

¦ Smart Ir] jjO.C Jig... \ Silk Slip* for 3 "trSL % yinrp ~— • reat.i.t v„,„. c n n I LCIiaii€4 I It/it ” A producing w crisps one of the smartest RJK mJm * 7Jr quality radium ailk and crop* do ted of the season, fine quality %gjV eWna and effectlyely trimmed with The Appreciation Events Are a Gold Mine for Clothes Buyers on 15 year- Special prices are made on choice assortments of new and fashionable apparel for this event only as an appreciation of the uiiofFo—Soomd Floor 9s fro*f *7oor I story. | round patronage of our many friends. Each day many new goods are placed on sale. Our advertising cannot begin to tell the

¦ ought visit and while these events are on, as so many women are doing. » You to the store again again ______

This Is One Way the Great Shops Express Their Appreciation! A Wonderful Appreciation Vedue! The Moat Beautiful of tfjSfSß Magnificent Fur-Trimmed pur Coats Ur »i.50t052.25 TmV/ ¦ Fabric Gloves \J M-l That M ’ Novelty ant s Slip-on Style, tl sgH a t sr\£f —the two popular fur* of the teuton Both Cass Kent t.ov.r $ £mm sno-$i2S _ V That war, tlA 1 .15 Pair j«LJOaam w 't> e *•* 0"y 1 Intended to l Hh at % _ Sell $225 Event tgBjBHb*jrJHBBI 9 This brought exceptional in th* Stunning and Misses A PPRECIATION ha* many .opportunities o{ ” love i of the vear for these are Coats for Both Women shop. typical and Includes a very ims isJs one the bi va ues Ifsl \ fur coat Tomorrow’s group is f — Ae. rrlT,*?.. an vour selection' In fins most exquisitely madem S v rv>m r A make V . . 1 j comprehensive range practical Immaculately tailored • a aL a .1 __ of coats \-\ Just the coat* that are in the greatest demand among selected skins beautifully lined and finished. before sizes are broken. \T\ \ them are— Kit Caracul and Caracul Paw Coats, $195 Ohm Shop-Stmt Floor skins, generous v C* 9C AO Flat moire finish cocoa and brown shades with I'M 1 " * OIZCB JO to 42 fox -¦ I / collars. 1 |.f|§ Tan Rouvelaine. with cocoa-colored wolf mushroom and deep Natural Russian Pony Coats, $195 "-w*—— .MSBHBh; “f*,": ; of WEDNESDAY—about 200 \\ jH&fc Black with Queen Anne collar and deep-pointed cults Salon—Fourth V MB *kunk $95.00 For Floor All a Brown Kashmir Patina, with large shawl collar and cuffs of.- UCW lull flreSSeS

coat, with shawl collar and deep cuffs plaUnum Broadtail Fabric of f~MS # Rouvelaine, cap.-b.ck and' pointed-bach »h»wl collar of

“ " p *“ " ““~ ” B ,ck K hm n c i h , 1 c u"‘.»» ISiK"! ! . *. “!- ! . . .T”!. Slave-Link Bracelets georgette ~ Filbert Veloria coats, with tuxedo collars and deep cuffs. '\V\l'P New Vv I That We Copied From Very Smart French 11 l \ JflraaT Inspirations ' >ar'* Blue Veloria coats, with tuxedo collars and deep cuffs of Platimim 311(1 VCfVCt I _| j -jHjßwß Filbert Venise coats, with shawl collar and deep cuffs of beaver $95 1 *.. ' S|pr Rustic Venise coats, with mink squirrel mushroom collars and cuffs .$95

* ' I I I I — \ / Black Laverra coats, with collars, cuffs and border of black lynx $95 will find them right et the entrance of the store, these fas- VUa $9 • 9 I In \ / / / / I cinatlng smart slave bracelets—ovaJ, square or round links. S. S.e4jP\J il\——— J WT/ 1 / / I I —— L Women’g and Misses’ Coat Salon—Third Floor green, *red, or white gold finish. Oaboohon stones, square, oval or rr J“ f eSSM tOAI I n with imitation jade, lapis, carnelian. jet or amber. It Is _s\ I f ” i f— \ round, set I I l j U A \ smart to wear many of those on one hand. You will want mrny '(then mf&M ,ou ”eth "”' I *= ] Larger Women’s Coats OP S «... H $1 ” I I 1 J/W U Very Important 1«U —women's \ -pt'tv, , . jmm m , V. , r i From Paris for This Event /l f/ N _ \ v ,—/i«atv ivahtg—** /l\ thi lV a6,e s rrFl Venise. Montibello and Stevelaine. Fashionable slenderizing rouvSaint I /AJ K'nch ifuro f ?'A I Pfl KrOTS fc Taittred uomt**%aek \si*sF ? %&«.“{& lines offset 'by luxurious collar and s,ts of be*ver, natural

squirrel lynx. Regularly Appreciation ,.. \f and Every larger woman owes it to herfeU to come rtulllyfi |I CSrtCA|>*\j ll„l» u m ,1ri’t in and see these coats. All the desirable new colors. Autumn brown. JatTa grey, sailor blue, and black. ’ Shop for Larger and Taller Women—Second Floor gJORTUNATELY these bags arrived just in time for our Appreciation r and Just in time for your Christmas gifts. Exquisite fine \~V_ ? - steel beads In all lovely color combinations and many new patterns. a ¦ ______/ \ . _ aof wj j* «... . , Engraved frames and beautiful silk linings and many sizes and shapes fOA . fpT */, IO fj?ZD Negligees from Which to make your selection. Another great coup for Jellefrs, .50.95 Ollk and SteD-mSr . . already bag because _ , _ Import rk.;fem,n,ne ii-i , , ... , famous for beaded values we them direct j j tm\ . alluringly graceful, new 4 —A great, big value surprise. New styles, excep- profit. , gorgeous Cl CA CQ QC and save you the Importers’ / rW\ hlmißPfl afv P material. Mostly all one-of-a- V I fcl»OU tional fabrics and lovely trimmings. Be sure to V A*vv DIOUoCII SlVIt^S 8 kind * “ I J \J models. see them. Gift Shop—Street Floor /J V — long-line styles

< oat styles Expressing Our Our Entire Stock of Trimmed Hats iDfl janot styles Appreciation ¦lllliU In Ike ¦¦ tiered styles

' $lO and -| melal appreciation Dew necklines ~ l Jfj j 4 This millinery event is creating a fA $|Hi #tJV the hundreds of choice hats that are selling at \ \ 1 • e j | trimming

Such Bea^°Pß ... Hats From Famous Makers as: Just at the time when you 1- • need them most, these desir- j Joseph Normandie mUCII Variety

•kiß - || Bruck-Weiss Gretane S H chanel red Modified or high Spanish heels. M W Bluebird KuTZ S / f )Jk Ace-High Mme. Julie H \ i M *£&&&&.*&rustic brown jungle green 7 A WL r JM Your Choice: ; W blues $Q 75 »vYour> >v navy . - ft- Hats $5.00 - ' New SIO.OO i plenty of hluoK RHISESTOSK New $12.50 Hats $6.25 K 7 N*”*2QC° H ’|j *jo°° .I Sizes 3k t 044

New $36.00 H.U *17.50 «¦ $22-50 * • J) Plenty of large head tixet. Plenty of gold and silver effeett. , yjffl ' Velours, fdtt, satin,, velvet., and every mart color. BHU M t ir...... Br.» s».. Soroei* Shoe Shop—Street Floor til.io.fSPJSSFdSSX&L Soeond Floor • V MllUnery Shop Street Floor