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provided by Open Access Repository Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:437 DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3666-4

Regular Article - Theoretical Physics

Shape of the inflaton potential and the efficiency of the universe heating

A. D. Dolgov1,2,3,a,A.V.Popov4,b, A. S. Rudenko1,5,c 1 Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia 2 ITEP, Bol. Cheremushkinskaya ul., 25, Moscow 113259, Russia 3 Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico – Edificio C, Via Saragat 1, 44122 Ferrara, Italy 4 Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, Troitsk, Moscow 142190, Russia 5 Budker Institute of , Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

Received: 19 May 2015 / Accepted: 6 September 2015 © The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract It is shown that the efficiency of the universe where U(φ) is the potential of the inflaton field, φ.Dueto heating by an inflaton field depends not only on the pos- the large Hubble friction (see Eq. (3.3)) during this epoch sible presence of parametric resonance in the production of the field φ remained almost constant, slowly moving in the scalar but also strongly depends on the character of direction of the “force”, −U (φ). the inflaton approach to its mechanical equilibrium point. In The second stage began when H 2 dropped below |U (φ)| particular, when the inflaton oscillations deviate from pure and continued till the inflaton field reached the equilibrium  harmonic ones toward a succession of step functions, the value where U (φeq) = 0. It is usually assumed that φeq = 0 production probability rises by several orders of magnitude. and U(φeq) = 0. The last condition is imposed to avoid This in turn leads to a much higher temperature of the uni- a nonzero . During this period φ oscillated verse after the inflaton decay, in comparison to the harmonic around φeq, producing elementary particles, mostly with case. An example of the inflaton potential is presented which masses smaller than the frequency of the inflaton oscilla- creates a proper modification of the evolution of the inflaton tions. This was a relatively short period which may be called toward equilibrium and does not destroy the nice features of a , when the initial dark vacuum-like state exploded, inflation. creating hot primeval cosmological plasma. The process of the universe heating was first studied in Refs. [1–3] within the framework of perturbation theory. 1 Introduction A non-perturbative approach was pioneered in Refs. [4–6], where the possibility of excitation of parametric resonance Cosmological inflation consisted, roughly speaking, of two which might grossly enhance the () produc- epochs. The first one was a quasi-exponential expansion, tion rate was mentioned. In the model of Ref. [4] parametric when the Hubble parameter, H, slowly changed with time resonance could not be effectively induced because of the and the universe expanded by a huge factor, eN, where redshift and scattering of the produced particles which were  dragged out of the resonance zone and the main attention in N = H dt  1. (1.1) this work was set on non-perturbative production of . However, the resonance may be effective if it is sufficiently During this period the Hubble parameter exceeded the infla- wide. In this case the particle production rate can be strongly ton mass or, rather, the square of the Hubble parameter was enhanced [5–8]. larger than the second derivative of the inflaton potential:   As is well known, parametric resonance exists only in the  2  d U(φ)  process of the boson production. In quantum language it can H 2 >   ≡|U (φ)|, (1.2) dφ2 be understood as Bose amplification of particle production due to the presence of identical in the final state; it is a e-mail: [email protected] the same phenomenon as the induced radiation in laser. For b e-mail: [email protected] bosons there could be another phenomenon leading to very c e-mail: [email protected] fast and strong excitation of the bosonic field coupled to infla- 123 437 Page 2 of 12 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:437 ton, if the effective mass squared of such field became nega- list of literature. More recent development is described in tive (a tachyonic situation) [9–11]. It happens for sufficiently reviews [21,22]. large and negative product gφ; see below Eqs. (2.1), (2.2). In this paper we study a parametric resonance excitation This is similar to the Higgs-like effect, when the vacuum for different forms of the inflaton potential, U(φ).Anew state becomes unstable. However, in contrast to the Higgs effect is found: for some non-harmonic potentials of a single phenomenon, this took place only during a negative half- field inflation parametric resonance (not tachyonic) is excited wave of the inflaton oscillations. considerably stronger than in the case of simple power law Both phenomena are absent in the case of pro- potentials, both in flat space-time and in cosmology. Corre- duction. The imaginary mass of the fermions breaks the her- spondingly, the cosmological particle production by the end micity of the Lagrangian, so must be absent. As for of inflation would be much more efficient, and the tempera- parametric resonance, it is not present in the fermionic equa- ture of the created plasma would become noticeably higher. tions of motion. The latter property is attributed to the Fermi In Sect. 2 we consider this problem in flat space-time to get exclusion principle. A non-perturbative study of the fermion a feeling for a proper choice of the inflaton potential that production shows that the production probability sharply could generate the signal φ(t) most efficient for the parti- grows when the effective mass of the fermions crosses zero cle production. Consideration of the flat space-time example [4,12]. clearly demonstrates the essence of the effect which is not The resonance amplification of the particle production by obscured by the cosmological expansion. In Sect. 3 we study the inflaton exists not only in the canonical case of harmonic the evolution of the inflaton field in a cosmological back- inflaton oscillations, i.e. for the potential m2φ2/2, but for a ground for different potentials U(φ). Based on the example very large class of inflaton potentials. The explicit magnitude considered in Sect. 2, we found a potential for which the of the production probability depends, of course, upon the inflaton induces parametric resonance much more efficiently shape of the potential, but there is no big difference between than in the purely harmonic case, or other simple power law different power law potentials, ∼φn. However, as we show in potentials. We also comment there on the properties of infla- this work, the production rate could be drastically enhanced tionary cosmology with such modified inflaton potentials. In for some special forms of the potential, if the potential notice- this section the scalar particle production rate by such “un- ably deviates from a simple power law. harmonic” inflaton is calculated. The results are compared There are several more phenomena which might have an to the particle production rate for the usual harmonic oscil- impact on the particle production probability. In Refs. [13– lations of the inflaton. Section 4 is dedicated to an estimate 15] the effects of quantum or thermal noise on the infla- of the effects of back reaction of the particle production on ton evolution have been studied. It was argued by these two the inflaton evolution. In Sect. 5 we draw conclusions. groups that the resonance is not destroyed by noise. If the We have chosen the sign and the amplitude of the initial noise is not correlated temporally it would lead on the average inflaton field to avoid or to suppress tachyonic amplification to an increase in the rate of particle production [14,15]. This of the produced field χ. result is valid both for homogeneous and inhomogeneous noise. However, the cosmological expansion was neglected in Refs. [14,15] and it possibly means that the resonance, to 2 Parametric resonance in flat space-time survive in realistic cosmological situations, should be suffi- ciently wide. Let us consider at first an excitation of parametric resonance The efficiency of the production depends also on the model in the classical situation, when the space-time curvature is of inflation. In particular, in the case of multifield infla- not essential and the Fourier amplitude of the would-be res- tion the canonical parametric resonance is suppressed [16– onating scalar field χ satisfies the equation of motion 18]. However, efficient (pre)heating is possible via tachy- χ¨ + ( 2 + 2 + φ)χ = , onic effects. To this end a trilinear coupling of the inflaton mχ k g 0 (2.1) to light scalars is necessary. If the tachyonic mechanism is where mχ is the mass of χ, k is its momentum, and g is the not operative, the old perturbative approach [1–3] would be between χ and another scalar field φ with applicable. the interaction A new mechanism of enhanced preheating after multifield 1 2 inflation has been found in the recent paper [19], due to the Lint =− gφχ . (2.2) presence of extra produced species which became light in the 2 course of the multifield inflaton evolution. The classical field φ is supposed to be homogeneous, φ = The efficiency of different earlier scenarios of the cosmo- φ(t) and to satisfy the equation of motion: logical heating after inflation is discussed in a large number ¨  1 2 of review papers, e.g. [20], where one can find an extensive φ + U (φ) =− gχ . (2.3) 2 123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:437 Page 3 of 12 437

Below we mostly neglect the effects of the r.h.s. term in this Let us note that the behavior of the solution for χ would equation. Its impact on the inflaton evolution is relatively dramatically change with rising h. For a large h the eigenfre- weak. It introduces the back reaction of the particle produc- quency squared of χ noticeably changes with time. It may tion and is discussed in Sect. 4. approach zero and, if |h| > 1, it would even become nega- Our task here is to determine U(φ), so that the para- tive for a while; see Eq. (2.4). In the latter (tachyonic) case metric resonance for χ would be most efficiently excited. χ would rise much faster than in the case of classical para- An optimal meander form of the inflaton field φ is sug- metric resonance. We postpone the study of tachyonic case gested by the phase parameter approach in the theory of for a future work, while here we confine ourselves to a non- parametric resonance [23]. Here we demonstrate that just tachyonic situation. a slight shift from the standard Mathieu model toward an To demonstrate an increase of the excitation rate for an optimal inflaton potential leads to a drastic increase of the anharmonic oscillation we choose, as a toy model, the poten- particle production rate. We compare the modified results tial for the would-be inflaton field φ satisfying the follow- with the standard case when the potential of φ is quadratic, ing conditions: at small φ it approaches the usual harmonic U(φ) = m2φ2/2, and therefore Eq. (2.3) with zero r.h.s. has potential, U → m2φ2/2, while for φ →∞it tends to a con- a solution φ(t) = φ0 cos(mt + θ), where the amplitude φ0 stant value. It is intuitively clear that in such a potential field and the phase θ can be found from the initial conditions. One φ would live for a long time in the flat part of the potential and can choose the moment t = 0 in such a way that θ = 0, i.e. quickly change sign near φ = 0. This behavior can be rather φ(t) = φ0 cos mt. Substituting this expression into Eq. (2.1), close to a periodic succession of the step-functions which we we come to the well-known Mathieu equation: mentioned above. As an example of such a potential we take χ¨ + ω2( + )χ = , 0 1 h cos mt 0 (2.4) 1 1 + λ (φ/m )2 U(φ) = m2φ2 · 0 Pl , 2 4 (2.9) ω2 = 2 + 2 = φ /ω2  2 1 + λ2(φ/mPl) + λ4(φ/mPl) where 0 mχ k and h g 0 0. When h 1 and the value of m is close to 2ω /n (where n is an integer), 0 where m,λ ,λ ,λ are some constant parameters, with m Eq. (2.4) describes a parametric resonance, i.e. the field χ 0 2 4 having dimension of mass, the λ being dimensionless. Here oscillates with an exponentially growing amplitude. For h  j mPl is the Planck mass. Observational data on the density 1 the solution of Eq. (2.4) can be represented as a product −6 perturbations induced by the inflaton demand m 10 mPl of a slowly (but exponentially) rising amplitude by a quickly (φ) = 2φ2/ ω in the model with the inflaton potential U m 2, oscillating function with frequency 0: −6 so we use m = 10 mPl as a reference value throughout χ = χ0(t) cos(ω0t + α). (2.5) the paper. Since the potential of our toy model is different from the harmonic one, the inflationary density perturbations The amplitude χ0 satisfies the equation could also be different. With the particular choice of param- eters λ , which is presented below, the density perturbations −¨χ (ω + α) + ω χ˙ (ω + α) j 0 cos 0t 2 0 0 sin 0t require a somewhat smaller m, approximately by an order of = ω2χ (ω + α). h 0 0 cos mt cos 0t (2.6) magnitude. However, our aim here is not the construction of a realistic inflationary model, but the demonstration of a new (ω + α) Let us multiply Eq. (2.6)bysin 0t and average over the phenomenon of more efficient excitation of the parametric period of oscillations. The right hand side would not vanish resonance for some forms of inflaton oscillations. To this end = ω χ on the average, if m 2 0. In this case 0 would exponen- we take λ = 85, λ = 4, λ = 1. The plots of the potentials α = π/ 0 2 4 tially rise if 4: are shown in Fig. 1. Here and below the red (or dashed) curves   2 2 1 are for the quadratic potential U(φ) = m φ /2 and the blue χ ∼ exp hω t . (2.7) λ 0 4 0 ones are for the potential (2.9). For our choice of parameters the plots cross each other at the points φ = 0, ±9 mPl. In this way we recovered the standard results of the paramet- We did not look for a theoretical justification for the cho- ric resonance theory. sen form of the potential (2.9), bearing in mind the large free- The rise of the amplitude of χ is determined by the integral dom for possible forms of the scalar field potential at large  mass/energy scale, but it is noteworthy that a similar type 1 1 χ˙ 2 + ω2χ 2 =−g dtχχφ,˙ (2.8) of the potential which is quadratic near the minimum and is 2 2 0 flatter away from the minimum was studied in Refs. [24,25]. as one can see from Eq. (2.1). It can be shown that the Such potentials were in turn derived in Refs. [26–31]. Quot- maximum rate of the rise is achieved when φ is a quarter- ing Ref. [25]: “This choice was motivated by monodromy period meander function (an oscillating succession of the and supergravity models of inflation [26–30] and a recent step-functions with proper step duration); see Ref. [23]. model of quintessence [31]”. 123 437 Page 4 of 12 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:437 √ U χ( ) = / ω( ) ≈ . χ(˙ ) = initial√ conditions 0 1 2 0 0 67, 0 5 ω(0)/2 ≈ 0.745, where ω2(0) = k2 + gφ(0). These ini- 4 tial conditions correspond to√ the solution of Eq. (2.1) with constant ω: χ(t) = e−iωt / 2ωV , where V = 1 (in units 3 of m−3) is the volume. As a result we obtain function χ(t) 2 showninFig.3. As expected, the amplitude of oscillations of χ increases faster in the case of the potential (2.9); e.g. at 1 t = 450 m−1 the amplitude ratio is approximately 2. Since we are going to apply the results for the calculation -10 -5 5 10 of the particle production rate at the end of cosmological Fig. 1 The potential of the inflaton U(φ). The red dashed line is the inflation, it would be appropriate to present the number den- (φ) = 2φ2/ quadratic potential U m 2, and the blue line is the potential sity of the produced χ-particles, nk(t), which is defined as = −6 λ = λ = λ = (2.9). The parameters are m 10 mPl, 0 85, 2 4, 4 1.   φ (φ) The field is measured in units of mPl and U is measured in units χ˙ 2 ω2χ 2 −11 4 k 1 of 10 mPl nk(t) = + , (2.10) 2 2 ωk t where the expression in the brackets is the energy of the mode 2 4 with momentum k, and ωk = k + gφ is the energy of one χ-particle. 2 The number densities of the produced χ-particles for the harmonic φ and slightly step-like one are presented in Fig. 4 t 5 10 15 20 by red and blue curves, respectively. Despite a decrease of particle number densities in some -2 short time intervals, there is an overall exponential rise, which χ 2 -4 goes roughly as . Therefore, the ratio of particle numbers for the two types of the potential is approximately equal to the ratio of the amplitude squared, which is about 4 at t = Fig. 2 Comparison of the numerical solution φ (t) of Eq. (2.3) with U −1 the potential (2.9)(blue line) and the harmonic solution φh(t) = 450 m . −6 φ0 cos mt with φ0 = 4.64 and m = 10 mPl (red dashed line). The time t is measured in units of m−1 and the field φ is measured in units of mPl 3 Resonance in expanding universe

Figure 1 for the potential (2.9) has a shape which is quite The universe’s heating after inflation was achieved due to close to that depicted in Fig. 1 from Ref. [25]. The properties coupling of the inflaton field φ to fields. of the inflationary model, which might be realized with the In this process mostly particles with masses smaller than the inflaton potentials of the type (2.9) can be understood from frequency of the inflaton oscillations were produced. The the results of Refs. [24,25]. decay of the inflaton could create both bosons and fermions. We solved Eq. (2.3) with zero r.h.s. and with the poten- The boson production might be strongly enhanced due to tial (2.9) numerically, using Mathematica (here as well as in excitation of the parametric resonance in the production pro- the rest of the paper), and compared this solution, φU (t), with cess [4–8]. Hence bosons were predominantly created ini- the harmonic solution, φh(t) = φ0 cos mt. The results are tially. Later in the course of thermalization they gave birth to presented in Fig. 2 for the initial conditions φ(0) = 4.64 mPl, fermions. For a model description of the first stage of this pro- ˙ φ(0) = 0. The value of the amplitude φ0 = 4.64 is chosen cess we assume, as we have done in Sect. 2, that the inflaton 2 because in this case the frequencies of φU (t) and φh(t) are coupling to a scalar field χ has the form −gφχ /2, where approximately equal. g > 0 is a coupling constant with the dimension of mass. For the chosen shape of the potential (2.9), the function We also assume that the initial value of φ is positive. With φU (t) differs from a cosine toward the step function. There- this choice of the parameters the tachyonic situation can be fore, one can expect that parametric resonance would be avoided. Otherwise χ would explosively rise even at infla- excited stronger for the potential (2.9) than for the quadratic tionary stage. As a result the contribution of χ to the total cos- one. mological energy density would become non-negligible and Now we can numerically solve Eq. (2.1) with the com- should be taken into account in the Hubble parameter. This puted φ(t) and with the chosen values for this example: effect may inhibit inflation. These problems will be studied − mχ = 0, k = 1, g = 5 × 10 8 (in units of m), and the elsewhere. Below we study a simpler situation of the initial 123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:437 Page 5 of 12 437

t t

10 20

5 10

t t 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 -5 -10 -20 -10

Fig. 3 Oscillations of the field χ(t). The left panel corresponds to harmonic potential of φ and the right panel corresponds to the potential (2.9). The time t is measured in units of m−1

n t it has been shown that the particle production in flat space- time is strongly enhanced in comparison with the particle 300 production by φ with the potential U(φ) = m2φ2/2. We do the same thing here. 200 In expanding universe the liquid friction term 3Hφ˙ in the equation of motion for φ(t) (3.3) strongly modifies the evo- 100 lution of φ and it is necessary that the resonance should be generated faster than φ significantly dropped down. t 100 200 300 400 We find numerical solutions of Eq. (3.3) with the same potentials as above, i.e. the harmonic one and U(φ) pre- χ ( ) Fig. 4 The number density of produced -particles nk t .Thetimet φ(˙ ) = is measured in units of m−1 sented in Eq. (2.9). As initial conditions we take 0 0 and two different values φ(0) = 4.64 mPl and φ(0) = 9 mPl, which we consider in parallel. The first one, φ(0) = 4.64 mPl, stage of heating when the energy density of the produced is equal to the value which we took in the flat universe particles is small in comparison with the energy density of case (see Fig. 2). However, in this case the initial energies, the inflaton, so the back reaction is not of much importance. U(φ(0)), are very different for the two potentials (see Fig. 1). The effects of the back reaction of particle production on the So we consider also the initial condition φ(0) = 9 mPl for inflaton evolution is discussed in Sect. 4. which the two potentials U(φ(0)) have equal magnitudes. The equation of motion of the Fourier mode of χ with The results of a numerical solution of Eq. (3.3)areshownin conformal momentum k in the FLRW metric has the form Fig. 5.   k2 At the stage of inflation the inflaton field, φ(t), rolls toward χ¨ + 3Hχ˙ + + gφ χ = 0, (3.1) a2 the minimum of potential quite slowly, due to the large “fric- tion” H. For successful inflation one needs the condition where a = a(t) is the cosmological scale factor, H =˙a/a is te H(t) dt > 70 to be satisfied, where ti is the time of the χ ti the Hubble parameter, and field is taken for simplicity to beginning and t is the time of the end of inflation. It can = e be massless, mχ 0. We assume that the universe is 3D-flat easily be seen in Fig. 6 that this condition is fulfilled for both and that the cosmological energy density is dominated by the potentials. The scale factor a(t) grows exponentially during φ inflaton field, so H is expressed through as inflation (see Fig. 7).  φ( ) 8π φ˙ 2/2 + U(φ) After t reaches the minimum of the potential, it does H = , (3.2) not have enough energy to climb high back because of the 3 m Pl energy loss due to the friction, so φ starts to oscillate with (φ) ≈ . × where U is the potential of the inflaton, mPl 1 2 decreasing amplitude. The moment t0, when φ(t) crosses 1019 GeV is the Planck mass, and it is assumed, as usually, zero for the first time, can be considered as the end of infla- that the inflaton field is homogeneous, φ = φ(t).Corre- tion, the onset of the oscillations, and the universe’s heating. spondingly the equation of motion for φ has the form The Hubble parameter becomes quite small by this moment,  H  m, and continues to decrease, so during the oscillation φ¨ + 3Hφ˙ + U (φ) = 0, (3.3) period one can neglect H in comparison with m. where U  = dU/dφ. Equation (3.3) is simplified by the substitution φ(t) = We study here the particle production by φ, which evolves (t)/a3/2(t), and in the case of quadratic potential it has −3/2 in the potential (2.9), described in the previous section, where a solution φ(t) = φ0(t) cos mt, where φ0(t) ∼ a (t). 123 437 Page 6 of 12 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:437

t t

4 0.04 0.02 3 t 30 40 50 60 70 80 2 -0.02 -0.04 1 -0.06 -0.08 t 20 40 60 80 100

t t

8 0.04 0.02 6 t 100 200 300 400 500 4 -0.02 -0.04 2 -0.06 -0.08 t 100 200 300 400 500

Fig. 5 Inflaton field, φ(t), in the expanding universe. The time t is the moment when φ = 0 for the first time. The upper plots correspond −1 measured in units of m and field φ is measured in units of mPl.Inthe to the case φ(0) = 4.64 mPl,andthe lower ones correspond to the case left panels the evolution φ(t) is shown starting from t = 0. In the right φ(0) = 9 mPl panels the oscillations of φ(t) are presented in more detail, starting from

H t H t 17.5 17.5 15 15 12.5 12.5 10 10 7.5 7.5 5 5 2.5 2.5 t t 20 40 60 80 100 200 300 400 500

Fig. 6 Hubble parameter H(t). The time t is measured in units of m−1 and H is measured in units of m. The left plot corresponds to the case φ(0) = 4.64 mPl,andthe right one corresponds to the case φ(0) = 9 mPl

ln a t ln a t

5000 400 4000 300 3000 200 2000 100 1000 t t 20 40 60 80 100 200 300 400 500

Fig. 7 Logarithm of the scale factor a(t). The time t is measured in units of m−1. The initial value is a(0) = 1. The left plot corresponds to φ(0) = 4.64 mPl,andthe right one corresponds to φ(0) = 9 mPl

123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:437 Page 7 of 12 437

k a t k a t 0.9 1.2 0.8 1 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 t t 1000 3000 5000 7000 1000 3000 5000 7000

Fig. 8 The physical momentum k/a(t) (in units of m). The black horizontal lines cross the functions k/a(t) in the resonance points, k/a(t) = m/2. The left plot corresponds to φ(0) = 4.64 mPl,andthe right one corresponds to φ(0) = 9 mPl

  Therefore, Eq. (3.1) turns into χ˙ 2 ω2χ 2 1 nχ (t) = + . (3.11)   2 2 ω k2 gφ a2 χ¨ + 3Hχ˙ + 1 + 0 cos mt χ = 0, (3.4) a2 k2 It is reasonable to impose the initial conditions for the field χ(t) at the moment t0, which is the moment of the onset of which is the Mathieu equation with a friction term, so the the inflaton√ oscillations. We choose the√ initial conditions as condition of parametric resonance [32]is χ(t ) = 1/ 2ω(t )V (t ), χ(˙ t ) = ω(t )/2V (t ), where 0 0 0 0 0 0     V (t ) = 1 in units of m−3. These conditions correspond   φ 2 0  2k  g 0a χ m −  < − 9H 2. (3.5) to vanishing initial density of the -particles. To avoid the a 2k tachyonic situation we put k/a(t0) = 50 m and g = 5 × −4 2 Let us consider now Eq. (3.1) in the general case. It is 10 m, therefore we ensure that ω is always positive during convenient to make the substitution χ(t) = X(t)/a3/2(t),so the interesting time interval. one obtains At large time the amplitude of the φ oscillation becomes   small and the potential (2.9) closely approaches the quadratic k2 3 3a¨ X¨ + + gφ − H 2 − X = . one; therefore the condition of parametric resonance (3.5) 2 0 (3.6) a 4 2a holds for both potentials. Thus, the resonance occurs in the Equation (3.6) has the form of the free oscillator equation narrow region when k/a(t) is near m/2. In Fig. 8 one can X¨ + ω2 X = 0 with frequency depending on time. During see at what time the resonance occurs for the two potentials the oscillations the terms H 2 and a¨/a are relatively small, so of φ with the chosen parameters. one can take We have assumed here that the inflaton field gives the dominant contribution to the cosmological energy density. k2 ω(t) ≈ + gφ(t). (3.7) Therefore, when the energy density of the produced parti- 2 ˙ a (t) cles, χ , becomes comparable to φ = φ2/2 + U(φ),the model stops to be self-consistent and we should modify the If we neglect the time dependence of a(t) and take a small calculations. The easiest way is to take the energy density g, then ω would be almost√ constant and the solution of −iωt of the produced particles at this moment as an ultimate one (3.6)is√X(t) e / 2ω, which corresponds to χ(t) = − ω and to estimate the cosmological heating temperature on the e i t / 2ωV , where V = a3 is the comoving volume. basis of this result. A more precise way is to take into account The energy and number of produced particles in a comov- the back reaction of the produced particles on the damping ing volume are, respectively, of the inflaton oscillations and to include the contribution of X˙ 2 ω2 X 2 the created particles into the Hubble parameter. The first sim- E(t) = + , (3.8) plified approach, which gives a correct order of magnitude 2 2  X˙ 2 ω2 X 2 1 estimate of the temperature, is sufficient for our purposes. N(t) = + . (3.9) 2 2 ω Resonance particle production could induce specific fea- tures in the primordial spectrum of density perturbations [33], ( ) The scale factor a t changes much slower with time than which might be potentially observable. We thank the referee ( ) χ˙ ≈ ˙ / 3/2 X t , therefore X a . Thus the energy and the number for mentioning this effect. This could be the subject of a χ densities of the produced -particles would be separate study. χ˙ 2 ω2χ 2 The energy densities of the produced particles, (t),for χ (t) = + , (3.10) φ( ) = . m φ( ) = m 2 2 0 4 64 Pl and 0 9 Pl are presented in Fig. 9. 123 437 Page 8 of 12 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:437

t t

1.2 30000 1 25000 0.8 20000 0.6 15000 0.4 10000 0.2 5000 t t 4000 5000 6000 7000 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

t t 12 20000 10 8 15000 6 10000 4 5000 2 t t 4000 5000 6000 7000 2150 2200 2250 2300

Fig. 9 Energy density, (t), of the produced particles χ. The time t is measured in units of m−1 and (t) is measured in units of m4. The upper plots correspond to φ(0) = 4.64 mPl,andthe lower ones correspond to φ(0) = 9 mPl. Black lines in the right panels denote φ

One can see that for the quadratic potential of φ the paramet- where g∗ ∼ 100 is the number of species ric resonance is quite weak and the energy density of particles in the thermalized plasma. Therefore, from Fig. 9 in the case produced during the resonance is much less than φ, which of the potential (2.9) one can estimate the temperature by the is about 3 × 103 m4 at the moment of the resonance emer- moment when χ ∼ φ as gence. On the contrary, in the potential (2.9) χ increases ∼ ≈ −5 ∼ 14 . very quickly and becomes comparable to φ at t ≈ 2050 and T 5 m 10 mPl 10 GeV (3.13) t ≈ 2330 in the cases φ(0) = 4.64 m and φ(0) = 9 m , Pl Pl It is instructive to present a qualitative explanation of respectively. the obtained results. The initial moment, when the particle The number densities n(t) calculated according to production is initiated, is the moment of the onset of the Eq. (3.11) and the total numbers N(t) = n(t) · a3(t) of the inflaton oscillations. They started when the Hubble friction produced particles are presented in Figs. 10 and 11, respec- term in the inflaton equation of motion (3.3) becomes small tively. These plots can be understood as follows. During in comparison with the potential term. It took place when some time after the beginning of the φ oscillations the condi- H 2 dropped down below U (φ). For the harmonic poten- tions of parametric resonance are not fulfilled and therefore tial U = m2φ2/2 it happened after φ reached the boundary χ-particles are not produced in a considerable amount. Due h value φ2 = 3m2 /4π. For our potential (2.9) the oscilla- to the universe’s expansion the term (k/a(t))2 drops down h Pl √ φ and at some moment the mode with conformal momentum tion regime is reached at a 6 times larger value of , i.e. φ2 = 2 / π λ  k enters the resonance region. It is manifested as an expo- λ 9mPl 2 . This result is obtained in the case of 0 1, nential growth of (t), n(t), and N(t). Then the resonance as has been chosen for the potential (2.9). conditions stop to be satisfied once again and χ-particle pro- Discussing particle production we considered the initial = / = duction is almost terminated, so their total number tends to physical momentum of the produced particles p k ain a constant value, while their number density, n(t), decreases 50 m to avoid a tachyonic excitation, and we took initial con- χ as a−3. ditions for corresponding to the vacuum state, i.e. to the χ Let us suppose that χ-particles reach thermal equilibrium state where the real -quanta were absent. In the course of very quickly. The energy density of relativistic particles is the cosmological expansion this momentum evolved down to / = / simply related to the temperature: the resonance value k ares m 2, both in the cases of har- monic and non-harmonic evolution. Since the Hubble param- eter in the modified theory was larger than that in the har- π 2 monic case, the former reached the resonance value faster; 4 χ = g∗T , (3.12) 30 see Fig. 8. However, this is not directly essential, because in 123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:437 Page 9 of 12 437

n t n t

12000 2 10000 1.5 8000 1 6000 4000 0.5 2000 t t 1000 3000 5000 7000 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

n t n t 20000 20 15000 15 10000 10

5 5000

t t 1000 3000 5000 7000 2150 2200 2250 2300

Fig. 10 The number density of the produced χ-particles n(t). The time t is measured in units of m−1 and number density is measured in units of 3 m . The upper plots correspond to φ(0) = 4.64 mPl and the lower ones correspond to φ(0) = 9 mPl

N t N t

10 6 1.4·10 2.5·10 1.2·1010 6 2·10 1·1010 1.5·106 8·109 9 1·106 6·10 4·109 500000 2·109 t t 1000 3000 5000 7000 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

N t N t

7 2.5·10 2·1010 2·107 1.5·1010 1.5·107 1·1010 1·107 9 5·106 5·10 t t 1000 3000 5000 7000 2150 2200 2250 2300

−1 Fig. 11 The total number of produced χ-particles N(t).Thetimet is measured in units of m . The upper plots correspond to φ(0) = 4.64 mPl, and the lower ones correspond to φ(0) = 9 mPl both cases p reaches the resonance value at the same red- inflaton field drops as 1/a, so it comes to the resonance shift relative to the initial state. An important factor which with the amplitude 10 times larger than the harmonic infla- determines the effectivity of the resonance particle produc- ton. tion is the amplitude of the inflaton field√ at the resonance. In the case considered in this paper the modified potential Initial amplitudes differed by the factor 6, but this is not is not purely quartic, moreover, it approaches the harmonic the end of the story. The amplitude of the “harmonic infla- form at small φ, when the resonance is excited. Nevertheless, ton” dropped down as 1/a3/2, while the evolution of the the amplitude of φ during the harmonic regime is much larger inflaton living in the potential (2.9) is considerably slower. than in the purely harmonic case, though not by such a large For a purely quartic potential, ∼λφ4, the amplitude of the factor.

123 437 Page 10 of 12 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:437

According to the equations presented in Sect. 2 the ampli- tum effects induced by particle production in the one loop tude of χ at the resonance rises as ∼ exp(gφrest/2m), where approximation [38,39]. The corresponding equation is an φres is the inflaton amplitude at the resonance. This explains integro-differential one, which for the coupling of the pro- the difference in efficiency of the particle production between duced quantum field χ of the form (2.2) can be written as 2 the purely harmonic and modified cases.  g t1 χ ϕ¨c + V (ϕc) − ϕc ln Finally, it should be noted that production of -particles is 16π 2  φ → χχ  possible also due to the usual non-resonant decay . g2 t1 dτ However, the width of such a decay is very small. Indeed, = [ϕc(t − τ)− ϕc(t)] 16π 2 τ it follows from Eq. (2.2) that = g2m/32π for neutral 0 2 t−t χ g in dτ massless . Therefore, for our choice of the interaction con- + ϕc(t − τ). (4.1) −4 π 2 τ stant, g = 5 × 10 m, the typical time of the decay is 16 t1 − ϕ τ = 1/ ∼ 4 × 108 m 1, which is much longer than the Here we use the notation c for the classical inflaton field time when the resonance occurs (see Fig. 8). Thus the con- to keep track with Ref. [38]. The integrals in the r.h.s. are tribution of the non-resonant decay is negligible. ultraviolet finite. The logarithmically infinite contribution in The inflationary model based on the potential (2.9) is simi- the l.h.s., related to the ultraviolet cut-off  → 0, is taken out lar to the well-known new inflationary scenario or inflation at by the mass renormalization, so with a possible bare mass = 2ϕ2/ a small field φ; see e.g. Ref. [34]. Correspondingly, the slow term in the potential, Vm0 m0 c 2 (here m0 is the bare ϕ roll parameters satisfy the condition ε |η|. The defini- mass of c), we obtain tion of the parameters and their relation to scalar and tensor ϕ¨ + 2( )ϕ + (ϕ ) −  (ϕ ) c m t1 c V c Vm c perturbations can be found in Refs. [34–37]. The inequal-  g2 t1 dτ ity mentioned above means that the amplitude of the grav- = [ϕ (t − τ)− ϕ (t)] π 2 τ c c itational waves in the model considered here must be very 16 0  − g2 t tin dτ small. However, this conclusion is model dependent and is + ϕ (t − τ), (4.2) π 2 τ c not necessarily true. 16 t1 where t1 is an arbitrary normalization point and the “running” 2 2 2 2 mass is m (t1) = m (t2) − (g /16π ) ln(t1/t2).InEq.(4.2)

4 Back reaction we explicitly separated the massive part, Vm0 , in the poten- tial, so that the term in the square brackets vanishes for the (ϕ) = 2ϕ2/ The tremendous rate of particle production makes its back harmonic potential, V m0 2. reaction on the inflaton evolution non-negligible quite soon. The equation governing the evolution of φc can be grossly The simplest way to estimate this back reaction is to use simplified if the particle production goes in the resonant the density balance condition: the energy loss by the inflaton mode. In this case the occupation numbers of the field χ must be equal to the energy carried away by the produced become very large and the field can be treated as a classical particles. Such a comparison is done in Fig. 9. Before this one. moment we can neglect the related decrease of the infla- We assume, as is usually done in studies of parametric ton amplitude. This is similar to the well-known instant resonance, that χ is a real field. Since the resonance is rather decay approximation, which usually works pretty well. So narrow, the universe’s expansion can be neglected. Corre- as regards the order of magnitude we can rely on the results spondingly, the k-mode of the massless field χ satisfies the obtained with the neglected back reaction. However, in the following equation of motion: instant decay approximation the decay rate remains constant, χ¨ (t) + k2χ (t) + gφ (t)χ (t) = 0. (4.3) while the parametric resonance rate is proportional to the k k c k amplitude of the inflaton, and so with decreasing φ the res- In what follows we omit the subindices k and c. onance production drops down and it may happen that the This equation can be transformed into the integral equa- tion: remaining part of the inflaton energy would decay much more  slowly. Keeping in mind that usually the inflaton makes non- t χ( ) = χ −  ( − )φ( )χ( ), relativistic , while produced particles are relativistic, t 0 g dt G R t t t t (4.4) 0 we can conclude that the relative contribution of the infla- where χ0 is the initial value of χ, which is assumed for sim- ton to the cosmological energy density would grow and ulti- plicity to be zero (it does not rise exponentially, so can be mately the dominant part of the (re)heated cosmic plasma neglected anyhow) and would be created by slow (perturbative) inflaton decay. How-  sin kt/k, if t > 0, ever, this is not a subject of the present work. G (t) = (4.5) R 0, if t < 0, For a more accurate treatment of the back reaction we can use the equation of motion of the inflaton with quan- is the retarded Green’s function of Eq. (4.3). 123 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:437 Page 11 of 12 437

Log t Log t 10 10

5 5

t t 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 -5 -5

-10 -10

-15 -15

Fig. 12 Energy density of the produced χ-particles for φ(0) = 4.64 mPl (left panel)andforφ(0) = 9 mPl (right panel) in a normal logarithm scale

Making the ansatz χ = A exp(γ t) sin(kt + α), and and the characteristic time of the oscillation damping is neglecting oscillating terms in the integral (4.4), we find that 1 m this ansatz is self-consistent, i.e. χ indeed rises exponentially, τd ≈ = . (4.10) 2γ gφ0,res if φ = φ0 sin mt, and k = m/2, α = π/2: −4 According to our calculations φ0,res ≈ 10 mPl = 100 m, gφ0 γ ∼ . χ = A e t cos kt. (4.6) and the parameter A can be estimated as A 0 1 m (the 4kγ initial value of χ). Using also g = 5 × 10−4 m, we find that τ ∼ 20/m. It is assumed here that both A and the amplitude of the d In Fig. 12 the energy density of the produced χ-particles inflaton oscillations, φ , slowly change with time. For self- 0 is presented, as usually, for φ(0) = 4.64 m (left panel) consistency one needs to impose the condition gφ /4kγ = Pl 0 and for φ(0) = 9 m (right panel). The exponential rise is 1. It leads to the canonical expression for γ presented in Pl clearly observed with the exponent quite close to the above Eq. (2.7). calculated one. Let us turn now to Eq. (2.3). The impact of the χ-particle The characteristic lapse of time during which φ disappears production originating from the term −gχ 2/2 can be esti- down to zero can be estimated from Eq. (4.9) and is equal to mated as follows. We substitute expression (4.6)forχ and assume that φ evolves as φ = φ (t) sin mt, where φ (t) is γφ 8φ2 0 0 τ ∼ 1 16m 0,res ∼ m 0,res . (in comparison with frequency m) a slowly varying function ln 2 ln 2 (4.11) 2γ gA gφ0,res A of time. In this way we obtain the equation: With the chosen above parameter values we have τφ ≈ 1 γ 300/m. In reality it would be somewhat longer because with 2mφ˙ cos mt =− gA2e2 t cos2 kt 0 2 the decreasing amplitude of φ the parametric resonance expo- 2 φ gA γ nent drops down proportionally to . =− e2 t (1 + cos 2kt). (4.7) 4

The first term in the brackets in the r.h.s. describes the tadpole 5 Conclusion contribution and should be disregarded. The second term is = / consistent with the l.h.s. if k m 2, as expected, and ulti- We have shown that even a small modification of the shape mately we arrive at the equation of the inflaton oscillations could lead to a significant increase 2 of the probability of particle production by the inflaton and ˙ gA 2γ t φ0 =− e . (4.8) consequently to a higher universe temperature after inflation. 8m The particle (boson) production by the inflaton oscillating in a ˙ harmonic potential was compared to the particle production As φ0 is always negative, the amplitude of the inflaton oscil- in a toy inflationary model with a flat inflaton potential at lation φ0 constantly decreases. Thus, if we neglect variations infinity. It was found that the parametric resonance in the of γ and take γ = gφ0,res/2m, where φ0,res is the value of latter case is excited much more efficiently. φ0 at the beginning of resonance, we obtain the lower limit on the time of the oscillation damping. Indeed, in such a case The inflationary model which is considered above is not the amplitude of the inflaton oscillation can easily be found: necessarily realistic. We took it as a simple example to demonstrate the efficiency of the particle production and the 2 gA 2γ t heating of the universe. The impact of the energy density of φ = φ , − e , (4.9) 0 0 res 16mγ the produced particles on the cosmological expansion may 123 437 Page 12 of 12 Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:437 noticeably change the phenomenological properties of the 16. D. Battefeld, S. Kawai, Phys. Rev. D 77, 123507 (2008). underlying inflationary model. arXiv:0803.0321 [astro-ph] We skip on purpose a possible tachyonic amplification of 17. D. Battefeld, T. Battefeld, J.T. 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