r f i The Berrien County- Record; The. Berrien County Record,

TERMS OF ADVERTISING^ A REPUBLICAN 'N EW SPAPER*. (’TenUne8°riess>zna^:6a^^!are PUBLISHED. EVERY THURSDAY,. SPA0B.' ,j|l wiJ2 .w.flS -w.Ji n-.j3 m-lJS m.Jl JT 1 Square....„..| 1 00j$l 60J$1 75|$2 00jj$4 00,$6 00]!$10 0 AT 2 Squares,,...... 5 l75jj 2 .50jj 3 00J 3:501 6 00J10 OOJ 16 00 BliCHiSJiNj. BERRIEN CO., MICII., 3 Squares...... J 2 25| 3 25|] 3 75]| l 25|j 7 00J12 OOJ 20 00 4 Squares...... 4 2 .76J.3 75J.4 25J 4.50J 8 00p5 0 0 J 23 00 *' BY ; 6 Squares...... 4 3 50J 4 00J 4 50J 6 00J10 00P7 OOJ 25 0C Column...... J 4 00J 6 60J 7 OOJ 8 00J14 00J25 00]| ,36 CO n . y m .. w ^o-iSrE -e. A f T E R S IS : Column*. .,..J 6 00J 8 OQJip 00J12 00J20 OOjjSO 00| 50 00 O. A;,WAQJTKK.V " Eternal Vigilance is the Price of ,82.00 P er Y ear, lit Advance h d l t o r . y& Column...... J 6 .Q0J10.001Q2 00J15 00J25 OOJ36 00| 65 00 T E R M S : 1 Oolnmn...... J10 00J14 00J17 001120 00135 00J60 00|ill5 OO J^UMBER 3 Q, 2.00 YOLtCttE J-y ' Business Cards o f five lines or less, Si?.CO per annum. $ Psr Anaum, in Advance^ a „ BUCHANAN," MICH., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1870. Xogal advertisements at statute rates. ■63(,,TH'KflR TKRMSaTRIGTST ADHERED, Transient advertising, payable In advance. V ■ t411• - •—- - \ . Yearly advertising, payable on demand. Matter in local column, fifteen cents per line for first paper la discontinued, except at the option of my summons interrupted tlie process you see, has made us dull like, as it it, I tell ye, stranger. That-old, Insertion, and ten cents per line for each subsequent in­ the publisher* uatllaU HTTearagea w e paid;-©* Poetry. • sertion ; bnt no locals taken for less than $1.00. “ You thought I would have come were, and— ” will keep sinking for a week yet.” . Obituary Notices—more than the announcements—M ill Markoff & Warner;, be charged for as a'dver’tlsements. F 0 ¥?XCR^-Xit ‘‘Record BnndlogjJ^etut ride of-Main THE <7HAVE OF IIXCOIiSTS M OTlIf- here before?” I exclaimed, at last, in “ And what in the name of Satan “ She’s stopped,” said Sam. Advertisements not accompanied -with directions as to Stteet* three: doore nort o f front; F i t , “ Yes,” answered Jim, “ and we’d time, will be inserted until forbidden, and charged ac­ (Successors to II. MarhofT & Co.) reply to her singular salutation is his m isfortu n ein terru p ted the cordingly;; ; " ■ “ Why, my good woman, I have lost mother, now for the first time moved better fish her out before she sinks be­ Dotable’colunm advertisements, 25 per cent, above reg­ law s of Sewspnpers. Manufacturers o f and Ihciicnin A wooden hill—a low slink grft-ve, ular column rates.? 1. Sahwriliera wliefianot give express optics to tbs IJpon the hilltop hOili-y; niy way, and only stumbled upon your with real concern as well as anger. yond our reach.” ■ SpecialiNotices, 50 per cent, above tho foregolng'rates. contrary wapooslilsreaias wishing to.cootloba tbs sub" DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULD N GS The. oak tree’s branches o’er it wave ; house by accident— you must take me “ That’s it—that’s it, mother,” an­ “ Don’t I tell ye Satan’s in the gun,” Yearly advertisers allowed four changes without extra scrtption. ... ' Devoid o f slab—no record: Save charge.- 2. Jtf subscriberj wish? their papers. tUseontihuea, pub­ BRACKETS AXD DRESSED LUMBER. for some else.” swered Jake, with something of alert­ Single copies Of the RscoJtn, ready for mailing, Are lishers; may e o u to isW send .them: nntIL a ll, arrearages Tradition’s story I cried Jake, almost furiously, “ d o w n - •cents.- . . are paid. \ ‘ *- - . . • - LL kinds o f Dressing, J/atching, Resawing and .Scroll “I’m no good woman. Don’t good ness. “ She’s drew the very nail on clown— she’ll keep going ; down till lie All kinds of Job Printing executed in the lateststyles 5. If subscribers move to other places wlthout-lnform- Rawing donq to order on shor t notice* Persons wish- And who the humble dead, that here o f the art; and ‘at reasonable prices. lu(t the publisher, and the paper is sent tq the former A the head; Satan is at the bottom of. has her in his own place all to him­ luganythTitginonrline w ill filtd It to their advantage to So lonely sleeps? woman me;" she replied uith a scru direction,! they1 are: held responsible. Xotlce should, giveuaacali, Ka we defy competition Id work, In price, all of it.” self. I lost an axe in that well onst alwavs be streu of the Wmoraf. and quality o f work. Anti who, as year rolls after year, turning glance wlrich had something, 4. I f ettbscribere neglect or refuse to-tales tSelr papers £Sr*£hop and residence on South Oak Street, Buchanau, In Summer green or Autumn Sere— I thought, of-almost fierceness in it. “ A t tho bottom of all of what ?” myself, and i f half that father used to front the office or place to which they are sent, they ard J/ich* S-2if held responsible nutil they settle bills and give notice to- Comes here and weeps ? as, • shading the new lighted candle screamed the woman, and, even as she tell about it be true— ” • . discontinue. . . spoke, the ancient piece iii the corner, THE OE» BROWN HASS. 6. Xhe courts hare decided that refusing to take a fapeft So loug and drear—the forest wild with one hand, she' turned scornfully Spluch— uch. — uch—Bubble— uble Irom thpplSco, or removing and leaving it uncalled, for, untouched by any one— without the is priiria facia eridenco of Intentional fraud,, Sliort Boiito West. Unbroken seems— round and fixed her eyes upon me. hang !— hie — Bang!, — Spin— hie— BY JtllS. D. HARRY PRIME. W e well might think some forest child, “ Yes! yes I stranger, you are the slightest movement of the look-—dis­ Bang— hang— B A N G -! ! ! Grown tired o f hunt or war-trail wild, charged itself toward the ceiling ! Tbe hand that pressed my fevered brayr CHICAGO, BURLINGTON QUINCY Here lies and dreams! man, the: very man that was to come Business Directorv. \ “w“ A t the bottom of the bar’l of my “We listened— we looked long at Was withered; wasted, brown, and old, at this hpur. I dreamed ye— I dream­ each other. With the-last report, Its wopk was almost over now, But no ; no red man of the West ed yer horse— yer clothes andall, gun— he speaks for himself,” replied A s swollen veins and wrinkles told. T3EIIRXEN COUNT Y m oney loan r.^on- Inhabits here; which was almost overpowering, I was No longer brushing back my hair, •lO cy. Apply to W. Torsast, Berrien Springs. Mich, BAILKOAI). dreamed ’em,— and now go look after Jake, moodily, while his mother start­ The clods so oft by wild beasts press’d convinced that the explosion must It gently Tested on my wrist; DIRECT COWECTIOXS WITH JiZS ZASTEEX Now lie upon the mouldered breast yoiir horse, while I get some supper ed back, and I sprang to my feet at Its touch seemed sacred as a prayer ZUS'ES. have been aided b y inflamable gas at T. M ORliEY, Stan foundry. A ll Of one more dear. for ye.” tbe sudden report so near me. Just by the breath o f angels kissed. • Unde o f casting,: such as plow polufs,sugar kettles, the bottom of the well, for the blue sleighB shoes, Ac. turning and Job work done ta —AND DEALER IN- Three Express TraiM Leave Chicago Supper was already prepared for “ Your gun must be foul,” I said, For Lincoln’s mother here is laid— flame, as it rose from it, flashed 1 knew ’twos thin, and brown, and old, order. Old inelul tjk o u ia exchange fur work. Portage? DailyT Far from her son. me, when I returned from looking af­ resuming my seat, “ very foul, to hang stre.ot.near the- depot. M lt through the only window of the cabin With many a deep and honored seam, TUB, SHORTBST, QUICKEST AND No long procession ; false parade, ter my horse. The coarse bacon and fire so long. I suppose it made a Wearing one little band o f gold, Of pride or place was here displayed— and showed the feature^ of its igno­ "|3XjAKE & LONG, dealers In grooor- hoe cakes were placed before me with­ flash in the- pan when attempting to The only trace o f youth’s bright dream; •*•**■ ltis, Provisions* Fruity Wooden and Willoyr Wars,. Clocks, Watches, ONLY DIRECT ROUTE No requiem sung! rant inmates, for the first •time, dis­ And yet o’er every mark o f care, Ac., Front Street.Duchaoan.Mlch. out another wordbeing spoken between discharge it just before entering.” FroraChlcago toBurllugton, Ottumwa,Quincy, St, Joseph, torted with real terror. At last Iu every -wrinkle’s mysticTine, IVeston, Kansas Oity; Leavenworth, Fort Scott,Lawrence, No Summer friends were crowded round . my hostess and myself. I drew a rude Jake looked vacantly at me, shook I fancied jewels gleaming there S. & H*. S. B T iA C K , axan'ttfaotnr ora Qttowsv.Topeka,. Manhattan, Junction City, andall points Her humble grave— “ Brown and Docker, upon whom my O , OU tbo stool to the table, and was in tbe act bis bead, muttered something about he That wore a beauty all divine. • of Bedsteads,. raQjea, Stands, What-Nots,Lounges,, * The Suiitner breezes bore no sound, eye was fixed at the time, looked per­ Ao, Flaning, Matching and Turning done to ordor* on KANSAS PACIFIC RAILWAY. Suyo. genuine grief, when this long mound of helping myself from the platter— and his mother being “ ruinated,” and abort notice. l>ueh-'iunii,M.L’lu oltf , fectly agast with fright. Another hand my fingers pressed— SilverM Plated W are, Express trains of the Its echoes gave. “ Stop! I hear them coming!’’ cried more audibly said: - ’Twas like the lily dipped in snow ; jfN IiA K K . Ss dealers in JIJJS~jSTBAL cC ST. JOSEPH RAILWAY ‘‘Stranger, ydfi may have more Jake’s supposition of the ultimate Yet still it gave a wild unrest— Her husband, anil her children dear. the woman. v Dry Goods, Groceries,, Ready-Made Clothlnjr, Crock* Start from this Company's Depot at Qulncey, running book lamin’ than me, hut I tell ye destiny of his famous gun (viz: going A weariness that none should know. ary, etc., in Union Block, Buchanan. through to Kansas City, St Joseph, Council Bluffs and The neighbors rude— “ Hear them ! Who ?” said I turn­ There pearls with costly diamonds gleamed, SPECTACLES, Omaha* Dressed in their hardy, homespun gear— ing round sharply, as some new. onst for all that Satan’s got into that' to sporting dominions o f the great And opals showed their changing glow i^HRlSTIAN PKOCIiAMATIONi a Were all: that gathered round her bier. though undefinable suspicion flashed gu n !” hunter below) could hardly he true, As moonlight on the ice has beamed. V religious Monthly of 48 pages, devoted to tho Inter­ Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night In this lone wood. : however, inasmuch as a piece o f the Or trembled on tbe stainless snow. ests of Primitive Christianity. Terms per year, lu ad­ Trains. upon me. And hang l at that moment went vance. Address D, A* WAGNER, Buchanan* Mich. blackened muzzle was found next High pile the marble above the breast “ Them as will have to share that the gun, as i f to prove that his words I caught again the old, brown band, A.^k for tickets/via Chicago* Burlington & Quincy Rail­ Of chieftain slain; SCHOOL BOOKS, road* Tickets sold at all principal offices, and at the supper with ye, stranger—if how’s were true. morning, driven half through a frag­ Ana smoothed it fondly in my own— E. HXKHAK,. attorney and coun- Company’s office, <3 real Central Depot, Chicago While in the wild wood o f the West, A woman’s though so old and tanned; * sellor at Daw, Particular attention given to Col­ he’t they let ye eat any of it.” “ This.is, certainly most- extraordi­ ment of the well curb, which lay shat­ In tomb i>j naught but nature drest, A women’s, brave and fearless grown. lecting, Convoyanciug, Ac. Office iront room, over Clark P A R E A S L O fT A S B fl i X Y OTHER ROUTE* His mother’s lain. nary,” I exclaimed, as I arose to ex­ tered around, broken to splinters by A Alexander's Store, Buchanan, Mich. Idyl STAY ION. R- Y, I had no time to weigh further the Aye, it bad labored long and well ROBERT HARRIS, Oen* Snpt., Chicago. amine the gun for myself. the explosion o f the fire damp. The To dry the tear, to sooth the pain, SAMUEL ROWELL* Hen. Ticket A gi*, Chicago* " meaning o f her words. For at this Her grave, from Art or homage free, poor young man fairly wept outright Its own Strong nerve to all would tell B E . B E A R E S X iE Y & CO., maimfeo- Neglected lies; instant there was a sharp flash of “You’d better not touch her,” re­ • turers of Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies, Lumber CUTLERY, peated Jake. when it was shown him by Docker; That life has work which brings no shame. Wagons, Cutters,, Bob Sleds, Ac, Repairing executed The fireat Thronsrli Passenger Route And pride, and pomp, and vanity, lightning, the door was dashed sud- With dispatch, Buchanan, Mich. From this lone grave must ever flee, denly® open, and three armed men I looked at Brown, inquiringly. who, with a generosity I could not We love the pretty hand that rests As mockeries. T O KANSAS', strode into the apartment, the storm “ Pact, stranger, every word of it— sufficiently admire at the time, insist­ In gentle fondness on our own, S. DODD, M . D., physician & sur- IS VIA TIIE OLD 1U5T.LUH.B With nails like rosy calyx pressed B• geon, Special attention given to chronic diseases. A nation’s grief and gratitude pelting in behind them as they enter­ Jake’s not been able to get that gun ed upon replacing the heavy weapon Office over Osborn's Drug Store. Residence on Day's Upon a pearly, stainless cone; Bedewed hi3 bier; ed, and a terrific thunder burst follow­ off since noon ; but about a hundred of Jake’s affections with his own light But sacred is the healthful palm Avenue, east side, Buehivuau, Mich. st. Jisipe For her who sleeps iu solitude, e & C .. & Q „ & C - , ed instantly after the lightning, amid rod afore we struck the clearing, she Eastern rifle; saying at the same time Which smooths the ills that round ns band; SHORT LINE, In this lone grave in Western wood, The many feel its sacred balm, E M . P I iIMPTON, attorney-Jbco. on t’<»rt«ge street, Dail.v Ovorlnnd Stages irom West end Kansas Pacific The aspect of two of these men terror being disagreeably awakened a spring, or get otir watgr from the,: —LThere is a letter held for postage in sev’<*nd house South uf iVi*nt street. Railway from Pueblo, Santa ie. Denver and points in the E ast Saginaw post-office addressed to Colorado and Mew Mexico. BY P. B. B03TWICK. was sufficiently formidable, though in in me. Tbe men, however, seemed branch. But the first well I fall in Thisis ateo n niost desirahlo route via St. Joseph to awe-struck, rather than alarmed; the K in g of Prussia.— Caro Advertiser. H . RUNYON, grooQrnnd provision Brownsville Citt, Corson. Llltps Omaha, point of statue and an appearance of with, I’ll draw up a bottle.of that gas H • iteuter, H-nve’s ln-ick, fron t streot, liuchannu. Done with neatness and dispatch. connecting with the Union Pacific Railroad lor Cheyenne, burly strength they were inferior to while the woman— a thing not uncom­ Denver, Salt Lake, Sacramento. Sait Fnincisco nml Pacific The evening had closed in dull and as you call it, and have some real fun; .— Mr. L . D. Green sent a grist of com Coast. mon with resolute minds disposed to thick, with that stagnant heaviness their companion. They were square- with the fellers. But look here,” of, this year’s production to mill on the T O. O.i Yi—The regular meetings Of Through Tickets; for so.V at all Ticket Offices. Baggage believe readily in the supernatural-— A . BuchanmbodgeRo, 78 (lie belli »t their ball, In checked through and Omnibus Transfers anti Ferriage o f the atmosphere which often pre­ shouldered, black-bearded fellows, said he, stopping and tearing off some, 24th ult.— Joncsville Independent. Buchanan, on Tuesday evening of each week, at 7U' avoided., armed both with hatchet and bowie- seemed at once to accept the fearful o'clock. Transient Brelbreu i ii good standing are cordi­ P. B. GROAT; GEO* It* NETTLETON, cedes a storm. There was a moon, dry fungus from an old stump, “ when ally invited to attend. Gen.,Tick* Agt. (4tf) Gen. Snpt. ITau.Mo. knife, in addition to the short rifles solution of the mystery which had you want to play a chap such a trick — The Constantine Mercury of the 1st W. Lr.CcXTts.Ji. d.t O. If, W aTsos, Y . O .; J. E, but its face was veiled by the leaden F uexoh, R. S.J B. D. I I mu-ek, P. S .; J . M. Kor, Treas, clouds; andits light dissipated through which they still retained, laid across been proffered to her, and ready to as made music for us last night, you’ve has the following: A rattlesnake, three THE. PLAGE : the murky air, created that kind of their knees, as they Settled themselves meet it with an unflinching spirit.-— . only to put twenty charges in a gun, feet in length, was MlleS in the door yard “T M. WILSON, dentist. Rooms on M . *F. B, B. “ darkness visible” which gives a drear­ Side by side upon a bench and looked Still, puzzled and bewildered as I was, with such wood as this between each Of Hiram Lindsly Esq., in this village, on Sv » Main street, tip stairs, next door south of tile Friday last When first discovered the ItKEoan Building, Buchanan, Mich. Post Office Building,- ier aspect to the landscape than whop coldly around them. The third was I could not but smile aqthe manner of ’em— au escotch now and then in­ a full-cheeked, heavy featured man, in which her emotions now manifested snake had its head on the doorstep looking TORN iuCLTON ALBERT, attorney it is wholly obscured. stead o f dry powder will be all the into.the house, and M r. Lindsly’s little amt Counsellor at Law. Offlco over Noble & Es­ Parties who intend to vlsity or settle iu Kansas, should The only cabin in sight lay in the* of about six and twenty, bearing a themselves. better; ram each down well; let the tes' strei', in ltoo’s brick, Buchanaui, Mich, go via St* Joseph and the “ W e ll!” she exclaimed impatient­ girl was making for it with manifestations B 'llC H A N A N , HUGH'. midst of a desolate .“ clearing, ” which, strong resemblance to my hostess, chap carry his gun about for an hour of joy, as a newly discovered plaything.— both in complexion and countenance, ly, “ and-what a poor shrimp of a man or so, unbeknowing—-jist as that sim­ Mt ROE, pltysioian taud surgeon. K0BATR OKDEK.—StatQQfMicliignn, County of Ber­ Missouri falley R, R., though completely walled around by On Monday night last, Ida," daughter of • OIBce np stairs in the Boo block, ITont street Bess to let Satan get into the piece when J Prien, ss.— A t n session, o f the Probate Court for tho the forest of oaks, from whose depths save that his eve-brows, instead of ple Jake did:—and choose your own Mr. Thomas Peck of this village, was idence on Oak street, Bnchanan, M S t f County of Berrien, holdeuatUio Probate Office, in the To Atchison or ^Leavenworth, afc both o f which points you had her all day in yer own keep­ Village o f Berrien,, on. Monday, tho lfith day o f August, connections nre made with I had just issued, bore not a trace of being square and coal black, like hers, time for dropping in a piece of lighted burned to death by the accidental breaking In the year cue thousand eight hundred and seventy* were irregularly arched and of a light ing.” of a coal oil lamp which she was attempt- "TNO. C.?- W ELCH, dealer in clocks, Present, Daniel Chapman, JudgeofProbuto* All Son tbeni Kansas Railroads shrubbery to relieve the waste of black­ touch wood into the muzzle.” ** VT.itchcs. Jewelry, Silver ware, Silver-plated ware, Iii the matter of the eatateof DauiolH. Topping, do- ened stumps. A well of primitive brown. His mouth also lacked, the “ JT a shrimp of a man ?” ' answered to Carry down a cellar stair Way. W h e n Tiolin and Gnitar Strings, Spectaqles, ic. Eepairiug ceased; For Lawrence, Tppeka, AVutervUle, Sheridan, B ig Blue, Upon my word, I was not sorry that Ellsworth, Manhattan uud her son with spirit. “ There isn’t an­ within two or three steps of the bottom neatly done. Eemember the place—opposito the Bank, On reading and filing the petition, o f John Y.. Phil­ construction, with the buckefcdangling firmness of expression which dwelt I was to part company, before night, Buchanan. d-3tf lips, praying this Court to appoint a time and place fer ALL POINTS REACHED BY RAIL * other feller in these diggings who’d ’a she fell to the cellar floor, the lamp was tlie.final settlement o f his account aS administrator On at the of a long chain attached to around her thin and shrewdish lips. with this practical joker; who, for broken, the contents scattered over her said estate* Bo euce yOur tickets read a long lever pole, crowned a naked This man bore with him no weapon, "brought that gun home as I did, after TO H N TENDER., tailor; all kinds of, . Thereupon it is ordered that Monday, the 12th day ot aught I know, might seize some tempt­ clothes, and taking fire from the flame of O - tailoring done promptly and ott reasonable terms. September next, at l l o ’clockin tlieforenoon, beassigned he diskivered sick, goings on were in­ VIA MISSOURI VALLEY RAILROAD. knoll where the stumps had been clear­ save a huge old Dutch piece, a Tryra- ing opportunity to slip a snake or so Shop over Luther A So a'a store, Buchanun, Mich. ibr. the hearing o f said petition, and that t he .heirs at law side o f her. And she’d tell her own the. lamp her clothes were burned off, and o f said;deceased, and all otherp'ersohsintereated in? said, Baggage checked through. Fare as low os by any ed away-. The pole, from which the lean rifle, as it seemed to me, from into my boots, stuff my saddle with estate, are required to appear at a session o f said Court, otherroute. story— ” her flesh burned to a crisp, in almost less f MESSINGER, wkolesale audi-etail then to be holden at the Probate Office, in Berrien, and. J* F . BARNARD, G en. Sjapt. hark-had never been stripped, was the enormous length of the barrel and squibs, or play off some little ^piece time than it ’fates to tell, She lingered edealer in Furniture and Cabinet IVaro o f all, kinas, show cause, if any there bo, why the prayer of the JOS.?S. FORD, Gen. Tlckot Agent. the great size of the bore, as well as Bang!— hang!— hang! pealed the Slain Street, sis.doors above Second,NUes, Mich. petitioner should not be granted:; And if is further nearly covered with that pale green of facetiousness like that with which about five hours*‘when death cause to her ordered, that said petitioner give notice to- tlia persons mass which "will often collect upon the the outlandish and cumbersome orna­ gun- interested in said estate; of the pendency of said the jocular Captain Gaffe, in Scott’s relief. H er age Was 9 years. Tp "V, PHILLIPS, attorney at law, petition,, and tho hearing thereof, b y causing n cOpy o f dry rails of a fence which have not ments about the stock and breeching. “ That’s Satan who speaks now— ” novel of the Pirate, used now and then &S • iieal Estate Agent, Justice o f liio I’eaco, and Li­ this Order to bepublished in tho Berrien County Record Kansas Pacific Eailway. B ang !—gfhizz !-~-b ang ! censed War Claim Agent, New Buffiilo, Mich. a newspaper printed, and circulating in said County o f for years been disturbed; and this, Inconveniently, however, as the length to indulge in his humor,; the said — Oats- sell for. twenty-five cents per Berrien, for three successive weeks previous to said day and size of the piece might make it in “ It’s Satan, I say, and no mistake. bushel.—Portland Observer. of hearing. with the night wind whistling through Captain having a funny way of dis­ [I.*80 DANIEL CHAPMAN, But if she’d tell her own story, she’d 1 * OTH ER & SON, doalersliu? clothing, the parted staves of the decrepit some hands, it seemed to be nothing charging his pistol under the mess ta­ X J Crockery, Glass wave,, Cloths, Hats and Caps, otc., (A tru e copy.) 26w4 Judut o f Probate OPEN TO in the grip of the sturdy woodsman, own I never let her go out of my hands — The Pontiac Bill Poster has the fol­ corner o f Main and Front streets, Buchanan,Mich,. bucket, proved sufficiently; that the ble, merely to pepper some one’s shins Administrator’s Sale. - SHERIDAN, well, if not dried up entirely, was Still for I observed even as he entered that this blessed day, save when Sam took lowing item: Mrs. Charles Carey used to with a half ounce ball. own a beautiful Canary bird, a splendid T V T L A D Ss W EIS GERBER, mannfao- N tho matter of the Rstate. of Daniel P* Ilibner, de­ 405 Miles Wt-st of the Missouri River. no longer used. A low shed, built of he-held the gun vertically at arm’s Jim’s piece and mine to watch for- J R turers: Of Lumber and? Lath. Custom; Sawing, I ceased.—By virtue of a liceuso to mo, tho undersigned singer, which she had received as a pres­ Administrator o f tho said Daniel: P. Ilibner, deceased, SPRING ARRANGEMENT. logs and roofed with bark, was the length before him. Still he seemed deer on the runaway, while we went Planing and Matching done to order and at reasonable ent! One day this bird escaped from its -rices,, Mill on South Oak street, Buchanan, Mich. grantedbythoProbato Court of Bcrrlon County, bn. the glad of relieving himself of the weight down the branch to see if we couldn’t 21st day o f June,:A*D«1S70, auOiorizingand empowering G O W G WEST, TRAILS WILL RUA' AS FOLLOWS: only other outward appearance of the Stealing a Grave. cage, and could not be found. Time went mo to sell the real estate of sold deceased, I shall,, ou the LEAVENWORTH cabin. as soon as possible, for he instantly get a big sucker or two for supper out IVT H AMILTON,, licensed auctioneer. 17 th day of September next, at; 10 o’clock in the forenoon, „ AND TOPEKA The conversation turning one evening on, and. accidentally a bird, the same little I t ■ Will attend to all cnlla promptly, and?-sell at; as at; the honso of Bonjamla Ingalls,, in the Township of L eave* Mail. Mixed. ACOcarao'noN. The whole picture, it will be ac­ advanced to the farthest corner of the of the deep hole where I catched so' dickey, was lound in the possession of M r. easonablerates? as: any other good; auctioneer in: the. CUikaming, In said. County, soil atpnbllc auctiom all the ■VFyandotto,, 7:20 A.M...... npon the propensity to steal (accumulate amnty. Besidence and.F- O.address, Bnchanan, Mich. right,, title and interest of eaid doceased In and to the Kansas City, 7:55 ** ...... knowledged, was a dreary one.— Com­ room where he placed the piece with many fish last Pall, Ho! if she’d W m . Toule. Suit- was then instituted by following real estate to-wi t: The West nine and one-half was the word more often used to express State Line, 8:25 “ 6:15 P .M ...... some care in an upright position speak for herself— ” Mrs. Carey to recover the bird, when it acres and tho north: thirteen, abd one-half acres Leavenworth, 8:20 u ...... 5:16 P .M . fortless, monotonous— almost heart a violation of the eighth commandment), OBERT D. CROSS, dealer in shelf of tho southwest . fractional: one-fourth of tho north- R Lawrence, 10:35 4t 10:15 P . M . $:00 ** depressing. A scene o f wildness against the wall. BANG-! thundered the gun, with a which was much more prevalent in some was decided that Mrs, Carey’s claim to the Hardware,and a,select stocked Groceries. Agent; west one-fourth of section C30) thirty* town (7) seven, Topeka, 12:06 P .M ., 12:50 A .M . 10:30 w for Perkin’s Mishawaka. .Axes, Three Onks, Berrien? south o f range (20) west, in sertion. County, Michigan. TVamego, 2:30 u 4tL0 “ ...... without beauty; of solitude without “Well! What for now?” said the report so tremendous that I involun­ commands than in others, one of the offi­ bird was just,— that it was her bird, and County,Michigan. Also a piece or parcel of moandered land, bounaries un­ Manhattan., 3:15 *r 6^7 “ ...... she had a right to her bird.— It is stated known,* lying and being in town (8) eight, range (21) Junction City, 4:30 *• 8:00 il ...... dignity; a woodland home without virago, “ why do you stand looking at tarily put xn'y hand to my ears. cers said that the .most singular theft he twenty-one. Sallna, 7:15 ct 1:10 P .M ...... had ever heard of had been committed that another Emery manufactory is to he OSS & SON, 'bankers and oxcliango Terms—Ono-third down, the balance in one and: two one attribute o f rural cheerfulness! the gun, after you’ve set it down ?— “ Grim me the tongs— gim me-them FortH arker, 9:05 u 5:45 ...... started in Pontiac. B Brokm^.; Office cQr&er o f Mam andFrout atroet^, years, secured by mortgage on tho premises. Ellswort, 9:35 •* 6:15 “ ...... -you fliink she’ll walk off herself, do ere tongs,” shouted Mrs. Snider, in that day. It was no less than the stealing 24w7 JOHN O* MILLER, An abode in the wilderness utterly Buchanan, Mich* n&rys City. 2:20 A. M...... of a grave. Administrator of tho eatateof Daniel P«Hibnea, deceased* Arrive at destitute o f forest shelter and security. y e ? ” great wrath; while Brown turned The . Grass Lake Reporter says that the ^ L. ESTES, dealer in ready-made? Sheridan, 10:45 A .M . I dismounted near the cabiD, and The youth looked gloomily at her—- pale, and even Docker seemed<*a little “Stealing a grave!” was echoed iu as­ £ 3 • Clothing, Shirts, Collars, &c- Front sGcct, next Connecting at Topeka, \vith the A . T. & S. F . R .R . for tonishment from all sides. “Impossible 1” brewery owned by E . Nichols, of that vil­ door to Binns & Rose, Buchanan, Midi. Burliugaro e, Osage City, Alronia,.Emporia and south, and scarcely touched the door with the end took a stool oiT the opposite side of disturbed as he muttered, “ I f the old southwestern Kansas. “Absurd !” “ Oan’t be done I” lage, was consumed b y fire on., the 27th. C. M. BEARD, AtLawrence. with the Leavenworth, Lawrence, & Gal- of my whip, when it was flung open the hearth to his companions— leaned thing should bust, it would be a bad •veatonRailroad. “B u t it was done/’ insisted the officer ; W . EPLY, draper and tailor, oppo- his head doggedly upon his hand, thing for us.” S HIL L'S CORN ESS, At State,Line with: trains o f the Missouri Pacific Road, from within by some one who instant­ “ and I ’ll tell you bow . Y o u know that — On Monday last, Engel DeJong was » site Osborn’s Drug Store, Front Street, Buchanan, and at Kansas City with the Hannibal & S t Jo. Railroad Jake, however, doggedly handed Michigan, for St, Louis and points South and East. ly retired from the threshold. The; hut said nothing. the — st Regulars, and the — th Oregon arranging stone for a culvert on the Lake • A. ANDERSON, General Superintendent. N ew S tore! abruptness o f the ac.t did, I confess,, . I thought I had never fallen in with lis mother the tongs; and before I Volunteers are brigaded together and Shore Railroad, near this city, a large stone mREhlONT HOUSE, corner of front a more strange set of people. could interpose, or, indeed, before I camped side by side. Each regiment had was.rolled so as to strike him so Severely n;,?I Oak Streets, Bnchanan, Mich, Board; by the startle me. Though not easily alarm­ as to break his neck day or week. S. H, BANN, Proprietor, Goods Cheap! j g E I i a ? I j EA.TB pS®. j toy the Side, ed, my mood of mind at that moment “ What! Jake Snider, hain’t ye a ■ was aware what the courageous wo­ a death yesterday, and to-day the regulars — Grand Haven Her­ was such as to prompt some mystic word to say?” cried the woman ad­ man was about to do, she had grasped made preparations to bury their man. ald, 35. YSTM, K. SAWYER, justice of the d e a l e r i n PATER']: STRETCHED BELTING, association with the scenes and cir­ vancing toward him. “ Is that ‘the the gun with the tongs, near the lock, They sent out a party to dig a grave be­ * * Peace, Notifty Pnbllc and Collecting Agent. Wilt — The prospect for apples is unusually uakeDeeds, Bonds, Mortgages, and other legal papers, Rubber Belting and cumstances already detailed. I am a way yo treat yer dead father’s wife?” and bearing it before her with a strong yond the guard lines, and in the mean time pay Taxes; ■ pealed and sputtered the gun, hut marched— -.quick time, I guess— straight to — A b ou t 10 a. sr. last -Saturday the * * Cfoods, Notlons andFancy Goods^ First door east get them, in still the intrepid woman went on. I barns and new dwelling house of Mr, o f the Bank, Buchanan, Mich. as you can PRACTICAL them. The low mutterings of the on­ ye chuckle-headed, ye— and she a the grave, buried their man, and covered M ich igan. WATCH CLOCK coming tempest, which were now be­ widdor. Can’ t 'ye speak to ' her ? sprang to the door and flung it’ wide him .up ; and'when the regulars came round Abram W e st, of Raisin, -took fire, and b e­ *TOrM . O SBO S.N , 3>raggist & Apotko- I sell a g o o i article, and satisfaction .Where’s the deer ?— the turkeys ?—the open before her. fore the flames could be subdued, .the whole ® * cory, south side o f Front Street, Buchanan ginning to be audible, would, then, with their funeral, they found that the vol­ Michigan. guaranteed. 22vY AND MAKER, be sufficient to account for my present Squirrels ? Hiun’t ye got even a The light from within was reflected unteers. had actually stolen their grave,” was completely destroyed. Some of the furniture .was saved by -the exertions of I>« KINGERY, attorney at law; sensibility to gloomy influences. Hut Squirrel to show ior your day’s work? upon the hollow button-wood trunk —Lippincotis Magazine for September. J E W E L E R , &c., the neighbors. The fire was caused by a W * Solicitor in Chancery,nnd Notary Public#, Office I might also mention other things Speak you. Jim Brown, what’s the which formed the curb of the well op -1 InRoe’s Block, corner ofMainandFxontStreets,Buchan- Main St., Buchanan, Mich. defective flue, ■ The loss will amount to matter with the boy ? He be n’t josite, and in another instant the gun : an.Mich. Particular attention naid to collection^, 4-8tf, HE subscriber offers his iarni of SO acres for sale, CUBONOMETERS, REPEATING, INDEPENDENT which, perhaps, added to the present $3,Q00, no insurance.-—AdfiahJourndl Irf. Tbeing the sw of se of section 9, and the n w LEVERS, STEMIYINDERS, DUPLEX, LEX­ anxiety of feeling, if the phrase be drunk, be he ?” was plunged to the bottom. The FirstThousand Dollars. of th an e'^ of section 16, in Townahip. ofChikaming, ERS. HORIZONTAL AND VERTI­ J. PETERSON, well? digger.— sitnateit on the Lake Shore read, between Now- Troy and CAL WATCHES, CAREFULLY not too strong a one. , It will suffice, . “ It’s been five hours since either of “ Thar!” said Mrs. Snider, clap­ W • Wella dug,, cleaned and*repaifed. Work guar­ NowBuflalOjliBlfamile irom. the Chikamlng Station, on The first thousand dollars a young man — Last Saturday night, about 12 o’clock, anteed. Residence—Buchanan, Mich* the Chicago andMichigan'XakB Shore: R . R; The land REPAIRED AND ADJUSTED. however, to state merely that I had us touched a. drop,” replied one of the ping the tongs in true housewife fash­ earns and saves -will generally settle the the soap factory of R . 'Tomlinson, situated is of the best quality, and well; adapted for afrnJt farm. There is abouttwenty acres cleared; agood youngorchard Clocks o f Ml descriptions, and: Musical Boxes, care fully not heard the sound of a human voice men briefly, and he, too, gave a fur­ ion, as she replaced them in the chim­ question of business life with him. It is on Grant street, was destroyed by fire.-— Bit. O. A. HOW Ei repaired* of choice apple and peach trees, some of them bearing; Jewelry of all kinds neatly repaired. in the last two days, aiid .that'that tive glance at the old fire-lock. ney corner. “Now one can hear his- the fruit of personal industry. He gives jBay City Signal, 1 s t a good log htinso and burn, a good' Well of .water,? and a never-failing spring croekmns across the lot* Ahyper- A ll work done at reasonable prices, and warranted. which now met my'ears was Harsh and “ Well— well, why don’t ye go on ? self think without the bother of sick, his time and his labor for it. While he ? son wishing to go Into fruit grooving; will do woll to seo- Having hadl3 years’ experience in tho CityofLondon, England^ and 10 years? practice in Amorica, I feel confi­ Is any one dead? Are ye all dis­ i s . thus earning and saving it, he- must — On Thursday last 300 bushels of BEMTIST, the place before:purchasing, elsewhere.. For particulars dent I can give ontire satisfaction to all who may favor discordant. It was-the croaking tone a clatter!” see the. subscriberon tlie premises. earn two, or three, or perhaps four times wheat in the stack was burned "near Bron­ N-. B.—The crop will be sold with tbe land, and pos­ me with their patronage* which, you may sometimes catch pom traught? Sam Docker, you—you’ve Bang I moaned the gun at the bot­ session given any time to suit the purchaser. Remember the place—noxt door north ot the as much to p a y his current expenses. H e son.— Sturgis Journal. R ecord £team Printirur Honsn? 47tf a sour-tompered. virago as she strolls felt the back of my hand across yer ig tsetl ‘ MICHAEL DE ADY, tom of the well. is consequently held sternly to the task-of all. Booms m> stairs in Boo’s B;rick. 2-t4tf Chikaming,. July 25,1870. * • . 23tf from the'conventicle. ; , chops, afore now, for yer impertinance HE EUROPEAN MAIL: a TVeekly Summary of News “ Oan’t stop Satan that way, mother,” industry for a very considerable period. — Last Sunday morning about 3 o’clock,8 for North America.—Usual Contonts:—Accidents; “ Ithought you’d a beenhere afore,” — I know ye, man, and that sober T said Jake, his stupid face sicklying The direct consequence to him is a steady^ Widman’s shingle mill, about four miles Ijiyery, Sale and PHOTOGRAPHS! A rt and Science i Births, Marriages and Deaths; Com­ ’possum look means something L Do mercial Summary; Correspondence; Court; Criminal; said this ungracious .Voice; which, over with an unhappy smile. continuous and-solid discipline in the habits from Whitehall, was burned to the •Emigration; Foreign and Colonial; Gazette; General. upon entering tho apartment, I recog­ ye think to gum it over me afore this STABLE. Summary ; Imperial, Parliam ent; Ireland; Latest Ship­ The mystery had now deepened to, of.industry, in patient, persistent/forecast- ?, ground. The loss .is about $4,;00 0, with ping; Legal; Literary; Market Reports; Medical; nized as belonging to its only occu- stranger ? Speak up, and that at the highest point of interest---that last ing and self-denying effort/; breakihgi-up ■no insurance.— Whitehall Forum. ' .VOXS T H E ? BEST Mercantile; Military; Miscellaneous; Music and the Drama; Nafund History; Naval; Obituary; Political; onst, or it’ll he the worst for some of discharge was wholly unaccountable— all the tendencies to indulgence and frivol­ PBOTJD & PEASE, Prices Current; Scotland; Shipping and Freights; ity, and making him an earnest and watch-' SpoclftiAmerican Notetf;Spotting; Stocks and Shares; She was a stoutly-huilti woman, of ye,, or my name’s not Jerusha Ann and for my own part, my curiosity — On Sunday -morning,. Sheriff Keating, Front Street,oppositeDny’s Avenue,. IS. 'Wills and Bequests, &c;, &c. coarse, square features and saturnine Snider!” was wound up to a pitch that was pos-. fill economist of -time. H e not only learns while in# Saginaw, during "the' thunder Solar: or Enlarged Prints, and everything pertaining: U ’ Subscription, pay able in advonce, 17 s. ‘lil.p er annum, how: to work, .but he also acquires the TTAVI^G purchased tho' ontire stock of Horses,Car- the Photographic Art, go to inclusive o f postage. 9 y l complexion. She wore her straight, I did not smile, as you do, at Mrs. itively painful. I remembered, storm; was! struck by lightning. H e 1 was’ »1 riages Sleighs, &c«, formerly owned by White «fc IIow- love of work ;; and; moreover, he learns! ard,and having completed arrangements for improving black hair parted plainly over her Snider’s sponsorial dignity^—1 did not though the shattered bucket, and- be­ ^crossing the street toward the Bancroft .andenlargihg thesaraoythoyare preparod to furnish the the value of the sum which- he has saved House; The ^I?«>: S i &tjSpedr. /' land Independent, Is f. J Tlie' ' Berrien ‘ County Becorcl/ Buchanan, * MicMgah,;.. ..Thursday^ September 15,- - ,1870.

bitterly opposed to auv negotiations with STlie Berrion County Bsoord,. PROfSSDiyfiS OF THE CONGRESS­ wonl.l be thrown- against Air. Stoughton, New Advertisements. IONAL COSTEN'TSGX AT WHITE FIG- besides one-tenth c t the majority would, tlie Republicans, and insists iu advancing eon ..withoijt,any doubt,-begiven to the oppos: on Paris to crush the revolution before B . A . WAiSSEU, IUHtitv. ' .;-- J- . lug'political party. tho lever can extend to Germany. FQBTOTES iSJ.: K,irc 29in3...... Diamond IC.Co., WUmiDgUm, Dol. We publish the full account of the J . TCislwan Johnson, of St. Joseph, fol­ ^ P .u i i s , Sept, 12 ,— Paris is cheered this TU tliSDAT itOKNIXG, SHrr. IS. 1370. proceedings of the Congressional Con­ morning .by .a. ruiupc that. Russia -is insist­ per ‘year nod expenses guaranteed to all am lowed in'a deprecatory speech, saving this ____ bilious men mid. women selling our world n*- vention held at White Pigeon, as we kind of take would injure tire party; that ing on an armistice; also, that, tho United liowuuO patent- S'tver Mould IFire Clx>if:fS Lines. For full Republican Stats Tkiiet. August. 21,1S70, at tlift rasMonce o f A . Blta, fJucJmn- particulars address tluiGiRABo WIRE MitLfl, P/IIL. I’a. 4w know many of our readers desire to Mr. Stoughton was not to blame, lie could States has interposed, and sent three de­ Tin. Mich., by Rev Geo. 0 . Elliot, M r. Z12NAS B. MOON, ,* Gr v -URMW V. I\U.W I5. know just what was done and how it not suit everybody, and if ho did vote for cided dispatches to Berlin. It is said that of lJucbarmn, ami Miss MARY M. “WORMS, o f St. Joaepli County, I ml. or beard % a permanent • t? HORSAN B.VTl'S. the Prussian advance has been stopped in THE MAGIC COMB ivy qfSc'c—1KKIBI. Si'RIKER. was done. The Convention -was held the duty on steel it was doubtless the best black or Irown. It courmnn ?io jrOisun. Any one can 2V;i!«r;r -T li’IOBY V. COLMBTl. too late -last week to; enable ns to pub­ he coulil do. H e hoped the Republican consequence. - < usnit. OiuiHf-jit bynmiLior Si. Address MAG 10 COMB A .i ':! 'r C,->-.-r.!J—W ll.U VU HtIMSURET. Few Advertisements, CO.» Springfield, Mites. 29iuU party would slick together, BncssEns, Sept. 1 2 — <1 p. in,— Italy, i f t * ;n‘totm r p/ Vi® 5i*fe Z sjk? O J te- lish a full account of the proceedings. Austria and Russia are agreed in principle, - T will send tho recoil t tlh’JRGB A. EDMUNDS. A formal hailot was then had with the •S'AGI.E HOTEL, Berrien Springs^ -4’.* vn** ff R-rar—PtUGIlT MAY. •» Instead of writing up the proceedings by which I was .cured K ;t.\ i f m V fe Intrr:‘ < tins—ORAMSL IIOSEOKD. same result, as the informal, the opposition and have authorized Russia to ask Prussia ■3“ (neat the; Court Ilouae) Imving changed proprietors’ Of Catarrh and Ueafncs3 A.'-n. Soto Baird i m " 1 3 refusing to vote. send for Price List, and a Club form will accompany it visions are going in. W h a t the city now SS61 t o t s 16 5s IS*? With full directions,—making a large saving to consjumers Imporiale, Paris. 1 •’ the nominee, he announced tho c l ail? A o i t I iv :ig been ivnt lor Mr. years ago. All other goods at There «cero5 . i b cb v t little doubt contains must prove sufficient For the emer­ soso S7i Vf o f KP, ^ 16 7b 20w und remunerative to Club organizers, • ready tor business ?■ , b1id l w s in the ante-room be- 5G:IB SBk£ 18 7s 20 vr Tho managers o f thia popular ostab* proportionate low prices. that Ntu..-fooii dcelm .d war on Prus­ gency. 5640 KB V£ of SW K and llshmont, encouraged by tho extensive L . T . H ull, o f Sc. Joseph county,, was I w, t“ a f-ei l ratm was introduced, re­ sia, realising that the Republican ele­ It is asserted that AlacMahon washed to B W J io f W E j f 30 7a 20w patronage with which thoir effurts have nominated for Secretary, and as the motion turned 1 ti * il ai d is reading a written £900 t o t 4 10 5a 3Sw n hut lima in ti hitherto been met, and with the view o f ment m Fiance would soon overwhelm was being put, "Chas. W, (Jlishee, o f Gass retreat to Paris, hut was prevents! by 5906 SAJof SB kf 10 7s 20w 31 & S3 TESEY STREET, presenting to the public an exhibition of speech t U e toinention as the train east 6364 K W k t o f SW K 16 7a I8w surpassing excellence, have, during the Pliakao’s order. H e will justify liimsell to 7a P. O. B os S043. HEW tore. 29wi post winter, culled from tho various him. and destroy the Empire. In the nominated Wm. II. Campbell, and both is due whereupon your correspondent 7394 K >C of SV,’ M 10 19w the public when recovered lrom his UATTEPvSm*. cities und towns of England and the Lope that he might be successful, and were declared elected, shaketh the dust of the chamber and the Continent, the most nrsTftrauisireD ar­ T. E. Clapp, of St, Joseph, moved a wounds. S25 Island in 24 <1h lflw “ CHILDREN CRY FOR THEM.” tists IS THE PROFESSION, including thus preserve Lim&clf, and the Empire stru-ts of the town from his feet as he hur- J # 2 s V- Of NE K 21* 8s 17w Garibaldi is expected at Paris, 'VFEX.X.-3 Tlie most beautiful Lady Rideia l Committee on Credentials. Before the 1W0 Lot 40 25 4s 19 w The most renowned Equestrians 1 fui Lis son, he waged the fearful con­ rveth toward, the station. 1177 lota 2—9 of SW y , 24 Mw. motion could be stated by the chair, Chas. P aris, Sept. 12.— Tho Aliniatry has ‘H- Tho most hkilled Trnpezists! 1 The most surprising Acrobats I CMT IIG test i.i which so many human beings just made public the following important GABBOHU. TABLETS. W - Chsbeo moved a Committee on Reso­ A specific for all diseases o f the I'&piratory organs or Tbe most powerful Athletes' have lost their live-, and so many intelligence: muettf •membrane. No family should bo without The most accomplished Jcetora! „ ■ 1 is forming in Normandy, which will be except in the Tnilleries, and from the Im­ mentioned in aud provided far in said Mortgage. injury to any of them. Tho most complete success has commanded by Troehu in person, and op­ Dated, Bucb&unu, Sept. 15,1870. long attended its use in many localities, and it is now Ch'OAid GreUuUious ErMbilion. Stoughton men “sore heads.4’ It perial Government of France. CATHARINE ROTH, offered to tho general public with the conviction that SO U erate on the German lines iu case Paris is It is reported that Bazaine not only re­ Administratrix o f tho EstAto of Peter Roth, doceased, it can never fail to accomplish ull that ie claimed for it. knows full well that there are just as Mortgagee, Which makes the entree- o f tho estab­ DRESS SHIRTS1 W ° 0L SHIRTS, A member from, Allegan here withdrew besieged. It produces little or no pain: leaves the organs free from lishment into each place of Exhibition, good and true men in the Republican fused capitulation when informed that the D. E . HiNiTAX, Att’y for Mortgagee. SOwlS irritation, and never overtaxes or excites the nervous and in which tho pomp and pageantry the name of Mg, Williams, and said that The Germans are said to have lost SQ,- Emperor and MacMahon’s army were system. In all diseases o f tho skin, blood, stomach, exceed tho glories of the day of chivalry UNDERSHIRTS & DRAWERS, party, who do not think Gen. Stough­ ROBATE ORDER.—State of Michigan, County ofBer bowels, liverj kidneys—o f children, and in many difficul­ gentleman was not a candidate. 000 men in the battles around Sedan. rion, S3.—At a session o f tbo Probato Court for the or the splendors o f the Ficdd o f the, prisoners, and when the Emperor advised ties peculiar to women, it brings prompt relief and cer­ Cloth o f Gold. An exhibition which the ton the right man for Congressman, PCounty of Berrien, holdeu at tlicProbate Office, iu tho vil­ tain enro. The best physicians recommend and prescribe A motion was suggested, but nor for­ The Asiatic cholera prevails among the the surrender of Metz, hut declared in a people of Buropo flocked to see from sersPENDERS, . as any Stoughton office holder dare lage o f Berrien on Tuesday, tho 6th day o f September, it j and no person who once uses thi3 will voluntarily distances o f many miles, and which they mally made, to have the nomination of troops besieging Mots. towering passion that he would not respect in tho year one thousand eight hundred and seventy. return to the use o f any other cathartic. universally acknowledged surpassed any­ GOjuLABS. be. Men too, who never held an of­ Present,Daniel Chapman, Judge o f Probato. Sent by mail on receipt o f price and postage. Mr. Stoughton declared unanimous. Sen or Olczaga, Spanbli Ambassador at Napoleon’s wishes aud would shoot any thing* before seen, Among its many HOSIERY, In tbo matter of the estate of Henry Holton 1 box, $0 25...... Postage G cents. brilliant features will be found the fice nor never expect to. -Men who I “Whereupon Mr. J. M. Moore, of Tan Paris, has communicated to Jules Favre French officer advising surrender. deceased. 5 boxes, 1 00...... “ 13 K SCARPS, On roadlng and filing the petition, duly verified, of 13 « 2 25...... K 39 « HANDKERCHIEFS,; have no political aspirations. It comes | Bnren, took the floor, aud said that he had the formal recognition of the new govern P aris, Sept. 12 .— It is officially an­ ShollasC. Irwin, Administrator on said ostate, praying I t is sold by all dealers in drugs and medicines. Grand Chariot of iEolus UMBRELLAS, S 3 with a very ill grace, from a Stough­ a few words to say here and now, that he ment by Spain. among other things that he m ay bo licensed and empow- TURNER & CO., Proprietors, nounced that Thiers w ill leave this even­ ered to sell tho real estato in said petition described, for 29m3eow 120 Tremont- Street, Boston, Hass. GLOVES, ton menial to cry “sore heads” to thought of the highest importance. He P a r i s , Sept. 11— ?•<« London— The ing for London, Vienna and St. Peters­ the purpose in said petition set forth. Bearing upon its center the COLOSSAL Thereupon it is ordered that Monday, the 24th day of GOLDEN STATUE OF THE FAMOUS .MITTENS such men, It win be well for Gen. begged gentlemen would pause before this Eastern Railway is still open to Nogant, burg on a secret mission., October next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, be assigned A COUNTS 'AYAN'ffEII.—($10^Per I>fty)-by tho HORSE BRUCEPHAliTJS, and A TULL II American K n i t i i n x K acbinc Co.,BOS­ OPERA BAND, followed by the gorgoous final step was taken. W it h evident deep but the Prussians are at Chateau Thierry, ondon for tho heaving of said petition, and that the heirs Stoughton and Ms majority if he will L , Sept. 12,— The New York at lawoi said deceased and all other persons interestedin TON, MASS., or ST. LOUIS MO. 19m3 Chinese Car o f Confucins, and Neptune's feeling, “ I ask you,” he said, “ to look for­ advancing on LaFertesons Jooarre. The Tribune's special correspondent, writing said estate, are required to appear at a session o f said Court Triton-Born Sea Chariot, tho grand Alle­ just caution his appointees, and espec­ then to bo holdonni the Probato Office, iu Berrien aud show gorical Car, upon the daw o f which is TRUNKS & VALISES, ward and see if the blunder of to-day will rolling stock of_ the road is withdrawn as AUsTI3I> A « I 5 ^ T S —To sell the OCTAGON ially those who may be connected with from Carlsruhe «8th, says the Strasbourg cause, if any there bo, why tho pvayor of the petitioner soeu a charming Tableaux- Yivnnt by a not prove a defeat two years from now ? the enemy advances, and bridges and cul­ W SEWING MACHINES. It is licensed, makes tlie number of ladies, clad in tho various besieging army is constantly reinforced. should not bo granted. And it is further ordered, that “Elastic Lock Stitch,” and is warranted for 5 years. the public press, to be a little mild said Petitioner give notice to the persons interesiodin Nationalities, formiug the beautiful W e are here, a few of us* in a great mi­ verts are destroyed before the track is Their numbers are nearly '70,000. Sor­ Price $15. A ll other machines with an under-feed sold Allegory op “ Pe^ce ” and made thrill- HATS & CAPS. sold estate, of the pendency of said petition, and tlie for $15 or les3 are infringements. Address OCTAGON and courteous to those who opposed nority, and do not expect anything we can abandoned, Prussian scouts are reported hearing thereof, by causing a copy ol this order to be iugly impressive by thepresonceof their] ties by tlie defenders are desperate but fu­ SEWING MACHINE CO., St, Louis, Mo., Chicago, 111,, midst of an his nomination. We have no doubt published in tho Berrien County Record, a newspaper Pittsburgh, Pa , or Boston. Mass. IGrnS say will change the situation,, but for m y­ at Tilliers, Acron, Vemienl, Montmesuil, tile. The batteries are rapidly complet­ printodnnd circulating in said County of Berrien, for Also, a full line of four successive weoks previous to said day of hearing. but the effect of the Mercury’s article self and many oF my friends who believe Taiiley, Snrlusnen, Sezanne, and’ Lehau- ing, and the heaviest guns placed in the d *1 j A DAY—Business entirely new and honorable., [L. S.] DANIEL CHAPMAN, efi l , 5 | Liberable inducements. Descriptive circulara LIVING LION ! has been to cause some Republican, as t do, I ask you to pause and look at the »y . They maintain s ’ rict discipline and (A trno cony) 30w5 Judge o f Probate* nearest parallels. tree. Address J. C. RAND & CO., Biddoford, Mo. 19m3 fads. Here we have a district of at least commit no depredations. Under tho solo control of Mr. Fierce, f* who Was opposed to Stoughton, and ■ Eight hundred Germans, who had been WANTED Berrien and adjoining L O T X 3 C S AGENTS for Counties ANTED AGENTS—To sell tho HOME SHUTTLE tho English Lion King, which will bo P General Trochu has given orders to lev­ for tho Now Family Medical Work, borne Unchained, Loose nml Untraro-I yet had concluded to vote for him, to 250,000 people, entitled in truth to two t expelled from France, reached Garlaruhe SEWING MACHINE. Price, $25. I t makes the W moled through iho Slroets, lying untied U Representatives in Congress, and what el all woods in sight of Paris on the ene­ j on the-Oth. They are workingmen, and “ Lock Stitch,” (alike on both si&es) and is tho only swear m his wrath that Gen. Stough­ licensed under-feed Shuttle Machino sold for less than at tho feet o f bis keeper, and surrounded!? J L 3 S T D ton should net ei Lai e Ms vote. Any have we ? W e have got in that seat now my’s approach. j were compelled to leave all their property $50. Licensed by Wheeler & Wilson, Grover & Baker by the Group o f Females, a fourth-rate man, and that is all. The The citadel of Loan was surrendered to ' behind. They were disgracefully treated and Singer & Co. A ll other under-feed Shuttle Machines one having the lea t, knowledge of hu­ sold for less than $00 are infringements, and tbo seller Other beautiful features o f tho D re-| question at issue is a serious one, and here save the city from destruction. - The Prus­ while passing through France. Men, and user liable to prosecution. Address JOHNSON, zliag Street Pageout will bo found in tho| man nature knows full well that such CLARK & CO., Boston, Mass*, Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, gorgeous in this convention is where we should sians subsequently blew up the fortifica­ women, and children, deprived of food and By D. Geo* H . Beard* o f ibe University o f tho city of would be toe legitimate effect of ar­ New York, assisted by eminent medical professors. En­ HI., or St. Louis, Mo. 19m3 fight it out! There is a widespread “dis- tions. sleep, were transported in open cattle cars, dorsed b y leading medical authorities and journals, I t is ticles like tho following wMch we copy rest” in Tan Bnren couuty and all over Marshal Bazaine does not remain inac­ drenched and insulted, and arrived here full o f common sense. 1,067 pages, fully illustrated. Tolls how to get well, how to keep well, and what to do W 3L IS. BtJRK * CO’S COXTOENV Mammoth (xlofre Chariot! H A V IN G A from the last Constantino Mercury. the District, as to. William L . Stoughton, tive. He is constantly sending out expe­ dead. ■ iu every emergency. In those hard time* people must It almost causes us to say, “ I f there notwi Ihstanding all his lric-nds may say. ditions to harass the Prussians before Metz. P rague, Sept. 12-.— A Berlin telegram and will savo doctors8 bills. Heuce. this book soils rap­ Bearing upon.its 'various platforms a number o f living idly among all classes. Send for full particulars. Ad­ Detroit, Septem ber 1st, 1870. groups, tho whole surrounded by an immense GLOBE, is no more gentlemanly consideration Gome up here as strong as yon may for The enemy has captured some guns and to the Politique o f this city says: A great dress E .B , Treat & Co., Publishers, G5£ Broadway, N .Y . representing the world. Tlio Chariot of Titania, tho Also wanted, agents for our Earmors* and. Mechanics* TAILOB SHOP and courtesy, on the part of Stough­ W illiam .L, 'Stoughton; and yon can’t munitions of war on the way to Strasbourg. sensation was created by a despatch of the Quoon o f tlio Fariea! drown by a team o f little atomies, Book. Bull of tacts and figures for working men of overy in tbo form o f 16 Shetland Ifouics. ton’s appointees and the press under Change this fact. The strongest— yes, the A special correspondent of the New American Government to Its envoy at the trade and occupation. Price to Suit the times. 211 en­ Tho Equestrian Troop! Composed of over 100 mala gravings. 80w2 In-connection, we are prepared to manufac­ only claim that he has to this office is the Y o rk Tribune, writing from SedaD, Sept. Prussian capital; expressing the hope that I AST M O W KEO-EIVIIVG and fomale Arti6tQ3, the acknowledged their control, we will cast our mite to­ ture, on short notice, Suits of every descrip­ two-term plea, and on this he is to be 9, says: “Over four hundred and fifty there will now be a cessation of the war ward the reduction of his majority :” —MX— Star Riders of England and tion. “ Gen. W . L, Stoughton, Was yesterday thrust upon us. I tell you again, this dis­ French cannon, including nearly one hun­ in view of the fact that its aim, the de­ France! nominated for his second term in, Congress. • trict is worthy of an abler man than W m . dred mitrailleuses, have been parked at thronement of Napoleon, had been accom­ Sedan. Thousands o f French prisoners Tho subscriber wishing to introduce his Y east Aii extensive stock of Jonesville Tins is a substantial justice to .a, faithful L, Stoughton, I say nothing against him plished, N o sooner had the Minister com­ C ftK cs intoAhe Western and Southern markets, offers FAlili GOODS or his record as a soldier, but, sir, he has are sent daily to Pont-a-Mousson, and for salo tho right to manufacture and sell. W ill sell «3 Foremost among whom are Cloths. Especial attention paid to public servant. The convention was full; municated the despatch to V o n Thiele and above or separate. P or further particulars please address thence by rail to Germany. The town of getting up Men and Boys’ Suits. the vote, first and last, as will be seen by not made himself worthy of the people Eulenborg, than it was sent to King W il­ C. S. HOUGHTON* Sedan is not greatly damaged. The First P .O .B o x 432. 30w3 Leominster Centre, Mass. MR. FRANK PASTOR, proceedings elsewhere, -was overwhelming­ for a second term. H e has treated a large liam b y special courier. . The Champion Somersault Equestrian. P number of our citizens with disrespect and Bavarian and Fourth Prussian Corp3 are N ew Y ork, Sept. 13.— The WorZd's “NOVELTY” ly in his favor. Considering the effort and LA JEUNE BURT, still here.” I know of no Competition unscrupulous means resorted to to compass contempt. H e has disregarded our wishes cable special has some details of the inter­ “ Oroide Gold Fountain Pen.” Tho Intrepid Hurdle Rider. ^ It is stated that the correct number of Throughout the State. his defeat, the result is a glorious triumph and the petitions we have sent him he view between Thiers and Granville, which Those Pens equal, and guaranteed for two tears to do D O N MARQZTEISE, | Our Goods are marked down slept on, or put them in his pocket and soldiers surrendered; at Sedan is SO,000. concluded b y the expression from the same service, as the best Gold Pen. Sample sent, post­ Tho Daring Indian Character Rider, f of right, justice and the people over a con­ paid, 25 cents per dozen. Patent Eraser, Pen Holder, to Cash Prices, and we will L ondon, Sept. 11.— Advices from Rome spiracy of soreheads. -He will be trinmph- never answered or acknowledged them. former that he saw nothing to be looked Poncll Sharpener, Letter Opener, &c., combined, pricb FRANKLIN £ LAZELLE. f sell for Cash only after Nov O f course, this thing is settled, and no pro­ represent tbe Pope is making preparations 25 cents. Patent C om Hnskcr, 50 cents. Agents con Trapozidts, Comlques and Giimiasts.l antiy elected It is to be hoped the result for from England, and the negotiations mako from $8 to 15 per day. Send for circular and sam- 1st, 1869. - to make the transfer of the Italian Govern­ ples, to JAMBS GERARD & CO., CUSTOMERS CANNOT BE DECEIVED -will be a warning to all soreheads not to test can change the verdict; hut-if Tan undertaken by continental powers with the Mr. R O B E R T JOHNSON, Buren county does not resent the indigni­ ment to Rome. It is reported that lie 85 2£as3au Street. (3Qm3) P , O. B ox 3391, New York. Tho acknowledged par excellence Somer-g again, attempt to foist their neighborhood hope of her co-operation, must probably be eaultist, ty forced upon her by an overwhelming will retire to Castle Gondolfo ns soon as suffered to fall through. AS THE SELLING PRICES OF ALL GOODS ARE quarrels and private dishwashings upon MARKED IN PLAIN RED FIGURES. CHARLES SANDS, . _ demonstration, she will do less than is now the Italians approach the city. I t is believed to night that all hope's of The Champion Tumbler. | the Republican party of the Second Con­ OR SALE, ton acres o f good land situated one mile Cor. Main & Front Sts., determined to do. The majority of the N e w Y ork, Septs 1 1 .— The opinion is peace must be abandoned, and that no gressional District.” F west of Buchanan, within forty rods of sidowalk. HENRI CORONA, Republican papers there oppose William aEo held, in well-informed circles, that the Buildings good and large. Good collar, cistern, well and Comiquo Equostrian. J treaty will be signed unless in Paris or on brick sindke hozise; frame barn; over fifty bearing fruit MICHIOAH. L. Stoughton and they do it heartily and price of wheat must keep up, even if the banks o f the Rh in e. * trees. Land in good condition. Also, ten acres o f timber PEICE OKLYI^r SAM. LON G , the Great Clown, REFORM KSCESSAEY. peace is declared. _ It :s now too late in land, 1V£ miles still west. I will sell tho two together and ^Popular Comic Tocalist.p Oct. 2-9, 1869. S-37tf sincerely, for they know the man, and they The idea has been started in Berlin of for $2)100, or tho first for $2,00Q, two-thirds down, balance in 16 months. Address or enquiro of the snhsenber. And that is the great regulator for all? therefore, before - - One of the greatest curses to the know, too, that they must now hunt their France and Germany lo prepare the purchasing, look through m y Stock, and post yourselves MASTER CONRAD, converting Alasee and Lorraine - into an 29wS JOHN PERROTT, Buchanan, Mich. nation, and a source of corrupt in­ holes, or bow down and support him. I ground for the winter wheat. The with­ ns to values, which you will find is to your interest. . , , Intaiit Clown.] independent republic, and it is regarded •TAMES W. FItlSKXE, MS triguing among office holders and pol­ drawal of labor from the fields of both favorably in London. It is looked upen 29 wi X43 & 145 Wo«rt«‘ard Avc. TFI/. T. A T M A R , I E S . B U M I I 6}5S Tho Man o f W it, Humor & Sentiment. J iticians, is the manner in wMch officers the regal majority of 7,800 votes rolled up countries by the demand for soldiers, and a3 a condition to which both belligerents m two years ago can be repeated. “Wm. L. the action of the conscription has left ag­ C. CONRAD and his Sons, are appointed to the civil service of can agree. - f a h i o m a b l e CharloS and Henry, in their Acrobatic t riculture in a deplorable state. The usual Government. The appointing power Stoughton will run thousands behind his L ondon, Sept. 13,— Thiers looks worn Fonts, together with tbeir Periuorming winter erops will not be forthcoming, and Dogs. js t, ticket, and what a sight is that for the Re­ and. ill, and shows a disinclination to con­ Millinery Establishment is often the very lever by which the the deficit in food must be supplied rby publicans of this district. “We should stop versation. A few words were interchang­ ' ' —AND— M!Ue GISAZBT, people are defeated. The Congress­ and consider that we have got to meet a Russia and the United States. Of course Premier Equestrienne of tho World. \ man, i f p«5jtjTcally in harmony with ed with an old acquaintance at Dover, decided foe two years from now. There the tendency of this demand must be to who inquired whether he came as an ac­ .HOOF SKIRT MANUFACTORY, * Trad© Mark—Patented. # r ile CIOJLE WATSON, tho admudi^^xon, virtually holds the SconicEquostriomio. L © is another thing— take out of Gen. Grant’s stiffen prices, credited envoy of the French Republic. Is the placo to get Millinery work and Millinery Goods D. D. MALLdRY & CO., ot all kinds, and of tho Miss JANETTE WATSON.i appointmen^hf all Federal officers in administration the fact of the redaction of ' N e w Y ork, Sept. 12.— The World's WBOLESAI.F. J)EALEJR& I N Ho intimated that he knew no republic, English Equestrienne from Astlcy’s, I ■fip, Ms District, px his own hands. Those taxes (?) and of the collecting of the rev­ Paris special correspondent telegraphs: only the government for the defence of Latest Styles at Low Prices. Oysters, Foreign Fruits, London. offices dependent upon Mm for tbeir enue, and there is nothing that would help . The city is beginning to be isolated. il e subscribers h a v i n g e n t e r e d i n t o a Paris. There is good authority for believ­ ^ALSO,— Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, Etc, Co-partnership for tho mauulactnre o f carry the Republican party to victory in W e have had no mail fo-day from Lon­ T position, he does not fail to use to ac­ ing definite propositions for peace will be; F r u i t s and Vegetables iu Cans!* W ith other Hitlers, Ynulters, 1872. “What has “Wm . L. Stoughton done don, and no dispatches have come through X'T o o p S3 Is: ix- t s complish his continuation in office. offered in behalf of the provisional govern­ Our Diamond Brand RAW OYSTERS liavo gained for DOITS & SHOES, Constantly on hand or MADE TO ORDER. A new Gymnasts, Lady and Gen* for us? Toted to tax Bessemer steel sev­ by telegraph, except for the newspapers. thomsolvee a reputation unoxcollcd by any other goods o f all kinds aud quality, we would say to (he public, that Thus often, by means of packed cau­ ment of Paris, and that Thiers is author­ Skirt inudo in an hour's timo after tho moasuro is roken. bought in this market. 11% pach our oxen goods, and enty par cent., which pays the government The government exercises a supervisional • tlcineu Tcrlonncrs, etc. we design luokiDg tho mauufacture o f Boots & Shoes a cuses and conventions, controlled by ized to lay them before,the British Govern­ stamp our name on the side o f the cans, thus guaranteeing speciality, and will office in the Place de la Bourse, from which tke best quality, uniform, size, and cans well filled. Ms own appointees, the Congressman scarcely a cent of revenue. W hat sort of ment, whose intervention is solicited. The Sewing* R^acLdmes men are we that w e don?t interpose objec­ alone -dispatches are allowed to be sent. 29wi] 1)0 & 92 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. terms are as follows : Payment to Prussia • Qf tho best'make. The Tho Beautiful TRAINED. IIOR3E ■•Canaray” will he WARRANT ENTIRE SATISFACTION succeeds in a re-nomination and elec­ It is conducted fairly, but is positive. introduced by»Mi’. WALTER. WATERMAN, who. will tions to this course ? W h a t Fas W m . L . of the war expenses: destruction of the ~~ " ~ WEsrrajttsr ^ To all who may favor ns with their patronage. Having tion, when the voice of the people The aspect of the city is perfectly tran­ Florence, Weed and Grover & Baker, also perform his favorite Trick Ponies, Stoughton not done? Ha-has- picked up forts in Alsace and Lorraine: temporary on hand a good supply o f would never have chosen him. .Thus quil, though not at all gay. N o fears of A ll sold at the lowest possiblo prices, ART ASSOCIATION DISTRIBUTION! men in this and other counties who have; occupation of M etz and Strasbourg by the FRENCH AND DOMESTIC STOCK, the entire macMnery of the civil ap­ long been droppeed out of the party as mob violence are entertained, notwith­ ^ “Xadtes* Fancy Goods, Ruffl.es, Collars, Fat7s, Tho first Annual DUti’ibutipn will be made on the Admission, > - 50 cts. German troops, until an election is author­ Corsets, Zephyrs, tCc.} it5c: W enre prepared to snpply our customers with standing rumors to that effect which seem 21st Day «i Beccmbci', 1870. pointments is made to subserve the leading or prominent men, ancl placed ized for a government for France, and SERVIN G of all descriptions promptly oxecuted. 45p»Second door North o f tho RscoRp Office,- Slain In addition to the large number of premiums to be them in office,, overlooking all ocher inter­ to be spread abroad in England ancl Bel­ Children under 10 yrs., 25 cts. personal interest of each Congress­ ratification of the treaty by the'proper au­ Street Buchanan* distributed, purchasers of tickets will receive as follows: A ll K E ds o f W ork ests of the people" gium. I repeat that I have never seen Por 5 tickets, Stanley’s chromo—“Indian Tolegrpph.” man, no matter whether that interest thorities. For 4 tickets, Stanley’s oliroipo--‘,jlluntors.,.> ■. Iu ourliue. Malting choice of the best workmen the M r, Moore, in the strongest terms,, said public order more perfect than since the- For 3 tickets, choice o f Stanley’s ichroinqs—“ Gambling country affords, and havinghad many years* experience be in keeping "With the interest of the P a r is , Sept. 13.— The exact position of FOR SALE. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY. in tho business oursolvGs^ve feel safe in warranting to he entered his. solemn protest against be­ proclamation of tho Republic. for tho Buck>,, MUnoas.r, people or not. ‘ - the Prussian advance is unknown. Ac­ For 2 tickets, Stenlo3,,s chromo—“Snake in tiio Grass.” our patrons articles in our lino snperior to any otber ing compelled for party’s sake to support Henti Rochefort, who was much feared, establishinbut .west o f New York. cording to various accounts, the enemy For 1 ticket, choice of three elegaDt. Steel Engravings ’ SEATS FOR EVERYBODY’. One o f the great reforms,'therefore, is in office, and manifests the most conser­ —'‘‘Tjoiu up a Child,” “His Only Pair,” “Seo Saw/* * 2lE5?AXttISiGr dono with neatness und dispatch. such a m an; it was a bitterer pill than any has arrived at Meaux, Lagny, and W elun. SOUTH HOW BUCKS .aTi-Remember tlie place—Second door east of \h* . j % that the next session, o f Congress that ever Dr,-Andrews (a bomber of the vative temper, H e is of great use in con­ —AND— Oall.erjJ'—159 Jefrerson Ave. Post-Office, in tbe building with Messrs. Blake & Long The Uhlans have cut the railway and 'HCICETS $3 EACJI. .Romomber and keep your eye on day and date for 15tf SA.XS)>;itS v j , al, ends. If, however, the people and" and there was a large portion of the R e ­ a liiillitary frontier; ’ - ■ - • TEX" MONTHS OXI>, 1*KTOX, 8 o 0 . - and white cow, (largo, spo ts) and largo of fiei* ago. IViff publicans of Berrien who-would not sup­ and hostile attitude. The English govern­ now have a^nirSvith her. A ^uitablo reward will be • • . 'T'r. the press keep up a constant demand R ome, Sept. 13.:—-Immense posters : given to any persbu. returningtiho .scUuo: or giving infor- for the reform it will soon be brought port W m . L . Stoughton for Congress. H e ment ia believed to have a secret under­ have been placarded on tEe dead walls of ■' HENRY ‘CHAMBERLAIN, matioii of her vriiereabduts. ' " ROUSH & PEARS PROPRIETORS.'! standing with the Kin g ol Prussia, adverse ... 27w^ .. . JOHN Q. SWANGER.. about. No Congressman will dare asked, if the -convention wa3 prepared lo the city, proclaiming a universal Italian .1, -X2Twfl , : . TIXltEE OAKS, M ic ir . • Tuesday, Seipt* ^Oth. . — o— . ■ f disregard this fact, Qur majority is large, to; the wishes of Count Bismark, in order Gash Paid for Wheat, Corn, && long to resist the w ill of the people. republic, ■ The fleoument is signed b y the : b at‘£here Is a, fearful prospect that ifr will to secure, if possible, the suppression ol Republican Revolutionary. Gommittee. For Sale. W e heartily commencF this subject to the Republic. • I have it on high, authori­ House .'and Lot for Sale. i T o r ‘sale', n nice, noat Cottafco ICoueo, very be whittled down ta a defeat . , t • ; Ihp subscriber offers his house and lot for sale* pleasantly aitaatod on Ronirth Bfroot.- For par- South Bend, Monday,-T Sept? 19lh. CUSTOM WORK CAREFULLY AT­ the Michigan Delegation, for their MiyWugner continued at some length, ty that Bismark desires neither Alsace nor M Tho liouso is’ a now, two-story framo1 building, m ticul.ir..;, enquiro at CATHOART’S PHOTO- GRAPII GALLERY, in Pay A- Binns’ Bloat, 'consideration‘ on. the assembling..of Lofraine, and is anxious to secure peace . .— Ripe strawberries.in our garden,. Sept. pleasantly located. .Will bo sold at a bargain, TENDED TO. asserting that at least 2;500 votes would! and on good torms. For rnrtfior particulars onqalro o f > . Otirfl story, Rncinnan, Mick., LaPorte, Wednesday, Sept. 21st. |}imgvess. . f t 1-2 \ go; to 'tbp^-.d,emjerance jjarty, 2,00.0 more; as early as possible, but King: William is 1st.—Leslie EeraU. • . 2tf .; ■ -J. HC. BOE, B achanon1jlticli, “ Buohannn, Feb, 2.1ST0. ’ “ ' 60tf ; ... JA3IES 0NAN HUlar

- 4 j 1- * 4.-V T


13est two-year-old Colt...... 3 00 Second best Bull two years old and over.....-,— ...... 2 00 Second best tvo-year-old Colt...... 2 00 Best Bull one year old and over-----...... 2 00> SEPTEMBER. , , Best three-year-old Colt...... 8 00 Second BesfeBull one year old and o v e r .'.'../.,,...... ,.,..., 1 00* 15 1 8 7 0 Second best three-year-old Colt...... 2 00 Best Bull Calf and best Heifer Calf, each...... 1 00--. CONTAINING t h e Best Cow three years old and over...... 3 00* • * CLASS I I .— Horses of all Worh. Second best Cow three years old and over,.------*______-2 00* List of Officers, Rules &rRegulations Committee— Levi Logan, Jackson Crandall, Henry Morgan. Best two-year-old Heifer...... — ...... ______2 .00-- Best Stallion, four years old and over...... -...... '.-$8 00 Best one-year-old H eifer....,....:...... 3 00 A N D TH E Second best Stallion, four years old and over...... 4 00 No animal will b.e .allowed to. compete for. a. premium as a. Best Stallion, three years old and under four__ -4 00 Durham or Devon, without a concise written . statement of the- PREMIUM LIST Second best Stallion, three yeai-s old and under fou r...... 2 00 age and pedigree, which.must be, satisfactory to the Viewing Best Stallion, two years old and under three...... 3 00 Committee, as to the purity o f blood. " — OF THE— Second best Stallion, two years old and under three...... 2 00 CLASS V l l l .—-Native and Grades. Best Brood Mare, with foal at foot...... 6 00 SECOND ANNUAL Second best Brood Mare, with foal at-foot...... 8 00 Committee— Jesse' Parish, W . S. Merrill,, F. W . Howe. Best pair Matched Mares...... 6 00 Best'Bull over three years old...... '§5 00 ^QF^ICULTUHAL, J"f OH T I C ULTURAL Second best pair Matched Marcs.;...... 8 00 Second best Bull over three -years old...... •« 3€) 00 ■ Best pair matched Geldings...... 8 00 Best two-year-old Bull....- ...,.- .....— ...... - . . 4 00 And Mechanical Fair Second best pair matched Geldings.,— ...... -,...... 4 00 Second best two-yeaf-old B ull.,.;...... :...... 2 00 Best single Gelding, in harness....!,.... -...... 5 00 Best Yearling...... -...... ,...... -. 1 00 V Second best single Gelding, in harness...... 2 00 -OF THE— _. *o) Best Bull Calf...... ______...... 1 oo Best single Mare, in harness_____ ,... ______4 00 Best Milch .Cow three years old and over...... 4 OO- Second best single Mare, in harness...... : ...... 2 00 Second best Milch Cow three, years old and. oyer.... 2 00 Best- three-year-old Colt...... 8 00 Best two-year-old Heifer..., . . , ...... 2 00 Second best three-year-old Colt...... 2 00 Second best, two-year-old'Heifer.,...,...... :,....,... 1 00 * Best two-year-old Colt...... 8 00 Best Yearling Heifer,,..',,...... I 00. TO BE HELD ON TIIE Second best two-year-old Colt...... 2 00 Best yoke of Wprking.Oxen, five years .old or over.. 4 00 Best Yearling Colt...... ,...... 8 00 Second best yoke of Working-Oxen,-five.years old or over 2 OO- PARK GROUNDS IN BUCHANAN, Second best Yearling Colt...... 2 00 Bcst fat Ox or Cow...... 2 00* Best five Colts of any age, from any one horse______...10 00 Best pair four-year-old Steers.,.,...... 2 00* — ON — Second heat five Colts of any age, from any one horse.., 5 00 Second best pair four-year-old Steers.______1 00 CLASS I I I .— Roadsters. Best pair three-yeair-old S teers.,...... ,,...... ,,...... 2 OO* WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY, Second best pair three-year-old Steers..,.,,,,,...... 1 00/ Committee— T. M. .Fulton, N. Hamilton, John Ivingcry. September 28th, 29th & 30th, 1870. CLASS IN ,— Herds of Pull Bloods., Best Stallion over four years old, in harness...... §S 00 Second best Stallion over four years old, in harness...... 4 00 Committee—W m. R, Rough, W. O. Hamilton, B. M. Pennell.' Officers of the Association. Best Stallion over three years' old and under four, in Best herd, not less than live head, owned by one person, harness...... 4 00 Diploma and...... §10 00 , CHARLES CLARK, P resident. Second best Stallion over three years old and under four, Second b e s t.-...... 5 OO ' in harness...... :... 2 00 A . 0. H AY, V ice P resident. Herds of ’Dative or Grade Cattle._ S. W. REDDEN, - Treasurer. Best Stallion over two years old and under three, in harness...... 3 00 Best herd, not less than five head, owned by one person, L. P, ALEXANDER. Secretary. Second best Stallion over two years old and under three, - Diploma and...... **.,,,...... §6 00 in harness...... 1 00 Second best... , ...... 40*^ Directors. Best brood Mare, with foal at foot...... ,,...... 5 00 O r AS S X .— Sheep—-Spanish Merino. WILLIAM PEARS, CHARLES BLAKE, Second best brood Mare, with foal at foot...... 3 00 Committee—L, V . Baker, Charles Howe, F. R , Harding. Wi E. MOLSBEBRY, CHARLES CLARK, Best pair Roadsters (matched Geldings)...,. 8 00 Best B uck.,.,.,,..,.....,...... ,.....,,,...,..,...... ,,...,§5 00* SOLOMON ROUGH, W IL L IA M I?. H OAG. Second best pair Roadsters (matched Geldings)...... 4 00 Best single Gelding, to be driven in harness...... 5 00 Second best Suck...... 3 00- Second best single Gelding, to he driven in harness------9 00 Best five Ewes....,...... f...... 4 00* RULES AND REGULATIONS Best pair Roadsters (matched Mares)...... — ...... 0 0 . Second best five Ewes...... j ...... 3 00* Best five Lambs...... 3 00- l o r the Second Annual Agricultural, Horticultural and Mechan­ Second best pair Roadsters (matched Mares). 00 Second bestfive Latmbs.,2 00 ical Fair of the Buchanan Parle Association, to he held on Best single Mare, to be driven in harness...... 4 00 the Park Grounds in Buchanan, on Wednesday, Thursday Second best single Mare, to be driven in harness...... 2 00 Leicester, Gotswold, and other Long Wool Sheep. and Friday, September 2Sth, 29f/t and 30th. 1S70. Best three-year-old Colt...... 2 00 Best Buck,-...... §4 00 Second best three-year-old Colt....,______...... 1 00 Second best Suck....,,....,,.,...,...... ,,.,...... 1 00 . Best two-year-old*Colt...... 2 00 1st, All persons desiring to exhibit at the Fair shall purchse Best fiveE w .es.,..,..,,...... 3 00 . from the Treasurer an Exhibitor’s ticket, the price*of which Second best two-year-old Colt...... , ...... 1 00 Second best five Ewes.,...... ,..,.,...... ,...... 2 00 Bestfive Lam bs...,,,.,.,.....,,...,,,...... 2 00 shall be §1.00, and shall entitle the purchaser to exhibit as CLASS I V .— Blooded Horses. many articles as lie may desire. Admission tickets, 25 cents. Second best five,Lambs,..,______1 00 Children under 12 years, 10 cents. Committee—Maj. Graves, T. M. Fulton, Jas. Graham. . South Bowns. 2d. An exhibitor’s ticket will entitle the purchaser and one Best Stallion over four years old...... ,, ...... §8 00 Best Buck...... ,...... -.. §4 00 lady accompanying to admission at all times during the Fair. Second best Stallion over four years, old...... 4 00 Second best Buck..,,..,,,,/.....,...... 2 00- Passes to attendants upon stock will be issued by the Secretary Best brood-Mare, with fdal at foot.:...... 5 00 Best five Ew es...... !,..,.,..i....:.. — ...... 3 00 free o f charge. A ll entries must be registered and actually Second best brood Mare, with foal at foot:.-...... 3 00 Second-best five E w cb...... 2 00 delivered before 6 l\ M. of the first day of the Fair; and the Best Stallion over three years old and Under four...... 5 00 Best five Lam bs.,,...,...,..,...... 2 00 Exhibitor will see that a card, furnished by the Secretary, is Second best Stallion over three years old and under four-2 00 Second-bes.t five Lambs,,,,...... v:.,...... 1 00 properly attached to each article on exhibition.. Best Stallion two years old and under three...... 5 00 CrossKinds, Medium Wools. 3d. A ll members of awarding committees will report them­ Second beat Stallion two years old and under three..,,.... 3 00 Best Buck.*.. /.-...,.- ...... - ____*.,.. — .-..*.-//— ...... __ §2 00 selves at the otlice o f the Secretary, at 1 p. M. o f tlie second Exhibitors to show a well authenticated pedigree, satisfactory day, and will make report o f their awards, to the Secretary, Second’best ■ Buck: ..,.. 0 0 to committee. Best five Ewes..*...... :..'....:.....:..... ;-...... 00 before 10 o'clock of the following; day. Secoiid best- five Ewes.'..v.y...*.•/..../...... *../...... 00 4th, Persons will be in attendance to assist exhibitors in ar­ CLASS V.— Trotting. Best .five Lambs./.*..-. /. ..-.*.*.•.*..-...... ; ...... 00. ranging stock and other articles for exhibition, and all property, Committee— Chas. S. Black, N. Hamilton, Chas. Blake. 00 when entered, shall be subject to the control of the Executive Second best five Lambs...... -...... -...... Committee, and shall not be removed from the grounds without The Horse, Mare or Gelding that will trot a mile the • Cl a s s ■-x l —P oultry. ■ ■ their consent, until the close of the Fair, and no article shall quickest and repeat...... :...... $f>0 00 Committee—-A. H. Clark, D. A , Wagner, Wm. Osbron. Second best Horse, Mare or Gelding trotting a mile...... 30>00 be exhibited in more than one class. Best pair Game Fowl...... $ 50 Third-best Horse, Mare or Gelding trotting a mile...... 15 00 5th, Cards will be furnished by the Secretary, for every Cl ‘ Shanghais/.. — /■..,..,/,...... ■ ...... ■ 50 The best Double Team, owned for thirty days before animal and article entered, designating the class and number Cl Large Brahma...... f 0 the Fair, and driven by the Exhibitor...... 25 00 o f the entry, for the convenience of the Viewing Committee; cl ‘Cochin' 'Chinas.'...... 1 00 Second best,,..,...,,,..,,...... 15 00 and no exhibitor will act. as a member of the committee on the Cl P o l a n d ' s ...... Third best ------1000 1 00 class in which he is an exhibitor. • • , cc Large' Common...... 50 . 6th. No property shall be displayed or sold on the Fair fee for trotting, §8.00. HorSes competing in* this a Large ‘Crested Ducks...... 1 00 u Ground, unless the owner thereof is an -exhibitor at the Fair. class to be owned in this county, or one of the counties named Large G e e s e !' ...... 1 00 7 tli. A ll premiums awarded will be paid by the Treasurer, in the rules. Three entries must be made and compete, to u Lar'ge'Malays...... -...... :...... ’ 1 00 upon the order of the President and Secretary, in ..ten days draw Premiums. u Large' Ch'itagongs.'...... ’.'.’...I. '50 after the Fair, and all premiums-not called for before the first C L A S S V I.— Cattle— Durham. u Large 'Dorkihs, , 50 u day of the following January, will be considered as donated to Bantams!'.',.. _____ ’...... 50 Committee—Francis Wells, M. Hafid, H. Sampson. the Association. cc Large ‘Common Diick’s...... ’. 50 8tli. The-Association have Invited the citizens of Gass and Best Bull over three years old...... §5 00. cc Black' T u r k e y s . - . __ 1 00' "Van Burnt counties, in Michigan, and Elkhart and St. Joseph Secbnd best Bull over three years old..,...... 3 00 cc Yellow4 Turkeys...... 1- 00 counties, in Indiana, to become exhibitors on equal terms with Best two-year-old...v...... 4 ' 00 Best exhibition4o’f Poultry..by one person...,..,.,,.,...... 3 00 the citizons of our own county. Second best two-year-old...... — ...... 2 00 ...... CLASS. . XII.^—Swine. . : - - :- Best one-year-old-...... 2 0 0 Second best one-ycar-old.r______1 00 Committee—-A.- J.* -Starr, Thos. *Broadhurst,* J esse Parish. List of Preiimuiis to be Awarded. Best Milch Cow...... — ------3 00 Best Boar over one’year oldy any breed...... r...... §6 00 Second best Milch Cow...... 2 00 Second best Boar ''6veE‘.6n.e:year dldj any breed...... , ...... 8 00 GLASS I.—Draft Horses. Best two-year-old Heifer...... 2 00 Best Sow over one' ye'ar old, ’ aiiy breed...... 4 00 Second best Sow b’ve'r one year' old,' 'any breed...... ,. 2 00 Committee— M. H. Mansfield, G. J. Richardson, Win. Burras. Secohi.1 best two-year-old- H e i f e r ...... 1 00 Best one-year-old Heifer-...... ‘ 2 00 Best Boar under on'e year old, any breed...... ------3 00 Best-Stallion over four years old------...§8 00 Second best one-year-old Heifer...... 1 00 Second best'Boar’ under''one year old, any breed------... 2 ' nn'0 0 ’ Second best Stallion over four years old...... ------4 00 Best Bull Calf.__ .....;______. . , ______1 00 Best Sow under one ’ year’old.’— ...... 2 OO4" Best Stallion over three years old and under four...... 5 00 Best Heifer Calf;,,...... 1 00 Second best Sow under "one' year old.'.’."...... * ...... /. . 1 0 0 ' Second-best; Stallion over three years old and under four 8 00 Best Sow with litter of Pigs...... '...... 6 0 0 Best Stallion over two years old and under th ree...... 4 00' ...... CLASS V II.— Devons. Second best'Sow with"Rtt'er of'Pigs;..'...,...... -...... 4 0 0 Second -best Stallion over two years old and under three 2 00 Committee— Samuel' French, Alonzo Sherwood, Levi Sparks. ‘ CLASS X III.—Dairy. ’ • '• ' ' Best Brood Mare with foal at foot____...... ------...... 5 00 Second,best Brood.Mare with-foal at foot...... ------3 00 Best Bull three 'years old and over ...... §5 00 Qommittee.IAA'i J. HowejS 'Jas/’ Duncan,- Wm. Cox. Best spau of Horses...... , ...... 5 00 Second best .Bull, three years old aiid o v e r...... 3 0 0 . Best Cheese,’.made in either co u n ty .:'....,,.,..,,,,..,,.,.... .§3 *0Q Second be'st. span of Horses...... $ 00- Best'Bull two years old and over..,,...,,.,.,... 4 00 , Second best Cheese, .made in.pither county,., 2^00 i * - * •, ■ »'t. . ' t ■ . v • . a I G ' " r: Jt ' T*"

2 00 Best Wood Sawing M achine.*...______.»;.j 2 -00 *• do4 Gent’ssFroek Coat...... - 5 ------1 00 1 oo Secondhe/st- Wood Sawing Machine...... 1 00 • .do Gent'S, Overcoat...... 2 ,.00 Best roll or sample of Butter, made in either count)*... 1 5 0 Best Horse Hay Fork...... 2 00 do Gent’s Vest...... t...: 50 Second best roll or sample of Butter, made in either Go. 1 00 do Grain Drill...... o 00 do Gent’s Pants...,...... 00 do -Fanning Mill..------.... — ...... 2 00 do pound 'Mixed; Btdcking ‘Rarn.,— A..,..i.-’ -' -j| 0 — CBA'SS 3 0 n rjr—jfrw t Apples. do Model Farm Gate,...,..*.*...,...... p 00 do-pound White Stocking Yarn...... T 50 • Committee— Tys. WUlifs, -J. M.: Matthews, Jacob Luther. do .Sod Flow*...... ,...... ------...... -.) 00 do Coverlet-. . 3 . : l...77.;...... S'. v.A*.. 1 00 do -Stubble Plow------V... ------...... ----- .... 2 00 do Patch-work Quilt__ .7...... V...... 1 00 Best fifteen'varietres of Apples, including a proper sue- 1 00 do pair Woolen Stockings...... 7 ...... 50 ' cession for family use------§1 00 do Shovel Plow...... do Oul t i vator..— ...... —...... j— ...... 2 00 do pair Cotton Stockings...... Best twelve varieties the same...... *■— ...... 2 00 £()■ do Harrow...,,;.....—,— A...... s>. oo do, pair^Linen•Stobkin^;R:'.,Ux:.7^5^ Bbst exhibit of Summer Apples...... k 1 00 1 00 Second best exhibit of Summer Apples...... 1 00 do Horse Rake...... ------do pair Woolen Mittens....-...... ‘ ‘ 50* 1. 00 do pair Woolen G l o v e s . . . , . ! ...... ____ 50 Best exhibit of Autumn Apples.______*...... ' 2 00 do --Ox Yoke, complete-.,.....,.,.______1 00 do one-half pound of Linen Thread...... 50 Secbnd: best exhibit o f Autumn Apples;...... 1- 00’ do Grain Cradle------...... do Sod Plow made in the C o u n ty .,...____ ....._____ o 00 Best exhibit of Winter Apples...._____,______3 00 do Shovel Plow - ...... 2 00 Second best exhibit of Winter Apples______— ... 2 00 2 00 Committee— T. M. Fulton, Mis. Levi Bates, Mrs. B. E. Binns. Best twelve specimens of any single variety of Summer do Stubble Plow “ ...... do Cultivator . ..— . . . . . — ...... 2 00 A pples...... ______1 00 Best Lady’s Straw Bonnet-, - - - - $1 00 do Harrow ‘ ‘ ...... ------2 00 Best twelve'Specimens of1 any single variety of Autumn Second best Lady’s StrawBouhet; ' • - ' - - 50 . •.Apples.....*.;...... ,...... ------...... ------1 00 CLASS X VIIL—Mechanic Arts. Best Lady’s Silk Bonnet, - , - - - - 1 00 Best twelve specimens of any single, variety of Winter Second best Lady’s Silk Bonnet, - - - 50 Committee— N. B. Collins, D. Tevriere, S. T. Baker. Apples...... ______2 0 0 Best li-ady’s Velvet Bonnet, - - - - - 1 §0 Second best twelve specimens of any single variety of Best two-horse Covered Carriage, made in the Counties, $ 00 Second best Lady’s Velvet Bonnet, f - - 50 • Winter Apples______... 1 00 do one-horse Covered Carriage K ^ 0 0 Best Lady's Bonnet of any other material," - 1 00 Pears. . do two-horse Pleasure Sleigh “ 0 0 Best and largest display of Fine Millinery Goods hv dp Gutter . “ 00 one exhibitor, - - - - - I 00 Best twelve varieties of Pears, 'including a proper suc­ dp Single Open Buggy u 2 00 Second best and largest display of same, - - " 50 cession for u s e ...... ------...I ...... 8 00 do Farm Wagon, thimble skein, “ 4 00 I .3-;. ■ i . Second best twelve varieties of Pears, including a proper GLASS* XXVL^r-Flowers, and Mouse PVantf^ j do Iron Axletree Wagon “ 4 00 succession'for use.— ...... '...... — ... 1 00 do Common Light Wagon t! 0 0 Committee— S. P, Barrett, Mrs. S, T.Baker, Mrs. P. M* Weaver, Best eight varieties the same...... ’...... 2 00 do six Corn Brooms “ 00 Best five varieties: the same___ ...... ------1 00 Best Bouquet, round, ------$1 00 do six Axe Helves, “ 0 0 Best*collection of Summer Pears, named and labeled, Second best Bouquet, - - - - -■ . . . - - 50 do specimen o f Canflaga Painting, done in the Counties 0 0 and grown by exhibitor...... — ...... 8 00 Best Bouquet, flat, ------1 00 do spedtnen Oniamentul Sign Painting, “ 0 0 Second best Bouquet, flat, - - - - - 50 Peaches. 00 do specimen Wood Turning, “ Best and greatest variety of Plants, owned by exhibitor, 4 00 Best ten varieties, giving a proper succession through do specimen Machine Planing, !! 00 Second best■and'greate.st variety, ■ £! - ■ 2 ,Op the season-.,___ ...... __...... __...... — ------$ 3 0 0 do puii* Window Blinds, made in the Counties 00 Second best ten varieties------....— 1 0 0 do Door, “ 00 CLASS X X VIL —Xcedlo, Shell, and }Vax Work. Best six varieties the sam e...... 2 00 do pair Window Sash, t: 00 Copimittee— D. A . Wagner,. Mrs. J, M, Matthews, Mrs. Calvin do specimens of single variety Freestone...... 1 Q0 do pair Window Blinds, “ 00 ; Stephens. . . . do specimens o f single variety Clingstone,...... 1 0 0 do and largest exhibition of Tinware 00 - , ‘ ' Plums. do Butter Firkin, _ “ 50 Best Bead Bag, - - * - - - - $ 50 do Bead Purse, . - - - - — •- • ;.. 50 BcjSi collection of Plums, six specimens each..,...... ,.... 00 do Flour Barrel, 00 Second best collection.,..*.— ...... 00 do Well Bucket, “ 50 do, Ornamental Reedle Work, - - - - 1 00 do Pork Barrel, 00 do Worked* Cushion,------50 Best twelve Plums, choice varieties...... — ...... 0 0 do Churn. •' 5 0 do Worked Skirt, ^ - -' • - "50 Quinces. - do Worked Collar and Handkerchief, • - i 1 00 » CLASS X I X .— Manufactures of Leather. Be^t twelve Quinces of any good variety...... 0 0 do Worked Portfolio, - - • ■- - - - 50 Second best twelve Quinces of any good variety...... 50 Committee— G. W. -Koblc. L. P. Fox, Samuel Hess. do Iforkcd Lace Cap - - , c - - - 50 Grape?. Best set of Draught Harness..,,...... $2 00. do Ornamental Shell Work, - - - - 50 Best collection...... A ...— ...... 4 00 do set Light Double Harness,..,...... 2 00 do specimen Wax -Floiyers, 50 Second best collection...... „ 2 00 do set Single IIarness’.,.y ...... 2 00. do-Embroidered "Table Cover - - . - 50. Best collection of Fruits (raised by the exhibitor)...... 10 00 do pair fine .Calf B oots...... ,.2 ...... 1 00 do Embroidered Ottoman, - - - 50 I f i\0 competition, only...... s ------.. 5 00 do pair Coarse Boots....,,.....,.,,...... I 00 do Group of-Wax Flowers, - - - - 50 do pair Lady’s Calf Laced Boots...... 1 00 do Variety'of Worsted Work, - 50 CLASS X V .—Field'Crops. do pair Light Slippers.,..; 50 do Fancy Knitting, - - ‘ - - - - 50 Committee—Levi Sparks, P. hi* Weaver* Richard McComber. Conditions same as Class .eigbteen, : . . • do show of AYorlc by any one Lady, made by herself. 2- 0& Best yield of one acre of Winter Wheat....,,------.$10 00 CLASS X X .-—Furniture. CLASS XXVIII.— Painting. Photographing, f c .' £! ■ *■ ■ R y e ...... 5 0() Committee— Wni. K. Sawyer, A. Willard, G. A- Blakesley. Committee.—E. M. Plimpton, D. Terriere, R. H. Merrill. **• *c Barley...... • 5 00 “ ■ ■ ■ <*• Oats....-...... 5 00 Best Parlor Set...... *...... '...... $10 00 Best specimen of Poster Printing, done in the County S2 00 “ Peas* ...... — 0 0 Seeond’hest Parlor Set...;...... ______... 5 00 do, specimen of Card Printing, .... u * 1 .Up ” Corn**..;..,,..*...... 00 Best Chamber S e t ...... ,,.,...... — ------5 00 do Oil Painting, done by exhibitor, -, -A, 2 0U Clover Seed...... *.*. 0 0 Second best Chamber Set...... 3 00 Second best Oil Painting,, done by exhibitor, - : 2 Op t£ *• Timothy— ...... 0 0 Best Spinning Wheel for Wool,...... 1 00 Best AYater Color Painting, - - - , 1 OU The ground to. he correctly measured, and a statement do, Spinning Wheel for Flax...... 1 00 Second best AApiter Color Painting, - - - 50 made in writing, under oath, of the .quantity of seed . do Book Case...... 8 00 Best:.Card Picture,. . - -... 1 00 to- the acre, the kind of soil.and.the kind and quantity do Bedstead...... 2. 00 do, Photograph, - _ - ' - - * 1 00 • of manure used* . A .sample o f the crop must he on • do, six Chairs...... ------— . 4 00 do. Colored or Inked Photographs, * - 2 QO exhibition, if the.crop. is secured. C LA SS'-X X L— Parse Shoes, Shoeing, tic. do Collection of Ratnral Quriosities, - - 2 00 Best bushel Winter- White W heat...*...... 1 00 Committee— A . A . Mprley, R . Batchelor, .Jas. Graham. . CLASS XXIX.— Preserves\ Picldes, $c.. “ Winter Red Wheat..*...... 1 0 0 Committee^—]!. II. Kinyon, Mrs. Carlisle, Mrs. Post. ‘* - Rye*.------1 00 Best set of Horse Shoes, without corks.,..,/.*...... $1 00 ; B arley.___ ...... 1 00 do set of HorseShoes, with corks...... 1 00 Best jar of Peach Preserves, - - - - $ -50 Corn ...... 1 00 do shod Horse, with corks...... "...... 2 00 do jar of Plum Preserves, - - - : ‘ 50 . t£ Beans...... — ______1' 00 do shod Horse, without corks...... 2 00 do jar of Strawberry Preserves, - - - ’ ; 50" ■ £* Buckwheat...... ______1 00 do one hundred Rails for Horse Shoes...... 50 do jar of Blaekherry Preserves, - ' - - 50 vt Oats.,.....,...... 1 00 CLASS X X IX .— Domestic Sugar, Made in County. do jar of Raspberry Preserves, - , - - - . * 50 7 • 4S: Clover Seed______— ______1 00 ■ do Hermetically Scaled can or jar of Fruit, for each -* ’ e Tim ochv------.*------1 00 Committee—Levi Bates, Enos Holmes, Jr., Willis Bose. kind exhibited, ------50 , . OLASS X V I .— Vegetables. Best five pounds: Maple Sugar..,..;,,.;.,...... ,.,..,.,,...... $1 00 do sample o f small Dried Fruit, (not less than one do oneJialf gallon Maple Molasses.;-...... /...... 1 00 pound.) for each variety, . - - - - ’ '50 Committee- r(R II. Richards, D. E. Hinman, H- Marhofl". do specimen ten pounds. Sugar from Chinese Sugar do sample Dried Apples, not less than five pounds 1 0 0 Best half bushel Mercer Potatoes.....".— ...... $1 oo Cane, Diploma, and...,,^..v,.,...____— ------..... 5 00 do sample Dried Peaches, cc a • " 1 00 " c: Rirsset Potatoes::.:...... 1 0 0 do one gallon Syrup from, same—-...... 2- 00 do siiniple Dried Cherries, not less ihan‘three pounds 50 do" bottle Grape’Wine, - - - - " ‘50' Peach-Blow.....*...... 1 00 Money. “ ...... Pink Bye...... ’...... — ____ 1 0 0 do bottle Currant" Wine, - -, - - -50 • Early Rose..— ...... k .;...... *...... 1 0 0 Best specimen, hot less than five pounds...'.. 00 do hottlr BiackljciTy AYine, - ,, ‘ ‘ • 50 " ’ of. uny1 other .good variety...... ------1 00 do specimen, B cc Hive...... oq- do bottle Elderbevry AArine, , - ' 50. ‘ Best bukhel Flat Turtiijis:__ ...... *______..... 00 do model’for Bee House...... 00 do boftie Tbniato "Catsup, - - - ’ * * 50* do fifteen Parsnips..;...... *...... ,...... 0 0 do bottle Cucumbef Pickles, - - - - ‘ , 50" CLASS X X I I I .— Drcadsluffs and Bread. do twelve Sugar Beets...... i__ *.*...... __ :...... 0 0 . do bottle Mixed Pickles, - - - - ' - '• 50 do Jive Pumpkins/------;.------— ______;.7.. 1 O'00 Committee-^Dh E.-Hinman, S. L. Beardsley, Wm. Dougherty. do Cured Haul, with statement o f mode of curing, • T 007 .’' do pc.ck ‘ Onion's...... 0 0 do Cured Beef, with statement o f mode of .curing, ’1 00 " Best barrel Superior Wheat Flour. Diploma and. ..---- $1*00 do pgck Sweet'Potato'cs.‘.V.... 1 0 0 do and most Flour from two bushels of Wheat...... 50 ' * • CLASS' XXX. [ r- .- . do half peck Garden*Beans...... 1 , 0 0 do bushel of Corn Meal...... 50 do variety of Potatoes...... 7. 1 O f f Best Brass Band, . - - - $50 00' " . do fifty .pounds of Rye Flour— .,-----...... 50 do twelve Iluta Bagas...— 1 0 0 Second best Brass Band, - - - - 80*00 * do fifty pounds of Buckwheat Flour..,.,...... 50 do twelve Carrots...— j, ...... 1 0 0 . Third best Brass Band, - - - - - 20.00" Best loaf of Wheat Bread...... — ...... 1 00 thrqc Water Melons— ...... 1 o o - Open to, Berrien and Cass,_ Counties, Michigan, and Bt. do, Second best, loaf of Wheat Bread...... 50- three Musk Melons------I ’ OO Joseph and,LaPol’ke

i ' '■ ' ■ ' " The Berrien County Record, Buchanan, .Michigan, Thursday, September 15, 1870.

Resolutions.—-Masonic. D e a t h of F itz H . St e v e n s.—A s we T o w n s h i f C a u c u s .— Let every Re­ T h e F a i r .— The readers o f the Few Advertisements. Tho Berrien. Comity, Record.' At a regular communication o f Western Star go to press we have barely room to an­ publican attend the Township caucus­ R e c o r d will bear in mind the Agricul­ Lodge No. 89, F. & A. M., Held at Berrien nounce Mr, Stevens’ death, after a short es,. so that the delegates selected may tural and Mechanical Fair that is to Springs, Mieh., on Wednesday evening, Sept. OFFICIAL FA ru n OF THE COCXTT. illness of eight or ten days. The deceased ACSEMTS W 'AfiTE© FOR be our best men. Thus cau the effi­ CQtne off on the grounds of the Park 7th, A. D. 1870, the following Resolutions were \ unanimously adopted: was buried on Friday. The H erald will P A U C £ AK|> K O V R I j ciency,' purity and perpetuity o f the Association on the 28th, 29th aud ,30th ox, THURSDAY MORXIN'G, SEl’T. 13. 1870. W herkas, It has pleased the all-wise Being have an obituary notice next week.— St. Republican party bo triumphantly o f September. The premiums offered to remove.from the circle o f our Brotherhood Jo. Herald. n e w w m m i PHASES OF LONDON LIFE. maintained,. are liberal, and the arrangement for on earth, our worthy aud much beloved Brother, B y D . J. Kirioan, tht wellTcnoion Jouriioliti. To Advertisers, David W. Platt, to work in the Lodge above, the display o f the various products of its t or ie iters. A beautiful Octavo, lully illustrated. Contains a Tho “ Record** Is tho best Advertising and engage in the nobler duties of that heaven­ graphic and truthfiil etattment o f tlic Sights. Sctrdi and the soil, mechanical arts and stock are ly wotk to find rest nnd refreshment from ail Remaining in the Post Office at Buchanan, Sensations of the great city. its high and low life, from Medium in South-western Michigan, hav­ D is t r ic t C o n v e n t io n .— I n this is­ ing a larger circulation than any other all that, could be desired. R o finer earthly labor and cave. Therefore on Thursday, September lBth, 1870. the Queen in Bucklnglmih Palaco 10 the Scarlet Woman sue we publish a call for a District of Pimlico; from the Vagabond in Priucely Robes to the paper in this part of the State. , . grounds Can be found in the S ta te for Resolved, That we hear with humble submis­ Bueheider, Nathaniel Hanover, William Condemned CriintnAl in Newgate. The most popular ai d Convention to nominate a candidate sion the will of Him that doeth all things well, Benton, Miss Mary Mitten, W. H, saleable book in market. Circulars and Raniple pages an exhibition of tho kind proposed, end that we will cherish- the memory of our Cowles, Mrs. Mnlissa Northrop, Mrs... W. sent free. Address for Representative from this (second) B ELKNAP & BLISS, Hartford, Conn. Republican County CourcnUon, and everything indicates a large inter­ beloved Brother, and emulate his good deeds Doty, F. B. North, Miss Fanuy HAVE JUST CrERNED A District of Berrien County to the Leg­ and noble virtues, by being reminded that Dunbar, James F. Sherman, Lyman The Republicans, o f Berrien County will est in tho coming • Fair, Let every Grannis, John 8 Smith, J. D. ENDLESS PUNISHMENT. meet in Delegate Convention the Court islature. death is no respector Of persons, nnd as the farmer begin to mabe his calculations grave lias received Jjim, will soon receive us. Wilcox, Eliza A DISCUSSION BETWEEN* EOhso. in the 'villnga o f Berrien Sprinss, at: Resolved, That salve drop tho Evergreen sprig Large and Choice Stock II o’clock a . m ., on Monday, the 20th of Sep­ to attend, and have a full display of Persons callin'; for any of the above letters Look at Nohlo’-s line of boots and into his grave, the symbol of our faith in im­ R e v . 1HT. G o o d rJLcti ib id . J . S . X n m & r tember, 1S70, for the purpose of nominating the finest products o f bis farm. Let will please say “ Advertised.” of Croceeries, (U ai verbalist), shoes before purchasing. mortal life, wo are reminded that he. is but- candidates for State Senator and tire various every mechanic bring the best speci­ N . H . M e r r il l . P . M. Of Rhode Jelard Of Georgia. Oountv officers to lie voted for at the ensuing sleeping; and we will be eomforted by the WHICH THEY w m SELL AT THE mens o f his work. The artists, too, reflection that his memory will live in our Published in tbe “ S t a r in . l l i o W e s t , 5* (tTnivcr- November election. salist) and ‘^Clirlstlait Standard” (Christian). C ir c u s .— On Tuesday o f next week hearts, nnd his name ever fresli in our minds A B o y's I n v e n tio n .—W e have just ex Jointly, beginning O ct 1st, 1570, continuing about'Six By the ratio, o f representation adopted by should not fail to be represented. Ro while we continue faithful working in tho the Comity convention o f 1SC8, the different the Great European Circus will ex­ amined a new attachment for all Sewing morths, and appearing complete in doth papers . Either department lends more to the attract­ Lodge below. Lowest Possible Pates paper will be supplied daring this most able and inter­ townships and wards are entitled to delegates Machines, called “Leslie’s Magic Huffier,” hibit at Buchanan. This is, no doubt, ive features of a Fair than having the Resolved, That we tender to the relatives and esting discussion FACTS! FACTS! as follows:— for making ruffling and puffing, which has (She Months) f o r One H o lla r* the greatest institution o f the kind in Floral Palace filled with a thorough friends of the deceased our most sincere and fo r Gash. JS^-Por “ S ta r,” address WitiUatson & Gartwtll, Bainbridge, 8 Niles. City— 1st Ward, America. In order to get an idea of affectionate sympathy in this their time o f sore been invented by a boy, after several Cincinnati, 0. Benton, I t do 2d do display o f such articles as usually find bereavement, and suggest to them the consol­ months of persevering study, which has • address It. TT. Caeroh. & T H A T A T Berrien. 8 do 3d do the magnitude of this circus read the Determined not to be undersold, we would Co.« Cincinnati, O. a place there. ing thought that He Who tempers the wine to discouraged many an older head. I t is a Bertrand, 7 do 4 th ' dn advertisement in, another column. the shorn lamb, looks down with infinite com respectfully invito you to call and Buchanan, 12 The Stock department we trust to perfectly simple device, which can be un­ Oronoko, The proposed exhibition of the cage passion and mercy upon the bereaved, and has OSBORN’S Chikaming, 4 Pipestone, see fully represented, as we know the permission to fold the arms of love and pro­ derstood at a glance, and used with ease X X FXSXJl GLASS Gallon, 5 Royaiton,. o f Lions and the great lion tamer will farmers and stock growers of Berrien tection around thoae who put their trust in by every one who can run a sewing ma­ EXAMINE. O'UR GOODS 8 St. .Joseph, he worth seeing. All circus lovers him. D LAMP CHIMNEYS county and adjoining counties have chine, and does its work to perfection. It £ & • - 4 Sodus, ResnAttf, That in the death of Brother Platt Before purchasing elsewhere. 77"e make a Stnnd ECent better than nay other m ade. will, undoubtedly, find this one all will gather and sew to a band in the neat­ Lincoln, 4 Three Oaks, some as fine stock as can be found our community has lost a good citizen, cur vil- speciality of Ask tor Diihridge’s, and tab. s o other. New Buffalo, 5 Watervieit, that they could desire. It is none of any wherein the State. These Agri­ lage one o f its best business men, and tho firm est possible, manner, making a nicer ruffle See tiint our nam e Is on every hox. Niles,. 9 Weesaw, than can be made by hand. D I T H R I D G E & S O U , Pitisburg-, Pa. your “ one horse” concerns, but is a cultural and Mechanical Fairs havo of which he was an active member, an honored Can at all times be found the H . P a l m e r , O e o . S. CtAPP,, “ big institution.’ and esteemed partner. A s ruffling is used in large quantities by fia^Send for P rice List. L. V. AtXXAXOKE, C. E. Howx. done much for the stimulation of ef­ Resolved,- That in token o f our respect we every family, we trust the sale of the in­ p p l e p a r i n g , c o k u t g a n d s r . j e i - S G L. A , Dcscax, Committee, forts to improve, in the various branches will wear the usual badge o f mourning for A tHACEGCSTE.r—Takes 4 turns o f the crank to each, thirty days. strument will well repay the persevering apple. Sold at Stores.. W ill be sent on receipt o f 31.50. L a r g e s t S t o c k gsgyRedden & Graham have sever­ of industry. Let the people of Ber­ boy for his industry.— C hicago E v e n in g Address D. H . WHITTEJfORE, Worcester, Mess. 9 RepnM ican: D R lrlct Convention. Resolved, That a copy o f these Resolutions And would a-k ail lovers o f the weed to al o f those celebrated Buckeye Grain rien county attend the Fair on the be presented to the bereaved family, and also P ost. give us •& trial, as ws are A Republican Convention, for the Second Drills for sale. Those wanting a good be published in the Michigan Freemason and 28th, 29th and 30th of the present R ote.— The rufflerwill be sent by mail —OF— Representative District o f Berrien County, the County papers. Drill will get one cheap, by calling on month, and we have no doubt but ev­ to any address, on the receipt of the price, W e w s p a p e t s composed o f the Townships o f Buchanan, Ber­ F. N. Die, Secretary. BOUND. TO PLEASE. trand, Oronoko, Chiknmlng, Weesaw, Three them, as they want to quit the busi­ ery one will feel amply rewarded for $1.50 and name of the machine, and after Oaks, Galien aud New Buffalo., will be held in ness. their time and trouble. a week’s trial, it not found satisfactory, it Remember the place— at the old stand of F ain ts, O i l s , the Tillage o f Buchanan,., on Thursday, the 29th T. O. O. F. Resolutions. may be returned, and the money will be day bf September, at 10 o’clock A’ M,, to nom­ Eaton & Broadwell, one door east of Luther’s H aXl o f L a k e L o dge N o. 143,1. O. O, F.,J inate a candidate for Representative to the B a l l —B a n d s .— "We notice the As­ refunded. Address, store. J o in t S t o c k M anufacturing C o m ­ Lakkton, Mich., Sept. 10, 1870, j" 25m3 EATON & SIMMONS. TURPENTINE, BENZINE, State Legislature. Each Township will be en­ sociation offers liberal premiums to A t a regular meeting o f Lake Lodge No. 148, C o r nell, W a r d & G om ings, A Book o f 125 closely printed pages, lately issued, con­ titled to the same number o f delegates that it p a n y .:—-The enterprise looking to I. O. O. F-, the following resolutions were unan­ 133 Lake St., Chicago. tains a list o f the^best American Advertising Mediums, has to the County Convention. the ‘Base Ball and Band organizations. giving the names, circulations, and full particulars con­ the getting up a Joint Stock Com­ imously adopted: cerning the leading Daily, and Weekly Political and Window Glass, Putty, Chas, Clare, l . All interested will not fail to look over pany in Buchanan, for the purpose of Fesolved, That the thauks o f this Lodge are V/m ioft’s Anti-(Periodic Family Newspapers, together with all those having largo J. M. Glavix, > Dist, Com, the Premium List, on the supplement due, and are hereby tenderod, to the Brothers circulations, published in the Interest of Religion, Agri­ culture, Literature, «£c., &c. Every Advertiser, and ©Very B. F. PesnkleA manufacturing wagons, carriages and Is in f a l l ib l e in the cure of C H IL L S and VARNISHES, to the R e c o r d . ot St. Joseph, Niles, Benton Harbor, Buchanan, person who contemplates becoming such, will lind this BRUSHES, such like, is progressing encouraging­ New Buffalo and Coloma, who attended tho F E V E R and all F E V E R S of miasmatic book of groat value. Mailed free to any address on re­ (Republican Township Caucus. ceipt o f fifteen cents. CHBO. 2?. R Q I V E L L , Philadelphte. R oll of ITouor. eight columned paper, and otherwise at tneir’earliest possible There is not an establishment in all papers of the County: also to the Western Odd never failed in a single instance to effect a EW aiBDXCAIi PAM im ET.-Sem iu!i3. Who deserves more honor than the man; who improved. Its late proprietor, Mr. the country anywhere, hut has all that Fellowll. and Heart “ and - Hand.- - permanent cure. It is economical, because convenience. N Physical and N ervous J>el>iUty, its effects and cure. Price 25 cents. Address SECRETARY. J. H. R o y c e , subscribes for r paper and pays for it ? Re­ A. J. Sbakespear, has sold the Demo­ they can do. The demand is greater the dose required is but a teaspoonlul, and Museum o f Anatomy, 618 Broadway, New Yozk. J . F . B eh rih ger, Com. I keep the well known ceived for the week, ending Sept. 14th: crat to Messrs. Guyhcen, Hein & Co., one bottle will cure two or m ore ordinary Robert Benwell, Buchanan...... § 2 .0 0 than the supply, and is likely to con­ O. A . E . B a l d w inIN,) Y O U ) Q,XJACKS.—-A victim of earlv indiscre­ cases o f Chills and Fever. 27 w4 . whom we wish great success in every M. C, T k a t e r , Secretary. A'tion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, Ac,, Stephen Clout, “ ...... ------2.00 tinue so, as the western country con­ haying tried in vain every advertised remedv, hasa'Bim- Samuel Barnhousc, “ ...... 2 00 thing save tinues to he improved, and of course ple means ot self-cure, which ho will send free to Ws E. J. Roc, “ .200 fellow-sufferers. Address J. IT. TUTTLE, 78 Nassau et^ fl Goo. Colvin, *’ ...... 2.00 the demand continues to increase. “Health is Wealth.” County Correspondence New York. L. L. Bunker, “ 1.00 jSSS^Havingbought H. H. Kinyon’s Farmers in the vicinity of Buchanan, .£9SE23aS33S5&& Messrs. E . B. Treat & Co., Publishers Maty Arthur, “ 5.00 stock o f Groceries, Provisions, &c., and others having a few hundred dol­ County Nominations. ■ W A E N E E ’S W. G. Blish, “ ...... ____ 2.00 of First-Class Subscription Books, No. C54 Geo. G. Hough, “ 1.00 also the notes and: accounts due him, lars or more that they would like to Broadway, ISTew York, have sent us a R il e s , Sept. 10th, 1S70. - PILE REME&Y. WHITE LEAD, Joseph E. Coroner, “ 2.00 we take this method o f saying to all invest in a business where there is ev­ copy of their New Family Medical TFor& E d it o r "Re c o r d :— The time to S. T. Paddock,. Three Oaks...... 1.00 Warner’s Pile Remedy has never failed (net who were indebted to him, either by ery prospect of a good profit,- will do entitled ouk home p h y s ic ia n , a new and oven in one case) to cure the very worst cases ot Blind, The beet in the world. Also, the A. B. Wright, ** ...... 2 ,0 0 nominate County officers approaches, Itching or Bleeding Piles. Those who ure afflicted should Wcalejan Smith,. Weesaw...... 2 00 note or account that they will please well to consider this matter. Those popular guide to the art of preserving and believing it always best that can­ immediately call on their druggist and get WAJLNEiva J.M.Birss, C h arlotte...... 1.00 health and treating disease, with plain ad­ Pile R emedy. It is expressly for the Puis, and is not call at oiir store and settle AT ONCE, desiring further information on the didates should be mentioned before the recommended to euro any other disease. I t bus cured, DAYTON, OHIO, LINSEED OIL' P; Holler, Nashville...... 2.00 as the books must he closed immedi­ subject can obtain the same by con­ vice, for all the medical aud surgical emer­ fa r Has Co m many cases o f over thirty years* standing. Price One C.B. Carroll,. New Trov,...... 2,00 convention meets, in' order that their Dollar. For sale by druggists everywhere. gencies of the family. By G eo. M. M. F.Lyou, Otsego...."...,...... 2.00ately. II. H . Kinyon will remain sulting Messrs. J. D. Ross, R . B. Gol- respective merits may be canvassed, Come and get prices before buying B eard, A. M., M. T ), Lecturer on Nerv. ON PRICES AT TH3 T. L. Ross, Paw Paw___ ...... 5.00 with us a short time, and take charge lins or Gy H. Richards, a committee I would like to mention the name of jQ'STfSIieiDiegllAk. elsewhere. John Newton, Robinson, 111...... 2.00 ous Diseases in the University of the city of collections and balancing the appointed to receive subscriptions and Hon. John M. Glavin, for Register of J. W . Seeley, Waupnn, W is______6.00 of New York, Member of the Rew "York W arner’s dyspepsia T onic is prepared ex­ books. R e d d e n & D u n c a n . impart information touching the de­ 5 ^ “A11 subscribers in arrears, for one year County Medical Society, assisted in the Deeds, since it is well known that Mr. pressly lor Dyspeptics and thoso suffering with habitual signs o f the organization. Costiveness. I t is a elightly stimulating ionic and a are now indebted; §2.50 each.;, but nil who pay various departments hy eminent medical Dix, who has made an efficient officer splendid appetizer; it strengthens tho stomach and re­ stores the digestive organa to their healthy state. *VVeok, COTTAGE COLORS us in advance aafar as they are in arrears,shall authorities. - for the last six years, is not a candi­ receive the benefit, of advtaue payment. C l o t h e s B a r s .— W e notice that nervoua and dyspeptic persons should uge Warksb’s In scope and character this work is new, date for re-election. Mr. Glavin we B yseepsisTosic. For sale h v all druggists. Price One Messrs. Richards & Fox have their S c h o o l H o u s e .— Row that it has Dollar. full and comprehensive; in style, clear and OP ALL SHADES. SEW AJOTIuItTISESiENTS. new factory, for the manufacture of been decided thntBuchanan is to have believe would command the hearty sup­ 355S52s3 intelligible; and throughout it is emphat­ Business Card,— Otis Reed. Clothes Bars,, in operation. Every a School House worthy the name, ibis port of the party and make a good OOUG-H MORE. I make a specialty o f Paints and Oils, ically common sense and practical. The Dissolution Notice.— Ohns., C. Dudley & Co. family should have one of these “ Bars,” to be hoped that no time will he lost officer. It seems to us that it would and sections relating to hygiene— the preserva­ V t'ayacr’g Cor-.g-h (H alsam is li-aling, boRto- Sale o f Primary School and University ns they are certainly superior to any be for tbe best interests o f the Countv Lands.— B. D. Pritchard, Commissoner; in making preparations to commence tion of health, prevention and treatment insandexpectonitiiig. The extrttordiuwy powiritpoi- to bave a new Sheriff. W e think so, scssee in immediately relieving, and OTentually curing, WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Probate Order,—Estate of Henry Holton. thing o f the kind we have seen. the work. Let the strictest economy o f disease., etc., etc.,— are full and explicit, tlic most obstinate cases o f Coughs, Golds, Sore Threat, Mortgage Sale.— Catharine Roth, Mortgagee. for many reasons which might he of­ Bronchitis, Influenza, Catarrh, Hoarseness, Asthma and St, • he considered in its erection as well as and brought down to the latest dates, and FO B N D B Y ! Consomptiou is almost incredible. So prompt is there* Concrete Brick.—J. B. Fuller: fered. Yours, fee., A l p h a . N oble has a fine line o f women and good taste. This done, when it is seem to us especially good and adapted to lief and certain irs^oflects in nil the above c a s t o r any Sr «e Read, Think and Write.— S. C. Houghton. affection of the throat and lungs, that thousands o f pLy- Novelty Oroide Gold Fountain: Pen,— James misses’ pegged and sewed work, cheap completed, we opine, there will be no the wants of the people. W e know of no sicians are daily prescribing it, juidono ar doll say that Gerard & Go. other medical guide for popular use, that From Weesaw. it is the most healing and expectorating medicine known. for cash. one hut who will be proud that Bu­ irrlees Estreated to the Last One dose always afforda rcUei, and in most coses one bot­ MY hTOCK OF Our Home Physician.,—E. B. Treat & Co. at all approaches it. The work is fully Sept. 7 th, 1870. tle effects a cure. Sold by druggists, *iu largo bottles. Local Notice.—M. Onthcart, chanan stands equal, if not superior, Ditch I Prico One Dollar. I t is you row n GuiItiX yon stHl cough illustrated, and is sold through agents, Local Notice.— Sanford; Smith. * R ev Millinery.— Mrs, Dunning in point, o f educational facilities, to E d it o r R e c o r d :— It must he that and suffer. The Balsam will cure. (either local or traveling), and we bespeak -Driigs&aiid M edicines, Local Notice.—List o f Letters, our sister villages throughout the State. your former correspondent at this has again just received from Chicago for it a ready sale in this community. W e While we are decidedly in favor of place, has either got married, eloped, 112 for Iron Beam Plows w iistju OB' XiiinjB. Taxes. a new and splendid lot of millinery presume such Of our renders as desire cop­ DYE STUFFS, &C., goods. Don’t fail, ladies, to give her the erection of a School House that or committed suicide, else his pen The great Blood Purifier nnd Delicious Drink, The Tax Roll; for the Village o f Buchanan is ies, can, b y writing directly to the. publish­ shall he an honor as well as an orna­ would not have been so long silent'. I OP THE !V h i*tier's Tinusn Y Shc/or W ine o f Life, i« Will be found full and complete, . now in my hands for collection. All taxes, a call if you; want anything in the ers, arrange for the same. We- close our free from any poisonous drugs or impurities, being pie- paid on or before the 20th, o f October will be millinery line. Remember th^place, ment to the place, we are also in fa­ review o f this ni03t excellent work by have been expecting for some time, to pared for tlio3o who require a stimulant. It is a splendid charged one per cent., and after that date/owj- appetizer and tonic, and the finest thing in tho wurid for second door north o f the R ecord of­ vor of granting to the southeast por­ quoting the following from a late, number see some mention, in your paper, of purifying the brood. I t is the most pleasant and delicious BOUGHT AT CLOSE FIQUSES, per cent. I will be in my office, at Ross & UUltttl 11 III FiTfllS, o f (he The New York Evening Post : Mr. 0. M. Beard’s new store at Hill’s article article ever offered to the public, far superior to Son’s; bauk, on Oaoh Saturday for the reception fice. tion of the village a small house to brandy, whisky, wine, bitters, or au y other article. I t Is more healthy, and cheaper. Both male and female, anford mith “ Dr. Beard has been assisted in this Corners. It is decidadly, one of the of taxes. S S , accommodate the smaller children in The Best in Use, and Very young or old, can take theAYino of Life. It is, in fact, Of Pure Quality, Sept. 14, 1870. [SOtfj Village Marshal. work by a number of eminent men ; and very best finished stores in our Gounty, a life preserver. Those who wish to orjoy good health, P r o g r e s s in g .—Work is goingstead- that region, if the inhabitants there­ Hard. * has succeeded in making a popular treatise, and a free flow o f lively-spirits, w ill do. well to take Tho ily forward on the new brick residence of desire. A house could undoubted­ and reflects great credit upon the TrVine o f Life. I t is different from anything ever beiure AND ALWAYS RELIABLE. (M u s ic a l. on the science, o f medicine very far superior in use. It is sold hy druggists ; also at all respectable ly be erected there that would cost builder, Mr, Edward Babcock, ’ of Ask your neighbor who has used them. saloons. Trice One Dollar, in quart bottles. 4-tiyl The subscriber’ is; giving; instructions in in o f Mr. Win. Pears, on Front- street. to any other in existence. It teaches when about $1,500— which would amply Ohio. I dm told Mr. Babcock has AI>»JRESS 619 STATE ST., CHICAGO. strumcntal music, and desires a few move pupils and how the physician Ought to be con­ in Buchanan. For particulars and terms apply meet nil present demands. Let there purchased some land near St. Joseph. SB Wa r .-—The war between France sulted : in what Spirit his directions are to Thankful for former patronage, I hope tO MiSs LtZZIK WulTKHKAri, be a united effort to secure such edu­ I am glad lie has located in our coun­ b y selling 9tf Buchanan. and Prussia has inspired the same be followed and bis efforts seconded : and Iron or Brass €astinp cational facilities in Buchanan, as ty, for such mechanical talent should CABINET WARE* spirit o f strife in our midst, so that it puts in a striking light the dangers of shall induce men who wish to educate he encouraged among us.— It is said AT REASONABLE RATES. Settle—Bay Up.. Binns fo Rose havo declared war on quRckery and ignorance. There are thou­ ALL FINDS OF GOOD GOODS, All persons Indebted to the late firm of their children to come among us. We sands of households which have uo access that the exhumed five year old imag-. high, prices. Go and see them before French & DeMont are hereby notified that the have known considerable capital that at all to physicians whom they trust, and iuary “infant” at Rew Troy, would B. T. WORLEY. —AT— notes and accounts have been loft with E. CABINET iFUR-WlTURE purchasing. still more which are so far from their med­ not even “ east a shadow” when bro’t Baliengee, Esq.,, for collection. Cost will be has been lost to Buchanan simply on Madetoorderin thebeststyle, and atlowprices,by ical advisera that it takeB much time to to the light of your Justice-Court. LOW FIGURES, saved by immediate settlement. account of the poor educational facil­ J . F. H A H N . H. C. French, T h e C e .mf.t e r y . Grading drives, ities found in our midst. summon them, and they are not called at That when the learned counsel from R. A. DeJLost. and other improvements are being all except in pressing need, aud often too Riles put his “ re-agents” into the op­ To merit a continuance of your favors. Buchanan, Aug. SI, 1870. The inducements in this direction Metalic and Basket Coffins, prosecuted in Oak Ridge Cemetery, late to be useful. To such families this posite scale, that the infant “ kicked which Buchanan will have to offer will work will he invaluable, showing clearly, Ready-made,constantly on hand,or made to ordcion under the direction of Marshal Smith. the beam!” The analysis, I am told, shortnotice. *r YM. OSBORN. N oble sells cheap for cash. be equal to anything to.be found in as it does, what is best in all such cases to was this : 80 parts of spite-work, 10 any place of its size in the State. do, when the physician must be called, Buchanan, April 1,1870. parts of ignorance, and 10 parts of B EARS E jgS5P*The*most goods for the least G o n e .— We noticed for some days This taken in connection with the and what must be done in the interval be­ gas, making 100 parts of too etherial, Purnishedto all ordering, and strict attention paidto money, at Eaton & Simmons’. past the absence of our young friend pleasant location and the general fore his arrival. The careful study of the digging andlocatingwheredesired. “Tommy” Clark. On inquiring we healthiness of the county, cannot fail book may be confidently recommended to all vaporous substance upon which to m* • J.P.HAHN. .BUCHANAN PRICES CURRENT. learn that he is now entry clerk in to bring many inhabitants in our midst. who desire to understand the general prin­ fasten the charges upon the county, R esigned-— R ev. H . P. Welton on the large establishment o f Messrs. ciples of a science to whose hands our lives so the much abused, ill tempered _ Qurectedevery Wednesday morning for the Record, by last Lord's day tendered his resigna­ JSJLT02T ;lch yon want dry goods go and, sco their the greatest thoroughfares through Michi­ T he PnwttitUAt: Lissa*— W o issue n Lawroncc— U. Mason. some one else had the suit. This In good style, and keep a good stock of L AOE All orders left with French A DeMont, Buchanan, Mich stock. Yon can’t fail to be suited. gan when completed to Grand Rapids. will be attended to. Preaching at the ChrlstiaaGhnrch every Lord’rcUy supplement to the R iso rp this week, Lakoton-— J. M. Carlisle. man, though a lawyer, was respected; LEATHER and BELTING on hand. S-tel B . R . R I S K 15- at 10j£A, M, by Elder Wm.. P. Birdsall; M r. Morrison informs ns that it will be com­ th e ‘ ’ — - - - containing the list o? Pfffin!u.»ifl offered Stovcnsvillc— J. S. Valentine. where he lived, and when he died his Any person in want of a good IntheAdTont-ChrisUan Chapel,6 ak-8fcMovery Sabbatli POTATOES are scarce with a fair pleted two hundred miles north by the morning and. evening,, by EldorD . R . & M. B. Mayfield.. at the iippraaoWng Fall’ to be bold in Bangor—W. McKniglit. children had engraved upon his tomb­ At thaMothodistEpiscopalChurchjin theforenoon and prospect: of being scarcer. first of July, 1371.— St. Jo. traveler. Manhood: How Lost,How Restored. eveuing o f every Sahbath, by Rev. J.R.Borry* Btiebanany Sept. I§tbi t$tb anil 80th. South Haven— A. R. Boggs. stone, “ Here lies the remains of an 9 VJ-V r ii Vx 5 .jwAt the Presbyterian Church, every Sabbath, morn- Just publishodj anew edition of Eir. C c I - ing^and evening, by Rev. H. p. Welton, Road the Ligt’ e a re M y and see if you Lawton— H. Hall. , lionest lawyer.” What more /could *7»^Y^crw eU ’9 Celebrated Fssay on •t the Advent Chapel, on.Third Streot, every Lord’s R e t u r n e d .— Messrs. Batchelor & A well-dressed yoim g man was found Or other Machinery, should tho radical cure (without mbdicinc) oC day morning and evening, by Elder T . H ..lArrlck. have not something worthy of exhibi­ J, M. Ricd, Editor Northwestern have Keen said,? J u s t ic e . SrEnMAToimuuCEA, or Seminal TYeaknes?. McCollum have brought their livery Christian Advocate, and member of lying on the grass in front of the dwelling Involuntary Seminal Losses, iMPOtcxcr, Mental and tion. There Is eearaely a farm or, a GA.X aI a a e b g . u s , Physical Incapacity* Impediments to Morrirge, etc.; also stock, which they have had for some lruit grower, a meelianio or an artist Files Quarterly Conference. of Mr. Marsh, on W ednesday afternoon 'CoNSUMenox, E wlep8 t, and t e s , Induced b y self-indul­ last, apparently in a state of beastly intox­ Ladies, Take Particular Notice. A s we sell only the best. gence or sexual extravagance. » months at Otsego, hack to Buchanan of any kind that bag not Borne pro­ PSWPrice, in a sealed envelope, only C cents. ication. Father Marsh made an effort to ""------— — - - — ” nirab* ""— again. They are now better prepared The Heal Velpau ‘ Female Pills! ' 2tf MQRLEY & TALBOT. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly - ductions worthy o f note, aml tbat will How to S t o p a P a p e r .— An ex­ arouse him, but without success. A t 8 demonstrates from a thirty years’* succoseiul practice, than ever to. accommodate their pat­ lond to tho Interest o f tlmil/nir. Bring WARKAHTED r«EXCH. that the alarming consequences o f self-abuse may ho rad­ MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. change says : You lmvo an undoubted o’clock in the evening he was still lying These Pills, so celebrated many years ago in Paris, for ically cured without the dangerous uso o f internal medi­ rons in the: livery line.. cine of the application of tho iiu fe; pointing put Amoda something to the Fair. I ’rofiomj tho right to stop a newspaper whenever there. W h e re are our city patrols ? R o tlio volief o f female difflulties, arc now oifered for salo for the first time in America. They ;have hoeu fcept in of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means Premium. List for reference. * such unfortunate should be allowed to lie, comparative obscurity, from the fact that tho originator, of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition iN; andafter Honday,May 2, 1370, all train, on the you arc disposed, upon payment of Farms & Saw Mill may bo, may cure himself cheaply, privntelv, and radi­ jj®“ Eaton & Simmons have the Dr. yelpaii, is ft tphysician in. "Paris, of great woalth, ami cally. 0_ Michigan Co a triU Railroad u turn, i n g !i t thiaatatkm; the arrearages. When you discontin­ exposed to the scorching rays of the sun, has Svithlicid them from general use. willieayeas follows: This Locturo should bo In tho hands of crery youth largest and best lot of teas in town. Tlilril Annual “SO« MH1I1. for five or six hours, in the heart of our In overcoming Female Diseases, Palling of tho WomL, F O B S.AXEE. TRAINS WK3TWARD. ue a paper do so manfully. Don’t he ■\Vbit03, Green SibknoeS, Suppression, Detention, Nervous and overy m onin tlie land. nutriment, (iHftwUry Voiu..<(«:>«,) nl village.— St. To Traveler. rn U B subBoribor offers for sale hiB farm of 100 acreB, GO of Sent,binder seal, in a plain envolopo, to-an y address, Kalamazoo; Acconi,, (dally except Sunday)...... 7:55 A . 31 C oldivxlor, G ctnbor, till, \S70. and Spinal AfTectionSyPaius in tho Back and Iambs, Pa- MallJdally except Sundays,)..,...... 4:27 P. M: C a t h c a r t ’ s n e w P ic t u r e G a l l e r y . so pitiful as to throw it hack to the tigno on slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hys­ JL it improved, in Borrieii Township, two miles north of postpaid on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. W ay Vrelght, (dally eft Sundays,) ar. 1:21 de. 1:21 R ; M postmaster with a contemptuous, “ I terics, &c.,'aud Will effect a cure when all other means Borriou Springs. There are.on the promises, throe Dwell­ * Also, B n Culvorweirs “ MarrlngdtSuido,^ pricoSS cents. — Improved: facilities for producing C o l d w a t e u , Mich., A-Ug. 23, ’70. ing Houses, two Barnes, and the only Water Saw Mill in Address the Publishers. . PMiile Express(Sunday mornings only...... 8:52 A . Mi S evere A ccident.— Theresa, daughter have failed; and, althbugh a powerful remedy, do not don’t want it any longer,” and have contain;calomel, antimony, nr anything hurtful to the Berrien Township. The Mill is 35x45, ha« been built OTTAS. J. O. KLINE & CO*, T RAINS EASTWARD. fine photographs,, ambrotypes, &c. A, E d it o r R e c o r d ,— >$'/?•;.— A.t the only four years,, and has one upright Muley Sft>v» one [4-2Syl] 127 Bowery, Now York. Post-Office Box 4,58G Mall, (dally,except Snndaya,)...... 8:35 A . i f of George Martin, of Royaiton, met with constitution. “ refused” written on the margin, and Cut-Off Suwyono Kdgcr Saw,Xath Saws, one 30 inch Butt Kalamazoo Accom. (daily except Sundays)...... 7:53 P. M splendid skylight: arranged on scien­ last Annual, Ro-tTnion of oifr Regi­ Ladies can procure a box. soalod, by enclosing ono dol- a serious accident while attempting to es­ lar aud...... six three-c6nt po6tuge etiimps,- to .AIACQMBER ‘ CQI------& " Stone. Tbe 8tream is durable, and the capacity o f the Way Freight, (dally except Sundays)...... 10:50 A . M the paper returned to the: editor. No M inis 600 hi feet per year. The m ill is sitnated ;only -illa' jiaifinite n t * Express------(Sunday --ofonlnge------•- only...... 8:16 P. JI tific; principles, with all, the accessories ment a resolution was, passed fixing cape from a cow that frightened her, by BRBWJ5B, General Agents for tho United States and gentleman ^ever stopped a paper in Canadas, at Albany, H . Y .j or to auy authorised agent. 100 rods fropi the St. Joseph River, where lumber can be HALL’S H . R . SARGENT, Q en’ lB n p 't. necessary. Picture frames, ■photo­ upon Coldwater as the place of moot­ which her limb Jjbetiveen the knee aud Sold by Druggists everywhere, and for sale at OSBOltJPS, shipped direct to Chicago; it is also on tho line of the that way, no matter if his head is cov­ Buchanan, Mich* 4r2flyl survey of the Elkhart £ Dake Michigan Railroad. graph albums, etc;, fo r sale at the gal-; ing for the; next Annual llc-Union, ancle was broken twice.- D r.’s W ebster Also, SQ acres u f land situated on Section one, 30 acres VEGETABLE SICIUAN lery. Thanking the people of Bu­ and, Wednesday, the 26th day of Oc­ ered with gray hairs that would he and Scott successfully reduced the com­ improvQd, frame house, 18x24. Price $35 per acre. Also CHICAGO & MICH. L. SHORE R . R. SO acres in Pipestone Township, all timber, on Section HAIR chanan and, vicinity for past patron­ tober, 1870, as the time. honorable. If you do not wish lon­ pound fracture, arid the young lady is as STRAYED. 31, Town 5 , range 17 west. $30 per acre. \\YilUBell all comfortablo as the severity of the injury together or separately to suit purchasers, A great's.bar- j Z i j n e w e r * age, wo solicit a" continuance of the Orator— Capt. J. B. Upton. ger to receive a newspaper, write a ROM. tho premises o f tho' subscriber in Sodiis ■Town­ gainlcfth he sooured in this property 4 t purchased sooni |N and after Wednesday, Pet>. 3,1870, trains will run note to the editor like a man, saying will permit.— ^ . Jo. Herald. F ship, on. Saturday lastj August 27th, :a mare and Terms^ ono-tliird to ono-half down, balance to suit pur- IF WILL FOSITITFLT ItESTORE GRAY HAIR a as follow s: same: Remember the place, throe Historian—Lieut. A. H. Prootor. yearling oolt. The mtire:is a light bay, soveii years old; chasers.. I will alsoreccivo proposals to; rent iny farm and TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. GOING NORTH. tho co.lt is a mare And also a lignt .bay. A suitable rpward doors north o f the R e c o r d office, Main Col. W. W. W h e e l e r , so—-and be sure that ■ arrearages are mill, subject to the sale thereof, Por.further. particulars- It keeps tho lmir Irom falling cut., tt is tt:o best Leaves NewBnffalo for St. J osepli at 10:46 A.itt.47;20p,x will be given to any person returning tho same, or giving eu^uiro of the subscriber bn the premises, or address 'him dressing in the world, making lifeless, stiff, breshy hair,’ GOING SOUTH. . street, Buchanan, Mich. * President. paid. This is the way to. stop a news­ R oble is selling the best kip boots. information6 f.theirwliefeabouts. Address- ■ fatj^nOlahe^Berrien'po.jMi®. . , ' . . , healthy, softand 1 ~ Xeayes'Bt. Joseph for New Buffalo at 5:25 A.X. & 23a P. Jt, paper. Se^ for yourself. 17M; ROBERTS, ■ , , B> W. KIPP, Jor sale byall druggists.' cobs M . O a t iio a r t , 0. H v D e C l u t e , Cor. Sec’y. 28*2 Eau Claire, Berrien Co.,.Mich. «ii670i 27‘ tv1] ” X . P. ’SA.T.t. A CO-, Nashua, N. H ., Proprietcrs. A. H, Alosnjsoff, President. B. B.H , Snpt. " l i ~ ■ - -A':' *.:..2.-i3£' sawssrsK*»rs £S*SdNj£Y

t . . - - . . *. 1 5 ay^-WfpraiB—

The Berrien .County * Record,. _ 0Bueli§han, ^icMgahj. . . . Thursday/ September , 15, . 18:707", .; B. E. Beardsley & Co:, B U B S J T .OUT! m F, .CLIBIWC! F i l m x S3A»'B lilSSEIF* XRA'H ft <3. ; ■; 2* "“i • MAIN STREET, : " NOTICE BOR OCTOBER, 1370. Lips I hare kissed, l e are faded and cold, -BTJT-* jT»UE:only Physician of this kiutlln tho Woetjlmstoie Hands I ha\ e pressed, ve are covered with MEAT MARKET! ?X withthpgroatpstsuccess, gamed a bettor lcimtntlon mould, Buehanan, Mich.. ejected more complete cures, 'visited placed tholongeft Forms I have tipped, thou, art crumbling away, withoutimssiDgim engagement,than any physician tlin- -JUST RECEIVED :BY- And soon in your bosom the wearer will lay. travels, lias outlived them all, und become noted for his I 0 T DESTROYEB! IfnnufHOtiirers o f B^Ulln treating till clironicdiscoses ortho Friends of my youth, I have witnessed your bloom, Shades of the dead, I have wept at your W , H. Fox & Co, tomb; ’ — Ct '1 Tombs I have wreathed, they were worthy o f. thee. BI^P & LGI& ‘Ptahygrams” But who will e'er gather a garland for me 2 First Door East of the Bank* where Low Prices will he A wager was laid on the Yan­ Souls Of the Blest from the. mansions o f day, Have repaired and refitted their store, and kee peculiarity, to answer one-ques­ Look on the pilgrim and lighten his war; ^ have got it made on every article. Wing your swift flight to his death-prepared tion by asking anotber. To decide bed, HIS. El II Sill STORE I the bet a down Easter !was interroga­ With visions of glory to circle his head. WSL&-- ETELED DRESS GOODS Carriages & Wagons, COLLINS & WEAVEE,, te d : Stars, ya are thick in the pathway of light. :ciI want-'you,” said the better, “ to Visions of bli?? ja are vanishing night, WITH CHOICE ARE CHEAP!. VERY CHEAP! give me a straightforward answer to a DKALKR3 IN •. F.lg'.im, arise, tor the journey you tread plain question.” Is lending tn regions wiier.ee se.-iow has fled. Fa m i l y -w k o g ebw , Consisting in, part of, With a large assortment o f new styles to “ I kin du it,mister, ” said the Yankee. H o w a r d & D e m o n t , OPEN BUGGIES; '(1 and 2 seated,) ■ S A R D W A R f i choose from, Ladies, cannot,fail to find just “ T h en w h y is it. that N e w E n g la n d ­ Taor, Yet filaMh'S nEaiij Mi sit. SULKIES, PLEASURE WAGONS,, ers ;always. ansjver a question by ask­ > : ' Such as- bond,auVvefljkldiieysjbladder, womb lindbloodiTbifectioh LUMBER WAGONS. 1-HORSE WAG’NS, ofthouidttry^brgivuB, graveljScrpfulajrlieuniutiHni ,catRrr ■ —AND— ing one in return ?” A female missionary was visitinga 'poor usthmn,bronchitfa, dyspepsia, £c.. - ' ‘ ...... W hat They Want, coloredwotnan, one <»f the lo rd s suffer* FRUIT WAGONS,' GUTTERS, Our .ptiiotiCe,* nbt 'one- 'o’Cl .exporiiuenta, but of ‘‘D u they ? ”■ was. Jonathon’s reply. Having purchased Mr. Haven’s interest in years standing, fouuded on the iHiys.of .Nnturc^ritli ycai I.-. iDg children, and there came into the room BOB-SLEDS, &e". " ; the Market, and consolidated the t-.vo Mar­ of experience liiitl evidencevto anitain it. I>b not tea B 1 J IM I. MM & 1IB. % .; . — ■1 ■ . . do'vu, inuhti sick .to’ iimko^well, ho* harsh treatment, *n AT SATISFACTORY PRICES. - another one, aged and infirm, and so weary kets, and moved the same to first door west . * . A H o p e f u l E m e r a l d e r .— Tw o ThewheelSi and -gearing o t ,our carriages U*ifliiig;ii6 Uatterfng. kuONv^liecausb.uiidiUeremed IIIMl ill IBIIIK SIB; that she could scarcely sp&.ik. She wsis of Day & Bums*, where you will always needed, nq guess work, hutrknp^qcdge.gain^d by and buggies, are made o f the host • -- Emeralders working on a Dew build­ in trouble. She was poor and wretched, Which we will sell cheaper than the cheap­ experience in tho treatment of these discuses cxclu««i\<;I Please looklaijoac* * * find no. eucoucHgemcnt without n f»rosx>ect. 'Caitdid'iti otf We arc now preimred to offer greater inducements than ing were dry, and one bet the other a and yet in a distant city there was property est, for opituous, reasonable in our charges; claim not to know ever beforelu the lino of Ifaidwaro. We deelre to call especial atteutlou'to our pint of whisky that he could not car­ that belonged to her and which she • was everything* or ciire'oxcxyXioAy, bu t da. claim toroiison and 'comuiousensoa. AY© invite tha sick, no matter whatthqir ry'hi in to tfie top in his hoct. H o soon­ anxious to go and obtain. Hut she Lai] SECOND GROWTHNIOKOET, ailment, to cull, investigate "before they 'abandon'hope Table. Zlihene*! FRESH & SALT MEATS, vmake,iii.torrogutidii^ahd decide /or themselves, will cost er said than done. Mike shouldered not the means needful for her conveyance Oasli or Ready Fay. .nothing,a0 consultation is free. - This is tho eleventh yoat LOCKS AND BOOR TRIMMINGS. there. She had been to those friehds for, tliftt-I have visited'thi3plftce,-ftndl shall tuake my visits Pat, and after slow and painful tug­ rogubirly on tho same day of the-week every, eight weeks They'were. never* so cheap ^before. -A full Solid Collar, Case Hardened, AxleS, and Oil Of every description, and ging, dumped the precious burden on whom she; had worked, and had walked . W e have also alarge lot o f 3>r.n Y.. Clarenco M co cau bo consuHed at Niles, stock of , Tempered Springs. Reading Ifousej'Sundfty aud jVIoudftj^'(till 4 o*clo£k)^iko the roof. “Ah, Mikey, my boy,” long distances, to try to borrow the money FISH, HAM, &c. 30th and dlst of October. At -Laporto, Slyors irouse, necessary for her traveling expenses, bn* Tuesday aud Wednesday, 11th am] 12t of October, xiilclei-s3 M latex*ials said Pat, rather crestfallen, “ you’ve llojidoncoandliabvatory , Waukegan, 111, w as un ucce f d b , therefore, betook Crockery, Class, Rockingham IRISH LINENS, - - w on the bet; hut mind yez, as yez • NAPKINS, - herself to p m e missionary said, "A lso prepared to In general, wliJcn w e are prepared to sell as low aa any was passin’ the fourth story yez stum­ this is, p rh j ha Lord has sent ancl Yellow Wares, Hows? in Michigan, O u rstock of CRASHES, Downs $■ Qo‘.s Zurned and Bitted bled, an’ I had hopes I” me here f to iv \n 1 so they, together, LINEN" »• Thimble Skeins. laid the mu ter le the Lord, at the BUY AND BELL STOCK. ae*. LAWN, © throne of grace Ti e missionary went out jStone <& Wooden Ware, PERCALES, &e. auctioneer indulged in the and soon procured, th i means required, Is largo, and consists of all the choice brands of following little hit of the pathetic: and the poor afflicted child of God was And in fact everything .generally kept in a “ Gentlemen, if my father and mother comfortably provided for and sent on her Grocery Store. Also, the best of NotionSj H o s ie rj3 Gloves, stood where you do, and didn’t buy journey. She was successful in her errand Lead, Zinc and Colors, W e warrant our work equal in style, make these elegant hoots when they were and has conje bacK safety, and now has the Constantly 021. Maud and finish, to any manufactured in the W est, A large stock, and one half the former prices. going for one dollar, I should feel it means to take care of herself the rest of F a m il y F lo u r , & F e e l , o Special bargains given to those buying my duty as a son to tell them both her days.— J\T. Y. Observer. FLU DU, FEED and SEEDS, and in fact, Hosiery by the dozen. EVKRYTUi.Mi usually kept in a FIRST-OLASS Shelf Hardware, that they were false to themselves and Kept constantly on hand, which will be de­ MARKL’i. s PROVISION STORE, for sale at s false to their country.” Stop that Thought. livered to customers free. as low prices as the market will admit. CUTLERY, IRON, STEEL, NAILS,. GLASS THE GREATEST REDUCTION IN m TIN, COPPER, TIN WARE, The Divine law denounces a sinful act REPAIRING jggg“ A n Irishman, riding to market ¥ e will Tj ay the Highest Mar­ with a sack of potatoes before him, and of a necessity the sinful thought that The highest price.paid feralLkindaof COUN­ Q " Medianies’ Tools, &c. lei to it: repel it, tor is will soon defy ket Price, In Cash or Trade, CLOTH'S! discovered that liis beast was getting for Country Produce. TRY RRODi/UE. Executed withjdispatch, and in a satisfactory QT\ your power. A n indulged wicked thought manner. And decidedly the beet stock ever brought to Buchanan, tired, whereupon he dismounted, put Those wishing to purchaee — how long before it excites .other wicked jgP“ Don’ t forget Hie place—Vront Street, l-S.Syl D. E. BEARDSLEY & Oo. m Fov Men’s and Boy’s Wear. Please examine the potatoes on his shoulder and again thoughts, and the Ireful passions of the Buchanan, Mich. CSfRemember the place—west room of Day h mounted, saying : “ It was better that soul are set on fire. Suppose that with ef­ & Binns* block, Front Street, Buchanan, Mieh. No. 5.— Adver. < j he should carry the praties, as he was fectual power David had checked if, when 3-1* BLAKE & LONG. STOVES. HOWARD & DEMONT. Styles and Prices. fresher than the haste.” the first impulse was given to that career § 4 of guilt, which made him an adulterer and Julv £0. IST'k 22tf W e are showing some handsome styles in a murderer. What shame and remorse; m J@ “ This is the pure, undiluted c o . - - Spring and Summer how many agonies and tears would Lave English for “Jordan is a hard road to been prevented. Had, Judas stopped that The Stars and Planets reveal yonr dostlavl— travelPerambulatory progression thought, which fired the train of 'Covetous F O U It D E S T IN Y l What la It t G ood o r Evil in the pedestrinary excursion along —R ich or Poor—^Exalted or Debased? A re yon to S H A W UlaiS. emotions in Ms heart and which Allied in rise to Rmtoence.Honor,-Wcmth and Power! Or. the far-famed thoroughfare of fortune, aroyon to sink Into obscurity and oblivion, and the betraying of Ins Lord, what a kindness Spring Balmorals, Parasols, Lace Onrtaing, cast upon the banks of the sparkling it had been to his soul. Had the timid &c., Ac. A full stock of Brown river of Palestine, is indeed attended Peter repelled that unbelieving thought DR, RAPHAEL can solve it. "All who are in and Bleached with a heterogeneus conglomeration which laid open his heart to the tempter, tronlile, all who have been .unfortunate, all who of unforeseen difficulties. - and caused the countless tears of remorse, BEKS. AXXEN’S ' ------— opposite iMncn®:Hi3ro®r®. what shame and suffering had been saved Fair Restorer & Zylolialsaimm sex. IfLadies who have suffered from' misplaced him. W e would stay disease as we saw confidence, consult him before they get married, Will fluff at onr Store a large stock nnd great variety of g@ “ One hot night, recently, the he will restore thoir bloom, freshuoss, and vigor Are so uniformly grateful and benefi­ it widening the sphere of its ravages. W ho of yOnth, and onablo them to en­ Stripes, 0 eclcs, Ticks, Cottonades, Denims, sleeping car on a train gave a sudden cial, that they are with justice called ter married life with confidence of m would not cry in earnestness* ''Stop that health and happiness. He will ■ Parlor, Box anil Oo eking Stoves. at L O W PRICES. lurch, and threw the occupant of an the natural strengtlieners of the human showyonthe likeness of yonr fire*” did we see it kindling upon a neigh­ upper berth in the aisle. His com­ hair. They are tv q entirely separate FUTURE HUSBAND OR WIFE. bor’s dwelling ? B ut there is a farther panion, suddenly awakening, shouted, reaching benevolence when Wt* cry, “stop and distinct preparations, not to hedged He Can foretell the result of all business trans­ TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE to him, asking him if he had fallen that wicked thought.” A house may he together at one; time. actions and speculations. Men w ho were nnstsc- To our friends, and the public generally, cessfulln them business—men who worked hard, from bed. “No,” was the reply, “ I’ve laid in ashes in the one ease, but in the BHrs. Ailesa’s Hass- Mestsu'es* and who Struggled against adverity and misfor­ Made to order-by the most experienced workmen. we offer our sinegre thanks for past patron­ tune all thelrllves, and found the more they tried age, and hope to merit a continuance of the other an immortal soul,may sink into ever­ GROCERY STORE. just melted and run out.” Never fails o satisfy Hie most refined t o get forward In tho world the more things went same, bj’ showing you good goods at small lasting burning. against thorn—those men consulted him, followed and cultivated A gu mutee goes with his advice, and are now rich, happy, ana success­ AGENTS TOIL TILE profits.. every hottle, that it will quickly restore ful in all thoir undertakings. He con tell tho af­ jgegpA bachelor on twenty-seventh flicted the cause or thoir disease and suffering.— H e w F l s ^ i n ! street, New York, had the blues and . Dispair. gray or white hair to its original youth­ His PREVEN TIVE against- having children is in ELKHART PAPER MILLS. W . H , F O X Sz GO,**9 ful beauty, gloss apa color; after its nocent, safe and sure. applied to the doctor for some medi­ C£C“ Consultation hours from 10 A . JI. to 5 P AIMrinds of Print and Wrapping Papers atM/raufhctur- First D oor East o f the Bank. I f there is anything that w ill kill a man, use a few t mea toe hair will grow JL, at No. 213 EAST MADISON STREET er3* Prices. 3-30tt cine. The doctor inquired into his up stairs. Consultation fco Two Dormans. In Buchanan, April, 1870. Stf it Is- despair. It has nerved tiie poor vic­ thicker and stronger. It will stop its tervlows confidential. case and wrote a prescription in Latin Persons at a dlstonco may communicate confi­ tim to steady the knife on Its way to his falling and. induce a healthy and luxu­ Baler rtattiows which the bachelor took to a drug dentially by letter, if they encloso T w o Dollars JIA YE JUST OFJSSBB A heart, to the core of life. It has flung the riant growth. It is an exquisite hair for a Consultation fee. Send. Twenty-five Centa store. Translated the prescription dressing, agreeable, harmless and proud woman who stood in her fceiuty and read, “ Seventeen yards of silk with a loveliness where before life wa* worth liv­ healthy. Entirely different from most nportant Hints ______i n i n s if m i n , T in iv aref Stoves, all letters as follows. Q*. W . woman in it.” The bachelor^proposed ing, into the filthy throng to bo trampled other preparations for the hair, its com­ D r , Raphael,- Post Office B ox ' WHICH WILL BE SOLD BOB No. 5 7 7 S - Chicago, III. to a lady that evening and was mar­ on, and a filthy thing herself, an outcast position and: ingredients are nourishing, ried in two weeks. from human Jove, poor wanderer from the giving life and vigor to the Roots. “ t h i r d w i d t h ! ‘ " love of God. Men and women are among Mrs. Aileia’3 Eylofoaisassmsa A N D A T TH E us, on every side of ns, who take our hand This exquisite preparation is free lowest living Prices. Jgjgp-The Rev. Janies Dougherty, and speak a passing word, but they do not from' any sediment, and is a toilet KesMen St Duncan of Kingston, N . Y ., believes there is live life; they live instead an awful, ever treasure- The urgent want of asunple Our stock o f G R 0 CER1ES has? beon purchased since a personal devil. The editor of the dying death. Hope is gone, and they Hair Dressing, for the youth of both the recent paper there, having written the rever­ HATE OPENED UP AN work as the clock works, work as a ma­ sexes; first induced the manufacture L O W . PRICES end gentleman’s name in some copy, chine; Turn not too coldly, proud fortu­ B e e lin e m Has just received as fine an assortment.of of the Zylobalsamum, and the sale of it was asked' by liis devil whether he nate, from a fairer one who has fallen at • 'Wliich enables us to sell.at REDUCED figures. is perfectly immense, not only in this might abbreviate the James. “Yes, your feet— she was better than you once country, but in Europe. EMTIHE, NEW" StOQK Wo invite tho citizens of Buchanan to call, examine m? m z certainly,” said the editor, and the — she stood up longer than you could have EXTRACTS FROM A FEW LETTERS. Aa can be found in the country? Also our goods and learn our prictfs. next day the clergyman was thunder­ done:— she is your sister— she is God’s. “ Your Zylobalsanram: ia used b y every mem­ —OF— ri-om a Stoga to aPinevYrenchi Kip ' or Calf, for mon ber,: young and old,; o f our family, and we con­ Cash Paid for Coimtry Produce. ■ youths, or boys, and in the lino_of struck to see himself . printed, the sider it invaluable. Should 'any gray hairs jSSj-Rememher the place—North side of ProntStreet, “ R e v . Jim Dougherty.” He thinks appear, vro shall try your Hair Restorer; which Street, next door west of Noble & Estes’, Buchanan, Zeal. we hear very highly spoken of.” Mich. ‘ m B . BAKER, iP'.SBE-O ^ 2 that devil a little too “ personal.” '* Father and: mother uso your Hair Restorer, CSrrooerieB l Jan.12,1870. f847yl]; A. a MATTHBV8 . . . i There may be, and are, different degrees and are delighted: with it- 'I t Boon restored their Hardware Nailsy Glass} • From a Calf Shoe to a nice Button, Congress, or Lace of zeal— just as the blood of some animals gray locks.to thoir yonthful color, but daughtera; 7}@uAn intelligent youth recently and son still find in tha Zylobalsamum ail their IK BUCHAN A N-, Serge/Goat or-Kid-BootSi for women and children, as was is warmer, and the lustre of some star is hair requires.” ever offered iu any market, and as cheap, as he engaged in a commercial office, made * a brighter, and the perfume of some flowers From the Principal o f one o f our large Female . . M T E 3 ' W out:a shipping bill for forty barrels of Seminaries .* "Your Zylobalsamum;noa been Boorsf Sashj is sweeter than that of others, but zeal for nsedformany years by myself ondfamily, and i» N ext Door to Osborn’s Drug Store.- SE L L S FOR CASH OPJLY. 'flour. His - employer called his atten­ the Lord more or less developed, will be the favorite among our young ladies.” tion; to an error in the spelling of for­ Where anything in. the found in all true Christians. Continued p Sold by all Druggists. Wholesale Depot, T I N - § M O P < ty. • “ Sureenough,” repliedtheprom— torpor is as incompatible with spiritual ex­ S. B. WAIT DUZER & 0 0 ., 85 Barclay S5. And all kinds of ising clerk, “I left out the gh.” istence; and cold indifference to the cause sad 40 Bark Place, Rew-TorL Grocery & Bravision Having opened a shop for the manufacture of of Christ, the glory of God, the good of JSltgiirfl;© <£©'• • C ? » ;i» S 8 Our entire stock, re- souls, the honor and interests of the Re­ V * fg p Call and examine our Stock and w ith error but cannot with indifference— For%I;e following REASONS SieecifQiiinini I would, respectfully solieit a share of the A yer’s* Sarsaparilla, H obart JD„ Gross’, ■prices befot'e purchasing elsewhere. . - ;pef cent, below tbeir hern.; and when she kisses Towser’s and if such be our usual and permanent \ Should xeplqce the old Xorn/or J'- ' public patronage. 3T055. aiSEE SliOOXtl nose, oh! don’t I wish that I were condition, in imagining ourselves Christ­ B itt0r Quinine. REDDEN & DUNOAN. *» . - The reputation this ex­ actual falue I t h o s e ? ” ians, it is certain that “we deceive our­ SjvccllQulniuo la warranted iH&licinally Oct. 1,1868. 2-S2yl . ' EAVE TOOyQ^,. cellent ■medicine enjoye, 40tf 3 GASS, Michigan. is derived from its cures, selves, and the truth is not in us.”— Dr. ida\ical in effect with B itter Qiu&uie. many of which are truly Guthrie. Sweet gjaiubre tiasxoxe o f the inles sc and Conductors, Roofing,. marvellous.' "Inveterate UglpOne of the Beecher girls used oases: of Scrofulous dis- . persistent bitterness o f common Qrinine. ■case, where the system, to say that she had three rules to And general jobbing in Tin, Copper and seemed saturated with - Sweet? Quinine is mado Rom Plruvian, Sheet Iron. corruption,. .have .been guide her in copying her father’s man­ A Diylne life.. Base only, the source o f fitter Qilinino. ■ « m ^ ])urifiod'and 'cu re d ’b y ‘it. W . W - HBJL. Scrofulous affections and uscripts. If a letfer was dotted, it The secret mysteries of a divine life, of In Sw*W Quinine tlio bitternoss is Arfect-*' di3orders,wliioh:were'ag-' was not an i ; if a letter was crossed Rags, Old- Copper, Brassj grayated ,hyk■th'o 'scrofu- a new nature, of Christ formed in our iy concealed, but may he instantly Tie- . Ions contamination until* v e lo lcd if desired. In his new shop, on Front Streec, at the foot oi it w asn’ t t ; and, if a word began with hearts, they cannot he written or spoken* thov were painfnlly >afflie&ig, have heen radically, Day’s Avenue, is always ready to receive your euvedih such great numbers :ia almost,every seo, a capital letter, it didn’t begin a sen­ A painter that would draw a rose, though Sweet /{ain in o wilt not sicken,, as$ very money, and in exchange, give you any article Taken in pxxhange foffwares. lien o f the country, that the public scarcely ueed-to he inform ed ol’jits virtues Or uses.*, - ■ . Also," a new lot of ten ce. he m ay furnish, some likeness o f it in substances often do. in the . . • pjg^Shop on Main Sti’eet, opposite the SorofhlouS' poison is'one of -the nlbs t destructive1' figure and color, y e t he, cart never paint gw eo/(>uiuine is; leadily taken, arfdwifil- enemies of our race. Often; this unnccni uucl'.uniclt. The Great External Bemedy. R ecord Steam Printing Office.’ .r ■ i; ■. tenant of rho organism undermines the constitution,, Prints^ Sbeetings, Cot- the SCent and frpgrancy ; or if he would oujtboieitothesitaaon,hyozdani|yoniig. For* B lan a n d S ea st; and invites the attack of enfeehlingor fatal diseases,• g @ =A German being required to draw a flame he cannot put a constant Tt itl Cm a JZheumaiism. HARNESS LINE," W. Hi-OAVBS; without exciting a suspicion of it&presence. Again, give a receipt in full, after much men­ Swect\QuSnin» entirely obviates tA t rut- Buchanan, June 1, 1870,. . - 4-15tf it seems to breed infection throughout tho hody; and fonades and Skirtings, heat Into its. colors; he cannot make jus. conVuerablO' dislike which children^have The reputation of this preparation 13 so well then, on: some favorable occa'siou, rapidly develop tal effort produced the following: to BYtor Quinine. established, that, littlo need bo said in (bis connec­ BUEEALO ROBES, into one or other of-its hideous forms, either on the ]Grloves,.''Hosierjf"., and pencil draw a. sound, Neither are we- able' tion. surface .or among the vitalsi In -the-latter, tuber-; ■ I.’ish full. I wants no more mon­ to inclose in words and letters the life, Sweet Qjtinino requires no elaboratt|prc- On llA\ it has nevee failed to cure PAIhFUI* cles may he suddenly deposited in. the lungs 'or • ish.' - John Swachammer. • paratjbn to take, is ready for instaiy.uso. XEEVOtrs AFFECTIONS. CONTRACTING MUS­ heart, or tumors formed-in -the- liveiv or -it • snows Hotions, just-. received, soul, and essence of .any spiritual “truths, CLES. STIFFNESS and PAINS IN THE JOINTS, BLANKETS, • • its presence by eruptions on. the skinyor.foul.ulcer- and, as it were, incorporate it in them,— Sweet /in ln h io, in its agreeabiiMfr and STITCHES in the SIDE or Back. SPRAINS, alions ou some part o f the body. ■Hence‘the occa­ BRUISES. BURNS. SWEELINOS. COENS and sional use of a bottle offhls. Sarsaparilla, is ‘ad­ :wliick^we\,w^IL sell at Cute Ohio lawyer to plain Gudworth. XiroApt efficacy, disabuses the ipubUc FROSTED FEET, i'ersona affected with Hheuma- : BELLS, visable, oven when no'active symptoms o f disease m l/d o f much prejudice against QAlniue, tism can be effectual!v and permanently carol by appear. Persons afflicted with-tiieJoDowihgcom'-',‘ country woman, a witness— “You as­ ami, aids the efforts: o f the intelligent using this wonuerrm prcparaUon it penotcnlrb maintti; -‘gOnisifliy find immediate relief, ‘andf.'a't cost;; to tae nerve nnu cone immcaiatoly cu bana: ®p- W H I P S ,! ' length,..cure, by the use of Ibis S^lIiSAJ.'.-Ut CL- sert that your son has worked on a Little Tilings. . Ph;Lieian in its administration. XiA.: St, A nthony’s F ire, Hose or Mrysi$>elas,* u HOP FS n i c r SCTiTrilES, farm ever since he was horn ?” “I Sweet m uiiiine costa no more than} the Slfl-NEY l u n tl n TILA OLD RUN. - do.” - “What’did he do the first year?” Little things and little people have often, Rittik Quinine. MSG Si rt, OMLD or COLL VR C VLLS, ■ . TRUNKS, brought great things to pass; The large S T INLD 01 ~TIFr\E>“ OF CHE more concealed forms, as. Dyspepsia, Dropsy, s- “He milked.” Gutc lawyer whistled llFLEs Ac It ip event HOLLO ll HORN This is tho most thorough blood purifier yet discover­ Ilcart Disease, Fits',’.Epilepsy, "Fciiratgia, Sweet muinine can bo had at the llrug ed, and cures all humors^ irom the -worst Scrofula to a world in which we exist is made up of little Stor/s in two forms, viz; fluid, fmfeon- l EHh. L VC IN ILCI1 COWS BRUSHES' COMBS, and the various, u l c e r o u s affections of. tlie muscu-i' and let her go. I ha^Q met with ptcat success in hrtnginff rajr commonkE’rupitou^ Rimples -and JBlotcJics ‘on the face, larandnervouSQ'stems.'" particles, smaller than the sands on the; veu'jmao of famUies andtlmgenaiuapuK^ .'iixturn wnuin tue rcacti of tho ruljlic. 1 aw and scaly or rough sJciu, which'are such annoying,blem­ S y p h ilis o e iF e n c r c a l and JiIcrciirialDiseascr • ishes'tomany young person^, yield to tho uso o f a few . ■'« only in receipt of letters from Physicians. Drag* are cured by it, though a.lougtimeis.rcquired for- » - i d* sea-shore. The vast sea is composed of Uc,%md fo r use ok Physiatas -bottles of this wonderful rucdiciue. From ono to eight gists. j>(eretiant3 ana Formers, testifying to Its subduing these obstinate maladicsby any mediciiic: . , "i . . ' jggjKBridget, in . reply to a remark nndj^®ggisl3. 4 V'.* i' V - small drops of water. The little^hiisy bees curatlvepowcrs. - And.in fact, anything in. his line, o f bnsines8, a bottles curo Sall Rheum, Erysipelas, ScaM Head, Ring B u t long continued use-ortlils medicine, will.cure, : n ; t Worms. Roils, Scaly Eruptions o f the Skip, Scrofula - the complaint. Leuctirrhoia 'or lYhitcs, Ht'erine of her mistress, who said she had put J how much honey they gather! Do not D a VTD E. FOUTZ. Sole Proprietor. reasonable as can he found any where in Ber %Sores, Ulcers and “ Canker” in the Mouth ’and Stomach. |p s 5 Farr Vicerations, and F em ale• Diseases, iaiis com- too much garlic in the omelet, replied b e discouraged: because you axe little. A BALTIilORE. ilD. rtenOounty. Tt is a pure medicinal oxtractof nativerootsand plants -nioniy soon relieved and ultimately cured by-its pCTU8JHGCHEHIST§ .combining in harmony Nature’s most sovoriegn curative iniriiy-ing and in.vigoralmg efifect; ■. MinutoiDlrec- ; j Mififtte’^consult flieir that she did so that it would not taste Irctle star shines brightly up in the sky in ' TOKIC. Rememher the place, seven doors below' the properties, which God has instilled into, the ;vegetable tions for each case are found in .onr-Almanac, sup- kingdom for healingtho sick. It is a great r'estorer for so strongly .of the eggs, which were the dark night, and may be the means of Bank.’oii Front Street. In43tf plied gratis.’ R heum atism and’ Goitt, when' • otvri interest's ‘Vwill find, OR SABE A X OSBOliS’S DRUB STORE. the strength and vigor .o f the system. Thoso 'who are ' caused b y . accumulations ■ of; extraneous ,matters - saving many a poor sailor from shipwreck; HOWARD SANITARY languid, sleepless, have nervous apprehensions or fears, in the* b lood , yield ' quickly to 'it!"a i’.*also D iv e r bad. * ■ or auy of the affections symptomatic of Wiakne^s, w ill Oothplainis> Torpidity, Congestion or X n fla m - It to tfieir advantage to and a little Christian may do a great deal AID ASSOCIATION. ELECTIC MEDICAL COLLEGE OF find convincing ovidonco o f Its restorative power upon n a t ion ol'.tk cX rrei’, and J a u n d ic e , when arising, For the Relief and Caro of tho Erring and Unfortunate, trial. If you leel dull, drowsy, debilitated uud despond- • as they .often do, from thoj ranklmg poisons in tho of good, if he or she will try. There is entj havo/requont Headache, mouth tastes badly Jn the ; Creditor— “How often must I on Principles of Chris lion Philanthropy, b lo o d . fPliis SjIF.SAF j1F .F L D A is a groat re­ avail- tltemselyes of tfiis. nothing like trying. ■PENNSYLVANIA. morning, frre^hfar aj>pet»7c and tongue coated,^you are Essays on the JSvrors o f Youth, mid the storer -for {the’strength* and vigor! ofithe’s system".^ climb three pairs, of stairs before I This Collego holds threoBosslonB ench year. Tho first sufferingfrom Torpid Xiver or: “ Biliousness.” I n njany T liose ivlioiarc. l a n g u i d .and L ist less/-Dcspoii-i'. iS w r a l Follies of A g e , in relation to MinlUifiE and Sooul session commences October 4th, trad continues until the cases o f “ Liver.Complaint” . only a part, of thoeo symp- rare as;;..,our? gjit the' amount of this little account?” EVILS, vvith sanitary aid for tho afflicted. Sent frec,iii toms are experienced. As a' h-emedy for nil such-cages, ' ‘ “ ’ ...... (I------end or Decombor ; the second session commonces January Debtor^—“Do you ’think I am going Be Brave. i BBCHAMWr 3IICH. soiled envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, 2d; 1870, und cqnunnesnntil thb end of March; the third Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical discovery has no equal, as i t Box P. PhUadelshbu Fn. 13x1 effects perfect euros, leaving" tbcf liver strengthened nnd stock rpust be'soldwith- session commences April lath and continues until tho end relief, and .'convincing evidence, of, its restorativer td rent a room on the first floor to ac- Bo brave.) bo strong! be. manly ! There o f Jano* . * ‘ ' healthy.4 For*theipuro .o f Habitual Constipation o f the; BLAKE & KINGERY, B ow olsit is amoverfailiug remedy, -and those who have power'uppnariai.v*.' • • ..... *-J I t has an abti^.corps’ o f twelvo'Profossors; and every m.fiOfcTaysdf’ . «' *.; cominpdate. m y creditors ?” w ill b e Borrows in your life which will un* » Proprietors. Department o f rMcdicino. And Surgory ia thoroughly- used it for this purposd are loud in its 'praise. In .Bron­ i ... taught. 1 chial, Throat,an<\iLung Diseases, it Jhas produced many . '• 'O ’ . F F , t • ■; "*— «*!■ i cai ow •------edge your joys, as those little cobble’stones truly remarkable cureBj^ w'liere th cr medicines liad t ill work entrusted to our care shall, will . O T S i m : JKvery facility in the vray of illustrations, morbid spocir 6 ■'JSPr* *3T '■ CO.jXbwell; ■■ : : * - ■ do your scy the. B u t there is the grind* • mens, herbarium, chemical and1 philosophical apparatus,", failed/ Sold by.druggists atSl.OO por bottle. - Prepared ;■ g @ “ A-young: lady of Raton Rouge afid must give satisfaction. Grdors for tip Am*. I ntuv offer for sale my two story Sloro Bolld- microscopes, instruments of tho latest invention for’phys­ ■Jat the Chemical Laboratory o f ^ • * ■.» i * P ractical eind A.naXytic'aV Chemists': stone: of Faith, upon which you may hold to’f) Ffour and. Oovn Mealy, and Feed, either' at IfijoHn tngiiaThroo Oaks; alio, the- fnrnlturo* ns I am ical examination and diagnosis will :ho provided. I8m3i i i JR. V.‘PIERCE, M. D.; Buffalo, sent a poetical piece to a local paper the dullest sickle' of Hope, “until it shall wholesale or retail, shall receive our prompt 1 ’ “ about to ongtigolo the manufacture nmi saloof Splendid Hospital and Clinical Instruction aro afforded; ’ . . r t » v . , r SOLD' BY'AXtli^DEUGGISTS'EVERYWHEM. ;^ my Patent Beo Hire. This is a 'good opening for some free tickets to all onr City Hospitals are providod; Dis- •entitled “May-Thirtieth.?’ She felt^ v, grow bright and keen, ready t&cttt your atfecftiop. gFIour delivered dnywhera i u - i w cabinet maker cr other person, os thore is no Fnrnltnro Bcotlug AratoHalabundantat a nominal cost< StOrowitliia H miles in any 'dfrecti baying "□(AVIfHLTiVtO SDPERIOR'^OWER PRESSJEffiS W W Inducements to tho gottor up of CIubs.f -Provisions. The largest stock in town, nndbusiness well rnrff * *r»TUf ' ^ ___. - word, bestow a pleasant smile;;'find you IierrionCounty to anbaorlbe far tho Riooitn Term restablished. W ill also lcoso tho Store Building aifd'ol- r if afo propscstllb do till of Dlnlu ftnd Fancy Jcb nl” TwrtRollorspBrvpjr . .IvT. Beantiful premium ongravinga, vftldod ,at,s|3iglYen m - -will receive the'same In.return.,. The hap* Printluj, from tlicamalloat Oil fit to Clio Iarge9tPaster,ih every snbscnbor. dwelling house adjoining; or to a good, live, business' man, would sell ft one-half interest In tho business, re­ play for Celebrations. PJc-Nics, Conventiono, Ac. , Ac. EECHANTS OAN QKT OARDS, BILL HEADS p*nes8 you bestow .upon others is reflected g good style, and at as low prices ns can bo dons either in Specimen copyaontfroo on application. __ Clroulsrg Ac., neatly printed, vory cbtwp. nt he “ .eroMor Ohlcago. Giro na a call. We warrant all oar T)Y-LAWS. BRIEFS, LEGAL BLANKS, nontlyjirin/ed ‘ Address ‘ JOHN BTJOITANAN, - taining the other. Por further particulars ennuiro of the Address H. H. KINYON; Secretary, M RECORD OFrlOB. 8 1 7 tf Buobanan, M ob» sack to yonr own bosom. k togireomiru Bitidaction. JJ on shortnoUco1 at^tho RECORD OFFIOB. 8-22yl 226 North Twelfth Stroet, Philadelphia ! i undersigned.' 18m3 * I I . P . X O i l R S E & C O .