
Solving the cosmological entropy issue with a Higgs

David Sloan∗

Department of Physics, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YB, United Kingdom and Beecroft Institute of Astrophysics and Cosmology, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Denys Wilkinson Building, 1 Keble Road, Oxford, OX1 3RH, United Kingdom

George Ellis†

Mathematics Department, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, Cape Town 7701, South Africa

Abstract: Current cosmological models require the universe to be in a very smooth initial state before the onset of inflation, a situation to which Penrose ascribes a vanishingly small probability, leading to his proposal of a Conformal Cyclic Cosmology. We present an alter- native paradigm, in which the Higgs plays the role of dilaton and resolves this problem by weakening at very early times, thus providing a form of inflation that is compatible with observations and in which the inflaton is solidly related to tested .

PACS numbers: 04.20.Dw,04.60.Kz,04.60Pp,98.80Qc,04.20Fy

I. INTRODUCTION A. The nature of the inflaton

The theory of inflation is a huge success, be- This paper proposes a unified solution to two ing able to explain cosmological observations to issues of major import in current cosmology. high precision [1, 2]. However it has a major de- First, what is the nature of the inflaton? A ma- fect: we have no solid basis for stating what the jor problem at present is a lack of a proposal that inflaton is. A great many models have been put is bound in to established particle physics in a forward [33], with some fitting the observations solid way. Second, why is the early universe in a better than others; but most have no sound basis very special state that allows inflation to start, in established physics. The inflaton fields may when that is a highly improbable situation when have their roots in some underlying theory such one takes the entropy associated with possible as or supergravity, be an effective primordial black holes into account [35]? description of a higher order theory of gravity We propose solving both issues simultane- (e.g. Starobinsky inflation [38]), or simply be ously by using a Higgs dilaton as the inflaton, designed for purpose. but coupled in such a way that gravity is essen- ‘Designer’ inflaton potentials are particularly tially turned off in the very early universe. Our problematic as they have been shown to be an purpose in this paper is to show that through implementation of Synge’s g-method [17]: one suitable couplings the Higgs field can be used to can choose from a very broad range of geometric answer both issues. This unifies proposals made features of a model as desired, and then run the by others into a coherent whole that is well worth Einstein equations Gab = κTab from left to right exploring further. to find the content that would give rise to this behaviour, thereby giving an exaat solution ∗Electronic address: [email protected] of the field equations with the desired properties †Electronic address: [email protected] [39]. In cosmology one can pick any behaviour 2 of the scale factor required to produce the ob- B. The fine tuned initial state servations, and then (subject to a few caveats) find a suitable potential V (φ) to give rise to the The second point is that while it is often required evolution [18]. As such, ad hoc inflaton stated that inflation solves the flatness and hori- models are devoid of meaningful physical con- zon problems in the early universe, that is not in tent; had we observed any other behaviour of our fact the case, as Penrose has pointed out in vari- universe, we could derive a model that would be ous writings that are summarised in Chapter 3 of compatible with those observations to ‘explain’ Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy [35]. The essential them in this way. point is that the maximum gravitational entropy The successes of inflationary models are pri- of a given amount of matter is attained by col- marily induced by the geometries of the space- lapsing it into a black hole. By contrast, “the times they bring about. The spectral tilt is was an event of extraordinarily low brought about by the slow reduction of the ex- entropy ... the gravitational degrees of freedom trinsic curvature, and the solutions to the hori- were completely suppressed” ([35]:258). Penrose zon and flatness problems have their roots in estimates the extraordinary precision that was this extended, almost-de Sitter phase. There- involved in setting the initial state of the uni- −10123 fore the question of inflation should not be ‘is verse as 10 ([35]:275). there a scalar field that can bring about this be- Penrose’s argument is simple and persuasive. haviour?’ to which the answer in any universe is Consider the space of all possible universes that ‘yes’ (as just explained), but rather ‘does known could have been created by the big bang sub- physics produce inflation with this behaviour?’ ject to the condition that they all have the same At present most scalar field models are not based number of as in our observable uni- on tested, observable physics. verse. The entropy per in the cosmic microwave background has been found to be There is however one exception: Higgs infla- around 109 [41]. However, had the same baryons tion [10] is possible [9]25 and fits the observa- been packed into stellar mass black holes one tions very well [33]. For reviews see: [7][37] This would find an entropy per baryon on the order is the one and only case in which the inflaton is of 1020, and for supermassive black holes such related to tried and tested physics [20], because as the one found at the center of our galaxy the Higgs has indeed been observed at the LHC. this becomes around 1026. Thus it is appar- Because its properties underlie key features of ent that in order to increase the entropy per the of particle physics, if the baryon, baryons should be concentrated in enor- Higgs were to be the inflaton, one would have mous black holes, and to maximize it the entire one of the most awesome unifications imaginable mass of the universe should be in a single black in physics: the same particle is responsible both hole, which would have an approximate entropy for mass at the microscale, and for the dynam- of 10123 which completely dwarfs the observed ics of the very early universe, and hence controls 1089. From Boltzmann’s law, we know that the the seeds of structure formation at macro scales. entropy of a configuration is the logarithm of This is therefore a proposal that should be seri- the phase-space volume it occupies. Hence if we ously pursued to see if it might work [20]. It is consider the phase-space of all possible configu- the one possibility for an inflaton solidly tied in rations, a universe such as ours occupies a frac- to the standard model of particle physics. tion P of phase space given as the ratio of the In this paper we depart from the aforemen- exponents of the related entropies; tioned models in which new scalar fields not S 1089 e 1 e 123 known previously are introduced, by using a con- P = ≈ ≈ e−10 (1.1) S 10123 struction that is in a sense minimal: it only re- e 2 e quires known standard model (SM) physics cou- Note that in his argument, Penrose points out pled (in a non-minimal way) to gravity hrough that in such numbers the difference between e a single field that already occurs in the SM. and 10 is insignificant given the enormity of the 3 exponents. This argument invokes a uniform This situation is not made clear by standard measure on phase space; that is assuming the inflationary studies because they consider only big bang had an equal probability of distributing perturbed Robertson-Walker geometries. baryons in all possible configurations. Whilst this may be modified somewhat by various An argument due to Kleban - citing a series probability measures, to overcome the large of studies of inhomogeneous initial conditions for factor obtained would require a very special inflation [31] [16] [15] [14] - states that one should measure. consider the deSitter horizon in calculating en- tropy. Take the space of Schwarzschild-de Sit- An objection to Penrose’s reasoning along an- ter space-times and maximize the total horizon thropic lines may be raised: If all baryons in the area (the sum of the black hole horizon and the universe are inside black holes then observers de Sitter horizon) holding fixed the cosmologi- such as ourselves would not exist to see them. cal constant. Then this area is maximized by However, these are easily overcome by a minor empty de Sitter space, and therefore this should perturbation to the reasoning; if we restrict our- be considered the highest entropy state. We ob- selves to conditions under which a galaxy similar ject to this line of reasoning on three grounds: to ours formed we still find that the overwhelm- The first is that a de Sitter horizon is not equiv- ing majority of such systems (as measured frac- alent to a trapping surface. The latter have been tionally on phase space as above) would have shown to obey the laws of thermodynamics with most of the matter in a super-massive black area replacing entropy, whereas the former do hole. We similarly note that the overall num- not interact with one another. Further, a trap- ber of baryons does not play a significant role in ping surface is a locally defined feature of space- the argument itself; a universe with any bary- time, whereas there is a deSitter horizon run- onic content sufficient to produce e.g. our sun ning through every point in de Sitter space. Fi- will find the black hole configuration entropically nally, note that this argument requires the max- favoured. imization of area subject to having a set cos- In order to address questions of probability mological constant but allowing the matter con- more fully, one should form a triple consisting tent to vary. This is not the same as address- of the space of all possible universes, a measure ing the maximal entropy configuration subject upon that space which assigns a probability to a given baryonic mass in the universe. If we of realising any given universe, and a set of also hold fixed the baryonic mass we see that observables of interest (in this case the number a homogeneous distribution within the deSitter of baryons in black holes). Since the space of horizon leads to a smaller total area (and hence all possible universes remains an open question, entropy) of cosmological horizon than the com- this is not possible. The complete space of bined Schwarzschild-de Sitter horizons. The case physically distinct solutions to General Rel- where matter has formed a black hole will remain ativity is unknown. However this is not an static, whereas the homogeneous matter distri- impediment to Penrose’s argument. We know bution will evolve, its cosmological horizon even- the relative entropy per baryon in the case tually reaching the end-point of that determined in which black holes are common and those by the dark energy alone. If one is to consider where they are rare, with the former greatly a horizon brought about by a cosmological con- outweighing the latter. Although we may not stant, therefore, the only reasonable way to treat know the complete set of solutions, we do this is as a fixed number which does not affect know that the set of solutions that look like our dynamics. universe is vastly outnumbered by those wherein But additionally, this argument appears to the overwhelming majority of baryons are inside hinge on the proposition that the Universe is at black holes. Thus we should naively expect some stage actually de Sitter, which will lead to universes like ours to occur far less frequently the Gibbons-Hawking de Sitter horizon proper- than those which are black hole dominated. ties and associated entropy. However the real 4 universe is never de Sitter, and those properties initial assumption, expressing the idea, under- depend on exact symmetries which will not ap- lying inflationary cosmology, that the starting ply. It might possibly asymptote to de Sitter in configuration of the universe (through whatever the far future, or it might not; whether this will creation mechanism) is the most probable one. happen depends on the nature of dark energy - which is unknown. This will in any case not re- late to the issue of concern to Penrose as regards D. Putting them together entropy of black holes at the start of the universe and the probability of inflation starting. What Thus we propose to combine these ideas: we might possibly be relevant there is a de-Sitter will use a Higgs inflaton in a context where grav- like inflationary stage once it has started: but ity is turned off at high densities by the kinds that again is not de Sitter in the real universe, of couplings considered by Greene et al [26].1 as is proven by the Planck observations (which In physical terms, we make Newton’s constant show that r < 1). We cannot see how de Sitter dynamical a la Jordan-Brans-Dicke but with can be regarded as a maximal entropy state in the Higgs playing the role of the coupling. We contrast to the black hole possibility as discussed aim to show this is then a viable cosmological above. theory that embodies the unifications identified Penrose proposes to solve the problem of the above. initial conditions by invoking a Conformal Cyclic Cosmology ([35]: §4.3). This is a creative idea Black hole entropy The Bekenstein- but the mechanisms involved in realizing such a Hawking entropy is determined by the surface proposal are not all clear. area A of a black hole event horizon as measured asymptotically flat spacetime, together with the fundamental constants c, G, and h, and is given C. Turning off gravity at very high densities by:

By contrast, we propose to invoke a mecha- c3A nism proposed by Greene et al [26]: namely that SBH = (1.2) 4G the strength of the gravitational force dies away ~ at very high energies. In that case the collapse In the case of a Schwarzschild black hole, to black holes that causes the problems identi- GM 2 A = 16π c2 and hence we find that we fied by Penrose will not occur: thermal forces should expect that the gravitational entropy of will be able to overcome gravitational forces in black holes is linearly dependent on the strength the very early universe and prevent collapse to G of the effective Newton constant. Note that blackholes. The gravitational degrees of freedom we are thus broadly in keeping with the second will not be suppressed, they will simply not dom- law of thermodynamics only if G is increasing. inate the degrees of freedom of ordinary matter as in the standard case considered by Penrose. Naturalness Proposals for Higgs inflation Given enough time, thermal processes will result have sometimes been criticized as beung “un- in a uniform state of matter, which will allow the natural”, as they require very large values of the geometry to also be smooth. coupling parameter between the Higgs field and There is an issue here as to whether there gravity. When modifying the gravitational La- will be a sufficient time available for such equi- grangian from R to R+ξφ2R for example, it has libriation to take place; that will not always be the case. However if we assume the universe 1 starts off in a most probable state, that will be A somewhat similar proposal was made by Alexander a state of maximal entropy, which will indeed be et al [3] but they did not relate it to the gravitational entropy problem identified by Penrose. In any case the smooth as in the case where gravity is completely inflaton dynamics involved in that case does not work switched off. This may be taken as a reasonable (Section V B). 5 been claimed that the large value of ξ, on the or- theory can be considered valid are dependent der of 104 goes against ‘naturalness’ [12] (how- on the background energy of the field (Higgs) ever, it should be noted that this requirement itself. Thus they are able to show that in the can be brought about from order unity terms Einstein frame the cutoff during the necessary [5]). In particular Barb´onand Espinosa [6] ar- inflationary phase is above the Planck scale, and gue that Higgs inflation requires the field to take thus far higher than the required energy density values well above the scale at which the effec- of the Hubble expansion, therefore the dynamics tive field theory used is valid. Since the exact are well modelled far into the region necessary theory is not known at these scales, there is no for agreement with observations. We do not good reason to simply extrapolate the standard take a position on either side of the arguments model to this point, and therefore the situation presented, but note that Hossenfelder [27] has is no more natural than that of choosing an infla- trenchantly pointed out that such ‘naturalness’ tionary potential. The plateau which is induced criteria may be very misleading, and should in the Einstein frame is sensitive to such correc- not in general be taken as hard guidelines for tions, and thus the desirable properties on which physical theories. In our case we adopt the same Higgs inflation makes it case may not survive a position: given the other advantages flowing closer analysis. This asymptotic ‘shift symme- from the proposed unification, we do not see that try’ [9] corresponds to scale invariance in the Jor- any naturalness objection destroys our proposal. dan frame. The naturalness issue comes in the form of a tuning of the ratio between the square A basis in quantum gravity theory? of the coupling of Higgs to the Ricci scalar and We do not at this time have any proposal as to the large field value form of the potential, which how the effective theory we put forward might extends to scales well above the cut-off. In the have a deeper foundation in an underlying more usual Higgs inflation models, this asymptotes to fundamental theory of gravity. This would unity and thus the transformed field in the Ein- obviously be desirable. We take our choice to be stein frame has a plateau (see section V). How- justified by the unification of different aspects ever this choice may not be justified, and Barb´on of cosmology achieved, as set out above. and Espinosa argue many choices of asymptotic behaviour are possible, some compatible with in- This paper Section II deals with founda- flation, some not. tions. Section III considers the case where the In the current work we allow this coupling to field starts off at small values, and Section IV be more general. Using a scalar field toy model, the case where the field starts off at large val- Lerner and McDonald [32] claim that Higgs ues. Section V deals with the effect of frame inflation is natural nonetheless, as the need to transformations, and Section VI considers issues introduce new couplings may simply be a failing that arise. of the perturbative analysis used in performing calculations, but the underlying physics remains II. FOUNDATIONS valid. Burgess et al. [13] show the cutoff energy scale appears at the same region in either We begin considering a scalar field φ non- frame, and note that there the Higgs scattering minimally coupled to gravity through some func- amplitudes calculated beyond the cutoff scale tion F (φ) which multiplies the scalar curvature depend subtly upon the degrees of freedom of R. Then the action is the Higgs doublet. This is evidence that the semiclassical approximation has broken down Z √ F (φ) 1  S = g R + ∂ φ∂aφ − V (φ) at this scale, and it is therefore not valid to 6 2 a draw conclusions about Higgs inflation coming (2.1) from energies at or above this level. It is where V (φ) is the potential. We have chosen the noted by Beruzkov and collaborators [9] that factor of 6 in the normalisation of the function the energy scales at which the effective field F to make algebra more convenient when spe- 6 cializing this to the case of a Robertson-Walker with H = 0 as it is a constraint, and wherein geometry. we have introduced the standard terminology H =a/a ˙ for the Hubble parameter. We note that in the case of the reduction F 0 → 0 this A. Cosmology reproduces the usual Friedmann equation, how- ever otherwise we have a new term introduced by Let us now restrict ourselves to a homoge- the variation of F . The extra term breaks the neous, isotropic spacetime with curvature k = usual relationship between expansion and energy ±1, 0. Thus the partial derivatives are simply density, thus we should expect to see more inter- time derivatives (up to a choice of lapse). The esting dynamics away from stationary points of Ricci scalar in the case of a Robertson-Walker F , as we will have to solve a quadratic equation geometry is: for H. Introducing a¨ a˙ 2 k  R = 6 + + (2.2) φ˙2 a a2 a2 ρ = + V (2.6) 2 where a(t) is the scale factor and k = {±1, 0} in the case of the scalar field (in general ρ rep- the normalised spatial curvature. Since the ac- resents the energy density of any matter present tion contains second derivatives of the fields, we and minimally coupled to gravity) we see: integrate by parts and recover (up to boundary terms) a Lagrangian which closely resembles the s 0 ˙ 02 ˙2 familiar case of minimally coupled matter, with F φ F φ ρ k H = − ± 2 + − 2 (2.7) an extra term arising from the variation of F , 2F 4F F a with F implicitly dependent upon φ: Since the additional term under the square root ! is positive for F > 0 such functions would not a˙ 2 aF˙ 0 k  φ˙ L = a3 −F + φ˙ − + − V introduce qualitatively new features (such as a2 aF a2 2 bounces in the k = 0, −1 cases) through the role (2.3) of F . We also retain two branches to cosmologi- wherein primes denote derivates with respect to cal solutions, one expanding (H > 0), the other the field φ. contracting (H < 0). The dependence of F on the field φ leads The Euler-Lagrange equations for our system to modifications of the momenta conjugate to give the dynamics of the fields. The motion of φ and a from their usual forms. Varying the La- the scalar field is the usual Klein-Gordon equa- grangian with respect to the velocities of each of tion modified by a gravitational source term pro- these in turn yields: portional to F 0: 3 ˙ 0 2 Pφ = a φ − F a a,˙ k φ¨ + 3Hφ˙ + V 0 = F 0(H˙ + 2H2 + ) (2.8) d a2 P = −F 0φa˙ 2 + 2F aa˙ = − (F a2). (2.4) a dt and the usual Raychaudhuri equation is replaced Thus we can find the Hamiltonian (the Noether by charge associated with time translation), which k determines the Friedmann equation from the 2F H˙ + 3FH2 + F + 2F 0φH˙ + F 0φ¨ + F 00φ˙2 Einstein-Hilbert action:2 a2 φ˙2 !  F 0 k  φ˙2 = 3(V − ). (2.9) H = −a3F H2 + φH˙ + +a3 + V 2 F a2 2 These equations each reduce to their regular (2.5) forms in the case F 0,F 00 → 0, but have correc- tions away from such points. We can combine 2 The cosmological equations are given in the Appendix. them to find a more informative version of the 7

Klein-Gordon equation by eliminating the grav- corresponding to simple harmonic motion of the itational source term. Using 2.9 to eliminate inflaton about its minimum. However, in oscil- terms in H˙ and 2.7 to deal with the remainder lations about this new minimum, a choice of F we arrive at can significantly alter this giving rise to varied

0 F 0  00 φ˙2  values for w and hence altering the reheating V + F (1 − F ) 2 − 2V φ¨ + 3Hφ˙ + = 0. process[34]. F 02 1 + 2F If this does not occur, the minimum will be at (2.10) the Higgs VEV. In either case, at the stationary point F becomes fixed. Thereafter the system will be described by GR with a fixed Newton B. Stationary Points constant, whose value is set by the inverse of F at this stationary point. An important feature is that this equation reveals that the stationary point (φ¨ = φ˙ = 0) of the scalar field may have shifted - it is no longer III. SMALL INITIAL FIELD necessarily at the minimum of the potential but rather is determined by: We first consider the case where our scalar V 0 F 0 field begins at small field values, close to the = 2 (2.11) V F origin. This of course raises issues of natural- Here we note that depending of the functional ness - it would appear that the field would need forms of V and F there could be many realiza- fine-tuning for this to occur in nature. How- tions of the above condition, or none. If we find ever, we shall see that there are certain situa- there to be such a condition away from the min- tions in which this can be alleviated. Specifically imum of the potential, this appears as a new we take: term in the effective matter energy density of   φ n F = A2 exp − the system; if viewed through the lens of mini- S mally coupled GR, it is an effective cosmological V = (Φ2 − φ2)2 (3.1) constant. It also potentially has interesting ram- ifications for reheating. with A, S, and Φ constants and n a postive in- Let us consider the cases of V having a sta- teger and will include other minimally coupled ble point at φ and a global minimum at φ . s o matter, labelled by its energy density ρ. We will Effects during reheating can come around from choose S2 << Φ2 so that the dynamics of the two possible dynamical events. Since the Higgs Higgs potential is close to that of the standard will oscillate about a stationary point, φ that s model when we approach the minimum of the is not at the minimum of its potential (φ ), it o potential. may tunnel from this point to close to its global minimum (another stable point). Thus the os- cillatory phase in which there is particle produc- A. Gaussian F tion through decay of the Higgs may be inter- rupted by this sudden transition. Further these The first thing to notice is that in the case two states could introduce different effective cou- that F is Gaussian (n=2) we find that φ = 0 plings - if the interaction Lagrangian is given becomes a stable minimum of the system. To 2 2 see this consider the Klein-Gordon equation in Lint = −gσφ χ (2.12) this setup. Linearly perturbing φ, to order  in say then oscillations about φs which are insuffi- both φ and φ˙ we see that: cient to reach φo will produce at a dif-  4  ferent rate than oscillations about φo. Further- p ρ 4Φ ¨+ 3 ρ + Φ4˙ + + − 4Φ2  = 0 more, the canonical reheating scenario has an ef- S2 S2 fective, time-averaged equation of state wre = 0 (3.2) 8

2 3 −H0 and our condition on S means that the coeffi- tion: The slow roll parameters are H = H2 cient of  is positive. In such a case we could H00 and ηH = H0H , which to first order about this relax our tuning of the system somewhat, as point can be expressed in terms√ of the field dif- small perturbations about the hilltop in F and V ference from the point, δ = φ − Φ2 − S2: would not lead to run-away dynamics. Any ini- 2 2 2 3 3 tial condition with φ0 < Φ −S will tend toward 8AΦ δ 8MpΦ H ≈ = δ φ = 0, and settle there classically. However, this 4 Φ2 S4 S exp[ 2S2 ] condition holds indefinitely, and as such it would 3 3 24AΦ δ 24MpΦ not be possible for the particle to escape from ηH ≈ = δ (3.5) 4 Φ2 S4 this setup, unless it were to tunnel. That would S exp[ 2S2 ] be the only way to end inflation. at which points the Hubble parameter takes the At this point it is useful to note that this sys- 2 2 2 value H = S exp[ Φ ] = S . Thus we see that tem will have five stationary points: φ = 0, φ = A 2S2 Mp √ we have simply replaced one issue of fine-tuning ±Φ are stable, φ = ± Φ2 − S2 are unstable. with another; the system would have to tunnel To see this consider whether the Klein Gordon incredibly close to the unstable equilibrium point equation with φ˙ = 0 = φ¨ can be satisfied by solu- to begin a slow-roll inflation which was compat- tions to equation 2.11, which in this case implies ible with observations. We therefore turn our the conditions for unstable equilibria. Likewise attention to other possible choices of F . φ = Φ is stationary. To see stability, we can ex- ˙ pand our solutions to first√ order in φ, φ about 2 2 these points. Setting φ = Φ − S +  we see B. Even powers of φ

2 2 8H(Φ − S ) The next logical one is given by setting n = 4. ¨+ 3H − 2 2 = 0 (3.3) H + 2(Φ − S ) Unfortunately this, and all higher (even) pow- ers also suffer from having multiple stable min- hence these are unstable equilibria, as the coef- ima that are away from the minimum of the ficient of  is negative. Now let us consider the Higgs potential. It is, of course, possible to tune minima of the Higgs potential: setting φ = Φ+ such minima so that one of them is compatible we find with the , however doing so would be essentially no less arbitrary than 8 S4Φ2 adding a constant to the potential to recover the ¨+ 4 2 2 2 2  = 0 (3.4) S + 2Φ A exp[−Φ /S ] same effect. An interesting case in which this oc- curs due to a more natural mechanism created where the coefficient of  is positive and hence by the Higgs vacuum being dynamic is presented we have a stable equilibrium. At this point the 2 2 2 2 in [11]. effective Planck mass is Mp = A exp[−Φ /S ]. Fixing this at this point to match with obser- vations made in the late universe, we see that C. Free choice of F if the field can move away from the equilibrium point at the origin out to the Higgs minimum by Let us now consider whether a small ini- a tunnelling process, the effective Newton con- tial field choice can ever resolve the problem of 2 2 stant will have fallen by a factor of exp[Φ /S ]. gravitational entropy, with the function F kept In order for the classical motion to no longer largely free. In order to have the field begin at move the field towards the hilltop the tun- small values we require that at least the point nelling√ would have to take the particle beyond φ = Φ2 − S2 - the next (unstable) equilibrium 3 point of the system - and close to the minimum We here use the geometric version of the slow-roll con- dition rather than the potential form, as it is H not V of the potential. From this point onwards the which determines the behaviour of perturbations, and dynamics could reproduce that of slow-roll infla- our dynamics is not simply dependent on V . 9

φ = 0 be an equilibrium point of the system. is within a few percent of its current value for For our argument we do not here need to require φ > 0.99Φ would restrict this ratio to being in stability at this point. From the Klein-Gordon the region of 50. equation we see that φ = 0 being an equilibrium requires that F 0 = 0 at this point. Our second D. In conclusion: requirement is that we want to avoid there being a stationary point of the system for φ ∈ [0, αΦ] for some positive number α so that our cosmol- if we don’t want to require tunnelling nor in- ogy does not enter a deSitter phase that is in- troduce a new cosmological constant this really compatible with observations. From the current rules out the small field case as a solution to value of the cosmological constant and the po- the entropy problem pointed out by Penrose. A tential V we see that this requirement is that (stable) stationary point of the scalar field away α ≈ (1 − 10−37). Our requirement that there be from the minimum of the potential introduces a no stationary points means that equation 2.11 cosmological constant, and the classical dynam- cannot be satisfied on this interval. Hence: ics comes to a rest at this point. We want to rule that out if it would give an effective cosmologi- 2(log F )0 < (log V 0) (3.6) cal constant orders of magnitude bigger than our own today. This means that there’s a condition so relating the ratio of the potentials today and at s the origin, and the ratio of the function F today F (0) V (0) Φ2 < = √ ≈ 1037 (3.7) and at the origin. This in turn puts an upper F (αΦ) V (αΦ) Λ bound on the ratio of G today to it’s minimum value, which, even in the most liberal case, is Let us summarise this result: If we want to about 1037, and in much more realistic cases is have the effective Newton constant G be a func- more like 100 - vastly less than needed to solve tion of the Higgs field such that it does not gener- the Penrose problem. The only way in which this ate a cosmological constant which is significantly scenario can be avoided is to very precisely de- larger than the one currently observed and the fine F such that G becomes equal to its current field begins its dynamics at the origin, then the value very suddenly, requiring a degree of fine- maximum ratio of the value of G today to its 37 tuning on at least the same order as the problem early value is approximately 10 . Whilst this is that Penrose identifies. We are therefore moti- a very large number, it is not enough to overcome vated to move away from looking for situations the criticisms that Penrose has levelled about the in which the field begins at small values and in- fine-tuning of the initial state: the initial entropy vestigate the case of a large initial field. per baryon would be dropped by 1037, which is not enough to overcome the factor of 10123 that Penrose calculates (he calculates the probability IV. LARGE INITIAL FIELD of being in this state to be 1010123 and the en- tropy is the log of this, hence 10123). Starting An alternative way in which we can realize near the origin appears to fail entirely unless one the dynamics we seek is to consider beginning is willing to have very fine-tuned quantum tun- the scalar field at high (positive) field values. nelling out of such a phase and have F extremely We note that in such cases F should be mono- high at the origin. tonically increasing towards high field values Note further that this is a very liberal esti- so that equation (1.2) obeys the second law of mate on the upper bound for this ratio; if we thermodynamics. To examine this possibility, were to make the more conservative assumption consider the dynamics of a field that begins that the dynamics of the Higgs field was unaf- at rest at a high field value. From equation fected in a larger region about its minimum we 2.10 we see that the acceleration of the field is F 0 0 would obtain a much lower bound. For exam- proportional to 2V F − V . Thus we see that ple, insisting that the effective Newton constant for this acceleration to be towards the minimum 10 of the potential we need that asymptotically field is driven to the minimum of its potential F 2 ≤ V , which in the case of our Higgs potential (see section V) but for our purposes the growth means that F cannot asymptote to a function need not be quadratic. We thus further split the which grows faster than φ2. discussion into two cases; the first case to con- sider is where F is unbounded from above (but As we have noted, to follow the second law of grows slower than φ2), and the second is where thermodynamics, we need F˙ < 0 so that G, its F asymptotes to a finite constant. inverse is increasing, and thus the black hole en- tropy will increase. In the case of a large initial B. If F is unbounded above field which we expect to roll back to the min- imum of the Higgs potential, this means that let us consider the following as an exemplar F cannot have local minima between the Higgs function: minimum and the initial value. A2φ2 F = (4.2) (φ + ξ2) A. Quadratic F with A, ξ constants, and V is given by (3.1). We 2 The case in which F ∝ φ2 is that examined in choose ξ >> Φ, and could use the modulus of many cases of Higgs inflation (see e.g. Shaposh- the numerator to make an even function if we nikov [9]) and this term means the acceleration wish to consider negative field values. In such a of the field tends to zero at large field values, model we see the asymptotic behaviour required giving rise to the slow-roll effect, as needed for - F becomes linear in φ at high field values, and 2 inflation. This is usually established in the Ein- is quadratic for φ < ξ . We note that the condi- stein frame for convenience of calculation, but tion for finding a non-trivial minimum was given here we retain the Jordan frame as we will ex- in equation (2.11). Here we show that this can- amine more general scenarios. not be realized: In recent work it was suggested that this al- V 0 F 0 2ξ2Φ2 + Φ2φ + 6ξ2φ2 + 7φ3 − 2 = (4.3) teration of the effective Newton constant could V F 2φ (ξ2 + φ)(φ2 − Φ2) be responsible for ‘turning off’ gravity at high which is never zero (or singular) away from energy densities [3]. Here we demonstrate why φ = Φ. Therefore the complete dynamics of this limit is still singular in our case, and in sec- such a system closely matches those we want: tion V we give a general argument as to why the field begins at large field values where this cannot be achieved. The Hubble parameter the effective Newton constant is almost zero, is determined by equation 2.7, and thus grows at evolves through a phase in which it undergoes high field values. Since both kinetic and poten- Higgs inflation, and eventually comes to rest tial energy contribute to H, and both are pos- at the minimum of the Higgs potential. The itive, the Hubble parameter at a given value of behaviour of this system is analysed in the φ is greater than the value it would take if the Einstein frame in section V, with the effective kinetic energy were zero: potential shown in figure 1. Thus this model r V resembles the standard Higgs inflation case [9] H > > V 1/4 ∝ φ (4.1) and so can fit the Planck data [33]. The current F value of the Planck mass is (for ξ2 >> Φ) by the same consideration in the case of a Higgs given by Mp = AΦ/ξ, whereas at high values potential. Thus we see from running our dynam- of the scalar field (i.e. in the early universe) it ics backwards that in such cases the cosmological tends towards Aφ, and hence tends to infinity model begins with an initial singularity (H → ∞ (G → 0) at the initial singularity, thus removing at φ → ∞). We shall show that this behaviour the initial entropy problem. is universal in such models. The quadratic case is the fastest rate of growth of F in which the Overall: this is a case that works. 11

C. F asymptotes to a finite constant with M0, A, and S constants, where we shall choose S to be considerably larger than the In the second case we mirror the ideas of, Higgs VEV. Note that there are a plethora of for example, T-models or α-attractors [23, 30] functions we could have used in this instance in which inflation is reproduced by a scalar field each of which although quantitatively distinct, with a potential that tends towards a plateau we should expect to have qualitatively similar at high field values. T-models, named in refer- features. Our choice is motivated simply by ence to their automobile counterparts for their the quadratic nature of the function about zero apparent ubiquity, arises when the theory has a and the good approximation as such around the scalar field which has poles (usually two poles Higgs VEV, matching the usual Higgs inflation of order two) in its kinetic term. Such theories coupling, and its asymptotic plateau. In such a often arise as a result of supergravity theories. case, since the terms F 02/F and F 0V/F asymp- This is remedied through a field redefinition to tote to zero, we see that in the large field limit we recover a canonical kinetic term. In doing so the should expect to see the dynamics of the scalar relationship between the original field, χ, and field match those of , albeit with its canonical counterpart, x, of necessity must a significantly reduced Newton’s constant. How- monotonically map a finite range (the region be- ever, once the field exits the plateau phase its tween two poles, for example) in χ onto an in- dynamics tend towards those of Higgs inflation finite range in x, and hence dχ/dx → 0. Thus (see e.g. [9]) which agree with the Planck obser- any potential U(χ) which is finite and has finite vations [33]. first derivative on this region will be rendered Let us note a few features of such choices of as having an infinite plateau in x. This occurs F . First we can show that the asymptotic be- because haviour of the system is indeed that the field comes to rest at the minimum of the Higgs po- dU dU dχ = (4.4) tential. Again, the condition for a stationary dx dχ dx point away from the Higgs minimum cannot be with the latter term tending to zero. Thus these realized: models are ubiquitous: Any well behaved poten- V 0 F 0 φ2 − Φ2 tial in χ will render a plateau model suitable for − 2 = (4.6) V F 4φ generating inflation in the transformed field x. 2 φ φ φ In our case, we are not directly motivating − S cosh ( ) coth( )(Mo(1 + A) tanh( )) our choice of function F from a more funda- S S S mental theory which leads to this behaviour, but First we consider the case φ > 0. Finding a Lau- rather using such models as a qualitative exem- rent series for V 0/V − 2F 0/F reveals that this plar of classes of functions which asymptote to can be expressed as a polynomial in φ, the coef- constants. Since turning points for F are dis- ficients of each term being negative. Hence the allowed, it should approach the plateau mono- sign of the function is fixed. Now since the to- tonically away from the Higgs minimum. Thus tal expression is odd, a parallel argument runs as the function increases, its derivative tends to for φ < 0. Therefore the only possible points at zero from below. which the field can be at rest are at the origin In these situations slow roll inflation is (which is an unstable equilibrium point, and thus achieved since the potential is sufficiently flat would only hold if the field were always there) far from the origin, and finding the inflaton here or at the minima of the Higgs potential (stable should not be considered unnatural as there is al- equilibria). Hence the field will eventually come ways an infinity of parameter space with higher to rest at the Higgs VEV. For S >> Φ we find field values. As an example of this, we will that this gives an effective Planck mass of choose the function Φ 2 2 2 M 2 = M 2(1 + A2 tanh2( )) ≈ M 2 (4.7) F = Mo + A tanh (φ/S), (4.5) p o S o 12 whereas at high field values, the effective Planck with the transformed potential mass is determined on the plateau of F : V (φ) U(χ) = (5.3) 2 2 2 2 2 4F 2 Mp ≈ Mo (1 + A ) ≈ A Mo (4.8)

Thus we see that if we want to alleviate the A. Unbounded-above case initial fine-tuning problem we require that A is of the order of 10123, thus reducing G, and Let us return our attention to the unbounded hence the entropy count of primordial black large field case where the function F is that of holes, by this same factor. A2φ2 (4.3): F = ξ2+φ . To analyse the choices in the Einstein frame, we first note that the potential In this bounded-above case, you do need a U(χ) can be expressed as large number somewhere to make the potential 2 2 2 123 V (Φ − φ ) high enough to overcome the 10 factor in G. It U = = (ξ2 + φ)2 (5.4) does look like an unnaturalness in terms of hav- 4F 2 4A2φ4 ing such a large number instead of one around and hence it becomes apparent that we should unity; but a number even larger than this would split our analysis into three regimes correspond- still work, so it’s not fine tuning in the sense of ing to (i) the initial large field, (ii) the region needing a rather specific value. Also on using a in which A is most relevant, and (iii) the be- log prior [29] it’s only tuned to around 1 part in haviour around the minimum of the Higgs po- 100. If we in any case adopt the view that nat- tential: φ >> ξ,Φ < φ << ξ and φ ≈ Φ respec- uralness of such parameters is not a major issue tively. In the first of these regimes we see that F √ [27], this case works too. However perhaps the is essentially linear, and hence χ ∝ x, and thus unbounded-above case mentioned above is more U(χ) ∝ χ4, and our field will begin its descent appealing as you only need to introduce one new down the potential. In the latter two regimes √ 2 term (ξ) which is bounded to be an order of mag- 4 2ξ χ ∝ φ and hence at first U(χ) ≈ ξ + χ2 , dur- nitude above the Higgs minimum. ing which phase the potential is approximately a plateau, and the dynamics will match that of A2φ2 V. FRAME TRANSFORMATION AND Higgs inflation, since F ≈ ξ2 and thus our ac- POTENTIAL tion would match that of Higgs inflation. In the final phase we can expand U about Φ2, and we Our analysis thus far has been carried out see that we once again recover the Higgs poten- in the Jordan frame. However, if we want to tial; 2 2 make comparisons with inflation, it is often use- (Φ + ξ ) 2 U = χ − Φ2 + O(χ − Φ2)3 (5.5) ful to transform to the Einstein frame. Here we 4A2Φ4 will follow Kaiser (94), and note that by mak- Equation (5.5) refers to the unbounded-from- ing a conformal transformation of the metric above potential, but this time in the Einstein (ˆg = Ω2g ) we can rewrite the non-minimally µν µν frame rather than the Jordan frame. This is an coupled field as a scalar field with a transformed example that works. The point here is that you potential. The choice Ω2 = F/6 renders the ac- can see why, for example, F > φ2 doesn’t work, tion and the nice plateau form of the potentials in Z µ ∂µχ∂ χ this setup. S = pgˆRˆ + − U(χ) (5.1) 2 wherein Rˆ is the Ricci scalar of the metricg ˆ, and B. What does not work χ is obtained from solving Consider the case in which F grows faster r dχ F + 3(F 0)2 than φ2 for large field values. To make this ex- = (5.2) dφ 4F 2 plicit, consider F ∝ φn, where we shall later set 13

U(χ) Let us consider that scenario. If we were to modify the Higgs potential such that it asymp- totes to a constant we would still find the sin- gularity unavoidable. Suppose V = V∞ and F = F∞ for φ > φm say for some finite values of V∞ and F∞. Then the Klein-Gordon equation 2.10 reduces to a (somewhat rescaled) version of the usual inflaton dynamics on a flat potential: s 2 φ˙ V∞ χ φ¨ + 3φ˙ + = 0 (5.8) 2F∞ F∞ FIG. 1: Potential in χ for three different choices and thus the kinetic energy of the inflaton tends for F corresponding to the usual quadratic (orange, to infinity, taking the Hubble parameter with it. short dashed), a quartic (green, long dashed) and Hence any large field model is necessarily singu- φ2 F = A2+φ (blue, solid). We see that in the latter lar, and if we require that F is finite for all finite two cases we recover the plateau for Higgs inflation values of φ we see that one cannot achieve the near the minimum of the potential, and in the first goal of having the cosmological solution asymp- case the field would roll off to infinity as described. tote to one in which G = 0 always [3] without either resorting to breaking the second law of thermodynamics or having to introduce a new n > 2. Then when we transform to the Einstein principle by which the Higgs field could tunnel frame, we find from infinity. The asymptotic behaviour of mod- Ω2 ∝ φn, χ ∝ log φ + O(φ−2) (5.6) els in which G is taken to be small whilst φ grows large differs qualitatively from that in which G which together tells us that at large field values is set by hand to zero. √2χ Ω2 ∝ e 3 and thus we see that the transformed The approach of [3] requires F → ∞ at the potential in the Einstein frame is given by origin, so that does not work. The reason for this is that in this case, V is still finite at the origin, 4χ 2 √ 2 (Φ − e 3n ) √4χ (2−n) and hence the Higgs particle becomes trapped U(χ) ∝ → e 3n . (5.7) √4χ there. To illustrate this we will work in the Ein- 3 e n stein frame. Suppose F ≈ φ√ for n < 0. Then, Hence if n > 2 the potential is decreasing away close to φ = 0 we find χ ≈ 3n/2 log(φ). Thus from the origin, and the field will roll away to in- φ → 0 as χ → ∞. There is ambiguity in taking finity in such cases. Thus our analysis in the Ein- the square root of n2 in this calculation. How- stein frame matches that in the Jordan frame for ever, taking a negative square root both changes these choices of high initial field values. In other the sign of the relationship between χ and φ and 2 words, if F asymptotically grows faster than φ flips the potential about χ = 0 such that the our cosmological solutions will push φ → ∞ for- complete dynamics is insensitive to this choice. ever, and we will recover neither inflation nor The potential in the Einstein frame is rendered standard model physics. In fact this result only differently from that in equation 5.7 : relies on the fact that V must grow faster than 4χ 2 V 4 − √ F to have a monotonically non-decreasing po- U(χ) = → Φ e 3 (5.9) tential in χ, since χ is by design a monotonic 4F 2 function of φ. Together with the result of equa- This is decreasing away from the origin, hence tion 4.1 which tells us that√ for generic potentials the field would have to roll up the potential from V and functions F , H ∝ FU, we see that if infinity to overcome this. In terms of the original both F and U are non-decreasing functions the field (in the Jordan frame), this means that if φ only way to avoid a H → ∞ singularity at large begins at the origin it will remain there through- χ would be if both were bounded from above. out the evolution. Thus we see that it is not 14 possible that any such system (either beginning is far outside the scope of this work, but fortu- at large or small values of the field) can asymp- nately, do not alter the our overall finding that totically become deSitter or Minkowski - it will Higgs inflation is viable. We have thus shown always be singular. that both the question of what is the nature of the inflaton and why black holes do not dom- inate the entropy of the early universe can be VI. FURTHER STEPS reconciled in the same model.

We have shown there are a number of models B. Can it be the Higgs? that can provide the kind of desired unification described in Section 1 and also be compatible Throughout this paper we have used the with the Planck observations. They are large Higgs field as the inflaton. The results we have field cases, with two options presented that work, obtained are not strictly dependent on the field see equations (4.2) and (4.5). in question being the Higgs itself, as any scalar field with the same non-minimal coupling to gravity and potential would give rise to an iden- A. Agreement with inflation tical effect. However, we take the viewpoint that laboratory tested particle physics already The agreement of these models with inflation- has discovered a scalar field which is suitable for ary observations are guaranteed because during our purposes, and therefore is a strongly pre- the relevant phases of inflation the dynamics ferred candidate [20]. Therefore the question of is well approximated by systems already anal- interest is not whether any scalar field could be ysed in the Encyclopedia Inflationaris [33]. One the inflaton, or answer questions about the low thing that should be considered carefully is the entropy of matter in the early universe. The an- relationship between the Einstein and Jordan swer to this has already been determined to be frames; the dynamics of inflation are usually an- yes. The question we have asked is ‘Could the alyzed in the Einstein frame since this where the Higgs field answer these questions?’ What we scalar field is modelled as being minimally cou- have shown is that the answer is yes. This can pled to the (transformed) gravitational theory. be achieved without having to invoke new fields However, other matter present will not have this at all. coupling - in the Einstein frame this will appear Using the Higgs field in this way provides as new couplings between the transformed field interesting possibilities. Since the Higgs field is and the remaining matter. Therefore when con- related to directly testable physics, the ques- sidering reheating, for example, if one is to work tion arises as to whether there are observable in the Einstein frame, careful attention should consequences of the model for example in black be paid to these induced couplings. hole physics, and particularly in terms of binary Similarly the masses of the standard model black hole coalescence accompanied by emission particles are affected by the conformal transfor- of gravitational radiation. mation [24]. The precise way in which reheating is achieved in non-minimally coupled inflation is subject to a number of subtleties; there is a com- plex set of decays through W and Z which C. Further issues in turn decay into [8, 24]. The gauge bosons can back-react upon the Higgs conden- Two issues regarding the ‘turning off’ of grav- sate and thus the system can become highly non- ity arise. Firstly, in principle we need 1/G to ini- perturbative, and the production of particles can tially be infinity to completely turn gravity off. be due to a force that appears ‘spike-like’ [21]. In Even in this case, we note that there is a dis- order to fully model these situations, lattice sim- tinct qualitative difference in dynamics between ulations are used [36]. A full accounting of this models in which this is done through taking the 15 limit of an unbounded from above field (as pre- rect relationship between G and entropy? What sented here) and formally setting G = 0 in the is Schwarzschild solution for these cases, the equations of motion. In practice a finite value horizon location, and the Hawking tempera- of 1/G suffices to remove the entropy problem ture/entropy? A naive consideration of the (and infinities are in any case to be avoided in Bekenstein-Hawking entropy 1.2 indicates that real physics [19]). What that value is depends (keeping matter fixed) the relationship is linear. on which detailed model is employed. This needs We note that since the Schwarzschild solution further investigation, and is related to the sec- is vacuum solution, it is a solution of the non- ond issue: in principle thermalisation can be minimally coupled theory for finite G. However achieved if the the Hubble parameter were very the event horizon is defined topologically as the low to begin with, so there is time to smooth past horizon of future null infinity - this needs out the matter density in this weak gravity era. modification in case in which G can vary over However in practice models do not exist where time, and a more detailed analysis should be H is very small initially. We therefore have to based on a more local concept defined by a dy- rely instead on the assumption that the universe namical horizon in this context [4]. We leave starts off in a maximum entropy state, which these issues for separate discussion. will indeed be such a smooth state, instead of one chock full of black holes. We are grateful to the anonymous referee Finally, we need an investigation of black whose insightful comments have greatly im- holes for such gravity theories: What is the di- proved this article.

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