r f i The Berrien County- Record; The. Berrien County Record, TERMS OF ADVERTISING^ A REPUBLICAN 'N EW SPAPER*. (’TenUne8°riess>zna^:6a^^!are PUBLISHED. EVERY THURSDAY,. SPA0B.' ,j|l wiJ2 .w.flS -w.Ji n-.j3 m-lJS m.Jl JT 1 Square....„..| 1 00j$l 60J$1 75|$2 00jj$4 00,$6 00]!$10 0 AT 2 Squares,,....... 5 l75jj 2 .50jj 3 00J 3:501 6 00J10 OOJ 16 00 BliCHiSJiNj. BERRIEN CO., MICII., 3 Squares........J 2 25| 3 25|] 3 75]| l 25|j 7 00J12 OOJ 20 00 4 Squares... ...4 2 .76J.3 75J.4 25J 4.50J 8 00p5 0 0 J 23 00 *' BY ; 6 Squares......4 3 50J 4 00J 4 50J 6 00J10 00P7 OOJ 25 0C Column.. ....J 4 00J 6 60J 7 OOJ 8 00J14 00J25 00]| ,36 CO n . y m .. w ^o-iSrE -e. A f T E R S IS : Column*. .,..J 6 00J 8 OQJip 00J12 00J20 OOjjSO 00| 50 00 O. A;,WAQJTKK.V " Eternal Vigilance is the Price of ,82.00 P er Y ear, lit Advance h d l t o r . y& Column.......J 6 .Q0J10.001Q2 00J15 00J25 OOJ36 00| 65 00 T E R M S : 1 Oolnmn... .....J10 00J14 00J17 001120 00135 00J60 00|ill5 OO J^UMBER 3 Q, 2.00 YOLtCttE J-y ' Business Cards o f five lines or less, Si?.CO per annum. $ Psr Anaum, in Advance^ a „ BUCHANAN," MICH., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1870. Xogal advertisements at statute rates. ■63(,,TH'KflR TKRMSaTRIGTST ADHERED, Transient advertising, payable In advance. V ■ t411• - •—- - \ . Yearly advertising, payable on demand. Matter in local column, fifteen cents per line for first paper la discontinued, except at the option of my summons interrupted tlie process you see, has made us dull like, as it it, I tell ye, stranger. That-old,gun Insertion, and ten cents per line for each subsequent in­ the publisher* uatllaU HTTearagea w e paid;-©* Poetry. • sertion ; bnt no locals taken for less than $1.00. “ You thought I would have come were, and— ” will keep sinking for a week yet.” . Obituary Notices—more than the announcements—M ill Markoff & Warner;, be charged for as a'dver’tlsements. F 0 ¥?XCR^-Xit ‘‘Record BnndlogjJ^etut ride of-Main THE <7HAVE OF IIXCOIiSTS M OTlIf- here before?” I exclaimed, at last, in “ And what in the name of Satan “ She’s stopped,” said Sam. Advertisements not accompanied -with directions as to Stteet* three: doore nort o f front; F i t , “ Yes,” answered Jim, “ and we’d time, will be inserted until forbidden, and charged ac­ (Successors to II. MarhofT & Co.) reply to her singular salutation is his m isfortu n ein terru p ted the cordingly;; ; " ■ “ Why, my good woman, I have lost mother, now for the first time moved better fish her out before she sinks be­ Dotable’colunm advertisements, 25 per cent, above reg­ law s of Sewspnpers. Manufacturers o f and Ihciicnin A wooden hill—a low slink grft-ve, ular column rates.? 1. Sahwriliera wliefianot give express optics to tbs IJpon the hilltop hOili-y; niy way, and only stumbled upon your with real concern as well as anger. yond our reach.” ■ SpecialiNotices, 50 per cent, above tho foregolng'rates. contrary wapooslilsreaias wishing to.cootloba tbs sub" DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULD N GS The. oak tree’s branches o’er it wave ; house by accident— you must take me “ That’s it—that’s it, mother,” an­ “ Don’t I tell ye Satan’s in the gun,” Yearly advertisers allowed four changes without extra scrtption. ... ' Devoid o f slab—no record: Save charge.- 2. Jtf subscriberj wish? their papers. tUseontihuea, pub­ BRACKETS AXD DRESSED LUMBER. for some one else.” swered Jake, with something of alert­ Single copies Of the RscoJtn, ready for mailing, Are lishers; may e o u to isW send .them: nntIL a ll, arrearages Tradition’s story I cried Jake, almost furiously, “ d o w n - •cents.- . are paid. \ ‘ *- - . • - LL kinds o f Dressing, J/atching, Resawing and .Scroll “I’m no good woman. Don’t good ness. “ She’s drew the very nail on clown— she’ll keep going ; down till lie All kinds of Job Printing executed in the lateststyles 5. If subscribers move to other places wlthout-lnform- Rawing donq to order on shor t notice* Persons wish- And who the humble dead, that here o f the art; and ‘at reasonable prices. lu(t the publisher, and the paper is sent tq the former A the head; Satan is at the bottom of. has her in his own place all to him­ luganythTitginonrline w ill filtd It to their advantage to So lonely sleeps? woman me;" she replied uith a scru direction,! they1 are: held responsible. Xotlce should, giveuaacali, Ka we defy competition Id work, In price, all of it.” self. I lost an axe in that well onst alwavs be streu of the Wmoraf. and quality o f work. Anti who, as year rolls after year, turning glance wlrich had something, 4. I f ettbscribere neglect or refuse to-tales tSelr papers £Sr*£hop and residence on South Oak Street, Buchanau, In Summer green or Autumn Sere— I thought, of-almost fierceness in it. “ A t tho bottom of all of what ?” myself, and i f half that father used to front the office or place to which they are sent, they ard J/ich* S-2if held responsible nutil they settle bills and give notice to- Comes here and weeps ? as, • shading the new lighted candle screamed the woman, and, even as she tell about it be true— ” • . discontinue. spoke, the ancient piece iii the corner, THE OE» BROWN HASS. 6. Xhe courts hare decided that refusing to take a fapeft So loug and drear—the forest wild with one hand, she' turned scornfully Spluch— uch. — uch—Bubble— uble Irom thpplSco, or removing and leaving it uncalled, for, untouched by any one— without the is priiria facia eridenco of Intentional fraud,, Sliort Boiito West. Unbroken seems— round and fixed her eyes upon me. hang !— hie — Bang!, — Spin— hie— BY JtllS. D. HARRY PRIME. W e well might think some forest child, “ Yes! yes I stranger, you are the slightest movement of the look-—dis­ Bang— hang— B A N G -! ! ! Grown tired o f hunt or war-trail wild, charged itself toward the ceiling ! Tbe hand that pressed my fevered brayr CHICAGO, BURLINGTON QUINCY Here lies and dreams! man, the: very man that was to come Business Directorv. \ “w“ A t the bottom of the bar’l of my “We listened— we looked long at Was withered; wasted, brown, and old, at this hpur. I dreamed ye— I dream­ each other. With the-last report, Its wopk was almost over now, But no ; no red man of the West ed yer horse— yer clothes andall, gun— he speaks for himself,” replied A s swollen veins and wrinkles told. T3EIIRXEN COUNT Y m oney loan r.^on- Inhabits here; which was almost overpowering, I was No longer brushing back my hair, •lO cy. Apply to W. Torsast, Berrien Springs. Mich, BAILKOAI). dreamed ’em,— and now go look after Jake, moodily, while his mother start­ The clods so oft by wild beasts press’d convinced that the explosion must It gently Tested on my wrist; DIRECT COWECTIOXS WITH JiZS ZASTEEX Now lie upon the mouldered breast yoiir horse, while I get some supper ed back, and I sprang to my feet at Its touch seemed sacred as a prayer ZUS'ES. have been aided b y inflamable gas at T. M ORliEY, Stan foundry. A ll Of one more dear. for ye.” tbe sudden report so near me. Just by the breath o f angels kissed. • Unde o f casting,: such as plow polufs,sugar kettles, the bottom of the well, for the blue sleighB shoes, Ac. Iron turning and Job work done ta —AND DEALER IN- Three Express TraiM Leave Chicago Supper was already prepared for “ Your gun must be foul,” I said, For Lincoln’s mother here is laid— flame, as it rose from it, flashed 1 knew ’twos thin, and brown, and old, order. Old inelul tjk o u ia exchange fur work. Portage? DailyT Far from her son. me, when I returned from looking af­ resuming my seat, “ very foul, to hang stre.ot.near the- depot. M lt through the only window of the cabin With many a deep and honored seam, TUB, SHORTBST, QUICKEST AND No long procession ; false parade, ter my horse. The coarse bacon and fire so long. I suppose it made a Wearing one little band o f gold, Of pride or place was here displayed— and showed the feature^ of its igno­ "|3XjAKE & LONG, dealers In grooor- hoe cakes were placed before me with­ flash in the- pan when attempting to The only trace o f youth’s bright dream; •*•**■ ltis, Provisions* Fruity Wooden and Willoyr Wars,. Clocks, Watches, ONLY DIRECT ROUTE No requiem sung! rant inmates, for the first •time, dis­ And yet o’er every mark o f care, Ac., Front Street.Duchaoan.Mlch. out another wordbeing spoken between discharge it just before entering.” FroraChlcago toBurllugton, Ottumwa,Quincy, St, Joseph, torted with real terror. At last Iu every -wrinkle’s mysticTine, IVeston, Kansas Oity; Leavenworth, Fort Scott,Lawrence, No Summer friends were crowded round . my hostess and myself. I drew a rude Jake looked vacantly at me, shook I fancied jewels gleaming there S. & H*. S. B T iA C K , axan'ttfaotnr ora Qttowsv.Topeka,.
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