
Smashing Saxons and Vicious | History theme | Years 3 & 4| Autumn 1

Important Dates Vocabulary (Goldilocks words)

The Romans left Britain because the was 1 invasion going to another country and taking it over without being invited 407 AD collapsing. 2 territory an area of land ruled by a group of people The -Saxons, who were people from , invaded 3 monastery a building where people live, worship and give their time to and raided Britain for its riches. Some settled in Britain but 400-800 AD began to fight amongst themselves for power. There were 7 4 treaty a formal written agreement or deal made between countries Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in Britain. settle in a place and take it over from people who already lived 5 colonise The first Viking invasion, which began with a raid on a there 793 AD monastery on the holy island of . Viking were people from Norway, Sweden and . 6 raid a sudden attack on an enemy The Danish ‘Grand Army’ marched into and Born in 849 AD into the family that ruled , he was the 865 AD conquered East and Northumberland. They set up a youngest of 5 sons. After all his older brothers died in base in York and established (Viking territory). battles against the Vikings, he became king at 19 years old. He died in 899 AD, aged 50. He was the first Anglo-Saxon An agreement called the Treaty of was signed king to defeat the Viking and force them to keep within their 886 AD between the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons, who were led by territory (Danelaw). After uniting all 7 Anglo-Saxon King Alfred the Great. kingdoms, he became the king of all of England. For the first England become one country. Danelaw (Viking territory) time, the Anglo-Saxons were referred to as ‘’. By 1016 and the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms became one country ruled He was the only monarch in British history to be known as by one Viking ruler called King Cnut. the ‘Great’.

Housing from the Anglo-Saxon and Viking era

A Viking war vessel called a longboat.

Runes: Viking Alphabet