful video – he latest in the popular, award-winning “angel series” from Twenty-Third. In Simple, clear language the angels speak of Jesus’ presence at Mass, of the very special gift of the Eucharist. They remind children of their baptism and of the forgiveness they celebrate in the sacrament of reconciliation. 13minutes The Angels First Reconciliation Lesson By Gwen Costello This delightful video, the sixth in our “angel” series DVD offers children information about friendship with Also listed under Sacraments-Reconciliation Jesus, forgiveness, and the Rite of Penance, and it walks with children through the various steps of the rite. 12 minutes The Angel’s Lenten Lesson By Gwen Costello It’s not enough having to attend religion DVD classes...now Danny has to complete a take-home Also listed under Lent/Easter quiz on Lent, and he’s not happy about it! He’s lived through seven Lenten seasons but is having trouble remembering the meaning of Lent: Why the ashes? How do we pray during Lent? What’s the purpose of fasting? 14 minutes The Angel’s Mass Lesson By Gwen Costello Danny wants to go on a weekend class trip, but his DVD parents won’t let him miss mass. Danny is very Also listed under Liturgy angry about this, so the angel Veritas comes for a visit. HE TAKES Danny “back in time” to the second century. They visit a “house church” where early Christians have gathered to celebrate the eucharist. 13 minutes Archbishop Prendergast Speaks to Catechists Archbishop Prendergast Speaks to Parents Sr. Sheila Moore of Catechists Manual DVD 235

Christmas Show Hello! And welcome to the Bedbug Bible Gang The Bedbug Bible Gang Christmas Show! The bedbugs have been busy learning their lines for their biggest show of the DVD year – a show all about Jesus’ birthday! You’re sure to enjoy hearing the bedbugs tell the stories of Mary’s Surprise, the Wise Men, and The Shepherds of Bethlehem. So get ready to laugh and sing, because the Bedbug Bible Gang Christmas Show is about to begin! This delightful program combines 3D computer animation with illustrations and live- action puppets. Creative Communications for the Parish presents The Bedbug Bible Gang Christmas Show Concept and illustration by Chris Sharp, Music by Chris Bergmann Written & Produced by David Mead, Executive Producer Larry Neeb Running Time: 27 minutes Echoes of Faith Getting Started as a Catechist Getting Started as a Catechist Echoes of Faith - Roles Of the Catechist Echoes of Faith is a basic-level, video- DVD assisted resource for the formation and enrichment of catechists in parishes and Catholic schools. It was developed by the National conference of Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) and produced by RCL • Resources for Christian Living. Respected theologians and catechetical theorists and practitioners served as advisors. The goal of Echoes of Faith is to acquaint catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and introduce them to the principles and practice of sound catechesis. The intended outcome of the learning design is more competent and confident catechists with an expanded ability to intergrate Catholic teaching and the principles of good catechesis with their life and ministry. Echoes of Faith is a series of videos, each with a related companion booklet. Each of these highly flexible learning modules acquaints the learner with an area of Catholic doctrine or catechetical methodology. A catechist who completes all the video and print modules will gain an overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as the foundations of good contemporary catechesis. Echoes of Faith Introduction To The Learner Introduction to the Learner Echoes of Faith is a basic-level, video- assisted resource for the formation and enrichment DVD of catechists in parishes and Catholic schools. It was developed by the National conference of Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) and produced by RCL • Resources for Christian Living. Respected 236

theologians and catechetical theorists and practitioners served as advisors. The goal of Echoes of Faith is to acquaint cathechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and introduce them to the principles and practice of sound catechesis. The intended outcome of the learning design is more competent and confident catechists, with an expanded ability to integrate Catholic teaching and the principles of good catechesis with their life and ministry. Echoes of Faith is composed of a series of videos, each with a related companion booklet. Each of these highly flexible learning modules acquaints the learner with an area of Catholic doctrine or catechetical methodology. A catechist who completes all the video and print modules will gain an overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as the foundations of good contemporary catechesis. Echoes of Faith The Person Of The Catechist The Person of the Catechist Echoes of Faith is a basic-level, video-assisted resource for the formation and enrichment of DVD catechists in parishes and Catholic schools. It was developed by the National conference of Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) and produced by RCL • Resources for Christian Living. Respected theologians and catechetical theorists and practitioners served as advisors. The goal of Echoes of Faith is to acquaint catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and introduce them to the principles and practice of sound catechesis. The intended outcome of the learning design is more competent and confident catechists with an expanded ability to intergrate Catholic teaching and the principles of good catechesis with their life and ministry. Echoes of Faith is a series of videos, each with a related companion booklet. Each of these highly flexible learning modules acquaints the learner with an area of Catholic doctrine or catechetical methodology. A catechist who completes all the video and print modules will gain an overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as the foundations of good contemporary catechesis. Echoes of Faith Roles Of the Catechist Roles of the Catechist Echoes of Faith is a basic-level, video-assisted resource for the formation and enrichment of DVD catechists in parishes and Catholic schools. It was 237

developed by the National conference of Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) and produced by RCL • Resources for Christian Living. Respected theologians and catechetical theorists and practitioners served as advisors. The goal of Echoes of Faith is to acquaint catechists with the foundations of Catholic doctrine and tradition, and introduce them to the principles and practice of sound catechesis. The intended outcome of the learning design is more competent and confident catechists with an expanded ability to intergrate Catholic teaching and the principles of good catechesis with their life and ministry. Echoes of Faith is a series of videos, each with a related companion booklet. Each of these highly flexible learning modules acquaints the learner with an area of Catholic doctrine or catechetical methodology. A catechist who completes all the video and print modules will gain an overview of the major doctrinal themes contained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as the foundations of good contemporary catechesis. Echoes of Faith - # I Echoes of Faith is a basic-level, video-assisted I Believe resource for the formation and enrichment of We Believe catechists in parishes and Catholic schools. It was National Conferenc of Catechetical Leadership developed by the National conference of Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) and produced by RCL • Resources for Christian Living. Respected VHS theologians and catechetical theorists and practitioners served as advisors. Produced by RCL- Resources for Christian Living Echoes of Faith - # II Echoes of Faith is a basic-level, video-assisted Liturgy and Sacraments resource for the formation and enrichment of The Catholic Faith catechists in parishes and Catholic schools. It was National Conference of Catechetical developed by the National conference of Leadership Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) and produced by RCL • Resources for Christian Living. Respected

theologians and catechetical theorists and VHS practitioners served as advisors. Produced by RCL- Resources for Christian Living Echoes of Faith - # III Echoes of Faith is a basic-level, video-assisted Catholic Morality resource for the formation and enrichment of The Catholic Faith catechists in parishes and Catholic schools. It was National Conference of Catechetical developed by the National conference of Leadership Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) and produced by RCL • Resources for Christian Living. Respected

theologians and catechetical theorists and DVD & VHS practitioners served as advisors. Produced by RCL-Resources for Christian Living 238

Echoes of Faith - # IV Echoes of Faith is a basic-level, video-assisted Prayer and Spirituality resource for the formation and enrichment of The Catholic Faith catechists in parishes and Catholic schools. It was National Conference of Catechetical developed by the National conference of Leadership Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) and produced by RCL • Resources for Christian Living. Respected

theologians and catechetical theorists and VHS practitioners served as advisors. Produced by RCL- Resources for Christian Living Echoes of Faith - #V Echoes of Faith is a basic-level, video-assisted Introduction to the Scriptures resource for the formation and enrichment of The Catholic Faith catechists in parishes and Catholic schools. It was National Conference of Catechetical developed by the National conference of Leadership Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) and produced by RCL • Resources for Christian Living. Respected

theologians and catechetical theorists and DVD & VHS practitioners served as advisors. Produced by RCL- Resources for Christian Living Parents Developed by Catholic Evangelisation Services You, Your Children & Their Catholic Faith Parents is a series of 7 talks which is very flexible 7 Talk Video Series and can be used in several ways. It addresses A CaFE Resource directly the relevance of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist as opportunities to build and nourish family life. The talks are a mixture of teaching and DVD &VHS moving stories which arouse and develop questions that can be discussed in small groups. By using Scripture, doctrine and some contemporary spiritual writers this series attempts to relate the day to day challenge of parenthood with the guidance that the Church offers. It is not a catechism or a summary of Catholic teaching and it does not assume that all the parents are Catholic. Talk 1: Who would be a parent? Talk 2: Why bother with Baptism? Talk 3: Confession – do they still do that? Talk 4: The Mass – do we need it? Talk 5: How do children believe? Talk 6: How can parents help? Talk 7: Parents for life! Seeds of Promise, Seeds of Faith Seeds of Promise, Seeds of Faith Vision & Themes of the General Directory The General Directory for Catechesis places the For Catechesis whole catechetical enterprise within the context of an evangelization that calls people of all ages to a DVD & VHS deeper appreciation and understanding o the richness of our Catholic faith. The Directory uses the parable of the sower and the seed to remind us that it is ultimately the work of the Holy Spirit that produces the rich harvest. At the same time, we must do all that we can to cultivate the soil and prepare it to receive the dynamic life-giving Word. 239

In collaboration with you. We offer this resource in the hope that it will be useful to all those involved in passing on the faith in the effort to renew and enliven catechetical ministry in all of the settings in which it unfolds. 30 Minutes Most Reverend Donald W. Wuerl, Chairman USCCB Committee on Education 7 Key Principles In these creative presentations, Bill Huebsch From Handbook for focuses on the 7 Key Principles that are the Success in Whole Community Catechesis foundation for whole community catechesis (as explored in chapter one of his book: Handbook for DVD & VHS Success in Whole Community Catechesis). Bill’s Hope is that parish leaders will use these presentations with their parishioners to engage them in fruitful discussions, and thus enter into these new ideas with grace and unity. These are the seven principles he covers: 1. Catechesis has several tasks 2. Catechesis is constitutive of the Christian Life 3. Conversion precedes Catechesis 4. All catechesis is tightly connected to the Sunday assembly 5. The Goal of all catechesis is to develop households of faith 6. Catechesis must look and feel more like church and less like school 7. All catechesis builds on grace which is offered to everyone Twenty-Third Publications Mystic, CT 06355 Why Be a Catechist? Produced by Catechist Magazine and the National Catholic Catechists Society in association with DVD & VHS Media, Inc. Why be a Catechist? Is designed to help you recruit and motivate catechists for your parish program. We suggest that you show the program at a meeting of persons considering this ministry of the Word, and again at your first training session. 10 minutes Your Child & Religious Education National Catholic Catechists Society Catechist DVD The video “Your Child and Religious Education” is designed to help parents see the importance of lifelong religious formation and education and to appreciate the role that parish religious education programs play in deepening spirituality for children, youth, and adults. This program focuses on the importance of religious education for children and youth and points out the ways in which parish religious education programs enrich individuals, families, and parishes.


Catechesis - Children

Babette’s Feast

DVD The Candy Maker’s Christmas The Witness of the "Only the finest will be accepted," cheers DVD the candy maker...... As he mixes and stirs and twirls his latest creation. "Only the finest for the king." And as he walks into the snowy night, August is certain that he has made the perfect Christmas present for the royal Family. But An accidental encounter in front of the Cathedral teaches August that the only truly perfect Christmas present is the gift of Jesus. August learns a lesson in love and humility as his candy cane becomes a popular Christmas reminder for people throughout the world. Children of all ages will enjoy finding the symbolism of the candy cane in this tasty tale of Christmas discovery. The candy Maker's Christmas is sure to be a holiday classic. Creative Communications Morning Light Media 1564 Fencorp Drive, Fenton, Mo 63026 The Donkey’s Tale Our narrator Moshe, the donkey, leads us through A Story About the Life of Jesus the events surrounding Jesus’ life in this charming story. VHS Moshe is the foal that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. His grandfather, Balthasar, was in the stable at Bethlehem, and warmed the Baby with his breath. His Aunt Esther boasted that she had carried Mary and Jesus on the flight to Egypt. Moshe and his little donkey cousins encounter the Messiah at various times: in the temple in Jerusalem, at the wedding feast of Cana, and on Calvary. And after keeping watch at Jesus’ tomb for three days, Moshe comes face to face with the risen Christ. An engaging combination of live action video and beautiful illustrations make The Donkey’s Tale a visual treat that can be used at any time during the year. Entertaining and informative, elementary grade children will be delighted with this introductory story of Jesus’ life. 13 Minutes Study Guide Included. Twenty-Third Publications Go Look in the Manger Based on a true story, GO LOOK IN THE MANGER is a wonderful tale of a Christmas gone DVD by. Colorful illustrations, new and familiar songs, and a nostalgic setting are sure to make viewing 241

this original story a holiday tradition. To eight-year-old Ricky Meyer, the Christmas of 1966 is a wonderland filled with snowballs and manger scenes. Desperate to impress his teacher and classmates with memorable "show- and-tell," Ricky strikes a deal with his mother which jeopardizes his Christmas. When he plays "King of the Hill" with his best friend, the promise he made to his mother is the last thing on his mind. The promise is broken and Ricky will have to face the consequences on Christmas. But at , Ricky hears the story of the greatest ever, the gift of Jesus. Find out what Ricky discovers when his forgiving mother tells him to "go look in the manger." God Made the World Children may not be able to explain, but they know How the Animals Got Their Names the meaning of naming a pet or stuffed creature. To name is not only a sign of ownership; it is a sign VHS of accepting responsibility. That is the message of these two classic creation stories: God shares with us the unfolding drama of creating the world. Isn’t this message especially important today when modern society has so abused the world God has entrusted to us. These video programs show an interplay of live-action videography and award- winning artwork to communicate the timeless message that all life is a gift to be nurtured, treasured, shared and celebrated. 21:30 Minutes Treehaus Communications Inc. The Little Grain of Wheat The Little Grain of Wheat has become a classic story for children, especially for those preparing for VHS first communion. The story draws upon the grain of wheat and the grape vine as images of union of life with Jesus. This video shows an interplay of live-action videography and award-winning artwork by Robert Strobridge. For children from 4 to 10 years old, it is ideal for use at home, classroom, Sunday programs, Bible school, sacramental preparation, and the children’s Catechumenate. 6:30 Minutes Treehus Communications Inc. Grandma’s Ornament Amy learns a special Christmas message with loving help from Grandma DVD & VHS This Christmas story promises to be a classic to be enjoyed by families every year. Although appropriate at any time of the year, the Advent season is especially significant in the telling of Amy’s problem and how it is resolved. What to do about Amy? She’s a clumsy child who spills and trips and bumps into things. And this year, it’s her turn to hang the special decoration on the tree. Grandma brings a new ornament every 242

year; and this year’s decoration is a prized heirloom, a fragile handmade Christ child resting in a delicate manger. Amy, understandable, is not looking forward to the event. How she overcomes and wins out over her clumsiness makes for a very winning and delightful story. Twenty-Third Publications 185 Willow St, Mystic, CT 06355 1-800-321-0411 Martin This program is based on a story written by the The Cobbler famous Russian author Leo Tolstoy. His daughter, Alexandra, provides the narration. VHS Martin is a cobbler who lives alone, is very sad, has given up on life and wants to die. His wife and only son have died and he is angry at God as well as the townsfolk who seem oblivious to his loneliness. Vladimir, and old friend comes by to invite Martin to the winter festival, but is turned down without so much as a smile. Then a holy man leaves a Bible that needs rebinding. Martin eventually reads the story of the rich merchant who invited the Lord to be his guest, but failed to show him the ordinary signs of hospitality. As the story goes on we witness how the Lord comes to Martin. 27 Minutes Clay Animation (The) Proud Tree Based on the book by Luane Roche, Illustrated by Chris Sharp DVD This inspiring DVD tells the story of the crucifixion from the viewpoint of Rex, the tree that became the cross Jesus carried to Calvary. Rex, proud and ungrateful, learns an important lesson from gentle, humble Jesus. Children will feel sadness and sympathy for the suffering Jesus followed by the joy and exultation of the resurrection as a familiar story is told in a new and memorable way. Puffy and Friends – Gospel Lessons for Young Puffy and Friends is a series of Gospel Lessons for Children young children that even parents and other adults can relate to. Originally from our video series, DVD Parables for Children, audiences will be delighted by the 3-dimensional, colorful, animated puppets who learn lessons about God’s kingdom. How about Sammy the Squid who is a good neighbor to Blue Mackerel whose own relatives don’t help him out after he’s attacked by a shark? Or Cling, the Greedy Fool who doesn’t share his wealth with anyone and ends up with tons of melted ice cream that he can’t eat? Then there is Puffy who has to learn her lesson about forgiving as we are forgiven. Children will love the catchy lyrics that help teach the gospel lesson. Twenty Third Publications 243

Saints Alive Saints Alive All Saints Day All Saints Day 15 Minutes DVD & VHS Sadlier Media Productions William H. Sadlier, Inc., 11 Park Place, New York, New York 10007

Saints Alive Saints Alive The Christmas Story The Christmas Story 15 Minutes DVD & VHS Produced by ITV Archdiocese of New York Sadlier Media Productions William H. Sadlier, Inc., 11 Park Place, New York, New York 10007 Saints Alive Mary, Mother of Jesus Saints Alive Mary, Mother of Jesus DVD & VHS 15 Minutes Produced by ITV Archdiocese of New York Sadlier Sadlier Media Productions William H. Sadlier, Inc., 11 Park Place, New York, New York 10007 Saints Alive Saints Alive St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 15 Minutes DVD & VHS Sadlier Sadlier Media Productions William H. Sadlier, Inc., 11 Park Place, New York, New York 10007 Saints Alive Saints Alive St. Elizabeth of Hungary St. Elizabeth of Hungary 15 Minutes DVD & VHS Sadlier Sadlier Media Productions William H. Sadlier, Inc., 11 Park Place, New York, New York 10007 Saints Alive Saints Alive The Story of Pentecost The Stoy of Pentecost 15 Minutes DVD & VHS Produced by ITV Archdiocese of New York Sadlier Sadlier Media Productions William H. Sadlier, Inc., 11 Park Place, New York, New York 10007 Veggie Tales – A Lesson in Facing Hardship Now, y’all have heard the story of Joseph and his The Ballad of Little Joe coat of many colors before, but I reckon you’ve never heard it told as a Western...until now! Join DVD Little Joe and his rootin’ tootin’ French pea brothers on an adventure that will take them from an abandoned mineshaft all the way to Dodge Ball City – with Little Joe’s faith being tested every step of the way! It’s a Wild West yarn that teaches us to keep the faith when facing hardship because, in the end, God can work all things out for good. Yee-haw! 35 minutes 244

Veggie Tales – A Lesson in Handling Fear “Where’s God When I’m S-Scared?” contains two Where’s God When I’m S-Scared? hilarious, fully computer-animated stories that teach kids a biblical perspective on handling DVD everyday fears. 30 minutes Veggi Tales – A Lesson in Self-Esteem Have you ever felt like you were too little to do Dave and the Giant Pickle anything big? That’s how a little shepherd boy named Dave fells when his big brothers head off to DVD defend their country, leaving Dave behind with the sheep. “Big people do big things, and little people do little things,” they tell him. They’re in for a surprise, though when they find out their foe is much bigger than they thought! Is anyone able to take on a nine-foot pickle? But wait! Who’s that running out to challenge that mighty warrior? It kinda looks like...could it be...Dave?!? 29 minutes


Catholic Social Ethics

Development and Peace Canadian Catholic Organization for Development Committed to Change and Peace presents Committed to Change. 14 Minutes VHS Development and Peace Canadian Catholic Organization for Development Youth Changing the World and Peace presents Youth Changing the World. 13.30 Minutes VHS Fatal Flaws A thought-provoking journey through Europe and Legalizing Assisted Death North America to ask one of the most fundamental philosophical questions of our time: should we be DVD giving doctors the right in law to end the life of others by euthanasia or assisted suicide? Filmmaker Kevin Dunn uses powerful testimonies and expert opinion from both sides of the issue to uncover how these highly disputed laws affect society over time. This film is about the adoption of – and resistance to – a new cultural philosophy that may affect you at the most vulnerable time of your life. Issues in Sexuality – Cohbitation An 8 unit video cassette program Femininity & Masculinity DVD Dating Cohabitation Marriage: A Lifelong Commitment Family Planning The Single Lifestyle Homesexuality Sexual Abuse Issues in Sexuality – Family Planning

DVD Issues in Sexuality – Femininity & Masculinity

DVD Issues in Sexuality – Homesexuality

DVD Issues in Sexuality – The Single Lifestyle

DVD Issues in Sexuality – Sexual Abuse

DVD The Euthanasia Deception A thought-provoking, emotionally-gripping film We are all Vulnerable that will impact hearts and minds. It effectively dismantles the fallacies of euthanasia proponents’ 246

A one-hour documentary featuring powerful appeals to compassion and autonomy. – Dr. testimonies from Belgium and beyond of loves Richard Weikart, Professor of History at California devasted by the false ideology of “mercy State University, Stanislaus, and author of The killing”. Death of Humanity: And the Case for Life.

The Euthanasia Deception exposes three main DVD deceptions. First, that euthanasia and assisted suicide are a form of compassion. Second, the myth of autonomy: that decisions made between doctor and patient operate in a vacuum. Finally, can safeguards’ protect the vulnerable?


Catholic Social Justice

Amie – A Unique Christ Figure AMIE - A Unique Christ Figure AMIE, a young, intelligent, photo journalist, DVD has one passion - people! On assignment for the centennial edition of The Daily Tribune, she gets involved with the poor in the inner city and helps their plight make headlines. So threatened is the city's mayor by Amie's truthfulness and concern for the powerless that he forces her to the ultimate commitment. As we encounter the people Amie meets and listen to the stories she uncovers, we find ourselves remembering another person who cared about people, who gave them faith in themselves, and who ultimately laid down his life for them. Looking more closely at Amie's story, at the relationships she makes, at the words she speaks, we come to see that the Gospel - its people and events - is mirrored throughout this film. Her life, like that of Jesus, bears witness to the truth: "There is no greater love than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." #7153 / AMIE / 17 min. Franciscan Communications, 1229 south Santee St. Los angeles, California 90015 Atlantic Missions in Canada and You Atlantic Missions In Canada And You 'The Dioceses of Labrador City-Schefferville, St. DVD George's, and Grand falls, are some of the Catholic mission dioceses that we support throughout Canada. Each of these mission dioceses has communities where the Catholic population is low, but unemployment and cost of living are extremely high. They are only able to survive and flourish as faith communities because of the prayerful and monetary assistance of Catholics across Canada...There is much to learn here, much to inspire us in our own journeys of faith.' -Father Roger Formosi, President, Catholic Missions in Canada Catholic Missions In Canada 201-1155 Yonge Street, , Ontario M4T 1W2 Tel: (416) 934-3424 Fax: (416) 934-3424 Toll-Free: 1 (800) 361-1128 (Founded in 1908 as the Catholic Church Extension Society of Canada) Charitable Registration (BN) #11922 0531 RR0001 Commitment to Caring Directed by Tom Rook Themes: Baptism/Community/Social Concerns DVD Audience: Junior High-Adult 248

Two brief, dramatic vignettes, based on true life Also Listed Under Sacraments - Baptism experiences, underline the nature of our Baptismal commitment and call to community. WE'RE DOING O.K. A young woman's anxiety about her aging mother, who lives alone in a deteriorating neighbourhood, is diminished as she sees the elderly neighbours ever-present awareness of each other. PARADOX Based on a true incident, this film dramaizes the dilemma of volunteers at a soup kitchen, as they are faced with police action if they continue taking adible food from a produce warehouse garbage bin for their patrons. # 7108/Commitment To Caring/Storyscape 20 Minutes Franciscan Communications 1229 South Santee Street, Los Angeles, California 90015 Family & Society North Bishop Peter A. Sutton, Omi & Sr. Sheila Whelan, DVD gsic discuss Winnipeg Metting, November 9-12, Also Listed Under Family/Parenting 1995


Catholic Social Teachings

Caring with Faith Catholic Update Vide is a multi-faceted, multi-use Suffering with a Loved One resource for adult faith formation. Each program is Catholic Update Video a “video toolbox” with four segments that help viewers approach a single topic through story, DVD & VHS testimony, teachings and music/video imagery. The “Caring with Faith” programs in this series are designed for caregivers, support groups, families, pastoral training sessions and healthcare settings. Each video explores the ways Christians enter into the mystery of human suffering. Suffering with a Loved One explores the role of caregivers in the light of our faith in Christ, who shepherds and cares for us. With Leaders Guide 33:31 Minutes - St. A St. Anthony Messenger Press, Cincinnati, OH 45210-1298 Caring with Faith Catholic Update Vide is a multi-faceted, multi-use Toward Death with Hope resource for adult faith formation. Each program is Catholic Update Video a “video toolbox” with four segments that help viewers approach a single topic through story, DVD & VHS testimony, teachings and music/video imagery. The “Caring with Faith” programs in this series are designed for caregivers, support groups, families, pastoral training sessions and healthcare settings. Each video explores the ways Christians enter into the mystery of human suffering. Toward Death with Hope explores the emotional and spiritual dimensions of the Christian’s journey through death – understood as a part of life – to new life in Christ. With Leader Guide. 32:17 Minutes St. Anthony Messenger Press, Cincinnati, OH 45210-1298 Euthanasia... The Fourth Video in a Series on “The Church Can We Ever Say Yes? Today” Part III Making Moral Decisions Euthanasia...Can We Ever Say Yes? was written by DVD & VHS well known religious educator Sr. Barbara Rice, Ph.D. Moral theologian Fr. Mark Miller, CSsR, Ph.D., presents reflections and principles basic to Christian moral decision making. The Adult Learning Commission Archdiocese of Edmonton 821-101 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6A 0L1 Phone (403)469-6450 Fax (403)465-3003 Journey of Hope Youth Rally of Ontario Teens Produced by Villgers Communications DVD (Duration: 58-30) Also listed Under Youth/Teens 250

Making Moral Decisions in a Changing World People today thirst for moral direction. (Part 1) Recognizing this need the bishops of Vatican II touched on many areas of moral decision-making. DVD Here is a quote from their declaration on "Religious Freedom". "Therefore, this Vatican Synod urges everyone, ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO ARE CHARGED WITH THE TASK OF EDUCATING OTHERS, to do their utmost to form people who will respect the moral order and be obedient to lawful authority." The document then goes on to say, "let them form people who will be lovers of true freedom-people, in other words, who will come to decisions on their own judgement and in the light of truth, govern their activities with a sense of responsibility , and strive after what is true and right, willing always to join with others in cooperative effort". (par#8) The video has been written by well known religious educator Barbara Rice, Ph.D.; Moral theologian Fr. Mark Miller, CSsR, Ph.D outlines aspects and attitudes central to Christian moral decision making. The Adult Learning Commission ARCHDIOCESE OF EDMONTON 8421-101 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6A 0L1 Phone (403) 469-6450 FAX (403) 465-3003 Making Moral Decisions Facing Death This video explores how we as Christians (Part 2) understand sickness, suffering and death. 2 Copies "Jesus Christ has transformed these difficult experiences of the human condition, giving them DVD new meaning. Death, like all of life, can be a time of self-realization in which we freely and consciously confrim the meaning of our lives." Health Care Ethics Catholic Health Association of Canada. Making Moral Decisions: Facing Death was written by known religious educator Sr. Barbara Rice, Ph.D. and moral theologian Fr. Mark Miller, Ph.D., presents reflections and principles basic to Catholic moral decision making. The Adult Learning Commission Archdiocese of Edmonton 8421-101 avenue, Edmonton, AB T6A 0L1 Phone (403) 469-6450 FAX (403) 465-3003 Man with a Mission CBC “Man Alive” Father Bob Ogle DVD Non Public Broadcast Uses Only

The Mouse’s Tale The Mouse’s Tale An animated cartoon which explores issues DVD & VHS surrounding international food production and its 251

relationship to hunger and famine around the world. The action takes place as a well-fed cat is confronted by his “conscience,” a mouse, as he reads in a newspaper article about cats starving in Africa. The mouse challenges the cat on some basic issues involved in the food crisis, such as rights to land, jobs, income, education, literacy, credit, health, hygiene, government aid and community development. This provocative vide will serve as a spirited conversation starter for youth and adult groups alike. Produced by Australian catholic Relief. Publishing Services United States Catholic Conference Washington, D. C. My Son, My Son This is the story of two fathers and their sons. It is a story of regret and lonliness, of DVD forgiveness and renewed life. It looks with compassion at two different realities which are very much at issue in society today: homosexuality and AIDS. The video makes no pretense to argue for or against homosexual orientation, but goes far beyond that consideration to portray our need to respect and to love one another no matter how deep our differences. My Son, My Son graphically illustrates the human need for understanding, for tolerance, for caring, for compassion... for love. It can be used in a number of contexts dealing with attitudes of prejudice, reconciliation and openmindedness. The story is a take-off point for discussing many values which are part of our Christian heritage. Because of the delicate issues treated in the program, it is important to prepare the audience for viewing the video and to make sure there is adequate follow-up time for discussion. #7156 / My Son, My Son / 14 min © MCMLXXXVII Franciscan Communications 1229 S. Santee Street Los Angeles, California90015 The Richest Dog in the World The Richest Dog in the World presents, in animated form, the story of a very wealthy dog, Fido, who is DVD & VHS challenged by a flea, Felicity. She challenges him to re-evaluate his thoughts on the plight of the world’s poor and to examine ways in which we can effectively assist them to overcome their poverty and oppression. The major issues dealt with are aid imbalance, interdependence, empowering the poor, and limits to growth. This provocative video will serve as a spirited conversation starter for youth and adult groups 252

alike. 10 Minutes Produced by Australian Catholic Relief Publishing Services United States Catholic Conference Washington, D.C. We are Called Featuring Rev. John Forliti Catholic Social Teaching for Today  Clear and concise explanations of the principles of Catholic social Teachings DVD & VHS  Everyday people who share their stories of how they live by these principles  A Study Guide that includes programs designs for Confirmation catechesis, Parish catechesis, School catechesis & Adult formation



Archdiocese of Halifax Experience this unique glimpse into the ten day Pilgrimage to Toronto "extreme pilgrimage" undertaken by over 350 young pilgrims from the Archdiocese as they joined hundreds of thousands of other young VHS & DVD Catholics from around the world. This tape contains over twenty minutes of footage Also listed under Youth/Teens mixed with tracks from the Official Soundtrack, and a thirty minute feature. I. July 21st - 23rd - Lumiere du monde - 5:58 II.July 24th - 25th - Nada Es Imposible para Ti.- 4:20 III.July 27th - July 30th--5:50 V. The Pilgrims Speak -- 29:56 Canada Welcomes World Youth Days Young People and the Pope. Together Are celebrations that bring together Catholic youth from over 150 countries to learn about their faith DVD & VHS and celebrate it. It is characterized by the happiness of the youth being with the Pope and with each other. At world Youth Day 2002 participants will learn how Canadian Catholics live their faith and also experience life in our country. In addition, foreign participants will teach us about how they live their faith and about life in their countries. Fr. Donald Calloway’s Incredible Testimony As a young boy he was taking heroin, crack, opium – everyday! By the age of 14 he had committed DVD felonies. His was a life cycle of death! And then one night his whole life changed! The testimony of Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, Assistant Rector of the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, MA., brings to mind St. Louis de Montfort’s prophecies about Our Lady’s triumph and the apostles she will raise up in the latter times. Finding St. Anthony Over the centuries, Saint Anthony of Padua has A Story of Loss & Light been elevated as a great example of holiness through countless works of art and sculpture. DVD Many Catholics, and even non-Catholics, think of Also listed under Saints Saint Anthony as the first one to turn to when something is lost. Yet amid this widespread veneration and devotion, we may miss the story of one who began his life like all of us. This film reveals the journey of Fernando Martins de Bulhoes, a 13th century Christian whom we know today as Saint Anthony. Here, we discover a young man who was often “lost” and searching for direction. He wanted to make a difference in the world of his time. As we encounter his humanity, we find someone we can relate to, someone who struggled in life, someone we could have easily 254

called a friend. Salt + Light Television Go and Teach One of the most significant fruits of the Second Inside the Synod on the New Evangelization Vatican Council (1962–1965) was a revived sense of apostolic fraternity and collegiality among the DVD world’s Bishops. When at the end of the Council many Bishops expressed their strong desire to build on the experience, Pope Paul VI established the permanent Synod of Bishops. In October 2012, fifty years after the opening of Vatican II, the 13th Ordinary Synod of Bishops was held under Pope Benedict X VI to discuss the New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith. For the first time in history two journalists (S+L producers Sebastian Gomes and Charles Le Bourgeois) were allowed inside the Synod to document the experience. Go and Teach is a documentary that tells the story of the Catholic Church’s struggle to find its identity and live out its mission in the complex global reality of the 21st century. 55 Minutes Salt & Light Catholic Media Foundation In God’s Dominion Story of Catholic Church in Canada

DVD God’s Doorkeeper God’s Doorkeeper – St. Andre of Montreal St. Andre of Montreal On January 6, 1937, the death of a humble doorkeeper drew over a million people to Montreal. DVD For 40 years, Brother Andre Bessette of the Also listed under Saints Congregation of Holy Cross welcomed people at the door and became known as a miraculous healer. God’s Doorkeeper looks at the heart and legacy of Brother Andre – as a man of prayer, of hospitality, and of compassion; a man who draws people to a God who is love. On October 17, 2010, Br. Andre became the first male Canadian-born saint and the first saint for the Congregation of Holy Cross. He is living proof that “it is with the smallest of brushes that the artist paints the most beautiful pictures.” This special documentary includes: commentary from people who knew Dr. Andre and continue his work today; interviews from Montreal, Rome, and different parts of the United States; reflections from Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, on the perennial relevance of Br. Andre; and footage of the unforgettable events of Br. Andre’s road to sainthood (beatification, canonization and special celebrations in Rome and Montreal). Salt + Light Television


Half a Million Strong Join legions of the world's youth as they The Pope’s Youth Revolution journey to Santiago, Spain to celebrate their An inspiring video documentary on Pope John universal Catholic faith in a massive, outdoor rally Paul II’s historic rally with 500,000 youths! that rivals the energy and excitement of another 2 Copies of each "Woodstock" (without sex, drugs, or rock 'n' roll!). Under the leadership of the dynamic, ever-

youthful, Holy Papa John Paul II, see youths band DVD & VHS together to change the word through faith, hope and love! The unique images, music and words captured here in full color and sound will absolutely inspire all--young and old alike! Be proud of the...One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church! Featuring: -Pope's youth rally & Mass. -Church history, morality and faith. -Testimonies by youths from all over the world. -customs, songs, and prayers from many cultures. Journey to the Mountain Top World Youth Day 1993 This video is the story of World Youth Day DVD 1993, but more importantly it is the story of young people from around the world, all looking and searching for hope as they struggle to balance what they are taught with what they have experienced. Through natural sounds and original music by Danny DuMaine, an up-and-coming Catholic musician, Journey to the Mountaintop captures this celebration of faith through inspiring scenes like youth groups demonstrating their "Faith in Action" as they minister to the needy; young people meeting and talking with their peers from other countries; the pope celebrating Mass with the youth; and many more motivating and unique images. Adolescence and young adulthood are times of strong faith and doubt that are filled with many serious questions about the Church. This video is a wonderful opportunity for the church to speak with today's youth about dignity, sexual pressures, and a materialistic and permissive society. Relive this uplifting experience with teens from throughout the world who "journeyed to the mountain top" and found renewed hope through Christ's promise: "I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly" - John 10:10.

Miracles...of Lourdes, Fatima, Guadalupe, & “This video is factual and fair. It gives background Knock about each of the visions and seeks to teach about them through information and inspiration rather 256

DVD than coercion. There is no attempt to force-feed any appearance as dogma; rather, the narration induces belief through invitation and through the testimony – especially at Lourdes – of believers” James Breig Belleville (IL) Observer Most Reverend Peter Joseph Hundt Installation of The Most RFeverend Peter Joseph Bishop of the Diocese of Corner Brook & Hundt, Bishop of the Diocese of Corner Brook & Labrador Labrador, Cathedral of the Most Holy Redeemer and of the Immaculate Conception Corner Brook, Ndewfoundland & Labrador, April 13, 2011 Olive Dickason’s First Nations The life and Work of Canada's Greatest Aboriginal Historian DVD Examines Olive Dickason's life story and the Enormous impact she has had on the understanding of both Canadian and First Nations history. Starting from her humble beginnings growing up in Northern Manitoba, we trace her journey to her position today as one of Canada's preeminent historians. When Olive Dickason announced 30 years ago that wanted to take up the study of aboriginal history, her professors dismissed the very notion. In their view, there was no such thing as aboriginal history. she proved them wrong and went on to educate all canadians about the country's larger history--one that stretches back over thousands of years. Dickason's pioneering research has shattered the myth that Canadian history begins with the arrival of the European explorers, and has fosteredthe recognition of indigenous peoples as this country's founding civilization. she published breakthrough books (The Myth of the Savage {1984} and iCanada's first Nations {1992}) that have become Canadian best-sellers. Executive Producers: Dawn and Steven J. Deme Director of Research: Olive Dickason Director: Steven J. Deme Writer: Dawn Deme Narrarator: Jennifer David Opening & Dedication of Roman Catholic Norris Point, September 1993 Church

DVD The Popes of Our Century Can you recall the names of all the previous Popes that have ruled in the Vatican? Which Pope was DVD proclaimed a saint? Which Pope reigned for only thirty- three days before succumbing to a heart attack? Here is an opportunity to learn about all the great popes that have ruled. Discover all the wonderful work of popes such as Pius 10th, Pius 11th, and Pius 12th, Paul 6th and our 257

present Pope John Paul II. Learn how they came to be Pope and let us show you that they were ordinary people who undertook a great task. The Popes have taken upon themselves the great mission of travelling the world in search of promoting peace and Harmony. The Popes of our century have accomplished many great feats by showing their never-ending concern for poverty and hunger in third world countries and to demonstrate to the youth of our world that with hard work there is great hope towards equality, peace and harmony all over the world. "Brothers and Sisters, don't be afraid to welcome Christ into your hearts, open the door to His redemptive powers." Reportage Davis Inlet Shefferville DVD The Road to World Youth Day 2002 World Youth Days Are celebrations that bring together Catholic youth from DVD over 150 countries to learn about their faith and celebrate it. It is characterized by the happiness of the youth being with the Pope and with each other. At World Youth Day 2002 participants will learn how Canadian Catholics live their faith and also experience life in our country. In addition, foreign participants will teach us about how they live their faith and about life in their countries. The Road Ahead The Adult Learning Commission offers you a new Parishes Facing the Future video in which bishops, priests, and laity share some excellent insights that will shed some light DVD for the road ahead. This 30 minute video is divided into the following four sections: 1. Transformation of Parishes 2. Changing Roles 3. Centrality of the Eucharist 4. Stepping into the Future Second Regard (FR.) Diocese de St. Georges DVD Sisters of Influence SISTERS OF INFLUENCE is an obvious celebration of the sisters of mercy in St. Georges DVD Newfoundland, who have thrived on devotion and, good works for over 100 years. This documentary explores the history of these sisters through interviews, dramatizations, and archival docuuments at the 100th anniversary reunion of the sisters and their past students. Arriving from providence, Rhode Islandin 1893, the sisters set up a mission for education in an area described as a "political hot potato". Their spirited efforts resisted the strains of poor english- french relations and their tireless enthusiasm happily infected an entire community. The 258

filmmakers respectfully describe their subjects often overlooked accomplishments. In a climate of church bashing irreverancy, SISTERS OF INFLUENCE is a mission of love. See Level LTD 118 QUEENS RD. ST. JOHN'S NFLD A1C 2B3 Sur La Place 29 minutes 56 seconds

DVD Today’s Journey Today's Journey Today's journey is a struggle full of hope DVD and love born of faith. As we visit our missions we become more aware how the prayers and financial gifts of generous donors across our land make it possible for people in our poor and remote communities to live their faith. 57 minutes CATHOLIC MISSIONS IN CANADA 201-1155 Yonge Street, Toronto M4T 1W2 Tel: (416) 934-3424 Toll-Free: 1 (800) 361-1128 Fax: (416) 934-3424 Web: www.missioncanada.ca (founded in 11908 as the Catholic Church Extension Society of Canada) Charitable Registration (BN) #11922 0531 RR0001 Today’s Journey Today's Journey - Vol 3 Today's journey is a struggle full of hope DVD and love born of faith. As we visit our missions we become more aware how the prayers and financial gifts of generous donors across our land make it possible for people in our poor and remote communities to live their faith. 57 minutes CATHOLIC MISSIONS IN CANADA 201-1155 Yonge Street, Toronto M4T 1W2 Tel: (416) 934-3424 Toll-Free: 1 (800) 361-1128 Fax: (416) 934-3424 Web: www.missioncanada.ca (founded in 11908 as the Catholic Church Extension Society of Canada) Charitable Registration (BN) #11922 0531 RR0001 With God in Russia Well known for his heroic story of surviving 23 A Grave in Perm years in Russian prison camps, this film about the The Story of Fr. great Jesuit, Fr. Walter Ciszek, traces his incredible endurance and struggle for survival. It highlights his tremendous faith in God, and the remarkable impact his life has had on the resurgence of Catholicism in Russia, as seen with on location 259

footage from Russia. Sent to Poland as a missionary in 19638, Fr. Ciszek was caught between the Nazi invasion coming from the West and the Communist invasion coming from the East. With permission from his superiors, he made his way into Russia, offering secret Masses for the oppressed Catholic population. But soon he was arrested by the KGB, accused of spying, and sent to the prison system in Siberia. For the next 12 years, there was no word of his whereabouts, or even if he was still alive. It wasn’t until 1963 that Fr. Walter Ciszek was finally allowed to go home to a country that he had not seen for 25 years. His incredible faith and trust in God have made an enormous imp-act on Catholics in Russia Today. Women in the Church Conference Bishop Kenneth Untener

DVD World Youth Days Young People and the Pope. Together Are celebrations that bring together Catholic youth from over 150 countries to learn about their faith DVD & VHS and celebrate it. It is characterized by the happiness of the youth being with the Pope and with each other. At World Youth Day 2002 participants will learn how Canadian Catholics live their faith and also experience life in our country. In addition, foreign participants will teach us about how they live their faith and about life in their countries. World Youth Day with The Pope in Canada They came from the four corners of the world and more than 172 countries to gather in Toronto, DVD Canada in July, 2002 and celebrate the 9th International World Youth Day. More than 200,000 young Catholics came to renew their faith and to receive their spiritual father's blessing. Re-live the most memorable and inspiring moments of World Youth Day 2002 with this special CBC home Video: -The Pope's emotional arrival as he walked down from the stairs from the airplane and met several special welcomers. -The Pope's first appearance among the thousands of cheering pilgrims gathered at . -Pilgrims preparing for the spiritual aspects of their journey and reflecting on their experiences. -Intimate moments with the Pope and guests at the Strawberry Island retreat. -The dramatic and stirring Way of the Cross through the downtown streets of Canada's biggest city. -A solemn vigil with the Pope where the pilgrims 260

were joined by 600,000 newcomers for an evening devoted to prayer. -The sunday morning outdoor mass that began under gloomy skies but ended in a sun-filled day that took on a majestic calm. Youth Rally at Kildevil Lodge In Lomond – 1999




Commitments Parenting – Dream & Reality Saldlier Media Productions DVD Family & Society North Bishop Peter A. Sutton, Omi & Sr. Sheila Whelan, DVD gsic discuss Winnipeg Metting, November 9-12, Also Listed Under Social Justice 1995


Grief & Loss

Coping with Family Crisis Separation, Divorce, Violence, Abuse

DVD Grief The "SURVIVNG..." series of videotapes provides a unique approach to emotional self-help. Each DVD program features popular lecturer and author Clayton Barbeau doing what he considers his most rewarding work: individual counselling; with you, the viewer, as the one seeking advice and affirmation. Of course, these programs are not intended as substitutes for face-to-face therapy when it is needed. Rather, they are meant to offer some ideas for coping to the person who is temporarily experiencing an emotional crisis. Surviving Grief In this program, Clayton Barbeau helps the viewer to understand the grieving process and work toward acceptance of the loss of a loved one. Mr. Barbeau's own experience of grief at the untimely death of his wifegives a unique validity and conviction to his advice. He points out that it is important not to deny one's loss and to give oneself permission to "feel"; be it tears, loneliness, or anger. Above all, he suggests, don't prolong and nurture grief, but take one day at a time and make an effort to begin building a future. (24 min). Living with Grief After Sudden Loss



Lent – Easter

After the Trial of Jesus By Rev. Christopher J. Emerson Compelling dialogue, a contemporary setting, and VHS & DVD dynamic dramatic action bring to life the political, social, and spiritual issues portrayed in After the Trial of Jesus. The time is a few days after Christ’s crucifixion; the place is a temple in Jerusalem. Emerson searingly plays the role of Caiaphas, temple high priest. Emotionally charged, a number of Jesus’ followers are gathered here to ask questions of Caiaphas, suspecting that he played a pivotal role in the execution. The confrontation that ensues offers much in the way of historic and religious content, with relevance to our own questions concerning today’s spiritual and political values. 23 minutes Celebrating the Church Year for Children By Gaynell Cronin and Jack Rathschmidt, Easter O.F.M.Cap. Easter – a time of New Life offered to all through DVD & VHS the power of the resurrected Jesus. As a community of believers, we celebrate this event with numerous meaningful liturgical signs and family customs. In this video the dynamism of Easter is communicated for children aged 8-12. Easter Season Parents experience a “letting go” as their children A Time to Remember grow into adulthood and begin a new life. But With Kathleen Chesto parents also learn that memory will hold a family together, despite moves or transitions. And so VHS & DVD family experience can teach us about the eucharist, in which we remember Jesus’ passion and death Also listed under Sacraments-Reconciliation and celebrate his new life in the resurrection. Kathleen Chesto, D. Min., in an engaging anecdotal style, leads us into a deeper understanding of the church year. She draws from her own experience to share simple family events that teach us what is at the core of our Catholic faith. This video series will delight and inspire every member of the family, and help them to see, in the ups and downs of everyday family life, signs of God's liberating presence. 20min

Lent With Kathleen Chesto A Time to Forgive Lent allows us to slow down and realize that we are loved for who we are, not for what we do. Parents VHS & DVD can accept and love their children, despite their mistakes. The sacrament of Reconciliation offers

us this same gift of forgiveness. We can learn to Also listed in Sacrement – Reconciliation forgive and accept ourselves as God does, and then offer forgiveness to others. 264

Kathleen Chesto, D. Min., in an engaging, anecdotal style, leads us into a deeper understanding of the church year. She draws from her own experience to share simple family events that teach us what is at the core of our Catholic faith. This video series will delight and inspire every member of the family, and help them to see, in the ups and downs of everyday family life, signs of God’s Liberating presence. 20 minutes Lent With Fr. Anthony Scannell, Capuchin A Time of Renewal Lent is a time of spiritual rebirth, a time to remember what it means to be followers of Jesus VHS and to live out the promises of our Baptism. This 7-part program, focused on the Sunday gospels of Lent, will lead you to discover for 2 Copies youself what your Baptismal commitment really means. Using true stories, drama, music and visual meditations, Father Anthony Scannell opens up for you the themes of Lent: such as facing temptation, and recognizing Jesus as “living water,” “light of the world,” and “Resurrection and Life.” The Program Includes: Week 1: Don’t Tempt Me 19 Minutes Week 2: Open Your Eyes 17 Minutes Week 3: Bubble Up 16 Minutes Week 4: Give Me Light 12 Minutes Week 5: Loosen Up 18 Minutes Week 6: Here’s Hoping 18 Minutes Easter: Happy Easter! 5 Minutes By Gwen Costello It’s not enough having to attend religion classes...now Danny has to complete a take-home quiz on Lent, and he’s not happy about it! He’s lived through seven Lenten seasons but is having trouble remembering the meaning of Lent: Why the ashes? How do we pray during Lent? What’s the purpose of fasting? 14 minutes The Beginners Bible By Time Life Kids The Story of Easter Created to help you share the most important lessons from the greatest stories ever told, The DVD & VHS Beginner’s Bible Series brings the true wonder and joy of the Bible to life. Featuring an original theme sung by Kathie Lee Gifford, memorable songs, vivid animation and heartwarming characters, this series is a delightful new way to introduce young children to the timeless stories of inspiration, courage and faith. 30 minutes The Gospels for Lent Twenty-Third Publications The Anointing at Bethany Simon, the leper, has invited Jesus for dinner along Mark 14:1 through 15:47 with a couple of his disciples. As the meal is about to be served, a woman enters, looking for Jesus. DVD & VHS Although Simon objects to the intrusion, the 265

woman remains and anoints Jesus with precious oil. What is the significance of this gesture? Why do the disciples protest so strongly? 15 minutes The Gospels for Lent Twenty-Third Publications The Cleansing of the Temple Eleven-year-old Amos and his father travel to John 2:13-25 Jerusalem to give sacrifice in the Temple. As they near the city, the pair hears a great commotion; a DVD & VHS woman passing by relates that a man called Jesus is the source of the uproar. Who is this man Jesus? Is he a prophet or a fool? Why has he challenged the money changers in the Temple? 12 minutes The Gospels for Lent Twenty-Third Publications God So Loved the World The Johnson family is going on a hike in the John 3:14-21 woods. Sam and Rose Pellegrino, owners of the Inn where the Johnsons are staying, offer to have DVD & VHS their son act as guide. But George Johnson wants to use an old map given him by his brother, even though the Pellegrinos warn that the trails have changed and some are unsafe to travel. Will George Johnson choose the right path for himself and his family? 12 minutes The Gospels for Lent It is the 1940’s and an angry group of men is The Grain of Wheat waiting with lit torches outside the home of a black John 12:20-33 family. Inside, Silas, the father of the family, tries to decide whether to confront the men or remain DVD & VHS inside. He tells his family that he must defend what is right. But is taking a stand worth Silas risking his life? 10 minutes The Gospels for Lent Twenty-Third Publications Kevin’s Temptation Kevin is in a local toy store when he is confronted Matthew 4:1-11, Cycle A by temptation three separate times. How he Mark 1:12-15, Cycle B overcomes this inner conflict-aided by the urgings Luke 4:1-13, Cycle C of a friend to do wrong-is a story of great power and perseverance. 8.5 minutes

DVD & VHS The Gospels for Lent Twenty-Third Publications The Transfiguration Peter and John, two of Jesus’ disciples, are Matthew 17:1-9, Cycle A remembering an incident that happened long ago Mark 9:2-15, Cycle B on a mountain top. Jesus had invited Peter and Luke 9:28-36, Cycle C John, along with the disciple James, to accompany him to Mount Tabor. There the three disciples

have a spiritual experience that convinces them that DVD & VHS Jesus is God’s Son. 11 minutes The Gospels Live – Volume 1 Lent Cycle A, B, & C This live-action video series will help adults and The Temptation teenagers focus on the significance of the Lenten Matthew 4:1-11 Cycle A Gospels to our lives today. The drama is Mark 1:12-15 Cycle B introduced and explained by a narrator, who returns at the end of the Gospel presentation to pose Luke 4:1-13 Cycle C questions for individual or group reflection. 266

Concise study guides help session leaders enhance The Transfiguration the visual experience with related activities, topics Matthew 17:1-9 Cycle A for discussion, and comprehensive resource Mark 9:2-15 Cycle B listings. Twenty-Third Publications Luke 9:28-36 Cycle C

VHS The Gospels Live – Volume II Cycle A This live-action video series will help adults and The Woman at the Well teenagers focus on the significance of the Lenten John 4:5-42 Gospels to our lives today. The drama is introduced and explained by a narrator, who returns at the end of the Gospel presentation to pose The Man Born Blind questions for individual or group reflection. John 9:1-41 Concise study guides help session leaders enhance the visual experience with related activities, topics for discussion, and comprehensive resource VHS listings. Twenty-Third Publications The Gospels Live – Volume III Cycle A This live-action video series will help adults and The Raising of Lazarus teenagers focus on the significance of the Lenten John 11:1-45 Gospels to our lives today. The drama is introduced and explained by a narrator, who returns at the end of the Gospel presentation to pose The Betrayal questions for individual or group reflection. Matthew 26:14 through 27:66 Concise study guides help session leaders enhance the visual experience with related activities, topics VHS for discussion, and comprehensive resource listings. Twenty-Third Publications The Jesus Conspiracy Twenty-Third Publications Legal reporter David Jessel faces his toughest DVD & VHS challenge yet as he examines what may be history’s greatest miscarriage of justice: the trial and execution of Jesus of Nazareth. For behind the Passion story lie historical and legal puzzles which for too long have remained unresolved. What really went on in the 24 hours before Jesus’ execution? 50 minutes The Passion No moment in history has had a deeper effect on According to Saint Luke humanity than the death and resurrection of Jesus Performed by Leonardo Defilippis Christ. Leonardo Defilippis’ beautiful and honest dramatic performance of these events, taken DVD & VHS directly from scripture, draws his audience into a deep understanding of the immensity of God’s love for His children. His Shakespearean training and strong commitment to the message of the Gospel give him a profound appreciation for the passion and mystery of Saint Luke’s account. The Passion opens with Jesus entry into Jerusalem and carries us through the Last Supper, the Agony in the Garden, onto the Cross, and to the glorious 267

Resurrection. Leonardo uses few props, allowing the word of God to speak straight to the heart of the viewer. 51 Minutes – Saint Luke Productions The Way of the Cross St. Anthony Messenger Press Stations on Our Journey of Faith Stations on Our Journey of Faith offers four different approaches to the traditional Catholic VHS Lenten observance of the : spirituality, social justice, history and a video meditation on the stations. 43 minutes The Way of The Cross THE WAY OF THE CROSS Jack Wintz, O.F.M - From Catholic Update DVD 27:00 Minutes V0189 Also under the listing Adult Faith Formation Way of the Cross – Part 1 Way of the Cross World Youth Day 2002 The Way of the Cross recalls the events of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. The 14 DVD stations depict those moments when Jesus stopped Also under Adult Faith Formation along the way to Calvary: First Station: Jesus is condemned to death. Second Station: Jesus takes up his cross. Third Station: Jesus falls for the first time. Fourth Station: Jesus meets his mother. Fifth Station: Simon of Syrene helps Jesus to carry his cross. Sixth Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. Seventh Station: Jesus falls the second time. Eighth Station: Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem. Ninth Station: Jesus falls the third time. Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped and offered vinegar and gall to drink. Eleventh Station: Jesus is nailed on the Cross. Twelfth Station: Jesus dies on the Cross. Thirteenth Station: Jesus, down from the cross, is held by his Mother. Fourteenth Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb. Way of the Cross – Part 2 Way of the Cross World Youth Day 2002 The Way of the Cross recalls the events of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. The 14 DVD stations depict those moments when Jesus stopped Also under Adult Faith Formation along the way to Calvary: First Station: Jesus is condemned to death. Second Station: Jesus takes up his cross. Third Station: Jesus falls for the first 268 time. Fourth Station: Jesus meets his mother. Fifth Station: Simon of Syrene helps Jesus to carry his cross. Sixth Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. Seventh Station: Jesus falls the second time. Eighth Station: Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem. Ninth Station: Jesus falls the third time. Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped and offered vinegar and gall to drink. Eleventh Station: Jesus is nailed on the Cross. Twelfth Station: Jesus dies on the Cross. Thirteenth Station: Jesus, down from the cross, is held by his Mother. Fourteenth Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb.



The Angel’s Mass Lesson By Gwen Costello Danny wants to go on a weekend class trip, but his DVD parents won’t let him miss mass. Danny is very Also listed under section Catechesis angry about this, so the angel Veritas comes for a visit. HE TAKES Danny “back in time” to the second century. They visit a “house church” where early Christians have gathered to celebrate the eucharist. 13 minutes Gather Faithfully Together Based on the Pastoral Letter of Cardinal Roger Mahony DVD If we do nothing else in preparation for the new millennium, let’s get our Sunday liturgy where Vatican II wanted it to be. That’s what Cardinal Roger Mahony asked the parishes of the Los Angeles archdiocese to do in his pastoral letter, Gather Faithfully Together. He said: Here’s what parish liturgy might look like. And the Mass he described is celebrated on this video. 30 minutes Lay Ministers in the Eucharistic Community Introduction 1. Ministers of the Word DVD 2. Ministers of the Bread and Cup 3. Ministers of Hospitality 4. Lay Presiders on Sunday The Lector The Lector Sharing God’s Word Produced by the Diocese of Springfield, VHS 2 Copies Massachusetts. This informative video offers up- to-date guidelines to prepare lectors for their role of service to the faith community. Narrated by Fr. Vernon Decoteau, Sharing God’s Word addresses practical concerns such as pronunciation, inflection, the entrance procession, nervousness, and handling the lectionary. Highlights of the historical and theological background of this ministry are included, as well as a discussion of the pastoral practice and liturgical role of the ministry of proclamation. Complete with study guide and questions for discussion, Sharing God’s Word is an excellent resource for both lector formation and in- service enrichment. 30 Minutes Twenty-Third Publications Mystic, Connecticut Let Us Pray the Mass 1. We speak to God 2. God speaks to us DVD 3. We give to God 4. God gives to us 5. The mystery of Mass 270

Introduction to Liturgy – Part 1 Each part in this challenging and enlightening Liturgy as Sacrament video series examines the liturgy celebrated by Recognizing God’s grace post-Vatican II Catholics today. Introduction to Liturgy provides viewers with answers to the DVD & VHS question, “What does Liturgy tell us about God and ourselves?”, as it probes the structure, history, and, most importantly, the spirit of liturgy. Each of the three segments in the series illustrates, from varying viewpoints, the proviso of the “Constitution on the Liturgy,” that liturgy is “the indispensable source of the true Christian spirit.” Twenty-Third Publications, Mystic, Connecticut Introduction to Liturgy – Part 2 Each part in this challenging and enlightening Liturgy as Dialogue video series examines the liturgy celebrated by Revealing & Epressing Faith post-Vatican II Catholics today. Introduction to Liturgy provides viewers with answers to the DVD & VHS question, “What does Liturgy tell us about God and ourselves?”, as it probes the structure, history, and, most importantly, the spirit of liturgy. Each of the three segments in the series illustrates, from varying viewpoints, the proviso of the “Constitution on the Liturgy,” that liturgy is “the indispensable source of the true Christian spirit.” Twenty-Third Publications, Mystic, Connecticut Introduction to Liturgy – Part 3 Each part in this challenging and enlightening Liturgy as Communal Worship video series examines the liturgy celebrated by Responding as an Assembly post-Vatican II Catholics today. Introduction to Liturgy provides viewers with answers to the DVD & VHS question, “What does Liturgy tell us about God and ourselves?”, as it probes the structure, history, and, most importantly, the spirit of liturgy. Each of the three segments in the series illustrates, from varying viewpoints, the proviso of the “Constitution on the Liturgy,” that liturgy is “the indispensable source of the true Christian spirit.” Twenty-Third Publications, Mystic, Connecticut Introduction to Liturgy – Part 4 Each part in this challenging and enlightening Liturgy of the Word video series examines the liturgy celebrated by Listening post-Vatican II Catholics today. Introduction to Liturgy provides viewers with answers to the DVD & VHS question, “What does Liturgy tell us about God and ourselves?”, as it probes the structure, history, and, most importantly, the spirit of liturgy. Each of the three segments in the series illustrates, from varying viewpoints, the proviso of the “Constitution on the Liturgy,” that liturgy is “the indispensable source of the true Christian spirit.” Twenty-Third Publications, Mystic, Connecticut Introduction to Liturgy – Part 5 Each part in this challenging and enlightening Liturgy of the Eucharist video series examines the liturgy celebrated by Sharing post-Vatican II Catholics today. Introduction to Liturgy provides viewers with answers to the 271

DVD & VHS question, “What does Liturgy tell us about God and ourselves?”, as it probes the structure, history, and, most importantly, the spirit of liturgy. Each of the three segments in the series illustrates, from varying viewpoints, the proviso of the “Constitution on the Liturgy,” that liturgy is “the indispensable source of the true Christian spirit.” Twenty-Third Publications, Mystic, Connecticut Liturgical Music Sr. Donna Kelly6 speaks on the appropriate use of Show 1: Marriage liturgical music in the Roman Catholic Church. Show 2: Funeral The first program deals with liturgical music for With Sr. Donna Kelly marriage and the second program discusses funeral music. Sr. Donna also leads the group in some musical selections. This program was sponsored in part by the William E. Power Foundation and was organized by the Liturgical Council of the Diocese of Antigonish and held at the Bras d’Or Hall. Mass in a Moment The National Catholic Broadcasting Council Presents DVD Mass in a Moment with Margaret Bick October 2000 – 1-888-383-6277 Persons, Places & Practices Understanding The Liturgy Of The Mass in the Catholic Church 27:30 min

DVD Planning Your Wedding Liturgy Catholic Update Video is a multifaceted resource Catholic Update Video for RCIA, small groups, classroom and individual viewing. Each program contains four segments DVD devoted to a single topic, helping viewers approach Also listed under Sacraments-Marriage that topic through story, testimony, teaching and music/video imagery. (closed-captioned)

This program gives couples a firm foundation for planning their wedding liturgy so that it will be celebrated and remembered as a visible sign of God’s faithful love. 33 Minutes St. Anthony Messenger Press Pope John Paul II The history-making visit of Pope John Paul II to 2 Video Set North America captured the hearts of a nation and The Life and Teachings of Pope John Paul II made him one of the most beloved of world The Christmas and Easter Liturgies leaders. Now you can share the experience of his life and liturgies in this unforgettable two video set. “The Life and Teachings of Pope John Paul II” tells

the incredible life story of the young man from VHS Poland and his journey of faith. Using archival Also listed in Adult Faith Formation footage and a unique English-speaking interview with Pope John Paul II, this moving and compelling film gives great insight into the heart and mind of this much loved Pope. “The Christmas and Easter Liturgies” gives a unique opportunity to celebrate the most important liturgies in the Christian calendar in the company 272

of the Pope in the Vatican City and Rome. Share the glories of Christmas and Easter enriched by music and magnificent architecture that can only inspire breathless wonder. Running Time: 104 Minutes Proclaiming the Word The church describes the reader’s task with striking Formation for Readers in the Liturgy simplicity: “It is Christ who speaks when the bible Part One: The Faith of the Reader is read at the liturgy.” In this video, experienced Part Two: The Work of the Reader readers and host, Aeired Rosser, OSB, author of the Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers, explore the spiritual foundation and the skills needed in this VHS ministry. Part One examines the “who,” “what” and “why” of proclaiming the word-being the troubling, comforting, rousing presence of Christ speaking to the church. Part Two demonstrates the “where,” “when” and “How” of proclaiming. Readers tell how they prepare and how they develop the practical communication skills required to be effective. We learn how individuals struggle to discover the meaning of the texts. Segment of the video can easily be used in training sessions to form new readers and to improve the skills and motivation of experienced readers, including priests and deacons. 43 Minutes Liturgy Training Publications This Sacred Meal Catholics come to Mass week after week, but seldom have an opportunity to reflect on the DVD larger meaning of why we come, what we are doing there, and what it all means for our daily life. This Sacred Meal can help adults reflect on these questions and deepen their understanding of the Eucharist. In this enriching video, Ellen Marshall has become a catechumen in her parish's RCIA process. She is growing in both her understanding and commitment to faith, but she is still aware of how much more she needs to learn. She stays late after a catechumenate session to chat with Mark, a member of the RCIA team. Their conversation revolves around the meaning of Eucharist and what the Eucharist challenges them to do in their lives. As their conversation unfolds, viewers have an opportunity to think about their own relationship to the Eucharist, and to ask themselves, "Am I really living my faith?" Beautifully acted and written, This Sacred Meal is perfect for adult religious education, formation for eucharistic ministers, RCIA teams, sponsors, catechumens and neophytes, and for Everyone who wants to move more deeply into the great gift of the Eucharist.


Sunday The Celebration of the Word Series hosted by A Basic Celebration Resource Christiane Brusselmans & Gerard A. Pottebaum This introduction to the Sunday Celebration of DVD & VHS the Word series describes the components, rational, and purpose of the Sunday series. You may wish to use this video in your parish to help parish leaders and parents appreciate the design of the Sunday series and its significance in nurturing the biblical and liturgical spirituality of your children. The Sunday series features the Directory for Masses with Children. 20:48 minutes Training the Eucharistic Minister Finally, A clear, concise video program for training Eucharistic ministers. Now these special DVD ministers can not only hear but also see what their role is in liturgy and how they can best perform it. The program explains the responsibilities of the Eucharistics minister when ministering within the assembly, to the sick and confined, and when leading communion services. Correct as well as incorrect methods of distributing the bread and wine are enacted, so that the ministers will see which habits to practice and which to avoid. The theology of this ministry of Communion is presented simply and understandably. The program also provides answers to such questions as: -What do I do if I drop the host or spill the wine? -How do I minister to a handicapped person? -How do I administer the Eucharist when no priest is available? -How will I know whether to place the host in a person's hand or on the tongue? -How should I minister the Eucharist to the sick and confined? Both new and veteran Eucharistic ministers will benefit from this instructional program. Why We Go To Mass Why We Go To Mass - Rev. J-Glenn Murray, S.J. - On Liturgy And Life DVD Why do we celebrate Mass? How is the Mass relevant to our lives today? Popular liturgist J- Glenn Murray, S.J., takes on critics who challenge that the Mass is "boring" or has little to do with daily life. He shows viewers the dynamic celebration that is our Catholic liturgy. In three 30-minute segments, Rev. Murray energetically addresses such issues as table fellowship and ritual, then walks viewers through the order of the Mass, explaining how each part calls for our "full, conscious, active participation" in God's work here on earth. Approx. 87 minutes 274

Liturgy - Children

Children, Liturgy and the Word See how children at St. Julie Billiart Church in Tinley Park, Illinois, process from the assembly to DVD & VHS celebrate their own liturgy of the word with ritual words, singing and gestures. Listen to how the lay preside proclaims the scriptures from the Lectionary for Masses with Children and preaches to the children. This is seen in the context of the entrance rite, the dismissal and the children’s participation in the liturgy of the eucharist with the larger assembly. As children, presiders, members of the assembly, religious educators, parents and the pastor are interviewed, learn how this liturgy evolved; why the approved translation, the Contemporary English Version, is used; how leaders are chosen and formed; how this liturgy differs from catechesis; and what effects this liturgy has had on the entire parish. This is a resource for any parish that wants to begin the Liturgy of the Word with Children or wishes to evaluate and enhance their current celebration. Guide Included. 26 Minutes – Produced by Brand X Filmworks, Inc. How to Celebrate the Word with Children..... Published by Treehaus Communications Inc. And Why This video provides a demonstration of a celebration of the Word with children, supported by DVD & VHS a wealth of information on the main components of a celebration, their significance, and the importance of adapting the readings in language children understand. Celebrating the Church Year for Children By Gaynell Cronin and Jack Rathschmidt, Pentecost O.F.M.Cap. At the first Pentecost, the apostles experienced the DVD & VHS power of the Holy Spirit within-a spirit which sent them forth to proclaim the Good News. This video looks at liturgical practices and Christian family customs which convey that spirit for children, aged 8-12. Sunday By Christiane Brusselmans, Ph.D. In this video, A Lectionary-based Catechetical Series Christiane Brusselmans briefly describes the For Children Aged 5 to 12 Years primary components, content and rationale of DVD & VHS Sunday, The lectionary-based catechetical series for children aged 5 to 12 years. Dr. Brusselmans is an internationally acclaimed catechist and director of the team who created Sunday, a landmark in catechetical publications. This video is intended to help introduce Sunday to parents, catechists, liturgists and others who may lead children in the celebration of the Word. 17 minutes 275


Apparitions at Fatima APPARITIONS AT FATIMA The angel of Portugal appears to three DVD shepherd children children at Fatima asking for prayers of reparation for the sins of the world. Soon after, Mary, the Mother of God, begins her stunning mission of mercy to mankind. Apparitions at Fatima recreates with great integrity the times and circumstances of Mary's appearances and miracles at Fatima. Her message of repentance and devotion to her Son to a world plunging into world war convicts all seriousness of sin and imparts great hope to the faithful. A film for the whole family, you will be drawn in and captivated. A Daniel Costelle film. Color / Approximately 90 Minutes. Mary – Disc 1 DISC 1 It is no secret that Marian theology has DVD undergone profound change since Vatican II. Unfortunately, what still remains a secret to many Christians, and espcially Catholics, is what has changed and why. This video program provides a means to discuss these issues with the help of expert advice. The first fice sessions highlight where the Church has come from, including a new emphasis on Scripture and a discussion of relevant themes like Mediatrix, Immaculate Conception, and the Assumption. The last five sessions show how Marian theology can move us toward the cutting edge of such contemporary issues as the concerns of social justice and the role of women in the church and society. All ten sessions reflect the new ecumenical possibilities of Marian theology in today's world. Anthony J. Tambasco is an associate professor of theology at the Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. With advance degrees, including a PH.D. in both Scripture and Christian ethics, he deals with a broad range of current issues in theology. In addition to several other books and articles, he has written a book on current Marian theology. He lectures widely in adult education and diocesan programs and has presented several series at the Smithsonian Institution. Dr. Tambasco's popular video series, Introduction to the New Testament is also available from Tabpr Publishing.


Mary – Disc 3 DISC 3 It is no secret that Marian theology has DVD undergone profound change since Vatican II. Unfortunately, what still remains a secret to many Christians, and espcially Catholics, is what has changed and why. This video program provides a means to discuss these issues with the help of expert advice. The first fice sessions highlight where the Church has come from, including a new emphasis on Scripture and a discussion of relevant themes like Mediatrix, Immaculate Conception, and the Assumption. The last five sessions show how Marian theology can move us toward the cutting edge of such contemporary issues as the concerns of social justice and the role of women in the church and society. All ten sessions reflect the new ecumenical possibilities of Marian theology in today's world. Anthony J. Tambasco is an associate professor of theology at the Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. With advance degrees, including a PH.D. in both Scripture and Christian ethics, he deals with a broad range of current issues in theology. In addition to several other books and articles, he has written a book on current Marian theology. He lectures widely in adult education and diocesan programs and has presented several series at the Smithsonian Institution. Dr. Tambasco's popular video series, Introduction to the New Testament is also available from Tabpr Publishing. Mary’s House – All are Invited Father Joe, a Capuchin Franciscan from Malta, has spent seven years at Mary's House as DVD chaplain and helper of pilgrims. He acts as historian, spiritual and tour guide through the ruins of Ephesus, Church of St. Mary, St. John's Basilica and Mary's House. Huge statue of the blessed virgin Mary erected at the base of a hill called Nightingale leading to Mary's house. Statue donated by Joseph Quatman, American society of Ephesus and dedicated on October 13, 1996. Vatican and Turkish officials presided. Some of the thousands of children who visit Mary's house each year. These children are Ukrainian. Over 1 million visitors are welcomed each year at Mary's house where Christians and Muslims pray together. The famous library of Ephesus erected under the patronage of the Roman Emperor Agrippa. It is a wonderfully preserved example of the emphasis the Ephesians placed on knowledge and culture. 277

Written, produced and directed by William N. Luceno Photographyand Editing by Michael S. Ditrolio Narration by Jack Luceno Executive Producers John & Cindy Sites. Touching Jesus – Talk 8 Talk 8: Mary and the Saints Mary and the Saints New as well as life-long Catholics will find 2 Copies - DVD answers to key questions about the Church. The talks are practical, entertaining, enlightening, and DVD & VHS completely faithful to the orthodox teachings of the Catholic Church. Also listed under Saints and Adult Faith Marcellino D'Ambrosio is assistant Formation Professor of Theology at the Institute of Religious and Pastoral Studies at the University of Dallas. His teachings reflect his vast pastoral experience in evangelization, ecumenism, liturgy, Hispanic ministry, and adult education. ChristLife - Catholic Evangelization Services The Touching Jesus Through the Church Study series is published and distributed by ChristLife, 12290A Folly Quarter Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042, USA. To order other videos, audios, or manuals, call (888) 498-8474 or (410) 531-7701 or visit www.christlife.org. The Visit The Visit - A video Translation Of Luke 1.39-56 At a time when women seldom traveled DVD alone, Mary courageously visited her elderly cousin Also listed under Bible Studies-Gospel to assist during Elizabeth's time of pregnancy and received a blessing for her own unborn son, Jesus. In her joy, Mary sings a song of Praise to God and remembers all of the great things God has done for the oppressed through the ages. In this exciting and colorful video, the skill of biblical experts and creative film makers - along with a compelling original musical score performed by women of the Calabash - combine to provide young people with a new translation of this important Scripture text. The visit is one of an exciting series of video Scriptures from the American Bible Society. This 8-minute translation of Luke 1.39-56 tells of Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth and culminates with her famous Song of Praise (sometimes known as "The Magnificat"). The ABS video Scripture series has been recognized internationally for its scholarly, imaginative, and contemporary approach to translating the Holy Scriptures in a remarkable new way. “Women of the Calabash” is a New York- based performance group who draws upon many different musical, dance and theatrical traditions to 278 provide unique and exhilarating experiences for their audiences. They have performed internationally at festivals, and on radio and television.



Pastoral Care – A Program for Pastoral Do volunteers in you parish visit the sick? What Volunteers training did they receive? What ongoing support and education are they getting? Are you looking to DVD start a “pastoral care team”? Pastoral Care, a 6- video set, helps parishes train those who, in the name of Christ and of your community, reach out to the sick. Each video begins with a re-enacted true story of a pastoral care volunteer and a person in need. He the host, Gaynell Bordes Cronin, provides practical advice on what a pastoral care volunteer is called to do. Insights are given as to what the person in need may be experiencing and how the pastoral care volunteer may respond. Disc 1: An overview of pastoral care. (25 Min) Building Skills for Effective Pastoral Care giving (25 Min) Assessing and Discerning (25 Min) Disc 2: Pastoral Care for People with Cancer (25 Min) Pastoral Care for the Dying (25 Min) Pastoral Care of Those Living with HIV/AIDS (25 Min) Produced by Fisher Productions What is Ministry




Cipher in the Snow

DVD The Miracle Maker – The Story of Jesus The Miracle Maker: The Story of Jesus offers rich detail and brilliant realism to this powerful DVD adventure. The voices of an all-star cast bring an inspiring perspective to the greatest story ever told – the life of Jesus Christ. A family is seeking help for their daughter, when they cross paths with an extraordinary carpenter named Jesus who is walking the countryside sharing the wonders of God. The father is loyal to the king but torn by his need for this Miracle Maker’s help. Against this crisis of faith, the true meaning of Christ comes to life for all who come to hear his words and experience his love. Rudy All his life, people have told Rudy he's not good enough, not smart enough, not big enough. DVD But nothing can stop his impossible dream of playing football for Notre Dame. From the time he's a young boy, Rudy (Sean Astin) is determined to join the Fighting Irish. But his blue-collar family only laughs at his ambitions; they know Rudy will follow his father and brothers to the local steel mill. And, for four long years after high school, he does just that, but some dreams won't die, as Rudy proves when he goes heroic, occasionally hilarious, lengths to win admission to Notre Dame. Once there, he becomes a walk-on player, serving as little more than a human tackling dummy agaisnt the starting players. Bloodied but unbeaten, Rudy wins the respect of legendary coach Ara Parseghian and the other Irish players, who give him one shot at gridiron glory. An incredible, true story from the creators of Hoosiers, RUDY is an unforgettable testament to the power of dreams and the triumph of the common man. (The) Small Miracle – The heartwarming story A beautiful, touching drama based on the book by of a boy’s love of St. Paul Gallico about Pepino, a young Italian boy in DVD Assisi who believes his dying donkey can be cured by taking the animal to the tomb of St. Francis. Refused permission by the rector, Pepino decides to travel all the way to Rome to ask the Pope’s permission to let his donkey be taken into the shrine of St. Francis. 74 minutes


Tuesdays with Morrie tuesdays with morrie Based on a true-life story, Tuesdays With DVD Morrie is a loving memoir to a man whose lessons on life have much to teach us about ourselves. Academy Award winner Jack Lemmon delivers an outstanding performance as Morrie Schwartz, the Brandeis University professor upon whom the best selling book is based. Hank Azaria (Godzilla) plays Mitch, an accomplished journalist so driven by his job, he has little time or energy left for anything else. One night, Mitch happens to catch Morrie's appearance on a national news program and learns his old professor is battling Lou Gehrig's disease. After the telecast, Mitch contacts Morrie. And what starts as a visit turns into a pilgrimage as Mitch opens his heart to the lessons Morrie has to teach him. As the bond grows between these two men, Mitch learns that professional commitments don't mean anything without the love of family and friends. Sure to Inspire, Tuesdays With Morrie may just change your views on the ...forever. The Visitor The Visitor Based on Tolstoy's short story "Where DVD Love IS..." the film tells the story of a cobbler named Martin and his struggle with Personal tragedy. A good husband and devoted father, Martin loses his wife and son in a tragic automobile crash. The loss leaves him withdrawn and bitter, and even though he is Christian he feels that God has abandoned him. Everyone Martin Encounters is dragged down by his troubled spirit. However, one day, totally unexpectedly, a friend from Martin's past helps fan the last flickering spark of faith and assures Martin that an important visitor is coming to see him. Martin thinks this coming visitor will be the Lord. He begins to find renewed strength and faith from the scriptures. He begins to grow and reach out to others. He waits expectantly and visitors do come, but not as Martin had imagined. Ordinary, everyday people become the channels of God's grace and are used by the Spirit to restore to Martin a new joy, hope, and purpose in life. Dramatic 30 minutes.


Where The Red Fern Grows This best selling family classic, based on Wilson Rawl’s legendary book, is the wonderful story of a DVD boy, Billy Coleman who longed to have his own hunting digs. A man wasn’t poor in the Ozarks of Oklahoma in 1930 if he had two fine hunting dogs. Billy worked long and hard to save up enough money to buy his very own Red-bone hounds. Spurred on by his grandfather’s homespun wisdom and advice to pray, Billy learns some of life’s most important lessons. You are Mine – A Story about Contentment Welcome back to the wonderful, wooden world of Wemmicksville, where Punchinello and the rest of DVD his wooden friends have boxed themselves into quite the predicament. Punchinello has never felt he measured up to other Wemmicks. Of course, most Wemmicks never feel like they quite measure up to each other either. And that’s exactly why everyone’s gone knotty over boxes and balls. Good Wemmicks have a lot, but the best Wemmick has the most! Join Punchinello on his journey from his lowly rand in Wemmicksville to the tiptop of Wemmicks Mountain, as he searches for boxes, balls and the acceptance of others. But only when little Punch falls into the hands of his loving creator, Eli, does he discover he is loved absotively, posilutely just the way he is. Based on the best-selling book by acclaimed author Max Ucado, and featuring the talented Steven Curtis Chapman as the voice of Eli, and with the music of Phil Keaggy and John Painter, Your Are Mine represents a new standard in family classics. You Are Special – A Story about Self-Worth Welcome to Wemmicksille....In this charming village of colorful shops and cobblestone streets DVD live the little wooden people know as Wemmicks. All Day, every day, the whimsical Wemmicks go about town doing the same thing: they give each other stickers. Golden stars are awarded to the talented and clever, while the clumsy and less gifted receive nothing but gray dots. Punchinello is covered with the dreaded gray stickers. Try as he might, he just can’t seem to earn even on golden star. But then he meets a most unusual Wemmick and discovers that thing can be different. When he takes his new friend’s advice and visits the extraordinary woodcarver something strange begins to happen to Punbchinello- something that is sure to shake Wemmicksville to its foundations. An Impact Entertainment/Crossway Books Production



Glory Day David Haas & Friends For many years, I have been fortunate to share my DVD & VHS gifts through concerts and workshops around the world. Through these experiences, we shared our faith and our stories along the journey and prayed together in song. I offer this video presentation so that those of you I’ve already met, and those of you I’ve yet to meet, can share in the energy and enthusiasm of proclaiming faith through song. This video concert like all my workshops and concerts, is a setting for evangelization and prayer. 2 Hours



Living from the Center By Richard Rohr How to Pray Combining the wisdom of Father Richard Rohr with visually intense and heart-moving images, the DVD & VHS video leads viewers in a prayer exercise which could help them shatter false images of self, get out of the enslaving demands of our culture and find true identity in God. This is not just another interesting program to be enjoyed. It is a radical look at the illusions we have made into idols and an invitation to take an inner journey to the place where God dwells. Prayertime, Familytime Religious educator and family expert Kathy Chesto By Kathleen O’Connell Chesto tells viewers that prayer is the way community celebrates all of life, emphasizing that one’s first DVD& VHS community is the family. She explores the importance of prayer in the context of the family and examines the essential nature of ritual. Using examples for her own family and others, Chesto encourages families to make prayer a part of their everyday activities so that every action becomes a prayer. This video is great for DREs to show to groups of parents-at the beginning of the school year, at sacrament preparation meetings, or other seasonal get togethers. It is also ideal for individual parent viewing at home. Guide Included -26 Minutes Twenty-Third Publications Praying the Psalms Praying the Psalms With Sr. Joan Chittister This video will help the viewer apply the Psalms to his or her own life, making these prayers one’s DVD & VHS own. Compelling visuals bring the Psalms to new life, even for those familiar with them. The insights of Sr. Joan Chittister touch the soul. Study guide included. 20 Minutes A Fisher Production distributed by St. Anthony Messenger, 1615 Republic St., Cincinnati, OH 45210 Telephone: 1-800-488-0488 The Song of Songs It has been said that everything in the world is not Performed by Leonardo and Patti Defilippis worth the day in which The Song of Songs was given to Israel. This beautiful poem of love from DVD & VHS the scriptures has been dramatized in a professional video grogram for modern audiences. In an idyllic natural setting, actors Leonardo and Patti Defilippis present a prayerful meditation on the love of the bridegroom and the bride. Using a combination of music and dramatic interpretation, the capture the many levels of symbolic meaning in “the sublime song”: the deep and sacramental love present in marriage, the love of God for His chosen people 285

Israel, the love of Christ for the Church, and the love of Christ for each individual soul. Saint Luke Productions, Beaverton, OR 97075 Teach Us to Pray Catholic Update Video is a multi-faceted, multi-use Befriending God in Prayer resource for adult faith formation. Each program is Catholic Update Video a “video toolbox” with four segments that help viewers approach a single topic through story, DVD testimony, teaching and music/video imagery. The “Teach Us To Pray” programs in this series are designed for small prayer and faith formation groups, the RCIA, youth ministry and high school. Each video explores how to pray, drawing from Scripture, Catholic tradition and the insight so teachers and authors on spirituality. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1615 Republic Street Cincinnati, OH 45210-1298 Teach Us to Pray Catholic Update Video is a multi-faceted, multi-use Praying Our questions resource for adult faith formation. Each program is Catholic Update Video a “video toolbox” with four segments that help viewers approach a single topic through story, DVD & VHS testimony, teaching and music/video imagery. The “Teach Us To Pray” programs in this series are

designed for small prayer and faith formation groups, the RCIA, youth ministry and high school. Each video explores how to pray, drawing from Scripture, Catholic tradition and the insight so teachers and authors on spirituality. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1615 Republic Street Cincinnati, OH 45210-1298 “Where two or More are Gathered....” Clergy and lay people share their experiences on Beginning Small Christian Communities how forming small faith groups enhances the spirituality of its members and enriches the church. VHS & DVD This video Consists of the Following Parts: 1. The Theology of Small Christian Communities 2. Setting up Small Christian Communities 3. The Dynamics of Restructuring



Celebrating Sacraments: By Peg Bowman Baptism Baptism, Celebrating Life 17 min Confirmation Reconciliation, Celebrating Forgiveness 14 min Eucharist Eucharist, Celebrating Community 14 min Reconciliation Confirmation, Celebrating Faith 14 min

DVD Of Sacraments and Symbols FC VIDEOS are distributed by Franciscan Communications – producers & distributors of all DVD & VHS types of media to highlight faith & value. In addition to award winning LOVE SPOTS for radio & television, Franciscan Communications is nationally renowned for its media productions and print materials serving the needs of pastors and religious educators in their many ministries. St. Anthony Messenger Press & Franciscan Communications 1615 Republic ST. Cincinnati OH 45210-1298 - (513) 241-5615 The Treehaus Video Library – Vol 7 Vol. 7 - The Sacraments 1) Signs of Faith/Biblical 12:05 DVD 2) Signs of New Life/Liturgical 12:09 Also listed Adult Faith Formation 3) Signs of Community/Doctrinal 9:49 4) Signs of Love/Christian Living 10:46


Sacraments – Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Expert author Kathleen Chesto leads viewers Past and Present through the development and history of this By Kathleen O. Chesto sacrament, starting from biblical times to post- Vatican II. Chesto offers an engaging presentation DVD & VHS in language that is comprehensible and clear. Guide materials and the video presentation present Catholic adults with a better understanding of the valuable place of this sacrament in their lives today. 20 Minutes – Twenty-Third Publications


Sacraments – Baptism

Adult Baptism Catholic Update Video is a multi-faceted resource Exploring its Meaning for RCIA, small groups, classroom and individual Catholic Update Video viewing. Each program contains four segments devoted to a single topic, helping viewers approach DVD & VHS that topic through story, testimony, teaching and music/video imagery. Adult Baptism Exploring its Meaning looks at the imagery surrounding the Sacrament of Baptism, part of the Church’s rite of initiation for both adults and children. 31 Minutes St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1615 Republic Street Cincinnati, OH 45210-1298 Baby’s Baptism Baby’s Baptism: Sacrament of Welcome is a three Sacrament of Welcome – Part 1 part video series designed to prepare parents for the Faith Journey Baptism of their child. It focuses on the deeper meanings of Christian Initiation. Hosted by Father VHS Anthony Scannell, OFM, the overall tone is one of welcome to the faith community, the family of God. Each part of the series focuses on a specific area in the preparation process. Part One looks at the need of every human being to belong. It invites the parents to reflect on their personal faith journeys and on the nature of the commitment they will be making by requesting Baptism for their child. Part One also traces the history of the Sacrament from the time of Jesus to the present day. 45 minutes Franciscan Communications 1229 So. Santee St., Los Angeles, CA 90015 Baby’s Baptism Baby’s Baptism: Sacrament of Welcome is a three Sacrament of Welcome – Part 2 part video series designed to prepare parents for the Symbols and the Rite of Baptism Baptism of their child. It focuses on the deeper meanings of Christian Initiation. Hosted by Father VHS Anthony Scannell, OFM, the overall tone is one of welcome to the faith community, the family of God. Each part of the series focuses on a specific area in the preparation process. Part 2 explores the power and meaning of symbols in our lives. Using a beautiful dramatization of the Rite of Baptism for Children, Father Scannell reveals the richness of the Rite, its symbols, and its implications for the newly baptized, the family and the whole Church Community. 40 minutes Franciscan Communications 1229 So. Santee St., Los Angeles, CA 90015


Baby’s Baptism Baby’s Baptism: Sacrament of Welcome is a three Sacrament of Welcome – Part 3 part video series designed to prepare parents for the Christian Parenting Baptism of their child. It focuses on the deeper meanings of Christian Initiation. Hosted by Father VHS Anthony Scannell, OFM, the overall tone is one of welcome to the faith community, the family of God. Each part of the series focuses on a specific area in the preparation process. Part Three, for use after the Baptism, reflects on the beauties and responsibilities of Christian parenting, including ongoing religious formation. I emphasizes the process of initiation begun in Baptism and culminating in Eucharist. 40 minutes Franciscan Communications 1229 So. Santee St., Los Angeles, CA 90015 Baptism Baptism – Celebrating Life Celebrating Life By Peg Bowman Celebrating Sacraments Young Ben wonders about the significance of the white garment as he prepares for his cousin’s VHS baptism. His parents explain this and much more in Baptism: Celebrating Life. The emphasis here

is on the family’s commitment to having their child join them as one of a “Pilgrim People,” becoming a member of the “Body of Christ.” The relationship of Baptism to the other sacraments of Initiation is explained; great theology here. This lively presentation gives parents an opportunity to update their understanding of the Catholic faith, and it also challenges them to walk the journey of faith with their child – every day. The video covers the theology of baptism and the importance of its rites and rituals, but it also assures parents that they and their children are called through baptism to be followers of Christ and witnesses to a gospel way of life. Parents preparing for the baptism of their child will be inspired, informed, and encouraged by this thoughtful presentation. Twenty-Third Publication Baptism Baptism The Mystery of Faith: With Michael Himes Baptism is part of the ten An Introduction to Catholicism video series Mystery of Faith: An Introduction to Catholicism, which introduces viewers to the VHS “depth dimension” of many of the key Catholic insights. There are many videos available about Baptism, but this program is unique in its exploration of the awesome and mystical depth of the sacrament. Viewers will have a renewed appreciation of what a baptismal commitment really involves. A Fisher Production distributed by: St. Anthony Messenger, 1615 Republic St. Cincinnati, OH 45210 1-800-488-0488 290

Baptism The Parish is a “begetting community.” Each New Life baptism is the celebration of a new life born into A Parish Celebrates Infant Baptism Christ, into Christ’s body, the Church. Christ the King Catholic Community in Las Vegas, Nevada, VHS baptizes their infants at Sunday Eucharist. The parishioners are full, conscious, and active participants: from greeting the family at the door, through the Liturgy of the Word, renewal of baptismal promises, full immersion, sealing with oil, giving the garment and candle. Good music is integrated with fullness of symbol. After years of celebrating baptism with enthusiasm and joy, members of the Christ the King parish express their support for the families, promising to nourish these newly baptized in a church that takes seriously its liturgy ad its work for social justice. We come away knowing why the children and the adults of this parish look forward to the baptisms at Sunday Mass. LTP – Liturgy Training Publications Baptism This Video introduces the touching story of Sacrament of Belonging Alfredo a young Mexican boy orphaned by a tragic Storyscape fire. He wanders the villages of Mexico in search VHS of acceptance and family. He is badly scarred both physically and emotionally by the fire that robbed him of his family. Alfredo comes upon the orphanage of Our Little Brothers and Sisters where he pleads his case to Father Wasson the founder and director. Father Wasson presents Alfredo’s story to the children, giving them the power of accepting or rejecting Alfredo into their community, their family. Their willing acceptance and welcoming of Alfredo invites his healing and wholeness in the family of God. Reflection on the story encourages exploration of Baptism as the sacrament of welcome into the family of God. 15 minutes St. Anthony Messenger Press and Franciscan Communications Commitment to Caring Directed by Tom Rook Themes: Baptism/Community/Social Concerns DVD Audience: Junior High-Adult Two brief, dramatic vignettes, based on true life Also Listed Under Catholic Social Justice experiences, underline the nature of our Baptismal commitment and call to community. WE'RE DOING O.K. A young woman's anxiety about her aging mother, who lives alone in a deteriorating neighbourhood, is diminished as she sees the elderly neighbours ever-present awareness of each other. PARADOX Based on a true incident, this film dramaizes the 291

dilemma of volunteers at a soup kitchen, as they are faced with police action if they continue taking adible food from a produce warehouse garbage bin for their patrons. # 7108/Commitment To Caring/Storyscape 20 Minutes Franciscan Communications 1229 South Santee Street, Los Angeles, California 90015 Infant Baptism Catholic Update Video is a multi-faceted resource A Gift to the Community for RCIA, small groups, classroom and individual Catholic Update Video viewing. Each program contains four segments devoted to a single topic, helping viewers approach DVD & VHS that topic through story, testimony, teaching and music/video imagery.

Infant Baptism A Gift to the Community offers a four-part video resource package that can be used as part of a parish program for parents who are bringing their child to be baptized. Leader’s Guide included. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1615 Republic Street Cincinnati, OH 45210-1298

Reborn A traditional rite, an important symbol, an excuse Something Amazing Is Going On to celebrate the arrival of a baby and gather Set of 6 everyone for a photo op... Baptism means a lot of The Gift of Godparents different things to those who experience it. What if The Mission to Love there is a lot more happening in Baptism than most people realize? Evangelization Through Baptism Reborn explores the deeply personal relevance of Nurturing the Life of Grace Baptism, bringing to light the spiritual reality for Entering the Mystery parents and godparents and, most importantly, the A New Creation child being baptized. With a step-by-step explanation of the rite itself, including its profound DVD (2 Sets) place in Scripture and Tradition, Reborn show how Baptism reveals the heart of God’s love for His children. The Sacrament of Baptism By Kathleen O. Chesto Past and Present Expert author Kathleen Chesto leads viewers through the development and history of this DVD & VHS sacrament, starting from biblical times to post- Vatican II. Chesto offers an engaging presentation in language that is comprehensible and clear. Guide materials and the video presentation present Catholic adults with a better understanding of the valuable place of these sacraments in their lives today. 26 min Touching Jesus – Talk 2 Talk Two: Baptism - Gateway to Life Baptism – Gateway to Life New as well as life-long Catholics will find answers to key questions about the Church. The DVD & VHS talks are practical, entertaining, enlightening, and Also listed under Adult Faith Formation completely faithful to orthodox teachings of the 292

Catholic Church. ChristLife - Catholic Evangelization Services The Touching Jesus Through the Church Study series is published and distributed by ChristLife, 12290A Folly Quarter Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042, USA. To order other videos, audios, or manuals, call (888) 498-8474 or (410) 531-7701 or visit www.christlife.org. We Want our Baby Baptized We Want Our Baby Baptized By Father Joseph Champlin This video describes the riches of birth and baptism, then sketches what the Church expects of VHS those who seek this sacrament for their children. A dramatized vignette demonstrates the kind of problems presented by some parents today. Tabor Publishing Your Baby’s Baptism With Fr. Jim Deiters Welcome to God’s Family Your baby’s baptism is a wonderful reminder that the church and God’s entire family continue to DVD & VHS grow. This DVD celebrates and renews your faith while strengthening your decision to raise your child in the Catholic faith. 30 minutes


Sacraments – Confirmation

The Choice SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Directed by Tony Frangakis DVD Themes: Confirmation, role models, awareness of others Audience: Junior High - Adult Teenage Kim is asked by her widowed father to finish her confirmation preparation before deciding for certain that she doesn't want to be confirmed. In the ensuing months Kim is befriended by Christina, a young woman she grows to love and admire. Christina's lifestyle helps Kim realize that service to others is more a blessing than a chore. Moving and authentic in its approach to teenage concerns, THE CHOICE is an ideal video for Confirmation preparation. The video is also an excellent addition to any youth ministry program, touching on themes of service, responsibility, Christian identity, commitment, parent-teen conflict, and peer-to peer witness. #7139 / THE CHOICE / 19 min. St. Anthony Messenger Press and Franciscan Communications 1615 Republic St. Cincinnati, OH 45210-1298 - (51) 241-5615 Confirming the Faith of Adolescents With Sister Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D Part 1 Segment 1: Goals of the Confirmation Program (Duration: 30 minutes) DVD Segment 2: The Theological Problem of Confirmation (Duration: 30 minutes) Segment 3: The How To's of Confirmation Preparation (Duration: 30 minutes) Confirming the Faith of Adolescents With Sister Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D. Part 2 Segment 1: Accept for Yourself the Gift of Faith (Duration: 30 minutes) DVD Segment 2: Confirmation into Eucharist (Duration: 30 minutes) Segment 3: Sealed in the Holy Spirit (Duration: 30 minutes)

Letter to My Child "You'll fullfil the promise of your baptism in as much as you become a person who is welcoming, DVD open and sensitive to the people around you. I hope you'll become a person who looks for the truth and that you'll find your way back to your origin: God." Mom The people who surround Jesus in the bible lived on the margins of society, excluded from the 294

official religion. They were people who needed light, who were hungry for the truth and thursty for the opportunity to love and be loved. Letter to My Child was created in this spirit to support the work of Pastoral Baptism Services, and to encourage a compassionate approach in parents who want to have their children baptised. This video is an intimate moment with a mother who expresses her wishes to her child on the day he is being reborn of water and spirit. This letter will be a source of inspiration for her child's human and spiritual growth, guiding him throughout his life. Letter to My Child, Letter from the Parent and Letter from God are tools that are meant to touch the heart of our hearts, the heart ouf our lives and the heart of our faith. The Sacrament of Confirmation By Kathleen O. Chesto Past and Present Expert author Kathleen Chesto leads viewers through the development and history of each DVD sacrament, starting from biblical times to post- Vatican II. Chesto offers an engaging presentation in language that is comprehensible and clear. 35 min The Spirit and Confirmation – Grades 5-9 These videos challenge us to see the Spirit revealed Part 1 as giver of life, giver of gifts and maker and keeper Written by Gaynell Bordes Cronin of promises. Excellent for classrooms and Confirmation preparation and RCIC. Study guide DVD & VHS includes directions for use, activities, prayer celebrations and prayers. Part 1 explores these themes:  Who is the Spirit?  When has the Spirit been present in salvation history?  What are our experiences of the Spirit in our daily living, in the life of Jesus, the Church and world?  How do we name our gifts in the service of others?  What are the fruits of the Spirit? The Spirit and Confirmation – Grades 5-9 These videos challenge us to see the Spirit revealed Part 2 as giver of life, giver of gifts and maker and keeper Written by Gaynell Bordes Cronin of promises. Excellent for classrooms and Confirmation preparation and RCIC. Study guide DVD & VHS includes directions for use, activities, prayer celebrations and prayers. Part 2 explores these themes:  What is the work of the Spirit?  What scriptural images speak of the Spirit?  What are the traditional seven gifts of the Spirit?  How do we ritually celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of 295

Confirmation?  How does the Spirit breathe in the Sacraments of Initiation? Godparent Gussie FC VIDEOS are distributed by Franciscan Communications – producers & distributors of all DVD types of media to highlight faith & value. In addition to award winning LOVE SPOTS for radio & television, Franciscan Communications is nationally renowned for its media productions and print materials serving the needs of pastors and religious educators in their many ministries. St. Anthony Messenger Press & Franciscan Communications 1615 Republic ST. Cincinnati OH 45210-1298 - (513) 241-5615 Touching Jesus – Talk 3 Talk Three: Confirmation - Empowered to Confirmation – Empowered to Serve Serve New as well as life-long Catholics will find DVD & VHS answers to key questions about the Church. The Also listed under Adult Faith Formation talks are practical, entertaining, enlightening, and completely faithful to orthodox teachings of the Catholic Church. ChristLife - Catholic Evangelization Services The Touching Jesus Through the Church Study series is published and distributed by ChristLife, 12290A Folly Quarter Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042, USA. To order other videos, audios, or manuals, call (888) 498-8474 or (410) 531-7701 or visit www.christlife.org. Who is the Spirit? Who is the Spirit? Written by Gaynell Bordes Cronin Look! Be aware! Be awake to the Spirit! Grades 1-4 The Holy Spirit moves through and in all times, places and people, making us one. DVD The Holy Spirit is: giver of life, giver of gifts, and maker and keeper of promise. The Holy Spirit is God’s life in us and among us, the Spirit of Jesus with us, the one who brings life to the Church. “I am with you always.” This video invites children to become more familiar with the working of the Holy Spirit as friend, helper and teacher of the message of Jesus. In the life of the Spirit received in Baptism, children explore the gestures and actions of Confirmation and discover how to use their gifts for others in making the world a better place. Running Time: 11 minutes St. Anthony Messenger Press Cincinnati, OH 45210-1298 1-800-488-0488


Sacraments – Eucharist

The Angel’s First Communion Lesson By Gwen Costello The angels are at it again! Here’s a wonderful DVD teaching tool for your First Communion program. Also Listed Under Catechesis Angel Michaela and friends offer their heavenly aid to catechists and children in this delightful video – he latest in the popular, award-winning “angel series” from Twenty-Third. In Simple, clear language the angels speak of Jesus’ presence at Mass, of the very special gift of the Eucharist. They remind children of their baptism and of the forgiveness they celebrate in the sacrament of reconciliation. 13minutes Become One Body One Spirit in Christ Become One Body One Spirit in Christ interactive Deepening our understanding of the Eucharist DVD explores the depth, richness, and layers of in our lives. meaning of the liturgical texts of the Roman Missal. Five foundational essays by experts in sacramental theology and liturgy provide the themes and pathways of this resource, which uses video, text, graphics and music to help the user enrich their understanding and deepen their appreciation of the Eucharist. Eucharist Catholic Update Video is a multifaceted resource Celebrating Christ Present for RCIA, small groups, classroom and individual (2 Copies) viewing. Each program contains four segments devoted to a single topic, helping viewers approach that topic through story, testimony, teaching and music/video imagery. (closed-captioned) This Program offers a key to understanding the Eucharist, which Catholics celebrate each Sunday. First Eucharist FC VIDEOS are distributed by Franciscan 2 Copies Communications – producers & distributors of all types of media to highlight faith & value. In DVD addition to award winning LOVE SPOTS for radio & television, Franciscan Communications is nationally renowned for its media productions and print materials serving the needs of pastors and religious educators in their many ministries. St. Anthony Messenger Press & Franciscan Communications 1615 Republic ST. Cincinnati OH 45210-1298 - (513) 241-5615 Grandma’s Bread & El Pan de la Abuelita Mario’s grandmother lives with his family and is A Eucharist Film the special friend of this seven year old. A few days before Easter, Mario helps his grandma, DVD “Nonna,” prepare a complicated recipe from the old country called Pane de Pasqua (Easter Bread). Mario asks her to make this wonderful bread for his First Communion the following month as a special favor. She promises that she will. 18 minutes 297

The Celebration of Eucharist The Celebration of Eucharist for the Twenty-First For the Twenty-First Century Century To the casual observer, our celebration of the Eucharist might appear to be simply a random collection of prayers and pious actions. But the Mass has a definite shape and flow. It consists of two major parts: the liturgy of the Word and the liturgy of the Eucharist. These are so closely interconnected that they form but one single act of worship. As the General Instruction of the Roman Missal makes clear: In the Mass is spread the table both of God’s word and of the Body of Christ, and from it the faithful are instructed and refreshed. In addition to these two major parts, there are also introductory rites and concluding rites to ease our transition from home to the celebration and from the celebration back into the world. The Sacrament of Eucharist By Kathleen O. Chesto Past and Present Expert author Kathleen Chesto leads viewers through the development and history of this DVD sacrament, starting from biblical times to post- Vatican II. Chesto offers an engaging presentation in language that is comprehensible and clear. 26 min


Sacraments – Eucharist – Children

A Child’s First Communion A Child’s First Communion



Sacraments – Holy Orders

The Sacrament of Holy Orders Expert author Kathleen Chesto leads viewers Past and Present through the development and history of this By Kathleen O. Chesto sacrament, starting from biblical times to post- Vatican II. Chesto offers an engaging presentation DVD & VHS in language that is comprehensible and clear. Guide materials and the video presentation present Catholic adults with a better understanding of valuable place of Holy Orders in the Church today. 23 Minutes – Twenty-Third Publications


Sacraments – Marriage

Beloved What if marriage is more than a simple contract Finding Happiness in Marriage between two people, bassed on romance, mutual fulfillment and basic attraction? What if woven 6 DVD Set into the very design of your humanity is a purposeful desire for you to be united with your beloved, creating something new, mysterious and holy? What if your marriage is designed to be a vital part of God’s work in the world? In 12 sessions, Beloved explores the essential realities of marriage, dealing with the deepest spiritual, emotional, and practical aspects of what the sacrament means for those preparing to get married as well as those who yearn for a richer married life. Through Scripture, Tradition and Church teaching, God’s plan for marriage will come alive. Commitments Sexuality and Love

DVD Commitments #2 Two in one Flesh

DVD Commitments #3 One Marriage, Many Marriages

DVD Gathered in My Name Using real life video clips of many different An Introduction to the Spirituality families, Gather in My Name explores the profound Of Family Life love that should be at the center of every Christian family. DVD & VHS Ordinary family events – meals, conversations, moments of intimacy and reconciliation – are Also listed in Adult Faith Formation shown to be occasions of God’s presence. By observing families of all ages and all sizes, husbands and wives and parents and children can learn to reflect God’s love more fully. This 10 minute video is ideal for viewing by individual families. It can also be used by parishes and dioceses for both marriage preparation and marriage enrichment programs. The enclosed discussion guide offers questions and activities for families and larger groups. ACTA Publications 4848 North Clark St., Chicago, Illinois 60640 Married and Enjoying It A couple talks about their marriage of 15 years in a Candid manner. 27 Minutes DVD Suitable for family living. 2002 Marriage Preparation & Enrichment SESSION 1 &2 Video 1: 301

DVD Session 1: Marriage as Vocation 35 minutes Session 2: Marriage as Sacrament 43 minutes ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Diocese of Saskatoon gratefully acknowledges Reverend Erik Riechaers, SAC Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallotine Fathers) Participants: Mark and Darcie Lich, Shaun and Katarina Nechvatal, Matt Sherry and Debora Rolfes, Jim and Sharon Whelan, Barry and Bernadette Stubbington Musicians: Garth Horn and Gordon Mortson from their new compact disc "Be Still and Know". Marriage Preparation & Enrichment Session: 3, 5 & 5 VIDEO II: DVD Session 3: Three Lessons for the Spirituality of Married Life (43 minutes) Session 4: Three more Lessons for the Spirituality of Married Life (54 minutes) Session 5: Fr. Erik in Dialogue with the couples (35 minutes) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Diocese of Saskatoon gratefully acknowledges Reverend Erick Ricchers, SAC Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallotine Fathers) Participants: Mark and Darcie Lich, Shaun and Katarina Nechvatal, Matt sherry and Debora Rolfes, Jim and Sharon Whelan, Barry and Bernadette Stubbington. Musicians: Garth Horn and Gordon Mortson from their compact disc "Be still and know". Planning Your Wedding Liturgy Catholic Update Video is a multifaceted resource Catholic Update Video for RCIA, small groups, classroom and individual viewing. Each program contains four segments DVD devoted to a single topic, helping viewers approach Also listed under Liturgy that topic through story, testimony, teaching and music/video imagery. (closed-captioned) This program gives couples a firm foundation for planning their wedding liturgy so that it will be celebrated and remembered as a visible sign of God’s faithful love. 33 Minutes St. Anthony Messenger Press The Sacrament of Matrimony Expert author Kathleen Chesto leads viewers Past, Present, Future through the development and history of each By Kathleen O. Chesto sacrament, starting from biblical times to post- Vatican II. Chesto offers an engaging presentation 2 Copies in language that is comprehensible and clear. Guide materials and the video presentation present

Catholic adults with a better understanding of the DVD valuable place of these sacraments in their lives today. 35 Minutes – Twenty-Third Publications 302

Together Forever Powerful Truths that Can Make Your Marriage DVD More Rewarding And your Family Relationships More Meaningful. When a Couple Marries

DVD When Two Become One With Msgr. Jim Lisante An Introduction to Sacramental Marriage Join Msgr. Jim Lisante as he unpacks what every engaged couple needs to know before they enter DVD into marriage in the Catholic Church. As a Sacrament, marriage in the Catholic Church is more than a joyous celebration or a reliqgiou ritual. Msgr. Lisante explains that as a sacrament, marriage reflects Jesus Christ’s unbreakable bond of love with his Church, a love that is free, faithful, and fruitful. The sacrament of marriage is a sacred vow, a gift a mon and woman freely and knowingly give to each other. 25 minutes Your Marriage – Part 1 Your Marriage - Part 1 - As Christ Loves the Church DVD This video introduces the sacrament of marriage and its relationship to the faith community. It adresses the issues: Friends, and interests, the Extended Family, and the unique witness value of Christian marriage. Through the use of vignettes depicting real-life situations, this video looks at these three areas, and the strains that can arise when two people join their lives in marriage. The video also offers means to promote open communication to help couples grow in a covenant of life and love. 40 minutes. A presenter's guide is included Chuck and Judy Neff are the hosts of this series. They have been married for more than twenty years and have four children. They are actively involved in their church and have presented marriage preparation and enrichment courses to thousands of couples. Other videos in the series Part One: As Christ Loves the Church - Looks at Friends and Interests, the Extended Family, and Sacramentality. Part Two: Two Becoming as One - Addresses Personality Matches, Personal Issues, Communication, and Problem Solving. Part four: Areas of Special Concern - Discusses Cohabition, Religion and Values, Interfaith Marriages, and Second Marriages. Your Marriage – Part 3 Your Marriage - Part 3 - Can Love Conquer All? DVD This video looks at four of the most demanding issues facing a couple contemplating 303

marriage: Readiness, Sexuality, Family Finances, and Parenting. Through the use of Vignettes depicting real-life situations, this video offers means to promote open communication to help couples grow in a covenant of life and love. 45 minutes. A Presenter's guide is included. Chuck and Judy Neff are the hosts of this series. They have been married for more than twenty years and have four children. They are actively involved in their church and have presented marriage preparation and enrichment courses to thousands of couples. Other videos in the series Part One: As Christ Loves the Church - Looks at Friends and Interests, the Extended Family, and Sacramentality. Part Two: Two Becoming as One - Addresses Personality Matches, Personal Issues, Communication, and Problem Solving. Part four: Areas of Special Concern - Discusses Cohabition, Religion and Values, Interfaith Marriages, and Second Marriages. Your Marriage – Part 4 Your Marriage - Part 4 - Areas of Special Concern DVD This video looks at areas that are of special concern for couples in today's society. It discusses the issues of cohabitation, Religion and values, interfaith Marriages, and Second Marriages. Through the use of vignettes depicting real-life situations, this video offers means to promote open communication to help couples grow in a covenant of life and love. 35 minutes. A Presenter's Guide is included. Chuck and Judy Neff are the hosts of this series. They have been married for more than twenty years and have four children. They are actively involved in their church and have presented marriage preparation and enrichment courses to thousands of couples. Other videos in the series Part One: As Christ Loves the Church - Looks at Friends and Interests, the Extended Family, and Sacramentality. Part Two: Two Becoming as one - Addresses Personality Matches, Personal Issues, Communication, and Problem Solving. Part Three: Can Love Conquer All? - Discusses the issues of Readiness, Sexuality, Family Finances, and Parenting.


Sacrament – Reconciliation

The Angels First Reconciliation Lesson By Gwen Costello This delightful video, the sixth in our “angel” series DVD offers children information about friendship with Also listed under Catechesis Jesus, forgiveness, and the Rite of Penance, and it walks with children through the various steps of the rite. 12 minutes The Church Celebrates Catholic Update Video is a multi-faceted resource The Reconciling God for RCIA, small groups, classroom and individual Catholic Update Video viewing. Each program contains four segments devoted to a single topic, helping viewers approach DVD & VHS that topic through story, testimony, teaching and music/video imagery.

The Church Celebrates the Reconciling God focuses on the history, theology and practice of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Leader’s Guide included. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1615 Republic Street Cincinnati, OH 45210-1298 First Reconciliation Resources Kit FIRST RECONCILIATION RESOURCES KIT 2 Copies 1.This Is The Mass 1. Getting Ready DVD 2. The Mass Begins 3. A Giving Time 4.Jesus Alive In Us 2. Scripture Stories 1. Manna In the Desert 2. Jesus Feeds His People 3.The Last Supper 3. Moral Stories 1.The Sport Car 2. Burnt Cookies 3. Loving Choices 4. Scripture Stories 1. The Good Sheppard 2.The Forgiving Father 3.Peter and Jesus First Reconcilliation FC VIDEOS are distributed by Franciscan Communications – producers & distributors of all DVD types of media to highlight faith & value. In addition to award winning LOVE SPOTS for radio & television, Franciscan Communications is nationally renowned for its media productions and print materials serving the needs of pastors and religious educators in their many ministries. St. Anthony Messenger Press & Franciscan Communications 1615 Republic ST. Cincinnati OH 45210-1298 - (513) 241-5615 First Reconciliation Sports Car Burnt Cookies Loving Choices 305

DVD The Good Sheppard The Forgiving Father Peter and Jesus The God Who Reconciles Catholic Update Video is a multi-faceted resource Catholic Update Video for RCIA, small groups, classroom and individual viewing. Each program contains four segments DVD & VHS devoted to a single topic, helping viewers approach that topic through story, testimony, teaching and music/video imagery. The God Who Reconciles addresses the topic of reconciliation with a look at the source of all forgiveness, our reconciling God. Leaders Guide included. 33 minutes St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1615 Republic Street Cincinnati, OH 45210-1298 Lent With Kathleen Chesto A Time to Forgive Lent allows us to slow down and realize that we are loved for who we are, not for what we do. Parents DVD & VHS can accept and love their children, despite their Also listed under Lent – Easter mistakes. The sacrament of Reconciliation offers us this same gift of forgiveness. We can learn to forgive and accept ourselves as God does, and then offer forgiveness to others. 20 minutes My Father’s House First Reconciliation – 6 Stories (3 Moral, 3 Biblical) DVD Preparing Your Child for First Reconciliation Catholic Update Video is a multi-faceted resource Catholic Update video for RCIA, small groups, classroom and individual viewing. Each program contains four segments devoted to a single topic, helping viewers approach DVD & VHS that topic through story, testimony, teaching and music/video imagery. Preparing your Child for First Reconciliation supplements parish sacramental programs with a story and music video for the child, witness and teaching for parents, and models for parish programs in the leader’s guide. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1615 Republic Street Cincinnati, OH 45210-1298 Preparing Children for Reconciliation Preparing Children for Reconciliation ...in Four Creative Ways 1. Handle with Care by Andrea Star offers children five open-ended stories or moral dilemmas that involve them in discussion about “right and wrong.” Its goal is conscience formation and learning to make good moral choices. 2. Ricky’s First Reconciliation by Gwen Costello actually walks children through the Rite of Penance so they will feel comfortable making their first reconciliation or celebrating the sacrament at any time. 306

3. Kevin’s Temptation by Rev. Chris Emerson is based on the gospel encounter between Jesus and the devil. Kevin, like Jesus, is tempted three times, and he has to draw on faith and courage to resist. The goal of this story is to help children understand the concepts of temptation, conscience, and courage. 4. Reconciliation: Celebrating Forgiveness by Peg Bowman takes place in a family home where a discussion is underway about first reconciliation. The father in the family learns from his son that reconciliation is a sacrament of joy and not fear or embarrassment. Reconciliation/Ricky’s First The Rite of Penance The Rite of Penance By Gwen Costello Adult Version In this live-action video, we follow Ricky through the process of preparing for his first reconciliation. DVD & VHS A variety of settings and situations make this an inclusive approach to sacrament preparation that will help both children and adults understand the Rite of Penance and the sacramental theology that surrounds it. Use Ricky’s First Reconciliation for classroom instruction in grades 2 – 5. Additionally, this video contains introductory and concluding material that is ideal for meetings of parents preparing their children to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. It is good for in-home viewing by parents, and can be used as backup training for catechists teaching the Rite of Penance. Twenty-Third Publication, P. O. Box 180 Mystic, CT 06355 1-800-321-0411 The Sacrament of Reconciliation By Dr. Kathleen Chesto Past & Present Perhaps the most mysterious and often least appreciated sacrament is reconciliation. What is DVD & VHS the nature and purpose of this sacrament? How has its theology and ritual changed over almost 2,000 years? The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Past & Present covers the history, ritual, and theology of this sacrament over the course of its presence in Christianity. From the linking of the Hebrew concept of penance and Jesus’ concept of forgiveness forged in the early days of Christian communities: through canonical penance, the inception of individual confession, and temporal punishment; through the decrees of the Fourth Lateran Council, the Reformation, and the ; on into pre- then post-Vatican II belief and practice, this two-part video program gives a 307

concise, thoroughly accessible overview of reconciliation. Twenty-Third Publications, Mystic, CT 06355 Skateboard Skateboard Directed by: Tony Frangakis DVD Themes: Conscience, sin, forgiveness Audience: Primary - Adult Sandy is an adventurous eight-year old with a brand new skateboard. Bored with coasting on easy hills and her driveway, she decides to ride in the street (face down) on a very steep hill that she has been told never to ride on. Unable to stop, she loses control of the board and narrowly escapes a serious accident. Knowing she has been recognized, Sandy runs and hides. Her parents discover her and they help her to realize that the people who love us make rules because they care and that having broken a rule she must face the consequences. Skateboard, with its exciting motion sequences, its humorous, tough-minded conscience figure and its clear moral statement, is ideally suited to young audiences, ages 7-9. 12 minutes.



Anthony of Padua - Gospel & Charity ANTHONY OF PADUA - GOSPEL & CHARITY To mark the 800th Anniversary of the Birth DVD of Saint Anthony, we would like to offer you a film by the director, Leandro Castellani. This suggestive and important documentary tells the story of Saint Anthony's outstanding life: the work he carried out and the places where he made his presence felt. From Portugal to Padua, the story introduces us to the evangelical dimension of the Saint's life, offering us the chance to understand the greatness of his human qualities and the depth of his spiritual illumination. This is an excellent co- production by the most important editors in the Catholic world. Bernadette BERNADETTE - THE PRINCESS OF LOURDES The Princess of Lourdes It's February 11, 1858. Three girls from Lourdes, France, gather firewood in front of a DVD grotto. Suddenly one of them, Bernadette Soubirous, 14, drops to her knees, gazes ecstatically at something beautiful only she can see, and starts to pray. Soon the town buzzes: Has Bernadette, poor, sickly and always behind in school, really seen a Lady from Heaven? The police chief is angry, the pastor busy, and the crowds amused, but Bernadette is calm and brave. Then a spring bubbles up from nowhere and withered arms and sightless eyes are cured. At last, the Lady tells Bernadette her name: I am the Immaculate Conception." BERNADETTE, THE PRINCESS OF LOURDES, is the exciting true story of a visit by the Queen of Heaven that left all the world a source of health for body and soul. Color/Running Time 30 Minutes. Brother Andre At the conclusion of the Eucharistic Congress, in the Fall of 1910, an unexpected visitor witnessed DVD the inner crisis assailing Brother Andre. It is a decisive moment in the development of the Oratory. Historical – 88 Minutes - color Brother Sun, Sister Moon

DVD Brother Sun, Sister Moon St Francis of Assisi



The Fifth Word A production from Pasoalto This video captures the life of a young woman DVD possessing an astounding degree of sensitivity and a complete willingness to fulfill and embrace the will of God. She discovered the true magnitude of life and secret to happiness in a way that few ever think of doing, through giving up everything, including her own personal life, to the poorest of the poor, as in them she saw the image of Christ himself. 60 minutes Finding St. Anthony Over the centuries, Saint Anthony of Padua has A Story of Loss & Light been elevated as a great example of holiness through countless works of art and sculpture. DVD Many Catholics, and even non-Catholics, think of Also listed under Documentary Saint Anthony as the first one to turn to when something is lost. Yet amid this widespread veneration and devotion, we may miss the story of one who began his life like all of us. This film reveals the journey of Fernando Martins de Bulhoes, a 13th century Christian whom we know today as Saint Anthony. Here, we discover a young man who was often “lost” and searching for direction. He wanted to make a difference in the world of his time. As we encounter his humanity, we find someone we can relate to, someone who struggled in life, someone we could have easily called a friend. Salt + Light Television Francis of Assissi An Inspirational Story of one Man’s Journey Born into a life of privilege, passion and DVD extravagance, Francis of Assisi would become one of the most beloved and revered saints in history. Dillman delivers a gripping performance as the lusty adventurer who hears the voice of God and answers by abandoning his secular life. Trading in his sword for a cross, he rises to glory...only to see his life’s work threatened by a corrupt and jealous church hierarchy. Helmed by famed Casablanca director Michael Curtiz, this epic tale of courage and sacrifice will inspire the entire family. God’s Doorkeeper God’s Doorkeeper – St. Andre of Montreal St. Andre of Montreal On January 6, 1937, the death of a humble doorkeeper drew over a million people to Montreal. DVD For 40 years, Brother Andre Bessette of the Also listed under Documentary Congregation of Holy Cross welcomed people at the door and became known as a miraculous healer. God’s Doorkeeper looks at the heart and legacy of Brother Andre – as a man of prayer, of hospitality, and of compassion; a man who draws people to a God who is love. On October 17, 2010, Br. Andre 310

became the first male Canadian-born saint and the first saint for the Congregation of Holy Cross. He is living proof that “it is with the smallest of brushes that the artist paints the most beautiful pictures.” This special documentary includes: commentary from people who knew Dr. Andre and continue his work today; interviews from Montreal, Rome, and different parts of the United States; reflections from Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, on the perennial relevance of Br. Andre; and footage of the unforgettable events of Br. Andre’s road to sainthood (beatification, canonization and special celebrations in Rome and Montreal). Salt + Light Television Hildegard Hildegard was one of the most remarkable women of the Middle Ages-An Abbess and woman DVD of God, a visionary, naturalist, playwright, mystic, political moralist, and composer. Born in 1098, she was beset by the most extraordinary religious visions from the age of eight - visions which she wrote down, painted, dramatized, and set to music. This substantial legacy of her visionary writings and songs are unique for their mystic power and beauty. They survive as some of the most radiant and illuminating accounts of religious experience ever written. Yet, despite this outpouring of religious creativity, her visionswere called into question, and she was put on trial by the Church in 1148. This is the story of events leading up to that trial and of the trial itself. The setting is the monastery of St. Disibod on the Rhine in central Germany. Hildegard's befriending of a young persecuted girl and the care she shows for a dying crusader eventually lead her into conflict with her Abbot. She is placed under an interdict, which results in Hildegard and her nuns being forbidden from taking communion and singing the divine service. After enduring the punishment for some tim, Hildegard protests, and it is her subsequent examination and trial by the Archbishop of Mainz around which the story revolves. This beautiful film features excerpts from Hildegard's own mystically powerful writing as well as her exquisite songs of prayer. In Her Footsteps For 350 years, a young Christian Mohawk woman The Story of Kateri Tekakwitha has been interceding for and inspiring natives and non natives around the world. On October 2012, DVD Kateri Tekakwitha became the first Native woman to be recognized as a Saint. This moving 311

documentary takes us on a journey from upstate New York to Montreal and Kahnawake, Quebec, from Washington State to New Mexico, as we follow St. Kateri’s incredible journey of deep faith, heroic sacrifice and love of Christ. “In Her Footsteps” features many people who have been touched by her, including Philadelphia’s Archbishop Charles Chaput of the Prairie Band Potawatomi tribe, the only Native American archbishop; Bishop James Wall of Gallup, NM, the diocese with the largest number of Native American Catholics; Sr. Kateri Mitchell, SSA, the Executive Director of the Tekakwitha Conference; and Jake Finkbonner, the little boy who received the miraculous healing that led to her canonization. The film shows that no one is too simple or too young to follow Christ, and that this woman, whose face was scarred and vision was weak, is still a source of grace and healing for all. 2012 Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation Joseph – The Man Closest to Christ He was a just man, appointed by God to be the husband of Mary and the chosen father of Jesus. DVD But there is more to St. Joseph than his familiar role at the center of the salvation message. In him, we see a man of uncompromised obedience. A prayerful man. An exemplary worker. A true model of authentic manhood. Joseph: the Man Closest to Christ explores all aspects of t. Joseph – the historical man, his response to God’s call, and the many ways in which he reflects the nature of God. Kateri TV Kateri TV Stories & Journeys from Canadian Catholic Aboriginal Communities 12 Programs Marguerite Bourgeoys Few religious undertakings have been connected so closely with the birth of a nation as DVD & VHS that of Marguerite Bourgeoys. With De Maisonneuve and Jeanne Mance, co-founders of Montreal, who were, like her, natives of Champagne in France, Marguerite Bourgeoys dedicated herself without reservation to the organization and development of the city in its beginnings. Arriving in Montreal in 1653, she encouraged and supported the settlers and welcomed and trained the young women who came from France to get married. she carried out her her main project by establishing a school in the former stable on the Common, Cradle of the Congregation of Notre Dame, the first uncloistered religious teaching community in the New World. 312

We ecounter Marguerite at the close of her life. Aware of what God has accomplished through her, she recalls the path by which the blessed virgin has led her. Let us listen to her... Mary MacKillop Mary MacKillop – Australia’s First Saint Australia’s First Saint At 24, she co-founded the Australian Religious Congregation, the Sisters of of the DVD Sacred Heart. At 29, she was wrongfully excommunicated from the Church but her faith and trust in God did not waver. Before she died in 1909 at age 67, people of all backgrounds already regarded her as a saint. Her name is Mary MacKillop – a woman ahead of her time, a woman destined to be the first Australian saint. She was chosen as one of the patron saints of in Sydney. Salt + Light producers Mary Rose Bacani and Kris Dmytrenko retrace her footsteps in Australia’s southern state, the birthplace of the congregation. Join them in this special half-hour program that highlights her life and legacy. Salt + Light Television, 114 Richmond St. E. Toronto, On M5C 1P1 Maximilian In 1941, Father Maximilian Kolbe was arrested by Saint of Auschwitz the Gestapo for his tireless work against the Nazi Performed by Leonardo Defilippis forces, and sent to the infamous death camp of Auschwitz. There he was used for slave labor, DVD & VHS frequently beaten and subjected to humiliations, and in the end offered to take the place of a married man condemned to death by starvation. In this he fulfilled the words of Christ: “Greater love than this has no man, that he give up his life for his friend.” Forty one years after that heroic act, Maximilian was canonized by Pope John Paul II, who calls him “the saint for our difficult century.” The gripping story of the saint of Auschwitz is brought to life by actor Leonardo Defilippis, who has become well-known for his dramas on the Gospels and the lives of the saints. As the exciting plot unfolds, one is drawn not only into the compelling events of this courageous life, but into Kolbe’s message of trust as well. Beautifully directed for the screen, Maximilian: Saint of Auschwitz is completed by a breath-taking musical score. The drama of this saint’s heroism and faith touches the heart of the viewer in a mysterious and profound way, and his message is an inspiration for our age. – 76 Minutes Saint Luke Productions Mother Teresa Film by Ann & Jeanette Petrie with a Narration by A Film by Ann & Jeanettte Petrie Richard Attenborough This powerful and inspiring film is considered the 313

DVD definitive portrait of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Mother Teresa. Shot on the run over a period of 5 years in 10 countries on 4 continents, this award winning film follows Mother Teresa into the world’s most troubled spots. From the Calcutta to the ghettoes of the South Bronx, the film is an experience of the way Mother Teresa transcends all political, religious and social barriers with her works of love. Mother Teresa: The Legacy Mother Teresa: The Legacy is the dramatic story A Film by Ann & Jeanette Petrie of Mother Teresa’s last day, her sudden death and Edited by Rick Clarke her moving state funeral which was attended by the Music by Suzanne Ciani poor, the powerful and the rich from around the world. At the heart of this film and, for the first time, we DVD see and hear Mother Teresa reveal her simple but profound spirituality that, put into action, transcended religious, political and cultural boundaries and enabled her to open 500 homes for the poor in over 124 countries. The film includes intimate and never-before-seen footage of Mother Teresa’s private burial. But it is Mother’s words, finally, that reveal why she has captivated the hearts and admiration of the world. Petrie Productions, Inc. Mother Teresa “Whatever you do unto the least of these you do Seeing the Face of Jesus unto me.” Mother Teresa always remembered these words DVD of Jesus. She said that she saw the face of Jesus in the face of each sick and dying person she helped. Mother Teresa asked the whole world to look for Jesus’ face there, too. Mother Teresa Seeing the Face of Jesus presents the life and work of Mother Teresa with words and pictures that even the youngest child will enjoy. Children will happily learn that Mother Teresa was a person much like themselves: a person whose strong faith and trust in God helped her to make incredible changes in our world. Morning Light Media - Narrated by Lanette Marquardt, Illustrated by Bryan Miller Music Composed and Performed by Chris Bergmann. Written & Produce by David Mead Executive Producer Larry Neeb Running Time: 35 Minutes Pope John Paul II Pope John Paul II - A Pilgrimage of Hope Can any man ever have such great DVD influence as to calm nations? Meet such a man who through his many sufferings is teaching nations worldwide to do away with war and to live in peace and harmony. See how Pope John Paul II has traveled the 314

world and through his preaching and prayers has shown us that to have faith can bring peace and harmony even upon war torn countries. He has demonstrated his standards for peace by showing us that he forgave the one who attempted to assassinate him, showing the world the intensity of his commitment to world peace. He travels worldwide promoting peace and draws huge crowds to all his visits. Youths from all ethnic origins have gathered to meet the Pope deriving strength from him with renewed hope for a future of peace and harmony. When countries have manifested despair, Pope John Paul has taken the time to visit and with his prayers and preaching has given extended hope. Feel the power of such a dedicated man who has given private audiences and met with heads of state and presidents from all over the world promoting a culture of peace. Pope John Paul II HIS BIOGRAPHY & His Biography & Tridentine Mass Born Karol Wajtyla in Wadowice, Poland, Two DVD Video Set Pope John Paul II is arguably the most famous and certainly the most colorful Pope in the history of DVD the Catholic Church. A true renaissance man, During his lifetime he has been a poet, writer, singer, musician, playwright, athlete, scholar, linguist, politician and theologian. During the Nazi occupation of Poland in WWII he joined the resistance, and soon after decided to enter the priet hood where he was forced to attend seminary classes underground. Ordained in 1946, Wojtyla's training and experience marked him as an exceptional priest and in 1958 became Bishop of Krakow, Archbishop in 1964, and elevated to Cardinal in 1967. In 1978 the college of Cardinals elected Cardinal Wojtyla to Pope, the first non- Italian Pope in almost 500 years, and the first Pope to come from Eastern Europe under Communist rule. John Paul II is an intimate portrait using rare photos and seldom seen footage. This Tridentine Mass was taped at the San Fernadena Mission founded in 1797 in San Fernadena, California and celebrated in Latin by Monsignor Francis Weber. Featured is exceptionally talented choir led by Geraldine Biggs performing the ancient, Latin Gregorian chants. It will bring back wonderful memories of the days when the mass was celebrated in Latin for both Catholics and non- Catholics alike. Watch this video and celebrate the mass over and over again. It also makes a wonderful and thoughtful gift. We gratefully acknowledge this donation from the library of Loretta Downey (Rip)1921-2003. 315

Pope John Paul II The Life Of Karol Wojtyla The Life of Karol Wojtyla Who is this pious man we know as Pope John Paul II? What are the origins and how did he DVD become our Pope? In the year 1920 in Poland, Karol Wojtyla was born and baptized and at a very young age showed interest in the church. Orphan, student, worker and theatre actor he lives the drama of the nazi occupation, when his Jewish friends are deported and killed. He studies in clandestine seminar and becomes bishop, cardinal and is finally elected Pope in 1978. A strong man, a world traveller: in 1979 he returns to Poland, his motherland. This is the first in a never ending series of journeys. In 1983 he visits El Salvador and Nicaragua, in 1987 Chile, in 1988, Mauthausen and Johannesburg where he meets Nelson Mandela. He travels in Bolivia, Lithuania, Brazil, Spain, Guinea Bissau, Denmark, Iceland and India, Calcutta where he meets Mother Teresa. Tireless, always present and energetic, he cannot even be stopped by a terrorist attempt in 1981. This extraordinary documentary, full of meaning is a testimony of the determining religious and historical role that Karol Wojtyla played. Saint Anthony – The Miracle Worker of Padua This is the first feature length dramatic film on the life of St. Anthony of Padua, one of the most DVD popular saints in Christian history, and one who is even revered by Muslim and Hindu Communities. Shot on location in Italy with top-notch acting and glorious cinematography, this film tells the story of his amazing and adventurous life from his youth to his death at a young age. Born into a Portugese noble family in 1195, Anthony defied his father’s wishes to become a knight and, instead, followed the call of God to become a humble monk. He eventually joined the and was a follower of St. Francis of Assisi. Anthony became renowned for his powerful preaching and his miracles that won countless souls for Christ. This film tells of his travels through Italy, his mission to Morocco, and his meeting with St. Francis. It beautifully portrays the power of his preaching, the holiness of his life given completely to Christ, his love for the poor, and the wonders of his miracles. Worn out and sick from his dedication and zeal, Anthony died at the age of 36 in Padua shortly after working his last great miracle. Soon after his death he was canonized a saint by Pope Gregory IX. 95 minutes 316

Saint Francis Filmed on Location in Assisi and other Italian locations where Saint Francis lived, this two-part DVD film tells the story of the beloved saint from childhood through death. Captured by the enemy as a soldier and imprisoned, Francis has a life changing experience that inspires him to later abandon his riches and dedicate his life to living the Gospel in simplicity, poverty and charity towards all. 205 minutes Saint Patrick: Apostle of Ireland Who was St. Patrick? The man that came to be the patron saint of Ireland was an ordinary man who DVD accomplished the extraordinary by placing his faith in God. Originally sent to Ireland in the 5th century as a bishop to lead Irish Christians, Patrick chose instead to bring Christianity to those Irish not yet converted, and did so without bloodshed. As a result of his life and work, there emerged a uniquely Celtic form of Christianity, a religion firmly Christian in belief yet not far removed from the traditions, practice and law of the Irish. 46 minutes Saint Therese of the Child Jesus (1878-1897 “An echo of the Heart of God” Very many people around the world have received DVD graces by the prayers of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, called “the greatest saint of modern times” by . In 1997 she was declared a Doctor of the Church and her “Little Way of Spiritual Childhood” is a doctrine for the spiritual life that can be lived b anyone to achieve holiness. But how many people really know her? This definitive film, made in honor of the 100th anniversary of her death (1897), tells the story of the life of Therese Martin. 90 minutes Touching Jesus – Talk 8 Talk 8: Mary and the Saints Mary and the Saints New as well as life-long Catholics will find 2 Copies - DVD answers to key questions about the Church. The talks are practical, entertaining, enlightening, and DVD & VHS completely faithful to the orthodox teachings of the Catholic Church. Also listed under Mary and Adult Faith Marcellino D'Ambrosio is assistant Formation Professor of Theology at the Institute of Religious and Pastoral Studies at the University of Dallas. His teachings reflect his vast pastoral experience in evangelization, ecumenism, liturgy, Hispanic ministry, and adult education. ChristLife - Catholic Evangelization Services The Touching Jesus Through the Church Study series is published and distributed by ChristLife, 12290A Folly Quarter Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042, USA. To order other videos, audios, or manuals, call (888) 498-8474 or (410) 531-7701 or visit www.christlife.org. 317


God’s Call A FAMILY AFFAIR In this video, you will learn firsthand how dynamic DVD young men and women, together with their parents, come to realize God's call to the religious lifeand priesthood. Come share with us the journey they have travelled. 27 minutes Think St. Peter’s I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding. DVD Jeremiah 3:15 “The beauty and strength of the Catholic Church is in its ideas and thoughts.” So begins this new, 12 Minute video which takes you to the heart of St. Peter’s Seminary, the major seminary of the Diocese of London, situated in the intellectual community of the University of Western Ontario.



Archdiocese of Halifax Experience this unique glimpse into the ten day Pilgrimage to Toronto "extreme pilgrimage" undertaken by over 350 young pilgrims from the Archdiocese as they joined hundreds of thousands of other young VHS & DVD Available Catholics from around the world. This tape contains over twenty minutes of footage Also listed under Documentary mixed with tracks from the Official World Youth Day Soundtrack, and a thirty minute feature. I. July 21st - 23rd - Lumiere du monde - 5:58 II.July 24th - 25th - Nada Es Imposible para Ti.- 4:20 III.July 27th - July 30th--5:50 V. The Pilgrims Speak -- 29:56 A Father & Two Sons A Father and Two Sons A video translation of Luke 15.11-32 DVD A father's relationship with his children is a timely topic for today's youth. In this video, set on a contemporary horse ranch, the biblical story of a loving father is presented in stunning black and white images with an exciting blues vocal track performed by Rory Block. Here, a man's younger son demands his share of the property from his father, and leaves to go into the world beyond the family farm. When he is crushed by the world, he decides to go home, although he does not know if he will be received. He is welcomed by his overjoyed father who immediately commands that a banquet be prepared to honor him. While in many versions the "Prodigal Son" parable ends here, A Father and Two Sons completes the biblical story by showing the father's loving encounter with his older son who is reluctant to join in the celebration. Jesus The Good News Proclaimed to Youth Tom Zanzig

DVD Journey of Hope Youth Rally of Ontario Teens Produced by Villgers Communications DVD (Duration: 58-30) Also Listed Under Catholic Social Teachings Society, Values and Teen Pregnancy Rev. John E. Forliti

DVD The 10 Commandments for Teens God's Game Plan For a Happy Life The Ten Commandments - What are they? DVD Can they be meaningful guidelines in the lives of today's teenagers? Mauri asks these questions of her soccer coach, Father Joe. Father Joe helps her 319

realize that these rules have a lot to say about her life today, as they have in the lives of God's people in all ages. This tapeAdresses each Commandment in individual vignettes (commandments 6 and 9, and 7 and 10 are combined). The vignettes can be viewed separately or together. Each segment dramatizes the real concerns of teenagers and shows them how the commandments can help them make good choices. Eight episodes totaling 42 minutes. A presenter’s guide is included. LIGUORI PUBLICATIONS Attention: Audio/Video Department One Liguori Drive Liguori, Missouri 63057-9999 (800) 325-9521 ISBN 0-89243-361-2 World Youth Day - Krakow In July 2016, inspired by Pope Francis’ chosen A Pilgrimage of Mercy theme “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy,” Catholic youth from around the DVD world descended on Krakow, Poland, for World Youth Day. These pilgrims traveled in the footsteps of St. John Paul II and other great saints of Krakow, discovering the rich heritage of their Catholic faith.