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Planck Mass and Inflation As Consequences of Dynamically Broken Scale Invariance

Planck Mass and Inflation As Consequences of Dynamically Broken Scale Invariance

PHYSICAL REVIEW D 100, 015037 (2019)

Planck mass and as consequences of dynamically broken scale invariance

† ‡ Jisuke Kubo,1,2,* Manfred Lindner,1, Kai Schmitz,3,4, and Masatoshi Yamada5,§ 1Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK), Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany 2Department of Physics, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan 3Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Universit`a degli Studi di Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova, Italy 4Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sezione di Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova, Italy 5Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Heidelberg, Philosophenweg 16, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany

(Received 13 May 2019; published 23 July 2019)

Classical scale invariance represents a promising framework for model building beyond the . However, once coupled to , any scale-invariant microscopic model requires an explanation for the origin of the Planck mass. In this paper, we provide a minimal example for such a mechanism and show how the Planck mass can be dynamically generated in a strongly coupled gauge sector. We consider the case of hidden SUðNcÞ gauge interactions that link the Planck mass to the condensation of a scalar bilinear operator that is nonminimally coupled to curvature. The effective theory at energies below the Planck mass contains two scalar fields: the pseudo–Nambu-Goldstone of spontaneously broken scale invariance (the ) and a gravitational scalar degree of freedom that originates from the R2 term in the effective action (the scalaron). We compute the effective potential for the coupled dilaton-scalaron system at one-loop order and demonstrate that it can be used to successfully realize a stage of slow-roll inflation in the early Universe. Remarkably enough, our predictions for the primordial scalar and tensor power spectra interpolate between those of standard R2 inflation and linear chaotic inflation. For comparatively small gravitational couplings, we thus obtain a spectral index ns ≃ 0.97 and a tensor-to- scalar ratio as large as r ≃ 0.08.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.100.015037

I. INTRODUCTION the beginning [1–11], as in the Brans-Dicke theory [19],or no as in the case of induced gravity [12–18]. What is the origin of the Planck mass? This fundamental Conformal gravity, i.e., gravity supplemented by a local question, which we will address in this paper, has attracted conformal symmetry, has also been strongly motivating much attention in the past, particularly in field theory [1–18]. If we start with a theory that contains dimensionful because of its possible renormalizability (see, e.g., parameters, we cannot explain its origin. Thus, within the Refs. [18,20,21]). If conformal symmetry is imposed in framework of Einstein’s theory of gravity, the origin of the the presence of a scalar field, and if it is an anomaly- Planck mass cannot be explained. In the references cited free local symmetry, the scalar field can be eliminated by a – above, conformal symmetry is imposed, as the Planck mass gauge fixing [5 11]. Alternatively, a certain boundary and hence Einstein gravity can arise through its breaking. condition may be responsible for the generation of Conformal symmetry can be global [1–4] or local [5–18], Einstein gravity [8,22]. For recent work on the possible and the theory can contain fundamental scalar fields from connection between conformal gravity and the origin of the electroweak scale, see also Ref. [23]. In contrast to this, if conformal symmetry is global and spontaneously *[email protected] † broken, the Nambu-Goldstone (NG) boson associated with [email protected][email protected] the breaking appears as a physical degree of freedom §[email protected] (DOF). This bosonic DOF may be present from the start and become the NG boson after symmetry breaking. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of Bosonic DOF are welcome because they may play the the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. – Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to role of the field, which is a crucial element [24 26] the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, to overcome the problems of old inflation [27] (see, e.g., and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. Ref. [28] for a historical account). Since the inflaton field

2470-0010=2019=100(1)=015037(17) 015037-1 Published by the American Physical Society KUBO, LINDNER, SCHMITZ, and YAMADA PHYS. REV. D 100, 015037 (2019) should roll down very slowly at first, the scalar potential for anomaly [52–54] (i.e., the running of coupling constants) the inflaton field needs to satisfy the so-called slow-roll plays a crucial role. Finally, we mention that the super- conditions (see, e.g., Refs. [29,30] for reviews). Moreover, symmetric models discussed in Refs. [55–61] also make the shape of the potential is these days very restricted in use of strongly coupled gauge dynamics in a hidden sector order to agree with the Planck observations [31]. Symmetry to generate the energy scale of inflation. However, these principles such as the concept of conformal symmetry can models simply assume the presence of the Einstein-Hilbert help to explain the origin of the inflaton field in combi- term from the very beginning and hence offer no dynamical nation with its specific potential. It can also help if the explanation for the origin of the Planck scale. 2 inflaton field is absent at the beginning as in the case of R Our starting tree-level action in Eq. (1) below has the inflation [32–34] (see also Ref. [35] and references therein) most general form consistent with general diffeomorphism or if the scalar field plays a dual role as in the case of Higgs invariance, SUðNcÞ local gauge invariance, and global inflation [36] (see also Ref. [37] and references therein). scale invariance. Then, along the lines of the Nambu– Motivated by these observations and guided by the hints Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model [62,63], we proceed to an above, we consider in this paper a model with global effective-theory description of the scalar bilinear conden- conformal symmetry, which is spontaneously broken by the sate. In the mean-field approximation, we are not only able strong dynamics in a hidden SUðNcÞ gauge theory. The to identify the dilaton but can also derive its potential by model contains a complex scalar field S in the fundamental integrating out the fluctuations of the scalar field S around representation of SUðNcÞ with the curvature portal cou- its background. In doing so, we arrive at the one-loop † pling S SR, where R represents the Ricci curvature scalar. effective action, which is the starting action in the Jordan Because of the strong dynamics, a nonzero scalar bilinear frame, in order to subsequently discuss inflation in Sec. III. condensate forms, hS†Si ≠ 0, which breaks conformal In this part of our analysis, we assume that the Weyl tensor symmetry spontaneously [38,39]. The Planck mass is squared is negligible for the purposes of inflation, which generated dynamically in this way, and the lowest excita- is why we suppress it in the effective action. The final tion around the symmetry-breaking condensate can be effective Lagrangian in the Einstein frame involves the identified with the NG boson, i.e., the dilaton. Note that scalaron field as well. We find that the scalar potential is this mechanism eliminates the generic asymmetry between such that the coupled dilaton-scalaron system gives rise to gravity with a built-in scale and , an effective single-field model of inflation. In the last part where overall scales have no meaning. The breaking of of Sec. III, we perform a numerical analysis to compute the conformal symmetry in our scenario sets the scale in both inflationary observables encoded in the cosmic microwave sectors in a symmetric way. The potential for the dilaton background (CMB) and to compare our predictions with field and its coupling to the gravitational field is generated the latest data from the Planck satellite mission [31].Our at the same time in this scenario. Through an appropriate model contains four independent parameters, two of which Weyl transformation, the resulting action can be brought are used to fix the values of the reduced Planck mass MPl into the Einstein frame. In this way, we are able to identify and the amplitude As of the primordial scalar power the origin of the Planck mass and the inflaton; it is a spectrum. We are hence left with two free parameters to mixture of the dilaton and the scalaron, which appears due describe the inflationary Universe. The last section is to the R2 term. devoted to the Conclusion. Our basic idea to generate the Planck mass and at the same time to induce inflation is similar to that of Ref. [40] II. DYNAMICAL ORIGIN OF in that our construction is based on global scale invariance THE PLANCK MASS in the starting classical theory.1 However, our concept to arrive at the Einstein-Hilbert kinetic term for the gravita- A. Spontaneous breaking of scale invariance tional field that couples to the inflaton field is different: we in a hidden strongly coupled sector rely on the strong dynamics in a non-Abelian gauge theory The starting point of our analysis is the most general that break scale invariance spontaneously, while the model action that complies with the symmetry principles of of Ref. [40] has no strongly interacting gauge sector, so the general diffeomorphism invariance, local gauge invariance, hard breaking of conformal symmetry by the conformal and global scale invariance at the classical level,

1 Z  References [41–47] are a partial list of articles that discuss ffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 4 p− −βˆ † γˆ 2 − 2 inflation in classically scale-invariant models (see also the SC ¼ d x g S SR þ R TrF references in these articles). None of them uses strong dynamics 2 in a non-Abelian gauge theory to break scale invariance. Non- μν † ˆ † 2 μν þ g ðDμSÞ DνS − λðS SÞ þ aRμνR perturbative chiral symmetry breaking to produce a robust energy  scale in a classically scale-invariant hidden sector [48–50] has μναβ been applied to an inflation model [51], but scale invariance is þ bRμναβR : ð1Þ explicitly broken in their starting classical theory.


Here, R denotes the Ricci curvature scalar, Rμν is the Ricci [38,39]. In the following, instead of investigating this tensor, Rμναβ is the Riemann tensor, F is the matrix-valued problem from first principles, we will rely on an effective † field-strength tensor of the SUðNcÞ gauge theory, and S is theory for the order parameter hS Si (strictly speaking, the complex scalar field in the fundamental representation it is an approximate order parameter [38,39]). Let us outline of SUðNcÞ, with Dμ being the covariant derivative. Note the basics of the effective theory that has been proposed in that the action SC also features an accidental global Uð1Þ Refs. [65,66] by applying the concepts of the NJL model symmetry corresponding to S number conservation. The [62,63], which is an effective theory for the chiral con- last two terms in Eq. (1) can be written as densate, i.e., the order parameter of chiral symmetry breaking in QCD. As in the case of the NJL model, the a þ 4b μναβ a þ 2b a þ b 2 effective Lagrangian does not contain the gauge fields Wμναβ W − E þ R ; ð2Þ 2 2 3 because they are integrated out, while it contains the “constituent” scalar field S, similar to the constituent 1 − − where Wμναβ ¼ Rμναβ þ 2 ð gμαRνβ þ gμβRνα þ gναRμβ in the NJL model, 1 gνβRμαÞþ6 ðgμαgνβ − gναgμβÞR denotes the Weyl tensor μναβ μν 2 Z and E ¼ RμναβR − 4RμνR þ R is the Gauss-Bonnet ffiffiffiffiffiffi 4 p− −β † γ 2 κ μναβ term, which we will suppress because the corresponding SC;eff ¼ d x g½ S SR þ R þ WμναβW action is a surface term. The R2 term in Eq. (2) can be μν ∂ †∂ − λ † 2 absorbed into a redefinition of the coefficient γ, so the last þ g ð μSÞ νS ðS SÞ : ð3Þ two terms in Eq. (1) can be replaced by a term of the form μναβ pffiffiffiffiffiffi κWμναβW , which, multiplied with −g, is invariant This is again the most general action that is consistent with 0 under local conformal transformations, gμνðxÞ → gμνðxÞ¼ general diffeomorphism invariance, global SUðNcÞ × Uð1Þ 2 3 Ω ðxÞgμνðxÞ. symmetry, and classical global scale invariance. In writing In our scenario [64–66], the condensation of the gauge- down Eq. (3), we omitted all higher-dimensional operators invariant scalar bilinear hS†Si in the confining phase breaks arising from integrating out the gauge fields that explicitly scale symmetry spontaneously, in a way similar to how the break scale invariance. These operators reflect the explicit chiral condensate breaks chiral symmetry in breaking of scale invariance at the quantum level, which we QCD.2 However, a consistent formulation of the quantum assume to be subdominant compared to the spontaneous theory for the classical action in Eq. (1) is not yet available. breaking of scale invariance by the scalar condensate at low One possibility of such a formulation utilizes the notion of energies. The couplings βˆ, γˆ, and λˆ in the fundamental β γ λ asymptotic safety [68] (see, e.g., Ref. [69] and references action SC are not the same as , , and in the effective therein), which assumes the existence of a nontrivial action SC;eff because the latter are effective couplings that ultraviolet fixed point. At the ultraviolet fixed point, are dressed by gauge field contributions. Introducing the conformal symmetry is restored as an unbroken symmetry auxiliary field (mean field) f, we can rewrite Eq. (3) as of the full quantum theory. In the following discussion, we Z are implicitly assuming that the hard breaking of scale ffiffiffiffiffiffi 4 p− γ 2 κ μναβ μν ∂ †∂ invariance by the scale anomaly is weak enough, so we may SC;eff ¼ d x g½ R þ WμναβW þ g ð μSÞ νS ignore it for the purposes of describing the spontaneous breaking of scale invariance. Related to that, we recall − ð2λf þ βRÞS†S þ λf2: ð4Þ Ref. [70], in which it has been pointed out that spontaneous scale symmetry breaking can be associated with the chiral The action in Eq. (3) can be obtained from Eq. (4) by condensate in QCD if the running of the gauge coupling is inserting the equation of motion for the auxiliary field f, slow (i.e., if the hard breaking by the scale anomaly is weak). To realize a slow running of the gauge coupling as † well as of the quartic coupling λˆ in our model, a certain set f ¼ S S: ð5Þ of fermion fields should be introduced [71]. But we will not go into such details, which are beyond the scope of the Next, let us compute the one-loop effective potential for the present work. field f. Scalar and fermionic loop corrections to the vacuum Even if gravity is switched off, it is nontrivial to energy density in a curved (de Sitter) background were investigate whether or not a scalar condensate really forms computed for the first time in Ref. [73] (see also Ref. [74]). To obtain the effective potential for f, we integrate out the 2 2 A condensate hTrF i can also form in the fluctuations of the field S around its background value S¯, confining phase. This condensate breaks scale invariance dynamically and can be used to generate the Planck mass [17,18,67]. In this paper, we shall ignore this dynamical breaking 3An attempt at taking into account the effect of confinement of scale invariance. was made in Ref. [72].

015037-3 KUBO, LINDNER, SCHMITZ, and YAMADA PHYS. REV. D 100, 015037 (2019)

¯ 2λ β ¯ † ¯ − λ 2 ¯ 0 1 Veffðf; S; RÞ¼ð f þ RÞS S f vacuum expectation value, hSi¼ . The global Uð Þ N 2λf þ βR symmetry associated with the conservation of S c 2λf βR 2 ; þ 32π2 ð þ Þ ln Λ2 ð6Þ number therefore remains unbroken. At the minimum in Eq. (7) (and still neglecting 3 4 Λ = μ higher-order terms in R), the expectation value of Veff is where ¼ e MS. We used dimensional regularization together with renormalization according to the modified given by 4 minimal subtraction scheme, where the divergences 2 Nc 2 Ncλ 4 are absorbed in the coupling constants as follows, hV i¼− ð2λf0Þ ¼ − M ¼ −U0: ð9Þ 2 2 eff 64π2 64π2β2 Pl λ → λ − 4λ L, β → β − 4βλL, γ → γ þ β L, together with the shift f → f þð4λf þ 2βRÞL, where L ¼ 2 The spontaneous breaking of scale symmetry thus ð1=ϵ þ ln 4π − γEÞNc=32π . To compute the expectation value f of the mean field generates a negative , which is U0 ¼ h i −8 10−9 4 λ 1 5 β 103 f, we assume a negligibly small, but nonzero, value of × MPl for ¼ , Nc ¼ , ¼ . The zero-point the curvature scalar, hRi ≪ hfi. During the (quasi–)de energy density U0 is finite in dimensional regularization Sitter stage of expansion during inflation, the curvature because of the scale invariance of the action in Eq. (4).Ifwe scalar will be determined by the inflationary Hubble rate, use another regularization scheme, it can be different or ≃ 12 2 even divergent. This reflects the fact that the zero-point hRi Hinf, up to slow-roll corrections. This relation will allow us to justify the assumption hRi ≪ hfi a posteriori energy density cannot be uniquely determined within the based on the parametric separation of the energy scales framework of quantum field theory in flat spacetime; the 1 2 problem remains still unsolved, hfi = and H . In practice, we are now going to compute inf although we established a link between the expectation value hfi in two steps. First, we expand the effective potential V in Eq. (6) in powers of the small and gravity via spontaneous breaking of global conformal eff symmetry. Here, we are not attempting to solve this dimensionless ratio ðβRÞ=ðλfÞ; then we minimize the R-independent leading-order contribution to this expansion problem and proceed with our discussion in the hope that there will be a mechanism in, e.g., quantum gravity that with respect to the fields f and S¯. This results in   solves this problem. In the following discussion, we 2 2 Λ 8π 1 ¯ thus simply subtract this vacuum energy density from hfi¼f0 ¼ exp − and hSi¼0: ð7Þ → the potential and continue with the potential Veff 2λ Ncλ 2 Veff þ U0 so that the potential has zero cosmological Our result for f0 is controlled by the one-loop contribution constant. Consequently, the effective potential at the mini- to the effective potential. This may raise the concern that f0 mum (now restoring the R dependence) can be written as in Eq. (7) actually lies outside the range of validity of the 2λ effective potential. At this point, it is, however, important 2 Nc 2 f0 V ðf0; 0;RÞ¼U0 − λf þ ð2λf0Þ ln ð10Þ to recognize that V in Eq. (6) is the outcome of a eff 0 32π2 Λ eff   nonperturbative calculation based on the mean-field 2λ Nc 2λ 1 2 f0 β approximation. Within this approximation, Eq. (7) there- þ 32π2 ð f0Þ þ ln Λ2 R fore represents a consistent expression for the expectation     2λ β3 3 value of the mean field f. In fact, the expression for f0 in Nc 3 2 f0 β2 2 O R þ 2 þ ln 2 R þ ; Eq. (7) is a central result of our analysis: in view of the 64π Λ 2λf0 action in Eq. (3), together with Eq. (5), we now see that the strong dynamics in the non-Abelian gauge theory can from which we see that the Planck mass is correctly break conformal symmetry spontaneously and conse- identified in Eq. (8) and that the parameter γ is shifted to quently generate the Planck mass dynamically,     β2 1 λ β 2λ γ¯ γ − l l Nc 2 Nc f0 ¼ þ with ¼ 2 ; ð11Þ M 2βf0 2λf0 1 2 ln ; 8 2λ 2 16π Pl ¼ ¼ 16π2 ð Þ þ Λ2 ð Þ where MPl is the reduced Planck mass. At the same time, where Eq. (7) has been used. the constituent scalar field does not acquire a nonvanishing B. Effective action for the dilaton field at low energies 4 The Gaussian path integral has been performed assuming a The mean field f is a scal ar field with canonical mass flat spacetime metric. If the fluctuations around the flat metric are pffiffiffiffiffiffi μν μναβ dimension 2, and it can describe the excitations above the taken into account, a term ∝ −g RμνR − RμναβR as well pffiffiffiffiffiffi ð Þ as an additional term ∝ −gR2 will be generated at one-loop vacuum expectation value f0. At the one-loop level, the order [75,76]. They can be absorbed into redefinitions of κ and γ mean field f obtains a kinetic term, and the excitations in Eq. (4), respectively, if the topological E term is ignored. can be described by a propagating real scalar field. It is

015037-4 PLANCK MASS AND INFLATION AS CONSEQUENCES … PHYS. REV. D 100, 015037 (2019) important to realize that this result is a characteristic where l is defined in Eq. (11). We find thatR the effective Γ 4 L outcome of our nonperturbative analysis based on the action in Eq. (12) can be written as eff ¼ d x eff , where mean-field approximation. Indeed, studying our effective L 1 model in Eq. (4) for the original gauge theory in Eq. (1) in eff 2 2 μναβ pffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ − M Bð χÞR þ Gð χÞR þ κWμναβW the mean-field approximation allows us to identify the −g 2 Pl 2 mean field f as the propagating dilaton field, f ∼ χ [see 1 μν∂ χ∂ χ − χ Eq. (15) below], which we know must exist in the confining þ 2 g μ ν Uð Þþ: ð16Þ phase at low energies because of the spontaneous breaking of scale invariance by the scalar condensate. We emphasize Here, the ellipsis stands for higher-order terms such as μν 2 3 3 2 that this would not be possible if we simply treated our g ∂μ χ∂ν χβR= χ0, β R = χ0, etc. The dilaton-dependent effective model in Eq. (4) according to the rules of functions Bð χÞ, Gð χÞ, and Uð χÞ are given by conventional perturbation theory. In this case, the mean       field f would remain an auxiliary field, and we would have χ 2 χ 2 † χ 1 1 2l 1 no chance of describing the S S . In particular, Bð Þ¼ þ þ ln þ ; ð17Þ χ0 χ0 we would be unable to correctly identify the propagating   dilaton field at low energies. β2 χ 2 χ γ¯ − Nc 1 Suppressing the complex scalar S, we now proceed with Gð Þ¼ 2 ln þ ; ð18Þ 32π χ0 the effective action       Z  χ 4 χ 2 ffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 χ 1 2 1 − 1 Γ 4 p− −1 μν∂ ∂ − Uð Þ¼U0 þ χ ln þ χ þ U0: ð19Þ eff ¼ d x g 2 Z g μf νf Veffðf; RÞ 0 0  2 μναβ U0 and γ¯ are defined in Eqs. (9) and (11), respectively. The þ γR þ κWμναβW ; ð12Þ L effective action eff in Eq. (16) illustrates that the dilaton field χ is, in fact, not a true NG boson in the sense that it where parametrizes an exactly flat direction in the scalar potential. Instead, χ is identified as the pseudo-NG associated with the 2λ − λ 2 Nc 2λ 2 f spontaneous breaking of classical scale invariance. The Veffðf; RÞ¼U0 f þ 32π2 ð fÞ ln Λ2   nontrivial interactions of the dilaton field reflect the fact N 2λf that our effective theory defined in Eq. (3) violates scale þ c ð2λfÞ 1 þ 2 ln βR L 32π2 Λ2 invariance at the quantum level. To arrive at eff in Eq. (16),   we used Eqs. (7) and (15) to find N 2λf þ c 3 þ 2 ln β2R2      64π2 Λ2 2λ 96π2 χ2 χ 2   f 0 1 3 3 4 4 ln 2 ¼ ln 2 þ N β R β R Λ N Λ χ0 þ c þ O : ð13Þ c   96π2ð2λfÞ ð2λfÞ2 8π2 1 χ 2 ¼ − þ ln 1 þ : ð20Þ N λ 2 χ0 The wave function renormalization constant Z−1 is c given by Veff in Eq. (13) is obtained from Eq. (6) by expanding in powers of βR. This expansion makes sense only if λ2 −1 Nc 2λ ≫ β 2 1 χ χ 2 ≫ β2 λ Z ¼ f R, which means MPlð þ = 0Þ ð = ÞR. 24π2ð2λf þ βRÞ   Otherwise, it is impossible to generate Einstein gravity. 2 2 2 2 2 2 N λ βR β R Furthermore, even if M ð1 þ χ= χ0Þ ≫ ðβ =λÞR is satis- ¼ c 1 − þ þ : ð14Þ Pl 24π2ð2λfÞ 2λf ð2λfÞ2 fied, the coefficient of R in Eq. (16) still vanishes as soon as Bð χÞ¼0. An explicit derivation of this result for the wave function renormalization constant can be found in Ref. [77]. Next, we III. DILATON-SCALARON INFLATION proceed from f with canonical dimension 2 to the canoni- cally normalized field χ with canonical dimension 1, i.e., A. Full scalar potential of the dilaton-scalaron system   In the previous section, we discussed how the conden- 48π2 sation of a scalar bilinear operator nonminimally coupled χ χ 2 f ¼ ð þ 0Þ with to the Ricci scalar leads to the dynamical generation of Ncλ     the Planck mass. In this section, we shall now turn to the λ 1=2 l 1=2 χ Nc f0 0 ¼ 2 ¼ MPl; ð15Þ effective theory at energies below the Planck scale and 48π 6β demonstrate how the scalar DOFs at low energies can give

015037-5 KUBO, LINDNER, SCHMITZ, and YAMADA PHYS. REV. D 100, 015037 (2019) rise to a stage of inflationary expansion in the early Neglecting the total derivative in this expression, we thus Universe. The starting point of our analysis is the effective arrive at the Einstein-frame Lagrangian Jordan-frame Lagrangian in Eq. (16), truncated after the   LE 1 3 second order in the Jordan-frame Ricci scalar RJ, eff 2 μν 2 2 ffiffiffiffiffiffi − M R − g ∂μ Ω χ; ψ ∂ν Ω χ; ψ p− ¼ 2 Pl 2 ln ð Þ ln ð Þ LJ 1 g eff 2 2 μν pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ − Bð χÞM RJ þ Gð χÞR −g 2 Pl J g ∂ χ∂ χ − χ ψ J þ 2 μ ν Vð ; Þ; ð25Þ 1 2Ω ð χ; ψÞ μν∂ χ∂ χ − χ þ 2 gJ μ ν Uð Þ: ð21Þ where V denotes the scalar potential in the Einstein frame, μν Here, gJ and gJ denote the inverse and the determinant of J 2 2 the Jordan-frame spacetime metric gμν, respectively. By Uð χÞþGð χÞψ Uð χÞþGð χÞψ Vð χ; ψÞ¼ ¼ M4 : construction, the kinetic term of the dilaton field χ is Ω4 χ ψ χ 2 − 4 χ ψ 2 Pl ð ; Þ ðBð ÞMPl Gð Þ Þ canonically normalized in the Jordan frame. In this work, 26 we shall assume that the term involving the Weyl tensor ð Þ squared is negligible for the purposes of inflation. The equation of motion for the dilaton field is, in any case, The Lagrangian in Eq. (25) indicates that the function Ω2 independent of this term. Moreover, we recall that the ln , which we extracted from the Jordan-frame Ricci dimensionless function Bð χÞ given in Eq. (17) parametr- scalar RJ in Eq. (24), can be regarded as a propagating izes the nonminimal coupling of the dilaton field χ to the scalar field that possesses its own kinetic term. In the following, we will refer to this new scalar field as the Ricci scalar RJ, while the dimensionless function Gð χÞ given in Eq. (18) denotes the field-dependent coefficient of scalaron ϕ; the canonically normalized scalaron is defined 2 χ as follows: the RJ term. The dimensionful function Uð Þ given in Eq. (19) stands for the Jordan-frame scalar potential. A rffiffiffi similar Lagrangian with a priori arbitrary functions B, G, 3 ϕ M ln Ω2: 27 and U has been studied in Ref. [78] for purely phenom- ¼ 2 Pl ð Þ enological reasons. The Lagrangian in Eq. (21) admits solutions of the Making use of this definition, the conformal factor Ω2 can equations of motion that describe an inflationary stage of be written as an exponential function of the scalaron field, expansion. To see this more clearly, we need to transform pffiffiffi Eq. (21) from the Jordan frame to the Einstein frame. In a 2ϕ ψ Ω2 ¼ eΦðϕÞ; ΦðϕÞ¼pffiffiffi : ð28Þ first step, let us introduce an auxiliary field with mass 3 2 MPl dimension 2 that allows us to remove the RJ term,   LJ 1 1 Similarly, thanks to Eqs. (23) and (27), the auxiliary field ψ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffieff − χ 2 − 2 χ ψ μν∂ χ∂ χ p ¼ Bð ÞMPl Gð Þ RJ þ gJ μ ν can be traded for a function of the fields χ and ϕ, −gJ 2 2 2 − Uð χÞ − Gð χÞψ : ð22Þ M2 ψ Pl χ − ΦðϕÞ ¼ 4 χ ½Bð Þ e : ð29Þ Indeed, varying this Lagrangian with respect to. the Gð Þ δ LJ 0 ψ auxiliary field, ψ eff ¼ , results in ¼ RJ, which restores the Lagrangian in Eq. (21). In a second step, we The Einstein-frame Lagrangian for the coupled dilaton- 2 J scalaron system thus obtains the form perform a Weyl rescaling of the metric, gμν ¼ Ω gμν, where we choose the conformal factor Ω such that the kinetic term LE 1 1 for the gravitational field obtains its standard Einstein- ffiffiffiffiffiffieff − 2 μν∂ ϕ∂ ϕ p ¼ MPlR þ g μ ν Hilbert form, −g 2 2 1 4 χ ψ −ΦðϕÞ μν∂ χ∂ χ − χ ϕ Ω2 χ ψ χ − Gð Þ þ e g μ ν Vð ; Þ; ð30Þ ð ; Þ¼Bð Þ 2 : ð23Þ 2 MPl At this point, it is helpful to remember that the Ricci scalar where the Einstein-frame scalar potential V as a function of χ and ϕ now reads RJ behaves as follows under a Weyl transformation,     3 4 2 μν 2 μν 2 2 −2ΦðϕÞ MPl ΦðϕÞ 2 R ¼ Ω R þ 3g ∂μ∂ν ln Ω − g ∂μ ln Ω ∂ν ln Ω : Vð χ; ϕÞ¼e Uð χÞþ ðBð χÞ − e Þ : J 2 16Gð χÞ ð24Þ ð31Þ


This scalar potential can be used as the starting point for the where σ can be regarded as the physical inflaton field analysis of slow-roll inflation. that parametrizes the one-dimensional contour C in the We mention in passing that a scalar potential similar two-dimensional field space. Along this trajectory, the to the one in Eq. (31) has recently also been obtained in dilaton-scalaron system can be effectively described by a Ref. [79], which presents a study of Coleman-Weinberg single-field model in terms of the real scalar σ. inflation supplemented by a nonminimal inflaton cou- Interestingly enough, a similar observation has recently pling to gravity and an additional R2 term.Itistherefore also been made in Ref. [80], which contains a study of intelligible that our analysis shares a number of simi- Higgs inflation in the presence of an extra R2 term. The larities with the one in Ref. [79]. On the other hand, model in Ref. [80] describes a coupled Higgs-scalaron one should notice that the model in Ref. [79] builds system that can also be reduced to an effective single-field upon the assumption of simple polynomial expressions model along a local extremum in the scalar potential. We in the initial Jordan-frame Lagrangian, whereas our point out that the model [80] simply assumes the presence functions B, G,andU in Eq. (21) all include loga- of the Einstein-Hilbert term from the outset. The particle rithmic terms that are generated radiatively in the low- spectrum of this model therefore does not contain a energy effective action. This explains why the field dilaton field that could couple to the scalaron; the role dependence of our scalar potential is more complicated, of our dilaton field χ is thus played by the only other after all, than in the case of the scalar potential available scalar DOF: the Standard Model . discussed in Ref. [79]. Evaluating Eqs. (30) and (31) along C, we obtain the following Lagrangian: B. Effective single-field description along the inflationary trajectory LE 1 1 ffiffiffiffiffiffieff − 2 2 σ μν∂ σ∂ σ − σ p ¼ MPlR þ Nσð Þg μ ν Vinfð Þ: ð35Þ The scalar potential in Eq. (31) is a complicated −g C 2 2 function in the two-dimensional field space spanned by χ and ϕ. In principle, one could therefore imagine that Note that the field σ is not canonically normalized; Eq. (31) allows one to realize inflation in various param- its kinetic term is multiplied by the field-dependent eter regimes and different parts of field space. In particu- function Nσ, lar, this might include scenarios in which both scalar fields  act as slowly rolling , such that inflation needs to 1 be described by a full-fledged two-field analysis. In the NσðσÞ¼ ð1 þ 4AðσÞÞBðσÞ ð1 þ 4AðσÞÞBðσÞ following, however, we will refrain from attempting to  3 1=2 identify such intricate scenarios. Instead, we will focus on þ M2 ðð1 þ 4AðσÞÞB0ðσÞþ4A0ðσÞBðσÞÞ2 : a particularly simple inflationary solution that can be 2 Pl described by an effective single-field model. Our key ð36Þ observation is that the scalar potential in Eq. (31) always possesses exactly one local extremum in the scalaron Meanwhile, the scalar potential for the noncanonically direction at ϕ ϕ⋆, ¼ normalized inflaton field σ obtains the following form:

∂ V 0 σ ∂ϕ ¼ σ Uð Þ χ ϕ χ Vinfð Þ¼ 2 : ð37Þ ð ; ⋆ð ÞÞ rffiffiffi ð1 þ 4AðσÞÞB ðσÞ 3 ⇒ ϕ χ 1 4 χ χ ⋆ð Þ¼ 2MPl ln ½ð þ Að ÞÞBð Þ; ð32Þ The canonically normalized inflaton field σˆ follows from integrating the function Nσ over an appropriate field range, where we introduced the dilaton-dependent function A, Z which will allows us to simplify our notation in the σ 0 0 σˆðσÞ¼ dσ Nσðσ Þ: ð38Þ following: 0 4 χ χ χ Gð ÞUð Þ The relation between the three scalar fields χ, ϕ, and σˆ is Að Þ¼ 2 χ 4 : ð33Þ B ð ÞMPl illustrated in Fig. 1 for a particular benchmark point in parameter space. The left panel of this figure shows a The presence of this extremum motivates us to seek contour plot of the scalar potential V in Eq. (31) as a inflationary solutions along the following contour in field function of χ and ϕ, together with the inflationary space, trajectory C in Eq. (34), while in the right panel of this figure, we plot the effective potential during inflation in CðσÞ¼fχðσÞ; ϕðσÞg ¼ fσ; ϕ⋆ðσÞg; ð34Þ σˆ Eq. (37), Vinf, as a function of .

015037-7 KUBO, LINDNER, SCHMITZ, and YAMADA PHYS. REV. D 100, 015037 (2019)

FIG. 1. Inflationary trajectory in field space (left panel) and effective scalar potential during inflation (right panel) for a particular 2 7 benchmark point in parameter space: Nc ¼ 5, λ ¼ 1, γ ¼ β ≃ 3.7 × 10 . These parameter values are chosen such that they reproduce the correct values for the amplitude and the spectral tilt of the scalar power spectrum. The black contour lines in the left plot represent equipotential lines. The color shading also indicates the height of the scalar potential.

Let us now discuss the various conditions that need to be condition of a positive scalaron mass squared in satisfied so that the effective Lagrangian in Eq. (35) can be Eq. (39) translates into the statement that the used as a starting point for the description of inflation: function G must always be positive during inflation,5 (i) A first obvious condition is that inflation can only   occur along the contour C if the extremum in the β2 σ 2 σ γ¯ − Nc 1 0 scalaron direction corresponds to a local minimum. Gð Þ¼ 2 ln þ > : ð41Þ 32π χ0 In this case, inflation will proceed along a slightly sloped valley. Otherwise, i.e., if the extremum We remark that the radiative corrections to the corresponds to a local maximum, the contour C will Lagrangian parameter γ that are encoded in the describe an unstable ridge in the potential landscape. function G always come with a negative sign. As a Therefore, a necessary condition for successful consequence, it is, in fact, impossible to satisfy the inflation is that, along the trajectory C, the scalaron condition G>0 for all values of the scalar field σ. direction is always stabilized by a positive mass As soon as σ exceeds a certain critical value σ , the squared, crit function G turns negative,

∂2     2 σ V 0 16π2γ¯ mϕð Þ¼ 2 > : ð39Þ σ σ − 1 χ ⇒ σ 0 ∂ϕ C > crit ¼ exp 2 0 Gð Þ < : Ncβ Making use of the function A introduced in Eq. (33), ð42Þ the scalaron mass during inflation can be written as However, for all practical purposes, it is sufficient if 2 2 M this critical field value is large enough compared to m ðσÞ¼ Pl : ð40Þ ϕ 12ð1 þ 4AðσÞÞGðσÞ the typical field values during inflation. In addition, it may well be that the scalar potential receives Successful inflation requires a positive vacuum 0 energy density, Vinf > . The expression for the 5G>0 implies in turn that A cannot become negative. As a scalar potential in Eq. (37) thus implies that A must of fact, A thus never obtains values in the interval always be larger than −1=4. For this reason, the −1=4


further gravitational corrections at field values far Eq. (45) also determines the curvature scalar during ≃ 12 2 above the Planck scale that regularize the singularity slow-roll inflation, hRi Hinf. One can show that, at G ¼ 0. For these reasons, we content ourselves for typical field and parameter values during in- σ with the requirement that crit should be at least as flation, hRi is therefore always much smaller than large as the Planck scale, the expectation value of the mean field in Sec. II,     hRi ≪ hfi. This justifies our assumption in deriving 16π2γ¯ σ − 1 χ Eq. (7). crit ¼ exp 2 0 >MPl: ð43Þ Ncβ Once the condition A ≪ 1 becomes violated, we can no longer fully trust our ansatz in Eqs. (32) and This condition ensures that the available field range (34) and be sure that inflation will indeed proceed in the σ direction will always be large enough to along the contour C. In this case, we may alter- support inflation. 2 natively look for local minima in the dilaton direc- (ii) Merely requiring mϕ to be positive is not enough to tion χ and attempt to construct an inflationary sufficiently stabilize the scalaron at ϕ ¼ ϕ⋆. In fact, trajectory C0 along these minima, from the perspective of slow-roll inflation, we can

only ignore the motion in the scalaron direction ∂V ¼ 0 away from the trajectory C if the scalaron mass mϕ is ∂ χ ð χ⋆ðϕÞ;ϕÞ large compared to the inflationary Hubble rate H inf ⇒ C0 σ χ σ ϕ σ χ σ σ for all times during inflation, ð Þ¼f ð Þ; ð Þg ¼ f ⋆ð Þ; g: ð46Þ

m2 ðσÞ 1 However, this approach is complicated by the fact ϕ ≫ 1 2 ¼ : ð44Þ that the form of the scalar potential in Eq. (31) does H ðσÞ AðσÞ inf not allow us to compute the local minima in the dilaton direction analytically. The best we can do in Here, we used the standard expression for Hinf in the slow-roll approximation, order to determine the function χ⋆ is to adopt an iterative procedure. First, let us ignore for a moment 1 2 V = ðσÞ U1=2ðσÞ the field dependence of all logarithmic terms in H ðσÞ¼pinfffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffi : Eq. (31). In this approximation, we are able to solve inf 3 3 1 4 σ 1=2 σ MPl ð þ Að ÞÞ Bð ÞMPl the extremal problem in Eq. (46) exactly. Then, in ð45Þ the next step, we can use the result of the first step to find a better approximation for the logarithmic In view of Eq. (44), we therefore conclude that the terms, which provides us in turn with a slightly function A must always remain small during in- improved solution for χ⋆. After n iterations, this ≪ 1 χ flation, A . The inflationary Hubble rate Hinf in leads to the expression for ⋆,

  χðnþ1Þ ϕ 1 − 2 ðnÞ ϕ 16 −1=2 ðnþ1Þ ⋆ ð Þ n L ð Þ U0 n Φ ϕ =2 x⋆ ðϕÞ¼1 þ ¼ 1 þ 2lLð ÞðϕÞ − Gð ÞðϕÞ e ð Þ ; ð47Þ χ 1 2l ðnÞ ϕ 4 0 þ L ð Þ MPl

with the logarithmic terms after n iterations, LðnÞ and A ≪ 1, the contours C and C0 always lie very close GðnÞ, being defined as follows: together in field space. In this case, both approaches lead to the same inflationary dynamics and hence to ðnÞ 2 LðnÞðϕÞ¼ln ðx⋆ ðϕÞÞ ; identical predictions for the primordial power spec- N β2 tra. But on top of that, we are also able to confirm GðnÞ ϕ γ¯ − c LðnÞ ϕ : ≳ 1 ð Þ¼ 32π2 ð Þ ð48Þ numerically that, even for A , inflation along the contours C and C0 leads to very similar predictions. The initial x⋆ value is arbitrary and must be chosen For this reason, we will from now on only focus on by hand. For definiteness, we may, e.g., choose ffiffiffi inflation along the trajectory C. In the regions of ð0Þ p 0 x⋆ ¼ e such that Lð Þ ¼ 1. In an explicit numeri- parameter space where A ≳ 1, this is still a suffi- cal analysis, we are able to confirm that this iterative ciently good approximation. A dedicated numerical procedure performs very well. Over a broad range of analysis of inflation along the contour C0 is left for parameter and field values, Eq. (47) manages to future work. approximate the exact numerical result for x⋆ to high (iii) The fact that the dilaton-scalaron system can be precision. Moreover, we are able to show that, for effectively described by a simple single-field model

015037-9 KUBO, LINDNER, SCHMITZ, and YAMADA PHYS. REV. D 100, 015037 (2019)

is also apparent from the scalar mass spectrum. After Here, we accounted for the noncanonical normali- diagonalizing the dilaton-scalaron mass matrix and zation of the dilaton field in Eq. (30) by means of the identifying the two mass eigenstates, one typically factor N χ, finds that one mass eigenvalue is extremely large. It is therefore well justified to integrate out the heavy DOF and describe inflation in terms of a single-field d χˆ ¼ N χðσÞd χ; model. To see this explicitly, one requires knowl- 1 edge of the scalar mass matrix along the contour C. −Φðϕ⋆ðσÞÞ=2 N χðσÞ¼e ¼ : The mass squared of the scalaron field is given in ½ð1 þ 4AðσÞÞBðσÞ1=2 Eq. (40). The mass squared of the canonically nor- ð50Þ malized dilaton field χˆ as well as the dilaton- scalaron mass mixing parameter can be calculated as follows: For simplicity, we shall neglect the field dependence

1 ∂2V 1 ∂2V of N χ for the time being and simply work with a m2 σ ;m2 σ : 2 2 χˆ ð Þ¼ 2 2 χϕˆ ð Þ¼ symmetric mass matrix, mϕ χˆ ¼ m ˆχϕ, in the follow- N χðσÞ ∂ χ C N χðσÞ ∂ χ∂ϕ C ing. An explicit computation of the partial deriva- ð49Þ tives in Eq. (49) results in

    2 2 2 2 m χˆ ðσÞ 2B0 σ G0 σ B00 σ 2G0 σ G00 σ U σ B0 σ 00 σ 2 ð Þ ð Þ − ð Þ σ 16 ð Þ − ð Þ ð Þ ð Þ 4 2 ¼ U ð Þþ Uð Þþ 2 2 4 þ MPl; N χðσÞ BðσÞGðσÞ BðσÞ B ðσÞGðσÞ B ðσÞ M 8GðσÞ ffiffiffi Pl 2 p     m ˆχϕðσÞ 8 G0ðσÞ B0ðσÞ BðσÞB0ðσÞ ¼ − pffiffiffi U0ðσÞþ − UðσÞþ M4 : ð51Þ 3 σ 3 σ σ 16 σ Pl N χð Þ MPl Gð Þ Bð Þ Gð Þ

2 2 2 Together, the mass parameters mϕ, m χˆ , and m χϕˆ can (iv) The fourth and last condition for successful inflation 2 is concerned with the perturbativity of our model. be used to determine the scalar mass eigenvalues m during inflation. Typically, we find one heavy mass Recall that our construction is based on a strongly 0 2 ≪ 2 coupled gauge theory at high energies. This implies eigenstate,


0 0 0 0 where we made use of the fact that the origin corresponds to a global Minkowski vacuum, Vinf ð Þ¼Vinfð Þ¼ ,by construction. Thanks to the chain rule, the coefficients in this Taylor expansion can be computed solely in terms of σ the known expressions for Vinf and Nσ as functions of the noncanonically normalized inflaton field ,

V00 σ ˆ infð Þ a2 ¼ 2 ; NσðσÞ σ 0 ¼  0 1 Nσ σ ˆ 000 σ − 3 ð Þ 00 σ a3 ¼ 3 Vinf ð Þ Vinf ð Þ ; 2NσðσÞ NσðσÞ σ 0  ¼  1 0 σ 2 σ 00 σ 0000 Nσð Þ 000 Nσ0 ð Þ 00 Nσð Þ 00 aˆ 4 V σ − 6 V σ 15 V σ − 4 V σ : 54 ¼ 6 4 σ inf ð Þ σ inf ð Þþ 2 σ infð Þ σ infð Þ ð Þ Nσð Þ Nσð Þ Nσð Þ Nσð Þ σ¼0

Based on these results, one can show that the self- Our predictions for As, ns, and r can be conveniently interactions of the field σˆ remain perturbative for all computed in terms of the slow-roll parameters ε and η, parameter values of interest. On the analytical side, it is easy to see that the overall magnitude of the Vinf 4 A ¼ ;n¼ 1 þ 2η − 6ε;r¼ 16ε; ð57Þ coefficients is universally controlled by U0=M , i.e., s 24π2ε 4 s Pl MPl the normalization of the Jordan-frame scalar poten- tial in units of the Planck mass, ε η where all field-dependent quantities (Vinf, , and ) are 2 supposed to be evaluated at the time of CMB horizon exit, U0 N λ c i.e., Ne ≃ 50 60 e-folds before the end of inflation. The 4 ¼ 64π2β2 : ð55Þ MPl parameters ε and η are defined in terms of partial derivatives of the scalar potential with respect to the canonically As long as this parameter is small, the coefficients normalized inflaton field σˆ. However, thanks to the chain ˆ a2;3;4 automatically obtain small values in Planck rule, these derivatives can again be readily expressed as ˆ units. With regard to the quartic self-coupling a4, derivatives with respect to the noncanonically normalized this means in particular that a sub-Planckian poten- σ 4 field , tial energy density in the Jordan frame, U0 ≪ M , Pl     2 2 2 2 readily results in perturbatively small values, M ∂σˆ V σ σˆ M ∂σV σ ε σ Pl inf ð ð ÞÞ Pl infð Þ aˆ 4 ≪ 1. In our numerical slow-roll analysis, we ð Þ¼ ¼ 2 ; 2 V σ σˆ 2Nσ σ V σ are able to confirm these results by explicitly infð ð ÞÞ ð Þ infð Þ ∂ ∂ σ σˆ evaluating the coefficients aˆ 2 3 4 at each point in 2 σˆ σˆ Vinfð ð ÞÞ ; ; ηðσÞ¼M parameter space. Pl V ðσðσˆÞÞ inf  2 M ∂σ∂σV σ ∂σNσ σ ∂σV σ Pl infð Þ − ð Þ infð Þ C. Numerical analysis of the slow-roll dynamics ¼ 2 σ σ σ : ð58Þ NσðσÞ Vinf ð Þ Nσð Þ Vinfð Þ The effective single-field model specified in Eqs. (35), (36), and (37) allows us to perform a standard single-field The inflaton field value at the time of CMB horizon exit can slow-roll analysis of inflation. The goal of this analysis is to be computed by solving the slow-roll equation of motion, compute the usual observables related to the primordial power spectra encoded in the temperature fluctuations of σ 2 ∂ σ d MPl σVinfð Þ the CMB: the amplitude As and the spectral tilt ns of the ¼ 2 ; ð59Þ dN NσðσÞ V ðσÞ scalar power spectrum as well as the tensor-to-scalar ratio r. e inf These three observables are measured or constrained by the with the field value at the end of inflation, σ0 ¼ σðN ¼ 0Þ, latest data from the Planck satellite mission [31]. At 68% e defined by the requirement that max fεðσ0Þ; jηðσ0Þjg ¼ 1. A C. L., the scalar amplitude s is measured to be Together, the relations in Eqs. (57), (58), and (59) 3.0440.014 −10 provide us with the necessary tools to determine our As ¼ e × 10 theoretical predictions for As, ns, and r. Because of the ðTT þ TE þ EE þ lowE þ lensingÞ: ð56Þ complicated form of the functions Nσ and Vinf in Eqs. (36) and (37), this can only be done numerically—at least as In the following, we will work with the best-fit value, long as one intends not to make any simplifying assump- obs 3.044 −10 −9 As ¼ e × 10 ≃ 2.1 × 10 , for definiteness. The tions. Consequently, we will content ourselves with a combined constraints on ns and r for various combinations purely numerical analysis in this paper. Any analytical of datasets are shown in the right panel of Fig. 2. investigation based on further assumptions is left for

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FIG. 2. Predictions for the CMB observables ns and r in the parameter space of our model (left panel) as well as in the ns − r plane (right panel). The gray shaded area in the lower part of the left plot is excluded because it leads to a violation of the theoretical constraint in Eq. (43). The inclination angle α is defined in Eq. (60). The Planck constraints in the right plot are taken from Ref. [31]. For more details on the various reference models of inflation, see the discussion and analysis in Ref. [31]. The black and white circle in both plots corresponds to the benchmark parameter point chosen in Fig. 1. future work. The parameter space of our inflationary model dynamics determined by the function eΦ or by the functions is spanned by three dimensionless coupling constants: B, G, and U? A convenient way to answer these questions (i) the quartic self-coupling λ of the scalar field S, is to introduce the inclination angle α, (ii) the strength β of the nonminimal coupling between the   γ χ0 dϕ⋆ field S and the Ricci scalar R, and (iii) the coefficient of α ¼ arctan ; ð60Þ 2 χ the bare R term before accounting for any radiative MPl d corrections. We also recall that all three parameters are which measures the angle between the dilaton axis in field understood to correspond to those couplings that appear in space and the inflationary trajectory.6 An inclination angle the effective action for the constituent scalar field S after close to 0 indicates that the dynamics of inflation are mostly integrating out the strong SUðNcÞ gauge dynamics. In the governed by the dilaton-dependent functions in the scalar following, one of these parameters can be eliminated by potential. Conversely, an inclination angle close to π points requiring that the amplitude of the scalar power spectrum to inflation being dominated by the scalaron-dependent part obs obtains the correct value, As ¼ As . For definiteness, we of the scalar potential. In Fig. 2, we refer to these two will take this parameter to be the nonminimal coupling scenarios as dilaton and scalaron inflation, respectively. In constant β. This leaves us with a two-dimensional param- particular, we indicate the dependence of α as a function of eter space spanned by λ and γ, in which we can compute λ and γ by the color shading in the left panel of Fig. 2. our predictions for ns and r. The outcome of this analysis is Interestingly enough, α converges towards α ≃ π as soon shown in Fig. 2. as γ approaches a characteristic value of Oð109Þ. This is A remarkable feature of our results is that they include 2 2 nothing but the R -inflation limit of our model. In this limit, and extend the well-known results of R inflation [32]. This the dynamics of the dilaton field become increasingly connection can be illustrated in the following intuitive way. irrelevant from the perspective of inflation. In fact, for First of all, let us consider the orientation of the inflationary trajectory C in the dilaton-scalaron field space at the time of 6 χ χ CMB horizon exit. At each point in parameter space, we Here, we consider the dimensionless quantities = 0 and ϕ=MPl as the relevant field variables in the scalar potential. Only would like to know the following. Does inflaton take place after this rescaling of the fields χ and ϕ are we able to compare in the scalaron or dilaton direction? In other words, in view the importance of the functions eΦ, B, G, and U in a meaningful of the scalar potential in Eq. (31), are the inflationary way.

015037-12 PLANCK MASS AND INFLATION AS CONSEQUENCES … PHYS. REV. D 100, 015037 (2019) large values of γ, the value of β that is required to obtain the where x is defined similarly as in Eq. (47), xðσÞ¼1þσ=χ0. correct scalar amplitude decreases. According to Eq. (17), Given this form of the normalization factor Nσ and making this results in a large value of χ0, such that use of the relation in Eq. (38), we are able to determine the canonically normalized inflaton field σˆ, χ ≪ χ0 ⇒ Bð χÞ ≈ 1;Gð χÞ ≈ γ¯;Uð χÞ ≈ 0: ð61Þ 1 2 2 2 1=2 σˆðσÞ ≈ 2σ0 ln ðx ðσÞÞ; σ0 ¼ ð6M þ χ Þ : ð67Þ As a consequence, the scalar potential in Eq. (31) 4 Pl 0 2 approaches the well-known potential of R inflation [32], σ Solving this relation for and inserting the result into Vinf 4 in Eq. (66) provides us with the scalar potential for σˆ, MPl −ΦðϕÞ 2 χ ≪ χ0 ⇒ Vð χ; ϕÞ ≈ ð1 − e Þ : ð62Þ   16¯γ σˆ σ σˆ ≈ −σˆ=σ0 − 1 Vinfð ð ÞÞ U0 e þ σ : ð68Þ In this potential, we recognize the radiatively corrected 0 parameter γ¯ as the coefficient of the R2 term in R2 inflation. At large field values, σˆ ≫ σ0, this is a linear potential just The requirement of a correctly normalized scalar power γ¯ O 109 like in the case of linear chaotic inflation. At the same time, spectrum then uniquely fixes at a value of ð Þ, the exponential correction regularizes the derivative of the obs 50 ≤ ≤ 60 scalar potential around the origin in field space. In fact, As ¼ As ; Ne thanks to this exponential term, the scalar potential exhibits ⇒ 0.5 × 109 ≲ γ¯ ≲ 0.7 × 109: ð63Þ a stable global minimum at σˆ ¼ 0. Interestingly enough, a scalar potential similar to the one in Eq. (68) can also be −1 2 Up to terms suppressed by higher powers of Ne , R derived in the context of Coleman-Weinberg inflation inflation results in the following predictions for ns and r: supplemented by a nonminimal inflaton coupling to gravity [82] (see also Refs. [83–85]). The scenario in Ref. [82] is, 2 12 ≃ 1 − ≃ however, distinct from ours in the sense that it employs ns ;r2 : ð64Þ Ne Ne weakly coupled interactions to generate the Planck scale, whereas our model is based on dimensional transmutation For Ne ≃ 50 60, this means that r is expected to remain in a strongly coupled sector. In addition, we find that our rather small, 3 ≲ r=10−3 ≲ 5, in the R2-inflation limit. predictions for the inflationary CMB observables approach However, this situation changes as soon as we make use those of linear chaotic inflation from below (see Fig. 2), of the parametric freedom of our model. For γ values whereas in Ref. [82], the predictions of linear chaotic smaller than those required by R2 inflation, the dilaton inflation result in a lower bound on the tensor-to-scalar ratio. dynamics begin to become important. This helps us We now understand why small values of γ and λ lead to increase the tensor-to-scalar ratio (see Fig. 2). In fact, the same predictions as linear chaotic inflation, for small values of γ and λ, the predictions of our model 3 4 approach those of linear chaotic inflation [81], which is 1 − ns ¼ 2 ;r¼ : ð69Þ described by a scalar potential that is linear in the inflaton Ne Ne field, V ∝ σ. This can be understood as follows: for small inf 50 values of γ and λ, we may neglect the function A in For Ne ¼ , the tensor-to-scalar ratio can hence become as ≃ 0 08 60 Eqs. (36) and (37). In this approximation, it is possible to large as r . , while for Ne ¼ , one can achieve ≃ 0 07 simplify the scalar potential V and the normalization values as large as r . . These are remarkable results, as inf they promise that our model can be probed in future CMB factor Nσ as follows: experiments that are sensitive to r values of the order of   −2 U σ 1 3 1=2 r ≃ few × 10 . Moreover, it is important to note that our σ ≈ ð Þ σ ≈ σ 2 02 σ Vinfð Þ 2 ;Nσð Þ Bð Þþ MPlB ð Þ : model populates regions in the n − r plane that are B ðσÞ BðσÞ 2 s inaccessible in other popular inflation models (see Fig. 2). ð65Þ IV. CONCLUSIONS We are also able to neglect the logarithmic term in the function B in Eq. (17), such that BðσÞ ≈ x2ðσÞ and In this paper, we studied the dynamical generation of the   Planck mass in consequence of spontaneous conformal- 1 2 symmetry breaking. To this end, we constructed an explicit V ðσÞ ≈ U0 − 1 þ 2 ln ðx ðσÞÞ ; inf x4ðσÞ field-theoretical model based on the idea that classical scale   6 2 1=2 1 invariance becomes spontaneously broken because of the MPl Nσ σ ≈ 1 ; strongly coupled gauge dynamics in a hidden sector. Our ð Þ þ χ2 σ ð66Þ 0 xð Þ construction led us to a remarkable realization: The stage of

015037-13 KUBO, LINDNER, SCHMITZ, and YAMADA PHYS. REV. D 100, 015037 (2019)

2 cosmic inflation in the early Universe may be a conse- L 2 Nc 4 M pffiffiffiffiffiffieff ⊃ γR þ M ln R ; quence of the microscopic physics that is responsible for −g 32π2 R Λ2 the dynamical generation of the Planck mass. If correct, this 2 2λ † β observation would point to a deep connection between MR ¼ hS Siþ R: ð71Þ particle physics and cosmology. We emphasize that the pivotal element of our construction is the concept of For small values of R, the logarithmic term can be expanded classical scale invariance—a new approximate global in powers of R, which generates among other terms the symmetry that forbids any dimensionful Einstein-Hilbert term in the gravitational action. The coef- in the tree-level Lagrangian. At the quantum level, scale ficient of this term is then identified as the Planck mass. An invariance is explicitly broken by the conformal anomaly, important aspect of this construction is that the gravitational which reflects the logarithmic running of the renormalized scale MPl originates from an ordinary energy scale in coupling constants. However, as a working assumption, quantum field theory, i.e., the vacuum expectation value one may speculate that this explicit breaking is eventually of the scalar condensate [see Eq. (70)]. Likewise, the going to vanish at very high energies because of the absolute energy scale of the scalar potential after sponta- 1=4 theory’s renormalization group flow reaching an ultraviolet neous conformal-symmetry breaking, U0 , is initially com- fixed point.7 puted in field theory [see Eq. (9)]. Therefore, before going Within the paradigm of classical scale invariance, explicit the next step and making contact with gravity, the potential 1=4 mass scales such as the Planck mass MPl can only be energy scale U0 is expected to be subjected to appropriate generated radiatively by means of spontaneous symmetry renormalization conditions on the field-theory side. This breaking. In our model, we follow this philosophy and show observation may be useful in more realistic attempts at how classical scale invariance may be spontaneously broken solving the problem of the cosmological constant. by means of dimensional transmutation in a hidden strongly A remarkable consequence of our mechanism to gen- coupled SUðNcÞ gauge sector. In particular, we consider a erate the Planck mass is that it automatically results in the scalar bilinear operator S†S that is nonminimally coupled to presence of an additional scalar DOF: the dilaton field χ, the Ricci scalar and that condenses in the confining phase of which parametrizes the fluctuations around the symmetry- the SUðNcÞ gauge theory at low energies. Of course, a breaking vacuum and plays the role of the pseudo-NG similar construction making use of a chiral condensate is also boson of spontaneously broken scale invariance. As we conceivable. In this work, we focused on a scalar condensate were able to show in the second part of this paper, this for simplicity. A study of the fermionic case is left for future dilaton field can be used to construct a successful model of work. Up to a dimensionless coupling constant β,the inflation. In fact, the dilaton couples to a second scalar vacuum expectation value of the scalar condensate then DOF, the scalaron field ϕ, which originates from the R2 directly determines the Planck mass, term in the effective action. A main result of our analysis is that the coupled dilaton-scalaron system gives rise to an 2 effective single-field model of inflation in the Einstein MPl β † 2 ¼ hS Si: ð70Þ frame. The predictions of this model for the inflationary CMB observables interpolate between those of standard R2 The vacuum expectation value of the scalar condensate can inflation and those of linear chaotic inflation. This impor- be computed according to the following recipe: tant result represents a characteristic phenomenological (1) Write down the most general action compatible with feature of our model. As a consequence, we typically find all global and local symmetries of our model. values of the scalar spectral index in the range 0.970 ≲ (2) Construct an effective model for the constituent ns ≲ 0.975 and values for the tensor-to-scalar ratio as large scalar field S along the lines of the NJL model as r ≃ 0.08 (see Fig. 2). These are exciting predictions that in QCD. will be tested in future CMB experiments. (3) Apply the mean-field approximation to describe the Our study presented in this paper should be understood dynamics of the order parameter f ¼ S†S. as a first step towards a better understanding of inflation (4) Compute the quantum effective action for f by in classically scale-invariant models. There are certainly integrating out the heavy constituent scalar S. several directions into which our discussion may be (5) Determine the symmetry-breaking minimum of the extended: effective scalar potential for the mean field f. (i) It would be worthwhile to study the full two-field This procedure results in a Coleman-Weinberg–like correc- dynamics of our model (see, e.g., Refs. [87,88]) and tion to the Lagrangian of the gravitational sector, to investigate which other inflationary solutions one might be able to identify. In this context, one should 7It has been suggested in Ref. [86] that the infinite past (future) also compute the degree of non-Gaussianities gen- of the Universe may correspond to an ultraviolet (infrared) fixed erated by our model and compare them to the current point. observational bounds.


(ii) One may refrain from expanding the effective scalar inflation, and the principle of classical scale potential in powers of R and keep working with the invariance. full expression in Eq. (71). This would amount to the study of a typical fðRÞ model, where fðRÞ would ACKNOWLEDGMENTS schematically be given by [89,90] The authors would like to thank Marco Drewes, Jean- Marc G´erard, Kohei Kamada, and Christophe Ringeval γ 2 fðRÞ¼ R þ VCWðRÞ: ð72Þ for useful comments and discussions. K. S. is grateful to the Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics, and (iii) Reheating after inflation deserves a dedicated analy- Phenomenology at the Universit´e Catholique de Louvain sis, in particular, as this may allow us to constrain the for its hospitality during the final stages of this project. The number of e-folds Ne during inflation more pre- work of M. Y. is supported by the DFG Collaborative cisely (see, e.g., Ref. [30]). However, all of these Research Centre SFB 1225 (ISOQUANT) and the questions are beyond the scope of this paper. We Alexander von Humboldt foundation. The work of J. K. leave them for future work, hoping that our analysis is partially supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific will only be the first in a series of papers that address Research (C) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of the possible connection between the Planck mass, Science (Grant No. 16K05315).

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