Locro | Medium | 3 hours | 4 servings |

Locro is a hearty stew which is well known along the mountain range. Corn, meat, vegetables and pulses are prominently featured in this recipe. Locro is typically made using a unique named “papa chola”, this potato is difficult to find outside its home region and brings a unique taste to the stew. This dish is often served on May 25, the anniversary of the May Revolution.

Tools and equipment

~~Bowl ~~Pan

Directions 1 Rinse hominy under running water until the water runs clear; place in a bowl with lima beans and chickpeas. Ingredients 2 Cover with water, and soak at least 8 hours or overnight; drain. 3 Whisk 1⁄2 cup oil, paprika, chilli flakes, and 1⁄4 of the garlic in a bowl; set sauce aside. dried, broken hominy 2 cups cured chorizo, 10 oz 4 Heat remaining oil in an 8-qt. saucepan over medium-high heat. dried lima beans 1 cup (cut into 1/2 in slices) 5 Season veal and pork with salt and pepper; working in batches, add to pan, and cook, dried chickpeas 1 cup large yellow onion 1 unit turning, until browned all over, about 5 minutes. olive oil 3/4 (minced) cup Transfer to a plate. sweet paprika 1 1/2 tsp tomato paste 1 tbsp 6 Add chorizo; cook until fat renders, about 2 minutes. crushed red chilli flakes 1/2 tsp dried oregano 1 tsp 7 Add remaining garlic and onion; cook until soft, about 3 minutes. cloves of garlic 8 units ground cumin 1/2 tsp 8 (minced) bay leaf 1 unit 9 Add tomato paste, oregano, cumin, and bay leaf; cook for 2 minutes. veal shoulder, 1 lb small acorn 1 unit 10 Return meat to pan with hominy, beans, chickpeas, squash, and 10 cups water; boil. (cut into 1 in pieces) (squash, peeled, seeded 11 Reduce heat to medium-low; cook until hominy and beans are tender, about 2 hours. pork shoulder, 1 lb and finely chopped) 12 Stir in juice; season with salt and pepper. (cut into 1 in pieces) lemon, juiced 1 unit Divide among bowls; drizzle with sauce. kosher salt to taste scallions 1 cup 13 freshly ground black pepper to taste (finely chopped) SOURCE: Global Pulse Confederation http://pulses.org/recipes/recipe/143-locro